DINÂMICA DE ECOSSISTEMAS Módulos Programa: -Tipos e características dos ecossistemas (terrestres, aquáticos e urbanos) - Principais processos na dinâmica dos ecossistemas - Impactos humanos nos ecossistemas - Alterações globais e impactos nos ecossistemas - Recuperação de ecossistemas WHAT IS AN ECOSYSTEM? Etymologically the word ecosystem derives from the Greek oikos, meaning "home," and systema, or "system." Nineteenth- and early 20th-century ecologists, who were well aware of the complex interdependence of living and nonliving matter, coined several terms, such as biocoenosis, microcosm, holocoen, biosystem and geobiocoenosis. It was not until British ecologist A.G. Tansley proposed the word "ecosystem" (1935) that American Raymond L. Lindeman offered the now classic definition (1942). Ecosystems are composed of a variety of abiotic and biotic components that function in an interrelated way. 1 COMMENT THIS DEFINITION Ecosystem - A functional system which includes the organisms of a natural community together with their environment. (McGraw Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th ed) DO YOU AGREE? HOW WOULD YOU DEFINE ECOSYSTEM? WHAT ARE AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS? Freshwater lake ecosystem Artic ecosystem Ocean beach ecosystem Temporary ponds ecosystem WHAT BONDS THEM TOGETHER? 2 WATER CYCLE RESIDENCE TIME AND ROBUSTNESS Estimated Flows of Water in the Global Water Cycle Flows given in units of 1015 kg/year Inventory of Total amount of water: 15 1,385,990.5 x 10 kg Residence times Data from Chahine, 1992, The hydrological cycle and its influence on climate, Nature, v. 359, p. 373-380; WHAT ARE AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS? Basic ecological unit composed of living and non-living elements interacting in an aqueous milieu Any watery environment, such as rivers, lakes, wetlands, and estuaries, in which plants and animals interact with the chemical and physical features of the environment WATER PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS + BIOTA COMMUNITIES 3 SUSTAINING AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS FUNCTIONS: ECOHYDROLOGY APPROACH “DUAL REGULATION” Hydrology regulates biota and shaping biota can regulate hydrology BIOTA REGULATION HYDROLOGY HARMONIZATION of hydrotechnical infrastructure INTEGRATION of various regulations acting in a synergistic way to stabilize and improve the quality of water resources AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS..? NEED TO BE PERMANENT? and...TEMPORARY LAGOONS, PONDS NATURAL OR ARTIFICIAL? and...LAKES FROM DAMS PRESENT STABLE CHARACTERISTICS? and...ESTUARIES IS A MINIMUM OR MAXIMUM SIZE? and...SMALL PONDS / OCEAN NEED TO BE IN PRISTINE FOR FUNCTIONING? and CHRONIC POLLUTION HIGH VARIABILITY IN SPATIAL, TEMPORAL, BIOTIC AND ABIOTIC FEATURES 4 TYPES OF AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS Marshes are defined as wetlands frequently or continually inundated with water, characterized by emergent soft-stemmed vegetation adapted to saturated soil conditions. Mangroves are trees and shrubs that grow in saline coastal habitats in the tropics and subtropics. Mangals are found in depositional coastal environments with fine sediments, often with high organic content, in areas protected from high energy wave action. TYPES OF AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS •SWAMP (PÂNTANO)- like a marsh but with bushes and trees growing from the water as well •PUDDLES (CHARCO) - and body of water that lasts for a few days or more may attract aquatic life •TIDAL POOL (POÇA DE MARÉ) – A pool of water remaining after a tide has retreated 5 TYPES OF AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS •RIVER (RIO) - a moving body of water that flows from one place to another. •POND (LAGO PEQUENO)- a small and shallow body of water