PO Box 12359 N. Kansas City MO 64116-0359 PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID BOELTE-HALL 66205 $3.99 Roping Cattle For Sale & Ridin’ for the brand Mel, Cheryl, & Krys Gnatkowski 703 Ancho Road Ancho, NM 88301 575/648-2530 Spring 2012 • The Corriente Corresponder 1 2 The Corriente Corresponder • Spring2012 Spring 2012 • The Corriente Corresponder 3 North American Corriente Association The Corriente Corresponder North American Corriente Association Board of Directors & Advisory Board President Advisory Board Liza Jane Nichols 6 Ranch 65917 Sunrise Road Enterprise, OR 97828 (541) 426-3827 Tucker Ashley Diamond A Ashley Cattle Company RR 1, Box 100 Pukwana, SD 57370 (605) 778-6885 Vice President Darrell Currie P.O. Box 4573 Ponoka, AB T4J 1S4 Canada (403) 585-3744 Ricky Mara A RAM Ranch Corriente Cattle 9701 US Hwy 380E Jacksboro, TX 76458 940-374-3279 Director Dave Kalasinsky Smith Canyon Ranch PO Box 512 Dayton, WY 82836 307-655-9489 Billy Luke Rockin’ BL Ranch 4510 Hwy 281 N #1 Spring Branch, TX 78070 210-213-9872 Russell Drury Drury Corrientes 530 Sycamore Road Carriere, MS 39426 662-822-0769 Fred Knoblick RR #1 Bashaw, AB TOB OHO Canada (403) 585-3998 Marvin Knutson Lamar Ranching Co. P.O. Box 90 Garryowen, MT 59031 (406) 638-2200 Bill Mundorf 11799 Indian Canyon Rd. Edgemont, SD 57735 605-891-9839 Dave Lewis Sunnybrook Ranch 28599 Sunnybrook Road Hot Springs, SD 57747 (605) 535-2051 Virginia Cates Cates Ranch 5469 State Hwy 120 Wagon Mound, NM 87752 (575) 666-2360 Craig Nichols 6 Ranch 65917 Sunrise Road Enterprise, OR 97828 (541) 426-3827 4 The Corriente Corresponder • Spring2012 (ISSN 1097-2846) is published four times per year by the North American Corriente Association. Subscription is included with NACA membership or $10 per year for non-members. Reader contributions and comments are welcomed and encouraged. Executive Editor: Accounting: Advertising: James Spawn Sharon Bosley Sharon Bosley Membership Fees for North American Corriente Association Life Member - $600.00 Active Member - $35.00 / year Associate Member - $20.00 / year Junior Member - $10.00 / year Call or Write Today to Join! North American Corriente Association P.O. Box 12359 N. Kansas City, MO 64116 Office: 816-421-1992 Fax: 816-421-1991 E-mail: Web Site: The North American Corriente Association is a member of: Spring 2012 • Volume 28, No. 1 Corriente The Corresponder CONTENTS Features Departments On The Cover Spring 2012 • The Corriente Corresponder 5 President’s Report This is an exciting time for Corriente cattle breeders and the North American Corriente Association. Reports from members around the country tell of record high prices and vigorous demand for steers, bulls, heifers and mother cows. With cattle supplies low and growing recognition of the attributes of the Corriente, the market is likely to remain very strong in the near future. Stock contractors and team ropers are hunting hard for steers, and even the USTRC has sanctioned the use of Corriente heifers at their events to increase the supply of good roping stock. With beef prices sky high, plastic horns on muleys is not a cheaper option. And history has proven that high fuel prices may cause ropers to double up in their trucks, but it doesn’t keep them out of the arena. The growing interest in Corriente beef is also proving out as a lucrative market for used roping stock, which gives a whole new meaning to “salvage value”. Hard work accomplished in the past by NACA members to include Corriente as an Ark of Taste breed for Slow Food International has brought attention and marketing opportunities for Corriente producers. In a recent survey of members I received comments from a surprising number of producers across the country that are building markets for lean, healthy Corriente beef that consumers are demanding. Diverse marketing options that the Corriente offers have always been one of the strengths of the business. Whether the unparalleled performances in the arena, the low impact on land and riparian areas, ability to utilize marginal forage, graze noxious weeds, provide healthy beef and of course, seed stock for continuing and improving our herds, there is opportunity to create a livelihood. Due to the versatility of this incredible breed, we can lean and sway through the tough times and survive just like the Corriente has. The new office management for the NACA is invigorating, and the association is bound to thrive along with the cattle market. This issue of the Corresponder is mainly about the transition, new office pro- NACA PresideNt LizA JANe NiChoLs cedures and our good fortune to have Ellen Hamilton as the new Executive Director. Her expertise is just what the association needs right now to keep up with the new markets, new trends, and the high tech world. My only regret at this time is that the National Show scheduled for late May had to be canceled. The good news is that the annual membership meeting and election will be held in Gillette, Wyoming during the Plains Area show at the end of September. This is the same venue where the very first NACA cattle show was held in 1986. We still hear very lively stories from the “good old days”, and many are about this first time that the membership laid eyes on each other’s cattle. Not many rules back then, but there was three days of roping and a semi-load of cattle up from New Mexico. Please join us to create some new good times and to meet Ellen Hamilton. Vice-President Ricky Mara and I would especially like to thank our new Board members for stepping into the hole left by three sudden resignations. They have enduring enthusiasm for the Corriente breed and have offered their time and hard work to get the association going and growing. In closing, I would like thank you for your loyalty to the NACA and let you know that your choice to be a member is of great value. Thank you for choosing to register your cattle in our herd book and contributing to the preservation of the Corriente cow. Hope to see you in Gillette! Liza Jane Nichols 541-426-3827 • W elcome New Members LiFetiMe MeMbers Active MeMbers Active MeMbers AssociAte MeMbers BrAd & KAreN stePP Crossfire AreNA LLC 9158 hwy 191/Po Box 129 BouLder wy 82923 307-360-6020 BoB & CAthy hiLL Po Box 4417 PAhrumP NV 89041 702-497-8446 CBhiLL1@yAhoo.Com toNy wiLsoN Po Box 41 PoPLArViLLe ms 39470 228-669-0091 AsgwiLsoN80@gmAiL.Com roNALd r. ANdersoN 246 w. PArK AVe durANgo Co 81301 970-247-3227 Active MeMbers ryAN BuCKLey 45324 sANd ridge rd rACiNe oh 45771 740-591-7782 terry & BreNdA JohNsoN Po Box 725 VeLmA oK 73491 JUNor MeMbers seth fuChs hCr 68 Box 990 sANtA rosA Nm 88435 575-512-7198 doN & KeLLy higgiNs 37495 BouLder fLAt LANe hALfwAy or 97834 541-742-6622 KeLLy@CPA-Now.Com doN & KAreN rose 9531 C.r. 353 gAuse tx 77857 979-279-3321 Krose9531@yAhoo.Com geNtry wiLsoN Po Box 41 PoPLArViLLe ms 39470 228-669-0091 NACA Mission Statement It is the mission of the North American Corriente Association to be a dynamic member-driven breed registry providing tailored services and developing innovative programs dedicated to the promotion and preservation of Corriente Cattle. 