SOBA Membership and Resource Guide
SOBA Membership and Resource Guide
p hi rs be em M ct or w y& w w. re so so ut ur ho ce m g ah ui a.o de rg re di 16 20 Potential from the very first day. Maybe it was the idea. The day you saw the empty space. Or maybe when you knew you could do what the big guys were doing, only better. However you get your start, you need a partner to support you from startup to expansion, and every step in between. How did your business get its start? #UnforgettableFirsts • First National Bank’s bi-lingual professionals are here to help your business reach its full potential. Call us or stop by a branch today. 24th & M - 402.602.2580 24th & Oak - 402.602.5947 33rd & L - 402.602.1570 Member FDIC • First National Bank is a Preferred SBA BA Lender Serving the South Omaha Community for Over 30 Years! 3505 L Street Stockyards Plaza 402-731-6107 Bakery Floral Pharmacy Catering Dietitian Services Online Shopping Redbox Money Orders Western Union Check Cashing Wine & Spirits Cox Cable Solutions Store 17 Locations in the Greater Omaha & Council Bluffs Area to Serve You! Check us out on Facebook! Explore the real flavor! Index Welcome................................................6 Garry Gernandt’s greeting..................8 About SOBA................................. 10-13 South Omaha Marketing Team........14 SOBA Membership............................15 Tree of Life .........................................16 A Great Place to Be..................... 17-23 South Omaha Mural Project ..... 24-25 South Omaha History.................. 26-29 History of Cinco de Mayo........... 30-32 Holiday Lights Festival....................33 Food and Dining.................................34 Festivals........................................ 35-37 Arts................................................ 38-39 Members/Categorical.................. 40-45 Members/Alphabetical.....................46 David Catalán 900 Farnam Street Suit 601 Omaha, NE 68102 | 402 - 850 - 1941 4 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory State Senator “ Making South Omaha safer and stronger has been my priority in the Nebraska Legislature. I’m proud of what we’ve done together: 5 Improved access to financing; 5 Increased business development assistance; and 5 Added flexibility to burdensome state regulations. We still have more to do. Join me in helping grow our local economy by sharing your thoughts on the issues facing you and your business.” Con tac t He ath: State Capitol District 5 P.O. Box 94604 Lincoln, NE 68509 (402) 471-2710 @HeathMello Sen ator He at h M el Paid for by Friends for Heath Mello, 5315 B St, Omaha 68106 Explore the real flavor! Welcome to South Omaha, the ‘Magic City’ I n 2016 SOBA will celebrate 94 years of service to the South Omaha business community. Its mission to preserve the diversity, heritage and economic vitality of the community is creating a legacy of unprecedented and sustained growth, earning South Omaha the title of the “Magic City” during its early years. Anchored by the iconic Tree of Life sculpture at the intersection of 24th and L Streets, the Streetscape Project symbolizes the rich tapestry woven by waves of immigrants drawn to the life-sustaining bounty of the meatpacking and railroad industries. Ethnic contributions to the culture, foods and arts of South Omaha are alive and thriving today. In its 31th consecutive year, the annual Cinco de Mayo Festival is held during the first week of May to commemorate the defeat of the French by a Mexican army at the city of Puebla in Mexico in 1862. In the United States, Cinco de Mayo is sometimes mistaken to be Mexico’s Independence Day — the most important national holiday in Mexico — which is celebrated on Sept. 16. In South Omaha, both celebratory events attract visitors from the surrounding region in a fiesta environment of parades, carnivals, ethnic foods, live entertainment and children’s activities. The Holiday Lights Festival is now in its fifth year in South Omaha. In early December the trees and building tops along 24th Street between L and Q streets are illuminated with hundreds of glowing lights. The festival continues with holiday activities through the second week of January. SOBA members represent all business and professional sectors of our community. Each contributes to our mission of preserving diversity, heritage and economic vitality. This membership directory and resource guide is dedicated to their continued collaborative spirit of engagement. If you are not yet a member of SOBA, consider this a personal invitation to join us. Visit our website — — for an easy to navigate membership application. We want you to have a contributing role in the success story that is the “Magic City.” David Catalán President The South Omaha Business Association directory is published in partnership with Suburban Newsapapers Inc. For Suburban Newspapers Inc.: Retail Advertising Manager: Dan Matuella · Special Project Manager: Paul Swanson · Special Sections Editor: Shelley Larsen · Section Editor, Writer and Designer: Tom Knox · Copy Editor: Howard K. Marcus · Advertising Account Executives: John Cromwell, Marilyn Martin · Advertising Coordinator: Marie Douglas · Cover design by Tom Knox Photo credits (unless otherwise noted): South Omaha Business Association, Suburban Newspapers Inc., The Omaha World-Herald 6 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory PROUD SPONSOR OF CINCO DE MAYO SALES SERVICE DEPARTMENTO DE BILINGUES! 17410 Burt Street | Omaha, NE | 68118 | Reception: 402.493.4000 | Sales: 402.238.1824 | Se Habla Espanol! 402.238.1824 Explore the real flavor! Greetings from Garry Gernandt C oasting is not South Omaha’s style, and we’ve proven that over the last 12 months. we’ve cut the ribbons on new “mom and pop” businesses; our community centers are flourishing with increased activity for youth and adults; our youth soccer and baseball leagues have taken on a new look with PACE (Police Athletics for Community Engagement); and partnerships among our faith, business, neighborhood and civic groups continue to develop. Born and raised in South Omaha, my parents instilled in me the drive of public service and the motto of “help people learn how to help themselves.” I’ve devoted 45 years so far to doing just that. During that time, I met a man who penned “A Neighbor’s Code of Ethics,” which truly sums up what leaders should be advocating in their neighborhoods to achieve a good quality of life: • Feel good about your own property, respect your neighbor’s. • Inside your home is your space. The space outside your home is shared with your neighbors. • Your trees should grow tall. Your grass should not. • Make trash & junk short-lived. They do not get better with age. 8 • Litter is like a smudge on your face. Clean it. • Your home is attached to the ground. The ground is part of the city. The city has a right to set ground rules. Follow the rules. • You do not have to live with your neighbors, just next to them. Make it a comfortable relationship. • “Hi” is only a two-letter word. Easy to say. Nice to hear. • Control your pets. Your neighbor will appreciate that extra bit of work. • Take pride in your neighborhood. It will feel right! My thanks to Jim Thompson for the wise words and being a good neighbor. We continue to be proud of what we’ve accomplished: new schools, renovated parks, improving our infrastructure, building partnerships, promoting new businesses, and keeping air clean and our community safe. Let’s forge on! Garry Gernandt Omaha City Councilman, District 4 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory South Omaha Business Association >>>> The South Omaha Business Association (SOBA) is a non-profit organization consisting of area businesses that are dedicated to preserving the diversity, heritage, and economic vitality of the community of South Omaha. PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES SOBA MEMBERS LEAD OR PARTICIPATE IN INCLUDE: • Business District Development • Cinco de Mayo Omaha • Community Clean Up • Graffiti Abatement • Marketing South Omaha • Holiday Lights Festival SOBA is led by an all volunteer Board of Directors. The