4 Unit News - Central Ohio Retired Firefighters


4 Unit News - Central Ohio Retired Firefighters
4 Unit News
Central Ohio Retired Firefighters
Chapter Twelve
April/May 2013
The Berwick Party House
3250 Refugee Road
Columbus, Ohio
6:00 PM Social Hour
7:00 PM Banquet
Make plans to attend this grand event!
For information, contact
Bob Foor, 740-927-0366
All Central Ohio Retired Firefighters are invited to attend an Open House at the New Columbus Fire Training Academy, 3639 Parsons Ave.
on April 16, 2013. Tour of the facility &
training demonstrations starting at 10 a.m.
Free lunch will be served at 12:00 Noon
THE MAY 1, 2013
379 W. BROAD ST.
All Central Ohio Retired Firefighters Appreciation Day Open House.
Pleasant Valley Fire Station 261,
650 W. Main St. Plain City, Ohio
May 22, 2013 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
Free Lunch and refreshments
Desserts from Der Dutchman
RSVP to: Scott Cantrell by May 19th, Cell: 740
-207-6460 or email scottcantrell5@gmail.com
Park in the Spaghetti Warehouse lot on the
West side of the building
4 UNIT MEETINGS every month, the 1st
Wednesday at 12:00 Noon at the VFW Hall,
1591 Lockbourne Rd., Col’s, OH
NEXT MEETINGS: May 1, (at Local 67 Hall)
June 5 and July 3. See at the next meeting!
4 Unit Officers: President, Gary Siniff; Vice
President, Charles Burkhart; Trustees, John
Sherman, Carl Lawhorn & George Popovich;
Sgt. At Arms, Mike Peery; Secretary, Terry
Hetzer; Treasurer, Jerry Mason; Chaplain, Larry Baker and 4 Unit News Editor, Cecil Goodrich
Page 2 - Chaplain’s
Corner and President’s
Page 3 - February
Meeting Minutes
Page 4 - Benefits Report
Page 5 - Visitor Notes
and Donations
Page 6 - Meeting
Minutes for March
Page 8 - Women’s Auxilliary Meeting, Good
and Welfare
Page 9 - Picnic Pics
Page 10 - More Pics
Page 11 - Birthdays
for June and July,
Picnic Pics
Page 13 - Calendars
and Entertainment
Page 16 - Beougher
Page from 1989
Page 19 - Application
for Membership and
dues payment,
4 Unit News
April/May 2013
with these events are working on our behalf so
let’s have a great turnout at each one.
At the May meeting we will receive nominations for all 4 Unit offices except two trustee positions. Think about who you would like to keep
moving 4 Unit forward in the future. It takes a
little of your time to serve, but the satisfaction of
serving is great.
Once in my almost eight years as president
did we have to cancel a meeting due to weather.
We were again faced with that decision on
March 6th. After checking the condition of the
freeways and main streets and roads I decided
not to cancel, we always consider the safety of
members first and rely on everyone’s good judgment about driving from their residences when
severe weather occurs.
We had a good response to the request for
retirees to be interviewed for the fire department
history project; anyone who did not sign up may
contact Brent Fisher at CME. He did a magnificent job putting together a CME history for their
board room featuring many past and present 4
Unit members.
Larry Baker
Romans 6:4-5 (NRSV)
Verse 4: Therefore we have been buried with
him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ
was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.
Verse 5: For if we have been united with him in
a death like his, we will certainly be united with
him in a resurrection like his.
Verse 5 is frequently used at funeral services.
Paul is certain that those who believe and are
baptized will be raised up on the last day and
live with God. Baptism is a sign of this life.
We are “drowned” in the waters of baptism and
then raised up as new creatures. We are then
called to live without fear.
How many times have you charged into a
burning structure with no fear for yourself but
propelled by the goal to rescue others and extinguish the blaze. This is but one example of living without fear. Jesus has paved the way for us
clear to the end.
