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KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
KSEA Letters
Vol. 33, No. 2 (Serial No. 195)
June 2005
A Message from the President
YGF2004 in Korea
KSEA General Election 2005
Scholarship Programs
2005 KSEA Scholarships
Nam Sook and Je Hyun Kim Scholarship
KUSCO Scholarship
Natural Gas Demand in the USA
Headquarters News
Junghwa Oh Joins KSEA HQ
Six Month Audit
EC Meeting Minutes #3, #4 and #5
KWiSE News
The 2nd and 3rd Meeting
Chapter News
New Jersey and NY Metro Chapters
Philadelphia and Georgia Chapters
Mississippi Branch, Central Illinois
Chapter and SW State Chapter
North Texas Chapter
Member News
Dr. Shoon Kyung Kim, Dr. Chan-Mo
Park, Laurel Yong-Hwa Lee
Prof. Kyung-Suk Kim, Prof. Hosin Lee
List of New Members
Membership Applications
Individual Membership
Corporate Membership
Smart UAV DC
KSEA Sponsors
Guideline for Articles in KSEA Letters
Copyright Release Form
Contact Pages
Associate Editors:
Sung Won Lee
Jinho Kim
Ashley Kim and Jihan Kim
Published by the Korean-American Scientist and Engineers Association
All rights reserved. No part of this publication maybe reproduced, in any
form or any means, without the prior written permission of KSEA.
KSEA assumes no responsibility for statement and opinion advanced by
the contributors to its publications.
Cover Page: The picture shows NASA's James Webb Space
Telescope (JWST) with a mirror and sun shields. The JWST
will search for cosmic origins, studying objects that existed
when the universe was young; when galaxies, stars and
planetary systems were being formed. Courtesy of
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
Sung Won Lee
As I complete my term as the 33rd President of the
KSEA, I would like to express my deep appreciation
of many individuals, members and non-members
alike, who gave their valuable time and energy for
the good of the KSEA. Also, I would like to thank
the KUSCO and other organizations for their
generous monetary contributions.
The first major event of my term was the UKC2004
held in August 2004 in Research Triangle Park, NC.
I am grateful that the UKC2004 was a big success,
and I am also thrilled that the UKC2005, being
organized by my successor Prof. Kwang-Hae Kim,
is expected to be even a bigger success.
The next major event of my term was the Young
Generation Technical and Leadership Conference
(YGTLC2005) held January 2005 in San Francisco
with support from the KUSCO. The YGTLC2005
provided young generation Korea-Americans with
networking opportunities while sharing and
showcasing their achievements and potential. I
would like to thank Prof. David Hosin Lee, YG
Committee Chair, for organizing this important
The National Mathematics Competition (NMC2005),
held on April 2, 2005, was also a big success. About
2,000 students from 20 chapters participated in the
competition. I would like to thank Vice President
Kang-Won Lee who was tasked to organize the
NMC2005, NMC Committee members, problem
writers, participating chapter presidents and
numerous people who volunteered to make the
NMC2005 a truly successful event for the KoreanAmerican community. The NMC2005 was also
instrumental in revitalizing local chapters which had
been dormant for many years. The Georgia Chapter
and the Philadelphia Chapter elected new officers
and participated in the NMC2005 for the first time in
the history of their chapters.
the funds from the estate of Dr. Je Hyun Kim and a
generous gift from their three sons. Also, we were
able to complete the establishment of the Shoon
Kyung Kim Scholarship, which was initiated in the
31st Administration.
I am happy to report that, in addition to the annual
KSEA Scholarships program, an entirely new
program, called the KUSCO Scholarships for
Graduate Students, was established, with the funds
generously provided by KUSCO. This program is to
recognize graduate students in science and
engineering who have demonstrated excellence in
academics as well as potential for becoming leaders
in the society. For the year 2005, 14 graduate
students were selected for the KUSCO Scholarships.
The financial situation of the KSEA has improved
during my term and the short term health of KSEA
finances is good. However, the KSEA needs to
develop a long term strategic plan for fund raising if
it is to develop into a viable volunteer organization
relevant to its members and the communities in the
US and Korea.
As I look back, I realize again that I have been
blessed with opportunities to meet and work with
many individuals of extraordinary talents and
volunteer spirits. Their kindness and willingness to
help others for the good of the KSEA has touched
my heart and helped me keep going even when I felt
tired and weary. For this, I thank the KSEA
members as well as the friends of KSEA, and I
encourage people to join and serve for the KSEA.
Sung Won Lee
KSEA 33rd President
As for scholarships programs, a new named
scholarship was established in memory of the late Dr.
Je Hyun Kim, the 8th President of KSEA, and his
wife Nam Sook Kim. The scholarship is based on
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
UKC 2005
The Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA, and the Korean
Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST) will hold, with the support from the Korea-US
Science Cooperation Center (KUSCO), the 2005 US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and
Entrepreneurship (UKC2005) as follows:
August 11-13, 2005
University of California, Irvine (UCI)
Irvine, California, USA.
The objective of UKC2005 is to provide a forum in which leading researchers in selected science and
technology areas can present their research findings and discuss new R&D directions in areas that are relevant
to economic development of the world. All important branches of science, technology, and entrepreneurship
will be covered by the UKC2005 program.
UKC2005 will also contribute to fostering cooperation between USA and Korea in advancing science and
technology toward enhancing the welfare of both countries and the world. It will provide a forum where
scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, educators, and other leaders discuss their achievements and current
interests, develop cooperative projects, and establish professional networks. In addition, UKC2005 provides
the attendees from both countries with an opportunity to explore career opportunities.
The spirit of the conference is: Let best talents in both countries gather in one place once per year!
UKC2005 will be held on the campus of the University of California, Irvine (UCI). The Orange County of
California, to which the city of Irvine belongs, is famous for its pleasant weather all year around (bright
sunshine, unnoticeable humidity, and relatively cool temperature in summer). The adjacent beach areas,
Laguna Beach and Newport Beach which are within 25-minute driving distances from the campus of UCI,
offer some of the world's best conditions for spending the summer vacation.
Irvine is the best exemplary modern city providing both very attractive living environments and high-tech
clean industry environments, often called the 2nd Silicon Valley. The UCI campus is easily accessible via the
Orange County Airport (also called the Santa Ana Airport) (2.5 miles), the Long Beach Airport (25 miles),
and the Los Angeles International Airport (45 miles).
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
National Winner Announcement
The KSEA is pleased to announce recipients of the
national-level awards of the National Mathematics
Competition 2005 (NMC2005) held on April 2,
Recipients of the national-level awards of NMC 2005
About 2000 Korean-American students, who are in
grades from the 4th to the 11th, participated in the
NMC2005 from 20 chapters. The number of
participants this year was increased by 13.5% from
the last year.
The KSEA Headquarters collected answer sheets of
the participants from KSEA chapters, examined
them thoroughly, and determined the recipients of
the national-level awards. Each award carries a cash
prize of modest amount as follows:
1st place
4th ~ 6th
Nam Sook and Je
Hyun Kim Prize
Shoon Kyung
Kim Prize ($400)
Yohan and
Rumie Cho Prize
Chunghi Hong
Park Prize ($400)
Inyong Ham
Prize ($400)
Grade Ranking Name
Eddie Donghyun Kim
San Diego
Seohyun Kim
Northern California
Jonathan Kim
New England
Chankeun Chris Kim
Sung Hwan Suh
Kang-Hyuk Lee
New England
David Oh
Pacific Northwest
Jenny Young Hyun Koo
San Diego
Sahun Hong
Southern California
Bryan Kim
Southern California
Junghyun Ryuk
Washington Metro
Kevin Ko
Washington Metro
Seong Hoon Lee
Southern California
Mario Choi
Washington Metro
Raehoon Jeong
Jaewon Kim
Do woon Kim
New England
Sunny C. Kim
North Florida
Minseon Shin
Southern California
Carolyn Kim
North Florida
Alex S. Yoo
Washington Metro
Je-Ok Choi
G-Young Van
Iowa City
Yeon Sik Cho
Washington Metro
Gil-Hyung Lee
San Diego
Seyoung Van
Iowa City
Sean Lee
Menyoung Lee
Washington Metro
John Seo
Southern California
Phillip Kim
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
The future success of the Korea-U.S. cooperation in science and technology hinges upon on the active
participation of young generation Korean-American students in the Korean-American Scientists and
Engineers Association (KSEA). Accordingly, The KSEA organized and held the 2005 Young Generation
Technical and Leadership Conference (YGTLC2005) as follows:
Major Sponsor:
January 3 - 6, 2005
Embassy Suite Hotel, San Francisco, CA
Josh Jun and Charles Lee , UC Berkeley
Korea-U.S. Science Corporation Center (KUSCO)
LG Electronics
Korea Institute of S&T Information (KISTI)
The main goal of YGTLC2005 was to provide Korean-American students with an opportunity to showcase
their research. The second goal was to promote careers in science and engineering for Korean-American
students through technical workshops and a CEO dinner. The third goal was to sustain the nation-wide YG
movement by providing leadership training and networking opportunities for leaders at the KSEA student
chapters across the U.S.
The YGTLC2005 was attended by 44 students from 12 universities. At the conference 16 papers were orally
presented and 11 papers were presented in the poster session. These papers were published in the
YGTLC2005 Proceedings.
The list of the YGTLC2005 participants included the following four dignitaries from the Science,
Technology, Information and Communication Committee of the Korean National Assembly:
Honorable Hae Bong Lee, Chairman
Honorable Chang Sun Hong, PhD, Vice Chairman
Honorable Sang Kee Suh, PhD, Vice Chairman
Honorable Keun Chan Ryu, Member
The four dignitaries attended the opening ceremony and gave welcoming remarks. They also served as a panel
for answering various questions from the participating students, which included the cooperation between the
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
U.S. and Korea in the area of science and engineering. They also talked about the current status of the
development in science and technology in Korea and Korean people’s achievements in science and
engineering in comparison with the Jew.
