Right Stuf Anime


Right Stuf Anime
Fall 2009 Anime Catalog
Here at Right Stuf, our Year of the Otaku is continuing. So far we’ve introduced Ninja, Kawaii, Samurai, Shoujo, Sci-Fi, Magical Girl, Horror and
Vampire Otaku. What kinds of Otaku are you?
We hope one of the answers to that question is “Otaku who get the most for their money.” To help with that mission, in the past few months, we’ve
changed our pricing structure by offering even more books, manga, DVDs and Blu-rays at an “everyday” discount of 25%. That means you can
get our old “pre-order” pricing on most items, all the time… and that’s before you factor in any sales OR the extra 10% discount that Got Anime
members receive! (For more on Got Anime, see page 6.)
Our Nozomi Entertainment division has also had a big year. ARIA The ANIMATION was selected as the “DVD Release of the Year” by our friends
at AnimeOnDVD @ Mania.com. Collectors’ box sets featuring The Third: The Girl With the Blue Eye, Gakuen Alice, and the remastered TV and
OVA series for The Irresponsible Captain Tylor were released, along with “value collections” of His and Her Circumstances, Astro Boy, Kimba and
Boogiepop Phantom. And the first of two premium sets featuring Rental Magica are on the way!
As we head into 2010, expect to see even more otaku-favorite releases including Maria Watches Over Us Season 4, ARIA The ORIGINATION (and
the ARIETTA OVA), seasons 1 and 2 of Junjo Romantica, and the Antique Bakery anime. (Plus more we haven’t even talked about yet!)
And all of the above is for YOU. We wouldn’t be here with out you - the fans! So tell us what you think about the store, about our licensing
decisions and even about the Anime Today podcast. There are more ways than ever to share your thoughts with us - from our Twitter, Facebook
and YouTube pages to our very own Anime Today forums, phone calls and emails.
We’re listening, and we’re looking forward to continuing to serve you - because, here at Right Stuf, the Year of the Otaku is really every year!
Best regards,
Shawne Kleckner
Head Honcho and Chief Bargain Finder
Front cover image: Rental Magica © 2007 MAKOTO SANDA/pako/KADOKAWASHOTEN/Rental Magica Partners. Back cover image: Boogiepop Phantom © KOHEI KADONO/Mediaworks•Project Boogiepop
Catalog Design © 2009 Right Stuf. All rights reserved. Production and Design by Right Stuf. All images are copyright of their respective owners. Opinions expressed may not be those of Right Stuf.
Right Stuf cannot be held responsible for typographical errors. For comments or questions about this publication, please email the company at info@rightstuf.com Visit us online at www.rightstuf.com
800.338.6827 www.rightstuf.com
Welcome to our Fall 2009 Catalog!
Celtic Magic
Practitione mbler
kase A
Honami Ta
century, the Celts were
From about 3000 years ago to the 5th
Honami’s abilities are
a flourishing people in Europe, and
that period. Druids were
modeled after the Celtic druids of
er, harvests, and other
thought to be able to influence weath
in the show through
things in nature. Some of this is reflected
circular stones called
r detail in the book that
“enseki,” which are explained in greate
box set.
is included with the first Rental Magica
King Solomon’s Magic
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Adelicia Lenn Ma
Solomon focuses on
In Rental Magica, the magic of King
s demons and greater
the summoning and control of variou
from the legends told
supernatural beings. Some of this stems
of Israel. Supposedly,
of King Solomon, the son of David, King
l demons and djinns,
Solomon could command and contro
fly on a magic carpet.
had dominion over the wind, and could
Eligor, are also based
Adelicia’s demons, such as Forneus and
book entitled The Lesser
on demons of myth, as detailed in the
Key of Solomon.
Practi yashiki
Ren N
y Japan, Onmyoudou
A spiritual profession of pre-19th centur
gy. As an Onmyouji,
serves Astral most
or practitioner of the art, Nekoyashiki
ami,” or magical familiars
prominently through his use of “shikig
a prime examples as
that serve him. Nekoyashiki’s cats are
uses. Nekoyashiki’s cats,
are the paper cut-outs and scrolls he
are named after The Four
Genbu, Suzaku, Seiryu, and Byakko,
representing a particular
Symbols of Chinese astrology, each
element and possessing its own unique
mber 2
Set on
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Get th
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Find o
Mikan Katsurag
Japan until after World
Shintoism was a primary religion of
of the primary religions
War II, and it still persists today as one
er, today’s Shintoism
next to Buddhism and Christianity. Howev
aspects of the religion. In
is less focused on the mythological
rned with purification
Rental Magica, Shintoism is primarily conce
priestesses could invoke
and protection. Supposedly, Shinto
this is demonstrated by
the gods to receive blessings, and
ss, on a few occasions.
Mikan, Astral’s resident Shinto prieste
Rental Magica © 2007 MAKOTO SANDA/pako/KADOKAWASHOTEN/Rental Magica Partners.
Ratings System
To benefit our customers, we have
implemented a rating system for
many of our products based on the
manufacturer’s suggested rating for
each title, as well as input from our
own staff.
This title has not been rated.
Generally acceptable for
children. No nudity.
Possible mild violence.
12+, 13+, 14+
May contain violence, brief
nudity, mature themes, and/
or mild language. May suggest
sexual situations, but no such
situations are shown. Parental
discretion advised.
15+, 16+, 17+
Strong violence and strong
language. Nudity may be
prevalent. Mild sexual
situations may be shown.
Extreme violence, explicit nudity,
and/or explicit language may be
contained in the picture. May
contain sexually explicit material.
Absolutely not for anyone under
18 years of age.
Please note: Ratings used within
our system are typically provided by
the manufacturer. Because of the
differences in ratings used by these
companies, we have combined their
systems with the descriptions of the
ratings listed above. Right Stuf does
not set ratings (except for its own
products) and is not responsible
for errors, omissions, or inaccurate
ratings. These ratings are guidelines
only and are subject to change.
The listing for each book or video
contains information detailing the
approximate length of the item.
Depending on the manufacturer,
this may or may not include extra
bonus features, such as previews or
forwards. An N/A indicates that the
manufacturer has not provided this
information at this time.
Edited and Uncut
Although many fans screech in horror
at the very thought of altering the
original Japanese version of a show,
for a series to make it to American TV
(or even into some retail stores) it must
often be edited. This can mean that
scenes containing nudity, excessive
violence, blood, and foul language are
altered or even totally removed. Anime
purists may want the original in all its
glory, but parents of young TV viewers
do not. Manufacturers recognize
this and sometimes release both the
Edited (TV) and the Uncut (original)
versions of the show.
Although DVDs allow for the possibility
of dual languages, it is not always
possible to license a title for duallanguage release in the States. So,
you end up with manufacturers
releasing Subtitled Only (SUB ONLY)
www.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827
or English Dubbed Only (DUB ONLY)
DVDs. Subtitled DVDs display the
dialogue on the bottom of the screen
while the actual voices are still in
Japanese. Dubbed means the music
is (probably) intact, but the voices
have been redone in English. In our
online system, you will note that
subtitled is represented by (S) and
dubbed is represented by (D). You will
also see (Hyb), which means that both
the subtitled and dubbed versions are
on the same DVD.
Release Dates
If an item has not yet been released
at the time of this catalog’s printing,
you may see a release date listed
for the item. However, manufacturers
can (and often do) change these
release dates due to production
delays. If you are pre-ordering an
item and are concerned whether
this item is on schedule, please feel
free to check the item’s release date
through its online listing, contact
Customer Service at 1-800-338-6827,
or email Customer Service at
The digital “mosaic” effect is sometimes
placed over the relevant bits during a
particularly adult sequence prior to
the title being exported from Japan.
When we are aware that a title has
this effect, we’ll mark it as Mosaic in
the listing.
This means Original Video Animation.
Basically, this means it is a direct-tovideo release.
Anime Legends / Viridian Collection
Certain DVDs are marked as “Anime
Legends” or “Viridian Collection.”
These are re-releases of the original
DVDs at lower prices. However,
these editions may or may not
include all of the features that were
found on the original release. If you
are concerned that the DVD you are
considering buying may not contain
the features that you want, please feel
free to contact Customer Service or
check the item’s listing through our
online store.
Missing Volumes
You may notice volume gaps in our
printed catalog listings. This is not
necessarily because the product isn’t
available, but merely because we
couldn’t fit every item into the printed
catalog. If you are looking for a certain
volume, please feel free to contact
Customer Service or check our
online store.
Please don’t email your order or credit
card information.
Or, you can also contact us by the
traditional methods:
By Mail: Right Stuf
PO Box 680
Grimes, IA 50111-0680
By Fax: (515) 986-1129
(Please use FINE mode)
Can I get a new order form?
You can give us the information on the
form or on any scrap of paper. As long
as we can read it, you’re fine. You can
also print one from our online pdf at
How can I check on my order?
If you placed your order through our
you can check your order status
when you log in. Otherwise, simply
call our friendly Customer Service
reps at 1-800-338-6827 or email us at
How long is a typical item
“out of stock”?
With a few exceptions, DVD delays can
be measured in days. There are some
freak delays, but 2-4 weeks is usually
a safe figure. However, please keep
in mind that some items are directly
imported from Japan and may be in
short supply even there. Should the
vendor be out of stock at the time of
our re-supply order with them, it may
be a bit longer. We keep thousands
of items in stock, and our computer
system automatically adjusts stock
levels based on demand.
Can I use my coupons for an
online order?
Yes, you can. Simply use the coupon
code that is on your coupon when you
place your online order. You can only
use one coupon per order and only
one catalog coupon per customer.
Why do you hold my order for 12 days
when I pay by check?
Even with all this cool technology,
checks can still require at least 12
days to clear. In a perfect world, this
would not be so.
What’s this NSF charge?
“Non-Sufficient Funds” means that
your check bounced. There is a $25
charge for all returned checks. Once
you have bounced a check, all further
orders must be paid by either credit
card or money order.
How many coupons can I use?
You can only use one coupon per
order and some coupons can only
be used through our online store.
Please see coupon details for specific
If I order using a credit card,
when do you charge it?
Credit cards (by law in our state,
actually) get charged only when the
product actually ships.
Do I need to add sales tax?
Only if you’re shipping to an Iowa
Domestic (US): 1-800-338-6827
International: (515) 986-1028
On the Web: www.rightstuf.com
By Email:
I saw a special deal / daily deal on
the website. Can I put it on my
mail-in order?
See coupon explanation above.
How can I contact you?
Department can be reached by phone
8am to 5pm Central Standard Time
(CST) Monday through Friday:
You can also contact us day or night,
7 days a week online:
I saw a coupon on the internet; can
I use it?
Some coupons and short-term deals,
such as “Shawne’s Daily Deals,” can
only be used through our website and
cannot be honored for mail-in orders.
This is generally due to specific date
or manufacturer requirements, which
cannot be imposed on mail-in orders.
Please review the specific restrictions
of the coupon to see if it can be
applied to your mail-in order.
Can I order online Daily Deals items
through the mail or over the phone?
Sorry, but these special offers are only
available through our online store at
www.rightstuf.com. If you check in
often enough, you might find some
amazing deals online!
If I move, should I inform you?
Certainly a good idea, especially if
you want to keep getting stuff from
us. Just drop us a quick note, giving
us your old address and your new
address, so that we can update our
Simply select all of the items you want
and place them in your cart. When
you proceed to checkout, make sure
to choose the “faxed or mailed order”
option. This will generate a printed
form with everything already added
up for you (no more calculators!).
Just print this form and mail it in with
your payment. Although you can use
the online store to generate your
order, nothing will be recorded by our
system, so make sure that you don’t
lose your form or you’ll have to reenter everything all over again! Please
note that online coupons are not valid
on mail-in orders.
I went to your online store to order,
but I don’t have a credit card. Help!
Should you prefer to flip through the
online store to select items, you can
actually use it to place an order by mail!
Do you take VISA / MasterCard /
Discover / American Express?
Yes to all. About the only plastic that
we don’t take are standard ATM and
gasoline cards.
I’m an international customer.
What’s with this extra data you need?
With international mail and credit card
fraud becoming a growing problem,
we feel it’s better to ask you for
additional information rather than
charge everyone outside the country
a lot more for their stuff. For first-time
orders only, we require a copy of some
form of address verification which
shows your address along with a
photocopy of BOTH the FRONT AND
BACK side of your credit card. For
security purposes, you may black out
one set of digits. Upon request, we
can provide a secure website location
for our international customers to
submit this information.
This policy
only affects first-time
customers. However,
should your address or credit card
information change, we will re-request
this information in order to protect
you and to update our records. This
policy is in place to help keep credit
card fraud to a minimum and to
ensure that our customers have the
utmost security when ordering with
our company. This information is
destroyed after verification.
How long does it take to ship
an order?
From the time we receive your order
and place it in our system, standard
processing time is 24-48 hours.
If some of the items are on back
order, it can take an average of 1014 business days for us to receive
the back-ordered items. Standard
processing time then goes into effect.
What are your methods of shipping?
Please see our order form for details
and prices.
Are there more shipping
options available?
Additional shipping options are
available for orders placed by
phone or through our online store
How much is the shipping charge for
prepacks / box sets?
Box sets and prepacks are considered
single items for shipping purposes.
I’m not at home during the day.
Can you ship to my office?
Certainly. In fact, we prefer to do this
to ensure that you actually receive
your order. Please provide us all the
information that you can, including the
name of the company, so your friendly
delivery person can get your package
to you. We require that you include the
business’ name in the address. We
are happy to work with you to get the
product to you as quickly as possible.
You can also choose to have your
order shipped to you by mail instead.
Please note: this policy applies only
to our domestic customers. For
international customers, we must
ship to the billing address on your
credit card.
I chose express delivery when placing
my order, but it still took 2 weeks to
arrive. Why?
You must have ordered a product that
we didn’t have in stock at the time
that we received your order. If an item
is out of stock when we receive your
order, we still ship it out by express
delivery the moment we receive it
from the manufacturer. Although
we do keep significant stock of the
items in our catalog, there are times
when there may be delays getting
items from the manufacturer, as
discussed above.
What happens if my country will not
allow me to have this sort of DVD ? /
My order was seized by customs?
Please consult with the postal
authorities of your country prior to
placing an order for adult items. We
cannot be held responsible for seized
shipments or provide refunds for
seized products.
When I got my (insert title here), it
was defective. What do I do?
If your merchandise is defective due to
a flaw in manufacturing, we are more
than happy to replace the product.
Unopened DVDs can be returned
for Right Stuf store credit (or in the
case of credit cards, refunded to the
issuing card). All returns/refunds must
be processed within 90 days of the
date on your purchase invoice. If you
need to complete a return/refund,
please obtain a return authorization
number from Customer Service at
800-338-6827, or utilize our online
return request form at:
Do I have to pay shipping to return
a product?
Yes, but we will pay the shipping to
send the replacement back to you.
We suggest using the least expensive
shipping method available that can
be tracked. If you have been shipped
an item that you did not order, we
will reimburse your shipping costs to
return the item to us.
The packaging said it would
include (special item), but mine
doesn’t have it!
Unfortunately, we have no control
over what the manufacturers decide
to place inside of their products.
Sometimes the manufacturers do
provide special extras, but we cannot
guarantee that these items will be
inside of the products that we receive.
However, should the item not be
included, we suggest that you contact
the manufacturer directly. Of course,
we are always happy to forward your
request on for you!
Why do you charge for your catalog?
In order to keep producing a printed
catalog, we have to charge a small fee
for it. However, first–time customers
can get their money right back by
using the $4-off coupon on page
89! (Not to mention the other great
coupons back there.)
Will I get your next catalog?
If you’ve ordered something from
us in the last 6 months, you will
automatically receive the new catalog
when it is shipped. If not, you may find
that you’ll stop receiving catalogs and
you will have to send us the current
catalog fee to reactivate.
When does your catalog come out?
Every spring and fall!
Where are the Adult products?
Since our catalog is delivered to anime
fans of all ages, we’ve taken special
precautions to ensure that younger
fans are not exposed to products
that contain explicit violence, adult
situations, or sexual content (18+).
Products of this nature have been
placed in a special section just for
adults. Please feel free to remove
this section - it really won’t hurt our
Please be aware that this does not
mean that all items in the regular
sections are intended for young
children. To help parents, we’ve
taken special care to make sure that
products are marked with age ratings.
What’s this “Got Anime” thing?
It’s an easy way to get an additional
discount on your favorite anime items.
For a small yearly membership fee, you
get additional discounts, newsletters,
and members-only specials! Read
more about the Got Anime Savings
Club on page 6. Please note that
international members of the club
no longer receive mailings, due to
postage costs, but newsletters are
available online.
Memberships are non-transferable
and will remain with the billing address
of your account. If you move, please
make sure to contact us with your
updated information so that we can
update your membership information.
Why don’t you carry that
many imports?
Limited availability of imports and lack
of timely distribution of such overseas
items make it difficult to provide
quality imports on a timely basis. As
such, these items are only listed on
our online store, so if you’re looking
for a particular item, please check
our website or call our customer
service hotline.
Why don’t you have (title here) audio
soundtrack from Japan?
See above question regarding imports.
You also might want to check our
soundtracks section, since a number
of titles are released domestically.
I really want to learn Japanese. What
resources do you have?
Right Stuf has many products to help
our customers learn about Japan
and the Japanese language! Whether
you’re just starting out or you’re ready
to move onto the next level, make
sure to check out pages 64-65 it
find our sections featuring materials
to learn the Japanese language,
and to discover Japanese culture,
history, cooking, and travel. Additional
materials are also available on our
online store, including everything from
videos and textbooks to memory aids
and intermediate readers.
I saw this show that I think might
have been anime. Do you have it?
If you can give us enough information,
someone can usually identify the
program. Please understand, though,
that if you ask us about something
where “there’s a girl who’s like a
magic user, a guy with a sword, and
a villain who wants to take over the
universe,” there’s a problem. This
describes about half the films ever
made. Also, knowing what a series or
movie is doesn’t necessarily mean that
it’s available in the U.S. as a licensed
product, but it could be.
Why isn’t (title here) available in
the U.S.?
You might be surprised to find out how
much anime is available in the U.S. Of
the few titles that remain unlicensed,
some titles have their rights disputed,
some licensors want more money
than a title can possibly generate in
this market, and of course, some
are currently in negotiation. With the
exception of a few TV series (which
are a different matter entirely, due to
their length), this just about covers it.
We do not sell bootlegged products.
Can I special order items that are not
on the website?
Simply put: if it isn’t on our website,
we can’t get it at the moment.
What are some good shows
for children?
Although this is truly a matter of
personal preference, we recommend
Yu-gi-oh, Pokémon, Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles, Kimba, and Astro Boy
for young anime fans. You might also
consider the Sanrio titles like Hello
Kitty. Look for the “ALL” age rating in
item listings for child-friendly titles.
What’s the most horrible, tasteless
adult anime you offer?
That really depends largely on the
person you ask. Some would say Cool
Devices and Night Shift Nurses, others
Love Doll and Bible Black. These titles
are certainly not for the squeamish
and are most definitely only for adults.
Look for them in the adult portion of
the catalog.
What is Region Coding?
Region coding is a geographical
restriction for DVDs and players that
allows for licensing of specific materials
within different areas, or regions, of the
world. Since DVD players are region
specific, you need to make sure that
the DVD you purchase is coded for
the same region as your player.
What region is my DVD player?
If you purchased your player from a
retail outlet in the U.S., it should be
Region 1. You can check the Region
Coding on your DVD by looking for
the Region Code symbol on the
player’s packaging.
Region Coding List:
1 United States of America,
2 Europe, including France,
Greece, Turkey, Egypt,Arabia,
Japan and South Africa
3 Korea, Thailand, Vietnam,
Borneo and Indonesia
4 Australia and New Zealand,
Mexico, the Caribbean, and
South America
5 India, Africa, Russia and
former USSR countries
6 People’s Republic of China
Can my DVD play in a Playstation /
Xbox / personal computer?
It depends on the DVD. There have
been instances of some DVDs
having difficulty playing in certain
players. While the vast majority of
DVDs will work just fine, we cannot
guarantee all DVDs will play correctly
on your Playstation, Xbox or personal
Will a Blu-ray disc play in my DVD
Only if you have a special Blu-ray
player or a Playstation 3.
800.338.6827 www.rightstuf.com
With your annual membership fee, you get:
• An additional 10% off our already low prices!*
• A copy of the most recent catalog
and newsletters on the latest releases.**
• Members-only special promotions
not available anywhere else!
• A Got Anime membership card.
So, how does this all work? Simple: to order an annual membership,
select which type of Got Anime membership you would like (regular
or renewal), and write it on your order form just like any other
product. Once we receive your order, we’ll send you an official
Got Anime membership card!
Your membership is tied to your billing address. Please let us know if
you move, so that we can update the records!
Want to use your membership right now?
If you’re ordering other products at the same time you’re purchasing
your membership, simply add a Got Anime membership to your order
and then check the “Yes” box on the order form where it asks you if
you are a member.
Figuring out your discount?
1. Add up the total cost of all of your items.*
2. Multiply this sum by 0.10
3. Enter this amount on your order form in the
Got Anime Discount box.
Need to Renew Your Membership?
Catalog #: gotanimerenew
Your Cost: $12.00
Yukito is a traveling performer. He survives
with only the clothes on his back, a puppet,
and a story from his mother: “The Girl in the
Sky.” He doesn’t know who or where she
is; only that he must find her. On the verge
of starvation, he is befriended by a young
misfit named Misuzu, whose eccentricities
hide a troubled home life. Misuzu offers
Yukito a place to stay, and in return, he
listens to her dreams - dreams in which she
lives in the sky.
Box Set
14+ • #AR01160 • 375 mins • $37.48
Known as the god of manga and the
father of anime, Tezuka Osamu created
hundreds of comics, dozens of films, and
even some television series (including such
internationally beloved shows as Astro Boy
and Kimba The White Lion). His pioneering,
unparalleled career is without rival for its
extraordinary range of visual styles. Included
in this set are some of Tezuka’s most
legendary works, including Pictures at an
Exhibition and Legend of the Forest.
Alternative retelling of the above story.
14+ • #AR01155 • 90 mins • $14.98
In a world where the Cold War never
ended, East and West continue to battle
for technological and political supremacy.
Mylene Hoffman, field commander of the
elite Double Zero intelligence division, exists
in this world, with her eyes open and her
body always ready to do battle. For her,
liberating benevolent scientists, meeting
her match in the world’s most hard-boiled
assassin, and navigating a deadly labyrinth
of horrors are all in a day’s work!
Complete Series
17+ • #AR09790 • 300 mins • $22.49
enthralled with the latest trend: Angelic
Layer, a game where players battle it out by
mentally controlling dolls known as “Angels.”
Encouraged by a strange man named
Icchan, Misaki creates her own Angel,
Hikaru, and enters a local tournament. But
will Misaki get the hang of the game fast
enough to advance?
Box Set (Thinpak)
13+ • #DALBX3 • 650 mins • $37.48
After the devastation of World War III,
the scattered governments of the world
construct the perfect city. But life in Olympus
is carefully controlled and monitored by
Biodroids - artificially created half-human
half-robots. A dedicated band of terrorists
plots to destroy the central computer to
restore freedom to mankind...
Afro Samurai (Samuel L. Jackson) is the tale
of a black samurai’s hunt for Justice (Ron
Pearlman), who murdered his father. Afro
Samurai blends traditional Japanese culture,
funky technology and hip hop to create a
brutally fresh entertainment experience.
Contains both Afro Samurai and Afro
Samurai: Resurrection.
Complete Murder Sessions Edited
Released 11/3/09
13+ • #FUN07993 • DUB ONLY • 200 mins • $28.50
Complete Murder Sessions Uncut
Released 11/3/09
17+ • #FUN07994 • DUB ONLY • 325 mins • $41.26
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The World R:2, a virtual universe where
everybody assumes the role of a game
character, is being threatened by a
dangerous virus called “A.I.D.A.,” causing
human players to fall comatose in the
real world. Haseo is obsessed with taking
revenge for the loss of his beloved, Shino,
who succumbed to the ferocious attack of
Tri-Edge, a mysterious player killer.
Trilogy Collection
13+ • #AV80450 • SUB ONLY • 131 mins • $14.98
Ikkou is your everyday teenage boy with
everyday teenage desires. Too bad he’s
training to be a priest in a Buddhist temple
full of incredibly gorgeous priestesses.
The temple is usually called on to perform
exorcisms, and Ikkou’s inner power is
on hand for whenever things get out of
control. A little flash of skin from his female
colleagues is enough to supercharge him,
but the aftermath involves dealing with an
extra-turned-on priest whose loins were
blazing to begin with.
Vol. 1: The Aroused One
13+ • #AWDVD0900 • 100 mins • $22.49
Vol. 2: The Two Uncovered Paths
13+ • #AWDVD0910 • 100 mins • $22.49
Vol. 3: The Three Exposed Jewels
13+ • #AWDVD0920 • 125 mins • $22.49
Vol. 4: The Four Naked Truths
13+ • #AWDVD0921 • 100 mins • $22.49
Vol. 5 Released 10/20/09
13+ • #AWDVD0958 • 100 mins • $22.49
Vol. 6 Released 12/22/09
13+ • #AWDVD0977 • 125 mins • $22.49
College freshman Morisato Keiichi gets
more than he bargained for when he goes
dialing for dinner and gets an unexpected
delivery: Belldandy, a real, live, honest-togoodness goddess! Belldandy grants him a
wish, and Keiichi decides that what he really
needs is a girlfriend!
Season 1 Complete Set Litebox
13+ • #AWDVD0946 • 650 mins • $33.74
More volumes also available!
Retelling of the 1963 series. Each volume
includes 10 episodes.
Vol. 1
ALL • #043396322370 • DUB ONLY • 202 mins • $13.45
Vol. 2
ALL • #043396322387 • DUB ONLY • 202 mins • $13.45
Vol. 3
ALL • #043396322394 • DUB ONLY • 202 mins • $13.45
Vol. 4
ALL • #043396322400 • DUB ONLY • 202 mins • $13.45
Vol. 5
ALL • #043396322417 • DUB ONLY • 202 mins • $13.45
N/R • #698452206936 • SUB ONLY • 151 mins • $26.96
Osamu Tezuka’s original 1963-1964 Astro
Boy delighted children around the world
with its touching stories and compelling
characters. In a future where science fiction
is reality, Dr. Boynton creates a super-robot
named Astro Boy. With super strength,
rocket-powered flight, a selfless heart
and a kind demeanor, Astro Boy fights a
never-ending crusade against the forces of
evil! The following versions all feature fully
restored footage.
The Beginning (Eps. 1-5)
ALL • #RSDVD0999 • DUB ONLY • 100 mins • $9.74
Mini Collection 1 (Eps. 1-25)
ALL • #RSDVD0715 • DUB ONLY • 550 mins • $37.49
Mini Collection 2 (Eps. 26-52)
ALL • #RSDVD0727 • DUB ONLY • 600 mins • $37.49
Ultra Box Set 1 Limited Edition (Eps. 1-52)
ALL • #RSDVD2013 • DUB ONLY • 1200 mins • $97.49
Ultra Box Set 2 Limited Edition (Eps. 53-104)
ALL • #RSDVD2014 • DUB ONLY • 1200 mins • $97.49
In Miss Yukari’s English class, every day is
an adventure. First off, there’s the teacher
herself. A bit of an airhead, she may have
graduated from high school, but she sure
hasn’t left. And with the arrival of not one,
but two transfer students - one ten-year-old
prodigy and one space cadet - it’s going to
be an interesting year!
Complete Collection
13+ • #DAZ100 • 650 mins • $37.48
Don’t let nobody tell you there’s no future
in a life of crime because some rackets can
last forever. But we’ll get around to all that
immortality jazz later. A mafia turf war is
raging on the mean streets of the Big Apple,
a place where regular joes bounce between
backdoor booze joints and the breadline.
But this caper ain’t about a simple gangland
brawl. It’s about hoods who can’t seem to
die proper after catching a bullet or five
between the eyes.
Box Set Released 12/29/09
17+ • #FUN09625 • 400 mins • $37.48
13+ • #ME40792 • 70 mins • $11.23
When the Shadow Angels invaded after
12,000 years of slumber, humanity was held
captive by fear and sheer alien dominance.
Eleven years after the Great Catastrophe
decimated the world, most of those left alive
are scavengers, dirty and starving in the
streets. There is hope, however: Mechanical
Angel Aquarion! Through a swirling cloud
of love, betrayal, loss and destiny, the
last hope for the new century arrives and
takes flight!
Complete Series Box Set
17+ • #FUN04577 • 630 mins • $52.48
At the age of 15, Akari Mizunashi has left
everything behind to travel to a sparkling
planet covered in water, Aqua. More than
anything, Akari wants to be an “undine” - a
female gondolier who navigates the canals
of the Aquan city of Neo-Venezia. As she
begins her training with the prestigious Aria
Company, will she be up to the challenges
that await her on the path to achieve
her dream?
Season 1: The Animation Complete Collection
13+ • #RSDVD0822 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $37.49
Season 2: The Natural Part 1 (Eps. 1-13)
13+ • #RSDVD0903 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $37.49
Season 2: The Natural Part 2 (Eps. 14-26)
13+ • #RSDVD0904 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $37.49
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 © 2007 - 2009 SOTSU, SUNRISE, MBS.
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It didn’t take long for pint-sized Tamaki’s
lightning reflexes to catch the eye of starving
Kendo instructor Toraji. This second-rate
sensei is an embarrassment to the sport,
and his Kendo club is running out of
members. His only hope for redemption and a full belly - is to get Tamaki to sign-on
as his star pupil. Unfortunately, this swordwielding prodigy is a serious anime addict,
so it’ll be a challenge to get her to step
away from the television and into the dojo.
Part 1 Released 11/24/09
13+ • #FUN09840 • 325 mins • $44.98
Part 2 Released 1/19/10
13+ • #FUN09841 • 325 mins • $44.98
Reared from birth as sworn enemies,
Gennosuke and Oboro, each the heir of
rival ninja clans, seek lasting peace between
their peoples. But the terms have been set,
and two lists seal their destinies - two lists
from which a name can only be crossed out
in blood.
Blu-ray Complete Series Released 12/15/09
17+ • #FUN08525 • 580 mins • $52.48
This is the story of shy, angst-ridden Koyuki,
a 14-year-old boy who drags his feet into
an unforeseen destiny. After stumbling into
an exciting world of underground rock
musicians, he’s accepted into a gang of
disenfranchised youths and joins them in
their quest. Their goal? Self expression
cranked up to ten and to make an impact
on the world around them that could
care less.
Viridian Collection Box Set
17+ • #FUN06790 • 600 mins • $37.48
In Midland, a new king has come to
power through treachery and violence.
His demonic agents victimize the citizens
unchecked - until the night when a battleweary soldier approaches the city. Covered
in a slew of weapons and countless jagged
scars, the burden he carries is the size of
his grudge against the king, and he hunts
evil with unrelenting fury.
Remastered Complete Collection
16+ • #BKDVD0887 • 625 mins • $33.74
Most guys can’t wait for baseball to start,
but not Mihashi. For this kid, the crack of the
bat is the sound of failure. Every summer he
gets caught in a pickle between wanting to
stay on the mound and watching his pitches
get blasted out of the park. But each spring
brings a fresh start, and this year, Mihashi’s
at a new school with teammates that don’t
know how bad he used to be.
Season 1 Part 1
14+ • #FUN09960 • 315 mins • $44.98
Season 1 Part 2
14+ • #FUN09961 • 315 mins • $44.98
Jiro is traveling with his younger brother
Kotaro to the Special Zone, a place where
vampires live freely in peace alongside
humans. But the brothers find themselves
in the midst of a battle between human
soldiers, vampiric refugees, and the reemergence of the Kowloon Children.
Assisted by Mimiko, a negotiator between
their species, Jiro will try to make sense
of the chaos which surrounds them before
they are caught up in it and destroyed.
Viridian Collection Complete Series
Released 1/5/10
17+ • #FUN05908 • 288 mins • $29.98
Sven is your run-of-the-mill sweeper
(aka bounty hunter) - down on his luck,
haunted by the perpetual grumbling of
his stomach and looking to make enough
cash to get by. Oh, and he can see the
future, but only about five minutes into it.
When a dirty politician puts a price on his
head, the sweeper jumps at the chance
to earn a quick buck. But as he’s working
to secure the target, his vision reveals an
assassination that will cost him the job.
Viridian Collection Box Set
13+ • #FUN05898 • 575 mins • $37.48
Rokuro Okajima is on a business trip to
South East Asia, but things quickly go from
pleasure cruise to festival of pain when
modern-day pirates board the ship and
take him hostage! Revy, Dutch, and Benny
are merciless, maniacal, and mean - and
together, they make up the crew of the
Black Lagoon. They’ve been hired to steal
a data disc Rokuro was carrying and with
it, classified information that threatens the
peace and security of the entire world!
Seasons 1-2 Complete Set
16+ • #GN08318 • 660 mins • $52.48
and wield it as an extension of their
uncontrollable cyber rage. Standing in
their way is civilization’s last hope. Joseph
Jobson, the mysterious blue rider, fuses
with the unreal technology of his battletested motorcycle to defend man against
machine. But the same tainted blood that
carries his strength threatens to devour
his soul.
Part 1 Released 10/20/09
17+ • #FUN09850 • 288 mins • $44.98
Part 2 Released 12/29/09
17+ • #FUN09851 • 288 mins • $44.98
Fifteen-year-old Ichigo Kurosaki never asked
for the ability to see ghosts - he was born
with the gift. When his family is attacked by
a Hollow - a malevolent lost soul - Ichigo
encounters a soul reaper and absorbs her
powers. Now, he’s dedicating his life to
protecting the innocent and helping tortured
souls find peace.
Season 1 Box Set: The Substitute
13+ • #DBHBS001 • 500 mins • $37.46
Season 2 Box Set: The Entry
13+ • #DBHBS2 • 500 mins • $52.48
Season 3 Box Set: The Rescue
13+ • #DBHBS3 • 500 mins • $52.48
Season 4 Box Set Part 1 Released 11/3/09
13+ • #782009239635 • 425 mins • $37.46
Vol. 20
13+ • #782009239925 • 100 mins • $18.69
Vol. 21 Released 10/20/09
13+ • #782009239987 • 100 mins • $18.69
Vol. 22 Released 11/17/09
13+ • #782009240037 • 100 mins • $18.69
Vol. 23 Released 12/15/09
13+ • #782009240549 • 100 mins • $18.69
More volumes also available!
When a caravan transporting the King’s Seal
is attacked, Toshiro Hitsugaya and Squad 10
are on the ready. As they prepare to protect
the treasure that holds immeasurable power,
Hitsugaya suddenly abandons the scene
alongside the thieves and becomes one of
the accused. In response, the Soul Society
calls for his capture and execution. Upon
hearing the edict, Substitute Soul Reaper
Ichigo Kurosaki is immediately suspicious
and determined to uncover the facts.
13+ • #782009239741 • 90 mins • $22.44
Blade of the Immortal follows the deeds of
Manji, a skilled samurai who has a decisive
advantage: no wound can kill him.
Vol. 1: Life is Not Precious
16+ • #AWDVD0935 • 125 mins • $18.74
Vol. 2 Released 11/24/09
16+ • #AWDVD0963 • 100 mins • $18.74
Long ago, there was a secret army. Unseen
until needed, these warriors struck from the
shadows, protecting justice and defending
the Jushin Empire. They were called the
Amen Osa, the Phantom Masters. But now,
Jushin has fallen, its kingdoms destroyed
and its citizens left to the mercy of zombies,
beasts and sadists. Yet from the ashes, a
hero has appeared...
17+ • #AR07854 • 90 mins • $14.98
A blood-born plague races across Germany,
giving life to mechanized monsters. Known
as Demoniacs, these creatures have the
perverse ability to meld with technology
At the Yokota Base in Japan, a nervous
American military is on the brink of the
Vietnam War. But a greater threat exists
within the walls of the heavily-guarded
compound: vampires. A team of topsecret undercover agents learns of these
blood-sucking fiends and dispatches the
mysterious Saya to hunt down and destroy
Blu-ray Released 11/24/09
15+ • #N3124 • 48 mins • $22.48
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When Yuji, a high school teenager, discovers
that he has a new incurable virus, he’s left
with only one option: undergo artificial
hibernation and hope that the future holds
a cure. But when Yuji awakens, the world
he knew is gone. While he’s been sleeping,
the earth has been taken over by BLUE, a
mysterious creature that eats anything for
food - including human beings. Now, Yuji
must fight, not only for his own survival, but
for that of the entire human race! Contains
the entire TV series, as well as the Blue
Gender movie.
Viridian Collection Box Set Released 4/20/10
15+ • #FUN05259 • 700 mins • $29.98
Released 1/19/10
13+ • #FUN0783 • 100 mins • $14.98
Everyone knows about Boogiepop: meet
her one dark night, and you’ll disappear.
People tell each other the stories and laugh,
but no one truly believes that she exists
in this day and age... The glass shatters.
Time stands still. Five years ago, a string of
grisly murders shook the city to its core...
And now, in the present, psychic echoes
reverberate... This collection includes the
entire TV series and live-action Boogiepop
and Others movie.
Anime Value Collection Released 10/27/09
15+ • #RSDVD0925 • 470 mins • $29.99
Just another love story? No way! After
ages of hearing about what girls have to
say about relationships, Boys Be... steps
forward to reveal the flip side of love: what’s
really going on from a guy’s point of view!
Meet Kyoichi, Makoto and Yoshihiko - three
normal high school guys with just one thing
on their minds: girls.
Box Set (Thinpak)
13+ • #RSDVD0807 • 325 mins • $33.74
14+ • #SFBU001 • 45 mins • $11.24
Five years ago, something happened to
Jimmy Kudo is a cocky teenage detective,
known far and wide for his crime-solving
skills. While working a particularly gruesome
case, Kudo is attacked in the darkness
by two strange men and force-fed an
experimental drug. The strong poison
renders him unconscious, and when he
awakens, he is horrified to find that he is
trapped in his boyhood form!
Season 1 Viridian Collection Box Set
13+ • #FUN07785 • 635 mins • $26.24
Season 2 Viridian Collection Box Set
13+ • #FUN07786 • 600 mins • $26.24
Season 3 Box Set
13+ • #FUN07797 • 600 mins • $37.48
Season 4 Box Set
13+ • #FUN07799 • 600 mins • $37.48
Season 5 Box Set
13+ • #FUN07801 • 615 mins • $37.48
More volumes also available!
Released 12/19/09
13+ • #FUN07805 • 105 mins • $14.98
Saya Otonashi, a seemingly normal high
school student, suffers from amnesia, and
she can’t remember the past year of her life.
One day, a man gives her a katana sword,
and she soon finds herself fighting the latest
threat to humanity: Chiropteran monsters.
They feed off blood and hide themselves
within the human world. An organization
known as the Red Shield has been waging
a private war to wipe them out.
Part 1
N/R • #SON22653DD • 600 mins • $107.96
Part 2 Released 10/20/09
N/R • #043396298002 • 620 mins • $107.96
Released 12/15/09
13+ • #FUN07804 • 105 mins • $14.98
Maki, Reimi and Yuka may not look like ace
crime fighters, which is why they’re stuck
on traffic patrol, but all that changes when
Yuka gets herself kidnapped. Then Maki and
Reimi must don skin-tight battle armor and
teach the kidnapper that when you play with
fire, you’re going to get burned!
Clannad © VisualArt’s / Key / Hikarisaka High School Drama Club.
Mari Wakatake that took the life of every
other human on Kamioki Island, and then
wiped her memories. But if Mari’s past is an
unknown nightmare, her future may soon
become even more terrifying.
Complete Collection Released 11/17/09
14+ • #SFBD100 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $29.98
A new law’s been passed. Ordinary folks are
now allowed to carry firearms; shoot, they’re
even legally allowed to use ’em. You might
think that crime would increase, but the
arrest rate’s gone down. After all, the only
prison a dead man needs is a hole in the
ground. It’s hard to tell if she’s from Heaven
or Hell, but an angel’s just come to earth.
She’s an enigma, but with her partners Sei,
Amy, and Meg, she’s the best chance this
town’s got. Her name’s Jo. And there’s a
new sheriff in town.
Blu-ray Set (TV Series + OVA)
14+ • #FUN07737 • 600 mins • $59.99
Three young girls, strangers to each other,
share an instinctual passion and talent for
music. Brought together from distinctly
different worlds, they meet by chance at
the concert of their idol. The concert strikes
a chord in each of their hearts and unites
them with a common dream of stardom.
Complete Collection
13+ • #DTR100 • 325 mins • $29.98
The year is 1928. Jazz is hot, bootleg
liquor is king, and the idle rich of a nation
have discovered a horrifying new pastime:
summoning demons! To combat this
growing threat, a new order of Holy Warriors
has arisen. Sister Rosette is an elite Exorcist
in the Order of Magdalene, and her soul has
been bound by alchemy to that of the devil
Chrono. Armed with sacred ammo, Rosette
and Chrono form an unstoppable team,
ready to wage war at a moment’s notice.
Complete Collection
14+ • #DCHC100 • 650 mins • $44.98
only one quarry: Humanity. The dark breed
knows but a singular foe: Claymore. HumanYoma hybrids of extraordinary strength and
cunning, the Claymores roam from skirmish
to skirmish delivering salvation by the edge
of a blade... for a fee.
Complete Series Released 10/27/09
17+ • #FUN07447 • 620 mins • $52.48
Season 2: R2 Part 2
13+ • #AV80332 • 150 mins • $29.98
Kazuki and Mizuki are college students
immersing themselves in the otaku
subculture. Kazuki has grown more confident
in his abilities as a doujinshi (amateur comic)
artist, but will all of the girls distract him or
help him succeed? And what of Taishi’s
plans for world domination?
Complete Set Released 10/20/09
14+ • #AR06930 • 317 mins • $37.48
Alienated from his abusive father, Tomoya
has been spiraling into delinquency since
the death of his mother. Nagisa’s curse
is her fragile health, which has forced her
to repeat a year of high school. But when
Tomoya impulsively agrees to help Nagisa
restart the school’s disbanded Drama Club,
a new mechanism for change is created,
acting like a magnet for other girls with
equally tragic stories.
Collection 1
13+ • #SFCL100 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $29.98
Collection 2
13+ • #SFCL200 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $29.98
Picking up where Clannad left off, After
Story follows Tomiya and Negisa over the
next ten years of their time living together
as a family.
Collection 1 Released 10/20/09
13+ • #SFCL300 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $29.98
A brutal scourge stalks the land: Yoma,
monsters driven by a hunger satisfied by
Lelouch, an exiled Imperial Prince of
Britannia posing as a student, finds
himself in the heart of the ongoing conflict
for the island nation formerly known as
Japan. Through a chance meeting with a
mysterious girl named C.C., Lelouch gains
his Geass, the power of the king. Now
endowed with absolute dominance over
any person, Lelouch may finally realize his
goal of bringing down Britannia from within!
Season 1 Part 1 (Vol. 1-2)
13+ • #AV80328 • 225 mins • $29.98
Season 1 Part 2 (Vol. 3-4)
13+ • #AV80329 • 200 mins • $29.98
Season 1 Part 3 (Vol. 5-6)
13+ • #AV80330 • 200 mins • $29.98
Season 2: R2 Part 1
13+ • #AV80331 • 175 mins • $29.98
Jet and Spike are intergalactic bountyhunters just trying to make a living in a
rough future. They’re used to chasing down
dangerous criminals and generally getting
in over their heads. Of course, their line of
work definitely has its peculiarities here and
there: chasing after dog-nappers, fighting
off ecologically-crazed terrorists, and worst
of all… having to deal with the oddest group
of people from all over the galaxy.
Remix Collection
13+ • #AV20047 • 650 mins • $37.48
Darkness is moving in, and young exorcist
Allen Walker is humanity’s greatest hope
against the wicked forces conspiring to
bring civilization to its knees. Akuma - cruel
Sgt. Frog © Mine Yoshizaki / Kadowkawashoten, SUNRISE, TV TOKYO, NAS.
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spirits born of tragedy and lost souls - lurk
in every shadow, willing and eager to do the
bidding of their leader, the dread Millennium
Earl. With an eye cursed to see evil in its
truest form and blessed with an arm to slay
soul-devouring demons, Allen stands ready
to confront the gathering storm.
Season 1 Part 1
14+ • #FUN01111 • 325 mins • $44.98
Season 1 Part 1 Blu-ray Released 1/5/10
14+ • #FUN06922 • 325 mins • $62.98
Season 1 Part 2
14+ • #FUN01113 • 325 mins • $44.98
Season 2 Part 1
14+ • #FUN06920 • 286 mins • $44.98
Season 2 Part 2 Released 1/5/10
14+ • #FUN06921 • 286 mins • $44.98
Maia’s life-long dreams to join the elite
Marine Environment Agency wither and die
when, despite everyone’s high expectations,
she fails the entrance exams. Then, she
gets evicted! Penniless, homeless, and
unemployed, Maia finds herself in the middle
of a shoot-out between fugitive convicts and
the Nereides - sexy agents who only take
the most high-paying and dangerous jobs.
Desperate, Maia agrees to a job in the next
Nereides operation - as bait!
Collection 1
13+ • #SFDBB100 • 325 mins • $29.98
Collection 2
13+ • #SFDBB200 • 325 mins • $29.98
A new, deadly breed of covert agent
walks the streets. Known as Contractors,
these assassins and spies wield bizarre
supernatural powers. They thrive in the
underworld, between rumor and reality, their
loyalties always in question. One of these
operatives is more mysterious than the rest:
BK201, the Black Reaper. His path weaves
through the shadows and alleys of Tokyo,
and blood is spilled on both sides of the law.
Vol. 1
17+ • #FUN07451 • 125 mins • $22.48
Vol. 2
17+ • #FUN07452 • 125 mins • $22.48
Vol. 3
17+ • #FUN07453 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 4
17+ • #FUN07454 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 5
17+ • #FUN07455 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 6
17+ • #FUN07456 • 100 mins • $22.48
reasons. A world where war is a way of life,
sarcasm is a mode of communication, and
the unexpected is always on the menu.
Viridian Complete Collection Released 10/20/09
17+ • #FUN06917 • 560 mins • $29.98
Free of the Persona’s storm troopers,
Kabuki Town has become an anarchistic
haven for misfits, violent criminals, and
idealistic rebels. Now, the time of reckoning
has come. A mysterious figure has
appeared - a dark mystic with the power
to break the Persona’s grasp on the world.
But the Corporation is aware of the threat
he poses, and they have an army of superhuman assassins and the resources of an
entire world to throw against him.
Complete Collection
14+ • #DDSB001 • 83 mins • $11.24
Light Yagami is an ace student with great
prospects - and he’s bored out of his mind.
All that changes when he finds the Death
Note, a notebook dropped by a rogue
shinigami. Any human whose name is
written in the notebook dies, and now Light
has vowed to use its power to rid the world
of evil. But when criminals begin dropping
dead, the authorities send the legendary
detective L to track down the killer. With L
hot on his heels, will Light lose sight of his
noble goal?
Box Set 1
15+ • #DDNBS01 • 500 mins • $52.48
Box Set 2
15+ • #DDNBS02 • 400 mins • $52.48
See through the eyes of a shinigami... Light
and L have battled to the bitter end over the
Death Note - but what does the story look
like from Ryuk’s point of view?
Vol. 1: Visions of a God
15+ • #DDNRL01 • 130 mins • $18.69
Vol. 2: L’s Successors Released 10/27/09
15+ • #782009239789 • 130 mins • $18.69
Enter a decimated world deep within the
desert, where a less-than-noble hero fights
for less-than-noble causes and chases a
voluptuous love interest for less-than-decent
Half demon and half human, Dante is
charged with ridding the world of the
demons that plague it... for the right price.
The doors to his business, Devil May Cry,
are always open to those with money,
and occasionally to some without. Dante
is approached to deliver a young heiress,
Patty, to her inheritance. He thinks it’s not
worth his time - until a group of demons
intent on killing Patty crash the party.
Regular Edition Complete Collection
17+ • #AR09953 • 300 mins • $37.48
Blu-ray Complete Collection
17+ • #AR09954 • 300 mins • $44.98
The last survivors of a ruthless warrior race
have carved a path of destruction across
the galaxy, and now they’ve set their sights
on Earth! They will stop at nothing until they
have the wish-granting powers of the seven
magic Dragon Balls for their very own. With
the fate of his family, friends, and the entire
human race hanging in the balance, Goku,
Earth’s greatest hero, must rise to meet the
approaching threat. This is the widescreen
remastered uncut version.
Season 1: Vegeta Saga Box Set (Eps. 1-39)
13+ • #FUN02242 • 900 mins • $26.24
Season 8: Babidi/Majin Buu Saga
Box Set (Eps. 220-253)
13+ • #FUN02250 • 565 mins • $37.48
Season 9: Fusion/Kid Buu Saga
Box Set (Eps. 254-291)
13+ • #FUN02251 • 875 mins • $37.48
More volumes also available!
DBZ explodes in vivid detail like never
before! This archival version features
episodes remastered and restored frame by
frame by the original Japanese production
studio, rendering the legendary action in
pristine clarity.
Season 1 Set Released 11/10/09
13+ • #FUN02240 • 1000 mins • $59.99
Gohan has been kidnapped! To make
matters worse, the evil Garlic Jr. is gathering
the Dragonballs to wish for immortality. Only
then will Garlic Jr. be able to take over the
Earth in order to gain revenge for the death
of his father. Krillin and Piccolo try to help
Goku, but their combined powers are no
match for Garlic Jr., who creates a “Dead
Zone” to suck the heroes into oblivion!
Released 11/10/09
13+ • #FUN02820 • 50 mins • $7.48
In the 24th century, intergalactic space
travel has become a reality. One of the
first outposts in the far reaches of space is
Watcher’s Nest, which has recently come
under attack by a mysterious force known
as GHOUL. The young female cadets
assigned to the portal are thrown into deep
trouble as they struggle to finalize their
training to become elite pilots. Contains both
the original series and the Misaki Chronicles.
Seraphim Collection
14+ • #DDVE100 • 650 mins • $37.48
The Tree of Might has been sown on Earth,
and once it takes root, nothing else can
survive. Unable to fell this mighty threat,
Goku and the Z Warriors must confront the
harbinger of the evil, a Saiyan bearing an
uncanny resemblance to our hero.
Released 1/26/10
13+ • #FUN02822 • N/A mins • $7.48
Doujin Work follows the life of a young girl
named Najimi Osana and her exposure into
the doujin world. Najimi loves to draw, but
soon learns, contrary to what she expected,
that breaking into the doujin world is
anything but easy.
Vol. 1: Pencil & Paper
13+ • #AWDVD0901 • SUB ONLY • 100 mins • $14.99
Vol. 2: Quill & Ink
13+ • #AWDVD0911 • SUB ONLY • 100 mins • $14.99
Vol. 3: Publish or Perish
13+ • #AWDVD0922 • SUB ONLY • 100 mins • $14.99
banished from his old world and now seeks
to create a new one of his own.
Released 1/26/10
13+ • #FUN02823 • N/A mins • $7.48
Fusion Reborn: Goku and Vegeta unite in
the fight for Other World’s survival, while
Goten and Trunks confront a ghoulish
army of the undead on Earth. Wrath of the
Dragon: Dark magic has released an ancient
monster that consumes both flesh and soul.
As it rampages on Earth, its power threatens
to multiply to unthinkable levels.
Regular Edition
13+ • #FUN05019 • 100 mins • $22.48
13+ • #FUN03868 • 100 mins • $31.48
Before there was Goku, there lived his father
Bardock. A low-class Saiyan soldier under
the command of Frieza, Bardock is attacked
by the last of an alien race they are employed
in destroying. Healing on his home planet
of Vegeta, Bardock discovers he has been
blessed with the ability to see into the future.
13+ • #FUN02818 • 48 mins • $7.48
Goku is dead, victim of a deadly virus.
Last of the Z Warriors to pass, the Super
Saiyan’s death has left the Earth far more
vulnerable than ever before. With no one
to protect the planet, Androids 17 and 18
arrive to terrorize the great cities, plunging
the world into darkness. Is there no hope
left in this apocalyptic horror?
13+ • #FUN02819 • 48 mins • $7.48
With an asteroid hurtling towards Earth,
Dragonauts and their dragon companions
come together to create a formidable
fighting force. Caught in the middle of this
race against time are Jin, a heartbroken
young flyboy, and Toa, a lady-dragon with
an amazing set of battle skills. If these
star-crossed space cadets can unlock the
secrets of their mysterious connection and
convince the Dragonauts to join the action,
there may yet be hope for planet Earth!
Part 1 Released 11/3/09
14+ • #FUN09860 • 315 mins • $37.48
Part 2 Released 12/29/09
14+ • #FUN09861 • 315 mins • $37.48
Goku and Krillin race to head off a giant
asteroid on a collision course with Earth.
The threat deflected, their home is saved...
Or is it? A greater menace looms in the
shadows; a being so evil that he was
Cou, the bumbling rookie of the “Red Lynx”
sky pirate squadron, has just discovered the
treasure of a lifetime: a mighty member of
the ancient race of Edel Raids. Ren, at first
glance, seems to be a defenseless girl, but
she holds within her a power that many are
willing to kill for. When Cou takes it upon
himself to protect Ren on her journey to
a mysterious place called Edel Garden,
he immediately makes new friends and
dangerous enemies.
Complete Series Box Set
13+ • #GN08334 • 630 mins • $37.48
Imprisoned under tight military security,
Lucy, a genetically altered human known
as a Diclonius, escapes her confines in a
wave of bloody violence and brutality. Now
lost, alone, and stricken with amnesia, she
wanders into a kindly family that takes her
under their care, oblivious to the latent
destructive power that this innocent-looking
girl harbors!
Complete Collection
17+ • #DELF100 • 325 mins • $29.98
In 19th-century London, class lines are
sharply drawn, and the social standing to
which one is born dictates the path his or
her life will likely follow. But when Emma,
an honest and hardworking young maid,
and William, an earnest member of the
gentry, fall for each other, can love truly
conquer all?
Season 1 Complete Collection
13+ • #RSDVD0805 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $37.49
Season 2 Complete Collection
13+ • #RSDVD0806 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $37.49
The domed city of Romdo is an impenetrable
would-be utopia where humans and robots
coexist, and everything is under complete
government control - or so it appears.
While working on a mysterious murder case,
Re-l Mayer, a female detective, receives
a foreboding message that something
is going to “awaken.” That night, she’s
attacked by a deformed super-being. What
was the unidentified monster that attacked
her, and who was the figure that came in
between them?
Complete Series
16+ • #GN08662 • 600 mins • $37.48
The sinister Dr. Wheelo has been freed from
his icy tomb! With his dedicated and devious
assistant Dr. Kochin, these mad scientists
are plotting to unleash their fearsome
biotechnology and take over the world! Of
course there’s one hitch in the plan... Dr.
Wheelo exists only as a brain in a jar!
Released 11/10/09
13+ • #FUN02821 • 55 mins • $7.48
Ellis is an amnesiac with a bounty on her
head, and Nadie’s trigger finger is the only
thing keeping her friend from falling into the
wrong hands. They’re looking for pieces of
Ellis’s past, and every mile of open highway
brings the girls closer together - but their
special bond is bound to be tested.
Season 1 Part 1 Released 12/15/09
17+ • #FUN09870 • 312 mins • $37.48
Season 1 Part 2 Released 12/15/09
17+ • #FUN09871 • 360 mins • $37.48
Hitomi Kanzaki is a typical high school girl,
but when a vision of a young man battling
a dragon becomes a reality, her life changes
forever. Drawn into a strange vortex with the
swordsman, Van, Hitomi is thrust into the
strange world of Gaea. Van must learn to
master the suit of armor, Escaflowne, before
he and Hitomi are crushed by the ambitions
of the Empire of Zaibach!