6 The Corriente Corresponder • Spring2012 VALLEY B CORRIENTE 417-300-2308 • 8201 W. Valley B Lane - Willard, Missouri 65781 Diamond T Top of Midnight – Better known as – Willy P46 • son of El Jefe Semen Available Producer of Grand Champions Willie’s progeny have racked up impressive show records: 4 Grand Championships • 5 Reserve Championships • 34 First Places • 37 Second Places Placed Third Thru Sixth in over 100 classes! Many of these placings were in Roping and All Around classes. They don’t just look good - they can perform! Spring 2012 • The Corriente Corresponder 7 news Bits Where’s the Beef? The February issue of Spin to Win Rodeo magazine carried almost ten pages of content devoted to mechanical steers and inanimate roping dummies. Most of this coverage was paid advertising, some was in the form of promotional news releases. The magazine was 116 pages including covers, so that equates to 8% of the total content of this high profile roping magazine being devoted to substitutes for a real, live Corriente steer! How much of its content WAS devoted to steers? Not one advertisement, not even a classified. There were a few words accompanying an action photo. What’s wrong with that picture? All-Womens Ranch Rodeo Association Kicks Off A new association, the Ranch Cowgirls Rodeo Association (RCRA) has been formed and will hold its first rodeo season in 2012. The first event is April 22 in Clovis, New Mexico. You can follow them on their web site,, and they have a Facebook page as well. 8 The Corriente Corresponder • Spring2012 OOps! In the all-time list of Supreme Champions published in the Winter edition, there was an omission. A Supreme Championship was also earned at the 2011 National Show: Apologies to Jean and Gary Pothress of Hico, Texas for this oversight, and congratulations on their accomplishment. READY 2 ROPE 928 REG#67614 Exhibitor – Ready 2 Rope Ranch Breeder – Ready 2 Rope Ranch 7/28/2011 – National Show – Clovis, New Mexico 1st Place Two Year Old Bull 1st Place Senior Roping Bull Grand Champion Bull NEW NACA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR As of August 1, 2012, the firm managing the NACA will be Peak Technology Solutions of Monument, Colorado. The new Executive Director, and the owner of “Peak Tech”, will be Ellen Hamilton. Ellen has an extensive background in computer technology Ellen, Lauren and Spencer Hamilton and was employed as a computer scientist by the National Security Agency before moving to Colorado. She has a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and also Mathematics from Virginia Tech, and a Master of Science specializing in Computer Networking from Johns Hopkins. She is currently a consultant to many diverse small businesses and associations, automating, designing and implementing software solutions to make them more efficient, productive, and profitable. Although she will continue to work as a business consultant, this spring she will begin updating the herd book with new software and will write some software specifically for NACA. She will also begin redesigning the website. Aside from these oh-so-necessary computer geek qualities, Ellen is familiar with Corriente cattle and ranching, due to her friendship with past NACA President Dave Lewis and his family. She has visited his ranch in South Dakota several times. She is an outdoorsman who owns horses, mountain bikes, and kayaks. She and her daughter Lauren, 16, and her son Spencer, 14, spend many a weekend in the Rockies horse camping, backpacking, biking, and hiking. The NACA is fortunate to acquire the services of such a highly educated, focused and accomplished business woman. Ellen is looking forward to attending the annual NACA membership meeting in Gillette, Wyoming, during the Plains Area sanctioned show. North American Corriente Association MeMbership ApplicAtion Membership Name: _________________________________________________________________________________ Address, City, State, Zip: _____________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________ Email: __________________________ Website: __________________ Type of Membership: r Lifetime (U.S. $600) r Active (U.S. $35/yr) r Associate (U.S. $20/yr) r Junior* (U.S. $10/yr) *Junior members must be 18 or younger. Date of Birth: ________________________ Type of Entity: r Individual r Partnership r Corporation r Other If Corporation, partnership or assumed business name, list all authorized signers: ___________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ The undersigned hereby agree to conform and abide by the Bylaws and Rules and Regulations of the North American Corriente Association, and any amendments and modifications thereto which may from time to time be adopted. All authorized signers must sign below: _________________________________________ ___________________________________________ _________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Spring 2012 • The Corriente Corresponder 9 New Office for New Times When Ellen Hamilton takes over as the NACA Executive Director on August 1st, office procedures will jump into the 21st century with much more available online and much more efficiency. All of the improvements may not be available immediately, and it is too early to go into a lot of detail about the new procedures, but here is a quick outline. The website will be big, functional and fabulous. Right now Ellen needs photos and videos as she prepares to begin the new design. Please send them to: The Corresponder will be published once a year. It will include the Breeders List, but will not include the Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, or entire Membership List. It will be published before the annual membership meeting and election of board members, which is expected to be held in conjunction with the national cattle show once again. Otherwise, news and information will be emailed to the membership regularly. If anyone would like a paper copy of these emails mailed to them the slow way, there will be a small fee to cover printing and postage. Please mail in the questionnaire included with this issue of the Corresponder so that the new office has your email address. Advertising on the NACA website will be greatly enhanced. Besides improved classified ads, members will be able to have display ads similar to those that have run in the Corresponder magazine. The NACA office will gladly help design these ads. There will also be an option to have your ad incorporated into the emailed newsletters. Registration may be done online and paid for with a credit card, or it can be done the old way on paper registration applications. Eventually all show records will be available online, also. Herd Records and Production records will be available to each member using a password or pin number. This way each breeder will have immediate access to the cattle registered to their name and the records of progeny for each of their cows. Also available online: The Board of Directors and Board of Advisors with contact information Membership Directory Breeders List Bylaws Rules and Regulations Judging Guideline Requirements for a Sanctioned Event A.I. Certificates The NACA color brochure The NACA DVD (All of these items will still be mailed out when requested at fees yet to be set.) There are also tentative plans for a You Tube channel for videos sent in by members and the ability to post blog comments and snippets of news, both to be monitored by the office. Corriente Calendar The Teamropers’ and Bulldoggers’ Choice! May 26, 2012 Central States Corriente Association Show & Roping Wildcat Creek Arena • White Water, Kansas May 30 - June 1, 2012 National Show and Ropings Curry County Events Center Clovis, New Mexico SepteMbeR 27-30, 2012 Plains Area Corriente Association Show & Roping NACA Annual Membership Meeting Cam-Plex • Gillette, Wyoming 10 The Corriente Corresponder • Spring2012 North American Corriente Association 2012 Breeders List These members have registered cattle with the North American Corriente Association. They have raised themselves within the past two years. ALABAMA Lifetime Member 5883 William M & Carol Hodgson High Grove Horses, LLC 928 Sugar Hill Rd Monroeville, AL 36460 (251)937-6858 Member 5986 Christy Jordan Rocking Chair Corriente 928 Sugar Hill Rd Monroeville, AL 36460 (251)765-3298 Lifetime Member 1359 Thomas Jordan Bar J Corriente 928 Sugar Hill Rd Monroeville, AL 36460 (251)765-3298 (251)743-4045 ARKANSAS Lifetime Member 2707 Jay Church Horseshoe Dot Ranch 9085 Elizabeth Rd Viola, AR 72583 (870)458-2291 Lifetime Member 4175 Bryan & Kristal Young E & B Farms, Inc. 785 Plantersville Road Monticello, AR 