January - Bamfield Historical Society
January - Bamfield Historical Society
YOLAFTE TV AJ r* J NU HE E R ONE \, -'q $1.25 -' -\ .n i', S*HHTHH A Coastal Journal O r l g l n a t l n g l n B a n rlfe l d $suHsEa JRliltfiXt tg$f m-onth.l'l' The BARKLEY SOUNDER ls prlt!ted Cana-d6' Co-tumblan Brl tlth io-g;;freio, number mal I reglrtratlon clari i""ond Bamf leld'. posr of f lce of Lattlng 6014. B.c. Subscrlptlone by phbnlng r€ne*uo or bY wrlttng or may, be-.ordered n u r t r b e r: Bsmftcld our 728-3287 t o u !,-- i tri SARKLEv ,-,souNIlER , , Box 9l B a n f t e I d . . : , ' : S ' 1 ' S : 1 =:' , ' voR I 80 .'_|,:. l9E5: for Prlcec S u b ' sc r i D ' l et il od n 12 i s $n G.8, for $10.00 In Bamf , ' $ 1 3 . 2 0 l''?i'.lssu.gq for Su t s i de Bamfteld -. RATE$ ADVARTI$TNG page l/E page ll4 ll2 Page ong Page 50 led ads are Ctasstf o € o o c 3 o o o I oc centt 1 E.'6.o o , ,S . l ? , Q 0 , , ilx',Er00 . $ 8 ' 6. O 0 p€r I I ne TFM il{ASTHEAD by F e r r i s, Co-edltor Joanne tVell, here w$ are, long past lg8d sr:rJa rlllloa other hur* dles, stlll hanglnt ln there and embarklng upon our fourth year sE the Barttey Sounder, Rrlllng togother a Journal evsry month has been lnterestlng and educatlonal, to say the very least. Irm startlng to look wlth lnterest upon those small, glo*ey magazlnee from obecure places wlth tltles llke Scotland, or lvty Garden or Mole-keepertxh*lunthly" tiletre a long way frorn belng as popular a* the Jelly doughnut, but lt neyer hurcs to dre&m, Imaglne, & cover full of pufftns ln fult color! Speaklngof which, iThenk youn to our covar ertlst for th* flrst lssue of 198S, westcoast artlet and Sr$cer Arrne Stew*rt" Ae yon may ulready know, the puffine sre one of the eix design* .,{nneused for her set* of no*ecard"s,nvail*bls at Samfield 6en*rel $tore" ! stlll sanrt belleve that we h*d ab*oiutely no fog ln De*ei.rrtrr+r, wtles tltey were s<:chedln fr:r tueeks in V*nc*uv'er, Vi*i*: rle an*l the ree* of the liiw*,1'rnatnlern-d* -! *r *nd I hmdrho g.r*r*"1. g*eel fort$ne ts *pend Chr,istri'ieu mnd l:fe* lnirenr Y*sr uf, tfu* {l*p* Beale Light liratio'rr, whsre ws t*ash*-qd in sunshirue{'sr s*verai week$" blot ttl be borlngo New Yenrrs Hve car$e In wlttr peltlng ra ln a n d w l n d a o f 4 S kn o fs. Il ve b e en out on the r yafer when !t was blowlnghard enoughto sting the ey*e wlth solt .$prsyand **g the gloves and trl*kle st*aeltly through rlee eollar asd dorri'ntke bock" Yuk, lYhtch nnadelt sll th* ffrc?repleacant to enloy the raglng ssss througlr a daublc*glmrodpicterre rvlndow, tres 1lr, c*ffe* Iac,sd. A;s we walked the short distnnce frc;ia the hoiis* where we stayed to Norble and flvalc house, I rennemberedother New Ye*rr* Eve nlgirts tn Bamfleld, and thought about the crowd gathered for dlnner and the dance st ths Communlty Hell" tor once I wasntt etufflng nry long oktrt into & palr of ralnpants, wearlng nylons wlth gurnb*oto end carryln6 dresr shoes and a dessert wrepped in plaotlc begt. And the flarhl{ght, and the tlcketsl and stopp{ng to plck up the lce for th* bsr, This New Yearfs Eve there were three couples at Cape Beale, whlch Norble rays ha*nrt happenedin at least the flfte€n years he rem*mbero. Captaln ,4,lexFrovln and hle wlfe, Margeret, toln*d Jlm and"I ond Norble ar:d Eva Brand nnd doughter Ssrsh to rtng ln the n*w year, I felt we wsre cnJoying an h{storic mornent.."buf th e n , srennt they al' l? The ryeather was $s 'wet and wlndy we eimoet wersnrt able to Ieave Cape Beale, not thst I wss ln uny ru$h. You kncw how ccrmfortlng th€y say lt ls to s marlner t$ sse I fsmlltar ltgbthouse fla*hlng? Itrs *trangely comfortlng to llve trelow thqt flaehlng !ight, tos. In Btmfletrd, livlng with a generstorr o$r l{ghts go out svsry ntglrt wl'lenve pull the plug, so I feel close r$ ths blacknossof nighttkne" Llvlng ryIth s llght le Enonellke !!vlng'ln e elty vhere your nolghbor never remembsr$to turn off tlrs gerage llghto sxcspt thst &t Cap* Besls the ltglrt lllumlnes the front row sf a pr'lmeval cathedral full of c*d*rnn aradyou h**r tho s$rf rsther thqn trafflc nolse*. We dir3nrnkelt, wlth wluds reported to be Sil gale force, but *ntry hecnuss tve wsre ehle to gft a ride ln a choppor-*&$ far as the P*cXfi{:rvas c*ncerRerS,fsurffs up!{ **l*k in $unrilsld, wetvs rnadeNew Y*l*rrrsresolutlclnsts fl*d m$re rq,r{*srsand to ds msr€ u'rltlng. [.ike to write for ilhe B+*rk!e"p$*rrundmn?trlea e doi Irr *:i*sirzg,ji.r* ffindI would lik* t* e-xtendctlr *eep oymp*tfuy {:* K,ert **d JNll* Oliin, vrtro rn$st ci?F{}rvitil the lcss ef th*ir q+,r!,E**i t* *r;b anrt Ssrh ilan"rer*r.r,*r:,C rlr'li:r$j: femiitrp', wfu* hal,e l*ut ;,,rfnrii*n fi::c a ,6'lnnilfarher. ! WruS&SXffiluh{nRm. J*nuary t$8{; lbl'* I{u*tlp,u,r Vr*lwvre f{.ml nf*l!Distr lbunl$nfnr l$SS lV{*rnorini$orvlaes for [-l*yti Cainleron ln FrtyCIgrlnl+n JamesFerrls L e ttsr s to th€ Edit<lr Poter Janitls *amfletrdWeether S*vld Heg*trom Sict You Know? Davld l{egstrom Cosst {}usrd Nsws Lorne hihlntoslr ffior:kRevlews Lelth Boulter Drunk Drlrters Rev. Vern I\&Eachern firnrch t{ewe R. Bruce Scott Fages from tlte Psst Eva Srand Re,plpesfronr the Llghthouse staff Your Gardeu Blo-Oraf How Are Your Rtrythms? Farent Actlon Team Judy Schrntdt &ctle Lynes Thoughts on Thlngs in Creneral Doug Hopwood The SawmtllRoJect C. Lynes Hast C-oastArttsts Bernlce Stewart &v.nD. Al Benton R.eglontl Bosrd Report 5 6 7 I t0 tt It t? 14 16 t8 2l 22 24 27 28 30 3t 3? 35 s o ? tr -oo r"- o tTg € 6 H .i*? t*'€ cr -"H 11 il Ei "iSE "-.e: 'x3 s t E d 3 }1 Z, EES o6- q:€t a-o- ==-i "1iJ* H 3 u,s = t AF o [t th t $ E-:l * E* il H ts- X R fl;6n A g sH:f;ag,;* Z il q M ? d fi F 8. I 0 T h t FI fr"H€-i"-fr'&' 3 H5eSil*'-fr.9 * * h d o,t9 - s *h E:o;G 2 -cE g E;l..-* d sF;*s ?,EE: Efi€f;8f;EH H Z el = { .3txin^** -s f e{: F-ffi fs.; -Ir..6o F- o o-iQ= €= S r Etr h i :s;#E = e*€ rl - trG, = :4 f, f "Eg;a:.EE A "€F.i*5=" tlF^E 9E-c E Fs{FJ.aro F !s-rro stHclfr 5 E E E'F r 6 €:i t'EtfrRr{I"Ssfrrrcds I'leaorlal serylces yere held January 8' 1986 for LToyd Caperon, father of local .&sfierodn fobert Candron, IJoyd Cameron suffered d hearf, attack vhlJe ddatng hls .son in Banftald on Decesber 28th. Hr. Caaeron ras born ln Seattler gashJngton ln 1910 rvillle his parentgr nfio vete Qanadlanr vere tlere for a rLsdt, He greu up on the Tover aaln-Iandr starting out as {rn apprentice accilnlst far an outfie ln fev Hestalnsfer" SurLng fhe greaf depressron he aaved to Fo.ll.s rvhere ie, fils brorhar and a frtend opened up a placer mine. It was *hlJe vor*ing thsrr gold alne tlat he had an accldent vhlch ultioateJy cosf frfln hfu leg. ffe recoysred slorJy' and sysylfuall.y vent. ta vark as € aerorking on thetr floefJng chlnlsf for ffelsoa Brofhers f:bheryr mar:hJle shopr tbs S{opson JJr a converted frasar fr.Iyer dredge. fJe began gi.lJn*tting pe-rt-fimer dfld yenf, on tro becoure a full-f,zme g i J Jn e t t * r . Jn ffie early tr9500s he sold hls' boat and ruor.ed t* F:"jnce i,3#ftrgrlr wl:rnr-ehe vnrJrsrJ n,s* nnacftJn:lsffar fhc 0,Y #aeft:ln* .Sh*p. S/e "r'efj:'*cCin -t'J.Id ,end moyed f# Cd,tr;^tneylyhll:"*r he J.