Boys Night Out With The Stars
Boys Night Out With The Stars
Agudas Achim Brotherhood’s 31st Annual Fundraiser Boys Night Out With The Stars Honoring the AFFILIATES: Agudas Achim Academy ♦ WOLMAN INSURANCE AGENCY ♦ ♦ NEW ALBANY INSURANCE AGENCY ♦ Featuring the Sidesplitting Comedy of Daniel M. Cahill, CPCU Dick Capri Cary J. Hager, CPCU and Francie L. Kuntz Jessica Kirson Donald S. Lambie Janice S. Lichtenstein J.R. Pine Herbert P. Wolman, CLU, CPCU, ChFC Wednesday, October 10th 6:30pm 165 W. M A I N S T R E E T N E W A L B A N Y , O H I O 43054 (614) 939-5471 Index T Top Steak House The Torah Center Dr. Jeffrey A. Tilson, DDS 22 51 58 U UBS Financial Services, Inc. Uncle Sam’s Pawn Shop 40 36 W Gene Weiss Leslie Wexner Wexner Heritage Village Willis Law Firm WINGS Restaurant Worly Bath Gallery 34 (Gold) 29 15 37 51 19 Y Yenkin-Majestic Paint Corporation 45 AGUDAS ACHIM BROTHERHOOD IS A PROUD SUPPORTER OF Agudas Achim Youth layout & design of this publication provided by 614.266.6030 57 Index N Nachas Pages National City Bank Nationwide Insurance/Sandy Lichtenstein News Center - ABC 6/FOX 28 8-10 38 41 50 A Message From the Agudas Achim Brotherhood President O Officers and Board of Trustees 4 P PAR International Peking Dynasty Photo Images Photos Plaza Properties Program for the Evening 35 20 49 14,53 (Silver) 31 3 R Dr. Richard F. Rosenthal Ross Cleaners Fay L. Ruben Rubino’s Pizza Ron & Suzy Rudolph Rusty Bucket 41 19 20 49 20 17 S Safe Auto Insurance Sammy’s New York Bagels Andrew, Heidi and Sydney Schwartz SEMCO Gary Scott Shapiro Drs. Smilack & Hanin, DDS Smith & Hale Speedy Car Rental Steiner-Douglas Salon Strip, Hoppers, Leithart, McGrath & Terlecky Co. Sullivan Bruck Architects Sunoco (Silver) 27 19 24 49 51 43 52 23 18 45 44 39 Welcome to our 31st annual “Boys Night Out With the Stars” in our beautiful synagogue. As you know, this is the primary fundraiser for the Agudas Achim Brotherhood. Through your continued and generous support, the Brotherhood is able to help with the needs of the synagogue, especially our Youth Programming. Congregation Agudas Achim, our youth and the Brotherhood thank you for making ”Boys Night Out” the success that it is today. Ron Feerer Brotherhood President 56 1 In Honor of the Agudas Achim Academy The Agudas Achim Academy was founded in 1997 for the purpose of providing quality Jewish learning experiences to the children of Agudas Achim’s extended family. Academy students attend classes three days a week where they learn basic Hebrew, become familiar with Jewish traditions and rituals, the joys of Shabbat and Yom Tovim, and the values and history of the Jewish people. Agudas Achim Brotherhood stands firmly in support of the Academy. Each month Brotherhood volunteers devote their time and energy to making a special installment of Minyannaires, an interactive Sunday morning learning service followed by a hot breakfast. All the while, funds raised by Brotherhood are used to support formal and informal youth programming in the synagogue—including the Agudas Achim Academy. Brotherhood is proud to play a part in the education of tomorrow’s leaders, and so we salute the Agudas Achim Academy for its distinction as a premier school. Index F Fifth Third Bank First Community Bank Floral Originals Frank & London Alfred Friedman (Silver) 26 35 22 33 16 G Garlikov Companies Giuseppe’s Ritrovo Italian Caffé David A. Goldstein Co, L.P.A. State Senator David Goodman (Silver) 32 46 21 18 H H&R