71655 (870)723-2658 Lifetime Member 6694 Ethan T Young E Y Corrientes 785 Plantersville Road Monticello, AR 71655 (870)723-2658 ARIZONA Member 4213 Michael & Sue Ewens Stage Line Ranch 102 W Desert Hills Dr Phoenix, AZ 85086 (623)465-7492 (602)292-4121 CALIFORNIA Member 5165 Jerry & Selene Mcdaniel J & S Cattle Comapny 2912 Downie Rd Denair, CA 95316 (209)632-7704 COLORADO Member 2217 C Frazier/Bob/Bonnie Carpenter Silver Bit Corrientes 30475 County Road O Brush, CO 80723 (970)768-3187 (970)842-2239 Member 8446 Troy Hauer 38515 Weld Cty Rd 41 Eaton, CO 80615 (970)302-0401 Member 1121 Gary & Kitty McLaughlin Fox Creek Ranch 16191 WCR 17 Platteville, CO 80651 (970)535-0930 (970)535-0735 Member 2866 James S. Peironnet PO Box 1825 Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 (970)264-2663 Lifetime Member 6511 Greg & Sandi Peterson Snake Bit Corriente Company 9432 CR S Lindon, CO 80740 (970)383-2217 (970)554-1010 Lifetime Member 5350 Roger & Pat Schalla 54999 Rd 93.6 Fowler, CO 81039 (719)738-6278 (719)330-8296 Lifetime Member 5216 Rich & Joanna Simmons 5530 Rd 804 La Junta, CO 81050 (719)384-7115 Lifetime Member 2162 Steve & Nancy Young LY-YO Ranch 42142 CR 46 Matheson, CO 80830 (719)541-4850 FLORIDA Lifetime Member 6627 Jerry & Leslie Bailey Bailey 12520 NW 160Th St Reddick, FL 32686 (352)591-4330 IOWA Lifetime Member 1689 Steve & Cindy McDermott Rafter 8 Outfit 1013 W 36Th St Newton, IA 50208 (641)792-8232 Lifetime Member 5839 Jan L Poling/Brad W Lauderman Broken Bit Ranch 13950 Jasmine Ave Birmingham, IA 52535 (319)498-4342 (641)919-7472 Lifetime Member 3282 Marshal & Rick Schlutz Yoke S Ranch 41610 270Th Ave Russell, IA 50238 (641)535-2483 IDAHO Lifetime Member 3331 Ted & Kate Hoffman Broken Circle Cattle Co 600 NE Broken Circle Dr Mountain Home, ID 83647 (208)587-6374 Lifetime Member 6983 Jim, Christina & Paysen Cutler Cutler Performance Cattle Rt 6 Box 878 Pocatello, ID 83202 (208)238-1803 ILLINOIS Lifetime Member 1335 Monte Alkire, Ron Bachman,Stan Zoss 3-Hat Cattle Company 1761 County Road 1200 East Lowpoint, IL 61545 (309)443-5078 (309)360-9402 Lifetime Member 3770 Robert And Tamara Austin Little Wisco Acres 22388 N Lopez Lane Dix, IL 62830 (618)266-7787 Member 7524 Stephen & Lori Bolton Diamond Valley Ranch PO Box 112 Chillicothe, IL 61523 (309)274-3868 (309)712-7610 Member 27 Larry W. Parr 331 Wagon Wheel Road Carbondale, IL 62901 (618)457-2830 INDIANA Lifetime Member 3304 Kyle & Kari Bailey Kyle Bailey Horseshoeing Inc 8335 N 450 East Kendallville, IN 46755 (260)349-1244 (260)740-0111 KANSAS Member 6647 John & Heather Finney 3017 County Road B Council Grove, KS 66846 (620)787-2232 MEMBER 4803 Leroy, Dorothy & Glendon Parks L P Corriente Ranch 1273 Jade Hillsboro, KS 67063 (620)947-3669 (620)382-7629 Lifetime Member 424 Member 7473 Rettalou & Robert Massey Phillip J Volkman Kingman County Corriente 20 Soltman Rd 1998 S.W. 20Th St Grangeville, ID 83530 Kingman, KS 67068 (208)983-0508 (620)532-3799 (620)955-7061 11 Spring 2012 • The Corriente Corresponder Lifetime Membe 3706 Lauren B & Barbara J Mccabe B & M Corrientes 2333 SE Munson Hill Rd El Dorado, KS 67042 (316)322-8180 (316)640-2324 Member 4673 Clayton ‘Tobe’ Moore Bar M Ranch 1857 170Th Marion, KS 66861 (620)382-2607 Lifetime Member 1254 Glenn & Lorna Smith 1445 115Th St Redfield, KS 66769-9714 (620)756-4676 KENTUCKY Lifetime Member 7685 JD Vanhooser/Dr. Tony Brannon Sch. Of Agriculture-Rodeo Team 213 South Oakley Applied Science Murray, KY 42071 (270)809-3039 MINNESOTA MEMBER 5450 Charles L. Olson CL Ranch 7445 309th Ave Princeton, MN 55371 (763)631-2004 (763)286-1266 MEMBER 439 Gary & Jackie Simmons Wolf Creek Corrientes 35580 Randeen Ridge Rd Gatzke, MN 56724 (218)425-7694 (218)242-0928 MISSOURI Lifetime Member 517 Dale,Ashley, Theresa Burks Valley B Corrientes 8201 West Valley “B” Lane Willard, MO 65781 (417)300-2308 Lifetime Member 2914 Robert & Ruth Coffelt 10353 State Highway 160 Spokane, MO 65754 (417)587-7715 Lifetime Member 2581 Dennis E/Judy Kuhlman Peterson D & J River Ranch 37359 W 156th Street Rayville, MO 64084 (816)470-5718 (816)668-0054 James Spawn & Don Shoop Liberty Cattle 1912 Clay Street N. Kansas City, MO 64116 (816)421-1991 Lifetime Member 88 Craig Weldy M/W Reg. Corriente Cattle Breeders 18800 Lawrence 1185 Aurora, MO 65605 (417)678-5912 MISSISSIPPI Lifetime Member 5370 Douglas & Patty Dale Dale Cattle Co PO Box 713 McNeil, MS 39457 (601)799-4819 (601)273-1027 MEMBER 151 Russell & Tonia Drury Drury Corrientes 530 Sycamore Road Carriere, MS 39426 (601)799-3550 (662)822-0769 Member 5483 Richard Alan Hebert Bears Den 65 Bears Den Dr Poplarville, MS 39470 (601)795-2146 (601)916-9449 Lifetime Member 916 David/Daniel Newell/Anthony Pritchard Newell Corrientes 7981 David Newell Road Meridian, MS 39305 (601)679-7602 Member 5781 Gracie Danielle Newell 7876 Lizelia Rd Meridian, MS 39305 (601)679-5774 Member 7011 Libby Camryn Newell 7876 Lizelia Rd Meridian, MS 39305 (601)485-8049 Member 7010 Wes Harrison Pritchard 7953 David Newell Rd Meridian, MS 39305 (601)679-9081 Member 5780 Zane Newell Pritchard 7953 David Newell Rd Meridian, MS 39305 (601)679-5786 MEMBER 1129 The Corriente Corresponder • Spring2012 12 MONTANA NEBRASKA Member 712 Ted Bryan Bar None Ranch 7574 Forswall Road Belgrade, MT 59714 (406)587-9405 Lifetime Member 3874 Dale W & Lanna L Hummermeier Rusty Anvil Corrientes 840 Highway 385 Chappell, NE 69129 (308)874-2939 Member 5841 David & Janet Hauptman PO Box 248 Drummond, MT 59832 (406)288-3893 Member 5507 Denny & Ruth Norvell RDN Cattle Co PO Box 6 Auburn, NE 0 (402)274-7524 Member 1595 Roger & Susan Krauss 450 North Somers Road Kalispell, MT 59901 (406)857-3497 (406)261-0985 Lifetime Member 909 Ron Long PO Box 278 682 Simms/Cascade Rd Simms, MT 59477 (406)264-5338 (406)949-1747 Lifetime Member 4685 Gary & Julie Robinson Robinson Ranch 555 N Hwy 87 Roundup, MT 59072 (406)323-1610 Member 4779 Cliff & Rennee Standard 3/C Corriente Cattle Co 104 Rolling Hills Trail Baker, MT 59313 (406)778-2605 Member 3049 Doug & Penny Young Lazy R Hay & Livestock 2781 US Highway 310 Bridger, MT 59014 (406)662-3808 (406)794-6521 NORTH DAKOTA Member 7890 Darrin,Logan,Talon Nielsen 2250 Hwy 16 Beach, ND 58621 (701)872-3918 Member 8228 Jack Sjol Little Muddy Ranch 5370 C 134th Ave NW Williston, ND 58801 (701)572-0315 Lifetime Member 448 Brandon L. & Carolyn Volk V-7 Ranch 10080 29th Ave Selfridge, ND 58568 (701)422-3366 (701)425-3001 Lifetime Member 2196 Scott & Tracy Pritchard Arrow Bar Corrientes 77472 Riverdale Ave Litchfield, NE 68852 (308)388-3300 Lifetime Member 75 Calvin Or Jane Schwartz Arrow Heart Corrientes Box 233 Mullen, NE 69152 (308)546-2375 NEW MEXICO Lifetime Member 13 Virginia Cates Cates Ranch 5469 State Hwy 120 Wagon Mound, NM 87752 (575)666-2360 Lifetime Member 2862 Randall & Ellen Davis Longview Corrientes PO Box 1796 Crownpoint, NM 87313 (505)330-5468 Lifetime Member 23 Jimmy, Debra & Levi Garcia Garcia Ranch PO Box 369 Roy, NM 87743 (575)485-2431 Lifetime Member 3066 Kryzstof Gnatkowski Lone Tree Corrientes 703 Ancho Rd Ancho, NM 88301 (575)648-2530 Lifetime Member 866 Mel & Cheryl Gnatkowski Coffee Pot Cattle Co. 703 Ancho Rd Ancho, NM 88301 (575)648-2530 (505)563-0545 Lifetime Member 5784 Randy&Cindy Harris/ Bill Stout Dos Amigos Corrientes 1505 P.R. Lyons Ave Clovis, NM 88101 (575)762-6698 (505)504-2979 Member 1442 Don & Linda Pederson Crestone Ranch HC 34, Box 115 Las Vegas, NM 87701 (505)425-9544 (505)603-5429 Lifetime Member 67 John Hephner R H Corrientes PO Box 277 Wagon Mound, NM 87752 (505)666-2497 Lifetime Member 210 Donna Ray & Wendy Miller W.R. Corrientes Box 99 Roy, NM 87743 (505)485-2545 Lifetime Member 1715 Darrel Huston Box 3 Corriente Rd Cuervo, NM 88417 (505)472-5021 Lifetime Member 14 Dusty Ray Ray Ranch Box 67 Roy, NM 87743 (575)485-2559 Member 1441 Randy Huston Box 3 Corriente Rd Rociada, NM 87742 (575)472-5021 Lifetime Member 5725 G M “Dogie” & Joyce