{ycd *;.fh ejs $ife {JerryT'fte;,,r:*"lelir-nted thelr 55rh rcredrfing ennirrensar3r Cr: -{985. ffr* C*rnernn Jecv*,s hjs r*Jfer a daughterr ilorsa PyJl{e of Ssn Nnt:&at CallfornJat afid f vo gonsr foy fareran qf ffanan'so and Bob faaer"srn of, EamfreJd" ffe ihad .srx grandcftl.ldren and rlrr"ee gredf grandch{ldren. frob Caweron .led rie memoria.l serrlc*r tretd rn Courtney. Lld. ffiachine $hop @ 0srsm's Flsheffisn's$upplh . l{tt$il8rc lmpedelFrofi!,cb, ffiarlnaRallray Servlce rlth Conf ldence BnIDCESTOI|B 938 Dunbar St. Port Albern Phoae 724-446 ldarlnsFuolSldbn AutomoblhGs l*flrtbrl Chsb . Tm Trbbs '2*$ut SAirFrgLo,B,c. Yoar80 / TGLEFIIO|aE l JrV,ryi'#PINX#N by er*e*lf [o,r" Jaa*s Fsrrl s a Jeenne ***' -f *re Jus* &*ek frow fhtr Jdgh*ftousen *nd w*ri.#*u6l frcnt{cally fs S6f ffie pepar' o{.xr' on tf a e. If ve &rs d drry *r" tw*r lafe vs ftope frhei you wd^[If**'g,9va u*, He ere rry-fng. t f ll ltr * * # *'S # S * * * ls rl l$ S F #s*# flh* 6*v** hes rs{'s*}red thle po-tnf wfter*v.{f susf horreiw t# pey lnferest on tft* ffir?fT#yffu#f Jfi bsr"r*uard f+ S,sy *fu#,ffifer"s,s* ** frhei rbrlr*y t&st J8 b*:rrcwed Jn **# fJru-# plec*# ,aFS * * # * s # & fi $ #' # s {f s tr dE # *' *r"#*nffsr fl*r.* <fogs -end J llstng f:egn .if*rrr$rxffiss -.r# &iev* &md tfie: oppor*un.{fy fr* r{d* i.n ths ru*:*' #*sst S*ra.rrdfte-1{r:,:rpf*rs" l'f *mpre*x*'* Je*nne en*f mo € $rseff rf*ra.I' fift* d*gs no* af e"{'f, Ylle vCcw *f *h* fih'ni' are* f,i#Js f&* ftcll{.ct-lpter ds C.mi:re.s,*iuct *l}d SJv#s *t f}*rsps*t{v* ca* ** 5,*rxed.*n aCI ot}3*f, w*y. #*s iS * # S .i$ Js iP * # f, $ S S 6 * * € * * * Sfua* *f ffte ,r*+l*: ymar? i{ Fi.*tfn*leif eJ*c*{*rl Js iu f.4s; i+'{:,r"fu,s, .s$r,erss:tcise&##ff .f.*,t"w vfuffs. ffxp* :rs r*m.img;r s{ri,i arrf s'"i-J"I'pr*ri."sdc sfo*rf],$j"ge ff**l j* $r*:Tr.t*s wlJl *.ff*r;{:,p:t f6.r'sr,,m# Nm* s{3 {cis*' i'i:, -I'i: ;##;i" fcu' :;i ia':i':r J"s5:r;p;:'*r*':l;t1,e,,, i $;Sf f;i*g;,& f.iJdrf":*h,: pr{i::r* *r* fu;*r,',"1 noi SHIfsd:, S{"ssf* .i1. T lE # Ca * S,S S S # S,8 iF S # lS $ & {$ S *r S d f?*e en*i * fJy "tms f3u* n*re iv,lpr.{s*ned* ,S* sphsf *tlield e*i:; do? Seid *Se #ee ti*f {rs #}'r sm{ef flhe ffi5. Te* r*s dIes$o #o frJr*;' flutfererf *prf fJenr *Smr.rgft * fJew dn ffus {3u* and en*f&sr" $t,r*c*r str#$g ,Sr*p&e,ru$nrd*ger s*ered shrkJy sux dckiy slfs.t' gn&&gg " and is ress g&sfts nou *lrough d rufon v&* tCIqlged *fie J3uf,sr r:,Sed fo fufdr t*to trifrsm fc, toot" SaJd fhe trvo to f,il* futorr fu lf Ir*vder fis root e 0I' fs [t**,:r:' tvo tufors fo froot? t * | * * ll il f if f 6 & il {s $ * $ # *tF**ft. J ilara 0een $alHng #n eggs oll day todey" ffy rhyehrusr dcfl#rdlng to ey c&E-rtr are ln I vety rou.InerabJermmdtCvdeycuryef f ft*ve notrced tftat erreryf*dr:g fhat Jn*nne sdys ro se scri*es e rEff sp*f. f ao ;&tsf tr]'Jng to g€f througfi ffte day r*Jf*osf befng ^rub$ed ra p. J* Ls tofally drr*fiona& *r:d ltas no Seds ln f,actr Suf .stt{Jlf S.*er: you tsks of,fense fif a{rssone offorCng y.r}n s sup of coffeey,{* ls limer to take fo tbe lhllls undl lf sruaof&s srlf, fcr ysu. LgTTffi,S TCI 1TIH EDTTORS Dear Jeanne and Jkq Thinklng of you all ln Barnflcld, of yoerrforrow for the dear Ollts fanntly but also I knor, of ysur caring end eharlng and cunfort lRg. Our rr*rrnest rylshes. Wr lovo th+ Sarkley $ounder brlnglng r:s closer ts Barnflelc!. Jlll & Joe $lsden Vanco*ver sgs HI, HoBe yon h*ve n happy holld*y amd ttae snowfs gone, Ite sb**t 5S yeer* ag* wlien Sarnfleld froae up 3n f'{svernber,hed ts get tiie Sriv?t, Shlpr Givenchy to corne *p the creek alld break the I*e in ehe '*reek when lt frr.:e* ov€rr l,Veliu $t *cl*riv*d here mbout l$ lnelle* ir: ele* f3rst w**}t rlf N*ver*b*r. .*hat a m*s*l flers stxl{ed *ll Gv,sF}s*B}r:*i$cl***d" +-,r,srr${,trflR, Hut thtt sn'owr$ m{rst all Ssne nnd th+ --*uiit${'fii s:6;tin. I t r n $ f i l t h a n 6 i n r 1 n " l r v e n e v & r r e a q $s o f f i u c h { n e ! i r r t y Sues,s1t?s tircle iife, thank S':d i ettll se€ or I'd really flip! X rerrew any m. Scunder" It keeps me $lsrt of up to det* but it makes me 60 lgnessme for Bamfield. Guess lrll go for ilow, do heve fun and hepp{n*ss, lcve ar syerr Jea.slol-ogvlnoff Surnner, Wechingt*n g $s Dear .feanneand Jircr, Stlll look forward to the Barkl*y Souuder wtth grest lntereet. All good wlshes for 198S. Stch & htkrgaret krdy Vlctorta, B.C. g sg DeanJeanne, I adore my Bnrkley Sounder, it keep* the spirlt of the tr*lsnd fresh ln my mlnd. I walt to lell my houce ln Ontario, at whlch polnt I will r€turn to beautiful VEncouverIslaad. Plesse flnd encloeed my cheque to lnsure continued dellvery of your coastal Journel. Roblm Vov;cl-q ra t.& $ ,, I ,,1 DearJeanneFerrls, Ploase renev our subscrlptlon to the Barkley Soundel. t wouldltke to order two coples of the Bamfield Buffet cookbook. My husband,Flenry, psrtlcularly enJoy$your rnagazlnesince he grew up In Bamfteld and reads ell the artlcles wlth mucll lnterest. If there ls any money left orerr please donate lt towardthe dtrhrvasher fund" stnlerery, Auce wrckharn Vancouver g3 DearFrlends: Klndly renev our subocrlption to the Barkley Sounder. My vlfe, Jeaa, and myself greatly appreclate your magazlnehelplng to keep us In touch rvlth Bamfleld eventt. We dld enjoy our flve yearswtth the Bamfteld Unltod Church very much, and enJoyyour a r tl c l e s . WIth sll Good l{ishes to all your staff, and all at Eamfleld, Slncorely, {Rev.Dr.