1900s - Town of Pepperell
1900s - Town of Pepperell
.x. ,, EAR],Y STORFS lthere the Congregatlonal a laverrt. to the south, bulldlri€ ou€'-atory "Squlre and owred by gqulre bul1t thls lroa also houae, Lee,n orlglnally, cut, af,ay to {lden thts a road betqeen, by th€ Squlre. . i. \ - as tho Tilaoton Lou5e. thl8 Ii la st111, convenlent ccoforts lhe oother tlaughters, ran up to ol Ura. f. Street, door and rhlch house, !lr. BenJanln T11esi,on house, of So,aetlr,re 1n the llr. B, dyove !trrs. Jolr.Ir das 1nt1lEate wlth ong of of al,epa rhlch nany of ua recoll.ect, a teselreni. llved ln Prevloua she to l.1v- the houae on fornaend ro also dld hla Ruc- D!'. Charlea E. Parker 11vqd ln the Augrrstus Parker Dr. vl1lla4 th6 ordlnary and PeppereLl. nor occrrpled bt Ur. H&rry Foater, cessor aa atage drlver. 3other ol and speaks of golng up th8 tught the front ln toda.y the raost ln- d€stLtuie L, Tarbe1l, cannol, rei,reiober th€ house nlihout 1ng, 1tr thls probabllr ran beteegn l-orell 'roriae lt, ?as knorn the people eho llveil by naroe of BenJar0ln tlired here. the sta6e rhlch lq!' becaue a dwe11lng lt the average countt.y falB-house. ,Ors a famlly Durant, to note.here vll1age, Led to the and In l3t6r lnte{eathig house ln thls of day. About th16 tlne old bullallng, h111 ras ihlE and thls a h1l,I a a1al.e-hlll house. qualnt, stood a blr th.la 6aoe Later and 1r'iprove the street such as.d.t re0'alns to ihe pre8ent . o ,' Acrosa houae atood on qulte the baseBent, naklng lt of once stood Lenuel Park€r, or{ned aRd prol)at)LJr bullt and vraE uaed aa a aiore bulldlng Church no{ siandr, F. Healil, also. Ut6. llved there John Ane6, granattro :.eara, boarafnl -2 {ron, ge.nuel ?. her t\rrant, the Learnlng !u s1 ,1eA s I A l, o ' lr, l8 rC, re f e r, later shall F"t,out r:here l1r. a:s a hop 6tore, etood :Iovr stanl.s. .ran palri+.ell 6reen It and run by George w, Tar'belL, 1n the base,0ent. openlng allrecily covereJ y,lth ot full lir. J.)lrn ^;i,-ce csfie lron aillrtg and uelng 1t purpo6es! a sh ) e 'ras also '":rej Llie ne! Sqtrlre Leurrel l)ouglit a t"o-Ftorl, ell tavern over to atruC tur.e inaklr€ Chapter l !!e part cf realaler-lce, lo c a t e d , or hls .ud sllru'r'6, oc:.rpJ,1ria lt roons leng+"h f('r atore bu6lrless er, olflc€. here sas LuJ.Lt ln Bon, Lrroved the nhorn the on t h e eaat, Taver:I, l-n ihe e1l addlng aral 1 v h { rt ls Atherton as a tal1or. l8l?, t1l6 o1d 1t, tf,) that pl,i)'lograph anal {1eBcrlbe.1 ln la c ln g fi'on Dreaented. to her: paper. lio y ' i. ! t . sl:op rrut tr:J Joseph T. Fard, $irs arrcceeded by Thona6 r'. garten hefe. Rolan Blood wa8 a tirllor a trelfi$ conslderal,le glazllg a door floter'1ng tl-,e p1acc, of rrlth a LaerJer, used one for by i6 rlhol t1ll Bancroft, Luther hls death 1t qas stored. a.t Colonel 3. P. Shattuckrs, after 1a nor' lnterred ltrr. Dqer.aon 6old the atore Llbrary. ey. 1n tf!6 lranal "graveyard They ran the store hel,d tlre -ocrtga5e, lireBa and stock, Lorlng but, of books,n the Publ-lc to .!J]e6, Cutter, and Svas- aboi.rt irvo vhen Seth NaBon, sho "veara and Sqlrlre Crosby bought the bus- forecloBeii, Fhlch later frolr New York.leased he sold at alrctlon. the st.re Next ltrr. John and took cl:ar6e about 1816. rrsed to go to Ner York a:td buy gooda in large quantl!vhen ai a'.lctlon e-nd h1B nerchalrdl6e arrlved, 1t sould be nolsed Ur. Irrlng tlea about p-nd .ronds P. Bl.ood eays! of people worrld. arrlve "lt (t) Irrlnc vraE alqays ln thls The Pcst Offlcc olie ad,r1n1sirattorr Itrr. !. yas l1kp the or.o!:d oti l)er.aalir days 1n our Aa he bou3ht, rJcheapr'ffr, Boston atoreB." noney." to patronlze. ilrrst ltaye rroaale sl,ore except durlng qhen e a,1a11 bulldlng l.-'as erectel aril u9ed. Sorle yeara 1ater, ov€'r ilr. Lorlng 'rso.0e,bodyritrlcklly and Ur. -1lfla1 Shlpley, boudht the Llece houae and e11, before fl-tted up as a sto!.e for ltrr. Lrrlng, the lnterlopera, 1n the atreet, who fiere oyerheard rirte Ferenrt soart, leased the property h1s brother-ln-lllw, referred to, ani Lt sas greatl-lr t,() the shagrln to renark, or !'re r'oull of shen passlng by have leased ihat, too. " li{r. John lxtrlng inantr.c hlstory, waa probably he E.rs flne an D1allsluran, he had a ro- 1ook1ng, ol ilroFt cordlal, and hail - 1of hls as the resFect a' Sentlellan aa vell the naruier"s ol fell- o\4 lorens-ien. !:1n nephe,*, !trr. Charles I). Htrichl)l6on, teca:ne as- soclated h 1 n 1 n b u 61nes6 1n ihe lr ear 18"2 and eo contlnued t11l -l th l-he leath erly t,o nlLlian Shlplelr Ln t862, Mr' 1875, he wl1led PuLllehlng 29, thlB proterty Soclety fro-u the Phllede1phla part1e8, of they sold rultll present lncrL:lbent, (ln 1916). Thls old dotrn 1n A-rg:rFt, 1905, and replaced bulldlng and occupled as a etore d e a th , A u g u st, prolerty 1914. l{ r , and the s i or e 1879, leas|i5 'chen he {aa aucceecled by h1s gon, :{ary l9l?. and Tract Mr. Hutchlnso!'r bolrght lhe corlteiris of the otore l8?8. 17, dled Decerber John lorlng s u c c e e d e d a e P o st l .