Plenary presentations were given by the following four experts:
Dr. K.C. Choi, Principal Vice President and CIO of Bechtel Corporation
Dr. Byung K. Yi, Senior Executive Vice President of LG Electronics
Dr. Sun-Hwa Hahn, Chief Principal Researcher of KISTI
Dr. Kwang-Hae Kim, Professor of UC Irvine
The following students received the awards with special distinction.
Best Undergraduate Paper Award: Hana Oh , MIT
Best Graduate Paper Award:
Christ Hong , Dartmouth Medical School
Best Essay Paper Award :
Mee-Jung Jang , Harvard University
Best Poster Award:
Yong Keun Park , Seoul National University
Best Skit Presentation:
Hyun Jin In (MIT),
Suseon Yang (U of Iowa ),
Kidoo Kim ( Hanyang University ),
Jennifer Hong (U of Maryland ),
Ethan Shin (UC Berkeley ),
Yoo Jin Chung ( Korea University ),
Yuri Park (UC Berkeley)
The YGTLC2006 is scheduled to be held in Los Angeles from January 5-8, 2006. For further
information, please visit
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
Young Generation Forum 2004 in Korea
Seung-Ho Won
Castle Point on Hudson S – 1622, Hoboken, NJ 07030
This article addresses my experience attending Young Generation Forum during the summer of 2004 in Korea.
Getting accepted to attend the YG Forum last winter,
made me excited and somewhat worried. I was
excited because this gave me a chance to go back to
my country that I had not visited for five years, and
associate with colleagues. I was so curious to see
how the country and the people have changed since
I was in Korea last time. On the other hand, I was
worried because I had never attended a conference
in my life before and did not know what I was going
to do in that forum, what I had to do nor what
people were going to expect from me. I expected
something similar to some of the boring workshops
that my father used to drag me all over the country,
when I was in Germany. However, it turned out to
be one of the most exciting moments of my life. I
met about 120 new people from around the world
including people from the United States, and made
new friends that I would not exchange for anything.
Lee, professor at the University of Iowa. I would
have never thought that there would be a Korean
professor in the States who was so intelligent and
who could make the lectures interesting and fun. He
was also very talented when he showed his dancing
skills at the farewell party.
Professor Ho-Sin Lee
YGF 2004
To sum up the Young Generation Forum one can
break it down into two parts: events that were held
in the hotel, and visiting industrial and historic sites.
First and foremost, honestly speaking, there were
some good and bad parts at the hotels we stayed in.
Capital Hotel in Itaewon, Seoul, was a very nice
place to stay in, but the commuting distance was
kind of far and the food quality wasn’t as good as
expected. Hilton Hotel in Gyeongju was luxurious
as would be expected from such a name and the
food was very good. Presentations by students,
lectures from professors, group discussions and
CEO/CTO dinner were held at the hotels.
One of the professors that we met was Dr. Ho-Sin
Top: USA, Japan Bottom: Australia, Germany
Country Representatives’ presentations gave me
good insight into what’s going on right now in the
latest technology in all the different fields. After the
presentations, we formed several groups to hold
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
doing in the future and what they were looking for.
After the presentations by the CEOs, we had a
dinner with them.
How to make human network?
In the group meetings we had to put our heads
together and try to think and gather information we
have learned so far in our scholastic careers.
Subsequent presentations after the group discussions,
showed us that, with in the same subject, we could
think of lots of different things. Some groups had
similar thoughts as we did, others had totally
different perspectives, which showed that not all of
the people think the same way. Also, the subject,
“How to make human network?” demonstrated to us
clearly that knowing many people and establishing
human network will be one of the abilities we need
to develop and depend on in the future.
Students with CEOs
POSCO museum & Bulguksa
From the fourth day of the forum until the last day,
we went to visit industrial and historic sites. We
visited LG Chem / Research Park, Hyundai Motor
Company, POSCO, POSTECH, Pohang Accelerator
Laboratory, RIST, POSCO museum, Seokguramn
and Bulguksa.
Top: POSCO President and Hyundai President,
Bottom: Samsung Vice Chairman, LGE President
We met four major individuals from the big
industries of Korea. They were Mr. Chang-Oh Kang,
President of POSCO, Mr. Sang-Kwon Kim,
President of R&D Division, Hyundai Motor
Company & Kia Motors Corporation, Mr. YoonWoo Lee, Vice Chairman of SEC Global
Collaboration Officer / CEO of Samsung Advanced
Institute of Technology, and Dr. Hee-Gook Lee,
President of LG Electronics. They spoke about what
their companies were doing, what they would be
From left to right: Teams from US, Russia, France,
Germany, UK and Japan
The day before the last day, we had a farewell party
at Hilton Hotel. It started with country
representatives’ show. People showed dancing,
singing skills and some martial arts. The hotel
provided a speaker system and the lights that made
the hall look like a dance hall. Professor Lee offered
a prize of 100,000 won to anyone who could tell the
name of everyone present at the party.
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
Kevin from Korea tried and he really could tell all
the names of not only the students who attended the
forum, but also the staff members who worked for
us. I thought it was amazing. Kevin was very
considerate. He used the prize money for the snacks
and beverages for our last farewell party.
Farewell Song sung all together
After arriving at the Capital hotel back in Seoul,
everyone was sort of bummed and did not want to
say good bye to each other. It looked like the
journey of the Young Generation Forum was too
short for us. Especially for me, it was one of the
most memorable moments in my life.
The vote counting for the 2005 election took place at the KSEA HQ on April 30, 2005 and the
results are as follows:
President-elect (35th President):
Kang, Sung Kwon
Vice President (34th Vice President):
Cho, Yong Min
Lee, Hosin David
Group A Councilor:
Group B Councilor:
Group C Councilor:
Group D Councilor:
Group E Councilor:
Group F Councilor:
Group G Councilor:
Group H Councilor:
Group J Councilor:
Group L Councilor:
Paik, Ho Jung
Lee, Sang Bok
Lee, Heakyung
Kang, Un Jung
Ahn, Dong Uk
Pai, James Jin-Keon
Kim, Sunghoon
Kim, Jungho
Shim, Jeong Seop
Choi, Hyeong-Ah
Three members of the Elections Committee, Drs. Hyokang Chang, Soo-Ung Kim and Joon Cheul Park
(Committee Chair), participated in the vote counting process. In addition, Dr. Minbo Shim participated as a
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
2005 KSEA Scholarships
The KSEA is pleased to announce following 2005 KSEA Scholarships recipients. The scholarships
are to recognize outstanding students with Korean heritage who have excelled in academics as well
as in community services, and who demonstrate potential for becoming leaders in the society.
Scholarship Name
Shoon Kyung Kim Scholarship
Laurel Yonghwa Lee MIT
Inyong Ham Scholarship
Yoonhee Patricia Ha
Nam Sook and Je Hyun Kim Scholarship Maria Love Lee
Hyundai Scholarship
Chunghi Hong Park Scholarship
Yohan and Rumie Cho Scholarship
Ohio State Univ
Texas A&M Univ
Mee-Jung Jang
Harvard Univ
MinJee Koo
Syracuse Univ
Stephanie Sharkey
Univ. of Rhode Island
Mi Sun Kim
Cooper Union
Yangwoo Gho
ICU, Korea
Nam Sook and Je Hyun Kim Scholarship
The KSEA pleased to announce establishment of a
new scholarship in memory of the late Dr. Je Hyun
Kim, the 8th President of KSEA and his wife Nam
Sook Kim. The scholarship is based on the funds
from the estate of Dr. Je Hyun Kim and a generous
gift from their three sons.
Dr. Je Hyun Kim (1927-1998) was born in Korea.
He graduated from Seoul National University in
1953 with a B.S. degree in Chemistry. He taught
chemistry at Kyungpook National University before
coming to the U.S. for graduate study. He obtained a
M.S. degree in biochemistry from Oklahoma State
University in 1962 and a Ph.D. degree in
biochemistry from Texas A & M University in 1965.
After earning his doctoral degree, he did
postdoctoral work at UCLA School of Medicine.
Later he worked as a Senior Research Fellow at
Evanston Hospital and a Senior Research Fellow at
Wilson Lab. From 1971 to his retirement, he was
Section Chief of Radioimmunoassay, Mercy
Hospital and Medical Center. He also served as
Clinical Assistant Professor at the School of
Medicine, University of Illinois. He was very active
in KSEA serving as the first President of Midwest
Chapter and the 8th President of KSEA.
His wife, Nam Sook Kim (1933-1983), graduated
from Seoul National University in 1956 with a B.S.
degree in Biology. She taught biology at Hyosung
Women’s College in Daegu, Korea before coming to
the U.S. She provided her husband with the strong
support, guidance and encouragement while he was
serving as the first Midwest Chapter President and
then 8th President of KSEA. She was diagnosed of
pancreatic cancer in 1980. Her illness and battle with
cancer resulted in a spiritual awakening for the Kim
family. She passed away in 1983.
Dr. and Mrs. Je Hyun Kim are survived by three
sons and seven grandchildren. The first son, Dr. Ho
Kim, is a chemist-turned businessman and resides in
LA area. His second son, Hyun Kim, is a medical
doctor practicing in Illinois. The third son, Bruce
Kim, is currently a seminary student after a highly
successful career as a software engineer.
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
KUSCO Scholarships for Graduate Students
KSEA is pleased to announce a new scholarship
program, called the KUSCO Scholarships for
Graduate Students, to recognize outstanding
individuals who have demonstrated excellence in
academics as well as the potential for becoming
leaders in the society. The program, funded by the
KUSCO (, is dedicated to graduate
students in science and engineering, and it is not
applicable to students pursuing a career in medical
Combined with local chapter level activities and the
annual US-Korea Conference on Science,
Technology and Entrepreneurship, the KUSCO
Scholarships for Graduate Students will help
identify and nurture potential leaders for the close
cooperation between the US and Korea in the future.
For the year 2005, 14 graduate students were
selected by the KSEA Scholarship Committee in
accordance with the criteria described in the
announcement for the 2005 KSEA Scholarships.