I would urge you to study the book of Hebrews (a tough read but worth the effort) since it
sums up what and how Jesus has done the aforementioned. I once heard the book of Hebrews
summed up thusly: Jesus has been there, done
that and got the T-shirt and has returned to us
(in the Spirit) to guide us along the way.
Live in the day, celebrate the resurrection
and be bold in the face of fear.
Presidents Report April/May 2013
April, May and June will feature some great
extra events for 4 Unit members. On April 16th
we are invited to the new CFD Training Academy on Parsons Ave, and on May 1st we will have
our annual meeting at Local 67’s Union Hall,
then we have an invite to tour and have lunch at
Station 261, Pleasant Valley Fire Department in
Plain City on May 22nd, then in June we have
our annual 4 Unit Banquet. Everyone involved
638 S. Yearling Road
Whitehall, OH 43213
614-866-COOL (2665)
OH Lic. #3040
Request Michael Huffman when calling for
pricing. A firefighter related company.
With this ad, $25.00 off any service call.
4 Unit News
April/May 2013
Ø The committee discussed rules regarding
pre-employment physicals with the recommendations to be finalized in February.
Ø Staff presented 2012 DROP statistics by
quarter. The year-end totals showed that
there were 604 new DROP enrollments
and 493 terminations during 2012. There
are 3,539 DROP participants, representing 92% of eligible participants.
Ø The 3,539 DROP participants have an
accrued total of $705,736,461 on deposit
with the Fund.
Ø There are 727 members who have terminated DROP that still have $229,006,896
on deposit with the Fund.
Ø Under the 5-year rule requirement, staff
looked at Rule 742-1-01 Continuation of
membership for part-time and volunteer
employees after transfer of assets. This
applies to certain people entering the
Fund in 1967 and is no longer applicable.
Staff recommended that the rule be rescinded and the committee agreed.
Ø The fund quit mailing out the Income tax
guides, there is no change from 2011 and
in the future members will receive notice
of any changes. The health care premium
deduction for PSO’s of up to $3000.00
on 1040 line 16b covers all health care
premiums paid through the pension fund.
 Staff presented a memorandum to the
committee concerning upcoming fees
related to the Affordable Care Act.
The Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) fee will
amount to $1 per covered life this
year and $2 per covered life the following year. This fee has already
been budgeted for the current year.
The Transitional Reinsurance Fee begins in 2014 and is estimated to be
$63 per covered life the first year and
decline to lesser amounts the following two years. The committee will
Central Ohio Retired Fire Fighters Four Unit, Inc.
Minutes of meeting on February 6, 2013 at 12:00 Noon
Place VFW Post #3426, 1591 Lockbourne Road
Columbus, Ohio
Officers present roll call: Gary Siniff, Terry
Hetzer, John Sherman, Carl Lawhorn, Mike
Peery, & Larry Baker.
Absent: Charles Burkhart & Jerry Mason
Members present: 88 Guests: 3 Total: 91
Invocation by: Larry Baker
Pledge of Allegiance led by: Mike Peery
Welcome: Gary Siniff
New Members: Art Wiley, Dash Gailand, &
Scott Skelton
Recording Sec. Report: Motion to waive the
reading of the January minutes. Motion passed.
Membership Sec. /Treas. Report:
Paid 432
Life 214
Widows 187
Checking $14,321.89 Money Market $3,002.52
CDs $8,000.00
President’s Report: President Siniff attended
the pension board meeting, and conducted normal business between meetings.
VP Report: None
Committee reports:
4 Unit News: At the printer.
Benefits Report, February 2013
The Fund closed at $12.9 Billion on
January 29, 2013.
Buck Consultants presented its latest DROP cost
-neutrality study to the full board showing that
the program was still cost-neutral to the Fund.
Ø There were 28 Initial Determination
Hearings (IDH) this month. 22 approved
4 disapproved and 2 postponed.
Ø There were 2 reconsideration hearings. 1
was increased and the other remained the
Ø There were 7 appeal hearings.
