2014 Product Guide 2 0 14 P ro du ct G u id e
2014 Product Guide 2 0 14 P ro du ct G u id e
2014 Product Guide 2014 Product Guide New – see page 10 Come home to Denby... PA G E 4 About Denby O U R H I S TO RY – P4 M A D E I N E N G L A N D – P6 2 5 Y E A R C E L E B R AT I O N S – P 8 PA G E 1 0 New Ranges M A L M O – P 10 C O O K & D I N E – P12 PA G E 1 4 Tableware A Z U R E – P 14 C O O K & D I N E – P16 G R E E N W I C H – P2 0 H A LO – P2 2 T H E H E R I TA G E C O L L E C T I O N – P2 4 I M P E R I A L B L U E – P2 6 J A M E S M A RT I N – P2 8 J E T – P30 L I N E N – P3 2 M A L M O – P3 4 M O N S O O N – P3 6 M U G S – P4 2 P R A L I N E – P4 4 R E G E N C Y G R E E N – P4 6 T R U F F L E – P4 8 W H I T E – P5 0 PA G E 5 2 Complementary pieces G L A S S WA R E – P5 2 A C C E S S O R I E S – P5 3 D E N BY C O O K S H O P – P5 4 PA G E 5 5 The Denby for Life Promise PA G E 5 6 Middleport Pottery Our tableware is made for real people and real homes. Practical and stylish, with distinctive shapes and bold colours that give it real warmth, and an everyday toughness we all love! If you already own Denby, then chances are you know it can handle itself in the busiest kitchen. From the smallest cup to the biggest casserole, you can use it with confidence in the oven, microwave, freezer and dishwasher. If you’re new to us, then this brochure will give you a real taste of some of our favourites and you’ll soon discover why our stylish designs will make whatever you serve, look and taste even better! Call us old fashioned, but we also like our tableware to last, after all we’ve been making it in England for over 200 years. We know the right materials and the right pair of hands are the only way our pots get their Denby backstamp of approval. Design’s always been at the heart of everything we do, so our Design team also work with selected partners overseas to shape some of the china and porcelain ranges, cookware, glassware and accessories, bringing a co-ordinated and stylish look to your table. Over the next few pages we’ll share our story, give you a glimpse of where your pots come from and what makes them so special. If you’d like to find out more, simply visit our website www.denby.co. uk * Everyone we work with shares our values of design and craftsmanship. Where we’ve chosen product made overseas, we’ve marked them with a little asterisk. 2 —— 3 Our story... A potted history of Denby. FIRST 100 YEARS S A LT G L A Z E D W A R E D E N BY ’ S F I R S T P R O D U C T S 1886-1937 MAJOLICA DESIGNS E XO T I C A N D S T RO N G C O LO U R S 1 9 3 0 s G I F T WA R E A N I M A L FAV O U R I T E S W I T H C O L L E C TO R S 1940s We’ve been making pottery in Derbyshire for over 200 years. With the many hands of our skilled craftsmen, we take our own locally sourced clay and set about making your distinctive Denby tableware. Of course to us, that’s the way it’s always been, but sometimes we forget to tell people just how unique and special Denby is. When we say here’s one we made earlier, you might be surprised to know production is still based at our original site. Geographically, there’s no better place to be as our raw material, stoneware clay, is quite literally on our doorstep. Nowadays, we’re proud to still be making our pots here in England and even prouder that Denby is exported all over the world, as far afield as America and the Far East. It seems that our values of craftsmanship and quality are as important today as they were over 200 years ago! E P I C TA B L E W A R E C L A S S I C S H A P E S & S U BT L E C O LO U R S 1960s G R E E N W H E AT H A N D PA I N T E D B R U S H W O R K 1970s ARABESQUE CUTTING EDGE DESIGNS 1980s IMPERIAL BLUE A CLASSIC DESIGN T H E B O U R N E FA M I LY Our story starts in 1809, with William Bourne, who discovered the fine qualities of our clay here at Denby. Under his son Joseph, the company quickly gained a reputation for pioneering new firing techniques, making everything from plant pots to foot warmers, ink pots to ginger beer bottles – if they could make it in stoneware, then they probably did! THE 1930s AND 40s The company really started to take shape in the 1930s and 40s. Strong design direction boosted the company’s stature worldwide with iconic patterns like Electric Blue, Cottage Blue and Epic. And a few loveable characters like our Marmaduke rabbits! THE 1950s AND 60s The beginnings of the Denby look we all recognise today, epitomised the spirit of the post war era. Designers Albert Colledge and his son Glyn were influenced by changing eating habits and modern design to create hand painted patterns like Greenwheat. D E N B Y T O D AY Our Bicentenary year in 2009 gave us the opportunity to look back with pride at over 200 years of pioneering pottery history. We’ve continued to invest heavily in both technology and most importantly, craftsmanship and design. Today, Denby produces a broad range of tableware, cookware and accessories all with our distinctive Denby look. Recent additions include notable British heritage brands Burleigh, Leeds and Poole Pottery, taking our growing family forward with renewed vigour into our 3rd Century. D E N B Y T O D AY MALMO O U R L AT E S T C O L L E C T I O N Made in the heart of England since 1809. 