GENEALOGICAL LISTING DESCENDENTS OF ITZAK ELI BERNSTEIN, 1838 - 1914 (approx) OF KREMINICZ AND LANOV]TZ. POLAND Compiled January 1974, by: Cecil Shnier - Joanne Be::nstein Winnipeg, Canada Sheps THE BERNSTEIN MISPOCHA GENERAL Winnipeg, HEADQUARTERS 1 Canada Winnipeg, Manitoba To the Menbers of the Bernstein Mishpocha, The reenonec to the rrFamily Treerr sent out last Feb::uary was nost g?atifying. Special thanks are due to Irma Semler Banasky (242), Ann Berns celfat (13I), Betty Be::ger (45), and Philip Sopinsky (64), for the illuninating background infornation fwnished by them' Fron the data received, Joanne Be::nstein Sheps (1431), has compiled a card index file which contains a sePal:ate data card for. each fanily member. From it we were able to prepare a fai::Iy complete genealogical and geographic listing which is reproduced in this booklet. Since the infor"nati.on we received was not in a1l cases cornplete, some of the younger family members nay have been omitted, and some of the data such as occupation' maiden names and addr"esses is missing. In many cases, also the bj.rth and death dates are only guesses, and may be significantly in emor. We are therefone enclosing a return envelope togethe" with several blank data sheet fol:ms which we would like you to use to coryect any emors or omissions that you may notice. A11 data received wifl be immediatety entered into the card index file so that reasonably cunrent and accurate infor'rnation would be available to any intelrested famil-y merDer. At some time in the future we hope to be able to publish a new Family T::ee in which the listings should be more accurate and conplete. At that tirne we would advise a1l- mernbers that such a listing is being prepared' so that you may rePort any intervening births, deaths, maniages and address changes. The geog::aphic listing contains the names, addresses and occupations of al-1 members fo:: whom complete add::esses fu::nished, and these are the only nerbers to whom of this booklet have been mail-ed. Additional copies will be sent to others on request, as soon as we :receive conpleted data sheets showing their current add::esses. have been As a result of the publication of the February family listing we have ::eceived a t:equest flom the Jewish Historical Society of Western Canada for a copy of the final listing when available. A copy of this booklet has the::efo::e been furnished to then for their a::chives. Each of the seven children of ltzak Eli who A new atl-digit nunbering system has been used in this listing. emigrated to North Ame:rica has been assigned a one digit number, from one to seven' in o:rder of age' Each gr"andchild is then assigned a two digit nuf,lber, the first of which is taken from his palent, and the second is assi.gned according to his position in his family. The third generation is identified by a three digit number of which the first two are taken fi:om the parent and the third acconding to position in the family. The nunber of digits therefo::e indicates the number of generations that the menber is removed from ltzak EIi, and the digits beginning from the right identify the menber and each of his forbears. Thus Co::rine Banasky Gruden is identified by the nunben 2421' which indicates that she is in the fou:rth generation, and that she is the first child of the second child, (Irma Semler Banasky) of the fourth child (Fr:ed Sen1er), of the second child (Ansia Bernstein Semler) of Itzak E1i' We have cornpiled an outline story of ltzak Eli and his children based mostly on our recollection of stories told in our childhood which were often second and third hand. lle therefore cannot vouch for the accul:acy of this account but hope that it will elicit corrections and fuller details from those of you who nay have better information. If any of you have photographs of Itzak E1i,, Toba, or their childr:en we would apPl:eciate copies, which we would hope to include in the next issue of the fanily tree. In the meantine, we hope that this listing will give you a feeling of identification with the and will make it easier for you to re-establish family contacts whenever you travel in a::eas where Youn coments, cor:r.ections or: suggestions will be welconed. Belnstein Mishpocha' other nembers live. ,fue,* Sincerely, uecf-t bnnler (rr)., For the Winnipeg Mishpocha ' .ueuaoS pue 3u1lu1 sJaqloJq s1q dq panolloJ uoos spA aH 'p+T EuT+nqlJ+srq oJsa9 auocaq o+ spA +Eq+ ssauTsnq aql lJP+s o+ oluoJoJ o+ pa1ou Jaruqs a8Joae.ra+pT sJead uaa+JtJ 'sualqord,{11ue3: aq1 LI}Tn paTdn3aoaad sBn oqn uTa+surag sTJJol,'l '6Tuo laau o+ aTqe see aur+ +pq1 +p +nq e36f ur Sadruurg palTST^ ppq uloJg xEW 'ITSJ^ TpuoJsecoo aq+ r{q pue lreu .{q panulluoc peq saqcup;q uecTJauv pup uElppupC aq+ uaastraq +Je+uoC 'eqcodqsr;4 upTpEreC aql Jo aJ+uac aq+ auecaq ule8e 3ad;uu111 p Srrqcpal sEA uoJlEJaua8 ffau V 'Bad1uu114 o+ pauJnleJ s{oog aql pue '3ad1uu114 Jo q+nos aq+ o+ uo+ fTPus p .uos,rau3 ol lceq ATTueJ aBJpT sTq q+TA pa^ou JaTuqS aqsroq'uolssardap aq+ Jo +unoJoe uo d11aed tOe6T {g ";::l:i :fi";"i:i:il=:i"$r;"::::l::$"1-:irl';:il'fir:t:=-":l ll*:":lliililJl.::: rrrrrrs ,(r.rpr ar. rd adprrax aq+ ror 3u1+unou ar{l JapTnoqs o+ +Jaf d11ueg alerpauuT aq+ Jo raquau dluo aq1 spn parJJEu d11uaca,r peq oq{ 'sTJJo!