board meets bi-monthly. On alternating months, general membership luncheon / networking meetings are held and are either hosted by a member organization or at a local restaurant. Guests are invited! Annual membership fees are only $75. If you would like to be a part of the excitement in South Omaha, submit a SOBA membership application today! >> Learn more at Explore the real flavor! About SOBA A brief history On March 29, 1922, the business people of South Omaha incorporated the South Omaha Merchants Association with the following purpose: “The object and purpose for which this Association is organized and the business in which it shall be engaged shall be the promotion of the government, industrial and public interests and public welfare of the district south of A Street of Omaha, Nebraska and to co-operate with the Chamber of Commerce of the City of Omaha, Nebraska.” Over the years, the South Omaha Merchants Association has become the South Omaha Business Association (SOBA), and South Omaha itself has changed dramatically. “A” Street is now Interstate 80, north/south traffic now uses the Kennedy Freeway over South 24th Street, and only a small portion of the meat- packing industry that put South Omaha on the map is still in operation. Yet the more South Omaha has changed, the more it remains the same. Immigrant entrepreneurial energy and ambition remain the bedrock of business old and new. Mission statement To preserve the diversity, heritage and economic vitality of the community of South Omaha. Hometown banking right here in the neighborhood. Stephen L. Coffey DDS PERSONAL BANKING • BUSINESS BANKING WEALTH MANAGEMENT • MORTGAGE Wealth Management Products: Not FDIC Insured • Not a Bank Deposit • Not Bank Guaranteed May Lose Value • Not insured by any Federal Government Agency 402.618.9869 4028 Harrison Plaza Bellevue, NE 68147 2929 L Street, Omaha, NE 68107 | (402) 344-7300 | 10 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory AN OPPORTUNITY FOR EVERYONE IN THE FAMILY! Join the Omaha Kroc Center and be part of the community that thrives! FUN UN FAMIL ILY FRIEND NDS CLASSES CLASSES EVENTS EVENTS SWIMMING FITNESS SWIMMING FITNESS The Salvation Army Kroc Center • 2825 Y St. Omaha, NE 68107 • 402-905-3500 Fitness + so much more At The Salvation Army Kroc Center, people are inspired to discover their God given talents and develop their potential through artistic, educational, physical and spiritual experiences in a Christ-centered atmosphere. Explore the real flavor! About SOBA Our impact For over 90 years, the South Omaha Business Association has been making a positive impact in the community of South Omaha. Inner-city urban areas across the • Partnering with the City of Omaha, the Omaha Chamber of Commerce, and other community organizations on short-term and long-term community improvement projects. nation face the challenge of preserving their historical identity as well as garnering support to help their business districts thrive. SOBA continues to play a key role • Taking a leadership role in the redevelopment of the historic South 24th Street Business District, which includes the recently completed streetscape project and the Tree of Life sculpture installation on the corner of 24th and L Street. • Partnering with local organizations for annual maintenance of the flower beds in the 24th Street streetscape planters. • Leading efforts with local shop and restaurant owners to keep their storefronts and sidewalks clean. in helping South Omaha overcome these challenges. In recent years, SOBA has helped strenghten the community by: • Sponsoring the local Cinco de Mayo Omaha weekend activities, which annually draw tens of thousands of visitors to South Omaha. Proceeds from the annual event are disbursed to several local nonprofit organizations serving community residents. • Actively participating in graffiti abatement projects. • Donations of bicycles to the Omaha Police Department’s bike patrol. • Donations to foundations providing scholarships to community youth. Stephen Center partners with the community, families and individuals to overcome homelessness, addicon and poverty. Stephen Center’s new unified campus includes: • The Pegrew Emergency Shelter for men, women and families • The HERO Program, a state-licensed, naonally accredited substance abuse and mental health treatment facility in both residenal and outpaent formats • Permanent Supporve Housing (low-income apartments), including 40 single room occupancy and 21 family units 2723 Q Street – Omaha, NE – 68107 12 402-715-5442 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory Explore the real flavor! About SOBA Leadership The South Omaha Business Association, is governed by a Board of Directors that consists of selected members from area businesses as well as other community leaders. Elected leadership positions within the Board of Directors include President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Current board members are: Madeline Moyer, President The Salvation Army Kroc Center Merv Vannier, Vice-President Sheet Metal Workers Union Diane Good-Collins, Secretary Metropolitan Community College Rosie Johnson, Treasurer First National Bank David Catalán, Past President Catalán Consulting Elizabeth Codina, Director UNO Engagement Center Joel Cota, Director City of Omaha Mayor’s Office Yolanda Diaz, Director Security National Bank Garry Gernandt, Director City Council, District 4 Sarah Kazcmarek, Director Celebrity Staff Itzel Lopez, Director AIM Institute Heath Mello, Director State Legislature, District 5 Val McPherson, Director Kiwanis Club of Omaha Ross Pesek, Director Pesek Law, LLC Eric Washkuhn, Director Integrated Rehab Now Available From Gallup Press Kiwanis Club of Omaha Improving the Community and Careers Since 1919 Networking Opportunities Community Involvement Leadership Development For more information contact Val McPherson (402) 490-6366 or For more information contact Val McPherson (402) 490-6366 or 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory 13 Explore the real flavor! South Omaha Marketing Group David Catalan — President, South Omaha Business Association Joel Cota — Community Liason, City of Omaha Mayor’s Office Betty Davis — Founder, Davis & Associates Public Relations Vince Furlong — Member, Restoration Exchange Omaha Mike Giron — Instructor and Muralist, Metropolitan Community College Rosie Johnson — Administrative Professional, First National Bank Gary Kastrick — President, South Omaha Historical Society Marcos Mora — President, Latino Productions Armando Salgado — President/CEO, LingoDocs Marketing Deborah Ward — Director of Marketing, Omaha Convention & Visitors Bureau . Celebrating 50 YEARS in Business • Driveways • Sidewalks • Retaining Walls • Parking Lots • Garage Floors • Patios • New Construction • Remove or Replace RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • FREE ESTIMATES 402-731-2094 Since 1985 • Insured & References 14 1965 – 2015 New Location: 5413 So 72nd St 402-331-0520 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory Explore the real flavor! About SOBA Member benefits Serving the community since 1922, the strength of our organization continues to lie in the diversity of our member organizations. Benefits of being a South Omaha Business Association member include: • Network with community leaders. • Opportunity to make an impact in shaping our community for the future. • Get noticed in our Member Directory. • Promote your business via a Member Spotlight. • Advertise on our website for member rate starting as low as $50 per year. Annual membership fees are only $75. Complete a Membership Application today! Applications are available at NOW YOU HAVE A CHOICE! Grow STRONG with OneWorld Funerals | Cremations | Preplanning Planeacion de funerales | Cremaciones • Preparativos Visit us at one of our convenient locations today! South Omaha 4920 S. 30th St. - (402) 734-4110 • Los arreglos se pueden realiza en la comodidad de su hogar. • Los servicios se pueden lievar a cabo en la iglesia de su area. • Tambien hacemos todos los arreglos para envios a Mexico y Sur America. Somos gri negacio familiar pequeno que afrece el mismo servicio profesional pern por un cosle mas bojo. Northwest Omaha 4229 N. 90th St. (402) 401-6000 West Omaha 4101 S. 120th St. - (402) 505-3907 Bellevue Clinic 2207 Georgia Ave. - (402) 502-8855 Cass Family Medicine 122 S. 6th St. Plattsmouth - (402) 296-2345 Teen & Young Adult Health Center 4310 S. 24th St. - (402) 502-8880 Good Shepherd Funeral Home Phone: 402-505-9260 | Fax: 402-505-9263 4425 South 24th Street, Omaha, NE 68107 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory 15 Explore the real flavor! Tree of Life O ne of the most popular streetscape features in South Omaha is the Tree of Life located on the southeast corner of L and South 24th Streets. With respect to the Tree and the meaning or symbolism to the medallions, there are seven images that repeat at different sizes. The images represent themes which are cross-cultural and shared in the design motifs found in artwork and architecture of the four ethnicities (Czech, Polish, Croation and Mexican) historically associated with South Omaha. The symbols on the seven medallions are as follows. 