Each scholarship carries $1,000 award. The
recipients are listed as follows:
Byung Joo Lee
Stanford Univ. Biological Sciences
Jane Christina Kim
MIT Biology
Sun Hwan Lee
Stanford Univ. Aeronautics and Astronautics
Min-Young Kim
Univ. of Maryland Physics
Woo Cheol Chung
VA Polytech. Institute Electrical & Computer Engineering
Ju Hyun You
Rutgers Electrical and Computer Engineering
Young Jin Chun
Iowa State Univ. Ecology, Evolution & Organismal Bio
Joon Ho Choi
Texas A&M Univ. Architecture
Samuel Yoon
Drexel Univ. Computer Engineering
In-Seok Seo
Iowa State Univ. Materials Science and Engineering
Kyeong-Pyo Kang
Univ. of Maryland Transportation Program
Taehyeong Kim
Univ. of Maryland Transportation Engineering
Jaehyung Ju
Texas A&M Univ. Mechanical Engineering
Junsung Lim
Polytechnic Univ. Electrical & Computer Engineering
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
Natural Gas Demand in the USA - Why LNG & Gas Hydrate
Jaeyoung Lee, P.E.
Offshore Pipeline Consultant
JYL Pipeline Consultant, Inc., Houston, TX
Natural Gas Demand in USA
Natural gas demand was boosted by the 1980s’ oil
shock and has continued to grow. This growth is
due to the clear environmental advantage of natural
gas over other fossil fuels and its superior thermal
efficiency. Now, approximately 25% of energy
used in the United States is supplied by natural gas.
Texas alone uses more natural gas than the
combined countries of England and Japan [1].
LNG is commonly confused
with another form of natural
Petroleum Gas). LPG is a
mixture of mostly propane and butane in a liquid
form at room temperature under a moderate pressure
of 200 psi. (In European countries and possibly in
Korea, propane content in LPG is less than 50%, so
LPG can not be called a “liquefied propane gas”.)
Natural gas is used by the industry (40%),
residential (22%, for heating, cooling, and cooking),
business sector (15%), and electricity generation
plant (14%). It is also used as a raw material to
make paint, plastics, fertilizer, steel, fabrics, glass,
Unlike LPG, LNG is a natural gas that has been
cooled to the point that it condenses to a liquid
(called liquefaction), which occurs at -256oF (161oC) and at atmospheric pressure. It should be
noted that the gas mixture is not condensed by
pressurization. Liquefaction reduces the volume by
600 times, thus making it more economical to
transport. A specially designed LNG vessel is used
to deliver the LNG between the export and import
The shipped LNG has to be converted to gas (called
regasification) before sending it to the final
destination through the natural gas pipeline.
Natural gas demand will grow by more than 38% by
2025 [2]. One projection suggests that the United
States could face a gap in natural gas supply of
approximately 5 trillion cubic feet (tcf=1012cubic
feet) in 2020 [3]. This means that approximately
41.7 million US homes will not receive natural gas
since the average home in Houston uses about
120,000 cubic feet of natural gas per year.
To fill the gap between the natural gas demand and
supply, the investment on LNG (Liquefied Natural
gas) value chain and research on gas hydrates are
The LNG value chain can be divided into 4
• Exploration/Production (25%)
• Liquefaction (35%)
• Shipping (25%)
• Regasfication/Storage (15%)
LNG is simply a liquid form of natural gas,
primarily methane (CH4). Typical LNG consists of
95% methane and 5% ethane, propane, butane, and
nitrogen, while natural gas contains 82% of methane.
LNG is a clear, odorless, non-corrosive and nontoxic “cryogenic” (meaning low temperature below
-100oF) liquid. When natural gas is supplied to the
final users, a special chemical, mercaptan, is added
to give the natural gas its distinctive, unpleasant
smell so that a leak can be detected.
The percentage in the bracket represents the
breakdown of the overall LNG cost. LNG is cheaper
than transporting natural gas in offshore pipelines
for distances of more than 700 miles or in onshore
pipelines for distances greater than 2,200 miles. If
natural gas needs to be imported across the oceans,
LNG is the only solution. Most of modern LNG
ships can carry 1 million barrels of liquid or 3
billion cubic feet (bcf) of gas. This amount is
equivalent to the single-day gas needs of 9.1 million
Houston homes.
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
Most of the LNG imported to the US comes from
Oman, Libya, and Australia. The United States is
the 4th largest LNG importing country in the world.
Table 1 shows the top 5 countries involved in LNG
trade [4].
Future of LNG
Gas production in the United States has leveled off
and is expected to decline in the coming years.
Approximately 15% of natural gas used in the USA
is imported from Canada. However, the supply
piped in from Canada will be reduced due to the
increase in Canada’s domestic demand and declined
gas production. To meet the future natural gas
demand in the USA, two solutions are suggested;
Increase LNG import and develop a new energy
source such as gas hydrate.
Imported LNG currently accounts for only 1-2% of
the total US gas consumption. Experts predict it
could expand its market share to 10% by 2020. It is,
however, very hard and competitive to acquire
reliable and long-term LNG providers due to
politics and increasing gas demand worldwide. To
receive an increased LNG import, a sufficient
number of import terminals should be built.
Worldwide, there are 17 LNG export terminals, 40
import terminals, and more than 140 LNG ships.
Qatar plans to build 44 new LNG ships by 2020.
All ships will be built by three big shipbuilders in
Korea. There are about 200 “peakshaving” (gas
saving storage for peak demand) and LNG storages
across the globe. However, there are only 4 LNG
import terminals in the USA, mostly with a send-out
capacity of 1.0-1.2 bcfd (billion cubic feet per day).
As a reference, Korea has the second largest import
terminal (capacity of 3.0 bcfd) in the world,
followed by Japan (capacity of 3.7 bcfd).
Fortunately, since last year, three dozen terminals
have been approved or proposed in the USA [2].
The first offshore LNG terminal, called Energy
Bridge Deepwater Port, is in-service 116 miles off
from Louisiana coast since March 2005. The
world’s first LNG-RV (regasification vessel) called
Excelsior will be moored in this offshore terminal
and the regasified natural gas from the ship will be
transported through the offshore gas pipeline to the
onshore facility. The Excelsior, built by DSME in
Korea, has a storage capacity of 3.0 bcf and
offloading capacity of 0.5 bcfd. Seven vessels of
this size can supply enough LNG required by Korea
per year. The offshore LNG terminal is considered
as an attractive option in terms of safety from terror
Gas (Methane) Hydrate
Gas (Methane) hydrates are semi-solids which lock
up methane gas under suitable temperature and
pressure in an ice-like lattice of water molecules.
They are present virtually everywhere but especially
under deep ocean and permafrost (offshore Arctic)
in vast quantities. They are considered as a nextgeneration energy source because they do not create
carbon dioxide and are more plentiful than natural
gas. Experts predict that the gas hydrate has an
energy potential more than twice that of all other
fossil fuels combined.
Methane hydrate was discovered only a few decades
ago, and little research has been done until now.
Technology that is able to pull out the gas
inexpensively and safely does not exist. Because
methane is a greenhouse gas, release of even a small
percentage of total deposits could have a serious
effect on earth’s atmosphere and global warming.
During drilling operations, the freed gas may
explode and result in a loss of control of the well.
On a larger scale, the unstable offshore hydrate
layers could cause a tsunami.
The United States approved a $47.5 million
investment over five years towards methane
hydrates. Korea unveiled a plan to invest 45 billion
Won in the next 10 years to conduct a compressive
study on Dokdo, which possibly has large deposits
of gas hydrates able to relieve Korea of the need to
import LNG for the next 30 years [5]. This is one
reason why Japan is claiming that the Dokdo is their
Natural gas demand in the USA has continued to
grow after the 1980s’ oil shock. At present, the
USA relies on natural gas by approximately 25% of
energy consumption and this number will grow to
38% by 2025. To fill the gap between the natural
gas demand and supply, the investment on LNG
value chain and research on gas hydrates are
LNG is cheaper than transporting natural gas in
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
offshore pipelines for distances of more than 700
miles or in onshore pipelines for distances greater
than 2,200 miles. If natural gas needs to be
imported across the oceans, LNG is the only
solution. To receive an increased LNG import, a
sufficient number of import terminals should be
built. Currently, there are only 4 LNG import
terminals in the USA. Fortunately, since last year,
three dozen terminals have been approved or
proposed in USA.
Gas (Methane) hydrate is an ice-like semi-solid
formation of water and methane and can be found
virtually everywhere but especially under deep
ocean and permafrost (offshore Arctic) in vast
quantities. They are considered as a next-generation
energy source because they do not create carbon
dioxide and are more plentiful than natural gas.
However, no one knows how to pull out the gas
inexpensively and safely. Continuous research and
development on gas hydrates will relieve the USA
from the dependence on foreign gas import.
[1] Texas Shores, Texas Sea Grant College
Program, Winter 2005
[3] “Introduction to LNG,” Institute for Energy,
University of Houston Law Center, 2003
[4] 2004 LNG World Trade Poster, Oil & Gas
Journal, December 2004
Table 1
Rank of LNG Importing/Exporting Countries [4]
Trinidad/Tobago 11.2
* Based on 155.19 billion cubic meter of LNG
traded in 2003. Ranks lower than six are not shown
in the table.
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
Junghwa Oh Joins KSEA HQ
The KSEA is pleased to announce that Ms. Junghwa Oh joined the KSEA
HQ effective June 13, 2005. As Administrative Associate, she is
responsible primarily for KSEA HQ finance and database.
Ms. Oh graduated from Virginia Tech in May, 2005 with a B.A. degree in
Communications with Psychology Minor. She is fluent in both Korean and
English, and is proficient in Japanese.
