november 2015 - Bremen High School District 228
november 2015 - Bremen High School District 228
Upcoming Events Con o ons t lati gratu -z e p y Lo untr o ya Mireirls Cross Cer! G lifi 2015 tate Qua S 15203 S. Pulaski Rd. Midlothian, Illinois 60445 Nov. 5: Blood Drive Nov. 5-7: Fall Play Nov. 10: NHS Induction Nov. 11: Veterans Day No School Nov. 17: Honors Assembly Volume 62, Issue 2 November 3, 2015 iTech team assists with iPad transition by Sam Serna Echo reporter The Bremen Braves iTech team has been one of the most recent clubs added to our list at Bremen. There was a demand for such a club as the Freshman were given iPads to use with their daily learning at the start of this year The team assembled last spring- just in time for the made rush of the beginning of the 2015-16 school year. The iTech team are students that were recommended by their teachers as responsible pupils who were good at working with technology. After being recommended to the iTech team, students were trained. The group of recommended students attended a special training at the Apple Store. Helping teachers and students set up iPads, problem solve with Wifi, working to aide with Apple ID’s- the iTech team at BHS seems to know an endless amount about technology. In addition to being very well educated and knowledgeable about iPads and solving technological dilemmas, these students also must be very good at working with people. Each iTech team member is responsible for teaching fellow students how to do new daily things. “Our main focus is leading the -Tech students to use their expertise and knowledge to help other students and staff” says Mrs. Bernas, Media Center Specialist and iTech team founder. These students hope to use their skills in technology in the long run. Although being an iTech member is not an easy Freshmen A’veon Smith and Jennifer Harris use their school-issued iPads while in the Freshman Learning Center. With the new one-to-one initiative, Bremen has created a student-staffed iTech team to assist with tech problems as well as helping to train students and staff on the new devices. job; all of the students involved in this club are in it for the long haul. This year, all of the iTech members are sophomores and wish to be apart of iTech team until they graduate. “It is not as easy as I thought it would be, but it has its benefits” stated Kassidy Devries, Bremen student and iTech team member. Students have learned a massive amount of new things since they have been apart of the iTech team. Many members of the iTech team love helping oth- ers problem solve as they know that this is a job that plan to work towards in the workforce in the future. “I wanted to be a part of this team for a feel of customer service” added Devries. Having great customer service may help you in the future. It is important to experience customer service because no matter the size of your business, excellent customer service needs to be at the heart of your business model, if you wish to be successful. Providing good customer service to all types of custom- ers, including potential, new and existing customers is extremely influential. “Our goal is to spread the word and mainly help out students and staff,” Devries said. “Not many people come to us so we want to make our peers aware to do so, if they ever need technical help.” The iTech students are very indispensable and willingly helpful. If you have any concerns or questions about technology, there is a tech for every hour in the IMC from 8am - 3pm. Page 2 News Bremen High School PSAT gives juniors EXCEL jump start on college invites by Sam Serna Echo reporter Bremen High School 15203 S. Pulaski Midlothian, IL 60445 (708) 371-3600 ext. 3240 Staff Amber Anderson Jaime Burbatt Olivia Butt Javier Covarrubias Sydney Dominguez Destiny Hughes Marissa Licea Hope Porter Samantha Serna Brianna Szudy Damien Toro Advisers Mrs. Jen Tardy Mrs. Jen Dwyer Editor Policy The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the faculty, staff, or administration of Bremen Community High School. Letters to the editor can be emailed to bremenecho@ and are subject to editing for length. one 30 minute writing section. The time frame for the test is a total of about two hours and ten Are you a junior in high minutes. school? Are you considering go- Although the test sounds ing to college after high school? very lengthy and in depth, much Are you aware of your college of the information that is prerequirements? If so, you may sented on the test is that of skills consider taking the PSAT Test. that students have been working Bremen High School on since Freshmen year. District 228 offers the PSAT test From the PARCC test to to Junior students. It is offered CCSSI test, they are all a prepato ALL juniors. ration for the SAT. Any standard Students have been tak- ized test is a slight experience of ing this test for many years. “As the PSAT Test. far as I know, PSAT has been “The PSAT allows you to around since