- Hanscom Park Methodist Church
- Hanscom Park Methodist Church
www.hanscomparkchurch.org “Time Flies…” Staff/Volunteers ZACH ANDERSON Pastor August brings the realization that the summer break for most people is over. Teachers begin reporting for duty and students won’t be far behind them. We will start gearing up for more activity on Sundays for when Sunday school starts again in September. It is also time for us to start planning together as a community for the next year of mission and ministry. 2015 might seem like a long way away still, but the preparation has begun already. JANNENE SASS Music Director In August you will receive a letter and form to fill out. This will be kind of like a interest inventory for you. It will be a chance to tell the church leadership places that you’d like to serve and be involved with. Sometimes we get in a rut and we keep doing the same thing because we don’t know of other options. This will give both you and leadership a chance to really look at the bigger picture and see where God may be leading you. Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. We will also be updating church records during August to make sure we have accurate information on everyone who is part of our community. You can read more about that later in the newsletter. Having an accurate account for your information ensures that we are able to communicate with you and keep you informed. Enjoy the end of summer and I look forward to what our fall brings! Pastor Zach CINDY KEISER Office Manager PAGE MOORE Treasurer MARLYS LUBASH Financial Secretary & Membership Secretary Office Hours Contact Us 4444 Frances Street Omaha, NE 68105 Phone: 402.553.3312 Fax: 402.553.3313 info@hanscomparkchurch.org www.hanscomparkchurch.org Follow us on Facebook AUGUST CALENDAR SUNDAY 10:00 a.m. Worship MONDAY 10:30 a.m. Tai Chi Level 2 1:00 p.m. Tai Chi Level 1 - Open to Anyone TUESDAY 10:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY Book Study Starting Aug 12 (for 6 weeks) Yoga 10:30 a.m. Tai Chi Level 2 1:00 p.m. Tai Chi Level 1 – Open to Anyone Monthly Calendar 4 8:00 AM Kitchen & Yoga rooms closed for new flooring through August 8 6 5:00 PM SHARE Orders 9 8:00 AM Brush-up Nebraska Prep Day 9:00 AM SHARE Orders 11 5:30 PM Stewardship & Finance Meeting 6:30 PM Christian Education Meeting 7:00 PM Church Council Meeting 13 7:00 PM MIM & MIM Youth 14 9:30 AM Busy Bees 16 8:00 AM Brush-up Nebraska Paint Day 18 Newsletter Articles Due 22 ORDERS August 6 August 9 5 p.m. 9 a.m. DISTRIBUTION DAY August 23 10:15 a.m. BACK TO SCHOOL CAMP OVERNIGHTER AT CAMP FONTANELLE August 22 7 p.m. to August 23 Noon 7:00 PM Youth to Camp Fontanelle 23 10:15 AM SHARE Distribution 12:00 PM Youth return from Camp Fontanelle 31 12:30 PM Reserved for Wedding CHURCH RECORDS UPDATE Just like you have time set aside to deep clean your home once-in-a-while, we realized it has been awhile since we checked our community member records in the church office, and want to make sure we have the right information for you. During the month of August, volunteers will be in the Narthex for you to check what we have on file for you. We are checking addresses, birthdates, membership status, email addresses and many other items. Please take a moment and check-in with these volunteers in August to make sure we have everything correct. This will help us better account for who is part of this community, and allow us to effectively communicate with you. ST E WA R D S H I P & F I N A N C E This Sunday, we were blessed with our sixth grandchild and number 7 is due in February 2015. This beautiful girl, Landrey, joins Baylor, Ellie, Cohen, Kynlee and Gabi as part of my legacy in life. I have a responsibility to help them develop into productive members of society and as caring Christian individuals. I need to help our children; Megan, Ashley, Ryan and Samantha to be adults of good character and integrity. Our legacy is not limited to how we are remembered or how our family ‘turns out’. We also have a responsibility to our church family and to God. We can leave a lasting legacy if we support and lift up others. We can leave a lasting legacy by using our time, talents and money to support the God’s mission. Our lasting legacy will come from people we touch, lives we change and causes that we support. Years after I am gone, I hope that Omaha is a better place than when I moved here. I hope that HPUMC is in a better position financially and spiritually than when I joined. I hope that each of us has grown in our commitment to God’s work. And yes, I hope that my children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren and yours are all doing His work. As they say, “It Takes a Church!” Maurice Mashek | Chair, Stewardship and Finance FALL CRAFT SHOW & GARAGE SALE If you are interested in being a crafter at the September 13 Craft Show, please Call Louanne at 402.551.1516. I’m