Super Legends Complete Collection
Released 10/20/09
13+ • #AV20015 • 625 mins • $29.98
That is, until a giant robot crashes into his
house. Piloted by a girl named Eureka, this
encounter leads to Renton to being pursued
by the military and pulled into a web of
drama, intrigue, and non-stop action.
Renton’s time to daydream is over.
Anime Legends Complete Collection 1
13+ • #AV20813 • 650 mins • $37.48
Anime Legends Complete Collection 2
13+ • #AV20814 • 650 mins • $37.48
1984 MOVIE
In the near future, Earth has been devastated
by a nuclear hell. In these troubled times,
kinetic martial arts have replaced weapons
of mass destruction, and the legendary Fist
of the North Star style may then be the
only hope for humanity’s survival. Ken, the
rightful master of Fist of the North Star, is
forced to fight old friends gone mad, wicked
new enemies, and even comes face to face
with his power-hungry elder brothers.
16+ • #ES004 • 110 mins • $22.48
Tokyo-3 still stands after most of civilization
was decimated in the Second Impact. Now
the city endures the ceaseless onslaught
of the deadly Angels, bizarre creatures
bent on eradicating the human race. To
combat this strange and ruthless enemy,
the government agency NERV constructs a
fleet of towering humanoid machines - the
Evas - and Shinji Ikari is called into action,
reluctantly taking his place at the controls
of Eva Unit 01.
Released 11/17/09
13+ • #FUN09881 • 98 mins • $22.48
In the wastelands following the great nuclear
war, a legend grew of a man. “Hokuto No
Ken,” the Fist of the North Star, master of
a legendary fighting technique. A man of
impossible strength and endurance. Yet
before Ken claimed the title of the Fist,
there was another master, trained in the art
of Hokuto Shinken, the King of the Fist, the
Divine Fist of Heaven. Raoh: the ultimate
assassin, the ultimate warrior.
17+ • #SFLDK100 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $29.98
In a magical land where two moons shine
in the night sky, one young student in the
magic school, Louise, has acquired the
nickname of “Zero.” Why? Her “zero” talent!
With a near-perfect failure rate for her
spells, the shock that Louise’s summoning
spell works equals the surprise of her new
familiar, a human boy from Japan! When
the boy begins exhibiting some unexpected
abilities, why do the teachers get so
Box Set
13+ • #GN08487 • 312 mins • $44.98
In the 23rd century, mankind has fled
Earth and emigrated to the moon. The last
outpost of civilization is the Lunar Republic
of Eden, where the omnipresent Citizens
Administration Council grants residents
everything they need. But what do you do
when you discover everything you believe
is a lie?
Part 1
13+ • #AV20020 • 100 mins • $18.74
Part 2
13+ • #AV20021 • 156 mins • $18.74
Ten years ago, a secret war was waged by
master mages and their servants to obtain
the Holy Grail. The result was devastating
for everyone involved. Today, the Holy Grail
War is beginning again, now with new
masters. One such master, Shirou, must
come to grips with the reality of war when
he unknowingly summons his own servant,
Saber - said to be the most powerful servant
of all. Can Shirou prevent the destruction
that marked the first war?
Complete Set
13+ • #GN08676 • 576 mins • $37.48
In the wake of the climactic events played
out in SquareEnix’s Playstation video game
world of Final Fantasy VII, the ruins of Midgar
stand as a testament to the sacrifices made
in order to bring peace. However, as a
mysterious illness rapidly spreads and old
enemies stir, the solitary hero, Cloud, must
once again step out of his self-imposed
seclusion and stand against the dark forces
converging on his world!
15+ • #043396225916 • 126 mins • $35.06
The Sohma family is cursed; however, this
is no ordinary family curse. When a member
of the family is embraced by a person of
the opposite gender, they transform into an
animal of the Chinese Zodiac! The Sohmas
have managed to keep the curse private for
generations, but when young Tohru Honda
stumbles upon their secret, conflict erupts
as Zodiac rivals clash in this most unusual
household. Tohru must promise to keep the
secret - or face the consequences!
Viridian Collection Box Set
13+ • #FUN01039 • 580 mins • $37.48
On the surface, Kaname Chidori appears to
be a normal, popular high school student.
The problem is, she doesn’t realize just
how popular she is. Unbeknownst to her,
a group of terrorists believe she possesses
the special powers of “The Whispered,” and
they’re out to kidnap her.
Seasons 1-2: Heavy Metal Collection
14+ • #DFMBX100 • 900 mins • $67.48
Season 3 Remastered Complete Collection
14+ • #FUN08542 • 320 mins • $44.98
Season 3 Complete Collection Blu-ray
14+ • #FUN08541 • 320 mins • $89.98
A re-telling of the Escaflowne TV series!
Blu-ray Released 10/20/09
13+ • #AV80468 • 120 mins • $35.98
Don’t see what you want?
Find more DVDs and Blu-ray
on RightStuf.com!
Eureka Seven tells the story of a young boy
named Renton, whose life just plain sucks.
Claymore © DNDP, VAP, avex entertainment, Madhouse.
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Goku may be small, but this fearless warrior
packs a punch as powerful as any on the
planet. Left alone after his grandfather’s
death, this unusual boy is happy to spend
his days eating and hunting and eating
some more. But everything changes on the
day he meets Bulma - a bossy, blue-haired
beauty with boys on the brain. Together,
they set out to track down the seven magic
Dragon Balls and make the wish that will
change their lives forever.
Season 1 Box Set (Eps. 1-31)
14+ • #FUN05190 • 745 mins • $37.48
Season 2 Box Set (Eps. 32-61) Released 11/10/09
14+ • #FUN05191 • 720 mins • $37.48
“I never think twice about choosing RightStuf! and
will always keep coming back for more.” - Shawn T.
Taking place two years after the last
episode, the Elric Brothers must reunite to
prevent ultimate catastrophe as the worlds
of reality and alchemy collide.
Regular Edition
13+ • #FUN08172 • 104 mins • $14.98
Blu-ray Edition Released 11/17/09
13+ • #FUN08151 • 104 mins • $31.48
The Fullmetal Alchemist universe expands
with new stories that reunite the original
U.S. cast in four eye-opening tales available
for the first time outside of Japan.
Premium OVA Collection
13+ • #FUN08131 • 30 mins • $11.24
Many people have searched for it, many
have stolen it, and many will kill for it. The
Gad is a seemingly magical stone that,
once making a strong spiritual connection
with someone, will grow into a very powerful
robot known as a Techode: a mechanical
being that embodies the will of the
bonded person.
Box Set
ALL • #FUN08754 • 575 mins • $37.48
Mikan and Hotaru are best friends! ...Well,
according to Mikan, anyway. Hotaru
doesn’t seem to care. But one day, Hotaru
is escorted away in a fancy black car,
apparently scouted by a school in Tokyo
called “Alice Academy.” Crushed at the loss
of her favorite pal, Mikan scurries after her,
determined to enroll too! But can Mikan
tough it out in a school where explosions,
superpowers, giant baby chicks and axewielding teddy bears are the norm?
13+ • #RSDVD0902 • SUB ONLY • 650 mins • $37.49
Born into an aristocratic family in Paris,
Albert sets out on a journey with his best
friend, Franz, to escape his privileged, yet
dull, life. They travel to Luna, on the surface
of the moon and meet a very wealthy
man named the Count of Monte Cristo.
Becoming completely fascinated with the
Count’s mysterious charm, Albert welcomes
him into Paris’ high society. But soon,
Albert will discover the Count’s true motive:
Complete Series
17+ • #FUN01130 • 600 mins • $52.48
Hapless Chihiro Enomoto’s luck changes
for the better (or worse, depending on how
you look at it) when he is randomly chosen
as a candidate for the next student council
president. Unfortunately, that means he
must undergo a year-long apprenticeship
with the current ruling body, accomplishing
one impossible, punishing task after another.
Litebox Set Released 11/17/09
16+ • #AWDVD0968 • 385 mins • $22.49
Major Motoko Kusanagi is an elite officer in
the Section 9 security force: a cybernetic
agent so heavily modified that little more
than her “Ghost” remains. Along with fellow
cyborg Bateau and the mostly human
Togusa, Kusanagi is set on the trail of a
computer-criminal known as the Puppet
Master, a data thief skilled enough to hack
into the very minds of his victims.
Blu-ray 2.0 Edition Released 11/24/09
17+ • #N3095 • 83 mins • $22.48
Female cyborg Major Motoko Kusanagi
and her fellow police officers of Section 9
hunt down a host of criminals in both the
real and online worlds. In the course of
their work, Kusanagi and Section 9 must
do everything from resolving hostage crises
to hunting down runaway state-of-the-art
killing machines.
Season 1 Anime Legends Box Set
13+ • #ME25268 • 780 mins • $37.48
Season 2: 2nd GIG Anime Legends Box Set
13+ • #ME25269 • 660 mins • $37.48
It’s Sasahara’s first day of college, and a
fateful choice awaits him. Which college
clubs will he choose to join? But Sasahara
is no ordinary young man; a dark secret
lurks within his soul. For one thing, he
knows what “cosplay” is, and he’d like to
know more. He’s heard of doujinshi, and
he... needs to know more. Enter Genshiken,
the barely legitimized Society for the Study
of Modern Visual Culture, home to all
subspecies of otaku!
Economy Set
13+ • #AWDVD0707 • 350 mins • $29.96
The Society for the Study of Modern Visual
Culture, otherwise known as Genshiken, is
now under the charge of a more-confident
Sasahara. Things have changed in between
semesters, and the otaku club now has a
new otaku-hating member named Ogiue.
Sasahara’s initial goal of starting a dojin
circle and selling those fan-made magazines
at the next Comic Festival becomes a
reality, but reality is a cruel master.
Vol. 1
13+ • #AWDVD0915 • 100 mins • $22.49
Vol. 2 Released 10/27/09
13+ • #AWDVD0957 • 100 mins • $22.49
The traumatic childhoods of three boys
give them the ability to slip into a parallel
dimension known as the Unseen World. But
this world is going through changes, and its
ghosts are appearing in the real world.
Collection 1 Released 10/20/09
14+ • #SFGH100 • SUB ONLY • 275 mins • $44.98
The appeal of the unknown is undeniable,
and Mai Taniyama is hooked. With her
burgeoning psychic powers, she joins the
ranks of the Shibuya Psychic Research
team. Led by enigmatic Kazuya “Naru”
Shibuya, she works to uncover the darkest
mysteries. Using state of the art technology
and their respective spiritual gifts, evil is
confronted and vanquished time and again.
Complete Series
14+ • #FUN07912 • 625 mins • $44.98
For nearly 25 years, Yukiatsu Ryuuda has
wandered the countrysides of Japan posing
as a bodyguard, living the life of a gambler
and thief. Through a chance encounter with
a Youi and the members of the Office of
Barbarian Knowledge Enforcement, Yuki
is forced to face the life he’s been running
from and rediscover his long-hidden power
of Ayagami, the ability to find true names
and use them as a weapon to exorcise the
beasts plaguing the material world.
Part 1
13+ • #AV80362 • 250 mins • $29.98
Part 2
13+ • #AV80363 • 250 mins • $29.98
Part 3
13+ • #AV80364 • 250 mins • $29.98
The BF Group is a secret brotherhood
whose only goal is to drive the world towards
chaos. Protecting the peace are the Experts
of Justice, a team of operatives assembled
from around the globe to stop the ultimate
disaster of the Eternal Night. The key to
everything is the bravery of their newest
member, a boy named Daisaku Kusama,
and the mighty machine he commands.
Litebox Set Released 11/10/09
13+ • #AWDVD0965 • 420 mins • $14.99
When terrorist groups, evil criminals
and hostile aliens become too powerful
for earth’s armed forces, the virtually
indestructible robot Gigantor is built to
combat them. Commanded by Jimmy
Sparks through a remote control, Gigantor
must battle to save the world from a neverending assault by ruthless villains.
Collection 1
ALL • #KOCDV6575 • DUB ONLY • 650 mins • $29.98
Collection 2
ALL • #E1EDV6657 • DUB ONLY • 650 mins • $29.98
After the terrorist incident of October 10,
the sky has been turned into a psychedelic
mirror, sadly reflecting a civilization only
a îshadow of its former self. As the world
struggles to rebuild, two powerful forces
wage a secret and terrifying war. Trying
to restore the world to its former state is
Orga, a tiny group of mutants with amazing
psychic powers. They wait within their
secret lair in the posh Hotel Providence
for their enemy to stir, a dark cadre
named Gilgamesh.
Complete Collection
14+ • #DGLM100 • 625 mins • $37.48
CODE GEASS: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 © 2006-2008 SUNRISE/PROJECT GEASS, MBS Character Design © 2006-2008 CLAMP.
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For Brandon Heat, death doesn’t matter.
Driven by his need for revenge, he returns
from beyond the grave to cripple Milleneon,
the huge mafia organization that uses
undead monsters as its enforcers. His
ultimate goal will be to destroy Harry
MacDowel, the leader of Milleneon and, at
one time, Brandon’s best friend...
Complete Series Box Set
16+ • #GN08653 • 630 mins • $37.48
Part 3 (Vol. 5-6)
13+ • #AV80414 • 225 mins • $29.98
Hayate’s always had to work part-time jobs
to support himself and his lazy, unemployed
parents, who gamble and fritter away all his
hard-earned money. Now they’ve taken out
a 156,804,000 yen loan and abandoned
Hayate to pay it off. On a fateful night,
Hayate meets Nagi Sanzenin, the sole heir
to the vast Sanzenin fortune, and through
a bizarre turn of events, Hayate is hired
as Nagi’s butler. Hayate quickly learns that
the truly rich don’t live the same way as
normal people.
Part 1
13+ • #AV80435 • SUB ONLY • 175 mins • $29.98
Part 2
13+ • #AV80436 • SUB ONLY • 175 mins • $29.98
Part 3 Released 11/3/09
13+ • #AV80437 • SUB ONLY • 175 mins • $29.98
Teenage millionaire Yoshikata lives on his
own in a magnificent mansion, and, having
fired the original maids, needs help keeping
up the place. Enter Izumi and Mitsuki, two
girls of Yoshikata’s age, who accept his offer
to fill in as live-in maids. Along with Anna,
another maid, the three girls live with the
eccentric Yoshitaka in this goofball comedy.
Complete Collection
14+ • #SFHMM100 • 300 mins • $29.98
When their mother is killed in the
firebombing of Tokyo near the end of World
War II, teenage Seita and his little sister
Setsuko are left on their own. With their
father away, serving in the Imperial Navy, the
two children initially stay with an aunt, but
she has little affection for them and resents
the time and money they require. The two
children set up housekeeping in a cave by
a stream, but their meager resources are
quickly exhausted, and Seita is reduced to
stealing to feed his sister.
In the year 0083, the last remnants of Zeon
begin their plan for revenge by stealing
a prototype Gundam armed with nuclear
weapons. Can rookie Federation pilot Kou
Uraki challenge the legendary ace Anavel
Gato, and prevent the cataclysmic rebirth
of Zeon?
Anime Legends Complete Collection
13+ • #AV80467 • 325 mins • $37.48
13+ • #DGFF001 • 89 mins • $14.98
Cosmic Era 71. A war is underway between
genetically enhanced Coordinators and
unmodified Naturals. The Natural-dominated
Earth Alliance, struggling to catch up with
the Coordinators’ superior technology, has
secretly developed its own Gundam mobile
suits. Through a twist of fate, a young
Coordinator named Kira Yamato becomes
the pilot of the Alliance’s prototype Strike
Gundam, and finds himself forced to fight
his own people in order to protect his
Season 1 Anime Legends Collection 1
13+ • #AV26011 • 625 mins • $37.48
Season 1 Anime Legends Collection 2
13+ • #AV26012 • 625 mins • $37.48
Season 2: Destiny Anime Legends Collection 1
13+ • #AV26042 • 650 mins • $37.48
Season 2: Destiny Anime Legends Collection 2
13+ • #AV26043 • 600 mins • $37.48
In ages past, a man and a woman tasted
forbidden love. Even though they could not
be together, they made a vow that would
transcend time. In modern day, Yuusuke, a
student at the Kanenone all-boys academy,
is one of the reincarnated lovers. When an
all-girls class is transferred to the school for
a summer session, could one of them be his
past romance?
Litebox Set
16+ • #AWDVD0951 • 300 mins • $14.99
During the age of the Japanese Civil War, the
faithful samurai Yajiro Torajima is surrounded
by an enemy army. At the last moment, the
bountiful Rushuna appears and saves him.
Yajiro and Rushuna challenge countless
opponents with his sword and her talent for
reloading on the bounce.
Complete Series Litebox
13+ • #AWDVD0941 • 300 mins • $18.74
The year is 2307 A.D. Humanity has obtained
a nearly infinite source of solar power based
on three huge orbital elevators. However,
the benefits of this system are available only
to a handful of major powers and their allies:
the Union, the Human Reform League and
the AEU. In this world of unceasing conflict,
Officially, the Social Welfare Agency is
supposed to be in the business of saving
lives. In reality, it gives terminal patients the
ability to survive… but there’s a price. The
survivors must become the government’s
secret assassination force. When Henrietta
barely survives the brutal slaughter of her
family, she awakens to her new life at the
Agency with no memory of her past. She’s
been given a second chance at life… but
at what cost?
Viridian Collection Box Set
13+ • #FUN08209 • 325 mins • $29.98
Android J was secretly built by the
government as a special agent to
combat crime in the oceanic city-nation
of Judoh. While J initially appears to be
human, the illusion quickly disappears
in clouds of scorching steam when he
fights. Together with his partner, Daisuke
Aurora, the most dangerous criminals will
soon find themselves on the run - from
the underground legend known as the
Heat Guy!
Complete Series
14+ • #FUN08340 • 650 mins • $37.48
The girls of the Social Welfare Agency are
no ordinary children. They are the grizzly
remains of human wreckage pieced back
together with cybernetic implants and
trained to kill by the government. The
oldest, Triela, pursues her targets with a
ferocious enthusiasm - unwilling to settle for
less than total annihilation.
Complete Series
17+ • #FUN08199 • 320 mins • $44.98
Released 12/1/09
17+ • #FUN08195 • 48 mins • $11.24
According to rumor, a mysterious message
board exists, accessible only at midnight.
Those who find the site have the ability to
post a grudge they harbor against someone,
and the Jigoku Shojo (Hell Girl) will carry out
the revenge and then transport that person’s
soul to hell. Of course, vengeance comes
with a hefty price. Those who seek revenge
must accept the fact that when they die,
their souls will also be taken to hell...
Complete First Season
17+ • #FUN08607 • 520 mins • $37.49
In his cavern of a village, Simon toils daily,
drilling holes to expand his stifling little world,
until one day, he makes an extraordinary
discovery: a small glowing drill-bit and the
man-sized mech it activates. Before he can
give it a second thought, Simon’s dragged
into a plot to break through to the surface by
the local gang leader Kamina. It somehow
falls onto the boisterous Kamina and
cowardly Simon to defend their village - but
what awaits the duo on the surface world?
Part 1 (Vol. 1-2)
13+ • #AV80412 • 225 mins • $29.98
Part 2 (Vol. 3-4)
13+ • #AV80413 • 225 mins • $29.98
Among the ruins of a forgotten planet
lies the salvation of the Tribe of Iron, also
known as humankind. This lost warrior will
stand against the tyranny of the Tribe of
Silver, who proclaimed themselves the new
dominant race after the departure of the
advanced Tribe of Gold. Humanity’s last
hope is a wild and unruly hero, “Age,” and
an ancient prophecy.
Complete Series Part 1
13+ • #FUN08680 • 320 mins • $44.98
Complete Series Part 2
13+ • #FUN08681 • 315 mins • $44.98
Complete Series Blu-ray Released 1/26/10
13+ • #FUN08682 • 635 mins • $71.98
ARIA The NATURAL © 2006 Kozue Amano / MAG Garden - ARIA Company.
video.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827
Like a drug, Yukino Miyazawa was addicted
to admiration and praise from those around
her. She worked hard to become the perfect
student - the perfect girl. But that was
before... him. Souichirou Arima. The instant
she met him, she hated him. Without even
trying, he snatched the very glory from her
hands. To take back what is rightfully hers,
Yukino is putting all her efforts into plotting
her revenge - but was love part of the plan?
Anime Value Collection
13+ • #RSDVD0924 • 780 mins • $29.99
Yuta Takemoto has no idea what’s in store
for his life when he enrolls at a Tokyo art
college, but he finds out right away it’ll
never be dull! Love triangles form as fast as
friendships when both Takemoto and senior
classmate Shinobu Morita fall hard for shy
artistic prodigy Hagumi Hanamoto. And
while architecture student Takumi Mayama
secretly pines for an older woman, dazzling
ceramicist Ayu Yamada pines for him!
Box Set 1
16+ • #782009239727 • 300 mins • $44.93
Box Set 2 Released 12/15/09
16+ • #782009239772 • 300 mins • $44.93
When Gon learns his father Ging - whom he
thought was dead - is a famous Hunter, he
aspires to follow in his footsteps. But first,
he has to pass the arduous and dangerous
Hunter test. Gon quickly befriends other
motivated by vengeance, and moneyhungry Leorio.
Set 1
16+ • #DHXH01 • 300 mins • $44.96
Set 2
16+ • #DHXHBS02 • 300 mins • $44.96
Set 3
16+ • #782009239185 • 300 mins • $44.96
Set 4 Released 12/1/09
16+ • #782009239895 • 350 mins • $44.96
Iori Hazuki is a beautiful high schooler with
ambitions of becoming an actress. Ichitaka
Seto is an indecisive sort with a crush
on Iori from afar. Itsuki Akiba is Ichitaka’s
cute childhood friend who has returned
from abroad. Put all three “I”s together
and you have a tale of love, comedy, and
dreams... Contains both the original and the
I’’S Pure OVAs.
Box Set
17+ • #DI01 • 240 mins • $26.93
Once again blood flows in the streets of
Kanto. The eternal fate that has been
handed down for over 1800 years is now
being fought by ancient warriors who have
been reincarnated into the students of
the seven top schools. Hakufu Sonsaku
arrives on the scene and is rumored to
be the legendary warrior Shou-Haou.
But can this blonde airhead with the
overly-endowed assets actually be the
legendary Shou-Haou?
Box Set
17+ • #FUN06793 • 325 mins • $37.48
The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
continues on in modern Japan, as the rival
high schools involved in the retelling of the
epic saga struggle to achieve dominance.
The focus begins to shift to other high
schools and the interaction of their front
runners. In the backdrop, the dragons of the
remaining two great leaders are awakening,
leading to growing mayhem. As ancient
artifacts are acquired and events unfold, the
battles keep raging on with enough intensity
to rend flesh and clothing.
Vol. 1 Released 11/24/09
16+ • #AWDVD0857 • 100 mins • $22.49
“She’s the perfect girl, and you can do
ANYTHING you want with her!” That’s
what the company Maid Works promises,
and boy, do they deliver! Unfortunately
for android maid Yui, her new owner isn’t
exactly normal; he’s one of those anime fans
who’s slipped way past the boundaries of
normal fandom and into the realm of fanatic.
That means Yui is forced to parade about
in an ever-changing variety of anime and
maid costumes, while Takaya indulges in his
deranged fantasies!
Complete Collection
17+ • #SFIS100 • SUB ONLY • 75 mins • $22.48
When Kagome fell down the well at the
Higurashi shrine, she was transported
into ancient Japan, filled with demons,
spirits, and magical creatures! As if that
weren’t enough, she also woke Inuyasha, a
handsome (but stubborn) dog-demon. Now
the two are unwilling travel companions as
they search for the Shikon Jewel, a stone
filled with mystical power.
Season 1 Box Set (Eps. 1-27)
13+ • #DIYBS01 • 675 mins • $37.46
Season 7 Box Set (Eps. 147-167)
13+ • #DIYBS07 • 500 mins • $74.96
More volumes also available!
Akiko and his cousin, the blank spots in
his memory have become more and more
worrisome. After a seven-year absence,
Yuichi makes a valiant effort to adjust to his
vaguely familiar surroundings.
Box Set
13+ • #AR09731 • 576 mins • $52.48
Nagi is the local deity spirit of the town
of Kannagi, and she was able to take a
physical form when Jin Mikuriya carved
a wooden statue of her out of a block of
wood from the sacred tree of his family
shrine. Nagi’s mission is to cleanse the
impurities that plague the land, but since
her sacred tree has been cut down, she
can only do this with Jin’s help.
Vol. 1
13+ • #AV26311 • SUB ONLY • 175 mins • $26.24
Vol. 2
13+ • #AV26312 • SUB ONLY • 175 mins • $26.24
Yuichi Aizawa used to visit his cousin Nayuki
all the time when he was younger, but now
he can hardly remember a thing about those
visits. And upon his return to finish his senior
year in high school while living with his Aunt
Karin Maaka leads an ordinary life in spite
of the fact that she is from a family of
vampires. Unlike the rest of her family, she
has no problem with bright lights, sleeps in
a bed instead of a coffin, and loves to eat
garlic. She is such an abnormal vampire that
she doesn’t even suck blood - she makes it!
Everything begins to unravel when she gets
uncontrollable urges every time she gets
near her classmate, Kenta Usui.
Complete Series Box Set
13+ • #GN08661 • 580 mins • $52.48
Kazuma is a descendent of an ancient clan
skilled in the magical Fire Arts. Unfortunately
for him, the gift seems to have skipped a
generation. Defeated by his younger, female
cousin, Ayano, in a battle to become the
clan’s successor, Kazuma is exiled with only
the smoldering burn of failure to keep him
company. But now he’s back, risen from
the ashes and armed with a powerful new
mojo that’s sure to fan the flames of the
family rivalry.
Complete Season 1 Part 1
14+ • #FUN08350 • 288 mins • $44.98
They call it Seventh Heaven: an asylum of
a prison roasting on the lowest ring of Hell.
Run by a psychotic warden and his army
of hockey-masked guards, it’s a festering pit
filled with thousands of hardened criminals...
plus one very unfortunate Bandit King and
his loyal, feathered sidekick! And as if THAT
didn’t suck enough for our heroes, toss in
a magician who uses stolen dreams to trap
his victims in bizarre worlds of illusion, who
then sets his beady eyes on Jing and Kir!
13+ • #AR06795 • 90 mins • $14.98
Thirteen-year-old Aoba Tsuzaki is a model
fanatic who spends her days happily building
plastic robots. But rumbling beneath the
surface, an evil enemy of mankind threatens
to destroy the earth. Aoba is unwittingly
recruited into Angel, an elite fighting force
that not only pits its giant robots against the
Ancient Jinki, but against an unseen evil that
is working behind the scenes.
Complete Series
15+ • #AR08610 • 300 mins • $37.48
Their parents murdered and their easy life
at an end, young twin brothers Thor and
Rai find themselves jettisoned off-world
and abandoned to their fate: Chimaera, a
hostile planet where only the worst criminals
are sent to die. With extreme temperatures
and carnivorous plants, it is a world ruled by
brutality, a place where mankind has been
reduced to a savage state of survival.
Complete Series Box Set
14+ • #FUN08310 • 255 mins • $33.74
Ghost Hound © 2007 Production I.G • Shirow Masamune / GHOST HOUND Production Committee.
800.338.6827 video.rightstuf.com
a private armed organization steps forward,
declaring their intention to eliminate war
through martial force.
Season 1 Part 1
13+ • #AV80427 • 225 mins • $29.98
Season 1 Part 1 Special Edition
13+ • #AV80430 • 225 mins • $37.48
Season 1 Part 2
13+ • #AV80428 • 200 mins • $29.98
Season 1 Part 2 Special Edition
13+ • #AV80447 • 200 mins • $33.74
Season 1 Part 3 Released 11/3/09
13+ • #AV80429 • 200 mins • $29.98
Season 1 Part 3 Special Edition Released 11/3/09
13+ • #AV80448 • 200 mins • $33.74
Complete Season 1 Part 2
14+ • #FUN08351 • 360 mins • $44.98
Kenichi’s a total wimp. He’s always getting
picked on and doesn’t have a lot of
friends to stick up for him. The guy needs
motivation if he hopes to graduate in one
piece. Well, Miu’s the perfect motivation.
She’s hot, she accepts him, and she just so
happens to live at a dojo with six martial arts
masters. You could say fate has led Kenichi
to their door, or you could say he was just
following the hottie. Either way, he’s about
to get whipped into serious shape.
Season 1 Part 1
13+ • #FUN08250 • 312 mins • $37.48
Season 1 Part 2
13+ • #FUN08251 • 315 mins • $37.48
In a dystopian future, two friends dream
of freedom… and gain more than they
bargain for! Hothead Zed is on the run from
the authorities, while his brainy pal, Noah,
struggles with his own battered body. Both
find a magical world that seems to offer
escape and power undreamed of - but at
what price?
Complete Collection
14+ • #DKB300 • 1275 mins • $44.98
he’s the new “Maoh” (Demon King)! While
Yuri’s convinced that they must have got it
wrong, he’s also managed to get himself
into big trouble - part of his staff wants to
date him, part of them hate him, the exqueen just plain wants him, and, thanks to
local customs, Yuri has even managed to
get himself engaged to another guy!
Season 1 Box Set
13+ • #GN08665 • 975 mins • $71.98
Season 2 Box Set
13+ • #GN08664 • 975 mins • $71.98
friendship, jungle survival and harmony
return! Join Kimba along with his pals, Pauly
the Parrot, Daniel Baboon, and a charming
assortment of other lovable characters, as
When Yuri Shibuya decides to take a stand
against some local bullies, they decide to
dunk him in a toilet, and he finds himself
sucked into another world where he’s told
Attempting to fulfill a promise to his
childhood sweetheart, Keitaro Urashima
is determined to enter Tokyo University.
After being rejected twice, he decides to
leave home and stay at his grandmother’s
apartment complex to study. But when
he arrives, his grandmother is gone,
and he finds himself under attack by the
all-female residents.
Box Set
16+ • #FUN09585 • 600 mins • $37.48
When the moon rises, the four young men
of Weiss become the most vicious assassins
the world has seen. Led by the somber
and silent Aya, the team consists of Ken,
a wide-eyed former athlete, Omi, a young
computer specialist, and Yoji, a suave ladies
man. When a rival assassin group replaces
a young woman’s love with one of their own,
the boys of Weiss come forth to hunt the evil
men and women of this world.
Seasons 1-2 Complete Set Litebox
13+ • #AWDVD0947 • 975 mins • $44.99
Claus and Lavie are a young heroic air
pilot duo whose assignment to make a
special human delivery fails. Before they
know it, they become entangled in an aerial
adventure between two countries gripped in
an eternal war of magnificent air battleships,
noble generals, and a mysterious warmediating Guild.
Complete Series Box Set
14+ • #FUN09001 • 625 mins • $37.48
Ueki is an average junior high student
who has the power to change trash into
trees. This power was granted to him by
Mr. K so Ueki can participate in the “Battle
of the Supernatural Powers.” If he wins,
Mr. K becomes the new King of the Celestial
World, while Ueki will receive the “Talent of
Blank,” allowing him to choose whatever
talent he desires.
Complete Series Box Set
13+ • #GN08301 • 1125 mins • $59.99
Paris, 1742. A coffin floats in the shimmering
Seine. On the lid, a word written in blood:
Psalms. Inside, the body of a beautiful
woman: Lia de Beaumont. Now her brother,
D’Eon, seeks the reason for her mysterious
murder and uncovers an evil that shadows
both the palaces of kings and the dark
alleys of Europe.
Viridian Collection Complete Series
Released 12/1/10
14+ • #AR09698 • 600 mins • $37.48
Ritsuka’s innocent childhood days came to
a bloody end when he lost the one person
who understood him. His brother Seimei
was always his guiding star, and without
him, Ritsuka was lost. The enigmatic Sobi
appears to change all that. Sobi was once
partners with Seimei, a sacrifice who gave
his energy so Sobi could fight. Now Sobi
has come to Seimei looking for a new
partner, will Ritsuka find happiness chained
to Sobi?
Complete Collection Released 10/20/09
13+ • #AWDVD0962 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $14.99
Meet Konata, an athletic and intelligent girl
too dedicated to her favorite primetime
anime shows to excel in anything but otaku
culture; Miyuki, the cute & bespectacled
living example of moe; Kagami, the tough
but shy straight-man; and her younger
fraternal twin sister, Tsukasa, a kind but
air-headed klutz. Witness this study in the
human condition as our heroines explore
the unexplored in questioning the ordinary!
Vol. 1
13+ • #AV80295 • 100 mins • $22.48
Vol. 6
13+ • #AV80300 • 100 mins • $22.48
More volumes also available!
Kagami and Tsukasa join Konata and Ms.
Kuroi in the virtual world of an online role
playing game, and we get to witness,
firsthand, the newbie experience in an
MMORPG. Am I dreaming or is that really
Kagami cosplaying as Miku Hatsune?!
If that and the surreal frog scene are just
too weird for you, the girls also do some
common everyday stuff, like play volleyball
and go camping.
13+ • #AV80308 • SUB ONLY • 43 mins • $11.24
Season 1 Part 1 Released 1/19/10
17+ • #FUN09910 • 300 mins • $49.48
Millie Nocturne has one goal in life: to be
the best in the universe - at everything!
But when she tries her hand at being the
“best detective,” she ends up an unwilling
partner to two people who will change
her life forever: Kain Blueriver, the psiblade-wielding master of the starship
Swordbreaker, and Canal, the smartmouthed ship’s computer. Join them as
they hurtle through space facing off against
intergalactic crime lords, rogue starships,
and hijackers dressed as chickens... and
that’s just the tip of the asteroid!
Box Set (Thinpak)
13+ • #RSDVD0722 • 650 mins • $37.49
The Jewel Seeds, artifacts from an ancient
magical civilization, have been spread
across the galaxy. Nanoha Takamachi
becomes Lyrical Girl Nanoha to seal the
Jewel Seeds and protect the Earth, but
another girl appears, who desperately
tries to collect the seeds for a far more
dangerous purpose!
Complete Collection Released 11/10/09
13+ • #GN08697 • 320 mins • $29.98
Sequel to the original series. Nanoha now
faces an even stronger foe. The mysterious
Book of Darkness threatens to consume its
host and engulf the universe if Nanoha can’t
overcome its defenses!
Box Set
13+ • #GN08557 • 325 mins • $37.48
video.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827
Haruo Yoshikawa was your run-of-the-mill
middle school student: great attendance
record and three adorable, loving sisters.
Normal, right? Wrong. Haruo and his sisters
are, by blood, magic-users. However, Haruo
is seemingly unaware of his powers. So his
three witch sisters - Maika, Chiaki, and
Fuyono - keep him in the dark in the hopes
that he’ll live a normal life. And they’ve
succeeded... until now!
Complete Series
14+ • #AR08615 • 325 mins • $37.48
What would you do if a child you saved
grew up to be a monster? Tenma, a brilliant
neurosurgeon, risks his career to save the
life of a critically wounded young boy named
Johan. When the boy reappears nine years
later in the midst of a string of unusual
serial murders, Tenma must go on the run
from the police to find Johan and stop the
monster he set loose upon the world.
Released 12/8/09
17+ • #782009239802 • 325 mins • $44.93
When Yumi Fukuzawa entered the Lillian
Girls’ Academy, a prestigious all-girls
Catholic school in Tokyo, she never
imagined she would catch the eye of
beautiful and demure Sachiko Ogasawara,
one of the school’s most popular students.
Now Sachiko has offered to be Yumi’s soeur
- her “sister” - and guide for all her years
at the academy. The whole idea has Yumi
completely flustered - after all, they hardly
know each other!
Season 1 Complete Collection
13+ • #RSDVD0815 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $37.49
Season 2: Printemps Complete Collection
13+ • #RSDVD0816 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $37.49
Season 3: OVA Complete Collection
13+ • #RSDVD0901 • SUB ONLY • 255 mins • $29.99
Prince Chagum has the power to stave
off the drought and bring new life to his
empire. However, this is a suspicious time,
and he is accused of possession by an evil
spirit. Court advisors only see one solution:
Chagum must be put to death by his own
father’s hand. Balsa is a spear woman and
mercenary. Her skills are legendary, and she
is held by a mysterious vow to save eight
souls. Can she fend off an entire empire and
make Chagum her eighth soul?
Two Pack 1 (Vol. 1-2)
13+ • #AWDVD0870 • 175 mins • $26.24
Two Pack 2 (Vol. 3-4)
13+ • #AWDVD0876 • 150 mins • $26.24
Two Pack 3 (Vol. 5-6)
13+ • #AWDVD0960 • 175 mins • $26.24
Two Pack 4 (Vol. 7-8) Released 12/08/09
13+ • #AWDVD0975 • 175 mins • $26.24
Classified as too unstable, the genetically
imprisoned aboard an orbital satellite.
When the men that created him unleash a
doomsday device that will destroy all life,
Geist-02 must return to save the world that
tried to destroy him!
14+ • #DMDG001 • 91 mins • $11.24
“I thought that when I entered high school,
my days of believing in aliens, time travelers
and ESPers were going to be over. That was
until she introduced herself. Claiming to be
interested in only aliens, time travelers, and
ESPers, Haruhi Suzumiya was the strangest
girl I’d met in a long time…”
Complete Collection
13+ • #AV20846 • 350 mins • $44.98
Yuuko Kondou, Toshie Hijikata, and Kaoru
Okita are daughters of the reknowned
leaders of the feared Shinsengumi. With
the help of Ryuunosuke, Shintarou, Gennai,
and the cat monster Nekomaru, they
protect Kyoto from the evil that lurks in the
shadows. But, who protects the people of
Kyoto from the Mobile Shinsengumi?
Complete Collection
14+ • #AR07851 • 312 mins • $22.48
For daredevil mountain climbers Goro
Saruwatari and Jack “Lostman” Woodbridge,
conquering the highest peaks on earth is
just the beginning. When a virtually limitless
energy source is discovered on the moon
and the world’s space agencies join forces
to launch a mining operation, Goro and
Lostman see their next frontier. But can the
superpowers of the world really share such
a valuable resource?
Box Set
17+ • #AR06950 • 290 mins • $37.48
Twenty-year-old Sorata is an art instructor
at Yamanoue School. Usually he’s a mousy,
nerdy teacher, but Sorata has a secret:
he’s also the internationally infamous thief
Mouse, and he’s a shameless flirt to boot!
Complete Collection Litebox
16+ • #AWDVD0948 • 180 mins • $14.99
When her royal father is murdered by
a greedy drug manufacturer, Princess
Alita must step forward to take over the
kingdom - but who is the real princess? A
freak magical mishap has trapped Alita in
the body of Falis, the bounty hunter. Now
Alita must rule disguised as a servant while
the battle-savvy Falis sits on the throne in
her body!
Complete Box Set
14+ • #AR08581 • 150 mins • $22.48
When three girls hear a voice asking them to
save a world called Cephiro, their adventure
is only beginning. The voice belongs
to Princess Emeraude, who has been
Between this world and the next, there
is a point where it becomes impossible
to distinguish between plant and animal,
between life and death. This is where you
will find the mushi. Neither good nor evil,
they are life in its purest form. An unseen
river reshaping the path of man, through
their very presence we are changed. Vulgar
and strange, they have inspired fear in
humans since the dawn of time and have
come to be known as “mushi.”
Viridian Complete Collection
14+ • #FUN05110 • 626 mins • $37.48
Burst Angel © 2003 GONZO / Project BAKUTEN.
imprisoned, and monsters are beginning to
invade the land. With her last bit of strength,
the princess summons forth these three
girls destined to become the Magic Knights
in the hopes of saving her world!
Season 1 Remastered Released 10/27/09
13+ • #AWDVD0926 • 500 mins • $29.99
he follows in the footsteps of his late father,
the great lion king, making the jungle a safer,
better place for everyone to live. First aired
in 1965, Kimba is known worldwide as one
of Osamu Tezuka’s greatest masterpieces.
Each episode is masterfully restored and
presented in order according to Osamu
Tezuka’s original storyline.
Mini Collection 1 (Eps. 1-25)
ALL • #RSDVD0716 • DUB ONLY • 550 mins • $37.49
Ultra Box Set Limited Edition (Eps. 1-52)
ALL • #RSDVD2012 • DUB ONLY • 1345 mins • $97.49
“You obviously care about your customers, which
is a quality that will keep me coming back here
for years.” - Kyle S.
Spin off of MY-HiME! For Arika Yumemiya,
the dream of becoming a Meister Otome
has brought her through the desert to the
Windbloom Kingdom, where she hopes
to train at the prestigious Garderobe
Academy. However, gaining admittance
to the academy won’t be as easy as she
thinks it is.
Anime Legends Complete Collection
Released 10/20/09
13+ • #AV20757 • 650 mins • $37.48
In the shadows of this modern world, ninjas
fight for control of an ancient technique,
which holds untold strength. This coveted
power dwells within apathetic Miharu, a fact
the guy really couldn’t care less about - until
the clashing rival clans bring their battle to
him. Now Miharu struggles to understand
the mystery buried in his soul and must
choose a side if he hopes to survive.
Complete Series Part 1
14+ • #FUN09980 • 325 mins • $44.98
Complete Series Part 2 Released 11/24/09
14+ • #FUN09981 • 325 mins • $44.98
A Martian splinter group has launched
an offensive, leaving the United Forces
befuddled and desperate. So much so, in
fact, that the former crew of the Nadesico
is called back to active duty for a special
unsanctioned mission to save us all. Does
this menagerie of misfits have what it takes?
14+ • #DNAD008 • 90 mins • $14.98
Two girls with the same name leave their
old lives behind and come to Tokyo to start
fresh. Nana Osaki wants nothing more than
to make it big as the singer of a rock ‘n’ roll
800.338.6827 video.rightstuf.com
“...this was one of the best experiences I’ve had
ordering anime.” - Sherry S.
Vampires, robots, sorcery - and that’s all
before gym class! Wizard-in-training Negi
Springfield is only ten years old, but he also
happens to be the newest English teacher
at the all-girl Mahora Academy. Too bad a
bachelor’s degree and an enchanted staff
can’t prepare a lad for the chaos of being
surrounded by dozens of junior high girls!
Viridian Collection Complete Series
13+ • #FUN07776 • 630 mins • $29.98
Deep within the Hidden Leaf Village, sharp
and cunning ninja possess amazing talents
and powers, and Naruto Uzumaki carries
an amazing secret. Twelve years ago, the
fourth Hokage sacrificed himself to save
the village by sealing the Nine-Tailed Fox
Spirit inside this orphaned newborn. Now
this plucky prankster will do what it takes
to achieve his life-long goal to become the
next Hokage!
Season 1 Box Set 1 Released 10/27/09
16+ • #782009240242 • 650 mins • $29.99
Season 1 Box Set 2 Released 11/24/09
16+ • #782009241003 • 650 mins • $29.99
Box Set 13
16+ • #DNRBS13 • 375 mins • $37.46
Box Set 13 Special Edition
16+ • #DNRBSP13 • 375 mins • $52.48
Box Set 14
16+ • #DNRBS14 • 350 mins • $37.46
Box Set 14 Special Edition
16+ • #DNRBSP14 • 350 mins • $52.48
Box Set 15
16+ • #DNRBS15 • 350 mins • $37.46
Box Set 15 Special Edition
16+ • #782009239673 • 350 mins • $52.48
Box Set 16
16+ • #782009239680 • 375 mins • $37.46
Box Set 16 Special Edition
16+ • #782009239697 • 375 mins • $52.48
More volumes also available!
Naruto Uzumaki is back! After a long
training journey with one of the Legendary
Sannin, Jiraiya, Naruto has returned older,
a little bit wiser, and a lot stronger! Sakura’s
been studying under another of the Sannin,
Tsunade, and is now an accomplished
medic ninja with a few new battle skills of
her own.
Vol. 1
16+ • #782009239833 • 100 mins • $18.69
Vol. 2 Released 10/27/09
16+ • #782009239864 • 100 mins • $18.69
Vol. 3 Released 11/24/09
16+ • #782009239888 • 100 mins • $18.69
Vol. 4 Released 12/8/09
16+ • #782009239901 • 100 mins • $18.69
A powerful spirit that once threatened to
destroy the world is back! Naruto’s mission
is to protect a priestess named Shion, who
is the only one with the power to seal away
the monster. She also has the uncanny
ability to predict someone’s fate. Her latest
prediction: Naruto will soon die. Naruto’s
only hope is to abandon Shion, but that’s
not Naruto’s style. He decides to face her
fatal prediction head-on - and die!
Released 11/10/09
16+ • #782009239840 • 94 mins • $18.69
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This alternative telling of the Negima story
follows the original Negima manga series
more closely.
Part 1
17+ • #FUN07759 • 325 mins • $44.98
Part 2
17+ • #FUN07761 • 325 mins • $44.98
Due to their paranormal abilities, two young
brothers, Naoto and Naoya, are cast out by
their parents and given into the custody of
a research center. They escape fifteen years
later, and soon learn that they will play a
pivotal role in the coming “Upheaval.”
Vol. 1
16+ • #AWDVD0872 • SUB ONLY • 125 mins • $16.49
Vol. 4
16+ • #AWDVD0917 • SUB ONLY • 125 mins • $16.49
Vol. 5
16+ • #AWDVD0925 • SUB ONLY • 100 mins • $16.49
More volumes also available!
It’s super-explosive ninja insanity! Take one
totally cute (and naíve) ninja-girl trainee,
a horde of ninjas under the perverse
tutelage of her headmaster, a strange,
yellow, spherically pudgy... creature...
named Onsokumaru, and you get the
craziest, most hilarious anime show
ever invented!
Complete Collection Limited Edition
15+ • #RSDVD0725 • 320 mins • $67.49
studying for her college entrance exam. One
day, she runs into some Yazawa School of
Design students who are part of a group
called “Paradise Kiss,” and her life begins
to change. They want Yukari to model their
creations in the annual school fashion show!
Box Set
16+ • #GN08692 • 300 mins • $29.98
Welcome to the most magnificent pet shop
in Chinatown! Operated by the shadowy
Count D, the shop specializes in rare and
hard-to-come-by pets... but with each sale
comes a contract. If that contract is broken,
watch out! Detective Orcott has linked many
odd and unexplainable deaths to Count D’s
shop. Will he solve the mystery or fall prey
to it?
Complete Collection
14+ • #SFPH100 • 100 mins • $18.74
Three-hundred years into the future, the
earth’s environment has been ruined by
man. The forest has come to life and is
at constant war with humankind. Inside a
machine in a forbidden sanctuary, a young
boy named Agito discovers Toola, a young
girl with a mission from the past. Only by
searching their souls and examining the
past will Toola and Agito realize the origin of
all things and unite mankind with the forest.
Viridian Collection
13+ • #FUN02375 • 90 mins • $11.24
Blu-ray Special Edition
13+ • #FUN02374 • 90 mins • $31.48
Meet Yucie, a girl under a spell. Yucie wants
to be a Platinum Princess, and the only way
to do that is to attend the Princess Academy.
But that’s not as easy as it sounds. Under
the guidance of Queen Ercell and with the
unwitting help of a schoolmate named
Glenda, Yucie finds herself embarking on
an epic quest to obtain the fabled Tiara
of Eternity!
Complete Collection
13+ • #DYC102 • 650 mins • $37.48
When the most prestigious university of
magic in the land loses Orphen, their
most talented student, they’ll do anything
to get him back. Unfortunately for them,
Orphen has bigger plans than majoring
in spell casting - namely tracking down a
mysterious dragon, Bloody August.
Seasons 1-2 Complete Collection
13+ • #SFOP100 • 1175 mins • $37.48
Miu Nomura once loved to play the piano.
As a little girl, the music made her heart
soar. Now an introverted teenager, Miu has
become too shy to express her feelings
- even through her music. When Miu
develops a crush on a classmate, her piano
teacher, the moody Mr. Shirakawa, notices
a sudden and remarkable change in Miu’s
playing. Can he help her rediscover the joy
of the piano and find the courage to share
her heart and music once more?
Vol. 1: Secret Love
7+ • #RSDVD0812 • 72 mins • $7.49
Vol. 2: Confessions
7+ • #RSDVD0813 • 96 mins • $7.49
Vol. 3: Heartstrings
7+ • #RSDVD0814 • 72 mins • $7.49
Mizuho can’t believe his ears when
Grandpa’s will is read out. Grandpa’s final
wish is for Mizuho to attend the same
academy as Mizuho’s mother. The catch is
it’s an all-girls school. With the help of friend
Mariya, however, he gets a makeover good
enough to fool everyone at the academy.
Complete Collection
16+ • #AWDVD0961 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $22.49
Dragged through a time warp by a strange
machine, Shu is thrust into a hellish future
as it explodes into war! Surrounded by
fierce warriors, enslaved innocents, and
enigmatic wanderers, Shu faces the ultimate
challenge of survival in a world gone mad!
Complete Collection
14+ • #DNTH100 • 650 mins • $22.48
As the Pirate King Gold Roger was executed,
he revealed that his treasure, known as
“One Piece,” was hidden somewhere on
the Grand Line. Monkey D. Luffy dreams
of finding the legendary treasure and
becoming the Pirate King, and after eating
the devil’s fruit, he gains the power to do so.
The Host Club is now open! After accidently
breaking an expensive vase, Haruhi
suddenly becomes indebted to the school’s
elite Host Club. The only way to pay for the
damage? She’ll have to work as a host! The
only problem? Haruhi is a she, and the Host
Club is composed of all boys!
Season 1 Part 1 (Eps. 1-13)
14+ • #FUN09530 • 312 mins • $44.98
Season 1 Part 2 (Eps. 14-26)
14+ • #FUN09531 • 312 mins • $44.98
Ash, Dawn, and Brock continue their
journey through the Sinnoh region, with Ash
working on his next two Gym badges and
Dawn striving to break her recent string of
defeats. Some new Pokémon have joined
the team - including Paul’s traumatized
Chimchar - challenging the depths of our
heroes’ Pokémon knowledge.
Box 1 (Vol. 1-2)
ALL • #DPMDPBDBS01 • DUB ONLY • 340 mins • $18.69
Box 2 (Vol. 3-4)
ALL • #782009240846 • DUB ONLY • 340 mins • $18.69
Yukari, a beautiful high school student, is
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band, while Nana Komatsu wants to put her
life in motion and get her new relationship
off to a good start. When the two Nanas
fall in love with the same apartment, they
become roommates and then best friends,
and the party has just begun!
Box Set 1
17+ • #DNNBS01 • 268 mins • $44.93
Box Set 2 Released 11/24/09
17+ • #782009239765 • 268 mins • $44.93
But first, he must find a crew.
Season 1 Part 1
14+ • #FUN09581 • 312 mins • $37.48
Season 1 Part 2
14+ • #FUN09582 • 300 mins • $37.48
Season 1 Part 3
14+ • #FUN09583 • 320 mins • $37.48
Season 2 Part 1
14+ • #FUN09574 • 320 mins • $37.48
Season 2 Part 2
14+ • #FUN09575 • 320 mins • $37.48
Season 2 Part 3
14+ • #FUN09576 • 320 mins • $37.48
Season 2 Part 4 Released 12/15/09
14+ • #FUN09577 • 320 mins • $37.48
Season 2 Part 5 Released 1/19/10
14+ • #FUN09578 • 320 mins • $37.48
Box 3 (Vol. 5-6) Released 10/27/09
ALL • #782009240853 • DUB ONLY • 340 mins • $18.69
These DVDs commemorate the top
Pokémon characters as selected by
votes from fans. Each disc showcases a
single character with 3 episodes featuring
its adventures.
Collection 1 (Vol. 1-10)
ALL • #DPMANS • DUB ONLY • 750 mins • $29.98
Collection 2 ((Vol. 11-20)
ALL • #782009240235 • DUB ONLY • 660 mins • $29.98
Tooru Kouno left a sad family life to live
at a prestigious all-boys boarding school.
From his very first day, he feels like he’s
fallen into another world and the boys in his
class seem to be strangely interested in his
pretty-boy looks. A graceful blond named
Shihoudani finally reveals the school’s
secret. To inspire the student body, campus
pretty boys are asked to dress up as girls...
and Tooru is on the list!
Complete Collection Litebox Released 11/17/09
13+ • #AWDVD0966 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $14.99
Following the Pokémon All Star series,
Pokémon Elements consists of the most
important episodes commemorating the
different types of Pokémon. Each disc
showcases a Pokémon element with three
classic episodes.
Vol. 1: Grass
ALL • #DPMEL01 • DUB ONLY • 60 mins • $7.49
Vol. 2: Fire
ALL • #DPMEL02 • DUB ONLY • 60 mins • $7.49
Vol. 3: Water
ALL • #782009240174 • DUB ONLY • 60 mins • $7.49
Vol. 4: Electric
ALL • #782009240181 • DUB ONLY • 60 mins • $7.49
Vol. 5: Ice Released 11/24/09
ALL • #782009240198 • DUB ONLY • 60 mins • $7.49
Vol. 6: Dark Released 11/24/09
ALL • #782009240204 • DUB ONLY • 60 mins • $7.49
He’s a dashing musician who rides a
combination motorcycle/organ. She’s an
elder spirit who resembles a young girl, but
is also known as “The Crimson Annihilator”
and “The Bloody Duchess.” Together, they
serve The Tsuge Divine Music Players Office.
Complete Collection Released 11/17/09
14+ • #SFPY100 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $29.98
Take one mysterious interdimensionaltraveling house and three very odd sisters
and you’ve got one very fan-service loaded
comedy in the making! With no parents,
the eldest sister, Ai, must take care of her
siblings - especially the youngest, Mii, who
has a strange obsession with anything soft
or squishy!
Complete Collection Released 10/27/09
15+ • #SFPOP100 • 300 mins • $22.48
Hiro Hiyorimi is an orphan who goes to live
with his sister Sawawa, the caretaker of a
creepy old mansion. He ends up saving the
life of the mansion’s resident, who turns out
to be a princess of the monster kingdom and his new master.
Collection 1
13+ • #SFPR100 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $29.98
Collection 2
13+ • #SFPR200 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $29.98
A girl named Duck falls in love with a prince.
One day, a bizarre old man emerges and
gives her a magical pendant that transforms
her into the waltzing Princess Tutu. Now she
must choose - for those who accept their
fate find happiness, those who defy it, glory.
Complete Collection
14+ • #DPTT200 • 650 mins • $33.74
G-Reaction engines is but the beginning of
the ghastly end for mankind. While deranged
alien forces prepare a fleet of flying saucers
for the invasion of all invasions, teenage
geniuses Penny Carter and Billy Kimura
join forces with a clandestine secret alliance
to save humanity from the extra-terrestrial
helmet worms and their tentacles of doom!
Box Set
13+ • #AR06940 • 288 mins • $37.48
In the aftermath of the Great War, Lt. Alice
Malvin takes command of the Imperial
Army’s Intelligence Section Three, an elite
team where even the newest member
hunts down tanks with a handgun. Their
code name: Pumpkin Scissors. Her mission:
to sharpen IS3 into a deadly instrument of
justice and to expose the corrupt powermad nobility who prey on the weak.
Complete Series
14+ • #AR09634 • 600 mins • $52.48
2015 AD. Ayato Kamina is caught up in
a devastating attack on Tokyo. Emerging
from the rubble, he meets a mysterious girl,
Reika Mishima, who guides him to a hidden
sanctuary where an enormous humanoid
weapon, RahXephon, emerges from a black
egg. For some mysterious reason, Ayato is
the only person who can pilot Rahxephon
and protect the city!
