Melahirkan pelajar yang cintakan ilmu - i


Melahirkan pelajar yang cintakan ilmu - i
Melahirkan pelajar
yang cintakan ilmu
14 THE
16 i-THINK
Hot & Happening
Melahirkan pelajar
yang cintakan ilmu
Nick Says
Sazroy Aiman
mahu mencontohi
Datuk Lee Chong Wei
The Need for Higher
Order Thinking Skills
The Headlines
Main Mind
i-THINK Goes Online
Peraduan HOTS
Apa Khabar i-THINKers!
Kami ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Malaysia
kepada semua. Dalam isu ini terdapat beberapa artikel
yang menarik mengenai program i-THINK di sekolah.
Wawancara dengan Muhammad Sazroy Aiman bin
Mahd Sazaila, pemenang Peraduan HOTS di muka
surat 13 dan berkongsi pengalaman bagaimana beliau
menyelesaikan peraduan tersebut yang membolehkan
beliau memenangi sebuah Samsung Galaxy Tab.
Peraduan HOTS diteruskan dalam isu ini dengan
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 untuk dimenangi dan kami
berharap para pelajar akan mencuba untuk
Datuk Seri Idris Jala, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif PEMANDU
(Unit Pengurusan Prestasi dan Pelaksanaan) dan juga
Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri telah menegaskan
dalam satu artikelnya kepentingan mewujudkan
Beliau berkata kerajaan memberi dorongan awal,
sektor swasta harus bersedia menawarkan dorongan
komersial melalui mekanisme pembiayaan dan inovasi
keusahawanan. Ini juga merupakan masa yang sesuai
untuk rakyat Malaysia menyokong agenda inovasi supaya
kita dapat menuju ke arah menjadi sebuah masyarakat
yang benar-benar inovatif.
HOTS juga ingin mendengar pendapat pelajar-pelajar,
guru-guru danibu-bapa dan digalakkan menghantar
semua pertanyaan, video klip pendek, testimoni,
pengalaman dan sumbangan lain kepada atau
Terima Kasih!
Lihat muka surat
18 untuk menyertainya
Hello i-THINKers!
Wishing everyone a Happy Malaysia Day. In this issue
we have some interesting articles on the i-THINK
programme in schools.
The interview with Muhammad Sazroy Aiman bin
Mahd Sazaila, the winner of Peraduan HOTS, on Page
13 gives an insight on the tenacity of the teenager
in completing Peraduan HOTS before anyone else to
win a Samsung Galaxy Tab and the Peraduan HOTS
continues in this issue with another Samsung Galaxy
Tab 3 to be won and we hope students would
try their best to win it.
Datuk Seri Idris Jala, the CEO of Pemandu
(Performance Management and Delivery Unit) and
also the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department
has stressed in an article that in the interest of
persekitaran yang berinovasi untuk berkembang
maju dan keperluannya
creating an environment for innovation to thrive, there is
need for a strong ecosystem involving all parties.
He said the government gives the early push, the private
sector offers commercial impetus through funding
mechanisms and entrepreneurial innovators. This is also
the right time for Malaysians who are well-positioned to
support the innovation agenda so we get on that path
towards becoming a truly innovative society.
HOTS would also like to hear the opinion of students,
teachers and parents so after reading this issue,
please send all inquiries video clips, testimonials
or experiences and other contributions to or
Happy i-THINKing!
Menyambut Hari Malaysia
pada 16 September
Hari Malaysia disambut pada
16 September setiap tahun untuk
memperingati penubuhan persekutuan
Malaysia di tarikh yang sama pada
tahun 1963. Ia menandakan
penyertaan bersama Malaya, Sabah,
Sarawak, dan Singapura bagi
membentuk Malaysia.
Pembentukan persekutuan baru ini
dirancangkan berlaku pada 1 Jun 1963
namun kemudiannya ditangguhkan
ke 31 Ogos 1963 bagi membolehkan
ia disambut bersama-sama dengan
sambutan hari kemerdekaan ke-6.