Block Financial Center/Kyle Back Hanover Signs Dotan Herszage Hummel Title/Davis & Meyer Families Huntington National Bank 46 (silver) 25 39 34 23 I Len Immke Buick Index Insurance Office of Central Ohio 47 54-57 Back Cover J Joyce Iron & Metal Co. 50 K Brad & Holly Kastan Katzinger’s Deli Jessica Kirson 15 18 13 L Lev’s Pawn Shops Richard L. Levine Co., L.P.A. Marc Lichtenstein Live Technologies Luskharkin 22 39 19 17 49 M The Mad Greek Memorial Pages Meyers Jewelers M/I Homes Foundation 2 50 6,7 49 (Gold) 30 55 Index Program A Able Roof Ace Iron and Metal Co., Inc Adams/Weintraub All American Trophy Architectural Alliance 43 51 46 45 42 Fellowship Hour 6:30pm COCKTAILS B Barkan & Barkan Ken Beckman Garold L. Beim Berwick Manor Bexley Copy Shop Bexley Kosher Market Bexley’s Monk Bexley Pizza Plus Billy Lee’s Blocks Hot Bagels Buckeye Auto Parts Butch’s Italian Café 50 41 17 49 16 38 43 20 35 34 18 45 C Dick Capri Len Carlson Carroll Family Caskey Cleaning Co. Catering By Scott Chase Louis Jay Chodosh Columbus Art Memorial Co. Columbus Pipe Equipment Company Columbus Sign Company Corna/Kokosing 12 50 41 22 48 16 43 39 49 43 (Gold) 28 D Danny’s Deli Dolinger Family 22 17 E Ebner Properties The Epstein Memorial Chapel E.P. Ferris EPSS Erdey Eye Group 35 48 44 16 51 54 Dinner 7:30pm Masters of Ceremonies Ronald Feerer Chuck Gillespie Invocation Rabbi Areyah Kaltmann Greetings Ron Feerer, Brotherhood President Hamotzi Rabbi Areyah Kaltmann Dinner Birkat Hamazon Edwin Frankel Entertainment Dick Capri Jessica Kirson Raffle Drawing Dick Capri Jessica Kirson 3 Agudas Achim Brotherhood Officers and Board of Trustees Ronald Feerer Dr. Richard Gurevitz Larry Katz Herbert L. Solomon Michael Shapiro Chuck Kopp Robert Bender Ron Dolinger PRESIDENT 1ST VP 2ND VP TREASURER ASST. TREASURER/FINANCIAL SECRETARY RECORDING SECRETARY SERGEANT AT ARMS PAST PRESIDENT Board of Trustees (1 Year Term) Alan Levine Mark Lux Neal Shapiro Alan Zelman Allan Cohen Randy Furman Shelby Furman Board of Trustees (2 Year Term) Andy Beim Saul Laub Harold “Red” Schyne Michael Schlonsky Drew Schwartz Alan Levenson Herb P. Solomon Steve Wilson Honorary Trustees Jerome Acks Garold Beim Gary Covel Michael Dworkin William Goldsmith Sanford Lichtenstein Dennis Mellman Jerome Schwartz Robert A. Shapiro Steven Shkolnik Herbert L. Solomon Rabbi Stanley Vogel Daniel B. Waitzman 4 53 31st Annual Boys Night Out with the Stars Committee CHAIRMAN Ronald Feerer TREASURER Herbert L. Solomon DINNER TICKETS & RAFFLES Ronald Feerer DINNER ARRANGEMENTS Compliments of ENTERTAINMENT Sanford Lichtenstein Ronald Feerer with special consultant, Stan Simon AD PROCUREMENT Michael Dworkin Ronald Feerer AD BOOK LAYOUT & DESIGN Josh Klynn NACHAS & MEMORIALS SMITH & HALE LLC ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 37 WEST BROAD STREET COLUMBUS, OHIO 43215-4199 Ronald Feerer Harold Schyne KITCHEN CREW Jerry Acks Gary Beckman Andy Beim Lainie Beim Adam Chaykin Michael Greff Keni Garver Shelly Peters Garry Beim, Head Chef Michael Shapiro Janice Lichtenstein Marc Lichtenstein Marvin Pate Bobbie Shkolnik Steve Shkolnik Todd Shkolnik Shelly Sinai Special thanks to Jesse Shkolnik and Nick Volman for their assistance in soliciting ads Many, many thanks to all of the Brotherhood Members who helped in preparing for this night and to all of our professional, office, and support staff for their tireless efforts on our behalf. Special Thanks to who furnished tonight’s flowers. 