Complete Collection
14+ • #DRX100 • 770 mins • $44.98
An odd string of suicides surrounds a
private institution. On the night a classmate
dies, Kate, Rachel, Rose, and Claire awaken
with no memories of the evenings’ events.
The next night, the four girls are drawn
together by mysterious red butterflies that
only they can see. Converging at Central
Park, the girls are approached by a strange
woman who tells them they are dead. Now,
the four girls must work together to learn
the secrets of their deaths - and the means
to return to their previous lives.
Complete Series (TV Series + OVA)
17+ • #AR09655 • 600 mins • $52.48
dispelling dark magic… It’s all in a day’s
work for the mages of Astral! However,
after the mysterious disappearance of the
company president, they’re left in a lurch.
His son, Itsuki Iba, begrudgingly fills in,
but Itsuki’s unfamiliarity with magic could
spell bad news for Astral - especially with
their rival Goetia vying for the very same
contracts. As the jobs grow ever more
dangerous, they soon find that staying in
business is the least of their worries.
Part 1 Released 11/24/09
13+ • #RSDVD0919 • SUB ONLY • 525 mins • $37.49
Part 2 Released 2/2/10
13+ • #RSDVD1009 • SUB ONLY • 400 mins • $37.49
Complete Series Released 1/19/10
N/R • #FUN09640 • 300 mins • $44.98
For most of her young life, Juliet was forced
to live a tortuous lie. Disguised as a boy,
she lurked in the shadows of Neo Verona.
She escapes from the monotony of a life in
hiding disguised as the Crimson Whirlwind a masked crusader determined to right the
wrongs of a heinous regime. But now, as
her people’s suffering reaches unspeakable
levels, Juliet prepares to raise her sword
and lead a rebellion against the villainous
tyrant whose hands are stained by the
blood of her ancestors.
Part 1 (Romeo Collection)
13+ • #FUN01165 • 290 mins • $44.98
Part 2 (Juliet Collection)
13+ • #FUN01166 • 290 mins • $44.98
One young boy who couldn’t get along
with his classmates. One exquisite doll who
wished to become a normal human girl.
These are their adventures as they strive to
help each other overcome their fears and
the very real dangers of the Alice Game.
However, they must first overcome their
distrust of each other.
Season 1 Box Set
13+ • #GN08440 • 300 mins • $37.48
Season 2: Träumend Box Set
13+ • #GN08666 • 312 mins • $37.48
Enter the world of Saiyuki: a unique universe
of beauty and betrayal, where sacred scrolls
battle enchanted weaponry and where
dragons can transform into jeeps. It’s a land
of magic and menace, where four reluctant
heroes are just as concerned about having
a good time, a stiff drink, and a beautiful
woman as they are about saving the world.
Complete Collection (Eps. 1-50)
14+ • #DSY100 • 1250 mins • $37.48
Tenma has fallen for her oblivious classmate,
but hasn’t worked up the courage to tell him.
Instead, she continually tries unorthodox
ploys to confess with a frustrating lack of
success. Meanwhile, the class delinquent
has fallen for Tenma and is making similar
attempts. This unlikely trio winds its
way through the pitfalls of love and high
school life!
Seasons 1-2 + OVA Complete Series Set
Released 12/8/09
17+ • #FUN08413 • N/A mins • $74.99
What if, one day, you discovered that the
world wasn’t quite what it seemed? Life is
rather quiet for Hajime Murata, but when
Kyoichi Moriguchi challenges a mysterious
new transfer student to a fight, Hajime
arrives just in time to see a simple brawl turn
into a display of psychic powers! Hajime is
determined to figure out the truth about the
world he thought he knew. This is his story;
a tale of aliens and humans, starships and
spies, and friends who are often more than
they appear to be.
Collection (Thinpak)
7+ • #RSDVD0710 • 650 mins • $44.99
Keroro is Sgt. Frog - the leader of a
platoon of warriors sent to conquer planet
Earth. But when the amphibious invaders
discovered how much humans enjoy
dissecting their comrades, the troops were
scattered, the mission was aborted, and
Keroro was abandoned. Now, this onceproud soldier spends more time wielding a
vacuum than he does the weapons of war.
But though the invasion may have slowed
to a hop, Sergeant Frog still occasionally
yearns to overcome his karaoke addiction
and reassemble his troops.
Season 1 Part 1
13+ • #AR09990 • 300 mins • $29.98
Season 1 Part 2 Released 11/24/09
13+ • #AR09991 • 300 mins • $29.98
Season 2 Part 1 Released 1/26/10
13+ • #AR09992 • 300 mins • $29.98
Alternate universe storyline. It is the 1920s,
and Japan is under attack by demonic
invaders. The government has designed
robot armor suits, but only young ladies
with the proper combination of virtue and
spirit can pilot the robots successfully. Enter
young Sakura, who has the qualifications to
be a fine robot pilot, but she’s surprised to
learn that this secret Defense Force has a
cover story as a musical theatre troupe and they take their cover jobs very seriously!
Complete Collection
13+ • #SFSW100 • 625 mins • $22.48
Yuji Sakai is about to learn that there is
more to the world than going to school and
finding a girlfriend when he meets a swordwielding girl with fiery red eyes and flamecolored hair. Denizens of the Crimson Realm
are invading our world, and it’s up to the
Flame Haze, Shana, to slay them. However,
when Yuji gets in the way of her sword, he
learns that death is very different from how
he imagined it would be.
Complete Series
13+ • #GN08690 • 625 mins • $37.48
Mugen’s a buck-wild warrior - violent,
thoughtless and womanizing. Jin is a
vagrant ronin - mysterious, traditional,
well-mannered and very strong. These two
fiercely independent warriors couldn’t be
more different, yet their paths cross when
Fuu, a ditzy waitress, saves them from
being executed. Fuu convinces them to help
her find a mysterious samurai “who smells
and bodily functions make life stressful for
his struggling parents. No one is safe from
Shinchan’s verbal outbursts... and now,
neither are you!
Season 1 Part 1 (Eps. 1-13)
17+ • #FUN04220 • DUB ONLY • 300 mins • $22.48
Season 1 Part 2 (Eps. 14-26)
17+ • #FUN04221 • DUB ONLY • 300 mins • $22.48
Season 2 Part 1 (Eps. 27-39)
17+ • #FUN04222 • DUB ONLY • 300 mins • $29.98
Season 2 Part 2 (Eps. 40-52)
17+ • #FUN04224 • DUB ONLY • 300 mins • $29.98
Masahiro Abeno is the grandson of the
great sorcerer Seimei Abeno. Unfortunately,
Masahiro has lost his sixth sense and the
ability to see spirits. One day, a demon
drops from the sky and proclaims that
Masahiro must continue his grandfather’s
work or perish in flames!
Complete Collection Released 10/27/09
13+ • #GN08694 • 625 mins • $52.48
My-OTOME © 2005-2007 Sunrise.
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In the year 1600, during the battle of
Sekigahara, warriors Kyoshiro Mibu and
“Demon Eyes” Kyo engaged in fierce
combat. Both men disappeared when a
meteor crashed in the battlegrounds. Four
years later, Kyoshiro is captured by the
female bounty hunter Yuya Shiina, when
she discovers that deep inside him is the
dormant personality of “Demon Eyes”
Kyo himself.
Complete Series Litebox
13+ • #SKDVD0945 • 650 mins • $37.46
of sunflowers.” And their journey begins.
Blu-ray Complete Series Released 12/15/09
16+ • #GN08655 • 625 mins • $71.98
He’s rude, he’s crude, and adults tremble
whenever he’s around. His inappropriate
comments and obsession with body parts
Aer is recruited to be a Simoun pilot after
a terrifying attack by an enemy nation
decimates the squadron known as Chor
Tempest. To earn her wings, she needs
to find her way into the heart of Neviril,
Regina of Chor Tempest. But Neviril’s
heart still belongs to her previous pair, lost
in battle when she attempted a forbidden
Simoun maneuver.
Complete Collection
13+ • #AWDVD0929 • SUB ONLY • 650 mins • $37.46
A group of eternally young fighter pilots,
known as Kildren, experience the sudden
loss of innocence as they battle the enemy
in astonishing dogfights above the clouds.
With his only childhood memory consisting
of intense flight training, the fearless teenage
pilot Yuichi’s dogfights coexist with his
struggle to find his missing past.
Regular Edition
N/R • #043396307483 • 121 mins • $27.96
N/R • #043396307520 • 121 mins • $31.46
It is a world of fantasy, where magic rules
and monsters lurk around every corner. A
world of dragons, knights, and wizards. A
world populated with heroes and villains.
A world where the fate of the world rests
in Lina’s hands... (and now we know we’re
in trouble!)
Seasons 1-3 Collection
13+ • #FUN05973 • 1725 mins • $52.48
Yorito Morimiya loves to take photos of the
sky. One night, he meets a mysterious girl
named Matsuri Shihou who longs to see
the blue sky. However, she is actually an
immortal called “Yaka.” Yorito and Matsuri’s
chance meeting unravels a story that stood
still for hundreds of years...
Anime Legends Complete Collection
13+ • #AV80485 • SUB ONLY • 375 mins • $33.74
When she was six, Hikari Hanazono lost
a wrestling match with Kei Takishima, and
ever since, her only goal has been to beat
him at something, anything. Now he’s the
top student at their exclusive high school,
and she’s still number two and plotting.
Collection 1 Released 11/10/09
13+ • #SFSPA100 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $29.98
Lawrence, a traveling merchant searching
for profit, finds a naked girl with the ears
and tail of a wolf asleep in his cart. Her
name is Holo - a harvest goddess with an
untamed beast lurking inside who longs
to return to her beloved northern home.
Armed with his street smarts and her animal
instincts, they begin a journey through the
wild countryside. Along their path, the riches
of happiness shall be reaped, even as the
bankruptcy that dwells in the human heart
is exposed.
Complete Season 1 Released 11/24/09
14+ • #FUN01180 • 312 mins • $44.98
Saiunkoku is a country with eight powerful
houses governed by one emperor. However,
the new leader, Ryuki Shi, doesn’t care for
his new role and is rumored to spend his
days chasing after noblemen. Enter Shurei
Hong, a princess whose family has fallen
upon hard times. Her dreams of becoming
a government official are unattainable
since she is a woman, but if she agrees
to become the emperor’s consort and turn
him into a respectable ruler, she will be
greatly rewarded...
Complete Collection
13+ • #GN08693 • 936 mins • $52.48
In a time of war, Sara Werec yearns to
follow her brother Ralph into the stars and
take up the Union cause in their endless
fight against the Deague. But on the eve of
academy graduation, Sara loses everything,
when Ralph commands a Deague assault
force in a surprise attack against the
school. Amid the smoking rubble of her
dreams, Sara Werec boldly undertakes a
new mission: confront Ralph to reveal the
motives behind his betrayal and put an end
to his treasonous ways.
Box Set
17+ • #FUN08290 • 300 mins • $44.98
Nagisa Aoi is a young girl about to embark
on a new chapter in her life. She’s just
transferred to a new all-girls high school,
one of three in the area. At first, she’s excited
about the new friends, new surroundings,
and new activities that await her. But she
soon becomes confused and disoriented,
particularly when she encounters Shizuma,
a student representative whose striking
beauty has Nagisa flustered.
Collection Litebox
13+ • #AWDVD0932 • SUB ONLY • 650 mins • $37.46
Sugar, an apprentice Snow Fairy, and her
friends, Salt and Pepper, need to find the
magical “Twinkles” before they can become
full-fledged Season Fairies. The only problem
is that none of them have any idea what a
Twinkle is! Along with their lone human
friend, Saga, these fairy friends search for
Twinkles and try to perfect their magic.
Collection 1 Released 10/27/09
13+ • #SFLSF100 • 325 mins • $29.98
The Irresponsible Captain Tylor © Hitoshi Yoshioka/Kadokawa Shoten, Tylor Project.
800.338.6827 video.rightstuf.com
In the post-apocalyptic world, humans
have settled along the desert frontier:
battling giant, man-eating insects and
living under the watchful eye of The Third,
an organization that polices the use of
technology. In this world, mercenaries
like Honoka and her powerful AI tank,
Bogie, will take on any job no matter how
dangerous. But when Honoka rescues a
mysterious young man from certain death,
she suddenly becomes the target of The
Third’s watchful eyes.
Complete Collection
15+ • #RSDVD0911 • 600 mins • $59.99
“There’s nothing I can do to make a
difference. Wars will be fought. People will
die,” Takeru said. “I’ll never matter.” He
didn’t know how wrong he was. Takeru has
a very special place in this universe. And he
doesn’t know how special until he meets a
beautiful girl who falls from the stars.
Complete Collection
17+ • #DUBW100 • 300 mins • $37.48
Collection 2 Released 11/17/09
13+ • #SFLSF200 • 325 mins • $29.98
The Super GALS are back! The gang’s all
here: Ran, Miyu, Aya, Rei, Nii (er, Yuya),
and even monkey-boy Tatsuki. Get ready
for more characters, more romance, more
Shibuya slang, and more Ironclad Rules
than ever before!
Season 2 Box Set
13+ • #RSDVD2018 • SUB ONLY • 650 mins • $37.49
On his way to start at a new high school,
Yamato sees a beautiful girl practicing the
high jump on the track field. He is instantly
smitten, but fears he will never see her
again - until he realizes that she lives next
door. Her name is Suzuka, and when her
track skills are failing, Yamato is right there
to help her.
Viridian Collection Box Set
13+ • #FUN05229 • 575 mins • $22.48
Whilst wandering war-torn Japan during the
era of the Warring States, a nameless ronin
stumbles upon a young boy by the name
of Kotaro, his dog, and the many Chinese
assassins dispatched to claim the boy in
some strange ritual for immortality. Seeing
something of his own past within the child,
the nameless swordsman chooses to act as
his bodyguard, but can he truly keep Kotaro
from the clutches of the Ming and their
bloodthirsty blonde mercenary, Luo-Lang?
Regular Edition
13+ • #AV20012 • 102 mins • $18.74
13+ • #AV20010 • 102 mins • $29.99
In a strange dark age based on Celtic
myths, the Divine Empire’s path of conquest
seems unstoppable… until a savage priest
makes a critical mistake while attempting to
resurrect a Demon Lord! Now the scales of
fate tip in the other direction...
Collection 1 Released 11/24/09
13+ • #SFTT100 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $29.98
An endless swarm of biomechanical
beings known as the Venomoids descend
from space. Earth’s Space Knights are no
match for the Venemoid champions, the
Teknomen. When the young pilots Ringo
Richards and Star Summers find a wounded
stranger named Blade, humanity gains one
last hope. Blade is able to transform into a
Teknoman, but he has no memories and
fights to protect Earth. His opponents are
not only the endless alien menace, but also
the other Teknomen.
Complete Collection Litebox Released 11/24/09
7+ • #AWDVD0969 • DUB ONLY • 1100 mins • $14.99
Sequel to the original OVA series. Tenchi
seeks answers from his past while Ryoko
faces the present head on. But the gang’s
No one knows exactly how Junpei,
Airi, Ritsuko, and their T-74 Tank found
themselves marooned in a strange world
populated by a wide variety of elves. When
a magic spell cast by the elven elder Celcia
designed to send the strangers back to their
own world, splits into five distinct fragments,
the stage is set for an epic quest by this
mixed trio!
Complete Collection
13+ • #SFTW100 • 600 mins • $29.98
For as long as Akari can remember, she and
Hiroyuki have always been friends. But with
time, everything changes, and her feelings
have turned into something more. As a new
semester of high school begins, will the two
childhood friends come closer together or
drift further apart?
Complete Collection (Thinpak)
7+ • #RSDVD0820 • 325 mins • $29.99
Tokyo. A wave of mysterious deaths ripples
throughout the city. Corpses of the undead, controlled by monstrous creatures,
scour the urban underworld at the bidding
of their dark master, seeking a power that
could bring about the final apocalypse.
With the police helpless in the face of these
unnameable horrors, the fate of the world
hangs on five unlikely saviors - the students
of Tokyo Majin!
Complete Series
17+ • #AR09835 • 650 mins • $52.48
In the future, mankind has created a
seemingly utopian society strictly controlled
by the government, where anything that
threatens to disrupt the status quo is
ruthlessly suppressed. When 14-yearold Jomy begins to question the way the
society is run, he suddenly becomes a
target for both the government and the
Mu, an outcast race with extra-sensory
abilities who have been fighting against the
government for generations. Now each is
determined to hunt him down - one to kill
him and the other to save him.
Remastered Edition
13+ • #RSDVD0824 • SUB ONLY • 128 mins • $14.99
A new retelling of Keiko Takemiya’s To Terra
graphic novel series!
Anime Legends Complete Collection
Released 10/20/09
13+ • #AV80346 • SUB ONLY • 600 mins • $37.48
Scaling the sixty treacherous floors of the
Tower of Druaga is no game. Very few
survive its twisting corridors and lethal
traps, and those who reach the top must
face Druaga, the demon protecting the
mysterious, treasured Blue Crystal Rod.
It is a grueling campaign undertaken by
only the bravest swordsmen and wisest
sorcerers - and Jil. A young guardian with
little experience, Jil raises his shield to play
the role of hero.
Part 1 Released 11/3/09
14+ • #FUN01200 • 280 mins • $44.98
Shinichiro is a high school student who
aspires to be a picture book author. His
classmate Hiromi came to live with his
family after her father died. Since then, she’s
bottled up her feelings and has an aura of
melancholy around her. Shinichiro wants to
cheer her up but doesn’t know how. She
explains that she gave away all her tears,
and she’s searching for someone to give
them back to her.
Anime Legends Complete Series
13+ • #AV80475 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $29.98
The fates shine upon young archeologist
Syaoran and his life-long love, the Princess
Sakura. As the moon hovers silently above
the kingdom, a beautiful and otherworldly
sound fills the air, drawing the princess to
the ancient ruins. Her latent powers stir,
awakening an ability to cross dimensions. But
the process is interrupted as unseen forces
conspire to claim this magic as their own.
Season 1 Complete Viridian Collection
Released 11/10/09
13+ • #FUN02297 • 625 mins • $37.48
Season 1 Blu-ray Complete Collection
Released 11/10/09
13+ • #FUN02289 • 625 mins • $44.98
Season 2 Complete Collection
Released 12/29/09
13+ • #FUN02298 • 625 mins • $52.48
Complete Series (Seasons 1-2 + Movie)
Released 1/19/10
13+ • #FUN02299 • N/A mins • $74.99
Young Arusu suddenly one day finds herself
dropped into the middle of a magical world,
where she meets two young witches named
Sheila and Eva. One wild broomstick ride
later, all three are blamed for the release of
the witches’ source of magic: fairies. After
an unusual punishment is delivered, they
are given the task of recapturing the fairies
- a difficult thing to do when Arusu keeps
freeing them! Contains both the TV series
and OVA series.
True Book of Spells Box Set
13+ • #AWDVD0885 • 598 mins • $74.99
The legend begins when a mysterious blond
stranger confronts the teenager Youko and
she is pulled into another world to face her
destiny. Thus begins Youko’s perilous and
mystic journey to the Kingdom of Kei on an
epic road of espionage, terror, and betrayal.
Complete Collection
13+ • #AWDVD0927 • 1125 mins • $52.46
video.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827
Lucky Star OVA © Kagami Yoshimizu / Lucky Paradise.
Justy Ueki Tylor had his life all planned out:
join the military, get a cushy desk job, and
then retire with a big fat pension check.
The perfect plan... until he wandered into a
hostage situation and somehow managed
to save an admiral! Now Tylor - a man
who wouldn’t know what discipline was if
it bit him on the backside - has been made
Captain of the space cruiser Soyokaze. The
crew of this run-down ship is the craziest
rag-tag team of misfits you’re ever likely to
see, but they’d better learn to work together
because they’re about to go head to head
with the mighty Raalgon Empire.
Remastered Complete Collection
15+ • #RSDVD0906 • 650 mins • $37.49
Six long months have passed. The Raalgon
Empire has developed a horrible new type
of weapon, and Tylor has been charged
with the duty of intercepting it as it is being
transported. But when all that could go
wrong does go wrong, the crew members
of the Soyokaze find themselves at the
mercy of their enemies. As the hours tick
down toward their execution, the crew
wonders: has their irresponsible captain
misled them? Or is this all a part of some
greater strategy?
Remastered Complete Collection
13+ • #RSDVD0908 • 450 mins • $29.99
Kazuto has taken it upon himself to run
his late grandfather’s bathhouse. When the
alien Princess Valkyrie destroys it, Kazuto
is mortally wounded. With a magical kiss,
she saves his life, but in the process, she’s
transformed into an eight-year-old! Now
Kazuto must defend the bathhouse, not
only from hordes of alien invaders, but also
from Valkyrie herself!
Seasons 1-2 Collection
17+ • #DUPV100 • 670 mins • $44.98
Seasons 3-4 Collection
17+ • #AR07853 • 190 mins • $37.48
A force of space explorers are sent to find
princess Allura and the keys to Voltron. As
the evil warlord King Zarkon rains down
destruction across the universe, our heroes
form Voltron and begin a new war against
his cruel empire.
Set 1
ALL • #AWDVD0645 • DUB ONLY • 375 mins • $29.96
Set 8
ALL • #AWDVD0909 • DUB ONLY • 450 mins • $26.24
More volumes also available!
In a bid to destroy the Galaxy Alliance, evil
King Zarkon joins forces with the leader of
the Drule Empire, Viceroy Throk. The threat
too great even for one of the mighty Voltron
units to deal with, the Galaxy Alliance sends
a call both to the stellar ship Explorer and to
the Castle of Lions. The ultimate giant robot
team-up is Earth’s last hope!
13+ • #AWDVD0912 • DUB ONLY • 48 mins • $14.99
After years of sponging off of a fabulously
wealthy older woman, four ridiculously
beautiful boys are confronted with the most
horrifying challenge ever: use their bishie
skills to turn their benefactor’s socially
challenged niece into a beautiful young lady
or start paying rent! And this isn’t just any
ugly duckling they’re facing; she’s a psycho,
paranoid, neurotic horror-movie-obsessed
goth chick with a total ignorance of all
things feminine!
Complete Collection
14+ • #AR09817 • 640 mins • $52.48
of Humankind, but only bestowed upon
the woman whose fate it forever scars:
the Witchblade. Is it the Righteous Sword
of God, or the Hand of the Devil Himself?
Now a new bearer has been chosen and
she must discover the answers for herself.
As she stands on the brink of destiny, she is
forced to seek the balance between ecstasy
and ruin...
Blu-ray Complete Series Released 11/3/09
17+ • #FUN08730 • 600 mins • $71.98
him to the ornate door of the Dimensional
Witch Yuko, he meets a mystical woman of
insight, quick to help those in a bind - for
a fee. To be free of his visions, Watanuki
agrees to work in her shop. Watanuki
quickly learns that those looking to fulfill
their desires should be wary, for the price
may be higher than they ever wanted
to pay...
Box Set
13+ • #FUN04547 • 600 mins • $52.48
There is an old legend that speaks of a
hidden paradise on earth - a paradise which
only wolves can find. And while thought to
have been extinct for hundreds of years,
wolves indeed still walk the earth, hidden
among mankind. Now, a group of outcast
wolves set out to find paradise: Kiba,
Hige, Toboe, and Tsume. Together they are
pursued by humans seeking to quench their
own thirst for power.
Anime Legends Perfect Collection
13+ • #AV24016 • 775 mins • $37.48
Narue is an adorable schoolgirl with a
secret: she’s really a superpowered alien!
But growing up is never easy, and our
spunky heroine faces androids, alien
invaders, and the most terrifying challenge
ever... her first date with the boy next door!
Complete Collection
13+ • #DWN100 • 325 mins • $22.48
Viridian Collection Complete Series
Released 1/19/10
14+ • #AR09742 • N/A mins • $22.48
Watanuki has been haunted by spirits his
entire life, but when a group of demons dog
Yawara Inokuma just wants to be an
ordinary high school girl. Unfortunately for
her, she’s been trained since she was a
toddler by her grandfather, Jigoro, to be a
judo prodigy. Nothing less than an Olympic
Gold Medal and the coveted National Merit
Award will satisfy him, and he’ll do anything
to ensure she achieves it - whether she likes
it or not!
Box Set 1 (Eps. 1-40)
13+ • #ANMDV1009 • SUB ONLY • 1000 mins • $101.24
From drunken karaoke binges to baseballthemed vigilantes, the Bokuto Police Station
is a magnet for the weird and unusual!
Fortunately, car-crazy Miyuki, insanely
strong Natsumi and the rest of the station’s
enforcers of justice are always ready to face
the challenge!
Season 2 Collection 1 Released 11/3/09
13+ • #SFYUA201 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $29.98
From cutting classes to br1awling in the
streets, Yusuke Urameshi is not your typical
role model. In fact, this kid’s nothing more
Sato’s life is going down the drain. He’s
dropped out of college and survives on
a steady diet of internet porn. Then he
decides that the sinister broadcast company
known as “The NHK” is trying to transform
their viewers into jobless, societal recluses.
In Sato’s darkest hour, he meets a beautiful
girl named Misaki, who claims that she can
cure him. Is she an angel of mercy, or a
devilish agent of the NHK?
Complete Series
17+ • #AR09665 • 600 mins • $52.48
Women are monsters! For generations, the
men of the planet Tarak have waged a valiant
war of survival against their fierce enemies
of the planet Mejale - women! Hibiki finds
himself completely out of his depth, first as
a stowaway on a space battleship, then as
the prisoner of the women who hijack it!
Box Set
13+ • #FUN01150 • 625 mins • $37.48
Sumire is your average everyday schoolgirl.
That is, if your average everyday schoolgirl
can not only sense ghosts and demons,
but can also dispose of them accordingly.
So when she finally meets Lucia, a specterfighting, eyepatch-wearing power-girl from
the Venus Vanguard, it’s a match made in
heaven. Or rather - hell, as it were. Together,
these two will work to rid the world of
the dark forces called Virus that lurk
amongst us.
Complete Box Set
14+ • #AR07850 • 290 mins • $37.48
When Keiichi joins an after-school club and
befriends four cute girls, life doesn’t seem
too bad. That is, until he learns about
demonic cults and the grisly murders that
have occurred every year on the day of the
town festival. How many of his club “friends”
are involved, and what are their plans
for him?!
Complete Box Set
16+ • #GN08675 • 624 mins • $52.48
Sought by the greed of Men since the dawn
Basilisk © 2005 FUTARO YAMADA • MASAKI SEGAWA • KODANSHA/Digital Anime Project Inc.
800.338.6827 video.rightstuf.com
world gets turned upside-down when they
receive a strange visitor. After composing
himself, Tenchi discovers that the mysterious
visitor is not his mom, but a long-lost sister
who has come to inform him of his arranged
marriage and, more importantly, his new
fiancée, Noike.
Viridian Collection Box Set
13+ • #FUN04235 • 295 mins • $22.48
Released 11/24/09
N/R • #TSDVD0943 • 120 mins • $14.99
Panor, a seductive rural teacher, longs to
live a normal, peaceful life like everyone else
in her village. But her beauty becomes her
biggest curse as she becomes the object
of desire for every man that enters her life.
Male colleagues and students alike resort to
a variety of black arts and love potions in
an attempt to win her favor. To counter their
endless menace, Panor herself must turn
to witchcraft to combat her supernaturally
charged suitors.
Released 11/24/09
17+ • #TSDVD0910 • SUB ONLY • 100 mins • $14.96
No sooner has beautiful young Aki stepped
on campus than she’s pressed into service
on the swim team. Next a psycho scientist
sent in to inoculate the luscious young
student bodies makes a little error in
judgment, resulting in a flesh-eating zombie
problem. Now, with most of the school
running amuck eating each other, having
rabid sex, and juggling, it’s up to Aki and
her new-found allies on the girls swim team
to send these monsters to the shower!
It all begins in 1969, when a young boy
named Kenji and his friends write “The
Book of Prophecy.” In their book, they write
about a future where they fight against an
evil organization trying to take over the
world and bring about Doomsday. Years
later, in 1997, a mysterious cult led by a
man only known as “Friend” has emerged
and gained strong influence over society. A
series of catastrophic events begin to occur,
mirroring the prophecies made up by the
young Kenji.
Movie 1: Beginning of the End Released 11/10/09
N/R • #896911001201 • SUB ONLY • 142 mins • $18.69
Movie 2: The Last Hope Released 12/8/09
N/R • #896911001218 • SUB ONLY • 140 mins • $18.69
17+ • #SWB1801 • SUB ONLY • 80 mins • $22.48
Demons have infested Earth, and only
one warrior stands between the dark and
the light: Saya, a half-human, half-vampire
samurai who preys on those who feast
on human blood. Joining forces with the
shadowy society known as the Council,
Saya is dispatched to an American military
base, where an intense series of swordfights
leads her to the deadliest vampire of all.
After 400 years, Saya’s greatest hunt is
about to begin.
Regular Edition Released 10/20/09
17+ • #043396309425 • 88 mins • $22.46
Blu-ray Released 10/20/09
17+ • #043396309418 • 88 mins • $31.46
Kidnapped in childhood. Raised as an
assassin. Shiori’s spent her entire life
following the orders of her mysterious
masters, never questioning the commands
that have sentenced hundreds to die at
her hands. But when a childhood memory
suddenly resurfaces, the programming in
her head is short circuited, and her entire
world is turned upside down! But to escape
means she must kill again... even the ones
who are close to her!
14+ • #SFCD001 • SUB ONLY • 72 mins • $14.98
Mr. and Mrs. Shizuma and their niece,
Yasuko, make their way through the ruins
of Hiroshima, devastated by the atomic
bomb. Five years later, Yasuko is living with
her aunt, uncle and senile grandmother,
in a village containing many survivors of
the bombing. Yasuko does not appear to
be affected, but the Shizumas are worried
about her marriage prospects, fearing that
she might succumb to radiation sickness at
any time.
Light Yagami is an ace student who finds
the Death Note, a notebook dropped by a
rogue Shinigami death god named Ryuk.
Any human whose name is written in the
notebook dies, and Light has vowed to use
the power of the Death Note to rid the world
of evil. But when criminals mysteriously
begin dropping dead, the authorities send
the legendary detective “L” to investigate.
Movie 1
13+ • #YDNE01 • 120 mins • $18.69
Movie 2: The Last Name
13+ • #YDNE02 • 140 mins • $18.69
17+ • #ANMDV1152 • SUB ONLY • 123 mins • $18.74
The legendary detective “L” takes on the
“Kira” case in which countless criminals
are dying under mysterious circumstances.
L successfully solves the case and stops
Kira, but only after sacrificing his life, leaving
himself with only 23 days left to live. For his
final case L goes up against a bio-terrorist
group trying to wipe out humanity with a
deadly virus ten times more fatal than Ebola.
Released 10/20/09
15+ • #SWB0106 • SUB ONLY • 127 mins • $11.24
When a quintet of nasty ninjas - hell-bent
on world domination - nearly massacres
an entire clan, its lone survivor must take
the path of revenge. He meets up with an
old master, well-versed in the ways of the
ninja. Now armed with secret knowledge
and newfound friends, he must battle the
awesome power of the Five Element Ninjas.
Released 10/27/09
N/R • #TSDVD0942 • 105 mins • $14.99
than a fourteen-year-old delinquent with
a talent for trouble. But in a single selfless
act, Yusuke dies while saving another. For
such a noble sacrifice, he is given a second
chance at life, but it’s to be a life far different
than the one left behind.
Season 1 Box Set (Eps. 1-28)
13+ • #FUN05993 • 600 mins • $26.24
Season 2 Box Set (Eps. 29-56)
13+ • #FUN05996 • 600 mins • $26.24
Season 3 Box Set (Eps. 57-84)
13+ • #FUN05997 • 620 mins • $26.24
Season 4 Box Set (Eps. 85-112)
13+ • #FUN05998 • 700 mins • $26.24
Seo-hee has lived at an orphanage for
most of her childhood. In high school, she
falls in love with Se-joon, the orphanage
director’s son. The director mercilessly kicks
Seo-hee out of the orphanage, forcing Sejoon to choose between love and family,
and ultimately between life and death. Can
Seo-hee and Se-joon’s love for each other
survive all of life’s twists and turns?
Box Set (Eps. 1-16)
N/R • #880604000879 • SUB ONLY • 960 mins • $59.99
A boy with the supernatural ability to dream
about and predict the evil intentions of
men sees one particular individual reading
a picture book to his bedridden daughter.
The dream would have been nothing out
of the ordinary except for the fact that the
self-made book was about barbarously
murdered girls and the nightmare causes
blood to pour from his neck. Slowly dying,
it is up to his sister to track down the
man from her brother’s dream and solve
the mystery.
Released 10/27/09
N/R • #TSDVD0924 • SUB ONLY • 95 mins • $22.49
What starts out as a gangster film spirals
rapidly out of control when a young yakuza
is ordered to assassinate his own superior,
who also happens to be his closest friend.
When his target disappears before he
can do the job, he sets out for a search
that leads him into a mysterious town
filled with lowlifes, oddballs, and a cowheaded demon.
17+ • #EPODV1986 • SUB ONLY • 129 mins • $14.99
13+ • #896911001188 • 129 mins • $18.69
Best friends Akira and Ryo are just your
average high school students. That is,
until they receive word that Ryo’s father
has accidentally unleashed a horde of
demons while conducting experiments in
Antarctica. These demons spread like an
infection throughout the world, possessing
ordinary people. When Akira is possessed,
he becomes Devilman, a powerful demonic
entity who somehow retains his human
conscience. It is up to Devilman to do battle
with the heartless demons, including Ryo.
Special Edition Released 11/24/09
17+ • #TSDVD0946 • 115 mins • $18.74
Based on one of the most popular Japanese
manga series of all time, Dragonball:
Evolution follows a young warrior on an epic
adventure to discover his destiny... and save
the world from the forces of darkness.
Regular Edition Z-Edition
13+ • #024543599807 • DUB ONLY • 85 mins • $25.18
Blu-ray Z-Edition
13+ • #024543599906 • DUB ONLY • 85 mins • $36.00
Set four years after the TV series. After
experiencing countless ups and downs,
feuding couple Makino Tsukushi and
Domyoji Tsukasa are finally ready to tie
the knot... or so they think! When an
irreplaceable tiara is stolen, they put their
wedding plans on hold. It’s a race against
the clock to retrieve the precious family
heirloom that takes them to America, Hong
Kong, and even a tropical island!
N/R • #ES006 • SUB ONLY • N/A mins • $22.48
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Shuji is a good-looking lad, one of the upand-coming assassins for the Daito mob
800.338.6827 video.rightstuf.com
13+ • #YLCM01 • SUB ONLY • 100 mins • $18.69
When a warlord dies, a peasant thief is
called upon to impersonate him, and
then finds himself haunted by his spirit as
well as his own ambitions. Sumptuously
reconstructing the splendor of feudal Japan
and the pageantry of war, Kurosawa creates
a soaring historical epic that is also a
somber meditation on the nature of power.
15+ • #CC1827BD • SUB ONLY • 180 mins • $35.98
The unwitting victim of a terrible curse, a
young man accidentally injures his wife, a
jealous teacher who soon dies from her
wound. Running away with one of her
students, he fails to heed the dead woman’s
warning that if he remarries, she’ll haunt him
to the grave. Now for an unfaithful husband,
the real terror is about to begin.
N/R • #031398109976 • SUB ONLY • 120 mins • $24.28
Get ready for a winged detour into toxic
terror as a group of students encounter a
mutant strain of killer bees! Swarming and
possessed of a mutant intelligence and
deadly stings that cause the human body
to explode from within, the bees seem to
be hunting the girls, picking them off one by
one! But as horrifying as each stab of death
may be, the worst is yet to come!
of the yakuza. Despite his pretense of
toughness, he frequently has overwhelming
longings to return to his childhood and the
innocent games he played then with his
best friend’s younger sister. When he is sent
to assassinate the members of a rival gang,
childhood memories lead him to permit
one of the men to live. Rather than being
grateful, the survivor of the killings plots his
Released 11/10/09
16+ • #EPODV2054 • SUB ONLY •102 mins • $18.74
things get a lot more complicated as love
triangles result.
N/R • #YHCM01 • SUB ONLY • 116 mins • $18.74
The Human Condition tells of the journey of
the well-intentioned yet naive Kaji from labor
camp supervisor to Imperial Army soldier
to Soviet POW. Constantly trying to rise
above a corrupt system, Kaji time and again
finds his morals an impediment rather than
an advantage.
N/R • #CC1819D • SUB ONLY • 574 mins • $71.96
Widely remembered as the film that inspired
George Lucas’s Star Wars, The Hidden
Fortress is one of Akira Kurosawa’s most
popular works, a thrillingly choreographed
and cleverly written tale of chivalry and
greed in medieval Japan, featuring Toshiro
Mifune as a weary general in charge of
protecting a princess (Misa Uehara).
Essential Art House Edition
N/R • #EAH018 • SUB ONLY • 139 mins • $17.98
Simple country girl Bong-sun leaves the
mountains in search of her long-lost
parents. Helped by an irascible Secret
Service officer and a handsome doctor, she
finds love and success as a cook in Seoul’s
most important kitchen, the South Korean
President’s Blue House. Along the way,
Bong-sun solves a startling riddle: could the
President himself be her father?
Box Set 1 (Eps. 1-18)
N/R • #880604000756 • SUB ONLY • 1080 mins • $52.49
Box Set 2 (Eps. 19-34)
N/R • #880604000824 • SUB ONLY • 960 mins • $52.49
Regular Edition Released 12/22/09
N/R • #FUN09896 • 120 mins • $18.74
Blu-ray Released 12/22/09
N/R • #FUN09897 • 120 mins • $31.48
A romantic comedy about a group of art
school students who try to scrape by, barely
earning enough money to buy food and pay
their rent. But as soon as an innocent and
talented 19-year-old girl enters their lives,
Welcome to a world where violence is a
virtue and depravity is a way of life. This
is the underside of Shinjuku and the home
of Kakihara, a sadistic Yakuaza killer. He
relentlessly tears apart the underworld
17+ • #SWB1826 • SUB ONLY • 85 mins • $14.99
It is the era of the samurai and the ninja.
Many villages are outwardly peaceful, but
a twisted sexual underbelly exists. Kaede
and her sister are unfortunately victims of
this when the elder is raped and commits
suicide shortly thereafter. Kaede seeks
vengeance, and a lady ninja nun who hears
of the events aids her in the search. There is
more to the story behind the rape, however,
and the lies and secrets are slowly revealed
behind a trail of clothing, sweat, and blood.
Vol. 1
N/R • #TSDVD0922 • SUB ONLY • 73 mins • $22.49
Vol. 2
N/R • #TSDVD0939 • SUB ONLY • 70 mins • $22.49
Risa Koizumi is taller than the average
girl, and the last thing she wants is the
humiliation of standing next to Atsushi
Otani, a shorter-than-average boy. Fate and
the whole school have other ideas, however,
and the two find themselves cast as the
unwilling stars of a bizarre romantic comedy
duo. But as their friendship develops, so do
Risa’s feelings toward Otani.
A man, afflicted with the gift of seeing
strange natural spirits called Mushi, travels
the countryside ridding people of these
ancient, troublesome forces. He is haunted
by the childhood events that turned him into
a Mushi-Shi, or Mushi Master, and struggles
with the realization that the very same Mushi
that changed him could now be controlling
an old mentor and wrecking havoc on the
natural world.
14+ • #FUN05108 • SUB ONLY • 131 mins • $18.74
Kim Sam-Soon is a Cordon Bleu-trained
pastry chef who won’t let men push her
around, will eat and sleep her way out of a
depression, and could care less how other
people see her. But the unthinkable occurs:
Kim Sam-Soon meets a Prince Charming
named Hyeon Jin-Heon.
Box Set (Eps. 1-16)
N/R • #880604000244 • SUB ONLY • N/A mins • $59.99
From the mid-1950s to the early 1970s,
wild, idiosyncratic crime movies were the
brutal and boisterous business of Nikkatsu,
the oldest film studio in Japan. This bruised
and bloody collection represents a standout
cross section of the nimble nasties Nikkatsu
had to offer and contains I Am Waiting,
Rusty Knife, Take Aim At The Police Van,
Cruel Gun Story, and A Colt is My Passport.
N/R • #ECL075 • SUB ONLY • 435 mins • $62.96
So how did a girl like Mai end up coaching
the worst sumo team in the history of
Japan? Okay, sleeping with the sensei and
those photos floating around the net might
have something to do with it, but they’re
barely even a real sumo team! With only
three members and not a single match in
something like seven years, if they don’t get
into competition this year, there won’t be a
next one!
17+ • #SWB1880 • SUB ONLY • 67 mins • $14.99
Forced to recruit a new lead vocalist on short
notice, drummer Kyoto, guitarist Kei, and
bassist Nozumi choose Korean exchange
student Son, though her comprehension
of Japanese is rough... The title of this film
comes from a catchy ‘80s pop song by the
Japanese rock group The Blue Hearts, one
of the three tunes that the four female high
school students are determined to play at
their school’s annual rock festival.
13+ • #YLLL01 • SUB ONLY • 114 mins • $18.69
Lone Wolf and Cub chronicles the story of
Ogami Itto, the shogun’s executioner who
uses the Dotanuki battle sword. He was
disgraced by false accusations from the
Yagyu clan and has been forced to take the
path of the assassin. Along with his threeyear-old son, Daigoro, they seek revenge on
the Yagyu clan.
Collection 1 (Vol. 1-3)
17+ • #TSDVD0931 • SUB ONLY • 615 mins • $29.99
More volumes also available!
Iris is determined to slay the person who
killed her father - but an old and immortal
enemy traps her first! Nursed to health by
a kind and sexy sorceress and her brother,
Iris recovers. When the sexy and villainous
witch, Dakini, summons malicious spirits to
threaten the village, Iris and her new friends
must use all of their powers to struggle
against their common enemy.
Complete Box Set
17+ • #GN08559 • SUB ONLY • 740 mins • $37.49
Kouta is the leader of Zero, the smash-hit
pro-wrestling organization. He’s having a
house warming party at his brand new palatial
palace when Ichijoh provokes Zero’s young
wrestlers into a fight. Things get heated as
Kouta erupts into a rage of anger, and the
skirmish escalates into a tremendous battle
royal. Kouta’s wife, Asami, is injured in the
assault and must seek medical treatment
that backfires and causes her to contract
“… in times like these, I can still count on my #1 anime
supplier for cheap deals, a full stock of items, and
excellent customer service as usual.” - Gabe M.
a strange disease that turns her into a
zombie mermaid!
17+ • #ES005 • SUB ONLY • 100 mins • $18.71
In the year 20XX, scientifically created
zombies roam the world in record numbers.
Despite this, Aya is determined to track
down her father’s killer, a person who was
once close to her. With sword in hand and
wearing nothing but her trademark bikini
and cowboy hat, she sets off to settle
the score.
17+ • #TSDVD0906 • SUB ONLY • 86 mins • $14.99
Shin may be the picture-perfect Crown
Prince, but he is aloof and wary of his
royal status. Commoner Chae-Kyung is
headstrong and outspoken, but fiercely
loyal to her loved ones. Their worlds
unexpectedly collide when an arranged
marriage makes them husband and wife!
Box Set (Eps. 1-24)
N/R • #880604000657 • SUB ONLY • N/A mins • $59.99
Skilled shadow boxer Ku Ting hides his
skills by working as a construction worker,
but his corrupt boss and his conceited
son are tied to brutal gangsters. When the
thugs assault his girlfriend, Ku Ting has no
choice but to use his teachings to show his
enemies what it takes to keep justice in line.
N/R • #ID4583XFDVD • SUB ONLY • 86 mins • $17.98
At the remote and hidden Shaolinji
temple, Miyoko, also known as Shaolin
Grandma, has practiced martial arts fighting
techniques for many years. When she is
badly defeated by Ippon-ashi, her young
and attractive rival, Miyoko is thrown out of
the temple. Losing her identity, Miyoko and
her two Shaolinji apprentice misfits drift to
an urban town where they are forced to live
as street performers in order to survive. Can
she get back the temple she once ruled
before her fighting spirit is lost?
N/R • #WD91 • SUB ONLY • N/A mins • $14.98
In the world of the Ninja, skills as a fighter
play only a small role in determining one’s
rank among the order of Shinobi. Kageru
is strong, fast and extremely intelligent the best in his class. But therein lies the
problem, for Kageru’s birth predestines him
to the lower class of Shinobi. His friend
Aoi finds herself in the same situation, and
together they will be forced to question not
only themselves, but also some of the most
sacred edicts of the Shinobi hierarchy.
Complete Collection (Movies 1-4)
17+ • #DSNB100 • 320 mins • $22.48
They thought they’d committed the perfect
crime... Instead, they encountered the
perfect killing machine! Who could imagine,
in these modern times, that a creature like
the Siren would have found a new way to
trap its masculine prey?
17+ • #SWB2084 • SUB ONLY • 78 mins • $14.98
of his exhibit AtoZ in Nara’s hometown of
Hirosaki, Japan. This personal documentary
allows one to get a glimpse of the artist’s
nature, creation process, where Nara
came from and where he stands now, plus
valuable images of the never-to-be-seenagain fictitious town A to Z and allows one
to relive it once again.
13+ • #YTWY01 • SUB ONLY • 93 mins • $18.74
Poor Yeon-woo is shocked when she finds
out about her sister’s true identity. Against
her family’s wishes, Yeon-woo gets a job in
Seoul as a home shopping channel host,
and falls in love with lawyer Dong-suk. What
she doesn’t know is that the owner of the
TV network is her real grandfather - and his
extended family isn’t too fond of Yeon-woo.
Will Yeon-woo and Dong-suk be able to
find any sunlight amid a storm of lies and
Box Set (Eps. 1-16)
N/R • #880604000862 • SUB ONLY • 960 mins • $52.49
Throne of Blood (Kumonosujo) stars
Toshiro Mifune and Isuzu Yamada as the
ambitious warrior and ruthless wife who
try to murder their way to power and glory.
Featuring some of Akira Kurosawa’s most
unforgettable, hallucinatory imagery, Throne
of Blood was inspired by Noh theater as
much as Shakespeare’s Macbeth.
Essential Art House Edition
13+ • #EAH028 • SUB ONLY • 109 mins • $17.98
As a child, NIS officer Lee Soo-hyun
witnessed his mother’s brutal murder.
Years later, his chance for revenge has
finally come. But first he must give up his
identity, his family, and the woman he loves
to go deep undercover in an Asian narcotics
ring. In a complex world of revenge, deceit
and blurred loyalties, Lee must learn to
distinguish between friends - and wolves.
Box Set
N/R • #880604000893 • SUB ONLY • 960 mins • $67.49
In a typical storyline from the series, Torasan visits a different part of Japan where
he meets a beautiful young woman and
tells her if she ever needs help, she should
come visit him in his small hometown of
Shibamata. After returning home to his
disapproving family, the damsel in distress
shows up, and Tora-san falls in love. Alas,
his attempts to help her and win her heart
invariably cause her to fall for someone else!
Collector’s Set 1 (Movies 1-4) Released 11/10/09
13+ • #ANMDV1301 • SUB ONLY • 365 mins • $59.98
Computer engineer Otaku is an average
young man, dressed in unstylish clothes
and dorky glasses. But as luck would have
it, he encounters a pretty young woman
on a commuter train and saves her from a
lecherous molester, falling in love with her
at first sight. A few days later, he receives a
thank you message from the woman. Otaku
seeks out his pals on a BBS website for
dating advice using his codename Train_
Man (Densha Otoko).
13+ • #YDOT01 • SUB ONLY • 101 mins • $18.74
dysfunctional family.
N/R • #TSDVD0941 • SUB ONLY • 84 mins • $14.99
Gang leader Nami kills a member of a
yakuza group and goes away to prison.
Upon her release three years later, she
returns to the city to live with her uncle,
a billiard-hall owner, and after befriending
pimp and ne’er-do-well Ryuji, she gets a
job working at a hostess club in the chic
Ginza neighborhood. But when a rival gang
attempts to muscle in on the club, Nami
becomes enmeshed in a violent struggle
that forces her to wield a skilled pool cue to
defend her uncle’s business.
Movie 1
16+ • #SFD0086 • SUB ONLY • 86 mins • $18.74
Movie 2: She-Cat Gambler
16+ • #SFD0087 • SUB ONLY • 86 mins • $18.74
Nan-hee, a spunky, 30-year-old struggling
novelist, is torn between 22-year-old
baseball prospect Jung-joo and childhood
friend Hyung-tae. But the game is nearly
over: Jung-joo’s baseball career may take
him to America, and Nan-hee may lose
Hyung-tae to his old flame. Besides, why
would Nan-hee want to risk her friendship
with Hyung-tae by trying to take their
relationship to another level?
Box Set (Eps. 1-16)
N/R • #880604000909 • SUB ONLY • 960 mins • $59.99
When the world is threatened by alien
invaders and giant prehistoric monsters,
there is only one agency equipped to
handle the situation: The Science Patrol,
an ultra-sophisticated police force equipped
with high-tech weaponry and spacecrafts.
Led by Captain Muramatsu, the team
defends the planet from the unknown.
However, unbeknownst to the team, one
of their members, Hayata, has the ability
to transform into the giant superhero from
Nebula M7B, Ultraman!
Complete Series
N/R • #683904507389 • 840 mins • $13.48
Deep within the mysterious Forest of
between good and evil has gone on since
the dawn of time. When Prisoner KSC2-303
escapes from a maximum security jail, he
enters the forest believing it will lead him to a
safe haven. Instead, he finds himself a pawn
in an endless struggle played out against an
ever-changing background across multiple
temporal planes of existence.
Special Edition
17+ • #TSDVD0932 • 119 mins • $26.24
Visitor Q is one of the most disturbing
and taboo-bashing experimental works
from acclaimed director Takashi Miike of
Audition, Ichi The Killer, and Crows Zero
fame. Presenting a harrowing absurd take
on the reality TV phenomenon, Visitor
Q depicts the chilling disintegration of a
Friends drive out to a remote hot spring to
soothe their broken hearts after a breakup. Little do they know, they’ve stumbled
upon a cult of backwater maniacs. Split up
from each other, they keep in touch via cell
phone with the action constantly rewinding
to show us what’s happening from multiple
points of view.
N/R • #TSDVD0915 • SUB ONLY • 128 mins • $18.74
This film captures Kusama’s creative
process as she diligently works to complete
her new series of 50 large monochrome
drawings. As her work comes to life, one
can witness the essence of her art as it
wells up in the conflict between life, death,
and love; sometimes quietly and sometimes
just the opposite. Her firm self-confidence
and dignified spirit, combined with a year
and a half worth of invaluable footage,
allows viewers to enter Kusama’s world with
never a dull moment.
Released 10/27/09
N/R • #896911001195 • SUB ONLY • 102 mins • $18.69
When typical Japanese high school student
Rika skips school to visit her grandfather,
she fails to take into account the fact that
his remote village is infested with the living
dead. What happens next isn’t pretty, but
fortunately, Grandpa Ryuhei just happens
to be the greatest surgeon ever! Picking
up what’s left of Rika, he dusts her off and
rebuilds her, better than she was, into the
ultimate zombie fighter!
17+ • #SWB2031 • 86 mins • $18.74
They thought it would be a routine training
mission for the Japanese Self Defense
Force; instead it became a blood-soaked
battle for survival against the living dead!
As the handful of survivors end up trapped
inside the inevitable secluded hotel, the
paths of fashion models, gangsters and the
heroic JSDF team collide in combat against
the cannibalistic hordes of hell!
15+ • #SWB0104 • SUB ONLY • 76 mins • $18.74
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This film is about the journey that the
artist Yoshitomo Nara took along with
Hideki Toyoshima, Graf AtoZ team, and
the others who contributed to the creation
Ichi © 2008 ICHI Film Partners.
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searching for the man who killed his boss.
The mastermind behind the plot is Jijii,
an ex-cop bent on turning the gangsters
of Japan against one another. His trump
card is a physically powerful lunatic who is
constantly on the verge of snapping.
Special Edition
17+ • #TSDVD0926 • 124 mins • $22.49
Blu-ray Released 10/20/09
17+ • #TSBD0911 • 124 mins • $22.49
Old-fashioned role-playing games are
experiencing a renaissance on the World
Wide Web. Twins Rena and Shugo are two
middle school students who enter “The
World.” When Shugo’s character dies he
is transported to another level where he is
entrusted to bear the Twilight Bracelet by
the mysterious Aura. Shugo must find out
who Aura is and why she gave him this
powerful weapon.
Complete Collection Released 12/1/09
13+ • #9781427817785 • N/A pgs • $14.99
A Twin Blade named Nanase falls in love with
Silabus. Wanting to spend more time with
him, Nanase joins Canard, but joy quickly
turns to jealousy when she witnesses just
how much Silabus is beholden to Alkaid,
who has just become the new Emperor
of the Demon Palace Arena. Thus begins
Nanase’s quest to better Alkaid in the hopes
that Silabus will finally notice her...
Released 12/1/09
13+ • #9781427815965 • 192 pgs • $8.24
In the seven years since the events of the
original series, Altimit OS been replaced by
Altimit Mine OS and The World has become
The World R:2, a dangerous game overrun
by player killers and where lawlessness
abounds. Follow Haseo as he chases TriEdge and gets involved with Project G.U.
and the mysterious SIDA who plague The
World R:2!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1427806357 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 5
13+ • #9781427817105 • 228 pgs • $8.24
More volumes also available!
Teito Klein is a top-grade military academy
student with unsurpassed skill in the magic
of Zaiphon. But when word reaches him
that the officials at his school were behind
the murder of his father, he flees to find
a way to make things right again... and
finds help in the most unlikely place: the
Church. They may be the answer he needs
to learning secrets about himself and the
truth behind the legendary protectors of the
state: the Seven Ghosts.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781605100326 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #9781605100333 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #9781605100340 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #9781605100357 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 5 Released 12/31/09
16+ • #9781605100364 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Itsuki Minami is the toughest kid at
Higashi Junior High - easy on the eyes,
but dangerously rough when he needs to
be. Plus, Itsuki lives with the mysterious
and sexy Noyamano sisters, so life’s never
dull. But it gets downright dangerous when
Itsuki leads his school to victory over some
vindictive Westside punks with gangster
connections. Now he stands to lose his
school, his friends, and everything he cares
Vol. 1
16+ • #0345492781 • 224 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 12
16+ • #9780345508157 • 224 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 13
16+ • #9780345508164 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 14 Released 10/27/09
16+ • #9780345508171 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 15 Released 1/26/10
16+ • #9780345508188 • 224 pgs • $8.21
More volumes also available!
Akihabara@DEEP. It is an enterprise that
is small but elite and organized by the
legendary otaku of Akihabara. Soon, they’ll
be dragged into the struggle for supremacy
in a world of information technology. A
battle is about to begin in the Akihabara
district for the future of the industry.
Vol. 1
16+ • #AWNOV0856 • 200 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #AWNOV0923 • 184 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 5
16+ • #AWNOV0930 • 184 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 6
16+ • #AWNOV0949 • 184 pgs • $8.99
More volumes also available!
The planet had died once before... On the
day of Despaira, a god appeared in the sky
and saved the world. His name was King
Shishioh. But now, with the throne of the
king empty, and a vicious battle between
two brothers is unfolding. Who will ascend
the throne?
