May 2010 - Bremen High School District 228


May 2010 - Bremen High School District 228
Best ss of
Final Exams
May 24: Periods 5, 3, & 7
May 25: Periods 4, 8, & 6
May 26: Periods 1 & 2
15203 S. Pulaski Rd. Midlothian, Illinois 60445
Volume 56, Issue 7
May 17, 2010
Seniors’ time finally arrives: Graduation
photos by Amanda Bartak
Bremen seniors take time to sign yearbooks and spend time with friends at the
Senior Picnic on May 13. Due to a rainy weather forecast, the picnic was moved
indoors, however that did not change the seniors’ excitement. The Class of 2010
graduates May 18 with the Commencement Ceremony taking place at the Tinley
Park Convention Center.
Changes for next year already in works
by Hope Liddell
Echo reporter
The looks on many of the faces at Bremen High School are that of a relaxed state
of mind. As the school year comes to an end,
many students are taking final tests and submitting the final projects for the year. People
seem genuinely as ease as they know their
summer break is approaching. However, some
people in the school are already working hard
to get things ready for next year.
Administration is working hard to put
things in place to benefit students and teachers
for the 2010-2011 school-year. Bremen High
School will be establishing some changes
for both the students and teachers. Some the
changes to take place are as follows: there will
be new programs such as a “Freshmen Learning Center “and “Second Chance Learning,”
and every English and Math teacher will have
a common planning period.
The Freshman Learning Center will
be designed for all freshmen to get a positive
start at the beginning of their high school ca-
reer, as well as foster success for freshman for
their next four years at Bremen.
The key to this Freshman Learning
Center will be to have more interaction with
each freshman than in the past. “We’re going
to have daily contact with the freshman, “says
Mr. Sikora, Assistant Principal.
The Learning Center will be held in
rooms 158 and 159. One room of the Learning
Center will be a designated a quiet study area,
while the other will be more of a guided study
hall that can provide help to students who are
in need of bringing their grade up, understanding class material, or any assistance that may
help them while in high school.
The new study centers will be held
from 3:00p.m to 4:00p.m. Although the new
learning center is being designed with freshman in mind, the Learning Center will be
available to all other students as well. The
program’s purpose is to create success for all
Many teachers have started using a
method of allowing ALL students to really
learn the material. Second Chance Learning
is based upon teachers giving the students
another chance at learning. Second-Chance
Learning will be utilized for students in the
new Learning Centers. “I want active success
for all of our students,” says Dr. Kibelkis, Bremen’s principal.
In addition the new Learning Centers,
English and Math teachers will have a common plan period. This will allow all of the
English teachers and Math teachers to utilize
their planning period in a more productive
way as teachers will be able to plan collaborations with other teachers in their department
when they feel it necessary. Although teachers will use their plan in the same fashion that
they have in the past, they will also have the
opportunity of discussing assignments, grading, and their philosophy of education at their
The administration and teachers are all
on board to be sure that students have a positive experience while at Bremen. Heads up
Bremen administration, teachers and students:
Set goals, have a positive attitude, and come
prepared daily!
Page 2
Bremen High School
Concerts showcase musical talent
by Lisette Beltran
Echo reporter
Bremen High School
15203 S. Pulaski
Midlothian, IL 60445
(708) 371-3600
ext. 3240
Editor in Chief
Kent Spencer
Amanda Bartak
Lisette Beltran
Mike Burbatt
Vonquatia Cook
Krysti Disbrow
Cuoy Harmon
Hope Liddell
Jayneisha Marshall
Alfredo Medrano
Dariel Thomas
Ms. Jen Intihar
Ms. Jen Dwyer
Editorial Policy
The opinions expressed do
not necessarily represent
the views of the faculty,
staff, or administration
of Bremen Community
High School. Letters to the
editor can be emailed to
and are subject to editing
for length.
“The Band and Choir concert was one of the best concerts in
the past few years.” Mr. Salgado,
Music director, talks about Bremen’s
Spring Concert.