Ø There were 3 Death Benefit Fund consideration hearings. 2 were recommended
for approval and the other for disapproval.
Continued on page 4.
4 Unit News
April/May 2013
Columbus Fire Training Academy will host
an open house for 4 Unit members on April 17,
2013 starting at 10:00 am; free eats at 12:00 pm.
Harmon Dutko doing well, would appreciate
hearing from people.
Sick list: Jerry Weber, Greg Collier, Marv
Olney, Tex Bennett, & Mike Snodgrass.
have further discussion regarding
how these fees will be financed.
 In open discussion, Trustee Deighton
spoke about notification procedures
when terminating health care coverage for dependents. Re-enrollment
paperwork for dependents must be
submitted yearly and staff related
that additional notifications were
made to members who had coverage
last year , but did not submit new enrollment paperwork for 2013
 There was also discussion about notifying members of all their premium
levels (medical, prescription, dental
and vision) at the same time as notification of the 2013 AARP premium
Ø Commentary
The next Board meeting will be February 25,
26 and 27. The Monday meeting was added in
February to discuss matters that were anticipated
to take more time than is normally available on
Tuesday and Wednesday
Host: Assisted the families of Ted Schneider &
Joe Richards.
Museum: None
Banquet: None
Picnic: None
Website: Please send information to Albert Allen.
Old Business: Brent Fisher who works at CME
Federal Credit Union spoke in regards to collecting information regarding the history of the Columbus Fire Department and 4 Unit, which will
evolve into including all 4 Unit member departments.
New Business: World Firefighter Games sent us
an email wanting their information on our website.
Paul Young gave the Local 67 report.
Good and Welfare: Washington Townships
Firefighter’s Ball is March 9, 2013. Information
should be on the web site.
Retirements are listed on the web site.
PT to #5 Unit: Lowell Proper, Joe Richards, Marjorie Ijams, Ralph Boso & Bob Jordan.
Cooks: Butch Blackburn & Mike Beckman
50/50 drawing winners: Chuck Werner donated to
the 4 Unit News. Norm Parrish donated to the 4 Unit
Amount: $34.00 each.
Meeting adjourned by President Siniff at 1242
Benefits Article April/May 2013
Just when we thought all of the issues regarding the 30 year funding mandate for Ohio Police
& Fire Pension Fund were behind us for now, the
Ohio Retirement Study Council (The oversight
committee for State of Ohio Pension Funds) has
raised the issue again. The director and legislative members of the council have said the changes with Senate Bill 340 passed last year did not
resolve the issue. During a somewhat heated exchange with the new OP&F executive director
State Rep. Watchman Chair of the ORSC let
OP&F Director Gallagher know that he thought
the pension trustees and previous director ignored the law and have not submitted a correct
plan for 30 year funding of our pension fund.
Under the funding plans submitted by the
fund before SB 340 retirees made the most sacrifices. With the passage SB340 actives with less
than 15 years and new hires will receive reduced
benefits. Drop members have received reductions
in their benefits also. Retirees may see some
changes in health care in the future with a reduction of funding to the Health Care Stabilization
Fund. The Health Care Stabilization Fund is currently solvent.
My intention is to keep our members informed on issues affecting them not to cause
panic. We are waiting on the pension trustees’
reaction to the council. We must continue sup4
Continued on page 5.
4 Unit News
April/May 2013
port for our friends in the legislature and the
PFRO so that we have a voice.
The #1 health care question is about what
happens when I turn 65. Please refer to the previous articles in the 4 Unit News and the PFRO
newsletters. Be prepared when choosing your
AARP/UHC plan options. Weigh your medical
conditions, doctor visits etc. before choosing a
James Alexander
Charles Allspaugh
Julia Alwood
Martha Anthony
James Badgeley
Henry Baldwin
Arthur Ballantyne
Robert Barcus
Andrew Barga
Mike Bowman
John Brining
Vince Bruzzese
John Burkey
Eugene Carty
John Casey
Joyce Cassady
Linda Clark
Robert Clemons
Nolan Coey
Robert Coles
William Cook
Larry Cope
Karl Davis
Virginia Dennis
Donald Deuschle
Mary Durfee (Kirwin)
Harmon Dutko
Kathleen Ebersbach
Leonard Figliola
Gerald Fink
Garnet George
Richard Glasspoole
Louis Goodrich
Linda Gorby
Paul Goss
Preston Gowl
John Green
Daniel Green
Paul Greer
Thomas Guth
Tommy Hackett
John Hall, Jr.