52 5 Alan Levine Memorial Marcia and Irv Baker in memory of Herman and Bessie Rado. Mr. and Mrs. Garold Beim in memory of parents, Sayde and Jack Kooperstein. Ace Iron and Metal Co., Inc. 2515 Groveport Rd. P.O. Box 07813 Columbus, OH 43207 614.443.5196 614.443.1155 fax W•I•N•G’•S Restaurant In Memory of Gary Scott Shapiro Bornstein Family in memory of Willard Bornstein. 236-8261 Ronald Feerer in memory of parents, David and Frieda Feerer. Harold Flox in memory of wife, Henrietta Flox, and parents, Bessie and Morris Flox. 2801 E. Main St. Columbus, Ohio 43209 by Parents and Brothers IN HONOR OF RONNIE FEERER Mr. Bernard Friedman in memory of beloved wife, Katherine Lois Friedman, parents, Norman and Etta Freidman, and parents-in-law, Hyman R. and Florence R. Cohen. David and Amy Goldstein, Max and Megan in memory of father, Howard Goldstein. Harriet and Fred Grail in memory of Claire and Murray Galan and Albert Bogart. 6 51 LEONARD A. CARLSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Recycling today’s resources for tomorrow’s needs. Joyce Iron & Metal Co. 2700 EAST MAIN STREET, SUITE 111 COLUMBUS, OHIO 43209 (614) 231-8900 FAX 231-0121 299-4175 1283 Joyce Avenue Memorial Andrew and Michael Gurevitz in loving memory of grandparents, Bessie and Herman Rado, Rose and Samuel Gurevitz. Dr. Richard H. Gurevitz and Susan L. Shore, Esq. in memory of parents, Rose and Samuel Gurevitz. Brokers • Dealers • Processors Dr. and Mrs. Robert Hershfield in memory of fathers, Max I. Ziskind and Dr. David Hershfield, and brother-inlaw, Dr. Bruce Siegel. 4210 East Main Street Whitehall, Ohio 338-0000 Katz Family in memory of Nate Katz. Alvin Minkin in loving memory of wife, Sug, and in memory of parents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Minkin and brother-in-law, Joseph L. White. Mr. Harold Schyne in loving memory of parents, Maurice and Lillian Schyne, and brother, Donald Schyne. Neal and Ali Shapiro in memory of wife and mother, Melody Shapiro, and mother and grandmother, Carol Shapiro. 50 7 Nachas 235-1700 235-0712 MEYERS JEWELERS “The House of Quality” RUBINO’S PIZZA, INC. Columbus Owned and Operated Pizza • Spaghetti • Salad Marcia Baker, Irv Baker and Dr. Richard Gurevitz in honor of children, Andrew and Kimberly Gurevitz. Visit our new Superstore at Proudly Serving Bexley Since 1954 1494 Stringtown Road Grove City, OH 43123 (614) 272-1012 (866) 627-7576 Garry, Lainie, Larry, Andy, Betsey, Danielle and Alexandra Beim in honor of Betty and Albert Beim. Store Hours Daily 12 noon ‘till 9pm, Mon thru Fri Sat 11am ‘till 9pm 2643 E. Main Street • Bexley, Ohio Dr. Scott and Lisa Berliner in honor of children, Paige and Grant. Monica and Dr. Joseph Calabrese in honor of children, Samuel, Anne and Jonathan Calabrese. Rooms for 10 to 700 Catering for all occasions Hors D’Oeuvres & Party Trays Extensive Banquet Menus 3250 Refugee Road Columbus, Ohio 43232 235-7100 Ron and Beth Dolinger in honor of daughters, Bari and Molly. Michael and Carole Dworkin in honor of grandsons, Ari and Zevi Modes. