Community of Ariane Cities (CVA)


Community of Ariane Cities (CVA)
2010-12 Review and 2013 Outlook
Community of Ariane Cities (CVA)
A network of cities and firms for European
space transportation
The CVA’s rotating presidency
he Community of Ariane Cities has a rotating presidency which changes every one or two years. Applications are put to the vote
at a meeting of the Council of Mayors, the association’s decision-making body. The presidency is then held by the elected City
in coordination with its industrial partner or partners. The City and its local partners, which have a link with the aerospace sector,
enjoy considerable visibility throughout the presidency, at local, national and European level.
The Community of Ariane Cities (CVA)
and its Members
he Community of Ariane Cities (CVA), a non-profit-making association­
registered in France, was set up in 1998. Its purpose is to strengthen
cooperation­between cities and industrial entities involved in European space
transportation programmes and inform local elected representatives and the
general public about the benefits of space transportation activities in Europe, with
special emphasis on the Guiana Space Centre (CSG), Europe’s Spaceport.
The CVA organises programmes with Member
Cities, their universities, various educational
bodies, education authorities and industrial
firms. The joint programmes are of a ­technical,
cultural and educational nature. They are
also aimed at the general public, to increase
­awareness of space sector issues, focusing in
particular on the importance of intercultural
cooperation and helping to build up lasting
relationships between citizens, particularly
among the younger generations.
Each Ariane City is usually represented by its
local or regional administration and partnered
by an industrial firm. Programmes are decided
by consensus of the members, who meet in the
“Council of Mayors”, the decision-making body
chaired by a different City every one or two
years. Programme implementation and daily
operations are the responsibility of a Bureau
and a General Delegation.
The CVA’s Members currently include twenty
Cities together with twenty industrial partners;
space agencies – the European Space Agency
(ESA), the French space agency CNES, the
launcher­propulsion test centre of the German
Aerospace Center (DLR) at ­Lampoldshausen –
and the launch services company ­Arianespace.
The CVA is also supported by partner
­associations such as ISSAT, the Franco-German
Youth Office (FGYO), Peuple et Culture, Planète
Sciences and Euroavia.
The Community of Ariane Cities (CVA) and its Members
Facilitating space sector careers in Europe: Summer School
Inspiring the younger generations and encouraging exchanges
between teachers
P. 10/15
Fostering links between decision-makers and citizens
P. 16/20
Past, present and future
P. 21/23
For further information, please visit the CVA website at (French version) or (English version) or contact:
CVA General Delegation,
c/o ESA,
8-10, rue Mario Nikis,
F-76738 Paris CEDEX 15, France,
Tel.: +33 (0) 9 75 38 53 29 - Fax: +33 (0)1 43 06 62 21
CVA: 2010-12 Review and 2013 Outlook
2010: Madrid, an effective Presidency which fully lived up to its expectations
Madrid’s Presidency, inaugurated at an opening­
event on 22 January 2010, made every­effort­
to enhance its citizens’ awareness­of the
importance­of the space sector for ­
future.­With the support of A
­lberto Ruiz
Gallardón,­the then Mayor of Madrid, the
City’s International Relations Bureau brought
­together almost all the region’s space players.
They ­presented their activities­in the ­framework
of an impressive range of exhibitions, public­
lectures,­open days and c­ompetitions relating­
to space and its ­spin-offs for society.­­Highlights
of the Presidency­included the i­nternational
conference on “The Future­of Space”, held
at the Technical University­of ­
Madrid (UPM)
Rectorate­on 20/21 May and o
­rganised in
cooperation with EADS CASA ­
Espacio – the
City’s industrial partner – represented by
Gonzalo Galipienso Calatayud, Director of
Institutional­Relations, by UPM, and by the
­Spanish authorities.­­Educational and awareness
programmes included numerous­activities, such
as the e
­xhibition “A Voyage to Saturn”; the
­INTA-sponsored exhibition­­“Living in Space”; the
Education­Week at ESAC, the European­Space
Agency (ESA) centre in Spain; the Space Camp,
in the course of which a ­satellite n
­ avigation
contest was o
­rganised jointly­by INTA and
the Madrid City Council G
­eneral D
of Education & Youth ­
Affairs; and the CVA
Science Holidays at C
­ ercedilla. There were also
many institutional­and science & technology
­activities with the participation of CosmoCaixa,­
­ spacio, Thales ­Alenia Space Spain
and ESA, as well as events for the general
public such as the photographic e
on “Space and Sustainable ­
Development” at
the AXA F
­oundation-sponsored Book Fair, in
­ssociation with “Madrid Global”, ESA and
Lunwerg ­
Publishing House. Plus the videos
celebrating 30 years of Ariane launches
showing for six months in the Madrid metro.
So the programme of the Madrid Presidency
held many surprises for the numerous, diverse
audiences throughout the year.
During the Madrid Presidency, Telespazio France
became the industrial partner of the City of
Toulouse, and the City of Salon de ­Provence
joined the CVA with the Ecoles d’Officiers­de
l’Armée de l’Air (EOAA), the French Air Force
Academy, as partner.
CVA: 2010-12 Review and 2013 Outlook
2011: Les Mureaux, an innovative, dynamic Presidency
The French town of Les Mureaux, in which are
located a number of firms operating in the space
sector or with close links to it, was able to meet
the considerable challenge that holding the CVA
Presidency represented for a m
­ unicipality of
33,000 inhabitants, which moreover was taking
over from Madrid. The programme drawn up by
François Garay, Mayor of Les Mureaux, and his
team, had as its overall theme: “2011: A year
in step with space”, and also involved several­
neighbouring municipalities­(coming under
Territoire­ Seine-Aval).
The programme was organised around three
main components: stars and the solar system;
fundamentals of mathematics and physics;­
and benefits of space in our daily lives. The
many traditional festive events organised
throughout the year by Les Mureaux became
opportunities to present space-linked topics.
These activities,­some of which included the
participation of European­astronauts, targeted
all audiences­and ages. The cycle of lectures
initiated by the Presidency and which drew
some 400 p
­ articipants is still continuing now.
In the area of education, the ‘‘Odyssée de
l’espace­’’ programme, launched on 28 January
2011 by the Mayor, François Garay, and Schools
Inspector for the French department of Les
­Yvelines, ­Jean-Michel Coignard, was a s­ uccess
and continued into June 2012. A number of
visits­by classes of various age-levels were
also organised to the Cité des Sciences et de
l’Industrie in Paris, the Aerospace Museum
at Le Bourget and the Parc aux Etoiles at
Several firms played a part in the programmes
offered by Les Mureaux during the Presidency.
The City welcomed in particular the cooperation­
of Astrium, represented by Rémi de Badts, and
Pyroalliance, a subsidiary of Herakles (Safran
Group), represented by Alain Mobuchon. The
symposium entitled “Colloque Intelligence et
déplacement” on dormant patents relating to
the aerospace industry organised by Astrium,
CNES and the aerospace competitiveness
cluster “ASTech Paris Région” at Astrium/
Les Mureaux in November 2011 was especially
appreciated by the industrial firms present.
This action became a permanent fixture with,
in October 2012, the Patents and Software
Day (Journée Brevets et Logiciels de Grands
comptes) organised by major firms at the
­shared premises of the ESA and CNES ­launcher
directorates, at Paris-Daumesnil.
Institutional meetings of the CVA took place at
the town hall of Les Mureaux, which included
a tour of Astrium facilities, and at Paris City
Hall in the case of the second 2011 Council of
Mayors. During its Presidency, the City of Les
Mureaux also hosted both the CVA’s Science
Holidays and ‘‘Espace dans ma ville’’ (Space in
my town) with CNES and Planète Sciences, took
part in the Intercultural Seminars and launched
the “European Summer Jobs” concept.
During the Les Mureaux Presidency, two new
members joined the CVA, the City of Terrassa,
in association with the City of Barcelona, and
the Communauté d’Agglomération des Portes
de l’Eure (la Cape) with its industrial partner,
Snecma Vernon (Safran Group).
experiments at the Bremen Drop Tower – a
facility unique across Europe – conducting
research at numerous­associated­institutes
and ­facilities. Higher education e
­ stablishments
train students specialising in aerospace
engineering, while some secondary schools
place special emphasis on their pupils studying
space-related topics”.
Outstanding events of the Presidency included
the Sponsorship of the Ariane 5 launcher for
the ATV-3 Edoardo Amaldi launch at Kourou on
23 March 2012, and the panel discussion “The
Younger Generation’s Vision for Space and the
Future for European Launchers” on 23 May at
the Representation of the State of Bremen in
Berlin, in the context of the first 2012 Council
of Mayors (24 May). The City of Bremen also
hosted a session of the CVA I­ntercultural
Seminars for secondary-school students
(­17-24 March), as well as the REVA Seminar
for Teachers­(11-13 July) and the M
­ eeting of
Headteachers and Education ­
(12-13 July). Further notable events of this
CVA Presidency took place at the ILA Berlin Air
Show and at the Permanent Representation of
the State of Bremen in Berlin, on 11 September,­
and included the panel discussion “Space for
Cities, Space for Citizens”, held at Bremen City
Hall on 9 October, in the f­ramework of the
2nd ­
meeting of the Council of Mayors. The
­Presidency’s guests also had the opportunity
to view the DLR-Unesco exhibition “What a
sight: space looking out for world heritage II”,
open from 4 to 12 October at the City Hall
during­World Space Week, which attracted
some 10,000 people.
