foreign rights catalogue2015 - Giunti International Division
foreign rights catalogue2015 - Giunti International Division
FOREIGN RIGHTS CATALOGUE 2015 N O N - F I C T I O N ART. HISTORY & CRITICISM NON-FICTION Points of View Softcover editions with flaps cm 15 x 23 pp. 64 / 32 colour illustrations / € 9.90 These volumes showcase the most interesting articles by famous names in the art world published in the magazine alongside new texts on topics related to the history of art. Art critic Philippe Daverio, is the creator and host of the successful Italian TV programme ‘Passepartout’. He teaches Industrial design at Palermo University and has been Director of the magazine Arte e Dossier since 2008. Eva di Stefano has various books and essays on European Art of the late 19th - early 20th century, Secessionism and Austrian Expressionism to her name. She teaches Contemporary Art History at Palermo University. Philippe Daverio Eva di Stefano L’arte di guardare l’arte The sharpest articles published in the magazine “Art & Dossier” by its editor in chief Philippe Daverio. An original style, the unique capacity of combining topics, areas and stories that apparently belong to different spheres but that, once united, reveal unexpected meanings and shed new light on the world of art. Nel mondo di Klimt A gripping, precise and complete story revolving around the creative universe of Gustav Klimt, the Austrian painter among the founders of the Vienna Secession movement. No detail is left behind: the research on the female body, always mysterious, but also ethereal and sensual, the complexity of symbolic contents, techniques and materials, the opulence of decoration as a key element in the composition and contextualization of that time’s historical-artistic climate. The Art of Viewing Art 56954C / 9788809774254 Klimt’s World 56955Q / 9788809774261 B. Nardini Michelangelo Biography of a genius Biografia di un genio From the Florence of Lorenzo de’ Medici and Savonarola to the splendor of Papal Rome, this volume tells of the tormented life of a genius of the Renaissance: Michelangelo. The book presents an accurate biography of Michelangelo Buonarroti, including a cronological table of historical and artistic events and a topographical index of his works. Softcover / cm 13 x 19,3 51797E / 9788809017160 / pp. 192 / € 14.00 English edition: 50198K / 9788809012523 spanish edition: 53765S / 9788809022461 russian edition: 52240M / 9788809748699 Andrea Bernardoni Leonardo and Francesco Sforza’s Equestrian Statue Leonardo e il monumento equestre a Francesco Sforza Introduction by Paolo Galluzzi The equestrian monument to Francesco Sforza is one of the most audacious artistic and technological challenges of the Renaissance. In order to create it, Leonardo elaborated a project of unprecedented complexity, striving to achieve ideal proportions and definition of the horse’s muscular morphology thus giving a dynamic pose to a bronze statue that was to stand over seven metres in height and approximately seventy tonnes in weight. His attempt to resolve problems surrounding fusion, performed in a single casting, meant that Leonardo was to discover, the first in the Renaissance, the indirect metal casting method. Adverse political events experienced by his patron, Ludovico il Moro, stopped Leonardo from performing the casting. Softcover with flaps / cm 16.5 x 23.5 85264C / 97888090053960 / pp. 128 / € 18.00 Giorgio T. Bagni, Bruno D’Amore Leonardo and Mathematics Leonardo e la matematica Equations and algebric symbolism, geometry and practical arithmetic. Countless studies on Leonardo da Vinci have depicted him as an almost legendary figure, both scientist and artist. This book is devoted to mathematics and to the mathematicians in Leonardo’s time. It narrates the keen interest that the genius showed in this subject, which between the 15th and 16th century made great strides. A long section is devoted to the kind of mathematics used in this particular period, covering algebra, geometry and arithmetic, although ample space is also given to practical demonstrations – equations, the evolution of algebraic symbolism and the use of algorithms. Softcover / cm 13 x 19.5 82780U / 9788809047488 / pp. 128 / € 10.00 3 NON-FICTION 4 HUMAN SCIENCES NEW! Mauro Maldonato When We Decide Horizons Are we conscious actors, or biological machines? A new outlook on human sciences Quando decidiamo Siamo attori consapevoli o macchine biologiche? The decision is a process which sees the participation of rationality, intuition, cultural practices, and biological factors. Its appeal lies in the “heart of obfuscation” of these activities of the mind that oscillate between light and darkness, consciousness and unconsciousness. When We Decide, suitable to a wide public, from psychologists to those employed in the judicial system, experts on moral issues, scientists, but above all to readers who are interested in great questions about the meaning of life, makes the journey towards an idea of “limited rationality” and shows how awareness of our behaviour only arrives after the event. Deciding is only half a rational process, because the invisible supremacy – our conscience – kicks in. The important choices in life (marriage, having children, choosing the direction of your education) are not only influenced by a calculation of convenience. Remembering this more often would help clarify the idea we have of ourselves as moral and mortal beings. Softcover editions with flaps cm 14 x 21,5 the author 63323T / pp. 144 / € 14,00 Mauro Maldonato is a psychiatrist and Professor of General Psychology at Basilicata University. He also taught at the Pontificia Universidade Católica in São Paulo, Brazil and at Duke University, where he is the Director of the Cognitive Science Studies for the Research on Research Group. Moreover he is author of volumes and essays and Director of the International Research Week. ISBN 978-88-09-77394-3 Mauro Maldonato Un viaggio nel misterioso e familiare arcipelago della coscienza che mostra come la razionalità sia il risultato di un lungo processo evolutivo e non una caratteristica innata della nostra specie, e come la vita della nostra mente oscilli continuamente tra luce e ombra, consapevolezza e inconsapevolezza. The Archipelago of Consciousness Mauro Maldonato L’arcipelago della coscienza Sulla consapevolezza di noi e del mondo L’ARCIPELAGO DELLA COSCIENZA Mauro Maldonato è psichiatra e professore di Psicologia generale presso l’Università della Basilicata. È stato recurrent visiting professor presso la Pontificia Universidade Católica de São Paulo e la Duke University (Durham, North Carolina). Dirige il Cognitive Science Studies for the Research on Research Group presso la Duke University. È autore e curatore di una trentina di volumi e di numerosi articoli scientifici in inglese, francese, portoghese e spagnolo. Editorialista del quotidiano La Repubblica, è direttore scientifico della Settimana Internazionale della Ricerca. Mauro Maldonato Being Conscious about the Self and the World Pochi dilemmi nella storia del pensiero umano hanno suscitato dibattiti così appassionanti come quello sulla coscienza. Fino a qualche decennio fa soltanto alcuni studiosi riconoscevano dignità scientifica al problema, forse a causa della sua intima natura soggettiva. Condizionato dai limiti del metodo introspettivo e dall’artificiosa opposizione tra conscio e inconscio, lo studio della consapevolezza è stato a lungo appannaggio esclusivo della filosofia, della letteratura, della teologia, rafforzando il pregiudizio secondo cui tra cultura umanistica e scientifica debba esservi una rigida separazione. Questo libro riduce la distanza tra soggettività e oggettività, instaura un fertile dialogo tra diverse discipline, tra cultura umanistica e cultura scientifica, indagando la coscienza da una pluralità di punti di vista e delinea la trama di ciò che dà forma alla consapevolezza di noi e del mondo. L’arcipelago della coscienza Sulla consapevolezza di noi e del mondo In the mysterious but also familiar universe of conscience, rationality is the result of a long evolutionary process. Our minds sway between light and shadow, consciousness and uncousciousness. 56708T / 9788809773943 / pp. 128 / € 14,00 ☛ Full English translation available. 9 788809 773943 e 14,00 56708T Progetto grafco: Yoshihito Furuya In copertina: © Stian Iversen/Fotolia. 56708T_PS0338_COPE_BAS@0001.pgs 11.09.2012 15:33 Stefano Mancuso, Alessandra Viola Bright Green Sensibility and Intelligence of the Vegetal World Verde brillante Sensibilità e intelligenza del mondo vegetale Plants are not passive organisms: they can communicate with each other, they are gifted with the five senses as humans are. They can live without us, but can we say the opposite? 56188Z / 9788809771437 / pp. 144 / € 14,00 ☛ Partial English translation available Stefano Mancuso, Stefano Mancuso, Alessandra Viola, is a scientific journalist, writer of documentaries and a television scriptwriter. In 2011 she directed the Genoa Science Festival. XXXXXX 0001_0001@XXXXXX_XXXXXX_COPE.indd 1 e XX,00 Men Who Love Plants: Stefano Mancuso Stories of Scientists of the Vegetal World UOMINI CHE AMANO LE PIANTE Uomini che amano le piante Storie di scienziati del mondo vegetale UOMINI CHE AMANO LE PIANTE teaches at the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Florence. He is the Director of the International Laboratory of Plant Neurobiology (LINV) and he is one of the founders of the International Society for Plant Signaling & Behavior. His books and papers are published in international magazines. La Repubblica has listed him among the twenty people who will change our lives. Stefano Mancuso the authors Storie di scienziati del mondo vegetale Best-selling author Stefano Mancuso’s second and latest title for Giunti Editore explores the history of five centuries of discoveries in the vegetal world through the extraordinary lives of naturalists, geneticists, and botanists. All related through their passion for plants, trees, agriculture, and genetics. For example, Charles Darwin, who identified a type of butterfly that could pollinate only one type of orchid. Leonardo da Vinci, who dedicated himself to the study of phyllotaxis, the disposition of leaves on a plant stem to capture the light of the sun. Many other scientists are included who changed our ideas about the universe we live in, to complete a tale of the most amazing and sometimes unknown discoveries in the vegetal world. Progetto grafico: Yoshihito Furuya Copertina di: Rocío Isabel González In copertina: © Xxxxxxxxxxxx 03/06/14 10:20 61245U / 9788809790698 / pp. 144 / € 14,00 NON-FICTION HUMAN SCIENCES the author Emiliano Ricci is an astrophysicist and expert in communication of science and new technologies. He is a regular contributor to newspapers, TV and radio programmes. Among his scientific publications: Telescope No Problem (2000), Glossario di astronomia (2002), Professione astronomo (2005), Il cielo imperfetto (2007), Fisica (Giunti 2007) e Osservare il cielo (Giunti Demetra 2009). Emiliano Ricci Emiliano Ricci A Fantastic Journey into the Discovery of the Laws of Nature Room per Room, a Journey into Unexpected Phenomena and Clever Discoveries Outdoor Physics La fisica fuori casa Un fantastico viaggio alla scoperta delle leggi della natura Physics in everyday life: sport, transportation, urban life, meteorological phenomena. 56187K / 9788809771420 / pp. 192 / € 14,00 ☛ Partial English translation available Indoor Physics La fisica in casa Viaggio stanza per stanza tra fenomeni inaspettati e ingegnose scoperte When you are at home, every action is like a physics’ experiment, involving disciplines like mechanic, thermodinamic, electromagnetism. 