William Hall
Edward Hammel
John Hammond
Robert Hathaway
Patricia Hausberger
Larry Hilbert
Thomas Hill
Richard (Sam) Huff
William Huiss
Norris Ijams
Dale Ingram
John Ivory
Michael Johnson
Ruth Kemmerling
John Kern
James Kessler
Thomas Kleinline
Gary Knapp
“A Connecticut Yankee
in King Gary’s Court.”
Hello comrades! My name is Joe Kozlaski
and I’m from North Haven, Connecticut; that is
just north New Haven ( ha, bet you’d never figure that one out). My department started in
1912. We run an engine, ladder and rescue.
I was in the area and stopped by the recent 4
Unit meeting. We have no “4 Unit” since we
work on “division shifts”, but I like your concept. It was good experience for me to be here.
I liked the way you welcomed “new boy”
Rick Cahill, recently retired. I was impressed
that you have 685 members, 214 of them life
members. My department only has 30 people on
I was a bit confused when the president said
the executive board met at Station 72; we name
fire stations in Connecticut. I heard you’re having an election in June; with that many members
I’m sure you’ll have good candidates. Your
benefit report was of course interesting since
some day I’ll be in the retired ranks too. 30 year
funding seems like a great idea.
I wish I could stay to go to the Washington
Township Fire MDA Gala, sounds fun the way
President Siniff described it. And boy o boy I
wish I could attend the Local 67 Homebrew
event. But then I was told we get to eat too.
The penne pasta was yummy with little bits of
tomato interspersed. I liked the salad and mixed
vegetables too but the cake was out of sight ( I
snuck back for a second piece). I had to settle
for a Budweiser. Up our way is the Thomas
Hooker Brewery and it is my favorite.
Thanks for the hospitality and be safe.
John Knight
William Knox
Nadine Kuhn
Richard Langwasser
Ron Lavely
Rich Lawless
Mary Jo Leonhardt
Gary Littleton
Steven Mangini
James Manring
Steve Marzluf
Clifford Mason
Michael Massie
Walter Matheny
Roy McClure
James McConaha
Floyd McCoy
Charles McGrath
Frank Merz
Marco Miller
Stephen Mills
Robert Moore, Jr.
Michael Murphy
Daniel Paxton
Daniel Pertee
Krista Pfeifer
John Phillips
Theodore Porter
Ronald Radar
Russell Rebtoy
Arline Ries
Lyod Rife
Mitch Ross
Bernard Rothe
Gary Roush
Stephen Russell
John Schirtzinger
Terry Schneider
Robert Schwab
Matt Seipel
Clifton Sharpe
James Sharps
Don Sherrod
Phil Snyder
Sue (Green) Soriano
Robert Sowers, Sr.
David Stiles
Dwight Stutler
Michael Such
Daniel Sutphen
John Taylor, II
Virginia Temple
George Thomas
Donald Tinnermann
Shelby Tudor
Ron Ward
Paul Weber
Danny Weber
Russell Welch
Kathryn White
Continued on page 6.
4 Unit News
Art Wiley
Brian Willison
Robert Willison
Bruce Wolf
Jerry Yeater
June Zito
April/May 2013
David Zwayer
Central Ohio Retired Fire Fighters Four Unit, Inc.
Minutes of meeting on March 6, 2013 at 12:00 Noon
Place VFW Post #3426, 1591 Lockbourne Road
Columbus, Ohio
Officers present roll call: Gary Siniff, Terry
Hetzer, John Sherman, George Popovich, Carl
Lawhorn, Mike Peery, & Larry Baker.