I was a student,” balance out where you are at and explained Associate Principal helps you judge yourself regardPaul Rybarczyk. ing to how you are “The PSAT doing in school,” It is an important test that Rybarcallows you to explained many Juniors may zyk. want to consider balance out Registering for taking. “I recomand taking the PSAT where you are mend all juniors is a milestone for considering college at and helps many high school after high school to students. It may you judge take this opportumark the start of the yourself nity,” said Rybarccollege planning zyk. process. regarding If any stu Also, the PSAT to how you test has added opdent at BHS is highly considering to reare doing in portunities taking this test, he ceive scholarships school.” or she should disfor college. By takcuss it with his or ing this test there is her counselor. Pre-registering is a lot of advantages- you can use recommended. your score report to easily dis Some students may be tinguish your weakness so you confused as to what the test is. know exactly what to work on After all, we take a lot of tests and practice for the new and upat Bremen High School and it is dated SAT that is approaching in easy to get confused as to just your junior year. what this test is about. “Physical and mental The PSAT/ NMSQT stan- preparation is much more imdardized test stands for Prelimi- portant rather than book knowlnary Scholastic Aptitude Test edge. Good sleep, waking up and National Merit Scholarship on time, eating breakfast are all Qualifying Test. This test has things you should do the morntwo purposes: it measures your ing you take the test,” says Ryintelligence and also can qualify barczyk. you for scaholarships. If you think the key to a It can be said that the good score is memorizing words PSAT test is a noticeably easier, and facts- think again. You do short version of the SAT. The not have to discover secret tricks questions on the PSAT test are the night before. The proper way very similar to the SAT test. “It to study for the PSAT test is simis an absolute great preparation ple: take challenging courses, do of the SAT,” exclaimed Rybarc- your homework, ask questions zyk. and be involved with class les The test consists of criti- sons, and come physically ready cal reading, math sections and on test day. parents to night out by Jaime Burbatt Echo reporter Bremen High School is so unique because it has the Excel program. Excel stands for “Exceptional Children Excelling in Life Skills. This is a course where students with special needs can learn real life skills that will help them in the real world. The Excel Program at Bremen High School is a platform for special education students that proves itself to be a very wonderful program. One of the many great things the Excel Program provides is the “Excel Parent Night Out.” This year the Excel Parent Night Out took place on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 from 67:30. “The parent night out is to give parents assistance in transferring behavior supports from school to home, and vice versa” says Ms. Scott, a special education teacher and coordinator at Bremen High School. Ms. Scott helps to run the Excel Program’s Parent Night Out. However, she does not do this solely on her own. Ms. Wnenk and Mr. Cucio also work to see the benefits of this program. This parents love this program because it is at Parent Night Out that parents can learn how to help their student transfer what they have learned in Excel to at home and real world situations. EXCEL: WHERE EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN CONQUER EVERYDAY LIVING Spotlights November 3, 2015 Page 3 compiled by: Hope Porter Abigail Catalano Nickname: Abby Year in school: Freshman Birthday/sign: Nov. 7/Scorpio Current hometown: Midlothian Family: I live with my dad and my sister. Activities/Sports: Photo club and Circle Book Club Career goals: I would like to become a teacher. Hero and why: My mom because she battles through everything. Plans after high school: To go to college and get a degree for becoming a teacher. Best advice you ever received: To ignore the haters. If you could give anyone advice, what would it be?: Go forwards not backwards. Something unique about yourself: I can cheer everyone up. Favorite class and why: Algebra because I like my teacher plus it’s easy. Favorite TV Show: Modern Family Favorite sport/sports figure: Baseball Favorite sport to play: Volleyball Kevin Johnson Year in school: Sophomore Birthday/sign: Aug. 13/Leo Birthplace: Midlothian Current hometown: Midlothian Family: My mom and dad Activities/Sports: ColorGuard Hobbies/special talents: Rev. war Reenactments, Whittling, Shooting, Dungeon and Dragon, Color-guard, Soccer, Volleyball, Gaming, Game making, Drawing, Dancing. Career goals: To become a chef or game designer. Plans after high school: To go to trade school and learn how to cook better. If you could give anyone advice, what would it be?: Just be