All the activities linked to the 2012 ­Presidency
were very actively supported by Astrium­
Bremen, the City’s industrial partner, with
umerous other firms and institutions
participating, including OHB; the German
­Aerospace Center (DLR) and the DLR_School_
Lab; the University of Applied Sciences of
­Bremen; the Center of Applied Space ­Technology
and Microgravity (ZARM); the G
­ erman ­Research
Center for A
­rtificial Intelligence (DFKI); the
Institute of Environmental­­
Physics of the
­University of Bremen (IUP ­Bremen); the ­Jacobs
University Bremen; as well as the Federal
­Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Ports;
the Federal Education Ministry; and several of
the City’s ­secondary schools.
During the Bremen Presidency, the Belgian City
of Leuven joined the CVA, along with three
­industrial partners (imec, LMS and Septentrio),
and the City of Seville became a member in
partnership with the company Airbus Military.
Mulhouse Alsace
Agglomération (m2A):
a 2013 Presidency focusing
on citizens
2012: Bremen, a Presidency anchored in a political and strategic framework
The Free Hanseatic City of Bremen held the
2012 CVA Presidency and, from the outset, its
programme was planned within a political and
strategic framework. The dual objective was
to use the CVA to strengthen links between
local political institutions and ­representatives
of the space transportation industry, and
involve students and their teachers, as well
as young space sector professionals, in their
CVA: 2010-12 Review and 2013 Outlook
actions as far as possible. The 2012 P
­ residency
was kicked off in January by Jens Böhrnsen,
Mayor and President­of the Senate of the Free
­Hanseatic City of Bremen, with these words:
“Bremen has been a hub of space a
­ ctivity for
over fifty years and today it is the ­location that
offers the broadest range of space a
in ­Germany. Indeed, it is in Bremen that the
upper stage for Europe’s Ariane 5 launchers
is ­
produced and payload satellites are built.
It was here that the European­laboratory­
­Columbus for the I­nternational Space Station
(ISS) was ­
developed and assembled. Bremen
is also where the exploitation activities of the
­European ­contribution to the ISS are managed
and where the ­
Automated Transfer ­
(ATV) r­
esupplying the ISS are assembled.­
Scientists from all over the world carry out
The application submitted by Mulhouse Alsace­
Agglomération (m2A) was put to the vote
and approved at the Berlin Council of Mayors
in May 2012, with the Programme for the
­Presidency being presented in Bremen at the
October Council of Mayors. J­ ean-Marie Bockel,
­President of m2A and Senator of the ­Haut-Rhin
Department,­Former ­Minister, said the theme
of the programme would be “­Citizens and
Space”, with priority given to events for the
general public and to ­educational ­actions.
The ­
activities o
­ffered by m2A involve the
­agglomeration’s­33 municipalities, which ­form
an area ­
extending from the Rhine to the
Vosges and to the Swiss border and n
­ umber
some 400,000 i­
nhabitants. The duties of
the P
­residency ­
are being carried out with
the support of a committee of public and
­private p
­ artners, in particular Clemessy, m2A’s
­industrial partner.
CVA: 2010-12 Review and 2013 Outlook
2011 Summer School at Rome and in Colleferro on the future evolution of Vega
Facilitating space sector careers
in Europe: Summer School
For space agencies and firms in Europe, preparing for the future inevitably entails the ability to find, on the employment ­market,
the scientific, technical, economic and legal competences, as well as the human qualities, which they need to develop their
space transportation activities. The CVA Summer School offers an intensive course – three to four weeks – on European space
­transportation. It is held annually and is designed for 35 to 40 university students (third year or over) and young engineers from
the space industry. To date, the programme has 423 alumni. Many of them have gradually taken on key posts in the European space
transportation sector.
This “Italian” session, the 12th CVA Summer
School, took place on 1-26 July and its main
theme for the teamwork was: “The future
­evolution of the Vega European launcher”. It
was hosted by the Aerospace Research Centre
at the University of Rome - La Sapienza, ­under
the responsibility of its Director, ­
­Marcello Onofri; Avio, represented by ­Maurizio
Mura, ­Senior Adviser to the Head of the Space
Division; and a team from the Ariane City
of C
­olleferro, with the participation of the
­Province of Rome.
The session, officially opened on 4 July at
the Palazzo Valentini in Rome, with the
­participation of distinguished guest mentors,
was attended­by 40 European students and
young professionals,­of whom 30 were students
from Ariane C
­ ities in France, Germany, Italy and
Spain, and 10 young professionals from space
agencies (ESA, CNES), CVA industrial members
(Astrium, MT ­
Aerospace, Snecma Bordeaux now Herakles - and T
­ echspace Aero) or partners
such as the ­Euroavia association.
In addition to learning about engineering
­systems and other disciplines relating to space
transportation, the Summer School enabled
the young participants to experience teamwork
in a multicultural environment. They ­benefited
from teaching by senior p
­rofessionals from
­universities, space agencies and industry, and
toured research facilities such as those at ESRIN
(ESA’s Centre in Italy) and the ­Italian Aerospace
Research Centre (CIRA) and at ­industrial centres
such as those of Avio, Thales Alenia Space,
Vitrociset and Telespazio. ­
Mention should
also be made of the ­
micro-rocket workshop
and launch campaign organised at Segni. The
­rogramme included cultural and sporting
The session was formally closed on 25 July, at
the Colleferro town hall. The students ­presented
their team projects to the 13 ­members of the
­panel, chaired by Stefano Bianchi, Head of the
Vega Programme, ESA Directorate of L­ aunchers.
The presentation of certificates was an
­opportunity for the panel to give the ­participants
an assessment and useful ­recommendations for
the future of their ­professional careers.
PHOTOS: 1/3 and 4
The CVA Summer School was set up in 2000 and has been held in the Ariane Cities of Barcelona, Bremen, Heilbronn - H
­ ardthausen/
Lampoldshausen, Liège, Madrid, Toulouse, Turin, Bordeaux (2010), Colleferro and Rome (2011), Salon de Provence (2012) and
­Heilbronn (2013).
The programme is under the responsibility of Professor Uwe Apel, Vice-Rector of the “Hochschule Bremen”, the University of
Applied Sciences of Bremen.
The planning meetings begin well ahead of each session, in October of the previous year. Summer School alumni frequently provide
input for organisation of the sessions.
2010-12 Summer Schools
The University of Applied Sciences at
Heilbronn in Baden-­
renowned for its space propulsion
expertise, hosted the 2013 Summer
School on 20 July - 14 August. Its
main theme was “Energy for future
space propulsion”.
2010 Summer School in Bordeaux dedicated to rocket propulsion
From 26 June to 23 July 2010, the Communauté urbaine de Bordeaux (LA
CUB) and the Arts et Métiers ParisTech engineering school hosted the
11th CVA Summer School. This session was attended by 39 ­participants
from the Cities of Augsburg, Barcelona, Bordeaux, Bremen, Cayenne,
Colleferro, Kourou, Les Mureaux, Madrid and Toulouse. The local organising­
­committee was headed by Catherine Goetz, Director of Studies at Arts et
Métiers ParisTech, and by Christophe Magnière, an engineer at Snecma
Propulsion Solide, now Herakles (Safran Group), and responsible for the
­ ssociation (Association Jeunesse, Sciences, Espace, ­Passion) in
The multidisciplinary programme, which covered the technical, economic­
and organisational aspects of space transportation, took over 40 hours
to plan, with the advice of experts from the CNES Directorate of
L­ aunchers. Presentations were given by a number of specialists (from
­ rts et Métiers ParisTech, Arianespace, Avio Group, CNES, DGA/
CAEPE(*) test facility, Astrium, ESA, the University of Applied Sciences of
Bremen, the Institut Polytechnique of Bordeaux, the International Space
­University (ISU), ISAE Toulouse, ISSAT, Snecma Propulsion Solide (Safran
Group) and the University of Liège). The theme of the team ­project
was “Rocket propulsion: theoretical and experimental work on a launch
­vehicle”. The students worked in small groups on practical e
­ xperiments:
the design and test flights of rocket propulsion systems and their
­recovery. They followed a professional engineering approach, calculating
­predicted ­performance and interpreting the results of actual tests.
(*) CAEPE : Centre d’achèvement et d’essais des propulseurs et engins.
2010 Summer School in Bordeaux. Participants and members of the panel, at SPS, now Herakles (Safran Group), on the closing day of the session.
1. 2012 Summer School closing ceremony. General
Gilles Modéré, Director of the Ecoles d’Officiers de
l’Armée de l’Air (EOAA), the French Air force Academy,
presents one of the participants with her certificate.
2. Salon de Provence, 2012 Summer School, while
visiting the Istres airbase.
3. The 40 students and young professionals while
visiting Avio at Colleferro.
Rome/Colleferro session. Relaxing a little after all
the hard work.