59718G / 14 x 21,5 / 9788809784642 / pp. 224 / € 14,00 La chimica fa bene Fin da quando l’uomo ha imparato a controllare e usare quell’insieme di reazioni chimiche che chiamiamo fuoco, nell’avanzata della tecnologia la chimica s’è trovata praticamente un po’ dappertutto. E per molti aspetti ciò succede ancora. Subirla senza comprenderla è la condizione peggiore che possa toccarvi. the author Gianni Fochi is a Professor at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa and the author of university and high school textbooks. He worked as a researcher for the industry and for the Zurich Polytechnic Institute. He has been awarded two Federchimica prizes as best journalist (in 1992 and 2000), a «Pirelli INTERNETional Award» (1999) and a «Voltolino» (2001). He was also a member of the Scientific Committee of the National Agency of Environmental Protection. Among his most successful books are Il segreto della chimica (2012, also published internationally) and Fischi per fiaschi nell’italiano scientifico (2010). Gianni Fochi La chimica fa bene Li Be Sc B C Na Mg Y Al Si K Ca Ga Ge Rb Sr La In Sn Cs Ba Ac Tl Pb ) Chimico della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Gianni Fochi è stato ricercatore nell’industria e al Politecnico di Zurigo e vanta una lunga esperienza di insegnamento universitario. È noto al pubblico per la sua collaborazione a quotidiani e riviste e per la partecipazione al programma televisivo «Uno Mattina» della RAI. È autore di manuali per l’università e per le scuole superiori. Ha vinto due premi giornalistici Federchimica (1992 e 2000), un «Pirelli INTERNETional Award» (1999) e un «Voltolino» (2001) ed è stato membro del comitato scientifco dell’Agenzia Nazionale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente. Coordina la produzione di video a tema scientifco e tecnologico e ha al suo attivo libri di successo come Il segreto della chimica (nuova edizione 2012, tradotto anche all’estero) e Fischi per faschi nell’italiano scientifco (2010). Gianni Fochi ☛ Partial English translation available Bere bevande gassate, usare occhiali fotocromatici, spargere il sale sulle strade per prevenire la formazione del ghiaccio, acquistare televisori a cristalli liquidi, sapere che la benzina brucia e l’acqua no, sentire i capelli arricciati per l’umidità: sono tutte cose che diamo per scontate. Ma dei processi scientifici e tecnologici che ne sono all’origine spesso non conosciamo né cause né modalità. Si tratta di applicazioni e di fenomeni della chimica, una scienza piena di segreti da scoprire che entra in gioco nella nostra vita molto più di quel che immaginiamo. Con esempi tratti dalla realtà quotidiana, Gianni Fochi illustra come gas, reagenti, molecole, ioni, atomi, elettroni intervengono nel mondo materiale. Con toni ameni e rigore scientifico spiega perché la chimica fa bene, smascherando falsità su una scienza che non ha alcun bisogno di dichiararsi sostenibile, “verde”, per orientare e migliorare la vita di tutti noi. ISBN 978-88-09-77421-6 9 788809 774216 56913B e 14,00 56913B_SA0004_COPE_BAS@0001.pgs 01.08.2012 15:29 Gianni Fochi Giuseppe Crea, Fabrizio Mastrofini La chimica fa bene Preti sul lettino A scientist describes the foundations of chemistry with a lively and engaging style and reallife examples. He also reve als the tricks of Green Chemistry. Even priests can be stressed, overwhelmed by their duties and feel unheard. This book is a study of their pathologies. Chemistry is Good for Your Life Priests on the Couch 52994L / 9788809752542 / pp. 144 / € 12,00 56913B / 9788809774216 / pp. 192 / € 14,00 ☛ Partial English translation available Un’alimentazione più razionale e consapevole ci può aiutare a migliorare di molto la qualità della nostra vita e, nel lungo periodo, ci può consentire di vivere più a lungo. I cibi industriali hanno aumentato il rischio della dipendenza da cibo. Affrancarci è possibile. La conoscenza dei comportamenti alimentari e dei meccanismi biologici che li sostengono è il primo importante passo in questa direzione. the author Armando Piccinni, is a neurologist and teaches Clinical Psychiatry, Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Occupational Therapy at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Pisa. He also works as a doctor in the Day Hospital of the Psychiatric Clinic in Pisa. He has written several scientific papers recognized internationally. ISBN 978-88-09-76617-4 9 788809 766174 54569K 0001_0001@54569K_RG0432_COPE.indd 1 e 16,00 Drogati di cibo Armando Piccinni, neurologo e psichiatra di chiara fama, è professore a contratto di Psichiatria clinica presso la Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell’Università degli Studi di Pisa. È anche docente di Riabilitazione psichiatrica e Terapia occupazionale. Agli impegni accademici unisce l’attività di medico sul campo presso il Day Hospital della Clinica psichiatrica universitaria della stessa città. È autore di numerose pubblicazioni scientifiche nazionali e internazionali. A questo volume ha collaborato Flavia Piccinni, giornalista e scrittrice, autrice dei romanzi Adesso Tienimi (Fazi, 2007) e Lo sbaglio (Rizzoli, 2011), e del saggio La Mala Vita (Sperling & Kupfer, 2012). Armando Piccinni Armando Piccinni Armando Piccinni Drogati di cibo Quando mangiare crea dipendenza Food as a Drug In Italia, e nel mondo, sono in aumento le patologie legate a una cattiva alimentazione e il consumo del «cibo-spazzatura» è sempre più diffuso tra bambini e adolescenti. Questo libro compie un viaggio nel complesso universo del nostro comportamento alimentare. Ci spiega perché le diete spesso sono inefficaci e perché alcuni cibi, come vere e proprie droghe, creano una pericolosa dipendenza. A determinare la nostra relazione con ciò che mangiamo è l’interazione di fattori diversi – educazione, formazione culturale, influenza dei media, abitudini di vita e di lavoro, vicende personali, congiunture esistenziali – in cui gioca un ruolo non secondario anche la chimica del nostro cervello. Per comprendere la natura dei comportamenti alimentari Armando Piccinni esplora i nostri cinque sensi, analizza il meccanismo famesazietà e il rapporto tra stress e pasti, rivela l’inganno dei cibi industriali. Indaga patologie quali l’obesità, l’anoressia e la bulimia nell’adulto e nel bambino senza trascurare l’analisi di disturbi minori con cui conviviamo senza esserne affatto consapevoli. Perché scoprire di soffrirne è il primo passo verso una vita migliore. When Eating Becomes an Addiction Drogati di cibo Quando mangiare crea dipendenza A thorough investigation on our eating behaviours and the disorders created by a bad relationship with food (obesity, anorexia, bulimia – both in adults and children). It shows how some food, like drugs, can create addiction and also the connection between food and stress. 54569K / 9788809766174 / pp. 240 / € 16,00 ☛ Partial English translation available Progetto grafico: Yoshihito Furuya In copertina: © Elena Schweitzer, OmegaTransFer, fog 17 - Fotolia. ❢ Key points 2nd edition The subject has got appeal for a very wide audience Includes tests to discover eating disorders you might be unaware of 14/11/12 09:04 5 NON-FICTION 6 HUMAN SCIENCES Carlo Petrini Food and Freedom: Giunti / Slow Food Stories of a Gastronomy of Liberation Cibo e libertà Good, clean and fair Storie di gastronomia per la liberazione Carlo Petrini during a trip to Brazil sees realized in the new scene of gourmet Latin American cuisine almost all the ideas of the movement which he founded. A cuisine that looks to tradition but without renouncing creativity, the use of local products and the great biodiversity that nature has provided, as well as a respectful relationship with the masses of farmers and rural communities, and attention to food education and taste. Something very innovative but deeply rooted in its context. To paraphrase the name of the famous religious movement “liberation theology”, Petrini realizes that he is facing a “gastronomy of liberation” which also involves social, political and development issues and the environment. Softcover with flaps cm 14 x 21,5 the author lo Bogliotti è nato a Bra (Cn) nel 1973. Dopo studi in nze della Comunicazione ha iniziato a lavorare per Slow d come stretto collaboratore di Petrini, contribuendo analla realizzazione di questo libro. Fa parte della redazione a rivista Slowfood ed è governatore dell’associazione Slow d Italia. Ha pubblicato per varie testate su temi di nuoastronomia, comunicazione e politiche sostenibili. In allegato il DVD GENTE DI TERRA MADRE ☛ Full English translation available Carlo Petrini CARLO PETRINI TERRA MADRE Prodotto soprattutto per essere venduto e spogliato del suo significato autentico, il cibo finisce con il mangiarci. Da oggetto di attenzione e di orgoglio è diventato un mostro che devasta le campagne dal punto di vista sociale ed ecologico e crea iniquità ovunque. Solo se le comunità del cibo potranno scegliere cosa e come produrre e distribuire, sarà possibile fermare la grande macchina che, insieme alla Terra, sta divorando tutti noi. Carlo Petrini was born in Bra, in the province of Cuneo, Italy in 1949. He has always been active in studies of sociology and with a constant dedication to politics and to associationism. In the 1980s he founded ‘Arcigola’ which in 1989 became Slow Food; Petrini is the international president of Slow Food to this day. From his ideas the Salone Internazionale del Gusto di Torino, the University of the Studies of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo, and the network of Terra Madre were all born. In 2004, TIME magazine in the United States named him a European Hero of Our Time in the category of Innovator. In January of 2008 he was the only Italian listed among the “50 People Most Likely to Save the World” in the Guardian (UK). He is an editorial writer for the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, and has published the following books: Le ragioni del gusto (Laterza, 2001), Buono, pulito e giusto: principi di una nuova gastronomia (Einaudi, 2005), and Terra Madre (Giunti-Slow Food, 2009.) On September 18, 2013, Carlo Petrini received the United Nations Environment Programme’s UNEP Champion of the Earth Award for his efforts to improve sustainability of the global food supply and tackle food waste. The award is the UN system’s highest environmental accolade. ISBN 978-88-09-74436-3 9 788809 744363 93915W €12,00 TERRA MADRE lo Petrini, nato a Bra (Cn) nel 1949, ha al suo attivo stui sociologia e un costante impegno in politica e nell’asazionismo. Negli anni ‘80 fonda Arcigola, divenuta nel 9 Slow Food, di cui è tuttora presidente internazionaDalle sue idee sono nati il Salone Internazionale del Gudi Torino, l’Università di Scienze Gastronomiche e la rete Terra Madre. 2000 ottiene il premio Communicator of The Year Troistituito dalla IWSC (International Wine and Spirit Comtion), nel 2004 la rivista Time Magazine gli attribuisce tolo di Eroe Europeo del nostro tempo nella categoria novator”, mentre nel gennaio 2008 compare, unico itao, tra le “50 persone che potrebbero salvare il mondo”, nco redatto dal quotidiano inglese The Guardian. torialista di Repubblica e collaboratore dell’Espresso, ha blicato l’Atlante delle vigne di Langa (Slow Food Edito990), Le ragioni del gusto (Laterza 2001). In Buono, Pue Giusto, Principi di nuova gastronomia (Einaudi 2005), nisce un nuovo concetto di gastronomia e di qualità alintare. Una formula che si è trasformata nello slogan prinale dell’Associazione che guida da più di vent’anni. 59850X / 9788809787353 / pp. 192 / € 12,00 Carlo Petrini Slow Food believes food is tied to many other aspects of life, including culture, politics, agriculture and the environment. Through our food choices we can collectively influence how food is cultivated, produced and distributed, and as a result bring about great change. COME NON FARCI MANGIARE DAL CIBO Con una lettera di Enzo Bianchi Mother Earth Nel sistema agro-alimentare industriale che domina il Pianeta, il cibo è diventato una merce come tutte le altre, il cui prezzo è stabilito da regole di mercato disumane, senza badare alla qualità e senza rispettare chi lo produce. In questo mondo di valori capovolti, è il cibo che ci mangia: un cibo omologato, seriale, globale e poco naturale che inquina la Terra, dal campo al nostro stomaco, che causa gravissimi danni all’ambiente e alla Natura, dalle campagne fino alle odierne megalopoli. How Not to Be Eaten by Food Terra Madre Per non essere più mangiati dal cibo, Carlo Petrini propone con Terra Madre un’alleanza tra chi produce il cibo e chi poi lo mette in pancia: tra tutti coloro che nel mondo riconoscono il grande valore politico, economico e culturale del cibo. Terra Madre si batte per un rapporto vitale tra la Terra e gli esseri che la abitano: è un nuovo soggetto politico, interconnesso e attivo ovunque, per contrastare lo strapotere dell’agrobusiness internazionale. Le comunità del cibo possono riequilibrare il rapporto tra