1961 m.n.h.s. "memories"
1961 m.n.h.s. "memories"
Il[.]\r. H" g. L96T NTE,NTORlES i n r l t'. i: .qrlsAi:s Tl r. D' :.,. .. ?c ,. ,Ji.. t: j.-", &rdo .tfi1-! ,..: ) l.t. r..: r,t i ,ir .,i..lr.i ;::' ,,r^Wlil: or:c6 '1t' '- ;;"o r'r: ..i --;-b5/ ', . .;,'i;', -'.lr: r;sk ,--.,, $:l4".3'^ ..:! ,-'' i'' li()i.i.. .r'rr..r tdD;;\ ^ :,oi'a 1 '.r:, ;.:.:i:e !... ,l--,, !.i, !I/^ i. ..:.' i;ln.: : : ..i; s .,, . ,,..': u <rk .;'l"i'l'ri:-,,r-t;- F;]j ri.,r:,: ,.ct :,:.::t ,:.rn..' !"r(r S._jr.,p i:.r ttj -:,.-ji cJ.)ci. );. .i :.. 1. Ll .: lt'.!dr :i: .. "r j.r' i,-..u( 4:_-t: i ","r.,-: :.t ,: e4 . t..":..1 i.rj. . _ i. ..:,j : i ":.. l-.rt^r ,.t. :j._:r,=.; A\ . !. ;. rc : ' 'l' ':1 i'h -1 r,rcx.,. . .irri,ii. .ljtii J !.i....t,.. ,raek ,,ir-,r,",.- ,s7.1._r. .;lrr u mi,.n::r:,i B .J si i 11.1.,,1.':i,r,':,..,.1E;_ ,riiCi e"€,".-"'.er.r',, ioini:.'' es r:i1h,:" :-:'iitirl I ii.: r. ; ; ,;:1 , r ' i-.,j trii:t1];:j llille |:a;:r;ai:,cfJ. i; US il:: 4il:' +e.-:ti:ai.:i 3 :t..i , t -, l; ,ri'; itAU? l,!r,je}] ijp3. ri:irgtf tti.1i !",-',.1 L t'-. i'r ' ..j.r l.:. rr,;:li. ;cc:l,r; J-::je ls " -,1'i:l:-';i, li ;p1 r::..:rj /,r -r l:ri-i jJ.tr l. .ir-i:. irl'Ji' riti -!l i :, ; U:'"- rei-tj i,- *in. :r: lle .rr: ;.lL1 ,.1::i-:i. i. 1t..: I .- t.L 6r.cur:ci €.rra i.ir !,ilj" g.rirt tlrlr,::J lli i. .!: .-. ... l c,-. tili lo i]31-i a r.six::, .,tee ..q ': 5e ,l i {: ,.je r ' :i i it'hu c;r .1.i - ,' i',. . ',,iih i. c,j .irt -\ t. .. :.:... . _. ! I i4]" i'" 'i'. . r.(,j t..i::.c.i,l,.i:L_ .:..rJ,.,1. , . r .r.: pl.f .*fi,: ,,. , ,;.i-...; _,'".t. :':,'.t . tl,'.1 ,, . ;; gl !"-E*!_&"-LJ-. I _f_r!,i,rs li n q s.jtj j. ft seeng Just Llks that the school doors opened fcr the coraneneenent oftesterday the 1950-6i term and norr'the end of this ses$ion is at iland wlth tbe ueual graduation and .Iu:le examinatlons" A nunber of the gradustes are conplettng titts yeea i,dth as nuch enthusLe8n as th€y sta?ted vrdih soEe four years agoo There haYe been glnos uhen th€ tasks looked difficult but for thos6 students r*ro shc,wed perseverence in spite of these dlfflculties, they will energe ihe vlctors tn thls stflrggt€ for future succeEs. To thos€ uho may not hav€ acht€v"d uhat they aae cspable rrf qcqojQg;"lshlag' I sugEest 1t 19 not too 18te to give serious{fl*cJ'fotng as far wlth thelr edu,}atlon as theJ.r ab111tle3 irxrnlt"?he conpl€tion of Orade Twel",ie i.g onLy the beginnlnB all education, sone of you I hope w!L1 further your educett.J?:! ind Lr:ainings Ln universlties, hosp:italse and lreaaherirrai.Ding s€hooLs. Otherg 'w111 recelve practlc3l tratnlng on tho jcrb" to all f ldsh success :.n whaterrer field they choose" I1. E. Haberstock, v VlCE.(PRINOIPALsS lce*Prlncipel- AU TOgT OGR T'\ PT Boyn ln the Zorra Dlst"lct and a i the ag€ of tvro &oI"ed ' ia l'lac I'Iutt r*rore lty father bought a Cieneral Store" Recal-Tecl publ.ic I'lac lltlt. snd .on at ob ard scho,)I sducat 'il. ny bn Interin hieh gl aduatl'rg fr'rrr aftsr. certx.flca SEanda!'d e 'aineh Ue&ahers CoLloge at l,leose Jaw j.n 195.,. I a-ltended Sunme:' SeboGl {"'s Bast"na 1$ L557i fori QueAppa3-le 1r 1958i Saskat'oon ln }959 tnd t6ok trm corr6opondolee clessqs i;o obtid'n a St8nds:'d cer*i.. !:.cate tn L959" Rec;tvsd the vieey'PrinclpaLt q pcsS.tieli Li.l fia* liuti. afier toachinE at C-'-o'va for thrsa yssrso I,hln enbl.tr:.oa f $ to to1r3: Surope 3nd ?131t the Ha-*l.lan ltll.ands. I *-3.r-. " "; - -i L-o;* .;*'-:-..j- s +-.:-.;. .-, -.-:-,Ji--:" Jeh:r Ar:dre,c." Sa".ritij:., -r!+l.ie.,€i,i* l,: j,:.1.r r",.a ;ii f.::;,.::r:ij..::::::,,; yau3lgesi !trubl-ie.,,litgil :i(:h!+i:i ili:'ti-i;riji Fi:l,i:r :.1::, ri ii,t,:n :i..t; i:.-,;.,. S lrsklt4,h€$aa. iie g,r-err uli on r f,:.ri8 r.-::!:.:,.:; l': I :,.','rr::iiI ji ill,ti,: H$sgi1 SgbooL" }ux,gng hl.er s*Loti csyeei j:-: ',rir:r:' ::-r : prf.tileE;s id h'31re a iBenl-\sr of l.bis sc:ri'f .:G 1i,1.; f,€:r.i!:'....,. '{.rbl:i.t ivl*s.i f${iergaa. *. $ankey hss *r& -lrorulg.j;' b'"othe:'i: eiici 6ne sii:l,.j:1,. 14r,. 3a"ri'irey a'ii:el:d.e'i Saj-i;*( -rll i--r gir Fr:hcr-1.. iJ:!+ .rcii. :-,. Jchgcl ni-.i youns f{:opr-s trr'1'e .rj:.',,i lJ.fl ti ,.,i:h... 1i,". I ljT,Jfqssi'.ono He ettfriocd t,Jcac .r4,.I'c',chsrr; :i..i.l.cg.: 'il:1 li,. a:i-ly bhel 'thi1"e3'sity t';f .Serikat{ he?sn g,h.ere ira j-Lntei-ris; "a.r-r !,:.r. j.tr-:. . -1.n r- Iji-rnlil Serrrrl,op:aer:tF L .' ge?i,rey . h!r{r speni i;i{ci .' :Frg ir$chi.:-,q !:-" ;.1rq -;l]-' I at irj.E-J su'Loo.i. at, 1-'-i,!-ncl.. f\:l-.l.t S thil: i',:ie :1i ri.. E :..ii:t." ^ i.. Aoy $eouL "rDrir" g&lik€gq t-^e-qt:1.|nas a:'e ]hoilDp;ra-phl,r _.,-:t_:j i;e ., "i/jrogoo* Iif,rs:.li faveri,.ire ft:g to e: prepE?'lTrg r:ld ll:lrklr$ i]utr!r3.i* ol {:1i$:i pi:tpera and thLmril-ng a-bout the idl,-1-Aq!l d*Lla?i i:hil',:, he i::,rJ !:c irFke up\fa Leevl"ng htgh sehool. llls pei: i]3ere:, grc: r'.,.]i, g..j;i. r:- 1.; :frlD Jl c ut,d sal€$n€n 1*lo €3k h: fl Lf l::ej Eiit fer? re: :c,..i.itr.. . . Ill-a hardeFii ts8k gs to save er ougr\ r4clrey t+ 'rut' ,r ::t i{ r.r.r: (Just a cej j, Ill.s naj.n aqibl.t!..'n {s tc f$.$1sir r;1v."*:"iJ:.r,t i'.. t;"ke s irlp s.rolrllC the -rro"l.d, brgl.d a :toy':.i 'rdde r|d:i.+-;!i...i.rir :r. buy a car, €nd 1f hl€ coolil-rg dg€snib kll-:. hlni--^gr',: i!-'r::':r,, . Qul"ie a lat,l fsnt? :.tr? .$ss!Ts!ffi. !?iu ,?seg yoE r'Li:td. a rEXfla'c:i;e ln tS.$ h{,*k, fl"t::,;e e*""slde:' tt $88 lnxt thex'e fer e Fifi:pas€: tdo :i;bl-t }il soueghfu3g fo:' e?e:'yo:re ,, dlnd $. ,sH fo:"ks avs e:ri'-"['* .i"o:{ gng f,eF rLr"Biekes"rr }SES::!p.N u-:" t:a;q.] . '1'.il'l i'r, :' tir('] *6:!"isge bri;'. tetl'r+i:,:,i c]-f |} bc e'!ri.i:i fillllitl-r I: ' :;ir t:i:t,rlt",l€I e iir:il'blrCuy ilreseltr " $44]-L.r.1iE-{ -'|+\:r :: r,'-l' {lrc;:r-il L'j1':irLi: s!t.: irlEs al.. irb' lirllt a:.l,or.j:t{i::r; !t,a I "ir,i:a'i * ,, rr ffiffi" [}aL@olgs@en ffig Ir,lr" Cha{rnea" parsntso guestEr and felLofi graduateso tbe l-lfos of our graduTodav DrErks a na6uorable d8y t-n-beve b€en chosen by ghe atlnl cla8s. I a.!i honoured to 1961-g?aduathg class to arpresa our loltual thought8 day, and f;etlnas on th1$" ou.v Etraduation tr'e a.re ibout to eieF out hgo ghe l\.rture q a future .i{hlcb loons larEe" but brtehbly before ua. It' will be a cba.!"l€ntc to aake stlr !,Sfes dtJSce gsfirl, for we are st€DinE oit to 4 desthy uaknotm.o our Journey through sroest'ng of an old molmt* htEi sdirool has bEerr llk€ the golng th€ was rough, end we At tlrcs road" aiious He :ould posst6Ly roake it to dur destlnatloni but lfltt! our te4eher6 8s guides, ue were prevented fron BllDDlnE snd falllnE" snd uhen we flnslly reach our goa]. we Lirow we wILL be repaid i! fuu, We $oul-d 1-ikr to exp:'ees our deopest gi'sditude to our par€nts and tea:hers uhc have hel,ped u5 lrhrough sone of 6ur rnost trTing ncments, og ccursee our most trying inonents sre stiLL to cone" I'eLlo!. grsduates let us prove iE Taln' for tt ts bhrough our teachers efforiE $ei'e loi a.