{a s!e r ln t- lte wlnter hls dled sepie'lber shlpley to the .A.olerlcanl{erchant of, Phlla,ielpiila. prop- Johl ilace so1(l thts of Mr. l.orl-ng 1n l{i78. io hln 1n January, the l{utchln8on, f. (ltrace) bulldlng xaa iorn by a hantlsoi0e Colon1a1 brlck 1n l9O5 by t{r. }lutchlnson unt11 H. 1t' . lllr tchltlson noF l,o1.is the a n d a to re w h l ch $as w1l1ed io htr c bJ Lie fEther . oTltt!. STORIS Ada]n.8," kept e store Al]os A{ra.qa, i(]lo$n aa "Pepperqlnt Park Street ln the lr'rLildlDg noi{ ihe resldet-rce ol Ad(ilson r,foodYard. H e a o l d p a te n i , o e d l cl n e s, uor6, anal posslbly r'&s trshady.n on her bs, dJugs, candy, tobacco, a:' r d 11q- a few grocerles, lle waa brother The repultatlon of Abe1, father AdainE, the bul1d1nE con618ted ot one large anal tvg reaa bedroora. There o'cs also by Squlre San ?ar"ker, brother for of of, thls place "tlancy and l{arla" hlgh-studded rooa a whl1e a gtore cf Lenu,-1, on Park Street rlrn oppcslte lC4C. t1 :P i -f)re s)ie ldr. E. L, Tarbell lir' one ls on He&ld Street,.) l{r, Luther Breck'a Street t'he la:ld beChurch. the Congre6atlonal daughter Parson Bullard'n bowht to I'tlss Davldsonlo on o"r:rei all Eullard Hutchlnson noq L:.vos. lar]iell Shattuck ecod- ihe "ol'1 Pound, " (the net tweel the iF\r r.o.-rls, b4ck 3nl up io Ur. Bresk llarrlcC pr eaent by Charle8 Eoyntonra house on lleal'l Here ras located Toflngend s!t'eet. Erll'tard onlled ttle io the so-called of :!r. ][erla10s' house nexi to the corn6r rhere Ur' a s far as i{ t' . liiatf ie llll:er r a hore a.rc rrr1r1lilg back sesterly and southerly as Hls land ?'a:1or' the north TarLell. Putchlnsorr l'!o lse. l - a n d o n ? a rk S tre e t lot ThlS Louge Bull-ard' as a rrafsol1aje by Rev. lir. aa the present houge at'ooil a Eq"rare colonlal nof, eta,lds, waa bJught, by Luther far the au r'aer-house of {ind on nhlch On the grourds nearby, ooce occlrple; exlaled Bot'h stnrea i{111er.- of EllJah the presen*" regldonse Ur. Pullardrs After the house and l)ullt dealh, ihe liolrse antl land norl,h as fa!'aa and f,e6t aa far aE charle8 lolniorrrs. Probably -!trr' Tar- beLl added to the Bouthern end of hlB house a tvo-Etorlr a1d he cpejted a 6tore thereln bulldlng struciure. larbelt, e large ralsed t'he preaent resldence etooil oolethere troyed bulldtng near tlds ta"ern and the Cor€resatlonaL gectlon' a thlrd lendth 8tory, o: the of Ur. E. L. 1t as near the Breck ]1ne aa posslbLe' acales also thls anJ la'"er ha11 $hlcL ran the thole he bullt l3ter, placlng and tavern, itrr' 1n fror.t,. IIay FLre dss- Church 14 1859. J PEvlm rNDusrRY 'l But verlr lltt].e save thPt et one tloo latrrence, lbere all tro Engtlsheen. thet"aflt'lr bt bro t'her6, Dorreu tn thc southern part, of the totn on a llttls naBe, located etreB! thlch aen be learrleal ln sonnectlon ran thr$ugh the fatu of the I'ats Tllllar a nturnlng ahopn, as lt klnats of petter plates' T. has alveys bEc-n apoken of spoona, and ho]-]'ot ?arg rere nenufac tured bY thao. ' fn plotlrrg near thera ln conparatlvely recent yoara' llr. Xlr!( lt. Irarrence rmeartbed e large Pelter button, sbout three lnche6 ln dlalqetet, ln perfoot condltlon' but lt tBr not pre- served. Besgle F. Al.lea BRICK YARDS In the years Sone by ihere of r,rore cr les6 patlon that of have beeir aeveral ln the tovn, whlch have glven oocu- lnportance fev or more peopLe aa parta of ,latlng brlck, rhere on by allllerent and carrled yaril, The oldest a gcod bed of c1a:/ co'.lld be f)rJeil, iqana8ers. the pRBi, 1s probably no'c a thtlrg of golng tolfard Oek H1Ll, holre of the Dtrnbar's, the late last lroE the. corner Asher Blood pl-4ce, now the {ho was a brother-1n-l-aF !lr. Boynton was the ,uana6er, naklng practlcq,Ill. hie onl,y helD In the lvork waa froin hls chl].lrer, They all rvlnter far-lera only Fay of earnlng In the town. theLr that that thelr the older o!'Jr faGll.y of the fall, ln the ov'n ln nelghborlng the Col. of brlck J.ear, lt cl,othlng. the d.aughters golng toyrns. saouel P. Shattuck at thls Thls large ones belng qe11-knovn Tro vere physlclans; as lB??, Anea roade a klLn ras bulLt where on ahoes, and naklng naple su8ar durl]1,6 the sprln& aI]- 11ved to .oaturlty, As late yard ln }.ad to help ln the l-rick rorklrlg to boBea of the brlck, rl1ne nots an(i three dau8htera. th16 belng thelr la]lllly of llr. Sen. Later, tvelve that belng occupled over one hundred. years lt ago by one Joseph Larrence, Isaas Boynton, of a whole, one belng an extelj61ve cne, reachlng qrrlte at Oak HllL, Industrles ]rard for belng the La6t of a:1d ltrr, w11l1ao ihe toern house \':hlch the brlck r4aklng at Jard. The c1d. liard on the South Road at the corner of Shlrl-ey St. - ?ras knora land by the naBe of {hltneyrE but accupled Abolt 'probably Beventy or llofs the corner of lrt. qade at thls not gcarclty by the the slay by th6 late lfr. Lawrence uaed thls preeent tlre $ae on hls T. Iawrenca. ago, lt the cLalr, Lebanon. St. fi:olr rhlch :0ake aore, l{lll.lan yeara of yaral u1tl1 yaral, becauae lt l|rlth wa6 iqoveal or changed, froa Rlver place that to near anil brlcks St. ,ere le99 and lgOO rhen 1t waa glven they were rade had glven and later