Six-Month Audit
Two Auditors (Drs. Kang-Wook Lee and Young Ho Park) visited the KSEA HQ on January 29, 2005 to
conduct the six-month audit. At HQ they examined all financial and administrative records of the 33rd
Auditors with EC members of the 33rd Administration (From left to right, Front row: Auditor Kang-Wook Lee,
President Sung Won Lee, VP Kang-Won Lee, Auditor Young Ho Park, Second row: ID Minbo Shim, ED
Hyogang Chang, FD James Song, PD Jinho Kim)
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
EC Meeting Minute #3
33rd KSEA EC meeting #3
Place: KSEA Headquarters & Teleconference
Date: 9am~12pm (Eastern), Saturday, September 25,
President (Prof. Sung Won Lee), President-Elect*
(Prof. Kwang-Hae Kane Kim), VP* (Prof. KangWon Wayne Lee), ED (Dr. Hyokang Chang), FD
(Dr. James Song), PD (Dr. Jinho Kim)
*Attendance via teleconferencing.
1. Opening
a. Meeting Agenda
i. Reviewed and approved meeting agenda
prepared by President Lee.
ii. Approved EC #2 meeting minutes.
2. Report form the Presidential Council
a. President
i. Reported the visit to KOFST London
meeting including meeting with president of
other countries.
ii. Reviewed the overall performance of
UKC2004 and follow-up activities.
iii. Presented that 2005 YGTLC, arranged by
Dr. Hosin Lee, will be financially supported
by HQ.
iv. Reported the Council’s resolution on the
petition issue.
b. President-Elect
i. Reported the fund raising activities and
plans for UKC-2005.
c. Vice President
i. Reported that the fund for Shoon Kyung
Kim scholarship reached $20,283. PE
suggested that the fund is mature enough to be
awarded as Shoon Kyung Kim Scholarship.
VP suggested that HQ may ask for the opinion
of Dr. Kim’s family. PE suggested the extra
fund drive to reach $25,000.
ii. Reported the initiation activities of local
chapter revivals: Philadelphia (Chapter 16),
Georgia/Atlanta (Chapter 3).
iii. Reported the meeting plan of the local
chapter presidents and informed that the
meeting coordinator may submit a proposal
for the HQ support.
iv. Confirmed that the information database
from the previous NMC, provided by PE, was
placed at the Web page. Suggested to confirm
service terms of NMC contest committee
d. Executive Director
i. Reviewed the Council meeting decisions
and reported actions taken up to now:
- Notified approved committees members.
- Notified approved 2005 KSEA election
- Elected budget and audit committee chair.
ii. Reported the current status of GEM-SET II
- Activity report from Chicago was
- Activity reports from Texas and Florida
were expected at the end of November.
- If necessary, KSEA might have to ask
Department of Labor for extension of the
report deadline.
- PE suggested the follow-up effort for
continuation of the GEM-SET.
iii. Reported that the draft for Employment
Agreement for KSEA staff was ready.
e. Financial Director
i. Reported the checking account accounts, the
CD balances, and money market investments
for 32nd and 33rd Administrations.
ii. Reported UKC-2004 financial status.
f. Publication Director
i. Reported the status of the KSEA letters
Vol.33 No.1 (UKC-2004 Special).
g. Information Technical Director
i. Reported the updates on the technical
information feature at web site.
ii. Reported that all of contents will be posted
thru the Headquarter review.
iii. Reported the web improvements.
h. Membership Items(by President)
i. Reported that the on-line membership
directory needed to be updated for email
addresses and phone numbers.
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
ii. Emphasized the need for membership
directory update and improvement. Suggested
to encourage the local student chapters to
provide the update information for the KSEA
directory. Suggested two chapters (Maryland
and UCI) to test the program.
iii. Proposed the new corporate membership
- Nonprofit (Government /Institutions) :
- Private Corporation : $1500.00
The proposal was approved by EC.
i. Actions on Requests for Financial Support
i. Approved to support YG student chapters
(Univ. California at San Diego and Univ. of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) $500.00 each.
ii. Approved to support the central Penn
chapter establishment with $500.00.
iii. Approved to support the Korean
Statisticians in America with $300.00.
3. Next EC meeting
a. Next 33rd EC meeting is planned for January 8,
EC Meeting Minute #4
33rd KSEA EC meeting #4
Place: KSEA Headquarters & Teleconference
Date: 10am~5pm (Eastern), Saturday, January 29,
President (Prof. Sung Won Lee), President-Elect
(Prof. Kwang-Hae Kane Kim), VP (Prof. KangWon Wayne Lee), ED (Dr. Hyokang Chang), FD
(Dr. James Joo-Suk Song), MD (Prof. Hyung-Min
Michael Chung), ID* (Dr. Minbo Shim), PD (Dr.
Jinho Kim)
1. Opening
a. Meeting Agenda
i. Reviewed and approved meeting agenda
prepared by President Lee.
ii. Added the support for America-Korea joint
venture to the action item.
b. Approved EC #3 meeting minutes.
2. Report form the Presidential Council
a. President
i. Reported the petition status and discussed
the ways to forward the petition to ADC.
- Confirmed number of petitioners is 11
out of 20, which satisfies the requirement
for the minimum number of petitioner.
- Due to the conflict of interest of the
current ADC chair, ADC will be chaired
by a new person.
- Proposed that the deadline for the
evaluation of petition by ADC be April 15
2005 for report to the Council meeting in
August 2005.
ii. Reported that Council members approved
Prof. Ken Yu with 28 votes to serve as new
ADC member to replace Dr. Youngho Park
who was elected Auditor.
iii. Suggested that 2005 KSEA awards
emphasize excellence by reducing the number
of awards. The further issues will be discussed
after reviewing the award guideline.
b. President-Elect
i. Reported 2005 YGTLC activities and
recommended a systematic support for future
ii. Reported the status of UKC-2005
preparation and encouraged the service of
current EC member participation.
iii. KOFST Conference was discussed, and
VP suggested President and President-elect to
participate in the preparation phase to
represent KSEA professionally.
c. Vice President
i. Reported that the fund for Shoon Kyung
Kim scholarship reached $26,000 with the
additional fund of $5,713 by President’s fund
raising effort.
ii. Discussed about the eligibility of
scholarship and confirmed that the scholarship
is merit-based.
iii. Reported that the number of scholarships
could be doubled.
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
iv. Reported that 20 local chapters plan to
participate in the 4th National Math
Competition (NMC2005), and Canadian
counterparts may join us.
v.Reported that Contest committee decided to
provide the last year’s NMC problem set to
United Kingdom KSEA.
vi. Reported that two local chapter revivals
efforts were going well: Philadelphia (Chapter
16) and, Georgia/Atlanta (Chapter 3).
vii. Reviewed the supports status of local
chapters, YG student chapters, and
professional Org.
d. Executive Director
i. Reported the elections:
- Nomination Committee Chair.
- Former President Councilors Election.
- Election Committed Chair.
- Technical Cooperation Committee Chair.
ii. Reported the approval of Council Meeting
iii. Reported the status of GEM-SET II
iv. Reported the status of General Election
v. Reported that the Employment Agreement
for KSEA staff was complete.
e. Financial Director
i. Reported and reviewed the checking
accounts, the CD balances, and money market
investments for 33rd Administrations.
ii. Reported
- UKC-2004 and Council Meeting
- KSEA 6 months Audit Preparation
- Financial Status of the 1st and 2nd QTRs.
- 2005 YGTLC Subsidy
- 2004 Chapter Presidents Meeting
iii. Reported that the projected transfer fund to
34th EC from 33rd EC might be $30,000.
iv. Proposed to transfer the scholarship funds
to a low risk bond market.
f. Publication Director
i. Reported the completion of the KSEA
letters Vol.33 No.1 (UKC-2004 Special).
Planed to check with Kevin Cho about the
lost-in-mail of KSEA letters.
ii. Reported that the projected editing deadline
for Vol. 33. No.2 was April 30th 2005.
g. Information Technical Director
i. Proposed the change of Internet routing
service to increase the efficiency.
ii. Proposed to develop the membership
directory in e-book format.
h. Membership Director
i. Reported that the paid-member increased
from 840 members to 1002 members.
Outstanding local chapters in membership are
North Carolina and Washington Metro.
Needed to encourage Northern Virginia and
Central Illinois.
ii. Reported to update the membership
directory and suggested to publish with ebook format
i. Actions Items
i. Approved to support Midwest chapter
conference with $500..
ii. IT director proposed to develop Venture
Support Initiative. Agreed to initiate with
organizing the related section for UKC-2005.
iii. Proposed to initiate a student-mentoring
program by collecting ideas from local
3. Next EC meeting
a. Next 33rd EC meeting is planned for April 9,
EC Meeting Minute #5
33 KSEA EC meeting #5
Place: KSEA Headquarters & Teleconference
Date: 10am~12noon (Eastern), Saturday, April 30,
President (Prof. Sung Won Lee), President-Elect
(Prof. Kwang-Hae Kane Kim), VP (Prof. KangWon Wayne Lee), ED (Dr. Hyokang Chang), FD
(Dr. James Joo-Suk Song), MD* (Prof. Hyung-Min
Michael Chung), ID (Dr. Minbo Shim)
*Attendance via teleconferencing
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
1. Opening
a. Meeting Agenda
Reviewed and approved meeting agenda
prepared by President Lee.
b. Approved EC #4 meeting minutes.
2. Report form the Presidential Council
a. President
i. Reported that a letter was sent in early
March to Dr. Howard Chung, new ADC Chair,
tasking ADC to handle the petition case but
no tangible progress had been made. With EC
approval, another letter directing ADC to
complete the work by a newly set deadline
will be sent to ADC.
ii. A proposal for e-Directory was sent to
KOFST with a request for support of $40,000.
b. President-Elect
i. Reported the status of UKC-2005
ii. Reported on his fund raising trip to Korea
c. Vice President
i. Fourteen recipients for KUSCO/KSEA
Scholarships, supported by KUSCO, have
been selected and announced.
ii. Seven recipients of KSEA Scholarships
have been selected and announced. It was
noted that one of the recipients was a Rhode
iii. About 2,000 students from 20 local
chapters participated in the 2005 National
Math Competition (NMC2005). National level
winners will soon be determined and
announced. Southern California Chapter had
the highest number of participants with 351.
iv. Georgia Chapter and Philadelphia Chapter
have been revived with selection of chapter
presidents. Both chapters participated in
NMC2005. Central Illinois Chapter selected
chapter president and will hold a meeting in
d. Financial Director
Financial situation is healthy compared with the
previous administration and about $50,000 will
be transferred to the next administration.
e. Information Technical Director
Passwords will be used to control access
privilege of the planned e-Books.
f. Membership Director
i. Reported that about 1200 ballots were
mailed out for the 2005 election.
ii. Reported existing problems associated with
the process of transitioning database from
Access and Quicken to web base system.
