If you like our Awana program…
If you like our Awana program…
Parent Handbook 2014-2015 2 Timothy 2:15 Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed Wakewww.clintonbaptist.org/awana Forest/Rolesville Campus 13029 Keith Store Road, Wake Forest 27587 www.Crossroads.Org/WFR A Thank You Note to Parents! Page 1 Thank you for your willingness to support your child’s participation in our Awana program! Our goal is to help you fulfill the Scriptures’ directive to “train up a child in the way he should go.” (Proverbs 22:6) The unique organizational structure, games, handbooks, and activities of the Awana program work in tandem with committed adult leaders to support the spiritual growth of children. We hope your child takes significant strides forward in his/her personal understanding of Biblical truths. Please take time to familiarize yourself with the information provided in this handbook. Any questions, concerns, ideas, or willingness to help volunteer may be directed to any of the following people. 2014/2015 Awana Contacts WFR Commander Sally Lovdahl Sally.lovdahl@gmail.com 989-992-7134 Cubbies Director Kelly Haynes kdhaynes@gmail.com Sparks Director Paula Batton paulabatton@gmail.com T&T Director Phillip Batton phillipbatton@gmail.com Crossroads MidEsther Muraguri Week Coordinator Kidsevents@crossroads.org 919-981-0222, ext 152 Page 2 Calling all children... Awana meets on Wednesday 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Table of Contents Awana Contacts……………………………………………… 1 What is Awana?……………………………………….………3 The Essential Message………………………………………...4 Goals of Awana………………………………………………..5 Nightly Club Schedule………………………………………...6 Registration and Costs…………………………………….......7 Club Rules, Club Discipline…………………………...…..….8 Parent Involvement…………………………………………....9 2014-2015 Calendar………………………………...……10-11 Monthly Contests…………………………………….………12 Special Recognition and Awards…………………………13-14 Guidelines for Memorization…………………………….…..15 Visitors………………………………............................…….16 Awana Store Info….…………………………………………17 Uniform Order Form…………………………………………18 Weather Cancellation Policy If inclement weather makes it necessary to cancel a club night or special event, a message will be left on the Crossroads Fellowship/Wake Forest answering machine and website. On Wednesday evenings, Awana is part of Crossroad’s Wednesday Night Life programming and operates under church wide decisions to close for weather or security reasons. What is Awana? Page 3 Awana is one of our nation’s fastest growing youth organizations. Awana Clubs are churchbased, community clubs open to all youth and have children attending from many different faiths and churches. Our trained, adult Awana Leadership Team members want to work with you, the parent, in providing balanced physical, social, mental and spiritual activities for your child. The Awana program is centered around a weekly club night, consisting of three parts. Game Time is packed with exciting activities that include both team and individual competition. Handbook Time is a learning and training time focused on the importance of God’s Word for daily living. Council Time includes song time, scripture-based devotions, and awards recognition for individual & group achievement. The Clubber’s First Night of Awana Clubbers should be pre-registered online prior to the first night they attend by visiting http://www.crossroads.org/wfr-awana. The very first night a child attends an Awana Club, he/she is given an Entrance Booklet for that age group. This is the first step in Awana achievement. Each place in the book where the leader signs is called a ‘section’ & clubbers earn awards for completing each section. When the booklet is complete, your child will have earned his club uniform and handbook. If clubbers complete 2-3 sections per week, they will be able to finish a handbook for the year and earn special ribbon awards and/or a trophy. All accounts should be paid up prior to the dispensing of uniforms, books or awards. Club Transfers Clubbers who move to the Wake Forest Awana Club from any other Awana Club may continue in their existing handbooks without starting over. Cost for the year will be pro-rated. Please call Esther Muraguri for details (contact info on page 1.) Page 4 The Essential Message The heart of Awana