4 —— 5 Made in England, the Denby way! If you’ve ever wondered where your favourite Denby pattern starts out, then we’re going to give you a glimpse behind closed doors. You might be surprised to know that the majority of our tableware is still handmade in England. Of course, there are easier ways, but that just wouldn’t be us. Staying true to our heritage, many of the craftsmen who make your Denby have been here for generations. Their skills have been handed down and we’re keen to preserve and protect them, so you can be sure your pots couldn’t be in safer or more experienced pairs of hands! G L A Z E A P P L I C AT I O N This is one of our skilled dippers Georgina, if it wasn’t for her you’d have a drippy teapot. She dips each teapot into a bath of glaze. It has to be millimetre perfect or the glaze leaks inside. OUR DESIGN TEAM SLIP CASTING STICKING ON HANDLES Here’s Tom, one of our designers at work. Our design team work up to 2 years in advance to bring the hottest new looks to the table. Here’s Phil, one of our team, slip casting a teapot. Liquid slip is poured into a mould and when it dries it forms the shape of each piece. Only an expert knows when it’s set for your teaset! This is a really hands-on job. Each handle is stuck on by hand using just liquid slip. Gail can do about 100 an hour and hardly ever sticks them on upside down! PA I N T I N G T H E E D G E O F T H E P L AT E A P P LY I N G P A T T E R N S Find out more about the people who make The rich coloured bands on the edge of each plate are applied by hand and are completely dependent on the skill and care of our paintresses, like Sandra. Patterned elements like these have to be meticulously applied and carefully positioned by experts like Kerry. your pots online at www.denby.co. uk 6 —— 7 Celebrating 25 years of a Great British classic. 1989, the year Harry met Sally, Black Box were ride on time and a little bit of magic was born (well Daniel Radcliffe came into the world!). The Eighties was the decade of exuberance and excess, where pastels and neon rubbed shoulders (large Dynasty style ones obviously). No colour was too bold, no pattern too garish and no rules that couldn’t be broken! Looking back there’s much of the era that we’d rather forget, but some designs have stood the test of time. Two of our favourites, Imperial Blue and Regency Green were both created in the eighties and their classic style is more popular than ever in 2014. Find out more about our celebrations on Denby Facebook or online at www.denby.co. uk Imperial Blue Regency Green With its distinctive glaze and unique shapes, The softer sister to Imperial Blue, the delicate Imperial Blue has an unmistakable Denby tones of Regency Green give it a timeless quality to it. It’s a real celebration of what we elegance. At home in classic or contemporary do best; beautifully crafted designs with spaces, it’s no great surprise that the an everyday practicality that always feels next generation are falling head over heels very much at home. for these classic designs. 25 years of a Great British classic. 8 —— 9 The Malmo Collection is inspired by the bold, simple lines of Scandinavian design, combining functionality with the charm of folk style pattern. Cool handcrafted accessories and glass sit side by side with warm wood and soft felt. Handcrafted and decorated here at Denby, Malmo tableware is a modern mix of colour and pattern which sits perfectly in everyday homes. Pure and simple. Tableware Accessories * Glassware * From the crisp white of day to the A tactile take on Scandinavian cool Handcrafted glassware with pleasingly deepest velvety blue, Malmo blends with pared back woodware, simple lines, dive into pools of the utility with beauty. We’ve set its in FSC approved beech, and modern richest cobalt blue. Our Design team charming pattern and fresh tones felt cut placemats. Mix and have put together a collection of against a natural, muted backdrop match to bring softness and warmth contemporary glassware to complement for a clean contemporary look. to the table. the deep inky blues of our tableware. New ranges Malmo Malmo. A blueprint for cool, modern homes. 