Suggested a face-to-face meeting among EC
member to discuss and resolve any issues
3. Actions Item
The proposal for establishment of Mississippi
Branch will be presented to the 2005 Council
4. Next EC meeting
a. Next 33rd EC meeting is planned for June 26,
2005 together with the transfer meeting.
Note: ED spent most of his time on ballot counting
of the KSEA election and could not participate in the
EC meeting.
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
The KWISE 2nd Meeting:
The KWISE 2nd meeting was held 7:00 –10:00 pm,
Thursday, January 20, 2005 at the Beckman Center,
TSRI. Korean dinner, generously provided by the
TSRI café, kicked off the second meeting of KWISE.
Following the opening remarks by Dr. Han, the
president of KWISE, a survey was conducted to
better serve the members. It was also discussed why
the members of KWISE should sign up as the
members of KSEA.
The theme of the second meeting was “Working in
Academia vs. Industry”, and the speakers presented
issues from each side.
The first presentation was titled Career
Development: Working in Academia, given by Dr.
Jungsook Cho. She talked about the obstacles of
becoming a woman scientist in the states and in
Korea. In order to succeed in the field of science as
women, Dr. Cho believes that we become confident
candidates by publishing as many papers as possible
and broadening network, just to list a few. She also
talked about pros and cons of being a professor.
The second speech, "How have the Expectations and
Aspirations of Women Engineers changed?" was
presented by Dr. Hee Koo Moon from Solar
Turbines. With the data gathered from different
sources, he showed how the number of women
engineers has increased over the years although only
half of those with bachelor's degree seem to further
pursue their career. Dr. Moon concluded his
presentation with pragmatic roles and challenges one
might face while working in the industry. Whereas
academia stresses on discoveries and development of
new technologies, industry stresses on profit and
cost-efficiency of the technologies.
After the short break, Prof. Paeng, Gi Jung presented
under a topic of, “Visions on working in Academia
or Industry”. He explained the advantages and
disadvantages of working in the Academia and
Industry. In addition, he also pointed out the other
opportunities such as working in the government or
starting own venture company.
The meeting ended around 10pm. Although the
meeting went a bit long, the time really flew quickly
as we enjoyed the seminars so much. We greatly
appreciate Prof. Cho, Dr. Moon and Prof. Paeng for
their wonderful presentations. We look forward to
seeing each of you soon in the next meeting.
-Julia Kim
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
questions regarding study section and review process
can be answered by SRA.
The KWISE 3rd Meeting:
The KWISE 3rd meeting was held 6:00 –9:00 pm,
Saturday, June 11, 2005 at the Beckman Center,
TSRI. The career development seminar was
followed by Korean dinner (Gim-bob and drink),
provided by KWISE and KSEA-SD. Dr. Han,
president of KWISE, hosted the speaker, Dr. Sooja
K. Kim, who is Chief of Endocrinology, Metabolism,
Nutrition and Reproductive Sciences, Center for
Scientific Review (CSR) at NIH. The seminar
entitled “How to Prepare a Successful NIH Grant
Proposal” provided the overview of the review
process for a research grant and expert
recommendations for the grant writing and
submission. Dr. Kim also spoke about common
problems in grant applications and tips for
resubmitting if revision becomes necessary.
According to Dr. Kim, each grant application is
received and processed by CSR and assigned to one
of the IRG’s study sections, composed of about 20
reviewers. Scientific Review Administrators (SRA),
like Dr. Kim, select three major reviewers who
would review the grant in detail and discuss its
scientific merit with the rest of the members in the
study section. Keeping a close contact with the SRA
can be helpful for the applicants since many of the
Some of the common problems in applications
which CSR frequently encounters are the following:
1) diffuse, superficial, or unfocused research plan; 2)
unrealistically large amount of work; 3) uncertainty
concerning future directions. Furthermore, Dr. Kim
conveyed the importance of having concise but
relevant Specific Aims that are clearly addressed by
each of the listed experiments. For the first time
applicants, having a strong departmental or
institutional support, as well as qualified
collaborators or consultants, is crucial.
Overall, the KWISE 3rd meeting was extremely
informative and beneficial. The handouts of the
slides were helpful as they allowed us to easily
follow the presentation and keep the detailed
information. After the presentation, Dr. Kim kindly
answered all of the questions from the audience with
great detail. We thank Dr. Kim for taking her time to
provide us with an excellent opportunity to learn
essential features of grant writing.
We look forward to seeing you all again at the next
KWISE event.
-Sohye Kang
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
New Jersey Chapter
KSEA-NJ chapter is very active in many areas of
professional activities, social events and community
services. The followings are NJ chapter major
activities in chronological order.
KSEA-NJ chapter fall picnic
The annual fall picnic was held in scenic Donaldson
Park in October, 2004. All members and families
have one good day out with lots of food, games,
music and raffles. Each year, 30 to 50 people
participate in the fall picnic.
Korean American Math and Science Olympiad
(KMSO) is one of the big chapter events. KMSO-05
was held in Lehman College (NY) and Rutgers
University (NJ) on November 20th, 2004. Over 600
students in the 4th to 11th grade (math and science
combined) participated in the contest from the NY
and NJ area. Also it included parent program and
culture program to enrich the event. Over 100 staff
members along with many student volunteers
supported the event.
2005 New Year Banquet
KSEA-NJ, KSEA-NY and KASBP jointly hosted a
new-year banquet. Over 100 guests participated in
the event. It was an excellent occasion to meet and
get to know family members.
Ski Trip
Living in snow rich area in winter, we are fortunate
to have fun even in cold weather. Avid ski lovers
made two ski trips to nearby resorts, Pocono and
Hunter mountain. Over 20 members joined each trip.
Family Bowling
The family bowling is the most fun event in which
all members, spouse and kids can enjoy together.
Each year, over 100 people attend this family event.
Play, food, music, laugh and sigh, and abundant
raffles are all parts of this wonderful outing.
The North-East Regional Conference is the epitome
of KSEA-NJ. This two day technical seminar
provides a venue where all members across many
different subject areas share research ideas,
experience and thoughts as well as networking.
There were 5 technical Sessions in the fields of
Biological & Pharmaceutical Science, Advanced
Materials & Processing Technology, Information
Technology, Nutrition and Food Science, Civil &
Environmental Engineering. Over 30 papers of high
quality were presented. In total, over 200 people
participated in the event organized jointly by NY
Metro Chapter, NJ chapter and KASBP. We had an
honor to have Prof. S. W. Lee, KSEA President, at
the NRC05.
Technical Seminars
The KSEA-NJ holds a quarterly technical seminar
inviting industry known guest speakers or member
speakers. We have reached 20th seminar so far.
News Letter
KSEA-NJ issues a quarterly news letter, ECHOES,
to the members. It includes technical paper, activity
announcement and report, essay, and members’
news and many others.
NY Metro Chapter
1. Fall Picnic
- Date: September 20, 2004
- Place: Rockland Lake State Park, Congers, NY
- Sports activities: Volleyball, Jokgu, Softball,
Minisoccer, and children’s program
- Approximately 150 student members (Stevens tech,
Columbia, NJIT, Polytech, CCNY) and 60 Regular
members were attended.
- Dr. Sunghoon Kim was awarded an appreciation
plaque for his excellent contribution to the chapter,
and Stevens tech & Polytech won a championship
trophy for the sports activities.
2. The 10th Math and Science Olympiad (KMSO
- Date: November 20, 2004
- Place: Lehman College, Bronx, NY (NY Metro
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
area) / Rutgers Unv., New Brunswick, NJ (NJ area)
- The Olympiad was held jointly by NY Metro and
New Jersey chapters.
- The contest was open to the 4th through 11th graders,
and 502 students for the Math and 360 students for
the Science were attended and competed.
- The KMSO 2004 consisted of Math/Science test,
special lectures for parents, and a cultural event
(Korean traditional dress fashion show), and the
topics for the science competition were as follows.
Group A (4/5 grades): Airplane Flying
Group B (6/7/8 grades): Bridge Building
Group C (9/10/11graddes): Egg Drop
- 50 student members and 40 regular members were
volunteered for the event.
- Three highest-score achievers and some most
improved students (Total of 90 students) won LG
scholarship, Image Solution Scholarship, Coby
Scholarship and certificates.
- Sponsored by LG Electronics USA, Image
Solution, Coby Electronics and additionally funded
by Korean consulate and many local sources.
- Website:
Ceremony & Luncheon
02:00 pm – 06:30 pm Special Social
Events (Golf, Tennis, swimming etc.)
- About 220 members and their family were
3. Annual Award Banquet
- Date: Jan. 16, 2005
- Place: Daewon Palisadium, NJ
- Attendance: 92
Vice President Kang-Won Lee visited the
Philadelphia Chapter on January 30, 2005, after
attending the EC meeting #4. Vice President Lee
met seven key members at Han Wool restaurant, and
encouraged them to participate in the NMC2005,
and revive their Chapter. The response was very
positive, and they elected Prof. Mun Young Choi of
Drexel University as Chapter President, and Dr. Paul
Oh of Drexel University as Vice President. The
Philadelphia Chapter also participated in the
NMC2005 and plans to carry out vigorous
membership drive.