^1 'uaJPTrqc fTeus 6TaPqcTI"l aadr{+ pue ag:rn Euno,{ € fJaT oqA 'aqv dq pafloTToJ 'paTp TIE ueTrTI.l ral{+ou sTq pu€ 'TdEad aJtA sTq Tarqcatr sq+uou AaJ E Jo po1;ad e u1q114 .3ad1uu111 u1 8u1u1eua.r'ZT'eq+.rafi pue'TZ ssTrrofi'0e 'eqv ueJpTTqc sTq pup'uETrT!^l ral{1ou slq .aJ:Tn sTq.laeqclp Tarqcai dluo 1g:a1 s1q; .sexal pue euoqeT)io uT uTet{c arols draco.t8 da131g d18316 aq+ ur palTolur ses oqu .rmdsuaa;e sTJJot{ 'ulsnoc srJaq+ou Jaq Jo uoT+e+r^uT aq} +p EuoqeT{O o+ sJeq q+fn pa^ou peq asou uuv puP 'PurBaU o+ pueqmq raq qtTtr pa^ou peq 11ne6 duue3 'suag o+ auEu sTq pauauoqs aq areq$ salaBuy soT o+ dTrupJ sTq q+Tfl pelou .&:aeg .paAIT loog qcsJaH pup efsspg aaaql d113 ,:e1g uoa3: saTfu sal p upnaqc+p{sps 'uoJTal^l o+ palou pup ruorssaca; ren-1sod aq+ 3u1tnp sastaaaa ssaulsnq paraJJns ser{ raTuqs aqsJoi4l uoa; +no peaads peq dTTueJ aql Jo +sour Ze6l [5, .,,pTog ltrpTrT;^l' aureu aq+ srpaq auolsppaq raq araqn 'toTd dTTupJ uTalsaT{uTJ aq1 u1 SadluuTll uT paT,rnq seu eqs 'e8 Jo a8e 3ad1uu;11 aql o+ pelou sen pue stl+uou flaJ e ,{q '1aeqa16 Tarqratr uos uT paTp ar{s arar{tr ,ruTue{ez eql +noqe +e ZZ6I sufsnoc SadTuuI^.1 aq+ 'azTS a^T+nuTuTp raq Jo esnecaq pue 3erssPg pue fread raq pa^TT+no aqs .upepg aT11TT aql, dar{ paTTEc ^pqsol.l, (ua1g:o .raq 8u1aes saaqloupueaS rraq+ uoa; Jeq qsTn8uT+sTp oI 'LtspunqC aq+ ro pnuTel aq1 turpea.r qcdod aq+ uo 8uTl+Ts (TePqcT}l TaTqcal uos TTecad pup {raq pa+IsT^ uadpTTqopupd8-1eaa8 SedluuT4 daq Jo daq+o pue I araqtr 'anualv uTefunol4 uo pa^ou aqs ar{sTobl pup qeJps 'uarpTrqcpuerS raq pup uTa}saT{uTJ TaAaJ AET-uf-Jaq+oJq .req Jo *dq JU squq sq+ v+u s+aoJJa ]uTo! aq+ q8no.rq+ Bad5uu114 o1 lq8noaq uaq+ sptr pup apfi pTrol{ +srTJ aq+ q8norq+ zcrurua{, ur paureuar rer.rr}l 'tg6T +noqp q+eep raq TT+un TarlcsraH pup faq+g qtTM tlT^oup.I ur paurpulsr pqoJ,'hT6T lnoqe 'qf,eap s,JTg IPZ+I ra+JV .uaJpT'!q3 rTar{t Jo due ro uaql Jo prmoJ uaeq ecuTs spq acer+ ou pue 6e6T uT pueTod pape^uT srzpN oq+ ueqA adaql TfTf,s atau daql .seTfTuEJ rTaq+ pesrpr pup paTrrpu ,{aq+ araqA puEfod uT peuTeuar TaqcsraH puE Taqlg 'flrueg aq1 q+TA +ce+uoc +soT pup .pagaluoc 'u€rssnd p paTJJeu peq qedps Ja+srs dTaq& 'uoJg ol uTa+suag uorJ aueu sTq SuTBuPqc .dITTqd uos raq.[q sn o1 .o1eg:g:ng uT par+las pue palea8gua xpl^l auT+ eups aq+ +noqv '+a1)tooq sTq+ uT pecnpoJdeJ sr paqsTurmJ +ced+uoc a8eT.r.reu aaq 3:o .[doc y 'e1qd1ape1Tqd noJ uTq l1+Tfl +JaT ra+JEaraq+ dT+roqs pue 'z+r^oueT uT aT6T raqraca0 se uoos se pe+pJBTure rsqoo pup xEI{ uaJpTTqc sreqoJ u1 ,$1suldog fapelsl paTJJEu rsqoo 'a8p Jo auec ^aql '.raq1ou-da+s Jaq Jo oueu uapTEu eq+ sp auPs aq+ spfl auputns srpupqsnq puocas .Iaq +pq+ acuepTcuT-oc edeu e ,flpalqnoptm seu 11 'xeq .uos pJTq+ raq aroq pup JaTssaI perrrEu aqs puET+aod o+ pa^ou aqs .reup ,{11roqs pup EcTrauV q+.loN uT araqA.fup pwuap lear8 uf aras sflopTn ro sT.rf8 aTBUTS r{srtraf euTl +pq+ +V 'pupT+rod uT .Iaq uTof o+ tefsuv 'Jalsts tsepTo raq ,{q pallaur spe eTqC Badluu;g uT srpaf flaJ e Ja+JV 'Toot{cs ,{.reu1.rd papua+te pup .f,A.mcs ,roJ +uau+ead+ palTacal {rEf puE troq sen ues euT+ qclqu 8ulanp s.:ead na3: e rog: dlyue; s}q puE TapqcTI,[ TaTqcatr r{+Ts pe^IT al{s adaqu 3ad1uu14 01 uos ,raq pue pTqC tulaq o1 apeu aJaA sluaua8ueaay .sa{a raq oJoJaq qlEop o+ paqspTs spA pueqsnq Jaq sure .iraq uT {cpf 3u;p1oq sel .auT+ aq+ +E uES q1T$ +ueuEard sps oqx 'p?qt aTTqj4 'sTatre! pue .{auour Jo t-lcrEas uT s)tesso3 Jo f+JPd P ,{q papTer sen auoq dTer{l 906T +noqy 'pupTod u1 8u1u1euaa auo +seT eqt snqt sefl'uo+ToJ paTrrEu ppq oqn'ua.lpfrqc sruPTrTr'l ;:o lsa8uno.r{ aq+ .eTr{} 'TdnossTl,l'sTno.I '+S o+.[pi,rrar{+ punoJ uarpfTq. pup xe!{ pueqsnq Jaq q+T}.t'aaB,rag EparJ eTTqA .uo8a,rg .pueT+dod o+ pa+pa8rua peq uaapTTqc rTaql q+TA raTuas uoel pu€qsnq pue 'pTsuv auT+ aures aql +noqv .saTdalTtap aq+ epeur pue osJor{ eq+ papual ssauTsnq rog: apnlrlde ,{ue lnoqlrn upul paueaT aT+ua8 P seff or{n 'TaPqclr,l faTqcal aTfqn aJTfl srTaTqcatr ,{q un.r sex aJo+s aql 'dere s>1ao1q xoJ p anue^V uT€}mol4l trt uo a^oqe surooJ q+Tn .3.rots B o+ palou JalpT pw .anuely pJoTJ h6t +E asnoq p uT +sJTJ paayl daqg, 'TeAeJ uorJ dleq; auos q+Tx 3ad1uu111 o1 a8edoa irTaq+ enuTtuoc o1 'uadpTTqc .repTo aq+ pup TapqaTH TaTqcatr Jo s8uru.rea aq+ urorJ ,{auou q8noua a^es o+ aTge a.ran.daql puel8ug u1 srea.f, aeJq+ .lno upc.r{auou,rraql aJoJeq'pueT8ug qcEal ot aTCIp e.ral'r {aq+ acuaqn uroJJ .eTd+snv o+uT irapaoq aq+ sso.rce sa^Tasuaq+ et8Enus o+ aTqe ares uedpTtqc ua^as pue aJTA sTq q+Tn TaPqcTN TaTqcal .raTT.rpa sutT+ lJoqs v .ueAaqc+e{sEs udaq+.roN uI uorleTndod Pa.punq AaJ P Jo uAo+ P '.[+TJ ,IEls uT paT++as ,:ra+JParsq+ r{11,roqs pue 3ed1uu111 o+ pa+ex8rua uarpTrqc ,rTaq+ qlTA )toog qcs;aH pup pTsseg uJq uoq dlaq auros q11g 's+xa+ {.rolsrq ueTpeuPC auos ur pauoTluau sr pup .aape.r+-imJ EqolTuEH .reouord € auocaq ppq fa^etr 'naTTrEa srpa{ auos 3ad1uu111 o+ Po+ed8rua PEq PUP uTa+sTa{uTJ Ta^eI paTJirpu ppq Ez+Tau ,:e+sTs uTn+ s,uETJTl.l '906T pue 006T uae[+aq PcTJautv tl+doN o+ pa+eJSTua TTP ue.rpTTqc sruET,rTI.l sasraaar naq+dnJ 3u11ed1c1tuy 'pa+ecsTJuoc sex uEJ sfq pup ureJpq+Ti sen preT uo o+ uTq 3u5++1uuad JPzc aq+ uro,rJ uoTlEsuadslp leycads aql .es;alal e paJeJJ:ns saunuoJ TecT+TTod s,TTg )FzlJ d,rnluac aq+ Jo u.m+ oql +noqv 'zcruTue(:Ix uf pauTpluar uedpTTqc raq puE ueTrTI"l aTTqx deue sa11u na3: e (ilraoup.l o+ pelou €qo; pue oH 'uaapTTqc raq Pue .raq ltoddns o+ panuf+uoc aq pup aTqecFlp pauTeua{ dlluaaedde uJeTJI}l rilTu suoT+pTaa sTH 'uaJpTTr{c aJou aATJ [trq aaoq oqn 'upuon ta8tmo,t qcnu p .EqoJ ..