Jones Hashknife Corrientes Box 72 Watrous, NM 87753 (505)425-6021 MEMBER 8215 Lesley Marshall Old Route 66 Corrientes, LLC 4976 Rt 66 Tucumcari, NM 88401 (806)316-6503 Lifetime Member 6978 Jayden Miller Hot Shot Corrientes #2 Tierra Bonita Court La Mesa, NM 88044 (575)642-5247 Lifetime Member 6562 NM Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum 4100 Dripping Springs Rd Las Cruces, NM 0 (505)522-4100 (505)644-0819 Lifetime Member 6105 Jeff Nourse Indian Head Ranch Box 2526 Las Vegas, NM 87701 (505)425-6878 Lifetime Member 309 Jeff Or Phillis Nourse Caliente Corrientes Box 391 Las Vegas, NM 87701 (505)425-6878 Lifetime Member 3785 Bill And Laurie Riggins HC 68 Box 965 Santa Rosa, NM 88435 (505)472-5864 Lifetime Member 55 Tracy Seidman Hephner Wagon Mound Ranch PO Box 277 Wagon Mound, NM 87752 (575)666-2497 (575)666-2497 OKLAHOMA Member 2735 John L Benedict Y3 Cattle Co Rt 2 Box 73 Balko, OK 73931 (806)202-3040 (580)646-3505 Lifetime Member 3642 James & Lindee Perrin Deroin Deroin Ranch 1116 Cty Rd 5695 Ralston, OK 74650 (918)538-2233 (405)880-7434 Lifetime Member 4056 Brian & Mary Van Diest Flying V Cattle Rt 2 Box 43 Nowata, OK 74048 (918)273-0908 (918)935-5421 Lifetime Member 5052 Skip, Sharon & Wade Williams Mud Creek Corrientes 2812 Briarwood Dr Duncan, OK 73533 (580)255-0814 (580)467-8333 OREGON Lifetime Member 4873 Jim,Dee,Jim,Jessica Crouch Triangle C Ranch 62655 County Line Rd Alfalfa, OR 97701 (541)617-1526 (541)948-5447 Lifetime Member 4940 R J Francis Bar 5 Bar 80919 Cooney Lane Hermiston, OR 97838 (541)564-0256 Member 1565 Terry & Anna Francis 76394 N Loop Road Stanfield, OR 97875 (541)567-1131 (541)567-7549 Lifetime Member 99 Tom & Marilyn Kasch T Bone Hay & Cattle 3604 SW Park Lane Culver, OR 97734 (541)546-9446 Member 779 Robert M & Lavern J Larkin R- Corrientes 2762 Loop Rd. Vale, OR 97918 (541)473-2641 Member 1236 Tom & Dawnne Linenbrink LC Corrientes 90201 Goodman Road Junction City, OR 97448 (541)689-2439 Member 3109 Richard & Pat Martin The Lazy Tr Ranch. Llc PO Box 246 Vale, OR 97918 (541)473-9423 Lifetime Member 557 Mark & Krista Maunder Deep Creek Corrientes 38425 SE Boitano Road Sandy, OR 97055 (503)668-3328 Lifetime Member 518 Craig & Liza Jane Nichols Six Ranch 65917 Sunrise Road Enterprise, OR 97828 (541)426-3827 Member 7345 Richard Sieverson PO Box 130 Antelope, OR 97001 (541)489-3311 (541)977-2829 Member 8196 Steve Langer & Terry Brooks Sundance Stock Farm 4025 SE Arnold Lane Mcminnville, OR 97128 (503)472-3391 (503)560-2794 llamamimi@aol.comm SOUTH DAKOTA Lifetime Member 5 Tucker & Crystal Ashley Diamond A Cattle Co. 35540 250th St Pukwana, SD 0 (605)778-6885 Member 7338 Brad And Stacia Lange Lange Ranch PO Box 208 Oglala, SD 57764 (605)867-5020 (605)441-1918 Lifetime Member 222 David L. & Randa Lewis Sunnybrook Ranch 28599 Sunnybrook Rd Hot Springs, SD 57747 (605)535-2051 Lifetime Member 228 Dale Nauman Tumbling “7” Ranch 205 East Commercial Gettysburg, SD 57442 (605)765-2885 Member 348 Lyndell H. & Jill W. Petersen Plenty Stars Ranch 14895 Lower Spring Creek Road Hermosa, SD 57744 (605)342-5595 Lifetime Member 781 Taylor & Ryan Vroman 13460 Park Road Buffalo, SD 57720 (605)375-3577 TENNESSEE Member 970 Bill & Marilyn Adcock Adcocks Corrientes 711 Willie Jarvis Rd. Sparta, TN 38583 (931)761-2664 (931)607-2030 Spring 2012 • The Corriente Corresponder 13 Member 478 Tommy & Linda Foster Foster 2610 Hwy 231 South Shelbyville, TN 37160 (931)685-4130 TEXAS Member 6763 Milloy & Smith Turkey Track Corrientes Box 964 Farwell, TX 79325 (806)481-9591 (575)760-8133 Member 4641 Brady Barham BMB Cattle 8389 Oxford Cemetery Rd Madisonville, TX 77864 (936)348-5994 (936)349-5337 Member 2152 Russell & Lanett Barham Barham Cattle Co 8389 Oxford Cemetery Rd Madisonville, TX 77864 (713)817-7126 Lifetime Member 505 Bobby & Sharon Beauchamp B & S Cattle Co. PO Box 236 Beckville, TX 75631 (903)678-3949 Lifetime Member 494 Ken & Susan Beck Hill Top Ranch 1316 FM 2959 Milford, TX 0 (254)582-3955 (254)582-3955 Lifetime Member 3199 Tommy & Glenda Blessing Blessing Corrientes 779 CR 3381 Paradise, TX 76073 (940)433-5483 (940)859-9696 Lifetime Member 5572 Mike Camp C4 Cattle PO Box 666 Farwell, TX 79325 (575)714-4737 (505)714-4737 Lifetime Member 5129 Brett Chartier/Ron Cutler Double C Cattle Co LLC 260 Van Zant Cty Rd 3531 Edgewood, TX 75117 (903)896-1001 14 Member 8659 Eric & Carrie Day 10311 FM 1886 Azle, TX 76020 (817)929-1787 Lifetime Member 108 Joe Koch Dos Vaqueros Vacas 16555 County Rd J Canadian, TX 79014 (806)323-6955 Lifetime Member 374 Craig & Linda Dorrance Pepper D Ranch 5061 Mesquite Pass Road Seguin, TX 78155 (830)303-5949 Member 4499 Billy Luke Rockin’ BL Ranch 4510 Hwy 281 N #1 Spring Branch, TX 78070 (210)213-9872 (830)438-4030 Member 952 Sam And Madeline Doyle Doyle Ranch PO Box 2185 Mansfield, TX 0 (817)477-1934 (817)528-2809 Lifetime Member 5485 Mike & Sybil Eagan Diamond E Corrientes 3549 Kuykendall Rd Bellville, TX 77418 (979)865-8030 (713)962-0839 Member 8419 David And Sherri Eaves PO Box 94 Merit, TX 75458 (903)776-2029 Member 1712 Joanne D Fuchs Joanne Fuchs Ranch Family Prtnrshp LLC 4965 FM 1824 Hico, TX 76457 (505)472-5177 (254)796-0990 Lifetime Member 1697 Jacqueline & Kinnan Golemon Wau-Ban-See Ranch 443 Private Rd 658 Brady, TX 76825 (325)597-1954 Lifetime Member 4763 Richard & Annette Gratny 1385 Co. Rd. 35780 Arthur City, TX 75411 (903)732-4898 Lifetime Member 2640 C.W. Gregory Cephis Gregory Cattle Co. 2673 County Rd 1174 Sulphur Springs, TX 75482 (903)488-3089 (903)885-2809 Member 4793 Britt Holt Morning Star Ranch Box 70 Hico, TX 76457 (254)796-2319 The Corriente Corresponder • Spring2012 Lifetime Member 5055 Wayne & Stacy Lynn LF Ranch PO Box 217 Desdemona, TX 76445 (254)758-2818 (817)676-8031 Member 5874 Carol Mara All American Corriente Cattle 9701 US Hwy 380 Jacksboro, TX 76458 (940)374-3279 (940)389-5609 Member 5511 Ricky Mara A Ram Ranch Corriente Cattle 9701 US Hwy 380E Jacksboro, TX 76458 (940)374-3279 (940)389-6859 Member 7953 Joe & Clemmie New J-C Ranch 2303 Ledgerock Rd Wimberly, TX 78676 (512)917-6907 (512)847-3934 Member 4855 Jerry Orr PO Box 527 Millsap, TX 76066 (940)682-0119 Member 1244 Jean & Gary Poythress Ready 2 Rope Ranch 7155 FM 1824 Hico, TX 76457 (254)796-2375 (209)606-8986 UTAH Lifetime Member 3293 Greg L Huntington Flying H Livestock PO Box 186 Orangeville, UT 84537 (435)749-9742 (435)748-2755 Lifetime Member 3790 Tate & Julie Weber Sinbad Corrientes 1170 E 900 N Clawson Bench Clawson, UT 84516 (435)384-2734 (435)749-1731 WASHINGTON Member 1242 Joe Bartlett Spur Livestock Co 289075 Hwy 101 Quilcene, WA 98376 (360)765-4370 (360)271-9224 WISCONSIN Member 6530 Jody & Jori Rafel Horned Cattle Creek LLC S4346 Hwy H Hillsboro, WI 54634 (608)528-4700 WYOMING Lifetime Member 314 Dave, Tara, RC & Joan Kalasinsky Smith Canyon Ranch PO Box 512 Dayton, WY 82836 (307)655-9489 (307)751-1097 Member 6807 Dennis And Aaron Lancaster Forest Dell Ranch, LLC PO Box 1589 Afton, WY 83110 (307)884-7177 (307)886-9273 Member 7112 Tony Larsen Y-Knot Corrientes 1501 Decker Rd. Sheridan, WY 82801 (307)752-0232 Lifetime Member 130 Richard & Jodi Thrush 16080 C Hwy 59 N Gillette, WY 82716 (307)682-3553 Corriente Cattle from Deep in the Heart of Texas Since 1997 Photos Courtesy: Angela Harrison Registered Full Blood Breeding,Roping and Show Cattle Producers for “The Roping Show”® Kinnan & Jacqueline Golemon ∙ 443 PR 658 Brady ∙Texas 76825 ∙ 512-633-9428 ∙ Spring 2012 • The Corriente Corresponder 15 Board of Director Meeting Notes February 13, 2012 Attending: Ron Long, Roger Schalla, Ricky Mara, Mel Knatkowski, Liza Jane Nichols Actions: Ricky made a motion to move the NACA management from Attache, Int. effective immediately. Liza Jane seconded. Followed by discussion. Ricky Mara and Liza Jane Nichols voted in favor and Mel Gnatkowski and Roger Schalla voted against. Ron Long broke the tie and voted against. Motion failed. February 