On May 5th, the Bremen
Music department presented the
spring concert, including a special
guest Mark Colby. The concert
showed the many talents of the Bremen symphonic band, as well as the
choir and jazz band.
Mr. Salgado is proud of the
bands and choir, they have showed
tremendous effort. “This year I am
most proud of the Symphonic Band
for working so hard to attain a Division 1 rating at the IHSA Music
Contest. This is the first year that
Bremen H.S. has ever earned that
rating at the state contest,” he said.
“I am also always proud of
the Jazz Band. They perform publicly more than any other ensemble
at Bremen H.S. The students in the
Bands at Bremen H.S. are the hardest working students at Bremen High
School,” stated Salgado.
The Bremen music department has had many talented musicians in the past, and many from this
year, such as Megan Krause, Chris
Jackson, Brian Stadter, Emily Smith,
and Justin O’Connor. It seems that
there are so many great events offered at Bremen that can help to enhance the students involved with the
music department.
At the concert, a special
guest performed, Mr. Mark Colby,
an old friend of Mr. Salgado. He is
a tenor saxophonist that was born in
New York. He has performed with
Frank Sinatra, Gerry Mulligan, and
many more famous artists.
“I met Mark in 1998 when
he became a professor at Elmhurst
College, where I went to school.
He was a frequent guest artist with
the Elmhurst College Jazz Band,
in which I played trumpet, and has
The Bremen Symphonic Band performs at their concert May 5.
The concert also featured the Choir and Jazz Band, and a special
performance by guest saxophonist Mark Colby.
since been a judge at several jazz
festivals Bremen has competed in,”
said Mr. Salgado.
Mark Colby wanted to let
the parents know how important it
is to keep music programs running.
He said “with the schools cutting
funding for music programs, we’re
here to show you why not to cut it.
These kids are great musicians.”
A great musician himself, he
is an advocate for school music programs to continue providing classes
and the resources for young students
to pursue a career in the fine arts.
Unfortunately, with the economy the
way it is, schools are majorly cutting
‘unnecessary’ activities and clubs.
Mr. Salgado is concerned
with this worrisome issue. “It is
very important that all students,
parents, and teachers who believe
there should be music in our schools
speak out about their feelings and let
it be known how important it is for
there to be music at Bremen High
School,” Salgado said.
“Although we lost our Jazz
Band class for next year, I am still
confident that our music program is
growing and becoming better each
year,” Salgado said. “Next year
we’ve increased the size of our Symphonic/Marching Band and gained
back a Choir class. One of our goals
for next year will be to increase the
size of all of our ensembles and get
the Jazz Band class back.”
According to Mr. Sikora,
assistant principal and director of
activities, the jazz band class was
cut due to low enrollment numbers.
Even though a course has students
interested in it, the number of students who sign up for a class determines whether the district can justify
supporting the class financially.
While everyone is feeling the
effects of budget cuts, it is pertinent
that the Bremen High School community recognizes the huge positive
impact music has on the students in
the ensembles, other students in the
school, and the entire community.
With everyone’s support, it is probable that Bremen’s music program
will continue to grow.
Although major budget cuts
are greatly affecting music programs
across the state, one this is for sure:
The Bremen Music department will
keep on performing as long as they
are given the chance!
tor Clouseau was played by Eric
Moosmann. The role of Dreyfus
was played by Chris Jackson.
If you didn’t come see the Some other cast and crew
Pink Panther Strikes Again, you members were Matt Brown, Emmissed a great show. For those ily Smith, Randi Feltz, Phil Monthat did attend a night of this won- tanez, Crisstian Hernadez, Jason
derful performance, you probably Widstrom, Vonquatia Cook, Jessihad a great time of many laughs. ca Lundeen, Megan Krause,Lisette
All three nights were a Beltran, Ariel Chavez, Baltazar
success. The main role Inspec- Galarza, and Jayneisha Marshall. It was evident by all three
performances that the cast and
crew stuck together like family as
all three shows seemed to be flawless.
The group knows that
they couldn’t have done it without
the guidance of head director Mr.