is the Gospel message – Everyone is a sinner (Romans 3:23) Everyone deserves eternal punishment (Romans 6:23, Revelation 20:15) Jesus Christ, God’s Son, paid the penalty for our sin when He as crucified on the cross and rose from the dead (Romans 5:8, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4) If we personalize this awareness and recognize Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, God gives us the free gift of eternal life in heaven (John 3:16) Salvation cannot be earned by doing good works (Ephesians 2:8-9) Awana strongly emphasizes understanding and memorizing Scripture. Psalm 119:11 says “Thy [God’s] Word [the Bible] have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee.” The Bible teaches that studying Scripture is key to winning the battle against sin (2 Timothy 2:15). The Word of God is “quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword” (Hebrews 4:12). Clubbers often discover later in life that verses they learned in Awana are valuable in helping them live Christ-honoring lives. Goals of Awana Page 5 1. Present the Gospel message clearly and often. 2. Provide a regular opportunity for loving believing adults to interact in a personal way with each child. 3. Explain essential truths of the Bible to deepen each child’s understanding of God and his Son, Jesus. 4. Encourage memorization of Scripture for lifelong recall. 5. Reinforce healthy spiritual behaviors – prayer, daily Bible reading, service – that will strengthen a child’s growth in Christ. 6. Create a fun environment which kids look forward to attending each week, a place they are excited to bring their friends. 7. Help each child develop strong self-esteem by learning diligence, self-discipline and the value of sincere effort. OUR WEDNESDAY NIGHT CLUB PROGRAMS Page 6 (A guide to the names and age ranges of our clubs) Cubbies Sparks T&T Adventure Preschoolers/ 2 years before Kindergarten (and potty trained!) K, 1st and 2nd grades 3rd & 4th grades AWANA TIME SCHEDULE 6:15-6:29 Check-in 6:30 SHARP! OPENING FLAG CEREMONY (Room 113) 6:35-7:00 Handbook Time for T&T (Room 217) Game Time for Sparks (Room 113) 7:25-7:45 Game Time for T&T (Room 113) Handbook Time for Sparks (Room 103/105) 7:50-8:00 Sparks and T&T Awards & Dismissal (Room 217) Cubbies Awards & Dismissal (Room 110) Arrival and Dismissal Procedure Arrival Parents must identify each child with a numbered name tag and ensure they are dropped off inside Room 105 no earlier than 6:15. This applies to ALL Clubber ages. Please instruct your children that they cannot leave that room without adult supervision. Dismissal Pickup of Cubbies will be in Room 110. Sparks and T&T will be dismissed from Room 217. Parental Security Tags must be matched with each child so please don’t lose them! PROMPT pick-up at 8:00 is important as many leaders have little children to get to bed. REGISTRATION AND MATERIALS COST Page 7 REGARDING REGISTRATION. . . . In order to help pay for the many costs of running an Awana Club, a $45 registration fee is required per child. This will supply each clubber with an Entrance Booklet, and when earned, their first handbook. REGARDING UNIFORMS. . . Completion of an Entrance Booklet for a particular club earns a clubber the honor of wearing a uniform. Uniform costs are listed below and should be paid at the time of initial registration for the club year. Cubbies Vest Sparks Vest T&T Jerseys $12.00 $12.00 $15.00 If you did not specify a shirt size for your child when you completed the online registration, please complete the order form found at the back of this handbook ASAP. We really like to be able to award uniforms on the night they earn them, but if we don’t have the right size available it could take 2-3 weeks to get it in. If you pre-order, we can be sure to have the right sizes on hand. Unfortunately, it is too much of a budget drain to keep a large inventory of uniforms on-hand. REGARDING AWARD PLACEMENT ON UNIFORM. . . Each handbook illustrates what the various awards look like and how awards are to be worn on the Awana uniforms. For “Instructions on how to attach award emblems to Awana Club uniforms” visit https://awana.box.net/shared/static/c63kdnvv04.doc. Direct any questions to the Club Directors or Commander, or refer to www.awana.org. REGARDING LOST AWARDS. . . Page 8 If awards are lost or misplaced, they can be AWANA CLUB RULES replaced at cost. Please notify your child’s Club Director or the Commander if replacements are needed. All children attending our Awana Clubs are expected to abide by the following rules: 1. Wear sneakers to play games safely. 