Beberapa isu berkaitan dengan
bantahan Indonesia dan Filipina
dalam pembentukan Malaysia
memperlambatkan pengisytiharan
ke 16 September. Pada tahun 2010,
Hari Malaysia merupakan cuti am
di semua negeri di Malaysia.
Penangguhan itu juga dibuat
bagi membolehkan Pertubuhan
Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu
memperuntukkan masa
membuat pungutan suara
di Sabah dan Sarawak.
Mulai tahun 2010, Hari Malaysia
merupakan cuti am di semua negeri
di Malaysia.
Mandela Penerima
Anugerah Global Peace
Dalam usaha mempromosi keamanan
untuk semua, Limkokwing University
memperkenalkan anugerah Mahathir
For Global Peace dengan penerima
sulung bekas Presiden Afrika Selatan
Nelson Mandela.
Menurut Anggota Jawatankuasa
Mahathir Global Peace Foundation
Ambi Mathe, anugerah itu disampaikan
kepada Presiden Afrika Selatan Jacob
G. Zuma bagi pihak Mandela, ketika
lawatan rasminya ke negara ini dalam
bulan Ogos.
Anugerah ini lahir daripada kesungguhan
dan komitmen bekas Perdana Menteri
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dalam
memperjuangkan keamanan sejagat
selama ini, kata Ambi Mathe.
"Anugerah itu juga akan
mengiktiraf usaha serta
sumbangan oleh individu
dan pertubuhan dalam
memperjuangkan keamanan
global termasuk pihak
media, penulis dan
bloger," katanya.
the world's
latest mammal
An animal that looks like a mix between a cat and a
teddy bear has been unveiled as the first new
carnivorous mammal identified in the Western
Hemisphere in 35 years.
Scientists say the olinguito, a tree-crawling animal, is
now understood to be the smallest member of the
same family as raccoons, kinkajous and olingos.
With wide, round eyes and tiny claws that help it cling
to branches, the olinguito can jump between trees. It
feasts mainly on fruit but also eats insects and nectar.
Its discovery, which took a decade of research, is
described in the August 15 edition of the journal
The one-kilogram animals are active at night, and
also appear to prefer staying in the trees and have
one baby at a time.
mobile phones?
Whether accidentally dropped in a sink, toilet or
swimming pool; soaked by a rainstorm or a beverage
or sent through a washing machine your mobile is
damaged. But buyers beware, the devices are not
waterproof. Water in electronic gadgets is catastrophic.
But we may soon have waterproof phones because of a
new technology that uses nanotec coatings. Two
companies leading the research and development into
this technology are HzO and Liquipel. HzO won the
CES 2012 Innovations, Design and Engineering Award
for its nano coating technology while Liquipel received
a 2012 Edison Award in material science for its nano
coating technology.
Both companies use a vapor deposition process to
coat electronic devices with a very thin film. This film
is hydrophobic, which means that it repels water,
humidity, perspiration, coffee, wine, soda and even
These coatings are not meant to protect
smartphones during deep sea dives or for any
extended underwater use. They will protect devices
against damage caused by accidental immersions
even if the device has been left submerged in water
for a few hours.
i-THINK: Melahirkan pelajar yang
cintakan ilmu
dan semasa Mesyuarat Agung
PIBG pada 23 Februari 2013.
Fakhrulrozi Abd Rahman, Penyelaras Program i-THINK SK Paya Pulai,
memberikan gambaran tentang perlaksanaan i-THINK di sekolah
beliau yang menolong melahirkan pelajar yang mencintakan ilmu.
Sejak Program i-THINK dilaksanakan
di SK Paya Pulai pada awal 2012,
banyak perubahan yang berlaku
kepada sekolah, baik dari segi
pentadbiran, pengajaran dan
pembelajaran, maklumat di dalam
bilik darjah, suasana di pejabat,
kelas dan bilik guru serta kawasan
persekitaran sekolah, semuanya
menerima “tempias” dari
pelaksanaan program tersebut.