{.re1a,:cas sTq peT.:aeu puE ,,11a8,, e pe,mco.rd aq 888T +noqv 'oJTT Jo dpn TPUoT+Tpp,r} raq pauTe+aa ppq ueTrTI.l aTTqff .rupTftctdg,, pue .pa1ecT1slqdos 'uepou auoaaq ppq oq 'daTTe^e,r+ puE ueussauTsnq TnJssacans P sV 'pa8uealsa aue"aq upTrrTl,l pup aq uarpTTqc a^TJ pasTpJ pup (s,:ead.mo3:-d+uelrl lnoqe peTJireu uaaq peq eq,ralJv 'irETor-lcs crpnuTpJ e 'sT +Pq+ ',,uaqcoq3 pnuTEJ,r p oq o+ .TaeqcTl"l TaTqcal .uos +sapTo srq pasTeJ eq 'auT+ ar{t Jo sAaf dqlleen Jo uoT}Tper+ eI{+ uI ',he+aJcas pup .radaalamoq srq uaeq pEq aJTr't puocas srq ..raTssa) pqoJ pue 's,rosT^,radns sTq Jo euo uaaq ppq elsseg,.ralq8nPP sTq PoTrdPItl oqra .1oog qcs.rag .ssauTsnq +uanaJJTp s1q u1 aldoad duetu Suldoldura 'acuanTJuT pue q+TEor'r Jo u€u e sEA aq autTl sTq Jo spaepuels aq1 .,{g .fla;qaH ur pa+ecnpa TTax aq o1 pelndaa sEA oqtr ueuon snor811ar ,{1daap 'TTEus P 'PTog uefJTI,l paTrreu Pu€ saJn+ua^ TeT,f+snpuT pue;:^ u1 pa8e3ue ag 'pTSsnU pup pupTod 'eT.r+gnv Jo +,red seuTl luaJaJJTp +E sEA lEq+ aculao*d p .EJcTTee uT .zcfuTuarx JEau +apJ+ aBJpT e paseqcand ag 'erssnd uT sflaf o+ pafuap asTruaq+o spx +Bql a8a1lal.rd E .puET o+ aT+T1 pToq o+ uTq 8uT+lTnlrad ,rez3 aq1 uo.rJ uof+esuadslp lelcads uTeB o+ aTqP sEtr aq qcfqn dq suollcauuoc 1ec1111od auos sp TTafl sE.1e1ldec auos pe+BTnmccp elpq o1 paaeadde aq'samluaA asaq+ uo;J '+sEg aTppTI.l aq+ PUP llalanJ, sp rBJ sE uTq )too+ +Eq+ so.mlua^ Bulpeal snoprezeq Tp.lalas {oo+rapun Tfg {pz+I'q+no.{ srq uT +Eq+ pTol are efi .Jo AouI deu nod Jo sJaq+o +Eqf, sTle+ap 'saTcEJnccEuT .6ueur uleluoc {Pu +T pueq pJTq+ pup TpuoT+TppE Jo suoT+ca;,roa ,tue 8ull1acaa a1e1ca,:dde aaoJareql pTnom I puocas TTp sr uor+puJoJuT aq+ acuTs .palaedap Aou aJB uotiA Jo TTE (Xoog efssEg +une-+eat8 du uoq puP'ura+suag sTJ.ron aleun dur .JaTur{S qpJes .Jaq+ou du ,{q p1o1 saTJo+s Jo uoT+caTToca,r Lu uo,r3: /\T+sou uAeJp sT tunof,f,P 3u1no11o3 aql ,ra-puqg 11ca3 ,{g - lN39ol{d srH cNV NrSrslrdSg rrs )vzJr 'z o. and by Joe and coldie Plottel, and A]Ian PauLl,. Visits we:re regulanly exchanged Uax and Rose Brown in Buffalo, which was only one hundned miles distant, and the occasional visit was made to the Sopinsky farnily. Goldie and Nornan Book kept in touch with the Semler and Berger families, and Dobsi Sopinsky paid a visit to Winnipeg in the early l950rs' David Bergel: was stationed in Oklahoma during the Second World lla", as was Al-len Brom during the Korean War, where they became acquainted with the Roses, Coopers and Shnie::s in 0klahoma City. About 1968 Ed Berger attended a conference on G:roup Medical practice, in Hinnipeg and spent an evening with the llinnipeg Mishpocha at a party held in his honour:, Two years later Jack Colton retr[ned to Winnipeg by plane with his wife Florence, after an absence of sixty years to visit with the cousins with whon he had spent his childhood. They spent more than a week in Winnipeg where they were warmly neceived by the fanily, then travelled on to visit other cousins in Tononto and the eastern states. The next year, ,Jack r:etired from his practice and took a mo::e leizu::e1y trip by auto with Florence through Canada and the United States where they stopped off to visit in most of the ar:eas in which any of the family 1ived. The addness list which he compiled on these trips was passed on to me and fo:rmed the basis of the original geneological listing nailed out last February. If he could contemp.l-ate them today Itzak E1i would undoubtedly 'rKleibe Nachas" from his descendents. ove! two are included in the attached listing of whon norie than two hundled ue sti1l living. Ther:e may be an additional thi:rty on forty whose nanes are omitted because they have not yet been fu:nished to us. The list includes people of some proninence in the field of ententaintnent, business and governnent and the fact that some of these have been bnought into the farnily only through naryiage should not detract from their rrYichusrr. llonte Ha1l and Jackie Colton are o1r representatives in the entertairfnent industry, While l{onte got into the mishpocha only through maniage, he is in his in Tor:onto and Winnipeg. Last yealr Jackie Coltonrs revue own right a cousin of the Shnie:r and has rnany "elatives opportunity to meet the entire Tolonto fanily. played in Toronto folr a few weeks which gave Jackie an hundred ad fifty In business sone of the family nenbers are p::lncipals of large national and multi-national public companies' is Vice-Chairrnan of General Ane:rican 0i1 Company and P::esident of its Canadian Subsidiary headquartened in Calgary. Ivan Berkowitz is Vice-President of Monarch Wear, pnobably the largest Canadian manufaeturer of jeans and related appar:e1s. His wife Sheri Bernstein through her mother: is a nember of the Bronfman fani]-y of Distiller Seagrarns. Gesco Distributing Ltd. controlled by the Shnier brothers is a nationwide fLoorcove:ring distnibuton, the largest in Caada. Bob Swesnik In !