18, 2012 Attending: Tucker Ashley, Marvin Knutson, Dave Lewis, Ron Long, Roger Schalla, Mel Gnatkowski, Ricky Mara & Liza Jane Nichols. Motion: Mel made a motion to not renew contract with Attache and seek other services for management of the NACA. Liza Jane seconded. Followed by discussion to clarify motion. Ron recognized motion and second. Called for a vote and it passed unanimously. February 27, 2012 Attending: Ricky Mara, Dave Kalasinsky, Dave Lewis, Ginny Cates, Tucker Ashley, Craig Nichols, Marvin Knutson, Bill Mundorf, Liza Jane Nichols Motions: Motion made by Ricky Mara to appoint Dave Kalasinsky to fill remaining term of Ron Long. Liza Jane seconded, all in favor, motion passed. Elections for new officers to fill vacancies. Ricky Mara nominated Liza Jane Nichols as President, Dave Kalasinsky seconded, all in favor. Liza Jane Nichols nominated Ricky Mara as Vice President, Dave Kalasinsky seconded, all in favor. Minutes from meetings 2/13 & 2/18 were read. Ricky Mara made a motion to accept them as read. Dave Kalasinsky seconded, all in favor, motion passed. Dave Kalasinsky made a motion to cancel the National Convention as scheduled. Ricky Mara seconded. All in favor, motion passed. Ricky Mara made a motion to hold the Annual Meeting at the PACA Regional show in Gillette, WY. Dave Kalasinsky seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. March 3, 2012 Attending: Ricky Mara, Dave Kalasinsky, Marvin Knutson, Dave Lewis, Ginny Cates, and Liza Jane Nichols. 16 The Corriente Corresponder • Spring2012 Motions: Ricky Mara made a motion to change signing authority for all NACA accounts and authorize same to conduct business on behalf of the NACA to President of the Board of Directors, Liza Jane Nichols and President of the Advisory Board, Ginny Cates. In addition, James Spawn will be removed as signer on all NACA accounts except the checking account at Bank of Clovis. Dave Kalasinsky seconded, all in favor, motion passed. Dave Kalasinsky made a motion to move ahead with the Spring edition of the Corresponder including content to be provided by board members. Membership Directory will only include Breeders and will not include a copy of the By-Laws. Ricky Mara seconded, all in favor, motion passed Ricky Mara made a motion to accept the budget as submitted. Dave Kalasinsky seconded. All in favor, motion passed. March 14, 2012 Attending: Ricky Mara, Dave Kalasinsky, Tucker Ashley, Craig Nichols, Dave Lewis, Ginny Cates, and Liza Jane Nichols Motions: Motion made by Ricky Mara to accept the contract as presented with Peak Technology Solutions. Dave Kalasinsky seconded. All in favor; motion passed. Motion made by Dave Kalasinsky to accept the transition & first fiscal year budget as presented. Ricky Mara seconded. All in favor; motion passed. Motion made by Ricky Mara to appoint Russell Drury as soon as an additional appointment was confirmed. Dave Kalasinsky seconded. All in favor; motion passed. March 26, 2012 Attending: Tucker Ashley, Craig Nichols, Liza Jane Nichols, Dave Kalasinsky, Ginny Cates, Marvin Knutson, Ricky Mara, Billy Luke, and Russell Drury. Motions: Motion was made by Ricky to purchase the Cactus Brand Ranch Roper saddle for $1,700 from NRS. Dave Kalasinsky seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. Ricky made a motion to purchase the Centric Software that is needed. He also motioned they pick the best, least penalized CD to purchase the software. It was seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. NACA HiSTORY o 5 Years ago – Spring 2007 Television viewers all over the nation had the chance to learn about Corriente cattle and NACA when a 30-minute program produced by NACA aired on RFD-TV. DVD’s containing both the television program and a promotional video short were sent to all the members free of charge via insertion in the Spring 2007 Corriente Corresponder. The video project was spearheaded by then-Director Randy Huston and made possible by Lifetime member Keith Flake graciously donating his services as cameraman. The promotional video is still viewable on the web site ( and is posted on in two parts, “Learning About Corriente Cattle”, Part 1 and 2. Part 1 has been viewed almost 13,000 times. o 10 Years ago – Spring 2002 The highlight of this issue was an article saluting Lyndell Petersen, re-printed with permission from the Rapid City Journal. Lyndell was bestowed with a Hall of Fame award in recognition of his many years of leadership with the Black Hills Stock Show. The Black Hills Stock Show is held annually in Rapid City, South Dakota, and is one of the “big league” ag and rodeo events, comparable to the National Western or Calgary Stampede. Lyndell was credited with saving the show when the organizer, Central States Fair, Inc., got into deep financial trouble in the 1990s. Lyndell served on the NACA Board of Directors, including the office of Vice-President. As he is such a humble man, you might not know this, but Lyndell won election to the South Dakota State Senate, where he served his constituents well for 18 years. (Ask Lyndell about “tailgate campaigning” next time you see him, it’s a great story!) o 20 Years ago – Spring 1992 The 1992 Annual Convention, Cattle Show and Team Roping was held March 25 – 28 at the Adams County Fairgrounds in Brighton, Colorado. Clyde Olson and Darrell Currie judged “Breeding Stock Classes”, while Fred Knoblick and Bill Mundorf handled the Performance classes. Entry fees were $20 per class. A show held in December 1991 in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, was reported to be a big success. Cowboy poetry presented by Chuck George was a highlight. Past president Thurman Mullins was the driving force behind the Murfreesboro event, which was one of the biggest Corriente shows going at that time. It was also reported in that Blaine Pederson won $50,000 in the 1991 Calgary Stampede Steer Wrestling Championship in Alberta, Canada, on a Corriente steer owned by Montana Band, Bobtail Ranch. o 30 Years ago – Spring 1982 The founding members were busy laying the groundwork. NACA become an official legal entity in August of 1982 with incorporation as a non-profit in Montana. But before that could happen, the Bylaws and Rules had to be written and some money raised. So, some of the most difficult work, not to mention extremely important to the future, was going on at that time. cAnceleD the 2012 national show, convention & roping clovis, new Mexico A difficult decision was made to cancel the 2012 NACA National Show, Convention & Roping in Clovis, New Mexico this summer. For the past two years this event has recorded a deficit, in February the Show Manager resigned, and we were faced with a lot of work and planning that still needed to be accomplished. It was determined to be in the best interest of the association membership to focus our finances and energy on strengthening our organization and look forward to 2013 for the next National Convention. We would like to thank many of our NACA members who worked with the generous community of Clovis to host our event, and we are deeply appreciative of their efforts. We hope to return the National Convention to Clovis sometime in the future. nAcA Annual MeMbership Meeting & election september 27-30th, 2012 gillette, Wyoming pAcA shoW & roping Please come join your fellow members for the Annual Membership Meeting & Election in Gillette, Wyoming to be held in conjunction with the Plains Area Corriente Association Show & Roping. This is the location of the first Corriente Show in 1986 and a great time to celebrate the history and future of Corriente cattle and the good people that enjoy them! Our new Executive Director, Ellen Hamilton will be there to meet you and offer assistance, if needed, with understanding new office procedures and opportunities. Ellen and the NACA Board of Directors look forward to hearing your ideas