} }L Russell Ross Dundr.:rrB.C. s itf; Marlon {wlfe! ) and I enjoy readlng the rsoundar. Really get . C ordtally, the flavour of the West Coast. Fred Beard OdysseyCornputer Servlces Vlctorla, B.C^ t 0t O : JOEI{ GISBORI{E B.C. LAI{DSUnyEI0R C : o Subdlvls{,ong, Repostlngeo' ' o o Topographlc c Foreehore Leaseg : c Banfteld o 728-3467 o Office o 753-91.81 o l{anatso c 7 22-2391 oacocoocoo o o o o { 1 6 0 0 0 l D 00 a o o o o FLEMMING MIKKELSEN i GENERALffi.ITRACI'R, & A{BIT-IET MAKER, ESTII\,!6ITES LCTtr PRICES Phone 728-3270 BAhtr t ct",D l4rH,{il{AR by Peter Janltls I thlnk that lt lt safe to $ay thst ffe had unnrouallynlce w€sther !n Deccmber thlg yeatr. Nornnxllylt ls the blowlest and wette,$t{nonth of the yesr. lYe hsd one medlurn{or three-star} southeaEteron December3rd. After thst tt seemedthet Mother Nature Inhaled and held her breath for the rest of the month, rel e*sl ng l t on New Year r s nlght, There ryaeabsoultely no fog. Tventy dsys wlth full runshlne or at least some of lt. Decemberetsrted wtth { lnches of snow on the ground, but by the fourth day of the moath lt res gone. Tennperatures,lt ryascold going by Sarnfleldsrmndards. The minimurntemperstures w€re at or belory OoCon ?4 day* The lowest teniperatureof *?oC lyas on the flrst. The hlgh tempeFatureof i i l ' C * a s c l nt h e 4 t h . hdeanmuxlmilm 6"S'C -0.guc h'leanmlnlrnum lv,leantsmpersture 2.8$"C Fut then last DecembertsMean T*rnperatr:rew&$ ?.65"e Freclpltatlon: 6,13 IncheE. {One Inch of that ryaseno\ry,on the firet.) Average for the month of December ls lS.8 tnchee" Decernberlr urunlly the wettest month of the year. The total preclpltatlon for 1985 was 62.2 lnches, Average yearly ralnfall for Bamfleld ls 108.73lnclres. To flnd out the drlert yeer end nonth on record I had to go back In the Abstract Book for elghty years. 1905 was the year whep only 56.64 lncher wene recorded. However, Decremborln that year produced onty ?.50 Inches. DID YOU KNOW? by Dave Hegstrom l. VancouverrsWegt End has one of North Arnericafs htghest denslty hlgh-rtrsoareas. 2. T h e O k a n a ga nV a l l e y, d u e to tts m l!d, dr y cllm ute, pr oves b e n e f l c i a l f or pe o p l e w ho su ffe r fr om ar thr ltls, asthm aand other resplratory allrnents, 3. The worldts longest eeaweed, found near Terrs del Fuegoin SorithArnerlce, grow$ to 600 feet {182"5 metres} and sometlrnes to a$ long s$ t000 feet (305 menes). py-ftlp.gs),grows up to The Paclflc Giant Kelp {Mq-q,r_o_cyq!!g is6 fcet (60 metres) dnd ca;ffids ln n day, 4. T h e x ' o r l d t s ta l l e st tre e , a C oa st Redvr oodln ReduioodCr e*k Grd'"r'*oFlumbolt County,. Callfornl*, trs 3S7,8 feet { I t ?. } 0 m * t r u s ) t a i l w l t h a g i r t h o f 4 4 f e e t { 1 3 . 4 1r n e t l " e s } , 5, T h e t a l l e s t C hrl stmastre e , e rected In ' fr afalgar $quar e ln L o n d o nt n 1 97 0w ag 6 9 fe e t {2 1 ,03 m etr es} tall, lt gr ew ln Nloruny. 6. The largect ferns, on Norfolk leland ln the South Paclflc, g r o w u p t o 6 0 fee t {18 .2 8 me tres} tall. COASTGUARDNEWI; by Dave Hegatrom There have been 98 Incldents In 1985. The MLB BAMFIELD ts back ln servlce after her reflt. The old Bamfleld Llfe Boat ls in Toflno, stendlng ln for MLB TOFINO,whlch ls on gnnual reflt In Vlctorla. T h e R H I O T scho o lvl l l sta rt ag a l n on Januar y16, 19E6. 11 The Shotgun Approach Book Revler r r by Lor ne tr [clntosh The Edl tors; Greerlngs, Merry Chrlstmas and go on' Herewlth, the rhotgun approach, (Pretend I Just came up from the floatl. Flrst, there ls another posslblesolutlon to October Puzzle *8: however, it requlres one assumptlon(that the contalners be cyllndrlcal), so le not qutte as foolproof as the offlclal snswer. Pour both the flve ounce and three ounce contalner full from the Jug. Tip each of them so that cractly half the llquld ls poured out, leaving 2 L + l * or 4 ounces. ( ln cyllndr lcal contalner s, the dl agonal bl sects the volum e) . 0 o Second,my book reports. Ha, you dontt rememberarklng for book reports? Well, never mlnd, Ifve sent three along Just for-fun anyIay. Two I have read completely, the thlrd sklmmed through ln a bookstore. STUIufED, by Ken Drushka,ls a detalled, deep-problngrevlew of the forest lndustry of B.G wlth many questrons for ati of us to conslder, lf we take serlously the thought that we have any share of the responeiblllty for the present state of thls lndustry, Drushka takes the tlme to lead us through the developmentof rhat has come to be accepted as sclentlflc forestry. He comtllneshtstory, economlcs and pollttcs as he unravels the story of the stewardihlp of our foregts. This text ls often so packed wlth tnformatlon that- I found It difflcult to read more than a chapter a olght, For me, at least, some Jntervenlng dlgeatlon of the materlalwasnecessary.overall, I conslder the book a valuable addltlon to my llbrary. 12 For the armchalr travelerrs and geography/hlstorybuffs, FOREIGN II.S ON THE SILK ROAD, by Peter Hopkirk, ls a fasclnstlng account the redl*covery of early clvlllratlon rltes ln NW Chlna along w.arknownas the Sllk Road That route sonnected anclent Rorne to na. Along lt flowed splce*, gold, rare Jewels, rllk end id*as t the centurlee frorn about 300 to 900 A.D. Towns, klngdems even clvillzatlons flourlnhed snd died along curavan rCIute$ tlng the edges of the Gobi, Lop and, Taklarnakan deserts, Four dredye*rs leter Merco Potrsfollowed the renewedconfiectlon frorc enlce to Cmtltsy and rep$rted *nsle{it rulms ln the degert, This boc}k ces the erchaeological actlvltles of e handfu! of neal tlnaJtr*na eei wllo betwa'en lS90 anr! 1920 founc! errldence thet the old l*ge*dx true. /$rg,ocdr*ad on a little lenown part of the wnn!*tr" As e sonioElrn€ ltghtkeeper tr felg comp*lled to flip througlt an*i t}ir* tS SF T{"$H LISF{T, apper*ntly a histr;ry *f tr16hti""eep'0}.r* t hou*e$ of the B,C. curast, hI Donalii ffrahsnn.My nnitial ttupres* w a s t ; t r m fa f e w e r r n r s h a v * * l l p p e d t h n o u 6 h . F n r ' * x n * t p i r * , i n u'r'!tingtfie. mf'fnrCs tfi e*tahllsh Cape ffiern1eh* ilOtl*rgthet il'retn th* .{*rtt$lemr:i:;*ri;l# flove, nsix nntrleS&w,ly Ei1y41s*1, l*rli:iqd &t il"!fi{$Serl }rlxv* wnikmd Io Ciap* {,${i$t;{errests, implying thsr Slaeywr"autrd e. A very wet walk, unless ln thone e.iaysl$'revgr ffh*1nnel froae rr. A qulck look frt the lnslde csver map gave no oigrl of the Cnp* Itt Llght. Sktnuirlng through the sectlon oil Hstevau Potnt I w*s prlsed to learn that lt was not a Japanesesub whlch trad flred orr llght there" Unfortunately, I was nnoderatelydest!tute st the so haventt read tho whole book, It ls on my llst to buyr errsrg all, slmply becauselrm hooked on storles of the coast. Prlce wlse the flrst two are th e b e st buys, about $10 or $1? tn Gottaf go, vlndts cominf up" Feels llke raln, yrknow. Regardc, Lorne ltlclntosh 13 LEITFI FOTJLTER As I wrlte, the federal mlnlster of Justlce ls on o trlumphal tour &cross the tand to explaln and Justlfy the tougher stance edopted toward drunk drtvlng. John Crouble ls perforrnlng 8 current verslon of the old nursery rhyme: FHe stuck ln hls thumb and pulled out a p!um, and sald what a good boy am I!n Now even tlre most functlonally illlterate among us reallzes thls ls a'problem whlch should lrave been dealt wlth Bt leaet ten . y s a r sa g o . S o c i e t y r e c o g n l z e d t h e p r o b l e m f ' r o m t h e t i m e t h e a u t o m o b l l e b e c a m e s n i n s t r u n r e n to f d e a t h n b u t l a e k e d t h e w i l l t o d o a n y thing about tt. Dr*nk drlving has rr"llned the llves of countleso numbers of cltizens. trf not by cauulng their untimely deaths, then by kllling loved ones, causing crlppltng ph)'sieal conditlons or flnanclal lmpov'eri slnent . W e h a v e o b s e r v e d t h e c o u r t $ , s e e m t n gr e l u c t a n t t o l m p o s e e v e n llre minor peneltles to the full extent allowed. Many of us have felt that those responsible for the creatlng and enforcing of regulatlons in rhis matter had n sneaking nThere b,ut for the grace of 6od, go I ! i' feeltrug. r)ur *ste..