Agenzia Servizi Editoriali


Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Non-Fiction Rights List 2016
Del terrorismo come una delle
belle arti
Mario Perniola
Mimesis 2016
The comic and grotesque story of an Argentine Trotskyist activist, sentenced to death
by his former party colleagues, a judgment "to be performed on the day of the
revolution"; the crazy political, existential and nihilistic adventures of the Japanese Red
Army members. the surreal exalted company of anarchists, lunatics, bohemians and
buccaneers who meet, in the seventies, in the editorial staff of the journal "agar-agar".
But also writers and artists such as Moravia and Pasolini, Surrealists and Situationists. In
these autobiographical texts, neither entirely true nor entirely false, Perniola reveals the
existential roots of his philosophy, showing his close connection with some historical,
political, cultural and human resources of his contemporaries. His little stories are based
on the literary genre, somewhere between serious and humorous, that was practiced by
the ancient cynical philosophers, and also on setsuwa of Japanese Buddhist monks - are
based on the premise of non-substantiality of the ego, on the rejection of a naive and
popular fiction, oblivious to the enigmatic and paradoxical character of literary writing.
Their emotional tone is a mixture of terror and irony, which combines avant-garde style
and aesthetic detachment, using either realistic and surrealistic registers in a combination
that belongs to the logic of the simulacrum.
Mario Perniola ( is director the magazine
"Agalma" ( He has taught aesthetics at the
University of Rome "Tor Vergata" between 1983 end 2011, where
he founded the reserach and documentation center "Language and
Thought." He was visiting professor at many universities and
research centers in France, Denmark, Canada, USA, Brazil, Japan
and Australia.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Un cammino della psicoanalisi
Dalla clinica del vuoto al padre della
Massimo Recalcati
Essays collected by Mario Giorgetti Fumel
Mimesis 2016
280 pp.
The essays collected in this volume trace the theoretical and clinical reflection that led
Massimo Recalcati to establish itself as a reference voice of Italian psychoanalysis. From
the psychopathology of anorexia and bulimia to new clinical symptoms, to the "complex
of Telemachus" and reflections on psychoanalysis and aesthetics, this book summarizes
the itinerary of a thought.
Massimo Recalcati lives and works as a psychoanalyst in Milan. He teaches
Psychopathology of eating behavior at the University of Pavia and Psychoanalytic
Studies and Human Sciences at the University of Verona. He is the scientific director of
the School of specialization in psychotherapy IRPA Institute of Applied
Psychoanalysis Research. In 2003 he founded Jonas a non-profit organization, centre of
clinical psychoanalysis for new symptoms. He is a member of Alipsi, Italian Association
of Lacanian Psychoanalysis and Espace Analytique. His works, translated into several
languages, include: The Man Without Unconscious (2010), What remains of the father? (2011),
Portraits of Desire (2012), The complex of Telemachus (2013), It's not like before. In praise of
forgiveness in the love life (2014), Mother's hands. Desire, ghosts and inheritance of mother (2015).
For Mimesis he published The void and the rest. The problem of real in Jacques Lacan (2013).
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
1977. L’ANNO
FORMATO: 14 x 21 cm
EURO: 14,00
ISBN: 9788857537122
1977. La crisi “di sistema” in Italia raggiunge un livello d’allerta senza precedenti. Alla pesante
situazione economica del Paese, si affiancano una serie di scandali politici che mettono in
serio imbarazzo i vertici della DC (dalle tangenti di Lockheed alle indagini sulla strage di Piazza
Fontana). In questo scenario si muove la rivoluzione di uno movimenti più innovativi della
storia italiana contemporanea, quella “generazione ’77” che cresce spontaneamente nell’area
della sinistra extraparlamentare e che contesta con fervore partiti, sindacati e status quo.
È un dissenso che porta in dote nuovi argomenti e nuove necessità rispetto ai contestarori del
Sessantotto: il dibattito politico viene rimpiazzato dai fatti, la parola lascia il posto all’azione.
Tra i principali protagonisti della stagione ’77 c’è senza dubbio Oreste Scalzone, fondatore e
anima di Potere Operaio e Autonomia Operaia.
Attraverso queste pagine - tenute a lungo nei cassetti di una grande casa editrice, in attesa di
capire se le verità rivelate dal libro potessero essere o meno diffuse - Scalzone ripercorre gli
avvenimenti più importanti di quell’anno in un’intervista esclusiva rilasciata al giornalista Pino
Casamassima, profondo conoscitore di quel momento storico e autore di alcuni bestseller come
Il libro nero della Brigate Rosse (Newton Compton, 2007).
In occasione dei suoi 40 anni, il Movimento del ’77 rivive attraverso il racconto di una delle sue
voci più autorevoli.