you. Don’t care about anything else. Favorite class and why: Drawing and Painting because my teacher is phenomenal and it helps me with my drawing skills. Favorite TV Show: Big Bang Theory and The Walking Dead. Favorite sport/sports figure: Soccer and Volleyball Favorite sport to play: Soccer and Volleyball Nicole Bergstrom Nickname: Nicki Year in school: Junior Birthday/sign: Nov. 12/Scorpio Birthplace: Harvey, Ill. Current hometown: Midlothian Family: I live with my mom, dad, sister, grandma, and two dogs. Activities/Sports: Anti-bullying Club, Key Club, Energy Club, Photo Club, FACS Club. Hobbies/special talents: Hanging out with friends, shopping, doing makeup Career goals: Becoming a nurse and going to cosmetology school Hero and why: My parents because I wouldn’t be here without them and they’re good people to look up to. Best advice you ever received: stay in school; respect your body If you could give anyone advice, what would it be?: Never change yourself for anybody. Something unique about yourself: I don’t give up on anything or anyone no matter how hard the situation may be. Favorite class and why: American Literature because I understand his teaching and he makes it a fun learning experience. Favorite group/singer/song: Nicki Minaj and Justin Bieber Favorite TV Show: Orange is the New Black and The Walking Dead. Favorite sport to play: Softball and Volleyball Ana Karen Lagunas Nickname: Ana Kitten, Ana Banana, Anne Hathaway Year in school: Senior Birthday/sign: Jan. 5/Capricorn Birthplace: East Hazel Crest Current hometown: Posen Activities/Sports: Tennis and track Career goals: Ultrasound Technician Hero and why: I feel like anyone who believes they can do the impossible and inspires other people to do what’s next to the impossible could be anyone’s hero, but for me my hero is my family and friends. Plans after high school: A 4-year university or Moraine Valley. Best advice you ever received: Don’t let your fears get in your way, even though you live in a big world and you make up a small part and some people don’t recognize you, be proud you make up a part. If you could give anyone advice, what would it be?: Without weird people life is like vanilla ice cream without sprinkles. Something unique about yourself: I’m always there even if I can’t help Favorite class and why: Honors Human Anatomy and AP Psychology Favorite group/singer/song: Enrique Iglesias Favorite TV Show: The Walking Dead Favorite sport to play: Tennis Birthday Greetings To: Hope Porter Happy (late) birthday Hope! Turn up! You already know how we rocking! (Oct. 16) From: Brandi Coleman To: Brittany Lira I am so grateful you are my friend. You’ve made such a great impact on my life; you are so intelligent, outgoing, beautiful, caring and funny. I love you so much. Happy Birthday! (Oct. 21) From: Katie Ostrowsky To: Victor Lopez Happy Birthday Buddy!!! (Nov. 13) From: Alberto Mejia To: Alejandro Perez Happy Birthday Jandro! Hope you have a great day! (Nov. 16) From: Jackeline Plascencia To place a birthday or celebratory ad, please see any Echo member, Mrs. Dwyer (room 159) or Mrs. Tardy (room 148) To: Jordan Mosqueda Happy Birthday. (Nov. 27) From: Nick Urban News Page 4 Bremen High School NHS prepares to induct 79 Save a life! Blood drive service-minded students by Olivia Butt Echo reporter National Honor Society is a privileged organization where students, juniors and seniors, with a Grade point average of a 4.4 or higher can participate in. This year’s National Honor Society induction is scheduled for Nov. 10. Letters went out Aug. 26 to those students who were scholastically qualified. Seventy-nine candidates responded, of that, 25 are seniors, and 54 are juniors. Plans for the induction are in full swing. The Induction Speaker is planned to be Mr. Matushek. The Veteran Senior members nominated Mr. Matushek for this position. Many members are excited by his upbeat personality, and look forward to hearing his speech. National Honor Society is based on four pillars of success: Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. To be a member, one must demonstrate each of these characteristics in everyday life. To be selected for initiation into the NHS, one must first submit a written and electronic application. After this, applications are looked over by the Faculty Council to meet, discuss, and approve new members. Letters are then sent out to these newly approved members and the next step is for them to be formally inducted into Bremen’s chapter of National Honor Society. National Honor Society is a highly esteemed nationwide organization that was founded in 1921. Today, it is estimated that more than one million students participate in NHS activities. NHS chapters are found in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, many U.S. territories, and Canada. Not only are NHS members recognized for their accomplishments, but also to be an active member, Students are challenged to develop further through