}rsi }Je oue our successo To DstLene€" self- spcr{ft.ctng future s as € monurnent to or:rnnareitg" le; us r'leiRg o'.!f glven uso have thay the iara, t6ve " end crp:nse to elso the students of A henr4r th;rks ts l:lven through thslr +otEtrEds* erades nin6. ter. end eler€!, 4hs our eehool years m6ke Ehto snd co-or,e:etlon halDed tc urge olaasent ard Eercrable cnes. ile also 9qu to eont:hue you lsrot{ may the thrlll of toa irouv sci,oultne to cl,st to youo brl'ng ;tre rer'-erd it tiay someday iraduatlon " Thgreforeand feelings Nutt High {11 uot wtth we leave l{ac drlch but tather wlth lonC @norles of orrr school deys we ]flll tr6asur: and Yalus nore as the yaaf,s paaso mndered tf u tr'^arlar: S" ftla€k lt?c l.:n:tr,ENA W'.AGNER L: I0Gri i PlJiES*G !"sde !19;J-e- i ----l6r,i-fi'-Fussett on Au$nst ?. 1?41" Rceided on a farm in Lhe Shell mout,h distrlct for three yesis and then noved ic a tartl tn the d{stric$ of ltae fiutt: f obt3ined !rj,/ educatLor as far as g:ade ten l.n ZDrn School. I tlren bisan atirenaing l,lac ltrutt fiigh whe:'e I hope to comp&ete n$l grade iwelTe thls yearo My &nbitlon is to become g supoe" sderetarT. CLIF}O (N BtriRY DALE KENTEL: dt srrtct on December itrB, 19[j . {hen I wae lour yearE o1d ol1r t'ern11y noved to our pieseni --66Fn-Tn-tliilEidEEtr*eu home ln the Zorn school districi. J began oy schoollng aL Zosn Ln L9l+9 f attended Eorn school unltil f had conpteted " The nexL year I attended l4ac Nutt. Ai Mac my g?ade seven. I'lutt- I_eoapleted all mF gr&des excspt the Last, grade twelve lihich I wish to aeconplish thls year, After coicletlng ny grade twelve I plan to attend thi: Sask, Tech, Iirst,ituEe in l{oose Jaw" I wlll probabi^y speeify ln radio and televlslon. later on radar" JUDY NN D.IEI]$: ----3oFn-T; Yorkton on Aprt1 1"1-, e 1943. Ltved on a farn tn 'vhe Zorn schooL distrlet for three etrd a helf year6. then noved tc Mac Nutaq I reeetved both ny publle aiia htih schoot edueatlolr at Mac Nu tt, r*rere I hope to eomplete uy-grade of $rade twelve bhls year" lty anbltLon is tc a private aeeretary or stenographero e1e"en and paxt b9com6 FRANK DIETAICE: Bor? and ralsed in t,he Mac Nutt distTlct, Started school on ny slxth btrthday Bnd took Itry grade one at Hone Lsnd Sohool-" then went to i,0ac Nutt, nhere f aro comploting ny grade tweL]/e at the age of aevente€no Ivly enbltton Ls to beeome a speclal-lzed nechanlc. f roould ltke go see the Hawallan islayrd8 ana llexico. HARRY ANTONT: have resLd€d on the farla, about a quaxter of a urlle nol0b ef llac Nutt, eU !!y l,{fe" In 19r}9 I began lxy prlmarl' educatioD at Mac Nui- sehooL. I conpletsd !qt/ pubuc schoollng ln 1957 a$d entered high school- rhleh I now hope io complete" My arr:bltlsn {s to beco&e a nechsnico ll"r I'So he!.p ne! Irrfl goj.irg to kl,sa you.tt iso yourself,or do wlthou*"tt Then there $as the eute little coed x,.ilo thought ttla.b NO She3 he]-p lrere placed to discou;'age p6tctng" trruoney wontt buy happinessrn sald the l.l&{Losopher, trl{orn agreed hls xlfe, nbut lt nak€s rnisery nore pleasantoq trCan you deacrLbe the u06n vho beat you up?r ftof c-ourse I caa. offlcer -- thetlg Illfraa I wss doLsg lrhen he PIRKING slgus bogan httti.ng n;.m ^' l)FFi auTOJIoGRA.pitIDs**$(ADE I'tjEr,Vl; i l\ Aei:r ln ?orktorl m S€ptemher I0, :t/+3 e:ld hase llved on a ever sllt:e. f o t9/+9 I b,jg5n s/ prt-ndf,"}" edueatlon *t ,jorn -e;i;e Sctool, end c.rntinued there uirtl i iorrrp:_eteJ-nf t,en., r ?ien begdn. alt€rdgng M€?e liutt High r,*r:ri t_trope't5-eonpteto qy - -ir,ii+ btlly,Iesr'" I!9 r.mtr:rton fs rr: eornp}et i n y"nr Fl.:l:^1?, ijursg 01 sEuoy anc beeolEe a rrursje !::n 4 -=.T.iGE trLUNDER: .._-.-ffih*{fr-?1e l.{ac I'iutt dls?rlct on O€Nobex, 3].. i.gt L f :?siied tn bhgg dl.strieb wbich was abo'rtt nllle-rni1e i=s! gf Mac ett. for *!ve ye ars, In L9iv7 olaovect-io!'*orrfi,he ta::rl ilsatred ln the B;rresLn€ dtsirrtct" i rei,ei,iee'-aii' ,ri -"itocar:on :s ier,as_ grfidg nl e at Ee!.€sl.na si:hcroL, I tootc-ny'::r erie tin e.: 3redefi'outy. high, gul then begar.. 1i;gendlng ltec ii,rril r.:g..1-'r:ere I heDo to. conplete !v +.10e l,',{el.ve ihj.s 1ear" .1k rih.,,,iw. ls :o r.,rurli :n ihe fi.e1c o.f agrlcuiure 8-f iler ati,endl..xn s iratr. ';. *- seh;o1 o3. rr'lt'r'€rs11iy, -_-.t!$ 1f posslbie. r.{&sr":3 !,ern {n itrissell" on fuly 11,, l,9dl, ti.ved on the fai.n {n ::: ior.n siliroii distrl*-" for .fou.r yeers,itlten :=! .i.h'o lllles fron l4a€ liutt, f received bothrao\rerl-to.a!.)e nV !'.rbi-le ar)d ::4i: achooL €duc.ltloi! at Ma_s lluite rdrere I hope'tir eJlrpfeiJ th:a ye,ar. Ivly em'Jicion ir: ta irecome a dec"e_ -r -ade t '1clT6 J.::i illtR.ls: t,l]e Ucm sic!.rool dlsbrlct on llay 26" i.,r\l I iratie ---E-dFfi-{n crr a farn l"ou:" sLles sou,bh of l,,lae liuut ever si"itee, I =s:J.Ja. el-!, rfly educatiou up to grade tjen at Zorn Sritorl, Ji. -c::.zeC :::-i., . r o4Fan o,:Fan 6tre::dtng 6tte::dir-tg_ i,he-}:ec l:;'l the l:ec \ruti Nutt, Hlgh Hlgh 1ficrc .j E:!: Eo cr 11p-i ete !ry- hlgh seirooL educatlon.Sehoo:t_" t{y afl6ltion !.tio! Jir ls 'i.rL a polf.cewcraaa" --:ar:g 1n;.4onfl-dsnt _ton,)_.-, nof "rl_: i,l,e s1rls o.f qac L,u:t ef'c ,Jl1Ly twO f wo[]-d cflil. fieErliiful.n ;i. a.'l{l.c!usl-y .- r! l'Jho is tiis oth{ir?r ",ras knl,*ked seilssless l.n l".rg"Gy onee. ii;t0n .:1i) yol: erapect tc reec?er'? iio$a:e$ro? Sal,ed "- i,ettuee glrne 1,J..::i .trrors IJ1I0 ? GILlIE F€eis.&fus ll lE IE',,her haa a U.tfao l-anb3 alliltls .qLi{tLe }an ,l ].jttilo"oa6i;r stsl{ d.t& dlr{)llnc }rllte@ ?or eFther hcd €! qrpettte' egJa-Sas 94c1a.'s lorrcouer t! $ade ldne lr?uId. ncvtr tH!i! of tlac i;LrB i:ise Sllo ]rro{rt J1]!e s:ans a"e ar-a.,dtlg lddr]] So strdLoo l.-ar-d 30 sto errn bo bigh. &e$i-$ee,flde1 Br]F,Ilrl& is a gf.Il i* grade i11!1e, Sae alrq?s eaDc! to sqhool on tit!