1. Bird (Peacock): symbol of longevity, time and/or infinity. Polish origin. 2. Pottery: Hispano/Moresque influence to the shape. 3. Leaves: the natural world and part of all trees. 4. Apple: depicted in all “trees of life.” The forbidden fruit, Garden of Eden, temptation. 5. Stylized “sun” face: based on cut paper (papel picado) of Mexican design. 6. Bird (Peacock): This version is a profile with an art deco plume. 7. Yin/Yang Face: positive/ negative or male and female. People are frequently shown in “trees of life,” especially in Mexican versions. See what’s new for you at Kids Can! At Kids Can, we have programs for every child. We are a state-licensed childcare center; breakfasts, lunches, and afternoon meals are included. For our Toddlers & Preschoolers (ages 18-months to 4-years), we offer full-day childcare utilizing the Creative Curriculum and Healthy Alternatives For Little Ones! Each of our Pre-K students (ages 4 to 5- years) has their own mini-iPad in the classroom to enhance their learning and for practicing handwriting using the WetDry-Try app, a nationally recognized program under the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum. For our School-age Students (ages 5 to 13-years-old), we have Before, After and Out -of -School programs. We use STEMsmart (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Strength, Music, Arts, Reading and Tutoring) program center-based learning. Transportation is provided to and from select schools. Tutoring and physical activity offered daily! Kids Can is open daily for Before & After School programs and all-day during Out-Of-School time (teacher in-service days, spring break, summer and some holidays). Kids Can is open 6:00AM to 6:00PM, Monday - Friday. Daily rates available, Title XX accepted. Call (402) 731-6988 to reserve your spot or visit Kids Can Community Center 4860 Q Street Omaha NE 68117 (402) 731-6988 16 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory Explore the real flavor! A great place to be S • The heart of the district is historic South 24th Street. Visitors to the area can wander on their own or sign up for one of the South 24th Street walking tours. More information on the tours is available at outh Omaha has a rich past and a bright future. The area roughly bounded from Interstate 80 to the north, 13th Street on the east, Q Street to the south and 42nd Street to the west has long welcomed immigrants from around the globe. Those arriving from Europe in the late 19th and early 20th centuries hailed from such countries as Poland and Czechoslovakia. More recent immigrants tend to be from Mexico and other Central and South American nations. Once known as the “Magic City” due to its rapid population growth, the district is today experiencing a revitalization. The resurgence is not accidental. It’s due in large part to the action of community members, such as those who volunteer with SOBA, who are proud of the district they live and work in. Recently, Omaha Mayor Jean Stothert signed a resolution to create the South Omaha Business Improvement Area Board. • Read about Cinco de Mayo, the Holiday Lights Festival and other festivals beginning on Page 29. BLACKFORD LAW LLC Immigration Law Office Passion. Knowledge. Expertise. Results. AUTHENTIC MEXICAN Keeping Families Together GROCERY & BAKERY Owned and Operated by 503 South 3 6th Street Omaha, Nebraska 68105 BRIAN J. BLACKFORD ATTORNEY AT LAW Call today for a consultation. Se habla español. Chris Kilroy, AAMS® Financial Advisor . RAMON JACOBO ( 402 ) 933-4090 5139 Leavenworth Street Omaha, NE 68106 402-558-2111 (402) 733-9009 (402) 733-2461 Fax 4621 South 24th Street Omaha, Nebraska 668107 GARRY GERNANDT Omaha City Council District 4 CITY OF OMAHA Let’s Forge On... 1819 Farnam Street, Suite LC1 Omaha/Douglas Civic Center, Omaha, Nebraska 68183 402-444-5522 | Fax 402-444-5263 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory 17 Explore the real flavor! A great place to be The board, would consist of five or more members made up of property owners, residents, business owners and so on within the district. The board will be appointed by the mayor and approved by the City Council. The goals of the board will be to guide and create a general focus for growth and improvements in the district. This is a great step forward in strengthening a community that so many are passionate about. A past survey, along with interviews and focus groups, revealed that the people of the district — including businesses and property owners — saw the district’s greatest strengths as its history, location, restaurants, diversity, business growth and opportunities to attract new businesses. QUICK CASH WHEN YOU NEED IT! GET PAID IN THE SPOT! COINS AND SILVER E-Z MONEY JEWELRY & LOAN Buy • Sell • Trade Friendliest Service In Town! We Buy Jewelry $$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ South Omaha 4721 So. 24th St. 402-731-8344 Se Habla Español 18 Millard Jewelry & Coins Jewelry and Diamond Settings Pay Cash For Gold And Coins. Diamonds Di i & Guns Millard 4680 So. 137th St. 402-896-5151 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory 4860 So. 137th St. (402)896-3877 Explore the real flavor! A great place to be Some negatives that were revealed included a negative public perception of the district and the poor appearance of properties and the overall district. In response, the Forward South Omaha concept was created. The goal of the concept was to make the district more appealing and attractive. The concept also communicated a distinctive Latino flavor while respecting the ethnic past of South Omaha. With the flowing 24th Streetscape being born of the vision, it helped create a colorful and lively business district. Visitors to the area will encounter colorfully tiled walkways and planters that pay homage to the cultures of South Omaha. During summer months, the planters are overflowing with colorful flowers. Sea la diferencia en la comunidad! Big Brothers Big Sisters trabaja muy cerca con los padres y guardianes de niños(as) para asignarle a cada niño(a) el mentor adecuado. Las amistades que se establecen entre los voluntarios llamados “Bigs” y los niños llamados “Littles” tienen un impacto directo, duradero y notable. “THE HOUSE OF SAUSAGE” FAMOUS SAUSAGE MADE ONLY IN OMAHA INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN FOR SUPERLATIVE QUALITY AND EXCELLENCE Para más información , comuníquese con: Olga Navedo Administrador de Casos Bilingüe Phone: (402) 905-3340 Web: 50 YEARS ¡ORGULLOSAMENTE SIRVIENDO A LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA! ESTIMADOS Y CONSULTAS GRATIS Aplicación para el ITIN GRATIS Revisión de su declaración de impuestos anterior GRATIS Preparación de su declaración de impuestos ¡Confidencialidad Garantizada! 