Rybarczyk, assistant director Ms.
Intihar, and technical director Mr.
Pink Panther strikes BHS Theatre
by Jayneisha Marshall
Echo reporter
The Echo newspaper is
published monthly by
LithoType, LLC in
Lansing, Ill.
photo by Lisette Beltran
May 17, 2010
Class of 2010
Graduation takes seniors on different paths
by Kent Spencer
Editor in Chief
The moment all high school students
were waiting for will be arriving May 18GRADUATION!!!
Lots of good times and hard work
have been have been put in by many seniors
to get to this point. Last minute changes
to assignments, little white lies to save a 0
from appearing in a teacher’s grade book,
and long nights studying for Mr. Stritar’s
math tests.
For many, this will be the most important moment in their lives, as well of
the lives of parents who will see their son/
daughter graduate.
However, life cannot end with this
fame and glory; what comes next? After
high school, many students will go to college where they will begin working on future careers.
Marcus Hatter will be graduating this
year and will be attending Northern Illinois
University in DeKalb and majoring in Business. “This is where it all begins; now I will
really be doing work that will go towards
my career.”
Although Hatter has clear goals for
his future, he will vow to not forget the past
events that have lead him to this point. He
knows the reality of continuing to work toward his goals. “I plan on being a real-estate agent after college,” said Hatter. For all
lower classmen who feel that they can’t wait
to graduate, don’t take anything for granted
along the way to graduation.
Every step of high school and every
step that you take in your life, can have an
impact on what you accomplish in life. It is
important for one to keep a positive attitude
and strive for the best each and every day.
Although the choices that one makes
throughout high school can lead to the ability to walk across the stage, or not, it is also
the daily choices that can give you the advantage in life.
It is mere choice that plays a huge
factor in what college you have the best
chances of getting into. However, it is also
mere choice that can land you a great career
and the life that you always wanted.
Nobody is perfect. However, if you
are sure to believe in yourself, and work
hard, each day in your life, then you will
reap the benefits. If you want to walk across
the stage, attend a college that you desire,
or land a career one day that fulfills your
dreams, make sure you are willing to put in
the hard work in life to make it happen. No
pain, no gain! Make every moment count!
Page 3
To: Nuggetheads
I, Janice Highes, will leave my nuggetheads my “E” card (insider). I will also
leave them hot rap lyrics.
From: J-Nice
To: Pretty much everyone
I will leave a really good book and a
whole lotta sass.
From: Alexa Smerz
To: Incoming Freshmen
I, Paloma Salcedo, give the strength
to you all to always believe in yourself
and never let anyone let you down.
From: Paloma Salcedo
To: Jerry Hall
I leave behind to Jerry some of my
swag so he will have some.
From: Sean Duggan
K. No oy...
easy b Y!
To: Ms. Dyrcon
You’re the brightest, the funnest, loving mom, good listener, shares & cares,
and most of all best teacher!
From: Teisha Hill
Woof! i dont wantz kibbels for breakfast! i wantz
To: Gonzalo S.
Thank you so much for believing in me
and never giving up on me. ILY! Ladybugg!
From: Guera
To: Seniors of 2010
We came so far! And learned so much!
Wish you the best in life and don’t lose
faith in what you do.
From: Jessica
pass the
To: The Krew
Oh I love you guys! You are all the
best! Everything you have done, and
all the laughs you gave me! Thanks!
From: Guera
To: Bremen cast, crew, & directors
It was great working with you guys.
I’m going to miss you soooo much. I
love you all!
From: Monica Prieto
Page 4
Doing our part to calm violence
by Kent Spencer
Editor in Chief
Pretty much anywhere in
the world, one can suspect surges
in violence among young teens.
It is noted in papers and on the
daily news that teens are often a
victim of violence, or part of the
problem in Chicago.
Almost every other week,
a teen is either shot or killed.
Also, it is quite often noted in
the news that a teen is not the
victim, but rather the perpetrator of the crime. One thing is
certain, no teens deserve death,
and if time was more carefully
planned for summer breaks,
there could quite possibly be
less violence in Chicago, and
the United States.