involvement in school activities and community service. President Javier Covarrubias states, “It is an honor to be President of the NHS here at Bremen. Being a part of this nationally recognized organization is something I am already proud of, but having been elected to this position by some of the most exemplary and intelligent students in the school is truly humbling.” Many members take great pride in this club. Senior Brooke Pisciotto adds in addition to her pride in NHS, “It (NHS) reminds me to be a well-rounded individual and that my hard work pays off.” NHS prepares students for leadership and lifelong success. National Honor Society not only looks great on transcripts to college, but also allows members to gain heartfelt experiences through the service pillar. The National Honor Society at Bremen heavily focuses on the annual food drive, held each December in conjunction with Student Council. President Covarrubias adds “leading a great group like this in projects that serve to benefit our student body and community is awesome”. All collected items from the food drive go to local food pantries, so NHS is truly giving back to the community. If you are interested in joining NHS, feel free to ask Mr. Stephens or current members any questions. NHS encourages students to reach their fullest potential. Strive to be a part of this organization and gain lifelong valuable skills! Snowball 2015 The Operation Snowball retreat was Oct. 15-17 at Camp Manitoqua in Frankfort, Ill. The retreat is an international program focusing on leadership development to empower youth to lead drug-free lives. Snowball stems from the idea that “if I have a positive impact on you, you can have a positive impact on someone else and the effect snowballs.” scheduled for Nov. 5 by Brooke Pisciotto Echo reporter Bremen’s very own Key Club is ready to host the first blood drive of the 2015-2016 school year on November 5th with the help of LifeSource, a nonprofit corporation. The event allows people from the community, as well as Bremen’s own students and staff, to donate their blood in the hopes of saving someone’s life. Located in Bremen’s lower gymnasium, the event will be set up in the morning and is an all-day undertaking. It calls for a great amount of organization and volunteers for the blood drive to be as successful as it is – “Bremen’s blood drive is among one of the largest in participation in the south suburbs,” says Key Club organizer, Mr. Dyke. LifeSource writes on their website that “Approximately 37 percent of the population is eligible to donate blood, but less than 5 percent do.” As long as you are sixteen or older, weigh at least 110 pounds, and are in generally good health, you can probably donate your blood and help to save lives. While 16 year olds must fill out a parental consent form that they can get in the nurse’s office, 17 year-olds and older are completely free to make the choice to donate blood. There are many benefits to giving your blood: you get to miss whatever class(es) you want, you are offered beverages and snacks to keep yourself energized, you receive a free pair of pajama pants, and YOU CAN SAVE SOMEONE’S LIFE! In addition, this year, a raffle will be held in which one lucky donor will receive a $100 bill. “It’s a great experience,” Olivia Butt says, a former blood donor and current Key Club blood drive volunteer. “I love being able to donate blood, and it is great knowing that it will help somebody in need.” Did you know that just one pint of donated blood can help save as many as three people’s lives? Blood donation is a rewarding experience that is completely safe with the cooperation of LifeSource and Bremen High School. If you are planning to donate blood on November 5th, be sure to eat a balanced breakfast and drink plenty of water throughout the day. Also, take advantage of the free water and snacks, and let anyone at the drive know if you are feeling faint or dizzy. Refrain from lifting any heavy objects for at least a couple hours after your donation. If you are not donating blood this month, then there is another blood drive coming up in the spring that you can sign up for if interested. News November 3, 2015 Page 5 All-American authors visit Bremen IMC by Jaime Burbatt Echo reporter It was a special day on Oct. 16 at Bremen High School. During 2nd and 3rd period classes, two award winning co-Authors of a new topselling book called All American Boys, Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely, came in talk with Bremen students. The authors were welcomed in the Bremen IMC by a few select English classes. Reynolds and Kiely talked about many important subjects that were very interesting. Some topics that were talked about in depth were police brutality and racism. “What would happen if you turned the camera around to take a picture of something that matters?” said Reynolds. This author spoke of true life situations and events that occur in his and Kiely’s book, All American