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ebner in honor of children, Mark and Nicole Ebner, Cynthia Lynn Ebner and Lisa Rosen, and grandchildren, Gayle Diane Rosen, Aaron Michael Rosen, Jared Samuel Rosen, Zachary Joseph Ebner, Julian Alexander Ebner and Sabrina Ebner. Bob Eisenman in honor of grandchildren, Nathaniel , Bradley, Jeffrey, Isaac, and Miss Molly Binsky. Ronald Feerer in honor of daughters, Ashley & Chelsea. Tod and Cheri Friedman in honor of their children, Rachel, Ross, and Kara. Maria Anthony TJ Orlando Susi Best Wishes From Columbus Pipe Equipment Company Bruce & Jonathan Silberstein SEMCO 1025 Pole Lane Road Marion, Ohio 43302 FURMAN FAMILY 8 49 In Honor of the Agudas Achim Academy The Epstein Memorial Chapel Nachas Mr. Bernard Friedman in honor of children, Ellen and Phil Weinblatt, Cheri and Tod Friedman, grandchildren Stephanie Weinblatt, Laura Weinblatt, Scott Weinblatt, Rachel Friedman, Ross Friedman, and Kara Faye Friedman. Mr. William Goldsmith in honor of children and grandchildren, Jon, Mark, Brian, Zachary, Alex, and Ashley Goldsmith. 3232 E. Main Street Columbus, Ohio 43213 (614) 235-3232 Henry L. Epstein Michael T. Epstein David A. Levy TO THE AGUDAS ACHIM ACADEMY MAZEL TOV ON YOUR MOST DESERVING HONOR Barbara, David and Amy Goldstein in honor of grandchildren, Matthew, Max, Megin and Adin. Elaine and Victor Goodman in honor of children. Hillari and Josh Klynn in honor of daughters, Libby Rose and Rebekah Hannah. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Lichtenstein in honor of grandchildren, Lisa Lichtenstein, Seth, Evan, and Melissa Bernson. P.J. and Stanley Maybruck in honor of children, Heidi, Bambi and Jim, Shani and Greg, granddaughter Brittany Ann and grandsons Tovi and Sammy. Myer and Selma Mellman compliments and best wishes. 2980 E. Broad Street Columbus, Ohio 43209 Fax (614) 237-1951 (614) 237-1949 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schottenstein in honor of grandchildren. 48 9 Nachas Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shapiro in honor of children, Michael and Brenda, Rick and Caryn, and grandchildren, Gabriella, Joshua, Alexander, Matthew, Emma and Joseph. Cantor and Mrs. Baruch Shifman in honor of Rabbi Mordecai and Debbie and children, Cantor Aaron and Sabrina and children, and Yael and Eliezer Gavriel Markovits. LEN IMMKE BUICK PROUD SPONSOR OF BOYS NIGHT OUT! The 2008 Buick Lucerne Mrs. Albert Shkolnik in honor of grandchildren Jaime, Andrew Jonathan, Todd, Joshua, Jesse, Loni, Melanie and Kevin Shkolnik, and Adam Joseph and Alicia Robyn Baron. Charlene and Herb Solomon in honor of grandchildren, Nina and Julia Gurevitz. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stan in honor of grandchildren, Aaron and Adam Einhorn, Philip and Evan Shealy, Max and Aaron Stan, Eric Sachs, and Elizabeth Green. 8 Year or 100,000 Mile Warranty VISIT US AT IMMKE.COM 864-9200 300 N. HAMILTON RD. 10 47 From the Chairman of the Board Greg Adams and Leah Weintraub in honor of our children Aaron and Dorit and the entire Agudas Achim family October 10, 2007 28 Tishrei 5768 Dear Friends, Thirty-one years ago, it was my privilege to serve as president of the Agudas Achim Brotherhood. This was the same year that we had our first “Boys Night Out with the Stars” with comedian Myron Cohen. Caterer Keni Garver, Executive Director Irwin Weiner and members of the Brotherhood came up with the idea for the program that generated 100 raffle tickets being sold, an ad book and over 250 men attending the event. Today, “Boys Night Out with the Stars” continues to be the strength of our Brotherhood and an evening which members of the entire Columbus community look forward to each year. President of the Brotherhood and Chairman of “Boys Night Out with the Stars,” Ronald Feerer, his committee, and Head Chef Gary Beim and his kitchen crew are the backbone of this program