Released 12/16/09
16+ • #9781569708347 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Welcome to Neo-Tokyo, built on the ashes
of a Tokyo annihilated by a blast of unknown
origin that triggered World War III. The lives of
two streetwise teenage friends, Tetsuo and
Kaneda, change forever when paranormal
abilities begin to waken in Tetsuo, making
him a target for a shadowy agency. At
the core of the agency’s motivation is a
raw, all-consuming fear of an unthinkable,
monstrous power known only as Akira.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781935429005 • 368 pgs • $18.74
Vol. 2 Released 1/12/10
16+ • #9781935429029 • 304 pgs • $18.74
Humanity, having faced extinction at the end
of the 20th century, would not have entered
Alice, who has fallen asleep in her garden,
wakes up to find a white rabbit wearing
clothes?! The rabbit forcefully drags Alice
into the rabbit hole, where he turns into a
young man with rabbit ears and leads her
into a frightful world where the fairytale-like
citizens wield dangerous weapons for an
insidious cause... Unable to return home,
will she be able to find happiness in a world
full of danger and beautiful young men?
Vol. 1 Released 2/2/10
13+ • #9781427817693 • 184 pgs • $8.24
A strange virus is making its way around
the globe, causing its victims to commit
suicide - and becoming a lethal pandemic
in less than a week. Now a group of Tokyo
teens who have survived the outbreak are
wondering why they are still alive.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9780345497468 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 7
16+ • #9780345500823 • 208 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 8 Released 11/24/09
16+ • #9780345500830 • 208 pgs • $8.99
More volumes also available!
Yukiko, a salarywoman in her thirties,
still lives with her mother Mari. But their
relationship suffers a sudden change when
Mari announces that she’s getting married
- to an ex-host and aspiring actor who’s
younger than Yukiko. Yukiko, convinced he’s
out to fleece her mom, can’t stand to stay
in the house and decides to move in with
her boyfriend.
Released 1/19/10
16+ • #9781421532400 • 208 pgs • $9.74
Gimmy is just an ordinary teen living in a
desert town when his younger twin brother
and sister disappear. While searching for
them, Gimmy comes face-to-face with a
sassy deity, Sora, the rain goddess who
provides water to the town. But another
goddess, Ciel, wants Sora’s sacred tree so that she can control the rain!
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780345512482 • 240 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 2 Released 11/24/09
13+ • #9780345512499 • 208 pgs • $8.21
A traveler in search of his father chances
upon a pair of twins about to be buried
by their village. The villagers claim the two
are cursed but he rescues them. He soon
finds out what makes the villagers fear
them: the siblings have the power of angels
and demons. But he has his own secrets
as well...
16+ • #9781569701225 • 200 pgs • $12.95
The only thing special about 15-year-old
Neko is her peculiar name that means cat.
After being rejected from every high school
she tried to enroll in due to her bad grades,
Neko is finally accepted to a mysterious
school called Morimori. Neko immediately
senses that something is off about this
school... and it turns out that all the other
students are magical animals who can
transform into human form!
Vol. 1
10+ • #9781427810953 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2
10+ • #9781427810960 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 3 Released 2/2/10
10+ • #9781427810977 • 192 pgs • $8.24
As a boy, Argentum was a poison tester
for a royal family. Later, he developed an
immunity to toxic substances and became
a master chemist with the ability to cure
any illness. Returning after a long absence,
he is assigned to be Princess Primula’s
bodyguard. But any potential relationship
will have its limits, as Argentum’s very touch
D.Gray-man © 2004 by Katsura Hoshino.
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has itself become poisonous.
Vol. 1
13+ • #140121181X • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 8 Released 10/27/09
13+ • #9781401222277 • 192 pgs • $7.49
More volumes also available!
In a mythical world where humans and gods
co-exist, Arata has the unfortunate honor of
being the successor to the matriarchal Hime
Clan. This means he has to pretend to be
a girl or face death if his true gender is
discovered! On the day of his inauguration,
an assassination plot forces him to flee
- and he somehow winds up in modernday Japan! Meanwhile, a boy named Arata
Hinohara gets sucked into the first Arata’s
world and finds himself dealing with people
after his life!
Vol. 1 Released 3/9/10
13+ • #9781421534206 • 208 pgs • $7.49
On the planet Aqua lies the watery city of
Neo Venezia, a tourist hub in which people
travel around in gondolas. Professional
gondoliers known as Undines are wellrevered as they act as tour guides for the
people. Akari Mizunashi is a gondolier
in training and also an employee of Aria
Company. She gets to meet all sorts of
people as she takes them on the gondola
rides amidst the beautiful scenic backdrop
of the entire city.
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1427805105 • 208 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 5 Released 11/3/09
16+ • #9781427805140 • 192 pgs • $8.24
More volumes also available!
Masahiko is estranged from his family and
lives a dead-end life in Tokyo. When his
sister dies under mysterious circumstances,
he inherits an unlabeled CD from her
possessions. Listening to it, he is propelled
into an out-of-body experience. As he
repeats the experience, he begins to
wonder if this was how his sister died.
Masahiko is determined to find the cause of
her death and the mystery behind the CD.
Vol. 1
17+ • #9781401217488 • 232 pgs • $9.68
Vol. 2
17+ • #9781401217495 • 232 pgs • $9.68
Vol. 3
17+ • #9781401217501 • 240 pgs • $9.68
Vol. 4
17+ • #9781401217518 • 248 pgs • $9.68
“Dokeshi” can use a greater percentage of
their brain to unleash special powers, given
one condition... For dokeshi Shotaro, that
condition is doing one good deed a day.
In exchange, he has the ability to use the
powers of any animal by biting its bones.
In the central town of Toykyo, he meets a
girl named Mana, and together they go on
a journey to find Shotaro’s childhood friend,
Emine. Will Shotaro be able to do good
daily, or will he succumb to laziness on
his journey?
Vol. 1
16+ • #9780759529779 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2
16+ • #9780759529786 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 3
16+ • #9780759529793 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 4
16+ • #9780759529809 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Everyone thinks 16-year-old Sakura has
weird taste in guys because she can’t stop
drooling over Fuji, the strong, silent type.
When she discovers he works for a host
club, will she finally wise up? Or will she take
a job at the club so he can quit so she can
be with him so...? Only one thing’s for sure
in B.O.D.Y.: you can’t put a price on love!
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1421518023 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 5
16+ • #9781421523606 • 192 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 6
16+ • #9781421523613 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 7 Released 11/3/09
16+ • #9781421523620 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 8 Released 2/2/10
16+ • #9781421527901 • 184 pgs • $7.49
More volumes also available!
Vol. 3 Released 12/31/09
16+ • #9780759530478 • 224 pgs • $8.24
the beautiful and sympathetic messenger of
death who helps people transition to the
other side, prevents others from ending
their own lives, and carries messages from
the dead to the living. She travels about
unseen, accompanied by only Daniel, a
nagging and bossy talking cat.
Vol. 2
16+ • #9781401220594 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 3 Released 2/9/10
16+ • #9781401220600 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Cartoonist Keiji Nakazawa was seven years
old and living in Hiroshima in the early
days of August 1945 when the city was
destroyed by an atomic bomb dropped by
the U.S.A. Starting a few months before
that event, this ten-volume saga shows life
in Japan after years of war and privations
as seen through the eyes of seven-year-old
Gen Nakaoka.
Vol. 1: Cartoon Story of Hiroshima
13+ • #9780867196023 • 284 pgs • $14.99
Vol. 9: Breaking Down Borders Released 11/1/09
13+ • #9780867196009 • 270 pgs • $14.99
Vol. 10: Never Give Up Released 11/1/09
13+ • #9780867196016 • 270 pgs • $14.99
More volumes also available!
Young Takuya has it tough. Ever since
his mother passed away, it’s been his
job to take care of his baby brother
Minoru. Takuya must sacrifice the playtime
usually associated with childhood for the
responsibilities of an adult. But all work and
no play has Takuya incredibly frustrated and
resentful of his little brother.
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1421502348 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 13
13+ • #9781421524665 • 208 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 14
13+ • #9781421524672 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 15
13+ • #9781421524689 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 16
13+ • #9781421524696 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 17 Released 12/1/09
13+ • #9781421524702 • 184 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 18 Released 2/2/10
13+ • #9781421524719 • 184 pgs • $7.49
More volumes also available!
Sanshiro’s chances of having an adventure
are slim to none on his tiny island hometown
- until the day a mysterious stranger invites
him to play a game... Without warning,
Sanshiro is taken to a reverse universe to
play Bakegyamon - a game pitting monsters
against monsters with a twist. But how
far can Sanshiro get when the monsters
he’s been paired with are a bunch of little
mud balls?!
Vol. 1
ALL • #9781421517933 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 2
ALL • #9781421517940 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 3
ALL • #9781421517957 • 216 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 4
ALL • #9781421518824 • 216 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 5 Released 12/1/09
ALL • #9781421521718 • 216 pgs • $5.99
Kojiro is an impoverished young teacher and
the supervisor of his high school’s kendo
club. He can barely feed himself as it is, so
when an old friend makes him a bet with
an entire year’s worth of deluxe sushi on
the line, Kojiro finds a new purpose in life:
to beat his friend’s kendo team! But before
he can arrange a kendo meet for both
schools’ kendo teams, he needs to actually
put together a five-woman squad - and the
first girl he needs is Tamaki Kawazoe, kendo
athlete extraordinaire.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9780759530058 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2
16+ • #9780759530461 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Alita returns! Reconstructed by Doc Ido,
Alita has lost her memory. But there’s one
thing her body hasn’t forgotten: the Panzer
Kunst, the most powerful fighting technique
ever known. Can Alita stop the war between
the robotic denizens of the M.I.B. Bureau
and the Tipharians?
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1569318247 • 200 pgs • $7.46
Vol. 11
16+ • #9781421525907 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 12
16+ • #9781421529189 • 216 pgs • $7.49
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Jin’s a happy, irresponsible high school kid
with a great group of friends, including the
Dan Kuso and his friends are Bakugan
Battle Brawlers, warriors who use the power
of their magic cards - and their battling
Bakugan guardians - in the ultimate fight
against evil. Now Dan has a new Bakugan
ally: Drago, an awesome, gigantic dragon
from the fire world of Pyrus. Drago’s on a
quest to save Vestroia... and discover the
secret origin of the Bakugan! Uses full-color
film frames to narrate the story.
Vol 1: The Battle Begins
ALL • #9780345513687 • 96 pgs • $5.99
Vol 2: The Masquerade Ball
ALL • #9780345515407 • 96 pgs • $5.99
Vol 3: A Feud Between Friends Released 10/27/09
ALL • #9780345520210 • 96 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 4: Dan & Drago Released 11/24/09
ALL • #9780345520227 • 96 pgs • $5.99
Shinigamis are usually thought of as dark
and scary, but not shinigami number
A101100, otherwise known as Momo. She’s
Broken Blade © 2007 Yunosuke Yoshinaga/Flex Comix Inc.
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the new millennium if it weren’t for them.
In 1969, during their youth, they created
a symbol. In 1997, as the coming disaster
slowly starts to unfold, that symbol returns.
This is the story of a gang of boys who try
to save the world.
Vol. 1
17+ • #9781591169222 • 216 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 2
17+ • #9781591169260 • 216 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 3
17+ • #9781421519227 • 200 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 4
17+ • #9781421519234 • 200 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 5 Released 10/20/09
17+ • #9781421523408 • 216 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 6 Released 12/15/09
17+ • #9781421523415 • 216 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 7 Released 2/16/10
17+ • #9781421523422 • 224 pgs • $9.74
spotlight, she finds herself responding to
beauty’s call...
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1421505754 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 10
13+ • #9781421525945 • 200 pgs • $6.74
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His name is Guts, a feared warrior spoken of
only in whispers. Bearer of a gigantic sword,
an iron hand, and countless scars, his flesh
is also indelibly marked with The Brand,
an unholy symbol that draws the forces of
darkness to him and dooms him as their
sacrifice. But Guts won’t take his fate lying
down: he’ll cut a swath of carnage through
the damned and anyone else foolish enough
to oppose him!
Vol. 1
17+ • #DHGN1593070209 • 224 pgs • $10.46
Vol. 29
17+ • #9781595822109 • 216 pgs • $10.46
Vol. 30
17+ • #9781595822116 • 208 pgs • $10.46
Vol. 31
17+ • #9781595823663 • 208 pgs • $11.21
Vol. 32 Released 11/25/09
17+ • #9781595823670 • 232 pgs • $11.21
Vol. 33 Released 1/27/10
17+ • #9781595823724 • 232 pgs • $11.21
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Leo Aoi looks like a crazy animal with wild
eyes - and no one at his new high school
will go near him! He does seem to have a
special connection with animals though,
which intrigues overzealous animal lover
Yuiko Kubozuka. In reality, Leo isn’t as
frightening as he appears, but Yuiko finds
out that he goes berserk whenever he sees
blood! Will Yuiko be able to get through to
Leo during these violent fits? Or will Leo’s
ferocious side eventually devour her?
Vol. 1 Released 11/3/09
16+ • #9781421532011 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 2 Released 2/2/10
16+ • #9781421532028 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Although a truly gifted hairstylist, Kiri
Koshiba has no interest in using her talent to
pursue fame and fortune - unlike the three
boys in the “Scissors Project” at school.
Determined to become the best makeover
team in Japan, they give showy makeovers
to handpicked girls. As much as Kiri tries
to shy away from the Scissors Project
While cleaning her room, a young girl
named Nana finds a mysterious diary. As
soon as she opens it, out pops Majoko,
a rambunctious wizard-girl from the Land
of Magic! Together, these two girls explore
a fantastic world full of magic spells,
wondrous creatures, and endless surprises.
Every day is a big adventure when Majoko
is around!
Vol. 1
7+ • #9781897376812 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Vol. 2
7+ • #9781897376829 • 200 pgs • $7.99
The N5S virus has swept across the earth,
turning most of the population into zombielike drones. Zoichi Kanoe, an agent of Toa
Heavy Industry, is humanity’s last hope,
and he’s not even human! With the help of
Fuyu, an artificial intelligence built into the
computer system of his Heavy Duty Coil
motorcycle, Zoichi’s search for the key to
salvation will take him on a journey across
surreal landscapes and hurl him into battle
against mind-bending evil.
Vol. 1 Released 2/9/10
17+ • #9781421531847 • 220 pgs • $9.74
Misao Harada just wants to have a normal
high school life and maybe get a boyfriend.
But that changes when Misao is attacked
by a demon. Her childhood friend Kyo
suddenly returns to save her and tend to
her cuts - with his tongue! It turns out Misao
is the bride of prophecy, whose blood gives
power to the demon clan who claims her.
But most demons want to keep her power
for themselves... by eating her!
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781421527642 • 194 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 2 Released 11/3/09
16+ • #9781421527659 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 3 Released 2/2/10
16+ • #9781421527666 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 7
N/R • #9781934287606 • 300 pgs • $12.71
Vol. 8 Released 11/17/09
N/R • #9781934287613 • 300 pgs • $12.71
Vol. 9 Released 1/19/10
N/R • #9781934287736 • 300 pgs • $12.71
Vol. 10 Released 3/16/10
N/R • #9781934287743 • 300 pgs • $12.71
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In the dangerous underworld of the Russian
mafia, Chinese triads, Columbian drug
cartels, crazed assassins, and ruthless
mercenaries, it’s hard to know who to trust.
But if you’ve got a delivery to make - and
you don’t mind a little property damage
along the way - you can count on the crew
of the Black Lagoon!
Vol. 1
17+ • #9781421513829 • 216 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 5
17+ • #9781421518947 • 192 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 6
17+ • #9781421519814 • 200 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 7
17+ • #9781421524566 • 200 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 8
17+ • #9781421527796 • 200 pgs • $9.74
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When a terrible fire claims his parents, Ciel
Phantomhive must step up as the head
of his father’s company and as Earl of
Phantomhive Manor. It would be a lot for
the young boy to handle were it not for his
faithful butler, Sebastian. Ever at Ciel’s side,
it seems there’s little Sebastian can’t do,
whether it’s saving a dinner party gone awry
or probing the dark secrets of London’s
underbelly. He’s almost too good to be
true... or at least, too good to be human...
Vol. 1 Released 1/31/10
16+ • #9780316080842 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Train Heartnet, AKA “Black Cat,” was an
infamous assassin for a secret organization
called Chronos... until he abandoned that
cold-blooded existence to live life on his
own terms as an easygoing bounty hunter.
But is Train’s past as far behind him as
he thinks?
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ142150605X • 208 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 20
16+ • #9781421523798 • 224 pgs • $5.99
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Black Jack is a mysterious and charismatic
young genius surgeon who travels the
world performing amazing and impossible
medical feats. Though a trained physician,
he refuses to accept a medical license due
to his hatred and mistrust of the medical
community’s hypocrisy and corruption.
This leads Black Jack to occasional run-ins
with the authorities - as well as gangsters
and criminals who approach him for illegal
Vol. 1
N/R • #9781934287279 • 300 pgs • $12.71
Vol. 5
N/R • #9781934287552 • 304 pgs • $12.71
Vol. 6
N/R • #9781934287569 • 304 pgs • $12.71
Manji, a ronin warrior of feudal Japan, has
been cursed with immortality. To rid himself
of this curse and end his life of misery, he
must slay one thousand evil men! His quest
begins when a young girl seeks his help in
taking revenge on her parents’ killers... and
his quest won’t end until the blood of a
thousand has spilled!
Vol. 1: Blood of A Thousand
17+ • #DHGN2395 • 136 pgs • $11.21
Vol. 21: Demon Lair II
17+ • #9781595823236 • 232 pgs • $14.96
Vol. 22: Footsteps Released 1/13/10
17+ • #9781595824431 • 232 pgs • $14.96
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Ichigo Kurosaki has always been able to see
ghosts, but this ability doesn’t change his life
nearly as much as his close encounter with
Rukia Kuchiki, a soul reaper and member of
the mysterious Soul Society. While fighting a
Hollow, an evil spirit that preys on humans
who display psychic energy, Rukia attempts
to lend Ichigo some of her powers, but
much to her surprise, Ichigo absorbs every
last drop of her energy. Now her temporary
fill-in, he must battle monstrous Hollows and
protect those he loves.
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1591164419 • 200 pgs • $5.96
Vol. 27
13+ • #9781421523859 • 200 pgs • $5.96
Vol. 28
13+ • #9781421523866 • 200 pgs • $5.96
Vol. 29 Released 12/1/09
13+ • #9781421523873 • 208 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 30 Released 3/2/10
13+ • #9781421523880 • 192 pgs • $7.49
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Blade of the Immortal © 2009 by Hiroaki Samura.
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On the eve of the Russian Revolution,
our favorite Chiropteran-hunting duo
masquerades as members of Tsar Nicholas
Romanov’s royal chamber orchestra. Saya
begins to uncover some of the strange
secrets of the Romanov royal family and of course - finds some hideous Chiropteran
beasts that are doing a little masquerading
of their own.
Vol. 1
14+ • #9781595822765 • 192 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 2
14+ • #9781595822772 • 184 pgs • $8.21
In his years as a Hong Kong police
officer, Nishi Tatsuyoshi has never seen
murder victims like the bodies of those
being completely drained of blood in the
abandoned Kowloon Walled City. Forced
into an uneasy alliance with the Chiropteranhunting Red Shield organization, Nishi
works with a mysterious cello player named
Hagi as they try to find the source of the
murders and bring down the Wong family.
Released 1/20/10
16+ • #9781595824448 • 176 pgs • $7.46
Vol. 4
13+ • #9781605100500 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 5 Released 11/30/09
13+ • #9781605100531 • 200 pgs • $10.99
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Magazine editor Mamiya meets popular
high school model Noeru Kisaragi for a
story Mamiya’s working on. When Noeru
suddenly tries makes sexual advances on
Mamiya, Mamiya turns him down flat. But
his loneliness starts to get to him and he
decides to try starting over with Noeru on
equal footing. Mamiya’s sincerity causes
Noeru to open his heart as well, and before
long the two begin to form a deep emotional
connection, but...
16+ • #9781569700884 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Kiyo is a struggling student who strives
to become a lawyer and clear her father’s
name. When she inherits a mansion, Kiyo
thinks she’s finally hit a streak of good luck.
But she soon finds out that the mansion is
already inhabited by a couple of vampires,
including the handsome Kuroboshi, who
seems to have his eyes set on Kiyo for his
new vampire bride...
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781427815798 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2 Released 11/3/09
13+ • #9781427815804 • 208 pgs • $8.24
very attractive Fusano, who takes her own
fighting skills way more seriously than Jin
does his. But that changes when some
tough guys challenge him on one of the
days when he isn’t powered up. Turns
out, they were hired by his estranged
brother Soichiro, who’s after something
Jin possesses. When Soichiro later attacks
Fusano, the war between brothers is on.
Vol. 1
N/R • #9781401218713 • 162 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 2 Released 3/2/10
16+ • #9781401218720 • 200 pgs • $7.49
In the year 300X, a cruel dictator has
mandated the hunting of all hair in the
Maruhage Empire. But a single man rises
to the occasion and takes a stand against
this violation of human hair rights. Bo-BoBo,
master of Fist of the Nose Hair, uses the
prehensile hairs of his shnoz to most lethal
ends. Follow the nonsensical adventures of
Bo-BoBo and his sentient sidekick snacks
as they lead their hilarious rebellion.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781421502724 • 192 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #9781421521947 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 3 Released 2/2/10
13+ • #9781421531274 • 192 pgs • $7.49
One summer, 15 kids innocently wander
into a nearby seaside cave. There they meet
a strange man who invites them to play an
exciting new video game. Sounds like fun,
right? This game, he explains, pits a lone
giant robot against a horde of alien invaders.
All they have to do is sign a simple little
contract. The game stops being fun when
the kids find out the true purpose of their
deadly pact.
Vol. 1 Released 2/16/10
16+ • #9781421533612 • 200 pgs • $9.74
Legend says that fated lovers are bound
together by an invisible red thread. Most
people think it’s superstition, but 17-year-old
Chiyako knows better - she can see them!
A chance encounter with a mysterious
group of guys known as the Tyers shows
her that she has the power to pull all of
fate’s strings... though doing so binds her
into the form of a child!
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781605100081 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #9781605100104 • 200 pgs • $10.99
When Tsukushi’s only friend, Makiko,
accidentally offends F4 leader Tsukasa, she
defends her. Enraged, Tsukasa puts the
dreaded red tag in Tsukushi’s locker - a sign
that she is now a target for the abuse of the
entire school. But when Tsukushi fights the
gang with their own weapon, Tsukasa finds
himself falling for her!
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1569319960 • 216 pgs • $7.46
Vol. 35
13+ • #9781421522494 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 36
13+ • #9781421522500 • 200 pgs • $7.49
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happen to be old college friends, but so
is Zess, the guy leading the army of a
neighboring kingdom in an attack with giant,
mechanized battle suits. Arrow just feels like
he’s in the way - until he comes across a
powerful, ancient mech that no one has
been able to figure out how to run.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781401218829 • 162 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 2 Released 12/8/09
13+ • #9781401218836 • 162 pgs • $7.49
Rachel Moore. Nothing can keep Jimmy
from a case - until he follows a suspicious
man and ends up unconscious. When he
awakens, he’s been transformed into a puny
grade schooler! While waiting to be restored
to adolescence, Jimmy takes on the name
“Conan” and helps Rachel’s incompetent
P.I. father solve murder cases.
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1591163277 • 192 pgs • $7.46
Vol. 29
13+ • #9781421521978 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 30
13+ • #9781421521985 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 31
13+ • #9781421521992 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 32 Released 11/17/09
13+ • #9781421522005 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 33 Released 1/19/10
13+ • #9781421528847 • 200 pgs • $7.49
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13+ • #9781421530871 • 176 pgs • $7.49
Choko Kuze is the daughter of a bankrupt
family. She joins a real estate company, but
her eccentric boss is harder on her than
anyone else in the company! After hearing
him inadvertently call her “milady,” she
realizes he was the young servant boy she
knew as a child. At work he’s a tyrant, but
after hours he insists on treating her like a
lady. Is romance even possible for a couple
locked in such a crazy role reversal?
Vol. 1 Released 12/1/09
17+ • #9781421522035 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Fen’s just been assigned an elite position
in the SDF, the Special Defense Force,
protecting the King of Felamorga. But
when he arrives at the office for the SDF,
he realizes he’s been accidentally enrolled
in the Special Doll Force! While the job
may be silly, Fen soon finds that he’s oddly
drawn to it. Or maybe the attraction is to his
coworkers - four strange but beautiful men
who have much more on their minds than
finding stuffed toys!
Falling in love with a clueless boy would
turn any girl into a cactus! Miku decides to
try telling Kyohei her feelings by giving him
chocolates for Valentine’s Day. But Kyohei,
unaware that he’s the object of her affection,
offers himself up as a practice partner for
her love confession. Can Miku get through
to him that he’s the one she loves?
Vol. 1 Released 3/2/10
13+ • #9781421531892 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Find out what happens to leading lady
Tsukushi one year after the series ends!
16+ • #9781605100449 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Shozo comes to his injured father’s rescue
by returning to his hometown and helping
him run the family’s prestigious engineering
firm. While at home Shozo is reunited
with his childhood friend, Nanami, who
is as spacey as ever, but wow has she
gotten pretty! Will their summer love in the
countryside be able to flourish?
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781569700990 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 2
16+ • #9781569701003 • 220 pgs • $12.95
Rygart Arrow is the only one in his world
who lacks the inherent ability to power up
quartz, the energy source that makes all of
the machines run. Still, the King and Queen
Carefree Megumi Kuroishi was living a life
of luxury until the day a girl named Suzuka
Kogami walked into his life. All of a sudden,
Megumi finds himself kneeling at Suzuka’s
feet and prostrating himself like a servant!
What Megumi didn’t know (until that very
moment, anyway) is that his family is cursed
to follow the orders of the Kogami family.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781421519326 • 194 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 4
13+ • #9781421521589 • 192 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 5
13+ • #9781421521596 • 200 pgs • $6.74
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Jimmy Kudo is one of his school’s best
minds, but he gets his reality checks from
his childhood friend and almost-girlfriend
At Matabi Academy, students are allowed to
bring their pet cats to the dorms. For Yumi
Hayakawa, whose favorite hobby is making
clothes for her kitty Kansuke, Matabi seems
like a sure bet. After all, nothing can possibly
go wrong with her best friend at her side!
But on the first day of school, the two find
themselves face-to-face with a murderous
demonic minion on campus!
Vol. 1
16+ • #9780759529236 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2 Released 11/30/09
16+ • #9780759529243 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 3 Released 1/31/10
16+ • #9780316077354 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Karin happens to be a cute vampire with
a twist. Once a month, she experiences
intense bleeding from her nose - we’re
talking gushers! So rather than stealing
blood, she gives hers. If done right, this
can be an extremely positive experience.
The problem is that Karin never seems to
do things right!
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1598163221 • 176 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 13
16+ • #9781427812797 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 14
16+ • #9781427816252 • 192 pgs • $8.24
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When Ruka was younger, she saw a ghost
at the aquarium where her dad worked.
Tegami Bachi © 2006 by Hiroyukia Asada.
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out there.” - Jennifer S.
A young girl named Rahzel is abruptly sent
off to see the world by her father. She is
alone on her journey... until she meets
Alzeido, a mysterious lone traveler on
a mission to find his father’s killer. Even
though they initially don’t get along, the two
become travel partners, helping each other
on their respective journies. Little by little,
Alzeido opens his heart to Rahzel.
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1598160923 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 11 Released 1/5/10
16+ • #9781427817129 • 192 pgs • $8.24
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Journey back in time to an age when
dinosaurs ruled the earth, fierce and...
funny! In this world, dinosaurs are regular
dudes who may rip each other to shreds,
but still have social foibles like the rest of us.
In each episode, Dinosaur Hour introduces
an exciting dinosaur species through a brief
educational tidbit... then reveals its gag
comedy potential! With antics like these, it’s
no wonder these guys went extinct!
Vol. 1
ALL • #9781421526485 • 192 pgs • $5.99
Now she feels drawn toward the aquarium
and the two mysterious boys she meets
there, Umi and Sora. They were raised by
dugongs and hear the same strange calls
from the sea as she does. The adults who
work at the aquarium are only distantly
aware of what the children are experiencing
as they’re swept up in the mystery of the
disappearance of the oceans’ fish.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781421529141 • 320 pgs • $11.21
Vol. 2 Released 12/15/09
16+ • #9781421529196 • 320 pgs • $11.21
transformed themselves by mixing their
blood with monster’s blood.
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1421506181 • 208 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 15 Released 11/3/09
16+ • #9781421531496 • 200 pgs • $7.49
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Theirs was a miraculous and fateful first
encounter. In a trance, Takashiro Tsuda
gazed at the artwork that shared the same
title as the work he himself had created. The
title: “Color.” The artist: Sakae Fujiwara. This
coincidence was the driving force that led
the men to inevitably meet, but what bond,
if any, will the artists share?
Poor student Hideki, fresh off the farm and
trying to get into a Tokyo university, finds a
persocom seemingly discarded in an alley.
Taking the cute robot home and activating
it, Hideki finds she can only to say the word
“Chi.” Instead of being his digital assistant,
Hideki finds himself having to teach Chi how
to get along in the everyday world. Is she
one of the rumored Chobits - persocoms
built to have the riskiest functions of all: real
emotions and free will?
Vol. 1 Released 1/27/10
16+ • #9781595824516 • 720 pgs • $18.71
Meet Choco and Mimi, best friends in eighth
grade. Choco is serious and reliable, while
Mimi is silly and spoiled rotten - but they
both have a flair for fashion!
Vol. 1
ALL • #9781421527581 • 176 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 2
ALL • #9781421527598 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 3 Released 1/5/10
ALL • #9781421527604 • 184 pgs • $5.99
Soon after taking a part-time job as a cramschool lecturer, Yoh meets Yuta, a boy of
peerless beauty. While Yoh thinks it’s cute
how Yuta pines for him, why is it that when
Yuta acts so manly from time to time it
makes Yoh’s heart beat faster...?
16+ • #9781569700778 • 200 pgs • $12.95
A Claymore - a female warrior named for the
sword she carries - travels from medieval
village to village to destroy Yoma, monsters
who disguise themselves as humans and
who are almost impossible to kill. Claymores
are half-humans, half-demons who willingly
like energy form “Nemo,” Nunnally becomes
pilot of the Knightmare frame Mark Nemo
and engages in a violent battle with the
forces of Britannia. But this is only the
beginning of Nunnally’s nightmare...
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781594099793 • 180 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #9781594099809 • 180 pgs • $9.99
16+ • #9781569701126 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Kazuhiko is a young but already deeply
wounded black ops agent in a baroque,
retro-tech future. He’s been pulled out of
retirement to escort Sue, a mysterious waif,
to a destination she alone knows. Sue and
Kazuhiko have never met... yet she knows
him. And Sue has been kept in a cage
all these years because of what she is: a
military top secret and the most dangerous
person in the world. Omnibus edition.
14+ • #9781595821966 • 512 pgs • $14.96
As a boy Lelouch vowed to crush his own
government, but now he’s accepted that
he can’t change anything. That is, until he
meets a mysterious girl who gives him the
power to control people’s minds - the power
of Geass! He dons a mask and becomes
the ruthless terrorist known only as Zero,
destroying any who stands in his path including his boyhood friend Suzaku!
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781594099731 • 180 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #9781594099762 • 180 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #9781604961591 • 180 pgs • $9.99
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What if Nunnally had acquired the Geass
power instead of her brother Lelouch? In
the aftermath of becoming one with the doll-
He’s rude, he’s crude, and adults tremble
whenever he’s around. His inappropriate
comments and obsession with body parts
and bodily functions make life stressful for
his struggling parents. No one is safe from
Shinchan’s verbal outbursts... and now,
neither are you!
Vol. 1
17+ • #9781401217150 • 128 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 8
17+ • #9781401221119 • 128 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 9
17+ • #9781401220983 • 128 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 10 Released 12/29/09
17+ • #9781401221027 • 128 pgs • $5.99
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Nobara’s family wants her to inherit the
role of mistress, serving rich patrons at her
family’s old-fashioned Japanese restaurant.
No thanks! When Nobara transfers to
Crimson Field High School, known for its
top-notch volleyball team, it turns out that
her mother will stoop to dirty tricks to keep
her daughter off the court. With assistance
from her feisty Aunt Momoko, who has
some connections at Crimson Field, Nobara
decides to start playing offense.
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1421501406 • 192 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 11
13+ • #9781421523644 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 12 Released 1/5/10
13+ • #9781421527963 • 208 pgs • $7.49
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Sixteen-year-old Hisayoshi “Kumi” Tajima
wasn’t looking for love. But after he
accidentally bumps into teen idol Rima
Fujio, he can’t stop thinking about her.
Living worlds apart, he’ll never have a
chance to meet her again. That is, until
Rima’s former agent Ikeshiba gives him the
perfect opportunity - by turning Hisayoshi
into an idol himself! Too bad Rima only sees
him as competition for Ikeshiba’s attention...
Vol. 1 Released 2/2/10
16+ • #9781421531939 • 192 pgs • $7.49
In late 19th-century England, Allen Walker
is a teenager cursed with a cross mark on
his hand. The cross turns his arm into an
enormous weapon which he uses to hunt
down and kill akuma. An akuma, generated
by a 1,000-year-old phantom, is implanted
into a human’s soul during a moment of
devastation and despair. The phantom
uses the demons to then carry out his goal:
destroy all humankind.
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1421506238 • 208 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 13
16+ • #9781421525990 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 14
16+ • #9781421526003 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 15 Released 11/3/09
16+ • #9781421527741 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 16 Released 2/2/10
16+ • #9781421530383 • 200 pgs • $7.49
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After millennia in hiding, Mina Tepes, the ruler
of all vampires, wants change. Using her
vast wealth, she’s paid off the entire gross
national debt of Japan and, in so doing,
gained the authority to create a “special
district” off the coast of Japan that is to
become the haven to all vampires! Now, on
the eve of the landmark press conference
announcing the existence of vampires,
terrorists are plotting to assassinate her!
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781933164809 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #9781934876534 • 208 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 5 Released 11/30/09
16+ • #9781934876657 • 208 pgs • $10.99
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It’s been ten years since the Great Tokyo
Earthquake, and the people’s memories of
the disaster have faded. Ganta Igarashi has
finally begun to live a normal life... That is,
until the day his entire class is murdered
and his fate is changed forever. Although
innocent of the crime, Ganta is sentenced
to death and sent to the bizarre prison
known as Deadman Wonderland. An insane
and brutal game of prison survival begins!
Vol. 1 Released 2/2/10
16+ • #9781427817419 • 215 pgs • $8.24
Toyama, a kind-hearted detective, goes
undercover to find out the truth about a
school murder. His determination to solve
the mystery is tested by the rowdy student
body. But there’s one student who’s going
to occupy a lot of Toyama’s time. Makoto is
a troubled young man who can actually see
the demons inside of people. This strange
student’s disturbing visions may provide just
what Toyama needs to crack the case!
Vol. 1 Released 11/17/09
16+ • #9781401218904 • 162 pgs • $7.49
Soichi Negishi dreamed of moving to Tokyo
and starting up a bubblegum pop band,
so what’s he doing playing in Detroit Metal
City, the most scandalous, outrageous, and
demonic death metal band on the Japanese
music scene? Deep down inside, Soichi still
dreams of acoustic guitars and trips to
Paris, but when the makeup goes on and
he transforms into his alter ego, Krauser II,
not even the denizens of hell itself are safe
from his soul-devouring heavy metal sound.
Vol. 1
17+ • #9781421527420 • 200 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 2
17+ • #9781421527437 • 200 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 3 Released 12/8/09
17+ • #9781421527444 • 192 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 4 Released 3/9/10
17+ • #9781421527451 • 200 pgs • $9.74
Talentless, shy Tsubasa has just been
accepted to the prestigious Seiko High
School. Right away, he gets mixed up with
the most popular kids in school - and the
country! Forced to join the pop idol group
RINKXS, Tsubasa finds himself stuck in
a cross-dressing comedy of kidnapping,
blackmail, and mistaken identity!
16+ • #9781605100289 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Kouma is virtually predisposed to falling in
love wherever he goes, but he’s constantly
grating on people’s nerves and he’s the
king of getting his heart broken. But what
happens when a strange yet handsome
fortune-teller makes a bold prediction:
that Kouma will soon meet the man of his
destiny?! And later, what is Kouma to make
of it when he reunites with the fortune-teller
and begins to fall in love with him...?!
Released 10/21/09
16+ • #9781569700815 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Middle-aged Hiroshi Nakahara is on his way
home from a business trip when he finds
himself on the wrong train heading for his
childhood hometown. His footsteps take
him to his mother’s grave, and it’s there
that he is catapulted back into his life as an
8th grader - but with all his adult memories
and knowledge intact. As he struggles to
make sense of his predicament, his adult
memories of his childhood return but are
somehow subtly changed. The questions
start to form...
Vol. 1
N/R • #9788492444281 • 200 pgs • $22.99
Daisuke Niwa is an ordinary, if slightly
unlucky, middle school student. On his
fourteenth birthday, he comes down with a
“condition” that has plagued the men in his
family for three hundred years: when he sees
his crush, Risa, he transforms into his alter
ego, the phantom thief, Dark. Unfortunately,
when Dark sees his crush, Risa’s twin Riku,
he transforms back into Daisuke. The only
cure for this craziness is if Daisuke can get
Risa to fall in love with him...
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM159182799X • 184 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 12
13+ • #9781427815934 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 13 Released 12/1/09
13+ • #9781427816269 • 192 pgs • $8.24
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Haine, the “Stray Dog”: a cipher of a young
man with a mysterious metal collar bolted to
his neck and a disturbing talent for mayhem.
Badou: a hired gun for petty jobs, legal and
non, whose reckless facade hides a serious
intent. Driven by their ghosts and a desire
for truth, they and others are inexorably
drawn to the “Underground,” the dark and
dangerous sector below the city that holds
all the secrets - but secrets that can only be
had for a price.
Vol. 0: Prelude
17+ • #9781421527024 • 208 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 1
17+ • #9781421527031 • 200 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 2 Released 12/8/09
17+ • #9781421527048 • 200 pgs • $9.74
Laser cannon... Jet strike... Atomic Blaster...
Bellybutton Missile... Welcome to Domokun’s world! Inside these pages you’ll find
frolic and hilarity, absurdity and the out-ofthe-ordinary, and plenty of Domo. These
outlandish tales show that we can all learn a
little from Domo, as he take things one step
at a time, embraces the littlest things in life,
and remembers to not believe everything he
sees on TV!
Vol. 1
ALL • #9781427815972 • 96 pgs • $7.49
In the medieval town of Naudars, albino
children hold a revered and protected status.
Dorothea is one of these children, and she
has always wanted to see the world beyond
her cloistered existence. When Naudars is
attacked, all the men rise to defend their
home, and Dorothea is prepared to defy
tradition and enlist in the military. Like Joan
of Arc, she must deal with the prejudices
of those who are scandalized by the very
existence of a young woman warrior.
Vol. 1
17+ • #9781401214357 • 164 pgs • $9.68
Vol. 5
17+ • #9781401222239 • 194 pgs • $9.68
Vol. 6 Released 12/15/09
17+ • #9781401222246 • 226 pgs • $9.68
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Things can be very trying for a high school
student. It’s tough to make extra cash...
unless, of course, you have a special talent.
Najimi’s friend Tsuyuri has been making
money on the side drawing naughty fan
comics and selling them at conventions.
Najimi doesn’t have a knack for drawing
comics and has fallen in with a very unusual
crowd. But how can Najimi make money if
she totally sucks at drawing?!
Vol. 1
16+ • #AWNOV0904 • 124 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #AWNOV0906 • 124 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #AWNOV0924 • 120 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #AWNOV0938 • 120 pgs • $8.99
Bulma, a girl on a quest to collect seven
“Dragon Balls.” If she gathers them all, an
incredibly powerful dragon will appear and
grant her one wish. But the precious orbs
are scattered all over the world, and Bulma
needs Goku’s help (and his super-strength)!
Omnibus “Big” edition.
Vol. 1
ALL • #VIZ1421520591 • 560 pgs • $13.49
Vol. 4
ALL • #9781421520629 • 568 pgs • $13.49
Vol. 5
ALL • #9781421520636 • 768 pgs • $13.49
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Son Goku is the greatest hero on Earth.
Five years after defeating the archdemon
Piccolo, he’s grown up and started a
family - he’s married, and he has a child,
Son Gohan. But what is the real reason for
Goku’s incredible strength? A visitor from
outer space arrives bearing terrible news:
Goku is an alien, and the visitor, Raditz, is
Goku’s brother! Omnibus “Big” edition.
Vol. 1
ALL • #VIZ1421520648 • 528 pgs • $13.49
Vol. 4
ALL • #9781421520674 • 568 pgs • $13.49
Vol. 5 Released 10/20/09
ALL • #9781421520681 • 576 pgs • $13.49
Vol. 6 Released 1/19/10
ALL • #9781421520698 • 560 pgs • $13.49
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Reiji Oozora thinks he’s no good at anything
- especially schoolwork! Then one day,
he’s introduced to a game called Dragon
Drive and gets his very own virtual dragon
and names it Chibi. Small and weak, Chibi
appears to be as big a loser as Reiji. But
after their first battle, Reiji realizes there
may be more to his tiny friend than meets
the eye.
Vol. 1
ALL • #VIZ1421511878 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 13
ALL • #9781421523910 • 192 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 14
ALL • #9781421523927 • 200 pgs • $5.99
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This laugh-out-loud series stars goofy
scientist Senbei Norimaki, his hyperactive
robot, Arale Norimaki, and their comical
misadventures with bad guys and not-sosuper heroes. They live in Penguin Village,
where pigs walk upright, and the sun eats
ice cream to cool off. Nobody in the village
suspects Arale is one of Senbei’s inventions
- even though she has superhuman strength
and is always smashing into the town
police car!
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ159116950X • 192 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 18
13+ • #9781421520001 • 248 pgs • $5.99
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Ten years ago, a terrible virus swept the
globe, turning its victims into bloodthirsty
monsters called Dracules. Now, only the
elite warriors of the Virus Squad stand
between chaos and civilization. Leila Mikami
is one of the squad’s most promising, but
she has another agenda: her parents were
killed by a Dracule, and she wants revenge.
But to get it, she has to find the Dragon
Eye: a weapon that will make her the most
powerful warrior in the world.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780345496652 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 8
13+ • #9780345506733 • 208 pgs • $8.99
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Meet naive young monkey-tailed boy Goku,
whose quiet life changes when he meets
In the near future, most of humanity is
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Mahiro thought she was all alone in the
world - until her long-lost brother and
his best friend showed up and turned
everything upside down! Competent and
dangerous, the two men have vowed to
protect the innocent girl from the ruthless
queen who wants her dead. As Mahiro
learns more about her forgotten past,
she and her handsome bodyguards must
face explosions, assassins, betrayal... and
budding romance.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781605100050 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #9781605100067 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #9781605100074 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 4 Released 10/31/09
16+ • #9781605100210 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Lately, it feels like my own adolescence is
running wild inside me. Every time I see my
classmate Takie’s exquisite hands, it sends
shivers like an electric current down my
spine. And those currents feel very, very
good. If just looking at his hands does
that to me, just imagine if he touched me
with them...! Seven heart-pounding electric
stories by Taishi Zaou collected here for the
first time!
Released 11/18/09
16+ • #9781569701133 • 200 pgs • $12.95
After a routine raid, rookie air pirate Coud
Van Giruet discovers a most unusual bounty:
Ren, an “Edyll Raid,” is a living weapon
that reacts with a human to become a
fighting machine. As he realizes that Ren
is even more prized than he thought, she
is captured by a man who intends to sell
her on the black market. Can Coud and the
agents of the Elemental Gelade Protection
Agency join forces to rescue her without
killing themselves... or each other?
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1598165984 • 184 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 11 Released 2/28/10
16+ • #9781427806284 • 192 pgs • $7.49
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In Victorian-era England, a young girl is
rescued from a life of destitution and raised
to become a proper British maid. Emma
meets William, the eldest son of a wealthy
family, and immediately falls in love with
him. William shares her feelings, but the
strict rules of their society prevent their
relationship from ever coming out in the
Vol. 1
16+ • #1401211321 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 9
16+ • #9781401220716 • 216 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 10 Released 12/8/09
16+ • #9781401220723 • 240 pgs • $7.49
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Renton Thurston is a young 14-year-old
who is tired of his monotonous life. The only
thing that makes him happy is when he lifts,
an extreme form of aerial hoverboarding.
One day, a large LFO (Light Finding
Operation) craft called Nirvash falls from
the sky and a beautiful young girl named
Eureka emerges and asks for repairs. When
a smitten Renton literally falls over himself
to help her, the two begin a journey that will
change both of their destinies.
Collection 1 (Vol. 1-3)
13+ • #9781604961867 • 552 pgs • $24.99
Collection 2 Released 12/31/09
13+ • #9781604961874 • 570 pgs • $24.99
Stunning, hotheaded Asuka Langley Soryu
has been friends with Shinji Ikari since they
were little. And she always sort of assumed
they’d stay together - until the day the
beautiful, brilliant Rei Ayanami showed up in
class! When Shinji starts to get curious about
Rei, Asuka needs to figure out if she wants
to be just friends with Shinji or something
more. But why are so many people keeping
an eye on these relationships?
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781595823212 • 184 pgs • $7.46
Vol. 2
16+ • #9781595823779 • 192 pgs • $7.46
Vol. 3 Released 12/30/09
16+ • #9781595824479 • 192 pgs • $7.46
Today the city - tomorrow, the world! That’s
the plan of Il Palazzo, the haughty prettyboy leader of ACROSS, a secret society
based somewhere deep beneath Fukuoka,
Japan. It’s a good thing he’s starting
small, because ACROSS begins its bid for
global domination with just two members:
Il Palazzo, and Excel, the teenaged girl
smitten with him.
Vol. 1
17+ • #VIZ156931988X • 200 pgs • $7.46
Vol. 19
17+ • #9781421525860 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 20 Released 12/8/09
17+ • #9781421527826 • 208 pgs • $7.49
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Eight years ago, Kaoru Miyagi was a
struggling bartender until a kind benefactor
took him under his wing and gave Miyagi a
job at Tokyo’s classy “Tachibana” restaurant.
Now, Miyagi manages the Tachibana, and
his loyalty to the one who gave him his big
career break might be growing into stronger
feelings. Enter Kasuga - a new chef from a
sister restaurant, who takes an immediate,
enthusiastic liking to Miyagi.
16+ • #9781569700747 • 240 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 2
7+ • #9781897376904 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Lucy wants to join the Fairy Tail, a club
for the most powerful wizards, but her
ambitions land her in the clutches of a gang
of dangerous pirates and devious magicians.
Her only hope for rescue is Natsu, a strange
boy she met on her travels, but does he
have what it takes to be a hero?
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780345501332 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 6
13+ • #9780345506818 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 7
13+ • #9780345510396 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 8 Released 10/27/09
13+ • #9780345510402 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 9 Released 12/29/09
13+ • #9780345512338 • 208 pgs • $8.21
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When he was little, high school student
and amateur mechanic Shirou Emiya
was adopted by a magus man. Now he
wants nothing more than to follow in his
stepfather’s footsteps and become a hero
of justice. Little does he know that a war
is waging among some chosen magi, and
that he is about to become its focal point...
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781427810373 • 196 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 2
13+ • #9781427811455 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 3
13+ • #9781427811462 • 208 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 4
13+ • #9781427812742 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 5
13+ • #9781427813039 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 6 Released 1/5/10
13+ • #9781427816283 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Sena Kobayakawa is about to start high
school and he’s vowed not to get picked on
anymore. Unfortunately, the captain of the
football team already has his eye on Sena
and his lightning-fast speed. With a wacky
cast of characters, enjoy this manga’s bonecrushing action and slapstick comedy!
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1591167523 • 208 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 25
13+ • #9781421523941 • 208 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 26
13+ • #9781421526218 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 27
13+ • #9781421526225 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 28
13+ • #9781421526232 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 29 Released 12/1/09
13+ • #9781421527765 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 30 Released 2/2/10
16+ • #9781421528137 • 192 pgs • $7.49
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Can a regular girl become a superstar?
Kanon is an ordinary fourth grader who
loves to sing. When a magical fairy named
Alto meets Kanon and decides to help start
her singing career, their journey to fame
takes off!
Vol. 1
7+ • #9781897376898 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Ozunu is the top student at Kusanagi School
of Magical Architecture, a high school
dedicated to raising professional magical
architects of the future. Their job is to
apply feng shui and other spiritual methods
in architecture to exterminate fiends and
demons. Being raised by a spider fiend,
Ozunu has always tried to purify or return
monsters to where they came from. He
clashes with his rival Tsugaru, who believes
strength is the key to everything.
13+ • #9781597961912 • 208 pgs • $7.46
Firefighter academy student Nanase is
a promising rookie fire investigator, still
haunted by her parents’ fiery death. Three
years ago, she saved a man from a burning
building; he turned out to be the arsonist
responsible for the death of her parents.
Now this serial fire-starter has started
helping her solve fire-related crimes. Can
Nanase reconcile his willingness to help her
with his role in her personal tragedy?
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781401220433 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 2
16+ • #9781401220440 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 3 Released 11/10/09
16+ • #9781401220457 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Meet Recca Hanabishi - a high schooler
who hopes to become a real ninja. His life
is unexpectedly thrown for a loop when he
meets a mysterious girl named Yanagi and
swears to protect her! Now Recca must
learn how to navigate the world of ninjas.
But he has an ace up his sleeve: he harbors
the ability to control fire!
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1591160669 • 184 pgs • $7.46
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Vol. 31
16+ • #9781421522029 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 32
16+ • #9781421522036 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 33 Released 11/10/09
16+ • #9781421522043 • 192 pgs • $7.49
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As part of a plan to preserve the rapidly
declining human species, Kotaro Shiga
is placed into a state of suspended
animation. Waking up a century later, he
finds androids have rewritten history and
believe it is they who created humans. With
the help of an exiled human prince and
an android distressed by his own limited
memory, Kotaro sets out to awaken his
fellow “sleepers” and reveal the world’s
true history.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781401216207 • 208 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 4
13+ • #9781401221126 • 224 pgs • $7.49
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Forced to enroll in school after recovering
from a serious illness, Harutaro is doing
his best to remain optimistic. The other
students are working hard to make Haru
feel welcome - especially his chubby,
loveable pal, Shota. However, Kai Majima,
President of the Manga Club and all-around
hard case, seems to be the one person
intent on making Harutaro’s school life a
living nightmare.
Vol. 1
16+ • #1569708746 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 4
16+ • #9781569700556 • 200 pgs • $12.95
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Vol. 23
13+ • #9781427808271 • 192 pgs • $8.24
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Each ultimate edition hardback book
encompasses two of the regular edition
volumes and includes bonus content such
as color artwork and a new foreword.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1427806896 • 416 pgs • $11.24
Vol. 4 Released 1/5/10
13+ • #9781427807311 • 384 pgs • $11.24
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wiped out by a brutal new virus. Meanwhile,
a paramilitary force known as the Propater
topples the United Nations in a bid for world
domination. Elijah, searching for his mother,
travels towards the Andes with a combat
robot. When he encounters a group of antiPropater fighters, a maelstrom unfolds.
Vol. 1
17+ • #DHGN1593074069 • 216 pgs • $9.71
Vol. 12
17+ • #9781595822963 • 224 pgs • $9.71
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Alchemy: the power to alter the natural
world. A dangerous energy which should
not be taken lightly. When two brothers,
Edward and Alphonse, attempt to harness
alchemy to grant their dearest wish, things
go wildly astray. Now, the soul of one
brother is locked in a living suit of iron, while
the other has lost his limbs. They roam the
globe in search of the ultimate alchemical
treasure, the Philosopher’s Stone. But the
world is crawling with ruthless alchemists
who are also pursuing the same thing...
Vol. 1
15+ • #VIZ1591169208 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 18
15+ • #9781421525365 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 19
15+ • #9781421525686 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 20
15+ • #9781421530345 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 21 Released 11/17/09
15+ • #9781421532325 • 192 pgs • $7.49
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Sachiko is wildly attracted to the quiet, cool
Akihiko, the “Four-Eyed Prince.” But now
they’ve become siblings by marriage - and
must live under the same roof, as brother
and sister! And if that isn’t bad enough, it
turns out that Akihiko is hiding a surprise
behind those nerdy glasses.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9780345516244 • 192 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 2 Released 1/26/10
16+ • #9780345516312 • 192 pgs • $8.21
Set in Continental Europe, it depicts the
adventures of British aristocrat Dorian Red
Gloria and his alter ego Eroica, Europe’s
most wanted international art thief. His
nemesis - Major Klaus Heinz von dem
Eberbach, a German NATO intelligence
officer - has tried for years to catch the man
who claims each crime scene with a card
signed “From Eroica with Love.”
Vol. 1
13+ • #1401205194 • 232 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 14
13+ • #9781401208837 • 200 pgs • $7.49
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Tohru Honda was an orphan, living in a
tent in the forest. Little did she know that
the land she was staying on belonged to
the Sohma family. After stumbling upon
the teenage squatter, the Sohmas invite
Tohru to stay in their house in exchange for
cooking and cleaning. Everything’s going
well until she discovers the Sohma family’s
greatest secret: when hugged by members
of the opposite sex, they each turn into their
Chinese Zodiac animal!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1591826039 • 208 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 22
13+ • #9781427806833 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Prequel to the original series. When
schoolgirl Takiko Okuda attempts to destroy
her father’s translation of “The Universe
of the Four Gods,” she is instead literally
sucked into the story, becoming the
Priestess of Genbu in an epic journey to
find the seven Celestial Warriors!
Vol. 1
15+ • #VIZ1591168961 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 7
15+ • #9781421522562 • 210 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 8
15+ • #9781421525952 • 192 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 9 Released 11/3/09
15+ • #9781421530352 • 192 pgs • $7.49
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The discovery of a mysterious book
transports Miaka and her best friend, Yui,
into a strange new world. They set out to
find and befriend seven Celestial Warriors,
including dashing mercenary Tamahome
and wannabe empress Nuriko. Only then
can Miaka summon the power of the god
Suzaku, find her true love, and get home
safely. Omnibus “Big” edition.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781421522906 • 600 pgs • $13.49
Vol. 2
16+ • #9781421523002 • 600 pgs • $13.49
Vol. 3
16+ • #9781421523019 • 600 pgs • $13.49
Vol. 4 Released 12/15/09
16+ • #9781421523026 • 600 pgs • $13.49
Yukiteru is a quiet boy who spends most of
his time typing in his cell phone diary. One
morning, he realizes that the entries in his
diary are from the future! But according to
what his cell phone tells him, waiting in the
near future is his death. Unknown to him,
Yukiteru has been dragged into a battle of
survival. With a shady girl named Yuno at
his side, Yukiteru must face 12 opponents
who all possess Future Diaries in a battle
to the death!
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781427815576 • 208 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2
16+ • #9781427815583 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 3
16+ • #9781427815590 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 4 Released 12/1/09
16+ • #9781427815606 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 5 Released 3/2/10
16+ • #9781427815613 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Akira Hatsushiba is just your typical high
school kid... until a glitch in a video game
changes his life forever. Now, every time
Akira sneezes, his entire body undergoes
a gender-bending switcheroo! But it’s not
all bad. Akira has always had a crush on
Yurika. He’s always been too shy, but now
that he can change into a girl, Akira finally
has a chance to get close to her. Being a
girl certainly has its advantages!
Vol. 1
17+ • #0345492331 • 208 pgs • $9.71
Vol. 10
17+ • #9780345508447 • 208 pgs • $10.46
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Young Mikan runs away to Tokyo following
her best friend, Hotaru, who has been
enrolled in an exclusive, secretive private
school for geniuses. But it turns out that
Alice Academy is a lot more than meets the
eye. If Mikan wants to stay by Hotaru’s side,
she has to both pass the strange “entrance
exam” and face the even greater challenge
of befriending her very odd new classmates.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1427803196 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 7
13+ • #9781427803252 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 8
13+ • #9781427803269 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 9
13+ • #9781427803276 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 10 Released 2/2/10
13+ • #9781427807045 • 192 pgs • $8.24
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Joshi High is an elite school that most girls
in Japan only dream of attending. Then one
day everything changes - the all-girl school
goes coed. There’s just one catch: the girls
outnumber the boys. So begins a wild, noholds-barred competition for the boys of
the school. Which smart and independentminded girl will rise above the fray?