2. Gum, food and drink are to be enjoyed before and after Club. 3. Treat others and church property respectfully. 4. Abide by leader instruction during Club. 5. Clubbers must never leave an Awana meeting room without leader permission. CLUB DISCIPLINE The fun, quick-paced environment of an Awana evening is designed to help clubbers stay focused easily. In addition, high standards of behavior are maintained for all activities so disorderliness can be minimized. To maximize everyone’s enjoyment Awana uses two discipline techniques to maintain order: 5-Count: The 5-count is used by all leadership and simply involves counting to 5 to give clubbers notice of the immediate need for quiet in order to refocus their attention. 1-2-3 Rule: The 1-2-3 rule allows clubbers three opportunities to understand that Club Rules must be followed if they are to be allowed to enjoy participating in Club Activities. Clubbers will be advised by their leader, the Club Director or the Commander if they have violated a Club Rule. Parents will be notified if an offense has occurred a second time. Clubbers will be suspended from Club for two weeks if the offense occurs three times. Following the suspension, Clubbers are welcomed back to Club if they agree to abide by Club Rules in the future. Page 9 PARENTS, YOUR INVOLVEMENT IS NEEDED! Moms and Dads, you are essential in helping your child to get the most enjoyment and fulfillment out of club. Please use the following checklist as a guideline. 1. Register on-line IN ADVANCE of the first night of Awana Club each year. Knowing our numbers early really helps us plan for sufficient help and supplies. 2. Please make sure you give us a cell phone number that you will have with you during the club time. Also, please give us an email address that you check regularly. 3. Please Volunteer to help. Many hands are needed either weekly, bi-weekly or once a month. 4. Encourage your children to attend Awana every week. Consistency helps your child to excel, and he/she is also a member of a color team that depends on your child’s participation. 5. Make sure they wear their uniform each week. Clubbers will be recognized each night for their achievements, but handbook awards cannot be given out if the clubber is not in uniform. 6. Be sure they arrive in time to be on their color line at 6:30! Promptness helps our program to keep on track. 7. Help your child to accomplish 1-2 sections each week. This will help keep your child motivated and insure they will receive their award for finishing the book. 8. Pick up your children promptly at 8:00. If you desire to see them receive any awards, you may come at 7:50. 9. Always encourage your child. Children have much more fun when Mom and Dad show interest in their accomplishments. Page 10 2014/2015 AWANA CALENDAR SEPTEMBER 10 Awana Begins! 17 24 Wet, Wild n’ Wonderful Night OCTOBER 1 8 15 22 29 NOVEMBER 5 12 19 26 Awana Store Night BARF Night! (Operation Shoebox Supplies Sent Home) Awana Store Night Operation Shoebox Theme Night NO AWANA—Happy Thanksgiving! DECEMBER (No Awana Store this month) 3 10 Decorate your Leader Theme Night (Mystery Presents Contest ends) 17 NO AWANA -–Merry Christmas! 24 NO AWANA—Merry Christmas, again! 31 NO AWANA—Happy New Year! JANUARY 7 14 SAT 18 21 SUN 25 Awana Store Night Family Skate Date @ Jellybeans Uniform Inspection Night SALT Leaders Meeting! 