*ruiedpolittrclan$ $at on thufr hnnds snd ir,'te;rnwl;ita.;', r i i ' . r w , i , ctJl l e c & r r i s g e o i , i o u s r o e d g t o c o f i t l n u e , f r u e t o t h e i r l n rl;ici,r,, of polltlcal self-preservatlon, they did as ltttig ss possi ' n l e t o a i l e v i a t e t h e p r o , h l e m .I i r s t e s d o f l e a d i n g , t h * y w , t i t e d u n t l l ' , h e u s u a l e r f i n yo f t h e d i s c o n t e n t e d w a s f o r r n e d , a n d t h e n s t e p p e d o u t i n f , r o n t t , , rh e a d u p t b e f o r c e a n d l a t e r b e a w a r d e d t h e m e d a l s , T h a t t l r n e h a s a r r l v e d . C r o s b l e w t l l d o u b t l e s s b e r s r n e m b e r e da s the nan r lth the courage to creete and pass the leglslation whlch r " . r t i lf t n a t r l y c o n v i n c e t h e n a t l o n t s d r l v e r s t o s t s y a w a y f r o r n b e h l n d the wheel while under the influence of alcohol. But what of the victlrns of decades gone by? Does our beloved rnlnlster of ijusticeil have s way of restorlng to normal the lives of those who have been desolated already? Can he devlse I qray to make the leglslatlon retroactive? Do the natlorrrslawmakers deserve any credit whateoever for being decedes late ln dolng somethlng construdtlve about a social lll whtch has caused more casualtieE than a ftghtlng war? And what of us? Do we sit back and breathe a slgh of rellef that lt may now be reasonably safe to use the roads wlth reduced concern over belng murdered? 14 AIso, what of the vlctlms of the past neglect of governmentto havetaken thls posltlve step? What wlll be thelr feellngs? The messagels clear. In any sttuatlon or set of cricumstances whlchcause needlers sufferlng to the Innocent, a speclfled number have to make the ultlmate sacrlflce ln order to irave correctlve actlontaken. These becomemartyrs to the cauEe,offered up - on the alte-rof expedlency, lntransigence and general drsregard for the we lf a r eo f m a n k l nd . The trouble wlth politlclans ls that rhey are scared vltless o f d o ln gs o m e t h tn gth e t w i l l l ea d to thelr defeat and r em ove ther n f ro m t h e c o m f o rta b l e p e w . w htl e a ctlng swr ftly to take over oll c o m p a n l easn d a pprove fl na n cl al a rra ngem entswhlch w!ll cost the c o u n t r yb l l l l o n s l n taxe s o ve r tbe ye a r s, they have no tlm e for m ost s o c la lp r o b l e m s . l t l s o b vl ou s th st the glant for ces of Industr y h a v ea l o t m o r e c lo u t tha n th e co mmo nhor de, and the pr oblem sof thl formerare thought more deservtngof attentron. An oppressiveduty on lmported scotch tn order to protect our homegrownrye, or a h ld e ou s - d u toy n t mpo rted to b a cco to pr otect our own gr ower s, ar e Itemsof prlme lmportance. And s o l t g o e s. I l e a ve yo u to rur nlngte or i how m uch of the b la mei s _y o u r s a nd ml ne . A n d al so to glve som e thou8hr to the old sayin6:nWe get the governmentwe de$erve.n BnHnELD 3IAREIOIJ KIDDIIIG?'I -.orLY Dtn-lc^ToFs? Gestetner fl{t msr rarf BUFtET afao arLL n$ lJgl rols- ' CGSTE'T{ER COFIER 8Y8TEre r{cx ou^trlY timucil aF atiw8 olti l cafffutn FOi 3t2.510 Gestetrerhc s€*.i*.G*dlD 15 jtrFffu**eE r : o o lbook b o o kt t c w n r:ool B o n f t c lIdd't r r cwn Bsnf l{l th ncsrly t00 rccipc'r frrrr':he cooks and frlenrtr of .'ook5 ln R o u t r dv l t b t w o l r r t 8 3 B a m ft c t d . for eary tefert'nce ln the krt(hen. P r u c a e d s g o t a t h e f j a m fl e l d Conmuntly Htll dlrhtoshcr fund. :.l-ll! onl.v 39.,50. cruRcH NLII/S by Rev. Ver n lvlcEacher n Fol lcrylrU ls our sehedulefor the next flve *eeks: l.ler'*Yea/sservlce at ll:00 a.m, Sunday, Jan. 5th: Sunday, jan. l2th: l{o servlce $unday, ]an, lgth: ll".m a.m. service Sunday,Jan.26th: ll'.00 a.m. service $undey, Feb, 2nci: Irloeervice Another Christmasand New Yearrs celebratlon is now hlstory and w e b e g l n the year 1986.W e slncer ely thank all who r es pondedto our l {hl te Gl ft Sundayoppealwtr h glfts of food and clothl ng w hi c h w er e c{el i ve redto the SalvstionAr m y ln Vlctor la on Dec.23r d. T he S.A. p e *p l e v/srs glad to r ecslve them nnd no dsubt have r r u ad*gr :odi :s e of rh*n : a m** g the nee*y of cur eupltal city. !\te i;:vite you to J*lir *tth us cn Jan. Sth tn our New':.'earrs se rvl ce es w* give thenkr fcr the blesslr r gsof 198$ a nd s eek Sodr s g u l da n ceand str ength for tSE6. Our them e will be, nB ehol r l oI r nuk e a l l th i ng s newn { Rev.?l:5} . Coineand r eafflr m ycur New Year ts r es oiutlons and your falth ln God througlt Jesus Chrlst our Lord and Saviour. We hope your Christmasrr'asa happy tlme rylth dear frlends and relatlves aroundyou. For somelt ts not always $o, as each December brlngs lts share of sorrow and mlsfortune, wltness the traglc death of 256 U,S. servlce and plane personnel at Gander, Nfld. Our own small communlty was not erempt, as Kent and Julle Ollls lost thelr eldest son, Kent Jr., ln a plane crash near.Castlegar, B.C. on Dec. 3rd, Kent was on a commerctalfllght to Castlegar, flylng alone, so eract cause of hls crasb ls unknown.He leaves behlnd hls mother and father, slster lVanda, brother Nlck, his fiance Lori and many frlends. Funeral servlces were held in Vlctorla on Dec. gth at MeCallfs Funeral Home. Our deepest sympathy to the Ollts famlly ln their traglc loss. Mrs. Bessle Wlckhamwent by plane early ln December to stay wlth her daughter, Mrs. Nora Flower, at 2620 CavendlshAve., Vlctorla, V8R 2G8, Phbne 592-0395, for Chrlstmas and New Yearrs. Besste hopes to return to Bamfleld early ln the New Year, weather end 16 h e a r l t h , p e r r n i t t l n g .I n t t r e m s a n r l r u e s h e w l l l b e g l a d t o h e a r f r o m h e r m a . r y f r l e n d s i n f i u , n f i e l d w f u e r es h e h $ s L r e e no n e o f t t s p l o n e e r s a n d a hlghly