Oreste Scalzone, attivista italiano e fondatore delle organizzazioni della sinistra extraparlamentare Potere Operaio e Autonomia Operaia. Insieme ad altri intellettuali ed esponenti politici
del calibro di Toni Negri e Franco Piperno, è stato condannato per partecipazione ad associazione sovversiva nell’ambito del procedimenti penali noti come “Processo 7 aprile”. Dal 1981 al
2007 ha vissuto in Francia beneficiando della protezione della dottrina Mitterand. Nel 2007 la
Corte d’Assise di Milano dichiara prescritta la pena.
Pino Casamassima, giornalista professionista e saggista. È stato caposervizio a “L’Indipendente”, attualmente collabora con le pagine del “Corriere della Sera”. Ha pubblicato una
quarantina di libri, alcuni dei quali tradotti all’estero. Sugli anni Sessanta-Settanta: Il libro
nero delle Brigate Rosse (2007, Newton Compton), 68, l’anno che ritorna, con Franco Piperno
(Rizzoli, 2008), Brigate Rosse (Newton Compton, 2010), Gli Irriducibili, storie di brigatisti mai
pentiti (Laterza, 2012).
Come stare in salute, digerire, dimagrire
The Comic Diet. Improve your health and digestion, lose weight
How to match foods and digest without fatigue? How to make the best use of
nutritional properties? This book contains information and hints to change effortlessly
your diet and improve your health while respecting the planet and animals. It is
addressed to omnivores, vegetarians, vegans as well, to anyone who wants to be well and
get back in shape through easily feasible tips, suggestions proposed in an accessible and
colloquial style but with accuracy and skill.
The book also contains standard menus, with unusual foods, and healthy and tasty
alternatives to hasty and unbalanced meals that are typical of those who work.
Mirna Visentini, is a dietician and director of Art Slim centers and the creator of Fast
Digestive System.
160 pages
12 x 17 cm
prezzo: euro 13,00
ISBN: 978-88-6222-179-5
Pubished in january 2015
Tra droni e asinelli
Night in Gaza. Between drones and donkeys
A notebook of scattered images from fifteen years of visits to Gaza that reveals the
physical vision and the emotional strain of the journey in a land that is unlike any other,
where what happens is a set of uninterrupted human and political failures. "Fragments
of a single long night, with his nightmares, and his dreams ", that are told without
fanaticism, to understand, but with indignation to one of the great scandals of our
world. From graffiti left by Israeli soldiers to the paraphernalia in the office of Arafat,
from the agony of innocent bodies to the veiled girl who no longer dares to shale hands
with a man, this booklet is a gallery of characters and images of our time. A
Mediterranean beach that physically closes as a big collective prison battered by
bombings and oppression of a sinister fundamentalism, albeit continuously redeemed
bya humanity that still stands. Gaza as a metaphor human stupidity
48 pages
10,5 x 14,2 cm
euro 1,00
ISBN: 978-88-6222-455-0
publieshed in february 2015
Niccolò Rinaldi (Firenze, 1962) a former Member of the European Parliament,where
he also served as Deputy Secretary-General and political adviser in many crisis areas
such as Palestine, that he visited more than twenty times. Rinaldi is the author of travel
books on Afghanistan, Africa, and
Florentine travelers.
Manuale di cucina ecozoica
(vegan e crudista)
ispirata alla selvaticità e ai cicli naturali
Ecozoic Cookbook (vegan and raw food recipes)
inspired by wildness and natural cycles
Healthy, ecological and ethical, such are the three essential features for afood culture
aimed at the salvation of our planet. The author of this real food survival guide suggests
an "ecozoic kitchen" – a term borrowed from Thomas Berry's ecozoic era. Vegan
cuisine is very similar in theory to the ecozoic cuisine, although not always in practice, as
Vegan cuisine is not necessarily environmentally friendly (often Vegan eat non-seasonal,
exotic or industrial foods), and not so healthy and even healthy (excess of gluten and
protein due to excessive consumption of Seitan and soy, too much sugar, too much salt,
If we want to save the Earth from environmental catastrophe, it is not enough to
eliminate products of animal origin, we also neet to be sure sure that vegetables are
seasonal, organic, and KM0.
MaVi is an author and a researcher involved in the dissemination of eco-pacifist and
matristic-gilanic themes. She deals with these topics both in theory and in everyday life
as food bloggers
320 pages + b&w and colour pages
15 x 21 cm
euro 18,00
ISBN: 978-88-6222-368-3
September 2015
Make your own book
Introduction to self-publishing - guidelines and insights for a self-conscious business or
for a peaceful yielding
It is always difficult to focus on what really is a book, with its technical and formal
issues, its organization and and method problems, that need to be tackled to get the
target. From the moment a manuscript arrives to its layout, than the book needs to be
distributed to arrive to the hands of the reader, endless problems arise, that make it
impervious, compelling, and amazing the exercise. .