2734 S 123rd Ct. Omaha, NE 68144 3302 Q St. Omaha, NE 68107 Tel:402-884-6943 Tel:402-884-4382 Se habla español Se habla español 644 No Saddle Creek Rd Omaha, NE 68132 • Tel:402-558-3379 20 OF SERVICE TO OMAHA 2532 S. 24th St. • 402-341-7260 2502 S. 130th St. • 402-333-7277 Associates & Insurance Ofrecemos múltiples cotizaciones de seguro, de diferentes compañÍas como: • Casa • Auto • Salud • Vida • Negocios • SR-22 • Inquilinos • Surety Bonds • Nebraska & Iowa • Notario Público • Presupuestos GRATIS HORARIO: Tel: 402-884-4382 Lunes - Viernes: 10am - 6pm Dentro de las oficinas de Liberty Tax Service Fax: 402-884-2079 Sábado: 10am - 2pm 2734 S. 123rd Ct. (Westwood Plaza) 402-884-6943 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory 3302 Q Street (Plaza los Compayes) 402-884-4382 Explore the real flavor! A great place to be In winter the streets come to life with the warm glow of holiday lights. A destination in its own right, the district plays host, to numerous festivals, including the Holiday Lights Festival and Cinco de Mayo, and has a lively arts scene. The district also offers an array of food and dining options. Many establishments are family-owned, and reflect the heritage of the area’s immigrants. Spanish, written and spoken, is predominant. But most merchants have staff who can translate. Even more reflective of the energy in the area, are the many murals to be found painted on walls throughout the district. EARLY SHOPPING HOURS for business & plus members 7am – 10am Mon. – Fri. 7am – 9am Saturday REGULAR CLUB HOURS Mon. – Fri. Saturday Sunday 10am – 8:30pm 9am – 8:30pm 10am – 6pm BENEFITS FOR PLUS MEMBERS BENEFITS FOR ALL MEMBERS • Cash Rewards • Extra Protection Service Plan • Extra Value Drug List • Optical Plus Member Benefit • Early Shopping Hours • Instant Savings • Sam’s Club Membership • Optical Discount – Rx Eyeglasses • Tire and Battery Center • Club Pickup 9851 S. 71st Plaza Papillion, NE 68133 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory 21 Explore the real flavor! A great place to be By taking a walking tour of the district, visitors can take their time to gaze at these lively and colorful tributes. More evidence of the area’s growth is the desire of the Omaha Public Schools to construct two new elementary schools, a new middle school, and a new high school school and to improve existing schools in the South Omaha area. Goals of the OPS plan would be to better meet the needs of the growing student population in the area. South Omaha is alive and healthy, thanks in large part to community members who desire to see the area succeed. Pesek Law LLC Call Us: For a Free Consultation 402-342-9684 | Federal and State Court - Hablo Español Ross Pesek, Personal Injury Attorney Motor Vehicle Accidents Catastrophic Accidents When it Wasn’t Your Fault Recognitions & Awards Top 40 under 40 National Advocate Lawyer 2015 American Immigration Council Ambassador 2015 State Bar Association - Outstanding Young Lawyer, 2013 University of Nebraska Alumni Association - Early Achiever Award, 2014 Central Community College – Outstanding Alumni, 2014 Heartland Latino Leadership Conference - Latino Partner of the Year, 2014 22 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory A great place to be “Over the years, I’ve gotten the opportunity to work with both past and present board members and it’s truly been a pleasure to see the South Omaha Business Association make a difference in the South Omaha business district and community.” Marcos Mora President LatPro Studios “Being part of South Omaha Business Association means a lot to me, our organization has made a positive impact in the South Omaha community. With the upkeep of 24th Street Landscape, our annual Cinco de Mayo event, and working together with other local non-profit organizations. I take great pride in saying that I am a board member of SOBA and work for First National Bank of Omaha who is a big supporter of our community.” Rosie Johnson First National Bank “With my membership in SOBA I’ve been involved in the Cinco de Mayo health fairs every year. The fairs allow me to reach more people in our community through collaboration with many other organizations who work in South Omaha or who want to help the South Omaha Community.” Pat O’Hanlon One World Community Health Centers, Inc. 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory 23 pix pages 24 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory pix pages 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory 25 Explore the real flavor! History of South Omaha S outh Omaha has long been a melting pot, initially welcoming European immigrants, and more recently those of South and Central American stock. The City of South Omaha got its start in 1882, when a group of Omaha businessmen and a prominent cattleman, Alexander Swan from Wyoming, agreed to create a new stockyards. The Union Stock Yards Company was created at the end of 1883. Land in the area was purchased from early German and Irish settlers. With 1,875 acres purchased, the area was registered as a township with the Douglas County Clerk’s office in July 1884. A FEW FIRSTS • Sunday school service was held in 1884 by the Rev. Charles W. Salvidge. • General store opened in June 1884 by W.G. Sloane. • School building in 1884, just south of St. Mary’s Cemetery. • First fire company formed in 1887, and the first fire chief was Fred J. Smith. • First mayor was Ezra P. Savage. Built in 1906 in the neoclassical style, the South Omaha City Hall at 24th and F Streets still stands today. WE CATER! Shop the largest & most economical thrift store in the area. Great prices & genuine customer service. CALL OR E-MAIL TODAY TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FFOR YOUR GARAGE OR ESTATE SALES “FREE” PICK UPS. th 36 3 6th &H Harrison arrison Bellevue B elllevue • 4 e 402-731-9311 02-731-9311 M-Sa: 8:30a-8:00p 8:30a a-8:00p M-Sa: Closed Sundays Sund days Closed N ewLifeThrifft.n net MEXICAN CUISINE & CATERING 5132 L Street Omaha, NE 68117 402-731-0243 26 Proceeds Proc ocee e ds d Help Help Su SSupport: pp por o t: The Th he Hope Hope Ho pee Center Cente en nteer for for Kids K ds & TThe Ki h N he Nebraska ebrask skaa Ki Kidn Kidney dney ey A Association s oc ss ocia iation on 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory Explore the real flavor! History of South Omaha The stockyards were a big draw for new immigrants and their descendants, who were in search of jobs. 1885 brought the city’s first Independence Day celebration. It was held on 24th Street between J and K Streets in what was called Kavan’s Garden. In 1886, with a population of 1,500, the area reached village status. In the village at that time were a post office, a deputy sheriff and a justice of the peace. There also were three general stores, four meat markets, five hotels and two lumberyards among the many new businesses that served the rapidly growing South Omaha population. The original South Omaha library opened in 1905 at 23rd and M Streets. Up to 70% off the retail price! This space was designed using renewed and repurposed materials from Habitat ReStore. Imagine what you can do. 1003 S 24th Street 10910 Emmet Street • Licensed childcare center • Title 20 accepted • A+ rating with BBB • Serving children 6 wks to 12 yrs • Professionally developed preschool program • Before & after school programs, extended hours, transportation, secure online viewing for clients • Close to interstate - only 2 blks South of the Zoo on 13th St. 4102 S 13th Street | Omaha, NE 68107 402.408.0395 | Fax: 402.408.0396 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory 27 Explore the real flavor! History of South Omaha Churches came along as the city grew, first was a Methodist, then Baptist, Presbyterian and Catholic. Other denominations quickly followed, building churches in the city. Packinghouses and the livestock industry thrived and grew quickly in the city, bringing more and more new residents almost daily. Known as the “Magic City” because of its amazing growth, South Omaha had 8,000 residents by 1890. And by 1915, it had a population of 30,000. Omaha and South Omaha had been linked by an electric trolley line in 1887, that ran from 22nd Street and Ames Avenue in Omaha to 24th and N Streets in South Omaha. The Omaha Stockyards, circa 1946. O S H MAGNET SCHOOL •The OPS magnet for Visual and Performing Arts, Information Technology, and Dual Language! •The “Gateway to UNO,” with more