28 Light the World Theme Night Page 11 FEBRUARY 4 11 Awana Store Night 18 25 Chew-Chew Theme Night (Lollipop Frenzy Contest Ends) MARCH 4 11 18 25 Awana Store Night Affliction Theme Night APRIL 1 8 15 22 SUN 26 29 NO AWANA—HAPPY EASTER! Awana Store Night Uniform Inspection Night SALT Leaders Meeting! Topping it Off Theme Night (Sundae Spectacular Contest Ends) MAY 6 13 Last night to say sections!! AWANA CLOSING PROGRAM… AND AWARDS Family Event!! (Awana Store Open) SEE YOU NEXT YEAR! Page 12 MONTHLY CONTEST DESCRIPTIONS (For Sparks and T&T Only) AWARD AT END OF CONTEST (Must be at club this night to redeem) Mystery Presents November through December Four enticing presents are up for grabs (2-Sparks, 2T&T)! For every two sections in one night, your name goes in Box 1. For three or more sections in one night, your name goes in Box 2. Winners names will be drawn at random Dec 17! One name will be drawn from each box and that clubber will win that mystery present! Merry Christmas! Lollipop Frenzy January through February Reach for that goal of finishing your handbook! Try extra hard this month and get an opportunity every week to win a prize. Everyone who says 2 sections or more each week can pull a lollipop from the lollipop tree to keep. If it has a colored tip, ….a prize is yours! Everyone who says 12 or more sections TOTAL gets one more opportunity to pull a color-tipped lollipop! Sundae Spectacular March through April Will a little sugar n’ spice entice you to keep memorizing? A multitopping dish of ice cream will be yours for a job well done! Start with a plain dish of ice cream and add a different topping for every three sections you’ve said during March and April. (They don’t all have to be said in one night!) We’ll send a picture to local papers of the clubber with the most toppings and maybe you’ll be ‘famous’! Special Recognitions and Awards Club Attendance Page 13 Quarterly Club Attendance Awards will be given to each uniformed clubber who regularly attends Awana according to the following guidelines. Each clubber is allowed two excused absences per quarter. The parent can either send in a signed note identifying the reason for the absence or speak with the clubber’s leader directly. Sickness, vacation, school conflict or a sports team conflict are examples of an excused absence. Club Attendance awards are a special recognition for consistent attendance, therefore, no exceptions will be made for more than 2 excused absences. In addition, no unexcused absences will qualify. 1st quarter: 2nd quarter: 3rd quarter: 4th quarter: Sept 10 to Oct 29 Nov 5 to Jan 14 Jan 21 to March 11 March 18 to May 13 Week-End Age-Appropriate Class Attendance Semi-annual Week-end Age-Appropriate Class Attendance Awards will be given to each uniformed clubber who regularly attends a weekly age-appropriate class at the church of their choice. Each clubber is allowed 4 excused absences per half. No unexcused absences will qualify. Prior to the end of each half, each clubber will need an Attendance Verification Form signed by a parent to be considered for qualification. 1st half: 2nd half: September 19 to January 14 January 21 to May 10 Page 14 Uniform Inspection Award The Awana uniform is a very important part of the Awana award structure. To reward clubbers for wearing their uniform properly, inspection dates are January 21 and April 22! Check the following to see if your clubber is ready for inspection: Does your child have all the awards he/she has earned? Are all awards properly displayed? Is the uniform clean and neat? A special award goes to all those who qualify. Clubber of the Year Award A Clubber of the Year Award will be given to the qualified clubber in Sparks and T&T. These are very special commendation awards for outstanding Awana clubbers and will only be awarded if merited. The following criteria will be used in the selection process: Basic Requirements: Quarterly attendance awards earned Uniform consistently worn with awards up to date and properly placed Consistently ON TIME Prepared each club night Additional Considerations: Attitude/Conduct/Example Finished Handbook Willingness to help others learn verses Consistent Cooperation Awana Guidelines For Scripture Memorization Page 15 • The sections that entail Scripture memorization require the clubber to recite each verse word for word (including the reference) with no more than two “helps.” A “help” is a word, phrase, or gesture that prompts the child’s memory. No “helps” are allowed during the review sections. • The “two helps” guideline is for each section, not each part of a section. All the verses in a section must be recited in one sitting for a leader signature. • It is important to hold high expectations for clubbers attempting to memorize verses. The goal is to imbed the Scripture in their mind forever. In addition, kids feel a greater sense of achievement if they exercise effort in meeting their goal. Children who