An author (A. Bandinelli), a designer (G. Lussu), a printer (R. Iacobelli)
- Essential figures of the publishing industry - propose approaches and insights making
accessible and improving the task, in a book that is not a technical manual, but rather a
reliable and stimulating companion.
152 pages
15 x 21 cm
euro 13,00
ISBN: 978-88-7226-077-7
September 2015
Piero Cipriano
La società dei devianti
depressi, schizoidi, suicidi, hikikomori, nichilisti, rom, migranti, cristi in croce e
anormali d’ogni sorta (altre storie di psichiatria riluttante)
The deviant company - depressed, schizoid, suicides, hikikomori, nihilists, Roma, migrants, down-and-out and deviants of
all kinds (other stories of reluctant psychiatry )
I have lived for half of my life in places where unwanted madness and any possible
deviation from the norm concentrate. And I saw, from this privileged point of view, how
humans, whether they are treating or deviant, are transformed.
With this book, the trilogy of reluctance which also includes The factory of mental care and
The chemical asylum comes to an end – it includes gruesome stories that tell the pain of
living of our era. Starting from his daily meeting with mental suffering, Cipriano
confronts the existential fatigue, hastily called depression, that our anthropophagous
society first feeds and then tries to tag along with its own diagnostic and rating folly. A
label is applied to wach medical or psychiatric, but also sociological or judicial deviance,
and it becomes a kind of tattooed identity, an imposed destiny from which everything
else comes: duties, paths, schools, care, medicines , prisons, whatever one may or may
not do (and be) in his/her life.
Piero Cipriano (1968) is a doctor, psychiatrist, psychotherapist,
and ethnopsychiatric. After working in various mental health
departments from Friuli to Campania, in the last few years he is
working in a Roman health centre.
15,00 euro
isbn 9788898860104
130 x 210 x 16 mm
Elèuthera 2016
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Raul Pantaleo
La sporca bellezza
indizi di futuro tra guerra e povertà
Foreword by Erri De Luca
Elèuthera 2016
euro 12,00 • pagine 128 ill. formato 12,5 x 19
The stories by Raul Pantaleo, foreman of Emergency, take me
to a sentimental geography where places are sore spots on the
general body of humanity.
Erri De Luca
It is no coincidence that Raul Pantaleo and Tamassociati team have been commissioned
to design the Italian Pavilion at the next Biennale of Architecture in Venice (MayNovember 2016). Their borderline work in the most disadvantaged places of the world
– from Sudan to Afghanistan - in fact gives substance and depth to the theme of this
Biennale: "Reporting from the front."
Right there where war, poverty, disease seem to mold on the appearance of a place,
Pantaleo wants to design something more than just a service building, as essential as a
hospital: he wants to bring beauty. A non-trivial concept of beauty - indeed, even rough,
as it is expressed by the new term coined by the author – bellitudine - that takes into
account the wasted land where it is installed and at the same time can challenge it, thanks
to an extreme design work that could conquer new human and imaginary territories.
Raul Pantaleo, architect and co-founder of the Tamassociati
team in Venice, has designed and implemented several
Emergency health centers in Italy and in the world, receiving
national and international awards, including the Gold Medal for
Italian Architecture in 2012, the Aga Khan Award for
Architecture the Curry Stone Design Prize in 2013, the
Zumtobel Group Award in 2014.
With Eleuthera also published Attenti all'uomo bianco, with a foreword by Gino Strada,
Made in Africa, with a preface by Erri De Luca, and Un Pisolo in giardino, with a preface by
Luca Molinari.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Antonio Senta
Utopia In Action
A History of Anarchism In Italy (1848-1984)
Foreword by Claudio Venza
Elèuthera 2015
256 pages
15.00 euro
Antonio Senta outlines an original history of Italian anarchism from 1848 to 1984. The
author weaves into the big canvas of national and European history the minute lives of
the men and women who gave living substance to anarchism's unique mixture of
freedom and equality. His compact and compelling narrative draws the reader directly
into the midst of the turbulent flow of events that have characterized, influenced and
often changed the course of Italian history. Utopia In Action narrates the stories of
several unknown activists who have been the flesh and blood of the Italian anarchist
movement. It is the history of the political ideals and passions that lead generations of
anarchists into action. This book presents the account of a non-dogmatic and openended ideal the practice of which transcends the merely political and reaches into the
ethical and social domains of historical existence.