Absent: Charles Burkhart & Jerry Mason
Members present: 49 Guests: 0 Total: 49
Invocation by: Larry Baker
Pledge of Allegiance led by: Mike Peery
Welcome: Gary Siniff
New Members: Rick Cahill
Recording Sec. Report: Motion to waive the
reading of the February minutes. Motion
Membership Sec. /Treas. Report:
Paid 471 Life 214 Widows 187
Checking $13,859.79 Money Market
Checking $3,007.91 CDs $8,000.00
President’s Report: There was an Executive
Board meeting on February 13, 2013 at Station
72. There were discussions on the future of 4
unit and we had lunch with the crews.
Elections are coming up with nominations at
the May meeting and voting at the June meeting.
The President, Secretary, and Trustee position
will not seek re-election. Vice President possibly will not run.
Bob Keefer is handling the 4 Unit apparel
VP Report: None
Committee reports:
4 Unit News: None
Benefits: March 6, 2013
The Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund
closed at $12.8 Billion on February 27, 2013.
The OP&F Trustees held a special meeting
on February 25th to discuss Affordable Care Act
Fees, Health Care Subsidies and Disability Topics.
Ø Affordable Care Act Fees
· Some of the fees to the fund reported last
month have been revised.
1. The 2013 fee of $1.00 per covered life
($26,440) has been budgeted.
2. The 2014 fee will be $2.00 per covered
life and has not been budgeted. It should
remain the same for 2015
3. The Transitional Reinsurance fee effective in 2014 will only be assessed for
non-Medicare members estimated @
$63.00 per covered life or $650,000.00.
These fees will be charged to the Health
Care Stabilization Fund and should have
a negligible effect on the Fund.
2012 Health Care costs were
$182,975,000. The estimate for 2013 is
Ø Indexing Health Care Subsidies
Discussion covered these examples and
1. Subsidy of 3% a year based on
actual years of service with no
credit for purchased time and
transferred time with a 75% max.
2. Including purchased time and
transferred time in years of service.
Staff legal counsel advised the trustees
some parts of the Affordable Care Act
may forbid certain changes or affect our
“Grandfather Status.” The trustees will
set a timeline to receive needed information before they make a final decision.
This is the very beginning of any possible
Ø Disability Topics
The Disability Committee, along with the
rest of the board members, had considerable discussion about several topics.
Among these were:
Ø The status of the new mental
health testing
o This is anticipated to start mid2013
Ø Non-disabling conditions
o The members discussed eliminating “non-disabling conditions” when
Continued on page 7.
4 Unit News
April/May 2013
Ø Staff presented January 2013 DROP statistics. There were 3,538 enrolled in DROP
and 42 terminations. The 3,538 DROP participants have an accrued total of
$700,012,377 on deposit with the Fund.
Ø There are 729 members who have terminated DROP that still have $230,405,059 on
deposit with the Fund.
Ø Under the 5-year rule review requirement,
staff presented Rule 742-3-23. The rule generally reflects OP&F’s course of practice
dealing with Spousal consent/ designation of
multiple beneficiaries. Staff recommended
that the rule not be changed and the committee agreed.
Ø Adding a floor (Lowest Interest Rate Percentage) to the DROP interest rate was discussed again with no action voted on.
Ø Job description regarding OP&F membership requirements was discussed by the
Ø Trustee Petrick requested a breakdown between Police & Fire that was not in the annual actuarial valuation
 Staff presented the 2012 4th Quarter
Health Care Stabilization Fund report.
The ending balance for 2012 was
$928,802,648. That is $76,492,823 more
than was budgeted for 2012. These numbers were at the 6.75% contribution rate.
The new rate is 4.49% so these numbers
will most likely decrease.
 UHC presented the final statistics for the
Annual Change period.
1. Seminar attendance was 629.
2. 25,703 enrollment kits were mailed.
3. 3,641 forms were returned for changes.