It’s not possible to cut
out all of the violence in our
lives, but there are many ways
to lower the numbers. It seems
it all has to do with choices that
teens make. If teens in Chicago,
as it is the windy city where most
of the violent teen crimes take
place, would plan for a productive summer break, there would
be fewer problems, less violent
acts, and less tears.
The fact of the matter is
that teens need to schedule productive events to consume all of
their long summer hours of idle
time. It seems that teens should
have some sort of a calendar for
their summer, not only so they having National Guard Members
don’t waste the summer away stationed in Chicago…well, it
with unproductive nonsense, but makes our city look as bad as a
also so they don’t get caught in whole to have to turn to that opany riff-raff that could be life- tion.
If this violence contin
Teens need to plan where ues, tourists would be less likely
they will spend their summer to visit our world renowned city
days so the number of fatalities due to the violence. But what
to not keep growing. So far this can we do about it if people
year, over 113
don’t start taking
“Having [the responsibility for
people have been
across Guard] take part their actions; this
Chicago; many
may be the only anof them involve in fighting crime swer.
a teenager as the ... is one of the “I would never of
victim, or as the
thought that a city
criminal. would be so bad
T h i n g s ways to put an that the National
are getting so
Guard had to help
bad around the
stop crime on the
city, the Nationstreets. But when
al Guard may
you think about it,
be asked to patrol the streets if this is a solution that has to be
of Chicago with police to help put in action to save lives, then
stop the violence. If that isn’t a so be it,” Junior Terry Booker
cry out for change, I don’t know said.
what is.
More effort on the par
Having the National ents of teens in the Chicagoland
Guard take part in fighting crime area and the Chicago Police dein the city, to me, is one of the partment is needed to help put
most depressing ways to put an an end to all the violence; the
end to the madness. This just National Guard isn’t the anproves that our community is swer. The most probable answer
so out of control that we can- should be in the teen’s hands:
not control ourselves; the Na- plan a schedule so you know
tional Guard is not a symbol of how you will spend your sumpeace and harmony in an unruly mer break so that you don’t end
city that cannot control itself, it up as one of the statistics spoilis just a method of control. By ing our great community!
Students win
awards at
Film Festival
The Communication Arts
and Technology program of Bremen High School District 228 recently participated in the 3rd annual
South Suburban Film Festival.
The programs television
production station BDTV took
home a variety of awards including: Third Place in Music Video
Kelsey Peters, Amy Dirker, and
Megan McClafferty -Second Place
in Comedy Short: Cristian Pompa,
Kelsey Peters, Amanda Bartak
and Allissa Smith- News Story:
Melanie Haza and Cristian Pompa
- News Story: Kelsey Peters, Cristian Pompa, and Megan McClafferty- News Program: Bremen Rico
Lopez, Cristian Pompa, Thomas
West - News Program: Oak For-
est Brandon Kingsley, Felix Garza,
Molly O’ Callaghan. First Place in
Comedy Short: Brandon Kingsley,
Thomas West, Rico Lopez, and
Melanie Haza- Public Service Annoucement: Nicole Galvin, Tom
West, and Kelsey Peters - News
Story: Molly O’ Callaghan. News
Bremen High School
brings fun,
changes for
by Kent Spencer
Editor in Chief
The summer as always for
most high school students will be
full of fun and adventures. Each
new summer brings new memories
to every student. Some students
will be going out of town to spend
time with family members, some
students will be working steady
jobs to earn money, and some will
be making up for failed classes, and
some students will be preparing to
live the college life. Whatever the
case, hopefully all students have at
least one plan highlighted for their
summer break.
Shaquille Reed will be going on a family vacation out the
country to the beautiful Costa Rica
with his family. “This is my first
time going to Costa Rica and I’m
very excited about the trip. I hear
nothing but great things about the
place all the time,” said Reed.
Some BHS students will be
working on building their skills for
their up and coming sports season.