Antonio Senta (Fiesole, 1980) is an activist and a
researcher at Università di Trieste and a member of the
scientific committee of the Archivio Famiglia Berneri-Chessa.
He has written extensively on the history of the Italian
and international anarchist movement. He is the author of
A testa alta! Ugo Fedeli e l'anarchismo internazionale (2012), a
biography of one of the main protagonists of the
international anarchist movement of the first half of the
20th Century
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Goffredo Fofi
Cinema e anarchia
Elèuthera- forthcoming Fall 2015
Today more than ever, art is anarchy, otherwise it is cowardly or
While the power imposes globally a unique model of social organization, while media
and new technologies emerge as primary means of control, even art is forced to
reconsider its means and its ends, its very reason for existing. And if it is true that great
art has always shown an anarchist flair and a critique of the existent, to question directly or indirectly - the "rationality" of social order, the cinema has always had two
souls: one is that of peaceful consolation and the other is the questioning provocation.
And it is the latter which Fofi considers, showing how cinema has always explored
neither trivial nor comforting territories and languages. In this pamphlet great examples
are suggested of direct or indirect relationship between cinema and anarchy, that can be
traced both in the cinema of the past - in particular in the figures of two masters like
Jean Vigo and Luis Buñuel – and in recent movies, insisting first on the works by Aki
Kaurismaki and Daniele Ciprì and Franco Maresco, but also highlighting other authors
and works of different countries.
Goffredo Fofi (Gubbio 1937) has been involved in literary
and film criticism, has directed and founded cultural and
political journals, is the author of several books and has
participated in many experiences of social intervention and
education since the mid-fifties.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Piero Cipriano
La società dei devianti
depressi, schizoidi, suicidi, hikikomori, nichilisti, rom, migranti, cristi in croce e
anormali d’ogni sorta (altre storie di psichiatria riluttante)
The deviant company - depressed, schizoid, suicides, hikikomori, nihilists, Roma, migrants, down-and-out and deviants of
all kinds (other stories of reluctant psychiatry )
I have lived for half of my life in places where unwanted madness and any possible
deviation from the norm concentrate. And I saw, from this privileged point of view, how
humans, whether they are treating or deviant, are transformed.
With this book, the trilogy of reluctance which also includes The factory of mental care and
The chemical asylum comes to an end – it includes gruesome stories that tell the pain of
living of our era. Starting from his daily meeting with mental suffering, Cipriano
confronts the existential fatigue, hastily called depression, that our anthropophagous
society first feeds and then tries to tag along with its own diagnostic and rating folly. A
label is applied to wach medical or psychiatric, but also sociological or judicial deviance,
and it becomes a kind of tattooed identity, an imposed destiny from which everything
else comes: duties, paths, schools, care, medicines , prisons, whatever one may or may
not do (and be) in his/her life.
Piero Cipriano (1968) is a doctor, psychiatrist, psychotherapist,
and ethnopsychiatric. After working in various mental health
departments from Friuli to Campania, in the last few years he is
working in a Roman health centre.
15,00 euro
isbn 9788898860104
130 x 210 x 16 mm
Elèuthera 2016
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Franco La Cecla
Elogio dell’occidente
Franco La Cecla
A Eulogy of the West
Published: november 2016
176 pages • 12,5 x 19 cm • 14,00 euros
EAN 978-88-98860-19-7
rights available: World
It is said that the West (led by Europe) is in crisis. And there are plenty of reasons to support this claim
by its multitude of critics, including those who want to blame it for everything bad that is happening
in the world. Nevertheless, Cecla warns us about throwing the baby out with the bathwater, because in
this overwhelming disenchantment we are losing consciousness of the difference that the West represents still today and that external observers seem to grasp more than insiders. Despite capitalism, the
world wars, colonialism, neo-liberalism (and the list can go on and on), the West is in fact seen by the
rest of the world as the place where there is an enviable coexistence. A place where the individual and
women and children can exercise their rights against all forms of religious, ethnic, clan, and familial
affinity. A place where you practice a citizenry that allows you to establish free and revocable bonds, an
idea born with the democracy of Pericles and then reformulated in light of the concepts of equality and
fraternity. It is this extraordinary difference that we risk to throw away, when in fact, we must not only
assert it but re-possess and radicalize it; unless it favors a masochistic sense of its own place in the world
and an exoticism that is now completely out of place.
Franco Cecla (Palermo 1950), anthropologist and urban planner, has taught Cultural Anthropology in
Berkeley, Paris, Venice, Bologna, and Milan.
Piero Cipriano
cronache di uno psichiatra riluttante
(The Chemical Asylum. Diary of a Reluctant Psychiatrist)
Elèuthera 2015
256 pp.