4. The 15th Northeast Regional Conference (NRC
- Date: May 21 – 22, 2005
- Place: Upstate NY
- Schedule at a glance
Friday May 21, 2005
06:00 pm – 07:00 pm Registration
07:00 pm – 10:00 pm Opening Ceremony
& Banquet
Saturday May 22, 2004
07:00 am – 08:00 am Registration &
08:00 am – 09:20 am General Session
(Bongsup Cho, Myung Jong Lee)
09:20 am – 09:30 am Coffee Break
09:30 am – 10:15 am Company
10:20 am – 12:30 pm Technical Sessions
(Bio & Pharmaceutical / Chem Eng &
Materia / CS & EE /
Telecommucnications / Civil Engineering)
12:30 pm – 02:00 pm Closing, Awards
5. Student Association Supports
About $5,000 was provided to the student
associations at NJIT, Polytech, SIT, Pace, Columbia.
6. General Meeting
- Date: June 30, 2005
- Place: Hanilkwan, NJ
- The following staffs and councilors were elected
for 2005-2006 administration.
President: Dr. Jeongsup Shim (NJIT)
Executive Vice President: Dr. Minho Sohn
Vice President: Dr. Sunghyuk Shin
- Expense: sponsored by Samsung Electronics
Philadelphia Chapter
Georgia Chapter
Vice President Kang-Won Lee visited Atlanta on
February 12, 2005 and met with about 20 people at a
meeting to revitalize the Georgia Chapter. They
elected the following officers:
Dr. Yooungja H. Park (Emory
Vice President: Dr. Jay H. Lee (Georgia Institute
of Technology)
Secretary: Mr. Jaesup Lee (Georgia Institute of
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
The Georgia Chapter participated in the NMC2005
for the first time. It turned out to be a very successful
event with more than 100 students. The Georgia
Chapter plans to have various meetings and
activities in the future.
Mississippi Branch
The KSEA is pleased to receive an application for
establishment of the Mississippi Branch from
scientists in Mississippi. Dr. Ken S. Lee has been
elected as President, Drs. Hakchul Shin, Sungbum
Hong, Hyunju Kim and Hyungchung Cho serve as
core members. Their immediate plan for spring
2005 was hosting the NMC on April 2, 2005, and a
Seminar for Dr. Hyunchung Cho in May, and one
picnic or dinner before June. The application will be
forwarded to the KSEA Council for formal
discussion and decision at the Council meeting
scheduled for August 14, 2005.
Central Illinois Chapter
The KSEA is pleased to report the recent revival of
Central Illinois Chapter thanks to the vigorous
effort by Prof. Ki Dong Lee at UIUC. They elected
Mr. Christopher Chul Ha of Caterpillar Inc. as the
Chapter President. They had their first staff meeting
among the 2005 officers and previous KSEA
officers on April 29, 2005. They also welcomed Dr.
Yu, Hyunung as the program director. They held the
second staff meeting in May to discuss the detail of
the chapter activity plan and monthly meetings in the
SW State Chapter
Total 85 students participated in the 2005NMC at
KSEA-SW State Chapter. KSEA-SW Chapter
started the academy contest 21 years ago and this
was the first year to join the NMC.
SW State Chapter NMC
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
North Texas Chapter
We are a dynamic KSEA organization from the
greater Dallas-Fort Worth area that aspire to
promote good fellowship among the members,
support the community, particularly education of the
young children, and advance science and
Key annual events include Fall and Spring Seminars,
National Math Competition and Spring Picnic. Our
seminars cover a broad range of topics: Imagine
lectures on a divine beauty of Suk-Kul-Am and its
structural challenges, amazing capability of a
tiltrotor aircraft that can best be described as a
hybrid between a helicopter and a plane, to
implications of drug discovery cost on healthcare.
Goals for the seminars are not just to exchange
useful technical information but to share the time
together with good food and social hour afterwards.
We consume over 300 pounds of the stuff. Corn
and potato are excellent compliments. If your
mouth and fingers didn’t turn red from the Cajun
spice, you didn’t eat enough. Prof. Gil S. Lee, the
past president of our chapter, is a designated cook
for the day and he is definitely a pro! Who brings
his own gear necessary for the boil? Dr. In Ho Kim
is our photographer.
He is always in the
background clicking shots whenever we sponsor
events like this. Once we are done eating, we get
down to the business of annual meeting and election.
A newly appointed vice president and presidentelect is Mr. Yo-Chuol Ho of TI.
Looking ahead in the coming year, in addition to the
events we routinely sponsor, we hope to broaden
our involvement in mentoring young children and
community work. We want to make a difference.
Esther K. Yang, PhD
North Texas Chapter, KSEA
Of course, the main event is the National Math
Incremental benefit we offer is
generous awards for the local winners particularly
through the financial sponsorship from Texas
Instruments, Samsung Telecom America, and Erik
Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer
Science at the University of Texas, Dallas. Each
participant receives UT Dallas T shirt, and the first,
second and third place winners from each grade
receive $150, $100 and $50, respectively. Both UT
Dallas and UT Arlington Korean-American students
actively support this event from classroom
monitoring and grading to real time report summary
and award preparation. While the test is in process,
we give a seminar to the parents. Last two years
were on practical tips on college admissions as well
as medical, dental and pharmacy school application
The most fun activity is our annual picnic held by
the shore of Lake Lewisville. About 100 family
members and friends attend. More important to
note is the unique experience we share. In keeping
up with the Southern tradition, we host the
“crawfish boil” fest and everyone digs into it with
no shame. Crawfish is a miniature version of
lobster but you need to work hard and eat lots of it!
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
The first KSEA President Shoon Kyung Kim
inducted to a Korea Science and Technology
Hall of Famer
Ministry of Science and
Technology, Korea and Korean
Academy of Science and
Technology announced that Prof.
Shoon Kyung Kim (1920~2003),
the first President of the KSEA,
was inducted to Korea Science
and Technology Hall of Fame.
Prof. Kim was born in Korea. He received his B.S.
degree from Osaka Imperial University, Osaka,
Japan, and his Ph.D. degree from Yale University,
New Haven, CT. Before coming to Temple
University, he was Professor at Seoul National
University and University of Louisville, KY. He was
also a visiting scholar at a number of universities
such as Brown Univ., Providence, RI; Lorentz
Institute, Univ. of Leiden, Netherlands; Physical
Chemistry Laboratory, Oxford Univ., England;
Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem, Israel.
He received the Korean National Academy of
Sciences Award and Gold medal of Korean
Chemical Society. He was decorated with the
highest national medal "Mu-Kung-Wha" by
Republic of Korea for his scientific contribution. He
was a senior fellow of Korean Academy of Science
and Technology.
Note: Dr. Matthew Kim, Prof. Shoon Kyung Kim’s
son, visited the KSEA HQ on March 14, 2005. He
also had a dinner meeting with President Sung Won
Lee. It was his first visit with the KSEA, and he left
with a highly positive impression of the KSEA.
The 13th KSEA President Chan-Mo Park –
Awarded Cheong-jo-keun-jeong Medal
Dr. Chan-Mo Park, President of Pohang University
of Science and Technology (POSTECH) was
awarded Cheong-jo-keun-jeong Medal, a first grade
medal, for his contributions to IT exchange between
South Korea and North Korea, and informationoriented nation at the ceremony of the 18th
Information Cultural Month held in Seoul COEX on
June 14 2005. He is an international authority on
information technology and is recognized for his
contributions to the development of Korean
information technology.
He was the first President of Tong-Il IT Forum for 4
years starting from 2000 and conducted cooperative
research on IT with North Korea. He graduated with
B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from Seoul
National University and received Ph.D. degree from
the University of Maryland in 1969. Since 2003, he
has been serving as the 4th President of POSTECH.
Laurel Yong-Hwa Lee, a Rhodes Scholar
The recipient of the Shoon Kyung Kim Scholarship
first awarded in 2005 is Ms. Laurel Yong-Hwa Lee,
a Rhodes Scholar and a recent graduate of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Laurel was an outstanding student at MIT where she
worked with Dr. Herman N. Eisen as an
undergraduate researcher to identify and characterize
an antigen processing pathway of soluble heatshock
fusion protein incorporated intodendritic cells. In
2003, she served as a medical coordinator for a
foundation in rural communities in Honduras where
she built strong relationships with single mothers
and children in orphanages and developed a deeper
appreciation for the public health system. This
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
experience helped her to develop a sense of
responsibility for addressing the challenges she
witnessed in the areas of infectious diseases, and she
decided to pursue a medical path to integrate her
training in basic science with the study of infectious
diseases that continue to be constant threats to the
lives of human beings around the world.
of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Laurel plans to pursue a Ph.D. degree in Infectious
Diseases at Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar.
She thinks that the furthering of her scientific
investigations in combination with clinical training
will be a natural extension of her intellectual and
personal pursuits at MIT. She will pursue a career as
a physician-scientist, contributing new innovations
to the medical world.
Prof. Hosin Lee - Road Engineering
Excellence Award from Korean Society of
Road Engineers
Prof. Kyung-Suk Kim receives the 2005
Hoam Prize for Engineering
Dr. Kyung-Suk Kim, Professor of Engineering at
Brown University, is the winner of the 2005 Hoam
Prize for Engineering. Prof. Kim was selected to
receive the prestigious prize for his outstanding
contributions to the new field of nano-mechanics,
particularly founding the frictional law of unicontact, through dislocation theory, explaining the
frictional phenomenon of the single point nanocontact.
Before joining Brown University in 1989, Prof. Kim
was a faculty member in the Department of
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at the University
He was born in Seoul, Korea in 1952. He graduated
from Seoul National University with B.S. and M.S.
degrees in Mechanical Engineering. He obtained his
Ph.D. degree in Solid Mechanics from Brown
University in 1980.
Prof. Hosin "David" Lee of University of Iowa
received the Road Engineering Excellence Award
from Korean Society of Road Engineers in
recognition of his innovative research on highway
pavement and excellence in publication and
professional service to enhance road engineering.
He is an internationally recognized expert in digital
pavement image analysis, infrastructure asset
management system and asphalt pavement recycling.
He is the Vice President of American Society of
Civil Engineers (ASCE)'s Committee on Highway
Prof. Lee has been active in serving KSEA as
President of Utah and Iowa City chapters, and Chair
of KSEA YG Committee. As Chair of KSEA YG
Committee, Prof. Lee participated at YGF-2004 as a
supervisor and organized the first Young Generation
Technical and Leadership Conference (YGTLC).