10 —— 11 Cook & Dine Collection * New items This season we’re adding the warmth of Barley to our growing Cook & Dine Collection. With soft graduated colour and welcoming silhouettes, it’ll take you from the kitchen to the dining room in style. Barley is available in cast iron, oven to tableware, utensils and tableware. Kitchen Accessories * Bring it all together with our stylish range of accessories to complement Cook & Dine. Opt for a striking look with our red and black colour story, or a fresher classic feel in our complementary blue story. With bold, contemporary colours and modern patterns, we’ve now got the ultimate range to dress your table. I T E M S AV A I L A B L E I N C L U D E Wine Glasses Large Tumblers Placemats Coasters Glass Worktop Saver Apron Double Oven Glove Single Tin Storage Set of 3 Stacking Cake Tins 16 Piece Cutlery Set (18/10 Stainless Steel) 12 8 —— 13 9 Azure Even if the weather’s not balmy you can capture the spirit of summer with Azure. Cool aquamarine hues with Tableware a refreshing wash of pattern. C OA S T L A R G E C U RV E M U G CASSEROLE C O A S T O VA L P L AT T E R EGG CUP TEACUP/SAUCER SMALL BOWL COAST TEACUP/SAUCER T E A P L AT E D E S S E R T / S A L A D P L AT E D I N N E R P L AT E COAST SOUP/CEREAL BOWL TEAPOT SHELL SOUP/CEREAL BOWL LARGE/SAUCE & SMALL JUG R E C TA N G U L A R P L AT E SMALL C U RV E M U G STORAGE JAR LARGE C U RV E M U G C O A S T T E A P L AT E D E S S E R T / S A L A D P L AT E D I N N E R P L AT E COAST RIMMED BOWL C OV E R E D S U G A R PA S T A B O W L COAST O VA L P L AT T E R The temperature in the kiln has to be carefully regulated or the likes of Azure might turn out to be more North sea grey than Mediterranean blue! TRIVET COAST LARGE C U RV E M U G SHELL LARGE C U RV E M U G SHELL D E S S E R T / S A L A D P L AT E D I N N E R P L AT E RICE BOWL M E D I U M S E RV I N G BOWL DOUBLE DIP MUG WHITE/RED WINE GLASS P L A C E M AT / C O A S T E R * * SMALL/LARGE TUMBLER * SOUP/CEREAL BOWL COAST RICE BOWL COAST S E RV I N G B O W L CASSEROLE SMALL OBLONG DISH LARGE OBLONG DISH 14 —— 15 Cook & Dine Collection Our Cook & Dine Collection is available in 5 beautiful and unique colourways. Each piece shares our characteristic Denby shapes, so it’s easy to put together a co-ordinated look. Cook & Dine AZURE A vibrant Mediterranean blue that brightens up your kitchen. IMPERIAL BLUE One of our favourites, to create a classic blue and white look at the table. JET With a sleek and professional matt finish, Jet is our most modern cookware collection. C H E R RY A classic bold red that’s perfect for hearty seasonal dishes. BARLEY Warm and toasty, the softer tones of Barley are a welcoming addition to any kitchen. ROUND CASSEROLE 3ltr 22cm OBLONG DISH 2ltr 33 x 24cm MEDIUM OBLONG DISH 1.5ltr 26cm FLOWER DISH 1.1ltr 23cm ROUND CASSEROLE 3.8ltr 24cm SHALLOW ROUND CASSEROLE 3.8ltr 30cm O M E L E T T E PA N 0.4ltr 20cm LARGE OBLONG DISH 3.15ltr 34cm MINI CASSEROLE 250ml 9cm O VA L C A S S E R O L E 4.2ltr 28cm FLOWER CASSEROLE 2.3ltr 22cm CAST IRON* With a delicious Denby twist, each piece is handcrafted from molten cast iron and given a vibrant and scratch resistant enamel finish. G R I D D L E PA N 0.7ltr 25 x 25cm S M A L L O VA L D I S H 0.5ltr 18.5cm MINI FLOWER CASSEROLE 350ml 10cm M E D I U M O VA L D I S H 1.65ltr 26cm RAMEKIN 300ml 10cm ROUND CASSEROLE 2.9ltr 20cm FLOWER RAMEKIN 350ml 10cm OV E N T O TA B L E WA R E * Our Design team have taken all your favourite patterns and created a distinctive and durable range of oven to tableware. 16 —— 17 TA B L E WA R E D E S S E R T / S A L A D P L AT E D I N N E R P L AT E COFFEE BEAKER WINE GLASS * LARGE TUMBLER P L A C E M AT / C O A S T E R WOODEN SPOON CEREAL BOWL P L A C E M AT / C O A S T E R * * 1 8 / 1 0 C U T L E RY WOODEN TURNER SET OF 3 CAKE TINS SINGLE STORAGE TIN D O U B L E OV E N G LOV E S APRON PA S T R Y BRUSH Handmade in England, using the skills and expertise of our craftsmen. Our tableware is renowned for its practicality and chip resistance. * 1 8 / 1 0 C U T L E RY * WINE GLASS * LARGE TUMBLER Our glassware, cutlery, placemats and coasters are available in 2 contemporary colours to match our Cook & Dine Collection. * SPOON S PAT U L A GLASS WORKTOP S AV E R MEDIUM S PAT U L A SILICONE TRIVET SILICONE G LOV E * UTENSILS* Our ergonomically designed utensils are made from durable wood and non-stick silicone, that won’t scratch or mark enamel or glazed surfaces. UTENSIL POT WOODEN TONGS Our contemporary red and black pattern is perfect for mixing with Cherry or Jet. Our cool blues are an ideal match for Azure or Imperial Blue. SET OF 3 CAKE TINS SINGLE STORAGE TIN GLASS WORKTOP S AV E R ACCESSORIES* Complete the look with our stylish range of tinware, glass worktop savers and kitchen textiles. D O U B L E OV E N G LOV E S APRON 18 —— 19 Greenwich The jewel-like glaze of Greenwich adds a bit of spice to the table! DIVIDED DISH Tableware BUTTER DISH O VA L P L AT T E R At Denby, we like to be green and we have a market leading record on recycling. See page 59. TEACUP/SAUCER COFFEE BEAKER T E A P L AT E D E S S E R T / S A L A D P L AT E D I N N E R P L AT E TEAPOT SMALL JUG BUTTER DISH S A U C E B O AT / S TA N D SMALL OBLONG DISH CRAFTSMAN’S MUG P L A C E M AT / C O A S T E R C OV E R E D S U G A R DOUBLE DIP MUG * SOUP/CEREAL BOWL O VA L P L AT T E R WHITE/RED WINE GLASS * RIMMED BOWL SMALL/LARGE TUMBLER * PA S T A B O W L RICE BOWL MEDIUM S E RV I N G B O W L DIVIDED DISH LARGE OBLONG DISH 20 —— 21 Halo We hand apply two glazes which merge together to create Tableware an effect unique only to Denby. LARGE MUG M E D I U M S E