€ 15,00
It is not a coincidence that Cipriano is reluctant, that is – as the dictionary says - “unwilling to
give up, indulge, approve”.
Il Sole 24Ore
Today an asylum is no longer made up of bands, walls, bars, but it has become
untangible, invisible. It moved directly into the head, in neurotransmitter pathways that
regulate thoughts. The real madhouse, today, is made of drugs. Moreover, we are
experiencing a real anthropological change: for psychiatrists, and drug companies, the
number of sick people to cure is not enough, so they treat also the healthy. Grief,
sadness, anger, shyness, inattention, are not considered physiological feelings, but
diseases to be treated with appropriate medication. Cipriano submits to severe criticism
the key concepts of "modern" psychiatry: to begin with the diagnosis, or the
bureaucratic urgent need to consider "disease" any psychological problems, followed by
the inevitable prescription of a drug. And when drugs are not enough, there is a return
to the unofficial use of bands and electroshock. This is the new mental hospital, less
noisy, more discreet, where diagnosis and drugs dominate the scene.
Piero Cipriano (1968), psychiatrist and psychotherapist,
spcializing in cognitive psycology and ethnopsychiatry,
has worked in various departments of Mental Health of
Italy, from Friuli to Campania,and presently isangaged in
a SPDC in Rome. His previous book La fabbrica della cura
mentale, was published by Elèuthera in 2013.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Franco La Cecla
Eleuthera 2014
168 pages
15.00 €
The rituals of abandonment
in the era of social network
Small etiquette manual to say goodbye in the time of liquid love and sms
It seems that our society is unable to continue any relationship. In Europe, the “eternal
love” has lasted less than three years. Leaving or being left should therefore be a quite
trivial event, and yet it still makes us the protagonists of a drama that often we do not
know how to handle. There is widespread ignorance of the art of taking leave, even
more evident at a time when the farewells are mediated by cell phones, emails, sms. And
the appearance of the tragic end of a love affair lies in the disconnect between the
tangible feelings and the metaphysics of eternal love (and happy marriage), just
according to a Catholic and Hollywood's order, that still drives us to look for the
woman or the man of our lives. This is why every “lasciamento” must be immediately
removed, must be fast and cruel, and often sets free our “inner barbarian”: to start again
and persuade ourselves and others that the next will be the right time ...
Franco Cecla (Palermo 1950), anthropologist and urban planner, has
taught Cultural Anthropology at Berkeley, Paris, Venice, Bologna and
Other books by Franco La Cecla
PER UN'ANTROPOLOGIA DEL QUOTIDIANO L'APE Antropologia su tre ruote SAPERCI FARE - Corpi e autenticità
MODI BRUSCHI - antropologia del maschio
MENTE LOCALE / IN ALTRO MARE - Per un'antropologia dell'abitare
UNA MORALE PER LA VITA DI TUTTI I GIORNI NON È COSA / NON SIAMO MAI SOLI - Vita affettiva degli oggetti / Oggetti e disegni
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Derive Approdi New Titles
Il vento di Adriano
Alberto Magnaghi, Aldo Bonomi, Marco Revelli
La comunità concreta di Olivetti tra non più e non ancora
Olivetti's tangible community – no more and not yet
144 pages
Alessandro Somma
L’altra faccia della Germania
Sinistra e democrazia economica nelle maglie del neoliberalismo
The other face of Germany. The left and the economical democracy unde the
pressure of Neo-liberalism
192 pages
Etica e fotografia
Potere, ideologia, violenza dell’immagine fotografica
a cura di Raffaella Perna e Ilaria Schiaffini
Ethics and Photography. Power, ideology, violence of photographic image
160 pages
Mario Palma
La leggenda del modesto bevitore
Una narrazione fresca e raffinata sulla cultura e il piacere del buon
The legend of the Modest Drinker
A fresh and refined tale about the culture and pleasure of good drinking
80 pages
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Lorenzo Declich
L'islam nudo
Le spoglie di una civiltà nel mercato globale
Juvence 2015
147 pages
14 euro
The Islamic identity, in the grinder of globalization, is being redefined. This book, in
between reporting and disclosure, descibes some surprising and unexpected aspects of
this process, finally focusing on the emerging "Islamic Market" whose effects on the
lives of individual believers and various Muslim communities are often disruptive. It is a
world of large multinationals who have discovered the deal the "next one billion
market," Islamic-style millionaires Hollywood productions islamizzanti and brokers from
all over the world engaged in bundling "Islamically correct" products or to struggle one
agaist the other, but it is also a worls made of "chicken-pigs ", suspicious certifications,
historic cities such as Mecca that are torn down and rebuilt from scratch to make room
for the business. The first victims of what in Europe and North America is often
perceived as a threatening Islamic invasion are the Muslims themselves who, increasingly,
are conceived and managed by the actors of the global market as dumb and manipulable
"Muslim consumers."