l’uomo e la Terra, trasformare l’atto del consumo in una scelta innovatrice, grazie alla quale il consumatore, diventato co-produttore, si prodiga per un sistema in cui ogni comunità locale ha diritto alla propria sovranità alimentare. Come non farci mangiare dal cibo In a world where values are reversed, food is now eating us. Food is standardized, serialized, globalized. Carlo Petrini, founder of Slow Food, asks all the people who recognize the value of food to join forces. The book describes the activities conducted by the communities of the association’s producer members, across the different regions of the world. Today, “Terra Madre” is also a 78-minute documentary film produced by the great Italian film director Ermanno Olmi. The film was presented for the first time at the 2009 Berlin Film Festival and is now distributed all over the world. Solo se sapremo riaffidare alle comunità del cibo il potere di scegliere cosa e come produrre, come distribuire e far co-produrre, potremo fermare la grande macchina che insieme alla Terra sta divorando anche noi. Il cibo sarà la chiave per riprenderci le nostre vite. Softcover edition with flaps and DVD 93915W / 9788809744363 / pp. 192 / € 12,00 EXTENDED EDITION Hardcover edition with jacket and DVD 52910H / 9788809753037 / pp. 224 / € 18,00 In copertina: illustrazione di Marco Corona ☛ Full English translation available “Expo 2015 will not simply be a fair for the consumers, but an opportunity to bring together farmers, fishers, shepherds and artisans, giving them the chance to discuss the political role of food. The event’s protagonists ought to be those who produce our daily meals”, Carlo Petrini Slow Food will have 3,500 square meters of exhibition space in the International Area of EXPO 2015. Carlo Petrini Loving the Earth: Dialogues on the Future of the Planet Voler bene alla Terra: dialoghi sul futuro del pianeta Carlo Petrini opens an important and timely dialog with internationally known personalities in the fields of science, economy, gastronomy, writing, music, politics, art, religion, and philosophy, to discuss the values promoted by the Slow Food Association and Terra Madre: good, clean and fair, with reference to the entire global food network. These dialogs appeared for the first time in the two main Italian newspapers, La Stampa (2003-2004) and La Repubblica (2014). They urge readers to reconsider food, nutrition, and gastronomy, as well as the relationships between human beings and the earth, between agriculture and development, between undernourishment and finance, between local and global, between high-quality food and industrial food. 63799T/pp. 192/€ 12,00 ☛ Full English translation available NON-FICTION NARRATIVE NON FICTION Don Claudio Burgio Narrative Non Fiction the author Don Claudio Burgio (, was born in Milan in 1969 and was ordained priest by Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini in 1996. He is now the prison chaplain of the Community Home of Milan Cesare Beccaria, and he is the founder and president of Kairos (www., a no profit therapeutic community devoted to the reception of troubled teens. the author Ferdinando Molteni (Finale Ligure, 1962) has written and continues to write about culture for the Secolo XIX of Genova, Giuliano Ferrara’s Foglio and the Diario di Enrico Deaglio. He has published a novel and more than twenty literary essays, including Controsole. Fabrizio De André e Creüza de mâ, a book that inspired the recital of the same name performed in Italy and some American universities. Bad Boys Ragazzi cattivi From juvenile detention to hope in the future: real stories of courage and rebirth. Under age, but they have already experienced fear, violence and loneliness. And jail. Seven stories of “bad boys” who, thanks to the Kairos Association are changing their lives. The stories, written in the first person by the young boys and collected by Don Burgio, tell of tragic situations, of social decay, of the difficulties of the adolescence, but also of strength to live, pride and hope for a future of peace and satisfaction. Each boy tells his own story, and tries make people understand that no one is naturally “bad”. That everyone can find his or her way and his or her place in the society if surrounded by care and love. Paperback with flaps / 15x21,5 / 61774V/pp. 192 / €12,00 Ferdinando Molteni The last day of Luigi Tenco L’ultimo giorno di Luigi Tenco During the early hours of January 27, 1967, Luigi Tenco was found dead in room number 219 at the Savoy Hotel in Sanremo. The immediate impression was suicide but there are those who do not agree with this theory: journalist, Sandro Ciotti and singer Ricky Gianco, to name just two. The book tells the story of Tenco from that tragic day, with a significant amount of new information, with the help of archive material and unseen documents, including new interviews with those who were there at the time, and some that were never given before, demonstrating that no one fired gun shots in that room. Tenco owned two firearms yet he was killed by a shot from a gun that was never found. The book reconstructs that Festival of Sanremo in detail, with the stories of some of the participants and, thanks to an unpublished memoir (found by the author), belonging to the then police inspector Arrigo Molinari, responsible for the clumsy move of Tenco’s body, a connection can finally be made between the death of the singer and organised crime of Marseille. Paperback with flaps / 14x21,5 / 64134A / pp. 176 / €14,00 Grazia Gotti Children and Parents the author Grazia Gotti, doctor of pedagogy, co- founder of the Giannino Stoppani children’s bookshop in Bologna, reference point for Italian literature for children, and for the Accademia Drosselmeier, school for book and toy sellers, she writes for the blog Zazie News - The Almanac of Children’s Books. Oh, The Things I’ve Seen! A Life Lived with Books Ne ho vedute tante da raccontar! Crescere con i libri A journey through the world of children’s books for parents, aunts and uncles, grandparent, librarians, who are dedicated to transmitting their love for reading. A pathway from the first soft material book for babies to the last story read out loud, during the summer before starting school. If it has become common sense to say that many things about us - about our character, our inclinations, the relationship we have with our surroundings - are firmly rooted in our earliest experiences, then reading experiences, our relationship with books acquires crucial importance. Reading is a passport to the world of culture; it is the key to ideas about the world. For six years, from birth to learning the alphabet, our little ones at school and at home have the right to access the most wonderful, most significant books that great authors and illustrators have invented for them. Grazia Gotti, with her long experience, addresses parents and educators to indicate and advise the best and most educational reads for infancy. With humour and great communicative strength, the author also knows how to assist even the least informed adults in finding their way in the immense universe of books for children, through well-known Italian and foreign authors, who have created characters, worlds, adventures that can help many children grow up – both those of today and those of yesterday. The characters and worlds that are encountered when turning over pages, in silence and solitude, or in the company of a warm reading voice. Softcover with flaps / cm 14 x 21,5 / 63951R / pp. 160 + 16 in colour / €10,00 7 NON-FICTION 8 Politics, religion and society POLITICS AND SOCIETY NEW! Martino Menghi The Beat of My Heart Softcover with flaps editions cm14x21,5 the author Martino Menghi, a scholar of classical antiquity, teaches in Milan, Pavia and in Paris, where he holds courses at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes at the Sorbonne. He is the author of many books and articles for adults and children on the history of Graeco-Roman literature which tell of the thoughts of ancient writers and philosophers. He contributes regularly to the “Sole 24 Ore”. the authors Alberto Ferrarese, 38, is a journalist working for the Reuters news agency. He is also a contributor to “Il Sole 24 Ore”, “Il Secolo XIX”, “L’Unità.” Silvia Ognibene, 38, is a journalist working for the Reuters news agency and “Il Sole 24 Ore”. The Greeks and Romans divulge for us the secrets of Love Batte il mio cuore Greci e Romani ci svelano i segreti dell’amore Similarly to us, for ancient civilisations passion was one of the most intense life experiences: it was not only a source of joy and gratification, but also one of pain and suffering. Sentiments, passions, distress, the emotions of the Graeco-Roman world do not cease to exercise their irresistible appeal: poets’ verses, philosophers’ reflections and theories of doctors on the pathology and physiology of love are of exemplary importance. So, in Greek and Roman amatory art and in literary characters, today’s men and women find a model that is immune to the passing of time: Calypso’s passion for Odysseus and the wait for Penelope; Achilles’ suffering for the slave Briseis and love for Patroclus; Enea’s abandonment of the Carthaginian queen Dido; the drama of jealousy immortalised in the verses of Sappho, Catullus, Horace; the disapproval of the erotic excesses in Juvenal’s Satires. The philosophers place the diversities of amorous affections at the centre of their debates: Plato transforms the eros from a tyrannical passion into a vehicle for understanding good; Lucretius sees in love a mere illusion and encourages cultivating friendship; Seneca warns against the devastating effects of passion and exalts rational love. In the wake of this, medicine elaborates a paradigm of behaviour which makes sexual continence a genuine antidote to suffering, preparing the ground for Christian preaching. 63228G Alberto Ferrarese, Silvia Ognibene Matteo the Conqueror: A True Political Success Story Matteo il conquistatore Segreti e bugie sull’ascesa di Matteo Renzi This is the story of the irresistible political rise of Matteo Renzi: the prime minister who has the clear aim to change Italy through institutional reforms, reforms of the labour market, revitalization of the economy, and the fight against corruption. The book tells about his early days in politics, the years as Mayor of Florence, the landslide victory on December 8, 2013 at the Primary elections for the leadership of the Democratic Party, the unexpected nomination as Prime Minister in February 2014. The true story of a young politician and his ability to present himself as the man of change, who has recently built his triumph in the European elections, capturing the vote of the conservatives. Matthew the Conqueror is the now the new star of the European political scene. 61586N /9788809791930 / pp. 160 / € 12,90 NON-FICTION POLITICS AND SOCIETY Father Ernesto Balducci Politics, religion and society Softcover with flaps editions cm14x21,5 the author Father Ernesto Balducci (1922-1992) of the order of the ‘Piarists’ (Scolopi), is one of the most important figures in the Italian Church from the second half of the 20th century. His theories relative to ecclesiastical renewal, to laity, and to dialogue in the eventuality of a new relationship between faith and modernity have created the essential premises even for the Second Vatican Council (Concilio Vaticano II). Today, underlined by the message of Pope Francis, his theories remain intact in their strength and centrality to the general discussion. Vito Mancuso is one of the most important theologians in Italy today. He has taught at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele in Milan and at the University of Padoa. A writer of editorials for the Italian newspaper, La repubblica, he is also the author of various texts which have always gained a large amount of attention both in the field of ethics as well as in the field of dogma. His titles include L’anima e il suo destino (Raffaello Cortina, 2007), Io e Dio: una guida dei perplessi (Garzanti, 2011), and Il principio passione (Garzanti, 2013). St. Francis of Assisi with an introduction by Vito Mancuso Francesco d’Assisi Introduzione di Vito Mancuso This is not a simple biography of St. Francis of Assisi, rather it is a reexamination of a person and of his actions and life events, modernized for the point of view of humanity in the third millennium. Basing his work on a very attentive use of historical sources, author Balducci reconstructs all of the aspects of the figure of St. Francis, from his biographical details to the themes of his preaching, and to his attention regarding new relationships with what is novel, different and unknown. The introduction to this new edition by Vito Mancuso underlines the strong prophetic value of this book and highlights the relevance of this saint with respect to the new tendencies brought about by the Church under the current Pope Francis. 