2012 Summer School hosted by Salon de Provence and the French Air Force Academy
The 2012 CVA Summer School took place on 1-27 July at Salon de
Provence­Airbase 701, where the Ecoles d’Officiers de l’Armée de l’Air
(EOAA) are located. The 39 students and young space professionals who
­attended benefited from an intensive programme including lectures on
the various disciplines linked to space transportation: launch system
­propulsion and engineering; materials and structures; launch operations;
flight ­dynamics; space applications; project management and costs; the
history of the Ariane programme and European strategy for the future;
and also aspects of communication and relations with the media. The
students and young professionals took part in workshops, with the
setting­up of project groups, and tours of firms and research centres
in the ­south-east of France (Eurocopter, Onera and the Istres military
airbase) and in T
­ oulouse (Astrium, Herakles, Thales Alenia Space and the
CVA: 2010-12 Review and 2013 Outlook
CNES Centre - CST). They were also involved in a project where they
learned to work as part of an interdisciplinary and intercultural team, at
the same time i­mproving their language skills. This session was under
the responsibility­of ­Commandant Stéphane Brasset in the case of the
French Air Force Academy and of Hamid Dermèche, Director of Economic­
Affairs, for the City of Salon de Provence. The Heads of ­Projects were
­François Spiero, Head of Human Spaceflight and Exploration at CNES;
Michel ­
Tognini, former Head of the European Astronaut Centre, ESA
Astronaut; and ­
Professor Uwe Apel, Vice-Rector of the “Hochschule
Bremen”.­The panel was chaired by Marco Caporricci, Head of Future
Manned Spaceflight Projects, ESA.
CVA: 2010-12 Review and 2013 Outlook
Gatherings of CVA alumni
hese are organised to coincide with the Summer School and consist of informal meetings enabling CVA alumni to get together,
talk about their studies or professional experience, stay in contact with space professionals with whom they have attended
CVA training and talk with young Summer School participants.
2010 Gathering in Bordeaux
2011 Gathering in Rome
This Gathering took place in Bordeaux on 9-11 July with the s­upport
of the Communauté urbaine de Bordeaux (LA CUB), Snecma P
­ ropulsion
Solide, now Herakles (Safran Group), and Arts et Métiers Paris
Tech ­
Bordeaux-Talence. This 4th CVA Alumni Gathering provided an
­opportunity for CVA alumni to take part in the preliminary review of
team projects, present their professional activities and attend a lecture;
not to mention visit the historic part of Bordeaux, several places at
Arcachon and the Dune du Pyla.
This Gathering was hosted in Rome on 14-17 July. The programme ­included
a talk by the now sadly late Professor Carlo Buongiorno, a pioneer of the
European and Italian space programme, at the University of Rome - La
Sapienza, a tour of ESRIN (ESA’s Centre in Italy), and a visit to Ostia, the
historic harbour city of ancient Rome.
The 2013 Professional Visit to the CSG took place from 25 January to 1 February. It was organised with the support of ESA, CNES and Arianespace, and
priority was given to Summer School alumni. It included visits to the Guiana Space Centre (CSG), the Kourou Space Museum and the bases of the
French Foreign Legion and French Navy Infantry Regiment in French Guiana. The participants also had the opportunity to visit the town of Cayenne
and the Iles du Salut, and made a short excursion into the rainforest.
2012 Gathering in Salon de Provence
The City of Salon de Provence and the Ecoles d’Officiers de l’Armée de l’Air (EOAA) hosted the 2012 Gathering of CVA alumni on 22-24 July.
The 2013 Gathering took place at Heilbronn on 26-27 July during the 14th session of the Summer School. The programme included
a reception at the Hardthausen town hall and a visit of the Porsche Museum at Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen.
Professional Visits to the Guiana Space Centre (CSG)
2010, 2011 and 2013 Professional Visits to the CSG
These took place on 3-8 September 2010, 12-16 September 2011 and
25 January-1 February 2013, respectively, and included some 30 to
50 ­participants, mainly students and young space sector professionals
who had attended the Bordeaux, Rome-Colleferro and Salon de ­Provence
Summer Schools, as well as alumni of previous Summer Schools. In
2011, the group also included 17 students doing the Masters in Space
­Transportation Systems at the University of Rome - La Sapienza, the
­co-organiser of the 2011 Summer School.
The participants were able to meet people from Arianespace, CNES and
ESA and from Space Base firms responsible for Ariane 5 o
and i­nfrastructures, as well as for setting up operations systems for
the ­
Russian Soyuz launcher and the European small launcher Vega.
These ­
visits to Europe’s Spaceport also included presentations on
security and meteorological constraints, and, in the case of
the 2010 group, tours with the telemetry and radar tracking teams at
the M
­ ontagne des Pères ground station. CSG training and employment
­opportunities were important discussion items. Other scheduled events
provided an insight into various aspects of French Guiana: a reception
given by ­Jean-Pierre Roumillac, the Mayor of Matoury, and his team, at
the town hall; the usual visits of the Iles du Salut and Cayenne; a boat
trip along a river and a short initiation to life in the Amazon rainforest.
CVA: 2010-12 Review and 2013 Outlook
Participants in the 2010 Professional Visit to the CSG (3-8 September). Making acquaintance with the Space Base and French Guiana is usually an
unforgettable experience for the CVA Summer School alumni taking part.
Visit of the Soyuz launch pad during its construction at the Guiana
Space Centre (CSG)
Oliver Troll
Fluid systems engineer, Arianespace.
currently work at the Arianespace
headquarters­at Evry as a fluid systems
engineer”, says Oliver Troll, of German
nationality and an alumni of the 2007
­Heilbronn Summer School. “As part of the very
interesting post I have had at A
since May 2011, I am tasked with ­preparation
­operations at the BAF (Final Assembly ­Building)
and for final countdown operations for the
Ariane 5 launcher storable propellant stage
(EPS) and cryogenic upper stage (ESC). This
work followed on from fantastic experience
acquired at CNES, at the Guiana Space Centre
(CSG) in Kourou, as a technical engineer at
the satellite preparation facilities. I started
working there immediately after completing
my ­dissertation.
When I arrived in December 2009, everything
seemed so different to me, the culture, people,
landscape and climate, but after a few weeks, I
adjusted and had a really amazing time. I was in
the Customer Support service for the ­satellite
preparation facilities, facility management,
transport and laboratories. I was involved in
the installation project for Soyuz at the CSG,
the Russian-built launcher which on 21 October
2011 lifted off with the first two operational
satellites of the Galileo constellation onboard.
I played a part in the conversion of one of the
facilities in which the Fregat stage, the upper
stage of the Soyuz launcher, was prepared,
that is, filled with propellant and the satellite
encapsulated. I also did feasibility studies on
the Spaceport resources, was involved in the
ComSat BW2 German satellite campaign and
assisted the Payload Facilities Manager on
­several missions.
The CVA played a very large part in making
all that possible. Through Euroavia, a p
­ artner
a ssociation, I had received information
about the Summer School at Heilbronn, in
­Baden-Württemberg. This period of intensive
training on space transportation provides a
solid grounding in future launchers, propulsion,
the space and ground segments, test ­facilities,
data processing, and quality and safety/­
security, and the robotics and micro-rocket
projects give hands-on experience. It teaches
you about running a project and working in
multicultural and multi-disciplinary teams and
moreover gives you professional contacts and
even friends for life. You will come across many
alumni who shared your CVA experience in the
symposiums and conferences you will attend
throughout your working life and will even work
on space projects with some of them. The CVA
sometimes passes on job ­advertisements and
useful information about the space ­sector and
enables you to easily contact a large n
­ umber of
experts. Thank you CVA!”
Every year, the CVA offers Summer School participants the opportunity to take part in a Professional Visit to French Guiana, ­organised
with support from ESA, CNES and Arianespace and in cooperation with some 40 partners. Students and young ­professionals can
thus join other CVA Summer School alumni and meet professionals at all levels currently working at the Guiana Space Centre (CSG),
Europe’s Spaceport, and see the launch sites.
The future space sector professionals are given detailed presentations and tours of facilities and can see on the spot how launch
operations are managed and conducted. They can talk informally with staff who work on the base and who come from various
European countries about employment possibilities at the CSG and living in French Guiana.
CVA: 2010-12 Review and 2013 Outlook
Science Holidays
et up in 2002 and aimed at secondary-school pupils (15-17 years), the Science Holidays make use of the valuable contributions
from teachers and from specialist instructors in partner organisations that cooperate with the CVA, such as Planète Sciences
and Peuple et Culture. They have taken place in the French towns of Millau, Sissonnes, Toulouse and Longpont-sur-Orge and in
2011 at Les Mureaux, as well as in the Cities of Barcelona, Cercedilla (Madrid) in 2010, Liège and Hardthausen/Lampoldshausen in
2012, and Mulhouse in 2013. This programme is under the responsibility of Brigitte De Deyne, in charge of International Relations
at the City of Liège and CVA Treasurer.
2010 Science Holidays at
Cercedilla (Madrid)
Inspiring the younger generations and
encouraging exchanges between teachers
he CVA offers educational programmes for various age groups. The programmes are organised in close cooperation with the
current presidency and educational authorities concerned and sometimes with other members.