resp*ctld reslrjent for rnnny years. A H*ppy New ysar, Bessle, from all of usl -May 1986 be good to 1ou, wlth blesslngsfor all and peace on earth ! {Jt was brought to our artenrloq that we had reft our part of the cturch news in last monthrs BARKLEY souNDER, our aporogiesred.) *tgrrkhry PAGES FROU TFM PAST by R. Bruce Scott Extracts frorn the CarmanahPolnt Llghthou;e dlsrles. Entriee made by llghtkeeper 19.P. Daykln, wlth reference to slgnalling shlps. NovemberI, 1900 I I 8,ta. St'earnerInbound off Flattery. Barque lnbound, Shtp I nbound" I p .m. S team er Glenogle outbound; sisnalled pr ivate s l gnal ; u n a b te to rep o rt. 2 p.m. Large passenger$teamer lnboundwith yellow funne! and block top and white upper lvorks; thtnk a Norne steamer. Unable to repGrt, Thls makes 3? vessels I have not becn able to report {ori'!ng to tel eg rap h l l na lnter r uptlon) . j a n u a r y3 0 , l 9 0 l T he U ,$. re venuecutter Gr ant cam e ln and whlstled, Sl gnal l ec l rtra t th e y w tshe dto com m unlcateper sonally.I was unableto launc ha b o a t o w l n g to hi gh water and the gr eat quantlty of logs plled up i n frCIntof the boathouse.She lowered a boat and came part of the way i n b u t d i d no t l l ke the look of lt. They then went up the c os s t to Clo*ooge.Tom called up from Clo-oose and sald the cutter had landed a boat there, Captaln Roberts es pllot; were searchtngthe coast for wreckage.Golng up to CapeScott and back lnslde passage. Ju n e 1 6 . l 0 p ,m. Cape Beale told Vlctorla the barqueCavour had mlstaken that l l gh t fo r F l a tte ry and had gone up the Alber nl lnlet untll Indl ans stoppedthenn.She ta boundfor Vancouver. June 19. Tug Lorne wlth barque Cavour in tow pa,seodlnbound. july'25, {.45 p.m. rDuke of Flfe inbound. Slgnalled, I a n s w e r e d w l t h p e n n a n t . Unable to holst enslgn;no wlnd. Reported to Llc,yds agent ln Vancouver (fl ret re p o rt) . Sept. l g . D rtrzl e, S tear nerw hlstllng ( or whale tfumpetlng) SIV - see long way. 18 oo BT C boh.ttF{ lrcFt dtr+, dHoqto OAIB B ! b0> o o o t r o (, (0 b0 Qqt +J l' xtr F{O In ct, O\d a o! €) k I -t .|ts) cl - a .- o0 l €) : Fl tr E - o €) - E {rf 4 FI -l >i o FI - q) '|{ f, a I a o a Li € o €) n& E OE u ct O b0k lrtr> trOrr(Jr{O u d>c16 hO Or+t (U O rr boE sl lr 1.. (! ! hr{ .rt oo+r O.CF{ rd o tr ErrA(oEqt i1 Etlltr +J (a O t{€ .r{ tr O b0A, b0 5 cl-o > A.|E ,pr{ qlh Jlc a(d oJo, d> t{(t' 5,C o rt r{ rO F{ (ttd lrF'l C A r{ OE, O AO rJ-G H r! @ B o (0BoBt{ (!rJ Eql g O+' t{ 5€ !lOr{oC O I O O O+{ H r..c t . t r co o ! o r r E o Or{trrlF{ qr.o +J+r!J l, O >r.C O OOEF{rrH iirJo o F{ Cf +{ I O d B tl' ho r'o (llt,l F{Ul oGt r{O b0 otr r,, F{O Fl or| Etd lJ.i t, t+{ T{ O bro o o c) Ci F{ . o F {ri tr d F{O .D o 6s !, ,{ -{B F{ ql r+1 +, C o E h o . F4 IA A x oo EO HB (u trrdo Fll.O. r h${ O tttd rJ trF{r, O O'ct >.Oh rrECH lr u E o tr a tr (t5 1..trF{A?t.t dclrttrl r, OtrOl{ .Ct{€O+rd tr{ Ct t, E ootro!l rrrtrrPE ! tr€ H o o o o Q.F{ trF. Ol| oboqlotr+4 E!F{ (, O o ?t AC bOd +{ rJ Oo ql |., !> qt6oo+ro l{ trr.C ao o o l..o o o+ro, -l tr t h E EHtqtql o OHqtS(J B t4 OrJO ho I B o O o1t OC!OCE.ti 2 tsrrdHr,l 5 oll. oo B o trc o o F{! qt F{b0 uttr .dd b0! oc F{ O H rrq{ ctr O O EO H O o >d O O b0r{ H oo u htr to B F h OO r|F{ Q.' oEo ql O tr r0 tr On{ O.c:.Q T{uE rr A F{ cl tr !0 0 ruo() F{O aH.c XE 6 O.lt+{ qt+r r{ t{ t{ I OOm E.r r+{ u O € uloo ql Ott B 5ccO q l Oo tau) i{ r, O EAE tsr{u o tsf.l ur Frt o ooooootr tortotsoqgrFt \( l*O C tsts . ol*taol* P ts< tsHo 0 r o o 0pr r r o rr rl Foq ocol+ t* rl @ < 0t o o F rr9 Orto o o Ar tr Fl F o€ |.h< 0q < h t'{oo FO fO ri o H|o o € H orc t EnD€0t FFto<19 Fl <Ol* c{F orf !' o <o9 F(to|.r outo0t o Ft rt r?f{ otrloooo Fll.r 0, 5 rt FF| E ino 0rgto rrorro rtf Or0t p ts o HLn oo o o 0ertFa{r-+FFO() ourtrf4oo tsFcrOO { ot o Fn Frr0r0r<lJ. HFtsrrOO l*art P< @ oE < F|o d tro oEo Pd J< forfrrroo Fl 0 t t O O 'de d . !, al rr <€ €rrt Ftirrl F TtOHOOO o0rH|oio v, orr g:tO< t Fr\< O O|.r0O aotr F0r ro d o t{rt rtt*OO < 0, o o Hr oofts t* d O trrr tstt Eri<:' 0t<OOOtr (:@'i Ho{ ooo' 0t rt rlo Hn O . < Fr l40r g) rrFl+ EO H. a o r? rr 9u5. I O P o rr B tt € rr tso:t 0no <rf B B ooot E'or(r rr9o Fl rrdF 9lOrr 0l rro. oo Otrht n o o t.r 0r{:' f?FO orro o:tO o octJ. OrrO h rt l-rl-r(, otr l+o{ nFil+ oots . qtts @ =l tsct opo rroq l* o a Err r, :'rr FrOf o o Y Eo OO€ Fl H|Fl rrl4l4 . O< |.0r drt r (! 0r { { trL..o F!'orJotr o.t460qdFt O PFI ur o!ro0r 0. : 6 0r dt I o ct €FlFtog Fl o l+ v, lrr o 5 |tFl nd FF o ts tr o st rl o o o ooBFrt('J o o'u 6 rt r" (' P9< 0r o Frrtl F|< o o <EFAOO o€op ri=lgrtrO orrPg)B rrts Flo irrr =roFc o I o ftt ohrrFl O<nl+O oFlotFt pYrr 0r O HOE E Ft tr in : Fo o o(Itlrtto F60tr €on6|-r O5oots o tsts H Ho t j ll.rrorocO p o rt orro.0r tsr' 5'o tro;'o.tts oc ot €oqol OFlifllU! Fro € o < Ir Fl rr f.<octo oFo< COo O rrFt no Ho 0t O 0) O|r|l(J.rr o i' oo o o B Et'o.r EtlOorr !n tr o t4(r o rt|D(r t4oo0ro OrrctSO SIOOOO aDrr o p |z d:rF|u5o no ort{ . r'l 0t rr Eoo O EE< OA.U < ts o E :rro oo . ts0!.r.oo ('ttro Fl c o o rr a c o c)o Ft o H0, o { Ft o o c B€ { F.l dF| 0r E o tsts 0r<€ IrOtsst rrHOO rtlo|*G| oF o oBAUlF. H5 5 o oBo0ro Edhfio Fl.r<ur rltoo rroi O o€ f Ft rto Ftr oP Drr trts<F .0qHo !f 0rr'?Gl o Fl o o 0rlo l.ro oo l.rFl ts rrr FF qtsHEE oo co dg'tstsF v, tr0rri :rri-? o Fd'F Ho l-+ 14 o.rrp d>c59t gTOOOO rr .ri?o r a ts e O O Flp rr rtlooo p 0t F rc rrrt t+j FF o o do 0t <dotrrr BAI oFAgt 9HHO{ rrEHlFlO s c _c t t;; ':i p r sl t\. hr Fr .yL F ri I x '{ ,. :it ; ,:i.',': Oct. 13. C a p e Ee s l e ca l l e d up a u ctsal d lndiam shad r epor ted a olii;: on rh o reb e t w e e n t h e re e n d h e re w l th soils eet. Hxpect lt ls the $ar $* otdscarecrow: Ve$ta. 0 ct . 3 0 W r o t e L l o y ds ag e n ts, N " P , a n c{NYK Co,, notlfylng them thct I shouldnot answer any ntght *trgnalsor keep any speclal wetch for thelr steamer* except whe$ wlre rvas In proper order and attentlsn p a l dt o m y c a l l . Fe b .? , t 9 0 2 lvirs. Stone called from Clo*oose and ssid a large four masted shtphad drifted In nearly on ts the reef. The fueen Clty hed g*ne to her ss€igtailce, She got ouf ngain rflthout help. $he has be*n b e a tl n gs f f h e re fo r fo u r dn ys w ai tlng for s tug" $ever al other ve s s e l ss l s c t w a l tl n g " Feb. 4.. S i,'esstis ln sight, One shtp loadecl, Inst h*r uflper foreropr yord" Sarqu* witlt nclthlNrg forward but foresnl! and kiw*r topsnil, To be contlnued oe otcooot IN$!