Lorenzo Declich, PhD in "Islamic civilization" has taught at the
Orientale of Naples and is an expert of the contemporary Islamic
world, collaborating with various journals and newspapers.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
La dolcezza delle lacrime
Eva Cantarella
The Sweetness of Tears. The Myth of Orpheus
Mimesis 2015
72 pages
11x17 cm
The love song that defies death.
The immortality of emotion from the Greeks to us
Orpheus and Eurydice defied death. The power of their love is so great to make us find
sweetness even in tears. Eva Cantarella, a great and versatile interpreter of the ancient
universe that is still alive in us in the myth, helps us to appreciate the depth of the story
of Orpheus. Privileged among men, he could descend into Hades and recover Eurydice.
But an earthly recall imprisons the strength of the feeling in a never-ending echo. The
song that flows through the long centuries of our culture, brings the names of the
greatest poets and musicians of all time. An extraordinary essay by a great scholar, which
draws from the power of human passions.
Eva Cantarella has taught for years Roman Law and ancient
Greek Law at the University of Milan, also taking courses
in prestigious universities abroad. Her intellectual production
fucuses on anthropology and law, but also on women's history
and sexuality. Cantarella has collaborated for many years with
the cultural pages of "Corriere della Sera". Her books have
been translated into several languages, The best known are I
supplizi capitali in Grecia e a Roma (2006); L’amore è un dio. Il sesso e
la polis (2008); Sopporta, cuore… La scelta di Ulisse (2010).
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Tito Saffioti
Nei panni del buffone.Storia di giullari,
saltimbanchi e folli alla corte dei re
Jouvence 2015
190 pages
14 x 21 cm
Dwarfs, hunchbacks, lunatics, cripples, goitred: the cruelty of the powerful that love to
be surrounded by such figures to have fun and to highlight, by contrast, their power,
wisdom and beauty has never had limits. But jesters and buffoons were not characterized
only by their physical defects, but also - and especially - from the clothes that the king
required them to wear to emphasize irreverence, folly and imperfection. This book,
accompanied by a rich array of images, shows how the appearance of the clown will be
standardized over the centuries, to resemble the "Jolly Jocker", that we all recognize. A
gradual and complex evolution, below the surface of garments and accessories, reveals
profound changes, related to the sphere of sensibility and morality.
Tito Saffioti (b. 1946), journalist, has worked in the
publishing industry since 1968 and is involved in studies
on folklore. He is the author of several books, including
Le ninne nanne italiane (Einaudi, 1994); Dizionario delle
barzellette (Vallardi, 1996); Canzoniere della Resistenza (M &
B Publishing, 1999); Ballate popolari italiane (Book Time,
2008); Gli occhi della follia. Giullari e buffoni di corte nella
storia e nell’arte (Book Time, 2009). Saffioti collaborates
with "La Repubblica" and "La Provincia di Como".
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Santino Spinelli
Storia del popolo rom
Forthcoming: March 2016
400 pages
For the first time, a Roma scholar offers to readers a comprehensive history of the
Romany people, from their original migrations to the contemporary situation, embracing
their culture and social values, artistic expression, and political organizations.
This study gives back the "invisible" identity of Roma, the evolution of age-old
traditions and values handed down in everyday life: an identity ignored by the
stereotypes of the camps that transform the errors of a few into collective guilt;
relegated to the ghetto of poverty and social exclusion by the pseudo-voluntary
associations; annihilated, finally, by the current policy of assimilation through Romphobia.
Santino Spinelli aka "Alexian" is an Italian Rom,
musician, composer, poet, essayist. He has two
degrees, one in Modern Foreign Languages and
Literature and the other in Musicology, both obtained
at the University of Bologna. He is the author of
numerous articles and literary works on the world of
Roms. Spinelli teaches Languages and Intercultural
Processes at the University of Chieti. With his band,
the Alexian Group, he helds concerts in Italy and
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Claudio Bianchi
Continente Cina
Ibis edizioni
214 pages
10 euros
What do we know about China, how it was and how it has become? The book is a sort
of “guided visit” to the big country, to discover its people, its history and present
situation. After a historical examination, the author analyses the present social, economic
and political situation. The ethnic divisions, religions, languages, but also Chinese
common life are described, as well as internal migrations, offering interesting and up to
date statistics about their typologies and geographic differences. In the second part,
there are some life experiences, told by Chinese people or people who worked in China.
Claudio Bianchi lives and works in Milan, He also published for Ibis: Giuseppe Gorani e la
brigata paesana (2010), Il Drago e il Biscione (2012), Continente Cina (2014).