with plants growing above water level only on the edges; generally freezes solid during winter. TYPES OF AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS •ESTUARY (ESTUÁRIO) - part of a river where it nears the sea; fresh and salt water mix •OCEAN (OCEANO) –The entire body of salt water that covers more than 70 percent of the earth's surface 6 TYPES OF AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS •SALT LAKE (LAGO SALGADO) - A salt lake is a lake which has a concentration of salts higher than sea water •HYDROTHERMAL VENTS (FONTES HIDROTERMAIS) - A hot spring on the ocean floor where hydrothermal fluids mix into the overlying ocean. MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS 7 CHARACTERISTICS OF LAKES CHARACTERISTICS OF LAKES : CIRCULATION AND PRODUCTIVITY oligotrophic lake— Low nutrients and transparent water characterize these lakes. There is low productivity, and the benthic fauna is highly diverse but low in number. The basin is typically deep with steep banks. The sediments are typically low in organic matter. eutrophic lake— This is a lake with high nutrients and, therefore, high primary productivity (algae and plants). Bluegreen algae are characteristically extensive in these lakes, especially in summer. The littoral zone is typically broad with abundant plants. Due to high production, there is a great deal of biomass and decomposition in the profundal zone with few benthic species. In the summer, there is often depleted oxygen in the hypolimnion. 8 CHARACTERISTICS OF ESTUARIES: SALT-FRESHWATER MIX CHARACTERISTICS OF ESTUARIES: SALINITY AND BIOTA HIGH ESTUARY MIDDLE ESTUARY LOW ESTUARY 9 CHARACTERISTICS OF OCEANS CHARACTERISTICS OF OCEANS 10 CHARACTERISTICS OF OCEANS Africa 100 Km 1000 Km CHARACTERISTICS OF OCEANS 11 biomas DEFINIÇÃO E TIPOS DE BIOMAS Bioma – major regional community of plants and animals with similar life forms and environmental conditions. It is the largest geographical biotic unit, and is named after the dominant type of life form, such as tropical rain forest, grassland, or coral reef. O número de biomas que são reconhecidos pelos biogeógrafos variam. Apenas nos EUA podem ser encontradas 150 ecoregiões diferentes. No entanto, normalmente consideram-se 2 biomas aquáticos e 8 biomas terrestres. 12 BIOMAS AQUÁTICOS BIOMAS DE ÁGUA DOCE ► zonas lênticas – águas paradas (ex. lagos) ► zonas lóticas – águas em movimento (ex. rios) Factores ambientais que caracterizam os biomas de água doce. 13 BIOMAS MARINHOS ► zona pelágica : (factor determinante capacidade de natação) • plâncton – organismos flutuadores • necton – organismos nadadores ► zona bentónica : (factor determinante profundidade) • zona costeira • zona oceânica Diferentes zonas do bioma marinho e principais factores que condicionam as comunidades nas várias zonas BIOMAS TERRESTRES: DISTRIBUIÇÃO E CAUSAS 14 BIOMAS TERRESTRES: VARIAÇÃO EM ALTITUDE E EM LATITUDE BIOMAS TERRESTRES: TIPOS 15 Ecossistemas urbanos ACLIMATAÇÃO HUMANA AO CALORILHAS DE CALOR URBANO 16 ACLIMATAÇÃO HUMANA AO CALORILHAS DE CALOR URBANO CAPACIDADE DE ACLIMATIZAÇÃO Short-term Long-term SAÚDE HUMANA COLD EVENTS FACTORS CONTROLLING ECOSYSTEMS DYNAMICS 1. THE VARIABILITY OF EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS PRECIPITATION, AIR TEMPERATURE RIVER DISCHARGE, TIDES, WIND, 2. INTERNAL ECOSYSTEMS PROCESSES FOOD WEB WATER-SEDIMENT EXCHANGE NUTRIENTS CYCLES CARRYING CAPACITY 3. IMPACTS FROM EXTERNAL SOURCES AND ECOSYSTEMS POLLUTION DEFORESTATION DAMMING, … 17 DYNAMIC IN COASTAL ECOSYSTEMS EXTREME SHORT-TERM CONDITIONS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN LONG-TERM ONES (AMBROSE, 1984) HIGHLY DYNAMIC ECOSYSTEMS COASTAL ECOSYSTEMS KEY FACTORS AND PROCESSES RESIDENCE TIME RESIDENCE TIME (T) TIDES WAVES CURRENTS KNOWLEDGE ABOUT KEY-FACTORS AND SYSTEM FUNCTIONING IS FUNDAMENTAL TO MANAGEMENT 18