$ANCF HacSIRMOTT$ LTS"c ASSY" o o s N_-1{ s.BI"& Sgp,rB[gI3, tq$ i.AqgsLE e t 4 9 0 7 A R G Y L SS T . , B o X 5 7 ? P 0 I i TA L B E R S I ,B . C o y g y 7 H g l2!s-325L c c e o o ot3,o€oe ooooosoo€so Jonlf cIsBorilg B.C, IAI{D SUKYEYOR o o o $ubdivl.slons, Reportingn" {} Topographlc o Foreiqhore l"eases g B a s f t e Ld 0ffice l mo $trana 7?8- 34{}7 753-9I I I 7 22;239I o 09{'000cooctoGo5aooos€ oosoo ry 4 o ,4?68TENTH AVE'UI.JE t'Jugt, a Puf f in along t tt Pscific Rinn Airlinea Ltd. u CharEered and $cheduled ServLc* ulh![6 FTAII,I'TIE Allt' ELEUITI. M A R I N ER E P A I R S Al l t ypes of i*i r lng i e s l d e n t l a l - C o m u e r cL a 1 Marine-Industrial P h o n e7 2 8 - 3 3 2 9 o r 7 2 8 - 3 3 4 5 FOR SCIiEDULED F L I G H T ST O : Banfieldo Tofino, Hanatno Port Alberni o Vancouver PHCINE 7? 4 . t + t + 9 5 F']RT ALBE*$I SAUNDHRS, FAMR$S iOR FLIGHTSTO: Ilnt Sprlngs flove and r{sy points to Tahsis PHONE TOFTN0 725-3295 A${P MUffiFi'{Y Bsrrlster$ and 5ol lci tors PffiT ALBER.I\II 47?0 Johnston Rd. P.O. tsox 1100 ?P{-Tl$t 889 4vArL,UB-lLq c-i{A&'{ lgi U.S.A Vancouver Victoria, Port Renfreu (rJest Coast Trail) PACtrFIC NIil AIRLIflES LTI'. B o x 11 9 6 Port Alberni, B.C. v9Y 7t4L _tlg lrc'AAT ldAfiAllvfl ?53-66S1 * t t I I 40 Cavan Street P'O. Box 77E tvtOTORVEFIICLE INJURY CLAIilIS GEIERALCIVI L LIT IGAT I0{ D|]CE AI{D FAlvtlLY LAw M\4PANT AND GN{V€RCIAL LAW REAL ESTATE AI€ ttffi.TC/tGES WI LLS AIW ESTATES t rTKM THE L ICT{THOUSE by Eva Brand Casserole of Beef wlth Beer ll4 cup salad ot I 2 Ib beof round, cut In t lnch cubes 2 m e d . o n l o n s , s l 'i c e d t h l n l11 cup flour lf cupe hot vater I cup beer (t add more, !f necessaryl I clove gerl lc, mlnced I bay leaf 2 rsp salt l12 tsp sugar l* tsp vlnegar t/8 tsp nutmeg A sprlg of parstey, chopped ' ll4 t$p oregano 1 I I n a l a rge skl l l et, he a t ? T cll. Br or r n beef, ttl lb. ar * tlrfic, then remove to casserole wlth cov€r. Add 2 T oil, si:is$$ eil{; brown them well. Stlr ln the flour., hot water, beer, garlie, ba). leaf, salt, sugqr, vlnegar, nutmeg, parrley and oregano. Return meat to onlon mlxrure, bring the whole ta a boil, then turn lnto the casserole and cover. Bake st 325o for about 2 hours or until tender, Garnish wlth addltlonul parsley. ,.1 Thlr gtew ts good over bolled or maehedpotatoes. you can add potsto or carfot to thls, but the flavour ls best when the vegetables are cooked separately. THE CttSSrq.IED AD For Salel l{eu Zealand splnnlng wheel, Vancouver-nade cardng oacldne and tlree l9g! of bronn Ner Zealand uool. Aektng $150. for the lot. Phone: 728-3267. 2',1 rc(.R CARDEN Even at thls tlme of year, your garden needs thought, care and understandlng.Plante, as llvlng thlngc, reepond to klnd treatment. One thtng that you can do ls to prepare and lmprove thelrb n v I ro rrn e nt . We thtnk of plants as belng runfeellngf. Tlme lapse photography seemsto lndlcate that plants reect to outslde lnfluences, as do all llvlng thlngs. A good envlronrnent,good food and good llvlng condltl on s ce n g reatly affect plant gr owth and health. It l s a ppsr ent that r alsed beds ar e deslr able ln thl s c l l m ate. N ow l s a g o od tlm e to plan your gar denlayout and to star t c ons tr uc tlon of your raised beds. The beds do not have to be fancy. You can use scrap lumber and anythlng elee you can flnd to build them. The i rn p o rtan t th lng ls to glve ihe plants good dr ainage and tt l s not ne ce ssa ryto have the beds aesthetically pleaslng to ac c om pl l s h that. Y ou can star t to collect seaweedfor your gar den. I t l s w onder fu l stu ff. It gtves body to your soil, adds nutr ientg and tr ac e ql i e men t$g a !r :r e, and is avallable In r etur n for a little l abor . H ow c e n y o u b e a t t h a t ! ! ! T l i e r e i s n o r e a s o nt o w a i t . H a r v e s t i n gs e a w e e d n o w w i l l g l ve lt a chance to cor npostand be r eady for y our pl ants l n the e p rl n g . Just spr eadlt over your beds llke a r nulch. D onl t w om y a b o u t th e fa ct that ir does not seer nto br eak down compl etel y .T he p l an t* d o n o t m ind, and your gar clenwlll beneflt gr eatly . I am sure that rnost gardenerEare uslng compostlngto provlde rich food for your gardene. If you are not, for goodnesssakeg, start. Your table scraps are I ftne $ource of nutrlents for your garden. Use them !! Do not, however, compost meat scrsps. In thls & rea , l t l s an open lnvltatlon to bear s. Use vegetable s c r aps onl y , F ee d you r meat scr epsto your pets or to the flsh or se agul l s . N o w l s the tlm e to send for your seed catalogues .[t l s a fl ne tlme to browse through the pages and to rnake your docislons ae to I w ha t to pl ant. It ts gr eat fun to plck at least one ve getabl e that you have never trled before, and to see lf you can get lt to grow well here. You rnlght dlecover that eomethlngthst ls not supposedto g row h e re w lll do wel!. That wtll glve you sor nethlngto br ag about to your frlends. Go to l t ! ! Star t your gar den, at least In your m lnd. Be r eady to pa mpe ryour plants when they ar r lve ln the spr lng. 22 l Bamf ield Tralfs illotel sfE toAt fooLs ^Eut(oAt(i wtnt ,frAB,,ile t,Fg.ur{sPortSoSFlcr{8s,8ll.oElot€s. . Phone or urite (604) 728-323r P.0. Bor 7 Baofield, B.C. voR lB0 Y O U RH O S T S Bob and Etleen PeEtlgre*r I I MGBTIT{IER ING Ed SilRVEY E.C. L*nd SurveYonr B'C'L'S' RichardA.H. lL{ortimer. Another setisfied cu$omerl LA9-225 Canada ltve.r Duncan, B.C. P.0. Bor 4?5 (7t+W332) VgL 3Xg PACIFIC t:r 5u??tt 5Oa3So.tff€de St 729 2322 T{Off ARE TCILR RHYTFMS? The,Bto-Grsf on the fotlowlng page ts a blo-rythm for the month of January for Jlm, The theory |l that aach of us has three natursl cyc.les that govern our llveg. These three cycles are In phase st our blrth, but have different perlods. Our physlcal cycle h8$ a period of ?3 daye, Our second cycie is our emgtlonst ctate and has a perlod of ?8 days. The third cycle Soverns lntellectual matters and has a p e r l o d o f g g d a y s , T h e s ec y c l e s a r e s l n e w a v e $ t h a t c o n s t e n t l y a w l n g irom peak tCI vnlley and back, There is no clgnlflcance to the peaks or valleys, but to the zet'o crosslngs. When a cycle cro$ses zero' that dny is criticai f*:: that cycle. When two cycles cro$s- on the s&rne day, .that day ls dotlble crltlcal. When three cross on the s&m€ dnyn rhnt dny is trlple crlt!cal" These days foretell lri:pnrtnnt or c*rrta*trnphic eirent$" Tlist Is tlre theory" If you wo,uld ilke t0 te.st itn we w{ll plot your rhythms {or any rnonth yott would iike to seor. Perhaps ynu could plck a dste when something very good or very ba'd happened and see how clore your blo-rhythrns conie to thls date" Then 'you'could plckI a dato ln the future and sct sccordlngly. It bf t t charts of your rhythms are Evatlable for $3,00 each. your narne, dste of btrth and the mouth you would llke to send Just Investlgate,together rrlth $3.00 per chart to: TIIEBARKLEYSOT'NDEN, P.O.Box 9l Bamfleld, B,C. voR lB0 24 n4 re ao i-t .arD vl gtr (Ft{ g, F. $ {,/t ru f.rE { 1 (, o, 12C er/, | 3v, ?a ol,/, I Ffg ($ra '-E o gr e tlll? ll & C' h Fl _*##lrl tt tn sl ni 25 !. I ? a l. l- 0 .o T $\ ffi Fa ,qt\ ,l'\ -t Fl lo --! I T I S A B O Y I !I $teplrenand Judy Gray aro pleaeedto announc€the blrttr of a son, ThomasAllan CreorgcGray. ' Thornaswas born lt{ovembetISth at 3:04 pm et the Llonfg Gete Hospftal In Vancouver. ll* wetgh*d S poundt 6 ouncesat blrth. Marcle welcomesher new llgtle brother to Famfleld. PAR.UdT Aff IS{ TflAfoI by Judy Schmldr The Lase PAT meetlng was heid st P*chenan where thers xryo.