freshmen accepted than from any other metro school!! •Leading the state in AP Spanish Language scores! •A pilot program for the national Academy of Information Technology, and the only AOIT program in the state of Nebraska! •Our continuously rising graduation rate is up 21% over the last five years! •We have twice the number of Susan T. Buffett Scholarship recipients than any other school!! •Our unique performing arts curriculum boasts the largest Nebraska public school programs in guitar, dance, and piano. Omaha South High Magnet School 4519 South 24th Street • Omaha, NE 68107 402-557-3600 28 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory Explore the real flavor! History of South Omaha The Magic City struggled for many years to remain independent. In 1890 a proposal was made to join South Omaha to Omaha, but residents of South Omaha voted strongly against the proposal. South Omaha became a part of Omaha in 1915 after legislation was introduced and passed at the statehouse that would allow Dundee, Omaha and South Omaha to become one. The overall vote of the three municipalities overwhelmingly supported the consolidation, despite a strong no vote from South Omaha, and the Magic City was officially annexed by Omaha. The Union Stock Yards Company building, circa 1884. EVERY CHILD DESERVES TO BE SPECIAL TO SOMEONE Make a difference in the life of a teen! Become a foster or adoptive parent! 402.492.2500 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory 29 Explore the real flavor! History of Cinco de Mayo I n honor of its rich Mexican heritage, Nebraska’s South Omaha Latino community has been hosting Cinco de Mayo events in Omaha for decades, dating back to the early 1970s. Annual festivities include a grand parade, delicious food and lively music — it’s a tradition that gleams of prideful community spirit. The mission of Cinco de Mayo Omaha is to promote Mexican culture and bring awareness to South Omaha businesses and organizations while raising funds for local nonprofit groups. Together we accomplish more. integratedrehab Chiropractic Care Chiropractic Care Two Omaha locations: 32 S. 24th St. 4951 Center St. • 4828 Physical Therapy 402-502-1819 Common Conditions We Treat: Upper, Mid or Lower Back Pain Neck Pain Stiffness Shoulder Pain Numbness/Tingling Chest Pain Extremity Pain (Arm & Leg) Hip Pain Knee Pain Ankle/Foot Pain Headaches We are committed to relieving your pain and restoring your health. Patients benefit from leading-edge treatments in physical therapy, chiropractic, athletic training, and massage therapy. We blend those disciplines into a unique treatment plan that has allowed us to significantly reduce treatment frequency and minimize the risk of reoccurance. 30 EE Physical Massage Therapy Therapy FR We blend a treatment plan for you specific needs. Call 402-502-1819 or email to schedule a free injury/pain consultation with our physical therapist or chiropractor. Consultation and Examination (a $240value) includes: Consultation • Orthopedic Evaluation • Physical Evaluation • Neurologic Evaluation Spinal EMG Scan • Report of Findings and Recommendations 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory Explore the real flavor! History of Cinco de Mayo W hat is the significance of the fifth of May in Mexican history? Outside of Mexico, Cindo de Mayo (translated: the fifth of May) is often mistakenly interpreted as Mexico’s Independence Day and equivalent to the U.S.’s Fourth of July holiday. Sept. 16 is actually Mexico’s Independence Day, which launched the war to win Mexico freedom from Spain’s rule. Cinco de Mayo’s roots begin in 1862. After being an independent nation for more than 40 years and enduring a series of external and internal conflicts, Mexico was heavily in debt to Spain, England and France. France was attempting to expand its empire and claimed the outstanding debt as justification to send troops to capture Mexico City and seize rule of Mexico. Omaha’s Best Deals In South Omaha E N O R E B e s M u o U h k N a e t S Your Professional Bilingual Real Estate Agents in Omaha, NE Sus Agentes profesionales de Bienes Raices en Omaha, NE "5 professional agents who can help you sell or buy your next property, either residential or commercial. We are available 7 days of the week and can show you any property offered by any company in Nebraska. Hablamos Español!" Inca Business Plaza 4018 L Street, Omaha, NE • 402-319-0093 STEAKS • CHOPS • SEAFOOD ITALIAN SPECIALITIES Owned & operated by the Cascio Family 1620 So. 10th St. 402-345-8313 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory 31 Explore the real flavor! History of Cinco de Mayo A well-outfitted French army of 6,500 soldiers landed on the gulf coast of Mexico and began marching toward Mexico City. On May 5, 1862, they were met in Puebla and defeated by Mexican General Ignacio Zaragoza and a poorly-armed but courageous band of 4,500 Mexican soldiers. Although the French later returned with thousands of additional troops and gained control of Mexico for a short period of time, the victory at the battle of Puebla continues to hold special significance in Mexican history. For more information, go to 5116 S 24th St., Omaha Tel. 402-614-0800 ORDENA TU COMIDA PARA TU FIESTA Order food for your party here 32 402-933-9940 Open: Mon - Fri 9 AM to 11 PM 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory Explore the real flavor! Holiday Lights Festival S outh 24th Street will again be aglow as part of the Holiday Lights Festival, thanks to a generous donation from the Sherwood Foundation. This is a wonderful chance to showcase the beauty of South 24th Street, as the lights will draw thousands of people to the area during the holiday season. We would appreciate your support again this year. Lights will be installed starting the last week of October by Christmas Decor. Workers will be on the rooftops along 24th Street during this time; please note that Christmas Decor carries its own liability insurance. The lights will be turned on Friday, Nov. 27, at 6 p.m. and will stay lit during the evening until Jan. 3. There is no fee for the rooftop lights or installation — again, the entire project has been paid for by the Sherwood Foundation. All that is needed from business owners, is permission for Chris Stangle from Christmas Decor to access building rooftops. Chris will be in touch to introduce himself and arrange installation times. For more information, call SOBA President David Catalan at 402-850-1941. More policies. More savings. Greta Ritchie, Agent 5106 L St Omaha, NE 68117 Bus: 402-731-5050 Se habla Español 1203028 Bundle auto, home and life for big State Farm discounts. So let me show you how State Farm can help protect all the things that matter most – for a lot less than you think. GET TO A BETTER STATE. CALL ME TODAY. ® ® State Farm, Bloomington, IL 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory 33 Explore the real flavor! Food and Dining S outh Omaha is a great place to taste the meaning of “buena comida” or great food. Dozens of family-owned restaurants, each with their own distinct and authentic flavor, line the streets of this historic area. Enjoy savory slow-cooked chicken enchiladas and homemade tortillas or fiery roasted jalapenos and carne asada — marinated and grilled, thinly sliced steak that will melt in your mouth. South Omaha is a place where no two salsas are alike, where Czechoslovakian kolaches and Lithuanian tortes are made from old family recipes, and where dessert is entertainment filled with mariachis and champurrado — Mexican hot chocolate. Packaging, Crating & Shipping Solutions Craters & Freighters can custom pack, crate, and ship your items with one simple call. Craters & Freighters offers specialized cushioning, packaging, custom wood crates, corrugated containers, insurance coverage, and freight services. Whether it’s a container of electronics shipping around the world, a 1000 lb. statue going across the country, or a family heirloom, our national network of packing professionals will handle your shipment with the utmost respect. Custom Crate & Pack • • • • • • • • Wood Crates & Containers Corrugated Packaging Custom