They are targeted at:
• 15-17-year-old secondary-school pupils, with the Science Holidays and Intercultural Seminars,
• primary-school and 11-14-year-old secondary-school pupils, for whom the CVA takes part, with the French space agency
CNES and Planète Sciences, in the one-week Espace dans ma ville event set up by CNES,
• teachers, with the REVA Seminar for Teachers (Educational Network of Ariane Cities), and at headteachers and education
administrators, with the “Meetings of Headteachers and Education Administrators” of the CVA Member Cities.
The 2010 Science Holidays took place on 1-10
July at the “Residencia Paloma” at Cercedilla,
about 30 km north of Madrid, as part of the
very full Madrid Presidency programme. In
­a ddition to learning about space careers,
the space sector and space technology, the
25 young participants gained practical
experience of space science and t­echnology
through small robotics and micro-rocket
The CVA group happened to be at Cercedilla at
the same time as a group of secondary-school
pupils who had won a competition on the
theme of space organised by INTA ­(Instituto
Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial). Joint
activities­were organised for the two groups,
and the photos taken show what an excellent
time was had by all.
PHOTOS: 1 and 2
The objective of these actions, which refer to the Ariane programme as an example of European cooperation, is both to inspire the
younger generations and help them become more aware of cross-cultural aspects. For teachers, they encourage contacts between
European establishments and help develop teaching practices linked to space.
The City of Madrid, the government and regional educational
authorities,­higher education and research institutions, and space
sector firms in Madrid and the surrounding region – in particular,
UPM, INTA, EADS CASA Espacio, Thales Alenia Space and CRISA –
were very actively involved in the educational programmes and
events organised in the framework of the 2010 CVA Presidency.
This was also the case of the 2011 CVA Presidency, held by the
City of Les Mureaux. Taking its lead, the elected representatives
of other Territoire Seine-Aval municipalities, in particular Poissy,
Verneuil-sur-Seine and Meulan, enabled their young citizens to
benefit from science- and space-themed activities. The ­educational
authorities of the Yvelines Department initiated the Space O
­ dyssey
Programme. Several space firms – including Astrium and ­Pyroalliance
– together with the Parc aux Etoiles at Triel-sur-Seine played a
role in organising events, gave talks and presentations, and jointly
­ rganised symposiums and visits. (Photo 1)
The Free Hanseatic City of Bremen put a great deal of effort into
educational initiatives during the 2012 Presidency, by hosting a
­session of the Intercultural Seminars at Jacobs University, as well
as the REVA Seminar for teachers and the Meeting of ­Headteachers
and Education Administrators. Participants benefited from an
exceptional environment which included numerous aerospace
technology facilities and were able to meet many experts and
­managers in the aerospace field.
Other Ariane Cities and their industrial partners also took
responsibility for CVA programmes and most of the members
helped select students and young professionals (for the Summer
School) and secondary-school pupils (for the Science Holidays and
­Intercultural Seminars).
2011 Science Holidays at
Les Mureaux and Poissy
(Yvelines Department)
Gathered on a playing field at the Lycée
François Villon, Les Mureaux, the thirty or
so European secondary-school students
­attending the CVA Science Holidays, and the
science and c­ross-cultural organisers with
them on ­18-28 July 2011, completed in a fun
atmosphere – during the half-day of project
presentation and demonstration on 27 July –
the activities carried out in the workshops.
The participants came from the Ariane Cities
of Barcelona, B
­ remen, Augsburg, Hardthausen/­
Lampoldshausen, Madrid, Kourou, Vernon,
­Mulhouse, Liège and Charleroi, and stayed in
the international hall of residence “L’Escale”
on the Ile des Migneaux at Poissy. They were
­divided into two teams (each further divided
up into three groups of five), one of which
worked on small robotics projects and the other
on ­micro-rockets. They also toured ­Astrium’s
Ariane facilities at Les Mureaux and visited
the Parc aux Etoiles at Triel-sur-Seine and the
Palais de la Découverte in Paris. I­ntercultural
and sporting events, a presentation of Paris
and a trip in a bateau-mouche rounded off the
PHOTOS: 1 page 10 and 3
2012 Science Holidays at Hardthausen/Lampoldshausen with the support of DLR
In July 2012, the CVA Science Holidays took place in the Heilbronn Region, in the south of Germany, mainly at Hardthausen and the launcher
­propulsion test centre at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) at Lampoldshausen. The young participants were able to see how both small and large
rocket motors for launcher and satellite propulsion are tested. They took part in hands-on workshops at the DLR_School_Lab, where engineers
taught them the ‘learning by doing’ concept as applied to the basic principles of liquid propulsion, a vacuum environment and microgravity. They also
toured Astrium’s propulsion system production facilities. And as with all CVA training, the emphasis was placed on the advantages of teamwork in
a cross-cultural context.
CVA: 2010-12 Review and 2013 Outlook
CVA: 2010-12 Review and 2013 Outlook
Intercultural Seminars
2011-12 Intercultural Seminars organised by Les Mureaux, Liège and Bremen
he focus of the intercultural training is on helping the young participants to understand that their own culture coexists with
that of others, to acquire an open-minded attitude to people of other cultures and religions and to recognise the positive
­aspects of such differences. The objectives of the Seminars focus on developing interest in space research and the benefits of
space applications for citizens.
They are organised by the French association Peuple et Culture, which provides its own expertise for the intercultural training and
offers the services of specialist multilingual facilitators.
The programme is funded by the CVA and French/German Youth Office (OFAJ/DFJW), with each participant making a small
­contribution. The Intercultural Seminars, which were under the responsibility of Jean-Luc Menu, OFAJ/DFJW, and Peuple et Culture,
are now managed by Nina Guillerme, Peuple et Culture.
2009-10 Intercultural Seminars organised
by Colleferro, Lampoldshausen and Mulhouse
Mulhouse and Clemessy encourage participants
to share their experiences
During the 2009-10 academic year, three groups of ten secondary-school
pupils from Colleferro, Hardthausen/Lampoldshausen and Mulhouse were
given the opportunity to take part in a series of three CVA I­ntercultural
Seminars. The first one-week seminar took place at Hardthausen/­
Lampoldshausen in November 2009, the second in Mulhouse in March
2010 and the third in Colleferro, near Rome, in May 2010. The participants,
aged 15-17, learned and thought about the use of space applications in our
daily lives – past, present and future – and were then invited to ­continue
their work while remaining in contact with each other ­throughout the
year. They learned about these Cities and their industrial and cultural
context, and were able to tour and see presentations of firms and the
outstanding facilities at the DLR_School_Lab at the Propulsion Centre
belonging to the German Aerospace Center (DLR) at Lampoldshausen.
On 16 September 2010, the young participants selected by the City of
Mulhouse to take part in the 2009-10 Intercultural Seminars were invited to
the town hall to share their experiences with other secondary-school pupils,
as well as with the City’s secondary-school headteachers and teachers and
those of Mulhouse Alsace Agglomération (m2A). The meeting organised at
the Fonderie Campus at the University of Haute-Alsace by Lara Million,
Deputy Mayor of Mulhouse and m2A Vice-President, and Stéphanie Ducreux,
then Project Manager, in the City Policy framework, gave rise to productive
exchanges. On behalf of Mulhouse and m2A, Lara Million thanked the pupils
for the team spirit and open-minded attitude they had demonstrated and
stressed the contribution made by the CVA’s Intercultural Seminars towards
enhancing knowledge about space sector techniques and careers. She
thanked Clemessy (the industrial partner of m2A), the schools inspectorate,
the Haut-Rhin Prefecture, the Mulhouse Sub-Prefecture and the
headteachers and teachers for their commitment and help in selecting the
These three Ariane Cities organised these initiation weeks on the theme “Space for the benefit of humankind”, which also covered languages and
cross-cultural issues. The first one-week session took place at Les Mureaux on 15-21 October 2011, the second at Liège on 18-25 February 2012 and
the third at Bremen on 17-24 March 2012.
PHOTOS: 1 to 8
PHOTOS: 1/2 and 3
Session at Les Mureaux
1. The young participants present the achievements of the robotics workshop, alongside François Garay, Mayor of Les Mureaux (centre), Albert Bischerour, Deputy Mayor
of Les Mureaux (left), Christian Vandeporta, former headteacher at the Lycée François Villon, and session facilitators.
Session at Liège
2. IT brainstorming.
3. Visit of European Astronaut Centre (EAC), ESA, near Cologne.
Session at Bremen
4. 5. 6. 7. and 8. Launch day on the campus of Jacobs University, Bremen, with a German TV crew present.
Ariane award from the City of Liège with ESA, CNES and Arianespace
This award was introduced in 2009 by the City of Liège, with support from ESA, CNES and Arianespace, and is presented to a secondary-school pupil
who, throughout the school year, has obtained especially good results in science subjects.
In 2009, the award went to Pierre Boulvain, in 2010 to Laurie Kesenne and in 2011 to Oliver Raskin.
Every year, this prize is awarded in the presence of Pierre Stassart, Deputy Burgomaster for Public Instruction of the City of Liège, and Brigitte De
Deyne, in charge of International Relations at the City of Liège, CVA Treasurer and Project Manager for the Science Holidays programme.
The prize includes a place on the Science Holidays.
Barcelona, Liège and Salon de Provence offer
“European Summer Jobs” to young people in Les Mureaux
The City of Les Mureaux decided to extend to other Ariane Cities, via the Youth Information Bureau (BIJ), the “Summer Jobs” initiative, which has
been running for several years at Les Mureaux. These “Summer Jobs” have been renamed “European Summer Jobs”, which has enabled some of the
young school-leavers who have just obtained their baccalauréat to be given a job during part of the summer in Barcelona, Liège or Salon de Provence.