4. 25,812 confirmation letters were
5. 668 discount applications were received and 535 were approved.
 UHC presented the timeline for the transition from Medco to Optum. There will
considering applications for disability
retirements. Statistics compiled for the
past three years indicated that adopting
this policy would have had no effect on
67% of the determinations. It was estimated that the Fund would experience an
annual savings of almost one million
dollars by removing non-disabling injuries. The savings would be cumulative.
Ø Details and impact of Dr. Johnson’s departure
o It will take about 12 months to
bring a new doctor on board and bring
him/her up to speed.
Ø Limiting post-employment eligibility period
o Changing the current rule
would require legislative action. The rule
is now 12 months.
Ø Exclusion of pre-existing conditions and General Medical Release
o The members discussed preemployment physicals and the ability to
access the members’ medical history.
Ø Investigating allegations of abuse.
o Members discussed a hot-line
for reporting allegations of abuse and the
ways and means of getting the message
out about the ramifications of abuse.
Ø Off-duty lump sum payout
o The members discussed the
benefits of lump sum payouts versus the
costs of a yearly disability benefit.
Ø There were 21 Initial Determination
Hearings (IDH) this month. 13 approved
and 8 disapproved.
Ø There were 2 reconsideration hearings. Both were increased.
Ø There were 6 appeal hearings.
Ø There was 1 Death Benefit Fund consideration hearing. It was approved
Ø The committee and full board
passed rule changes regarding preemployment physicals. (742-3-05)
4 Unit News
April/May 2013
50/50 drawing winners: Bob Foor and John
Simkins both donated to the 4 Unit News.
Amount: $16.00 each.
Meeting adjourned by President Siniff at
1250 hours.
be two mailings; members will receive new ID cards in May. Mail-ins
should transfer over; members using
pharmacies will have to place the
new ID cards on file.
 In open discussion, Trustee Deighton
spoke about changing the October
2013 meeting dates. It will be reviewed.
 Confirmation letters will contain all
benefit premiums in the future.
 We asked about changes to Medicare
Care because of The Affordable Care
Act and the rumors being generated.
We requested to have the membership informed of any changes that
Ø Commentary
We requested that information regarding
members becoming Medicare eligible be
included in the OP&F Newsletter.
Host: Assisted the Bill Schwab & Bob Jordon
Museum: None
Banquet: None
Picnic: None
Website: None
Old Business: Brent Fisher from CME Credit
Union continues his work on the history of the
Columbus Fire Department.
Open house at the Columbus Training Academy
on April 17, 2013 from 10:00 to 12:00, free
lunch at 12:00. This event is not a 4 Unit meeting.
New Business: None
Good and Welfare: Washington Townships
Firefighters Ball is March 9, 2013.
Paul Young gave the Local 67 report. Received a notice on Sam Cox’s retirement, information will be on the web site.
Sick list: John Haney, Mike Widner, & Herman
PT to #5 Unit: Marv Olney, Bill Schwab,
George Cameron, & James Watts.
Cooks: Butch Blackburn & Mike Beckman
4 UNIT WOMEN (Wives and Widows)
We invite all 4 Unit Women to our group
luncheon/meetings held on the 1st Wednesday of each month, with the exception of September, when the 4 Unit Picnic takes place.
Time: 11:00 am
Location: MCL Cafeteria, just north of the
intersection of Schrock Rd and Otterbein Ave.
Westerville, OH
Sick List
Rich Jones
Ralph Perdew
Jim Duffy
Don Werner
Jerry Weber
Mike Snodgrass
Bill Noble
John Haney
Tom Green
Those in Assisted Living
Robert Slupe
Laurals of Worthington
1030 N. High St.
Worthington, OH 43085
Art Rankin
The Woodlands at Eastland
2469 Kimberly Parkway East
Columbus, Ohio 43232
Captain Harry Throckmorton
5351 Grandon Drive
Hilliard, Ohio 43126
John Callahan
Forum at Knightsbridge
4590 Knightsbridge Blvd.
Columbus, Ohio 43214
PT’d to 5 Unit, the “Last Alarm”
Joseph R. Richards, Retired Bn. Ch. Col’s
Robert S. Jordan, FF Columbus 2-05-13
Bill Schwab, Retired Lt. Columbus 2-12-13
George W. Cameron, Retired Lt. Columbus
James E. Watts, Retired Lt. Columbus 2-14-13
Marv Olney, Retired Fire Chief Franklin Twsp
Ralph Boso, Retired FF Columbus 3-10-13
Continued on page 9.