61586N /9788809791930 / pp. 160 / € 12,90 Carlo Maria Martini The Little Book of Hope Piccolo manuale della speranza In a world threatened by chaos, Cardinal Martini reminds us that fear is all right, that the universe is chaotic, but that history has a reason. In order to accept the challenges that face us today we need courage and faith that can be found in the texts of the Bible, and that the most important moment in life is here and now. He speaks to the hearts of all readers, rendering the Gospel an instrument to be used in daily life, and exploring with us the limits of today’s ethics. 58337R / 9788809778825 / pp. 128 / € 10,00 the author His Eminence Carlo Maria Martini who recently passed away, was one of the highest figures in the Catholic Church. Bible scholar and exegete of international fame, a Rector of the Pontificio Istituto Biblico, he guided the diocese of Milan for approximately twenty years from 1980 until 2002. Proclaimed cardinal in 1983 by Pope John Paul II, he created and lead the celebrated Cattedra dei non credenti (Dialogues with Non- Believers), and lived for a long time in Jerusalem before returning to Italy in the last years of his life. Vannino Chiti Between Earth and Heaven: Believers and Non-believers in a Global Society Tra terra e cielo In his new book, Democratic Party senator Vannino Chiti builds on the momentum from the recent election of Pope Francis. He traces the outlines of the current turmoil in the Islamic world, identifying scenarios wherein the left-leaning political parties in Europe are called to measure up against the current situation and reconfim the value of dialogue in the construction of societies with democratic, cultural, and responsible values. In protecting human dignity and basic human rights, religion can play an important role and create, via the politics of collaboration between believers and nonbelievers, a greater common good. the author 61582H / 9788809791909 / pp. 192 / € 14,00 Vannino Chiti, the Mayor of Pistoia, President of the Region of Tuscany, and Undersecretary of the Presizenda del Consiglio, as well as Minister of Parliamentary Relationships and Institutional Reforms, is also a vice-president to the Senate of the Republic. Vannino Chiti Religion and Politics in a Global World The Reasons for Dialogue Religioni e politica nel mondo globale Le ragioni di un dialogo Softcover edition with flaps cm 14 x 21,5 / 54372S / 9788809764712 / pp. 240 / € 14,50 9 NON-FICTION 10 LIFE STYLE Martín Castrogiovanni, Gonzalo Canale, Sergio Parisse Living Our Times A Crooked Bounce: From Rugby to Real Life, the Stories of Three Italian Champions L’ovale rimbalza male Dal Rugby alla vita nelle storie di tre campioni Jacket cm 15x21,5 the author Gonzalo Canale, Martín Castrogiovanni and Sergio Parisse play for the Italian National Rugby Team in the respective roles of three-quarters center, prop and flanker. All three were born in Argentina but have Italian origins, and now play for French teams (Canale for La Rochelle, Castrogiovanni for Tolone, Parisse for Stade Français). the author Elisa D’Ospina is one of the most popular plus-size international models. In 2009 she was appointed by the Italian Ministry of Health spokesperson for the “Three days of health” campaign. She is a regular contributor to Vogue with her column, “Vogue Curvy”. FRugby is a sport that is apparently aggressive and tough, but fair and correct as well. Even if players beat each other up during the competition, at the end of the match they all go together to celebrate. Rules are clear, the referee is respected, and the opposing team, too. And the public acts in the same way. The three most well-known champions of Italian rugby, Martín Castrogiovanni, Gonzalo Canale and Sergio Parisse, describe for us the values of this wonderful sport and how they apply to everyday life. Through their stories the three gentlemen-athletes show us the clean face of a sport that welcomes whole families in the stands and excites young and younger people in the name of mutual respect and civility. cm 15 x 21,5 / 61427D /9788809791404 / pp. 144 / € 16,00 Elisa D’Ospina A Curvaceous Life: From the catwalk to battling anorexia and bulimia, an ‘oversize’ top model shows how to accept one’s body Una vita tutta curve From too-tall and very robust teenager to international supermodel. Our author ends up modeling in Milan, Paris and New York. Elisa is not a size 36 but 48 and never imposed on herself punishing diets or exhausting gym sessions in order to become the size that the world of fashion dictates. She has always struggled against prejudices, and desires to show us that beauty does not respond to a unique rule. After some difficulties success arrived, allowing her to become the international spokesperson of the ‘curvy commitment’. She conceived the first campaign against the thinness imposed by the fashion industry which changed public opinion around the world. cm 15 x 21,5 / 61377F /9788809791152 / pp. 160 / € 12,90 the author Bettina dal Bosco lives and works in a foggy region in the North of Italy. She has a degree in philosophy and has worked in publishing in the realms of cinema, literature and philosophy. She is a translator, a writer and a copywriter. She lives with a typical Castagnaccio (chestnut torte) and wouldn’t swap him for any other kind. Bettina Dal Bosco Of Men and Cakes How to Bake or Burn the Man of your Dreams Uomini e torte Come cuocere, farcire o bruciare il maschio dei tuoi sogni What are you doing, dear reader? Always tagging along behind that dull blond guy, ready to fill him with confidence! Can’t you see that, in his heart, he is just a damp and whining sponge cake? Don’t you know that the St. Honoré man doesn’t know the word gratitude? And why do you let yourself sink in the creamy lies of your partner? Day after day, layer after layer, the Cream Slice man will serve you the biggest stories you’ve ever heard. Don’t you know there is no end to this mess? And when you are up to your eyeballs in cream, will you still be able to see the light of the day? The world of men is like a huge pastry shop filled with delights but alas, also beset with dangers. Nevertheless, today a woman can get away with perfect cholesterol levels and almost no “orange peel” skin: from the puffed-up narcissists to the wishy-washy cream-filled men, to the insidious goodness of homemade cakes, this book contains the truths about men that no other psychology manual has even dared to repeat. It also includes tips to identify right away those that are not good for any woman’s figure, complexion or state of mind. Softcover + flaps / cm 14 x 21,5 / 54216H / 9788809759848 / pp. 192 / € 9,90 NON-FICTION health in the kitchen NEW! Umberto Veronesi, Mario Pappagallo Secrets For a Long Life Nutrition and Wellbeing How to Live Well and in Good Health I segreti di una lunga vita Come vivere a lungo e in buona salute One of the most popular subjects today is how to preserve one’s health as one ages. This book deals with the topic of longevity from many points of view: medical, scientific, and practical, thereby providing readers with information and advice on how to live long, well, and healthy. In the first section, Umberto Veronesi, sets out his vision for a long life and suggests how to achieve it, as well as what it might mean for individuals and for society in general, all the while underlining that the aging process should be considered as a positive situation. In the second section, Mario Pappagallo gives us all of the pertinent information on the latest scientific discoveries about the causes of physical and mental aging, offering a clear view of present-day medical and scientific knowledge in the subject. In the third section, the reader will find a practical handbook offering simple and basic instructions for a long and healthy life, for each age range, starting from childhood. For each age range there are guidelines on nutrition, fitness, prevention, and suggestions on how to always maintain a positive psychological approach. Softcover editions with flaps cm 14.5 x 21 The authors Umberto Veronesi, Scientific Director of the European Institute of Oncology in Milan, set up the Umberto Veronesi Foundation for the Progress of Science in 2003, dedicated to developing culture and promoting scientific research. Mario Pappagallo, a scientific journalist, has been on the editorial staff of the Corriere della Sera since 1992. Carla Marchetti, works with various publishers on cookery books. She writes recipes and styles the food photos. 62657G / pp. 192 / €16,50 Umberto Veronesi, Mario Pappagallo Towards a Vegetarian Choice The author 200 Recipes for Your Health Verso la scelta vegetariana Ciro Vestita, a dietician driven by a real Il tumore si previene anche a tavola passion for phytotherapy, works freelance in Pisa and Florence. For years he has coupled his commitment as a doctor with a brilliant role as populariser, which involves him in various television programmes as a consultant. 100.000 COPIES SOLD Nowadays a vegetarian diet is a choice that everyone should consider. It is a change firstly for one’s own health, but also for protecting our planet and avoiding the suffering to which many animals are subjected. Starting from his own life experience and from his renowned research into oncology, Umberto Veronesi sets out the ethical and health reasons for which we ought to become vegetarians, as well as those connected to sustainability. Mario Pappagallo explains the scientific reasons why a good diet is fundamental for a healthy life, to the point that food becomes an essential element for preventing numerous diseases, including several types of tumour. The second part of the book comprises more than 200 recipes by Carla Marchetti, for those who are already vegetarians and those who would like to consider becoming one without giving up the pleasure of taste. 54770C / 9788809766877 / pp. 288 / € 16.50 29-09-2010 In questo prezioso libro, ricchissimo di informazioni utili, di suggerimenti salutari e di ricette golose, Ciro Vestita ci aiuta a comprendere il legame che unisce il benessere a una corretta alimentazione in cui frutta e verdura hanno un ruolo fondamentale, anche come cure naturali. Da una breve storia delle differenti scelte alimentari attraverso i millenni, all’analisi delle diete che contraddistinguono vegetariani e onnivori; dagli effetti che il cibo ha e può avere sulla salute, ai racconti delle tradizioni contadine; dalle curiosità legate a vari alimenti ai consigli puntuali per scegliere verdura e frutta... 