The City has decided to renew this initiative in subsequent years. All Ariane Cities are hereby informed of the fact!
1. One of the many experiments carried out at the DLR_School_Lab, Lampoldshausen, November 2009.
2. Welcoming ceremony at the Colleferro town hall on 25 May 2010.
3. Visit of Clemessy, Mulhouse, on 10 March 2010.
4. At the invitation of Mulhouse Alsace Agglomération (m2A) and its industrial partner Clemessy, the young Mulhouse participants in the 2009-10 sessions of the
Intercultural Seminars present their team projects at the Fonderie Campus at the University of Haute-Alsace on 16 September 2010. This was an opportunity to share their
experiences with other secondary-school pupils, as well as with headteachers and teachers from secondary schools in the Agglomeration Community.
CVA: 2010-12 Review and 2013 Outlook
The Espace dans ma ville (Space in my town) Week
Bremen: Productive meetings of teachers and headteachers and new projects
reated on the initiative of CNES in 2005, this one-week event organised every year in about twenty French towns and cities
with the Planète Sciences association is intended for primary-school children and 11-14-year-old secondary-school pupils,
and d
­ esigned to be their very first initiation to the world of space. It includes exhibitions, visits, meetings with engineers and
­sometimes even astronauts, and often an art competition.
Espace dans ma ville at Les Mureaux in 2011
Held on 5-9 July, this event enabled 420 local children aged 5-17 to become more aware of science and space by means of science workshops held on
the beach at Les Mureaux. Robotics, water rockets, satellites and space training – these now hold no secrets for the young participants.
The 2012 session of the REVA Seminar took place on 11-13 July, the Meeting of Headteachers on 12 & 13 July. The participants were hosted by the
DLR_School_Lab, the multimedia interactive centre at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), which had just been inaugurated in Bremen, and they were
able to conduct experiments there. The lectures and tours of firms – Astrium and OHB – and research institutes – Center of Applied Space Technology
and Microgravity (ZARM) and German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) – enabled the participants to meet senior managers and talk
about space research and policy with them. It was also suggested that they draw up real projects for cooperation between teachers and between
establishments in the various Ariane Cities and continue their work after the Seminar.
In addition, as proposed by the ESA Education Office, ten places were set aside for REVA Seminar participants in the Teacher Training Workshop,
which took place on 58 November 2012 at the Andøya Rocket Range in Norway. One of the aims of this workshop, organised by ESA, is to enable
those teachers to help their pupils aged 16-19 to work on a CanSat project (see:
PHOTOS: 1 and 2
Training for teachers and Meeting of Headteachers and
Education Administrators – the REVA programme
or three days, secondary-school teachers can take part in the “REVA Seminar on Research and Space transportation”, the
­objective of which is to provide examples of best practice for introducing into classrooms the highly motivating subject of
space, by means of hands-on workshops and small projects.
Several basic principles of physics and a number of mathematics concepts can be illustrated by taking practical examples from
space science and technology: propulsion, materials, electromagnetism, astronomy, microgravity, optics, geology, meteorology, the
natural environment (water cycle, global warming, surveillance of areas at risk of forest fires, disaster management, etc.) – these
are just some of the areas where space can be of interest in the classroom and raise awareness of science and technology. The
activities linked to the REVA programme (Educational Network of Ariane Cities) are organised in partnership with ISSAT and under
the responsibility of Philippe Noël, former member of CNES and former President of ISSAT.
1. Experiments at the DLR_School_Lab in Bremen.
2. 2013 REVA Seminar for Teachers and Meeting of Headteachers and Education Administrators, organised by the City of Bremen. Tour of Astrium Bremen.
In 2013, the City of Terrassa in Spain hosted the REVA Seminar and Meeting of Headteachers and Education Administrators.
This 6th REVA Seminar, focusing mainly on space operations, took place on 9-12 July.
To access the REVA internet portal and the CVA Cities Space Training Catalogue, click on:
1. Espace dans ma ville 2011, Ariane City of Les Mureaux.
2. 2011 REVA Seminar for Teachers and Meeting of Headteachers and Education Administrators, organised by the City of Liège. Tour of ESA’s European Astronaut Centre
(EAC) in Cologne.
Originally designed by CNES and the Toulouse-based ISSAT (Institut au Service du Spatial, de ses Applications et Technologies / Institute for Space
and its Applications and Technologies), the first REVA Seminar was held in 2008 at the Cité de l’Espace in Toulouse, with subsequent seminars taking
place at Hardthausen/Lampoldshausen, then in Bremen and then Liège and again in Bremen. In 2013, it was held at Terrassa in Spain.
Since 2010, the CVA has also been giving headteachers and education administrators in Ariane Cities the opportunity to meet, at the Meetings of
Headteachers and Education Administrators.
2010 REVA Seminar and Meetings of Headteachers at Bremen
This session, held in Bremen, was organised with Astrium Bremen, the
City’s industrial partner, and brought together some twenty ­teachers on
19-21 July. The participants made an official visit of Astrium and attended
several sessions of the 38th Scientific Assembly of the C
­ ommittee on
Space Research (COSPAR), a key world event for space scientists, which
was also taking place at Bremen at that time. Sponsors also included
CNES, DLR, the OHB Group and the Center of Applied Space Technology
and Microgravity (ZARM). A particularly memorable part of the Seminar
was the lecture entitled “A day without satellites – what chaos!”.
In parallel with the REVA Seminar for teachers, the headteachers and
education administrators present were invited by the CVA, in the Space
Schools framework, to think about how space is taught. A two-day
meeting covered the way in which space matters are incorporated
into secondary-school curriculums in the different European countries.
Some case studies were presented, such as the Space School initiative
in ­Toulouse.
Liège hosts the 2011 REVA Seminar and Meetings of Headteachers
This Seminar in Liège brought together, on 6-8 July, 21 teachers and coordinators from seven Ariane Cities. The chosen theme was “Cryogenic
­propulsion”. The 2011 Seminar benefited from the support of the following CVA members: the City of Liège, the University of Liège (ULg), the firms
Techspace Aero and Snecma, and space agencies: ESA, with a visit of the European Astronaut Centre (EAC) in Cologne, CNES and DLR.
Also in the framework of the REVA programme, headteachers and education administrators from several Ariane Cities were brought together in Liège
on 6-7 July to talk about space transportation. As with the session in Bremen, in addition to the City of Liège playing the role of host city, these
events benefited from strong planning and organisational support from ISSAT.
CVA: 2010-12 Review and 2013 Outlook
Fabrice Corriette
Physics teacher,
Coordinating teacher for European and
International Action
Lycée Georges Leygues, Villeneuve-sur-Lot,
discovered the REVA Programme following
contacts with ESAC, ESA’s Centre in Spain,
and the Cebreros ground antenna, near
Madrid, when I was teaching physics at the
Lycée français Molière in Madrid. I took part in
the REVA Seminars in Bremen in July 2010, Liège
in 2011, and again Bremen in 2012. My aim was
mainly to keep abreast of and learn more about
the subject of space, and also to ­
ideas with others on teaching practices. These
objectives were more than ­achieved thanks to
the high calibre of the speakers and excellent
organisation. We were placed in a framework
that made for easy, ­
constructive exchanges
of ideas. I was able, like all the participants,
to see, learn and understand a great deal
­during the lectures, observation of u
­ niversity
work and tours of firms. In 2011, during the
Liège session, highlights included a visit of
ESA’s ­
European Astronaut Centre (EAC) in
­Cologne, where I was able to see how E
­ uropean
­astronauts ­prepare for future missions on the
International Space Station (ISS). In 2012, at
Bremen, I was ­
particularly interested in the
experiments carried out at the DLR_School_
Lab, the ­multimedia interactive centre at the
German Aerospace Center (DLR), and visits and
meetings with senior managers of the ZARM
and its drop tower, the DFKI, and firms Astrium
and OHB.
I was able to apply this knowledge to my classes
of 15-year-olds as part of Science and Space,
by taking a historical approach to rockets,
which pupils latch onto more readily. I drew
­inspiration from the lectures given at Liège on
“European space transportation, past, present
and future”. To make my lessons more lively, I
also draw on ideas from the “Great challenges
of the future” part of the new syllabuses for
the final year of the lycées’ science courses.
The REVA website section on the various
courses available in the space field helps me
with giving pupils careers guidance. These
seminars have provided me with new ideas,
and it has proved very rewarding for me to
meet other teachers as well as headteachers
and education administrators from different
­European countries. As you will have g
­ athered,
only good can come from taking part in this
type of seminar, and I therefore hope I can
continue doing so!
CVA: 2010-12 Review and 2013 Outlook
Symposiums and representation at trade fairs
ESTTF, 3rd European Forum on Space Technology Transfer, held in Brussels (9-10 July 2012)
Over 80 political, industrial and scientific decision-makers met at the
Representation of the State of Baden-Württemberg in Brussels to
­discuss: “Sustainability and European space exploration – an opportunity­
for the energy sector”. The CVA took part in this event, which was
­ rganised jointly by the Lampoldshausen site of the German Aerospace
Center (DLR), the Forum Ariane Lampoldshausen chaired by Harry Brunet,
Mayor of Hardthausen, and the State of Baden-Württemberg, as part of
preparation for the EU Council of Research Ministers.