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Marco Sioli
Expo d'America
From the Barnum exhibition to the global event
Ibis edizioni
316 pages
13 euros
The Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations, held in New York between 1853 and
1854, was the first American world exhibition. It aimed not only at spreading
technological innovations and arts worldwide, but also to promote friendship and
solidarity amongst people. After a decline of the visitors, the exhibition was committed
to Phineas T. Barnum, the great showman who was trying to renew his image as a
This is the starting point of this essay on USA Expo, that examines the Centennial
Exhibition of 1876 in Philadelphia, the Columbian Exposition of 1893 in Chicago and
the Louisiana Purchase Exposition of 1904 in St. Louis, where also took place the first
American Olympic games. Amongst the halls there were stands dedicated to leisure: this
showed that the exhibition had overcome its original purpose to become a global event
which involved the entire nation, with the central role of its big metropolis and the rise
of mass culture.
Marco Sioli teaches History of North America at Milan State University. He published
also: American Golem. Lo spazio e il tempo degli Stati Uniti (2009). He edited Per l'abolizione
della schiavitù by Schoelcher Victor, Dalla Sicilia alle Alpi by Emerson Ralph W., Viaggio nel
sud della Francia e nel nord d'Italia by Thomas Jefferson.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Como, Lecco and the Lario
the most beloved places
A gastronomic and cultural guide for tourists
by Tiziana NAVA and Donata VITTANI
9 788871 645032
Como, Lecco and the Lario are among the most
beloved tourist destinations for Italian and
foreign visitors. The fame of this region is not
misplaced, because there are many places worth
visiting – historical monuments, churches,
museums, villas and buildings of great historical
value, not to mention the scenery of the lake and
the surrounding mountains, with their scattered
villages where you can relax. Ancient and modern
live side by side. For centuries the Lario has been
popular with visitors, written about by many
when they have stayed here or while passing
through – from Plinio to Volta, from Manzoni to
Goethe, from Stendhal to Jefferson…
Apart from being a practical guide, this book
has itineraries with places to visit, information
on monuments and a history of the art and
paintings. There’s practical advice regarding
hotels and restaurants, and the opportunity to
discover the characteristics, culture and way of
life of the region.
There is also a chapter dedicated to gastronomic
The guide provides the QR code to various Internet
sites for anyone needing further information.
sede legale: via Crispi 8, 22100 COMO, fax 031.306829
sede edit.: via Folla di sotto 29, 27100 PAVIA, tel. 0382.32021
Promozione: Bibliomanie
Distribuzione: Messaggerie
Valerio Marchi
MOBS. Stories of youth conflicts from the Renaissance
to the present days
With a foreword by Wu Ming 5
160 pages
13x20 cm
What lies behind the hooliganism of young people that consistently accompanied the
process of civilization?
What drives many young people to adopt attitudes that the dominant culture considers
negative, and sanctions in many cases?
This book traces and interprets the forms that the "hooliganism" went assuming since
the dawn of modern society: the violence of the "putti" in the sixteenth century to the
wandering companies of the following century, the gangs of post-revolutionary Paris
and Victorian London Boys, from to Pasolini's coatti Anglo-American Teddy Boys.
Until the recent phenomena of the age: football hooliganism, the US gang and, more
generally, "the molecular conflict" that marks this days.
Valerio Marchi (Rome, 1955 - Polignano a Mare, 2006),
sociologist and founder of the famous "Libreria
Internazionale di San Lorenzo" was first and foremost
an actor of youth subcultures to which his books are
dedicated. Leading member of the skinhead movement,
anti-fascist, fan of Roma F.C. and expert of punk, ska
and reggae, is the author of several studies on youth
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Unstoppable Words. From Genoa to Val di Susa - Letters
from the jail by Italian activists
Edited by Matthias Moretti
224 pages
13x20 cm
Repression and prison have always been essential elements in any struggle that takes
sides in the opposite camp to that of the established power. If the codes of law are an
instrument of ratification and strengthening of the balance of power in society, it is
natural that in any process of radical, or even revolutionary change, the participants
infringe such codes and end up deprived of their liberty, precisely according to the rules
that govern the world that they wish to change. And so the prison itself has always been
a battle ground, both in terms of the life in jail and in dialogue with those who continue
to fight "outside".
The importance and value of letters from prison are so related to the eternal story of
the struggle for individual and collective liberation. In recent years, increase the number
of those who have known the prison because of their political activism or a simple
rebellion is increased: the G8 summit in Genoa, struggles in the Susa Valley, the squat
movements, the rallies on October 15th, 2011 and November 14th, 2012: this book
collects the most significant letters written by comrades who paid with deprivation of
liberty the price of their own ideas.