Junior Varsity basketball player
LaShawn Evans will be practicing for next year’s basketball and
football season. “I will be playing
for Bremen’s summer league to
improve my game and to be better
prepared for next year’s basketball
season. I can’t wait to go out for
football. I’m ready for the tough
practices in the summer sun,” said
Dylan Kent will is also
planning on having a big summer.
“I’m going to Las Vegas for my
summer break; there are so many
attractions they have to offer, I just
don’t know what I’m going to do
first,” said Kent.
Others are looking forward to taking a load off and kicking back with friends. Shaunacy
Brazier plans on doing just that. “I
can’t wait to just hang out and relax with good friends and enjoy the
summer,” said Brazier.
With long summer days
Program: Hillcrest Ebony Richardcomes great summer responsibilson and Davente Miller.
ity. Remember to make the best of
The Regional Award of Dischoice in any situation that can land
tinction was awarded to the students
you in trouble. The students with
of Oak Forest High School. The
their fresh drivers’ licenses need to
Communication Arts and Technolalways buckle up when in a driving
ogy program is taught at Bremen
vehicle. Make it a great summer or
by Mr. Michael Lynch.
not, the choice is yours.
May 17, 2010
Bobby Ray CD shows
master in the making
by Cuoy Harmon
Echo reporter
Whether you call him B.o.B
or Bobby Ray, you’re talking about
the same person.
Born Robert “Bobby” Ray
Simmons in Atlanta, GA, this 2009
freshman is making his radio imprint
in 2010. After releasing hit songs,
“Haterz Everywhere” with Rich
Boy, “I’ll Be in the Sky,” and being
in the mix tape circuit for months,
he’s ready to spread his wings and
fly away with his album B.o.B Presents: The Adventures of Bobby Ray.
The rapper/country singer should be
in everyone’s iPods, iPhones, mp3s/
mp4s, cell phones, etc…
Track 1 – “Don’t Let Me
Fall”: Opening up with his cold ATL
flow, B.o.B explains how high he
was from success not wanting to fall.
Saying “What goes up, must come
down. Don’t let me fall,” this song
has just enough to make the average
Joe want to listen. - 5 Little Joes.
Track 2 – “Nothin’ On You”
(feat. Bruno Mars): The album’s
lead single has a smooth dedication
to the certain someone in the artist’s
life. Telling her that every other girl
may come and go, but you’re here to
stay, when freshmen collide, you get
the ultimate song. - 5 Little Joes.
Track 3 – “Past My Shades”
(feat. Lupe Fiasco): Telling the
world to stop trying to understand
what’s inside of his mind, he called
Lupe and came up with the perfect
song for the fans and paparazzi. We
can’t see what’s past the shades in
front of us. - 5 Little Joes.
Track 4 – “Airplanes” (feat.
Hayley Williams of Paramore): Using his imagination, B.o.B wants to
wish upon airplanes instead of shooting starts to go back to what his life
was before the success of his rapping career. Have Hayley tell it to
you: “Can we pretend that airplanes
in the night sky are shooting stars?”
- 5 Little Joes.
Track 5 – “Bet I” (feat. T.I. &
Playboy Tre): Taking it back to that
original Atlanta crunk style, B.o.B,
Tre, and the free King of the South,
Tip, make your speakers break with
this joint. Keeping it inside of the
Grand Hustle family, they share this
track with the world. - 5 Little Joes.
Track 6 – “Ghost in the Machine”: Trying to escape from the
world, B.o.B can’t go anywhere to
hide. He wants to show everyone
how hard it is to deal with the stress
of a celebrity and music artist; he
says he feels like a ghost. - 5 Little
Track 7 – “The Kids” (feat.
Janelle Monae): This is a personal
favorite of mine: B.o.B and Janelle
both make the song about kids not
lasting in this world. Turning the
harsh realities into a fun song was a
great move; this track is kind of like
a brand new “Hard Knock Life.” - 5
Little Joes.
Track 8 – “Magic” (feat.
Rivers Cuomo of Weezer): Hooking up with the lead singer and lead
guitarist of Weezer, B.o.B was able
to create another song for everyone
to enjoy. It may sound like radio
pop, but it is definitely catchy. - 3½
Little Joes.