Fostering links between
decision-makers and citizens
he CVA, far from limiting its role to training, also acts as coordinator for political and industrial decision-makers in its
Member Cities. It enables the various players involved in European space transportation to meet and it takes on the role of
facilitator for the various types of institution (towns and cities and local authorities, firms, research and higher education
bodies), the various sections of the public that make them up (elected representatives, people working in industry and
agency staff members, scientists/researchers, teachers, students, primary- and secondary-school children) and more generally
for citizens. In addition to the many initiatives organised by the Cities and their industrial partner(s) when they hold the CVA
­presidency, the association takes part in a number of others having similar aims.
Conferences and symposiums on space policy
Conferences organised by CVA presidencies
Conferences – debates, symposiums or
round-table discussions – are often held by
presidencies the day before Council of
Mayors meetings. The most recent have included the international conference held in
Madrid on 2­ 0-21 May 2010 entitled “The Future
of Space”. This took place at the Technical
­University of Madrid (UPM) Rectorate and was
organised jointly with EADS CASA Espacio (the
City’s industrial partner), UPM and the Spanish
­authorities. Others took place in Berlin, and in
Bremen during the 2012 CVA Presidency held
by the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen. And on
30 April 2013, at Rixheim, near Mulhouse, there
was the lecture entitled “Practical applications
of space research in everyday life”, organised
by the Mulhouse Alsace Agglomeration (m2A)
1. Opening of 3rd European Forum on Space Technology Transfer, Brussels (9-10 July 2012). Inauguration by Harry Brunet, Mayor of Hardthausen.
CVA presence at Toulouse Space Show 2010 and involvement of Toulouse and Telespazio France
Toulouse Space Show 2010 (8-11 June) proved to be a productive gathering for international space professionals, following on from the success of the
2008 edition. The City of Toulouse is continuing to be a very active partner within the CVA. Under the impetus of Pierre Cohen, Mayor of T
­ oulouse,
and Thierry Cotelle, Deputy Mayor, Vice-President of the Economic Development, Employment and International Relations Board of Greater Toulouse
and Vice-President of the Cité de l’Espace, Telespazio France became the City’s industrial partner, as was approved by the Council of Mayors in
October 2010. Some of the CVA Bureau members and their partners in Toulouse played an active role in planning and carrying out several activities,
in ­particular with ISSAT (REVA Seminar and the online “CVA Cities space training catalogue”, which is open to European space sector firms wishing
to post job vacancies) and with ISAE, which comprises the aerospace engineering schools Supaéro and Ensica. They also helped select engineering
students for the Summer School and carried out part of the teaching. The Cité de l’Espace, Europe’s largest space museum, and the Toulouse Space
School, also cooperate with the CVA on a regular basis.
1. International conference “The Future of
Space” (20-21 May 2010) organised by the City of
Madrid together with the Technical University of
Madrid (UPM): one of the highlights of the 2010
CVA Presidency.
2. CVA workshop: “Space transportion in Europe – the role of local and regional communities”, Toulouse Space Show 2010. From left to right: Roger Solari, former Director
of the Arianespace establishment at the CSG; Jean-Louis Marcé, Honorary Member of the CVA, former Director of the CSG; Jérôme de Bailliencourt, Director of Satellite
Operations, Telespazio France; Thierry Cotelle, Deputy Mayor of Toulouse and Vice-President of the Economic Development and Employment Board for greater Toulouse;
and Juan de Dalmau, Head of the ESA-ESTEC Communication Office, former CVA General Delegate.
2. CVA Council of Mayors, Madrid, 21 May 2010.
3. Council of Mayors, Paris City Hall, 28 October
Presence at Toulouse Space Show 2012
Contribution to IAC 2012
4. and 5.
At the Toulouse Space Show 2012 (25-28 June), a lecture on educational
programmes and training was given by Jean-Louis Marcé on 28 June, as
part of the Education & Training Session («Space Appli» Conference).
Jean-Louis Marcé, an Honorary Member of the CVA, who ended his career,
entirely devoted to space (including 11 years at the head of Intespace)
as Director of the CSG, Kourou, in 2007, explained how the association
used the European launchers programme as a model of cooperation and
as a means of inspiring the younger generations and encouraging them
to become more interested in science and space and more aware of
­intercultural issues.
He also spoke about the CVA’s mission with respect to promoting space
transportation activities to local authorities, in towns and groupings of
municipalities, and to European citizens. His presentation was warmly
received, the audience discovering with surprise the strong impact of
the CVA’s activities on young people – more than 1000 students of seven
different nationalities involved in the course of 10 years.
Dedicated to space applications, the Toulouse Space Show – this was
the third edition – is organised by CNES, the Midi Pyrénées Region, the
­Toulouse Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI), the Communauté
­urbaine du Grand Toulouse and the Sicoval (Communauté ­d’Agglomération
Sud-Est toulousain). ESA participated in 2012 for the first time.
At the 2012 Congress of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF),
held in Naples at the Conference Centre of La Mostra on 1-5 ­October,
Heiner Heseler, Deputy-Minister for Economic Affairs, Labour and
Ports of the Federal State of Bremen, gave a talk on behalf of the CVA
­entitled “Benefits of Space for Ariane Cities” on 30 September, during
the IAC Cities Summit (meeting of mayors at international level). He was
­accompanied by Christian Gutschmidt, Director of International Affairs
and Promotion of Foreign Trade of the City of Bremen. Two Summer
School alumni, Alessandro Migliacio and Edoardo Paladini spoke at
the E2.2 Student Conference technical session, on the Design of a 3rd
stage liquid ­propulsion system for the future Vega launcher evolution.
­Lastly, ­Jean-Luc Bozet, CVA General Delegate, gave a presentation of the
­association during the General Assembly of the IAF, of which the CVA
became a member on 5 October 2012.
2011 – Les Mureaux Presidency.
Reception at the town hall of Les
Mureaux to close the 2011 CVA Presidency.
6. 7. 8. and 9. Panel discussion “The younger
generation’s vision for space and the future for
European launchers”, Permanent Representation
of the State of Bremen in Berlin, 23 May 2012.
10. and 11. CVA
Council of Mayors, at the
Permanent Representation of the State of
Bremen in Berlin on 24 May 2012.
12. and 13. Panel discussion “Space for Cities
– Space for Citizens”, Bremen City Hall, 9 October
2012. Speaker: Jens Böhrnsen, Senate President
and Mayor of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen.
13. From left to right: Professor John P. Burrows
CVA: 2010-12 Review and 2013 Outlook
of the Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP),
Bremen University, Professor Michael Dreyer of
ZARM (Center of Applied Space Technology and
Microgravity), Bremen University, and presenter
Rommy Arndt of the German TV news channel
CVA: 2010-12 Review and 2013 Outlook
Sponsorship of Launchers or City-Launcher Partnerships
ne of the activities that is most visible
to the general public is Launcher
Sponsorships or City-Launcher Partnerships,
which enable a member City to have its
name and logo placed on the fairing of an
Ariane 5 launcher and organise both an
event at Kourou and a local event, with
Arianespace, ESA and CNES cooperation.
Following on from the Forum Ariane Lampoldshausen and the Region of Heilbronn (Heilbronner
Land), whose sponsorship took place on 29 October 2009, it was the turn of the Free Hanseatic City
of Bremen to sponsor, on 23 March 2012, the Ariane 5 which flew the ESA spacecraft ATV-3 Edoardo
Amaldi to the International Space Station (ISS). In Bremen, Astrium invited a number of guests
to its premises where they attended several talks by experts and a live broadcast of the launch.
There was a dual sponsorship in 2013. The Ariane 5 launcher which, on 5 June, flew the ATV-4
Albert Einstein headed for the ISS was sponsored by both Mulhouse Alsace Agglomération (m2A),
which is holding the 2013 CVA Presidency, and the CVA, which celebrated its 15th anniversary on
that occasion (see page 22).
PHOTOS: 1 to 8
The 2013 CVA Presidency held by Mulhouse Alsace Agglomération (m2A) invited CVA Members, Partners and Alumni to meet
at Paris-Le Bourget on 19 June on the occasion of the 50th Paris Air Show (17-23 June 2013). The m2A delegation, led by
André Reichardt, Senator of the Bas-Rhin Department, First Vice-President of the Alsace Region, and Jean-Marie Bockel,
Senator of the Haut-Rhin Department, President of m2A and 2013 CVA President, visited the ESA, CNES and Arianespace
pavilions, going on to greet numerous guests at the joint Alsace stand.
Events for the general public
2010 Space Days at Charleroi well attended
Barcelona makes its “Festa al Cel 2011” a
showcase for space
The CVA took part at Charleroi on 11-13 October in the 3rd edition of
the Space Days, an event organised in Belgium by Wallonie Espace. A
large number of very interested participants attended the talks, joined
the workshops and visited an exhibition on the theme “Launchers, from
modelling to operations”. Thales Alenia Space Belgium (ETCA), the City of
Charleroi’s industrial partner, can take much of the credit for the success
of this event.