€ iic! 1+rrft iE el,r$ire done .just f,tuc fa],]Cl1g to cLtJf l,s her fawrl'Ue pa,ltlJroc PEaq-,-s-elt$J;g}, rlevcr .tudLo6 for a test. s hetlL Jus! do hts b€lt Ie oflen gsts tjts *ae.chorg Irar-rli-rlit &rt rcvori l'lorr..E€ lrl]t-l:' ee0dIlattofl riorttl€o Doc3x il6 sql'r H$ie-nu,$&XdLtr ls s clqrlr halrod lass, ljlo sits bchfud +-h€ btsl.rEr rass In hor vart $h9 docs hor bssL !:d a-i1,ra;rs 6tudl,cs for ihe tcateo tlda 5.s a cosnlE - Le,gs !.lbo takes hors honerork i,€ F€aesE L&.e gses out in alargo io lu'l r sqhool dre ha**3*f Slelhg-lhr{ei&- illlqr does aot llke rJp-gs :,a]Jr stlg ]')].€6' a vcrtl ta say. Co. * ac&ooff l:bore h6 acts Eo vgrJ coo:. :hon irho t€achqr Lln risbelayLul ne ]€pllo6 o It Uam.f! ns I ncr Mgs,&** D@!ie BdcLer siis b thn EidB $6i, llatohj.nc the c.,rE &s !h6 g9, ::a 4ooslrt c'l.o .itlli:t:C of srrort .{e l,ong ac h€ ca" p,q* e aine led :,:rc clis -mhird ictao.r eid bq'is I t b'ld :]e iililays lias liJi's horr*Jllli doa.j r\n.l- siLlL has pLerty c.f il,'r+ ior .fi:d; , J- 3n!l--YiCE!53t3 iic,Ann.: :!-: a glrl:.ltr, l!i/e€ to a?egri nca.6 : .r: . ii 4 ll.!.t- i.j1at c !r ; I Llc ma r:. . . i'.." ./;l:t:1. -,-dt:: a .ii €:r !]) rc ncat ':.. ^,*,!^.-.i- . 1 i .):.; ,i.ci r.r ft-,. j l lsrffijjic !$iq.$Ig { llEflcn Ianr-Ag lt4rda ts s, bglr hqltlM. rmedl [e is eost L'di&B+ $!d ?rqr:* tgc'Ch lle (artsEarits ):ott c'vet5?rls .[d alvagro iiae ]rds Ldr.Frir" dol- " colvi.n Ls a lot of fiIr i{ra oooa6ee?,iaur !.ccr6g hlB uceli rDcl6u6' 5s el"e ht! b6c& l&se i,a !r uso lbr hs E.]"lrays Lns a Good or(qt6e ed4*-gsue, Sst$c$ f,s a lnorn halrod. l"ase $tts i]6lllrd. Cli,Smrd fu otr clesB ltBssa:lir cliffor.d &,m!6 arr'ftd thea ue hear a torr:lhlo roar16 $1o le a bc5r J.u ryege ]$ne n€ :loyitr rEEte6' tftle tr6 llkeB qxetE:] thcy sre.fr4€ Yes- t}atr., tLe bcdr llo Is'adg '{)!e S#Es$J&rliies" ngEf Urs ff,oni of tjxs fFad€ ElDe "iu Betr,rod +bs eLrl6!I|l, aal lilolr IIeIa hot qutst,hetE r:ot E&Jr. DBt reslf,!. hets EuI favcrlta Eryn tror}!c+& Totr'.sr our dalk haLr6d. lry llhsll ho !:ts ln IIls de&rLt kok:i fl]le o toy IIo ocnocs fron th6 nrcdd sido of t6!r: 6lv1 E€eEa6 tr bs t&e Crad€ lriDs clsrj:-ri" gda ggscE E ai.:o dre nevor conplal.ng I''or she Lg a firin ai",l oagof, t lrln IIsr'u.lr uJ"e cl4rL olld rw.og the f]ll.) 3,r! 6ho (tron !t rrlc fr:r hic t ri-D. Ui: lhcls[q-telg E.;-o" !{nrlcne is {! fniold_]$ ]rcs llho cl"tc !.:r tf,.-c coccad :.onr cf cur rjlajj Yoli1d g",l-".'l; ,at sbo l,s shz tui you CDuLd. cca bgr rrhe.: a [1iy ,)usaes l4r qwli"3d* C(E'r]ld Adr'n Elstel<olr A len !i.!o gcts rLs$r ljber Crfudiag :-Jot ef f J scmotl-Eoa f!,istcy,. for Lishf rfiL1:l1e;y :893-1Fr9Dlaae d.f,s Gsod ea"lls .AlwErB has ,L-i. stfl1 SilalR., EII la i;1e r0lddLa of ure rcrr drers el.'iEyo elre t6 d]I'E har ltG..$tt dolrg hcd tJne tb! :Lois dd iki." Csrrdw^i{V. &oot?l.te ls s dark :rslrsd. larE "t]io al.te fu !e,ch of, .ibe cr€ss &e *s r:l$aJrs ilr]-i;.f, t1s Fcf Lcr !&8.t, bqr rrc*:tdaoi nrog llar53oe IIaIlae lE qdto o trrt.l! 1&o ffir lcts clsrlidng Co iolI1^ ti.e dJrsir: He _ussE {ri!6 fu ilh€ nos.ij natrautra rql. .And, nc]'e3 bas Dueh .io sltru SlMffi.,W€SRh gle€nor sttF'.[r t]c elo&.€E !ad: Ilhore a:-r- tl1o cl.otfi.ro eFo sbryod. llils! ',lD go '&a,est srlr clothss^ El-e€!r€3 J.s n'tY; !*, S-oe€do IbiPIGE{ejl4dJg*nlt I'targle {s a gey LltLle ls.ss llh{s ir.lre bJJ'! s aalt ab:,e t6 &€ tdkt sld g{gglos Eu:?aart al.]' tlrrtough i&o day Rirt rratcb lil]oo A:xbr d@et! her rrayo i! grade *:tt Rddney fu ,lnd. sf,t & oaolcLss l,l.lio s boE For dlc$. tl1sr.€ t6 h$[E$ork tq be d.one Uo cse6 d1rt to rcoxi tLe alla ,! trCts e hlaitr-bal.rcd bqy ,& gr€d.s 'uen SaireCay helal j)e ore of, 6ax f&orrs $eu Bdu:l,atcbiqg gl)orts i.s bls toy Yes+ 'a,batl E qrs gred6 t?n bcTo tulallcd*' Ernie !fuslo 1,6 Er to'o,ril halE tud tFor'r €ged boy Tjrat ,.F raiho? trlJ, &c*, ls a ddz at bs.sl:e'iib&11' i-f6*T6Git rho ber.'.rry r.hta;'B do{!g k{i$ 6 duby gnc ehases tilon iry fi1e rcq"6 r'JJ- dfly long- sut, et iri?[t c-,r€@ !oro< : .J9,: ii*'..ri.-'-- -. !1rtl?,rr lsrl! tlie goc(fid dis La, Iil1e soc(fid rq.J Betlte€o loso arvl f'raLo Ibrnt be toaJs he aBedlnt !lorl:l" Bnt ho iJrrola lljse nots adlrlir (fut ttroir r'&o usuld?Et) ? cdXbcru cdlbcru SexcrJ@ Koren olld LoB11c ndl:e a 1!cnacl'.fu1-:qir lqd ove4r rl{)nrLag .$.vc i,o !!.no Tboy r.r.e see$ ot,lilgilg c&otrr otb.ox a lLBs Probab:y decJ.djrf, d16re to go tc* ir*neo stgr.its&8eg :loLplrte sLts lry the lltrt-qf vrrore *bs badca of,e ELol'ad Iih€! thc €-J.rl,s coro for bortbe talpL:to doacrlt sr,oi1 Loredc stehr is a b,j.$h.Sl], loy sane tlile Ls aL.t vq.!r rolt 4ld. lf, tJrgei a a coDce?EaElol1 r1ser HolXl be $1re t4 Lord a4 oaT., la'36:Ld. &rt st iho ul.alr ls a rgad6 ten l-ad Ito6 rrbrjr scLdou b€ lleig red. Iio alrml's CDt lliE hor )orpri: dolrc &d there sl ear.nys ',..fue for irx" &ts&dids;& io a gll1 4$ scho*:L -Roao And. sLte b the ffont of t&6 cl,a$s iihEa ClLbcrt le1?t !"rero -,6ho But dre! hc 1o ovonr)rGr lurl.j ic nd rIc iE:Ldd,. l{BreA-ehc Itlldrcd. slts at U 1 1)adr oi i,ho cl-i..6. Ta N.La!. lhe J.r ctld+,e e Lae;l At ntgbt yoo ucTcr l:,nd he;? a,j ]1olis. -4lthough 6h6 i.: :1c-.f.i. iribc alcao. ' nThere r'ou are ng dcarlr the brlde annoirnced. 'r'ry ftrot turkeyt " She paor.t'd1y placod ibe steamlng blrB on the tableo dlnnet ;it -iirots-rn"naerftl darltngn her husband responded" truhat did vou stulif lt wlth?n tllhy dear' thls one "5iuir-rt'rl' excl:rllred ttra brldea wasnet ho11sLn. Jut,t goi: bac:t '. ho-t'ei-'f i; t','' -'i u'runittoa"to amih: instruet'''r"r ;;;;";got' t nHoH i:hat You be? eitr ";;; diii- ntro"J, "'r') 'oli' last tastfl -' r:€i'rr nry $p€:'; iLng: thls but lttron' I knowr i;;";;;'i ltrong 1"o0[ . StudsntriJh, lr.ge ls mep f gsrfjrJal2e8slc* Eure ]rourd alke iio cat dloe 6 lrot .ptt€ iive feet Sene naJr f,1,!j! ib.€ esoo of h€o. &t tlamc o€! tq]r€ t&s pLace of, hero ItI! &e gtrL lelsnf{sa Js&ct Zo]..lc ltro l,t no.i ,r.3o tr:lLFor gcneono L{.ss Eho .!.c1 fa.lL"' S16 gsa f ld.tir g@coBe lrot ta l*:4 corrld th16 'oe lrtr e, gl:djr chel5r cd"? g$lo.qellrnd* -[11ce to qutto. .l!L!co Ls D6atr.A:.i.co ls gf,os,t slols hdid t, b€at laga-:OUbsr iE e prst8 l"a6s iad Ls !& €€ rgado 61crsa cl,ase fte 13 so ve4r srlaljl .Id rre4t .A!d her rur{ts rre hsrd tn b6at" Le<oa olqP*olen I! U':etrat1rr6 Ls Eood"qlcn &r chor)l.Etr']rril' hoarl s'of r,Fod." ,4fter 6ohoo1 lroulll ahnt,s ffud &st ql€B to D!.nds 1E rnei ldnd* Js&.-!