for promoting and preserving Corriente cattle to assist them in the growth of our Association. Our annual Election will also be taking place at this meeting, so if you are interested in becoming a candidate for the Board of Directors, you have until May 27th, 2012 to send in your application to the Association office. Please refer to the Bylaws, Article III, Sec.2 for candidate eligibility. Call Sharon Bosley at (816)421-1992 if you have any questions. Questions about the PACA event, contact Show Manager; Dave Kalasinsky (307)655-9489 Spring 2012 • The Corriente Corresponder 17 North American Corriente Association Welcomes New Board Members “In a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks.” -Warren Buffet E arly this winter three of the NACA Directors submitted their resignations; Ron Long, Roger Schalla and Mel Gnatkowski. It was stated in their letter of resignation that they felt “the ship was sinking” and the current board was no longer a viable decision making body. Despite this, all three remain respected Corriente breeders and their contributions to our association are valued. The following day a scheduled meeting was held and Board Candidate, Dave Kalasinsky was appointed to keep the board functioning per our Bylaws. Liza Jane Nichols was elected President and Ricky Mara was elected Vice President. Short-ly after, two additional board members were appointed to fill the remaining openings; Billy Luke and Russell Drury. The NACA is fortunate to have these three long standing members with a firm commitment to our association and the Corriente cattle breed. Their willingness to serve during a busy time of transition and decision making is much appreciated. Liza Jane In 1876 Liza Jane’s great-grandfather came to visit Wallowa Country in Northeast Oregon, and in 1884 homesteaded their fam-ily ranch with his wife Belle. Today Liza Jane with her husband Craig own and oper-ate the 6 Ranch where they raise registered Corriente cattle and produce natural grassfed beef & lamb, organic vegetables, raw milk, honey and eggs. They lease their Corrientes for roping as yearlings then finish them on grass to supply retail, wholesale and custom-direct beef markets. They also market their cattle for seed stock. Liza Jane served 14 years as the Executive Director of the local Domestic & Sexual Violence program, worked as East Region Manager for Start Making A Reader Today (SMART), and locally for The Nature Conservancy as a Project and Range Steward. She now works full time on the ranch and fits in a little fly fishing and team roping. Liza Jane has been a member of the NACA since 1991 and is currently serving the last year of her second term on the Board of Directors. Ricky L. Mara Jacksboro, Texas • 940-389-6859 A native North Texan, Ricky Mara was destined to be in the cattle industry. His grandparents were in the dairy business on one side and the cattle hauling business on the other. He learned from a very early age about care, nutrition and how to work cattle. He has been fortunate to have his employment in the cattle business for the past 10 years, which not only keeps him abreast of new ideas on health and daily ranch management of a large herd, but also he stays up-to-date with the current 18 The Corriente Corresponder • Spring2012 market values on both beef cattle and our Corriente cattle. This knowledge helps him to be able to market our cattle profitably. Ricky began breeding and showing NACA Corriente Cattle in 1999. It has become his passion in life. He has been dedi dedicated & determined in not only the breeding aspect, but also the showing as he has been to numerous NACA National & Regional shows. He has always been supportive in helping out any member that would need his help to work the show or even always ready for questions, advice and discussion of this great breed of cattle. Ricky currently serves as President of the TCCA and VicePresident of the NACA. He welcomes any and all who might be interested in NACA Corriente Cattle to join our Association and enjoy the breed as he and his wife Carol do. Billy Luke Spring Branch, Texas In 2000 I became a member of NACA and a proud breeder of Corriente cattle. Since then, I have been an active member and board member of NACA and TCCA. As a TCCA board member, I was show manager from 2008-2010 and have helped with many shows along the way. I enjoy being part of such a great group of breeders and going to the shows to meet new members and visit with old friends. Rodeo was where I first gained interest in raising Corriente cattle. I’ve always loved rodeo and the rodeo life. I began bull riding and saddle bronc riding in 1993 and became a card holder with the PRCA. I had an exciting rodeo career where I got to travel and participate in some of the best rodeos around the country. In 1997 I qualified for the PRCA Texas circuit finals in bull riding and in 2003 I was TSPRA champion bull rider of the year. I now love to team rope with my son, Dallas. I live in Spring Branch, Texas, where I raise my herd and have a successful asphalt paving business. I’m blessed to be able to travel to Wyoming every summer to work, fish and hunt. Dave Kalasinsky Dayton, Wyoming Age: 49 Education: B.S. Range Management; University of Wyoming (184) Size of Herd: 120 mother cows No. Natl. Conventions Attended: 4 No. Regional I Shows Attended: 18 Involvement: Current PACA Show Mgr. & Sec/Treas. Previous PACA Show Mgr . (late ‘90s - early ‘00s) Other: Current Pres.: Southside Tongue River & Dayton Ditch Company Member: Wyoming Stockgrowers & National Cattleman’s Assns. Owner /Operator: Dayton Spur Company (custom bits, spurs & ironwork) Previous: Soils & Reclamation Specialist / Wildlife Tech. Black Butte Coal Co. PersonaI Statement: My family and I have operaced Smith Canyon Ranch oucslde Dayton, Wyoming since 1987. In years past, we ran Registered Corrientes along with Sussex / Angus cross cattle. In 2000, we decided to devote the operation to strictly Corrlentes. Along with the cattle, we aIso run a custom haying business in the Dayton / Parkman area. I am very concerned wlth the strength & well-being of the NACA. I have always tried to keep the concerns of each individual member in mind while serving on the PACA Board. To me, while the dues & fees of the members do financially support the Assn(s), every individual expects each of those Assns to provide assistance, guidance & direction in return. With the onset of tougher economic times, the NACA needs to be even more mindful than before, that it needs to be progressive in helplng its members maintain their place in the lnduscry. By providing more tools for its members to use in marketng thelr animals, the NACA will hopefully retain more of its members and gain new ones. I feeI that the NACA may need to reassess its role as it pertains to member services in order to regain the confldence of some of its members and for the benefit of all of them Those that can weather the current “storms” in che industry will be well positioned for the future of the Corriente market and the NACA needs to be the toolbox to help them do that. There are many ideas & thoughts knocking around my head ...just ask my wife - “too much alone time”. Not all of them are gems, by any means, but I’d like the opportunity to serve on your Board of Direccors & assist the great folks that are currently serving . My family & I have 22 years invested in these cows and the Association. We care deeply about its f uture and the future of the regionaI associations, as well as each member that make them up. Thank You. Russell Drury Active Member of NACA – 1987 to Present Occupation: Employed by USDA/Agricultural Research Service for 12 years Education: Mississippi State University, B. S. Animal Science 1999. Organizations: USTRC, WSTR, Deep south team ropers Assn. I have attended numerous national and regional NACA sanctioned