Crates & Shipping Containers Skids & Pallets MIL-Spec Crates On-Site Packaging Custom AutoCAD Designs Engineered Product Specific Packaging International Shipping • • • • • International ISPM-15 Wood Crates Vapor Barrier International Transportation Air Cargo Ocean Cargo Domestic Shipping • Nationwide Transportation • Air Transportation • Ground Transportation Unique to the transportation industry, Craters & Freighters builds customized shipping containers and wood crates engineered to ensure valuable shipments arrive safe, damage-free, and on-time. Craters & Freighters Omaha 1051 South 23rd Street Omaha, NE 68108 T 402.334.5454 F 402.334.5459 34 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory Explore the real flavor! Festivals April Czech-Slovak Festival Sokol Community Center 20th and U Streets An indoor festival celebrating Czech and Slovak cultures and traditions. The one-day festival is filled with live music, traditional dress, vendors selling beautiful glass and jewelry, and plenty of Czech and Bohemian food. May Cinco de Mayo Historic South 24th Street A vibrant fiesta that includes live entertainment, traditional dancers, live music, authentic food, rides and a special area just for kids. The highlight is the Cinco de Mayo parade filled with colorful dancers, floats, marching bands and culture. 3333 South 24th Street, Omaha, NE 68508 Omaha (402) 330-3383 Fax (402) 330-7522 Lincoln, NE 1-866-311-3383 • Sioux City, IA 1-866-311-3383 For All Your Heating, Ventilating And Air Conditioning And Service Along With Specialty Needs And Air & Water Balancing Advantage Air Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration, Inc. 402-596-1552 1205 Royal Drive, Papillion, NE 68046 Blankman Services Heating & Cooling 402-306-7154 2504 S 32 Street Omaha, NE 68105 Hempel Sheel Metal 402-341-4305 1255 South 13 Street Omaha, NE 68108 Norlock Metal Products 402-341-2360 2651 St Mary’s Avenue Omaha, NE 68105 Cass TAB Services, LLC 402-870-1277 P.O. Box 15 Tekamah, NE 68061 K&S Mechanical Heating & Cooling 402-443-1033 1838 Sutton Drive Wahoo, NE 68066 Air Tech Service, Inc. 402-445-4566 11206 Taylor St., Omaha, NE 68164 Controlled Comfort Engineering 402-333-2775 11701 Centennial Road #1 Omaha, NE 68128 Mechanical Systems 402-339-7277 7835 F Street Omaha, NE 68127 Prairie Mechanical 402-331-4050 2842 Tucker Street Omaha, NE 68112 Art Push & Sons 402-551-5418 6110 Binney St, Omaha, NE 68104 Cornhusker Heating & Air Conditioning 402-464-3159 2959 Cornhusker Hwy Lincoln, NE 68501 Mixan Heating & Air Conditioning 402-731-5070 6222 South 23 Street Omaha, NE 68107 Balcon Air and Water Balancing 712-323-5418 3215 Nebraska Avenus Council Bluffs, IA 51501 Coughlin & Sons dba Bladt Heating & Air Conditioning 402-250-8975 8102 Maple Omaha, NE 68134 MMC Contractors 402-861-0681 9751 S 142 Street Omaha, NE 68138 Air & Fluid Management 402-821-3266 P.O. Box 667, Wilbur, NE 68465-0667 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory Sol Lewis Engineering 402-331-6171 8808 J Street Omaha, NE 68127 Waldinger Corporation 402-339-2666 8802 S 121 Street LaVista, NE 68128 35 Explore the real flavor! Festivals May August Horsemen’s Park Live Racing Festival St. Stanislaus Polish Festival Horsemen’s Park 6303 Q Street Acclaimed as one of the finest simulcast facilities in the country, each year Horsemen’s Park celebrates with three days of live racing and plenty of live entertainment 40th and J Streets Held on the third Sunday of August, the festival is billed as the largest church festival in the city. Enjoy live Polish music and traditional dancers, homemade Polish food, games, rides and more. Vinton Street Creativity Festival 18th and Vinton Streets VintonFestival This new urban street festival focuses on artistry of all kinds. Watch urban artists create right before your eyes. The festival also includes live music, breakdance performances and art exhibitions. INDUSTRIAL, PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES HAND & POWER TOOLS - WINDOW GLASS & GLAZING LAWN MOWERS - SMALL ENGINE SERVICE P &M Proudly Serving South Omaha For 80 years Look in the streets of Omaha for our new mobile food truck “Piccolo’s’’ – a family tradition 2202 S. 20th St. Omaha, NE 68108 (402) 342-9038 ETERSEN ICHELSEN Hardware TELEPHONE FAX 731-0171 731-0172 731-4298 Since 1894 4916 SOUTH 24TH STREET SOUTH OMAHA, NE 68107 Anthony Piccolo’s mobile venue PETERSENMICHELS@QWESTOFFICE.NET HOURS 8:00-5:30 M -F • 8:00-1:00 SAT Ready to enhance your career? MCC has 100+ 2-year programs. Explore career paths now: 36 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory Explore the real flavor! Festivals September El Grito Festival Plaza de la Raza 24th and N Streets A two-day celebration of Mexican independence that includes a charro show, mariachi and salsa dancing contests, food vendors, a beer garden, live music and much more. November/December South Omaha Holiday Lights Festival Various locations throughout South Omaha As part of a larger citywide celebration, the streets of historic South Omaha twinkle with thousands of holiday lights. Live musical performances take place throughout the season at the Plaza del la Raza. Source: Omaha Convention & Visitors Bureau d ing g: Including: Includ Inc SERVICE PARTS SALES HUGE SELECTION Specializing in Mexican & Chinese Cuisine AND TOY 5023 S 24th St., Omaha 402-734-1584 HAULERS Open: Mon - Sun 10 AM to 11 PM OF RV’S Call for Details 712-366-8400 • 1010 34th Ave, Council Bluffs *Dealer delivery, prep & set up not included in price 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory 37 Explore the real flavor! Arts Apollon 1801 Vinton St. Omaha, NE 68108 402-884-0135 The Apollon is Omaha’s multi-genre arts and entertainment hub. In Greek mythology, Apollo was the patron of art and music and was a revered and calledupon source of artistic inspiration. This unique gallery seeks to embrace Apollo by combining elements of theater, cinema, music, literature, visual art and digital media. El Museo Latino 4701 S. 25th St. Omaha, NE 68107 402-731-1137 Fax: 402-733-7012 First Latino art and history museum and cultural center in the Midwest. View world-class permanent and traveling exhibitions featuring local, national and international Latino art and culture. Bilingual educational programs offered year-round with exhibits, including workshops, lectures and demonstrations, with ongoing art, theater, dance and music classes. Gallery 72 1806 Vinton St. Omaha, NE 68108 402-496-4797 Contemporary art, paintings, drawings, prints, glass and photographs, framing, appraisals, corporate art, consultation on collecting. Sokol Auditorium and Underground 2234 S. 13th St. Omaha, NE 68108 402-346-9802 Hot spot for local and traveling indie rock bands. Fabiola Income Tax Services Joe Vukov Real Estate & Insurance Agency 2317 M Street, Omaha 402-932-0427 Call for consultation! Se habla espanol. 38 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory 3415 L St Omaha 402-731-4317 NOW LOCATED in the Stockyard Plaza Explore the real flavor! Arts South 24th Street Murals 24th and N Streets Omaha, NE 68105 Larger than life, these eyecatching murals offer a welcome to this Latino district and capture stories surrounding Mexican history, religion and legends. Walk the Historic South 24th Street District to see these murals peering out from side streets. Tree of Life 24th and L Streets Omaha, NE 68105 The Tree of Life serves as a welcome to this historic area of Omaha. The symbols that hang from the branches represent themes which are cross-cultural and are shared in the design motifs found in artwork and architecture of four ethnicities historically associated with South Omaha: Czech, Polish, Croatian and Mexican. Source: Omaha Convention & Visitors Bureau Ramon Pinto President MERICA 1913 Vinton St. Omaha, NE 68108 L A SS AUTO GLASS SPECIALISTS The best window tinting in Omaha lifetime guaranteed and best prices. Auto Commercial Residential (402) 301-7206 Fax: (402) 932-5976 • • • • • • 12 metro locations to serve you! No Deposits No Administrative Fee Perimeter Alarms at All Locations On-Site Live-In Managers Controlled Gate Access Hours from 6:30 am to 