Track 9 – “Fame”: Showing
people that fame isn’t cracked up to
what it is, B.o.B took this song to a
ShowTime feel. Making this Broadway song, he broke down the truth
of being famous; maybe people will
listen now. - 4½ Little Joes.
Track 10 – “Lovelier than
You”: The only country song on the
whole album, Bobby Ray was able
to open up the ears of people who
don’t like country to create a great
love song. It definitely deserves all
of its props. - 5 Little Joes.
Track 11 – “5th Dimension”
(feat. Ricco Barrino): OOOOH!!!
This song gives everyone that
smooth jazz turn hip-hop feel. With
a beat produced by Lil’ C, chorus
by Ricco, and verse by Bobby Ray
himself, the record takes up to the
next dimension. - 5 Little Joes.
Track 12 – “Airplanes, Part
II” (feat. Eminem & Hayley Williams of Paramore): Recreating the
song with Eminem, both him and
B.o.B imagine what would happen
if both of them never became rap
artists and were still struggling. This
song has a stronger effect than the
first “Airplane.” - 5 Little Joes.
Bonus – Track 13 – “Letters
from Vietnam”: Acting as a soldier
from Vietnam, B.o.B recreates a
love story gone sour as a soldier. He
tells his girl, that she can leave him,
but she will miss him, and at the end
of the song, she tries to reach back to
him. - 5 Little Joes.
Bonus – Track 14 – “I See
Ya”: Coming straight at everyone,
B.o.B ends the album by telling all
his haters, “I See Ya.” B.o.B is out
of the world again! - 5 Little Joes.
Having a great mixture of
different sounds, B.o.B proves that
he is the freshman that we should
have looked out for in 2009. His album does deserve to be nominated
for a Grammy in 2011! Overall, I
give this album 5 Little Joes!
Page 5
Tech classes welcome
girls, teach valuable skills
by Lisette Beltran
Echo reporter
“Women are in great demand in the trade industry” Mr.
Ward wants all of Bremen’s young
ladies to know that being in a tech
class isn’t just for boys. In fact,
women in the trade industries
such as carpentry, auto mechanics, woodworking and others like
these are in great demand now
more than ever.
The future holds a great
increase in demand for women
in the workforce. Today’s women are always looking to become
more independent. Women are not
too dependent on their husbands
anymore. Many of the women in
2010 strive for success and go out
to prove themselves as they can do
much more in the workforce now
than ever.
“I love working with the
machines” stated Niaya Warren,
a Bremen student. Warren is one
of the few girls involved in the
program Mr. Ward has set up for
young ladies during connection
period. He allows any girl who
is interested in working in MechTech or Woodshop to come in and
build things.
Ward wants to get more
women interested in Auto-technology as well because he feels
that more women need to be more
independent when it comes to cars
and machines. “I want these girls
to know how to change a tire and
not have to wait for some stranger
to help them; they’ll save so much
money too when they can just fix
it themselves,” stated Ward.
Mr. Ward has worked with
many females during connection period to better educate them
about machines/tools. Some ladies
have used the connection period to
hand make butcher cutting boards.
Others have used the connection
to create personal crafts and, or
special gifts for staff members or
even family members.
Mr. Ward believes that
more young women should be exposed to wood shop technology,
and auto mechanics because in
these modern days, these kinds of
things should be common knowledge. Mr. Ward is hoping to expose more young ladies to the new
opportunities that are enabling
women to become more independent and a bigger part of the workforce.
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Page 6
World War II Re-enactment
Bremen High School
Staff brings their kids
to work for a day
by Lisette Beltran
Echo reporter
photos by Lisette Beltran
Top: Bremen students examine artifacts from World War II following the re-enactment staged by the Social Studies department
on May 7. The event allowed students to witness a battle re-enactment and then participate in a question and answer session. Bottom: The re-enactment included a soldier’s surrender following a
battle staged on the Bremen football field.