shows in every region of the U S. My wife Tonia and I run 40 Full blood Corriente mother cows on a small farm in southern Mississippi. It has been a privilege to be associated with such a great organization such as the NACA. It would be an honor and a privilege to serve as a Board Member for NACA. Your support would be greatly appreciated. Spring 2012 • The Corriente Corresponder 19 Win a saddle! A custom-made, top quality saddle is being offered to commemorate NACA’s 30th anniversary. This one-of-a-kind saddle will be awarded by drawing at Gillette, Wyoming, on September 28, 2012. You need not be present to win, but you do have to be entered. A top notch saddle has been commissioned, similar to the highly coveted Breeders Roping trophy saddles. NACA Lifetime member Jimmy Garcia, an accomplished roper, has won over 100 saddles in his lifetime. Jimmy says he likes this maker’s saddle better than all the others, except for maybe the one he and his dad won at the USTRC World Championships. He says it is a great all-around saddle for both cowboy work and team roping. It’s really well made and comfortable and the leather is top quality. If you want the chance to own this piece of history that is both beautiful and functional, you must enter the drawing. Contact the office if you need tickets. Call 816-421-1992 or email New! 12” x 9.25” NACA Magnets Can be proudly displayed on any vehicle, trailer, or metal surface without damaging your paint! Show your support and order yours TODAY! $20 per magnet or order a pair for $35 plus $5 shipping. Send your check to NACA: PO Box 12359 North Kansas City MO, 64116 20 The Corriente Corresponder • Spring2012 Region news o Eastern Corriente Association 2011 Seventh Annual Roping & Meeting O n October 22, the Eastern Corriente Association held its seventh annual Team Roping which is normally held in conjunction with a sanctioned Corriente cattle show. But this year, with the down-turn in the economy and not wanting to burden our normal sponsors, the ECA decided to just put on the annual roping and membership meeting. Not to mention our good friends in Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico who normally come to our show are in the middle of the worst drought anyone can remember. The ECA members roping on Saturday, October 22 was a huge success. Starting with the #12 slide, there were 70 teams. The #10 roping was next with 109 teams. The ECA has a one-day membership fee for non-members to rope in our members roping. This year Newell Corrientes and Dale Cattle Company supplied 31 head of roping cattle for the day. Before the day was over, the cattle had an average of 10 runs per head on them. The cattle were as good and strong on their last run as they were on their first run. Nearly every round in each roping had a 60% or better catch percentage, which is about 10% better than typical team ropings. This year we had the first annual Wesley Goodwin Memorial dummy roping for the kids. Wesley was the son of our newly elected Vice-President E.W. Goodwin. After the cattle were unwrapped and sorted, the ECA business meeting was conducted. The ECA re-elected Douglas Dale as president for 2012. It also elected E.W. Goodwin as vice president, Tommy Jordan and Patty Dale as co-secretaries, and Christy Jordan and Peggy Matthews as treasurers. The ECA is planning to resume with our regular show next October. Looking forward to seeing you there! o Plains Area Corriente Association T he Plains Area Corriente Association was originally formed as the 1st regional sub-association of the NACA nearly 21 years ago. Comprised primarily of members from the Dakotas, Nebraska, Montana & Wyoming, the PACA is going strong into its next twenty years. The strong sense of community amongst the members is the driving force behind the PACA. Through our membership fees, we are now better able to communicate with our members via subscriptions the Wrangler Magazine (at no additional cost to PACA members) by our becoming a “partner” Association to the Wrangler. It’s an exciting time for Corriente breeders across the country, with market demand rising sharply and new opportunities for renewed growth of the NACA on the horizon. This fall, the PACA will once again hold its annual show & ropings at the Cam-Plex facility in Gillette, Wyoming. September 27 through 29 will, with luck, greet all the incoming participants with a taste of the wonderful, mild Wyoming fall weather. We are very proud to also play host to the 30th Anniversary NACA Membership Meeting & Election of Officers this year. With the Cam-Plex being the home of the very first NACA Cattle Show, all those many years ago, we are very much looking forward to the event being there once again. The PACA Board is already busily planning & working on gathering sponsorships to help make this show special one. On behalf of the PACA Board of Directors and membership, we would like to invite all of the NACA breeders, members & friends to join us in Gillette this September! o Pacific Northwest Corriente Association “ R eal Cows for Real Cowboys” Corriente Gathering will be hosted by the PNCA June 30th in Hermiston, Oregon. Following a start-up morning social hour, we’ll have non-sanctioned conformation judging for yearling classes with performance classes to follow. All entries are $10.00. The afternoon plans include ranch & roping events - Gist buckles will be awarded at the BBQ Saturday night and we’ll enjoy music around the campfire until…… dawn? Everyone is welcome! For more information, please contact Terry Francis @ 541-314-8555. Spring 2012 • The Corriente Corresponder 21 Diamond Valley Ranch Registered Corriente Roping Cattle & Claves Steve & Lori Bolton Chillicothe, IL 61523 (309) 274-3868 22 The Corriente Corresponder • Spring2012 NACA: ON THE MOVE AGAIN 30t h Anniversary! posed enlarging the advertisers as well as issuing many, fre frequent press releases. With a prosperous economy and a huge growth in the sport of team roping, the association experienced thriving times. Meanwhile, the world was becoming “high-tech”, and it is now time to move the office to more efficient management Hamil with computer, website, and internet expertise. Ellen Hamilton at Peak Technology Solutions will be able to set up new office systems to save the NACA money, update the cattle registry software, and improve communication with members and promotional activities. Over the years the NACA has experienced many controversies, divisive goals, and upheavals. Ultimately, all of this has channeled us toward positive decision making, growth, and success. Correct management for the association has al always been a decision based on good business practices. These decisions have and will lead to success and enjoyment for the NACA members involved in the Corriente business. Joe Mark & Vicki Milloy Dale, Lindsey, Cadence and Sage Smith 575-760-8133 S U CK COR TRA RI Y EN E K Farwell, Texas T R E T T he NACA is celebrating the 30th anniversary in ex-istence. The very fact that we have been in business this long testifies that we should be, have been, and will be a viable cattle organization. We will ensure this success by moving forward to a new location and new management. This is not the first time in its history that the association has gone through this type of transition. Though the membership may be leery of new procedures and person-nel, every move has proved to benefit the association and the registry as a whole. With the help of founding member and first President, Tucker Ashley, and a rereading of many old Corresponders, we can look back on the NACA’s history with a great deal of respect: When an idea was born about starting a Corriente cattle registry in the early 1980’s, to register and follow the prog-eny of existing Corriente cattle, we knew there were many challenges ahead. The Larry Martin law offices in Billings helped