14:36 Pagina 1 CIRO VESTITA COLTIVIAMO LA SALUTE COP_Coltiviamo_la_salute:Layout 1 Ciro Vestita, con il contributo di un team di esperti, ci svela i segreti di una buona alimentazione per vivere in salute. Un libro che riassume tutto ciò che serve sapere per scegliere bene frutta e verdura e per coltivare un piccolo orto. Un ricettario di 180 ricette semplici e raffinate, ideate da grandi chef per realizzare piatti squisiti con i prodotti più genuini. Qui troverete mille informazioni sulle piante medicinali, sul loro uso e sulla loro coltivazione – in un orto o sul balcone di casa – e notizie utili sulle loro principali caratteristiche nutrizionali. Carlo Raspollini, Ciro Vestita 100 Questions About Health and Food Grazie a questo libro sarà più facile decidere cosa portare in tavola: oltre a gustare prodotti davvero genuini, a scoprire antichi sapori e a cimentarvi in ricette d’autore, potrete coltivare con successo la vostra salute. Le 100 domande sulla salute a tavola More than 100 questions about the relationship between health and food. The answers are always clear: they are true or false, followed by accurate explanations. This title is divided into 6 parts: Shopping, In the Kitchen, Eating Out, Medicine and Well-Being, In Perfect Shape, and Working Out. It is an extremely useful guide to eliminate doubts and establish clarity about food and health in today’s world. Immagine di copertina: © Officine Fotografiche, Firenze/Archivio Giunti Copertina: Leonardo Di Bugno 60627M / 9788809787902 / pp. 192 / € 16,50 ISBN 978-88-09-75273-3 9 788809 752733 53116P € 16,50 CIRO VESTITA COLTIVIAMO LA SALUTE Prodotti, consigli e ricette dalla natura per un nuovo benessere Ciro Vestita Let’s Cultivate Health Ciro Vestita, medico dietologo mosso da un’autentica passione per la fitoterapia, dal 1982 effettua una serie di viaggi in Borneo, Amazzonia, Cina e Tibet, durante i quali approfondisce lo studio delle piante medicinali. Docente a contratto in Fitoterapia e Alimentazione presso la Scuola Superiore di studi universitari Sant’Anna di Pisa, svolge la libera professione di dietologo e fitoterapeuta a Pisa e Firenze, affiancando da anni all’impegno di medico una brillante attività di divulgatore, che lo ha portato a partecipare in veste di consulente a varie trasmissioni televisive della RAI (fra tutte ricordiamo Uno Mattina, Linea Verde, Porta a Porta). Cura varie rubriche su quotidiani e settimanali e ha infine pubblicato molti libri di alimentazione e fitoterapia. Products, Advice and Recipes from Nature for a New Wellbeing Coltiviamo la salute Prodotti, consigli e ricette dalla natura per un nuovo benessere A book that reveals the secrets of a good diet for healthy living and summarises all you need to know to choose fruit and vegetables wisely and to cultivate a kitchen garden. It’s an interesting journey between history and culinary art, between science and agricultural techniques. Alongside a series of curiosities that lets us explore the history of our eating habits and how they have evolved over time, this book contains precise information on the beneficial effects of each fruit or vegetable, on their curative and nutritional principles, on how to cultivate them and use them in the kitchen. At the end of the book over 180 simple and refined recipes have been created by great chefs to make exquisite dishes with the most genuine of products. Hanno collaborato alla stesura di questo libro specialisti di varie discipline, docenti universitari, esperti nutrizionisti, nomi noti e cultori nel campo dell’alimentazione, raccolti da Vestita intorno al medesimo progetto. Molti gli chef di grido che con le loro ricette hanno contribuito alla realizzazione del volume. 53116P / 9788809752733 / pp. 480 / € 16.50 11 NON-FICTION 12 health in the kitchen NEW! Elisabetta Bernardi What Shall I Eat Today? Nutrition and Wellbeing The right diet for every time of life. Oggi cosa mangio La dieta giusta per ogni momento della vita. The basic principles of nutrition provide the starting point; the good-eating rules that everyone should know (How should salt be used? What’s best: fresh or frozen? What should you read on labels?). Following on from this are five chapters divided by age or life status: infancy and school age, adults, pregnancy, for sport, old age. Each chapter gives ten rules for making the right choice (how to control your weight during pregnancy, how to reduce surplus calories in old age, what is the right way to cook each type of food …); it then goes on to describe the diet that is good for you, which points out the foods that must always be on your table, meal plans and the weekly diet with examples of recipes. Softcover editions with flaps cm 14.5 x 21 The author Elisabetta Bernardi, nutritionist, biologist and nutritional science specialist, has worked with the scientific television programme Superquark (on RaiUno), presented by Piero Angela since 1994. More particularly she is the author and presenter of the La scienza in cucina [Science in the Kitchen] feature, and author of the Saperne di più [Learn More] section. Furthermore, she writes scientific-informative pieces about nutrition and health and is involved in projects concerning nutritional education. Since 2008 she has taught on the further education course of Nutritional Biology at the University of Bari. 62471B / pp. 192 / €14,90 The authors Lorella Cuccarini, ‘the Italians’ most loved personality’, is one of the leading figures on Italian television. Gabriella Fabbrocini and Pucci Romano are doctors specialising in dermatology. For years they have been conducting research on the effects of diet on health and on skin ageing. Lorella Cuccarini, Gabriella Fabbrocini, Pucci Romano Stay Young at the Table The Power of Antioxidants: a Healthy Diet for Healthy Skin A tavola non si invecchia Ricette e consigli per una pelle giovane e sana Two dermatologists, united by a profound collaboration in the field of scientific research and also by a similar passion for good cooking, suggest 70 tasty recipes that they have created to help keep the skin beautiful and healthy. Along with the authors, Lorella Cuccarini contributes the tips, beauty secrets and eating habits (and otherwise) that have allowed her to naturally keep those looks that all Italians so admire. Every recipe is easy to make and contains valuable nutritional information on the ingredients that go into it; in particular – and this is a scientific first – the antioxidant properties of the recipe are indicated, along with their beneficial effects on the skin. A clear, precise introduction explains the basic rules for healthy eating and suggests how to combine the recipes into a diet which is beneficial both to the skin and the figure. 58909X / 9788809781573 / pp. 288 / € 14.90 NON-FICTION relationships and emotions Anna Oliverio Ferraris Children and Parents Various formats Dad is Super Raising a Child Today Padri alla riscossa Crescere un figlio oggi What is a father for? How important it is in the family and in the upbringing of a child? A father can be strict, dominating, scared or lost. Despite what public opinion thinks, today many fathers try to exercise the right of an active role both in the traditional family, but also in case of separation. Clear, complete, packed with useful advice, this book guides fathers who want to play an active part in their children’s life from birth to adolescence, and want to do it in the best of ways, especially during the hardest periods like puberty and the teenage years, when changes, demands and challenges can make every parent feel inadequate. Softcover edition with flaps cm 14 x 21,5 / 54320E / 9788809763029 / pp. 288 / € 16,00 the author Anna Oliverio Ferraris Since 1980, Anna Oliverio Ferraris has been a Professor of Developmental Psychology at the Università Sapienza in Rome. She is a psychologist, psychotherapist and author of many scientific essays and articles dealing with, amongst other things, communication issues in various contexts, from the relationship with TV and new media to the dynamics of identity in modern society. She directs the review “Psicologia contemporanea”. Albertina Oliverio, Anna Oliverio Ferraris Barefoot in the Grass The Importance of Outdoor Play for Children A piedi nudi nel verde Giocare per imparare a vivere The life of children today does not suit their needs. It is too sedentary, isolated and hectic. The chaotic life in the city caused the disappearance of nature and green areas, where children once used to meet up and organize their games and free time. “City children” rarely go to school on their own, or go outside and play: they often stay at home in front of the TV or the play station. Until when can we pretend that this is a healthy way for them to grow up? As the authors of this book demonstrate, playing outside is key to a healthy physical and psychological development of a child. Therefore it is more and more important that we plan our cities differently. A book that is extremely relevant today, a book against indifference, and incivility. Softcover edition with flaps cm 14 x 21,5 / 54596B / 9788809766242 / pp. 224 / € 10,00 the author Masal Pas Bagdadi was born in Damascus in 1938. She is a psychotherapist and writer. In 1960 she founded in Milan the Centro Giochi di Masal (Masal’s Play Center), the first day-care center with a psycho-analytical basis. She has published various books, such as Ti cuocio, ti mangio, ti brucio e poi ti faccio morire (Rizzoli 1998), Proprio a me doveva capitare? (Franco Angeli 2001), Genitori non si nasce, ma si diventa (Franco Angeli 2002), A piedi scalzi nel kibbutz (Bompiani 2003), and Chi sono io? (Franco Angeli 2006). Chi sono io? was the basis for the exhibition of the same name at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome in 2010. Masal Pas Bagdadi Emotional Dictionary Adult/Child – Child/Adult A Guide to Interpret Your Child’s Behaviour from Birth to 3 Years Old Dizionario affettivo adulto/bambino – bambino/adulto Per capire i comportamenti del bambino dalla nascita fino ai tre anni We all know that an affectionate relationship with our child is at the heart of bringing up a stable adult. There are many books on early childhood but they rarely explain how to interpret your child’s behaviour, understand their need for affection, and establish a relationship based on trust and love. When is a child’s cry a request for affection and not a whim? How does our anxiety affect our child’s development? How can we teach respect and self-confidence? Find out with the over three hundred words contained in this dictionary. Hardcover edition c m 14,5 x 19,5 / 54215D / 9788809759831 / pp. 240 / € 12,00 13 NON-FICTION 14 relationships and emotions NEW! NEW! Valeria Cudini Angelo Musso e Ornella Gadoni The 40 Year-old Mother How to Interpret the Dreams of Children Advice on How to Conceive and Welcome a Child in Your 40s Mamme a 40 anni Guida ai sogni dei bambini Softcover with flaps cm 14,5 x 19,5 62075X / 9788844044589 pp.128 - € 12,90 Softcover with flaps cm 14,5 x 19,5 59129C / 9788844043070 pp. 256 - €8,90 This book is a reference on late pregnancy, from conception to birth, dedicated to women who have decided for the first time at the age of 40 to have a child. The author offers a valuable tool to deal calmly and consciously with a process that is often full of psychological implications: when the hope of having a child is interrupted it is easy to fall into a state of frustration; but if all goes well, a mother may still be caught by a deep sense of inadequacy. In this book, women will find advice from experts, natural methods to encourage conception, detailed information about assisted procreation, and stories of famous and ordinary women who became mothers at 40. Children’s dreams often appears fantastic and irrational but in fact they reveal much of their desires, fears and relation to the world and to people around them. This book, for parents but also for educators and teachers, is the ideal tool to open the precious casket of each child. Focused on the crucial moment of the personal development (3-9 years), the book teaches how to help children to talk their dreams, like a game or a story. the authors Angelo Musso, psychologist and psychotherapist, works for the Neuro- the author psychiatry National Service. Cudini Valeria is a journalist focussing on issues related to the health and well-being of mothers and children. Ornella Gadoni, psycopedagogist, is a teacher and Head of the Unit of Education Culture & Child Welfare Association of Turin. Alessandra Graziottin, Specialist of Gynaecology-Obstetrics and Oncology, and psychotherapist in Sexology, dedicates her life to health and the quality of the lives of women and couples in the clinical, didactic and educational field. Family Life Softcover edition with flaps cm 14 x 21,5 / pp. 192 / € 9,50 Masal Pas Bagdadi Until the Law Do Us Part All the right answers for growing up together: light texts, enjoyable to read, prepared by specialists in psychology and in medicine, to answer all of the questions posed by life every day. Sergio Segantini Anna Oliverio Ferraris Non solo amore roverbio medievale L’eternità è un bambino che gioca, la felicità è un bambino che dorme. I bisogni psicologici dei bambini piccoliNo Come aiutare il bambino a dormire bene 6-12-2010 14:05 Pagina 1 Jolanda Stevani è dottore in Scienze politiche, psicologa e psicoterapeuta, esperta in Psicologia giuridica e Psicodiagnostica. Collabora sui temi della famiglia e del disagio infantile e adolescenziale con la cattedra di Psicologia