Boys. The authors’ book is one about two teens with different racial backgrounds. The plot revolves around how one single violent crime leaves their town racially divided. Both Reynolds and Kiely worked hard to make the book be made of up experiences that some teens could mirror themselves being involved with and others could see into a life that they didn’t know existed. “One half of the book could be a window to an experience you’ve never had or a mirror reflecting one you’ve had,” explained co-author Kiely. The authors spent their time at Bremen High School informing the students of not only their book and the process of writing Authors Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely speak to select Bremen classes Oct. 16. Reynolds and Kiely wrote the novel All American Boys to address the issues surrounding racism and police brutality and the effects it has within a community. together but of an important topic in the news that kids should know about. Both Reynolds and Kiely feel it was important to unfold the sometimes unwelcomed truth and reality of racism and the decisions and consequences that come with that truth. The book discussion was very interesting and spoke to the kids who were there. It was an honor to have the authors speak and take time from their day for Bremen High School. Healthy eating changes take away student choice by Damien Toro Echo reporter There has been a huge change in the American schools when comparing them from last year to the current year of 2015. Throughout the three years of attending high school at Bremen it has been an amazing experience. One of the parts that people enjoy most is being able to purchase candy for just one dollar from your peers around the school. It seemed, last year, everywhere you looked - in the halls, in classes, etc - students would be selling sweet treats for a fundraiser of any sort. It was most certain that when any student saw another with a big blue box full of candy, they knew their day just got better. Now this year everything has changed. Selling candy in a school is not allowed at all. Michelle Obama has been trying to get people to eat a lot healthier, so it was her idea to get rid of being able to sell candy during school times. This is a new law that is known as the “Healthy Snack Initiative.” The new smart snacks in School rules set limits on calories, fats, sugars and sodium. The Initiative strongly recommends having to consume dairy, whole grains, protein, fruits and vegetables regularly. All schools in American participate in the Healthy Snack Initiative. Some people are really against this idea of having new rules with food. The look of disdain is obvious in many Bremen students’ when they are now faced with fewer snacks to buy in the hallway. The snacks that are sold seem to turn some faces too as many people don’t like to snack on veggie fries and granola bars. In addition, this change is sparking negativity by others outside of the Bremen area too. A family in Oklahoma is extremely unhappy with the change and has voiced their opinion about it on a national level. The family in Oklahoma was dissatisfied with what the school was offering her daughter during lunch times. The family found that the school was serving cauliflower, crackers, cheese, and ham for lunch on a regular basis. Since the daughter didn’t like these things, she refrained from eating- causing a health concern. Now-a-days, many students do not eat what they don’t like. Since school lunches have changed with the Healthy Snack Initiative, many students choose to simply “not eat.” This not only causes more financial distress for school districts as sales in cafeterias have gone down considerably, but also causes health concerns for some students. It is a good thing that there are people out there trying to solve the problem of obesity that has currently set in on America; it is not a bad idea at all to work to fix this growing problem. However, it seems that this should not be a mandated program. Perhaps there should be a Healthy Snack “Education” Initiative instead. This way the American people can learn to make healthy choices rather than forcing the public to do it without an explanation or a choice. It should be a person’s own decision to choose what they eat! Agree? Disagree? Look for next issue’s “Counterpoint” on this issue Page 6 HONORS WITH DISTINCTION Seniors Adenike Adekahunsi Damian Behymer Olivia Butt Javier Covarrubias Verdarius Davis Justyce Galeano-Davis Annie Holder Magdalene Janisse Jade Jenkins Gianna Lococo Clarissa Maloney Demetrius Phillips Requierme Caila Daejah Sally Gabriela Sanchez-Perez Eduardo Valadez Rosio Vasquez Juniors David Baranowski Kiera Bean Matuka Bender Pedro Benitez Joseph Brooks Jillian Bulow Kitara Dee Rosa DeLuna-Tostado Giselle Esparza Donato Figueroa-Ramirez Jessica Harris Eric Karjaka Cheyenne Moore Dawn Putnam Richard Rhein Litzi Roa Ramirez Guadalupe Rodriguez NaEemah Shaheed Caleb Short Nathan