also still trying to locate all of the craft show signs. If you have one in your garage, please let me know. It’s also time to begin thinking of the garage sale as you clean out those closets, garages and basements this summer. Thanks, Louanne Gruidel Thank You Thank you for all the kind words, hugs, cards and gifts received during my Dad’s stay at Risen Son and since his death. I can’t begin to express how much this church family means to us and how much you have helped us through this sad time. God Bless all of you, Louanne Gruidel • Julie Heacock and family • Janna Powell and family BTW BAGS FOR “YES” As mentioned in July’s newsletter, the BTW team will be working on bags of personal items for YES (Youth Emergency Services). Our goal is to put together 200 bags for Omaha’s homeless youth during August. We will have a table in the narthex with a typical bag filled with the needed items. We will also have lists of these items & a basket for all your donations. After checking with staff at YES, these are the suggested items for the bags: White Tee-shirts (Large & Extra Large), socks, toothbrushes, toothbrush covers, toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, bars of soap, razors, combs, carmex/chapstick, ponytail holders/ scrunches, bandaides (3 x 3/4 in.), hand sanitizer4 (2oz bottles), and Ziplock bags (gallon size & quart size). As always, we appreciate all your help & support for this project. Thanks Again Hy-Vee Receipts for Omaha Street School Starting on September 1st and continuing through December, Hanscom Park UMC will again be collecting Hy-Vee receipts to benefit the Omaha Street School. The Omaha Street School is working in the Omaha metropolitan area to meet the challenge of at-risk youth by providing a school that offers personalized education, a moral code, and tools for self-sufficiency .John Parsons, Founder and Executive Director of the Omaha Street School taught on a volunteer basis at the Denver Street School while serving as Assistant Attorney General in Colorado. Parsons was struck by the relationships he made with inner-city teens and believed that a similar school was needed in his hometown of Omaha. In the summer of 1998, John and his family returned to Omaha and began planning for an alternative high school. He realized when students drop out or are expelled from school, they have little chance of developing the (academic, spiritual, personal, vocational, and physical) citizenship necessary to have a positive impact in the communities in which they live. The Omaha Street School opened its doors in January 1999 with four students. Today enrollment ranges from 30 to 40 with an average classroom size of 8 to 10 students. Pastoral Care Calls If you are in need of a visit from the pastor we are starting a new procedure that will help keep those visits organized and on the pastor’s calendar. If you know of an upcoming hospital visit for a procedure, please call the church office in advance if you want the pastor to be there for the procedure or right after. – Call the office and let Cindy know and she will make sure it gets on Pastor Zach’s calendar OR – Email both Cindy (info@hanscomparkchurch.org) and Pastor Zach (zach@hanscomparkchurch.org) If it is an unexpected hospitalization or emergency you can call the church office and there is an emergency number on the message to call in those situations. Tuesday Morning Book Study TUESDAYS AT 10:00AM, STARTING ON AUGUST 12TH We will be studying Adam Hamilton’s “Making Sense of the Bible: Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today.” This will be a 6-week study that uses short video segments each week that feature the author summarizing the reading and gives us insight into his writing. Books will be available from the church office for $15. A synopsis of the book: “Denominations from evangelical to mainline continue to experience deep divisions over universal social issues. The underlying debate isn’t about a particular social issue, but instead it is about how we understand the nature of scripture and how we should interpret it. The world’s bestselling, most-read, and most-loved book is also one of the most confusing. In Making Sense of the Bible, Adam Hamilton, one of the country’s leading pastors and Christian authors, addresses the hot-button issues that plague the church and cultural debate, and answers many of the questions frequently asked by Christians and non-Christians alike.” TRUSTEES NEWS Good news! The last phase of the kitchen remodel will soon be underway. Bids for kitchen, yoga room and bathroom flooring were received, reviewed and one approved. Tile for the kitchen floor, carpet for our yoga room (old nursery to some of you) and tile for the yoga bathroom will be installed the first week of August. Memorial funds for Cindy Weeda, Ila Kahm and Ron Jensen along with Joash money from all of you are being