laqrence hla .vara! as long 8a lt the ol.al clay !,lt out up, aa so they coulal son, l{r. Jgncoe T. could be used. 16 ln e lontt of Tater At.the several feet, de ep. A ru4or haa been sttoat nade ln the eaaterly rerlalns a eyatery, part that of nany year:s ago, brlcts town, as aeveral of brrt ,here th6 old6r $ere or by }rhon n&naged, peopl€ fal1 to reten_ ber about lt. At present, art. ller th€re clay-p1ta be an lnduEtry rll,l fros pasi ihoueands the yand.s ln oaate ln tom, have to be developed ln tha torn, Deya anal underplnnlng Jear6 ere no brlcks anal brLcko on the car6 of brlchs fron lt before belng a.1ost, lt can agaln have to be brorrght ou! of todn, have besn shlpped for though 1n to other iorns tovn, I'3ter-. n ![rs. torloeil ne that oodvorth Ur. !'tlLlan has, slnce .A-BesbuiLt the above ,as f,rliten, the three brlck ln_ reneEent chlo_ -rhouaea on l'oster Street at Eaat Pepperell trou ao,re ot the brlck dranufactrured by hLB sboui 1877. rorked at-thg A].so she s&ld that her husband brlsk yaral tirenty or nore years 6lnce and thers end of the p1t to contlnue nats- raa pl,enty of clay at the other 1ng brlck for sone tloe to core. as late as 1892, rhen he flred ?as tbe 1a6t,. !trr. 'voofl$ort| bunreil brlct l?5,O.0 at each bum1n6. Thls THE HOP INDUgTRY an herbaceouE, tllnlng The hop ls pean Contlrieit, dcubtfully plant. On the R.rro- 1s spor.'r,ar reorrB, brrt ln ){orth A,lerlc& li 1i 1[,ilgenorrB. The crrltlvatlcn of hop6 for use In ihe rp-nufac t:lrs of Leer dates fro!1 an e4r1l. perio(i, 8 t h a 1 -IJ9 th ce n tr)rl e 6 h o:, gat' dens,,called lsled 1s In the r r hr r r qr r lar les,( ex- ln France a:rd. eef.r&ny. Ir. lt 1 1L6 t <uur +}1 ' !. can+ . r u.. ,JF t J, however, hops aplear grown 1n a very fltinltaruer Beglnnlng Flth rapldly. ftF a1ll to a 11,4-1ied extent. tl1e l7tb crrl tl va tl o n to have bee4 century the crrlt,l..atlon lnc reased r r as eilcollrase(i ln A,lerlca by legls- laL1ve enaclilFri'us 1rr | 557. Drrlng the lnst deca.lea of the l9th !le'l York rr.as the c}ilef the 2oth cc.rtrrry, and flrst decedes of llop groqing state 1n the unlon The county of fent ira6 alwaJrs '!:rterl 1,i!e lead 1n hop grote- lng ln Frgland. Tylng the ylnea to the pole6 on strlnga 'wonanre wcrk. to be drled, Aft,er 'belng plcked the hops are takeo to oasts the oasiF are c1t'cular green hopa are lald rrpon floora rea6 conslalered or aquare kl1lrs where tlte cov€red vlili hor,qe-ha1r under are open ato!:,eg or lltrlrac ea. The hopg are ftojq nlne or 'rh1ch te}1 hours drylng. Very fen hops are ralsed 1n thlB coL{rt:'y at tire, preeel1t t,!ae; Back 1n ihe town; 1n faci, lt ])elng found c]rea,per to buj' the)! froxl ftaLy. thlrtles thp h,rp In.1u.siry flourl I_,rrther Fltch she.i ln th16 and Joseph Ttanrer had hcp f1e1ds 1n the l&te elxtlee, Jonatlai Butters, fbey 1lved 1n tl,e Forrt}] perl John yebber, 1 n th e se ste rn fleLds on the pl-ace par t ol Pep) er e11. at the Badcr place on iteat Street. Eostor Liarket, thelr buln, and noq by l!r. place on.dres Harrlet later SlreFl, rhlch o f Pr u l e n ce {rtg h r LaNer kronn as owned b,v Ur. Ed{ln Col- l,eter 1,1r. -Aneo rnoved.to the ls now owneal iry h1s daughLer, trtlss ]lIns Ares 16 an honorarv nleolrer C h a pter , D. A. R. who,rl"Chase H11l't "ras na.re!l, !vl!o where Dr. errars hoiise ltllq stF"r(ia, and bullt ihe houae ovned by RRlnsford lhe hlgb achool brrlldlrlg flelds ol De\yane, had. large hop flel,.1s where nor star.rds. -f!b:.JaL"re!.ett llveri and had large He had a preas '!o llhlch st11f Conant. Jacob Chase, lor 11\'ed on tlie slte I{r. r.tetr'oerLl1'ed. hops end then thel. fiet"e sent to th6 Pel1etler. Ares a:id l[rE. Ur. Ur , Bui.tel.s 11ved l{t', .qrles 1lved on the place the Jcshua Blcod place, the to\qn, and Asa iackson A4es had large ole or!'/red ty l!1s6 Rosa Alden. the people broi]iht of ln tLe o1d llouae blr the covered brldge hops rqhere "The pepperell Card Shop', nct( s r! a : ! i s. llathanlel" tenslve {r'lEht hop f1e1d. ortr4ed the Henry Bl.ake place Ul1o !!r1ght, son of Nathanlel, Rlvcr Road (nor l1ved there alFo anC he hail hoD flelds. Canal St.) antt had hop f1e1d.s. and had an exlived. on the Hls son Alfred. He !!&s ihe flrst tsid of :dr6. $r61e Rlchard.6on, a Benber of pru(lp,nce'rlght, ter, D. A. R. hus_ Chap- The hoi.r8e on FlgL Street, r,here Mra, Rlchardson -tnot and hops nere ralsed bY tr{r. Altred'nrlght 'l!as bullt llvee t thdre Jtlso, place On'the lloee6 Grlffln tbe fleld ralsed ln thlnk, renalnerl oploElte at the corrrer of ![a1n and Canal street He hBc large Corner. " "Saunder'g ]trrs. Bgnnett, {rade yeast nor 1lvea, Joll^'r BLood' by the $oodtaqn ran throu6h {ere for ao nany ?orklng hop8' Celletery the Henry Blood pleca fron ihere, CbaEnan whcro llllllen also ralseil on Shlrleystreet' tlie Gutteraon, la a l0etqber of PrrlJence wrlght the HeI!'s, tho llved D. A, R. bf hopa and fle1ns ltrrs. Harrlei to 6e11. gralrd- da'Jghter of Isaec Benrett' Chapter, of any 1n ?ep?erelL' standl lrg the longeat' Isaaq Bennott llved hop holras, I the hous6 and thit oppoalte hops tere ln North Pepperell' roa'l lhe had hops' to Deacon Jewettto' to have dlnner lt a rhole iogk llrere laDb the ueat pat't of lt. Aluost, every 6ola1 the surplua farBer to the the hop plcktng c&slon by tho people, ralseal large so!0e hops for cel11,s a day and d1rul6r; oqn use and deaLers. seaaon ttas looked althor€h hla fortard q'ages dere snall. 