Zielinski Sophomores Bader Almajdobeh Arturo Almaraz Tommy Black Deja Courtney Diego Galindez Deysi Garcia Ana Gaytan Marquise Mance Jared Ramos Ana Silva Alberto Soto Vanessa Tehandon Elijah Trella Lee Williams Freshmen Jala Blackwell Bob Campbell Destiny Crouch Billy Davis Amner Diaz Jaqueline Fonseca Mikale Foulks Jennifer Harris Ryan Ivy Alondra Jimenez Jessica Jimenez Rebecca Jones Cameron Lockett Selena Marquez Daniel Marszewski Kentrell McCree Jacqueline Mejia Alani Perkin Jackeline Plascencia Diamond Poindexter Tiffany Powell Nancy Ramos Quarter 1 ~ Honor Roll Maria Rodriguez Alizandra Sanchez Karlie Singleton-Kidd Christopher Sosa Darius Thomas Sairol Tierrablanca HIGH HONORS Seniors Esmeralda Aguilar Amber Anderson Jennifer Ayala Raquel Bravo Joshua Brooks Olivia Burbatt Miguel Calderon Samantha Carrano Marlene Chavez Nathaniel Cordova Diamond Davenport Kyle DeVries Tyler Deyoung Coral Diaz Jessica Dominguez Maria Dorado Samantha Duffy Georgina Ellis Cody Esparza Matthew Esparza Dalia Fernandez-Morales JoshuaFlores-Arias Quinn Floyd Suhayb Froukh Miguel Gamez Martin Garcia Jenna Gaskin Delfino Gomez Erykah Grady-Cohen Wesley Gray Samuel Grutzius Nekya Hall Kelsey Hargis Riley Henze Brenda Hernandez Mayte Holmes Wayne Huffman Diana Ismail Zoe Janisse Sterlen Johnson Raquel Johnson-Williams Rebecca Keen Brandon Kim Michael Lake Ariana Ledesma-Rosales Mercedes Lee Brittany Lira Felipe Lopez Marissa Manrique Adam Mariscal Vanessa Marroquin Alyssa Marshall Dejah Martin Claude Martinez Deborah Martinez-Naranjo Jamila Mauldin Jordin McKean Miguel Mejia Estefania Montoya Itzel Murillo Dashae Newell Edward Noakes Diana Pacheco Irma Padilla Krysta Patterson Khalia Pickett Samantha Posch Diego Quintero Diamond Rich Jason Rodriguez Zumiko Rodriguez LaToya Sanders Stacey Shelton Sarah Smith Curtis Stokes Breanna Stovall-Harris Elisa Talis Brenda Tejeda Kathryn Tieri Kathleen Traynor Ulises Valadez-Contreras Karen Vargas Arsil Vohra Alyssa Walsh Kenneth Wormely Juniors Maria Alvarez Emmanuel Avila Guadalupe Ballinas Kelly Banasiak Nicko Banda Nyrasia Beal Ximena Benitez-Marquez Armon Bennett Margaret Bigelbach Danesha Bishop Naya Blackwell Jahana Blount Mackenzie Cali Gabriela Campuzano Maria Cardenas Thomas Cassell Jasmine Cervantes Andrew Costello Joana Cruz Madalynn Derro Devin Dixon Samuel Edwards Leonard Feil Estefania Flores Jamaury Gaines Annette Galeas Maricela Garcia Noemi Garcia Oralia Garcia Delneisha Garner Ivan Gonzalez Jessica Gonzalez Michael Grabe Elise Harrison Raymond Heavener Destiny Hughes Mary Jackson Luis Jaime Felipe Jimenez Brittany Jones Mercedes Key Alicia Kolacki Taylor Kolasa Haley Krumrie Michelle Lopez Victor Lopez Chancella Maless-Sackot Henrietta McDonald Alberto Mejia Jada Mendoza Christian Mercado Ashley Moore Jonathan Munoz Brent Ochoa Yensen Olayo Erica Pinto Alexander Quilty Anayeli Reyes Delante Scott Sarah Sellers Paige Shaw Giovanni Simental Amaris Stokes Jimara Thomas Nancy Torres Kayla Tuley Bremen High School Giovanni Valdez Jacqueline Valencia Angelica Vazquez Joseph Vazquez Jose Villanueva Selena Villasenor Nikia Watkins Chase Wilke Christian Williams Royale Williams Shaniya Wylie Juan Zambrano Ismael Trujillo Janet Trujillo Misbah Vahora Valeria Vargas Stephanie Vasquez Tyler Wardisiani Daryl Washington Drea Webster Megan Whittle Jalen Williams Christopher Womack TaQuala Wright Sophomores Diamond Allen Michael Anderson Abigail Antoniazzi Celeste Barban Matthew Blakemore Jamira Bohanan Ibethe Burgos Katherine Cascone Khira Chandler Hector Chavez Isaac Chavez Jacob Conway Erika Cruz Jose Cruz Kristopher Delk Kassidy DeVries Kayla Doolittle Amiyah Dyer Bianca Eady Karson Edwards-Fournier Isaias Esqueda Jacob Fenlon-Panozzo Abelardo Flores Musaab Froukh William Fuentes Katlyn Gallegos Moriah Gilmore Veronica Herrejon Sally Ismail Jennifer Jasien Brelle Johnson Chaniyah Johnson Dulce Juarez Martin Jucik Justin Kobak Ashley Kohlman DeBrias Lake James Lambos Emily Leal Fabian Lopez Dominic Mariscal Jorie Martinez Valeria Martinez America Mata Joshua Maynard Daniel Meza Abel Oliva David Ortiz Katie Ostrowsky Adriana Pacheco Daniela Pamatz Edward Phillips Hope Porter Jacquelyn Ramirez Elizabeth Reyes Emily Roa Gustavo Rodriguez Tiffany Rybinski Anita Sanchez Evelin Sanchez Gisselle Sanchez Madisun Sheppard Nena Silva Ronald Skala Jasmine Smith Kamaya Tanksley-Lewis Jayvon Thomas Freshmen Steve Andrade Jaimie Andrew Velasco Jesus Anguiano Brianna Anton Jacqueline Aranda Jasmine Barnes Francisco Batrez Nalaeia Bell Charles Bennett Jeremy Berry Michelle Bravo Juana Carrillo Kendall Carten Valerie Cazares Alyssa Ceballos Aaron Chavez Lizette Chavez Jennifer Chavez-Gallegos Krystal Cook Kyndrah Cook Brandon Cooper Dalia Delgadillo Reilly Dreher Claudia Duarte Correa Andy Esparza Luke Esparza Monserrat Esparza Angel Estrada Joshua Flores Madelynn Galka Anna Gallegos Sharis Galvez Gerardo Gomez Ashley Gonzalez Uriel Gonzalez Jose Guerrero Zoe Gurick Kolbe Hagerman Deseree