RV I N G B O W L T E A P O T S A LT & P E P P E R P O T S STRAIGHT MUG SMALL SHALLOW BOWL TEACUP/ WIDE RIMMED SAUCER B R E A K FA S T S I D E P L AT E / B R E A K FA S T P L AT E R E C TA N G U L A R P L AT E SMALL MUG W I D E R I M M E D T E A P L AT E W I D E R I M M E D D E S S E R T / S A L A D P L AT E W I D E R I M M E D D I N N E R P L AT E TEAPOT SMALL JUG TOAST RACK EGG CUP CEREAL BOWL SMALL BOWL STORAGE JAR TRIVET S A LT A N D P E P P E R ESPRESSO CUP/ SAUCER LARGE MUG P L A C E M AT / C O A S T E R LARGE JUG * C OV E R E D S U G A R WHITE/RED WINE GLASS SOUP/CEREAL BOWL M E D I U M S E RV I N G BOWL * SMALL/LARGE TUMBLER WIDE RIMMED SOUP/CEREAL BOWL O VA L P L AT T E R * PA S T A B O W L CASSEROLE RICE BOWL SMALL OBLONG DISH LARGE OBLONG DISH 22 —— 23 The Heritage Collection Simple and honest, with a real rustic charm, our Designers have taken some of the most distinctive shapes and patterns from the Denby archive and reinterpreted them to emphasise Tableware the natural beauty of our glazes. Veranda An eclectic mix of pattern and texture, LARGE MUG ACCENT LARGE MUG SOUP/CEREAL BOWL PA S T A B O W L ACCENT R E C TA N G U L A R P L AT E MIXING BOWL D E S S E R T / S A L A D P L AT E D I N N E R P L AT E STORAGE JAR ACCENT D E S S E RT / SA L A D P L AT E P L A C E M AT / C O A S T E R add the warmth of Veranda to your home. C OV E R E D S U G A R TEAPOT SMALL JUG LARGE JUG TRIVET ROUND WOODEN C H O P & S E RV E BOARD R E C TA N G U L A R WOODEN CHOP & S E RV E B OA R D * * * Pavilion 50’s pastels with a retro feel, LARGE MUG ACCENT LARGE MUG SOUP/CEREAL BOWL PA S T A B O W L ACCENT R E C TA N G U L A R P L AT E MIXING BOWL D E S S E R T / S A L A D P L AT E D I N N E R P L AT E STORAGE JAR ACCENT D E S S E RT / SA L A D P L AT E P L A C E M AT / C O A S T E R TEAPOT SMALL JUG LARGE JUG TRIVET ROUND WOODEN C H O P & S E RV E BOARD R E C TA N G U L A R WOODEN CHOP & S E RV E B OA R D * * Pavilion is country with a touch of cool. C OV E R E D S U G A R * Orchard Celebrate the natural way of life with the organic style of Orchard. LARGE MUG ACCENT LARGE MUG SOUP/CEREAL BOWL PA S T A B O W L ACCENT R E C TA N G U L A R P L AT E MIXING BOWL D E S S E R T / S A L A D P L AT E D I N N E R P L AT E STORAGE JAR ACCENT D E S S E RT / SA L A D P L AT E P L A C E M AT / C O A S T E R TEAPOT SMALL JUG LARGE JUG TRIVET ROUND WOODEN C H O P & S E RV E BOARD R E C TA N G U L A R WOODEN CHOP & S E RV E B OA R D * * C OV E R E D S U G A R * 24 —— 25 Imperial Blue An iconic design, this Denby favourite celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. We think it’s easy to see why the crisp blue and white of Imperial always serves Tableware a stylish dish! C R A F T S M A N ’S M U G TEAPOT RIMMED BOWL STRAIGHT MUG SMALL SHALLOW BOWL TEACUP/SAUCER SOUP/CEREAL BOWL MEDIUM S E RV I N G B O W L EGG CUP CEREAL BOWL SMALL BOWL STORAGE JAR TRIVET S A LT A N D P E P P E R B R E A K FA S T S I D E P L AT E / B R E A K FA S T P L AT E R E C TA N G U L A R P L AT E COFFEE BEAKER RIMMED BOWL BUTTER DISH TOAST RACK CRAFTSMAN’S MUG PA S T A B O W L S A U C E B O AT / S TA N D WHITE/RED WINE GLASS * RICE BOWL DIVIDED DISH SMALL/LARGE TUMBLER P L A C E M AT / C O A S T E R T E A P L AT E D E S S E R T / S A L A D P L AT E D I N N E R P L AT E * O VA L P L AT T E R TEAPOT SMALL OBLONG DISH SMALL JUG * C OV E R E D S U G A R LARGE OBLONG DISH 26 —— 27 James Martin’s passion for food and Denby’s relaxed modern style has won them both many fans over the years. Together they can make even the simplest foods look special with inspirational and inventive ideas for entertaining at home. James has always championed good quality ingredients and simple Tableware Denby James Martin * honest recipes. And at Denby, we know that with a few well designed pieces, you can transform these into speedy-but-stunning dishes. MUG S A L A D P L AT E D I N N E R P L AT E CEREAL BOWL PA S T A / S O U P BOWL Discover our new collection of kits, designed by Denby for effortless entertaining. 28 —— 29 Jet Sleek and tailored for city living, Jet is a smart combination of black, grey and contemporary pattern that makes a confident statement S T R I P E S L A R G E C U RV E M U G Tableware in any home. M E D I U M S E RV I N G B O W L TRIVET EGG CUP STRAIGHT MUG D E S S E R T / S A L A D P L AT E PA S T A B O W L STORAGE JAR R E C TA N G U L A R P L AT E S M A L L C U RV E M U G / S A U C E R TEACUP/SAUCER T E A P L AT E SMALL BOWL L A R G E C U RV E M U G / SAUCER D I N N E R P L AT E TRIVET GREY DOUBLE DIP MUG P L A C E M AT / C O A S T E R * M E D I U M S E RV I N G B O W L RICE BOWL DOUBLE DIP MUG WHITE/RED WINE GLASS SOUP/CEREAL BOWL CASSEROLE SMALL/LARGE TUMBLER * * RIMMED BOWL SMALL OBLONG DISH LARGE OBLONG DISH Jet Stripes Clean lines with a masculine edge, TEACUP L A R G E C U RV E M U G T E A P L AT E , D E S S E R T / S A L A D P L AT E & D I N N E R P L AT E SOUP/CEREAL BOWL RICE BOWL Stripes moves Jet in an ultra modern direction. TEAPOT SMALL JUG C OV E R E D S U G A R O