{anitoba politics we list two deputy cabinet ministe:rs. Ken Goldstein tells us that he is actually only the Izzy Asper is 'rAssociate Deputy Ministe:: of Corununications'r, but that titte is too long to be set out in the listing. an !!LA - a llember of the Legislative Assembl-y and also the leader of the Uanitoba LibenaL Pa::ty, which though not the governing party in llanitoba, is the party in power in Ottawa which puts hin on a first name basis with Pie::::e E11iot Trudeau. Lanny Remis, in addition to his position as Deputy ltinisten of Industry and Comner.ce also serves on the Boatd of Directors of the Manitoba Development Corpolation, a Crown conpo::ation that aaLninisters over a thj.rd of a BilJ-ion Dollars in assets. Serving with hin on this boand ls A1lan Shnier who is afso on the board of several other: Manitoba Colporations as well as Gesco Distributing Limited The American cousins have been more nodest in detailing their business or political infomation that is offened bv then will be included in future issues of this booklet. associations. Any fut:ther living may renember: These then a:re the descendants of our comon ancestor. While only a handful of those still Itzak Eli many of us in Hinnipeg remember Miriarn Gold Berrrstein, "the 1itt1e Babarr, in the years she lived here, and several- in Buffalo and Philadelphia might remembe:: Toba Kessler Bernstein, These thnee were the Pat:riarch and Matriarchs of the entire Misphocha, ORIGIN OF THE NAI,IE The word 'rbernsteinrr means ambe:: stone in Yiddish and Low Ge::man. Arber was mined in the K::eninicz area in the 19th centlry and used in the nanufacture of combs, jewelry and many other products for which plastics are now used. It is inte::esting to note that the Greek word for anben was Electros, fron which the word "etectricity" is derived because of the abil-ity of the naterial to general static electricity, At that period surnarnes wene not as significant as thev now are, and were frequently applied to indicate a manrs occupation or place of origin, and often changed when his occupation or: residence changed. It is possible that Itzak Eli, or his father assuned that nane because he was engaged in the amber trade, or lived in an area known for the production of amber. For this information I an indebted to Dr. Jack Burshtein of Winnipeg, whose parents came from Kreminicz but who does not appear to be related, even though the name in Yiddish is probably the same. His fanily name was Goldstein before his parents moved to Krenincz and was changed after their nove. Out of almost 300 descendents there are only fou now remaining in the unb?oken male fine who are likelv to carrv on the Bernstein name. These four all live in Winnipeg and are Dr. Robert, son of the lafa Fl/ RpmqfFin. and Al:n Pi.hard. rnd Bri'n SonS of the late David Bernstein. L u ll "G ll 't'N 'erJ qlTj'l par0 et6T 0067 +snPapToH uT ^TTrxeJ HlJm parg tn6r g6gT +snPcProH ur drrureJ pueTod uT par,r,rpu.ra+uJ 0J0 96gT z+TAoupT tt TtlITlr,l )tcTTe aTTrcnrl ueurroH pporiu 'pd {;Ed suT{r3 aJourua) N asou oTeJJng qcEag TrxPTI,{ 0t 6T . 'pTJ qceag (taAnocuP^ PuPr+dod uraTPS ll tl il tl tl ll '+S I 06r 9Z6T dlsurdog TaeJSI 77AT BT6T fi68r 99 6T 9Z6r rz 6r ET6T 8967 aSIUUVhl z - 68r ( TT6T Z9 6T th6T 9967 ra++oTd aof n-rr^n\rfrrr lJnL/JOJr1 6 rtrnrarr. I\fJ.J,J1\Uf,fl T3HJ3 'tqle,lsNUgg HVUVS.NISISNUEfl upur4aN 6 z06r O98T u 6 o 6 6T z96T rr 9 :r Z9 T' LI f gfl St tt tt Z+1 NISJ,SNTISS HVUVS ^^ - . 6 uerrrJaH gggT gZ fi(, eZ Za eclv . daTuras IZ NrgrsNusg vrssvs 'ug"u{gs z hgBT z96T .Z6I Tg '.Lxsnraos IT3 )VZJI ..ra8.rag pre}^pg 0l{ '.ra8.rag qdasol 6.ra3,rag '.ra8.rag 6.ra3.reg aTpfoe auuy aqv ,rnq+Jy 6.ra3.rag Tt NISJS|ftI3g VoSUJ .USOUgS rr 0967 6 TO6T 66BT qcsdaH JO t9 NOJTOC urPS 'uo+ToC Se6 )tcPf 6 uo11o3 NISISNUSS IVHC .NOJTOC pT^E( 9T6T TT6T 806T Z06I 006T g68T zL81 tr06T e06T t98r rre 6T {oog 0cc 6.ra1urag .r{.r.:ei1 Pa"rJ 'daruas aotil 'daTuras t.ralurag 0t6T Lt6T 6tr6T Tl,67 g06f ueurJa^Trs Tnes Pq+.reg 6 ueur.realrg sr'{'r;ohi '1' 6 utalsu'rag TTTr{c,rnqc qPrES ZL6T T06f asog dog uTa+suJag uuy 6asog 968T qcPJPqS P(IeTC ez6l 6ggT aqv 'uTe+suaag gggT f,,r.reg 6 su.reg aepag aeu ura+suJag z{uue3 'TTned TTned {uPrJ ,ggT tl88T uTa+su,feg qe.rEs c.raruqg tIaTuL{S aqsrol^l uPurssPT9 SSNOdS TSVHJII,{ TSIHCST .NIIJSNUSS NSUOT]HJONVUS 3I,{VN HJVXO HJU]S J0 ur B 'c uarTv 6ur'roJg zL a>lTl,,l uj"to.rg lL xvl'l 'Nl"lous L dTfTqa edlsurdog fig 8uta.r1 6-r{lsurdog gg (d>1su-rdog Zg S00 r..^,,-J^^ ^J.reH irltouLuvb ^*.yt rssoa) Hsrusoo NISJSNUf,S xPtil '.raTSSa;1 IVHJ .USTSSS) craTSSA) -- au,.rdg S06T aauaaoTJ z06T -- 0tr6T ZBBT uo+ToC ?rmnnn r rct' _._--r_. __+aT,IUaH .ra8,:ag xe6 z+"rEr"u{cs aTTTTI 6t6r 6r 016r 6S6T epasau eurBag HJVSO 0l^l uPrrIJoN '>[oog 9g aTpToD '>loog te ge ueg loog uuy >1oog Ze pT^Po .XOOg TtT "[oog 8967 ++T^aT aPnJ+da9 r{>lso.rpueg orssag uPrrrJnPx asou aT++oT l.roduezre6 eqcueTg JaTuras uoaT uPruarN UeTTTTT 0€ 096T Sadluurg 9T6T uPur$aN uo+rTn 9967 .068T USTSSDI VSOI ssaJ 8t6T PJoJpal^l pueT+Jod uPurssns eT++Peg TureTI,{ uaaJnJ d++ag .[e1e1g ssag tl srnoT Sadruur6 o+uoJoJ al il Sadruurg ll tl PUeT+elod 'a.rQ 'uEt^l z96T 3ad1uu114 'Ueir,l >ISPS vcl 99 6T oJrdEqS uafaH TurPTl,{ N r, {Jed suT{Tg 'Pd eTqdTapPTTqd ZE6TO r{sPl4 u ,, rr .aJO 'PTJ qcPag utl It nll ult iltl 'ol^l 'Ueir'l +uu tl u 'UPr'l ll tl tl ll tS6T 0c0 eurBag {SPS eT{0 lQ13 euoqellg Sadluurg 'uehl . Tp1 T96T ZZ6T zcuTuad){ L AIIC SJVTS /Aoud 'ft LI 9T 9T fiT tr ZT TT T 'ON NSUOTIHC 'N39 JO U.