First Issue 2013 Newsletter


First Issue 2013 Newsletter
First Issue 2013 Newsletter
Greetings Remington Park Homeowners,
In a few weeks spring will officially arrive. It’s time
to mulch, prune, trim, cut, and clean. Rest assured
that your grounds maintenance and pool committees
are hard at work to ensure that our common areas
get the attention needed. It’s up to everyone else
to do their part as well to keep Remington Park
looking great!
As you read through the committee reports that
follow, think about what you can do to help out.
Your Board tries hard to keep our HOA Dues low by
keeping the management of Remington Park on a
strictly volunteer basis. However, it takes volunteers
to do that. Our new Vice President, Will Allen, is
actively recruiting for a volunteer to take over his
position as he steps up to President next year. We
also have several projects planned during the summer
months where volunteers will be needed. Why not
step up and do your part? Volunteer a lot or just a
little, it’s your choice. Feel free to contact me directly
if you’d like to get involved.
On another note… I’ve been reading that crime
rates in Colleyville are at a 21 year low. At the same
time I see many reports of identity theft in our city.
Please be vigilant and protect your information.
The Colleyville Police Department has instituted a
new program and assigned a Community Affairs
Coordinator to Remington Park. Her name is Toni
Oyler and you can contact her at 817.503.1241. She
came by to speak at our last board meeting and
shared her vision of how she would like to interact
with our neighborhood. You can read about her
suggestions and updates elsewhere in this newsletter.
Speaking of our new newsletter, we hope you like
the new format and content. Advertising revenue is
paying for the production and distribution so it’s not
costing homeowners anything extra. We realize that
we only have about 60% of our homeowners email
addresses and we want to try and close that gap.
It’s our hope we can do a better job reaching every
homeowner in Remington Park.
Let me know what you think.
Yours in Service,
Bob Putnam,
President, RPHOA
(817) 688-7632
Boy Scout Needed
A Boy Scout is needed to
monitor the US and Texas flags
in the front of our subdivision
as a scout service project.
This person would be responsible
for lowering and raising the
flags during appropriate periods
and notifying the grounds chairperson, Larry
Lewis, when flags are tattered and need
replacing. Please phone or email Larry at
(817) 427-3283 or if
you are interested.
Social Committee
Architectural Committee
We have two upcoming social events for our
Remington Park community. The first is our spring
Garage Sale on Friday, April 26 and Saturday, April 27.
Watch for a flyer coming soon through our Remington
Park e-blast system with all the details you need to
participate. Remember Remington Park only allows
two garage sales a year. If you miss this one, you
won’t get another chance until this fall.
The architectural committee will be doing their
comprehensive, semi-annual review of the
neighborhood soon. Please help them by meeting the
community’s rules and regulations.
The next upcoming event is the Spring Fling Pool
Party on Saturday, May 4. This will replace the pool
party we had last June, as the weather promises to
be a bit cooler. The event will be catered and open to
all Remington Park Residents at no cost. This is a fun
way to meet your neighbors.
If you are not familiar with our guidelines, they
can be found on the Resident’s Tab of our website:, User ID:  RPUser 
Password: 2012RP  Deed Restrictions, Bylaws, and
Articles of Incorporation  Convenents  Sections
9 & 10.
If you have questions, please direct them to
RPHOA President, Bob Putnam at 817.688.7632 or
Bunko has started and has been great fun. If you are
interested in becoming a Substitute, please contact
Holly Lawlor at We are meeting
the 2nd Thursday of each month.
The duty of the Architectural Control Committee is
to ensure that our mutually agreed guidelines are
followed for the common good of our neighborhood.
This ultimately protects all of our property values
Madeline Daraio
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Dan Mathisen
Remington Park
Semi- Annual
Garage Sale
Friday & Saturday
April 26 & April 27th
8:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Please call
Madeline Daraio to be Included
Call 817-503-4021 or email
Leave name, address & descriptions
of any large items.
If you have remaining items you wish to donate to a
charity, please call a charity.
Remember Change $$ for your Buyers
Please leave signs by your mailboxes for pick up on Saturday after 2:00.
Remington Park Pony Express
Being Annoyed by Solicitors? Treasurer’s Report
Wondering about how to stop those pesky
solicitors? Here’s the scoop according to Toni Oyler,
Community Affairs Coordinator for the Colleyville
Police Department.
All solicitors must obtain permission to solicit through
our police department. When they receive this
permission, they will be given a lime green badge
on a cord, which must be clearly displayed around
their necks. The front of the badge has a picture of
the individual, the name of his / her company, the
permit type, and the permit expiration date. No legal
solicitation can occur after 4:30 PM or on a Sunday.
If you wish no solicitation to occur at your home,
you must post a sign, which is clearly visible on the
door, on the glass windows around the door, or on
the porch wall somewhere near the door. Again,
the key here is “clearly visible”. A posting in the
garden, for example, near your home security system
sign would not qualify as visible according to the
police department.
The Colleyville website ( has pictures
of acceptable signage you can purchase. To view
this page, choose “Department” from the top menu
and then “Police Department” from the choices given.
You will see in the left column, under the picture of
the Colleyville Justice Center, a link to “Solicitation
Guidelines for Citizens and Applicants”. Examples of
acceptable signage are located on this page.
Should you receive any solicitation with this
sign posted AND the solicitors are still in the
neighborhood, you must call the non-emergency
number, (817) 431-1515, immediately. The solicitor
will be picked up and fined.
If you have the sign posted and you return home
to “paper hanging” solicitation, then you should go
to the website NOT the non-emergency number. In
this case you must fill out a complaint form using
the paperhanger’s information. These forms are
located on the Police Department Page, far left
column. Click on “Solicitor Permit Guidelines”. This
will bring up several options. Choose “Commercial
Home Solicitation and Commercial Home Distribution
Citizen Complaint”.