VA L P L AT T E R S E RV I N G B O W L 30 —— 31 Linen A natural choice for both modern and traditional spaces. Linen is oh-so simple, Tableware but effortlessly stylish. C R A F T S M A N ’S M U G TEAPOT TRIVET STRAIGHT MUG SMALL SHALLOW BOWL TEACUP/SAUCER SOUP/CEREAL BOWL MEDIUM S E RV I N G B O W L EGG CUP CEREAL BOWL SMALL BOWL STORAGE JAR TRIVET S A LT A N D P E P P E R B R E A K FA S T S I D E P L AT E / B R E A K FA S T P L AT E R E C TA N G U L A R P L AT E COFFEE BEAKER RIMMED BOWL BUTTER DISH TOAST RACK CRAFTSMAN’S MUG PA S T A B O W L S A U C E B O AT / S TA N D WHITE/RED WINE GLASS * RICE BOWL DIVIDED DISH SMALL/LARGE TUMBLER P L A C E M AT / C O A S T E R T E A P L AT E D E S S E R T / S A L A D P L AT E D I N N E R P L AT E * TEAPOT SMALL OBLONG DISH SMALL JUG C OV E R E D S U G A R * O VA L P L AT T E R LARGE OBLONG DISH 32 —— 33 Malmo Something bold, something new, something simple, something blue. Mix and match the deep velvety blue of Malmo with the charm of Malmo Bloom, for a touch Tableware of Scandinavian warmth. MUG BLOOM TEAPOT DIPPING BOWLS GIFT SET TEACUP/ BLOOM SAUCER D E S S E R T / S A L A D P L AT E D I N N E R P L AT E BLOOM TEAPOT LARGE WOODEN BOWL * MUG BLOOM MUG WHITE WINE GLASS * B L O O M D E S S E R T / S A L A D P L AT E D I N N E R P L AT E SMALL JUG WOODEN S A L A D S E RV E R S BLOOM C OV E R E D S U G A R F E LT P L A C E M AT * MEDIUM S E RV I N G B O W L RED WINE GLASS * SOUP/CEREAL BOWL BLOOM S M A L L R E C TA N G U L A R P L AT T E R LARGE TUMBLER D E S S E RT B O W L * BLOOM SOUP/CEREAL BOWL BLOOM L A R G E R E C TA N G U L A R P L AT T E R * W AT E R J U G PA S T A B O W L * * VA S E * BLOOM PA S T A B O W L DIPPING BOWLS GIFT SET * * 34 —— 35 Known for its feminine and exclusive eclectic designs, Monsoon’s Dinnerware Collection blends together the exotic allure of eastern colour and prints with a western bohemian style and influence. Combined with Denby’s expertise in manufacturing ceramics for over 200 years, the Dinnerware Collection is stylish, practical and durable, and can be used Tableware in the oven, dishwasher, microwave and freezer. Lucille Gold* A 1950’s lace panel inspired this elegant collection of shimmering, delicate gold on fine, soft cream china. E AT I N G & D R I N K I N G S E RV I N G Cake Stand Dinner Plate Small Jug Placemats Salad Plate Covered Sugar Bowl Coasters Soup/Cereal Bowl Teapot N E W G L A S SWA R E Pasta Bowl Round Platter White Wine Glass Teacup/Saucer Serving Bowl Red Wine Glass Mug Sauce Jug & Stand Champagne Flute Large Mug Butter Dish Large Tumbler Espresso Cup/Saucer Dipping Bowl Salt & Pepper Cosmic* A stunning contemporary interpretation of a paisley print in deep blue, teal, mauve and lime with soft metallic highlights on fine, soft cream china. E AT I N G & D R I N K I N G S E RV I N G Cake Stand Dinner Plate Small Jug Placemats Salad Plate Covered Sugar Bowl Coasters Soup/Cereal Bowl Teapot N E W G L A S SWA R E Pasta Bowl Round Platter White Wine Glass Teacup/Saucer Serving Bowl Red Wine Glass Mug Sauce Jug & Stand Champagne Flute Large Mug Butter Dish Large Tumbler Espresso Cup/Saucer Dipping Bowl 36 Salt & Pepper —— 37 Chrysanthemum* Influenced by a bold 19th century Japanese textile floral print, this is a striking collection of charcoal and gold on fine, soft cream china. Tableware Cake Stand S E RV I N G E AT I N G & D R I N K I N G Placemats Small Jug Dinner Plate Coasters Covered Sugar Bowl Salad Plate Teapot Soup/Cereal Bowl N E W G L A S SWA R E Round Platter Pasta Bowl White Wine Glass Serving Bowl Teacup/Saucer Red Wine Glass Sauce Jug & Stand Mug Champagne Flute Butter Dish Large Mug Large Tumbler Dipping Bowl Espresso Cup/Saucer Salt & Pepper Chantilly* Drawing inspiration from an intricate 18th century silk lace, dusky pink is embellished with iridescent metallics for a touch of glamour, on fine, soft cream china. E AT I N G & D R I N K I N G S E RV I N G Cake Stand Dinner Plate Small Jug Placemats Salad Plate Covered Sugar Bowl Coasters Soup/Cereal Bowl Teapot N E W G L A S SWA R E Pasta Bowl Round Platter White Wine Glass Teacup/Saucer Serving Bowl Red Wine Glass Mug Sauce Jug & Stand Champagne Flute Large Mug Butter Dish Large Tumbler Espresso Cup/Saucer Dipping Bowl Salt & Pepper Veronica* A contemporary take on traditional floral designs, this beautiful collection fuses together bold and delicate florals in blue, charcoal and teal on fine, soft cream china. E AT I N G & D R I N K I N G S E RV I N G Cake Stand Dinner Plate Small Jug Placemats Salad Plate Covered Sugar Bowl Coasters Soup/Cereal Bowl Teapot N E W G L A S SWA R E Pasta Bowl Round Platter White Wine Glass Teacup/Saucer Serving Bowl Red Wine Glass Mug Sauce Jug & Stand Champagne Flute Large Mug Butter Dish Large Tumbler Espresso Cup/Saucer Dipping Bowl Salt & Pepper Daisy Green* A feminine floral in fresh tones of lilac and green on fine, soft cream china. E AT I N G & D R I N K I N G S E RV I N G Cake Stand Dinner Plate Small Jug Placemats Salad Plate Covered Sugar