Recently, he has been elected as Auditor for KSEA.
Anycall SPH-V6050
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
List of New Members (Nov. 2004 - June 2005)
Kenneth S.
Central Virginia
North Carolina
C. Joon
Southern California
San Diego
Hyun Jin
Washington Metro
Yoon K.
SE Viginia
Sang Yeul
Yu Park
North Texas
Southern Viginia
Cyon LP-4100
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
Members can participate in numerous KSEA activities and events some of which are listed as follows :
Annual meeting & technical conference
National Mathematics Competition (for students in the 4th –11th grades)
Young Generation programs
Publication of KSEA Letters
Web and email service
Job referrals
Technical evaluation and consulting
Topical symposia/workshops
Database development
Sponsorship of conferences organized by Korean-American professional societies
KSEA Awards
Science & technology programs for general public
Membership Benefits
Leadership development through committee activities and conference organization: KSEA has 13
Technical Groups and 14 Standing Committees for your participation. You are welcome to organize technical
sessions at the annual U.S.-Korea Conference on Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship (UKC) or you
may organize a conference of your own.
Networking with other Korean-American scientists and engineers: Join the Technical Groups and
Committees, or come to the annual conference, UKC. The KSEA is unique in that its members come from all
fields of science and engineering. The UKC offers an excellent opportunity to learn about other fields than
your own
Use of KSEA Office while in DC: If you need a temporary office while in DC, please come to the KSEA
Headquarters office. No charge for the use of a computer and local calls. Nominal charges for other office
support or supplies.
Participation in technical evaluation and consulting: We will contact you when we need experts for these
Opportunities for community service: You may participate in community service activities of your chapter.
Or you may help with National Math Competition.
Information on professional opportunities in both U.S. and Korea Look for job openings on the KSEA
Awards program: KSEA honors members of distinguished records by presenting them with KSEA Awards.
Membership dues supporting your chapter: Most of your dues go back to your own chapter.
For membership application, visit and check ‘Membership’ in the menu for online application,
or call (703) 748-1221.
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
Join KSEA as a Corporate Member
To apply for membership, visit and check
‘Sponsors’ on the menu bar
Fax or mail the application
form to
ƒ Recognition as a corporate member
with the corporate link on the KSEA
1952 Gallows Rd., Suite 300,
Vienna, VA 22182
ƒ Positions open announcements on the
KSEA website
Membership Fees:
ƒ Free subscription to KSEA Letters
$1,500 for companies
$1,000 for research institutions
ƒ One full-page advertisement
announcement in KSEA Letters
ƒ Referral service for technical expertise
Please sponsor the Annual U.S.- Korea
Conference on Science, Technology,
and Entrepreneurship (UKC). UKC
sponsor automatically becomes our
cooperate member for the year.
ƒ Recognition as a corporate member at
the KSEA Annual Conference
Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association
1952 Gallows Rd., Suite 300, Vienna, VA 22182
Tel: (703) 748-1221 Fax: (703) 748-1331
E-mail: Web: http://
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
Guideline for Articles in KSEA Letters (Use 14-Point)
Editor-in-Chief (Use Times New Roman 12-point bold)
1952 Gallows Rd. Suite 300
Vienna, VA 22182(Use 12 point)
ABSTRACT (11-point Bold)
(11 -point Italic) The purpose of this document is to
provide authors a set of guidelines to assist in
formatting their paper. The full manuscripts must be
no more than 8-pages.
The KSEA Letters is an official publication of the
KSEA. It carries two groups of articles: (1)
overview science/technology trends and (2) member
and chapter news, etc. The papers in the first group
are of a fairly broad scope, thereby appealing to an
audience of wider spectrum.
The paper size should be 8.5 by 11.0 inch. The top
and bottom margins are to be set to 1 inch and the
left and right margin are to be set to 0.75 inch. The
Gutter should be set to 0.25 inch. Use a clear 11point typeface/font (Times New Roman is preferred).
The text should be in two columns with a 0.25-inch
spacing, both right and left justified. No headers or
footers should be included. No page numbers should
be applied.
1. The title should be centered, bold, 14-point font.
2. Authors and associations should be centered,
bold, and 12-point. Do not include phone
numbers, fax numbers, e-mail or web sites in the
author section. These contact information, if
desired, will be added into biography section.
3. First-order headings should be all capitals and in
bold, and left justified.
SUBHEADINGS (12-point)
1. Second-order headings should have first letters
of words capitalized and in bold, left justified.
2. Third-order headings should have first letters of
words capitalized, left justified.
Insert a blank line between paragraphs. Paragraphs
should not be indented. Use a single line space in
Formats for captions and numbering are as follows:
1. Table caption should begin with "Table"
followed by an Arabic numeral and appear
centered above the table. Tables should be
numbered consecutively throughout the text.
The caption of the table should begin with a
capital letter and end with a period.
2. Figure caption should begin with "Figure"
followed by an Arabic numeral and appear
centered below the figure. Figures should be
numbered consecutively throughout the text.
The caption of the figure should begin with
capital letter and end with a period.
3. Equations should be numbered, e.g. (34), with
the number being right justified. The equation
should be centered.
Journal and book references should be identified in
the text by enclosing in brackets [1] and should be
numbered in order. References should be listed at
the end of paper using the following style:
1. Hahn, H.T. "A Practical Guide to Design,", J.
Cellular Plastics, 3, p432-455 (1998).
2. Quellette, R.P. and P.N. Doe., Applications of
biotechnology, Technomic Pub. Co., PA, 1985:
A biography (max. 200 word) and picture should be
included here for each author.
To assist the integration of the KSEA Letters, papers
are to be submitted in electronic format. The order of
preference is Microsoft Word (Office 2000 or
Papers can be sent via e-mail to or on 3.5" PC compatible floppy
disks to Editor-in-Chief, 1952 Gallows Rd., Suite
300, Vienna, VA 22182
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
As author of the paper entitled:
To appear in the KSEA Letters published by the Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association
(KSEA) hereby agree to the following:
1. This paper is unclassified (for public release) and has been cleared by the appropriate agencies,
company, or government. It has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
2. This paper represents original work by the author(s). No portion of the material is covered by a prior
copyright; or for any portion copyrighted, the author has obtained permission in its use.
3. I assign copyright to my paper to KSEA, giving the Association all rights to it except that I and the
organization by which I was employed at the time I wrote the manuscript have the right to further
reproduction, in part or in full, provided that they are not for sale.
The copyright notice will read “Copyright by the Korean-American Scientist and Engineers
Association. All rights reserved.”
Please sign and date this form and retain a copy for your records. Please include original form with your paper.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Send with your manuscript to:
Editor-in-Chief of KSEA Letters
1952 Gallows Rd., Suite 300
Vienna, VA 22182
Phone: 703-748-1221
Fax: 703-748-1331
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
“Open, Innovation, Creation”
인재가 미래를 깨운다.
과학기술이 국가의 미래를 깨운다.
DGIST 와 함께 무한한 가능성에 도전하십시오.
세부전공 및 기술
Embeded OS, 정보기기용 S/W, 이동통신
S/W 분야
S/W(L1, L2 포함), 실시간 3D Graphics 등
Electronics 응용 분야반도체 설계, 무선통신 설계, D-TV 설계 등
평판디스플레이 회로설계기술,
연 Display 분야
제품 설계기술 및 공정 기술 등
CAN 응용(예측설계) 네트워크, 지능형 진단
Mechatronics 분야
시스템, 텔레매틱스 기술 등
나노 소재기술, 나노 응용기술, 기능성 섬유
섬유-신소재 분야
관련 기술 등
Bioelectronics, Molecular Biology,
B.T 분야
Molecular Genetics
□ 자격기준
○ 4 년제 정규대학교 졸업이상의 학력 소지자 (2006 년 2 월 졸업예정자 포함)
○ 산업체, 벤처기업 및 연구기관 등에서의 실무 경험자 우대
□ 전형방법
○ 1 차 : 서류전형
○ 2 차 : 면접전형(1 차 전형 합격자에 한하여 개별 통보)
○ 최종합격자 발표 : 개별통보
□ DGIST 지원 프로그램
- 성과급(Incentive) 제도에 의한 충분한 보상을 통하여 국가
출연 연구기관중 최고 수준을 지향
- 기술료 수입에 따른 연구장려금 지급
- 우수 연구인력에 대한 국내외 석․박사 대학원 진학과정 지원
- 인근 대학 겸임교수 제도 운영
- 능력개발을 위한 해외연수 제도
- 국내외 유수기관 위탁교육 실시
- 원내 자체 학습․연구조직 지원
※ 상세 내용은 연구원 홈페이지(를 참조하시기 바랍니다.
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
차세대 생산기술연구 전문가 초빙
실용화 연구개발의 요람인 한국생산기술연구원이 21세기 차세대생산기술개발을 주도할 의욕적이고
책임감 있는 주역을 초빙합니다.