dello sviluppo di Anna Oliverio Ferraris alla Facoltà di Psicologia della “Sapienza” di Roma ed è iscritta all’Albo dei periti e dei CTU del Tribunale di La Spezia. È autrice di vari articoli in riviste del settore e coautrice di Chiamarsi fuori (Giunti 2009) insieme a Anna Oliverio Ferraris, Alessandro Rusticelli e Teresa Zaccariello. Come affrontare in modo sereno i cambiamenti legati alla maternità. ISBN 978-88-440-3807-6 9 788844 029852 26455L 52674X mamma e bello! Imparare a coniugare figli, lavoro e vita di coppia ISBN 978-88-440-3808-3 9 788844 038076 € 9,50 jolaNda stevaNI ’ un bambino tero villaggio Dormi dormi I figli che non dormono sono una fra le principali cause di disagio all’interno di una coppia, un problema capace di condizionare profondamente gli equilibri familiari, considerato dalle statistiche uno dei principali motivi di separazione. Ecco allora il moltiplicarsi di ricette universali e infallibili, che promettono di “addestrare” il bambino al sonno, di “pilotarne” l’addormentamento, senza tenere in alcun conto la situazione emotiva del singolo bambino e della sua famiglia. In realtà “il” metodo per far dormire serenamente i bambini non esiste. Bisogna anzi diffidare delle soluzioni facili, garantite, soprattutto univoche. Ogni caso è diverso dall’altro e come tale deve essere capito e affrontato. Anche se esistono alcune tecniche più funzionali di altre, il principale compito dei genitori è infatti quello di capire le ragioni di un disagio. E di saper adattare il proprio comportamento alle esigenze dei propri figli. Questo il senso di un libro che analizza il sonno del bambino nelle diverse fasi della crescita, insegna ai genitori i principali “trucchi” per addormentare i figli, mette in guardia contro gli errori più comuni, ma punta anche il dito contro il sempre più frequente ricorso ai farmaci per “risolvere” il problema. Immagine di copertina: Archivio Giunti/© M. Chiacchiera € 8,50 9 788844 038083 52675L € 9,50 Diventare madre per la prima volta Paolo Sarti, pediatra, vive e lavora a non significa esclusivamente Firenze. Insegna alla Facoltà diassuMedimersi la responsabilità e la cura di cina dell’Università di Firenze, è peuna creatura che per vivere dipende diatra di famiglia e da molti anni si totalmente mamma; il pasoccupa di dalla corsi sua di preparazione alla saggio comporta annascita.alla Giàmaternità consulente della Regione che tutta una di cambiamenti, Toscana per serie l’educazione sanitaria, fisici che fannosessuale. di quetienee psicologici, corsi di educazione sto importante momento un vero e È redattore delle riviste “Salute e Terproprio boa nella di ogni ritorio” giro e “Undipediatra pervita amico”. Tra neomamma. i suoi libri usciti per Giunti ricordiamo La donna alleeprese conmaleducati. il suo primo Sarò padre Neonati bambino si trova a dover rimettere in - gioco la sua personalità e i suoi moè psicologo diGiuseppe di essere,Sparnacci la sua identità subiscee psicoterapeuta. Ha lavorato asilungo una profonda trasformazione; monei servizi pubblici occupandosi di difica la relazione con la famiglia di educazione sanitaria, di formazione origine e il legame con il partner deprofessionale e di tematiche legate ve essere rinegoziato. Tutto ciò richiealla maternità e all’infanzia. Già dode un considerevole lavoro sul piano cente presso la cattedra di Psicologia psicologico mentre, allo stesso temSociale dell’Università di Firenze, è po, la neomamma, assorbita a trestato membro del comitato redaziocentosessanta gradi“Età dalla cura dele nale del periodico evolutiva” neonato, trovare equicollaboradeve conanche la rivista “Unun pediatra librio tra le sue personali e per amico”. Haesigenze pubblicato numerosi i articoli bisognisui deltemi bebè. dell’infanzia e dell’ePer affrontare con serenità e ottimiducazione sanitaria. smo questa delicata fase della vita, e farne occasione di crescita persoInsieme collaborano anni sulle nale, è necessario poterda riflettere sulnascita sono leproblematiche caratteristiche edella la portata deiecamstati ideatori organizzatori conbiamenti che eogni neomadredideve vegni internazionali sul tema. che il sostenere: questo è l’obiettivo Per Giunti hanno pubblicato Gravivolume si propone, perché acquisire danza e puericultura. una maggiore consapevolezza su quali siano le tappe di quel sorprendente viaggio che è la maternità, consentirà alla neomamma di sentirsi più fiduciosa e sicura di sé nella gestione dei suoi compiti. Disegno di copertina: Archivio Giunti/© Moreno Chiacchiera Sarti - Sparnacci COP_Mamma Bello:COP_MAMME E POI SERGIO SEGANTINI La prima lezione per un genitore è che il genitore perfetto non esiste. Come genitori farete degli errori, vostro figlio vi farà perdere la pazienza e ci saranno dei momenti in cui sarete nervosi, confusi e persino esasperati. Ma essere genitore non sarebbe per nulla piacevole se fosse sempre una lotta. In realtà esistono degli accorgimenti, che tutti possono imparare, per rendere questa esperienza più facile e gradevole. Anna Oliverio Ferraris, psicologa dell’età evolutiva, affronta tante diverse questioni che riguardano la vita della vostra famiglia e dei vostri bambini, indicando di volta in volta metodi e strategie di intervento. 59848U 9788844043841 pp. 224 Ciò che contraddistingue il bambino è la crescente necessità di autonomia, il bisogno sempre più forte di esercitare e ampliare le sue competenze, di trovare ambienti che valorizzino le sue capacità. In questo percorso deve essere accompagnato da una guida adulta serena e ferma nel trasmettere regole comportamentali. Crescere è un’arte Pagina 1 Bambini XXL 60964N / 9788844044107 pp. 128 Jolanda Stevani 14:12 Extra Large Children Finché legge non ci separi Mamma è bello! 6-12-2010 Sergio Segantini, medico, è nato a Milano nel 1953. Subito dopo la laurea ha cominciato a occuparsi di omeopatia e di ricerca clinica in ambito pediatrico e ostetrico. A Firenze dal 1984, oggi insegna clinica omeopatica presso la Scuola M. Garlasco. È presidente dell’Associazione fiorentina “Il Nuovo Marsupio”, che organizza attività di sostegno per il parto naturale oltre a vari progetti a favore di bambini disagiati nel Sud del mondo, e segretario di “Lycopodium”, associazione italiana per l’omeopatia e le medicine non convenzionali. Fra i suoi libri ricordiamo Omeopatia (1990) e La medicina dell’esperienza e altri scritti minori di Samuel Hahnemann (1993). Dormi dormi piccolino COP_DormiDormiPiccolino:COP_NOTTI BIANCHEAd2 Gianfranco Trapani Paolo Sarti giuseppe sparNacci crescere e uN’arte Lo sviluppo del bambino da 0 a 6 anni MARCHIO B ISBN 978-88-440-4184-7 9 788844 041847 56594G € 9,50 Immagine di copertina: © KAR/Fotolia Anna Oliverio Ferraris Manuela Rosci Jolanda Stevani Non solo amore Genitori si diventa Mamma è bello! Growing Up is an Art 56594G / 9788844041847 pp. 224 Not Only Love 26455L / 9788844029852 / pp. 224 Born to be a Parent cm 13,8 x 22 / 84378B 9788844033460 / pp. 224 Mom is Beautiful Paolo Sarti, Giuseppe Sparnacci 52675L / 9788844038083 Crescere è un’arte Sergio Segantini Monica Toselli Paolo Sarti Dormi dormi piccolino Adottare un figlio Neonati maleducati Sleep, Sleep Little One 52674X / 9788844038076 pp. 128 / € 8,50 Adopting a Child Disobedient Babies 86907M / 9788844034696 pp. 144 / € 8,50 cm 13,8 x 22 / 82671D / 9788844031626 / pp. 144 / € 8,5 MARCHIO B «Ogni bambino ripercorre in un breve periodo la complessa storia delle conoscenze culturali delle generazioni che l’hanno preceduto e lo fa in maniera individuale, con ritmi e percorsi che si diversificano da individuo a individuo. Il fascino di questa costruzione del mondo interno ed esterno è proiettato nell’immaginario degli adulti come l’Età dell’oro, il mitico mondo infantile perduto, quello dove “si stava sempre bene”. Nella realtà ogni bambino deve affrontare la sfida di diventare un individuo capace di muoversi in mezzo agli altri, comprendendoli e facendosi capire». Questo volume viene in aiuto ai genitori, che in questi ultimi decenni hanno subito un vero e proprio pressing prescrittivo da parte dei vari esperti quando invece avrebbero bisogno di sapere, capire ed essere rassicurati. Conoscere le fasi di sviluppo motorio, linguistico, intellettivo, emotivo e relazionale si rivela così uno strumento per vivere i primi anni di vita dei nostri figli in tutta la loro intensità e ricchezza. NON-FICTION HealtH Gianfranco Trapani Children at the Table The Right Foods for Growing up Healthy and Strong Health and Nature Bambini a tavola La giusta alimentazione per crescere sani e forti A new edition of a great best-seller that gives a clear, in-depth picture of infant nutrition. An essential guide for pediatricians and new parents alike to understand infants’ nutrition needs and avoid those familiar “fights” at the table that often characterize the first years of every new family. Softcover editions with flaps cm 13,7 x 22 cm 14 x 21,5 / 54482P / 9788809765375 pp. 352 / € 12,00 A series of scientific information that proposes classic titles regarding natural medicine. These handbooks are easy to consult and enjoyable to read and permit one to quickly gain a basic understanding of the subject. Gianfranco Trapani, Stefania Piloni, Pierangelo Lomagno How to Answer Your Children’s Embarrassing Questions A Guide to Informed Self-medication Sexuality and Love Sessualità e amore Come rispondere alle domande imbarazzanti dei vostri figli cm 14 x 21,5 / 56189Q / 9788809771444 pp. 240 / € 12,00 Learning About and Using Medicines Conoscere e usare le medicine Guida all’automedicazione consapevole 77096M / 9788809037816 / pp. 240 / € 9,50 Giuseppe Sangiorgi Cellini, Annamaria Toti The Personalized Diet La dieta personalizzata Gianfranco Trapani Live Well, Live Long Giuseppe Sangiorgi Cellini and Annamaria Toti, nutritionists and gour- All of the Secrets to a Long Life Vivere bene e a lungo mets, have published a series of successful books with Giunti which combine healthy nutrition and good food: Recipe Book for People suffering from Diabetes and Hyperglycemia, High Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels, The Mediterranean Diet. Tutti i segreti per vincere la sfida del tempo 88037K / 9788809058248 pp. 288 / € 12,00 Cristina E. M. Borghi The Garden that Cures Il giardino che cura 82306G / 9788809047181 pp. 240 / € 9,50 77106V / 9788809047655 / pp. 320 / € 9,50 Elio Muti Recipes for a Naturally Healthful Diet Ricettario dietetico Softcover edition / cm 12 x 16,5 / 26536D 9788844025250 / pp. 256 / € 7,50 Giuseppe Sangiorgi Cellini, Annamaria Toti The Mediterranean Diet Traditional Secrets for Health and Good Food La dieta mediterranea Dalle antiche tradizioni, salute e buona cucina cm 14 x 21,5 / 52837N / 9788809752092 pp. 192 / € 9,50 G. Sangiorgi Cellini, A. Toti Medicine and Well-being 100 Recipes for Babies 100 ricette per l’infanzia 100 recipes created to solve any doubts on healthy and appropriate nutrition for one’s children from weaning to infancy. Divided into age groups, the recipes will accompany children until they are nine years old and they represent an excellent handbook for parents. The book also contains information on dietary recommendations, an analysis of raw-food diets, questionnaires to evaluate the nutritional behaviour of children and provides useful tables on the composition of food and growth curves. Softcover editions with flaps cm 14 x 22 / pp. 192 / € 9,50 Discover the joy of a healthy body: from health to science and learning, this series is dedicated to overall well-being, with special attention given to non-traditional medicine. cm 14 x 21,5 / 93018J / 9788844036904 Margherita Eugenio V. Benedetti Talini P. Giordo Acqua che cura Cos’è la bioenergetica Invecchiare bene The Water Cure 87055C / 9788844035020 / pp. 240 What is Bio-energetics? 