$ R good turnsut of psrsnt$, Ccf fee and cake w$re pno'vided foy Lavern*'Co'ok" 'Ihe PAT would llke er:rthumk nll tire p**pl*'wFr-+ c*:y***i* rk;y Chrlstmss play *nd rnade it n blg $uc*e$$. .!Ye are hoping to have r) ggjJlg 0glvp sr! j.gsggry" 3Sr-jgg$, westhsr permltttng" The money l* ic go fbf a eer of rfie eenndfl*r? WorldBook Encyclopediefor the school, Tbe nsxt PAT meetlng wtli be held sr ths schclolar ?:"30on JanuarY!l' l98s' HappyNevYeart Bamfteldts Pollttcsl Cartoonlst for January lt Frcd Welland. 27 THOUGFITS OI{ THII.{GS III{ GENERAL tr{ Bp{,K Torr')N .Ti're. f,tceei mus,irans qo.ptr.rre Dnf-3 ecwrAtir*Cs ',t 'dAr.ce scul Aar,"rn'the sidanaik. d.ni rnrake. I 1t^i-k . STect dru r.s A" ,f beaf, a. . qaiatv .*lnbbrrn"A. {re-v atteslto rq. qt::L *rv.-1 sound sound vrbrcffes/ vibraTegr'thtiCr.tS The',? Their 1t^riCr AnA .\ sce- tne jun{e foqe$^ef +Ja:*ly an* \, lhis d*J pr,r*,trve,. {o/e*ter aafete( PfrrtntTrV4. throuql throuqh inLe chirrlte cln a4es Thev TheV 0€ , A ptaqer Haus -on throuql" 'thd d^Ab..) df &s*e J l,ocns ths *r<eY Avrot?cr bne(f q^e CLlssic,&\ oai.ert shced c o^ a @rner. S#iffirqi*ftb"tf** ffffi5:JSffir €[,s;*tl 1'5'v, Contd... ?8 Cecile Lynos has luat publtshed e book of pcetry and llne art called rThoughts on.Thlngs ln Generalil. HEr 30 page ollrn volumecontslns 18 poernos$d numerossllne drawlng* Tho shsve cxcer?t rrs taken from pages 22 e $ of FTtoughtst" The brjok ls ovatlsble by mall crder {$4.S0 ssvgrs ehlpplngl, To order ysur copy, wrlte to: G Lfneg S{i"s448 Fsrk*vills, 8.C. V0R ?$0 fs TI{A SAUft4ILL PN$JNCT Nic*ragus io atruggllng to rebutld lts economy ogaln*t rnsny obstscl*r" The csuntry has n legacy of pcverty from yeer$ of exploltetgou end opprer*ion under the Sornorn dlctatorship" The major e*rth*1unke sf 1972 dextroyed ma$y hcusos and pnbttc bulldlngs, and rsi**h of thre forelgn ald money thst w$s sent ws$ pr:cketed by $<lmoza. S ! n q : et h e * r n e r t h n o wo f $ o m m z ni n 1 9 7 9 , N i c a r e g u n h s s a n e w g o r e r n * ??r*Nlt,c&cnmitted to bulldlng a better Ilfe fcr tlie peoplen go llnprov* l*g l'remltfu*elrm end sr$ucttion, and to earrying out lflnd refslrr'rlsa$d i**r*:**rirrS f*od production. S u t N i * a r m g m a f xt r o u b l e s s r e n s t o v * r , f f o u n r e r * r * v o l u t l o n a r y er{Ii{*s sl.rppr:r{:ed by the uoS,o and the U.$, trade *mbargst Ef,e warict r n g t + { $ r m i mt h e c * u n t r y l o r e u o u r € e $ . M a * y * { v i l { a n t e r s * t s e u c h a * dny*u:are elefitre$ nnd fmrm b,*lldlngs hnve bee* cle*trnyed by tcontnat {iitt&{:k$, smd lnucfr sf tix.e e*r)nsrny le devoteri to dmferrse"h[&ny baelr: ir*cess$q;l*sr:f lif* are [n $oarce *upply. *v*r th*: p**r flve y**r$ ffany Censd!*n+ hnse sh*w* filielr $ritrr* p#rl itrr' flic*n"ergu$?**truggie to rebultrclby donartng rnc'n*y 'r$ rry*li .::,Jt.rrlii,q*qd supp!$ereslf mtl klnde through ifue $T'*ols fclr Peacet '. .' r ,j i:',; ; ", "itrt:j trq:sf'*n ;*i:;'.lrber fr'#rti sr$ll:I'i i$,,{1"}rrunr* *f 6yd3uF$ J*,ilreilt,: '*'r,rii,il,*6*lh*r t*lv*rels m *p*clfir: g*ni; n;: *nnd,n g:rontmhls s**;rmlilq* jd{*trr*r$ua"It wl}trgo s* aa erea where land is b*ing ciesred for Rew f'sfm,,$ und v'{llmg*$"At pr.ressnt, msny of t}:e tre*,s thst ar*.cqrt d*wn are *iruipiyieft to rot for l*ck of any lvay ts tur$ thern Int*r lurnber" We I'rnv*chCIsene de*{gnof portoble earvm{llrhot I* slrnpneand re,llehle and hEs been proven ln use eround the world. Sawmill* of *hl* typ$ &re *lso found {n prsctlcally €very rurel conrmuniry +f B.{]" wirer* thousandsof hoLr.ses have b*en butlt wlth lumb*r rnllled on the site. 'Ihe ssr?e de*lgn of mill is nlso used by lmrge commerclal luruber *ompanles to rnlll ttrelr oversiee lcg*" ft'e are dlrectlng our appeal erpeclcl.ly to people from B.C.fs rurml cornnnunlffeo,and tc people ln the fotest Indurtt,y, becsuse th*y wlll have a rpeclal u$derstandtngof the value of thie proJect, CIur Inttlal obJectlve la to ralse $151000to corrsr the purchegeof a r*wftill {elther fiew of, e good used one}, the cost of rhtpplng, and a few nec*$s&ry aecossorles: chalnsaws, pesyeys, corne-alongn, ga$ can^s'mechanlcal tools" spare Fart$, etc. A portable sawmlll costs $o more to buy thnn n nnedlunr-prtced csr, but lt can help to provlde the houstng needs of hundreds of people srho deeperat*ly need shelt*r" Your generous contrlbutlon s0 to d a y w l l l b e w orktng to b u l l d I ber ter r yay of llfe ln centr al Amerlcefor yearu to come, Donatloncshould be mads to the Coalltlon for Ald to Ntcaragua,2524 cyprocs st., vancouver B.c v6S lAl, and shouldbe clearly ear-marked iSawmlll proJectr. For more Inforrnatlonplea*e contacr Doug Hopwood,3{56 w lgrh Ave. vancouver B.c V8s lA7, or your local ttooli for peacef offlce. ^-_ ^T"r recelpts wlll be lesuedon request for donatlonsoyer $15.00, HAST MAST A}TTI STS by C, Lynes $* ydf *n*rher ys*r drarv* sl*uely rl) srl end, l*nding the oppcrtmnityfor f,evte$' and re'uivsl. wirh ,.'hich !n rnind il lgn-*er c h * se r :t e *f *a t u r e qri a.rri san!n *.rsl vedwith tli* r *r iv,a! <.if *:i a n * ie n tp *s s t i m e -*stal rl edg l el ssw nrk" t r n l 9 ? 