1t xas conglderod qulie to as a gala ocTrent'y-f1ve {ort'h the th1le to earrl evEn a llitla. father' lly lats &&tr hl6 dayts he ras slx €arrrlag Henry Davenport at slx cents Shattrrck, often 8e-1d he be- e day 11 the hop fleld rhen years o1d. The aoctal 1lfe fostered ras tortJly conalderatlon and the d - 1cortr lbaatg tb€ evenlng ln f,ore neyer to be for8ottetr. Iata t. I'h16 only torn, !hr'e6 ln nuber, grade ol hop6 that anal rlthout Fltoh, larE€ quantl ty. oqlng allays lhen Xr. ca1lad hln Uvln8 1n the aouth part ot Sren ao flne a staDpeal I'Nrlnber Oncn Jolm Hoaley, they {ers vaa then the ntof,nn {as Luther llr. lnBpectlon. roaal or as lt I!. to hop ralgers telers th&ttuck rlio toseph aarrrer ths "Great on t*re atato Roaal" and at one tlue one thousand. dollsrs for near the Crt ton 11n4, alao hls output. relaed a . COOPERINC lnduetry Cooperlng was an lnportant ol cu.t' older Several of Pepperell. of cooper shopa at scrre of Locatlon doubt ihere sere others, On oak H111, ai hlstory 1n the eerly cl1-lze:\s have tol'l ne the ihe o1d Horqesteadg. No slirce taken dorn anal forSotten' the hoiles of Ur. -{bel wlnn and Ur' Con- versg I'lrm sere Ehopg. At ihe Deacon Jon86 Parker homestead a shop stood on tbe slde of op]roslte preseilt locatlon the road fro-a the hou6e, but qas uoved to 1tg bY Ur. Reed. !trr. Cha,:l-es L. Parker 1n takllrg down the brlck Just $eBi ol laa ter. ilie 'taLter ne that told chllAnejr of a cooper shop that Jeseti oppoalte 1 9 stl l t sta ndlng, the playgrounil fa*"her siood There place on Tovnsend Street. a shop on the Aaron Shattuck t he re hls he assisied place notr orcned by Mrs. gylvesa cooper s hop 1:r good condltlon, on lfhat r{as once the Bradlev l/al'nun hoinestead.. At H)veyrs Corner there qas a trhee1$rlghts shop' wlth roon ln orle end whlch was u6etl by Xnslgn Davld Shattuck cooper ahop. Many years a8o, there I'ence homestead; the o1d buLldlngs a as a waE a shop on ihe Abel Larare al-L 5on6, and the fanlly of Ur. Ralph Shattirck noYr 1l're ln a new resldence on the faro a t l l o 1 1 1 s Stre o t. So fer as I can learn the largest oji '!he B{rncrof t, Fafi0, on the oppoalte shop 1n iotvn waa Located slde of the road fro[ ho,ne of ltrre. -.ucy B. PaBe, anal near the alte the of the o1d srtlage. - 2\_ On 1,hat 6ectlon Mll on land. owned by qr, Street,, cotiage a.lall and cooper Fhop. rerrce resldeal there, and carrleal and of hlm ory father hogs head, holdlng the fleld. the cooperg trade, boitlc, one quart, to a on lEwpeng6, thai i,he l{at}ran Larreilce horrse In a pleasarlt farib.er Neri of naa Ann Dayl6 nov }lvea. dorvn the road at Stl1I beconlng rqake any sort holdlng v&s the 6hop orrned by Benjaoln stood near tle ltr1les l"ar- a hundJed or qore galLona. half near the ho-)se vhere ]{rs. Farther Ralph I,aIg- on ihe buslnesB of cooperlng. learjleJ tub or caak, r'ron a tlnl. Nashua Streei once stood a sorse :rears i[r. ihe qood, anil froD lt able to cut and prepare tlght HenrJr Parker, lbr and between Ho1l1s Strcet v.orknan, a corrain of qy father, He vaa a ekllled rence, of llaBhlla Streei norih plece, a ahop cor:ler between the rcad and there vas aj1 o1d coir-ad,e l(nown ao the itr1ke l.ftrrph], hou6€, t!:1F s.]Ia1l- ho.lse oras ^u.vcd aroir],ld 1865, 1,o the rear shop, All of those bulldlngs vere severril or'ly the S,dith or Don ho',re€ arr.l err.altsec for others ln the locril Stregt; were leveled another near +-he resldence at one s1de, a truly the col.C trlnter shavllg horse, monih6. and tools shaves, tvo sort,a of There I an unable to alalre|, of Eaat U1}1ag,e, one belng on Brookllne of ur. These old. rhons rrel:e, ge;reraliy place sone ]rearg s1nce. whose ex&ct Locailona tern a cooper cozy place George Carf,er. one LRr8e roon, for nelghborllr The cooper trad. for pecullar hls to '"he {orki Flth a flre- calLs durlng use a irerrch, sr-rch as drawlng ad,ze, a croze, pl,anea, s:llrg, .1lTlder6, b1r"E, -tdra{ tr119a }r,.olrr, and pos81b1y sone I have forgolten. lmlfe, done In the qlflter Ti.e work Faa nore generally pr1,1e aa qell a oat'!er.of ad lncone, iqonths, and $as coop- by the 'nore skllled ers. :he poLes and aiaves lvere s,et, then heated by the flre- place to rlake theu nore pllant day8 of Nelr En8land was so rrn- Holsel(eeplnd, ln the early llke thal, oi co,{fort iiepen.led on the lsork ol larllles ol A]ooBt everythlr€ ao,re sort of and pregervea, applesauce irhlch r"as ilade by tne barrelafirl. cl,othes there were several tub, alzes of butt,er, bolled [ap1e and clder, !'or 'r'ashlng *"1I'ostaves In each an openlng near the top then by. aod ,rackerel k1'"s, l-,arreLs tor prrk, There sere palls alder, tuba, qlth belng lor-.ger than the olhera, to l1ft L'loofers, skllLed