that has grown significantly over the years. start your financial plan This year, as in year’s past, “eat, drink and enjoy” the labor of all those individuals who continue to make “Boys Night Out with the Stars” a huge success! Financial Advice Stocks & Bonds Mutual Funds Cash Management When you invest with H&R Block Financial Advisors, your personal financial advisor will help you develop a plan tailored to your financial goals and risk tolerance. For a free, no-obligation consultation, call today. H&R BLOCK financial advisors Kyle Back 800 769 7017 614 880 9722 Fax 614 880 9782 Steve Shkolnik Chairman of the Board 8351 North High St., Suite 210 Columbus, OH 43235 Investment services and securities products offered through H&R Block Financial Advisors, Inc., Member NYSE/SIPC. H&R Block Inc., and H&R Block Services, Inc., are not registered broker-dealers. 46 11 Dick Capri Best Wishes Headlining Boys Night Out this year, direct from the New York Friar’s Club, is Dick Capri. Hailing from Reading, Pennsylvania, Capri started his show business career as a clerk in his father’s grocery store— doing comedy mimes of the customers. When he ran out of charactes there, he left the store to become a full-fledged impressionist and developed the unique comedic style that has become his trademark. In a career that has spanned two continents he has played every major entertainment medium including nightclubs, resorts, arenas and theaters. Capri has even plied his trade on the Broadway stage and on national television. He has worked with such major stars as Tom Jones, Liza Minnelli and Frank Sinatra. As part of Comedy Central’s New York Friar’s Club Celebrity Roasts, Capri has earned the respect and consideration of his fellowo comics. He has also had the privilege of performing for Presidents Gerald Ford and George Bush. Tonight he performs for Agudas Brotherhood...let the laughs commence! 12 from the Yenkin, Brachman, Smith, and Petuchowski Families 4720 E. Main St. Randy Laymon 864-7300 Brian Stickler All American Trophy Custom Trophies • Plaques • Awards • Signs 3860 E. Main Street Whitehall, Ohio 43213 (614) 231-8824 Fax (614) 231-8921 email: COMPLIMENTS OF THE LAW FIRM OF STRIP, HOPPERS, LEITHART, McGRATH & TERLECKY CO. Achim 45 Best Wishes JOSEPH A. RIDGEWAY, JR., P.E. SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT MATTHEW E. FERRIS, P.E., P.S. VICE PRESIDENT 880 KING AVENUE COLUMBUS, OHIO 43212 614-299-2999 614-299-2992 (FAX) e-mail Jessica Kirson Also stepping up to the microphone this year is Jessica Kirson. Her unique style and captivating stage presence captures the attention of audiences and club bookers everywhere she performs. Her wide variety of characters brings a diverse energy to her routine. Once you have seen her amazing talent, it is easy to understand why she has been selected to perform at comedy festivals around the country. She has been featured on numerous television shows including Comedy Central’s “Premium Blend”, several VH1’s specials, NBC’s “Last Comic Standing” (seasons 2 and 3) and NBC’s “Last Call With Carson Daly”. Just recently, Jessica was presented with a MAC award for “Best Female Comic in New York”. She can be seen at clubs and colleges all over the United States receiving rave reviews. Between her hilarious characters and amazing crowd work, she will be wowing audiences across the country for years to come. 44 13 Congratulations! Agudas Achim Academy 2232 E. Main Street