Born in Pisa in 1986, Matthias Moretti graduated in Political
Science in 2012 and, since then, has experienced insecurity and
He has been in prison for a few days in 2013, when he was arrested
during a demonstration against the TAV in Val di Susa.
Moretti lives in Rome, where he plays a role in the movements of
struggle for housing.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Giovanni Pesce
A Partisan's Diary
Red Star Press 2015
224 pages
13x20 cm.
A direct evidence of partisan life, this is a unique book: a lively contribution to the cause
of the insurrection, but also the lasting memory of the great values that animated
women and men – protagonists of such a venture.
Giovanni Pesce, as a fighter named "Ivaldi" and "Visone",
Gold Medal of the Resistance, is a legendary figure of the
international partisan movement. Born in Visone, e village
near to Alessandria, he was only eighteen when enlisted in
the International Brigades and under the command of
Guido Picelli was at the forefront in the crucial moments of
the Spanish anti-fascist war. Repatriated in 1940, he was
arrested and confined to the island of Ventotene, but in
1943, he regained freedom, and was one of the organizers
of the resistence in Turin where, along with fighters like
Dante Di Nanni, created panic among the Nazi troops stationed in the capital of
Piedmont. From 1944 he operated in Milan, continuing until the victory of the
Liberation War under the command of the Third Brigade "Rubini. A tireless witness to
the partisan values, Pesce devoted to the Resistance several books, including, in addition
to Soldati senza uniforme, the famous Senza tregua (1967). Pesce died in Milan in 2007.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
La tavola di Dio
The Last Supper. What Jesus and the apostles
ate and how painters of all time imagined the
menu. Pictures, recipes, Heaven and Hell.
Bilingual text – Italian- English
Edizioni Clichy 2015
250 pages – 12x19cm - Colour illustrations
12.75 euro
In which sauce did Jesus dip the morsel that offered to Judas? At that time the Last
Supper began? Who cooked it? Fish, lamb or pork? Roasted or boiled? White wine or
red wine? What hymns sang Jesus and the apostles after eating? Sitting or lying down?
Who paid the bill? How many Last Suppers with shrimp are represented in the churches
of Trentino? How many cherries Ghirlandaio painted on his Last Suppers in Florence?
Is it true that Leonardo was vegetarian? And why he filled with eels the dishes of his
Last Supper? Who was the only artist to portray the Passover? Why Judas is dressed in
yellow? And why has he reddish hair? What is the Renaissance Elbow? Where the cats
that appear under the table come from? How many minutes should the dough of
unleavened bread rest? Why crickets are pure? And why snails are not? How much the
portions of the sacred meal increased in the last thousand years? Who painted the
largest loaf ? Why almost all the artists filled with knives the table of Jesus? When the
first napkin in art history was painted on a Last Supper?
Art, food, history, faith. After the great success of her two volumes Conosci Roma?
Lauretta Colonelli takes us on an adventurous journey through the endless
representations of the Last Supper from the Florentine frescos to Leonardo, from
Giotto to Veronese, from Marc Chagall to Andy Warhol.
Born in Pitigliano (Grosseto), resident in Rome since 1969, after classical
studies Lauretta Colonnelli graduated in philosophy at the University
La Sapienza. She has worked at Rai as a program director, and then as a
journalist and editor of the cultural section in various weekly magazines
and daily vewpapers. Among her recent publications: the essay on "The
unique 1960s in Rome" (ed. Skira, 2011) and the book "Been to Rome?"
(ed. Clichy, 2013): a walk through the secrets of the Eternal City descibed
in 450 questions and answers.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Lorenzo Declic
Giulio Regeni
The unknown truth. The Al- Sisi
dictatorship and the connection between
Italy and Egipt.
Size: 14x21 cm
Pages: 170
Edizioni Alegre
An instant book about the case of the
murder of the university researcher
Giulio Regeni in Egipt
This book reviews the Egyptian events of the last 5 years and analyzes in particular the
Al-Sisi regime and its being supported by Italian and Western governments. The case of
Giulio Regeni is only the last of a long list of disappeared, tortured and killed people,
that the regime can no more hide. Some days after the body of Giulio Regeni was found,
death and tortured, in Egypt, a number of activists in Italy launched a hashtag
#veritàpergiulio and a banner with the image of Giulio and Khaled Said, the 28 years
old Egyptian killed by the police in Alessandria in 2010.
PhD in "Islamic Civilization" Lorenzo Declic is teacher at
Orientale of Naples and deals with contemporary Islamic
world, collaborating with various newspapers.
He is also the author of the essay L'islam nudo, le spoglie di una
civiltà nel mercato globale, Jouvence, 2015.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515 – Sesto SG (MI) Italy – –