There were tubs for for plckles how ;nuch the used ln her vrork tvas kept In the houseFlle tub or casl{, syrup and sugar, Fe cP-nnot reallze tlne. the .Iresert siiapl4g the barrel, ior flsh, ra6 a tall-, aplLes, flarln8 vlnegar, top p-ffair ielnes, and llqrrors, beef, The leach iub used io leach vcod aBhes, the lye obialrled. rras useal ln naklng sofL soap for wblch another atrong iiarrel rieu raa useal. lrlany of !o Bosion on l,arre1 daJs were requlred for One alrLver of rlgglngs .oade in Pepperell drawn by oxen. the Journey, laercharldlse on tbe return . ihe barrels rers car- Two or three the tean brlnglng a loaal of irlp. Euch a tean to]d Idr8. Alfre,L Boynton that rlgglng of h16 qa8on vas Bo broad and h1gh, ihat ticvn. in the narroyr streets the 1t knocked 616ns of Bostotr for l0hlch tre ha(l to stop and - 4e e ' ! t 1 e fo r d a [a 6 e a . There ls rhich 1n the Chapter House a ru,[ bot'ole, 1 8 l n p e rfe ct to carry thelr drink co n d li:.on. Sr r ch boiilc8 jna.le ln 1715, qer e used by nen L) ihe .fle1ds &t]d wood6. Josephlne i{. ].a'{re]Ice I THE 5HOE INDUSIRY The shoe lnilus try the famera trould fron ho.tres ln end Haverh11l Natlck 8tart, e&rly very Bpare nonenta. thelr by toa.:r. Lale at nlght, a Loa(l of etqck alreBdl' cut ago by and returrr The atock rao ldr. JolLl lttlL11ans a load of 1n ihe r0ornlng rlih reachlng Natlck years Daklng shoee 1n llttle settlers astong the llr6t shopa at thelr brought, coitulencedl ln Pepperell ahoea, the next day rlth the people to rrake hio for f1n- l e h e d sh o e a . Ur, lralcott, rho Llved on the Danle1 Blood pl,ace, not occupled by Ir. siock Bl1as, froq thare. the vlvea blnd the ahoes. b1ad1[9, useal to ilrlve and, daughters rould They hsd flve centa a ps,1r for and ttre huebanala a.rd sons put Uany of la one, and although r[ash rooo notr, are Et11]- Epe.rk of Later they could get About ia. the .iepot --) llr. So[etloe ls used for the Btock ln tovn. for the center rhere anal ahops. atore At and shop.r' Ur, wLllla[ th16 purpose. tren- A1ao, ltr. the GreenlaF place no* 1s. he had a shop untU he d1ed. and nade aeved shoes and el6o had s shqe stor6. 185r, .rJYr llvea. cloFlng t]reE together. as "the hed one there rhere he noved to He dld cobbllng lt lt hail a 6hop ln North VUlsge Putltrllr Sh3ituck Later close and the houaes 1n toFn have theas llttl-e 4y hone there dall to llavenh1l1 and brlng !{r. Able tlclntyre UcJntyro later, vlllage, llr. putilng had a shop rhere l1ved. rhers Albert out Ur. Fneil BancroftrB BfRdLey plaee had a ahoe bualnefls at anil enpl-oy1ng sore help to Lelghion atock ]Ir. - 2oake the shoes t],e:r'c. qanaged lhe bueirlesg lor d1u qulte he went Fest an(1 l{r. Lat€r a rhlle. Joseph llovey Then l{tr. Bralnard Shattuck gucceedllig hi.it. a hlslness, AL JU ! th 1 6 tl ,n e , ir r 1860 and 18?O, as r anJ' as lltteen or ra,-l.)sh.es 1n llenry ltoveyrs shop at lfoveyrs gcrner, t"'e-r:J rj--16 thelr 1age, stpck ready cut, froJ Bralnard ln Sllattrrck,s get- the v11- risc'l for cooDer at-i(lrrheelwrlght Thls shop vas orlglnal1l, b u € 1 n e ss. rn rozo Hovey's C)ajrer. lnventlon rent It sg }rell by loot a6 a great ,ras p1lt, lir sachioe r,-gglng po"ier help. ald tlre shJIr at r'as colFiderell The naahlne ls st1ll ll gre:ii 1n the ou 1 1d ]_13. Ir 1869, l{r. LeJ.gl1to,l returned shop 1r', Babbltassei the entlre 1879. ras It €hoe DoBtly sa6 rei,rrill burflei ln a nuch larger dred perple. lcally ers dld courage brllldlng Lelgl!."onrs Ee6 calleal sons. Thls ,qhoe industry for bu11dl]tg ln sllort, tl.tes they Lelghton enplolred pepperell to but ln Tilis il,e;/ bul1i a_ aone two h,.l:lthey were Ln 196J ,ch1ch practas the Lelghton reLu11d.. slncc, wa6 burned Brothers, saa bunred rany naklng s':) 1ev'hat, larger. see$e(l to()(l for 1n trhlch l1ct see0 to hF-r,'ecouraAe have nade shoes Thls a I{e hul1t l1e e,lployecl a good tt"-.|\lre"J. Thelr The flrn endeil the t! \ilere o& '!].e aane spo+" lrelng 1889. t,all! Itrr. Albert !'llfaje the re6t. froo Broth- A few 6na11 coopanleg Beerqlngly have not rtrade a su c eesg. Anna C. Shattllck fooclworth BURTINSHA' VIL]AGE Inrertzo ?. B]'ood, who {as nlneiJr-one i[y father, lg15; gs.rre oe the follo$lng 25, as 1t was called ot A rarrstua S. Shattuck Shat,trrck, father eo raan1,]eara afaa orened land borderlng on Sheffleld on trlaple Street. ge and BLood Streets con- and ex- llest of Sucker Brook on Heal'd Streei a l1ttle A' the farin where llr' ornel of Cept. Tom Shatiuck, S. Shattuck has 11\'ed for oenclng Vlllage' or in BurklnslEq sonle t1ne. for Captaln VryllnE and broiher about the lndua- lnfornetlon on over on the Pla1!t, caruled trles on July l,endlr.rg to ihe aantl h1t1 on ELood Street,, lilctrldlng the ol11 pond. n'hen, ln iirelr chlrrch edlflce. flrBt the one t,hat sas l)lrr1-leC, 1i was Il belng clrt elae{,,here. Y'as a good broad fteld Fork on, alld Capl,aln Shattu(:k ga're the use of The {ork aloehouse, In Strgota, nor l-roundeclby Heatd. and Sheffleld franeil on the cor]er the tf0bers bullt the Orthodox Soclety 1812, the neEbers of to the land. Bolng on couLd easlL)' be seen fron i'hat 13 nod the then orned by Noah Blood and occupled by h1B faolly. 