used to cover the costs. Thank you to the families of the individuals mentioned above for allowing the Trustees to move forward. Stop in and check out the new floors in August!! Jan Heikes (on behalf of the Trustees) BRUSH UP NEBRASKA PAINT-A-THON… SAVE THE DATE! Beyond the Walls is coordinating Hanscom Park UMC’s participation in this annual event. BRUSH UP NEBRASKA PaintA-Thon is a community based volunteer program that paints the homes of low-income elderly and low-income disabled homeowners so that they may maintain their property, increase energy efficiency, and beautify the community. Painting their home creates a new sense of pride for the homeowners, and benefits the area. AUGUST 9 • 8:00 AM CLEANUP AND PREP DAY AUGUST 16 • 8:00 AM PAINT DAY ATTENTION! ATTENTION! CALLIN’ ALL TEENS AND TWEENS. The district youth group is planning a back-to-school overnighter. We have reserved Camp Fontanelle for this most awesome gathering. We will start by doing a service project and move on to fun after that. What fun?? – Forest Laser Tag – Campfire songs with ‘smores – Night swimming YOUTH NEWS – Outdoor movie – Jumping Pillow – Gaga ball The cost is only $5 per participant. We will gather at 7 p.m. on Friday, August 22nd and return at lunchtime on Saturday, August 23rd. We will be sleeping (I say that loosely) in the new 24/7 building on the floor, so bring your sleeping bags. *!* Volunteers are needed to help get the kids to the Camp. If you have a van or third row and could drive some happy kids up, please contact me. For more information or to RSVP, please contact boB at 402-740-6776. Christian Education NEEDED: People interested in helping with Sunday morning classes for our Tweens (5th-6th graders) and Youth. The classes are held from 8:45-9:45 with curriculum and supplies provided. Classes begin September 7th. Two teachers per class are needed. Even if you can only give of your time one or two Sundays a month, it will be helpful. If interested, or if you have any questions, please contact one of the following people: Diana Styles @402-706-5296, Cindy Gasper @402-334-0135, or Lorraine Henry @ 402-669-0971. Thank you for your support of our young people! Christian Education Committee POLO SHIRT UPDATE Thank you to everyone that ordered a polo. We have completed 2 orders and they look fantastic. There are still a few more to hand out. If you are one of those, please collect your shirt from the office. Cindy, Zach or I can help you. We may explore another order a little later, so if you still want a polo, or other gear, let us know. The best advertising our church can do is to lead a good life, live the example, all while displaying our logo. Well, maybe not exactly like that, but you get the idea. God Bless, boB WHAT WAS… The youth finished up an amazing year. 4 service days, 3 overnighters, too many fundraisers to count and the birth of the Segue. Thank you to everyone for making this year so special. WHAT IS… The youth welcomed the incoming class of tweens with a trip to Adventureland. It was a ball. We had 30 in attendance and took two passenger vans and a support vehicle. Although it was a bit cold outside, the water remained warm and most adults spent time floating and basking in the sun. The youth, however, split in many directions exploring every nook and cranny in the park. The verdict came in, the new Storm Chaser ride is scary, so you might want to avoid that in the future. THE LAST SUPPER AND MANGER SCENE WHAT IS TO COME… The announcement was made about the upcoming mission trip for next year. The youth will be traveling north to Lake Traverse from July 17 - July 24, 2015. Lake Traverse is unique to other reservations because it has more of a small town feel which youth will experience during their week there. Throughout the week they will learn about Native culture, travel to Sica Hollow State Park, and join the community for a cookout. H T U YO I am taking Letters of Commitment now for the coming trip. Please contact the office or myself for more information on how your 5th grader to junior can join us on this unique adventure. Also, please keep a keen eye out as we ramp up fundraising for the trip. Your help and support is greatly appreciated. Call or email me at (402) 740-6776 or bob@ddsine.com Bonde Bon NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID OMAHA NE PERMIT NO. 330 4444 Frances Street Omaha, NE 68105 www.hanscomparkchurch.org AUGUST BI RT HDAYS 1 Dave Tripp Steve Berger Paul Campfiled 7 Rick Cotner 22 Kevin Albert 8 boB Austin Jessica Gittins Emily Thompson 11 Nicole Waller 23 Randy Hinline Erik Pearson 3 Maurice Mashek 14 Megan Hobbs 4 Orpha Spech 16 Ellee Poore 5 Helen White 17 Tish Marcum 6 Taylor Evans Kellis Bostic Brandon Novotny 19 Kara Petermann 2 13 Dee Hunter 20 Bev Armour 24 Dale Dorsey Judy Petermann Cody Armour 27 Marge Sandlier Robert Frederick 28 Greg Chapp 29 Michael Waller