Mesyuarat P
pada 23 FebIBG 2013
Program ini telah menjadikan
ruari 2013
sekolah sebagai satu tempat untuk
melahirkan masyarakat yang cintakan
sesuatu perkara dengan kritis.
ilmu. Bukan sahaja cintakan ilmu, malah
Para guru dan murid bersepakat
tampil menjadi organisasi yang menuju
ke arah “Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi”. mengatakan setiap peta yang akan
dibuat akan bermula dengan Peta
Hasrat ini tidak akan terlaksana
Bulatan. Ini kerana proses
sekiranya ia tidak dibudayakan kepada
setiap warga SK Paya Pulai dan jaringan ‘brainstorming’ yang merujuk kepada
perkara di tengah-tengah bulatan
yang berhubung dengannya.
menjadikan maklumat yang ingin
disusun menjadi berkembang. Selepas
Guru-guru SK Paya Pulai telah
itu barulah peta-peta lain dibentuk
didedahkan dengan Kursus Program
berdasarkan maklumat di dalam Peta
i-THINK pada penghujung tahun 2011.
Bulatan itu tadi.
Mereka telah mempelajari lapan Peta
Pemikiran, proses pemikiran untuk setiap
Guru-guru serta murid telah
peta serta contoh-contoh peta. Setelah
bekerjasama mewujudkan satu bilik
melalui Projek Rintis yang di laksanakan
khas yang dinamakan Makmal i-THINK
kepada pelajar SK Paya Pulai, senario
pendidikan alaf baru ini telah mengubah dengan dibimbing oleh pentadbir.
pelajarnya dari pelajar yang pasif kepada Makmal ini menempatkan papan
aktif memberi idea dan membincangkan pameran, broser Program i-THINK,
laporan, gambar-gambar, contoh-
contoh Peta Pemikiran yang
diletakkan di dalam fail serta
ditampal di papan kenyataan bilik
Bilik ini berfungsi sebagai pusat
rujukan kepada guru-guru dan murid
serta pelawat-pelawat. Bahan-bahan
yang ada juga dijadikan bahan
pameran inovasi di Simposium
Pendidikan Negeri Pahang di Bahagian
Teknologi Pendidikan Negeri Pahang
yang diadakan pada 9 hingga 11 Julai,
2013. Selain itu bahan pameran ini di
letakkan di dewan sekolah semasa Majlis
Sambutan Hari Guru pada 16 Mei 2012
t PIBG 2013
d yang men
Murid-muriINK semasa Mesyuara
bruari 2013
pada 23 Fe
Sebagai penanda aras Program
knologi Pen
Bahagian Teang pada 9-10 Julai 2
i-THINK di Pahang, SK Paya Pulai
telah menerima kunjungan dari
Lawatan Pena
berbagai pihak iaitu pegawai dari
melibatkan 48 orang murid dan 12
Pejabat Pelaja nda Aras Program i-THINK,
PPD Temerloh, PPD Bera, PPD
ran Daerah Tem
orang guru yang diadakan di dewan
Kuantan, Maran
Kuantan, PPD Pekan, pengetua
sekolah. Mereka dibahagikan mengikut pada Jun 2012 Bera ke SK Paya Pulai
dan guru besar serta guru-guru
kumpulan. Setiap kumpulan terdiri
dari seluruh Pahang. Mereka bukan
daripada empat orang murid dan
sahaja mendengar taklimat
menjadi terbatas. Dengan adanya
seorang guru pembimbing. Setiap
daripada Guru Besar Encik
kumpulan dibekalkan dengan beberapa program seperti ini, ia dapat memberi
Aminuddin Abdul Hamid, malah
impak yang besar kepada murid untuk
bahan yang disediakan oleh penganjur
mereka juga berpeluang mengikuti
mencuba sesuatu yang baru untuk
seperti polysterin, kad manila, dawai,
pengajaran dan pembelajaran di dalam
membudayakan cara pemikiran
gam dan beberapa bahan kitar semula
semua kelas yang mereka lawati. Mereka yang lain.