[ JO UI Za6Ig. 0T0e I,{VIUII,i T98T - OSIUUVI{ - t'T6T0 BeSTS 'S IlX )VZJI 3 NSUOTIHC :I JUVd 'NISJSNIISS IT3 XVZTI - SSUI TVCIOOTVSNSO NSUOTIHCONVU9 DESCENDENTS PART € GEN. NO. NAME 11 111 1111 11111 11112 LI1I3 SHNIER, SAMH ).72 1i-21 1121r LI212 113 113t 113tlll-32 11321 114 tt5 1151 1152 115 3 1154 115 5 1156 1157 1158 116 1t7 1r71 LI?2 1173 118 1181 r182 If83 2, BERNSTE]N 1884 1952 Klinan, Bertha Shnier wotch' Myra Kliman Leslie Mark Jonathan ltro1ch, sara Wolch, Shnier, George Ed{ard Hannick, H:nninl Harnick, victoria BLwa Mit?i Edith Shnier. Irving Shnier, Robert qhn i 6n C:v Gordon Kfiman lS33 Lorne A. Wolch 1909 1962 1944 lq65 1969 Muriel Sigurdson l,tartin Harnick 1911 President Gesco Distr'g Moncik, Bonnie Shnien Moncik, Eric 1949 Thornhill ont. Sales Supervisor Directon Gesco Distrrg Barrister BA LLB oklahona City Okla winnipeg Toronto Winnipeg Man. llinnipeg Man. Esther Rose Rae Lozoff 1913 Shnier, Jack I9I3 Shnier, Cecil Shnier, Clifford Franklin 1949 Shniar Cwnthir Annc I958 1959 Shnier, Jason llichael qhnier Ia..,,pl inF LFF 1960 1963 shnier, George Edward 1964 Shnier, Maurice David 1966 Shnier, Nola Faye 1969 Shnier, Daniel Awum Shnier, Captain Clifford Remis. rerhcr Shnier Remis, Paul MD c^ld-+Ain Cinlr RFniq Remis, Joel 1916 M, Leonard Remia 1943 1947 Joan Bornhoftz P6ai Ken Goldstein nanlrrv Roberta Spevikow ni-a-r^F FForrl 11C2 1]C3 tlc4 12 l2I I2)-I 122 I22T 1222 PAULL, |ANNY BERNSTEIN Paul,Allen fll. I lllJ2 ont. Man. ilini.raF Pcrr-hi n:hinaf :?Fi <t Minic+pn Los Angeles CaI. Winnipeg Man. Will-owdale Ont. Man. Ca<.^ niefrro 1957 196l 1924 1947 Shirley MD CA Dt972 Burle Neman Cantor 6 Deve.Loper LLB Nozick Aknan 6 Walsh Abugov Co Regina Winnipeg Edmonton ottawa Sask Man. Alta Ont, Winnipeg winnipeg Man. Man. Downsview ont. Winnipeg Man. Regina Saskatoon Sask Sask willowdale oot. 1963 1967 1928 Shnier, A1lan J. qhniaF er;tr, Fd rre,lpri.klg5I 1954 Shnier, Sara Jane t96I Shnier, Jordan lo65 -lrnien,4d.v Shear, Ruth l'aufl Shear' Gina Ont, 1955 195B tlc tlcl a:hinar :rni^ Student U of lq54 1920 i n6h,,rv BA Shnier- .leffrev Michael Shnier, KareR Sue Shnier, Deborah Judith 1lB5 Ha11 Kilfed in action 1943 t91S 1926 1954 11B4 Tononto willowdale ont, Investnent Analyst MBA Shnier, J. Philip P, Eng. Shnier, Mark Allan 1tB3 Ont. Ont. Larry Moncik, 1971 1973 11B2 Toronto Kingston Sask Man. Man. 1972 Minnie Snith Michael Nozick 118 Man. Gordon, Keyfetz, Shnier, Michael (Max) Nozicl, Rochelle Shnier Nozick, Jennifer Nozick, Kinberley Ji11 1tB1 llinnipeg Regina Winnipeg i'linnipeg Eleanon Krivel Simy Kleinberg l1A 11412 STATE 1973 Mitchell Finkelstein Leonard Steingarten Leslie Minovitch r1411 CITY I Finkelstein, charlotte (Babe)1922 Steingarten, Naoni Finkelstein, David 1953 Finkelstein, Sard lllen 11A1 ist 0ptometri st Pharnac 119 1191 1192 us3 HUSBAND) 1954 1957 1965 LLB Tnrd:n Shnier, Norman shhipr ,Inhn .l Shnier, David Shnier, PauL (OF Moishe Shnier D1961 1907 PROV/ OCCUPATION OR BUSINESS YR OF YR OF BIRTH DEATH NAME OF SPOUSE GENERATION 2345 wolch, OF ITZAK ELI BERNSTEIN BT83B, D]C1'T 2,3,4, and 5 PAGE I' SIINIER, PAULL. GENEMTIoNS Rhona Ostrovsky nina-+^r eoc-^ Student U of 1887 frank Paull l91q Mef Shear ni<fFrd Man. D1959 1957 freda furman D. Paul1,Joanne L9 54 Pautl, Martin L95B Math Professor U of T I "\'N {ses surEal alrux oauoJo I sureTd a+rqi{ eulSau oluo;oJ 'n >{Jol 3ul +uapn]S sT +ra^pV f,lJPd TeJaqll uPt{ 'JaPeaT uosraH staJol"i 696I0 ueuaa^TTS lnes V.lti !\l.I.l Jadsv 'H IaersI o suaano '+uapnls 'p+.1 luTPd sdTllTqd dA 'p1'l +ulPd sdllTTtld qrreasad suor+erado Ja{oJg {co+s T-[0 uecTrauv ua9 qJ-acTA Josl^Jadns saTes ssTJx UETV 6q6T hs 6I 0€ 6T s06r eJcJe!,J 'uosraH PJrol,{ ruosJeH uPuJa^{rS Iread 'uosJaH NISTSNUsE VHIU3S .NV'.IU3A'IIS 3ad1uut14 'uPl.l JaTToMal BTT sdeqs uT+rPH dIT-!qd JawPS ulta^3 0H r{sadod PreqcTu loTIT3 +auPf Teaz saTreqc ue1c1 s,tq6 +sTcPuaeqd +sTr+el qcJ{sd dA 016l aTdPg (Jadsv 6l 9e6r T061 ue-lJen 'urafsudag edPuPI 'ura+suaag eJpuPS'uTalsuaag uaTlv {rP}l 'ula+sudag sluuor.r 'l 'ltratslues 8n6T Vfi(a!){oo3) frraqs'doTuas Vl,l {IusaAS eTdH 'ssIr; /n6I uPusaTPs dlTC ra^InC s,[np ,, uPusalPS ParT+au saTeBuV so.I auEBuTTmg +sTSoToqc]{sd Pf-!qJ adual zIaV ,, I aAoJ9 UapJee .TPJ uaxTA aSaoae [Tddas 3 adrd o8alg ueg oAaT0 ues saTaSuv soI Braqptog ueIV taol aJnaTuml iA uPq .. ,, ,, o8arfl aureJJol uo+roi,{ pT^Po 'sdaqs /834d auuPof 'sddqs uouoll PTAPO 'ula+suiag uosef 1aeH 'T{sadod 'g q+nu u^Trrei^l 'Ieaz UaTTV Plounv 'TPaz uJalsuJag qPJPS 'IeaZ i{pua}1 def 'zlTuo)ideg L1 e eTgT Z19T 1191 197 9T 291 t zzsr t nenl etnT ztnT rt0iT TgNT enr IZ'hI Za+tI TZNT znr ZI+1I €fTirT ZTfnI TTtnl tlnl TnI NI z9er f-!P9 erPuel '8naqploe ZT9ET zg6TlaeqcTt{ P{PAp3' ?{aqpTot IT9€T r9et uaxTli uu-{l a{cPf 'SreqpToe TZ6I surag (aTppne)atpTo9'uaxT[ +raqla( 'suaa8 8T6t 9eT 9eT zn€T 1n€T reT TlEET I JJo( epu-!.I 'uAoJB an6r z€ 6T 6r 6r qEdEb eer Jsvu zei allnl'leJTae erqao '1PJTa9 {r€n'fe+IaC zT01 e aartl lZT€I ueqeJ9 'leJTae ZI€1 asTfg 'leJIaS sauef '+eJTaO '+PJTag ^puPU Trail '+efle9 €TT€1 ZTTeT IIIST TT0I suJag uuv 'lEJTee NOrrvuSNSe u,\. 