2012 was a great year for Remington Park; with home
sales on the rise, our income slightly exceeded our
expectations and with the mild winter, our expenses
were far less than anticipated. In fact, we are able to
move just over $19,000.00 to our 2013 reserve fund.
With our neighborhood entering our 13th year, we
are surely going to encounter some long term repair
items with the ponds, playgrounds, sports courts, pool
and other areas.
We already have a Gas Lease Fund and Cash
Reserve total of $160,495- before the addition of the
above funds. While this number does look big, we
must remember that our annual budget is around
$150,000. Ground Maintenance is about 35% of that
figure, repairs are about 30%, and utilities are close
to 19%.
As noted in our Annual Report:
Just to give you some insight into how we saved
some expenses this year; we changed the entry
way lights from gas to LED bulbs, saving $1,500
annually in gas. Ponds: Larry has stayed on top
of the (somewhat aggressive pond folks) to keep
our expenses down by HALF ($2,328). Our Fire Ant
Treatment- down by $2,500- due to some do-ityourself work here as well. Another large savings is
the $2,000 saved on the irrigation budget; jointly
saved by Dan’s efforts along with a major savings
from Larry’s aggressive negotiation on the sprinkler
head replacement system- reducing our costs from
$95/head to $5/head.
Walt Mills
(817) 271-0353
If you have more questions, feel free to phone
(817) 514-9231 or email me,
You could also contact Toni Oryler, (817) 503-1241, at
the Colleyville Police Department.
First Quarter 2013
Grounds Committee
Winter has slowed the pace the grounds committee
had become accustomed to, however with some
of the warm weather that we are having trees are
starting to bloom, and grass is starting to green back
up so we will soon be back in full operation.
I want to thank Heather McPherson and Linda
Charters for being in charge of putting up the
Christmas lights. We will be looking at the possibility
of adding electrical supply to the areas because
we are currently limited on light display by lack of
electrical power.
All of the walking paths have been cleaned and
vegetation has been cut back. This will allow for
better clearance on canopies overhead and vegetation
on the side growing into the path. We continue to
have complaints from residents regarding pet owners
not cleaning up after their pets, please be respectful
of others!
The front well pump had to be replaced. Fortunately
it was still under warranty so the cost was for labor
only. The large fountain in the middle pond stopped
working due to a pump malfunction, again we lucked
out because it was still under warranty and repair
cost was labor only. Just so you’ll have an idea of
what cost we can have with our entire infrastructure
upkeep, the pump would have cost $980 plus labor.
bad repair, we had requests from many residents to
address the situation.
We have lost several large trees on the grounds area
as many of you have observed. We are going to
implement a plan where we will start replacing those
trees, one or two a year so that not all the trees will
be the same age. To keep costs down they may
not be as large as we would like but will be bought
based on drought tolerance and native to the area for
longer life.
I think we are living in a great area with impressive
grounds and ponds please enjoy them. If you have
suggestions or observe a problem that needs to be
addressed please let me know.
Larry Lewis,
Grounds Committee Chairman
Block Captain Committee
New residents in Remington Park will receive a
notebook containing a directory of residents as well as
neighborhood restrictions and other valuable information.
Block captains as listed below are responsible for the
areas indicated. If you have any questions please contact
Mary Miller at (817) 498-8996.
We are addressing several drainage problems this
winter while we don’t have to mow. The drainage
in some areas was so bad it prevented us from
being able to mow after rain and not damage the
grounds. Drains were added to the middle pond
area to address the situation. We have a drainage
problem at the front entrance along McDonwell
School road, every time it rained there was a large
area that left standing water on the West front
entrance. The standing water was eventually going
to cause us to lose some trees plus it was an ideal
spot for mosquitoes. Dan Edwards has the equipment
and the expertise to survey the area and designed
a drain plan which is being implemented. Thanks to
Dan’s help and knowledge we were able to save a lot
of money.
I’m sure many of you have noticed that we replaced
both basketball goals with professional goals and
pads that are on the sport court area. The existing
goals had been there for over 11 years and were in
Remington Park Pony Express
Pool committee
There is very little to report about
the pool area due to the time
of year.
There have been no major
repairs needed on the pool or its
equipment, I’m happy to report.
The wading pool has some stains
due to the plaster wearing thin
allowing dirt and debris to get
into the pores of the actual gunite
structure. The pool company
attempted a limited acid bath to
remove them with no success.
We are looking into the cost of
plastering the wading pool. If
the cost is reasonable we
will move forward but please
remember there are no safety
issues with the pool, it is
strictly cosmetic.
Our pool service has been
excellent and they are performing
well within budget.
During the winter months we have
turned off the water to the cabana
area to prevent water pipes from
freezing to avoid repairs. Also we
stopped cleaning of the restroom
areas for January and February to
save money.
We will be opening these areas
and resuming cleaning as the
weather is warming. Also the
normal pool cleaning will begin
towards the end of March and
we will open the pool as the
weather warms.
We encourage the use of the
cabana area facilities for resident
get-togethers. Use your facilities.
Spring Fling Pool Party
Catered Dinner and Drinks
Bounce Houses for the kids
May 4th, 2013 - 5:30 PM to 9PM
Dinner Served from 6 PM to 7:30 PM at the Pool Cabana
Sponsored by Remington Park HOA
No cost for Remington Park Residents
Feel free to bring your own chairs and appetizers
RSVP required by April 27th
Voice Mail - 817-503-4021 or Email -
If you have any questions or
suggestions please feel free
to contact.
Ralph LaRovere
Chairman Pool Committee
First Quarter 2013
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