Vol. 1
16+ • #9780345508959 • 192 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 2
16+ • #9780345508966 • 192 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 3
16+ • #9780345508973 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 4 Released 12/29/09
16+ • #9780345512215 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Memori is the pretty-boy mascot for his
brother’s bodyguard agency, solving cases
and saving the damsels in distress. When
he runs into the skilled and witty Yuuki, he
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Getto’s sick and tired of the way his dad
favors robots over him, so when his dad
adds a new robot to the family, the last
thing Getto wants to do is spend time with
it. Unfortunately for him, the robot’s got the
idea that Getto is a machine just like him,
and that only one of them can win the
favor of their “creator”! Can Getto cope
with this virtual sibling rivalry - and the fact
that, in spite of himself, he’s starting to like
this surprisingly vulnerable bundle of nuts
and bolts...?
16+ • #9781605100456 • 200 pgs • $10.99
thinks he’s found the perfect partner... until
he learns that Yuuki is a trained assassin
who seems to know his every secret.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781427815521 • 208 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2 Released 11/3/09
16+ • #9781427815538 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 7
17+ • #9781595823731 • 224 pgs • $9.71
Vol. 8 Released 11/25/09
17+ • #9781595823830 • 224 pgs • $9.71
Vol. 9 Released 1/27/10
17+ • #9781595824523 • 232 pgs • $9.71
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While vacationing on the moon, Albert,
a young Parisian nobleman, meets the
Count of Monte Cristo, a fabulously rich
aristocrat from the far reaches of the galaxy.
Fascinated by the count’s sophistication and
intelligence, Albert is unaware of the older
man’s dark purpose: to enact revenge for
a terrible act of betrayal committed against
him twenty-five years ago. Soon, all of Paris
will feel the terror of the count’s vengeance.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9780345505200 • 224 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 2
16+ • #9780345505545 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 3
16+ • #9780345516350 • 240 pgs • $8.21
The last thing Kei and Masaru remember
was being struck dead by a subway train,
while saving the life of a drunken bum.
What a waste! And yet, somehow, they’re
still... alive? Or semi-alive? Maybe it’s
reanimated... by some kind of alien orb with
a nasty message: “Your lives are over. What
you do with your new lives is up to me!”
And what this orb called “Gantz” intends to
do with their lives is make them play games
of death.
Vol. 1
17+ • #9781593079499 • 224 pgs • $9.71
Vol. 5
17+ • #9781595823014 • 228 pgs • $9.71
Vol. 6
17+ • #9781595823205 • 228 pgs • $9.71
At the age of 11, Temujin is already being
groomed to succeed his father as tribal
leader. One day, while hunting in the
woods, he meets a young boy from a
neighboring tribe. This encounter paves
the way for decades of conflict. Learn the
personal story of sacrifice and struggle that
transformed this nomadic child into one of
history’s most influential leaders.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781401222147 • 194 pgs • $7.49
In return for a business loan of 50 million
yen, the prestigious Kamiya family gave
their daughter Haine away for adoption to
the successful Otomiya family. Haine, now
an Otomiya, is appointed to the student
council of the exclusive Imperial Academy.
She finds herself struggling to find her
place among the many secrets of its elite
members, especially those of the president
who holds her heart: Shizumasa Togu, aka
“The Emperor.”
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1421511835 • 182 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 10
16+ • #9781421530765 • 192 pgs • $7.49
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In the legendary past, the gods battled for
Mai Taniyama and her classmates have
heard the rumors that the creepy old
high school is haunted. So one rainy day
they gather at the old school to tell ghost
stories, hoping to attract one of the spirits.
But all Mai and her friends find are Kazuya
Shibuya, the owner of Shibuya Psychic
Research, a Buddhist monk, a medium,
and an outspoken Shinto priestess. Surely
one of them will have the talents to solve
this mystery...
Vol. 1
13+ • #0345486242 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 10
13+ • #9780345501349 • 208 pgs • $8.99
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Vol. 9
16+ • #9781421529219 • 200 pgs • $7.49
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In the world of Gin Tama, history takes a
wrong turn: samurai in this alternate Japan
must live alongside aliens - not to mention
guns, TVs, cars, and spaceships. Sakata
“Gin” Gintoki is a goofy former samurai
who’ll take on any odd job to make ends
meet. His greatest wish is to protect Japan
from yakuza and dishonorable aliens, and
return Japan to its former glory - all with a
wooden sword!
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1421513587 • 216 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 12
16+ • #9781421523965 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 13
16+ • #9781421523972 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 14
16+ • #9781421523989 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 15 Released 11/3/09
16+ • #9781421523996 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 16 Released 1/5/10
16+ • #9781421528144 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 17 Released 3/2/10
16+ • #9781421528151 • 200 pgs • $7.49
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supremacy and cast out the demon god
whose name cannot be spoken. Banished
to Earth, the demon found refuge on the
mysterious and dangerous island known
only as “G.” After experiencing a crisis
of faith, Father Olivier of the Valaria Order
decides to go to G and find out the truth
behind the legends with Ohri, a young girl
who cannot speak. As they travel, they are
shadowed not only the agents of Olivier’s
order, but by the enemies from Ohri’s past...
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781421526904 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 2
16+ • #9781421526911 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 3 Released 10/20/09
16+ • #9781421526928 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 4 Released 12/15/09
16+ • #9781421526935 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 5 Released 2/16/10
16+ • #9781421526942 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Are there really second chances in life?
How about in death? Shirayuki dies in a car
accident on the new Prince of Hell’s first day
on the job. Smitten by the newly deceased
arrival, the Prince grants Shirayuki 49 days
to relive her life and resolve any unfinished
business. In order to observe her progress,
the Prince and three of his subordinates
set themselves up in a dollhouse in
Shirayuki’s bedroom.
Vol. 1
13+ • #1401211682 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 7
13+ • #9781401211745 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 8 Released 2/2/10
13+ • #9781401211752 • 192 pgs • $7.49
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The line between man and machine has
been inexorably blurred as humans rely on
the enhancement of mechanical implants,
and robots are upgraded with human
tissue. Cyborg superagent Major Motoko
Kusanagi is charged to track down the
craftiest and most dangerous terrorists and
cybercriminals, including “ghost hackers,”
who are capable of exploiting the human/
machine interface and reprogramming
humans to become puppets to carry out
the hackers’ criminal ends.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781935429012 • 352 pgs • $20.24
Vol. 2 Released 4/13/10
16+ • #9781935429036 • 320 pgs • $20.24
Trouble with the wrong side of the law?
Paparazzi won’t leave you alone? Found
yourself in a tight spot and you don’t know
where to go? Then it’s time to get in touch
with Kohei Nagase and his friends at Studio
Gimmick. A prodigy in the realm of makeup
and special effects, Kohei has got the skills
to make sure that the people you don’t
want recognizing you won’t.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781421517780 • 224 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 6
16+ • #9781421522050 • 216 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 7
16+ • #9781421522067 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 8
16+ • #9781421522074 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Young Naomi leaves the Far East to search
the New World for the family she’s never
known. Her search takes her deep into
the West - which is a good thing, because
the agitated horse that comes into her
possession will only run in that direction!
Things get more twisted when Naomi
interrupts a duel between an outlaw and
a bounty hunter - and the outlaw thinks
she’s his sister and the bounty hunter is
convinced he’s her dad!
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781401220273 • 194 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 2
13+ • #9781401221072 • 194 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 3
13+ • #9781401221089 • 194 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 4 Released 12/22/09
13+ • #9781401221096 • 194 pgs • $7.49
Nine-year-old Yuki Tachibana lives in two
worlds. In one world, he is a loner ridiculed
by his classmates and reprimanded by his
teachers for telling stories of supernatural
beings that only he can see. In the other
Pastel © 2006 Toshihiko Kobayashi.
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Shuichi is determined to be a rock star, and
he’s not about to let the fact that he’s a
high school student with no experience stop
him. When stoic novelist Yuki Eiri overhears
his amateurish lyrics and puts the young
musician in his place, Shuichi is crushed.
As Shuichi inserts himself into Yuki’s life,
desperate to prove his potential, the two
find their futures inexorably intertwined.
Collection 1
16+ • #9781427816535 • 400 pgs • $11.24
Collection 2
16+ • #9781427816542 • 400 pgs • $11.24
Collection 3
16+ • #9781427816559 • 400 pgs • $11.24
Collection 4 Released 1/5/10
16+ • #9781427816566 • 400 pgs • $11.24
Kazuya is a normal guy who discovers the
secret identity of a space alien named Hina,
who comes from the Planet of Light. She
is a member of the Guardian Hearts - well,
to be exact, Hina is a Guardian Hearts
dropout, and she is assigned to protect
Earth as a last chance for redeemption to
her group. When Kazuya finds out Hina’s
secret identity, her mission may be over
before it has a chance to begin - that is,
unless a crazy little thing called love gets in
the way!
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781427809476 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 2
16+ • #9781427809483 • 384 pgs • $11.24
Daughter of a brilliant professor, Asuna
is a below-average student at Ecole du
Ciel, where teachers and other students
constantly belittle her. However, with the
world spiraling toward war, Asuna’s headed
for a crash course in danger and love as
everyone prepares for combat...
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595328513 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 9 Released 3/2/10
13+ • #9781427809186 • 192 pgs • $9.74
2307. Humanity has obtained a new source
of energy to in the form of a large-scale
solar power generation system. However,
the benefits of this system are available
only to a handful of major powers. In this
world of never-ending conflict, a private
armed organization appears, dedicated
to the elimination of war through armed
force. Its name is Celestial Being, and it is
in possession of “Gundam” mobile suits.
With these Gundams, it begins armed
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781604961782 • 160 pgs • $9.99
bounty hunters, and together, with some
very useful friends and associates, they
make up the Gunsmith Cats.
Vol. 1
16+ • #DHGN1593077505 • 192 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 4
16+ • #9781595823953 • 192 pgs • $9.71
Vol. 5 Released 2/24/10
16+ • #9781595824646 • 216 pgs • $9.74
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In his sky-less cavern of a village Simon
toils daily, drilling holes to expand his
stifling little world until one day he makes
an extraordinary discovery: a small glowing
drill-bit and the man-sized mech it activates.
Before he can give it a second thought
Simon’s dragged into a plot to break
through to the surface by the local gang
leader Kamina, only to have the ceiling
come crashing down on top of them under
the weight of a giant monster!
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781604961577 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #9781604961584 • 200 pgs • $9.99
Rally Vincent and Minnie-May Hopkins
are two regular American girls. Regular
American girls who own a gun shop
and might have dabbled in prostitution,
respectively. And who happen to be a crack
shot and an explosives expert, respectively.
They might be odd skills for American girls,
but these two happen to be Chicago’s top
Japanese horror stories and urban legends
come to life! The “No-Mouth Woman,” “The
Man Under the Bed,” and the “HumanFaced Fish” are supposedly just rumors.
But what few people know is that just at
the moment when someone believes them
to be true, they become reality and appear
before them! Enter Daisuke Asou - folklore
Vol. 1 Released 3/2/10
16+ • #9781427816085 • 212 pgs • $8.24
the butler cafe Lady Braganza, the five
apprentice butlers known as the Happy
Boys have been waiting for you! It’s
their mission to bring happiness to the
ladies who visit the cafe and become
perfect butlers. The ladies’ happiness is
their happiness.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781569700853 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Uru takes her mother’s remarriage as an
opportunity to work part-time at the Happy
Cafe. There, she befriends Ichirou and
Shindou, two of the most unsociable guys
she’s ever met! To make matters worse, it
turns out that Uru is not exactly meant for
the waitressing world, as she’s a huge klutz.
But does true happiness lurk just around
the corner?
Vol. 1 Released 1/5/10
13+ • #9781427817303 • 186 pgs • $8.24
Welcome to Mikazuki Forest, where a little
bunny is always getting into mischief. And
with a whole forest to explore and play in,
who wouldn’t? With her fluffy friends, Clover
uncovers the secrets of a haunted spring
and the human world. She fights a big bad
fox and people who are trying to cut down
the trees of her forest home. Then, she
faces the hardest challenge of all: Professor
Hoot the Owl’s homeroom quiz! Cuteness
won’t save her now!
Vol. 1
ALL • #9781421526560 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 2
ALL • #9781421526577 • 192 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 3
ALL • #9781421526584 • 192 pgs • $5.99
Violinist Hana Yamada just moved from
Osaka and has finally overcome a rather
unfortunate condition: she’s allergic to cute
boys! But on the very first day of school,
things quickly escalate into disaster as she
walks in on a boy and girl in a compromising
position, only to later find out that she will
have to work with the boy at a day spa!
Hana’s guaranteed to relapse now!
Complete Collection Released 3/2/10
13+ • #9781427812070 • 576 pgs • $12.74
Headstrong and defiant, Taitou is the
last in his village to complete his comingof-age ceremony. When he is finally
deemed worthy, he is presented with the
Kenkaranbu, an ancient sword that can only
be drawn by a true hero. As Taitou struggles
to unsheathe the sword, a mysterious thief
appears, making off with the blade and
citing the legend of the Big Dipper. The stars
have been set in motion, as Taitou sets off
after the Kenkaranbu and the truth of his
own destiny...
Vol. 1 Released 10/31/09
16+ • #9780759531161 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2 Released 2/28/10
16+ • #9780759531178 • 176 pgs • $8.24
Akane is mysteriously transported back in
time to Kyo, now known as Kyoto, during
the Heian period. Soon, she discovers she
is the Ryuujin no Miko (Priestess of the
Dragon God). However, events are clouded
by Akram, the head of the Oni Clan, which
has sworn to destroy Kyou. To protect her,
Akane is appointed eight male protectors,
the Hachiyou, to stand by her side and
guard her.
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ142151771X • 216 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 4
16+ • #9781421520377 • 192 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 5
16+ • #9781421524863 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 6 Released 12/1/09
16+ • #9781421524870 • 200 pgs • $7.49
More volumes also available!
Hayate’s parents sell him as an organ
donor to the yakuza - an idea Hayate isn’t
too crazy about, so he decides to kidnap
someone and ransom them. The girl, Negi
Sanzenin, thinks that he is confessing his
love for her. She turns out to be the only
daughter of a super-wealthy family. Negi
buys Hayate from the yakuza, and to pay
her back, Hayate agrees to be her butler.
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1421508516 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 11
16+ • #9781421522098 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 12
16+ • #9781421522104 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 13 Released 11/10/09
16+ • #9781421523385 • 200 pgs • $7.49
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Students at the all-girls Tenchi Academy
compete in a school-wide battle known as
the Star Stealing, striving to win both money
and fame. Enter Kurogane Hayate. When
Hayate learns of the mountain of debt her
old orphanage owes to Yakuza loan sharks,
she decides to become a sword-bearer
and win the Star Stealing. There’s just one
problem: she needs a partner to compete,
and the girl Hayate has her eye on wants
nothing to do with her!
Vol. 1
16+ • #9780765321817 • 194 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 2
16+ • #9780765321824 • 194 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 3
16+ • #9780765322388 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #9780765323262 • 192 pgs • $9.99
When you thirst for revenge, there’s a surefire
way to get it: simply go to the strange
website that appears only at midnight, and
enter the name of your enemy. The Hell Girl
will appear to drag your tormentor to eternal
damnation. But you will have to pay a price:
your soul!
Vol. 1
16+ • #9780345497475 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 6 Released 11/24/09
16+ • #9780345508454 • 176 pgs • $8.99
More volumes also available!
When Haruna Nagashima was in junior high,
her life consisted of playing softball and
reading comics. But now that she’s going
to high school, Haruna decides to put all of
her energy towards getting a boyfriend and
having the romance of a lifetime. To help in
her quest, she enlists cute Yoh Komiyama
to coach her. Yoh agrees with one catch:
Haruna had better not fall for him!
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1421514818 • 192 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 9
13+ • #9781421521916 • 184 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 10
13+ • #9781421526652 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 11
13+ • #9781421526669 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 12 Released 11/3/09
13+ • #9781421529226 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 13 Released 2/2/10
13+ • #9781421531298 • 192 pgs • $7.49
More volumes also available!
Keiichi Maebara has just moved to a
seemingly peaceful new town. He’s making
friends and generally enjoying his life, until
one day, he learns of a grisly murder that
took place in the little village. His friends
won’t give him any details, which only adds
to Keiichi’s uneasiness. After learning at
the town’s annual festival that a death has
occurred on that night every year for the
past four years, Keiichi is drawn into a web
of intrigue to help unravel the mystery of
these murders.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9780759529830 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2
16+ • #9780759529847 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 3
16+ • #9780759529854 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 4
16+ • #9780759529861 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 5 Released 11/30/09
16+ • #9780759529878 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 6: Released 2/28/10
16+ • #9780759529885 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Young Shindoh Hikaru is much like many
boys his age, except for one small thing he communicates with a ghost! A long time
ago, during the Heian period, a man named
Fujiwara no Sai was a skilled and cunning
player of the game Go. After his unfortunate
fate, he finds his soul bound to earth until
he completely masters the game. Now
relying on young Hikaru to help him attain
his goal, a pairing is created that might be
mutually beneficial...
Vol. 1
ALL • #VIZ159116222X • 208 pgs • $5.96
Vol. 15
ALL • #9781421521923 • 216 pgs • $5.96
Vol. 16
ALL • #9781421525846 • 200 pgs • $5.96
Vol. 17 Released 11/3/09
ALL • #9781421525853 • 208 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 18 Released 2/2/10
ALL • #9781421528236 • 216 pgs • $7.49
More volumes also available!
world, the supernatural beings vie for power
with malevolent spirits who bring chaos
into the school, the students’ lives, and
nature itself.
Hardcover Released 11/17/09
13+ • #9781421532097 • 464 pgs • $20.99
Takemoto lives in a rundown student
apartment, where his greatest worry is
when he’ll be able to afford to eat and
whether he’ll get to class on time. Although
he’s living on his own, Takemoto is far from
grown up. Along with his crazy friends,
Morita, Mayama, Yamada, and Hagumi,
Takemoto sets out to discover life and his
true self.
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1421515040 • 184 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 6
16+ • #9781421523675 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 7
16+ • #9781421523682 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 8 Released 12/1/09
16+ • #9781421523804 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 9 Released 3/2/10
16+ • #9781421523811 • 184 pgs • $7.49
More volumes also available!
The media is abuzz when word gets out
that Yura’s mega-famous parents are
splitting up. Already accustomed to the daily
pressure of being the child of celebrities,
Yura’s frustration explodes in a rant against
her parents - and her heated words end up
being broadcast live on national TV! When a
powerful talent scout hears her impassioned
declaration, he offers to represent her. The
door to showbiz is now flung open for this
timid wallflower!
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781421523477 • 192 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 2
16+ • #9781421525471 • 192 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 3 Released 11/3/09
16+ • #9781421527772 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Taikobo’s tribe is wiped out when the evil
Dakki, a beautiful member of the god-like
Sennin race, takes control of China’s Yin
Dynasty. Seeking vengeance, Taikobo is
trained by Genshi Tenson, a Sennin himself,
to lead the mysterious Hoshin Project. Its
mission: capture all Sennin and seal them
away in a secret dimension, ridding the
human world of immortals forever. But who
do you trust when you’ve been trained to
hunt demons by a demon?
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1421513625 • 208 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 12
13+ • #9781421524016 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 13
13+ • #9781421524023 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 14
13+ • #9781421524030 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 15
13+ • #9781421524047 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 16 Released 12/1/09
13+ • #9781421524054 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 17 Released 2/2/10
13+ • #9781421528298 • 200 pgs • $7.49
More volumes also available!
The apartment complex in which highschool girl Hatsumi Narita lives is ruled over
by the rumor-mongering, self-righteous Mrs.
Tachibana. Get on Tachibana’s bad side,
and life becomes hell. When Hatsumi has to
buy a pregnancy test because her popular
sister Akane is late, Mrs. Tachibana’s son,
Ryoki, who used to bully Hatsumi as a
kid, promises not to tell the world about
Hatsumi’s secret only if she becomes his
slave. Omnibus “Big” edition.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781421523484 • 552 pgs • $13.49
Vol. 2
16+ • #9781421523491 • 560 pgs • $13.49
Vol. 3 Released 11/17/09
16+ • #9781421523507 • 560 pgs • $13.49
Vol. 4 Released 2/16/10
16+ • #9781421523514 • 536 pgs • $13.49
Watanabe gathered up Mizuo’s battered and
bloodstained body, was forced to cooperate
with the ensuing blood transfusion, and for
his trouble was late for his part-time job,
resulting in his termination. The mysterious
Mizuo tells the now-unemployed Watanabe
that he is a vampire and offers Watanabe a
position at his salon. Despite his feeling that
Mizuo is a potentially dangerous partner, for
some reason Watanabe cannot bear to be
away from him...
Vol. 1 Released 1/27/10
16+ • #9781569701379 • 200 pgs • $12.95
- but he’s the one who Kazuha hates more
than anyone!
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781401213107 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 7
16+ • #9781401214050 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 8 Released 10/27/09
16+ • #9781401214067 • 200 pgs • $7.49
More volumes also available!
Excited for the bright futures ahead of them,
soon-to-be-high school grads Nanako
Konishi and her friends, Akane and Shino,
take a college entrance exam. However,
only one of them manages to pass! With
their failing grades, Nanako and Akane
are forced to enroll in a prep school. The
two friends begin a new life in a dorm near
the prep school, but they find the road to
success to be... rather bumpy.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9780759529250 • 128 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2 Released 11/30/09
16+ • #9780759530713 • 112 pgs • $8.24
When Gon learns his father, Ging, was
a famous Hunter, he aspires to follow in
his footsteps and track down monsters,
treasures and words of magic. But first,
he has to pass the dangerous Hunter test.
Gon quickly befriends two other Hunter
wannabes: Kurapika, who’s motivated by
vengeance, and money-hungry Leorio.
The adventure begins when the wouldbe hunters run through a forest filled
with dangerous animals - and even more
dangerous rivals!
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1591167531 • 184 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 26 Released 1/5/10
16+ • #9781421530680 • 216 pgs • $7.49
More volumes also available!
Kazuha Akiyoshi is the eldest of six children.
Very responsible and irresistibly cute, she
is also something of a tomboy who never
allows her softer side to show - until she
meets Mizushima. Kazuha has her first real
crush; will it be reciprocated? Then there’s
Sugimoto, who wants to be part of her life
Dear Citizen: You’ve no doubt noticed that
the world is a troubled place. People are
apathetic, lazy, and unmotivated. You’ve
probably asked yourself, “Why isn’t anything
being done to stop this systematic decline?”
Well, you’ll be happy to know measures are
being taken. We, your government, have
decided society needs a wake-up call. So,
beginning today, we will randomly select a
different citizen who will be killed within 24
hours of notification.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781421526782 • 216 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 2
16+ • #9781421526799 • 200 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 3 Released 11/10/09
16+ • #9781421526805 • 224 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 4 Released 2/9/10
16+ • #9781421526812 • 240 pgs • $9.74
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employs both extremely well and does so in
the service of high-flying arms dealer Koko
Hekmatyar and her band of mercenaries.
Vol. 1 Released 11/10/09
17+ • #9781421532158 • 192 pgs • $9.74
In 2436 AD, young twins Thor and Rai are
living on the Space Colony Juno. Their
entire lives are turned upside-down when
they are kidnapped and ushered to the
foresaken “Planet of the Beast King” by
unknown masked men. The twins must fight
for their very survival in this bizarre, harsh
world, infested with giant carnivorous plants
and populated with criminal outcasts from
across the galaxy.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781427810151 • 384 pgs • $11.24
Vol. 2
13+ • #9781427810168 • 384 pgs • $11.24
Vol. 3
13+ • #9781427810175 • 384 pgs • $11.24
What do gallery-owner Hideo Tanizaki
and young, naive filmmaker Sohei Nakai
have in common? Well, both of them are
24-years-old - that’s a good start. They both
graduated from the same art school - that
can’t hurt either. The fact that Tanizaki has
a penchant for art forgery is just a “minor”
difference between the two that Tanizaki
hopes to rectify pretty quickly.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781569708286 • 194 pgs • $12.95
Art club member Umehara and his unskilled
classmate Mizue must endure detention
together. Alone together for hours after
school, Umehara starts to develop feelings
for Mizue. Unable to express his feelings
with words, he uses his brush and canvas to
paint the emotion in his heart. When Mizue
suddenly demands a portrait, Umehara is
unable to deny him.
Released 12/31/09
13+ • #9781569705964 • 176 pgs • $12.95
stumbles through a boarded-up well within
an ancient shrine, she falls back in time
to sixteenth-century Japan. There she
becomes the protector of a feudal village,
the master and friend of Inu-Yasha, a hottempered half-demon dog-boy, and the
caretaker of the magical Shikon Jewel
against the demonic forces of the present
and past!
Vol. 1 (2nd Ed Small Format)
16+ • #VIZ1569319472 • 192 pgs • $6.71
Vol. 37
16+ • #9781421522197 • 192 pgs • $6.71
Vol. 38
16+ • #9781421522203 • 200 pgs • $6.71
Vol. 39
16+ • #9781421522210 • 192 pgs • $6.71
Vol. 40
16+ • #9781421528908 • 192 pgs • $6.71
Vol. 41
16+ • #9781421528915 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 42 Released 11/10/09
16+ • #9781421528922 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 43 Released 12/8/09
16+ • #9781421528939 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 44 Released 1/12/10
16+ • #9781421529943 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 45 Released 2/9/10
16+ • #9781421529950 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 46 Released 3/9/10
16+ • #9781421529967 • 192 pgs • $7.49
More volumes also available!
Same as the above except collected into
omnibus “Big” editions.
Vol. 1 Released 11/10/09
16+ • #9781421532806 • 576 pgs • $13.49
Vol. 2 Released 2/9/10
16+ • #9781421532813 • 568 pgs • $13.49
Suguri’s dog, Lupin, “courts” another
dog, while its owner, Teppei, isn’t looking,
shattering his dream of a litter of purebred
puppies. To make up for her mongrel’s
wayward wooing, Suguri offers to work
at the pet store Teppei manages. Her
adventures in canine antics have just begun!
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1421511495 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 12
16+ • #9781421525914 • 216 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 13
16+ • #9781421525921 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 14 Released 10/20/09
16+ • #9781421526676 • 228 pgs • $7.49
More volumes also available!
High school senior Kotoko Aihara has had
a crush on Naoki Irie since freshman year.
Unfortunately, he’s a member of Class A, the
top ranking class in school, whereas she’s
in Class F, and he’s so smart, popular and
handsome that he’s been class president
every year. When Kotoki finally musters up
the courage to present him with a love letter,
Naoki outright refuses it, but then a change
in circumstance forces Naoki and Kotoko to
be together every day...?!
Vol. 1 Released 11/4/09
13+ • #9781569701317 • 300 pgs • $16.95
When his childhood friend is murdered,
17-year-old clone Aoi spends his last
year to live looking for the killer! As he
searches for revenge, Aoi uses his ability
to travel through the Jihai (wasteland),
where supposedly nothing can survive, to
act as a courier. After a routine delivery
goes wrong, a pistol-packing padre named
Tristram saves Aoi, but Tristram’s buddy Dis
accidentally runs him over!
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781401221058 • 194 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 2
16+ • #9781401221065 • 226 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 3 Released 11/24/09
16+ • #9781401222253 • 232 pgs • $7.49
To save his mother’s life, Jotaro must tame
his dark forces and travel around the world
to Cairo, Egypt, where a hundred-year-old
vampire thirsts for the blood of his family.
But the road is long, and an army of evil
Stand Users waits to kill Jojo and his friends.
Vol. 11
16+ • #9781421516325 • 192 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 12
16+ • #9781421516332 • 210 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 13 Released 12/1/09
16+ • #9781421524061 • 192 pgs • $7.49
More volumes also available!
Jonah was a child soldier, born in the
chaotic conflicts that rage across Africa,
his family lost to a war fueled by weapons
supplied by the so-called “Merchants of
Death” - international arms dealers. Despite
Jonah’s hatred of weapons and violence, he
Karin is an underperforming klutz - until a
ring left to her by her recently dead mother
becomes a sort of talisman and turns her
into a magical girl with incredible powers! Of
course, there’s a rude boy and some very
bad guys involved, too, along with the usual
requisite dose of utterly disarming KogeDonbo cuteness!
Vol. 1
10+ • #MM1595328475 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Sequel to the original series. Karin’s your
loveable girl-next-door type - if the girl next
door also happens to be a goddess! Karin
has a magic ring that gives her the power
to do anything she’d like. What she’d like
most, though, is to live happily ever after
with Kazune, the boy of her dreams. It’s not
easy to be a goddess and a girl in love.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780345504036 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 4
13+ • #9780345506764 • 192 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 5
13+ • #9780345510334 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 6 Released 10/27/09
13+ • #9780345510341 • 176 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 7 Released 1/26/10
13+ • #9780345510358 • 176 pgs • $8.21
More volumes also available!
Odette is a lovely android built by Professor
Yoshizawa. Curious to find out what it’s like
to be human, she convinces the Professor
to enroll her in high school. Thus, with a
new group of friends in tow, Odette sets
out to discover the true meaning of life as
a human, where even the simple stuff is an
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781427814074 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2 Released 2/2/10
13+ • #9781427814081 • 192 pgs • $8.24
“Once again, your company shows unsurpassed
professionalism, class, and top-notch customer care.”
- Airam G.
experience, possesses a fiery enthusiasm
to both aid the Mibu-Roshi and to avenge
his wrongfully murdered family. But what no
one suspects is that Seizaburo is actually a
girl named Tominaga Sei in disguise!
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1421501899 • 200 pgs • $6.71
Vol. 13
16+ • #9781421524160 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 14
16+ • #9781421524177 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 15 Released 11/3/09
16+ • #9781421524184 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 16 Released 2/2/10
16+ • #9781421528014 • 200 pgs • $7.49
More volumes also available!
By night, junior high student Yoshimori
Sumimura is a “kekkaishi” - a demon-hunter
who specializes in creating magical barriers
around his prey. By day, Yoshimori’s got
some other demons to battle: an addiction
to sweets and a seriously crotchety
grandfather! Yoshimori’s pretty 16-yearold neighbor and childhood friend, Tokine
Yukimura, is also a kekkaishi, but their
families are feuding over who is the “true
practitioner” of the art.
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1591169682 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 17
13+ • #9781421522234 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 18
13+ • #9781421524573 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 19 Released 11/17/09
13+ • #9781421526126 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 20 Released 2/9/10
13+ • #9781421527840 • 192 pgs • $7.49
More volumes also available!
With his horned head and pointed ears,
young Kiichi resembles a demon. When
his mother dies, he is ostracized from his
village. Alone and with no clue to his true
origin, he meets Mototaro, a traveling
“Library Man” who goes from town to town,
lending out books. When Kiichi spies some
magical creatures literally jumping out of the
pages of one of these books, he thinks he
may be on the way to finding out where he
came from.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781401217556 • 160 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 5
13+ • #9781401220969 • 176 pgs • $7.49
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Shunned by the girl of his dreams, Hazumu
gets lost and is promptly squashed by a
space ship. Feeling guilty, the alien rebuilds
his body... but as the wrong gender! Now
Hazumu must learn how to be the girl his
parents always wanted while dealing with
a love triangle between two girls - his
childhood friend and the girl who rejected
Collection 1
16+ • #9781934876701 • 496 pgs • $14.99
Kamiya Seizaburo is a young would-be
warrior who, though lacking in combat
Sawako Kuronuma is the perfect heroine...
for a horror movie. With her jet-black hair,
sinister smile, and silent demeanor, she’s
often mistaken for The Ring’s Sadako.
Unbeknownst to but a few, behind her scary
facade is a very misunderstood teenager.
Shy and pure of heart, she just wants to
make friends. But when Kazehaya, the most
popular boy in class, befriends her, she’s
sure to make more than just that - she’s
about to make some enemies, too!
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781421527550 • 216 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 2
13+ • #9781421527567 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 3 Released 1/5/10
13+ • #9781421527574 • 216 pgs • $7.49
Kouichi and Mao are childhood best
friends. But as they enter high school,
they discover that their social lives have
taken vastly different trajectories. Mao is
an outgoing babe, who has no problem
attracting the opposite sex, while Kouichi...
Well... He could use a little help. And thus
begins Mao’s quest to make sure that even
though Kouichi entered high school not
having kissed a girl, he sure won’t graduate
that way!
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781427815811 • 208 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2
16+ • #9781427815828 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 3 Released 1/5/10
16+ • #9781427815835 • 192 pgs • $8.24
“Chaos” is a trading card game that is
very popular at Manami’s school. Trying
to learn more about it, she purchases
a beginner’s set only to discover that it
contains “Sahgan, The Mighty Sorcerer,” the
rarest card in the game. Now every other
player is out to win the card from her. But
Sahgan himself begins to visit Manami in her
dreams, offering her advice on how to win.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781401213121 • 208 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 7
13+ • #9781401214173 • 208 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 8 Released 11/10/09
13+ • #9781401214180 • 192 pgs • $7.49
More volumes also available!
Citro’s an all-too-human android boy who
lives with his “grandfather,” an old mechanic,
and Corona, the mechanic’s granddaughter.
When warring factions battle it out at his
home, a powerful device implants itself in
Citro, making him both more powerful and
the target of evil forces. Tragedy propels
Citro and Corona on a quest, accompanied
by their new ally Tera, the broomstick-flying
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781401218799 • 162 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 2
13+ • #9781401218805 • 194 pgs • $7.49
Najika is a great cook and likes to make
meals for the people she loves, but
something is missing from her life. When
she was a child, she met a boy who
touched her heart - and now Najika is
determined to find him. The only clue she
has is a silver spoon that leads her to the
prestigious Seika Academy.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780345496201 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 10
13+ • #9780345510273 • 208 pgs • $8.21
More volumes also available!
In Greek mythology, Athena, the daughter
of Zeus, was born in full armor. Her battles
with bloodthirsty gods and giants shook the
very earth, and on the battlefield, there was
a group of youths that always surrounded
and protected the goddess: the Knights
of Athena! Flash forward to modern-day
Greece: a man-sized meteorite crashes to
the earth. It turns out to be young Seiya,
who must train harder than ever if he is to
survive his match with the brutal Cassios!
Vol. 28 Released 2/2/10
13+ • #9781421524122 • 216 pgs • $7.49
More volumes also available!
Yuri Shibuya just can’t catch a break. First,
his head is dunked in a toilet. Then he’s
transported to another world - where he
finds himself King of the Mazoku, a new
race that expects him to lead them to war
against all of humanity. And to top it all off,
he’s engaged - to a man!
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781427810991 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 2
13+ • #9781427811004 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 3
13+ • #9781427811011 • 176 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 4
13+ • #9781427815453 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 5 Released 1/5/10
13+ • #9781427816344 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Shoei Academy is a prestigious private
school system for young boys from wellto-do families. Newly appointed teacher Mr.
Reiji Kurashina soon finds himself to be the
center of attention at Shoei Academy - the
center of attention for young men who are
just about to ripen, that is! What does cool
and collected Kurashina-sensei do when he
becomes the object of love?
Vol. 1
16+ • #156970838X • 200 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 2 Released 12/16/09
16+ • #9781569708378 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Kurohime, a witch with the power to control
magical guns, once made the mistake
of challenging the gods... and for her
foolishness, she was cursed! The curse
changed Kurohime into a little girl named
Himeko, and now she can only regain
her true form and her powers when she
is in love. After 10 years of living with this
curse, Kurohime meets a skilled gunfighter
named Zero...
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1421513668 • 184 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 11
16+ • #9781421524207 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 12
16+ • #9781421524214 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 13
16+ • #9781421524221 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 14 Released 11/3/09
16+ • #9781421528366 • 216 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 15 Released 1/5/10
16+ • #9781421531687 • 192 pgs • $7.49
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Your body is their business! Five young
university students find all that “useless”
stuff they know - channeling, dowsing, ESP
- gives them a direct line to the dead - the
dead who are still trapped in their bodies
and can’t move on. The five form the
“Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service”: whether
suicide, murder, accident, or illness, they’ll
carry your body wherever it needs to go to
free your soul!
Vol. 1
17+ • #DHGN1593075553 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 9
17+ • #9781595823069 • 216 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 10 Released 1/13/10
17+ • #9781595824462 • 216 pgs • $8.21
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Kahoko has absolutely no musical skill, but
that changes when she catches a glimpse
of an elusive fairy who lives on campus.
The fairy grants Kahoko a magic violin, and
before she knows it, she’s nominated to
participate in the school’s music competition
with five very attractive boys. Will she win
love and fame, or will bitter rivalry rule
the day?
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1421505835 • 184 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 10
13+ • #9781421525976 • 192 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 11
13+ • #9781421530369 • 192 pgs • $7.49
More volumes also available!
Yen and Jin are brothers in elementary
school and successors to the Ragun family
craft of defeating evil spirits. In this world,
the battle with spirits comes down to a
game of guessing your opponent’s “name.”
Once you know the name, you gain control
over the fight. Both Yen and Jin have secret
names only they know... and must keep
them secret, or risk death!
Vol. 1
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Everyone in young Miel’s family has magical
powers, but she’s not really interested
in developing hers. Miel wants to live a
more normal life, much to her older sister’s
disapproval. But when she encounters
a boy who needs some help - and who
happens to resemble the handsome and
beloved young prince of the realm - Miel
may just have found the motivation she
needs to develop her own special gifts.
Vol. 1
ALL • #9781401221201 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 2
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A mysterious cult is sacrificing beautiful
young women to a demonic force that
has promised them France in return for
the blood of their victims. Only one man
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Inukami: a sacred being with a dog-like
appearance. Though Kawahira Keita is
the descendent of a long line of Inukamitamers, he seems to lack the necessary
ability and has been forsaken by his family.
One day, he meets a cute Inukami named
Yoko, who, at first glance, looks graceful,
obedient, and beautiful... but upon forging a
contract with her, Keita discovers that Yoko
is a wild and mischievous Inukami that no
one has ever been able to control.
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Nine-year-old Noboru does the responsible
thing and recycles a plastic bottle. But little
does he know that the bottle is about to
come back to life as PET, a robot with a
mission: to pay Noboru back for recycling
him! The only problem is that PET’s sense
of “helping” isn’t quite in touch with reality.
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After fleeing Tokyo to escape a personal
crisis, hapless Itaru winds up drunk and
passed out on a neighborhood trash
heap. His misery is documented by prickly
cameraman Kouki, who works for a local
cable station, and soon the two end up
roommates and co-workers. But with a
company full of quirky characters and
their own personalities to contend with,
will Itaru and Kouki ever truly understand
one another?
Released 11/3/09
16+ • #9781427816665 • 192 pgs • $9.74
Canary, princess of Linaria, has been
unwillingly betrothed by her father to Prince
Heath of Gazaria. The Prince isn’t crazy
about this idea either, so he hatches a plan
to disrupt the pending nuptials. He gets
his brother Sienna to pose as him on their
first date, convinced he’ll drive her away.
The plan backfires when chemistry ignites
between Canary and Sienna - but then a
spell Sienna has been under turns him into
a lizard!
Vol. 1 Released 12/1/09
N/R • #9781401220532 • 200 pgs • $7.49
delectable boys’ love collection.
Released 1/31/10
16+ • #9781427802781 • 192 pgs • $9.74
Risa is the tallest girl in class, and the
last thing she wants is the humiliation of
standing next to Atsushi, the shortest guy.
But the two find themselves cast as the
unwilling stars of a bizarre romantic comedy
duo. Rather than bow to the inevitable, Risa
and Atsushi join forces to pursue the true
objects of their affection. But in the quest for
love, will their budding friendship become
something more complex?
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A respected teacher stumbles upon the
corpse of his ex-lover - whose handsome
young friend suspects him of foul play!
Two estranged childhood friends find each
other again in Tokyo as they team up and
use their magical powers to fight mystical
crime lords! And an adorable but slightly
airheaded girl is abducted and replaced by
a humanoid robot! Hilarity and chaos fill this
Meet Konata, an athletic and intelligent girl
too dedicated to her favorite primetime
anime to excel in anything but otaku
culture; Miyuki, the cute, bespectacled
living example of moe with an encyclopedic
knowledge of all subjects; Kagami, the
bitter-sweet, tough but shy straight-man to
Konata’s constant teasing and pranks; and
her younger fraternal twin sister, Tsukasa, a
kind but air-headed klutz. Witness this study
in the human condition as our heroines
explore the unexplored in questioning
the ordinary!
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On the outside, Kujou Yamato appears to
be your average teen, pursuing love and
happiness in his school’s hallowed halls.
The problem is on the inside: Kujou is really
Kaito, the prince of the demon realm, who
has escaped to the human world to avoid a
marriage he wants no part of! Kaito’s dad,
furious, sends a clumsy trio of demons
to retrieve him, and a mad love chase
ensues... But it’s going to take a lot of luck
and cleverness to avoid being dragged
back home!
Vol. 1
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The star of her high school’s Massage
Research Society club, Chiaki Togu is
otherwise a normal, quiet girl, until she falls
in love at first sight with a gorgeous back a back that happens to belong to Yosuke,
the hottest guy at her school! Unfortunately,
Chiaki’s attraction to Yosuke is thwarted
by her own insecurity and the scheming of
other girls - especially her twin sister Saya!
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Brilliant and overachieving, Misaki Ayuzawa
is the President of the Student Council at
Seika High School, formerly a boys’ school.
Unfortunately, most of the students are still
male and stuck in their slovenly habits, so
man-hating Misaki really socks it to ‘em in
an attempt to make the school presentable
to attract more female students. But what
will she do when the sexiest boy in school
finds out that after school, Misaki works in
a maid cafe?!
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Cacao thinks she just landed her dream
job: she’s the live-in maid for the Prince of
the Urbansberg Kingdom. But when the
kingdom finds itself under siege by invaders,
the Prince and his five maids have no choice
but to make a desperate escape from the
castle. The Prince is determined to win his
kingdom back - and believes with all his
heart that his maids are the great warriors
the kingdom needs. Can the Prince’s Maid
Army truly save the day?
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Nobody ever said finding a soul mate
would be easy! Because of her phobia of
men, Kanako enrolls in an all-girls school to
find her one true love. When she meets a
captivating freshman named Mariya who fits
her criteria, it turns out that her seemingly
ideal mate happens to be a cross-dressing
sadistic boy! Can things get any worse?!
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When Sakura, a 14-year-old orphaned girl,
discovers she has 4 half-brothers, her world
is turned upside down, as they’re all forced
to live under one roof!
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It’s average schoolboy Kyon’s typical first
day at an ordinary high school. Little does
he know that his humdrum life is about to
get a dose of the superfantastic thanks to
fellow classmate Haruhi Suzumiya! Are you
ready to join the SOS Brigade?
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Vivacious Neo loves to sing and tests the
boundaries of 23rd century modesty with
her short, short skirts. When she accidently
time-travels to the 21st century, it’s time
to sink or sing! Before she knows it, she’s
teamed up with the handsome Saya as
half of an ultimate singing duo. But all her
dreams may vanish if they can’t put on one
great concert. With Saya depending on her,
will Neo keep time on her side?
Vol. 1 Released 11/3/09
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Minori Nagashima is a high school student
bored to death with the mundane aspects
of her everyday life. That is, until one day
at the local arcade when she defeats an
opponent in a video game and learns that
very evening that the Japanese Prime
Minister has selected her! “Will you be my
First Lady?” Now, the guy who stole Minori’s
first kiss asks her to marry him in grand
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Ame is a quiet and shy high school girl.
Without any friends, she spends all her time
with her toy collection. But one new toy Nikori - will change her life. Nikori’s not just
a cute stuffed animal; she can talk and had
a mind of her own. With Nikori as her best
friend and confidant, Ame’s sure to unlock
her potential and become the girl she was
meant to be!
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Vol. 4 Released 10/27/09
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Will a half-mermaid, half-human girl bring an
end to the feud between humanity and the
mer-people - or bring about the destruction
of all life on earth? As a merman named
Shona is returning to his birthplace, he
meets a young human, Jimmy, who suffers
from amnesia. Together, Jimmy and Shona
set off to find the missing girl.
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Hanayu Ashitaba is the daughter of the
celebrated Patisserie Ashitaba, but all she
wants to do is be a sushi chef. Hayato
Hyuga is the son of the prestigious Sushi
Hyuga, and all he wants to do is be a pastry
chef! It’s love and leftovers in the Oikawa
High School Cooking Department, as these
star-crossed gourmands do their best to
reach their cuisine dreams!
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banished the ogres from their island home.
Now their modern descendant, Kokonose
Mutsu, is determined to reclaim his family’s
birthright! Armed only with his dubious
exorcist powers, his adorable face, and his
enormous ego, the precocious pipsqueak
sets out to reconquer the island - which
has been turned into a military school for
demon exterminators.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781427811097 • 192 pgs • $7.49
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Tadayasu is a new, fresh-faced university
student hiding a bizarre secret: he can
see germs with the naked eye. Between
the machinations of an eccentric professor
determined to unlock the power of the
microbial world and the doomed agricultural
experiments of his fellow students, will
Tadayasu ever find the cool college
atmosphere he so desires?
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Vol. 2 Released 1/26/10
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Police detective Kobayashi Yousuke’s life is
changed forever after a serial killer notices
something “special” about him. That same
killer mutilates Kobayashi’s wife and starts a
“multiple personality battle” within Kobayashi
that pushes him into a complex tempest of
interconnected deviants and evil forces.
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After transferring to a new school, Yuki, a
disaster-attracting young student, is told
that he is actually the reincarnation of
Momotaro from Japanese folklore. What’s
worse, he was cursed by demons in his
previous life! And if he doesn’t break the
curse, he’ll die the day he turns 18. But he
discovers that he doesn’t have to kill the
demons to break the curse, he only needs
to apply a little demon therapy!
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781427815620 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2 Released 1/5/10
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After her politician father is disgraced in
scandal, Haruna is convinced that school
life is like being on a monkey mountain everyone is in a clique, they all fight, and
then they get back together again. Haruna
even meets a boy named Masaru who
reminds her of a baby monkey!
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can save Paris from chaos and terror: the
Chevalier d’Eon!
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Are you the victim of unwanted spirit
possession? Is there a ghost you need sent
up and away? If the answer is yes, than you
need Muhyo and Roji, experts in magic law.
Serving justice to evil spirits is their specialty.
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Exotic, smart, and lethal, Number Nine is a
field operative for an organization committed
to fighting injustice. Little is known about
“Universal Blue” except that it’s the last line
of defense against terrorists and criminals.
Even less is known about its field operatives
- though it’s whispered that they possess
the ability to change the course of history.
And Number Nine is one of them.
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Some live in the deep darkness behind
your eyelids. Some thoughtlessly kill. Some
simply drive men mad. Shortly after life
emerged from the primordial ooze, these
deadly creatures, mushi, came into terrifying
being, and they wreak havoc in the world
today. Ginko, a young man with a sardonic
smile, has the knowledge and skill to save
those plagued by mushi... perhaps.
Vol. 1
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Lazy Hana Suzuki lives for two things:
eating and sleeping. But she owes a favor
to Izumi, the captain of the boy’s hockey
team, and winds up becoming a player.
Waking up early, hockey drills, playing well
with others - none of this comes naturally
to Hana, but at least all of the boys on the
team are super-cute, so maybe it won’t be
too bad!
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Vol. 8
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Miharu Rokujo was content to live life without
caring about anything, but unfortunately,
his destiny had other plans. The secret art
known as Shinra Banshou, with the power
to control the entire world, is hidden inside
him, and every ninja is involved in the fight
over it. Against his will, Miharu is made to
join his school’s Nindo Club, a club that
teaches the way of the ninja, in order to
protect himself.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9780759530034 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2 Released 10/31/09
16+ • #9780759530362 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Devastated by the loss of her parents,
18-year-old Chouko loses her will to live.
After staying with several different relatives,
she settles in with a handsome young writer
named Kei and finds solace in tending to
the flower garden. Kei’s a solitary person
who doesn’t quite know how to deal with
this emotional young woman, but Chouko’s
dedication eventually leads him to accept
her presence. Will their mutual affection
grow into something more?
Vol. 1
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Vol. 3 Released 11/24/09
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This is the story of two 20-year-old women
who share the same name. Even though
they come from completely different
backgrounds, they somehow meet and
become best friends. The world of Nana is a
world exploding with music, fashion, gossip
and all-night parties.
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them to her capricious whim. Now Takashi
is the owner of the book, and the creatures
will do anything to get their names back.
Vol. 1 Released 1/5/10
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Naruto is a young ninja hoping to pass
the difficult test to graduate from the Ninja
Academy, deal with his “rival,” Konohamaru,
and learn to get along with his new
classmates. Assigned to a three-person
team, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura must
survive a brutal test against their upper-level
ninja instructor, Kakashi. Only two can pass
- will Naruto be one of them?
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Ten-year-old Negi Springfield just graduated
from a British school for wizards and is
being sent to Japan to teach English... at
an all-girls high school. And although he’s
under strict instructions not to display his
magic powers, Negi just can’t resist using
them to help others - even though his
conjuring sometimes makes things worse!
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A retelling of the original series.
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16+ • #9780345517906 • 208 pgs • $8.21
When his grandmother Reiko was Takashi’s
age, she bound the names of demons and
spirits in her “Book of Friends,” enslaving
Keidai Saeki is a high school student who
remembers his past life in Pompeii, living as
the Italian warrior, Sirix. His friends around
him are all also reincarnated - although
they don’t quite remember things the way
he does. And Keidai’s wife from the past?
She’s now a middle school boy - while his
best male friend is now a cute girl?!
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781427814456 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2
13+ • #9781427814463 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 3 Released 11/3/09
13+ • #9781427814470 • 192 pgs • $8.24
For those who suffer nightmares, help awaits
at the Ginseikan Tea House, where patrons
can order much more than just Darjeeling.
Hiruko is a special kind of a private
investigator. He’s a dream eater. And he’ll
rid you of your darkest visions... for a price.
Vol. 1
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Vol. 7
16+ • #9781421522241 • 184 pgs • $7.49
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Kyuma and his dog, Inui, live in the
mountains, where Kyuma trains every day
to become a great ninja. But when Kyuma
mistakes a baseball captain for his training
master, the local baseball team ends up
with its first ninja player! Can a ninja step
up to the plate and learn how to play ball?
Vol. 1
7+ • #9781897376867 • 200 pgs • $7.99
Raizo is just the sort of boy who seems to
have no hope of becoming a ninja. With
strange horn on his forehead, Raizo is a
complete outcast. But then he meets a
beautiful female ninja who tells him he’s the
last living descendant of the royal family! She
swears her loyalty to him, promises to help
him regain his throne... and introduces him
to his ninja servants, a group of glamorous,
gorgeous, and super-cool ninja warriors!
Vol. 1
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Vol. 2 Released 12/29/09
16+ • #9780345512437 • 208 pgs • $8.21
The son of a famous pianist, Shinichi
Chiaki has always wanted to study abroad.
However, his fear of planes and water make
it impossible for him to follow his dream.
Then, one day, he meets Megumi Noda.
This oddball girl cannot cook, clean, or
even read her own score, but she can play
the piano in incomparable cantabile style.
And she teaches Chiaki something that he
has forgotten: to enjoy his music no matter
where he is.
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Vol. 16
16+ • #9780345505231 • 208 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 17 Released 1/26/10
16+ • #9780345505248 • 208 pgs • $8.99
More volumes also available!
Nora, an unruly demon, has defied the
Demon Sovereign one too many times. For
the sake of his “education,” Nora is sent
Ian, a young man with a fractured family
history, travels from Australia to England to
America in the hope of realizing his dreams
and reuniting with his beloved sister. His
story unfolds backwards through the
framing narrative of Jim, a reporter driven
to capture Ian’s experiences in a novel: not
Released 1/19/10
16+ • #9781421532202 • 320 pgs • $11.21
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Colors kicks off with a wacky intro to the
Oh My Goddess! saga, in the form of an
eight-page “fan” manga by Neon Genesis
Evangelion Angel designer Yoshitou Asari!
Then, four classic Oh My Goddess stories,
each focusing on a different goddess
and colorized under Kosuke Fujishima’s
supervision. Finally, an encyclopedia section
cross-referencing the people, places,
and things of the first thirty volumes of
Oh My Goddess.
12+ • #9781595822550 • 192 pgs • $14.96
Jio is a young boy with a tragic past who
only trusts one thing: money. Little does he
suspect that inside him sleeps a demon of
incredible ferocity. He meets a girl named
Ruby who wants to become a treasure
hunter like her famous father. Though Jio
doesn’t believe in friendship, he agrees to
be her bodyguard, and together they set out
to find as many O-Parts as they can.
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1421508559 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 15
16+ • #9781421519968 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 16
16+ • #9781421519975 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 17
16+ • #9781421522272 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 18
16+ • #9781421523392 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 19 Released 12/8/09
16+ • #9781421525679 • 192 pgs • $7.49
More volumes also available!
Wakamiya has been chasing Yasunari for
five years! In order to get closer to Yasunari,
he joins Kanon University’s basketball team,
where Yasunari plays. As Wakamiya draws
ever closer to his tempting teammate, will he
realize the change that has come over him?
Released 2/24/10
16+ • #9781569700341 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Masago is an average high school student
who not only doesn’t stand out in a crowd,
but who also has to live in the shadow of
her very popular and charismatic older
brother. Then one day, tragedy strikes when
Shiro sacrifices his own life for Masago and
gets hit by an oncoming truck. Not too long
after - to her shock and confusion - Masago
finds herself sharing her own body with the
spirit of her deceased brother!
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781401216078 • 192 pgs • $7.49
When college student Keiichi Morisato
accidentally dials the Goddess Technical
Helpline, he’s delivered the living, breathing,
literal goddess Belldandy... and one wish.
Mixed Vegetables © 2005 by Ayumi Komura/SHUEISHA Inc.
When he jokingly asks her to stay with
him forever, he gets his wish, and one
hilarious headache after another as Keiichi
and his goddess-out-of-water adjust to the
inevitable clash of the Spiritual Plane and
the Material World!
Vol. 1 (2nd Ed)
12+ • #DHGN1593073879 • 192 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 12 (2nd Ed)
12+ • #9781595823229 • 200 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 13 (2nd Ed) Released 10/28/09
12+ • #9781595823861 • 192 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 14 (2nd Ed) Released 2/24/10
12+ • #9781595824554 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 32
12+ • #9781595823038 • 144 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 33
12+ • #9781595823762 • 144 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 34 Released 12/30/09
12+ • #9781595824486 • 144 pgs • $8.21
More volumes also available!
Around the offices of Tozai News, Shiro
Yamaoka has a reputation for being overblunt, under-ambitious, and generally an
all-around slacker. So why has he been
given the important job of coming up
with the “Ultimate Menu” to celebrate the
newspaper’s 100th anniversary? Because
he possesses qualities his other colleagues
don’t: an exquisitely discerning palate, an
encyclopedic knowledge of food and drink,
and a masterful touch in the kitchen.