The Ariane City of Barcelona is proud to host Spain’s oldest and largest
air festival. This show, featuring speed, expertise and technology, which
every year brings together over 300,000 people on Barcelona’s seafront,
took place on 2 October. The City, in view of its membership of the CVA,
decided to make space one of its major themes.
CVA takes part in two events in the Rhône-Alpes Region with ESA and CNES
In 2011, the CVA was present at the Les Jeunes,
l’Europe et l’Espace Forum, on 25 February, as
part of the Oufs d’Astro Festival – Biennale
du Ciel et de l’Espace event, organised by the
­Planetarium and the town of Vaulx-en-Velin near
Lyon (22-27 February). The CVA coordinated the
participation of ESA and CNES r­epresentatives in
the Forum. They spoke on a number of aspects,
such as: Space careers; Space research in Europe;
and ‘‘Is space still inspirational?”.
The CVA also took part in the exhibition event Un
oeil dans le Cosmos at the Foire ­Internationale
de Lyon (18-28 March) trade show. CNES was one
of the main organisers of the science c­ omponent
of the exhibition. ESA, CNES and the CVA took
part in the event along with other space players,
coordinated by the Vaulx-en-Velin Planetarium
and GL Events, the trade show organiser.
These two events provided an opportunity
for many contacts to be established between
r­epresentatives of this French region’s towns
and cities, groupings of municipalities, i­ndustrial
firms and research institutes, particularly in
Lyon and Greater Lyon and in Grenoble and
the Grenoble-Alpes Métropole grouping of
PHOTOS: 2/3/4 to 5
1. The Ariane 5 ES launcher (Flight VA205) and the European automated transfer vehicle, ATV3 Edoardo Amaldi, sponsored by the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, on the
launch pad at Kourou on 21 March 2012.
2. Launch of ATV3 aboard Ariane 5 (Flight VA205) on 21 March 2012.
3. Event at Astrium Bremen, during video streaming of the launch. From left to right: Thorsten Burmann, Vice-President Launchers, Astrium GmbH; Annic-Barbara Fenske,
Presenter; and Hans Zeller, Representative for ESA Programme Relations, Arianespace.
4. Bremen palm-tree planting ceremony at the Guiana Space Centre (CSG) on 23 March 2012. From left to right: Bernard Chemoul, CNES; Joël Donadel, ESA-Kourou; ­Jean-Max
Puech, Arianespace; Torsten Staffeldt, Member of the German Federal Parliament for Bremen and Bremerhaven; Michael Menking, Head of Commercial ­Applications, Earth
Observation, Navigation & Science, Astrium ST; Karlheinz Kreuzberg, ESA; and Thomas Reiter, ESA.
5. Kourou, 5 June 2013: Ariane 5 ES launcher (Flight VA213) sponsored by both Mulhouse Alsace Agglomération (m2A) and the CVA for its 15th anniversary, ready for the
launch of the ATV4 Albert Einstein headed for the International Space Station (ISS).
6. The amazing launch which CVA delegation members in Kourou for the association’s 15th anniversary had the pleasure of witnessing.
7. Kourou, 6 June 2013, planting of the Mulhouse Alsace Agglomération (m2A) palm tree. From left to right: Stéphane Israël, Arianespace; Jean-Luc Bozet, CVA; ­Jean-Jacques
Dordain, ESA; Jean-Yves Le Gall, CNES; Jean-Marie Bockel, m2A; and Lara Million, m2A.
8. The CVA 15th anniversary palm tree. From left to right: Jean-Yves Le Gall, CNES; Jean-Marie Bockel, m2A; Arsène Magloire, Kourou Town Hall; Lara Million, m2A; and
Jean-Jacques Dordain, ESA.
Invitations to Air Shows
CNES welcomes the CVA to the 2011
Paris Air Show
Bremen and Hamburg invite CVA Members
to the 2012 ILA Berlin Air Show
The CVA was present at the Paris Air Show/Le Bourget on 20-26 June.
On 23 June, the association’s members, partners, alumni and guests
were i­nvited to attend an informal meeting at the CNES chalet. The
­meeting was chaired by François Garay, Mayor of Les Mureaux and 2011
­ resident, and opened by Pierre Tréfouret, CNES Director of External
Communication, Education and Public Relations. This informal gathering
helped strengthen the links between the members present and enabled
new contacts to be made.
The Bremen Presidency hosted visitors at a very attractive 450 m2 stand
organised by Bremeninvest, the Innovation branch of the Ministry of
Economic Affairs, Labour and Ports of the State of Bremen, along with
its State of Hamburg counterpart. The main set of activities presented
to visitors on 11-16 September related to aerospace expertise. The CVA
Members were invited on 11 September, the day before the association’s
Bureau meeting, to the inauguration by Senator Martin Günthner for the
State of Bremen and Senator Frank Horch for the State of Hamburg and by
Minister Harry Glawe for the State of Mecklenburg-­Vorpommern. Their
speeches brought out the dynamic spirit and technological ­innovation of
these regions of Northern Germany, as well as the strong potential of the
aerospace sector in terms of economic development and job creation.
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CVA: 2010-12 Review and 2013 Outlook
1. and 7. Bremen Presidency, ILA Berlin Air Show 2012, visit of DLR/ESA/BDLI Space on Earth Pavilion, of the DLR’s TanDEM-X Project, and of the Arianespace stand.
2. Michel Tognini, ESA Astronaut, former Head of the European Astronaut Centre, ESA-EAC, CVA guest at the Vaulx-en-Velin Planetarium, 2011 Oufs d’Astro Festival.
3. and 4. The exhibition event Un oeil dans le Cosmos, organised by CNES at the 2011 Lyon international trade show, with the CVA contributing and Thomas Pesquet,
ESA Astronaut, participating.
5. Les jeunes, l’Europe et l’Espace Forum organised by the CVA at Vaulx-en-Velin, during the Oufs d’Astro Festival – 2011 Biennale du Ciel et de l’Espace. From left to right:
Olivier Witasse, ESA; Sylvie Léon, CNES; Paul de Brem, Presenter; Philippe Noël, ISSAT-CVA; Jean-Pierre Bibring, IAS-Orsay; and Daniel de Chambure, ESA.
6. ILA Berlin Air Show 2012, Bremen and Hamburg stand - Address by Senator Martin Günthner, Minister for Economic Affairs, Labour and Ports of the State of Bremen.
CVA: 2010-12 Review and 2013 Outlook
Salon de Provence invites the CVA to its first Aeronautics Forum
As a prelude to the 2012 Summer School, the CVA was present on 9 December 2011 at the 1st Aeronautics Forum in Salon de Provence, at the invitation
of Jean-Luc Chave, Deputy to the town’s Mayor, Michel Tonon, and Hamid Dermèche, Director of Economic Affairs at the Salon de Provence town hall.
This was visited by some 350 people eager to find out about aerospace careers and training. The event was organised by the Mission Locale du Pays
Salonais at the Espace Charles Trenet. The CVA was present to promote European space transportation and the space sector at a stand shared with
Espace’éco, the town hall’s initiative to help local firms develop.
Past, present and future
Tribute to the founding fathers of the Ariane programme
n looking to the future we should not allow ourselves to forget the people to whom we owe the thirty successful years of the
European launcher Ariane. The thirty years of Ariane launches were fittingly celebrated in the course of 2010! The first launch,
which took place on 24 December 1979, marked the start of a long list of successes that have made Europe an enduring player
in the area of space transportation. Numerous events were organised in the Ariane Cities, and Snecma brought together at
the firm’s Vernon facilities a distinguished assembly made up of pioneers who have left their mark on the history of Ariane and
of current decision-makers belonging to government authorities, space agencies and industry. The European launcher family has
since expanded to take in both the Soyuz launcher, now at the CSG and whose first launch from French Guiana was on 21 October
2011, and the small launcher Vega, whose maiden flight was on 13 February 2012.
10,000 visitors in Bremen for World Space
Week 2012
Every year, for World Space Week, the City of Bremen and its surrounding­
region organise events to promote the space sector. During the 2012 CVA
­Presidency, representatives of CVA Members present at the 10 October­
Council of Mayors had the opportunity to view the DLR-Unesco
­exhibition “What a sight: space looking out for world heritage II”, which
was held on 4-12 October at Bremen City Hall. This exhibition was funded
by the p
­ ublic partners: the State of Bremen and DLR; and by the private
­partners: Astrium and OHB.
PHOTOS: 1/2/3/4 and 5
Passing the baton during the Presidency of Les Mureaux
The CVA Council of Mayors of 18-19 May 2011 at Les Mureaux elected a
new General Delegate, Jean-Luc Bozet, Professor at the University of
Liège (ULg). Professor Bozet took up this appointment on 1 June 2011,
in addition­to his teaching and research work at ULg. He took over from
Juan de D
­ almau, who now heads ESA’s ESTEC Communication Office.
François Garay, Mayor of Les Mureaux and all the members present at
the Council stressed Juan de Dalmau’s impressive achievements over the
five years in which he was CVA General Delegate and thanked him warmly
for all the work he had done for the association and its members.
Spotlight on space at the 2012 Space Days
in Liège
The Space Days held from 21 September to 28 October 2012, mainly
at Liège’s Médiacité, brought together space sector professionals,
­scientists/researchers from the University of Liège (ULg) and a diverse
­audience to explore the themes of astronomy and space applications.