Held Leonel Hernandez Rose Hernandez Jabari Hicks Heather Janisse Evan Karasoff Stephanie Karwaczka Azhanae Kirkwood Amber Kreis Katelyn Kurgan Morgan Kurgan Nathaly Lagunas David Lain Alicia Lannan Leonardo Lara Jennifer Lopez Kobe-Vaughn Love Angel Lozano Samuel Luna Paige Malcolm Noe Martinez Brandon Martinez-Moreno Lainey McKean Axel Mendoza Zackary Misner Taheed Moore Oscar Mozqueda Marissa Munoz Daniel Oganovich November 3, 2015 Martha Oliva Iyana Oliviel Cristal Orozco Andy Osuna Charlene Parrish Ruby Perdomo Alejandro Perez Gisela Perez Nomar Perez Angela Pimentel Abigail Powers Jesus Pozos William Quinlan Michelle Ramirez Yarithza Ramirez Gabriela Rangel Marco Reynoso Anahi Rocha Alexia Rodriguez Jacinda Rucker Andrea Salgado Laura Sanchez Garcia Angie Sanchez Timya Siemplinski Aveon Smith Inaya Smith Andrew Suett Elias Tate Elian Toro Anais Torres Emily Torres Juan Torres Lizeth Tovar Avalos Katelyn Tustin Angela Urbina Leslie Valle Jose Vargas Cortes Leslie Venzor Miguel Victoria Julian Whitescarver Tiara Woody Elizabeth Zarate HONORS Seniors Faith Alfrejd Diego Alvarado Joshua Bridgeman Jazzmine Brown Joshua Camarena Angel Cantres Arturo Carrillo Nayeli Cerda Amiir Chambers Jose Chavez Diamond Cheffin Jacob Chicoine Dylan Crisman Jose Mari DelosReyes Makayla Denson Krystal Donegan Tyler Dorcic Max Dorner Patricia Doumbia Arnoldo Duran-Alcala Michael Elrod Sydney Ferreira Eduardo Garcia Julissa Garcia Abraham Garza Michelle Genta Jasmine Gomez Jacquelyn Gonzalez Raequan Greenlaw Dave Handing Nia Harden Daisylinet Herrera Mayrena Herrera Savannah Hodge Hasana Hughes Kayla Hughes Quarter 1 ~ Honor Roll Gabriel Jeronimo Joanna Jimenez Elgin Johnson Marquelle Johnson Daquan Jordan Darrell Keller Linda Kimbrough Michael Kipka Ana Lagunas Michael Lamotte Chase Lanagan-Townsend Arielle Lewis Agustin Leyva Marissa Licea Bridget Lira Jalisa Mauldin Rebecca Maynard Michael Meckler Yelitza Mendoza Jose Meza Jessica Muhr Mason Nealon Aaron Norman Ethan OConnell Isaiah Pack Raymond Perez Chloe Popilchak Carly Potts Philip Powers Jennifer Prado Precious Quintero Casey Rodriguez Sarah Santoro Eric Schmidt Karina Simanis Annette Smith Michael Smith Jaylen Speaks Jessica Stewart Abrial Suarez Brianna Szudy ONeal Thomas Damien Toro Veronica Torres Anibal Vargas Amber Vela Jimmy Venegas Arbaz Vhora Destiny Villanueva Jessica Walsh Philander White Matthew Woods Mickey Woody Juniors Michael Alfrejd Cristian Alva Veronica Arias Diane Baer Asten Battles Kaleb Bosan Erica Boss Fernando Bravo Jaime Burbatt Celeste Calleros-Lopez Ashleigh Calloway Katherine Catalano Aashaun Chapman Julio Chavez Crystal Coleman Summer Davis Jose Diego Kevin Duffy Janee Earnest Carrington Ellis Gabriel Estrada Alex Felix Daniela Flores Petro Fowler Michael Fuentes Jazlyn Galindrez Juana Gallardo Tori Galvin Emily Garcia Alyssa Garza Colin Grad Tyler Gramm Kayla Green Patricia Gutierrez Corina Gutierrez-Macias K’Chon Hagerman Rebecca Hammond Joseph Hardcastle Jeron Harris Jordyn Hayes Courtney Heniff Isaiah Hughes Jacob Iniguez Robert Ivy DeJoun Johnson Richard King Lauren Laws Amir Lindsey Janay Lowery Cristal Lozano Patricia Lyons Alexis Meadows Sean Murphy Tyra Myrick Kayla Nolan Guadalupe Nuci Hilary Orozco Tania Palafox Jose Palomino Miriam Pantoja Cleopha Parker Brianna Patton Ashanti Perkin Kevin Powers Yvette Quiroz Alexios Razvi-Sklavenitis Nicolas Robinson Markayla Rule Johana Salas Raquel Scapardine Michael Schroeder Rosemary Schroeder Samantha Serna Giselle Silva-Rico Javier Simental Jordon Simmons Gabrielle Skala Tyler Tatro Clinton Thurmond Yunique Thurmond Anjel Vaca Fatima Vargas Amparo Villanueva Jorge Villanueva-Millan Ashley Watson Vikia Weathersby Jesus Zarate-Sanchez Sophomores Daniel Aceves Aaron Allen McKayla Allen Aveer Barraza Leslie Barrios-Gonzalez Kevin Bautista Noah Boots-Kalamotousakis Meghan Burns Evan Campechano Fernando Cardenas Jesus Carrillo Danielle Carten Esmeralda Chavez-Gallegos Brandi Coleman Abigail Cordes Serenity Dantzler Adrian Delgadillo-Silva Ta-Jai Dishmon Nathanael Dominguez Nolan Dreher Catrale Ellick Raymond Enriquez Alisia Estrada Cristian Ferreira Haley Fudge Israel Galindrez Jazmin Galloway Alfredo Garcia Frank Garcia Cheyanne Gardiner Alex Gomez Guadalupe Gomez Cesar Gonzalez Tracy Grage Christopher Greer Karen Guerrero Shane Guilfoyle Fernando Guzman Kalynn Hagerman Denzel Harmon Alondra Hernandez Angel Hernandez Maria Herrera Haley Jackson Marlie Junior Ernesto Laboy Dakota LaCourse Ariana Lopez Joseph Lopez Saul Lopez Gicelle Magana Osmar Marquina-Reyes Jorge Martinez Karina Martinez Kathleen McManus Jessica Meckler Aldo Mercado Samantha Meza Mariana Muniz Valeria Munoz Dasan Murry Marcell Neely Maria Nolasco Lizbeth Palafox Shraddha Patel Hacel Pineda Carlos Plascencia Andres Quintanilla Diego Ramirez Shauhamm Razvi Jacob Reeks Elian Reyes Nataly Reyes Jesus Rivera Mitchell Roper Adriana Rubio Carlos Salazar Karina Sanchez Michael Sanchez Solangel Sanchez Brandon Shaw Jillian