85362W / 9788844034153 / pp. 144 / € 8,50 Growing Old Gracefully cm 14 x 21,5 / 53151M / 9788844038427 pp. 144 / € 8,50 15 NON-FICTION BUSINESS Lorenzo e Osvaldo Cantone Lawyer, Defend Yourself Success in Your Pocket L’avvocato di me stesso A complete and practical guide on all of the legal aspects that belong to everyday life. An essential tool to get to know your fundamental rights and duties at work, with your family, as well as with neighbors, public administrations or banks. A legal dictionary will help you to quickly understand all of the concepts and terms. Various formats Dutch binding edition / cm 17 x 24 81963E / 9788844031251 / pp. 704 / € 24,80 To work in business, in sales but also in everyday life you need simple and effective tools. These volumes were created to meet the demands of professionals, managers, students and many others. They will teach you how to achieve your goals both at work and in your personal life. L’ARTE DI VENDERE ISBN 978-88-440-3729-1 Per approfondimenti e video formativi visitate il link 9 788844 037291 96833B € 6,90 L’ARTE DI VENDERE a cura di Come si diventa un venditore di successo? Qual è il segreto di una strategia di vendita vincente? Si possono raggiungere ottime performance quando si è alle prime armi? E migliorare i propri risultati dopo anni d’attività? La formula per diventare il n° 1 si basa su una competenza chiave: la capacità di conquistare la fiducia del cliente. Questo prezioso manuale, che nasce dall’esperienza pluriventennale di Change, società leader nel settore della formazione, offre ai lettori un’analisi chiara delle competenze che un venditore deve avere, numerose tabelle di autovalutazione per individuare i propri punti deboli e trasformarli in punti di forza, il Sales31®, un metodo operativo per accelerare le vendite, oltre a tanti consigli ed esempi per un’autoformazione efficace. Progetto grafico di Laura Venturi - Immagine di copertina: © Scott Maxwell/Fotolia 16 Diventare un consulente di fiducia e realizzare grandi risultati MARCHIO BMARCHIO B edited by Change The Art of Selling L’arte di vendere Softcover edition / cm 12 x 16,5 96833B / 9788844037291 / pp. 256 / € 6,90 Psychology and Society Softcover editions cm 14 x 21,5 An innovative series by Luciano Mecacci, it aims at integrating psychology into professional environments, with contributions by field specialists. Paolo Cherubini, Angelo Costanzo, Filippo Petruccelli, Gaetano Viciconte Anna Maria Giannini, Tessa Marzi, Maria Pia Viggiano Psicologia e società: Diritto Psicologia e società: Design This volume offers a complete overview on legal psychology, tackling both the traditional scope and new theoretical and applicative perspectives. A volume on the theoretical and applicative studies regarding the interaction between design and psychology both in relation to the mental models of who (i.e., the designer) plans and realizes the product, as well as to those who will use it and enjoy its aesthetic. Psychology and Society: Law 52881K / 9788809767768 / pp. 192 / € 16,00 Psychology and Society: Design 52882W / 9788809767775 / pp. 240 / € 20,00 FOR BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS NON-FICTION NEW! Skills at work Softcover with flaps cm 17 x 24 / € 14,90 Communicating clearly is important, necessary and essential in every moment of life, particularly in working life. Elisabetta Mauti Learning from mistakes Sbagliando si impara the author Transforming failure into a resource; Learning from mistakes is possible … Everyone knows it is. But how do you learn from your mistakes? How can you turn defeat into an opportunity? Is there a constructive way to experience failure, to fall without hurting yourself too seriously and get up again stronger than before? In this book, written clearly and simply, Elisabetta Maùti discusses the theme of failure from a number of view points, explaining the dynamics that – unaware – we unfold when we feel threatened by defeat. Above all, however, she offers precious tools to transform a “faux pas” into a genuine resource, in your professional life and your private life. Elisabetta Maùti, graduate of Modern Languages and Literature and Clinical Psychology, is a psychologist and corporate trainer. In her role as a specialist of themes concerning communication and group dynamics, for many years she has worked for multinational companies in research, development and staff recruitment. the author Hardcover with flps / cm 12,5x18 / 60027U / pp. 192 / €9,90 / De Vecchi Editore Daniela Bregantin è formatrice azien- dale ed executive coach. Si occupa di tecniche di comunicazione interpersonale, comunicazione persuasiva e public speaking. è professoressa a contratto di Public speaking per il corso di laurea in Relazioni pubbliche d’impresa della IULM. OLE LE REG D’AC CEN TAZ ION E Maurizio Possenti, Paola Cuppini Techniques for memory and speed reading For work, languages, exams and competitions, to halve your study time Tecniche di memoria e lettura veloce Per il lavoro, per le lingue, per esami e concorsi, per dimezzare i tempi di studio A book for students, managers, professional people and all those who wish to optimise the learning method and reach personal objectives quickly and effortlessly. Based on tried and tested techniques of the Master Eureka course, active in Italy for over 10 years, this book teaches the reader how to improve cognitive and mnemonic performance, through simple and captivating language. 63267M / p. 464 NEW! NEW! 4 LEZIONE CIZI ESER 4 5 LEZIONE usa) rta e chi testa. E ape ognolo in ello verd (vocale si venA N. 2 tente capp coca-cola oltre alla con un diver le strade bibite dove girava per sco delle gli o al chio calzoni e Rodolfo ormai i ava il temp se di nom Un lecce io malevolo: perché pass con occh o obeso no tutti a Era molt , gli avev guardava lo e itetto tonno. il e esco amico, arch deva anch modo pazz e se un suo ssato in letta anch Era ingra di un o in bicic a a lato stretti. hia post re nel bosc erano tutti catapecc e di anda gregge una del grire in re iò dima il bela ato, si rifug Decise di i uccellini, oloso. metri, strem eccio degl fiume al chilo era peric o cical si il che : udire detto per diver peggio vicin to poteva pedalato ti nel cam chio atten Dopo aver accampa o; un orec ragazzi mo lecci il vocio dei hotel. vecchissi lontano, il leccese. heggio dell’ to bosco.” olava poco del parc !” pensava che pasc ri d’auto più da ques e da bere re dei moto o, non esco da mangiare e il rumo sto fresc hia; e qualcosa reagisco catapecc ssi aver lo della giù, se non “Se pote rietta. te molto a in un ango un’a re post lmen accetta a fischietta “Sono mora hia non si mise su di una coraggio a. posarono la catapecc si i farsi nuov ché Per era occh tetto affin rse che ento i suoi ellare il , si acco In quel mom sorpresa o per punt tetto: il tronc evole are un o, puntellò e, con piac ttere e tagli o per pezz la prese di di abba ente, pezz bellezza. enica segu vento. 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La tasa: per digrada con mes i a o che gente vanno colline ardi chesa sano, la sa. e la mar o agli sgu ndo pas barones cipessa esi; qua fanno cas a, la prin colori acc , ma esse non contess etti dai tano 10. La se dei berr si le salu di resina. sono mes olgono le mes o profumo racc una aromatic che un etta dini ano pinz mandav ti. e con una a casa indiscre evolo, tols davanti fare ben la pineta a a. vole, con abeti e reginett bella cors 11. Gli caritate vo una piccola le molto mi face di una onorevo imevole e mentre 12. Un hio lacr ttonata occ osbo ta dall’ vesc icet del ciglia . o la cam il fegato sigaretta o, avev zemolo l’ultima eva cald tolo di prez fumavo 13. Fac plice mes letta mi mina. in bicic di un sem fem ina ole sem deb LA LETTUR uito alla A VELOCE me a una 14. In seg pentola insie in finì Natura vo lmente dopo aver fatto qualche eserciz sarà bene passare io con i punti di alla pratica su fissità ma senza qualche testo per le parole, ma anche alla abituare gli occhi percezione dei non solo alla velocità segni a una più Quando possibi elevata rapidità le, e soprattutto di lettura. per le prime volte, ne delle linee vertical ti consigliamo i che ti possono di tracciare sulla essere utili per pagiindicare i punti di fissità per ogni riga. 36 CAPITOLO A Course for Public Speaking How to use your voice and gestures, organise content, “break the ice” and win attention Come utilizzare la voce e i gesti, organizzare i contenuti, ‘’rompere il ghiacco’’ e ottenere attenzione 5 punti di fissità 336 37 12 Daniela Brigantin Corso per parlare in pubblico 7 punti di fissità Sappiamo che è molto strana la sensazione che cizio, ma possiam hai provato durante o garantirti che quest’ultimo eserè normale: ricorda muscoli degli occhi ti che per molto a muoversi in tempo hai abituat un determinato volgere anni e oi modo e ora stai anni di abitudi chiedendo loro ni. di straGli esercizi con i punti di fissità, anche quelli senza aumentare la velocità testo, hanno il degli occhi e di duplice obiettiv rieducarli a una o di mobilità più comple ta. Patrizia Pastore 4 punti di fissità 3 punti di fissità 337 A practical guide to clear, correct and incisive diction, with a series of exercises to strengthen your voice and give colour, rhythm, tone and intensity to your speech. 63605H / pp. 256 Marketing Not-Marketing Value, truth, proximity, evaluation: how to understand, anticipate and satisfy the demands and desires of your client Valore, verità, vicinanza, valutazione: come capire, anticipare e soddisfare le esigenze e i desideri del cliente Marketing not-marketing is an evolution of traditional marketing, integrated and updated in the light of a new concept of the “client” and “consumer”. This method stems from listening to the needs of the target through the web, which uses promotion as a tool. It is about creating an on-line by word-of-mouth mechanism, leading the consumers themselves to promote products and services. 63268L / pp. 320 17 NON-FICTION 18 UNIVERSITY-LEVEL TEXTS: PSYCHOTHERAPY NEW! Santo Di Nuovo Manuals and Monographs Prisoners of Neuroscience? Prigionieri delle Neuroscienze? The ‘marriage’ between neuroscience and psychology finds moments of fruitful integration of knowledge. The book unravels a thread that links genetics (and epigenetics), neurophysiology, pharmacology, and psychology, in several applicative fields: diagnosis and neuropsychological rehabilitation, criminology and law, aesthetics, economics and marketing, ethics and religiosity. Softcover editions with flaps cm 17 x 24 This series collects texts by the most important Italian specialists that are written for students, researchers and professionals in the field of psychology and the human sciences. the author Santo Di Nuovo is full professor of ‘cognitive psychology and neuroscience’, and president of the degree in psychology at the University of Catania. He is head of the Centre for psychological counselling of the University. Since 1989 is honorary judge in the Juvenile Court. 61654U /pp. 240/ €22,00 Giovanni Paolo Quattrini For a Phenomenological Existential Psychotherapy Per una psicoterapia fenomenologico-esistenziale The volume, the first in the series ‘For Psychotherapy’, illustrates to psychologists and psychotherapists how to work in a clinical setting using a phenomenological-existential theory. 