1. 모집분야 및 응시자격
분 야
디스플레이/반도체장비 제조시스템
마이크로 MEMS(산업용잉크젯, 마이크로유체)
나노입자 제조공정 및 소재(태양열/연료전지/복합소재)
열공학(IT용 냉각기술)
환경공학(자원순환기술, 재제조, EIP, DfE)
(환경에너지촉매, 나노화학기술, 고분자재료, 유기합성)
정밀접합용접(전자패키징, 용접자동화)
생산IT(금형해석, 성형해석, 협업모델구축)
생산기반기술 정밀Shaping(금형가공, 성형가공, 기계가공)
MEMS기술(기능금속, 소형연료전지패키징)
금속재료(경량소재, 생체재료, 표면처리, 생산공정)
전기전자재료(전자디바이스용재료, 에너지변환소자)
의료용 및 전자재료용 섬유소재
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
(각 분야 ○명)
* 공통자격 : - 병역필 또는 면제자로서 국가공무원법 제33조에 의한 결격 해당사유가 없는 자
(전문연구요원은 전직가능)
- 연구실적우수자(논문, 특허 등), 영어능통자, 현장 및 연구소근무 경력자 우대
- 국가보훈자는 관계법령에 따라 우대
2. 전형방법
z 1차 : 서류전형(합격자개별통지)
z 2차 : 면접전형(서류전형 합격자에 한함)
면접장소 : UKC 2005 회의장내 (UC Irvine Campus)
면접일시 : 2005년 8월 11일 이후
)구체 장소 및 시간은 추후 공지 및 개별 연락 예정
3. 채용조건
z 고용형태 : 계약제, 연봉제
4. 제출관련사항 및 문의
z 제출서류 및 작성방법 : 한국생산기술연구원 홈페이지(를 통하여 접수
- 응시원서
- 이력서
- 연구실적 목록(해당자)
- 자기소개서(실무경력 및 업적을 중심으로 A4용지 2매 이내로 작성)
z 제출기한 : 2005년 8월 4일(목)까지
* 해당분야 인력충원이 미달될 경우에는 별도의 공고 없이 수시로 모집함
z 문 의 처 : +82-41-5898-129
5. 근무조건 및 근무지
z 근무시간 : 평일 09:00∼18:00, 주5일 근무
z 근 무 지 : 충남 천안, 인천 송도, 시화, 안산, 광주 등
z 출퇴근버스 운영 : 서울(사당, 교대), 천안, 평택
6. 기타사항
z 제출된 서류는 반환하지 않으며, 제출된 서류의 기재내용이 사실이 아닐 경우
채용을 취소함
2005. 7. 21.
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
Hyundai Motors
SK Telecom
DongYang Engineering & Construction Corp.
(동양고속 & 건설)
LG Electronics
KITECH (한국생산기술연구원)
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
Korean Air
Kyungpook National University
The Global Network of Korean Scientists &
Overseas S&T Information Dept., KISTI
Small Business Corporation
Int'l cooperation Team
CJ Corporation
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association
1952 Gallows Road, Suite 300, Vienna, VA 22182
Tel: 703-748-1221 Fax: 703-748-1331
Email: Web:
Executive Committee(33rd Administration)
President: Sung Won Lee, University of Maryland, College Park,
(O) 301-405-1128, (H) 301-299-5879,
President-Elect: Kwang-Hae (Kane) Kim, University of
(O) 949-824-5542, (H) 949-856-2664,
Vice President: Kang-Won Wayne Lee, University of Rhode
(O) 401-874-2695, (H) 401-789-5127,
Executive Director: Hyokang Chang, Combasis Tech. Inc,
(O) 301-468-9487, (H) 301-765-9112,
Finance Director: James Joo-Suk Song, National Center for
Biotechnology Information, NIH,
(O) 301-435-5928, (C) 215-776-1202,
Membership Director: Hyung-Min Michael Chung, California
State University at Long Beach, (O) 562-985-7691,
(H) 562-802-8393,
Publications Director: Jinho Kim, Swales Aerospace Inc.,
(O) 301-902-4619,
Information Director: Minbo Shim, General Dynamics,
(C) 443-745-0555, (H) 410-750-0069,
Headquarter Staff
Administrative Manager: Ashley Kim, (O) 703-748-1221,
Administrative Associate: Joyce Lee, (O) 703-748-1221,
Young Ho Park, (O) 818-354-5170,
Kang-Wook Lee, (O) 914-945-3070,
Kwang Woong Won, (O) 949-349-5312,
Group G: Chemical Engineering, Textile Engineering, Nuclear
Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Applied
Byong Kwon Cho, 586-986-1318,
Dong Woo Yu, 201-248-2060,
Group H: Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering,
Naval Architecture
John Jong Hyun Jung, 714-565-7127,
Seik Oh, 949-250-2784,
Kenneth H. Yu, 301-405-1333,
Group I: Materials Science, Metallurgy, Mining Engineering
Byung H. Kim, 413-545-2005,
Group J: Civil Engineering, Architecture, Environmental
Chong Do Dennis Lee, 626-448-7870,
June Key Lee, 614-292-7371,
Group K: Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Communication Engineering
Ki Wook Kim, 919-515-5229,
Kangil(Chris) Choe, 201-567-7900 ext 401,
Myung Jong Lee, 212-650-7260,
Group L: Computer Science, Systems Engineering
Byung Guk Kim, 978-934-4000,
Tae Wan Ryu, 714-278-7231,
Sang Hyuk Son, 434-982-2205,
Group M: Industrial Engineering and Mgmt Science
Hyung-Min Michael Chung, 562-985-7691,
Ex-President Councilors
Elected Councilors
Group A: Physics
Seung Soo Yun, 480-283-9806,
Chueng-Ryong Ji, 919-571-7195,
Group B: Chemistry
Gye Won Han, 310-206-8270,
Chang Hum Paik, 301-496-1427,
Group C: Mathematics, Geology, Meteorology, Statistics,
Hoon Hong, 919-513-2109,
Sin-Ho Jung, 919-668-8658,
Group D: Biology, Botany, Zoology, Biomedical Engineering,
Genetic Engineering
Kwang-Soo Kim, 617-855-2024,
Se-Kyung Oh, 617-332-6452,
Group E: Agriculture, Ecology, Food, Nutrition
Young-Zoon Lee, 513-247-3624,
Group F: Medical Science, Pharmaceutical Science,
Veterinary Medicine, Physical Education
Seong-Jin Kim, 301-496-8350,
Hemin Chin, 301-402-0528,
Howard H. Chung, MITEC Int’l Inc., (O) 630-886-6033,
(H) 630-961-1321
Quiesup Kim, JPL/NASA, (O) 818-354-8612, (H) 818-248-6057,
Ki Dong Lee, UIUC, (O) 217-244-0421, (H) 217-344-2902,
Chapter Presidents
Vice Chair
Sunghoon Choi,
Ounyoung Park,
Bruce C. Kim, 480-965-3749,
Austin TX(24) Wonhui Cho, 512-656-2998,
Baltimore(31) Minbo Shim, 443-745-0555,
Central IA(53) K. Yoon, 515-294-1083,
Central PA(1) You Song Kim, 610-967-2689,
Central TX(25) Khee Choon Rhee, 409-845-2741,
Central VA(41) Yong Il Kim, 804-924-2786,
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
Iowa City(52)
Kyoung-Shin Choi, 765-494-0049,
Tae-Hong Lim, 319-335-5810,
Jong Il Lee, 785-864-3086,
Jong Pil Yoon, 337-482-6765,
Jaewu Choi, 313-577-3990,
Mid MO(54)
Uee Wan Cho, 573-882-3778 ,
Midwest Reg.(07) Kyung Ook Lee, 630-252-9403,
Wooseung Kang, 651-704-5680,
NE New York(38) Young Uk Yim, 518-276-6916,
New England(09) Jae Hyun Cho, 617-949-1240,
New Jersey(10) Chang Heung Kim,
New Mexico(45) Min Park, 505-667-5701,
Byung-Kee Baik, 509-335-8230,
NY Metro(11)
Sunghoon Choi,
N. Carolina(12) Sung Ho Yoon,
N. Florida(59)
Kyungjeen Park,
N. Texas(40)
Gil Sik Lee, 972-883-4753,
Northern CA(13) Myung Rhee, 650-604-3646,
B. K. Chun, 614-451-8330 ext 101,
Jaeyong Kim, 405-744-5910,
Pacific NW(15)
Alex Toohwan Choe, 206-374-2855,
Rolla, MO(35)
Paul Nam, 573-341-4538,
Sacramento(58) Francis I. Chung, 916-653-5924,
San Diego(60)
Te-Won Lee,
SE VA(39)
Jae Tae Seo, 757-727-5149,
Han Ko, 314-432-2074,
St. Louis(17)
Southern CA(18) Kwang Il Lee, 213-620-2269,
Southern VA(49) Jahng S. Park, 540-231-5379,
SW State(19)
Hoon Park,
Tennessee(32) Jae H. Park, 865-974-3035,
Upstate NY(20) Young B Moon, 315-443-2649,
Wash. Metro(21) Bong Tae Han, 301-405-5255,
W. VA(29)
Eun Ha Cho,
Ki Uck Lee, Marquett Univ., 312-787-7060,
Young Bae Kim, USC, 213-740-2311,
Sang Il Choi, POSTECH, 919-968-3487,
Kwang Bang Woo, Yonsei Univ., +82-2-361-2767,
Yong Nak Lee, HTRD, 847-577-5967,
Kyungsik Kang, Brown Univ., 401-863-1468,
Jae Young Park, NC State Univ., 919-848-6110,
Chan-Mo Park, POSTECH, +82-54-279-2001,
Dong Han Kim, POSTECH, +82-54-279-2101,
Ki-Hyon Kim, NC Central Univ., 919-530-6451,
Soon Kyu Kim, Univ. of CT, 508-655-3233,
Kwang Kuk Koh, Chrysan Ind., 734-451-5411 ext 203,
Chin Ok Lee, Rockefeller Univ., 212-327-8617,
Chai Chin Suh, 610-678-0534,
Moo Young Han, Duke Univ., 919-660-2575,
Kun Sup Hyun, Polymer Processing Institute, 973-596-3267,
Hyo-gun Kim, K-JIST, +82-62-970-2310,
Moon Won Suh, NC State Univ., 919-515-6580,
Dewey Doo-Young Ryu, UC Davis, 530-752-8954,
Saeyoung Ahn, Seoul Nat’l Univ., 301-469-7912,
Kyong Chul Chun, Argonne Nat. Lab, 202-488-2435,
Ki Dong Lee, Univ. of Illinois, 217-244-0421,
Hong Taik (Thomas) Hahn, UCLA, 310-456-5007,
Howard Ho Chung, MITEC Int’l Inc., 630-886-6033,
Nak Ho Sung, Tufts University, 617-627-3447,
Chan I. Chung, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
Quiesup Kim, JPL/NASA, 818-354-8612,
Ex-Presidents (deceased)
Shoon Kyung Kim
Inyong Ham
Chong Wha Pyun
Hogil Kim
Je Hyun Kim
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)
KSEA Letters, Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2005)