Shogunle Tedra Stallings Christian Urcino Andrea Vargas Abraham Vazquez Melissa Vazquez Jonathon Velasquez Randy Vicencio Alma Zambrano Freshmen Kye Allen Ernan Angel-Muniz Nicole Arriaga Tommy Avalos Melissa Bergstrom Ezequiel Betancourt Jade Brown Page 7 Jennifer Bugner Payton Bulow Aylin Caratachea Samantha Cardenas Anthony Cardinal Yesenia Carrillo Daniela Cervantes Kiera Chandler Ymaris Charbonier Alexis Chavez James Costello Joemis Cotto Julia Cuthbert Alyssa Danielson Sarah De Vries Irving Del Rio Carlos DeLuna Fatima Diego Emily Doran Damario Dukes Parker Ellis Michelle Enriquez Victoria Esparza Abril Estrada Carina Estrada Felix Gonzalez Jennifer Gonzalez Stefani Gonzalez Marcos Gutierrez Demonte Guyton Tanisha Hardy Nicholas Henson Ivan Hernandez Cirina Herrera Donato Lagunas Kassandra Leyva Aniya McIntosh Alejandro Mejia Jessica Mejia Keaira Metcalf Alexis Miller Cameron Miller Richard Montes Dyami Murry Hannah Nealon Mauricio Orozco Vallejo Julian Perez Magdalena Perez Madison Pfeiffer Shania Phillips Xitlali Pimentel Paulina Renteria Lanesha Rich Jermel Richardson Jennifer Riebel Ashley Rodriguez Bryan Rojas-Ortiz Abbey Rozema Ricardo Sandoval Jennyfer Silva Aaron Smith Brandon Spencer Tyler Stokes Angel Suarez Nick Toro Cristian Torrejon Brianna Tovar Michaela Tryon Yudith Valencia Keith Valentine Jose Valladares Jennifer Valladolid Gabriel Varela Zitlalic Verduzco Jordan Versher Anthony Vieyra Summer Walker Andrew Washington Kristina Wimmer Allie Wold Geanna Wright Thomas Zavala XC teams proud of strong seasons by Marissa Licea Echo reporter On Oct. 17, the girls and boys cross country teams competed in the conference meet hosted by T.F. South High School. The Frosh/Soph girls cross country team came in 2nd place overall. The top girl cross country runners were Jessica Morales, Aylin Caratachea and Azhanae Kirkwood all placing in the top 10. Mireya Lopez came in 5th overall securing her the title of All Conference with a finishing time of 19:09 for 3 miles. At the Sectional competition this past weekend, Lopez quallified for the State meet in Peoria, Ill. next weekend. The rest of the girl cross country runners were proud of their teammates accomplishments. Coaches Rybak and Flood are also so proud of all the girls this year. “Our girls came ready to run and each dropped time. All of their hard work paid off on the course today. Our motto is practice hard, race easy,” explained Rybak photo by Marissa Licea and Flood. This motto means the The top girl cross country runners Jessica Morales, Aylin Carataharder you practice, the more ef- chea and Azhanae Kirkwood pose after placing in the top 10 at the fort you put into practicing, the conference meet Oct. 17. easier racing will be. The Boys Fresh/Soph XC The team was led by Shauhamm All-Conference. team ran a great race at the Confer- Razvi, Andy Quintanilla, Musaab Malachi Steinberg, Kris ence meet. All of the top 7 runners Froukh and Taheed Moore, who Delk and Diego Ramirez also ran their personal record times. all finished in the top 10 and were competed in the race and all ran great times to cement the Braves Conference Championship. In addition, most of the Varsity runners ran their best times, but it was not enough to overcome Oak Forest, who ran a great team race. All-Conference runners included Suhayb Froukh, Javier Simental and Elijah Trella. Danny Meza rDave Handing shattered his personal record time by running 17:48. The Boys Varsity placed 2nd at Conference. All the runners pushed themselves to getting their best personal records! Pushing yourself is what makes one a better runner. It also helps that all the runners push one another throughout the race. Pushing each other to keep going, to not give up. The goal is to always finish strong. The teams bonded very well together all season which made them flexible teams. They were very supportive of one another throughout the running season. Although most of the runners season ended after conference, they still continue to push one another into being better even during the off season. The coaches are already looking forward to next season. The coaches hope their runners can start their season next year the way they ended. Cheer team supports Blue Lives Matter rally Bremen High School’s Varsity Cheer Team recently participated in the Village of Midlothian’s first #BlueLivesMatter Rally in support of their local law enforcement. The cheer team showed up at the rally in uniform ready to perform. They also made posters for the rally to show their support. “The Midlothian Police Department does so much for Bremen High School and the community. The least our program could do is support this event and teach our athletes thatBlue Live Matter!” said Varsity Cheer Coach Mrs. Melissa Matlon. Pictured L to R: Lainey McKean, Jordin McKean, Bri Szudy, Abbie Wick, Taylor Kolasa, Destiny Crouch, Sammi Carrano, Alyssa Garza, and Danielle Carten
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