truly struggle with Page 16 memory work will discreetly receive special consideration from their leader. However, even children with learning difficulties are often able to become very successful memorizers with positive support and practice. We encourage adults (both leaders and parents) to avoid creating a handicap of too-low an expectation as much as too-high an expectation. Bringing Visitors Your clubber’s handbook may contain an evangelism requirement that asks them to bring a visitor to Awana. There are 2 options for fulfilling this requirement: 1. Bring the appropriate aged visitor to Awana 2. Bring the visitor with you to church on the weekend If your child invites a friend to one of these activities and the friend is unable to attend, please have them try again. If your child extends three invitations but none of them work out, we will accept their good-faith efforts and give credit for completing the section. Parents should note the names of the people your child attempted to bring on the appropriate page of his/her handbook along with the date of each request. Visiting children are required to be signed in at the Crossroads Kids Welcome Desk by the parent or responsible adult before heading to an Awana classroom. If you are transporting another person’s child to Awana, please bring the following information with you: Child’s name Parent’s name Parent’s address Parent’s email Parent’s emergency number Your name and cell phone number Page 17 AWANA STORE The purpose of using Awana Bucks as an incentive measure in Awana is multifaceted: 1. Rather than giving out weekly candy bites we want the children to have the opportunity to earn better prizes for all the effort they put forth. 2. The use of Bucks teaches financial responsibility (not loosing them), as well as the benefits of delayed gratification. 3. Historically, they have proved to be an effective incentive measure to encourage scripture memorization, a major goal of Awana. Awana Store Nights are generally on the 2nd club night of each month that Awana is in session (exceptions are noted on the club calendar.) At the direction of each Club’s leadership, Clubbers will have about 5 minutes to shop on store night. The following rules apply: 1. Purchases are not returnable. 2. Prices are firm and there is no credit—if they don’t have enough bucks they will need to earn more and buy the item the next month. 3. Clubbers can save their bucks as long as they wish. The best prizes are available for savers! Page 18 Uniform Order Form Uniforms are ordered as needed and orders can take 2-3 weeks for delivery. Orders will be accepted in advance of your child passing his or her Entrance Booklet. However, the uniform cannot be awarded until the Entrance Booklet is completed. Name:_______________________________Grade:____________ (One child per form, please) Date:_____________________________ Uniforms should be ordered big enough to allow for shrinkage! Please circle the desired size: Club Shirt Sizes Available Cost Cubbies S(4) M(5) L(6) XL(8) 2XL(10) $12.00 Sparks S(6) L(10) XL(12) 2XL(14) $12.00 T&T M(8) Teen Small (30” chest) Teen Medium (34” chest) Teen Large (36” chest) Adult Small (38” chest) Adult Medium (41” chest) $15.00 Please advise if you Have paid on-line at registration Are attaching a check for the correct amount. Thank You! (Please tear out and give to Welcome Desk person at Club Sign-in) Page 19 Uniform Order Form Uniforms are ordered as needed and orders can take 2-3 weeks for delivery. Orders will be accepted in advance of your child passing his or her Entrance Booklet. However, the uniform cannot be awarded until the Entrance Booklet is completed. Name:_______________________________Grade:____________ (One child per form, please) Date:_____________________________ Uniforms should be ordered big enough to allow for shrinkage! Please circle the desired size: Club Shirt Sizes Available Cost Cubbies S(4) M(5) L(6) XL(8) 2XL(10) $12.00 Sparks S(6) L(10) XL(12) 2XL(14) $12.00 T&T M(8) Teen Small (30” chest) Teen Medium (34” chest) Teen Large (36” chest) Adult Small (38” chest) Adult Medium (41” chest) $15.00 Please advise if you Have paid on-line at registration Are attaching a check for the correct amount. Thank You! (Please tear out and give to Welcome Desk person at Club Sign-in)