9:00 pm, 7 Days a Week Locks and Merchandise Available for Sale at All Locations Visit our website 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory 39 Explore the real flavor! Member directory BUSINESS SERVICES ADVERTISING/MEDIA/ WEB/MARKETING Lamar Outdoor Advertising 4849 G St. Omaha, NE 68117 402-734-6850 Radio Lobo 11128 John Galt Blvd., Suite 25 Omaha, NE 68137 402-884-0968 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES DeOld Andersen Architecture 1717 Vinton St. Omaha, NE 68108 646-594-4206 BANK/FINANCIAL SERVICES Bank of the West 4724 S. 24th St. Omaha, NE 68107 402-918-5644 marcos.rodriguez@bankofthewest. com First National Bank 1620 Dodge St. Omaha, NE 68197 402-341-7283 MAGIC CITY TOURS ! TOURS FOR ALL OCCASIONS TASTE OF SOUTH OMAHA / BAR TOUR MURAL & ETHNIC TOUR / HISTORIC TOUR OMAHA TOURS / PRIVATE & CORPORATE TOURS TH STREET WALKING TOURS / CINCO DE MAYO TOUR 24 Auto Accidents Workers Compensation Social Security Wrongful Death DUI Free Initial Consultation (402) 341-1020 40 MAGICCITYTOURS.ORG 402.734.3240 INFO@MAGICCITYTOURS.ORG 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory Explore the real flavor! Member directory BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SAC Federal Credit Union 7148 Towne Center Parkway Papillion, NE 68046 402-829-6276 Catalan Consulting 900 Farnam St., Suite 601 Omaha, NE 68102 402-850-1941 Security National Bank 1120 S. 101st St. Omaha, NE 68124 402-344-7300 CATERING & BANQUET HALLS US Bank Home Mortgage 1700 Farnam St. Woodmen Tower First Floor Omaha, NE 68102 402-536-5193 Eddie’s Catering 5009 S. 24th St. Omaha, NE 68107 402-733-5444 FINANCIAL SERVICES Edward Jones 5139 Leavenworth St. Omaha, NE 68106 Hayes and Associates CPA 1015 N. 98th St., Suite 200 Omaha, NE 68114 402-390-2480 FUNERAL HOME Good Shepherd Funeral Home 4425 S. 24th St. Omaha, NE 68107 402-505-9260 HEALTH CARE Integrated Rehab 4828 S. 24th St. Omaha, NE 68107 402-502-1819 integratedrehabsouth Over sign or m Your de OneWorld Community Health Centers Inc. 4920 S. 30th St., Suite 103 Omaha, NE 68107 402-734-4110 South Omaha Medical Associates 4828 S. 24th St. Omaha, NE 68108 402-731-9100 southomahamedical 100 million people in the U.S. belong to a Credit Union. tment. appoin ine ... By Octapharma Plasma 4640 S. 25th St. Omaha, NE 68107 402-733-1169 So should you! Checking accounts accounts • Loans • Lines of credit • Mortgages • Visa credit cards featuring Apple Pay • Online Banking • Mobile Apps • IRAs/Investments • • Savings Bridal, Evening Gowns First Communion Prom - Modest Dresses Alterations RENTALS Tuxedo - Chair Covers TM (402) 292-8000 Accessories Designed Specially For You 1911 Vinton Street Omaha, Nebraska 68101 (402) 763-2777 24 Locations Including: 4704 South 24th Street 402-829-6487 Inside Supermercado Nuestra Familia 3548 Q St. | 402-514-4921 Federally Insured by NCUA | Equal Housing Lender 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory 41 Explore the real flavor! Member directory INSURANCE Greta Ritchie — State Farm 5106 L St. Omaha, NE 68117 402-731-5050 LEGAL Pesek Law, LLC 1904 Farnam St., Suite 410 Omaha, NE 68102 402-342-9684 MEDIA NRG Media 5011 Capitol Ave. Omaha, NE 68132 402-342-2000 REAL ESTATE Ed Dale Properties 4923 S. 24th St. Omaha, NE 68107 402-734-9393 Joe Vukov Real Estate and Insurance Agency 3415 L St Omaha, NE 68107-2577 402-731-4317 Property Ventures, LLC 2411 O St., Suite 2 Omaha, NE 68107 WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT Infinity Associates 12370 S. 150th St. Omaha, NE 68138 402-290-7524 Immaculate Conception Church Traditional Latin Mass A Parish of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter and the Archdiocese of Omaha Confessions unday Mass Daily Mass 7 a.m. before all 7 a.m. Low Mass Also Wednesday 5:15 p.m., 10 a.m. High Mass Thursday Noon and Saturday 11 a.m. Masses s (402) 733-5444 Off premise catering or use one of our locations. Eddie’s Social Hall 5009 S. 24th St. Omaha, NE 68107 Millard Social Hall 10508 S. 144th St. Omaha, NE 68138 Landscaping & Garden Shop “Full Service Landscaping & One of a kind Garden Center ” 2708 S. 24th St, Omaha, NE 68108 402-342-1074 Visit 402-515-6770 2409 M Street, Omaha, NE 68107 8530 Blondo Street | Omaha, NE 68134 | (402) 392-1444 42 Beauri_fadez 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory Evoluxion_Barbershop Explore the real flavor! Member directory CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS Kiwanis Club of Omaha Inc. 6415 Glenwood Road Omaha, NE 68132 402-490-6366 Restoration Exchange Omaha 3902 Davenport St. Omaha, NE 68131 402-679-5854 restorationexchange South Omaha Business Association (SOBA) P.O. Box 7131 Omaha, NE 68107 South Omaha Neighborhood Alliance (SONA) 3938 T St. Omaha, NE 68107 YOUTH Omaha Area Youth Orchestras 1905 Harney St., Suite 630 Omaha, NE 68102 402-679-7262 COMMUNITY SERVICES EDUCATION AIM Institute 1905 Harney St. Omaha, NE 68102 402-345-5025 Bellevue University 1000 Galvin Road South Bellevue, NE 68005 402-557-5079 Elizabeth Codina 6001 Dodge St. Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center, Room 115 Omaha, NE 68182 Metropolitan Community College P.O. Box 3777 Omaha, NE 68103 402-457-2400 Norris Middle School 2235 S. 46th St. Omaha, NE 68106-3399 402-557-4800 Omaha South High School 4519 S. 24th St. Omaha, NE 68107 402-557-3600 Project OMAHA 4401 S. 39th St Omaha, NE 68107 402 305-4483 CSDLLC’s mission as an owner/developer of market rate and subsidized housing is to provide high quality, affordable housing to those in need. CSDLLC often partners with non-profit service providers to create affordable housing for persons with special needs. Empowering persons with special needs to live independent lifestyles in a safe, clean, affordable environment is our goal. Strong non-profit service providers are the key to a successful long-term housing development. Property Development CSDLLC has developed in excess of $35 million of efficient, cost-effective, low income, special needs, and market rate apartment complexes. Our projects have included many types of apartment buildings, including residential facilities for a detox center, homeless and near homeless housing, special needs housing, market rate apartments, affordable housing apartments, and historic renovated apartments. We invite you to learn more about CSDLLC through our website. 402-963-9099 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory 43 Explore the real flavor! Member directory GOVERNMENT Bob Whitehouse — Board of Regents 1103 Mackensey Drive Papillion, NE 68046 City Council, District 4 1702 Ontario St. Omaha, NE 68108 402-444-5522 City of Omaha — Office of the Mayor 1819 Farnam St., Suite 300 Omaha, NE 68183 402-444-5000 City of Omaha Parks and Recreation 5015 S. 45th St. Omaha, NE 68117 402-444-7557 Christie Heights Community Center, 5105 S. 37th St., 402-444-5081; Motto McLean Ice Arena, 5015 S. 45th St., 402-444-4955 Learning Community of Douglas and Sarpy Counties 6818 Grover St., Suite 304 Omaha, NE 68106 402-880-0465 LIBRARIES Omaha Public Library — South Branch 2808 Q St. Omaha, NE 68107 402-444-4850 SOCIAL SERVICES Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands 10831 Old Mill Road, Suite 400 Omaha, NE 68154 402-330-2449 44 Boys Town 4612 S. 25th St. Omaha, NE 68107 402-734-0155 Habitat for Humanity — ReStore 1003 S. 24th St. Omaha, NE 68102 402-934-1033 Kids Can Community Center 4860 Q St. Omaha, NE 68117 402-731-6988 Stephen Center Inc. 2723 Q St. Omaha, NE 68107 402-715-5441 The Optimist Club of South Omaha 2819 Bonnie St. Bellevue, NE 68147 402-733-6096 The Salvation Army Kroc Center 2825 Y St. Omaha, NE 68107 402-905-3500 INDUSTRY CONSTRUCTION Sheet Metal Workers Union 3333 S. 24th St. Omaha, NE 68108 402-330-3383 Superior Lighting Inc. 2121 S. 24th St. Omaha, NE 68108 402-345-0800 superiorlightinginc FOOD Greater Omaha Packing Co. Inc. 3001 L St. Omaha, NE 68107 800-747-5400 superiorlightinginc Maria Bonita Mexican Cuisine 5132 L St. Omaha, NE 68117 402-731-0243 mariabonitafoodtruck 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory Promex 5001 S. 36th St. Omaha, NE 68107 402-734-0440 LANDSCAPING Dee-sign Landscaping and