Many of the staff members brought their children to
Bremen on May 13 for Bring
Your Child to Work day. The day
is set up to let the children of the
staff have fun and spend some
quality time with their parents.
The children of staff
members were invited to participate in all sorts of fun activities
including science experiments
and even a band concert.
Andrew, son of social
studies teacher Mr.Dyke, said
his favorite part of the day was
“when we had the dance off in
8th period.” Mr. Dyke’s youngest son, Joey, entertained the
sophomores with his energetic
and funky dance moves.
Ms. Dwyer, English teacher, also had both of her sons at
Bremen for this event. Although
she was physically and mentally
drained by the end of the day, she
feels that it was a great experience for her children to be able to
see what she does at work every
“Mom, can I come to
your school again, tomorrow?”
questioned Johnny Dwyer after spending an afternoon in her
‘Bring Your Child to
Work’ day is a special day because it allows students to see
their teachers in a different way.
It shows that our teachers and
staff members are just like us,
and they have a family life outside of school.
In addition, it shows the
participants (the teachers’ children) what their parents do each
day after they leave for work.
When asked, Mr. Dyke
said “I think I’ll bring Andrew
and Joey until they reach high
school.” Laughing, he said,
“then, I don’t think they would
even want to come anymore.”
‘Bring Your Child to
Work’ day is definitely a day of
fun with the family… simply put,
it’s letting the structured business
world and the warm and loving
family life come together.
a series by Mike Burbatt
what a nice
summer day!
Well, it
can’t get any
does this always
happen to me?
a great
May 17, 2010
Braves Bash 2010
Page 7
Baseball record
improves from
last season
by Kent Spencer
Editor in Chief
photo by Amanda Bartak
Students dance and listen to music at the 2nd annual Braves Bash. This event
recognizes students who have not had to meet with their dean regarding a disciplinary issue throughout the school year. This year, Bremen recognized nearly 600
students at the Bash.
Cubs fans already disappointed
despite last year’s predictions
by Kent Spencer
Editor in Chief
The Chicago Cubs at the end of last
season was one of the predicted teams to be
a strong force in the National League.
With a record of 15-20 as of May 13,
the Cubs are going through
bad hitting slumps and spotty
defensive woes. As of this
date last season, the team had
a record of 19-14 and were 1
game behind in the NL Central standings.
The club now is in
fourth place in the central,
and is also 4.5 games behind
the power house St. Louis
Cardinals. Although, it still
is early on in the season with
127 games left to play, if this type of performance continues, getting into the playoff
hunt will be a tough challenge.
The team’s offense is looking, great
batting with a fifth best batting average of
.271 among teams of the MLB. Timely hitting is the main problem that’s visible when
tuning into the games. Runners are often
left in scoring position throughout the game
and especially when its time capitalizes to
secure a win often leading opponents winning by a small margin. Star players on the
ball club are also not performing as highly as there
highly-paid salaries.
Third baseman Aramis
Ramirez is batting a career
low .159! Were talking
about a player who consistently bats in 27 home runs
and 90 runs batted in. Outfielder Alfonso Soriano is a
player that was at one point
of the season in the same
position as Ramirez.
Now the guy is red hot and is leading the team in just about every batting category. The rest of the players need to start
playing like they want to lead their team to
that badly wanted World Series victory.
The Boys Varsity Baseball team is
looking great to finish their season with a record above .500 as of May 11.
With a record of 15-12 as of May 11,
the Braves have already surpassed last year’s
record of13-16 and with six more games to
play left in the season, they have a chance to
improve their record even better than the past
several years.
The bats have played a huge role for
the braves throughout the season. The explosiveness the lineup possesses can bring a team
to its knees in a matter of innings. Players such
as Rocco Both and Kyle Fields bring a lot of
spark to the clubs run scoring ability.
The young team averages a hard-tobeat 8 runs per game. Defense and pitching
will be the deciding factor of the team going
far into the playoffs which will be knocking
on the door in a few weeks. The match up will
be with Agricultural Science High School.