Bexley, OH 43209 (614) 239-6665 “We’ve Been Creating Memories For 22 Years” Billy Lee’s Chinese Cuisine Bexley Center 2974 E. Broad Street 237-6767 Fax: 237-6702 LOUIS JAY CHODOSH COUNSELOR AT LAW 2392 EAST MAIN STREET COLUMBUS, OHIO 43209 14 OFFICE 614-338-0700 FAX 614-235-1777 RESIDENCE 614-252-0272 43 Uxáà j|á{xá yÜÉÅ Brad & Holly Kastan 42 15 Gary Lichtenstein, President 659 N. James Rd. Columbus, OH 43219 Office Hours by appointment Equipment Sales Engineering Services Project and Field Services Consumer Banking OH1-0307 3200 E. Broad St. Columbus, OH 43209 Cell…..614.286.0970 Phone..614.258.0800 Telephone: 614 248 2062 Facsimilie: 614 248 2363 Toll Free: 877 226 5663 DR. RICHARD ROSENTHAL Optometrist Fax…..614.258.8008 Bexley Copy Shop Print and Copy Center Quick Copy & Offset Printing Service 2226 E. Main Street — in Bexley Square 237-0396 Fax: 236-0386 II NATIONWIDE PLAZA 1ST FLOOR, SUITE B COLUMBUS, OHIO 43215 614-221-8090 2978 EAST BROAD STREET COLUMBUS, OHIO 43209 614-237-2099 Xerox Copies While You Wait • Color Copies • Fax Service — Send/Receive Monday-Friday 8am to 5pm Since 1950 • 27 Years in Bexley Your Confidentiality is Assured BEST WISHES Sanford G. Lichtenstein, LUTC Associate Agent Byron H. Carley Agency Nationwide Insurance FROM THE CARROLL FAMILY Compliments of 104 Mill Street Gahanna, OH 43230-3099 LISA, MARC, HELEN, AARON, CHAD & EMILY Tel 614-471-2366 Fax 614-471-0640 Al & Marcia Friedman 16 41 Congratulations Agudas Achim Brotherhood MAZEL TOV on their 31st Boys Night Out RON & SUZY RUDOLPH AND FAMILY Ron Dolinger Insurance 846-4761 20 North Woods Blvd. Columbus, Ohio 43235 We proudly salute the Agudas Achim Brotherhood and the Agudas Achim Academy 40 17 State Senator David Goodman Katzinger’s Deli In German Village of Bexley wishes the best of luck and continued success in the coming year to the Agudas Achim Brotherhood! 475 South Third St. Columbus, Ohio 43215 228-3354 RICHARD L. LEVINE CO., L.P.A. Drs. Smilack & Hanin, DDS 3370 E. Broad St. Columbus, OH 43213 237-2529 237-4358 FAX RICHARD L. LEVINE ATTORNEY AT LAW 460 EAST MAIN STREET COLUMBUS, OHIO 43215-5304 614.227.0300 Fax: 614.227.6060 MAZEL TOV AGUDAS ACHIM ACADEMY IN MEMORY OF ART FREED FROM THE AGUDAS ACHIM BROTHERHOOD BOARD OF TRUSTEES Best Wishes SUNOCO 3034 East Broad Street Mike & Nick 18 39 The Real Kosher Taste You RememberIs At: BEXLEY KOSHER MARKET SPECIALIZING IN HOT CORNED BEEF & PASTRAMI SANDWICHES We do Complete Bulk Catering • Party Trays • Box Lunches Any Size Event — Any Occasion Parties • Meetings • Family Gatherings • Holidays • All Your Lifecycle Events RELY ON OUR EXPERTISE TO MAKE YOUR EVENT A SUCCESS! We Offer: • • • • The VERY BEST food The most COMPLETELY STOCKED STORE The BIGGEST CHOICE — ALL BRANDS ALL SIZES, ALL VARIETIES — YEAR ROUND Shelves filled with your OLD FAVORITES and many NEW ITEMS Domestic & Imported Kosher Wines: Our Specialty eat ur m — in yo rs Call ltry orde cut u m & po ill custo rap we w freezer w and ording to acc wishes your Big enough to meet your special needs. Small enough to give you personal, quality service! STORE HOURS: Mon-Thurs: 8:30am - 6:30pm Friday: 8:30am - 5:00pm Closed all day Saturday Sunday: 8:30am - 5:00pm 3012 E. Broad St. Columbus, OH 43209 U SUP NDER TH ERVIS THE EC IO VA OLUM N OF AD HO BUS ’IR 614-234-3653 Fax: 614-231-3757 400 GREENLAWN AVE. COLUMBUS, OHIO 43215 614-445-1000 150 E. MAIN STREET CHILLICOTHE, OHIO 45601 614-773-2188 54 E. HARRISON STREET DELAWARE, OHIO 