Garden Shop 8530 Blondo St. Omaha, NE 68134 402-392-1444 Explore the real flavor! Member directory MANUFACTURING John Roth & Son 5425 S. 43rd St. Omaha, NE 68107 402-731-7500 RETAIL ARTS & ARTISTS A Midsummer’s Mural 7918 Ames Circle Omaha, NE 68134 402-573-5893 timeline/ David Manriquez Murals 5212 Gertrude St. Omaha, NE 68157 402-733-8317 Supermercado NF SpartanNash 7401 F St. Omaha, NE 68127-1857 402-399-9244 GROCERY HARDWARE & SUPPLY Hy-Vee 3505 L St. Omaha, NE 68107 402-731-6107 StockyardsPlazaHV Jacobo’s Grocery Inc 4621 S. 24th St. Omaha, NE 68107 402-733-9009 Petersen & Michelsen Hardware Supply Co. 4916 S. 24th St. Omaha, NE 68107 402-731-0171 PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEO Arnold Clark Studio 4510 S. 24th St. Omaha, NE 68107 402-733-1333 Latino Productions and Management P.O. Box 7350 4907 S. 25th St. Omaha, NE 68107 402-734-3240 RESTAURANTS El Alamo 4917 S. 24th St. Omaha, NE 68107 402-731-8969 Piccolo Pete’s Restaurant 2202 S. 20th St. Omaha, NE 68108 402-306-5088 Subway/Goodrich Ice Cream 2302 L St. Omaha, NE 68107 402-733-8733 RETAIL Sam’s Club 9851 S. 71st St. Papillion, NE 68133 402-686-2391 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory 45 Explore the real flavor! Alphabetical Member Listing BUSINESS SERVICES INDUSTRY Bank of the West ............................................................................... 40 Catalan Consulting ............................................................................ 41 DeOld Andersen Architecture ............................................................. 40 Ed Dale Properties ............................................................................. 42 Eddie’s Catering ................................................................................. 41 Edward Jones ..................................................................................... 41 First National Bank ............................................................................ 40 Good Shepherd Funeral Home ............................................................ 41 Greta Ritchie — State Farm ............................................................... 42 Hayes and Associates CPA ................................................................. 41 Joe Vukov Real Estate and Insurance Agency ..................................... 42 Infinity Associates ............................................................................. 42 Integrated Rehab ..................................................................................4 Lamar Outdoor Advertising ................................................................. 40 NRG Media ........................................................................................ 42 Octapharma Plasma ........................................................................... 41 OneWorld Community Health Centers Inc. .......................................... 41 Pesek Law, LLC .................................................................................. 42 Property Ventures, LLC ....................................................................... 42 Radio Lobo ......................................................................................... 40 Security National Bank ....................................................................... 41 South Omaha Medical Associates ...................................................... 41 US Bank Home Mortgage ................................................................... 41 Dee-sign Landscaping and Garden Shop ............................................. 44 Greater Omaha Packing Co. Inc. ........................................................ 44 John Roth & Son ................................................................................ 45 Maria Bonita Mexican Cuisine ............................................................ 44 Promex .............................................................................................. 44 Sheet Metal Workers Union ................................................................ 44 Superior Lighting Inc. ......................................................................... 44 RETAIL A Midsummer’s Mural ........................................................................ 45 Arnold Clark Studio ............................................................................ 45 David Manriquez Murals ..................................................................... 45 El Alamo ............................................................................................ 45 Hy-Vee ............................................................................................... 45 Jacobo’s Grocery Inc. ......................................................................... 45 Latino Productions and Management ................................................. 45 Petersen & Michelsen Hardware Supply Co. ....................................... 45 Piccolo Pete’s Restaurant .................................................................. 45 Sam’s Club ......................................................................................... 45 Subway/Goodrich Ice Cream .............................................................. 45 Supermercado NF SpartanNash .......................................................... 45 CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS Kiwanis Club of Omaha Inc. ................................................................ 43 Omaha Area Youth Orchestras ............................................................ 43 Restoration Exchange Omaha ............................................................ 43 South Omaha Neighborhood Alliance (SONA) ...................................... 43 COMMUNITY SERVICES AIM Institute ..................................................................................... 43 Bellevue University ............................................................................ 43 Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands ............................................ 44 Bob Whitehouse — Board of Regents ................................................. 44 Boys Town ......................................................................................... 44 City Council, District 4 ....................................................................... 44 City of Omaha — Office of the Mayor ................................................. 44 City of Omaha Parks and Recreation .................................................. 44 Elizabeth Codina ................................................................................ 43 Habitat for Humanity — ReStore ........................................................ 44 Kids Can Community Center ............................................................... 44 Learning Community of Douglas and Sarpy Counties ........................... 44 Metropolitan Community College ....................................................... 43 Norris Middle School .......................................................................... 43 Omaha Public Library — South Branch ............................................... 44 Omaha South High School .................................................................. 43 Project OMAHA .................................................................................. 43 Stephen Center Inc. ........................................................................... 44 The Optimist Club of South Omaha ..................................................... 44 The Salvation Army Kroc Center ......................................................... 44 46 2016 South Omaha Business Association Directory Celebrating Cinco de Mayo everyday in South Omaha! MAY 6 - 8, 2016 A family fun-filled day of activities for everyone with Carnival, Games, Live Entertainment, Parade, Food, Kid's Section, Mariachi Mass, Concerts and much more! Register for booth and parade online 29 Y LEaVEnWOrTH 2900 Leavenworth St. Omaha, NE 68105 (402) 346-2447 7 am to 10 pm 36 Y Q 18 y ViNToN 3548 Q St. Omaha, NE 68107 (402) 733-4700 6 am to 11 pm 1826 Vinton St. Omaha, NE 68108 (402) 346-7487 7 am to 10 pm