'z T€T €T 'sNu3€ tuuvH 888r 3t{vN HJVS( HJUrS ro ur lo ZTOST esT.J 'uAodg n96I uelv '{o loieJ JauSrsa( doIJa+uI raPa8 aex l0 Oi,{ +JaqoU'ulalsura€ T{-!N'z+Tso{rag 'z+tAo1daS 0r6T 996r n96T qq6T seuoqJ 'Jof ,{eJ 6fr6I Zfr6I 9T6I eu13ag pcc {oT^PJ {rPf {a+xao 'Jot{PI sudag "rssoTJ'Jof^el 'daJTuuef ' uoJB 996r uAoJ€ su4su NT6I JJoC Tned suJag P^3 'JanPN IT6T urtL!ad Jdt'En 0961 ts61 rs 6r ue,1 s961 6S l,9 I Z6r OI6T UAT TJPI4 UPS 1ej1a9 et6I( 3snods € pou'ueuqa'I aIZ91 +196T esT'I 'uPuqa'l Ttzgl T961 Tz9I 6e61 {clusaMs PTcJPn lueuqa'J esou ueTTTrI '{c}usaAs 291 ,T6I asou raq+s3 'reTuqs I9I .3SOU q68T EI NISISNdSS NNV ZL67 9n6l 9T6T aL6I /n6T 0t6T hT61 9i6T er6T ZL6T z+JAo{Jeg uP^I ueuJaxnao auTTanbPf (ra{Pg) qcerPql PdeIJ Jau8rsao JoTra+uI I.iIJ (GNVSSnH J0) SSSNISNS UO NOIIVdOCCO ZIL| ITrl IL1 z9t pJeuoa.l'radsV lr96I 096r lrS uPuPlPl,i Pfrz TIlqcanqc qeres zr6T (Hd 'roTuas pT^P( 0ll ueuqa'l uTArl oHd )if,Iusatrs 'l,l +Jaqou aa9r IZ9T e9r PT^Po'aadsv 99 6T 3ad1uu114 oBectq3 sPTTeo rhTT\ JeTuuq XtPn Z96T0 asou IoU (sqPg) q+nu'radsv BS6{ 196r 'uE1 'TTI uoaBan5 'xal eT)tO ,t113 euoqel>16 ..., daaeg uelag 'uTe+suJa€ 896T .ttg6Tselreqc pdellcTu' uIa+sudag preMoH ueIV 'uTalsuJag 6h61 'oc ? ueudPqc Jaq8e1lee roqd; uuv qc-!n uTrdTPH aJ)tou sdt{d UPT c-! u-la+suJag -lraqs 'z+TAo{ias ueuaop ueu,{g 'uTa+suJag .NISJSNUSS 3SV 6887 €z6T n96T deafl qcdeuol^l .uet{ SedTuuTtl uax-lA aTJaTPA'uPUqIa4q.s ueuqTaJqcs fJaf p,+ou'Jluoc TecrJlcalS saTaBuV so'I epasau t, ,i 'T€J STVJS ,/AOUd SNOIt\rd3N39 NVHUSA'IrS '3SOU 'NrSJSNdSA 'SNll38 'Z StVd 9 'h't,'a .NI3ISNUSE 1'I3 XVZII IO SJN]ONSCS3( NI6TO SCBTS '9 I i €z 3 X'{VN '0N 'N39 Juvd 7. DESCENDENTS OF ITZAK ELI BERNSTEIN BIB38 D1914 PART 2. GENERATIONS 2, 3, 4, 5. PAGE 3. SEMLER, BooK GEN. NAME N0. 2345 2I 211 2 1lr 2LL2 2L2 2L2T 2L22 2L23 2].3 6 YR OF YR OF BIRTH DEATH NAME OF GENEMTION r886 SEULER, ABE Semler, Phiffip aanlon M:rnir 19 Semler, Janice qaml oh 36 1971 SPOUSE LASIC UAOOIUS Dent i st 1949 Pat Trites Hanm:n Semler, Steve Semler, Kelly Semler, Scott 1946 Photo Salesman 1958 Geraldine Smith Senler, Leonard Duke MD Lawrence Paulson 213 3 Paulson, Richard Paulson Susan PROV/ STATE ITY r9 36 2L32L 2134 C Portland Blanche Davenport D1957 Semler, Jane Paulson, Nancy Semler Senler, Michael Duke 2I3T 2I32 OCCUPATION OR BUSINESS (OF HUSBAND) Ore. Irr ll rl ll rl ll rl Hnarr i:n Physician lJrch rl rt Senler", Julie 5' SEULER, 23 23I 2 311- 2312 1947 Rose KaufTan Senler MOE Semler, Arnold Semler, Ronald Bless ing Beverly Hills Electronics llf:r. Cal. Los Angeles Semlen, Gary Semler, Sherry 232 Senler:, Senler, llaron 2323 Senler, 24r 2411 2412 2413 242 2\?L 2\22 2q23 2\3 2431 2432 1914 --Lepin Gnuden, Comine Banasky Banasky, Bruce Banasky, Douglas Allan 196 Hanhanf Mn 192 Semler, Shelli Joy Semler, Gregg Senler, Jill Semler, Eric r9 59 1965 2535 Semler, l9 3t-l 3rlr 3112 311 3 3tl4 312 31 21 3L22 3r2 3 34 Book, Noel l,lD Book, Brian Book, Jeffrey Book, Donna PLOTTEL, COLDIE BOOK 341 3411 3412 3413 Hall, Maril-yn PLottel Hall, Joanne Hall, Richard HalI' Sharon 342 3421 Cooper, Peggy Plottel Cooper, Susan Cooper, Amy Jo Cooper, Sara 3422 342 3 35 351 352 BOOK, NORMAN MD Lake 0swego 0r'e. Food Distributor Beaverton 0r'e. .Hortland Nudelnan Uens Clothing Physieian tl lt 19s8 rl ll 70 1960 192 3 r9 54 Ruth Optometrist Lrlalan Naeman Isabel Brownstone Auditor, Manitoba Govrt Shirley Spigelman 0pthanologist Winnipeg rll Man. 1957 t9 60 19 64 1925 ts53 rl 1955 1961 L.t03 1927 1 948 1950 1965 Joe Plottel- 19 30 Dr. Aubrey Monte D1949 Hall Cooper 51 19 54 19 57 19q2 t _q46 Dentist, Oral- Surgeon Student, Ryerson fnst. Toronto Angeles Cal. oklahona City Okla Toronto Ont. oklahoma 1966 Tillie rr TV Producer "Make A Deal" Los l9 190rr MD Book, Howard Book, Bonnie Ca1. 1956 1899 Book, Arthur Book, I{arren Book, Uarilyn Book, Jacqueline Book, David Ruvensky -- Spivak Victor Nudelman Shirley Lessman Senler, Lamence BOOK, DAVID 31 Los Angeles I Gertrude Levitt I 2531 2532 2533 2534 Mathew rr rr Lake 0swego 948 1957 HARRY aanlan rl 1 Ruvensky, Ansa Senlen Ruvensky, Burton Ruvensky, Lykette 253 Wholesale Broker Banasky Ore. illl lr tl rl Shelley Gruden r946 rl rr rl Portland Bessie Sandrosky D1950 Bernice Hochfeld Sol Banasky, Ima Semlen 252 254 1970 197l- Semlbr, Dennis Lepin, Betsy Senler Senler, Helen Nudelman, Alice Semler 25r ll It flrl Gary Senler, .lerome Senler, Joel SE}'LER, 25 Los Angeles Sernler, Brian SEI.ILER, FRED 'L Aeronautical Supply Janet Norman 232L Schwartz Physician Ah:l\rt i^ Pcrrnhi:tri c+ City Ont. 0k1a Winnipeg Man. Toronto Hinnipeg ont. Man . .l.N oJouua)l rl 0 rl I uuad aaTPa( aTTqouolnv +srTprcads Jolnd[oc -- IuTll ueuToH Epoqu aJourua) {cTTe aTTfcnT {red suT{r3 e96r 4461 uroag .[qo1 'c Nyl'iv qrPag TueTn N eTsnTePuv suT{Tg {red +sT+uaq 'oc 996T uep"rol ',{1su1dog TZ61 6r TZ61 uepg'f1su1dog dI.IIHd .iXSNIdOS 'dlsuldog ',{1suldog ENIAUI.IXSNIdOS dlsuldog EreqrPA'++asog acup1 'ufTod ++ocs 'uTIod 0!{ '++asou JJaf 61su1dog PSsatr 'uTTod laof oaldeqg ualag 9T6I l,ir 61 Jaqum.J uPutraN 'Nl.toug ,p1aeq 'd1su1dog I 96r 996r 9Z r{.raeg 1*e1^1 'I'N uE!J!>r\qd uTTod 'eTJ I uuad Irl I uPulaN uo+TTI,l ET 6I SOq J,UUVH .I.XSNIdQS uuv 'uPu.|reN VCI .NV'{II3N A)SNIdOS aTTnf'daTssa) flcag',ra1ssay Ja^nocue^ -- 'JaTssa) .fpueX 'aalssay aTqqe0 aT++eas qSPU JAlnocuPA 3T++pas '1daq lecluqca; Jaqceel auoqdalal raTssay dpua6 'e1o1111 q+aqPzTTS'raTssax e1o11q aaSog -- Lg 6T PUOCPJ' da^nocuP^ ,{119 1cotr nap pdotPall f.rau-5qceq ^ -^- - ^^..^ aro+s aoqs r--.,,- " ^TTUPJ uourTs uEuJoN -- ssal TT6T ssaJ+cv flddng daauol+€+S dlddng frauol+p+S aTTJJO aoTJJO aT++eas asg 11edg uot+ouoJd saT€S '1daq 'duo3 a1e1g PueTlJod parT+au '+sT+uaq UATPS 6e 6T 9e 6T au;{g rTeH -- 9t6T e06T 9S6T slJPrC a s+,rv Te+all qceag TUP'lll sTnol .+s aAoJ9 JauuJ uE!r!4+s!yed .{ 'UTTC TecTpal{',ro+"a.rTc .L6I 'o'Hd qaEPq,ro xaTv uPurssns (d++Pag) acTr+eag I rr6T 9T6T 09 6T q+JonsSuTTToH aarl led Vn uaHng ang u.,(1TleP 9tr6T zh6r uea.rnJ rlPT.rTI{ qloqezTTg TT6T T96T +uaPn+s 1"19' ..raau18ug TPcfuaqC +sTceueJeqd -- ans .reqlsg suouTs 3aa9'uoulg uPaf Pdeqdeg 'ueutTS xvt{ 'usrssDt ,.,,r_ uo+ uu,l ^-R^-^ oiluucl, a,,^.