8 Bs r b a ra stre l l e y of F ark r vllle w*s vl$lr tng fr le$ei* l n K n m l o o p sw l i o w e r e a t t h n t t l m e p l a y i n g w l t h r u t g l a * * " Fe e lln g t h e n e e d of a cre a tl ve ou tl et, she fopk a 6r ass- class back in Parksrylllennd frorn fhen on her tatent ha* brcomed" $o much $o that ln lg83 one of her pleces w&s aelectcd for the Fectlval of Arts and last surnrner, a wlndow of dsdicstlon w&$ Installedat $t, AnnetsAngltcan Churctr In French Creek. ,ds well as wlndowsand panelsnBarb makeelarnpsand boxeu, m c s t l y o r l g i n a l l n d e s1 6 n . A fte r a m { r nth at pllchuck lir ter natlonal olass schsol ln washington rhts Bummerf ehe iras besn worklngnon-stop at fuer new studlo {an old churah ln Errlngron} lu order to actuallze some of the exclrlng thlngs che learned" . Although nnostof her work ls done through prlvate commtstlon, Barb doos partlclpate In locsl craft ohowsand ls an actlve member of the Handcrafter Cooperative ln Perkoville. I knor If I had three or four hundred dollars to sp€re, I?d csrtainly order a panel from Barb. In fact, I alroady have the perfect deslgn! Happy New Year Everyone" 31 FIRE D8P'T 8A[,lf IELD VOLL&.ITEER B e r nt S m e r g € n c yn u m b e r N o n E m e r g e n c yn u m b e r * - * t "*bJrewar - - 7 2 8 - 3 2 1t ---72E-3433 Brpartnnent rnernbersand lnvi ted Suests had a v€ry enjoyable e ve n i ngon Januar ySr dnwhen we had our annuslChr iatr nasdi nner and par t yr The following lnforrnatlon was taken frorn department mall thet ryes rec*ived frorn the Office of the Flre Commigsioner. A Cali fornin f ire f ighter rece$tly sustalned rninor lnJuries from an explonion as he performed routlne mainrenanceon a waterirroof {tashlight" The inci{ent occurred when both ends of a flashi t g t r r b l e v r e p f r r t l r a s h r : i t g u n - d e c i b l ee x p l o s l o n a $ t h e f l r e f i g h t e r t r v i ; s t e ; Jt h e c * p t o r e m f i v e t h e b a t t e r l e s . A n i n r r e s r i g a t i o n f a i . r n dt h a t t t r e * x p l * s i o n w s s c ; l u . s e db y a n a b n o r m a l l y h y d r o g e n r i c h a t m o * p h e r e inslde the flashllght whi*h was lgntt*d by statlc rlectrlcity. Two r n a J o r f a c t o r s c a u s ed t l l l a F a r t i c u l a r e i t u a t l o n " F l r s t n t h e u n u s u a l hydrogen production was created by leaklng C-cell batterles. In nddition, the wsrer-tight O-rtng seal that sllows the flashlight to be waterproof, dld not permit sufflcient escspe of the gas. One flashllght manufacturer , Sebrellte, hae developed a devlce to absorb the hydrogen build-up lnside the flashllght that ls poss{ble even with new batterles, These plastic cllps that hold reu*able hydrogen absorblng pellets are avallable from Pelican Pro- ou*ttr; iffi ,on, the c-ceil rnanufacturer,unton carbtde, recornmends that batterlesnot be refrigerated or frozen. The condensation between ttre poeltive and negative linlngr lnslde the battery as the cell ,returns to rbom temperature increases the porslbllity of a leaking cell and thus ercess hydrogen productlon. 32 REr3Iff{AI- ffiRD REPORT hy Al Benton , Aa we nnove into !$S6, the year of Expo and pr**umably a bumper crop *f tourlets, we &ie slso faced rvith lncreaslng pre$* surs to *hange Bamflelcllnt.n n msrs tourist-*rler:ted con:munity. Two exarnples of fihls &re frxry J&cksonfs pr*pc-eed flestlnarion Res*rt ofi the old Fs*t{lc Rtm fulsriculture slte and Tcv* Chrletia::rs appllcatlon for e r;::ighb$urhoot{pub tt the Sarxflelci ?rnil,s l*.btel" The f{r*t i$$ue, the re$srtr will be the r*p!c of a p*hlic: h*aring *ir Tuesdny, Januury ?1 ut l:30 pm at uhef;n*rmunity I'{oil. Corne,out and vcli#'oy'orrrropinlon. T'he s*eonr{ fsxue, the gr,uhllceno*, should b* the trrplc r-:f a In Det*mber, ilile silrH&F in tlie ne&r futurn. fifliSlTb{:}rir}r,$&{tr Regi*n*? tli*t rlr;t re*eived & reEue$t f insm tire Li,:;atri'Ccntr*i Fr*-*ls*ran** nt*rei"rr ***nif l'c;r p*::-.*3*xratcs {}ii this prc;j*ct, f,"iii,irs'*r*+ELc::l,*r ii:.c prr;rp*B*t*.qit* is epf*iJFriilt*ly ;:o::grl f*r: sur';h i'r llqu*r l:ir$lrli* *!',0 {f fi*;l:q:$-qr*f !'r if ti}* x*ni*g, *$uld L"e ! dlss:*ns*S ths nn{}lier ci: ng"*i.i ti-r rr*t*minl.ld*g*, ,$u*ih n iicense. wttli ell ffierrrbers sf the Advl.v*ry fllanning C*rurui**inm snri it was a g ree dt h e g : r * -*l esr*ne esfuo u l db e glven eo nllow net6htr ntr sto voi*sl tlielr oplnlono through I surv€y. A pub li*euee requlree thst I $uryoy of all melghbour* x'ithin u half rnlle redlus of the pmp+seelf*ctlity be conelueeerJ at the elxperiseof the opgrlicant" ,q,t the tlme of the l#heelhause C*fe li*snslng oppliostir]nlvftr"R. Atrlern frould, GeneralMan.*gerof t h e L l q *o r C o n trsl a n d Li cen o l *g Br anch, lndicated that"..nit wq:urld be possible for {i$ t$ cnnside* * refer*ndum lnvolving fh* r*hold cornmunlty in the evs$t of an appllcation for a stralght d rin k i n g . o u r l e t.; (l vl a r*h?S , l $ 8 1 l etter to M r . A.H. Kllpatr lcku A d m l n t . s t r a t o rRr6to , n a l D i strl cr o f Alber nl- Clayoquot.I The ,q.P.C concumed thst f, referendum or survey of the whole cornmunityvould probably be the more reasonsbler$ute tCI follorv. I strouldatuo polnt out that a S0% rnajorlty of all. resll$ntq ln the deslgnatedsfes ls nece$serybefore the L"C"B. wlli approYe sn applicatlon. 3S t On e flnal ltem ' shlch has b€en br ought to m y sttenr l on l s I rneetlngrylth Mr. Harry Ronmark,ReglonalManagerof the Mlnlstry of lt{ghways, and ali regldentr lnrer€$ted ln rrhat the Mtnletry ls now dolng and ls propcutngto do wlth Roads and Trails in Bamfleid. The tneetln& will be held on $aturday, January l6th at 3:0S pm st the Bamfteld Inn For those who wlsh to dlecussthelr con ce rnspr lvar ely vlth M r .,Ronm ar k,he will be avallabl ebetw een l :0 0 an d 3 :00 pr n for r uch consultatlons. STEPHEI{S STIBET }IETAL LTO $tatrr:1ese Smoke Plpes Venttl.atore Weter snd Ges Tnnks A l u m i n r : r nf r e e e e r T r a y s General Sheet Metel Phane ?t3'-7il33 ??3."21td sr 4*ft Bute $tr*et. s5$$ssss$$ssss$ssssss s ss s PE3LE![sIe& s Dolrfisrrc-coilruEnctrAr s s II{DUSTRIAL s s rri$?ar[ATIo!{s * R E P A I B S$ s $ Phone 738* 3323 $ $ $$ss$$ $$5$ $$s$ $ss$$s$$$$$s$ ffiffiffiffiR SLTTBO,AFIDS " O I T T I R I N T I { [ L O N 6f t U N i I CAil,fIOf{' CA}.IAVENTI.RE rs4(jesTAR, mATs L u n d A l u m i n u n ro R o s d R u n n s r T r a l l e r s lvlAR.lt{EAffiflSSORIES-}-ULL PARTS A}.lD Sffi.VItr 3{83 TH|&O&VSf'luE 8,C.V9Y"4T4 FGNTALSERNI, 7. d"57$4 :it) QtUerniGurhomQutoBodgLtd" 4780 Tsbo Avsnue F.O. Eox 1250 PORTALBERNI .A. Daneliuk, Preaident Phone: ??3-6812 -I,IODERN FR[!E At{D IdEASURING EOUIPI|ENt -SFECIA.LIUED PAIIITTNG -SA$D BIAS$ING -HEjilVY E0UIPliEllT REPAIRS -UPSOL$TEflY 8EBAIRS -AUIO GI,ASS REP&f,CE!{SNT wAxovr Ant,l*hustproaf,ing (? year Wrrranty) euSrynondfGdFC &u*t - Fibreslass ftcpair flarr, .Ell. AUTo t r.octL tf{D Lorlo ollTtlict il3Ayr DU|Y lowlHc I t:goYEtY rot 2|[-}touRtowtNc Phonr ?23-5023 e Complor Collldon fuplo I Prlnll*e - Ctrr, Irocto, Halot Homig,Socts, B0o.r, LogglngTructt & HocvyEqulp. SBC0llD CTASS I'IAIL No. 6014 Regfstrstlon Postage Paid,1n BAIiFTELD,BtI?rsE coluilBrr C*}iADA
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