4 Unit News
April/May 2013
Earl R. “Dick” Fetch FF Columbus 3-12-13
Marjorie Ruth Ijams, wife of Norris
Frances E. Dulin, widow of William
FLORIDA PICNIC - - Thanks to all of you who attended
the 32nd Annual S.W. Florida #4 Unit Picnic. It was again
a huge success. Thanks to Jim Zeisler, who has done a
great job for the last 18 years as our M.C. Also to John
Rees for coming down to photograph the event. Be sure to
check the website to view his work. The food was fantastic
and the ladies brought their special desserts. It is always
nice to see old friends and meet new ones. So mark your
calendar for February 28, 2014. Come on down and enjoy
the food , fellowship and friends. You’ll have a great time!
Jim Gregerson and Paul Goss at the picnic
Jim Zeisler at the podium doing his usual
Bruce Sutton and Bob Bartlett enjoying the picnic
Group picture of the men attending the Retirees Picnic in Florida.
4 Unit News
April/May 2013
The 4 Unit Retires enjoying the Annual Winter Picnic in Florida.
Group picture of the ladies attending the Florida picnic in February. Photos by John Rees
4 Unit News
1 Ray Moore
2 James Alexander
Thomas Christ
Cecil Goodrich
John Kern
3 Harold Barnes
Richard Jones
4 Robert Hathaway
Richard Morrison
Joann Welch
Bruce Wolf
5 James Brown
Gail Hayes
Naomi Roberts
6 Barbara Cahill
7 Richard Langwasser
8 Nola Green-Hough
9 Jim Gregerson
Tom Guth
Russ Solomon
10 Julia Alwood
11 Dave Carter
12 Clara Porter
James Strawser
14 Charles Campbell
James Duffey
Lois Flynn
Johanna Kirwin
June Underwood
15 William Smith
Paul Goss
16 Chester Ambrose
Pat Bonaventura
Thomas Green
Thomas Head
Richard Nieman
17 Daniel Harvey
Larry Holland
William Kirwin
18 Earl Gross
Jim Hastings
Russell Rebtoy
19 Shirley Payne
20 David Bowers
Michael Corbett
Michael Rutkowski
21 Alan Hittepole
Charles Schultz
Paul White, Sr.
22 James Blackburn
Jerry Yeater
April/May 2013
15 Karl Davis
Shirley Derouaux
Donald Tinnerman
16 Ralph Dowler, Sr
Charles Henderson
Cherie Weiler
18 Michael Beckman
Steve Clemons
Charles Kramer
20 Anne Doucette
21 Marilou Beshara
Marian Daines
22 Wayne Fisher
23 Russell Welch
24 William Huiss
William Littleton
25 Terry Dillon
23 Betty Penwell
Harley Perkins
Phillip Sheridan
Donald Werner, Jr.
S. Allan Wooten
24 John Blackburn
25 Carroll Miller
Marie Schwartz
26 Richard (Sam) Huff
27 Michael Cummins
Richard Jones
Dolores Trucco
28 Paul Ritzenthaler
John Sherman, Jr.
Donald Taylor
Ronald Temple, Sr.