Bowl Coasters Soup/Cereal Bowl Teapot N E W G L A S SWA R E Pasta Bowl Round Platter White Wine Glass Teacup/Saucer Serving Bowl Red Wine Glass Mug Sauce Jug & Stand Champagne Flute Large Mug Butter Dish Large Tumbler Espresso Cup/Saucer Dipping Bowl 38 Salt & Pepper —— 39 Glassware* Handmade with a beautifully subtle lustre finish, our bespoke glassware is designed to be perfectly weighted with a refined sense of balance. Available in Rose, Shale, Silver and decorative Lucille Gold Lustre, they’re equally at home on their own, or with our elegant ROSE LUSTRE SHALE LUSTRE S I LV E R L U S T R E LUCILLE GOLD LUSTRE Complementary Pieces tableware ranges. Placemats and Coasters* A stunning new addition to the Monsoon Home Collection by Denby, these practical Placemats and Coasters bring the signature Monsoon style to your table. C H A N T I L LY C H A N T I L LY DAISY GREEN COSMIC COSMIC LUCILLE GOLD C H RYS A N T H E M U M C H RYS A N T H E M U M C AT A L I N A VERONICA VERONICA ISADORA 40 —— 41 Mugs Take your pick from some of our favourite mugs. A specially selected range to mix and match, all with Complementary Pieces the distinctive Denby flavour. At Denby we love our mugs so much, we stick every single handle on by hand. So next time you brew up, why not raise a glass or should that be a mug, to the best of British craftsmanship! AZURE CASCADE MUG FO U N TA I N CASCADE MUG IMPERIAL BLUE CASCADE MUG JET CASCADE MUG ORCHARD CASCADE MUG PAV I L I O N CASCADE MUG VERANDA CASCADE MUG P O RT I C O CASCADE MUG JET/IMPERIAL BLUE DOUBLE DIP MUG FIRE DOUBLE DIP MUG GREENWICH DOUBLE DIP MUG REGENCY GREEN DOUBLE DIP MUG JET GREY DOUBLE DIP MUG AMETHYST FLUTED MUG FIRE FLUTED MUG GREENWICH FLUTED MUG REGENCY GREEN FLUTED MUG LINEN FLUTED MUG JET STRAIGHT MUG IMPERIAL BLUE STRAIGHT MUG PRALINE STRAIGHT MUG HALO STRAIGHT MUG Monsoon* Home Collection by Denby PIAZZA CASCADE MUG LINEN STRAIGHT MUG AZURE DOUBLE DIP MUG AKIRA CELIA KIESHA YA S U K O HEIDI 42 —— 43 Praline Deliciously dark, the divine Praline texture is combined with Praline Noir, an intense and very glam accent range. The twilight CASSEROLE Tableware hours have never looked so appealing. SMALL MUG AND SAUCER SMALL JUG TEACUP/ WIDE RIMMED SAUCER SMALL MUG/ NOIR WIDE RIMMED SAUCER W I D E R I M M E D T E A P L AT E W I D E R I M M E D D E S S E R T / S A L A D P L AT E W I D E R I M M E D D I N N E R P L AT E SOUP/CEREAL BOWL TEAPOT CASSEROLE NOIR WIDE RIMMED SOUP/CEREAL BOWL SMALL JUG SMALL OBLONG DISH LARGE MUG STRAIGHT MUG N O I R W I D E R I M M E D T E A P L AT E N O I R W I D E R I M M E D D E S S E R T / S A L A D P L AT E N O I R W I D E R I M M E D D I N N E R P L AT E PA S T A B O W L LARGE JUG ESPRESSO CUP/ SAUCER P L A C E M AT / C O A S T E R WHITE/RED WINE GLASS * SMALL/LARGE TUMBLER * Our glaze designers give each piece its distinctive personality. Look closely at ranges like Praline and you’ll see the depth of colour and amazing texture that’s unique to Denby. * RICE BOWL C OV E R E D S U G A R M E D I U M S E RV I N G BOWL O VA L P L AT T E R LARGE OBLONG DISH 44 —— 45 Regency Green An enduring design, that’s been popular since we first created it 25 years ago. We think there’s no better time to enjoy an afternoon of indulgence with C OV E R E D S U G A R Tableware Regency Green. S A U C E B O AT & S T A N D M E D I U M S E RV I N G B O W L TEACUP/SAUCER COFFEE BEAKER T E A P L AT E D E S S E R T / S A L A D P L AT E D I N N E R P L AT E TEAPOT SMALL JUG BUTTER DISH S A U C E B O AT / S TA N D SMALL OBLONG DISH CRAFTSMAN’S MUG P L A C E M AT / C O A S T E R C OV E R E D S U G A R DOUBLE DIP MUG * SOUP/CEREAL BOWL O VA L P L AT T E R WHITE/RED WINE GLASS * RIMMED BOWL SMALL/LARGE TUMBLER * PA S T A B O W L Did you know that a pot like Regency can pass through as many as 20 pairs of hands? When we say it’s handmade by Denby, we really mean it! RICE BOWL MEDIUM S E RV I N G B O W L DIVIDED DISH LARGE OBLONG DISH 46 —— 47 Truffle Intense mocha and smooth cream, Truffle feels as good as it looks. Add character with the subtle strokes T R U F F L E L AY E R S M U G T R U F F L E L AY E R S R I C E B O W L Tableware of Truffle Layers. O VA L P L AT T E R MUG L AY E R S M U G WHITE/RED WINE GLASS WIDE RIMMED T E A P L AT E / D E S S E R T / S A L A D P L AT E D I N N E R P L AT E SOUP/CEREAL BOWL M E D I U M S E RV I N G BOWL WIDE RIMMED SOUP/CEREAL BOWL * SMALL/LARGE TUMBLER * L AY E R S W I D E R I M M E D T E A P L AT E / D E S S E R T / S A L A D P L AT E D I N N E R P L AT E L AY E R S W I D E R I M M E D SOUP/CEREAL BOWL PA S T A B O W L P L A C E M AT / C O A S T E R RICE BOWL * L AY E R S RICE BOWL O VA L P L AT T E R 48 —— 49 White * Every modern home needs a stylish white collection. Effortlessly chic and a clever way to showcase your S A LT A N D P E P P E R Tableware most colourful flavours. S E RV I N G B O W L TEAPOT MUG C O U P E T E A P L AT E B R E A K FA S T S I D E P L AT E B R E A K FA S T P L AT E TEACUP/SAUCER SMALL MUG TEAPOT ESPRESSO CUP/SAUCER P L A C E