54032H / 9788809759589 / pp. 448 / € 29,00 the author Fabrizio Quattrini is a professor at the Clinic of Paraphilias, at the University of L’Aquila in Italy. He has been working for many years with sexual assistance for people with disabilities and is the president of the Italian Institute of Scientific Sexology in Rome. Beatrice Benelli The Development of Concepts in Children When Fido Becomes a Dog Lo sviluppo dei concetti nel bambino Quando Fido diventa un animale 55070H / 9788809026506 / pp. 192 / € 14,50 Anna Silvia Bombi, Giovanna Scittarelli The Psychology of the Educational Relationship Psicologia del rapporto educativo 34131F / 9788809215610 / pp. 192 / € 16,50 Silvia Bonino, Elena Cattelino, Silvia Ciairano Adolescents and Risk Behavior, Functions, and Protection Factors Adolescenti e rischio Comportamenti, funzioni e fattori di protezione Gian Vittorio Caprara, Ada Fonzi The Suspended Age A Journey through Adolescence L’età sospesa Itinerari del viaggio adolescenziale 51119G / 9788809018310 / pp. 224 / € 18,00 Nino Dazzi, Luciano Mecacci Anthological History of Psychology Storia antologica della psicologia 54163P / 9788809023642 / pp. 448 / € 23,24 Annamaria Di Fabio Counseling From Theory to Application Counseling Dalla teoria all’applicazione 51300W / 9788809015005 / pp. 352 / € 26,00 Fernando Dogana Alike and Different Theories and Tools for Knowing Oneself and Others nEW EDITION 86510B / 9788809055551 / pp. 384 / € 22,00 Uguali e diversi Silvia Bonino, Alida Lo Coco, Franca Tani 55383C / 9788809029392 / pp. 416 / € 22,00 Teorie e strumenti per conoscere se stessi e gli altri Empathy Elena Faccio Empatia When Self-image is Harmful 34129M / 9788809212862 / pp. 256 / € 22,00 Quando l’immagine di sé fa star male The Process of Sharing Emotions I processi di condivisione delle emozioni The Identity of the Body Le identità corporee 84648C / 9788809052888 / pp. 256 / € 18,00 Annamaria Di Fabio Psychology of Orientation Problems, Methods and Tools Psicologia dell’orientamento Problemi, metodi e strumenti 34132G / 9788809215627 pp. 416 / € 24,00 Gabriele Di Stefano, Renzo Vianello Psychology of Development and Educational Problems Studies and Research in Honor of Guido Petter Paolo Cherubini, Pierdaniele Giaretta, Alberto Mazzocco Reasoning: Psychology and Logic Ragionamento: psicologia e logica 51250J / 9788809019324 / pp. 352 / € 22,72 Ada Fonzi Bullying in Italy The Phenomenon of Bullying at Schools from Piedmont to Sicily Il bullismo in Italia Il fenomeno delle prepotenze a scuola dal Piemonte alla Sicilia 34128L / 9788809212343 / pp. 256 / € 17,50 Psicologia dello sviluppo e problemi educativi Ada Fonzi 50181Q / 9788809022096 pp. 704 / € 25,00 Studies and Research on the Psychological Correlates of Bullying Annibale Fanali, Francesco Tramonti Studi e ricerche sui correlati psicologici del bullismo Studi e ricerche in onore di Guido Petter Identity and Relationships Individual Therapy as Systemic Relational Psychotherapy Identità e legami La terapia individuale a indirizzo sistemico-relazionale 56855Z / 9788809774179 / pp. 224 / € 22,00 The Cruel Game Il gioco crudele 50561J / 9788809014268 / pp. 176 / € 15,00 Annamaria Di Fabio Counseling and the Helping Relationship Guidelines and Tools for Autoverification Counseling e relazione d’aiuto Linee guida e strumenti per l’autoverifica 55214Y / 9788809028982 / pp. 256 / € 28,00 NON-FICTION UNIVERSITY-LEVEL TEXTS: PSYCHOTHERAPY Guido Petter A Child Learns to Think the author Guido Petter (1927 – 2011) is one of the most important figures in the history of Italian psychology. Beginning in 1958 he was a professor of Developmental Psychology at the University of Padova. He completed studies and research in the areas of perception, language, cognitive development, adolescent psychology and educational psychology. Aldo Galeazzi, Paolo Meazzini Mind and Behavior Italian Treatise on Behavioral Psychology Mente e comportamento Il bambino impara a pensare As well as being a useful in depth study on cognitive development at a young age, this volume can be used to conduct research in children, interacting with them and confronting problems regarding communication. 54033V / 9788809759596 / pp. 288 / € 22,00 Dolores Passi Tognazzo Guido Petter The Projective Tests Psychological Aspects in Secondary School Teaching Methods and Techniques in the Diagnosis of Personality Psychology and the Adolescent at School 77924H / 9788809035195 / pp. 608 / € 29,00 Metodi e tecniche nella diagnosi della personalità Psicologia e scuola dell’adolescente Adriana Lis nEW ediTION 51418T / 9788809015753 / pp. 256 / € 22,00 50179C / 9788809013759 / pp. 320 / € 22,00 Diagnostic Problems and Elements of Psychotherapy Guido Petter Guido Petter Aspects and Fundamental Problems of Psychological Development The Child from 3-6 Years and the Educational Environment Trattato italiano di psicoterapia comportamentale Clinical Psychology Psicologia clinica Problemi diagnostici ed elementi di psicoterapia 34102K / 9788809202887 / pp. 448 / € 25,00 I test proiettivi From Infancy to Pre-Adolescence Aspetti psicologici dell’insegnamento secondario Psychology and the Infant at School Marcello Lostia Dall’infanzia alla preadolescenza Psicologia e scuola dell’infanzia The Two Souls of Psychology 2ND EDITION 34101J / 9788809202764 / pp. 360 / € 21,69 nEW EDITION 92665J / 9788809065000 / pp. 320 / € 22,00 Modelli della mente, modelli della persona Guido Petter Guido Petter 34113D / 9788809205567 / pp. 272 / € 18,59 Il mestiere di insegnante Psychology and General Education Guido Petter Psicologia e scuola di base Insegnare la psicologia 50997D / 9788809014671 / pp. 352 / € 21,69 Models of the Mind and of the Person Le due anime della psicologia Elena Marta, Eugenia Scabini Young Volunteers Challenging Yourself, Growing and Helping Others to Grow Giovani volontari Impegnarsi, crescere e far crescere 56332Q / 9788809030961 / pp. 256 / € 18,00 Paolo Meazzini Handicaps Steps Toward Independence Handicap Passi verso l’autonomia 34114E / 9788809212336 / pp. 768 / € 30,00 Ersilia Menesini Bullies, What to do? Prevention and Strategies for Schools Bullismo, che fare? Prevenzione e strategie d’intervento nella scuola Aspetti e problemi fondamentali dello sviluppo psicologico The Role of the Teacher 81399R / 9788809044272 / pp. 256 / € 18,00 Teaching Psychology 89913F / 9788809061453 / pp. 256 / € 18,00 Guido Petter The Adolescent Learns to Reason and to Decide L’adolescente impara a ragionare e a decidere 55690Q / 9788809029422 / pp. 256 / € 18,00 Guido Petter The Efficient Mind The Conditions that Help or Hurt the Activity of Thought La mente efficiente Le condizioni che ostacolano o favoriscono l’attività del pensiero 52479F / 9788809018860 / pp. 224 / € 17,50 55178F / 9788809027343 / pp. 224 / € 18,00 Dolores Passi Tognazzo Guido Petter The Rorschach Method Manual of Psycho-diagnostication, European Models Il metodo Rorschach Manuale di psicodiagnostica su modelli di matrice europea 3RD ediTION 34107Q / 9788809204621 / pp. 384 / € 26,00 The Psychologist at School What is Done, What Could Be Done Lo psicologo nella scuola Ciò che fa, ciò che potrebbe fare 78371U / 9788809038097 / pp. 256 / € 22,00 Il bambino fra i tre e i sei anni e il suo ambiente educativo Psychological Aspects of Teaching at Primary School Aspetti psicologici dell’insegnamento primario Piero Salzarulo How We Sleep Come dormiamo 83796C / 9788809050396 / pp. 128 / € 15,00 Andrea Smorti The Narrative Thought Construction of Stories and the Development of the Social Conscience Il pensiero narrativo Costruzione di storie e sviluppo della conoscenza sociale 34112C / 9788809204638 / pp. 256 / € 18,59 Andrea Smorti The Self as Text Construction of Histories and Personal Development Il Sé come testo Costruzione delle storie e sviluppo della persona 34125H / 9788809209947 / pp. 368 / € 19,63 Franca Tani Normalcy and Pathology in Psychic Development Normalità e patologia nello sviluppo psichico 85120X / 9788809053649 / pp. 352 / € 28,00 Guido Petter Reason, Imagination and Creativity in the Child and in the Adolescent Ragione, fantasia, creatività nel bambino e nell’adolescente 96787C / 9788809744707 / pp. 192 / € 18,00 Alessandro Salvini, Monica Dondoni Clinical Psychology of Interaction and Psychotherapy Psicologia clinica dell’interazione e psicoterapia 54751S / 9788809057654 / pp. 416 / € 29,00 Silvia Bonino, Antonella Reffieuna Psychology of Development and Primary School From Consciousness to Action Psicologia dello sviluppo e scuola primaria Dalla conoscenza all’azione NEW EDITION 86223G / 9788809055070 / pp. 384 / € 22,00 Adriana Lis, Paola Venuti, Maria Rosa De Zordo The Interview as Psychological Instrument Research, Diagnosis, Therapy Il colloquio come strumento psicologico Ricerca, diagnosi, terapia 34115F / 9788809206670 / pp. 448 / € 22,00 Alessandro Salvini, Antonio Ravasio, Tania Da Ros Legal Clinical Psychology Psicologia clinica giuridica 87032Y / 9788809056510 / pp. 544 / € 34,00 19 NON-FICTION 20 LANGUAGES NEW! Elisabetta Perini Have I Said It Well? Dictionaries and Linguistics The Etiquette of Italian Language from the Movies to the Web Dico bene? Per un galateo del parlato da Totò al web How to say hallo or to address to people? How to talk to patients or depositors? How to use exaggeration and swearwords? These and other questions are answered by the linguist Elizabeth Perini, who analyzes the uses and abuses of the spoken Italian language. Softcover editions cm 14,5x19,5 / € 9,90 59712T / 9788809784611 / pp. 256 Elisabetta Perini How to Write (Almost) Well Scrivere bene o quasi? A guide to a proper writing: the basic Italian rules of spelling and punctuation, the idioms, foreign or Ancient Greek and Latin words, the most complicated verbs’ conjugation. An essential reference to dissolve all doubts that may assail the less experienced writer, as well as to resolve the indecision of the most experienced. Individual charts make access to the topics easy and clear. Etymological notes and historical information enriches the contents of the manual. 54774J / 9788809766914 / pp. 256 Elisabetta Perini Italian Grammar for Everyone Grammatica italiana per tutti A handy manual to discover an easy grammar, closer to the Italian everyday language. Explanations and rules are a sort of compass to orient ourselves in the sea of a living language in constant evolution. Italian Grammar is in its 4th reprint. the autor Elisabetta Perini graduated from the University of Florence in Italian Dialectology. Her Italian Grammar for Everyone is already in its fifth reprint. 89724D / 9788809061019 / pp. 256 Elisabetta Perini Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms Dizionario dei sinonimi e dei contrari cm 13,4 x 19,4 / 81216Q 9788809043572 / pp. 512 English-Italian Dictionary Basic Italian Dictionary 91121K / 9788809062177 pp. 768 / € 14,90 cm 15 x 21 / 55260Y 9788809767874 / pp. 1124 / € 14,90 Dizionario Inglese-Italiano Dizionario italiano di base NON-FICTION LANGUAGES Silvio Crosera, Carla Perusini How to Improve Your Study Methods: Learning, Concentration, Listening, Memory Come migliorare il mio metodo di studio Not able to concentrate in the classroom or at home? Here is a simple and effective method to identify all the resources that you already have but do not take advantage of: your learning style, your attention span, and listening, the characteristics of your memory. Nobody is a born student, but in the end, everyone can do it well! Softcover / cm 12 x 16,5 60008D / 9788844043308 / pp.160 / € 6,90 School of Italian Softcover editions / cm 15 x 21 I Speak Italian Parlo italiano 56347J / 9788844041670 pp. 160 / € 8,90 Ughetta Lanari Maria Cristina Peccianti AA. VV. Grammatica italiana per stranieri Dizionario italiano per stranieri Italian Grammar for Foreign Language Speakers Italian Dictionary for Foreign Language Speakers 59823Z / 9788844043834 pp. 192 / € 9,50 cm 12 x 16,5 59535Q / 9788844043674 pp. 480 / € 6,90 Elisa Ferri, Maria Cristina Peccianti Maria Cristina Peccianti, Vera Zanette Come si dice? Come si scrive...? 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The Adventures in Wonderland are told in a language full of non-sense, puns, games and visual images. Follow then Alice in this fascinating world! -T est i ing le se di la -T est i la di A Study in Scarlet Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Sc uo Arthur Conan Doyle Lewis Carroll Pagina 1 ing le se -T est i ing le se 11:41 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland la A Study in Scarlet London in the dead of night. From an uninhabited house a ghostly light filters in through the thick fog. Inside, in a bleak empty room, a policeman on patrol finds a smartly dressed man. He’s dead. There’s blood around: the corpse, however, bears no wounds. A real puzzle immediately entrusted to Sherlock Holmes’ unequalled cleverness and to Dr Watson’s unrivalled writing skills. 20-06-2012 Questa collana offre una collezione di classici della prosa o della poesia in lingua inglese accuratamente annotati. La finalità è quella di favorire e perfezionare la conoscenza della lingua, mettendone a fuoco le strutture, le peculiarità sintattiche e le potenzialità espressive. Il testo assume così una funzione prettamente didascalica, con il vantaggio di avere a disposizione... un insegnante eccezionale. Sc uo di ing le se -T est i Questa collana offre una collezione di classici della prosa o della poesia in lingua inglese accuratamente annotati. La finalità è quella di favorire e perfezionare la conoscenza della lingua, mettendone a fuoco le strutture, le peculiarità sintattiche e le potenzialità espressive. Il testo assume così una funzione prettamente didascalica, con il vantaggio di avere a disposizione... un insegnante eccezionale. School of English Texts Test your English by reading a classic work of literature. The classics you will find here are in annotated editions, to help you improve your comprehension of the written language. 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