1844. \(hen ihe houae nor occupled b", Lorenzo P. Bloo(1 waa re- built by hls tage to 1ts preBellt san-,lrlll [orth Noah Blood, lather, stendlng etyle' belns changed froq t,he lu.qbcr used nas sa$e'[ out, ln a on ihe north-eaat corner of of the present, dan on Sucker Brook. Co1. San P, Shatt.tck. as BILl Poll) a sma11 cot- Hls brother, the n111 pond, Th18 nll]' '1111an, used. the poFer to aaF out lnner n'aa mn by ( faJql11ar1y kno{n aoleg for brogan6 - 2fro,! thln wood, probably oa-E, rrhlch lcaa lrsed lnstead of leather. becans the owner 6o,ier'here ln the torties, _Jo-hn,Lorlngr'. sJ,f,e of the land on Sheffleld Street. He vas aDpolnteil of Suardlan of Levl 'rlghi, by Aaron Burklnsha{, and lei and he bulLi the hou6e occrrpled Lat€r on the corner of Heald. anit SheflJeld L e vl w rl g h ta n d h1s r lfe occupJ Lt, M r . Lor lng (pro])abll' the ldea ot golng lnto 'uJns covered qlth tlrater1a1 tor .1ent6 cca,ts.) the brrttor b:rslteas sben S&nue1 !t11l,1ston of Northaapion, A.aher8t Coltege, a forturle 1n,:u6try. to NortLa.Bpton 'vo look lnto trlr. L.)rltlgra the benefactors of qrrlte He caLled on L. ?. Col1ege. Ur. Lorlng scheiae, hoEever, anti lrhe property cal0e the hasds of Aerorl Burklnshar. ing 1]1 :iarrgatuck, ![a.n by t,1rth, aa a cutler 1n Sheffleld, a flourlshlng a knlfe bualneas, bece.o.erldely In e talk nlnetJ-f,lrst Ccnl. l{r. Burkl:lsharr rcaa 11y- when he borrght here. and had Berve{'. hls &nd esiab1l6he,l . brrt- son, Henry, went cut, 1ni.o the b-{sloesg. Thls $aa soineFhere pl o,t+- 1l)"-81. that netal Thle wag the t1n9 one of Bloo(r fiJlo vras then a Attrdel|t at Alherst aban.io,rp.i the l"rslnesB conc el v ed proinlnent &nd acqulred had nad.e hlnself lu thls Streets, an Brgllsh''a6 appre-rrtlceFhlp ot seven yeara He brought fac tory, h]-F Engllsl1llcn wlth rhere he anll hls &nd oanufactrlfcd knoEn for thelr He tlre lnfontatlon pl,erqente.l as follotls; sons brrllt up a gra,le of pocket-kntvea exc€llence. f had !{:.th Mr. Au8ustus ShEttuck, year, hLn qho 1s In h16 I got fron lry father waa sup- -tC a p ta l n vryl l n g 1n the spr lng S hattilck sol{ l, tsenl,y-one acrea of land at an acre to Col. t!'.enty dollars San P. Shat,irrck and John Irrlng 1n partnershJ_p. ]and bordered by Heald,, gheffiold, of 1P44, Thls lraa the and Blood Str€--ts, lnclud- lng tbe r1l1 pond and the Fater power on Sucker Brook, That r4 4 -r4 5 , th e p a r t:1er s hlr ed a !1lllwl,tght, fr on Nagh i r a nl-rter, tJ put .rachlnery TheJ bedel aarlng Into a saw o11l c1 ihe north later on. The flrst slde of the brook. lt-Llber sa{e.1 ce-r4efroJt John Tarbel-Lrs land ln The logs {ere tea.4ci by Capt. -lrookllne. Leauel Parker and the boardB }.ere rlse(i in l)ul1d-1ng the covered. brldge norr statldlng near the ofd mlll_-slte but ,!r:Is neYer llseal for factgry turJ ago Jcnathan Shattuck, had a sa\F n1lL at i"t,t7. 1!r Eaet peFperell. over the Nashup- Rlver 1v&6put lrp for prr!"po6e. i-[ore than a cen- that Jonathan Shattuck was lrlrrrr :n tr[r. Augrrstus Shattrrck recalls grandfatherrc seeltg old u111 qhen he was a boJr. or rro.l-dnlgger qheel." &s lcaptaln as a pLayihiilg by "e1rr" nhen he rcas a boy. The large Alta house on Sheflleld S. Shattuck daughter, end fornerly 1{a6 brr11t by t!r. i.irshav house; Dr. Cutter The flrst fryl1!.€'r Street,, the sil-1.6 of hls ?he carrj'lng-vrheel called lt, nas used now the property aild the reajd--4ce of Aaron Burklnshavrs ;,trrs. Frost, Henry O1lver, the l)utton Ca?tain 1/ry1lng Shat,+,uekb fath€r, spot. thls The bu1ld1ng bulldln8 ormed for irrtng llveal there of grand_ sone Jrears by tr{r. about lB4Z, efter the Eurl<_ for one atE[ner. on the p1aln na6 an &rdory for storlng Lhe arln6 of re o1d Prescott Capt, To.a Shattuck'B t h e t l o e .o f l ts Grrarda. Irvell Shettuek, sona, ra6 tlle cororander of the coiqpany at aboui 1840. e a ta b l l slr r lent, 'r..rit,iirrg, t,ut had been useal aa a store It n e a r H o ve y'a C o rner , 1t frJr tl ,a l ]lr . sas not a nei by "r.,'ncle sa]l Parker,r' ano atood near the houae trhere E11Jah ldlller St r e e t o!]e of now Llves on Park A, S. Shattuqk helped to dov e to a Fl' - e near the pr csent ilaJ.tr entr ance of sl o t Woodlatqa Ceoeterlr. Forty yeara ago Burklnshar prosirerlLJ. fu1l, the Vlllage pl,ayoates of thelr gports other thelr the lIttle workl',d hamlet, were the .lass, Tlre yar!.ee Jilnner of icockneyer vore16, but fraternlze.l to the orlg1na1 lor drop- rlth factn4', of thts expert For{Een f1n- nBurklnFhawfl on the blade of a Hovever, 11ke the tolpn the buslness has l)asee.l a{aJ. one of the sona of Aaron BurklnEhar inhlle ihe sturdy these 'worlelen, after and the name of 1n tr)irn for the cottai,es and the or.lers were was the guarant-v of hon68t, gooda. lndustrles reglded of of 1t6 around the 0111 pond and along the brook. Ad.dltlcns rsere bu1lt pocket-kolfe of and tfilstlr)g lshed the knlvea, f,aB firll, had the a1r of an Engllsh t,eased and nlulcked h'g t,he,a 1n thelr Exgllnhqen the chlldren a.ll- chlldrell, ping the fac tory The handa lrerg all eo that was et the helght The o1d tsrrrklirsharl houae aas full, the pond was frrl1, t..r11. Vlllage ls ngr l.1vlng, Only and he haa not Bcrne 'rears. the Vlflage hae not qulte the deserted, a1r ol so,ng gec- I -5tlons of our old torn, li 16 no Lon8er ths brrsy hlve of lndua- trJr, no rork havln8 been alons ln the lactory HoqeYer, - ihe bulLdlng for three years. 