29 Steve Mangini
30 John Sullivan
June Zito
1 Walter Matheny
2 Larry Barton
Michael Bates
Terry Schneider
Don Wilson
3 Patricia Hausberger
Mike Houchard
Neil Studebaker
4 John Cheatham
5 Bill Hennosy
Constance Rowe
Paul Stanley
6 Ross Husted
Albert Straub
William Voglemeir
Art Wiley
7 James Getreu
Clifford Mason
8 Carole McCord
James Seagle
Robert Slupe
9 Bob Hinebaugh
James Johnson
Michael Johnson
10 Michael Fiasconi
11 Gerald Fink
12 Larry Hinton
Ruth Hewitt
Kathleen Pfeifer
Mitch Ross
John Selvey
13 John Simkins
Gary Siniff
14 Carol Lee
25 John Eger
Jerry Mason
Murray Orlov
Russell Young
26 Samygene Bauchmire
Kelly Green
George Popvich
Carl Stone, Jr.
Harry Throckmorton
27 Paul Pettit
28 John Chapin
Ruth Paini
Robert Schwab
30 Charles Clarke
31 Joyce Lynn Cassidy
Jacob Waldon
Clifford Weate
Larry McCord and Howard Chamberlain at the picnic.
Jerry Mason, Charles Burkhart and Bob Clemons
Humor: Q: Where can men over 60 find younger, sexy
women who are interested in them? A: Try a bookstore—
— under fiction!
Q: How can you increase the heart rate of your 60+ husband? A: Tell him you’re pregnant!
4 Unit News
April/May 2013
3600 Olentangy River Road
Building 501 - 2nd Floor
Columbus, OH 43214
Office (614) 310-2400
Fax (614) 310-2402
Gwen Gloeckner
Financial Consultant and Principal
Recognized in
Business First
as one of “Columbus’
Top Fee Based
Financial Planners”
Two Years in a Row
“Winners Circle”
Top Financial Advisors
by Commonwealth
Financial Network
Your Partner in Sound Financial Strategies
Wealth Management  Risk Management
Retirement Planning  Estate Planning
Securities and Advisory Services offered through Commonwealth Financial Network,
Member FINRA/SIPC, a Registered Investment Advisor.
According to Columbus Business First Magazine in 2008 and 2009, based upon Assets Under Management
Winner’s Circle is a distinction attained by advisors affiliated with CFN. Those who qualify for this 2012 honor
were part of the top 12% of advisors at Commonwealth in 2011.
4 Unit News
April/May 2013
Central Ohio Fire Museum and Learning Center
2013 FIRE
$5.00 each
To Order: Call CHERI WEILER (614) 231-9779
“Learning from the past to save
lives in the future.”
2014 Entertainment Books
Will be available August 30, 2013
Contact Cheri Weiler at 614-231-9779
Main Office: 3378 Sullivant Avenue
Email: A-1Pest@A-1 Pest.com
4 Unit News
April/May 2013
4 Unit News
April/May 2013
4 Unit News
April/May 2013
4 Unit News
April/May 2013
4 Unit News
April/May 2013
4 Unit News
April/May 2013
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Hatfield Used Car Center
At I-270 and Gerogesville Rd.
Thank You …. Central Ohio Firefighters
Past---- Present ----- Future
We Support Central Ohio Firefighters, Retirees, Family and Friends.
Come see us for your next car purchase.
Keith Daniels, President
Hatfield Used Car Center
At I-270 & Georgesville Rd.
Presorted Standard
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Columbus, OH
Permit No. 5964
4 Unit News
5935 N. High St., #109
Worthington, OH 43085-3974
4 Unit News
▪ Investments
▪ Insurance
▪ Financial Planning
Specializing in the unique
Financial Planning needs of
Firefighters and Police Officers
Pension Maximization Strategy
● “Independent Thinking”
● Retirement Planning
Working in Columbus and
Cincinnati area
Investment Representative
(513) 589-2400
Call or email for a complimentary meeting
Over the phone or in person.
Securities offered through NATIONAL PLANNING CORPORATION (NPC), Member FINRA/SIPAC. Advisory services offered
Through Advantage Investment Management (AIM), a Registered Investment Advisor. Souders Financial Services, Inc., NPC and
AIM are separate and unrelated companies