&M!es JudV t$ a etr.1" La. thc grodo eLcyell qlflsct llcr Coal 10 rct to Se:.L" BscouEg hcr Eins ahc does cl:r.rys frqrllo. gdslse CcE[es sc]1ool h:t evory dqr. lnorri sol'nBday Lt lrLlL i'orev ' tocolt nrko a htb cf noiss ,And is the sir!!'toDi of, tha toyi so prggh 'l&c g].eai R&l . lc so .fllrre , OIAsts{j tJte rirlli" & h1s ltio" l,b,o A rnagb-elEc tourLsi; tried t(t show up a becklioodll stor',keeoer bv asklrre" t0an you chlngo this $LB blll?n the eotrtgnts of hls ceslt regLsger Thi- stoiekeep€i" surv€yed nT6ah---y(t11 wlt1t I slxes or e rlne$ttr eirenty, ud-r"pifeA ',IELs?.i&?Sivllg $! Ej :.lE..*lJ*+ta:tJicll 3:Fatz ll}cs to li8,\. ba5lratbslL a:'rJ, culllagrbasebE-Ll-" !!;cira e o(rrs aD:ithi.ng ai, aLl" itrtshqrl, na;.cs irijl l-ook rcrL *ralo =a ::.:: ssai of t rc lort :f:rEi:ts on tl1e go :aE :d! Eclloo]. rrorl: do$o oo i:rto -s clJo ir on a til,L ii Orade Il(. DEF1 DEFIIqIT]OI'S li&:gheyoupJ.f,ce etrere y$r ceieh up lEth the inrtot'ist at 60 n.p-h; niie baek. ffi-Effid .&!93.{ mar! wtth ar ir'ftnli;€ capael.ty fcr tRkj.ng praj.ca. 811!d DaLe:l,ihen vou Bxpect t' ae6L a rieJon aii! sh! tiirrl 5ed 5iF'86-TE-a slshl. gosq&r A person ntro puils t-rio 8nd they sre or ilot o 4d*S!*Sg,&S:TessLr, NosI::' l{onana A L?,ro bogsther--- uhether U).eer. person r*ro stands 20 minutes talkiixg ag E c,me ina Eii'se ite hasnlt rifte to Tssly-algsgg: People $tro are even waaneqo get Beeuijr F€rLolx: i(here the i)u "gary tal-: eAail before al.one is enoug-l do"-1: 1;ire dishe'. t:: +url yc':'l Coektala-&IE:'r{b€rE they eu . sandrtls}tesitsnd fal,cnds :!.}i,' l"l-ttl"e pteces" &adi-o 4!!9!!!l.ser: A me.n y,iho ta .ks u-rrt1l ,you here a hesdici! then tr{es to -€eLl soraethi g to rel-le"Je lt" egglwa! A ruan ehc 1e alw$g; as n:!. ce lr3 he F.rre ijiirieE rin: ilr uh:.ch birr young sudiel:i-lt be,-ljn ';i ?6;j;*FEEg rec?clislbillty rborli- rn sw?ri:,'Ig the tel.::r\'iar'. Adoiegcelreej-The porLo.i &irry: Puttlng iodayr s glir llo ler n ch:lLd?'+n ds briglttei! a hon'e rr r?ou:'s -qw.e d*, ,.,,never tu! led to]rtorr:o'dt B clorr'iin cff s lJ.qb'. slili ei1 ,i'e:,f, :riioos itllc nDD tl.[f,,"'t J:.; rr.iecaE is oxrc ell i{ffiEltsn gi}X" fte 3etlds dll, ibs bigs ,r.t! E heejly !&$:.t sttroet ilc:l se dco l.os 1El1! d*!!!'l&a 6-iniestr,*ltceti ive-r-jucdg :.c$hE drd se*'€ ns* i'h$dsi' Cscrg€ ;lgnlt dc 3io:go tE {rnlt bo liiic bo ftno:a fr6l ttre tiid'. t?Io tet. Geargo le t&o b'y fusd iJ]e t'c.:ra 1]ho l'6.ko e1'fflr Girl-s Ia 11 cp uirii.ic ac!31 *urt sna wg3lre La hor lffi.'lr El$rc v|.ilr !eaN, ,:l'.r6gs s @rile cf! h{r pfttqr faf,{i, S616 en a5ssi t6 t--o lqlim x€66i :'e!icac rta.Ga6r? SedLEeld.eb -lFl:. halr 4fl1 a lY:",!1dlJ s:Itl.e. :e iooses ln scllool.rcdco ln altrtl'e &:seeg i3 hts doBtlratkEts Sdrfuj, i,g uti bls f,n Es{te etetl-or' jses$5'"{tlE$ Selft. 15 tho fixtenaf iyt,e .wj ;t school itsr* ftc r E '\l€3Y ttFltg-'" tals]r Bg tre e1L 14!eij: Aid' uh@ .:a a ..late .hotE neti:l leac SI9!* f!@ tis .Ald{scl-E8efat r:)llisf ls a fHeuil - grgr" Aerys tu!!fug pcra. s!ry -{t 6c?noL rortr: h6 ii }B&l:y l\sl aie6 vh!& heFl r:.n e" g:'i}8,1 daieo Effi-&i@ n E1slra s i.. hlB n1,,.,1ffi lras lhtt is blE sta':'.r.t& To ll€ n c J-d hls 'iei.len{ ile4w6t:'oa4 ibrlln lbacl{ is or.r cloll, not '!s ',jql: Sc hac e siro. iJreart ii:"at I ljotj Sg" t9 droti; a.Bd :.'q:s Encbody t-h.et !i)1ye nan Em*kdrsa Jean lc a fl:rl|t rlri i cr jlo]leg ini* aq"i' cveqy'ol}e gl\r '-!a$ 3 ]oke l"+r |]dsrt aiec]js rix, I_oL n;--T ssa:r9 llefere :/dr thirt. elrcat Ehe lopcs" 1{ORI( BY tHtr,c'.'r 5 Pti l:,N?S it,G of sl,rln!. 3r'e l,(ii',: fhe inir,r !s gine""i:,:e rii:y :.: . i ; r; The gir:is ng'.,I ',d1,.' :ravc irii')j i . it :i, Colng outsgde to p16l' v:i,1: r--:.:r ')../so Sprlng aeatts loa6 of r.rc,i'::'..'r ,.!, Cleaning houge.d. l'{,r:(:$ |:r(i :j:t { c o ltoo; Preparing fleids L(, see!(i lii;iil.ri Now the farnels r'r-i.:'-i pr'r't.i .l'l:r' : r no SPrlnq reins \dl: :,"1n- 'r- a' ' t,r9, Danclng ln tiie:rl a:],'l\.a!] l)r:re::r TreeB will bu(l and. il olr(,r"ii l"l.! .ra gl-oo,!. The earth rvi l,li. bc :i':'t,e :j'r'i, i t in tthe 3{r'i;i:€ r'rorci j.$ rii)l"rt d Slri.ng ts he?"€, lc, iiore (ir','ill Birds are aiaj. irr!: 1 ) €lro\ . 1trhl:Le b€1-ol|lrlo L{.:iirtie ir:{r ;:o: ln 1ove, Out ln the basetsll fie:-d, ?he boys are pi e(:t.i.ii.ng rje dr ': re ehield; $rrerywhere you go sfr'lrllj l.- l.:. .l ,e aJ.r, It J.s too bad gprj.Ill da1'; 7t" ,,ro rare The Joye o lJ:i .;lil THD ',LtN .,ir), t soN COiriA- lDi,IJi,r T r l, thou sital.t rot ir.r irr(1ay ",'* rl: tho r. cea leave sff ti;Lll tonorrov" 2, Shou shalc iroil Lai.e i'he r:a,re o.l rour teacher in vain; tf he 1s l,ritrhijr llcir?ing .li Jt?t!(te..ro at a tine r uuJ-eB,-: J " Thou shalt :]ot tral-:il i;he irt,,!i.r"a t lrc:?eilr.,:: l-ooking" art tlrl. :,-sntl thou sure i,. ileinember the Sabl)al:h i sj-:: ,lal's :!iali thou study, and on the seventb $tu(l\. 3or,1.? )iore, 5, 1f thou canrt Bf,lici:". bolrlre:' th]' telqhbor. 6 , If tliou should | $t i;,:ri alr 'lti:4e to nork, Lay dotin unt:ii1 i.l has passed " ?boqhou shouldt at' l()r/e your.' dork $o [rueh that thori shcu].ci'st be abLe to sit for liours alic lc,o{ at it" 8" Thou shalt d*$"ra r..i-.,vly pa$t i:h. school, you ttrl,ghf !::i-ir a pupi1, llalt for t teachero 9. Thou shal-t not fo}'g?tte'i;h to do ihy hcmer,rc,rk j?et Boesl; thou cal1 eopl. goneo:le e13es. lC.!{onor our t€aeher"6 cs froir then eome"fi our ktolr:J.edse l&. 9ar&ey sev,:rely: Glenno I hep€ I dldnrt see you \.lnking at BrendaGlennt I cure hope you dldnNt slr6 Beceuse women !.e'i'e alr;ryrj3 r Iten have angleg" " .rilio\,j ,{ ,i, ,, li.!l'ln *t,',. ' that I xi.[:l to +.e11. It brought rte ilrj.. ,,rir:rl '1ni;5r.i.ei' i{or^r here I ,", ." i r. iJ fhate B !,,i11 i. ,. l one day et {'lit e r;rr,tr?tl iri;,] I thought I"d ttl:1, a 1':-{" , I guess I le.int a trl.t 1:r)tr ::i FDr a ecp F. lled ,,'r: b.J:-:r,l'" Ile aeked re h&e rJ ti,r€, :'i.:'.: ,.: I s&1d I Ci{lnrt l:.r$}ri I guess l:r. ,'idr.L?t iLk+:r {ti!;.:{ ' !l rlr :ii For h€ dlf (r'ri l-.rt tr€ f wa$ 'Wh€re fi1;, taher to tbJ: stal.;J.'r::. I p:e on qr.i.te a sl-'-'-r The Judge jl:t; reai. ned h,:,:;r , I told htor t*lrere iio !,to : He sentelr.ce{i ne t } fHeri{i " .i : .i lihich re a! .l"ir &ede ne nixrlie aLeo fJnid s€ jllft:i ii'.Li.::: Fifty d$l-lal s I ',t:.sh .r j, i.ri: The rclaL o::: lihiir gtorli. ?o everyo: e I ser:i; Ifevel: be e, Fho!r.c'fi-, g&use yout l:1. got :i,i, ti] t,r ,e , { { h:f {'L l{lf lI. F EPPT,ER ,qUTU!,,,N LEJtr'-N:: Softly, silent.r-y. do't[rtr6: d (.x!]'Cinge Trough the brsirchcs ger"t:.1' r': r' lngi overheeci the 1d1c1 ducl:$ iia:i: the autum.l -l esve $ f411. lihirling, t!d-rl,-r-n3. th!',n1311 I r- itehes s$ayl,ng. The wlnds lcrr.) w1l.ll tlrir :.