M AT / C O A S T E R T E A P L AT E D E S S E R T / S A L A D P L AT E D I N N E R P L AT E PA S T A B O W L CEREAL BOWL COUPE PA S T A B O W L LARGE/SMALL JUG SMALL BOWL WHITE/RED WINE GLASS R E C TA N G U L A R P L AT E S A LT A N D P E P P E R SMALL/LARGE TUMBLER G O U R M E T P L AT E GOURMET BOWL SOUP/CEREAL BOWL NOODLE BOWL C OV E R E D S U G A R L A R G E O VA L D I S H S E RV I N G B O W L 50 —— 51 Glassware * Whether it’s lunch with the in-laws or friends for dinner, a stylish table will always impress. Our glassware has been designed to complement all tableware ranges. G L A S S WA R E White wine glasses, Red wine glasses AZURE/WHITE GREENWICH/ REGENCY GREEN IMPERIAL BLUE JET HALO/PRALINE AMETHYST Complementary Pieces Large tumblers, Small tumblers MALMO Accessories * In a range of distinctive colours our placemats and coasters work beautifully alongside our favourite ranges. At home in contemporary or classic spaces, these versatile designs are the perfect backdrop. ACCESSORIES Cork tablemats and coasters BLUE GREEN GREY N AT U R A L ORANGE PURPLE TURQUOISE VIOLET 52 —— 53 Denby Cookshop * From the tabletop to the worktop, it seemed only natural that Denby should bring its know-how to the kitchen. Our exciting new cookshop collection is made from the finest materials Complementary Pieces and is every bit as hard-working as our tableware (otherwise we wouldn’t put our name on it!). The Denby name has always been synonymous with quality and we are proud to offer a 10 year guarantee on our cookshop* and cutlery ranges, giving you the confidence to enjoy using them everyday. *For further details please visit our website www.denby.co.uk Our promise Choosing tableware can be a big decision, so you’ll be pleased to hear we’re with you all the way! We are always looking for ways to make your life easier, from gravy rims on plates to jugs that will fit in your fridge door, and now the Denby for Life Promise is here to give you a helping hand as your collection grows. We’ll make sure you are kept up to date with exciting new ON THE GRAPEVINE Register your email address with us and you’ll be the first to know of any breaking news (no pun intended!) such as serving pieces, accessories and glassware in your range. JOIN OUR CLUB It’s easy to register online at www.denby.co.uk or www.denbyusa.com Details also available in-store or call consumer services on +44 (0) 1773 740899 No more incomplete sets! Whilst we can’t promise to stuff at Denby and let you know of any changes to make your chosen range forever, your chosen range. we will let you know, at least Our tableware lasts a long time, now our commitment 12 months in advance, of any to you does too... range discontinuations. W E ’L L E V E N S E N D YOU A LITTLE REMINDER WITH A MONTH TO G O, J U S T I N C A S E YOU FORGET! Denby for life. 54 —— 55 The last working Victorian Pottery in Stoke-on-Trent, Middleport is the traditional home of Burleigh. At the centre of the once thriving pottery industry, by 2009 it had fallen into disrepair. But with the help of The Prince’s Regeneration Trust and Denby, it’s now being renovated for future generations. At Denby we believe production should remain at Middleport, and alongside Burleigh, have recently brought both Poole and Leeds to Middleport, ensuring that the skills and craftsmanship can remain in the local area. We are proud that these iconic potteries whose heritage has helped to shape the ceramics industry, can now take pride of place alongside Denby. Since 1873, Poole has been famous for its colourful and dramatic designs. Their living glazes have an almost magical quality,with layer upon layer of glaze reacting to create something quite unique and beautiful. Iconic designs like Volcano and African Sky will be joined by the cooler look of Tallulah and Alexis this season. With a quintessential English look, Burleigh products are still handmade using the timeless skills of Victorian underglaze tissue printing, once common in the pottery industry, but now extremely rare. Iconic blue and white patterns like Asiatic Pheasants and Calico are enjoying a revival as our love of vintage continues to grow with new designs like Regal Peacock for 2014. Founded in a little village called Hunslet, just outside Leeds in 1781, this pottery soon became famous for its distinctive creamware. The intricate pierced decoration you see above is still produced completely by hand. www.poolepottery.co.uk www.burleigh.co.uk www.leeds-pottery.co.uk A family of Great British brands, handmade by craftsmen. 