[oC ,fueg'uo11o3 WVS.NOI'IOC 9067 euu,{1 .ra3:ruuaf 'TTPH -- nt6r acua.roTJ qcesg rueTll uosrpPl.l I qseg roleg ftoloqcr{sg sTnol '+s aTTr^suTPo deuxoq rl 'slH Ill PTq1'u.{C l,n 6T da1e1g ssag 8067 uo+IoC q+3qEzTTS 'TTPH +.raqoU 'uo+ToC soo vcvf 'tto;,roc TaTuPq 'na8rag soaPTO -qceq4o *a8aag epul1 'qceqJg qrAVG'US9USS auel .fcueq ' .ra8Jag OI,l UaTTV {cTnepa,:J ',ra8.rag gT.I aoJuol,'l TaeqcTll 'ra8rag on 'quvfiqg 'uggugg Hdgsof 'u30u3s de; dar3:ga1 'ueudaTg T96T 0e 61 e96T ueaf PJpueS ',:ataaE daluelg 1uea3 (.ra8aag {rEI/,I 0967 1961 uPuraTg uaTTv (uT{lnH) 8Ttrpn.I PllaTruaH ,{11saaa1u61 tI6T( 8687 8E8TE NISJSNIISII 't sgvd I']3 XVZII '9 't '€ 'z JO I'L ZL en9 zr9 Tt9 t9 zs9 T€9 €9 zz9 zrz9 T1e9 ra9 e9 T9 ze9 9e9 T9e 9 9e9 te9 ee9 rze I ze9 zTes TT€ 9 €9 ze9 TZ9 z9 TZT9 eT9 T9 Z9+l TTgi' tvn 9rr € 9+l z9n TStr 9fl zhh Tittl fltl ETTt TTtll aTPO ua^a+S 'upuJeTg .ra8aeg au1xery,'ueuJaTg sEv uoHtuv 'ug9ugg aIIll lJaqou 'uPuJaTg 9tez ssoods Jo stivN HJvgc Hrurs JO Ul' J0 Ur 'I)SNrdOS 'U3'ISSr)l 'NoJ'IOc 'us9u3s 'uaqoC auaTJen 'JaTssa) uaqoc +raqou T96T !rl I qsPl{ .l.N 'ado qs€r 'a{0 'eTJ ull csTl{ 'PTJ 'oI{ 'BTJ .TPC ll :oH uuTl.l ilI rl ll slnoT '+s L 'on f+TC (dNvssru J0) .{.Jrc SJVTS SSSNISNS UO NOIJVdNCCO /A0ud NI4OUS Norr,y8sNso sHortrugHgg 'z 3 SnvN TTtr TN .ON 'N39 ruvd SJN3qTSCSSC U DESCENDENTS OF ITZAK EL] BERNSTEIN _ LIST, PART T, CANADA N0. GIVEN NAME OF SPOUSE OCCUPATION Finklestein, David IT92 LESTIE Salesman (OF HUSBAND) CITY STREET ADDRESS 10883 Saskatchewan Dr. AP l,1A R6nn i -a naval Asper, Ruth (Babs) 162 14 Israel H. Leader'llan. Liberal Party 370 Wellington Ct'escent Clara Berkowitz, Sheni Bemstein Bemstein, EveJ-yn Bemstein, Jaqueline Bernstein, l'lar:k A1len Bernstein, Robert Bermstein, Sarah Book, Arthu:r Book, Bonnie Book, Lillian Book, Noel MD Book, Tillie Goldstein, Ca::la Renis t{ozick, Rochelle Shnier Remis, Esther Shnien Sheps, Joanne Peggy Shnier, AUan J. Shnier, Cecil Shnier, Clifford Frederick Steingarten, Naoni Wo1ch, Myna Klinan Zea1, Ar'nold Allen UD Zea1, Sd.ah Bernstein 1411 143 141 161 1412 13 311 352 31 Wd Abe f van Wd David Wd Hlnan V 692 W45th Ave. ^nan ' P. I'lonarch 661 Cor,dova St. 23 carmarthon 460 Cordova St. Wear rl 233 Park Boulevard VP PhitJ.ips Paint Ltd. Zita Physician Rokie v{d J. Morris Audito::, Hanitoba Gov't Isabel wo uavro 218 Oxford St. 60I Stradbrook Ave, Apt 3 99 wellington Cr. Apt. 502 82 Peony 1179 Grant Ave. Apt 703 1205 Grant Ave, ADt 501 799 Oak Street 1179 Grilt Ave. Apt 703 3I2 Shirley 35 Wd Noman II72 Ken 188 Roslyn Rd, Apt. 803 1431 Deputy Cabinet l.{iniste:: Michaef LLB Nozick, Akman € Walsh Leonard BA Deputy Cabinet Minister Philip Gallagher Chapman 6 Co. 1lC Rhona 422 Brock Street 786 Queenston street 779 Elm Street 115 Rae LlA} If7 lICI 1191 111I 1421 I42 IlB Shnier, J. PhiLip P.E. 161l Bernstein, Sandra 1121 Hannick, Victoria Blr.una 1193 Finkel-stein, Sara Ell-en 1132 Moncik, Bonnie Shnien 1351 Book, Howard M.D. 3422 Coope::, Amy Jo Shnie::, Clifford Franklin BA 115I tI3 Shnie::, fuving lIIt] Wolch, Sar.a Leslie I22 Paull, Allen, PH.D Shnion Nnnman 118 1131 Shnier, Robert LLB Finkelstein, Challotte (Babe) 1l9 Lll Klinan, Bertha Shnier 12 Paull, Fanny Bertrstein Silvernan, Bertha Bernstein L7 I21 Shean, Ruth PaUII Leonar:d Lorne A. Janet Charles Shirley l'lartin Larnf Opthamologist Director Geseo Distrbrg Director Gesco Distrbtg Student U of I'Ian. Fr:eda Roberta Simmy 808 oak Street Physieian Pharmacist 671 Wd Fnank Wd Sauf Me1 Williarn Ave, Suite I 306 661 Cordova Street Director Gesco Distrbrg U Student, Ca"leton I York Douns Dnive 40 Clergy St. E. Apt. Downsview Kingston 2 /4 Uaarr ures. U fnvestment Analyst Analytic Psychiatrist Student, Ryerson Inst. President Gesco Distr'g Student, Glendon College Math Professor U of T Director Gesco Distrbtg Gordon Keyfetz Ha11 Mitchell Pharmacist Gordon Hd I L638 Mathens Bay West optonetrist Studentr Queens I ll 1532 Mathe!:s Bay West 1800 Penbina Hwy, Suite 602 Bur"ke Newman Cantor: E Co. 112 Harvard Ave, Raphael Weatley 6 Assoc. Eleaor 1507 Ednonton Vancouver Shnier:, Michael (Max) Beker?, 9. POSTAL NAME GEN GEOGRAPHIC 0ttawa 324 Cambridge Ave. No. 41 Shieldnark Cres. 10 HuntLey St. Thornhilf Toronto 153 St. George St. Apt 405 314 Lonsdale Rd, Apt. 5 355 St. Clair Ave. Apt 1506 2275 Balrview Ave, Box 181 39 Fern Avenue 49 Fifeshire Road 56 Geraldton Crescent 3451 Rae Street 2820 Hill Avenue 1947 Hamilton St. Apt. 42 Spence St, Apt. 35 8 Moxon Crescent rl PROV. A1ta. T6E 456 a tq ^ Man. " 'r il r " " I rr n r ,' "rr I r " I rt X il il " " R3l.{ 047 R3N 149 Ont, r 'r ,' ",, M3H 1HB Regina 9 Saskatoon R3P 083 R3N .lA7 R3P 0G6 R3l! 3J6 R3L 0K3 R3l4 0A2 Rzv 2T8 R3ll 122 R3M 123 R3M 3R2 R3M 122 R3L OG7 R3N 0T7 R3N 021 R3N 0X7 R3M 3N9 R3N 0T7 R3T 2G2 R2C LY2 R3M 3R8 R3E 022 R3N lA9 K7L 3H8 K7l{ 1A8 K]R 7B5 L3T 3T6 M4Y 2K6 ll "il wr-Lrowoare CODE r il tt " Sask t r t il l.t4v 1x4 l.t5P 1N5 u4N 3M6 u2L 1M7 lt2L 2c7 ll2v 2R6 S4S 156 SrrS OV7 s4P s4s s7H 2C8 4H4 389 | ,1 s9986 99t86 'csTll TTI€S .. gglg6 r 09986 'I{sP}l 'xoJ LTTOT ,TT6T 0206T rl rl uuad uosTPell lra^nocue^ euocel tt aTllEaS ueTnboH 091,6 T s0016 "t1r113 er snTEpuv uIaTes r ,, lrnoc TaAaf .pE daTTPA uo+TTueH fis '+S q+rrt lls €TgT 9zT9 90€Z 9Tz9 9Z6e otle derc 'lt 's ooL EPeUETV SN +4vd .