-al/i 5 are say!.ng; Coyer!.ng roofs! gz'esscrJ i l,:!, j.eFTt The autuflrr r: i:41-l-, Fa:l-tlne, faltlng, sti:r- - they l(, ep falling, d--cks cre r:( 1onr1 r ca1 -i gi ,almo6t bare the 'irr rxlci,.es tal: Tl'ie autunr] i€ r.1.ir lal.:,. \'111d o by Al iCE SCIIRADEII 3 -19,:is& Seldom ar,1ong th€ .i tnenq!.a1" gi€nts ot the $orld, bur: certeinly ;fiLjiig the humFn suesesaear a teesher is one '+i:,: cat} lock urr:n hls endeavcrB tl1d ki{rw il.ii ,:.-^ ,:1 +_- :$'a',:Felo!$ Ci-l eerih. j u.l!!i{ lis the frru noon rrl-ed hlgh above hls BilveT donaino ThE lake8 Er.hed 1a shlnnering stlvero Ral.l.road tracks were 1lke sllver ;e--Ls leadLn$ fron one qulet sleem, tovn to another noisy cl"ty. : co'dd s€e the brllltant denelng t;erehela tight,so and coul-d ljsst hear the crackLlng of iBE. ;r'roge were slnging to the *cc r,irlle an o$l hooted hls wey orer the qulet rsystic flelds. lle bieck l'elreto sbf lras dotted rrjth dlamondae and I could :-::ost reach out ani Ni,urh the ahjnrl,nq Jew€ls. Perfurne of :-:-ssh cut clover reached fiy tlostrJ.ls as I sst on a rsl1 velw* :- thls onderful pici'ure. by DIAl,ln EAUI'{1,N0 I.4$! Ig.4$€ ceAjpu4!tr$ 31ahle }laes-** Teechers Col-j-ege ln Reglna" lerry Slmalr-- A{.r Foree" ::aron Rathgeber--Nuz'slng at the Universtty ltarvln \iJaener-- IlelplflE eo home" ;qme Popi-- R.c.M.P. in of Saskatch€wano Reglna" laJ.ry Morrlson-- Taki.:tg course ln nefigeratlon and helptng at home" EDUCNTIOIi TCDAT l,lar1r, aged Begsnl :hings -Aftei ten, hsd 1-ro r{"lte a compcsLtion on---n The It€ff n!&Jngf how vrltlng a ferw l.t"nes she askedhpor @thsr, Her motherr rether erBharressed and flustered , rlr----you Mary"epliedr ru'ler F goos€.berry xas I borar?r brlsh.tr thought H€re found rcran, grandnot.herlfunray her how was born?d a6ked avhile and il;ell,Fy ir,usutry l.'cs brought the chircoeyrl reirlierl doHn dearr'r she nHow gieat gran¬hero to Granny her wss Mary tilen went 'oorfi" Gre a$tcrsndrbther?n she asked. ttol).". er".,.ihe sto"lc Lrought her,n So tr4ary, rather puzzLed, finished h.'r conpositj"on altd then w€nt to bed. As soon ag sbe had gonerthe thr:ee ladle8 rushed out to her bi dFr! pulled out h.i: hooka openeel !i and at the end of her composl$ion Mary had drlt!,8 no nso fsr aB cen te essertaLned there hEve been no natural blrj.hs ln our fanlly for ihe last three generations" M, AYIIR F(' t A !{EAF"Y STIIDENt I ].ay ee dowr to sl::ep " Sh(J deepi The lessonr s dry, ihe B:rbjectis If ( she) he should stc? before i: wake GtEe me a poke for goorlneso sake.l Ncw e nts:u oN [963 g]QIrjT]g g$EUE 4xa &gleE ,!f,as qhieh ^.our greduatLop_ o:'uhose e\rents lfilch vill hold o:r t4ey 19, 196I" tns one b€ re erDbered foi na.iry yea?eo ?bere ''JBre nlne graduates! narnely 3 Jaan]lrrdTes Clllford l(eatei i4sreella Kitsch Frank Dtetrl.ch l4arlene Wagror Ha;ry &ntony Judy Andr6lss Gelrge F1rmder iierian Mack ten urdergrads nade up the Grads El-even elasB. lhs. bs.nquet hel.d at.th e Mac.NuCt. Collld.rnlty Iteli begaa tt. s.y:thlriy p. n" irlth a dell.clous mea]" sorvLd by th€frade Niue snd Ten students. T:re Chalrrdan. A::dv Boieztuic" r.elconad the guests, whlch cor,sisted of tfre peiente cf tf,e Grade E!-eTen and &elve studenis- the tescheis. tbe echool bcardr aldr€fd lr{,nnera, and our ≥t speaker" T_he Yal,edLqtory " was presen-;ed by'l.briai Msck, l&. Soukay, present€d awards to Che fol-1ow!na: G:'ade IX.."",..-.. Morvln Flngas crade X e.o"..""." I,Iaryne Flagds Gtad€ XI;; . ts-oua i'Jalaherr iirade XIIo.""".".""... Uarrella [itsch ". " ?ho Benquet rfas coEpleted wlth an Lnsplritrg apeech on nllaikindtr by _oul glreat_speaker l&., Gorchlnskl- tire Supt. The of bhe Kansaek Scboo1 UniU, f'he Grand !{a{.cll coElsenced ilt te! p. n. FIth !.rsie supplled tg nthe tlermony Soyst., The celebratlon con tiaued untll the early hours of th€ ncl.rlng. As a utrol.e o greduation a grdat auccess ncmorable one to €i,1 of us',vas dtr:ectly conceraed. Irank RB Ie 1,,, port6r and Dfetrtch; Thc @edu8!r.s-:g' r J96l May you tsk6 h€arl ln tbls life l-ons struEeJ-e AaC I pray that, you nllI have good Fealth-and happiness eaeb dayi A3d as you sllde lcwr t,he baniater of U"fe Mey the spllrters nol., be t?lntJ.ng the r,E ong w€y, a i i,it::!-:i;1&A K:i:iliii":ii. il. j' .::,: ,: Ai;ll.i:tilni.lli" i - .'::C'lY, ;. ri -j i:ri'iir : ---.-:,., :j . r,1,111i1i;.i::l !':Af;iillr :- i--:.1 :i 1.r..:.:Ir"r-,11!!.ii'l " i, i":ril;!.i;:; Fl.,iff) i .. , r:.1.1, ,.r:- ..i' .n,' :', ., ;t..r' ' -- i::r. r:i .;i.r. '.irr,:: '.l.r,;l.e i: oji ;'i,!" j"i!tE: hii:.r. A4! :J . , ir1 ':r.r;--rii .J:' ,--i:i,1.'it:l r!:g .lui':i:i ittli,iirit; : -i,r.l..i)$li ${l:ir,;],Y1-, rr $li ilii ,LllililEl:!, :t ..:l- i4-.ii'iil;i:9 t:, i. :i i;i,-iF.ir'triil ;ilil;T:i., ri.rii. -.i. ;,." 'iltl: 1rlli,li:I-iul.. rir?, .i:J"{atrr:e j:*:i*lj*g th+ t'.ii.r.:.3 t '!r. : r:i'li4 r*,i.)(j: , :: i, ii-1- rlii l.:.i,lii + , r -1{i,.. ,.r ,i J'r.iti t4{L'i: *": t:1j11. :!:i.:ii*59 iu,ci jji.. ;I,r iill ilf( i'{ !Tir.:Ii':r .. 4.! t'. -t ;rr::' -J" "'. i:sgl-$ i.i} ii;,r'r.iii.! : I., rjij:jl ,ii: il4lJ.*;i,. rlr! r]t..-:. ::;-; r,:r;1.:1;;i .t:i! Ai.:ia,jl :jlilli. ,t:ir:; ,, :11 :.j ,r,i:ii :i,i .,;!.1 i,;,.1.:}ltto;rl. '':'..I'..'r.tl]iiT.j,.::.'|'.':.:i'.-.::''''''': ii..:.':9 ;9 to;!J.f,l,+il*l iUir l: ,.:i; ::i :,:i i l:; :na.i i,r-. li ""{riirrd ::.i,:-.,j: t:..Lii:i-t,t, d,ilt itc;!r " r-,1!.;: GEAD! NIND GeJald A-dam ro rishr: MeNin Fing&s Clilford Jendrasheski Porcr' M'ddre Rov: ;,.1;"i;;r;-h";k. De;n s.hendeu carvinFsrrie'her' Edith Kitz critlord =::^L-?^;--11 *i A:l'l::"*'^"r1? ; iii-a.ii.l"e;;. s4hurtz wendcrr' F'onr Row Benda schenderr' H:'Tlli ffJ,;'"i, "J;;i;.; ;;: i;;i'lwaqner' shpl' Adam. Elda Wagn.r' Elarne GRADD 'I!jN Back Row. jcrr rr flshr: EI tp MJ5k' Allan S.haan Ronal.l Srcht warne Fingas ML.a\ Warnrr Vt.i.il. Ru$ RodiA Fall.i.hpr Dtsnc Baumrng iiiri d F;i;. ii;^. t pr Fr"roi Barabu'k cirberr Andrews ;i;';i 'k;i; Judrtr Tl.rr'huL Varj r'" \r!asl.n'huk Ros" Tkalrhuk ircni Ro" CRADI: IWDLVE gifi:i F,5i"t"il Js',I it&di;"Yi*:u Marella Krtsch Jdn "i:1"" tl$i:l""' K€ntel, Frank Dietrich' osADt: llLllvllN It Ffli"!i.*ii I jhll,'"FJi 3li'.iT,,iillll:.