That matchup maybe one of the toughest yet for the Braves; the Cyclones hold a record of 28-4. If the bats of the Braves have to
perform better at any point so far of the season, the time will be then. Nolan Woods expressed his readiness for the playoffs. “I can’t
wait for my team to show we are a force to be
reckoned with this season,” said Woods.
Monday, May 24
5th period 8:00-9:10
3rd period 9:15-10:25
7th period 10:30-11:40
Tuesday, May 25
4th period 8:00-9:10
8th period 9:15-10:25
6th period 10:30-11:40
Wednesday, May 26
1st period 7:00-8:10
2nd period 8:15-9:25
Softball team
looks to maintain
balance going
into post-season
Bremen Pride
by Hope Liddell
Echo reporter
The Varsity Softball team has been
having a pretty good season so far this
There are only three seniors (Olivia
DeYoung, Sarah Gray, and Marissa Herrera), followed by five juniors (Melissa
Timms, Taryn Harmon, Carissa Ramirez,
Samantha Gosnell, and Mary Novoa), three
sophomores (Kelley Cohn, Maddie Goulding, and Melanie Gerhardt) and one freshman (Maggie Hayes).
“We’ve had our ups and downs, but
we’re improving,” says Coach Hassel. “My
hope is to play to the best of our ability,”
exclaimed Hassel.
There are four games left and the
varsity softball
team plans to
make every effort to win in
the state playoffs.
stated “I expect the seniors to step
up these last four games.” There’s a pretty
good chemistry of the team for this year, but
it’s not over yet.
The Varsity Softball team achieves
and puts nothing but superior effort into
their hard work, which makes them grow
and become a stronger team each day.
The Varsity team shows high-quality
leadership for the young future players who
will soon be in their place. The season has
also been pretty balanced for the freshman
and sophomore teams as well.
Coaches Barker and Luby are working their teams hard as well, each day.
The softball team continues to face
obstacles and learns how to overcome them
by practicing more and more to become excellent players.
We hope the team continues to strive
for their achievements and move up to get
better and better as they go on through life.
Good Luck Varsity girls in the state playoffs!
photo by Lisette Beltran
The freshmen and junior tug teams battle it out at the Spring Pep Assembly on
April 30. The assembly recognized all of the spring athletes at Bremen.
Water polo moves toward playoffs
by Lisette Beltran
Echo reporter
Joe Miller stands at the top as defensive player
with 103 steals. Julie Velcich has saved 205
goals by being the main goalie.
Red Jaguars and the Silver Snakes… Overall, the girls and guys have played
No, not the animals, but they play like them. their best, and sectionals and state is what it all
Water polo season is wrapping up but the team comes down to. Both the girls and guys must
is still sporting the utmost energy and power. stick to their motto all the way until the end of
Both district teams are ready for sec- the season: “Finish Together!”
tionals and are confident. The boy’s water
polo team, the Silver Snakes is currently 1515. Their main goalie, Eric Orzechowski has
made 198 saves, top shooter; Peter Dryan has
made 83 goals. Also, the top steals are by Oak
Forest’s Dan Minnich with 56 steals.
The team had their first playoff victory over Lincoln Way West 21-6. “I am very
proud of the heart and desire exhibited by all
members of the team” said Coach Collins.
The boys’ water polo team plans on finishing
the season strong.
The girls’ water polo district team, the
Red Jaguars, is having a great season. Their
current record is 27-3, having lost only to HF, Fenwick and Lyons Township. “The girls
have been playing extremely hard all year;
they are focusing all their efforts for a trip
down state as sectionals start May 13,” stated
Coach Strein.
Bremen’s district water polo team is
very hopeful this year. They believe they have
what it takes to go to state. The schedule calls
for Bremen to play H-F at sectionals; the water polo players definitely have a chance to redeem themselves after taking a 6-4 loss.
The top scorer on the varsity team is
Senior, Catherine Vivado with 65 goals. Cassie
The Echo is
applications for
next year:
page designers
See Ms. Dwyer in
room 143 or Ms.
Intihar in room
148 for more info