menggunakan Peta Pemikiran i-THINK.
bebas memilih mana-mana kelas untuk
dimasuki kerana semua warga sekolah
Sebagai kesimpulannya, semoga semua
Kelebihan program ini ialah ia telah
mengamalkan serta membudayakan
pihak yang terlibat di dalam Program
membina satu sudut inovasi untuk
Program i-THINK.
i-THINK di SK Paya Pulai dapat
penggunaan bahan Peta Pemikiran
mengamalkan kemahiran berfikir aras
yang biasanya diguna pada kertas
Pada 10 Julai 2013 satu program yang
tinggi dan menjadi salah sebuah
mahjong. Bahan tersebut tidak
dinamakan Celik i-THINK telah
sekolah yang cemerlang di Daerah
kelihatan maujud ataupun dapat
dianjurkan oleh guru-guru pelatih yang
disentuh malahan kreativiti murid akan
datang bertugas di sekolah ini. Pengisian
program ini ialah Pertandingan
Pembinaan Model i-THINK dengan
Bahan Kitar Semula. Acara ini
Ibu bapa ber
cara-cara m bincang dengan murid
menyusun idelakar Peta Pemikiran se
Lawatan G
pril 2012
t pada 16 A
ri Jerantu
uru-guru da
Nick Symes, the Director of
Overseas Operations of Thinking
Schools International, UK,
addresses some of the issues
raised by showcase schools on
i-THINK and Habits of Mind (HoM)
in their development plans.
On SJK(C) WEN HUA, Melaka’s i-THINK
implementation plans, Nick says:
As always, Wen Hua has taken an
extremely thorough approach to
the task set! I am very impressed
with what you have presented to
me as planning documents. You
have thought carefully about
each strand and developed good
implementation strategies.
I particularly like the inclusion of
the strand on developing thinking
classrooms – this shows an
approach that brings together the
various different strands and, of
course, is at the heart of the
thinking school approach.
Do not get too
tied to the notion
that you have to
introduce all 16 Habits of
Mind in detail. The starting
point is to identify the Habits that
your pupils perhaps do not do so
well, ones that would help and
support them in their learning
development. Once you have
explored the concepts within a few
of the Habits, going into each in
detail, you may find that you do not
need to develop such an in depth
approach to some of the others i.e.
your teachers and pupils will
I also like the inclusion of pre and
understand the approach and be
post assessment opportunities – and able to apply this to a new Habit
would like to know, at some point,
perhaps without so much training
what format this might take.
and input.
My suggestions include:
Also don’t forget to build in regular
review points into your planning
Johor’s development plans,
Nick Says:
I have had a chance to look at your
Showcase School planning document
in detail and would like to thank the
team for putting together this
document which clearly shows a lot
of thought and preparation. More
importantly, it will provide you with a
“road map” of how you will move
your school from where you are now
to becoming a Showcase School that
others in your country can look at as
an example of a successful Thinking
Some of my suggestions include:
process. This means asking the
question “How is the plan going?
Are we on track? What have we
learned? Do we need to adjust the
plan in the light of what we have
To conclude – Well Done and Thank
You. I look forward to some
occasional updates and to watching
how your school continues to grow
and grow as a Thinking School, one
that can lead the way in Malaysia!
The objectives are: Excellent! This
provides a vision for the school to work
towards. Hopefully these will be shared
across your learning community. By
this, I mean not only the leadership
team but all the teachers, students –
and don’t forget the parents! The
“vision statements” are well planned
to achieve this. Your planning is clear
that it identifies the difference that
you want to make between now and
You also have set out a clear plan of
how you will implement Habits of Mind
which is good. This clear step by step
planning (that can be shared with all
those involved) will provide a structure
that will help you achieve your goals.