-1lXl'"PS111[".ll:i'i'f ii'"il[tl: IgAgJ.gJe'W*LtflgsLi*i$ ihDar l4offlo 1 I f'rr€a6 "tl, a u.ffii' zes, ] rr-"| f"ffitff*r*o 'Y ct Hor{ orlYerd'br or It ln .luldtl'stt ltofe66sr ent lato i,?i,'rl#iiilirllie Raadtng scren(,e boolls to ]lry I' p€spls x IgEertto Pss+ltles R6nas Dc.trri6js Beclrer fl:l-olrlaEc! ? .'floona bctl Iavc'r4tF E plrossd'@r e@bsr of the lcco!:"F" -ffid' iiii-ltrrub"t @i P€t Feews Sb!ryj$g ftr!,odto Pastlroes ftor4d lisgt !9g1ga Dlsttlob iaskrtrIol ? i i ifirt*e lfryqr i'"J.i'iG- pJt$*tfi'c berrlr,6 nProsao&s l.tstu irdd,ttcar !hr& ?ot Perses Al8elca PoLerr lb16t CalYrJ[ l{i-c]offir qld $inell I+(f.d.to Slox'o rsioBt I { I msr+ ta t&o i€'1is n Ii?tls r€bo rocho 1* g1a Qee tui'il"l ' ffij;-Ifreft"i ?st 8gmioeaictrY i'ilfii;-i;;ib;" Taldus pdrr ra qtorts ead llsdolrrns {o tfrc redl'cr Itsqlet l4€!:l@e PoFP lirtqEroo$ ? iffitl glto"goos of, €f! the ilcoaqrob€'lsauLo "illi:rgs l,IElli "AooldtL@g Ts&c&€r Pet PeEvE: saclal stdLog 'd;"fiil;#ffi r,r"t tr"e to t&e 'o"adio and raorilng uar)e8 EEt ho! iltd,r€E TlXclsllD coo]4e B(.,re s$lolri nolJr c$l: FavorLtc -itnfftion, t ir"'it Pst !€Ewt Atte:!'l (:olleg+tb€ r 'i34e'hcr Salenca faTrrrtte ?astxes i?edl.$g [s]ses A1Id! Tlstd*tL l:lcleane3 01d & FNo"ii€ lkprcg6ton 1 crlg d3 ;'ail, "{Ebt+-GD; iabx.! 'or-v Tccl.'dc'o: Pet Fesqc', &eneh !'evarJ"iclestLroo! neadj.ig J- txrl'le sta!:;"Joi'i3 -itq&-4;s-lg-!gg il{'rd€I' ;iJ-il;t;L UbB*; Ei!-r€thy lli cl;!.3€ !llhixs)' ,.':" :,rnorXtc lwPrisriod: :1ai':5 llil.D .lL:&!irioF '] Pllat i€.! ,-,,esfo! It' :r ;' 1' Doitlt cot: e ei,on4eace.- ,:il"Jt--".atf"dt li: L4!i iir ',,> ':ccj: 3a:i,1. lTsaei JoAiuo Sciarl-tz lTlclildlea t0 jl6, :)ci.o gal(6 Lrvorite Sq)rcggioDi l'j.-irl .i,nbl Ll-onr ? Pair Powcg GeoBctry :li.ii*"e""LGtiisi crLrxr "4 ihD I Li :da:lto lrtrcdal 0c"d-!(t rKrul ltic!.-har,e: L1ELT Fsv_orti;c Ll1;tresgloDE -ljo:! clt nalr tlu]tn -Anbltlobt uldcc r dao Pot lcsvo? c6tFe $lu"'rn !'avorlLo ?as tl.nca ilaiclli!€ ll'v' llof,e 3 gi6l-a -Adrm Utitl:r.a$e s ? fRvori-tc ]Lqll'e snlc43s Is ihai ib,ln Anbj.tlo[s Toacltr Pai Poevot ir@]o6Lti':r1 Eg f$rorits ?o.iltlloE8 llstctLlg io tbe maio Nerres cujford Jeldf,agheel€ ll{dndlet 7 --rru" z Fevo,-i+,s LlEtr666io!? _uco \ Ilsi]1 inbltloni tjniloqrroc! P6t Pswol l'iatlr€[tetlc lla$tsito PasLi.Ds 3 F SPoriE llEnts: i]ea! Sohedrdel, I li,sl.3|c.lro ! scherdel in/os1it€ fqfoEg{o8E iohl l;xLn -Anbli,lonr Stattu r ?dli PeovsR ALgel'Pa g.trorlto PastLie! Sl:ctrts i:l4tet Ulojjlo lteguel lllcrlrr?r'ca ? i"io].1""n "-'lto""ro:1! Tc&che \J1-t1 1!!$tb1oE3 Pct Fee'Jea Sfxrgirettl 'ra?of'l+:e t ;r isstlj:€l irlr'h a.'"."' ::5 e bstt€r €t tho SdtEe$ Agen-' 1o1' I catrs caro iea tfug sng,{fif of :r,r+. rltDulsc strlE !"1s6@ \d!s fryeA "tr l:=\-r: l(snnetl1 ..-rto jal.(tr4te firtrs8d"sB; $shr ,qleke :ida lhtdtdontin-ec'tdtaoa ?6cr?e? geh{te}F* 'it :?6eo!!,ta Pa6ttn€s need{ng sollls$ ;g1et Er€ada Sd{rrrdgl, iidrl:u?ec'i JaYBtlt€ f.]pr"ssgj--s3i i3l-a fu:pJ.i:i-ta8 fiPse fet 4trttt 4\ tl u :t sstrn t?*li!; I I islori"l;e Pasi:llat l5Eiod&g lrs tiil) lti ,'?t PcsoS Go{8!et"} Drr4dc: ::a'!er cLlffacd Llatle:.elrsr I?altl SCa.lIrs! ia;ff{.to q)re8d.&a! qlrrso :;stl,tldJitJaqll feeeb6" ?Ei Pgc'sat C€c!6*,4F lerurLto PaEttrmr-r.lstqlljng ta :la!1e3 Elda .l{&grca' l6e}]]ese "t"s')oru Kntds ? fscoq'l,te oq,reFsLo:, Ilone6'u .ta Po-"e !tai.! ![!bC.tLeN s*€Ilosraphsr let ?e@ut ql4 68rE fa"ordt€ gsstl$oi ilatr:hJ.lg f,rVo nP-lno€ Edi.Lh (Lts :Eci s!lo* ? Flfllrd.t€ ErDpeEdrnr :bb nE*nti;n,l f€' Po rB sEfu , ? ?ot Pee,vBr Gc6neql Fcvord.'"€ Pastlno sLI giqi1r]18 kl 'r!16 ::edi.o de--lE!P--q4gr:,ri!**l$ .I;'st ,o'n iffiicro-ire "f6 -di-so,s" :ij the cld rf r.d: -r'H y 'laTo quitlr F claFs 1 l-sif o! Idgllficl$ol"lls ho't€ 'kcre-a!€ tcn baJr, tr!-ri d-ae dTl t ci:: oi ril:l:'1 ,?Jto r'rt'oi:'1,''ir l1ar6 ttl'o:i (}Jt. ileashe:'r: v; €l.]. ler +n"ai uI1h oer lsry sf'l,i€r?o iter:ilrc. att{ :Er ::'lr!i tUosliabrg.tock Br:rl ll"osaukct a d.'fficui''t in).'rlcli ptl:lc'n 6 ond unocrt'l.3i''!:g tl'!. IL}e to thad. +j1s1 ::or (i'&rlng tll1} year. thqi heYo g1-'/s!r 116 Ilas: Qnale lli.,e Cl-asn il.qr Eb&.{g-xsris-.ttct*aeee I,oa your 'ieenege gon yc':r girsollne eredit casd' Tel]" your rrlfe rdrat You real^:i-Y -r,htnk alrout Shoc deDaftnent .lanagef to c'lstoner: a selection of lrafsrg- Ir11 see J-f On JrOUor . t1.3" aelr hiai', ". hfifs rll:ri i:,.. :I car] ile{,-, {rile i* "tiiii : rYeEt -i.13 I&&jis[s.#&33;rus-&]ti; llarif; tle6, lt=54*i.r llLds$a! t' ildzs r €.ochqk n#r*tt* Ezp!*tdsr l&tr lddCltg l 'a d.st6sid.?B ?€"i P{6cee $@&rg irim *r risq}.edg i6ri!.lsldfi.dr$ ikmtr4i€ SaFL{&os n $&s ier g;l&e,- Ihs 'J &ffi lqlp fErklgrDar F4)ffi' ferslto lh::martm .the;&18 ld.d.lt;: g liLb lb'r'''t{4?rs 1€!.6r aB rrijg a!1 : erol'eijnrJ tst }€€ss? Sf4'tng le ard doi3g ire)rfiedi, fsrel.b ?asti.Es3 ef,ltrd nr &{sgtd il&Br l.lfl,rhiod n&F ItsllloaraqE tlr,ltr!, fdvFtito itpEo8€d"sn, -Ane i'Eu !f.i$nge !is{E /atltltd.@8 Il h a *er.rctr{r P€t P€€fo? Gsl$g ts tal1ooL F€rwl'&$ Pa$'ti!o? !l)al3j1g af,ouEd l$sto&.] 6l: sla!{i#.ng lx'. i!trl)ssl"{, Hirriti EleEEs n&l-ghtdr lEalsidBss lbna i+rtwite lt?r,"sdt al IE *lr&t dgbt? I,Jeda lbtd.s'*B$ Be{trd.ag a ?r.aa'tiisl $xrse P6{i l96ns8 SclBrxcq .f{{s6dto Pa6td-Ir63 l;-s86Dirg te lAe sedls llarie& liadrcdr faiic$&er iilcttw+3 1135r' lEv'di,to U&re6ds1f *rut q) Ib$ .&o'rdtl"cEr }4r:.q. ndl].tearer Pct tsca€t Cd{egtqr Ir*rvei'io ?arL{.w3 * lJCng lhu€c lfutr?sIr $agucr Utclfisslos Clri"d. ls"Elts &{)resd$!! :ba }jBrrt 'ijs tlstl ll-aLD .Cnhltiotr 1 ll6i ?scf6! SIrOc',rs gd!.!ea,i riq.:,.ir e!u,:u.!'6* ira'iEl'ir'r Pe6t!,ng q::6+s Enesi lli-lDh Sche4ll ld,ahanei ltclry trarwliF lt:.pr\s$d'q!t niiri, r'$ai: l;il .ia:r, to lrct? P+t PeevbA Schoohror;c Fsi'gl,tg Pastl,nr i Pl .)tug lle atxtl.e.x ilal.lt,lBblti{.air 8.C{r,.So $of:h .<"r Uilag-.8lull:qjeES, i rg!E-ie$L- fia€: dP Faeo,ld. Ssce.hr Etclrleret &6rW fbrsi.Lto &preEoJ.€al ''lf -(, L/r' ftrlle! U&in,4rbLtl@$ I'r:T!,.,-' !6+ tas?it lnlngsr 'lxa'tLc?s !ra:or!-tc Far*efures &r:djJrg &oet Al:arl Sc&oan. ld.clGest .Al!t Ir$erlte eeqrre s sictsr Ilor neE' l&tu Adlttte& I llndc rtrlerl *e 6(1" ?6t For:vee Gacmotrqy "0 ldqrrS,tc Paslltr@t P"{,,*ir ea&& iier3ee Uu :rc Fir]gss iltclae:et ltorc it4ra &dritlor3 Smfe sd,ora'l- ph#lrjgi,r.ti:6, IsF,ealta Uq)?egsl-on.a ilone Pet PssrEi flfaL! d"ry laYoritc lastlnc: Ikaditg iirys8 Rosc tietshrk Sicliullet ftse?d I€Yortts IE !'sgsd,$,[ llhsgt Ids*:r 4d'l,t1oas be d.gbii6#n Pei Pa€:rcer Sbqrt4g 1rte€ {n l$dry !t€b'b tt Favqndtc Pastlxes trfu ,i.c linreN D!.Eoe Balljia$ l{icl@ss SotB !'avw.Lie &.pregr,iwr3 Donti, l}E Fo surptd !€t Pe!6s8 GeonetsTr FelroEl.te Pastlrer ltrjterilrg t* rceosds l',a-h .b&d,tLorxt CB 16 lbatreal ils€8 Ctlbsri SEdfeHn filclsrltllec CLbb6r .PsrbrC,te gr!]rosetcui thsse ktds l,llal,",ttridti,a0M Fl,ni.e"r. gc&o*iF&v@l'!s Pastl,u6e ? Pe't leEc'st Schsul 3 €3 neruest, lryEl(9 iii{dsli8le3 ? lfavoFj.