The event, organised with ULg, the Liège Space Center, the Maison de
la Science, the Euro Space Center and members of Wallonie Espace, in
a strategic part of town – the Médiacité is one of the largest shopping
centres in Liège – included exhibitions, lectures and teaching workshops.
CVA: 2010-12 Review and 2013 Outlook
2. During the Council of Mayors at Les Mureaux, on
19 April 2011, after five years in which he considerably
developed the CVA and its programmes with the help of
Members of the association, Juan de Dalmau, ESA, who
had himself succeeded Eckard Weinrich, Arianespace,
announced that as from 1 June 2011, he would be replaced
by Jean-Luc Bozet, University of Liège (ULg), the current
CVA General Delegate.
CVA: 2010-12 Review and 2013 Outlook
New CVA Members
Welcoming of the City of Leuven and its
industrial partners imec, LMS and Septentrio
Welcoming of the City of Seville, partnered with
Airbus Military
The representatives of the City of Leuven and its industrial partners on 24 May
2012, after the vote in favour of their membership of the CVA during the Council of
Mayors in Berlin, chaired by the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen. Delegation members
are, from left to right: Dr Rudi Cuyvers, Innovation Manager, KU Leuven Research
and Development; Prof. Dirk Van De Pitte, KU Leuven; Dr Martin Hinoul, Business
Development Manager, KU Leuven Research and Development; Peter Grognard,
­Managing Director, Septentrio Satellite Navigation, and Louis Tobback, Burgomaster
of the City of Leuven, former Minister.
Rafael Salgueiro López, Director of the Strategic Planning and Development
Office­at the Seville City Council, and Rocío Caparrós, in charge of Political Affairs
at EADS in Andalusia, presented the City of Seville and its industrial partner Airbus­
Military, respectively, during the Council of Mayors of 24 May 2012 at the P
­ ermanent
Representation­of the State of Bremen in Berlin.
n the course of the CVA’s presidencies, new Cities and industrial partners join the association. The following members joined
between early-2010 and end-2012.
In 2010, three new members joined, under the Madrid Presidency: Telespazio France, the industrial partner of the City of Toulouse,
and Salon de Provence in partnership with the Ecoles d’Officiers de l’Armée de l’Air (EOAA), the French Air Force Academy.
In 2011, under the Presidency of Les Mureaux, there were two new members: the City of Terrassa, a joint member with the City
of Barcelona and whose industrial partners are GTD and Baie, and the Communauté d’Agglomération des Portes de l’Eure (la Cape),
which includes 41 municipalities, one of which is Vernon. The industrial partner is Snecma (Safran Group).
Clearly, 2012 was also a good year, with the arrival of the Belgian City of Leuven along with three industrial firms, imec, LMS and
Septentrio, and of the Spanish City of Seville, in partnership with Airbus Military.
Welcoming of Telespazio France, partnered with
the City of Toulouse
At the 2010 Toulouse Space Show (8-11 June), Thierry Cotelle, Deputy to the Mayor
of Toulouse, Pierre Cohen, announced the partnership of Toulouse and Telespazio
France (Finmeccanica Group and Thales Group), represented by Jérôme de Bailliencourt,
Director of Satellite Operations (on the right in photo). Their membership was
confirmed at the Council of Mayors in Madrid on 7 October 2010.
Welcoming of Salon de Provence and the Ecoles
d’Officiers de l’Armée de l’Air (EOAA)
Welcoming of the City of Salon de Provence and of the Ecoles d’Officiers de l’Armée
de l’Air (EOAA), the French Air Force Academy, as CVA Members, Council of Mayors
of 19 May 2010, Madrid. From right to left: Hamid Dermèche, Director of Economic
Affairs, Salon de Provence town hall; Jean-Luc Chave, Deputy to the Mayor of Salon
de Provence, Michel Tonon; Carolin Krebs, Hardthausen town hall; General Denis
Mercier, then Director of the EOAA; and Alexandre Clairin (EOAA).
Council of Mayors, 19 May 2010, Madrid. From left to right: General Denis Mercier,­
then Director of the Ecoles d’Officiers de l’Armée de l’Air (EOAA); Jean-Luc Chave,
Deputy to the Mayor of Salon de Provence, Michel Tonon, and Ignacio Niño, then
General Coordinator for the International Strategy and Action Office “Madrid
Welcoming of the City of Terrassa, associated
with the City of Barcelona, and of the Communauté
d’Agglomération des Portes de l’Eure (la Cape)
Visit of Astrium ST/Les Mureaux, at the invitation of Rémi de Badts, during the
Council of Mayors of 19 April 2011, chaired by François Garay, Mayor of Les Mureaux
(centre). On the left, the representatives of the new Members: Alfredo Vega López,
Deputy Mayor, and Joan Chicón Vallejo, Head of the International Relations and
Universities Department, representatives of Pere Navarro, then Mayor of the City
of Terrassa, and for the Communauté d’Agglomération des Portes de l’Eure (la
Cape), Cécile Caron, Vice-President, Head of Communication and Media Libraries,
representing Gérard Volpatti, President of La Cape.
VA membership currently stands at 20 European Cities together with their industrial partner(s). Members also include: the
European Space Agency (ESA); CNES, the French space agency; the Propulsion Institute of the German Aerospace Center (DLR),
through the Forum Ariane Lampoldshausen; and the launch services operator Arianespace.
The CVA’s 15th anniversary and beyond
This year, 2013, is seeing the CVA celebrate
its 15th anniversary. The association has put
together a special programme of activities
in conjunction with the Presidency held by
Mulhouse Alsace Agglomération (m2A), with
the support of the City of Kourou and ESA,
CNES and Arianespace, at the Guiana Space
Centre (CSG). This anniversary is an important­
milestone in the life of the CVA, but the
­association will of course also be looking well
beyond that.
The Council of Mayors of 19 October 2012, chaired­
by Jens Böhrnsen, Mayor and P
­ resident of the
Senate of the Free Hanseatic City of B
­ remen,
voted in favour of the CVA Presidency­of 2014
being held by Salon de Provence and the Ecoles
d’Officiers de l’Armée de l’Air (EOAA) and that
of 2015 being held by Kourou in p
with CNES, the French space agency.
Following ESA’s ministerial Council meeting
on 20-21 November 2012, the space a
and industry are at present working on: how
to ­
distribute the activities entailed by the
­c ontinued development of the adapted
Ariane 5 ME; the kickoff of the design studies
for the new Ariane 6 launcher; the evolution
of the small launcher Vega, which will enable
the development of more powerful stages with
a view to their being used subsequently on
Ariane 6; and the European contribution to the
service module of NASA’s Orion capsule, the
‘Multipurpose Crew Vehicle - Service Module’
(MPCV-SM), derived from technology used for
ESA’s ATV space vehicle.
Further milestones will be reached at ESA’s
next ministerial Council meeting scheduled for
the end of 2014 in Luxembourg.
The Community of Ariane Cities (CVA) will
continue to fulfil its missions, promoting the
activities­of its members – Cities, industrial
firms and space agencies –, drawing attention­
to the role of French Guiana and the Guiana­
Space Centre (CSG), Europe’s ­
and generating the interest of elected
representatives,­educational establishments
and the general public in space transportation
and the importance for Europe of independent
access to space.
Many thanks to everyone who contributed photographs for this publication and in particular ESA, CNES, DLR, Arianespace; the Ariane Cities
of Bremen, Colleferro, Hardthausen/Lampoldshausen, Les Mureaux, Liège, Madrid, Salon de Provence; Mulhouse Alsace Agglomération (m2A)
and the Communauté urbaine de Bordeaux (LA CUB); Astrium, EADS CASA Espacio, Herakles, Snecma; UPM in Madrid; ISSAT and Peuple et
Culture. Photo credits: ©Armée de l’Air - D. Perez; ©Astrium - T. Ernsting; ©Astrium - Marget Tönnies; ©Istres airbase - D.R.; Bremen / Hill
Media - Mathias Hill; ©ESA - S. Corvaja; ©Community of Ariane Cities; ©Community of Ariane Cities - A. du Fretay; ©Community of Ariane
Cities - D. Mignon; ESA-CNES-Arianespace/Optique Video du CSG - P. Baudon - Y. Gachet - J.M. Guillon - S. Corvaja; ©Liège/A. Boos; m2A Norbert L­ ’Hostis; ©City of Madrid; ©Town of Les Mureaux; ©Town of Les Mureaux - B. Venon; ©Town of Les Mureaux - Ph. Halle; © Peuple
et Culture - J.L. Menu; © whatif 2013 - Tim Klausing - Jens Lehmkühler. Reproduction rights: ©Community of Ariane Cities/Communauté des
Villes Ariane. Project manager: Anne du Fretay, ESA/CVA. Translation: Myriam Julia, ESA. Graphic design: Léo Mendelssohn/WM.
CVA: 2010-12 Review and 2013 Outlook
CVA c/o ESA – 8-10, rue Mario Nikis F-75738 PARIS cedex 15
Tél. : +33 (0) 9 75 38 53 29 – Fax : +33 (0) 1 43 06 62 21 – E-mail : –