on all the legal issues and provided office space and equipment….a desk, typewriter, and dial telephone. Roberta Cauthron, (then Nelson), a paralegal at the office, was our first secretary. When she moved to Casper, Wyoming, the NACA moved with her into her new house. Larry Martin, all the Board Members, and Berta donated time and money to keep things rolling. Eventually herd numbers grew, the law office bill was paid off, and there appeared to be light at the end of the tunnel. Soon that light became so bright that the office work overwhelmed Berta in her one woman office with no computerization. We were all sad to say good-bye to Berta, who single handedly helped the NACA through the rough early years and helped set the style for association gatherings. She is still a member today, and we hope to see her at Gillette in September. On went the NACA to Denver, Colorado and Great Western Association Management. This office got the herd book into a simple computer program and greatly shortened the turnaround time for registration certificates and transfers. Though having little knowledge of cattle, their office expertise was a significant step forward. In 1995, despite much worry and delay, the decision was made to move the association to the offices of Attaché, International, owned by Jim Spawn in Kansas City. At that time, his firm managed several other cattle registries and the staff was well prepared and experienced at handling registration certificates, transfers, press releases, cattle shows, and so on. The herd book was moved into a software program specifically written for cattle pedigrees. Jim expanded the mailing list, including agricultural schools and livestock industry leaders. He produced this magazine, a big change in style from the original hand-illustrated Corriente Corresponder, and pro- Home of Cates Bull 279 Proven producer of roping cattle. Winners too numerous to list. To our Corriente friends and family, We cannot find the words to thank you enough for your generosity, and to Kinnan for opening the Wau-Ban-See Cantina to help us. Dale is now in extensive rehab. This will be a long journey, and has been easier with the encouragement of our Corriente group. May Gold bless you all! Spring 2012 • The Corriente Corresponder 23 Diamond A Ashley Cattle Company Tucker & Crystal Ashley Pukwana, SD 57370 605-778-6885 Reserve space now for the Spring issue! • Membership Directory • National Show entry Packet • Biggest issue of the year - don’t be left out. call 816-421-1992 Buying Corriente Cattle? Find 100’s For Sale at Ron & Ann Jared & Ryan Long Corrientes Box 278 Simms, MT 59477 406-264-5338 Registered Corriente Breeding Stock Bulls & Heifers • NACA • Cows & Steers 24 The Corriente Corresponder • Spring2012 Working to raise the kind we like to rope! Gary and Jean Poythress 7155 FM 1824 • Hico, Texas 76457 254-796-2375 NACA Membership Applications can be downloaded from our web site: or contact the NACA National Office: 816-421-1992 b & s cAttLe coMPANY 203 CR 252 ~ P.O. BOX 236 ~ BECKVILLE TX 75631 B & S Cattle Company Bobby & Sharon Beauchamp Bobby’s cell 903-736-4033 Sharon’s cell 903-754-4618 Spring 2012 • The Corriente Corresponder 25 Dave & Randa Lewis Corriente Cattle Breeding & Roping Stock (605) 535-2051 Did you know? That all of the forms needed to register your cattle are available at: 28599 Sunny Brook Rd. • Hot Springs, SD 57747-7339 Find them on our Registration page. R.C. Corrientes Registered Corriente and Roping Calves Robert & Ruth Coffelt 2024 Dogwood Tree Road Reeds Spring, MO 65737 417-272-8311 26 The Corriente Corresponder • Winter 2011 FOr MeMbers ONly Web Site Classified Advertising NACA’s web site gets a lot of visitors. It averages 300 hits per day. The classified advertising page is one of the most frequently viewed pages. In fact, the web site is so well established now, if you do a google search for Corriente cattle, NACA’s web site comes up FIrsT on a list of over 44,000 results. For only $20/month, you can put this marketing power to work for you. you can email your ad copy and attach your photo file. We will immediately post the ad and invoice your membership. send to Or, you can drop it in the mail and we will scan your photograph for you at no extra charge before posting. Act now to take advantage of NACA’s presence on the Internet to enhance your own marketing efforts. Classified ads on the web site ( can now include one photograph along with your advertising message for the same low price! Winter 2011 • The Corriente Corresponder 27 Advertiser’s Index B & S Cattle Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Los Corrientes, Int’l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OBC Bar J Corriente . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Mud Creek Corrientes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Blue Hills Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Old Route 66 Corrientes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFC Broken Circle Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Pepper D Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Cates Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Radford’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Coffee Pot Cattle Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 R.C. Corrientes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Crestone Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFC Ready 2 Rope Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 D & J River Ranch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IBC Smith Canyon Corrientes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 DeRoin Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Sunnybrook Ranch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Diamond A Ashley Cattle Co . . . . . . . . . . 20 Wau-Ban-See Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Kingman County Corrientes . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Valley B Corrientes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 L Y Y O Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Little WisCo Acres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Long Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 T he Corriente Corresponder is transitioning from a quarterly into an annual publication. In the future, it will be published once a year and scheduled to correspond (no pun intended) with the election cycle and annual membership meeting. Members will be notified of the 2013 publication schedule, advertising availability, rates and policies, and all other pertinent information as it becomes available. Special thanks to all the advertisers! Some members have advertised continuously for 10, 15, even 20 years or more. They have steadfastly promoted their Corriente programs while lending support to NACA year after year. That is a very rare and special occurrence. Industry research has shown that the average longevity of a purebred registered cattle operation is only seven years. Thanks and congratulations to all the members who beat those odds. Thanks also to the many contributors. The vast majority of the material published in the Corriente Corresponder is submitted from the membership. Great photos, valuable information, interesting news and good stories have been shared by many members over the years. 28 The Corriente Corresponder • Spring2012 Registered and Commercial Corrientes For Sale One or Several Hundred Ray Ranch Corrientes Dusty Ray Roy, New Mexico 575-485-2559 Caliente Corrientes Jeff Nourse Las Vegas, New Mexico 505-425-6878 Garcia Corrientes Jimmy Garcia Roy, New Mexico 575-485-2431 NEW LOWER PRICES Call Now! SEMEN AVAILABLE • Manzito ~ $20 / Straw • Patron ~ $10 / Straw • El Jefe ~ $100 / Straw • Jesse James 037 $30 / Straw 30 The Corriente Corresponder • Spring2012
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