Vol. 1: Japanese Cuisine
13+ • #9781421521398 • 272 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 2: Sake
13+ • #9781421521404 • 272 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 3: Ramen & Gyoza
13+ • #9781421521411 • 272 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 4: Fish, Sushi, & Sashimi
13+ • #9781421521428 • 276 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 5: Vegetables
13+ • #9781421521435 • 268 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 6: The Joy of Rice Released 11/17/09
13+ • #9781421521442 • 268 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 7: Izakaya - Pub Food Released 1/19/10
13+ • #9781421521459 • 276 pgs • $9.74
In a world of pirates, one man wants to
become the greatest of them all: Monkey
D. Luffy, who gained strange powers from
eating the cursed Gum-Gum Fruit! As a
child, Luffy was inspired by listening to the
tales of the buccaneer “Red-Haired” Shanks.
Now grown, Luffy sets out in search of “One
Piece,” the greatest treasure in the world!
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1569319014 • 208 pgs • $5.96
Vol. 21
13+ • #9781421524290 • 200 pgs • $5.96
Vol. 22
13+ • #9781421524306 • 216 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 23 Released 12/1/09
13+ • #9781421528441 • 232 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 24 Released 1/5/10
13+ • #9781421528458 • 216 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 25 Released 1/5/10
13+ • #9781421528465 • 208 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 26 Released 1/5/10
13+ • #9781421534428 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 27 Released 1/5/10
13+ • #9781421534435 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 28 Released 1/5/10
13+ • #9781421534442 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 29 Released 2/10/10
13+ • #9781421534459 • 232 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 30 Released 2/10/10
13+ • #9781421534466 • 208 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 31 Released 2/10/10
13+ • #9781421534473 • 208 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 32 Released 2/10/10
13+ • #9781421534480 • 216 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 33 Released 2/10/10
13+ • #9781421534497 • 232 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 34 Released 3/10/10
13+ • #9781421534503 • 232 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 35 Released 3/10/10
13+ • #9781421534510 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 36 Released 3/10/10
13+ • #9781421534527 • 216 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 37 Released 3/10/10
13+ • #9781421534534 • 232 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 38 Released 3/10/10
13+ • #9781421534541 • 208 pgs • $7.49
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Vol. 2
13+ • #9780345513397 • 192 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 3 Released 2/23/10
13+ • #9780345513403 • 176 pgs • $8.21
When the forces of Granza attack Fana’s
homeland, she flees to nearby Cordia.
There she encounters the king, who takes
her under his care and introduces her to
his daughter, the Princess Orfina. To the
surprise of both girls, they share such a
strong resemblance that they could be
twins. A friendship quickly develops but is
cut short when Granza attacks Cordia and
the princess is captured. Fana not only
learns the shocking truth, but she must lead
an army to victory!
Vol. 1
17+ • #9781401214258 • 192 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 6
17+ • #9781401214302 • 192 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 7 Released 1/19/10
17+ • #9781401214319 • 282 pgs • $9.74
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Sequel to the original series. During a trip
following a devastating heartbreak, Raoul
meets the handsome Arabian prince, Asif!
The prince is more radiant than the sun,
and Raoul finds himself captivated by Asif’s
beauty. Despite Raoul’s vow never to let
himself suffer heartbreak again, he wonders
if this love is worth breaking his vow over.
Released 11/18/09
16+ • #9781569701287 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Nanami is a typical high school girl and the
descendant of demons. Sensing her hidden
power is the demon slayer Tomotaka.
Though their initial meeting is as hunter and
quarry, will Tomotaka’s allegiances change
when Nanami steps up to defend her
against a more powerful enemy?!
Vol. 1
16+ • #9780759530348 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2 Released 1/31/10
16+ • #9780316081146 • 176 pgs • $8.24
stuffed animals and reading shojo comics.
But in a world where boys are expected
to act manly, Asuka must hide his beloved
hobbies and play the part of a masculine
jock instead. Ryo Miyakozuka, on the other
hand, is a girl who can’t sew or bake a cake
to save her life. Asuka finds himself drawn
to Ryo, but she likes only the manliest of
men! Can Asuka ever show his true self to
anyone, much less to the girl he’s falling for?
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781421521862 • 208 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 2
13+ • #9781421521879 • 192 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 3
13+ • #9781421524726 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 4 Released 11/3/09
13+ • #9781421525372 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 5 Released 2/2/10
13+ • #9781421527376 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Asuka Masamune is a guy who loves girly
things - sewing, knitting, making cute
One day, Haruhi, a scholarship student at
the exclusive Ouran High School, breaks
an $80,000 vase that belongs to the “Host
Club,” a mysterious group consisting of six
super-rich guys. To pay back the damages,
she’s forced to work for the club, and it’s
Just send a text to a certain address and a
dark angel will appear to grant you a wish
- but only one! You can wish for your crush
to fall in love with you, for revenge against
those who have wronged you, or even for
the dead to be brought back to life. But
choose your wish carefully - sometimes a
dream come true can be a nightmare!
Released 12/29/09
13+ • #9780345514646 • 208 pgs • $8.21
In Edo period Japan, a strange new disease
called the Red Pox has begun to prey on
the country’s men. Within eighty years of
the first outbreak, the male population has
fallen by seventy-five percent. Women have
taken on all of the roles traditionally granted
to men, even that of the Shogun. The
men, precious providers of life, are carefully
protected. And the most beautiful of the
men are sent to serve in the Shogun’s Inner
Vol. 1
17+ • #9781421527475 • 216 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 2 Released 12/15/09
17+ • #9781421527482 • 200 pgs • $9.74
It’s hard enough being in love when you’re
13. It’s even harder when you’re part of
a secret love triangle! Rui’s in love for the
first time ever - with her dreamy classmate,
Kaoru. But Rui’s the target of someone
else’s major secret crush, her own best
friend, the adorable boy next door. Then,
to make matters worse, her hot teaching
assistant moves in with her!
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780345513380 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Battle of Genyu © 2007 Shouko Fukaki/Flex Comix Inc.
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The world is a lonely place for Naoto and
Naoya, brothers with amazing psychic
powers that set them apart from humanity.
Their parents cast them out and had them
imprisoned in an exploitative research
center. But after they make a daring escape
from the institution, Naoya has a psychic
vision of an even greater threat: a deadly
plague that threatens the entire world!
Vol. 1 Released 11/24/09
16+ • #9780345516251 • 208 pgs • $8.21
to live among mortals and enters a bond
of servitude with cool-as-ice star student
Kazuma Makkari. Kazuma is about to learn
the ways of the underworld... and Nora will
learn more from the “real world” than he
ever thought possible!
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781421518954 • 208 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 4
16+ • #9781421518985 • 208 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 5
16+ • #9781421518992 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 6
16+ • #9781421519005 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 7
16+ • #9781421519012 • 208 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 8 Released 12/1/09
16+ • #9781421519029 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 9 Released 2/2/10
16+ • #9781421521886 • 208 pgs • $7.49
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“Great customer service! This was my first order…
and I will definitely be making many, many more!”
- Lonnie C.
On the island of Opal live the world’s most
colorful birds. The birds have attracted a
school for aspiring “Palettes” - wizards who
have the ability to “borrow” color from one
object and paint its qualities onto another.
Young Cello has the potential to be a great
Palette, but she just can’t seem to control
her power. As the end of freshman year
approaches, she’s on the verge of failing,
so she’s going to need all the help her bird,
Yoyo, can provide.
Vol. 1
ALL • #9781401213916 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 6
ALL • #9781401224318 • 192 pgs • $7.49
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Poor Mugi Tadano. The 16-year-old is
heartbroken after his girlfriend moves away.
To ease his troubled state, Mugi takes a
summer job at his friend Kazuki’s beachside
snack bar/hotel on a tropical island. It seems
like the perfect plan - until Kazuki sets Mugi
up on a date with Yuu, who’s supposed to
be, well, a little less than perfect.
Vol. 1
16+ • #0345486277 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 14
16+ • #9780345508294 • 208 pgs • $8.99
More volumes also available!
Path of the Assassin is the story of Hattori
Hanzo, the fabled master ninja whose duty
it was to protect Tokugawa Ieyasu. But
before he could do that, he had to grow
up and learn how to love the ladies! As the
secret caretaker of such an influential future
leader, not only does Hanzo use vast and
varied ninja talents, but in living closely with
Ieyasu, he forms a close friendship with the
young shogun.
Vol. 1
17+ • #DHGN1593075022 • 320 pgs • $7.46
Vol. 15
17+ • #9781593075163 • 304 pgs • $7.46
More volumes also available!
Heir to an aristocratic family, Oz Vessalius
is a carefree teen. That is, until his fifteenth
birthday, and dark forces rise to punish
Oz for the sins of a past life. Incarcerated
in a prison known as the Abyss, Oz’s life
- and perhaps his sanity - are saved by a
black rabbit called Alice. As Oz plunges
deeper down the proverbial rabbit hole,
he must unravel the mysteries surrounding
him before falling into the clutches of the
shadowy cabal called Pandora!
Vol. 1 Released 12/31/09
16+ • #9780316076074 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 1 Released 2/23/10
N/R • #9780345514639 • 208 pgs • $8.21
It’s no fun being a high school outcast. It’s
even harder when your older sister is the
most popular girl in school! The ultra-glam
Hana is the ultimate teen queen, but her little
sister, Ageha, is just a shy tomboy. Hana
loves being the center of attention, so much
she’ll do anything to keep her little sister in
her shadow. But Ageha has a plan that will
change her life. Because no one, not even
Hana, can hold Ageha back forever.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780345505194 • 192 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 2
13+ • #9780345505927 • 192 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 3
13+ • #9780345508072 • 192 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 4 Released 10/27/09
13+ • #9780345512345 • 192 pgs • $8.21
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They arrive in silence and darkness. They
have a hunger for human flesh. They are
everywhere. They are parasites, alien
creatures who must invade - and take
control of - a human host to survive. No
one knows their secret except a single
ordinary high school student. Shin is battling
for control of his own body against an alien
parasite, but can he find a way to warn
humanity of the horrors to come?
Vol. 1
16+ • #9780345496249 • 288 pgs • $9.71
Vol. 7
16+ • #9780345500359 • 288 pgs • $9.71
Vol. 8
16+ • #9780345500366 • 288 pgs • $9.71
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In this Pandora Hearts prequel, Claudia is
the Witch of the Rose, a member of the
Anti-Black Rose Special Forces, Crimson
Shell. Their enemy, the Black Rose, can
turn humans into insane monsters. One
day, their sub-leader Xeno double-crosses
the organization and...?!
Released 11/30/09
16+ • #9780759531154 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Three months have passed since the
Ikedaya Incident that crushed the antishogunate rebellion - and propelled
the Shinsengumi, Kyoto’s now-official
police, into history as Kyoto’s premium
peacekeeping force. But there is no rest for
the peaceful. An unexpected threat to the
Shinsengumi arises, and it’s going to take
more than mere swords to defeat this new
terror on the horizon.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781427814166 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2
16+ • #9781427814173 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 3 Released 3/2/10
16+ • #9781427814180 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Tamaki Otoya is the last in a line of ancient
summoners tasked to battle evil forces that
threaten mankind. Burdened by his duty
as a summoner, Tamaki has always found
strength from his childhood friend, Asahi,
with whom he has a deep, emotional bond.
So when Asahi’s friend is found out to be
possessed by a demon, he awakens - as
the one destined to exorcise demons out of
tortured human souls.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781427810892 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 2
16+ • #9781427810908 • 208 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 3
16+ • #9781427810915 • 208 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 4 Released 11/3/09
16+ • #9781427810922 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 5 Released 2/2/10
16+ • #9781427810939 • 192 pgs • $8.24
of the legendary pokémon Dialga. But Team
Galactic is hunting for Dialga too. Can
Hareta and Piplup defeat Team Galactic and
stop their evil plans?
Vol. 1
ALL • #9781421522869 • 192 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 4
ALL • #9781421526744 • 192 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 5
ALL • #9781421529233 • 192 pgs • $5.99
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Shaymin is a peaceful Gratitude Pokémon,
living happily in forests and fields of flowers.
But one day, Shaymin is accidentally
drawn into a battle between the Legendary
Pokémon Giratina and Dialga. Whisked
away far from home, Shaymin is found by
Ash, Dawn and Brock, who soon discover
that this new Pokémon is full of surprises!
Uses full-color film frames to narrate the
Released 11/3/09
ALL • #9781421532783 • 172 pgs • $8.99
In a distant future, where sentient humanoid
robots pass for human, someone or
something is out to destroy the seven great
robots of the world. Europol’s top detective,
Gesicht, is assigned to investigate these
mysterious robot serial murders - the
only catch is that he himself is one of the
seven targets.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781421519180 • 200 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 2
16+ • #9781421519197 • 208 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 3
16+ • #9781421519203 • 200 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 4
16+ • #9781421519210 • 200 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 5
16+ • #9781421525839 • 200 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 6 Released 11/17/09
16+ • #9781421527215 • 200 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 7 Released 1/19/10
16+ • #9781421532677 • 200 pgs • $9.74
Red doesn’t just want to train Pokémon,
he wants to be their friend, too. Bulbasaur
and Poliwhirl seem game, but independent
Pikachu won’t be so easy to win over!
Vol. 1
ALL • #9781421530543 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 2
ALL • #9781421530550 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 3
ALL • #9781421530567 • 240 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 4 Released 12/1/09
ALL • #9781421530574 • 216 pgs • $5.99
Recruited by Professor Rowan, Hareta
decides to become a pokémon trainer.
Along with his first pokémon, Piplup, and
his new friend Mitsumi, he sets off in search
Ponyo, a female fish, runs away from her
home in the sea and ends up stranded on
the shore. Sosuke, a five-year-old boy who
lives on a cliff, rescues her. He promises to
protect Ponyo forever. Ponyo grows very
fond of Sosuke, and with the help of her
sisters and her father’s magic, she becomes
human. This results in a great imbalance
in the cosmos, causing great storms and
floods and satellites to fall from the sky.
Vol. 1 (Color)
ALL • #9781421530772 • 172 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 2 (Color)
ALL • #9781421530789 • 172 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 3 (Color)
ALL • #9781421530796 • 172 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 4 (Color)
ALL • #9781421530802 • 172 pgs • $7.49
A wonderful hardcover storybook-style
book which features beautiful visuals from
the film.
N/R • #9781421530659 • 152 pgs • $14.96
Mitsuru is beautiful and graceful, but she
has a strange problem - a single, violent
movement against her has her begging
sweetly for more! Natsuhiko is equally
troubled - the mere glimpse of his own
reflection sends him into a passionate
musing on his own beauty. Can these two
strange bedfellows figure out how to curb
their desires and achieve what ever high
schooler wants: normalcy?
Vol. 1 Released 2/2/10
13+ • #9781427817242 • 198 pgs • $8.24
Ryoma Echizen just joined the Seishun
Gakuen tennis team, known for being one
of the most competitive teams in Japan.
Ryoma has proven his skills by winning four
straight American junior tournament titles.
With his skills, Ryoma challenges a rule of
Count D has moved his petshop to Japan
in this follow-up to the original series. A
smoke-filled alley harbors Count D’s pet
shop, where the pets sold aren’t your
every-day variety. The Count prides himself
on selling love and dreams in the form
of magical creatures that come with an
exclusive contract. But buyers beware: if
the contract is broken the Count cannot be
held accountable!
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1427806071 • 192 pgs • $7.49
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there she discovers just how different they
are from everyone else.
Vol. 1
15+ • #VIZ1591169151 • 184 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 12
15+ • #9781421526720 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 13 Released 11/3/09
15+ • #9781421526737 • 200 pgs • $7.49
More volumes also available!
Vol. 4
16+ • #9781427815378 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 5
16+ • #9781427815927 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 6 Released 11/3/09
16+ • #9781427817112 • 192 pgs • $8.24
More volumes also available!
Sequel to the original series! Ex-princesses
Matsuoka and Izumi have been chosen
from all of their classmates to dance as
princesses; however, due to differences in
values, conflict rises between the pair. Now
that the ex-princesses are being pulled back
into the mix, can they dismiss their conflicts
and allow a new chapter to begin?
an awesome warrior who fights evil with a
chainsaw and a smile. Not only does she
look great, but she has magical powers
that allow her to raise the dead. With the
help of her servant and a super-cute robot,
there’s no creature of darkness she can’t
take down!
Vol. 1
16+ • #0345496647 • 224 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 6
16+ • #9780345508065 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 7 Released 11/24/09
16+ • #9780345514288 • 224 pgs • $8.99
More volumes also available!
Ryo Takatsuki appears to be a normal
student - he’s smart and independent. But
Ryo is pulled from his ordinary life when he
learns that a mysterious organization has
replaced his arm with a powerful weapon
called ARMS. Now a group of special
agents is out to get him, and his best friend
Katsumi is missing!
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1569318891 • 216 pgs • $7.46
Vol. 22
16+ • #9781421517001 • 224 pgs • $7.49
More volumes also available!
16+ • #9781569700907 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Werewolves, demons, monsters, vampires all of these ferocious creatures are afraid of
the same thing: the beautiful Princess Hime,
Out of the blue, a beautiful girl asks Kakeru
to run away with her. This could be any boy’s
dream come true, but there’s something
strange afoot. It turns out that the girl is
on the run from a shadowy government
organization intent on using her psychic
abilities for its own nefarious ends. But why
does she need Kakeru’s help? Could it be
that he has secret powers, too?
Vol. 1
16+ • #9780345499356 • 224 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 5
16+ • #9780345510372 • 208 pgs • $8.21
More volumes also available!
The bitter war between the Empire and
the Republic of Frost has ended, but three
years after the cease-fire, the Empire is
still ravaged by starvation and disease
and bandits terrorize the populace. Can
the Imperial Army State Section III, aka
Pumpkin Scissors, stop a renegade
force with chemical weapons? And
who is the mysterious stranger helping
Pumpkin Scissors?
Vol. 1
16+ • #9780345501196 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 5
16+ • #9780345505835 • 240 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 6 Released 2/23/10
16+ • #9780345508102 • 224 pgs • $8.99
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“Falna... As long as a Ragtonia lives,
the Necromancer will feed off of their life
force. He took too much from you. He
killed you. But I can give your life back to
you, if you’ll fight the Necromancer. When
the Necromancer attacked this country,
thousands of people were killed. Thousands
more had parts of their bodies stolen. They
all became Ragtonia. Kill the Necromancer,
and free this country from horror
and destruction.”
13+ • #9781934496572 • 160 pgs • $10.95
In a world plagued by evil creatures called
Shadows, an orphan boy grows up in
isolation, locked in the cocoon-like prison of
a castle’s subterranean cellar. The boy, Ral,
has only two companions: Mio, his kind and
beautiful tutor, and Grad, the Shadow that
lurks inside him. Over time, Ral and Grad
form a strong bond, but when the castle is
suddenly overrun by Shadows and an allout war erupts, will Ral and Grad fight on
the side of the humans... or the Shadows?
Vol. 1
17+ • #VIZ1421518902 • 216 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 4
17+ • #9781421525891 • 200 pgs • $5.99
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Zhang Fei’s first duty in the army is to repel
an invasion of a walled city, and although
Zhang misses most of that action, he has
some of his own. As he saves the life of a
little girl, an arrow to his neck throws him off
a cliff. He is rescued by two wizards who
give him the power to resist all wounds.
Zhang is about to become the most
powerful soldier in the army, but at a price
that could cost him his soul!
Vol. 1 Released 2/16/10
17+ • #9781401224103 • 202 pgs • $9.74
Three young men - all struggling with
different issues involving paraplegia - are
connected through basketball. Tomomi
Nomiya is a tough guy and b-ball nut
whose life is turned upside down when he
gets into an accident that causes a girl to
become paralyzed. Drama, tragedy, and
fast breaks... on wheels.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781421519890 • 224 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 4
16+ • #9781421519920 • 216 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 5
16+ • #9781421519937 • 200 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 6 Released 10/20/09
16+ • #9781421519944 • 216 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 7 Released 1/19/10
16+ • #9781421530703 • 224 pgs • $9.74
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This anthology of new manga artists features
doujinshi oneshots from Kometa Yonekura,
Shiori Ikezawa, and many many more!
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781569701447 • 200 pgs • $16.95
Yanase Mizuo was hiding from his tea
ceremony lessons when a sudden wrinkle
in time propelled him from the present into
the tumultuous world of the past! Lost in an
unknown land, he finds help in the feudal
lord Takakage. But Takakage isn’t interested
in getting Yanase back to the future. Nope,
he’s convinced that Yanase is right where he
needs to be: in his arms!
Released 3/31/10
13+ • #9781569706091 • 192 pgs • $12.95
Tsuna, a timid junior high student, is a
failure at school, sports, and social life. But
everything changes for Tsuna when Reborn,
a fedora-wearing, gun-toting toddler who
claims to be an Italian hit man, shows up
at his house. Reborn was sent to Japan
to groom Tsuna for his future life as a big
mafia boss!
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1421506718 • 192 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 11
16+ • #9781421524368 • 208 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 12
16+ • #9781421524375 • 208 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 13
16+ • #9781421524382 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 14 Released 1/5/10
16+ • #9781421528557 • 200 pgs • $7.49
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Thousands of years ago, Vampire King
Akabara Rosered Strauss lost both his
kingdom and his queen. Since humans
were unable to kill the queen, they sealed
her away, erecting thousands of fake seals
so that the king would never find her
true location. Despite being pursued by
relentless vampires, Akabara continues to
search for his queen to this day.
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1421517736 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 5
13+ • #9781421517773 • 216 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 6
13+ • #9781421522289 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 7 Released 11/10/09
13+ • #9781421522296 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 8 Released 2/2/10
13+ • #9781421529011 • 208 pgs • $7.49
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Yuri is ecstatic after her first kiss with
her handsome childhood friend-turnedboyfriend, Himuro. One night, hands appear
out of a puddle on the street and drag her
into the water. She emerges to find that she
has been transported to an ancient village
somewhere in the Middle East. She is then
captured by armed troops and taken to the
queen’s palace!
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ159116429X • 192 pgs • $7.46
Vol. 25
16+ • #9781421522517 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 26
16+ • #9781421522524 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 27
16+ • #9781421522531 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 28 Released 1/12/10
16+ • #9781421522548 • 200 pgs • $7.49
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We Were There © Yuuki OBATA/Shogakukan Inc.
Ever since a strange encounter when she
was a child, Sakura Mamiya has had the
power to see ghosts. Now in high school,
she just wishes the ghosts would leave
her alone! When her mysterious classmate
Rinne Rokudo shows up, Sakura finds
herself following him into the amazing world
between life and death!
Vol. 1 Released 10/20/09
16+ • #9781421534855 • 176 pgs • $7.49
Tsukune can’t get accepted to any high
school save one. On his first day he finds
the student body isn’t average at all, and
the cutest girl on campus can’t wait to fling
her arms around his neck! Wait a sec - are
those her teeth on his neck too...? Tuskune’s
going to have one heck of a hickey when he
gets home from Monster High!
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781421519036 • 192 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 6
16+ • #9781421519081 • 192 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 7
16+ • #9781421519098 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 8
16+ • #9781421519104 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 9
16+ • #9781421523545 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 10 Released 12/1/09
16+ • #9781421523552 • 208 pgs • $7.49
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It is the Meiji Restoration, and the feudal
system separating the classes has
ended. By law, the samurai must give
up their swords, but a few still resist the
changing times. Using an elite style of
swordsmanship, Himura Kenshin wields a
reverse-bladed sword and fights to repent
for his past, defend the oppressed, and aid
those in need. Omnibus “Big” edition.
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1421520737 • 584 pgs • $13.49
Vol. 6
13+ • #9781421520780 • 584 pgs • $13.49
Vol. 7
13+ • #9781421520797 • 576 pgs • $13.49
Vol. 8 Released 12/15/09
13+ • #9781421520803 • 608 pgs • $13.49
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Her whole life, Hikari Hanazono has been
consumed with the desire to beat rival Kei
Takishima. He always comes out on top,
and Hikari is determined to do whatever it
takes to beat this guy... somehow! At age 6,
Hikari lost to Kei in an impromptu wrestling
match. Now, at 15, she joins a special
group just for the opportunity to trounce the
guy who made her suffer her first defeat.
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1421513757 • 208 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 10
13+ • #9781421524733 • 192 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 11
13+ • #9781421526195 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 12
13+ • #9781421526201 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 13 Released 11/3/09
13+ • #9781421526751 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 14 Released 1/5/10
13+ • #9781421527895 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 15 Released 3/2/10
13+ • #9781421531717 • 200 pgs • $7.49
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Seishun Gakuen that freshmen don’t play in
tournaments until summer.
Vol. 1
ALL • #VIZ1591164354 • 192 pgs • $5.96
Vol. 31
ALL • #9781421524320 • 184 pgs • $5.96
Vol. 32
ALL • #9781421524337 • 200 pgs • $5.96
Vol. 33
ALL • #9781421524344 • 200 pgs • $5.96
Vol. 34 Released 11/3/09
ALL • #9781421524351 • 184 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 35 Released 1/5/10
ALL • #9781421528472 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 36 Released 3/2/10
ALL • #9781421528489 • 176 pgs • $7.49
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Threatened by plundering cyborg bandits,
an innocent village defies its inhuman
enemies with the help of mortal men born
to do battle, and bound to die for honor:
humanity’s champions, the seven samurai.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780345501837 • 224 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 2
13+ • #9780345508942 • 272 pgs • $8.21
It is 1604, four years after the Battle of
Sekigahara, Japan’s greatest civil war. Yuya
Shiina, a beautiful bounty hunter, mistakes
a traveling medicine seller, Mibu Kyoshiro,
for the legendary wanted man Demon
Eyes Kyo. When Kyoshiro is cornered,
the peaceful Kyoshiro draws his sword
and transforms into Demon Eyes Kyo,
the legendary killer of a thousand men.
Kyoshiro and Kyo: two vastly different spirits
inhabiting one body.
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1591822254 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 34
16+ • #9781427802248 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 35-36 Released 11/24/09
16+ • #9780345520265 • 416 pgs • $11.21
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Yoichi Karasuma is a young man from a
small mountain village looking to become
a great samurai. He heads to the city to
continue his training, only to find himself
staying at a dojo run by four babelicious
sisters! He’s there to train, but Yoichi’s
newly awakened libido is going to make
concentration more difficult than ever! Let
the hijinks begin!
Vol. 1
17+ • #9781427816160 • 192 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 2
17+ • #9781427816177 • 192 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 3 Released 1/5/10
17+ • #9781427816184 • 192 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 6
16+ • #9781421524641 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 7 Released 1/5/10
16+ • #9781421528052 • 192 pgs • $7.49
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Vol. 13
13+ • #9780345505644 • 176 pgs • $8.21
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Sergeant Keroro is the commanding officer
of the Space Invasion Forces Special
Advance Team sent to the planet Pokopen
(aka Earth) to collect intelligence. He also
happens to be a frog. After his ship crashes,
he takes shelter in the Hinata household
where the two kids, Fuyuki and Natsume,
find him. When his people discover that the
Pokopenians are aware of him, Keroro is
abandoned - left to fend for himself in this
hostile world.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1591827035 • 188 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 17
13+ • #9781427815910 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 18 Released 1/5/10
13+ • #9781427817099 • 192 pgs • $8.24
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Nozomu Itoshiki is depressed. Very
depressed. He’s certifiably suicidal, but he’s
also the beloved schoolteacher of a class
of unique students, each charming in her
own way. It’s a special time, when the right
teacher can have a lasting positive effect on
their lives. But is that teacher Itoshiki, a.k.a.
Zetsubou-sensei, who just wants to find the
perfect place to die?
Vol. 1
16+ • #9780345508935 • 192 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 2
16+ • #9780345510235 • 176 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 3
16+ • #9780345510242 • 176 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 4 Released 11/24/09
16+ • #9780345510259 • 176 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 5 Released 1/26/10
16+ • #9780345516367 • 176 pgs • $8.21
After her parents get divorced, Ann Uekusa
and her mother move from Tokyo to rural
Shimane. Accustomed to the anonymity of
city living, Ann can’t get used to the almost
overbearing kindness of the people in her
mother’s hometown. But when personal
tragedy strikes, Ann discovers how much
she needs that kindness.
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ142151477X • 192 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 5
16+ • #9781421524634 • 192 pgs • $6.74
She is a second-year high school student
with a single all-consuming question: will
the boy she likes ever really notice her?
He is the school’s most notorious juvenile
delinquent and he’s suddenly come to
a shocking realization: he’s got a huge
crush, and now he must tell her how he
feels. Life-changing obsessions, colossal
foul-ups, grand schemes, deep-seated
anxieties, and raging hormones - School
Rumble portrays high school as it really is:
over-the-top comedy!
Vol. 1
13+ • #0345491475 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 12
13+ • #9780345505637 • 176 pgs • $8.21
Yuji Sakai is beginning what he thinks will
be another boring year of school. But
everything changes when the world around
him stops - the surrounding people are
engulfed in blue flames, and a freakish
doll-like creature begins sucking them up!
Before Yuji suffers the same fate, a young
redheaded girl with a sword appears and
saves him. Yuji is drawn into the struggle
between these creatures from another
world: the Crimson Denizens and the girl
Shana, called Flame Haze.
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1421511959 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 4
16+ • #9781421525938 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 5 Released 2/16/10
16+ • #9781421530390 • 200 pgs • $7.49
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Rakan is a lonely orphaned teen with an
unusual attraction to flowers and plants.
Chigusa is his surprise guest, who arrives
mysteriously one day out of nowhere.
Together, these two uncover secrets about
each other - including the fact that Rakan
may be a special prince who Chigusa insists
on protecting at all costs!
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781427809650 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 4
13+ • #9781427809681 • 176 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 5 Released 3/2/10
13+ • #9781427809698 • 192 pgs • $8.24
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Kyoko Mogami followed her true love Sho to
Tokyo to support him while he made it big
as an idol. But he’s casting her out now that
he’s famous! Kyoko won’t suffer in silence
- she’s going to get her sweet revenge by
beating Sho in show biz!
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1421505851 • 184 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 18
13+ • #9781421525983 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 19
13+ • #9781421527802 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 20 Released 3/2/10
13+ • #9781421530727 • 192 pgs • $7.49
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Yoh Asakura is a shaman, one of the gifted
few who can contact the other world - and
Tokyo is full of ghosts, spirits with unfinished
business, haunts, revenants, and specters,
all of whom only he can see. Together with
friends Manta and Amidamaru, he faces
challenges both real and ghostly... but who
or what is the “Shaman King”?
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1569319022 • 208 pgs • $5.96
Vol. 22
13+ • #9781421520063 • 192 pgs • $5.96
Vol. 23
13+ • #9781421521763 • 200 pgs • $5.96
Vol. 24
13+ • #9781421521770 • 200 pgs • $5.96
Vol. 25 Released 11/3/09
13+ • #9781421521787 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 26 Released 1/5/10
13+ • #9781421521794 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 27 Released 3/2/10
13+ • #9781421521800 • 200 pgs • $7.49
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Energetic and strong-willed, Beni doesn’t
care if she lives or dies as long as her
death will result in embarrassing her
arrogant father! But one day, she suddenly
encounters a Kagetora, a ninja who’s timetraveled into the future to devote his life
to protecting Princess Beni. Little does he
know that this Beni is not the real princess...
Can true love and honor survive in a crazy
modern world?
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781427811110 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 2
13+ • #9781427811127 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 3 Released 11/3/09
13+ • #9781427811622 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 4 Released 3/2/10
13+ • #9781427815392 • 192 pgs • $8.24
On the day he turns 14, Akira discovers his
destiny: he’s a shiki tsukai, a warrior with the
magical power to control the seasons. He
also meets the beautiful Koyomi, another
warrior, who is sworn to protect him, for
there are evil forces intent on destroying
Akira - and the entire universe!
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780345499257 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 5
13+ • #9780345510778 • 208 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 6 Released 11/24/09
13+ • #9780345514295 • 208 pgs • $8.99
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Everybody at Seiyo Elementary thinks that
stylish and super-cool Amu has it all - but
nobody knows the real Amu, a shy girl
who wishes she had the courage to truly
be herself. Changing Amu’s life is going to
take more than wishes and dreams - it’ll
take a little magic! One morning, Amu finds
three strange little eggs. Each contains a
Guardian Character, a being who can give
her the power to be someone new.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780345497451 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 6
13+ • #9780345510327 • 192 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 7
13+ • #9780345514301 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 8 Released 1/26/10
13+ • #9780345514318 • 208 pgs • $8.21
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Hanamichi Sakuragi’s got no game with girls
- none at all! It doesn’t help that he’s known
for throwing down at a moment’s notice and
always coming out on top. All that changes
when he meets the girl of his dreams,
Haruko, and she’s actually not afraid of him!
When she introduces him to the game of
basketball, his life is changed forever...
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781421506791 • 208 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #9781421519845 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #9781421519852 • 216 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 4
13+ • #9781421519869 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 5
13+ • #9781421519876 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 6
13+ • #9781421519883 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 7 Released 12/1/09
13+ • #9781421528625 • 188 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 8 Released 2/2/10
13+ • #9781421528632 • 196 pgs • $7.49
Maka is a weapon meister, determined to
turn her partner, a living scythe named Soul
Eater, into a powerful death scythe - the
ultimate weapon of Death himself! Charged
with the task of collecting and devouring
the tainted souls of 99 humans and 1
witch, Maka and her fellow meisters strive
to master their weapons as they face off
against the bizarre and dangerous minions
of the underworld.
Vol. 1 Released 10/31/09
16+ • #9780759530010 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2 Released 2/28/10
16+ • #9780759530485 • 192 pgs • $8.24
“I’m going to uncover the mystery of the
‘Blade Children.’” World-class detective
Kiyotaka Narumi’s last words prior to his
sudden disappearance continue to haunt
his younger brother, Ayumu. The cheeky
tenth-grader becomes further embroiled in
the mystery when he is mistaken for the
prime suspect in a murder at his school.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780759523418 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 7
13+ • #9780759529144 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 8
13+ • #9780759529151 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 9 Released 10/31/09
13+ • #9780759529168 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 10 Released 1/31/10
13+ • #9780759529175 • 192 pgs • $8.24
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Momoka Sendou (nicknamed “Dragon
Girl”) and Ryuga Kou are childhood friends.
Momoka is a martial artist, and Ryuga is
a Chinese magic master who banishes
demons. In order to increase his power,
Ryuga calls on the spirit of a dragon to
possess him, but the spirit enters Momoka
instead. Now the two must unite forces to
fight demons together!
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781421520100 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 2
13+ • #9781421520117 • 208 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 3
13+ • #9781421520124 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 4
13+ • #9781421520131 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 5 Released 12/1/09
13+ • #9781421520148 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 6 Released 3/2/10
13+ • #9781421520155 • 208 pgs • $7.49
Everyone’s afraid of Koguma - the biggest,
most intimidating guy at school. So when
Shinobu accidentally spills milk on his
bag, you can bet she’s pretty scared. It
turns out that the bag contains an ancient
kimono, of all things. It belongs to Koguma’s
grandmother, who runs a kimono shop. To
make up for ruining the outfit, Shinobu’s
going to have to start modeling kimonos
as part of grandma’s big plan to market her
products to younger customers.
Vol. 1 Released 2/2/10
13+ • #9781401220518 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Junpei’s goal in life is to become a filmmaker.
When he catches a tantalizing glimpse of a
beautiful girl in strawberry-print panties, he
falls in love instantly - both with the magical
image, which he’s sure would be perfect in
a movie, and with the femme fatale whose
identity is a mystery!
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1421513714 • 192 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 8
16+ • #9781421524399 • 192 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 9
16+ • #9781421524405 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Queen of Ragtonia © 2007 Chika Shiomi & Shodensha.
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Vol. 10
16+ • #9781421524412 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 11 Released 1/5/10
16+ • #9781421528694 • 200 pgs • $7.49
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Vol. 8 Released 1/5/10
13+ • #9781427802002 • 192 pgs • $7.49
16+ • #9781421530536 • 192 pgs • $6.74
Mogara.” It is said that when the spirits
of Light, Water, and Earth come together,
the seal of this sword will be broken, and
the sword will be immortalized. This is the
sword of Susanoh. Upon pursuing the
sword, Izumo, Kumaso, and Oguna arrive
at the nation of Jagara, where they confront
a darkness that envelops anyone seeking
the sword of Susanoh, including these three
who are destined to find it...
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781427815705 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2
13+ • #9781427815712 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 3 Released 12/1/09
13+ • #9781427815729 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 4 Released 3/2/10
13+ • #9781427815736 • 192 pgs • $8.24
On his third expedition in June 1924,
Mallory and his climbing partner, Andrew
Irvine, disappeared on the North-East ridge
during their ascent, having been sighted
only a few hundred metres from the summit.
In 1993, in a small Nepalese store, Makoto
Fukamachi, photographer for a Japanese
expedition to conquer Mt Everest, stumbles
across an old camera. Could it be Mallory’s
camera? Does it hold the secret of whether
Mallory and Irvine made it to the summit?
Vol. 1
N/R • #9788496427877 • 328 pgs • $24.99
Vol. 2 Released 11/30/09
N/R • #9788492444328 • 328 pgs • $24.99
Traveling in-between the world of the
living and the twilight world of the dead is
Akamushi, the shaman known as the Red
Spider Exorcist. With the powers of a giant
spider, he combats the demons of the
netherworld. When career woman Megumi
is suddenly pursued and attacked by unholy
demons, she seeks Akamushi’s help. But it
seems these minions of the underworld may
be too much for Akamushi to handle!
Vol. 1 Released 12/16/09
16+ • #9781569701348 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Vol. 2 Released 3/10/10
16+ • #9781569701355 • 200 pgs • $9.95
Rosemarie is the princess of a humble
kingdom. Her brother wants an alliance
with a bigger and wealthier neighbor,
so he promises her hand to Reynol, the
mysterious prince of the other country. But
Rosemarie is determined to know who this
guy really is first (and maybe even sabotage
the wedding plans in the process). So she
assumes the role of “Marie,” one of the
maids in Reynol’s castle. Could it be that the
young prince is not the ogre she imagined?
Vol. 1
ALL • #9781401216047 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 2 Released 2/23/10
ALL • #9781401216054 • 200 pgs • $7.49
New challengers like mixed martial artist
Abel, Mexican wrestler El Fuerte, sexy
spygal Crimson Viper, and chunky Kung
Fu fighter Rufus cross paths with Street
Fighter mainstays like Sakura, Dan, Charlie,
and Akuma! Expect plenty of knock-down,
drag-out action as the newest generation of
world warriors proves they’ve got the skills
to fight with the best!
Vol. 1 (Color) Released 11/13/09
16+ • #9781897376591 • 128 pgs • $12.95
Koushi Inuzuka is the heir to an ancient
family of martial artists - a family involved
in a clash between two powerful factions
that could plunge all of Japan into civil war!
While Koushi wants nothing more than to
be an attorney prosecuting the biggest
criminals in the nation, their plans for his
future are afoot!
Vol. 1
16+ • #9780759530041 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2 Released 10/31/09
16+ • #9780759530454 • 192 pgs • $8.24
The “Roman Club,” a school group
interested in the occult to which he’s
practically enslaved, has become boring for
one Hideo Aiba. In fact, he finds his entire
existence pretty tiresome until one day when
a girl named Kurumi Sahana shows up and
wants to join up. When the two are left
alone in the club classroom, Kurumi makes
a special “request” of Hideo, one which
makes him (understandably) freak out.
Vol. 1
17+ • #9780759528505 • 208 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 5
17+ • #9780759531338 • 192 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 6 Released 11/30/09
17+ • #9780316077323 • 208 pgs • $9.74
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Meet Yuno, a new student at the prestigious
Yamabuki High, who has moved away from
home to live closer to school. Living apart
from her parents for the first time, she starts
her new life making new friends, enjoying
her days and gradually working toward her
dream of becoming an artist.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780759528994 • 112 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2
13+ • #9780759529021 • 112 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 3
13+ • #9780759530690 • 112 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 4 Released 1/31/10
13+ • #9780316081122 • 112 pgs • $8.24
Yamato is ready for a fresh start, and where
better than in Tokyo? So when his aunt
invites him to stay in her boarding house,
it’s an offer Yamato can’t refuse. There’s
just one tiny catch: it’s an all-girls housing
complex and spa! Things get even more
nerve-wracking when he meets his neighbor
Suzuka, a beautiful track-and-field star.
She’s not just the cutest girl Yamato’s ever
met - she’s also the coolest, the smartest,
and the most intimidating!
Vol. 1
17+ • #0345486315 • 208 pgs • $10.46
Vol. 12
17+ • #9780345508355 • 208 pgs • $10.46
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Amidst the chaos of World War II, two
Japanese sailors hear of Zephyrus, an
utterly captivating woman in the South
Pacific. Many years have passed, and now
Zephyrus has resurfaced in Japan, wielding
her mysterious power over men to exact
revenge for their crimes against women
since the beginning of time. Gohonmatsu
Seki is the only man with the ability to resist
her, but even he seems ill-equipped to save
his gender...
ALL • #9781569700563 • 520 pgs • $24.95
Prequel to the original series. Kaguya
doesn’t remember who she is or why she
has a huge scar on her back. Six months
ago, she was found injured and unconscious
in a field of bamboo. Now she works as a
housekeeper and babysitter at a brothel,
living her new life simply as “Kaguya.” But
her real identity is entwined with two men:
Hanzou, a handsome bodyguard of Okazaki
Castle, and Hanzo, a leader of the ninja
village of Iga.
There is a legend that speaks of a powerful
sword hidden and sealed in “Jagara-
Freshman Kei has one thing on her mind:
getting into the apartment of Kanzaki,
a fellow classmate. She’s searching for
Corona and Lan are the newest recruits
in the Space Patrol, a special agency
dedicated to helping those in need across
the galaxy. With the help of Instructor,
their alien guide, the girls are off to explore
exciting new planets in search of friends
in trouble!
Vol. 1 (Color)
7+ • #9781897376935 • 160 pgs • $8.99
Kai Eto may look like a squeaky-clean kid,
but the Greater Kanto Narcotics Control
Division’s new investigator hides a violent
alter ego and a dangerous past. Together
with his stoic partner Hal Kurabayashi,
Kai is assigned to track down and stop
the distribution of a dangerous new drug:
dragon speed.
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1421517647 • 184 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 8
16+ • #9781421522302 • 200 pgs • $7.49
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16+ • #9781421522319 • 200 pgs • $7.49
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Meet Kantarou, a folklore scholar living in
the Taisho period. Ever since he was a child,
he has been able to see and talk to various
spirits. But now that Kantarou’s all grown
up, he moonlights as an exorcist solving the
problems of ghosts and demons... with the
help of Haruka, the legendary demon-eating
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598169602 • 192 pgs • $7.49
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In the future, powerful beings known as
“Lucifer Hawks” have begun invading Earth
from another dimension. Only one thing
stands in their way: the Attacked Mystification
Police force, an all-female security team with
some amazing paranormal powers!
Complete Edition Vol. 1
13+ • #9781897376218 • 200 pgs • $14.99
13+ • #9781604961058 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 1 Released 12/1/09
17+ • #9781427814258 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2 Released 3/2/10
17+ • #9781427814265 • 192 pgs • $9.74
something she lost there two tenants ago.
This strange connection begins a friendship
between two students who have each
suffered their own separate trauma. Can Kei
and Kanzaki help each other get over the
secrets that are tearing them apart?
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781401215194 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 6
13+ • #9781401215248 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 7 Released 1/19/10
13+ • #9781401215255 • 200 pgs • $7.49
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Amberground is locked in darkness. A
man-made star casts only a dim light
over the land. The pitch-black wilderness
is infested with Gaichuu - colossal insects
with metal exoskeletons. The Gaichuu make
travel between the cities of Amberground
extremely dangerous. But thankfully the
Letter Bees, a brave corps of messengers,
risk their lives in order to keep the hearts of
Amberground connected.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781421529134 • 200 pgs • $5.96
Vol. 2 Released 3/2/10
13+ • #9781421529509 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Discharged from the hospital after
recovering from a serious accident, music
teacher Kyousuke Hibiki finds himself able
to see and hear musical notes coming from
the people and the world around him! As he
contemplates this lasting damage, he finds
himself face-to-face with a haughty young
girl decked out in frilly Gothic Lolita clothing.
And when she suddenly points at him and
orders him to be her servant, will Kyousuke
have no choice but to dance to the little
princess’s tune?!
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780759530331 • 192 pgs • $8.24
In one unusual Tokyo high school, education
takes a backseat to brawling as warring
clubs wreak havoc in the hallways and
chaos in the classrooms, all vying to be
the baddest team around! Only a handful of
students serve to stem the tide of violence
in this untamed outpost. These are the few,
the proud, the powerful: the members of the
Juken Club!
Vol. 1
16+ • #1401205607 • 176 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 18
16+ • #9781401222703 • 208 pgs • $7.49
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Before she left her rural village to go to
school in the big city, six-year-old Shinobu
told her friend Saizou to grow up strong so
he could someday come and protect her.
Now 16, Shinobu’s enjoying life at the Tokyo
Private Imperial Academy. But when a male
exchange student comes to the school, it
turns out to be none other than Saizou!
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781401217389 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 5
16+ • #9781401221133 • 198 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 6 Released 12/29/09
16+ • #9781401221140 • 192 pgs • $7.49
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When darkness falls on the foggy streets of
London, demons and monsters emerge to
prey on human life. But demons aren’t the
only ones prowling the streets. Two women
are humanity’s frontline defense against the
darkness: a young gun-toting nun named
Sister Meg and her mysterious, eternally
youthful partner Angela. Together, they have
made it their life’s work to spend their nights
hunting the vile demons that stalk mankind!
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781933164588 • 216 pgs • $11.99
Vol. 5
16+ • #9781934876541 • 192 pgs • $11.99
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16+ • #9781934876688 • 192 pgs • $11.99
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While performing an errand for her mother,
Makoto loses the brakes on her bike and
The Igura: a deadly battle game where
players stake their lives in the ruined city of
Toshima. In a post-apocalyptic Japan where
the underworld rules the day, Akira is placed
in jail for murder. He’s given a chance at
freedom if he can win the game. Whether
he finds victory, death, or even love, he will
be in for the fight of his life!
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781427811899 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2
16+ • #9781427811905 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 3
16+ • #9781427811912 • 208 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 4 Released 11/3/09
16+ • #9781427815842 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 5 Released 2/2/10
16+ • #9781427815859 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Kakashi is a small-town boy with a big
dream: to travel around the world. He’s so
determined to leave his little island home
behind that he stows away onboard a
marvelous zeppelin - one that just happens
to be loaded with treasure and a gang of
ruthless criminals!
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780345501479 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 5
13+ • #9780345506641 • 208 pgs • $8.21
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Asahi Saruta has worked hard to realize his
dream of working as a train station attendant
at Minami Kitazawa Station. The naive Asahi
is unaware, though, of the Minami’s policy to
hire only the most handsome of attendants.
He finds this out quickly when he meets
his co-workers for the first time and sees
that they are all sparkling beauties! Not
only are they beautiful, but they’re also a
strange group...
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781569700969 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 2
16+ • #9781569700976 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 3 Released 10/21/09
16+ • #9781569700983 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Our hero Vash the Stampede disappeared
for two years after blasting a crater onto the
moon, but with good people and bad alike
trying to track him down, he won’t stay lost
for long! Count on more crazy gunslinger
action, new dastardly villains... and a new
outfit, to boot!
Vol. 1: The Hero Returns
14+ • #DHGN1593071965 • 192 pgs • $7.46
Vol. 14: Mind Games
14+ • #9781595822628 • 272 pgs • $7.46
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Ritsu has had bad luck her whole life.
Starting fresh in a new boarding school,
she hopes to leave her problems behind,
but fate crosses her path with that of the
school’s troubled musical genius, Eiri. Almost
immediately, her bad luck explodes to an alltime high. Unfortunately for her, she’s been
selected to be his new roommate - and to
turn him into a proper, well-behaved student
before he’s thrown out for good!
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781605100463 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 2 Released 10/31/09
16+ • #9781605100470 • 200 pgs • $10.99
It is the distant future; a postapocalyptic
world after the destruction brought about
by Armageddon. The war between humans
and vampires continues as a struggle
between two factions: the Vatican and
the New Human Empire. Many desire a
peaceful co-existence between the two
species; however, standing between them
and this goal is the Rosenkreuz Order, a
group of vampire extremists.
Vol. 1
16+ • #MM1598166743 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 10
16+ • #9781427815231 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 11
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Sakura is the princess of Clow and
possessor of a mysterious power that can
change the world. Syaoran is her childhood
friend and leader of the archaeological dig
that cost him his father. Their names and
faces may be familiar, but nothing about this
story is what you think it is. Because this
is another reality, where whatever you least
expect can happen, and does...
Vol. 1
15+ • #0345470575 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 21
15+ • #9780345508096 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 22
15+ • #9780345510389 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 23 Released 10/27/09
15+ • #9780345512307 • 208 pgs • $8.21
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15+ • #9780345517159 • 208 pgs • $8.21
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15+ • #9780345517166 • 192 pgs • $8.21
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Kotobuki is an ex-thief trying to give up her
criminal past in exchange for an honest
life. Joined by former military commander
Raimon, she has turned her illegal ways
toward the exciting but simple adventures of
finding a “normal” job. But people seeking
the Tsubasa, a legendary object that grants
its beholder any wish she or he wants,
never stop causing them trouble. Everyone
is trying to claim it as their own - and wants
to use Kotobuki and Raimon’s skills to
do so!
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781427814289 • 380 pgs • $11.24
Vol. 2
16+ • #9781427814296 • 400 pgs • $11.24
Vol. 3 Released 11/3/09
16+ • #9781427814302 • 400 pgs • $11.24
Teenage Shakuya is the next head of the
Dragon Clan - and she can actually turn
into a real dragon. As if that’s not enough,
she also finds herself with two fiancés!
The first vanished years ago and has now
returned, but the new guy is not about to
step aside. So Shakuya will wait a year, then
marry the man she loves the most. Magic
tattoos on both of Shakuya’s hands will help
her to decide. Each one represents one of
her suitors, and as her love grows, so do
“… if there is a question about my order, they
knock themselves out trying to make it absolutely
100% right.” - Charles P.
her tattoos!
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781401215262 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 4
13+ • #9781401219062 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 5 Released 10/20/09
13+ • #9781401222260 • 192 pgs • $7.49
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Kid Muscle isn’t anybody’s idea of a hero.
But he is the son of legendary intergalactic
wrestler King Muscle and when evil
threatens the galaxy, the Kid’s true muscles
bulge through! A gang of evil wrestlers
called the DMP is trashing the earth. Kid
Muscle has only one choice: organize a
wrestling gang to destroy the DMP.
Vol. 25 Released 3/2/10
16+ • #9781421528786 • 232 pgs • $7.49
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Yuzu was afraid she’d be completely
on her own after her mother died, but
when she finds out she’s not she doesn’t
know whether to be relieved or annoyed!
A sudden meeting with her long-lost
grandmother reveals her status as heiress
to a wealthy estate, but Yuzu isn’t at all sure
she wants anything to do with it!
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781933617886 • 200 pgs • $10.99
Vol. 6
16+ • #9781605100562 • 200 pgs • $10.99
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Ageha gets the job of a lifetime: making
her sister’s wedding dress. Ageha loves
making handbags and other accessories,
so when one of her sister’s dressmakers
hurts his hand she jumps right in to help!
And thus begins Ageha’s adventures at the
fashionable Velvet Blue Rose.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1427803307 • 192 pgs • $7.49
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13+ • #9781427803351 • 192 pgs • $8.24
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Tokugawa Era Japan: a new government has
just taken power and the land is in disarray.
Amidst the turmoil, a young man sets out
on a journey seeking spiritual enlightenment
by the way of the sword, prepared to slay
anyone who might get in his way!
Vol. 1 (2nd Ed)
17+ • #VIZ1421519119 • 208 pgs • $7.46
Vol. 29
17+ • #9781421531489 • 200 pgs • $7.46
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Same as the above except collected into
omnibus “Big” editions.
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17+ • #9781421522463 • 664 pgs • $14.99
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Guilt-Nazan is a vampire aristocrat who was
sealed into a cross by Kyouji’s ancestor
more than 100 years ago. Now Kyouji has
revived him - although he was resurrected
as a doll and can only transform into his real
figure when he sucks blood from Kyouji’s
sister Tonae... But when you combine Goth
clothes and hot vampires, slowly but surely
everyone will start to feel like one big family!
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598165194 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 6
13+ • #9781427817501 • 192 pgs • $8.24
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The year is 12,090 A.D., and what little is
left of humanity has finally crawled out from
the ashes of war and destruction. From
the darkness of fallout, the Nobility, a race
of vampires, have spawned. They rule the
weak with no remorse. Villagers cower in
fear, hoping and praying for a savior to rid
them of their undying nightmare. All they
have to battle this danger is a different kind
danger: a vampire hunter.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781569708279 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 2
16+ • #9781569707876 • 200 pgs • $12.95
Vol. 3
16+ • #9781569707883 • 200 pgs • $13.95
Vol. 4 Released 11/18/09
16+ • #9781569707890 • 240 pgs • $13.95
Yuki Cross has no memory of her past prior to
being saved from a vampire attack 10 years
ago. She was adopted by the headmaster
of Cross Academy and now works alongside
Zero to guard the Academy’s secret. Yuki
believes that vampires and humans can
coexist peacefully, but her partner has
different ideas...
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1421508222 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 6
16+ • #9781421523538 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 7
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Vol. 9 Released 2/2/10
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Takami is tall, attractive and funny. Akira’s
a quiet, musical prodigy who seems much
more effeminate than Takami, even though
he’s a guy. Best friends since childhood,
Takami turns to Akira when yet another
would-be boyfriend dumps her. Now will
their longtime connection finally turn into
something more than friendship?
Vol. 1
10+ • #9781401220617 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 2
10+ • #9781401220624 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 3 Released 1/26/10
10+ • #9781401220631 • 208 pgs • $7.49
Suzuna, a college freshman, is living on her
own for the first time. She’s looking forward
to making friends, joining a club, and
hopefully getting a boyfriend! She develops
a crush on Fukumi, a charismatic tennis
player and friend of her neighbor, Eichi.
But another friend has some interesting
information regarding Eichi... Suzuna’s
about to discover that love can come with
some unexpected competition.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781401213459 • 212 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 6
13+ • #9781401220952 • 208 pgs • $7.49
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Vol. 8 Released 2/23/10
13+ • #9781401221003 • 192 pgs • $7.49
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Sumire Takahana is a seemingly normal
school girl cursed with the ability to see
malevolent ghosts known as “Viruses.”
Her life hits a crossroads after a run-in
with a gothic lolita-clad monster killer for
hire, Lucia Nahashia. Not content to stay
on the sidelines while Viruses prey on the
weak, Sumire decides to join forces with
the mysterious eyepatch-wearing Lucia to
hunt down Viruses before they can hurt
anyone else.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781933164489 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 6
16+ • #9781934876527 • 192 pgs • $9.99
Vol. 7 Released 10/31/09
16+ • #9781934876633 • 192 pgs • $10.99
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It’s a gorgeous mansion, and four friends get
to live in it for free! There’s only one hitch:
they must transform the owner’s wallflower
niece into a lady within three years! How
hard can it be? Enter Sunako Nakahara,
the horror-movie-loving, pockmark-faced,
frizzy-haired, fashion-illiterate recluse who
tends to break into explosive nosebleeds
whenever she sees anyone attractive. This
project is going to take more than our
heroes ever expected: it needs a miracle!
Vol. 1
16+ • #0345479122 • 224 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 19
16+ • #9780345506610 • 192 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 20
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Vol. 22 Released 1/26/10
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The machines have attacked! The only way
to defeat them is to join them. A young
boy named Shio sacrifices his humanity
to merge with the Goujin-zou, a race of
machines that can meld to the human body.