+S UTEW 'S 6T9T '+s uTen '3 6T9r pdoJpagl o8atrso aIE'l uo+(Ia^ea8 'o'qd xaTV T9n 'oc Jaquml ueufiaN ,ra3,rag epu11 sqcEqJO xEH tdaTssax aro+s aoqs {TTUPJ r *^.,-,,^-., rr4su.L wEn 1I0 upcrreuv 'uae Hc-acTA .^.-J',.^. - ^----^^J^ do+nquoJ +sT1P!ceus uEuJoN Te9 s€9 s€9 ZT9 auTPTera9 cHd +daqou aTTTcniI uo+TTr.l era a9r t9 T9 seol E4Eq4EU a d3+vvu . .{il,^1 acuadoTJ AT ST3 +ed .a D1 o U€TTV raq+sg rosllaadng saleg duTsrlna^pv sTlrirol^l iraTPao aTrqouo+nv TUI'.I UATTV n qseA ,rolen ,{3o1oqc,{s6 +srcPuJer{d orrrrrrf,r uuv 'ueuAeN 'uo+ToC uPuaH 'daTuas (,ra uN +4oq4eH dJ ! 'eeu ( 4oLue> r^-,r^- 4e Lusb aaTuas acTTV'ueu1apn11 +duqou 'uu+LUJ UPS 'uo+foC (.{{seuPg ^.1P0'uo+ToC raTuas Eulrl JaTuraS PsuV 'd{sualng {cPf '.raTuqs uTa+suJa€ uuv 'asou Ta++oTd .,{33a3'.radoo3 ueurda^TTs TJEad'uosJaH EPoqU'f1suldog uPurToH 'C .L UPTTV 'frorg ;a8cag aurxep'ueuaalg auel dcueg ',ra3rag qn 9fr Tiit Z'NI {ref SCq TS dTrtlqa 'raTues acua,rAel (JaTuaS TI' n9z Ttra a9a TT9 Z9 TZ9 4hz enz NTT 9T ahe ILI €9 TTN e 9+r sssg r--^/\++sd cTUTTC TPcTpafi ,ro+cadTo q6 aaeug8ug TecTueqC 's '+s q+49 daeo'Loeg cl{ preqcru uvur> dpueg '.ra1ssay q+aqEzTTg 'raTssa){ uo+ToC q+eqezTTg 'TTeH (ll e{n( 'preuoa.J 'rafuas asoU UETTTT.J'{cTusaAS dttttqa'd)tsuIdos EpI 'ueu$aN d>1suldog TT9 paJT+au '+s !+ua( +sr+uao r^- --,,^ uPusaTes o+oqd ueTcTsdl{d . auJdJ aTTJJO eTTJJO LVJ do+nqTrlsTc pooJ reuTprec AS 96sTT dou p$ gq6 darqny T€,rO 3+sl+uoq 6089 egT '+dV 'ro saTeH oozs rral '+s q199 l{N tTgZ enua^v sT^Po t8T aTTur O€e ozg 91 1dy 'poonluarg 'oS ozs - ^- -^--..^ r^ f,s'!J+PTt{c^sd +dV a^Trq uo1.1Pg TSOT 'I0T q+nu r cr r,.1 d. --:*-. ----J auoraf P$ (Io+cTA SuTr{+oTC suan uEutTapnN r{lddng,hauoltP+S llddng,{.rauo;+P}S .rslorg aTesaToq[ ',IC TPUTp;e3 l.,ls ZgittT rral e^v rTETc .t.s .oN ,, ,l euoqellg sureTj eTTr^sauTe9 saTaSuv sol 3u1aa1 pg g8T UOJPUIuIIC ZSTT 91 1dy 'poonluadg 'oS r 'PTJ TirT€e T09Z€ rl Epasau' rl rl rl saraSuv so.l a^oJg UaPJEe ^autroc s11rp1 .{laarrag CI{ qcasof 'Jaddag preilPg 'ra8rag .{a1ue1g >1ueug'ta8;ag qlng u-{11aei1 '1ea2 uaTaH SOq [.r.reg '[1su1dog Zg +sT +uaq ZZ9T '+dV '.rg reladeg gg9 xEt,l 'tnoJg pcq esox pa,:T+au 'daTeaq o+nv L fgT +dV 'aC onnsEarl 'S 9t94 pTAP0 'daSnag sr !4+seu suPrc a s+JV rPlal{ 9t a^v cBuaJoN 0t08 (la8lag ETcTd+Pd ueTcT.r+eTPad Zgn pt{ uaTTV {cuaParJ 48 .+dV '+S q+gT l,ts 0002 .dc puTToc er6oz uldo1 chl rnPd 'sTuau TI,TT +sTa+ETqc[sd cTr+PTp3d geT sudag (aTppng) STPToO 'uaxTfi a8aoag auel pooATToC ZoZt Ilddng 3 adTd oBaTO uES uaxTl! uuI'l 3{cEf 'SraqpTog uPTV Taof adn+TurnJ 'd'A TgtT a^Tr( aT{cef tt9i8 gT .p^1g ,{oo1c16 ggggl p|+ed 'r+uoc eeu TecTd+caTg Pcc "{l'reg 'su':ag ueu.roN 'JaTuaS .+S u,:Ea{corl trg r{Tddns TpcT+npuoaav +auef Zez pTouv (daTuas dJl^l scTuor+ceTg SuTssaTg lez s{EO qS eJn+ua1 iA4tI a+uo!'{ Ta++oTd u-{11*eq '11e9 Tne ';( uapdv 'oN 619 ,,Teac v a{Elrl,r racnpo4d Al surag uuv '+EJlaO ues rauStsaq roTJa+uJ TeT 'a^v suT)tTTl'l 04901 sure8 qedes 'J'loc ggT u€usaTPS Tned 'e^v uo+SuTTJeq 818TT sudag aTssoTJ 'roTfPJ, )tcEf pl,1 teT anua^v uPupno Tfiog u.{11.re6 TSn g1'I aortmw TaPI-I3TI{ 'aa8aag dauaolly TtZ .+dV a.rlqs{oorg oiTa suJag e^g 'danell pa,rT+au dTfflqa ztl 'pu roou+sal,! Stst uPuJnp) esou 'raTuas ao!{ pl't eZ +smq{eo 'oN tzg ssSucgv l33urs ],JIC SJVJS geT .pu AaT^rTPJ 0eZ8 a8pT.rqsfqBTu) TC-SZg TT .+dV .+S ale+S +aarls q+it 6Tl PJ€ flS EEg acETd q+ge AS 9a6rt '+s u L lrl . .. 90907 .pE dpe.IPJ adouua) r! ll uodue3 €SuPdoJ ,, 06e06 l | ,, .TEC a^v pTtcnS rl .I.N rl lr sseu8anlg 9111 rl ll sTnorl '+s QcPaE TUPTW oN qsPag Tu€T!{ ll 9TTZ6 -o 0T0t' 6 +TuJ tlN 08tr8 ntl'l T0Tl anua^v q+h oTrtr 3N qfnz 9299 '+d0 TPcrurqraJ, auoqosTaJ +3ar+s qlogT 'os zTs€ asH ++eAH uoT+ouoJd saTPS ue;c1 sdq6 +rnoc raTues z0g sETTeO 6196 ldV 'de$ 11;reay 3^T;0 uesns 1o.4 T0e/6 :: lzaL6 TZaL6 ;; yqE TOZL6 0916 T ire 04 6 911e1 r r ZTTe I alleL ET)[O ,t1;3 rl LIa+tI LETS 9 'ol,{ 9oTe9 gr0gg uuTll s+H a^o{I0 ,Iauul 90T8fr qcTn ':oqrv uuv rr 09Tet ur! o3ard uPs .. I 9eeT6 bn! !l ll ll 0r206 ,r I t2006 !:YCO 0n206 AIZ .V 'S 'N.II .CI TUVd.TSI'I (CNVESNH JO) NOIIVdNJCO SSOOdS JO S',IVN NsAIE CIHAVUOOS9 - NISISNUSS '0N 3t{vN NSe I'IS )VZTI JO STNSqNSCSSO V € rf <i (- 1, H O E u o ts I tz O H ts O H k F O .|! R -i s R R ts G o -t F c G so '!€ c sl s-e o 69 ,s5 ,l 'L- -i' I I = \-r E-r_= o o tl ! E oo o9 @o ot oe @ .o@ O.n oo ;; aa oo 3F ^E .i. a+l q .!O o o o o rQ! @ d tr 3i6 oo -o.d'il I6 !tr>.jE o o oo' o I H d d 6 0 tr > . trO'iqx .d o o 0 v o ui 4! +r E O P C O O O.d O!tr O.a d o >0 tr tr!oO!o 6 E P Al CC C0 O fiI'i Afr cJoP Q.A 6oj O 6 O d E 0 .dop ! U.^ o-doPF .a otr a 6 ! frntsEIo ti o O oP oa o Jq :v. Jd qX:n ho t{ >, a a o .acoIP od fr >f{.dd o o o o cI aa@ 3 o 0 ts> t4a {< E O ! o.i !o . PE CP .io o o >,5 na 4 o urt o rc oo .ig rd ! od k.d.4 O C-C :E trA qqqr2 O O O > Ct O o! .436 P tr d o.d dptu otro c o@ 6E L t O F o.a od 59.i a .i o&3 da tdo E Llts o n+u {: i*$rF -i cl-.S =Q,R E- .s f --t t' ft -.-cn t-s 'P a 'G; le +,[.p { : f('({ .l ri o(! ti$;;$ltF{ i5f i s: +'i:Et+i$itii l:*'='* t:iri=* ii* #_ifiiFii{*ti}il:t T+ :=t;+ i!_:= +iA{iiigTE:*{GSEr.' . b.V\ :'.- >l1r@frOO 0P! i 6!.d 'a! d !60 E P q o pq o o u d E .q Eo o o E o urc @ ! o ! ti o r qi o! ti oi qo ! p&.d!o! u.50 !osEo p o oo.d o 3 5 E 6 p lr o ! , O O P O O Ed 6 C C 3 !d Oo Etr60a rJ SS CE !'iqdUO ot oo.i!oo@cuP 0!c6odtr.d od.idFr 9X'4OA PP'dtr! d!@>, ii3 i1 tr E .id!od 0o! o o !Eo o> d o4Qa.4 @ AP.a C POo'ig trqP<b.c:J@C 5 ,ctrC .noc -.i ddP. 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