*e g:$reo$Lo&3 il€Ll ;id.lr du.hltlc&t lgt be€astrrne P€cire3 SEsl.-os Fatrdf{,ta gaciij'rot :o. I IllJ. hs dtE€-de"g. doodtod s plSoi: {!Ig hoo)<e oLi:'l:stx! j,Bqr Jou-(,. Blt psa:: .r&&r +&at Cg? 3oe 5 3,0 reg lrexg, Bqn.,[i ]"ou 9€3 el,flftt t6r pax.ldngs,) :j':--__i.: iQ, bst Oect gJ.aa Eab@et i{It gs3fi !lil,! j :+ij .-,/\) Kttz G€cE'gB lErei+i lr?resd.o!$ Ecllcst td Pe*e :i:l'r ;r;f,'.!la.iJ ,& 86r, ag perj.p.i; :ai :jcr.Bl: Grj@e,furr d-t€ PsB&lEs3 :li,oter,i'ng te ihe rfd$ir ba! ft& Siaqhrk .t7l EdaE?9 'isali*el ?r-,E...'-k !:&ni€sielarl {IixircbB "ndl:"di ilgi li4! bltit'ieur! i,a16"'er0 s p3t1ra',i€ tetr'ote*y ?6t P'€i€3 ltiit6$g iA& gqyl j s.'b lb,:, a.ano .'dtn-* ?5...n:,':a rr,r!rlia.d-r3 Set !"-:rJ.rj s:lw sl.i.,i, rjye:lg .le:uqr s @&R"gac6.-lM ,.'a "bigsn cnF sr&9.s1 lrl{t€ '::h,i..,{ di rqflr€rs1gJaa:d Bs:3h18k, ,=Tl la"::' -qi'tn ' ol" ll viii& {ilrr{res.{ Ftid.$x.;tg, ir-g{::,\rr.!,.r :.tsh.f, 'argi 6 lvs }-:q..q.t.e,xi -1, ::.. ' " At $re b.giru&cg of t&e yeaf i.re :,'!srt6d Ent uolk \.d.tb e {6bJ tto&rtut L$ Cj.drt jl,aFr 10.6o0rs \.ork uaear!.b rrc:lJ s€rdqrrs becqrse !"s tfyed ".s gct as rdrch *rtcriqlno;r.i; ouii grlat of or scbool a6 I {ss!b:la tlgt{wer lrF feol re icTc accoiDl! Bhod Il|oh by uotJd.j]'t iuidr erd pryln6 alleotSou .lio ihe SessoBr: oqocial.J-;- "!:r Coorie"f-y c..r, Fe€o6 Eubjoct) IfE b&rre all slrcaodea l_! salii&g t|$t!:g ltJ.oids]ripe" &re.;e T€n Ctaos 3ap. I{ii{ Fed lu}r ln the creek? Frsnk; (angl]-y)"I dtdrit corE; to fa1l 1nn I eaue ta fi,sL, Susan: llow dLd you. cone No fa1l" OUCHI --Tffiber: liarrr " silat t-as that crash? !{ar4r: Rene!0ber that vase ycu \{ere al"way€ }l'orfled you broken? thoughb lt would becauee I4othen:Ios., whaD €bolli lU? "€ at'ol.1ts Harr?': Yollx'worrl,es e.re ovefo rsffiEExJ*Cn(](trXJCrg Aod do you knc$'.\ftat ls the d:lffererce beb'Jean s 'v:rsc ni.l autonobiile aBd a monley? Weltr" T!11"te1L yc.u.,-*- Tho ks,es is $a d6ar, i:he ri"Lltoin(:bt::^i) ls t6o dear. and the rDonkey i= yorr dear" 15"r r"r'1-<!-qF.r?f I.._1-(i..Y'< .8sFg- P--eJ-c.EF.e '? -ldntE stri h"i,ne yol.lr *i fe tire jr;ijd'-. u'h:c-L'. ei,.r'rj-::; 'tIsu nai,ntain {t -r'.es l'rer s?E .i'- Lrl-i:. i,oir do }o[ li3r]. i ill]..i.: r' flShe kept eggfug ne on, iucgr:. Oler :iiid cr.rT r,i:rii s:::iii [ ar:d Ir]ti': itaire ycu i:ij 'r'..i': : 'Iusf saek tre oEsr ,. iit*:li o:tcr,:, '.l"ldge e:irdt. , . ..,!l tbat toolihl.ess ol"i f rs1 4): a y+1!. rCase dl s',d 3sed in _'tjmr t!"ir: t4g!E-_&g|"gi :.!a t,,: ? . qrrpjl-!;ixlgi = 3 8onoid. Illldoma" 3C-!cl]ot q$Iryutz n ?azDritc E&ros8l@a A-d :jhaL l!rj,! .{xrbitd.on r .lJF6r Uoi , :et Poel7os lIaEL[lrg :drorld. Paltlre8 S!,o?::s fa@t Ja&rt goh 3 taralg ? ._{._, '1,' s =-cl!o8'.prnryaessilf{ls )rs! cm. Hie I foEftte glrt lkll1 debltd,@s ?et Ps€T6s of, nctloal CEt nry65,oE yworlio PattLur ltld.,r Eglrr g.€![ Peppf,.€r XtCgraDer Ss6 3alEldto S+r6e61ont Cht &:rEra Uor* !t mrll; ere 1..f. ?Et Pe€ges ltrlErsrffik ia.I,arrXte PaEtlEe g l.lrslc :1+ lribtttaar :larcB llalold Sc&ase :i.Cc!l!oi go,!€ fsTbrl-to &)rorst ar Xs t&qt sc :a1! .AlEbtttqs R"C"U.P. ? let P€ey$ Sd@1 3:,r:onlte Pagttoc,t !..,iatcl::h[; !,,V! ll*.eE JudLth orl]$eon :;ldaanet t Judj. jDnLe r :1,rorlto Dqrro6d,ant ltbo car.i 6? -: .1n-.0r!b1tlotrd Cho:o 1e1," toeh.Dl.ci€I .-et .Peev€, Iiia.&LDg diehes Iaelid te PaEtltiEr Sf,JdliA 'Ica.heri n therc a a st dent Xa tidu Crade Tq.loss a fool' of b€rEer :",1s qoos ut *rc io **ffiS-Yag T *eAi beeh' 1 dra€htar trs6 prodsod. tc, tr rgr slfa r 1r!.s t'sB! quB fr1l t .t- .r,iire.t q.:6a:,i y=r. kept h8lg.Ing !iruo,: here sqEty nJi,Jrt,,dld yc/E (!4)sa{ Pb',,' ,/ It r.!o rv{ Igl &e hcarlast tfu!.$ *,a trlt1t !r'bettr aeloe}, ts L&ea gDo fE 16 i I Ia.t Slsrs Haboft* q E Ul&6!!a, Shcbr ?rnis{,to &qrfasde.r nc6tt !g! !o*itd.r$ 9teogrqs'ea Prl Pc6ra Hlg ttB dioil Pal.slts Par$ioss D.Gcdlg Soal i!4f rEo1.@ Etl'iip r E.b.6r: Frra:ftg &)6!dr-cr trer l8rrry jel4id@d fuwta (barsts]!) Prt Pe.w! lleEE r Mto !astds6! fuctarpfryf.ag ncrtart i$cbrertg trr* llosr Ic@& I'I€ldh@? I &tcr:dL* I !a\,sat"t€. naT,!.esei!'r:!3' 0h.. E.domoa Sll* l:p ,_ r- ,'-r , r;J ,... *' rt 'c,r 't',,-f8o6d ili.{"$ *::Eri3r- ll!dtrv!:{.r rlad ' q6tir.'j"t', r.:i?Fitjr:r.1;;3 fcfl ,:.d'r.tr :!,rti: ila{i ,lila!,ien r Si{ij:i, :.6Jc!r\: te: IJr-ll9.! r llQtt.:€Tin .., .,{.a FjhL+"r Po6t&.Lr .l ilrin6 ri.ii Lr{.i !tri. t !*-lil ' gdltlia E-or I lSdtr I **ar &ntfu !L. @. ue &€-igo-f t Edi] FrtP r tiirwtb -, 8N!tt!dc '!\!t t-g $@EI&IIL-0&AELRg2U $o startod flre gd,)ol tsro ul.th :ldu@. rtrulenls 6ar.o:.Lec1 Ir orlr cS.ass"iIEU€1'Gr ono 6f tbe pr4l.t"; orly spelt Af,Blt veeLg ldth rs ard t&e uea.i; to-.r.ivc and "ge tc .<ehc,ol tE O1ta"{ro rk l.Jlone rtrLj:toC tJ1c I'or' :rj^th rrd, a1:+t{si6r{u.en+l:1d-ad_:,r: trot o gff.i!'o eJ.1 :c,ruu.ed dotJ' .":oi,]r rirrrr schqo1 ',,c rl.bo :je,!diqi' teachea us pl_L 'but i,r*; Ju.jcct€0 trIclrch I L.l C<r-,nO*.,,tor -r,rlr i c,r rle +nurlt t"/ :mt root the r:LEC lieb.-1:f,.!,ilc, ll1tt|lJre hoii: {"f gtrr tet:.ii:ars rls|::.ld LoDe ta : . 'r€ I :ii :j .:1111 ;r .t , r. q; .io ptrj, de,fi!L]+. : glrr'r . rol",'1. ^^.. {L,r::dc i:t 1:. Xi CJ.a_.s Iiep. irar)L:Leri q):$4 ::tnr,JJijga-lJets? Sl}rJEA4&rt* +:.r-* u,,-4'frd$t ieloi -1- "$n' a.Ilff,sr'd KE!:,gt lli.lcneho. nsq]leskf iavGrlio erelc'd,€E 't(nl big dllb: 2itt 't-l ia-.! .Anbl.t.td3 Rsrlio atd Tovn 'cecb!: Cax Pei leaves ilorkhg htu3d asB rita Pastd&ce fl.e{4litg : *(i,* *b.i:$ larrls l.hrlalt ]tsck Fs!! l,tc ]}$resd'oos llon€st io fact ,ff iiELr -AnbitLoni Secretolry lot leovct Calllc to E(rloql :s.'ii,1.'1to PantJtes }tlt*rg ploes llsoer Jse! Indr'6s 11.1.1ftrh6l sJ6€!]!!l,ed trayorite L',&11r E qxo8sJ,orc j1f,6 i|!u Polle.fi Ealol1 /lablt-{et ldAff.! ? P€'i PcEy'6? lLgetfe Fd,rodtp Post"bo t [k]ll}g to tleria ilees trbark detrlch IiLclruns8 nllrsJlc€t Iraro:db qer€s$,ous 0hr:6 *&tt l.ai.n,PEb4tlonr llsc&ail:lo Pet Peeves Gobg to ,teboalFaror€te ?astl-neB llrg,:ls rlg:!? naue8 Jaqy ]lEdn4tg tu.claane: tspae.Vs Fsvod*e utae€sstons .lrc llcl: itiadlll ? l4atrx .0fibitloa! sta{rog|a&tr€s . P€t Pe,s"el CattiDe up esrly fu t&c !':rnt!E ta go to s,$4o1. !'arurite Pestlses H.T-i!g er.ol]ndo -Sgl&qI!!' Sbe toob !ry hasd ln sb6Lt ored. altokg. Shs tod& ry ca3llF ond rry hoks" Ste took t&e illrEstrs ltrap of fi.r*, g19 ta,(lk t&€ gtwe€ I bs'lighf, .f,ca b€E shg tool< {y r^roxds sf kiro snd. care, So to0k u$r fl-rffarg fleh EDd Faf,el Se torlk l5r ?tude f@: quit{) alrl,les So tooir i$. IcistsBstlat { g' FlS.. *e tocibrl raust cotfeEr rq €lies Sh€ tdak I &n-qt colxf,ess 4A Itd @r. -Arii tbet! *e tbd[i aaeti:eL glxy" |tt t :::i .