56 —— 57 The right ingredients S TO N E WA R E Love it, use it! Soyez relax soyez Denby Denby has oodles of tableware to choose Avec Denby laissez tomber les formalités from in contemporary and traditional styles. quand vous êtes entre amis. Les motifs Whether it’s dinner with the in-laws originaux et les couleurs sophistiquées vous Our stoneware clay is very strong. It’s fully or Friday nights in front of the TV, Denby aideront à créer une bonne ambiance. vitrified which gives it strength, durability is designed with real people and real food Fondée en Angleterre il y a presque 200 ans, and chip resistance. All 5000 of our beautiful in mind. We’ve been making pottery les articles de table de Denby sont glazes are totally unique and each one at Denby for 200 years using skills passed exceptionnellement polyvalents et durables. has its very own secret recipe. down from generation to generation. Tous nos modèles peuvent aller dans PORCELAIN* Trends may come and go, but tableware le lave-vaisselle, le four, le micro-ondes et le Similar in strength to stoneware, porcelain that’s made to last will always be congélateur, et vous offrent des années has a more translucent body and a in fashion. d’usage quotidien. Care and use Comment prendre soin de vos articles O V E N S A N D M I C R O W AV E S D E N B Y L AV E - V A I S S E L L E Denby recommande de laver la vaisselle à basses températures avec un détergent liquide, y compris les articles en verre. BONE CHINA* Denby can definitely stand the heat! Use it with confidence in the oven and microwave, but please do not expose to direct heat sources such as the hob or grill. Bone china has a pure white translucency FREEZERS Vous pouvez utiliser Denby pour une cuisson au four ou au micro-ondes et pour conserver vos aliments au congélateur. Tous les articles en argile ou porcelaine peuvent se fissurer s’ils sont exposés à un changement soudain de température, quelle que soit leur robustesse. Nous vous conseillons donc de ne pas mettre directement au four ou au micro-ondes des produits que vous venez de sortir du congélateur. cool blue-white colour. Our stunning porcelain ranges (White and James Martin) are sleek, stylish and make any food look fantastic. and is also fully vitrified, so like our stoneware it’s surprisingly tough. Not just for afternoon tea, our bone china has contemporary shapes and gourmet Great for storing food in the freezer. Just remember that all tableware can crack if exposed to sudden changes in temperature, so please don’t take items from the freezer and put them straight into the oven or microwave. D I S H WA S H E R S pieces to bring china bang up to date. We recommend low temperatures and liquid detergents for all our tableware and glassware, as constant dishwashing may result in discolouration of product. FINE CHINA* S TA C K I N G Our Monsoon fine china is soft cream in colour Take care in stacking and handling, as scratches are more visible on coloured glazes. F O U R S , M I C R O - O N D E S E T C O N G É L AT E U R EMPILAGE Empilez et manipulez vos articles Denby avec soin, car les rayures sont plus visibles sur la vaisselle colorée. and is also fully vitrified, so as you would expect from Denby it’s functional and versatile as well as being beautiful and elegant. It’s not just some of our glazes that are green, so are we! Denby are the first UK tableware Every year we recycle over 100,000 manufacturer to be able to claim litres of glaze during the glazing ‘zero to landfill’ for all our process process, that’s enough to glaze waste. This saves approximately nearly 1 million pots! 600 tonnes of CO 2 emissions each year. That’s the equivalent of all our 300+ Denby employees car journeys in a year being ‘carbon neutral’! Because our quality standards are so high, any clay with faults is recycled into new stoneware. We save 2500 tonnes of raw clay, the equivalent of 350 fully loaded double decker buses! We make all our moulds from plaster of Paris. These are recycled to make plasterboard and every moulds is enough to fully plaster 50 new homes! To find out more about our Green Credentials, see our Made in England story at www.denby.co.uk The Denby Pottery Company Ltd Denby, Derbyshire DE5 8NX England Telephone +44(0) 1773 740899 Fax +44(0) 1773 570211 denbypottery The Official /denbypottery Denby Fan Page www.denby.co.uk www.denbyusa.com We re-use 8 million litres of water per year and we purify and return to the water cycle 28 million litres of water. That’s enough to fill 12 Olympic size swimming pools! We receive over 300 tonnes of packaging a year and it’s all recycled. And wherever possible we minimize the packaging we send out by using reusable totes. And we are not stopping there, as we are committed to continuously finding new ways of Design & Art Direction – Nik & Carole year 300 tonnes of plaster of Paris 089092198 DENBY BROCHURE 2014 All details correct at time of printing – January 2014 Our Green Credentials D E N B Y C H I N A I S S A F E T O H E AT I N A N O V E N G R A D U A L LY T O 10 0°C, B U T N O T A B O V E T H I S T E M P E R A T U R E. making a positive contribution to the environment. Denby Canada, 5401 Eglinton Avenue W., Unit 110 Etobicoke, ON M9C 5K6 questions@denbycanada.ca John Raine Ltd, New Zealand Telephone 09 443 3553 Facsimile 09 444 3993 Denby USA Limited, 65 Clyde Road, Somerset NJ 08873 Telephone (800) Denby-4u Facsimile: (732) 873-6546 58 —— 59
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