Building in the
Reflective Journal into
your planning is a
positive move. Although
the journal is being used
within the context of HoMs,
remember that it can be used
with any aspect of thinking. It is
reflective – so you might
consider broadening the use of
these journals once students
become familiar with them –
for students to be able to reflect
not only on what they know but
also how they learnt it is a big step
towards becoming an
independent learner.
You have clearly thought carefully
about the monitoring process and
have identified appropriate methods
to implement this development
strand. Monitoring can not only help
to ensure that plans are being
implemented – it can also identify
areas of success as well as areas of
weakness where further
developmental training might be
needed. In addition, it provides
valuable information for future
You also set out the 7 strands within
your development plan. What I can
see is detailed planning for strands on
Implementing Habits of Mind and
Monitoring. There is reference to the
monitoring of other thinking tools and
this may provide enough feedback for
the drive team on the further
embedding of Thinking Maps and
further developing questioning skills.
Some further planning is needed.
What you have produced is excellent
and I look forward to seeing Convent
Muar growing into a very successful
Thinking School – and again, thank
HOTS will publish “Nick Says” with his comments on
issues raised by the other showcase schools in the
next issue. Don’t forget to read them.
"Improve pro
"Produce cre fessionalism of teaching
"open minde ative thinkers",
the benefits ess"... Here come
& excitemen
t from the pro
Welcoming speech by Dr Taufiq Thiagi,
advisor of Agensi Inovasi Malaysia
Support Visit by officers from the Ministry of Education,
International Baccalaureate Organisation and Agensi Inovasi
Malaysia to Tunku Kurshiah College, Bandar Enstek,
Negeri Sembilan
Supporting m
from Mr Mark aterials hand-over cerem
Malaysia to D Rozario, CEO of Agensi In ony
Curriculum U r Hajar, Head of Innovatio ovasi
nit, MOE.
n in
Ideal School from
the eyes of participants 1
Ideal School
Che Kamaliah,
Presentation by Puanu Kurshiah College
the principal of Tunkory and achievements
on the college's hist
Healthy discussion
was going on
What will make the workshop
a success for you?
Ideal School
Ideal School
Ideal School
Sazroy Aiman
mahu mencontohi
Datuk Lee Chong Wei
The Star
Aiman Bin Mahd
, 21100
Pemenang Peraduan
an Pusat Bukit Besar
Sazaila dari
wab soalan-soalan
Kuala Terengganu bu
asrat menjadi juara
amah HOTS dengan
badminton. In
Apakah pendapat anda
tentang program i-THINK?
Program i-THINK berjaya membuatkan saya cepat
berfikir, berani mengeluarkan idea, berani ke hadapan
semasa perbentangan dan berkongsi idea dengan
Ya, saya suka muzik. Penyanyi yang saya minati
ialah ST 12 (Putih-putih Melati)
Apa yang anda lakukan
pada masa lapang anda?
Makanan kegemaran saya ialah Nasi Goreng Ayam kerana
ia berkhasiat dan sedap.
Saya suka membaca buku dan bermain
dengan kawan-kawan.
Apa permainan yang anda suka main?
See Hua
New Straits Time
Saya suka bermain badminton dan berharap dapat
mengharumkan nama negara seperti Datuk Lee Chong
Wei suatu hari nanti. Untuk tujuan ini saya selalu berlatih
Apakah yang anda suka buat
pada hari minggu?
Selesai masa persekolahan, saya akan menyiapkan
semua kerja rumah yang diberi oleh guru-guru.
Sekiranya ada masa lapang di sebelah petang saya akan
keluar bermain dengan kawan-kawan.
Apa yang anda suka lakukan pada hujung minggu?
Siang Pow
Adakah anda suka muzik dan
siapakah kegemaran anda?
Saya bermain komputer, menolong ibu bapa, bersiar-siar
dengan keluarga dan bermain dengan kawan-kawan.