Now a cyborg, Shio is the human race’s last
hope at survival in a world overrun by metal.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781421527383 • 192 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 2 Released 11/3/09
13+ • #9781421527390 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 3 Released 2/2/10
13+ • #9781421527406 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Nanami Takahashi falls for Motoharu Yano,
the most popular, carefree boy in class.
For Nanami, it’s first love, but Yano is still
grieving the death of his girlfriend who died
the year before.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781421520186 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 4
13+ • #9781421520216 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 5
13+ • #9781421520223 • 200 pgs • $6.74
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In the throes of his first love, Kentarou
Sawai can’t even count on beginner’s luck
to get him closer to Karen Toguin, the girl of
his dreams. When he spontaneously enrolls
in Karen’s high school just to be closer to
her, his hopes are crushed when it turns
out she’s on a leave of absence! Now poor,
luckless Kentarou is stuck in a dorm full of
girls who aren’t Karen and insist on pushing
Kentarou to the brink of insanity!
Vol. 1
16+ • #9780759530355 • 128 pgs • $8.24
Charley, a cyborg vampire who does the
Vatican’s dirty work, is in the thrall of the
local vampire playboy Johnny Rayflo. As the
two of them fight crime, hilarity, violence and
sacrilege ensue! But can Charley resist his
own desperate cravings for blood? Find out
as the devilish duo go up against a childlike
vampire princess, a mysterious branch of
the Unitarian Church... and each other.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781427806147 • 192 pgs • $7.49
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barrels headlong down the street into an
oncoming train. This would have been the
capper for a horrible day, but for some
reason something strange has happened.
Time has suddenly stopped and moved
her backward. With every successful
leap Makoto somehow alters the fate of
those around her and discovers the most
wonderful secret in her young adult life.
Vol. 2 Released 1/31/10
16+ • #9780316081132 • 128 pgs • $8.24
A dream recaptured. A life on a new track.
The absurdity of death. Laughter in the face
of reality. With this series of intersecting
vignettes, Inio Asano explores the ways in
which modern life can be ridiculous and
sublime, terrible and precious, wasted
and celebrated.
Vol. 1 Released 10/20/09
16+ • #9781421532219 • 208 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 2 Released 10/20/09
16+ • #9781421532226 • 208 pgs • $9.74
Banned from his school’s soccer team for
being too short, Sho Kazamatsuri decides
there’s only one thing left to do: switch
schools! But even a change in scenery
doesn’t help this wannabe. On campus,
he is mistakenly introduced to everyone as
a hotshot soccer player. When the truth is
revealed, Sho drops out of school in total
disgrace. Now, the spunky teenager must
work twice as hard to make his dreams
come true.
Vol. 1
ALL • #VIZ1591166853 • 208 pgs • $5.96
Vol. 22
ALL • #9781421524450 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 23
ALL • #9781421524467 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 24 Released 1/5/10
ALL • #9781421524474 • 208 pgs • $7.49
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Sachie Wakamura just lost her mother and
her estranged grandfather has shown up to
take care of her. The only problem is that
grandpa is the head of a yakuza gang! Too
scared to join her new family, Sachie tries to
Chino is a teen looking for love, but instead
of finding a boyfriend, she gets stuck with
Hyou, a feral child her father brought home
from a jungle. Having grown up in the wild
Hyou doesn’t have any idea how to live a
human life. Now Chino has to take care of
him and guide him as he tries to adapt to
city life.
Vol. 1 Released 2/23/10
13+ • #9780345515773 • 192 pgs • $8.21
Born during the sunrise, the Azumas’
named their son Hikaru, which means
“light.” But his mother notices that her son
is slightly different from other children. In this
alternately heartwarming and bittersweet
tale, a young mother tries to cope with both
the overwhelming discovery of her child’s
autism and the trials of raising him.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780759523562 • 528 pgs • $11.24
Vol. 5
13+ • #9780759524019 • 520 pgs • $11.24
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This isn’t an ordinary high school - these
kids have magical powers! Having the
ability to cast a four-dimensional image can
bring you fame and fortune, but you’ve got
to be good at it. And that’s what goes on
every day in this school for “Projectionists.”
Some, of course, have an easier time at it
than others. And sometimes having magical
powers just gets in the way of the usual
concerns that complicate a teenager’s life.
Vol. 1 Released 1/12/10
ALL • #9781401224493 • 162 pgs • $7.49
Watanuki Kimihiro is haunted by visions until
he is drawn to the mysterious witch Yuuko,
who offers to help vanquish the spirits that
torment him... for a price. Now, to pay off
his debt, Watanuki must work for Yuuko in
her shop where wishes are granted to those
in need.
Vol. 1
13+ • #0345470583 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 14 Released 10/27/09
13+ • #9780345518439 • 208 pgs • $8.21
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17th century Japan: A rebellion in the Aizu
territory has been brutally crushed, leaving
twenty-one brave warriors dead and most
of the nuns of the local convent slaughtered.
Now the surviving nuns have sworn to
seek revenge...
Vol. 1
17+ • #9780345501189 • 208 pgs • $10.46
Vol. 6
17+ • #9780345504227 • 208 pgs • $10.46
Vol. 7 Released 11/30/09
17+ • #9780345504234 • 224 pgs • $10.46
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supergirls! Together, they protect the town
of Sakurashin. But that’s not easy, as
the town faces demon dogs and supernatural threats!
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780345501493 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 4
13+ • #9780345510310 • 224 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 5
13+ • #9780345516343 • 208 pgs • $8.21
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From the nutty mind of Kyohiko Azuma
comes the story of the new kid in town:
Yotsuba, a green-haired and wide-eyed girl
who doesn’t have a clue... about anything!
With no knowledge of the world around
her, Yotsuba has her new neighbors’
heads spinning.
Vol. 1
ALL • #9780316073875 • 240 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2
ALL • #9780316073899 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 3
ALL • #9780316073905 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 4
ALL • #9780316073912 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 5
ALL • #9780316073929 • 208 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 6
ALL • #9780316073240 • 208 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 7 Released 12/31/09
ALL • #9780316073257 • 208 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 8 Released 4/30/10
ALL • #9780316073271 • 208 pgs • $8.24
It was a typical day for Yusuke: go to school
at noon, get kicked out by the teacher, fight
with his rival Kuwabara, and head for home
in time to wake his mom from her drunken
stupor. But when he throws himself in front
of a car to save a little kid’s life, he becomes
Tokyo’s toughest teenage ghost!
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1569319049 • 208 pgs • $5.96
Vol. 17
13+ • #9781421524481 • 208 pgs • $5.96
Vol. 18
13+ • #9781421524498 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 19 Released 3/2/10
13+ • #9781421524504 • 192 pgs • $7.49
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Is there not a doughy, gastronomic delight
that Japan can claim as its own? The
answer was no... until now! Kazuma Azuma,
a 16-year-old boy blessed with otherworldly
baking powers, has taken it upon himself to
create Ja-pan, the national bread of the land
of the rising sun!
Vol. 1
16+ • #VIZ1421507196 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 17
16+ • #9781421522340 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 18
16+ • #9781421522357 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 19
16+ • #9781421522364 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 20 Released 11/10/09
16+ • #9781421522371 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 21 Released 1/12/10
16+ • #9781421529035 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 22 Released 3/9/10
16+ • #9781421529042 • 192 pgs • $7.49
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Setsura Aki, undercover P.I., is considered
the best “man hunter” in the business. He
allies himself with friend and rival Doctor
Mephisto, a wizard of physical and spiritual
surgery. Together, they battle the evil forces
that overrun Tokyo. From the deepest
and darkest parts of China, four immortal
demons have come to seize control of
Shinjuku and make it their own. It is up to
Setsura and Mephisto to uncover their new
formidable foes’ dark plans for the city.
Vol. 1 Released 12/16/09
16+ • #9781569701454 • 200 pgs • $13.95
something extra. He’s a “yokai doctor,” and
has the ability not only to communicate with
yokai but also to cure their strange illnesses!
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780345512383 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 2
13+ • #9780345512390 • 224 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 3 Released 11/24/09
13+ • #9780345512406 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 4 Released 2/23/10
13+ • #9780345512413 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Kotoko is descended from a family of
professional exorcists, and sees her special
relationship with yokai - supernatural spirits
from Japanese folklore - as a great way to
be more popular at school. But then she
meets Kuro, a shy loner who just happens
to have the same talent... and a little
A battle has broken out among rival
sorcerers. The most nefarious group,
the Necromancers, is killing young girls
in Hong Kong to read the future in their
entrails. Carno, a human youth raised by
Aeromancers in a different dimension, is
summoned back to his homeworld to join
in the battle. Does Carno have what it takes
to survive in a world of political alliances and
emotional entanglements?
Vol. 1
17+ • #1401207375 • 240 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 13
17+ • #9781401217693 • 200 pgs • $7.49
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Considered a slacker by his peers, Jaden
battles teachers and students alike to make
his mark in the Duel World. Can he bring his
low-level dorm, Slifer Red, to the top of the
deck? Or will the champions in the Obelisk
Blue dorm hang onto their winning hand?
Vol. 1
ALL • #VIZ1421513781 • 224 pgs • $5.98
Vol. 2
ALL • #9781421520827 • 210 pgs • $5.98
Vol. 3
ALL • #9781421526775 • 200 pgs • $5.98
Vol. 4 Released 1/5/10
ALL • #9781421531731 • 216 pgs • $7.49
Yako Tenma, Pegasus’ protege, has never
forgiven Yugi for his master’s horrible fate.
To draw Yugi out, Yako kidnaps Anzu
Mazaki and takes her to the heart of the
Kaibacorp building, guarded by dozens of
the world’s most dangerous gamers! But
Yako’s true plan for Anzu is much worse
than mere revenge...
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781421530062 • 216 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 2 Released 12/1/09
13+ • #9781421530079 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 3 Released 2/2/10
13+ • #9781421530086 • 216 pgs • $7.49
Nanako Momoi is the belle of her high
school... just as long as she stays quiet.
Once she shows her true self, however,
guys’ dreams are shattered because she
is a total tomboy! Meanwhile, Akira Uehara
has the looks and brains, but his personality
is so dull nobody notices him. One day,
Nanako’s grandfather comes up with a
crazy invention and Nanako and Akira end
up trading personalities! Can they keep
a secret?
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1427805229 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 5 Released 12/1/09
13+ • #9781427815385 • 192 pgs • $8.24
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Spin-off of Yurara featuring Yako. Rasetsu
Hyuga isn’t your typical 18 year old. With
the ability to banish evil spirits, she works
as an exorcist and hopes this will keep her
mind off her fateful 20th birthday. Just three
years ago, Rasetsu caught the attention of a
powerful spirit who claimed her as his own.
With a vow to return on her 20th birthday,
he branded her with the mark of a rose on
her chest. Unless she can find her true love
by that date, she will be his forever.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781421527505 • 192 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 2
16+ • #9781421527512 • 192 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 3 Released 12/1/09
16+ • #9781421527529 • 208 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 4 Released 3/2/10
16+ • #9781421527536 • 208 pgs • $7.49
Hime is a superheroine. Ao can read
minds. Kotoha can conjure up anything
with the right word. And Akina... Well, he’s
just a regular guy, surrounded by three
Kiyomaro Takamine is a brilliant junior high
student whose inflated ego has made him
a major target for teasing at school. So his
father sends him a bizarre birthday present
- a strange little boy named Gash - to
help him make friends and reform his bad
attitude. Gash brings with him a mysterious
red volume of spells, and Kiyomaro
discovers that Gash has magic powers that
are unleashed by reading from the book!
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1591165865 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 24
13+ • #9781421522395 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 25
13+ • #9781421522401 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 26
13+ • #9781421522418 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 27 Released 10/28/09
13+ • #9781421522425 • 200 pgs • $7.49
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continue living her normal life. She can’t run
far, though, since one of the most popular
guys in school is part of her grandfather’s
gang and her new protector.
Vol. 1
13+ • #VIZ1421515881 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 7
13+ • #9781421526607 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 8
13+ • #9781421530376 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 9 Released 3/9/10
13+ • #9781421532394 • 200 pgs • $7.49
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In the mystical land of Hyrule, three spiritual
stones hold the key to the Triforce, and
whoever holds them will control the world.
A boy named Link sets out on a quest to
deliver the Emerald, the spiritual stone of
the forest, to Zelda, Princess of the land
of Hyrule. The journey will be long and
perilous, and Link will need all his skill and
courage to defeat evil.
Vol. 1: Ocarina of Time Part 1
ALL • #9781421523279 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 4: Oracle of Seasons
ALL • #9781421523309 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 5: Oracle of Ages
ALL • #9781421523316 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 6: Four Swords Part 1
ALL • #9781421523323 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 7: Four Swords Part 2
ALL • #9781421523330 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 8: The Minish Cap Released 12/1/09
ALL • #9781421523347 • 192 pgs • $5.99
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One day, Michiru Kita notices mysterious
markings around the necks of two of her
classmates - two boys who miraculously
survived a horrible accident six months
ago. Michiru, possessing the rare ability to
see these rings, knows that they warn of
impending death. Thinking that perhaps she
can do something to save her classmates’
lives, she approaches them, but it seems
the boys have already made a different
kind of deal and garnered themselves a
heavy debt...
Vol. 1
16+ • #9780759523531 • 208 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 6
16+ • #9780759528406 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 7 Released 10/31/09
16+ • #9780759530959 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 8 Released 2/28/10
16+ • #9780759530973 • 176 pgs • $8.24
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Tokyo is now a dark city where humans and
demons live in a fragile peace after years
of fighting. However, something odd is
happening and some demons are starting
to lose control and go back to their violent
ways. A mysterious drug known as “Zone00” seems to be behind the changes, and
two young students, a demon and an
exorcist, may be the only ones who can
uncover its secret.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781427816047 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2 Released 11/3/09
13+ • #9781427816054 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 3 Released 2/2/10
16+ • #9781427816061 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Hee-So’s gone through 12 boyfriends trying
to find “the one.” She thought Won-Jun was
finally the boy she’d been waiting for, so she
confessed her feelings on live TV! But even
after all that, she still got dumped! Is this the
end of the line for Hee-So? Or will 13 be
the lucky number in this schoolgirl’s quest
for love?
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780759529946 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2 Released 10/31/09
13+ • #9780759529953 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 3 Released 2/28/10
13+ • #9780759529960 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Jay Jinn is a headstrong teenager
determined to prove she’s serious about
making art. J. Max is a tall, debonair
foreigner, with more in his background
than he lets on. On the surface, it would
seem as though Jay and J. have nothing
in common... until a chance encounter in a
hotel lobby sparks a mysterious attraction.
Vol. 1
16+ • #1600092160 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 8
16+ • #9781600092237 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 9
16+ • #9781600092244 • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 10
16+ • #9781600092251 • 200 pgs • $7.49
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In a medieval kingdom, within a fantasy
universe completely unlike our own, they
tell the legend of two adventure-loving boys
from the countryside who set out on an
epic quest to slay a powerful and fearsome
dragon that threatened their world. The Tale
of the Feramores elaborates the origins of
the two heroes Det and Osen as they begin
their journey, finding romance and battling
their way to glory.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781600093005 • 190 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 2
13+ • #9781600093012 • 208 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 3
13+ • #9781600093029 • 208 pgs • $7.49
Dong-Young is a royal daughter of heaven,
betrothed to the king of hell - but she
ran away before her wedding. The four
guardians of heaven were ordered to find
the angel princess. But she’s hiding on earth
disguised as a boy!
Vol. 1
13+ • #8952744675 • 180 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 9
13+ • #9780759531321 • 192 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 10 Released 11/30/09
13+ • #9780316077682 • 176 pgs • $8.21
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The Antique Gift Shop is owned by Bunnyu, a woman who believes that there is
no mystery left in this world that cannot be
rationally explained. Assisted by a secretive
and handsome assistant, Bun-nyu’s store
sells unusual antiques that seem to pick
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their purchasers themselves. Inexplicably,
these items begin to influence their new
owners, providing extremely vivid and
bittersweet experiences.
Vol. 1
13+ • #8952744551 • 180 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 8
13+ • #9780759531437 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 9 Released 11/30/09
13+ • #9780759531642 • 176 pgs • $8.24
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a guest in his magical kingdom, where an
exciting new life awaits her!
Vol. 1
12+ • #9781593078492 • 184 pgs • $7.46
Vol. 2
12+ • #9781593078836 • 184 pgs • $7.46
Vol. 3
12+ • #9781595823052 • 192 pgs • $7.46
Vol. 4
12+ • #9781595823786 • 176 pgs • $7.46
Vol. 5 Released 1/13/10
12+ • #9781595824455 • 184 pgs • $7.46
One evening at a ramen stand, master
moocher Keita Ibuki surrenders his meal
to a manic girl who, unbeknownst to
him, is a Mototsumitama, a guardian of
the coexistence equilibrium. When she’s
attacked, Keita gets caught in the crossfire.
Awakening later, he finds himself back in his
apartment! But how? Asking the strange girl
raiding his refrigerator reveals only that his
life has become much more complicated.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9780759523494 • 224 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 6
16+ • #9780759530911 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 7 Released 10/31/09
16+ • #9780759530935 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 8 Released 2/28/10
16+ • #9780759530942 • 208 pgs • $8.24
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High school student Hae-Won Song has just
placed third in Cake Magazine’s manhwa
creator talent search. She’s the youngest
winner in the history of the contest! Not
only does she have her story published, but
she also gets the chance to work with one
of her manhwa idols - who has a surprise
for her.
Vol. 1
13+ • #8952746074 • 200 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 6
13+ • #9780759530126 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 7
13+ • #9780759530133 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 8 Released 11/30/09
13+ • #9780759530140 • 192 pgs • $8.24
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Soah’s impoverished village decides to
sacrifice her to the water god Habaek to end
a long drought. But instead of being killed,
Soah is rescued by him and welcomed as
The “Death Zone” is a place only the dead
can see. But there are a few special people
with the ability to step into that zone and
make the stories of the dead into artwork.
They are called Croqueis, and Da-Il is one
of them. The only problem is that he doesn’t
realize his power yet. As he starts his first
day as an assistant for manhwa artist
Go-Ho, he has his first experience in the
Death Zone.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780759529052 • 200 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 4
13+ • #9780759529649 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 5
13+ • #9780759529663 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 6 Released 10/31/09
13+ • #9780759529632 • 192 pgs • $8.24
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Cai-Sheng is a young celestial fox demon
being raised by a bevy of wild fox demons.
One day, she befriends a little boy and girl
when they save her from a dog attack.
Two hundred years later, Cai-Sheng meets
the reincarnated boy and girl and decides
to repay her debt to them by trying
to matchmake the pair. But things get
complicated when the reincarnated girl falls
in love with Cai-Sheng’s male form!
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781597961738 • 176 pgs • $7.46
Vol. 2
13+ • #9781597961745 • 176 pgs • $7.46
Vol. 3
13+ • #9781597961752 • 176 pgs • $7.46
Vol. 4
13+ • #9781597961769 • 176 pgs • $7.46
Vol. 5
13+ • #9781597961776 • 176 pgs • $7.46
Vol. 6 Released 11/29/09
13+ • #9781597961783 • 176 pgs • $7.46
Sequel to the original series! In return for
saving Emotionless’ life, Yuan-Shan Lan
wants him to murder him. At the same
time, Iron Hands and Cold Blooded are on
a dangerous mission to find the criminals
wreaking havoc on local towns when they
accidentally pull in two bodies from a river.
Set (Vol. 1-3)
13+ • #9781597961554 • 374 pgs • $25.45
A forbidden romance blooms between the
daughter of a Chinese court official and the
roaming scholar who seeks to win her hand.
But before he can turn his attentions to his
lady love, the young man must win the heart
of her mother! When it seems even heroic
deeds in the face of murderous bandits will
not please the strict matriarch, the young
man goes off to become a civil servant. Will
he return in time to marry his true love?
16+ • #9780759529922 • 112 pgs • $9.74
The most beautiful face, the perfect body,
and a sincere personality: that’s what
Hwang Hyemin has. Naturally, she’s the
center of everyone’s attention. Every boy
in her school loves her, and every girl hates
her out of jealousy. Every single day, she
endures torture and hardship from the girls,
and there is nothing more satisfying than
getting them back.
Vol. 1
13+ • #8952744578 • 180 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 7
13+ • #9780759531246 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 8
13+ • #9780759531413 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 9 Released 12/31/09
13+ • #9780759531420 • 192 pgs • $8.24
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When 16-year-old Sey’s mom leaves
suddenly for Europe, she leaves Sey with a
new family, the Kangs. Her new “family” is
supposed to be normal, but when her foster
brother turns out to be a sister, she begins
to think that her new home is weirder than
her old one.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1591820014 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 5 Released 11/3/09
13+ • #9781427817136 • 192 pgs • $8.24
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It’s Noh-A’s first day at Amityville High
School, and her reception is chilly to
say the least. Brutal might be a better
description! Decapitated but not dead (or
is she?), Noh-A quickly realizes that nothing
is as it appears at Amityville High, where
paranormal creatures battle for supremacy.
Caught in the crossfire, Noh-A may have to
rely on the unlikely (and possibly unreliable)
aid of the most sinister student at Amityville:
the deadly Jack Frost!
Vol. 1
16+ • #9780759529540 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2 Released 11/30/09
16+ • #9780759529533 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Laon is a nine-tailed fox who’s been
a bit too mischievous in heaven. The
consequence for his behavior? His ears and
tails - which hold the key to his supernatural
abilities - are removed, and he’s banished
to Earth! Now with the help of a reporter,
Laon is on a mission to track down his
missing appendages... but judging by his
behavior, he may not have reformed his
mischievous ways!
Vol. 1 Released 1/31/10
16+ • #9780759530539 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Monarchy ended long ago in Korea,
but what if the country had continued
monarchism? What if all the beautiful
palaces, which are now only historical relics,
were actually filled with people? Welcome
to a world where Korea still has the royal
family, and high school girl Che-Kyung has
to marry the prince - who apparently is a
total bastard!
Vol. 1
13+ • #895274487X • 200 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 5
13+ • #9780759531239 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 6
13+ • #9780759531475 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 7 Released 11/30/09
13+ • #9780759531512 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 8 Released 2/28/10
13+ • #9780759531529 • 192 pgs • $8.24
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Once upon a time, a selfish king summoned
the monstrous Bulkirin. The monster killed
half of all human beings, leaving the rest
helpless as to what to do. That is, until one
day when a hero appeared and defeated
the Bulkirin with the legendary “Seven Blade
Sword.” But... what does all this have to do
with 8th grader Eun-Gyo Sung?!
Vol. 1
13+ • #8952746120 • 200 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 5
13+ • #9780759531369 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 6 Released 10/31/09
13+ • #9780759531376 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 7 Released 2/28/10
13+ • #9780759531383 • 176 pgs • $8.24
More volumes also available!
Apart from the fact that the color of her eyes
turns red when the moon rises, Myung-Ee is
your average, albeit boy-crazy, 5th grader.
After picking a fight with her classmate YuDa Lee, she discovers a startling secret:
the two of them are “earth rabbits” being
hunted by the “fox tribe” of the moon! Five
years pass and Myung-Ee is unexpectedly
reunited with Yu-Da. The problem is, he
doesn’t remember a thing about her or their
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For Nanai the dog, Guru the cat, and Rang
the mouse, every day is a brand-new
Vol. 1 Released 1/31/10
ALL • #9780759530560 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Everyone knows about the story of
Shahrazad and her wonderful tales of the
Arabian nights. For one thousand and one
nights, she entertained the mad Sultan with
the adventures of Aladdin, Ali Baba, Sinbad,
genies, and many other mystical creatures.
But what if Shahrazad was actually a boy
desperate to save his sister’s life? What kind
of strange things would he do to make sure
that he survives to tell the tale?
Vol. 1
16+ • #8952744705 • 180 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 7
16+ • #9780759531253 • 176 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 8
16+ • #9780759531260 • 176 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 9 Released 12/31/09
16+ • #9780759531444 • 176 pgs • $8.24
More volumes also available!
Lost in the mountains on a trip to summer
camp, eight-year-old Si-Joon fears he’ll
never make it out alive. When a strange
girl in a pig mask appears before him, he
follows her deep in the woods, where he is
told that he must marry the pig-faced girl
to atone for the sins of their ancestors. It’s
only afterward that he realizes what he’s
done and... wakes up. Now in high school,
Si-Joon Lee has been dreaming about the
pig bride for as long as he can remember.
But it’s all just a dream, right?
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780759529564 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2
13+ • #9780759529557 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 3 Released 12/31/09
13+ • #9780316077705 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Ariel works as an archaeologist’s assistant.
When she sneaks into a church to find the
holy grail, she discovers a vial containing the
blood of Christ that will grant immortality to
the one who drinks it. But such a precious
item is in high demand, and she soon finds
herself pursued by mysterious and deadly
creatures. With her very life in danger, Ariel
must make a decision about the life-giving
artifact. Drink it? Or die?
Vol. 1 Released 12/31/09
13+ • #9780759530492 • 192 pgs • $8.24
High schooler Ji-Hae is desperately in love
with her classmate Seung-Hyu. She has
done all she can think of to win his affection,
but to no avail. When her latest scheme
crosses the line, Seung-Hyu decides he’s
had enough... and inadvertently pushes her
down a staircase! Ji-Hae awakens in the
world beyond, only to learn that it’s not her
time to die. But why go back when the love
of her life hates her to death?
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780759530157 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2 Released 11/30/09
13+ • #9780759530164 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 3 Released 2/28/10
13+ • #9780316077811 • 192 pgs • $8.24
From the desert wastelands emerge
two mysterious warriors: master wizard
Yarong and his faithful servant Batu. On
a grave mission, they have yet to realize
the whirlwind of political movements and
secret plots which will soon engulf them
and change their lives forever. When Yarong
is mortally injured, Batu must fulfill a secret
promise to leave Yarong’s side and protect
his master’s child.
Vol. 1
16+ • #DHGN159307638X • 208 pgs • $9.71
Vol. 7
16+ • #9781595823328 • 200 pgs • $9.71
Vol. 8
16+ • #9781595823816 • 200 pgs • $9.71
More volumes also available!
Unaware of how her entire family met
its demise, Dynasty-Tang, now a young,
orphaned vampire, is collected by Mr. Han,
himself a vampire and a monster bounty
hunter. But his motives for taking this orphan
in are far from friendly. What he wants is her
blood, an exquisite draught endowed with
magical powers. But he is unable to keep it
to himself for long...
Vol. 1 (Color)
13+ • #9780759529403 • 128 pgs • $8.24
As part of her grandmother’s scheme,
twenty-year-old Jae-Gyu is sent from her
secluded country village to the big city.
Completely out of her element and out
of money, Jae-Gyu manages to get into
trouble as soon as she gets off the bus. She
expected the move would be rough, but she
never thought she’d meet the last person
she ever wanted to see again - Hee-Do, a
boy from grade school whom she bullied
mercilessly, now a big-time rock star.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780759530744 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2 Released 11/30/09
13+ • #9780759530751 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 3 Released 2/28/10
13+ • #9780759530768 • 192 pgs • $8.24
In this collection of eerie and sometimes
touching ghost stories, follow the adventures
of Baek-On, an exorcist for hire, and his
assistant, Ho-Yeon, as they encounter
spirits both wicked and melancholy and
humans who prove that sometimes people
can be crueler than the most heinous of
evil spirits.
Vol. 1 Released 12/31/09
13+ • #9780759530584 • 160 pgs • $8.24
The mafia threatens Ewon into working
for a loan shark, where he’s forced to run
dangerous errands for no pay. The culprit
who doomed Ewon to this life is none
other than Jiho, Ewon’s jealous ex who still
burns at Ewon’s infidelity. Their gang leader
Mookyul, with movie-star good looks and
a bizarre, drunken habit of biting people
on the neck, takes a keen interest in his
attractive new errand boy.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781600092930 • 184 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 6
16+ • #9781600092985 • 200 pgs • $7.49
More volumes also available!
Chuyosi is a restless troublemaker whose
strict grandfather has finally been given the
reins to crack down on him. His grandfather
sends him on a quest to find the roots of
their ancestry. The family names’ roots
brings him to Korea where his taxi driver,
a chatty and energetic girl named Very,
passes out on him. Despite an ugly first
encounter, the two later grow close and
learn to respect each other’s differences.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780759528659 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 4
13+ • #9780759531468 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 5 Released 11/30/09
13+ • #9780759531482 • 176 pgs • $8.24
The Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) is a
major period in the history of modern China.
But beyond the media stereotypes, what
was life really like for the youth of China
during this period? Adapted from the novel
by Wang Shuo, this graphic retelling of the
tale plunges the reader into the everyday
turmoil of this epoch when “liberty” was
not just another vain word and love was as
complicated as ever.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9780759529380 • 240 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2
16+ • #9780759529397 • 240 pgs • $8.24
Everyone dreams about Seung-Ha, the
perfect prince and shining star of the
school. Chasing after someone so perfect
is definitely not easy, and for Nan-wo,
Seung-Ha was just a dream - far, far away.
However, sometimes dreams exist to come
true! But when Nan-wo gets hers, it comes
with an expensive price. Who knew the
perfect prince was actually a big jerk?!
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780759528628 • 200 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 4
13+ • #9780759531314 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 5 Released 11/30/09
13+ • #9780759531345 • 192 pgs • $8.24
More volumes also available!
When Ningen leaves his dojo at the request
of his master to travel the world and grow
as a swordsman, he embarks on a journey
that becomes a metaphor for the cycle
of life and every human’s possibility for
spiritual growth.
Released 12/2/09
N/R • #9781595824127 • 392 pgs • $12.71
Luna is the perfect secret agent. A girl grown
in a lab from the finest genetic material, she
has been trained since her birth 15 years
ago to be the U.S. government’s ultimate
espionage weapon. But now she is given
an assignment that will test her abilities to
the utmost - high school!
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781933164748 • 496 pgs • $11.99
Vol. 2 Released 11/30/09
13+ • #9781934876664 • 384 pgs • $11.99
It’s an all-new Astro Boy adventure, with
Astro exploring a strange subterranean
kingdom in search of his lost father,
encountering weird creatures large and
small. But are they friend or foe?
10+ • #9781600105180 • 104 pgs • $17.99
Set in futuristic Metro City, Astro Boy is
about a young robot with incredible powers
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created by a brilliant scientist, powered by
positive energy, and endowed with super
strength, x-ray vision, unbelievable speed
and the ability to fly.
10+ • #9781600105173 • 104 pgs • $17.99
Being a new student at Avalon High has
been exciting for Ellie, to say the least she’s an honor student, a star on the track
team, and, oh yeah, dating the super-hot
class president, Will. Who also happens
to be the alleged reincarnation of King
Arthur. Ellie couldn’t be happier to have
Will in her life, but she’s also worried that
his estrangement from his parents is tearing
him apart.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM0061177075 • 128 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #9780061177095 • 128 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 3
13+ • #9780061177101 • 160 pgs • $7.49
All aspiring detective Jas wanted to do
today was hang out with her pals. Simple.
Straightforward. But catastrophe is always
one step ahead! First Jas stumbles upon a
schoolmate’s lost purse. Then there’s the
jewelry store heist, the wrongly accused
man, the clueless cops, the seven words
that destroy her relationship and... Well,
before she knows it, Jas has got a lot more
than brunch on her plate!
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780061351624 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 2
13+ • #9780061351655 • N/A pgs • $7.49
by General Cain. He’s fraught with worry
and confusion, not only because of these
powerful emotions brewing within him for
his master, but because there seems to be
a mystical link between them. Just what is
Cain? And why do the highest echelons of
the church tremble in fear of him?
Trilogy Set
17+ • #9781933664415 • 432 pgs • $20.24
shared past at all!
Vol. 1
13+ • #895274604X • 200 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 7 Released 12/31/09
13+ • #9780316077781 • 192 pgs • $8.24
More volumes also available!
Darren Shan is just an ordinary schoolboy
who enjoys hanging out with his three best
friends. Then one day they stumble across
an invitation to visit the Cirque du Freak, a
mysterious freak show. Only two tickets are
available, so they draw straws to see who
will go. As if by destiny, Darren wins one,
and what follows is his horrifying descent
into the dark and bloody world of vampires.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780759530416 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2
13+ • #9780759530386 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 3 Released 10/31/09
13+ • #9780759530430 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 4 Released 1/31/10
13+ • #9780759530393 • 192 pgs • $8.24
When 15-year-old Kiyomi Hudson signs up
for an internship with the Las Vegas Crime
Lab, she knows what she’s getting into, but
she never imagines how deep it will go.
She and four fellow interns are allowed to
observe the investigation into the murder
of Gretchen Yates, but as they start their
own research into the events leading to
Gretchen’s untimely demise, they discover
the truth behind an unthinkable crime!
13+ • #9781427815507 • 192 pgs • $9.74
The Battlestar Galactica manga takes
place during season 3 of the television
series. In these interstellar tales, Baltar
goes on trial after being falsely accused of
a massacre, Roslin refuses to implement a
new curriculum that is sympathetic to the
Cylons, Zarek faces a mutiny after being
elected vice president, and Kacey learns
something about true maternal love.
Destiny’s Hand: a pirate ship that cannot be
sunk and led by a dying captain who will
not give up. His final wish before he dies
is to find the legendary Devil’s Eye. And
who does he appoint to lead his fearless
crew in search of the lost treasure but Olivia
Soldana, a brash 16-year-old girl who can
out-do any man. Omnibus edition.
Complete Series Released 10/31/09
13+ • #9781934876732 • 496 pgs • $14.99
13+ • #9781427815293 • 192 pgs • $9.74
Laser cannon... Jet strike... Atomic Blaster...
Bellybutton Missile... Welcome to Domokun’s world! Inside these pages you’ll find
frolic and hilarity, absurdity and the out-ofthe-ordinary, and plenty of Domo. These
outlandish tales show that we can all learn a
little from Domo, as he take things one step
at a time, embraces the littlest things in life,
and remembers to not believe everything he
sees on TV!
ALL • #9781427815972 • 96 pgs • $7.49
Ben Tennyson is fifteen - and a hero in
disguise! He’s the possessor of the Omnitrix,
a super-cool alien wristwatch that allows
him to transform into one of 10 powerful
alien beings. And Ben’s going to need his
superpowers when an alien ship crashes
to Earth. When Ben and his friends race to
the crash site, they find a force greater than
any they have ever reckoned with: the ship
blasts Ben seemingly out of existence!
Released 2/23/10
13+ • #9780345514394 • 176 pgs • $7.46
Dinah is a young girl who’s been sent to
the small town of Bizenghast to live with
her aunt. Dinah thinks her aunt’s house is
haunted, but her aunt thinks she’s mental.
When Dinah discovers a lost graveyard,
she accidentally finds herself bound to a
contract to release wandering spirits and
must “clean” the vaults, crypts and graves
of lost souls.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1595327436 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 6
13+ • #9781427815361 • 192 pgs • $8.21
More volumes also available!
The young thief Vanquisher has been taken
Dionne is best friends with her older brother,
Lyon. Even though things don’t always run
smoothly in their family, nothing in the world
can shake them - as long as they can rely
on one another! But one day, an unexpected
misfortune brings their seemingly bright
world into disarray... and Dionne fears she
may never be understood and loved again.
13+ • #9780759529267 • 176 pgs • $8.24
Little Lucy Snow was meant to be enjoying
her first day at the nice elementary school
in town; however, a macabre twist of fate
sees her enrolled instead at Miss Weaver’s
Academy for the Scientifically Gifted and
Ethically Unfettered - also known as Hollow
Fields. Located on the outskirts of Nullsville
and run by the insidious Engineers, the grim
boarding school dedicates itself to raising
the next generation of mad scientists and
evil geniuses! Omnibus edition.
Released 11/30/09
13+ • #9781934876725 • 544 pgs • $14.99
Nobody has been inside Manhattan for the
past three years, and with good reason. It’s
become a place of wild, dark magic, where
technology and the laws of science do not
work. And it’s at war with the United States
- a dark kingdom that seeks to spread
across the river to the rest of the world, with
armies of trolls, goblins, imps, ghouls and
harpies gathering under the command of a
dark sorcerer: Everett Winterthorn.
ALL • #9781934876343 • 300 pgs • $12.99
Fourteen-year-old Maximum Ride, better
known as Max, knows what it’s like to soar
above the world. She and all the members
of the “Flock” are just like ordinary kids only they have wings and can fly. When
Angel, the youngest member of the Flock,
is kidnapped and taken back to where she
and the others were genetically engineered
by sinister scientists, the others must brave
a journey to blazing hot Death Valley, CA,
to save her.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780759529519 • 240 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2 Released 10/31/09
13+ • #9780759529687 • 240 pgs • $8.24
When Kat moves to a posh private school,
things seem perfect - that is, until a clique
of rich, popular kids frame Kat’s science
teacher dad for stealing school property.
Can Kat and her new friend, rebellious
computer nerd Mouse, prove who the real
culprits are before Kat’s dad loses his job?
Vol. 1
12+ • #MM1598165488 • 96 pgs • $4.49
Vol. 4
12+ • #9781427811752 • 112 pgs • $4.49
More volumes also available!
A group of college students are drawn into
the world of Mages and Monsters - and the
biggest, baddest gamemaster of them all.
Vol. 1 Released 1/19/10
16+ • #9780345513595 • 192 pgs • $8.21
Nightschool answers the age-old question:
where do demons get their diplomas?
Schools may closed for the night and
the lights may be off, but class is still in
session. A young weirn named Alex joins
the vampires and demons at school to
learn what has become of her sister. Will
she be prepared for what she finds at
the Nightschool?
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780759528598 • 192 pgs • $8.24
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In Sam’s world, pollution is such that
everyone is forced to wear gas masks at all
times. He lives with a lovely young woman
whose face he has not seen in years.
Though pollution still poses a few (arguably)
negligible problems here and there, Sam
finds the state of his world... normal! At the
factory where he works, everyone seems
resigned to live in such putrid surroundings.
Zak Saturday and the first family of
cryptozoology - the Secret Saturdays are about to set off on an action-packed
adventure! Zak and his parents, Doc and
Drew, must rely on their powers and their
knowledge of cryptids to stop the nefarious
V. V. Argost from recovering the dreadful
Kur stone. But can they stop him before he
unleashes an ancient evil on the world?
Vol. 1
ALL • #9780345516947 • 96 pgs • $5.99
That no-good, power-hungry Simon
Blankenship is still on the loose trying to
track down the Seven Talismans of Power
in pursuit of world domination, and the only
one who can stop him is Rachel! She’s on
her way to Japan to intercept the Clawhorn
Chalice. Of course, Blankenship will have
to wait while she gets some shopping in
and samples the local sushi. Hey, even
goddesses have to eat!
Vol. 1: Chase for the Chalice
13+ • #9780061362996 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 2: Quest for the Lance
13+ • #9780061363009 • 192 pgs • $7.49
The capricious young prince Ael dreams
of thrilling adventures that will take him
far beyond the cold, confining walls of his
palace. Little does Ael know that when
he meets the young, petty thief Pixie he
is about to embark on a wild journey that
takes him beyond the threshold of darkness
to a kingdom where the most heinous of
monsters clash; a world that spans the
limits of reality and fantasy...
Vol. 1 (Color)
13+ • #9781427814715 • 112 pgs • $9.74
Vol. 2 (Color)
13+ • #9781427814722 • 112 pgs • $9.74
A year has passed since Princess Ai
returned to troubled and war-torn Ai-Land,
but all is not well in paradise, as Ai struggles
with loneliness, isolation, and the pressures
of rule. And back on The Other Side, things
are not as they should be, either. Mysterious
forces have gathered and threaten to push
both worlds to the brink of destruction...
Vol. 1
16+ • #9781427812995 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2 Released 12/1/09
16+ • #9781427813008 • 192 pgs • $8.24
When Cree’s bass player bails on her band,
she finds herself in a bind. Then, through
a twist of fate, she meets Izsak, bass
player extraordinaire, and all her problems
When is letting go of your inhibitions
worth the risk? Benjamin depicts moving
portrayals of love and loss that get at the
heart of what it means to throw you heart
into life, no matter the consequences.
(Color) Released 2/2/10
13+ • #9781427815668 • 144 pgs • $11.24
Sequel to the movie! After having survived
his initial visit, Toby has returned home and
has grown up. As he has grown he has
noticed that many things have come very
easily to him, even when under pressure.
Little does he know that Jareth, the
Goblin King, has been looking out for his
best interests...
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598167251 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM159816726X • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 3
13+ • #9781598167276 • 192 pgs • $9.74
Told from both Alliance and Horde points of
view, these stories have entertained the likes
of travelers, soldiers and thieves in taverns,
inns and camps all throughout Azeroth.
They have endured the trials of time and
have earned the title of legend.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1427807221 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 5
13+ • #9781427815262 • 192 pgs • $8.24
More volumes also available!
are solved! But when a pair of mysterious
figures begins to stalk the band, her world
quickly turns into one big bad dream.
Between Izsak’s dark past and shadowy
future, can the light of Cree’s promising
romance with him survive?
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1598167375 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM1598167383 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 3
16+ • #9781598167399 • 192 pgs • $8.24
The absolutely last thing Goth-girl Raven
and her vampire boyfriend, Alexander,
need is another hitch in their nighttime-only
romance. But they discover that Alexander’s
cousin is raiding graves with a motley crew
of hooligans! Is there something behind their
sudden interest in Dullsville?
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM0061340812 • 128 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #9780061340826 • 128 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 3
13+ • #9780061340833 • 128 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 2 Released 10/31/09
13+ • #9780759528604 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Discover how Wesley learns to have
compassion for others, how the Enterprise
deals with a mysterious disease that wipes
out half an archeological expedition, and if
Picard will survive an internal coup.
Vol. 1
13+ • #9781427812728 • 192 pgs • $8.24
16+ • #9780759529281 • 160 pgs • $9.74
Thundergod: A Thor driver’s ego leads him
and two partners to try to pull off a heist in
the middle of a war zone. Heavy Armor: A
Viking pilot must battle his mentor - for the
lives of an entire colony. Weapon of War: A
psionic six-year-old boy is at the center of a
conflict between a Terran mining colony and
the Zerg - and the Marines and miners must
decide whether to shelter the boy, kill him,
or use him against their attackers.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1427807213 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2
13+ • #9781427808318 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 3
13+ • #9781427808325 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 4
13+ • #9781427816986 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Ghost Academy chronicles the early years of
StarCraft characters destined for greatness
- and tragedy. Five teenaged fourth-class
Terrans are rough-around-the-edges Ghost
cadets in training. They are forced to deal
with everyday - and not so everyday teen issues such as crushes, physical and
emotional pain, addiction to drugs, and their
own budding psionic abilities.
Vol. 1 Released 1/5/10
13+ • #9781427816122 • 192 pgs • $8.24
His name is Bernard Black, and he’s one
of the best cat burglars in the world. His
one weakness? Whenever he gets near a
beautiful woman he turns into a bumbling
fool. Bernie has stolen a priceless necklace
from billionaire John Maiden only to have it
swiped right from under him. In turn, John
Maiden contracts out to an elite female
service known as M.A.D.A.M. Their mission:
to retrieve the necklace at all costs and to
bring back Bernie’s head on a silver platter.
16+ • #9781934876596 • 288 pgs • $10.99
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High school student Kitty Pryde has always
been the odd girl out. A mutant, she was
born with strange superpowers, magical
talents that make her the class freak. But
Kitty’s world is changed when she’s invited
to study at Professor Xavier’s School for
Gifted Youngsters, a special home for
mutant teens. There’s just one catch:
Kitty’s the only girl at the all-boy school,
and she ends up just feeling like a freak all
over again.
Vol. 1: Misfits
13+ • #9780345505149 • 208 pgs • $9.71
When his grandmother dies under
journeys into the Yokai realm. Along the
way, he encounters an ogre who punishes
truant children, an angry water spirit, and a
talking lantern. Will Hamachi be able to find
his grandmother’s killer, or will he be lost
forever in another world?
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780345503275 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Vol. 2 Released 11/24/09
13+ • #9780345503299 • 208 pgs • $8.21
Blue dragon Tyrygosa and human paladin
Jorad Mace are drawn through a dark
portal and into Outland, from which the
Orcs and other species in the World of
Warcraft originated. There, they find a group
of dragons unlike any Tyri has seen. Will
they be able to control this strange, mutated
army before it overtakes them?
Vol. 1 Released 11/3/09
13+ • #9781427810267 • 192 pgs • $8.24
“The World” is a massively multiplayer
online game played by more than twelve
million people across the globe. Within this
virtual world Haseo, a PPK (Player Killer
Killer), continues an endless fight. However,
on finally meeting with his sole lead, a PK
called “Tri-Edge,” Haseo is dropped back to
Level 1 by a mysterious power! Can Haseo
save Shino now that he has lost all of his
Vol. 1
10+ • #9781427813817 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 2 Released 2/2/10
10+ • #9781427813824 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 1 Released 12/1/09
13+ • #9781427814968 • 192 pgs • $8.24
This novel features the giant sword-wielding
Midori as she encounters Haseo on his
search for Tri-Edge.
Vol. 1 Released 3/2/10
16+ • #9781427817181 • 192 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 1 Released 11/24/09
10+ • #9780061688652 • 112 pgs • $5.99
Once a mortal herself and now a faery,
Rika seeks out isolation in the desert and
revels in her ability to appear invisible to
human eyes... until she meets him. Jayce
is a mortal blessed with artistic ability and
kindness, and he is the last person Rika
wants to hide from. But change is sweeping
the faery world, challenging Rika’s freedom
and her new romance with Jayce as the
politics Rika fled from pursue her even into
the heart of the desert...
Vol. 1: Sanctuary
13+ • #9780061493546 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Logan is a teenage rebel with a real good
reason for having a real bad attitude. Ever
since being left in a nearby forest - with
no memory of who he was or how he got
there - Logan has been stuck in a martial
arts school in the icy wilds of Canada. No
wonder he’s bored, restless, and yearning.
There’s a whole world out there, and Logan
can almost taste it. But he’s chained to a
past he can’t remember and can’t escape.
Hollow Fields © 2007 Madeleine Rosca.
Now it just may destroy his future.
Vol. 1: Prodigal Son
13+ • #9780345505163 • 208 pgs • $9.71
When the alien Gitai invade, Keiji Kiriya is
just one of many raw recruits shoved into a
suit of battle armor and sent out to kill. Keiji
dies on the battlefield, only to find himself
reborn each morning to fight and die again
and again. On the 158th iteration though,
he sees something different, something out
of place: a special female soldier. Is she the
key to Keiji’s escape, or to his final death?
students are taken to a small isolated island
with a map, food, and various weapons.
Forced to wear special collars that explode
when they break a rule, they must fight each
other for three days until only one “winner”
Released 11/17/09
17+ • #9781421527727 • 624 pgs • $12.74
Rendered immortal by an infusion of
mystical worms that can repair any wound,
the masterless samurai Manji wanders the
hillsides of feudal Japan, his quest to slay
one thousand evil people to atone for his
past sins. By his side is the young woman
Rin, an orphan who seeks vengeance for
the murders of her parents. The two have
faced many deadly challenges, but can they
survive their greatest battle, against the allpowerful Inugami?
Released 11/18/09
17+ • #9781595823380 • 224 pgs • $8.21
Suffering from extreme amnesia, high
school student Saya Otonoshi can’t
remember anything from her life beyond the
last year. Her attempts to live a normal life
are shattered when a Chiropteran, a horrific
vampire-like monster, attacks her. Saved at
the last minute, Saya is presented with a
sword that awakens in her a warrior’s skills
and bloodlust and sets her on a course that
will lead her to the answers of her missing
memories - and into battle.
Vol. 1: First Kiss
14+ • #9781593078980 • 224 pgs • $6.71
Vol. 4: Nankurunaisa
14+ • #9781593079338 • 320 pgs • $6.71
More volumes also available!
declared war on Japan, renaming it “Area
11.” As a boy Lelouch vowed to crush his
own government, but seven years later he’s
accepted that he can’t change anything.
That is, until he meets a mysterious girl who
gives him the power to change the world!
Vol. 1: Stage 0 - Entrance
13+ • #9781594099816 • 200 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 4: Stage 3 - Sword
13+ • #9781594099847 • 200 pgs • $8.99
More volumes also available!
Sequel to Cold Sleep. The wound Fujishima
suffered from protecting Tooru has healed
and he’s finally been released from the
hospital. Their life together starts once
more. Tooru wants them to live together as
lovers, but Fujishima refuses, saying “I have
no intentions of loving you.” Is Fujishima
afraid of Tooru remembering something in
particular if he regains his memories? The
bonds of the past are finally becoming
Released 2/10/10
16+ • #9781569701386 • 200 pgs • $8.95
In an alternative continuity in the Death Note
setting, ace detective L’s name has been
placed in a Death Note. He has twentythree days to bring a terrorist group to
justice, or they will use a deadly new virus
to change the world... by killing off most
of humanity.
Released 10/20/09
N/R • #9781421532257 • 174 pgs • $13.49
Meet naive young monkey-tailed boy Goku,
whose quiet life changes when he meets
Bulma, a girl on a quest to collect seven
“Dragon Balls.” If she gathers them all, an
incredibly powerful dragon will appear and
grant her one wish. But the precious orbs
are scattered all over the world, and Bulma
needs Goku’s help (and his super-strength)!
With a magic staff for a weapon and a
flying cloud for a ride, Goku sets out on the
adventure of a lifetime...
Vol. 1: The Adventure Begins!
ALL • #9781421529455 • 80 pgs • $3.74
Vol. 2: Dragon Balls in Danger!
ALL • #9781421529462 • 80 pgs • $3.74
Vol. 3: Into the Fire
ALL • #9781421529479 • 80 pgs • $3.74
Vol. 4: Carrots with a Side of Pilaf
ALL • #9781421529486 • 80 pgs • $3.74
Vol. 5 Released 11/3/09
ALL • #9781421531212 • 80 pgs • $3.74
Vol. 6 Released 1/5/10
ALL • #9781421531229 • 80 pgs • $3.74
Successful restaurateur Yaginuma decides
it will be best to get outside help from
a management consultant in order to
find a new chef for his French-concept
restaurant. After a few recommendations,
Ashizawa pays a visit to Shuichiro Tsubaki,
who is currently executive chef at a
French restaurant. In order to pry away
the chef from his current work, Ashizawa
decides to begin working for Tsubaki.
Will he successfully exercise his powers
of persuasion?
16+ • #9781569706176 • 250 pgs • $8.95
Renton Thurston is a young 14 year old
who is tired of his boring life and spends
his time lifting, an extreme form of aerial
hoverboarding. One day, a large mecha
known as an LFO crash lands in his
When her brother Hiroki disappears after
a violent altercation with school bullies,
the young Yuriko finds a magical book in
his room. The book leads her to another
world where she learns that Hiroki has
been possessed by a spirit from the Book
of Heroes. She visits the magical Nameless
Land, where she is told how to save her
brother, and is sent back to Earth to piece
together the mystery with a library of
powerful magical books at her disposal to
do so!
Released 10/20/09
N/R • #9781421527758 • 400 pgs • $16.49
With a plan to reunite his mother and
father, Wataru knowingly enters a fantasy
realm inhabited by a goddess who has the
power to change destiny. With the help of
the Lizard Boy, the Cat Girl, and the FireBreathing Dragon, Wataru faces a series
of seemingly insurmountable obstacles
to bring his mother and father back
together again.
Paperback Released 10/20/09
N/R • #9781421527734 • 820 pgs • $12.74
N/R • #9781421527611 • 230 pgs • $10.46
In the luxurious Middle Eastern kingdom of
Kassina, Takeyuki, “The Desert Hawk,” is
kidnapped by bandits for his beauty, then in
turn kidnaps Said, the young man with the
blue eyes. With eyes that no one’s heart can
escape from and a voice that sends chills
down spines, it must have been him Said
spoke so rudely to on the plane to Kassina.
Has Takeyuki been chasing him ever since?
Goro Kawakubo, the dashing son of a
famous artist and now a widower, hires
an au pair, Masayo Hariu, to care for his
eight-year-old daughter Momoko, whose
only companion is her cat Lala. The au pair
quickly falls in love with Goro’s lifestyle and
then with the widower himself. One fateful
night, Goro throws a party and meets the
gorgeous Chinatsu, who soon becomes his
girlfriend. Masayo is tormented with jealousy
but can do nothing but watch.
16+ • #9781569700723 • 240 pgs • $8.95
ALL • #1932234128 • 192 pgs • $11.21
As part of a ruthless program by the
In the year 2010, the Holy Empire of Brittania
I Hate You More Than Anyone © 1997 Banri Hidaka/HAKUSENSHA, INC.
800.338.6827 books.rightstuf.com
Faust is a collection of fiction inspired by
the fantastic world of manga and featuring
artwork by some of the best in the business.
Also included are columns, interviews, and
other bonus features!
Vol. 1
N/R • #9780345502063 • 432 pgs • $12.71
Vol. 2
N/R • #9780345503572 • 432 pgs • $13.46
around him. But five years ago, Izumi’s
off-handed criticism of his friend earned
him the hatred of everyone in school, and
the ostracism has seriously warped his
personality. When Natsuki asks Izumi what
he can do to make up for everything, Izumi
flippantly says “Go out with me.” To his
shock, Natsuki agrees.
Released 1/27/10
16+ • #9781569701584 • 200 pgs • $10.95
On the night of the year-end party, in high
spirits and under the influence of the party’s
free-flowing alcohol, Satori ends up sleeping
with Asou. Since then, every day that Asou
comes over he does nothing but kiss Satori
over and over, and as much as it perplexes
him, Satori is unable to resist his kisses.
But one day Satori hears a nasty rumor
that Asou has a girlfriend. Satori begins to
wonder, “Why does he kiss me so? And
why can’t I refuse him?”
Released 11/4/09
16+ • #9781569700914 • 200 pgs • $10.95
The year is 1924. Kazuya Kujo has been
studying abroad at the prestigious Saint
Marguerite Academy, where urban legends
are all the rage, including the story of ghost
ship Queen Berry. His friend Victorique,
however, is much more intrigued by true
stories, and uses her unrivaled logic to
solve mysteries detectives can’t. Ironically,
it’s Victorique who leads the duo to board
a ship that matches the Queen Berry’s
description to a tee...
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1427805695 • 192 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 2 Released 3/2/10
13+ • #9781427805706 • 232 pgs • $9.74
high school in a city where absolutely no
one understands her. Meet Kyon - the
sarcastic guy who sits behind Haruhi in
homeroom and the only boy Haruhi has
ever opened up to. Meet the S.O.S. Brigade
- an after-school club organized by Haruhi
with a mission to seek out the extraordinary.
Their second mission? Keeping Haruhi
happy... because even though she doesn’t
know it, Haruhi has the power to destroy
the universe. Seriously.
Vol. 1 (Hardback)
16+ • #9780316039017 • 224 pgs • $11.24
Vol. 1 (Paperback)
16+ • #9780316039024 • 224 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 2 (Hardback) Released 10/31/09
16+ • #9780316038812 • 200 pgs • $11.24
Vol. 2 (Paperback) Released 10/31/09
16+ • #9780316038799 • 200 pgs • $6.74
Kieli, a lonely girl with the power to see
ghosts, encounters a man named Harvey,
who happens to be one of the legendary
Undying. The Undying were soldiers made
from recycled corpses that were trained
to be immortal killing machines in a violent
war 80 years ago. She follows Harvey on
his journey to return the ghost of a soldier,
who died in that war and has since been
possessing a radio, to his grave.
Vol. 1
16+ • #9780759529298 • 240 pgs • $8.24
Sixty-two years after human life on Earth
was annihilated by rampaging alien invaders,
the enigmatic Messenger O is sent back in
time with a mission to unite humanity of
past eras - during the Second World War
and ancient Japan, and even back to the
dawn of the species itself - to defeat the
invasion before it begins. However, in a
future shredded by war and genocide, love
waits for O. Will O save humanity only to
doom himself?