16 stl1l- orneal by the Burklnahar X[tt6 Coopany, at preaent repreoented by ltrs. Fred Burklnehar, r*pi_. of the youngest of Aaron Burklnsharrs the sona, and Alta S. Iiattuct. i r! Amah ?, Blood Se p t. 6, t 915 l (..- (- I,(ACIIINE SHOPS caile wlth Leouel 'nard Blake boni ln l,l11ion, Uassachuaeits, h1s wlfe and fadlly slx ot trfassachuse'.ts to reelde fleld, purchas€d the {ater fro{ sons and i$o dau8htera' 1n 18t6. 1n Eaei Pepperell power, rhops, aild n111 fron He Dr. Lavrrence of of Anpleton' the father Haapton Beach, New Htuapshlre, who ras Sprlng- Joseph, and Al,frcd Lavrellce. the olal nachlne ahop Fas, el 6ent slze and located opposlte house. 1ta pre- on th€ Canal banl{ n€ar the sLulce riay and the old Grl9t and Saw rr111. resl-ded 1n the old house on the slie Dr. larrence Taftis thal, lJ.;!e, one thlrd Appleion of Charles L&lrrence ogcupled the house, ror' the ree- ldenee of Edgar -. B1ake. Joseph Lawrence {as a sea-farlng !a!r. i-lrrn. After the sale of the Alfred Lawrence qas of a l.lterarJ property io !Ir. of the torn d1ed. io Btake, tl,e farrq now o1{r1edby ldr. Payson Srnlth, rehere he Hla brother, one half ufactured Blake bought, the buslnesa frojr Charles Cay who nan- ienonlne nachlnes, and Coir0panyof Lancp-st,er, Uassachlrsetts, nanufacturea of Blake contlnued saah, doors, bllnds, rlndors, ln the Eane uanufacturlng llne and Horlzont&1; thereio the nanulacture Fater-pheela. for rrho were and so forth. unt1l of the patentB on the nachlnes lrhen he greatly the busl4esa by adilng Uprlghi Sarah Boynton, occupled lvhc ltarrled wqod-tcorklng l]iachlnear called Fay Flsher ailon Alfred, the 6a,re houae and dled there. of L. {. Appleton Lanretrce ooved to the west part Ur. the explrenlarged of Steao Englnes, The Turblne $at,er yiheeL cf hls corrslderecl anong ihe best .oanufactured, aake ias so Eaale varlous of nachlneE as called klnds for, lnclltdlng by thls and preselted flru by L. 'v, Blake. Atter to the church, also l'!1s death the organ qas played by h1s varloua k1nd.9 of 1(rn, On the death of L. \'ry.B1ake, ln w, BLa(e and Sons raa changed. to venteS and uanufactured u6efu1 tcoLs. v l d e r e p u ta tl cn C l rcu l a r Ja.lea, GlidRn, nore lnterested of tiie T[11ted Stateg but rhe Southern States have and irramrfactured. vas conprlsed and aftervards of eeorge, not possesglnE a uechanlca] ln agrlcrrl-ilu.e younAest aon, !.as of sirperlor lrecone a merlt\er of ktnds hag Safl U1lls. son of L. ff. Blake, trhlch flru stud so They have a vorld an('JSan?)4111 b'.rsltrese c'as carrled The ol.d Grlst B1ake, the eldest of the Beli a,lso lnvented The flrr who 1n- and nanJr sEa1l and Repalrlr]6, of all 1nc1udlng Chlna. beer ]&rge purchasers. Ero |tiers, studs, par ts ns.roeof L. of Blake Brgihers, a^d carefu11"/ done, n o t o n l:/ ln all countrles m a c h l ne ry fo r that flrrn. and ;lachlnest 186,t, the flro Bugers, belt blr thls attentlon thelr 1n forelBn st,eef tocfs George Blake was the lnventor nanufactlrred recelved and for years pl&yed the iuuslcal lnntrri'rc]'!Ls $'ere plan|eat and nade by the Cases for largely Chrrrch was bu11t the Unltarlan h 1 s de4th by lda EIa) .e, Jar iesr dar r ghter . s o n t a r0 e a a n d a fte r ihe flrr, of Plpe The old Plpe Organa, Reed Organe, Ser.aphlnes, and ltrelodeons. Organ s+"andlng 1n the gal]ery He al- the ftro, and llt,erattrre. on by Gi.Loen b-v tlie Blake Ot1s, Henry, and tu].n of n1nal, was Charles, ihe raecha.nlcRl skl11 but, decll.led preferlng to to be an €itpl-oyee whlch - t- . r{gu1d glve hh lcre freedoo !o enJoy hl8 taste for hrrntlnE and f1shl ng. Ttre old crilst l8o4, Year) bull.dln€ Ulll- vas butneal on the ?9th of February blrt \eas replac"C flnellr equlp!,ed. for aho oa.,ro .rear by a slrb'tantla1 gr1n,l1ng the varlous The o1d Satr i.[111 had 1t6 uprlght dlstajrce rear of to be cui thls lnto (Leap aaw. n111, on tbe rlver klnde o! €r,aln. Jrgs Fere brolr3ht Slab_vood, boarde, en(i tlrqber. te-nk, stood a frare u s e d fo r a sh o d ,l y n 1 l -1 , lea8ed bJ' :jr . brlck ,roq a In the bu11d1n6 A. S. Toodwar d and Mr . H , A . Pa r ke r. The fl tro of Blake Bros, Blake, ' the elder broiher dlssolved of the f1tu, et a,rd was reorganlzel rrnd.er 'uhe ne-ne Jf Henry B-l_akcalrd Son, who have slnce nalufactlFed. Rav hlde hEr.