43015 614-363-1151 96 CALDWELL DRIVE CINCINNATI, OHIO 45216 513-821-2833 Supplying Quality to your contractor USA-1 REAL ESTATE MARC H. LICHTENSTEIN REALTOR® A full service Dry Cleaners Jong Huhl, General Manager Pager 520-6550 National City is proud to support the Agudas Achim Brotherhood Mary Ann Gagnon, Bexley Branch Manager 2594 East Main Street (614) 238-7100 38 Shoe Repair Complete Laundry Service Alterations Drapery Cleaning 2962 E. Broad St………………………235-6644 Best Wishes Sammy’s New York Bagels 19 PHONE: 231-3696 EVE: 575-2016 FAX: 231-0043 ALBERT BEIM GAROLD LEE BEIM BEIM & GRUNDSTEIN INSURANCE 2776 EAST MAIN STREET COLUMBUS, OHIO 43209 Garold L. Beim Fay L. Ruben and Family Registered Representative 2776 East Main Street Columbus, Ohio 43209 614-231-3696 614-231-0043 FAX Branch Office 921 Chatham Lane—Suite 300 Columbus, Ohio 43221 614-457-6233 in memory of Alvin Ruben New England Securities All the best to the boys “Home of the Ultimate Pizza” 2651 E. Main St. 237-3305 20 37 UNCLE SA M ’ S PAW N SHOP Mazel Tov to the Agudas Achim Academy Law Offices of 225 E. Main Street Columbus, Ohio 43215 DAVID A. GOLDSTEIN CO., L.P.A. 221-3711 DAVID A. GOLDSTEIN STEWART KELLER SETH KLEINMAN Attorneys at Law IRV CHASIN GARY CHASIN 36 21 CONGRATULATIONS, AGUDAS ACHIM ACADEMY Compliments of ON BEING HONORED BY BROTHERHOOD CASKEY CLEANING CO. 47 W. Gates St. Columbus, Ohio 43206 Compliments of FROM YOUR FAVORITE STEAKHOUSE 614-443-7448 Lloyd Hill—Proprietor FLORAL ORIGINALS “For The Finest in Floral Artistry” 2891 EAST MAIN STREET COLUMBUS, OHIO 43209 614-231-8238 COLUMBUS’ PREMIER FLORIST 614-231-0044 2994 EAST BROAD STREET COLUMBUS, OHIO 43209 MAZEL TOV, AGUDAS ACHIM ACADEMY AND GOOD LUCK TO THE AGUDAS ACHIM BROTHERHOOD LEV’S PAWN SHOP Lev Kucherski John Kinney Andre Dorochenko 22 35 Murray and Jill Davis, Jeff and Debbie Meyer and their families congratulate the Agudas Achim Academy Best Wishes to the Agudas Achim Academy EAST - NORTH 2555 Brice Road Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 Phone: 614-367-1111 Fax: 614-868-9952 2715 East Main Street Columbus, Ohio 43209 (614) 237-3525 (614) 237-3389 fax BEXLEY 2182 E. Livingston Ave. Columbus, OH 43204 Phone: 614-239-0000 Phone: 614-275-3227 Fax: 614-231-3400 Pastries ~Party Trays McNaughten Centre 863-0470 Mon-Fri 6am-7pm; Sat 7am-6pm; Sun 6am-4pm All Baked Goods At All Locations Approved And Inspected By The Vaad Ho’ir for Kashrut 34 Fax: 614-308-9074 Rent full size car for $24.85 per day Bagels ~ Breads~ Deli Gene Weiss 2434 West Broad Bexley, OH 43209 Proudly serving the community since 1967 3415 E. Broad St. 235-2551 SOUTH - WEST 23 Mazel Tov to the Agudas Achim Academy in loving memory of Lou and Thelma Goldfarb Gwen Schwartz Pearl and William Schwartz Andrew, Heidi and Sydney Schwartz 24 33 Congratulations, Agudas Achim Academy We Congratulate the Agudas Achim Academy and Honor The Brotherhood & The 31st Annual “Boys Night Out With The Stars” SILVER SILVER 32 25 SILVER SILVER 26 31 M/I HOMES IS PROUD TO SUPPORT AGUDAS ACHIM BROTHERHOOD Congratulations Agudas Achim Academy UÉçá a|z{à bâà ã|à{ à{x fàtÜá HONORING THE AGUDAS ACHIM ACADEMY from your friends at Safe Auto Insurance Company GOLD SILVER 30 27 The world depends on three things — on Torah study, on the service of God, and on kind deeds. — Pirkei Avos 1:3 In Memory of Bella and Harry Wexner Loving Parents The Wexner Family GOLD GOLD 28 29
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