Apakah makanan
kegemaran anda dan mengapa?
Siapa yang mendorong anda untuk menjawab
semua soalan dalam Peraduan HOTS ini?
Guru-guru banyak memberikan semangat kepada saya
dan mengajar saya agar tidak mudah berputus asa
sekiranya ingin berjaya kerana setiap masalah mesti ada
cara untuk menyelesaikannya.
Bagaimana anda mendapat inspirasi
untuk menulis slogan anda?
Guru-guru dan rakan-rakan yang banyak memberi
inspirasi kepada saya.
Program i-Think berjaya memberikan keyakinan
kepada diri saya untuk berani ke hadapan mengeluarkan
pendapat dalam perbincangan berkumpulan. i-Think
juga menjadikan saya seronok untuk datang ke sekolah
untuk belajar.
Apakah cita-cita anda dan bagaimana anda
merancang untuk mencapainya?
Saya bercita-cita menjadi seorang angkasawan.
Untuk mencapai cita-cita ini, saya perlu belajar
Research has shown that all students
require questioning skills that range
from low to higher order to ensure
they get a better grasp of lessons
taught in schools. They need to be
taught how to engage in higher order
questioning and comprehension skills
to make sense of oral and written text.
When children first learn to read,
much of their effort is focused on
decoding and pronouncing correctly.
While this is essential, in order to
become proficient readers students
have to be able to understand the
meaning of what they read. This not
only requires comprehension skills
but ultimately good thinking skills.
Questioning is a key aspect of the
teaching and learning process.
Questions help draw students into
the learning process as well as
checking on acquisition of knowledge.
When students ask questions this
leads to more talk, higher level
thinking and can result in academic
and social benefits.
These are some of the key elements
of Higher Order Thinking Skills, which
were first highlighted in the 1950s,
by Benjamin Bloom, an educational
psychologist, and his colleagues. They
developed a classification system
identifying different levels of cognition
that defined both lower and high order
thinking. The six levels within the
cognitive domain are from lower to
higher: knowledge, comprehension,
application, analysis, synthesis and
Higher Order Thinking is the ability
to think beyond rote memorisation
of facts or knowledge. Rote memory
recall is not really thinking. Higher
Order Thinking Skills involve actually
doing something with the facts that
we learn. When students use their
higher order thinking skills that
means they understand, they can find
connections between many facts,
they can manipulate them, and put
them together in new ways. Most
importantly they can apply them
to find new solutions to problems.
2013-2025 to produce well-rounded
pupils through an advanced education
The Malaysian Education Ministry has
been emphasising on “Meaningful
Learning” to be the centre of the
Malaysia Education Blueprint
A high-level thinking pupil would
possess four characteristics: creative,
critical, and communicative skills and
ability to network – which is crucial
for the nation’s human capital
Taxonomy for
This is seen as a crucial part of the
ministry’s comprehensive plan to
upgrade the education system to
world-class status. This includes
ensuring learning takes place both
inside and outside of the classroom
where pupils are given an education
that not only revolves around learning
subjects but acquires other skills
as well.
Questions to make your brains go on overdrive? Answer all questions
correctly and creatively to stand a chance of winning a 8GB thumb drive.
Soalan-soalan ini mungkin mengelirukan. Fikirlah sedalamnya sebelum memberi jawapan
yang betul atau menarik dan anda berpeluang untuk memenangi sebuah Pemacu Kilat 8GB.
Soalan 1:
What mathematical symbol
can be put between 5 and 9,
to get a number bigger than 5
and smaller than 9?
(Remember this is a trick question)
Soalan 2:
Masa yang sesuai
untuk berkata:
“May the force be
with you!”
Soalan 3:
Do diamonds shine
by themselves or
refract light? Please
explain your answer.
Putting things together
Creative thinking
Breaking things down
Critikal thinking
Using knowledge
in new situations
Soalan 4:
Berapakah dianggarkan jumlah
bulan yang terdapat dalam
lingkungan sistem solar kita?