--: ji Ll--l ; i:"1D0 rllDl7?- : i irfce:j,I4 lilirci! :1.:-.rn! rsaiiS'r: :--*!ri".e L1q?refslgn! is tiat F, fac* j :!al-! 4ald,'tl,on I l-1rese :e'. :#$ w* !le c.4 ?ocue6 S(lJcdr€ :s?orL'.e ?oitd.rlg! Ilct:erdn6 Lo !1v15 I'ceo:.c1a George ftl]nder 3,Ca1sser F cestenous Geslgeft :i4:et :a?dtitc fr.ir!.e€sLolit ihrFerget tU. ld! ,]nbi'"j.on3 Ag"icdLr raf,J-st :ct ?6sye t ltrajlg :Terlto Past'l.tiet StuUiJrgsplayl&g gui bsl, Fporl,s l :;xr 3 l.llf,leao lJ€{lor :d.!.r,ber tt^{tu-o or1or ia-rrrlto Ilp?ood.!8r &e you Itih 6daAA fir.'Dd.ttools Secr.sta4r ?oote8 Cgln8 s€l]ooL ?et io :a?ori!f, lastj$ca ldlt rd;tggtn abe r{ lio ':"Bet lhrff ,atory 5.clo€laoc Eihcliat ::eorlt6 lqlrcssLoli ggab. :hla,hrirLtlorls l4:chaDi.e ?et PetreB Coi.ng to Bchao:L fsYoltte Pa!'tLnor Sorts roL&&Lq_ess..EW 116 cterligd tlre nsir sehcrl toeri lrLth sur orLgj.lr.L €lsv3a dnuj-1o*"rolle r e6r.e.; t€ qT . ao tl4ye lcft is dErtlg f,he yEaro Cur lrrh lE roGer".163 l"!r pelha; ' a noys gc.nlous ra&"r tha! $r FFsr,.lons 6radoo"At Ulsri: hsvg hoe)x good tJ,rjesrbt r'e are nDt FsuF E:ri .oua.t ta reirfl for dagtirer yoa3o llf DLoLo6' d1soctionE rl?re eJ cyed by oJ!.-'m.L - gush csenot b9 sald 6f, ,ii].geln a ail. Scci.al-- Sb.rlj.eps i.'e rosoLv€ tg t5Le the iqls\.rfst' e u.r h+ve ob,lrtb.od ,:d ,ilze .!fuo elqrorlonco rjF lravs hi, 'Jlth,?ft$ !B ].ea!€ lhe :.'Btir ILIC! i:j.11. a:l,ryJ roris n td. J, u; Ln fira seEt.oj:193, :&e tr66t sf, Luck to e.11 *i ;i1ltrl r-l!'8de ilqrTca . LII (lssa ia ir:ideah !,ep,, :lll i r. ri, ,.1:1,4 ..,1' :: :nci1 i{. !ii:l l-k,.ii i. ioi ,,,. ,ii. ..:.i'' J:rl (" l.tiii: oi.. : --::y 1." a }arllee r€I) , .. .. . a; ark D. worryind .rbont Jls 3*l:$o:. :,i rrk, :i. rd.th ii{c ,lrt,6 :r1' ?!d.ir,r, l:i--:r:d F,,l L.. (r - .!::. l:.-., i:. B" u.o: ';-r: r:;:.ti!. r;'i: : t:j; lt]. -:e ax l,r'i2,-1a t., :\eil.,.L.i. ct,:r, f :-,,:ai lo J.n a i:,:i.i:j r,li 1. {trj{ ii'{il:i l't;rjg ir, ':o , ::.,: r'riC El!.e,:1":rr: ,J, r.41.!i1,1:.ns- iii l9-: -:" lroi jra?i:'r: sc)i::,,:'r.l i1g: ili j.1 :-. earh. liati, ii 1,.' ,', nct lle;L 1: :.1 i j:L:.:.:: ijr:ta r::l'ri:i,.on I:: :r P, .?}$!, tc.j.t-i.t g i ':,i. ::i1 r'li :t'i, ,t Ir :1t;: I l)s{rll sh:ilril,'., -r::-r'!,:? 'i: A" 6 ftr " ( -r.l: j.et:. 'i4.nct ii.j.r",l iaF; ::i ij:!.ti.,l] f - ie I'1.. oulr qd ti. l! *rl.iJ:i i/,1.!'c. !-: -:- i" !'rot tre:)i':'.'-r'ti r::! ;:::-:' l"not l.* 1:rt r: t, :.1 '1 11; 11..:' )!'" !:i.c= Jrcf think:!":xg $.f ri!ii r r:?,11,: {ie ::i1i!:'t S" g'-lYinil iih.: ;:).-.: t!''r ,",)r}1i I c-'-'l: (' eer do()l' {i'i:rl--1 :' .lil i ' iEl=re II" eeJ:tnE e bhil r r al. e ::-: ;.. gett.f"ng dr:unil :=.-a Z" lrliirc-,lt iai{*. i-:: .i" not t&Ll.:iTi€, ab,Jt i: ta-: l. as a 10"1er,- 14""'e " s] ot?s i,be! tl1e teE! op€n€d !c,lugusi, tbe boyte plaS-ed ioai;boll, a:ra the glrls pleryed wiJ.eg'beJJ..no ith pl€ycd a E€lios'of Cailes ultA h.ltgellbJr$rc,iurchhBd,df,erAj.l'l,coats oild trredenblrlvn gtf4$nQ:.tegat ef,ter tlle clrri.$taag houdayso[igh.i"' es,hedli,ed tseis lrerg drar@ upc&e anmrel h!$ ecblol bqB6?t61rEs heid os lqltn:Ejf,r 3r4e 5s!lre* @ro tidrt€dr1 Losa.L !tudlsetbee Scbllnothroer *rur:r gal3chix{d,gBrt1$ f,ron lagllslCa:,d*sl€lgeBtnnrgre.o trron nEfi6} erd DropooteJiahtng e tltal^ of f,fr€Nlq'bslx rfu&so lha l'lJxllers r.Iere as foLlo\t€ z.DEs! Scir€udel" 9J't"1,tu]36f ,4an ala€ l'kcrlgo,lx .wjg-usm f; Es:rUb.G 2i U{,lIarcf 3;]{ro ilaleluf -qtru_-uEE i.BoPandLalc 26!bank Dj.etra-ch 4o&4r Atdreve Fj-:lEI n!'rL or1tt ltarLello llialr€rstoc& ligges* olrd.r Deaa Sehc$d31 A g!.f:'rs 93d. \rta rtak llent to lotllrtou n1e Cltts rLlk vas sLtpped lr5| &!tr ,1*ad!arc..tur.(1 -Flailq i.!o11,l,Eo! 93coni1..l ltldred l,tlrrLead^Ju4y bl.Ilsos4 'he 63rls loEt, out to Toi'kton Coirpositco Qo botIs tdnl; ue6 el.ipp€d lry !ba* Dl6 Lrtch,fld1'd.:,lrdy bo:op,u* EecoEd-CloDb Pepp:.or/Le€d-ilalEv Intgnge fte boyrs Lo.t oui to Iaagoni rgn .B*tir€ skllped t?- lbark DJ.etrtc&r.Andy Bol€rdk erd ghBLdoD S€t(rtltz sellt tjo tlxo Clllrc.bbrtdge tollspleto ibodc uoa flrsi tn ljhc aocoad eyelt"Olr o rfuk Ektpped tf !b&ik Dietutoh vent to J*lgcnburE bub 16st d.to1\ro tS"rb8 &lppeA oy Elsltxo !.[@'ftso4 eld Cdj-bex.c Indr.el,i .r.,eat io Cl.1b6rt, idJud,ng, f,ow4& $r the Eeeolrd eveataeae rla&eldppert l1eg6 dth Poplgler rsnt to IobU-E loi Lcst out6 br ':1o& J 35r lFr & Thqsdlyrllag ?5rtcrlcr csJs rlent io s!.1teos,tE f,or {trte field ]xeeic e€le b softlqLl eSEj!flt ClEs.ch,Laldgere!1C :ost br the .f{aals -to Se1+"esatso Tae bojrt s Lo6t tJd.or fi-?fit g?llle itr basr:bgf,.1 to Yor.'htor] coaposl_ta" l:e gtrl,s tron tll€r ftrst Sgof,tg lopolt,ers Kar.ea fopp Bsffy Antory tl 'j:j :: , . " i'' l: ll!:i:.] , .. : . _r :i-i.;r :j: ;il 'i'i:i -: a<A Iqv !€psh 8!g L&_LoBscr !:h€_ ]4o_:rksy_giAg.:.&&. Three aolkeys-€E-ffr-6-6FoeririE tiee Diseusslng meny things As ihere ts setd to b€ saLd one to ano'uhet n liov ltsten you t& Therete a eerNaln rurbr ?hat eantt be trire That, nan desceEded Fron olil Eobl,e racs fhe very j-dea le a dlsa?ac6" I'lo nonkey evsr deserted his nlfe Stafir€d h€r baby o s And rulned her lifoo Atrd you n6Ter heard of a no$&er qonk ?o leave ber baby rdth others to buik. 0x' pass thelE on ibon one to enoiher f11.1 her{il"y ls ktorn uho 1d there sother,, lnd ano'ther thr.ng you seLdon see A monk ldith a fe,rce alound a cocoanut tree fj taf'vation would force you to steal fron ae, Thererg aDother ihtns a @onk i$onrt do Go out at night and go on a 5te!t 0r use a gun or rrlub or wife" To take sone oi;h:r monkoy ? an.l-lfeo Yee nan descenCed ff,ol! the orney cusg But brother he dldntt descend frona us. sffirffiwcffi Slas 1,lhtLe Tou Drty€ At At At 45 niles are hsppy n psT-i3F;fiE-ftTr;ffi;ys ?t rr nlrm 55 _ ? 65 75 r At 85 n t It '" n !l n ll l! o waysc but e strangei hei€"n H€avea r4' hona.k tNearar ls ny G6d go Theon. lEhea the ro].l- ls eelled u: ysnder" I'L!, bo there "n nlo::d Iin cornl,ng hone,n lcoceE{ffirr lllfei {operas are so sadu the }overs af.l dLg ln the ond" Th6y donrt har'e a chance to f:a? nal"ried.n ;lusbandt tThatts $hy they leiwe ne unmoved---tliey dlr: bef,)re 'they flnd out rfiFt reaL zuffering ls.n rccEcr:Y+'g'eFgtx The one thing raosg men caIl do bettrer,rthan anyone e:lse Ls read their olin ?Irltingo xxrig:oDaucar{3ax '*, ,-*o \C o9