-aners,bed sprlnga, and noveltleB of varlous sorts ln aJdj.tloral tJ lhe Jeneral rrl]1 of the .b slneas. ndgar r. Blake ls the son of the t1r0. Al ora:r*e 'rapplng nachl'o per^eot'er lecleo bl Ed6ar 1'|. and hls lrncle Charl,es Bl-ake, clal.aed uuch at,_ terltiol for lts 4ove1 and lnterestlng oeelrelrrs! J,eare Edgar rs. Blake has ltrvelted. several At ll!"st, Leltruel maril Ble.ke Boved lnto the nor standlng brlck Sllaa I1ved Shattrrckrs Carrlage fn the paat coitrpll cated nachlnea. the house ol]:oslte Fac tory bulLt noF o\rneal by Johll Fro6sard aad useal bl. hlnsel.f :nachlnery of h1B deslgn, ' lhe death of George for on Brookline Streer. a fev jton tJ]s {hen he .soyed into for of pstented Here Ur. BLa-ke the houae vacat,eal by ApPIeton lr.?:t-ence, noT occupled by Xd€ar rg. Elake. Thls l:ous€ he .!ade hls horoe lvlt-ll hls d.esth 1n ,ig54. Hla son George never -4- ruaryled but, contlnued hla qeath in l{',84, io re8lde ai Gllaan Blake bul1t 185? on liollls S tre e t he llveil hl.s death 1n 189.. uri1L ihls o n land fr o!! hls o1d ho-:le6t,ead.untll hllrself a horrse ln estBte nhere fatl,er ' s He narrl-od Elvlra Annette Otla and i{e4ry 11ved. on the LllL o!1 ,H. 1rr the llouge iheir fat].cr purchaBed frolr Squere La:1e of Nashua, N. HolllE Slreet FarleJ of Ho].l16, rhlch father of Crrliver gave her the lalC ln thoae days. the Jther all wrlght, Icho j:larrled on whlch to buud about ln thls At thl8 secl,lon. and apent !0uch tlnre ln Nathanlelrs fajqlllr. tr1th the vell Street, large Ellzabeth Laryrence &nd the l:orrse, aa teaa the cu6toB r,€s the 61si,et" of jar.€.s Lat?rense and Ellzabeth brothe.s. l)J old ltrali,an1e1 ilrlghi, {as bulLi thia date the La.Frence fa,n11], ovned land Davld nrl8ht hou€e $'i i l.ls Th€ orlglnal 6y.eep at the end of near the w1n(1onof was Nathaslelts fpliLill' 1n vt6lt:lnE holee }ias one 6tory ihc l)!.er a "ias the4 The o1d. Hop house whlch stocd i]1 the back yard 1E entry. bed.roon, $h1ch the Plne Orchard, Schoolhorrse on Holl-le Street. purcha6ed tlie horrse aird 1and. fror.r ir16 fa'-ljel proved the bulldlnA ry Blaile also to {hlch hllleelf chased lrou fatlrer. wesi Henry Btake who had greatty laHen- to tl1e house. E1v1ra Eancroft a hou6e on Brootline hl8 !tr1ght, had been addeil a second. 6torJ,. uaalc lrrany aJill tols Ot18 Blake riarrled bul1i 1rr ]:eighi t-he h(j.lse _text 1,o ihe tlcl--io notr uoed as an c1.1 shop at ihe hoilestce,il of Gullver of brother ?arker of f,.atford and Street, on land whlch he pur- lhe house la nolF orneai by Geor.Ee Terbelf. -5Ja$ea Blake Baryled lrour hls lather ne purchased land Ilarulah Augusta Gllson. anal bullt ',he house nor ovn6d blr Charles lalt. Charles B1a:re jnar"rlec: Sarah Alur Gravea qrlgllt rh1le ln the snall er', froo rhlch on Nashua Streei, he rel0oved to a large l,he hore of lflss her d.eath. cottege Uarl' Brorers orned by h1s fath- hous-A on Ho1l1s Street, the prof.ierty to hilq at trho left llenry Blalae marrled :llart l-a Ann Tucker vho was blrn 1 a l r e1 ? e r V l l i a g e , B a -ngor , llRlne. daughler Fard Blake, of Leluel 'Force6ter, atd 11',r€d for a Vaasachrrsetis. Cochran B1ako, narrled Ilr, E3c11ne !lake, the eldes t r.1arr1e(i George Sunner Bartor. of Bla]le r s aecond daughter, ].tai ' ' Jchn +ne.a4c€ Parker of Cohaaset, jlass. Tiie ger..i,}:lr:,e (pronorrnced Ser-a-fer1) i.htch 1s ln e.rce Frl8ht Chelp+lerhot:se rlas brrilt J e a r 6 1 3 4 1 -4 6 , r{lfe of It l,tr1ta.rrla ure prud- bJ Henry Blake betrueen ihe w a s once oFlr ed by :r :.Ls.Susan lpcke Lawrenc e, .toseph Lar:renc€, Ea.st Pepperell, aild l()aned or preser]t- eo to the Chspter by ll19s Eleanor. t&wrence, a cotraln of the son of Cuailngs la{rence. Srrsan T-ocke vas tho daughter cf True Tucker l-pcke who ctune lrorl Cheater, Pepperell siorc !'lie.e lre vorl{ei: for L, n. on ihe corner B general jo€eph, IIer H.lapahlr€ to Eest BLake and Sons. He bulli a of lioll-Ls and BrookLlne road. vitere he kept atock of oerchandlse and ![as the Dost:,raaier of East Pe p ! e r e I1 . . !le:u'y Blake laade a S€raphine vrhlch \ras lteed ln Parlah Churcl a6 the actiltg ln Peppereli for Sj]perlnt,q'rdent at aeaLa and plaJed the lnFtrltaent ihe o1d, flrst Sr$daJ. School exerclsea ihat tloe sai or. one of Fhere he the lrollt as &1 accorrpanlment to the slnglt1g. f, -5?hls tcas betDeen the year6 l85O and 1860. to add, although Il, oay be lnt;restlng Lated to. 1,he Pepperell lndustrles, been pro ven beyonil doubt, roodel of llrst an Electrlc Blaite ln the attlc Tho lnveutlon ao far The ldes.ras I beg to dlgr66s. aE re can learn, Car raa conatructeal of hls house ln Sprlngfletd, vaa pet'fecled brought to the aitentton tr1s1ty, but haal not the faeul-t.v to erecuio eecret,ly bullt,. publ-lcly clatlve dlnloo arid.lenc6. uaed for a car could that of trtrr. B1ake. !.'hen brought ln a l-arge hall the by !!ard 'Jeruel trlaseachusetta. thls to perfestlon ln Sprlngf,le1d b€fore porer Blake by a be nr]1 blr eleo- h16 ldea. The car I{a6 rutl on a clrcular notLve has ft that of I[r. Vernont, Fho belleved ras re- by hLE. I04n fron f,ore sou8ht the asslFiance dlrectly not lle there- experhental car 1t tra8 exblblted a Large and appre'"rack. lyas foulid t,ro e){per1slve for The general uae. CharIeB, for the j/oungest aon of ]- t&.e conetructlon of an autoroblLe, lr. Blale, concelved brrt, 1t f,&E never the ld.ea fully per- fec tEd. Mr8. N. B. AppLeton