Soalan 5:
If you get an opportunity
to give a 50-word speech
to the whole world,
what would you say?
Sila hantarkan sebarang komen dan jawapan anda ke
Knowledge Retention
Foundation for higher order thinking
Goes Online!
Ashwin Singh, Director of Teamie
Pte Ltd delves into the new way
of learning and teaching that is
being introduced to cater for the
large number of teachers and
students coming on board for
the i-THINK programme.
Following the footsteps of such global leaders in education and with the aim of improving the reach of the i-THINK
initiative to all the teachers in Malaysia, Agensi Inovasi Malaysia and the Ministry of Education has commissioned an
online learning project. The key purpose of the project is to develop a Self-Instructional Module (SIM) on Thinking
Processes and deliver it online so that all teachers in Malaysia can learn and apply these concepts anywhere anytime.
The SIM is made up of the following layers:
Digital Content – Interactive modules are developed in Flash & HTML5 so that they can
be accessed on different types of browsers and devices like PCs, Smartphones and
2) Collaborative Learning Platform – A private social network of all teachers in Malaysia
will not only allow the teachers to access the digital content over web easily but will
also let them share and learn best practices from their peers through the learning
3) Cloud Based Infrastructure – A secure, scalable and highly resilient network of cloud
based servers will ensure that the SIM is available 24*7 for teachers to learn as per
their convenience.
Self Instructional Module (SIM)
The world around us is changing rapidly and so is the way of how we
teach and learn. One of the biggest trends in the education industry is
where leading universities such as Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Stanford and
many others are looking to improve the student learning experience, and
shift the delivery of their courses to an online platform. This allows these
leading universities to deliver courses to a much larger audience, and
enables the students to learn at their own pace and time.
Online Content
Learning Management Tools
Social & Collaborations Tools
Social Collaboration Learning Platform
Web & Mobile
Infrastructure & Access
Layers of the Self-Instructional Module
The SIM is being developed in both English & Bahasa Malaysia to ensure that
learners are able to grasp and practice the concepts easily.
In addition to the above mentioned features, the SIM will also have lots of other
exciting features like user profile, points, badges and leaderboard to make learning
more fun for the teachers.
Leading Universities and Platforms validate Online & Collaborative Learning
Upon successfully completing all the modules, teachers will get a certificate of
completion from Buckinghamshire New University, a leading university from UK.
Also there are lots of lucky prizes to be won during this journey.
Exciting times are ahead!
Murid-murid mempunyai peluang untuk memenangi sebuah
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 dalam peraduan ini. Hantarkan jawapan dan
maklumbalas anda ke
Sila buat satu Peta Alir yang memberikan jawapan kepada soalan-soalan yang
diberikan di bawah. Pelajar dikehendaki menghantar jawapan yang betul bagi
Soalan 1 ke untuk menerima Soalan 2. Setiap jawapan yang
betul akan dibalas dengan soalan susulan sehingga Peta Alir selesai. Setelah pelajar
melengkapkan Peta Alir, sila tulis slogan mengenai apa yang anda fikir tentang
program i-THINK. Tarikh tutup penyertaan adalah pada 30 September 2013.
Soalan 1
Kami adalah tiga
adik-beradik yang
menjadi anggota band
muzik Malaysia yang
menggunakan tiga
abjad, siapakah kami?
Soalan 2
Soalan 3
Soalan 4
Soalan 5
Soalan 6
Soalan 7
Soalan 8
Soalan 9
Soalan 10
Soalan 11
Soalan 12
Soalan 13
Soalan 14
Tulis slogan tidak lebih daripada 30 patah perkataan
mengenai apa yang anda fikir tentang program i-THINK.
Penerbit HOTS: Agensi Inovasi Malaysia (AIM)
3501, Level 3, Quill Building 3, Jalan Teknokrat 5, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor.
Tel: +603 8319 3116 Faks: +603 8319 3499 Email:

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