N/R • #9781421527628 • 260 pgs • $10.49
High school freshman Shotaro Izumi has a
problem: his childhood best friend, Makoto
Natsuki. Natsuki’s perfect looks and sweet
disposition have won the hearts of everyone
Meet Haruhi - a cute, determined girl starting
A young woman estranged from the
modern world longs for the feminine
ideals and companionship depicted in the
tales of a bygone era. When she finds her
mentor in a rebellious punk rock singer
named Missin, how far will her infatuation
take her? Then, In Little Shop at the End
of the World, the designs of the legendary
Vivienne Westwood keep a young woman
with a secret from losing her mind. But how
long can any obsession last before it tears
you apart?
Box Set (Vol. 1-2)
N/R • #9781421529325 • 224 pgs • $12.74
An aging railway man facing the closure
of his station and the sorrows of his past
meets a mysterious young girl who brings
an unexpected warmth to the old man’s
cold and empty days. A man who has
seen the rough side of life finds comfort
in the memory of a wife he never knew. In
these eight short stories, flawed characters
haunted by loss find love, reconciliation and
redemption in the most unexpected places.
N/R • #9781421527635 • 300 pgs • $17.21
Akihiko “Kyogokudo” Chuzenji in an exorcist
with a twist: he doesn’t believe in ghosts. To
circumnavigate his clients’ inability to come
to grips with a problem being their own,
he creates fake supernatural explanations
- ghosts - that he than “exorcises” by way
of staged rituals. His patients’ belief that
he has vanquished the ghost creating their
problems cures them.
Shizuku is an adorable and spunky high
school student who doesn’t know the
secret he’s hiding. When Shizuku comes
home from school one day, he’s met by
a stunningly beautiful man. The paragon,
Doga, tells Shizuku that his Shizuku’s true
nature is that of a sexual mage. Doga is
actually the king of the magical realm and
once every hundred years, right at the cusp
of mating season, he has to take a sexual
mage as his lover... What is Shizuku to do?!
Released 12/16/09
16+ • #9781569701324 • 200 pgs • $10.95
Lawrence Craft has been walking the lonely
path of the itinerant merchant for seven
years. His life changes forever when he
meets Horo, the wolf-god of the harvest,
and the two begin traveling together. Soon
they discover a unique opportunity to exploit
the depreciating silver currency of the
kingdom of Trenni, but their plans go awry
when a competing organization captures
Horo and threatens to turn her over to the
oppressive, monotheistic Church.
Vol. 1 Released 12/31/09
16+ • #9780759531048 • 240 pgs • $8.24
12,090 A.D. It is a dark time for the world.
Humanity is crawling out from under three
hundred years of domination by the race
of vampires known as the Nobility. The war
against the vampires has taken its toll: cities
lie in ruin and the countryside is fragmented
into small villages struggling against nightly
raids. Every village wants a Hunter - warriors
who have pledged their guns and swords
to the eradication of the Nobility. But some
Hunters are better than others, and some
bring their own kind of danger...
Vol. 1
17+ • #DHGN1595820124 • 300 pgs • $6.71
Vol. 13 Released 10/21/09
17+ • #9781593079307 • 480 pgs • $11.21
More volumes also available!
N/R • #9781934287255 • 320 pgs • $12.71
Satou is a college dropout who has
become a hikikomori, a paranoid recluse.
That changes when he meets Misaki, a
mysterious young girl who invites him to join
her special “project.” Satou slowly comes
out of his shell and his hilarious journey
begins, filled with mistaken identity, Lolita
complexes, and an over-protective mother!
Released 12/31/09
16+ • #MM1427802564 • 192 pgs • $5.99
Naruto’s training to be a ninja, but he’s
having trouble keeping his jokester ways
under control. He’s causing all kinds of
trouble at the Ninja Academy. His teachers
think he’s annoying, and Naruto himself
thinks he’s going to be the best ninja that
ever lived. Only he’ll have to prove to
everyone that he’s more than just the class
clown first!
Vol. 1: The Boy Ninja
ALL • #9781421520568 • 80 pgs • $3.74
Vol. 7: The Next Level
ALL • #9781421523170 • 80 pgs • $3.74
Vol. 8: Intruders
ALL • #9781421523187 • 80 pgs • $3.74
Vol. 9: The Challengers
ALL • #9781421523194 • 80 pgs • $3.74
Vol. 10 Released 11/3/09
ALL • #9781421523200 • 80 pgs • $3.74
Vol. 11 Released 1/5/10
ALL • #9781421530413 • 80 pgs • $3.74
More volumes also available!
“Thank you very much for the fast and friendly
response! It is this very reason I love shopping
at Right Stuf.” - Gregory H.
A mysterious terrorist organization is hellbent on orchestrating a war between the
New Human Empire and the Vatican. Special
Ops AX Agent Abel Nightroad teams up with
a spunky young novice named Esther to try
and stop Gyula, the bloodthirsty Marquis of
Hungary, from unleashing the legendary Star
of Sorrow.
Vol. 1
13+ • #MM1427800901 • 200 pgs • $5.99
Vol. 2
13+ • #MM142780091x • 200 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 3 Released 11/3/09
13+ • #9781427800923 • 352 pgs • $8.24
Except for her red hair, Yoko Nakajima is
a typical high-school student with a fairly
ordinary life - that is, until Keiki, a unicorn in
the guise of a young blond-haired boy, tells
her that she is his master and must return to
their kingdom. When the boy mysteriously
vanishes, Yoko is left alone, confused,
and wandering through a foreign land with
nothing to help protect her save a magic
sword and a magic stone.
Vol. 1 (Paperback)
16+ • #MM1427802572 • 464 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 2 (Paperback)
16+ • #9781427802583 • 320 pgs • $6.74
Vol. 3 (Paperback) Released 11/3/09
16+ • #9781427802590 • 320 pgs • $7.49
Vol. 4 (Hardcover) Released 3/2/10
16+ • #9781598169492 • 356 pgs • $13.49
Aki Shiraishi is a high school student working
in the astronomy club and one of the few
witnesses to an amazing event - someone
is building a tower on the planet Mercury.
Soon, the Builders have constructed a ring
around the sun, threatening the ecology of
Earth with an immense shadow. Aki must
determine the purpose of the ring and the
plans of its creators, as the survival of both
species - humanity and the alien Builders hangs in the balance.
N/R • #9781421527710 • 320 pgs • $12.74
For centuries, a secret peace treaty has
existed between Earth and The Black
World, a parallel dimension populated by
shape-changers who possess awesome
supernatural powers. Now that pact is up
for renewal and a militant faction from the
Black World will do everything in its power
to stop the treaty from being signed. The
fate of the world rests on the shoulders
of a pair of special agents, one a human,
the other a shape-changer from the dark
Volume 1: Black Guard Released 10/31/09
16+ • #9781933164953 • 200 pgs • $9.99
The Apocalypse didn’t end with a bang, but
with a whimper. Silently, the “amnesia wind”
swept away all of mankind’s knowledge.
Thousands of years of human civilization
vanished overnight as people forgot how to
use the tools of modern civilization; who they
were, how to speak, everything. Technology
decayed as mankind was reduced to an
extremely primitive level. Two years after the
devastation, a young man explores a nation
reduced to barbarism: America.
Released 12/30/09
N/R • #9781593079345 • 288 pgs • $11.21
In the midst of a war with no end in sight,
Second Lieutenant Rei Fukai carries out
his missions in the skies over the alien
planet Fairy. Attached to Tactical Combat
and Surveillance Unit 3 of the Special Air
Force, his duty is to gather information on
the enemy and bring it back to base - no
matter the human cost. His only constant
companion in this lonely task is his fighter
plane, the sentient FFR-31 Sylphid, call
sign: Yukikaze.
Released 1/19/10
16+ • #9781421532554 • 416 pgs • $11.21
Nineteen-year-old college student Ii-chan
and his best friend, computer genius
Kunagisa Tomo, find themselves guests
at an elaborate mansion. Surrounded by
fascinating women, Ii-chan is feeling a little
overmatched intellectually. But the sudden
discovery of a grisly murder sends the
island into shock. Ii-chan discovers that he
does possess a bit of genius: the ability to
discover what is real and what is fake... who
is who they claim to be - and who is a killer.
Vol. 1
N/R • #9780345504272 • 288 pgs • $7.46
Ten stories of horror and science fiction
from Japan’s hottest young author. In one
story, the last man on Earth turns out to be
a robot. In another, a man builds a house
from the bodies of his murder victims. And
in the book’s eponymous story, a man sees
his girlfriend’s corpse decompose... one
Polaroid snapshot at a time!
N/R • #9781421525877 • 300 pgs • $10.46
anime and his output prior to his founding
of Studio Ghibli.
Join Yuko, Kimihiro, Domeki, and all your
favorite characters on a journey deep inside
the thrilling world of xxxHOLiC! Learn more
about the folklore behind the story and the
various connections to the other works in
the CLAMP universe. Filled with fascinating
story details, creator interviews, fashion
highlights, glossaries, lavish illustrations,
and much more, the official xxxHOLiC guide
is your ultimate companion piece to the
beloved series.
Released 10/27/09
13+ • #9780345510006 • 224 pgs • $13.46
N/R • #9780786423699 • 212 pgs • $35.00
Mega Man: Official Complete Works
showcases 20 years of artwork from
this classic series and features character
designs, box art, promo art, and rarely seen
art pieces.
13+ • #9781897376799 • 200 pgs • $39.99
Join dozens of Korea’s best illustrators
and animators as they present their wildest
fantasies through original stories and
Vol. 3
16+ • #9781897376096 • 264 pgs • $34.99
The first authorized biography celebrating
his work and life and featuring over 300
images - many of which have never been
seen outside of Japan. It pays tribute to the
work of an artist, writer, animator, doctor,
entrepreneur, and traveler whose curious
mind spawned dozens of animated films
and over 170,000 pages of comics art in
one astonishingly creative lifetime.
13+ • #9780810982499 • 272 pgs • $39.33
CLAMP in America is a history of CLAMP
from their humble beginnings as doujinshi
creators to international manga superstars,
including: a detailed guide to their work;
behind-the-scenes looks at how the
members of CLAMP work; their work
with American publishers; their 2006 visit
to America; interviews with the American
manga creators they’ve influenced; and
interviews with the editors and publishers
who have had the opportunity to work with
Released 2/23/10
16+ • #9780345510020 • 336 pgs • $18.74
For the first time outside Japan, Amano
and Square Enix, Inc., have permitted the
artwork that inspired the designs of the Final
Fantasy games to be published. In Dawn
you will see the development of the first four
games through Amano’s paintings, detailed
line art, and preliminary sketches. Plus, in a
special afterword, you’ll learn the genesis of
this history-making collaboration.
Hardcover (Color)
N/R • #9781593078683 • 116 pgs • $22.46
A collection of Arina Tanemura’s color
artwork from The Gentlemen’s Alliance
Cross! Includes author commentary and a
two-sided poster.
Released 11/17/09
13+ • #9781421529332 • 82 pgs • $14.99
The Art of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
is packed with character designs, game
covers, and promotional artwork from all
three Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney games.
Also included is artwork from Apollo Justice:
Ace Attorney, featuring Phoenix Wright’s
upstart successor.
(Color) Released 11/13/09
13+ • #9781897376195 • 240 pgs • $39.99
An analytical survey of Oshii’s works
from the early years of his career through
his 21st-century productions, including
Beautiful Dreamer and the acclaimed Ghost
in the Shell. The author examines these and
other Oshii productions in relation to the
Carnivalesque movement, technopolitics
and the director’s post-robotic vision.
N/R • #9780786427642 • 256 pgs • $35.00
These guides include details on the
characters, worlds, and mysteries of
Tsubasa spanning the graphic novels,
including info on famous characters from
CLAMP’s other works that always seem
to appear in the background. They also
include interviews, games and quizzes, fan
sections, pre-production artwork, and more!
Vol. 1
15+ • #0345494849 • 240 pgs • $9.71
Vol. 2
15+ • #9780345510013 • 240 pgs • $13.46
Explore the Gothic Lolita lifestyle with
this unforgettable collection! Each book
includes previews from Gothic Lolita manga,
behind-the-scenes with Japanese creators,
horoscopes, interviews, an extensive guide
to Gothic Lolita fashion, and much more!
Vol. 5
13+ • #9781427803511 • 96 pgs • $14.99
More volumes also available!
This critical study of Miyazaki’s work begins
with an analysis of the visual conventions of
manga and anime; an overview of Japanese
animated films; and a consideration of the
techniques deployed by both traditional
cel and computer animation. It also details
Miyazaki’s early forays into manga and
Relive the story of Ponyo and Sosuke in
this full-color movie art book! Ponyo on
the Cliff by the Sea, loosely based on Hans
Christian Andersen’s The Little Mermaid, is
a hand-drawn feature-length film. The art
of the film involves not only cel, but also
striking watercolor and pastel concept
sketches and layout pages. Interviews with
production principals about their daring
choice to hand draw a film in the age of CGI
and the screenplay complete the package.
N/R • #9781421530642 • 268 pgs • $26.24
The Art of Street Fighter gathers over
Movie treasure-hunter Patrick Galloway is
back with fifty must-see martial-arts films
that might have slipped into the shadows of
your movie queue. Warring Clans, Flashing
Blades picks up where Galloway’s Stray
Dogs & Lone Wolves left off, delving deeper
into the samurai film and its spin-off genres:
yakuza, ninja, and matatabi.
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grandfather’s garage and a beautiful young
girl named Eureka emerges. This begins a
journey that will change both of their lives...
Vol. 1: Blue Monday
13+ • #9781594097928 • 200 pgs • $8.99
Vol. 2: Unknown Pleasure
13+ • #9781594097935 • 200 pgs • $8.99
Formed by a small group of university
students in the early 1980s, Studio Gainax
is now one of the most adventurous and
widely esteemed anime companies on the
scene. This documentation of the studio’s
achievements provides a critical overview of
both the company and its films.
A definitive collection of traditional,
contemporary and innovative recipes for
lovers of this Japanese cuisine. Fresh and
delicious, sushi is one of the healthiest
foods you can eat, as it’s low in fat and
high in essential vitamins and minerals.
Aesthetically pleasing, sushi is also
surprisingly simple to make. This practical
book will show you how to create beautiful
and elegant sushi dishes with ease.
ALL • #0794603165 • 240 pgs • $29.95
N/R • #9780786433766 • 240 pgs • $35.00
Each book provides over 50 recipes with
easy-to-follow instructions for flavorful and
filling meals - all for far less than the cost
of the average dinner for two. Lavishly
illustrated with full-color photos, these
books will have you cooking delicious
dishes in no time!
Appetizer Rex
ALL • #9781934287637 • 96 pgs • $11.21
Bento Love
ALL • #9781934287583 • 96 pgs • $11.21
some are practical, and some are wacky,
but all are genuine and used today on the
streets of Japan, at home, and in manga
and anime. Finally, a way to tell someone
at a loud party, “Hey! Your underwear is
showing!” in four easy hand motions.
ALL • #1933330015 • 160 pgs • $9.95
From the Japanese TV cooking sensation,
Iron Chef, comes this cookbook by one of
the original Iron Chefs, Chen Kenichi. Like
the dishes on the show, each of the more
than 50 recipes in this book presents an
unusual approach to familiar ingredients
that is a signature and fan-favorite aspect
of the Iron Chef experience. But despite the
pedigree of the recipes, the instructions are
easy to follow and accessible to all.
N/R • #9781934287460 • 112 pgs • $14.96
For nearly a century, Japanese writers
gave voice to the anxieties of a nation
headed inexorably towards war. Beginning
with Commodore Matthew C. Perry’s first
visit to Japan in 1853, Japanese novelists
and military analysts produced a dizzying
combination of prophetic visions of this
coming conflict, creating a massive body of
popular works through which Japan would
debate its own passage, however violently,
into the modern, globalized era.
N/R • #9781421529172 • 450 pgs • $20.95
In celebration of the twentieth anniversary
of the phenomenon known as CLAMP - a
prolific collective of four female artists who
are now among the most popular manga
creators in the United States - here’s a
deluxe, gorgeously designed book featuring
more than one hundred pages of color art,
plus a five-page original Tsubasa manga
that will appear only in this book!
Released 10/27/09
N/R • #9780345510792 • 116 pgs • $14.96
Donburi Mania
ALL • #9781934287491 • 96 pgs • $11.21
Noodle Comfort
ALL • #9781934287576 • 96 pgs • $11.21
Veggie Haven
ALL • #9781934287620 • 96 pgs • $11.21
Kawaii Bento Boxes offers dozens of recipes
and menus. For each box, the authors
include detailed instructions for cooking,
seasoning, decorating and assembling
the components as well as the time it will
take to prepare. The meals are not just
easy to make, they are tasty, nutritious
and economical, with each portion carefully
calculated so that there are no leftovers.
N/R • #9784889962604 • 80 pgs • $18.95
With this book in hand, go to Japan and
eat well! You’ll know how and what to order,
whether it’s sukiyaki, eel, tofu, chicken sticks,
or sake! Packed with detailed information,
this book is still a quick and compact
reference for all occasions.
Released 10/31/09
N/R • #9780893469788 • 128 pgs • $9.95
Focusing on key issues and events, this
lucid survey smoothly gets the reader up
to speed on contemporary developments,
like Japan’s conflict with North Korea, the
Hanshin Earthquake, the sarin gas attacks,
the population decline, and Japan’s lost
decade after the economic bubble burst. An
excellent source of background information
and substantive talking points.
Released 11/30/09
N/R • #9780893469795 • 160 pgs • $14.95
An illustrated step-by-step guide to
preparing simple Japanese dishes using
ingredients found in every Western kitchen.
Learn to identify and make the same things
you see in all your favorite manga: authentic
onigiri, yakitori, oshinko, udon, okonomiyaki
and many others!
N/R • #9784921205072 • 160 pgs • $14.99
This new edition takes the language student
into the nonverbal skill zones that must
be mastered to communicate effectively in
Japanese. Now with an index and expanded
chapters, it outlines the ins and outs of
polite/rude speech, bowing, disagreeing,
intonation, apologies, slang, preconceptions
of foreigners, and much more.
N/R • #9781933330525 • 200 pgs • $16.95
Sure to fire the imagination of the beginner
sushi cook and to stoke the passions of the
experienced cook who had thought they’d
tried everything! People who are fanatic
about their sushi will find much to love in
this exquisitely illustrated cookbook, which
features traditional favorite sushi recipes such as Inside-Out Rolls, Nigiri Sushi, Hand
Rolls, and Inari Sushi - as well as exciting
new recipes with international flair.
ALL • #9784805309155 • 176 pgs • $34.95
This whimsical look at Japan’s “language of
no language” introduces 70 gestures that
will help you hurl insults, flirt, agree, excuse
yourself, cross the street, and even make
promises - wordlessly! Some are deadly,
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N/R • #9780804840088 • 256 pgs • $24.95
This very brief overview of Japanese history
makes an excellent introduction for travelers
and businesspeople who will be visiting
Japan and want a macro-view of epochmaking events, cultural influences, and
personalities. While moving rapidly over
1,500 years, the concise text still conveys
the essence of how Japan came to be, and
the challenges the nation still faces.
Released 10/31/09
N/R • #9780893469771 • 80 pgs • $9.95
A hefty compilation of essays (both pictorial
and prose), notes, concept sketches and
interviews by and with Hayao Miyazaki.
Arguably the most respected animation
director in the world, Miyazaki is the genius
behind Howl’s Moving Castle, Princess
Mononoke and the Academy Awardwinning film, Spirited Away.
N/R • #9781421505947 • 500 pgs • $22.46
Here is a thoughtful compilation of unique
practices and behaviors in Japan, including
seasonal events and celebrations, comingof-age rites, weddings and funerals, forms
of greeting and hospitality, food, household
observances, charms, and even numerology.
These customs and rituals are often
confusing to travelers, yet they still form an
essential part of daily life among Japanese.
Released 11/30/09
N/R • #9780893469801 • 160 pgs • $12.95
This book focuses on both the cartoon-like
critters and funny mascots that populate the
shoujo style of manga and the more gritty
and gothic animals that inhabit the shounen
style of manga.
Released 11/17/09
N/R • #9780823095339 • 160 pgs • $21.99
Are you an otaku? Do you have otaku
friends you can’t relate to? Then let
The Otaku Encyclopedia expand your
knowledge of the fascinating subculture of
Cool Japan. This definitive guide introduces
the world of Japan’s anime nerds, game
geeks, and pop-idol fanboys, with over 600
terms that any fan of Japanese pop culture
simply must know.
Released 10/31/09
N/R • #9784770031013 • 248 pgs • $19.95
on the old craft as they learn how to use
the tricks of Japanese graphic art mixed
with the skills of traditional needlecraft to
make cute, action-packed, and stylish
images. The book includes easy, step-bystep instructions for cross-stitch beginners
and insightful information for manga
novices. Includes a CDROM with hundreds
of designs.
N/R • #9780740779657 • 128 pgs • $19.99
Whether it’s a question of love or money,
Manga University’s Manga Tarot has the
answer! This original deck of 78 mystical
cards features the full-color manga artwork
of Saori Takarai, author of Manga Moods
and Manga Sisters. Contains a complete
set of 78 cards - all of the Major and
Minor Arcana - and a 64-page guidebook
with instructions and card interpretations
by Psychic Jada, plus Tarot spreads for
N/R • #9784921205249 • 64 pgs • $19.95
Train*Train © Eiki Eiki / SHINSHOKAN 2002.
Samurai Wisdom, authored by the scholar
Yamaga Soko or his disciples, provides
the core ideals and lessons that taught the
samurai how to lead a proper life under the
philosophy of bushido. Yamaga’s writings
inspired the transformation of the samurai
from a warrior class into a group with great
intellectual, political and ethical influence.
SINCE 1945
This book features everything about sushi:
how to choose, order, and eat it; how to
make it at home; the history, evolution, and
art of sushi; how to become a sushi chef;
and even nutritional value, health, and safety
concerns. Also includes a pronunciation
guide together with a 39-page sushi glossary
and a reverse dictionary for identifying and
ordering sushi.
N/R • #9781934159002 • 269 pgs • $18.95
1,500 illustrations created by Capcom’s top
artists over the past 20 years. Included are
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Fighter’s past and from the all-new Street
Fighter IV!
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Follow the lives of five senior art students
as they learn color theory and technique...
and have some cute and colorful life lessons
along the way. With full-color illustrations
scattered throughout, this volume will teach
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was never this fun!
Vol. 1
13+ • #9780759529038 • 144 pgs • $8.24
Vol. 2 Released 11/30/09
13+ • #9780759530706 • 128 pgs • $8.24
Readers and cross-stitchers get a new twist
This introduction to reading kanji is based
on the characters most frequently used in
everyday situations. Twenty-one lessons
illustrate situations in places like train
stations, banks, post offices, restaurants,
hospitals, and university campuses. All
the tools you need to feel comfortable
and accomplish your goals in these
environments are right here. Revised edition.
Vol. 1
ALL • #9784805309469 • 256 pgs • $26.95
Vol. 2
ALL • #9784805309476 • 224 pgs • $29.95
All students of Japanese, whether they
have studied physics or not, know the word
“particle,” and they realize that particles, like
English prepositions, require a special effort
to master. This book covers 69 particles;
the most common ones along with the less
frequent. These particles have over 200
usages - sufficient to keep most students
hard at work for a good many years.
ALL • #4770027818 • 128 pgs • $16.00
An integrated course for learning to read
and write the 2,000 basic Japanese
characters, this book introduces the kanji
that are now in everyday use. Devised for
either home or classroom use, this book
has been tested and refined by years of use
in university classes.
ALL • #0834802228 • 328 pgs • $22.46
The Kanji in Mangaland program uses
distinct drawings for the parts that form
each kanji character; then it shows a
manga-style illustration to help the student
connect the shapes and the meaning. In
addition, the books present information on
compound words, stroke order, meaning
and unique features such as identifying
similar-looking kanji and alternative or older
shapes for the same character.
Vol. 1: Levels 1&2
ALL • #9784889962215 • 240 pgs • $24.00
Vol. 2: Basic to Intermediate
ALL • #9784889962611 • 368 pgs • $36.95
Features 1,800 expressions for daily use with
the Japanese presented in both native script
and romaji. Topics include basic greetings,
self-introductions, talking about the weather,
getting around, and much, much more.
Throughout the book, key vocabulary is
listed along the bottom of each page,
allowing learners to build on what they
already know. Notes and special columns
are included on usage and communication
strategies. Comes with 2 CDs containing all
of the sentences read aloud, with feeling, in
both English and Japanese.
Released 2/28/10
N/R • #9784770031006 • 320 pgs • $24.95
This handy book is designed to help
readers confidently navigate the convenient
but complicated Tokyo subway system.
Included are color-coded diagrams of all
thirteen Tokyo subway lines; information
on ticketing, tourist fares, and commuter
passes; a landmark finder; an exit finder;
and full-color maps that include national
railway, Yokohama, and airport connections.
Also included are useful words and phrases,
a guide to signs, and where to go for help.
Over a thousand years old, Kyoto is a city
of many layers that are often simultaneously
exposed, like the geological formations in a
long-weathered cliff. This book is a collection
of personal encounters, moments, and
scenes of Kyoto that have touched the author
through the years. Duo-tone photographs of
temples, landscapes, gardens, and people
represent an essential vocabulary of Kyoto
that has evolved over centuries.
Released 10/31/09
N/R • #9781933330501 • 128 pgs • $19.95
ALL • #9784896844573 • 96 pgs • $9.95
From crawling through Buddha’s nose
at Todaiji Temple to finding peace in
Hiroshima, discover the secrets of savvy
expatriates, seasoned travelers, and
inspired locals. With its unique insights into
dining, shopping, sightseeing, and culture,
To Japan With Love is a one-of-a-kind guide
for the passionate traveler.
(Color) Released 11/1/09
N/R • #9781934159057 • 275 pgs • $21.95
Manga University’s Manga Tarot © 2009 Japanime Co. Ltd. / Saori Takarai / Manga University.
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Gundam 00
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
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Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
#GE9901WS $14.96
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
#GE9902WS $14.96
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
Stand Off
#GE9939WS $14.96
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
#GE5230WS $14.96
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
#GE5210WS $14.96
Armband: Squad Twelve
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Patch: Substitute Soul
Reaper Icon
#GE4421 $3.50
T-shirt (White):
Black & White Group
T-shirt (Black): Ichigo Transform
Gurren Lagan
Gurren Lagann
Gurren Lagann
Flag (31.5” x 43”)
#GE8309 $16.49
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
Simon & Champion
#GE9900WS $14.96
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
Simon & Kamina vs Viral
#GE9997WS $14.96
Kenichi: The Mightiest
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
#GE5228WS $14.96
Lucky Star
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
Group at Haruhi Desk
#GE5273WS $14.96
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
Leaf Village
#GE9817WS $14.96
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
#GE9938WS $14.96
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
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Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
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Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
Itachi & Sasuke
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Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
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Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
Naruto Shadow Clones
#GE5263WS $14.96
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
Naruto vs Sasuke
#GE5240WS $14.96
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
Team Guy
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Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
One Piece
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
Team Kakashi
#GE5261WS $14.96
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
Team Kurenai
#GE5262WS $14.96
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
Straw Hat Pirates
#GE5211WS $14.96
Ouran High School
Host Club
Ouran High School
Host Club
Ouran High School
Host Club
Ouran High School
Host Club
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
#GE5234WS $14.96
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
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Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
#GE5220WS $14.96
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
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T-shirt (Gray):
Kisuke Vertical Kanji
Ouran High School
Host Club
Ouran High School
Host Club
Ouran High School
Host Club
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
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Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
Group with Roses
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Robotech Macross Saga
Soul Eater
Soul Eater
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
Super VF1
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Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
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Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
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Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
Movie Yuko
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Code Geass
Code Geass
Code Geass
Code Geass
Military Cap: Black Knights
#GE2315 $13.49
Patch (3”): Chess
#GE4254 $3.50
Patch (3”): Lelouch Symbol
#GE4249 $3.50
Patch (2”): Symbol
#GE4280 $3.50
Code Geass
Wristband: Britannia Symbol
#GE8198 $3.38
Crane Inspiration
T-shirt (Charcoal)
Gundam 00
Gurren Lagann
Gurren Lagann
Wristband: HRL
#GE8664 $3.38
Beanie: Skull
#GE2304 $13.49
Beanie: Yoko Skull
#GE2342 $13.49
Gurren Lagann
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
#GE5232WS $14.96
Code Geass
Code Geass
T-shirt: Logo
Military Cap
#GE2301 $13.49
Patch (2.5”): Wing Emblem
#GE4253 $3.50
T-shirt (Gray):
Ichigo Vertical Kanji
Crane Inspiration
Inu Yasha
Costume: Inu Yasha
#GE8800 $79.98
T-shirt (Brown): Square Totoro
T-shirt (Light Blue)
Jacket: Simon
Gurren Lagann
T-shirt (Navy): Tachikoma
Fruits Basket
Gundam 00
Girls Fitted T-shirt (Black):
House of Sohma
Patch (3”): Celestial Being
#GE4319 $3.50
Gurren Lagann
Gurren Lagann
Patch (2”): Yoko Skull
#GE4299 $3.50
Towel (2.5’ x 5’): Dai Gurren
#GE2549 $19.98
Lucky Star
T-shirt (Blue):
Yukkuri (Take it Easy)
Patch (2”): Yawning Cat
#GE4283 $3.50
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Ah! My Goddess
Wall Scroll (31” x 43”):
#GE9961WS $14.96
Armband: Squad One
#GE7800 $8.99
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Fleece Cap: Akamaru
#GE2285 $13.49
Wristband: Cloud Village
#GE8754 $5.24
Baseball Cap: Shuriken & Kunai
#GE2326 $13.49
Beanie: Naruto
#GE2319 $13.49
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Headband: Anti Stone Village
#GE8711 $16.49
Headband: Hidan
#GE8817 $16.49
Headband: Naruto Leaf Village
#GE8676 $16.49
Patch (3”): Kakashi Sharingan
#GE4354 $3.50
Patch (3”): Mangekyo Sharingan
#GE4355 $3.50
Patch (3”): Shikamaru
#GE4374 $3.50
T-shirt: SOS
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Patch (3”): Shuriken
#GE4358 $3.50
T-shirt (Black):
Akatsuki Itachi & Kisame
Naruto: Shippuden
T-shirt (Black): Kakashi Lightning
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
T-shirt (Black): Naruto Jutsu
T-shirt (Brown):
Gaara Sand Kanji
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
T-shirt (Cream):
Naruto Throwing Stars
T-shirt (Blue): Group Panels
Naruto: Shippuden
T-shirt (Blue): Group Swirl
Naruto: Shippuden
Costume: Akatsuki Cloak
Azumanga Daioh
Burst Angel
Wallet: Kitty
#GE3061 $13.49
Backpack: Ichigo Mask
#GE5515 $22.49
Bag (16” x 8”): Squad 4
#GE5512 $29.98
Messenger Bag
(13” x 17”): Hitsugaya
#GE5516 $29.98
Messenger Bag
(11” x 12”): Icon
#GE5507 $29.98
Messenger Bag
(11” x 12”): Group
#GE5493 $29.98
Bag (15” x 13”): Teresa
#GE5542 $29.98
Code Geass
Code Geass
Code Geass
Code Geass
Code Geass
Messenger Bag
(17” x 14”): C.C.
#GE5492 $29.98
Messenger Bag
(14” x 12”):
Lelouch’s Geass Symbol
#GE5545 $29.98
Wallet: L.L.
#GE3052 $13.49
Wallet: Suzaku, Lulu,
& Nunnally
#GE3069 $13.49
Wallet (4” x 5”): Symbol
#GE3051 $13.49
Bag (17” x 14”):
Timcanpy & Allen
#GE5559 $29.98
Messenger Bag
(18” x 12”): Crew
#GE5560 $29.98
Fullmetal Alchemist
Gunslinger Girl
Gurren Lagann
Hellsing Ultimate
Lucky Star
Messenger Bag: Group
#GE5563 $29.98
Messenger Bag: Kando
#GE5564 $29.98
Messenger Bag: Fighting
#GE5526 $29.98
Messenger Bag
(14” x 13”): Henrietta
#GE5550 $29.98
Messenger Bag:
Team Gurren
#GE5452 $29.98
Messenger Bag
(17” x 14”): Poster Art
#GE3201 $29.98
Coin Purse: Cat
#GE3075 $9.74
Naruto: Shippuden
T-shirt (Black):
Ichiraku Ramen Shop
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
One Piece
T-shirt (Gray): Sasuke Close-Up
Wristband (Metal):
Anti Stone Village
#GE8748 $5.24
Patch (3”): Skull Icon
#GE4325 $3.50
Patch (3”): Defense
#GE4308 $3.50
Patch (2.5”): Master Logo
#GE4306 $3.50
Fleece Cap: Mokona White
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Fleece Cap: Mokona Black
#GE2283 $13.49
Towel: Yuko & Watanuki
#GE2544 $19.98
Wristband: Yuko’s Butterfly
#GE8288 $3.38
Lucky Star
Lucky Star
Lucky Star
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Messenger Bag
(16” x 14”): Konata
#GE5531 $29.98
Plush Bag:
Chocolate Cornet
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Wallet (4.5” x 3.5”):
Hiragi’s Sister
#GE3074 $13.49
Bag: Make Out Tactics
#GE5567 $29.98
Messenger Bag
(16” x 12”): Gaara SD
#GE5589 $29.98
Messenger Bag: Naruto
#GE5566 $29.98
Tote Bag: Kakashi
#GE5629 $13.49
Ouran High School
Host Club
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
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One Piece
Wallet: Naruto
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Wallet: Naruto & Sasuke
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Wallet: Naruto & Sasuke
#GE3100 $13.49
Wallet: Naruto &
Sasuke SD
#GE3097 $13.49
Wallet (4” x 5”): Shinobi
#GE2411 $13.49
Messenger Bag
(15” x 14”): Chopper
#GE5551 $29.98
Ouran High School
Host Club
Tote Bag: Group & Logo
#GE5580 $13.49
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Messenger Bag
#GE5547 $29.98
Plush Backpack (10”):
Mokona Black
#GE5543 $17.99
Wallet (4” x 4”): Yuko
#GE3065 $13.49
Cinch Bag: Heart
iPod/Cell Phone
Holder: Banana
Cinch Bag: Heart
Messenger Bag: Kissing
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Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Cell Phone Charm (1”):
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Metal Keychain:
Caped Kon
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Metal Keychain:
Half-Face Hollow Mask
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Keychain (3”):
Hitsugaya SD
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Metal Keychain (2”):
Hitsugaya SD
#GE4675KC $5.24
Keychain (3”):
Kenpachi SD
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Keychain: Hinata
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Kiba & Akamaru
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2010 Wall Calendar
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Metal Cell Phone Charm:
Itachi Sharingan
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Cell Phone Charm (1.5”):
Naruto SD
#GE8686 $5.24
Cell Phone Charm:
Sakura & Shuriken
#GE8692 $5.24
Cell Phone Charm:
#GE8697 $5.24
Cell Phone Charm (1”):
Hitsugaya SD
#GE8673 $5.24
Code Geass
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Metal Keychain (2”):
Kenpachi SD
#GE4677KC $5.24
Keychain: Kisuke SD
#GE4788KC $3.74
Necklace: Half-Face
Hollow Mask
#GE8304 $8.99
Necklace (1”):
Substitute Soul Reaper
#GE8303 $8.99
Metal Keychain (1.5”):
Clare’s Symbol
#GE4621KC $5.24
Metal Keychain (1.5”):
Teresa’s Symbol
#GE4622KC $5.24
Metal Keychain:
Lancelot Key
#GE4536KC $5.24
Metal Cell Phone Charm:
Sasuke Sharingan
#GE8719 $5.24
Keychain: Gaara Dog
Tag & Symbol
#GE4722KC $5.24
Metal Keychain:
Make Out Tactics
#GE3858KC $5.24
Keychain (2.75”):
Naruto SD
#GE4702KC $3.74
Metal Keychain (2”):
Naruto Symbol Dog Tag
#GE4721KC $5.24
Metal Keychain (2”):
Naruto vs Sasuke
#GE3793KC $5.24
Metal Keychain (1”):
Sakura SD
#GE4720KC $5.24
Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist
Gundam 00
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Keychain: Lavi SD
#GE4691KC $3.74
Keychain: Linally SD
#GE4690KC $3.74
Tiki’s Butterflies
#GE4733KC $3.74
Mug: Crew
#GE8358 $11.24
2010 Wall Calendar
#9780789319340 $13.99
Mug: Ed Face
#GE8345 $13.49
Cell Phone Charm:
AEU Logo
#GE8670 $5.24
Keychain: Sasuke SD
#GE4703KC $3.74
Metal Keychain: Sasuke
Dogtag & Shuriken
#GE4723KC $5.24
Metal Keychain:
Tsunade SD
#GE3894KC $5.24
Magnet: SD Art
#GE8543 $5.99
Necklace (1.5”): Anbu
#GE8759 $8.99
Necklace: Deidara’s
Akatsuki Ring
#GE8703 $8.99
Necklace (1”):
Hidan’s Akatsuki Ring
#GE8762 $8.99
Gundam 00
Gundam 00
Gurren Lagann
Gurren Lagann
Gurren Lagann
Gurren Lagann
Gurren Lagann
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Cell Phone Charm:
HRL Logo
#GE8669 $5.24
Pin Set: Celestial Being
& HRL Logos
#GE6615 $4.49
Cell Phone Charm:
Gurren Mark
#GE8333 $5.24
Cell Phone Charm:
Yoko Skull Icon
#GE8334 $5.24
Metal Keychain (1”):
Kamina SD
#GE4646KC $5.24
Keychain (3”):
Simon SD
#GE4650KC $3.74
Mug: Dai Gurren
#GE8350 $11.24
Necklace (1”):
Kakuzu’s Akatsuki Ring
#GE8763 $8.99
Necklace: Shikamaru
#GE8732 $8.99
Pin Set (1”):
Kakashi & Iruka SD
#GE6670 $4.49
Pin Set (1”):
Kakashi & Sakura
#GE6649 $4.49
Pin Set (1”):
Naruto & Jiraiya SD
#GE6668 $4.49
Pin Set (1”):
Sakura & Tsunade SD
#GE6669 $4.49
Metal Pin Set:
Shishi & Sai
#GE6639 $4.49
Gurren Lagann
Inu Yasha
Lucky Star
Lucky Star
Lucky Star
Lucky Star
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Yoshitaka Amano
Phone Charm: Yoko SD
#GE8613 $5.24
2010 Wall Calendar
#9780789319401 $13.99
Keychain: Kagami
#GE4634KC $5.24
Keychain: Konata
#GE4629KC $3.74
Keychain: Tsukasa
#GE4636KC $5.24
Magnet Set
#GE8533 $5.99
Keychain: Gaara
#GE4606KC $5.24
Playing Cards
#GE2022PC $6.99
Wall Clock (12”):
Black & Red Naruto
#GE6524 $17.49
Wall Clock (12”):
#GE6526 $17.49
Metal Keychain:
Defense Symbol
#GE3960KC $5.24
Keychain: Lina Metal
#GE4577KC $5.24
Metal Keychain:
Mokona Black
#GE4569KC $5.24
Mug (11 oz)
#761568160352 $7.49
merchandise.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827
800.338.6827 merchandise.rightstuf.com
Code Geass
Death Note
Body Pillow: C.C.
#GE2831 $29.99
Plush (9”): Ryuk
#GE7050 $11.24
Melancholy of
Haruhi Suzumiya
Body Pillow: Haruhi
#GE2829 $29.99
Neon Genesis
Plush: Pen Pen
#GE7073 $13.49
Gurren Lagann
Gurren Lagann
Gurren Lagann
Plush (5”): Boota
#GE7087 $7.49
Plush: Kamina
#GE7093 $11.24
Plush: Simon
#GE7095 $11.24
Body Pillow
(13” x 42”): Miu
#GE2844 $29.99
Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuden
Shakugan no Shana
Plush (9”): Itachi
#GE7054 $11.24
Plush (9”): Gaara
#GE8902 $11.24
Plush: Sasuke
#GE8901 $11.24
Plush (8”): Nodoka
#GE7013 $9.74
Pillow: Shana
#GE2825 $29.99
Plush (5”): Mokona Black
#GE7055 $8.99
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Got Anime Member?*
Now available in any whole dollar amount from $5 on up! Just add the item
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you’d like to give. Don’t forget to fill in the quantity! NOTE: Shipping charges
do not apply to gift certificates, Got Anime memberships or catalogs.
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 Check*
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If your order exceeds $150,
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 Other Countries
 Money Order
*Right Stuf Inc. may present your check electronically to your financial institution for payment. In the event your check or
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face value of the payment, plus a service fee of $25, for each check or electronic payment that was returned unpaid.
By submitting your check to Right Stuf for payment of any kind, you acknowledge and agree to our check processing policy
and authorize us to utilize the information contained on your check to electronically collect the amount you have designated
for payment and apply the funds collected to your order or customer account. Should you have questions about this policy or
you encounter any difficulties, please contact us immediately at (800) 338-6827.
If ordering adult product, I certify that I am at least 18 years old.
Date of Birth:
I found the below most useful when placing this order:
(please check only one)
 Fall 2009 Catalog (F09M)
 Website (R09I)
 Spring 2009 Catalog (S09M)  Other: ____________ (R09M)
 Fall 2008 Catalog (F08M)
Please Mail Completed Form To:
Right Stuf P.O. Box 680 Grimes, IA 50111
Or Fax To: (515) 986-1129
If shipping to a U.S. address and your order exceeds $49 (without freight), then Economy Shipping is FREE!
If shipping to a Canadian address and your order exceeds $150 (without freight), then Regular Shipping is FREE!
Domestic &
Shipping Options
USPS Standard
UPS Standard
UPS Express
Other Countries
(USPS Mail)
(Priority Mail)
(2nd Day Air)
4-14 Days
2-5 Days
2-5 Days
2 Days
(Sent via Mail)
1-2 Weeks**
(Sent via Mail)
2-3 Weeks**
$10 for first + $2 each
$3 for first + $1 each
$5 for first + $1 each
$7 for first + $1 each
$11 for first + $2 each
$7 for first + $2 each
1 item
2 items
3 items
4 items
**International shipping times are approximate. Shipment time may vary due to customs inspections.
Billing Address
Shipping Address
(If paying by credit card, this address must match your credit card billing information.)
(International customers must ship to their billing address. If using a credit card,
we may contact you for additional information before your order will ship.)
(Suite/Apt #)
Phone: (
(Suite/Apt #)
Phone: (
Shipping for Prepacks / Box Sets
Box sets and prepacks are considered single items for shipping purposes.
Shipment Time
From the time we receive the order, standard processing time to ship it
is 24-48 hours. Express shipping means that your in-stock item(s) will be
shipped via 2 Business Day service.
Actual shipment time can vary based on whether the item(s) is in-stock
at the time we receive your order. If an item(s) is on backorder, it can
take an average of 10-14 business days for us to receive it. Standard
processing time then goes into effect.
Additional Shipment Options
If you need your order delivered by a specific date, additional shipping
options are available by phone (800-338-6827) or through our online store
Shipments to Military Addresses & U.S. Protectorates
In the U.S., including APO/FPO (AA, AE, AP), PR, GU and VI, please use
the Domestic Shipping Options. If you have a PO Box, or are stationed in
the service, our standard shipping is via mail because UPS will not deliver
to these locations. If you live outside of the areas above, please use our
International Shipping Options.
Shipments to International Customers
Shipping companies or local governments may charge an additional
fee for taxes or for delivering your package to your country. Such fees
and customs duties are not included in our shipping price and are your
responsibility. We will not be responsible for seized shipments and cannot
provide refunds for seized products. Please check to make sure you are
in compliance with all local laws if you are ordering any adult product.
Shipments to Commercial Addresses
Domestic (U.S.) customers may elect to have packages delivered to an
alternate work address. You must include the name of the business in
the shipping address. If your package is returned to us, we will charge
you an additional shipment fee to resend it.
Shipment Confirmation
Shipping confirmations are often sent via email to the address provided
on the order form. Please make sure to write your email address as
clearly as possible.
Split Shipments
For domestic (U.S.) orders: We may, at our option, ship your order in
multiple shipments. Please note that, in general, only shipments using the
economy ship method will receive partial shipments. Due to increased
transportation costs, orders shipping by other methods or internationally
may be held until the order is complete. You may request a shipment
of in-stock items at any time for an additional fee (based on the ship
method you have selected) by contacting customer service.
(Please provide an email address or daytime phone number in case we have questions about your order.)
Got Anime Member?*
Domestic (U.S.) Orders
We accept checks and money orders in U.S. funds. Please make all
checks / money orders payable to Right Stuf, Inc. All checks require
at least 12 days to clear our bank. Sorry, no CODs. PLEASE DO NOT
We also accept the following credit cards: MasterCard, Visa, American
Express, and Discover. If paying by credit card, we may contact you
to obtain additional details for security purposes. Shipment may be
delayed until we have received the information necessary to complete
your order.
*Remember: Your Got Anime membership is tied to your billing address.
 Yes
Now available in any whole dollar amount from $5 on up! Just add the item
number “GIFT CERTIFICATE” on this order form and write in the amount
you’d like to give. Don’t forget to fill in the quantity! NOTE: Shipping charges
do not apply to gift certificates, Got Anime memberships or catalogs.
 No
Save Money! Add a Got Anime Savings Club Membership
(See page 6 for more details.)
International Orders
We accept money orders in U.S. funds. Please make all money orders
payable to Right Stuf, Inc. Sorry, we do not accept international checks.
We also accept the following payment methods: MasterCard, Visa,
American Express, or Discover. For first–time orders, we require a copy
of some form of ID (driver’s license, passport, credit card statement,
utility bill, etc.), which shows your address along with a photocopy of
BOTH THE FRONT AND BACK sides of your credit card. Right Stuf
can provide a secure website location for our international customers to
submit this material. This information is destroyed after verification.
If your merchandise is defective due to a flaw in manufacturing, we
are more than happy to replace the product. Unopened DVDs can
be returned for Right Stuf store credit (or in the case of credit cards,
refunded to the issuing card). All returns must be processed within 90
days of the date on your purchase invoice. If you need to complete
a return, please obtain a return authorization number from Customer
Service at 800-338-6827 or utilize our online return request form at:
Products returned without a return authorization number, or those more
than 90 days after the invoice date, will be returned to the customer, at
our option.
If your package was damaged (such as a crushed box) while in transit:
if delivered by UPS, please contact UPS directly at (800)-PICK-UPS
(1-800-742-5877). If delivered by Mail, please contact your local
You may use one coupon per order. Some coupons and short-term
deals, such as “Shawne’s Daily Deals,” can only be used through our
website and cannot be honored for mail-in orders. Please see coupon
details for specific restrictions.
If you need additional order forms, you may make copies of this order
form. You can also print out additional forms from our website at:
Credit Card:
 Discover
 Mastercard
 Visa
 American Express
For assistance, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-338-6827
Name as it appears on card:
Credit Card Number:
Expiration Date:
 Check*
If your order exceeds $49,
If your order exceeds $150,
 Economy
 USPS Standard
 UPS Standard  UPS Express
 Other Countries
 Money Order
*Right Stuf Inc. may present your check electronically to your financial institution for payment. In the event your check or
electronic payment is returned unpaid for insufficient or uncollected funds, we may resubmit your payment electronically for the
face value of the payment, plus a service fee of $25, for each check or electronic payment that was returned unpaid.
By submitting your check to Right Stuf for payment of any kind, you acknowledge and agree to our check processing policy
and authorize us to utilize the information contained on your check to electronically collect the amount you have designated
for payment and apply the funds collected to your order or customer account. Should you have questions about this policy or
you encounter any difficulties, please contact us immediately at (800) 338-6827.
If ordering adult product, I certify that I am at least 18 years old.
Date of Birth:
I found the below most useful when placing this order:
(please check only one)
 Fall 2009 Catalog (F09M)
 Website (R09I)
 Spring 2009 Catalog (S09M)  Other: ____________ (R09M)
 Fall 2008 Catalog (F08M)
Please Mail Completed Form To:
Right Stuf P.O. Box 680 Grimes, IA 50111
Or Fax To: (515) 986-1129
If shipping to a U.S. address and your order exceeds $49 (without freight), then Economy Shipping is FREE!
If shipping to a Canadian address and your order exceeds $150 (without freight), then Regular Shipping is FREE!
Domestic &
Shipping Options
USPS Standard
UPS Standard
UPS Express
Other Countries
(USPS Mail)
(Priority Mail)
(2nd Day Air)
4-14 Days
2-5 Days
2-5 Days
2 Days
(Sent via Mail)
1-2 Weeks**
(Sent via Mail)
2-3 Weeks**
$10 for first + $2 each
$3 for first + $1 each
$5 for first + $1 each
$7 for first + $1 each
$11 for first + $2 each
$7 for first + $2 each
1 item
2 items
3 items
4 items
**International shipping times are approximate. Shipment time may vary due to customs inspections.
Billing Address
Shipping Address
(If paying by credit card, this address must match your credit card billing information.)
(International customers must ship to their billing address. If using a credit card,
we may contact you for additional information before your order will ship.)
(Suite/Apt #)
Phone: (
(Suite/Apt #)
Phone: (
Shipping for Prepacks / Box Sets
Box sets and prepacks are considered single items for shipping purposes.
Shipment Time
From the time we receive the order, standard processing time to ship it
is 24-48 hours. Express shipping means that your in-stock item(s) will be
shipped via 2 Business Day service.
Actual shipment time can vary based on whether the item(s) is in-stock
at the time we receive your order. If an item(s) is on backorder, it can
take an average of 10-14 business days for us to receive it. Standard
processing time then goes into effect.
Additional Shipment Options
If you need your order delivered by a specific date, additional shipping
options are available by phone (800-338-6827) or through our online store
Shipments to Military Addresses & U.S. Protectorates
In the U.S., including APO/FPO (AA, AE, AP), PR, GU and VI, please use
the Domestic Shipping Options. If you have a PO Box, or are stationed in
the service, our standard shipping is via mail because UPS will not deliver
to these locations. If you live outside of the areas above, please use our
International Shipping Options.
Shipments to International Customers
Shipping companies or local governments may charge an additional
fee for taxes or for delivering your package to your country. Such fees
and customs duties are not included in our shipping price and are your
responsibility. We will not be responsible for seized shipments and cannot
provide refunds for seized products. Please check to make sure you are
in compliance with all local laws if you are ordering any adult product.
Shipments to Commercial Addresses
Domestic (U.S.) customers may elect to have packages delivered to an
alternate work address. You must include the name of the business in
the shipping address. If your package is returned to us, we will charge
you an additional shipment fee to resend it.
Shipment Confirmation
Shipping confirmations are often sent via email to the address provided
on the order form. Please make sure to write your email address as
clearly as possible.
Split Shipments
For domestic (U.S.) orders: We may, at our option, ship your order in
multiple shipments. Please note that, in general, only shipments using the
economy ship method will receive partial shipments. Due to increased
transportation costs, orders shipping by other methods or internationally
may be held until the order is complete. You may request a shipment
of in-stock items at any time for an additional fee (based on the ship
method you have selected) by contacting customer service.
(Please provide an email address or daytime phone number in case we have questions about your order.)
Got Anime Member?*
Domestic (U.S.) Orders
We accept checks and money orders in U.S. funds. Please make all
checks / money orders payable to Right Stuf, Inc. All checks require
at least 12 days to clear our bank. Sorry, no CODs. PLEASE DO NOT
We also accept the following credit cards: MasterCard, Visa, American
Express, and Discover. If paying by credit card, we may contact you
to obtain additional details for security purposes. Shipment may be
delayed until we have received the information necessary to complete
your order.
*Remember: Your Got Anime membership is tied to your billing address.
 Yes
Now available in any whole dollar amount from $5 on up! Just add the item
number “GIFT CERTIFICATE” on this order form and write in the amount
you’d like to give. Don’t forget to fill in the quantity! NOTE: Shipping charges
do not apply to gift certificates, Got Anime memberships or catalogs.
 No
Save Money! Add a Got Anime Savings Club Membership
(See page 6 for more details.)
International Orders
We accept money orders in U.S. funds. Please make all money orders
payable to Right Stuf, Inc. Sorry, we do not accept international checks.
We also accept the following payment methods: MasterCard, Visa,
American Express, or Discover. For first–time orders, we require a copy
of some form of ID (driver’s license, passport, credit card statement,
utility bill, etc.), which shows your address along with a photocopy of
BOTH THE FRONT AND BACK sides of your credit card. Right Stuf
can provide a secure website location for our international customers to
submit this material. This information is destroyed after verification.
If your merchandise is defective due to a flaw in manufacturing, we
are more than happy to replace the product. Unopened DVDs can
be returned for Right Stuf store credit (or in the case of credit cards,
refunded to the issuing card). All returns must be processed within 90
days of the date on your purchase invoice. If you need to complete
a return, please obtain a return authorization number from Customer
Service at 800-338-6827 or utilize our online return request form at:
Products returned without a return authorization number, or those more
than 90 days after the invoice date, will be returned to the customer, at
our option.
If your package was damaged (such as a crushed box) while in transit:
if delivered by UPS, please contact UPS directly at (800)-PICK-UPS
(1-800-742-5877). If delivered by Mail, please contact your local
You may use one coupon per order. Some coupons and short-term
deals, such as “Shawne’s Daily Deals,” can only be used through our
website and cannot be honored for mail-in orders. Please see coupon
details for specific restrictions.
If you need additional order forms, you may make copies of this order
form. You can also print out additional forms from our website at:
Credit Card:
 Discover
 Mastercard
 Visa
 American Express
For assistance, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-338-6827
Name as it appears on card:
Credit Card Number:
Expiration Date:
 Check*
If your order exceeds $49,
If your order exceeds $150,
 Economy
 USPS Standard
 UPS Standard  UPS Express
 Other Countries
 Money Order
*Right Stuf Inc. may present your check electronically to your financial institution for payment. In the event your check or
electronic payment is returned unpaid for insufficient or uncollected funds, we may resubmit your payment electronically for the
face value of the payment, plus a service fee of $25, for each check or electronic payment that was returned unpaid.
By submitting your check to Right Stuf for payment of any kind, you acknowledge and agree to our check processing policy
and authorize us to utilize the information contained on your check to electronically collect the amount you have designated
for payment and apply the funds collected to your order or customer account. Should you have questions about this policy or
you encounter any difficulties, please contact us immediately at (800) 338-6827.
If ordering adult product, I certify that I am at least 18 years old.
Date of Birth:
I found the below most useful when placing this order:
(please check only one)
 Fall 2009 Catalog (F09M)
 Website (R09I)
 Spring 2009 Catalog (S09M)  Other: ____________ (R09M)
 Fall 2008 Catalog (F08M)
Please Mail Completed Form To:
Right Stuf P.O. Box 680 Grimes, IA 50111
Or Fax To: (515) 986-1129
If shipping to a U.S. address and your order exceeds $49 (without freight), then Economy Shipping is FREE!
If shipping to a Canadian address and your order exceeds $150 (without freight), then Regular Shipping is FREE!
Domestic &
Shipping Options
USPS Standard
UPS Standard
UPS Express
(USPS Mail)
(Priority Mail)
(2nd Day Air)
4-14 Days
2-5 Days
2-5 Days
2 Days
(Sent via Mail)
1-2 Weeks**
Other Countries
(Sent via Mail)
2-3 Weeks**
$3 for first + $1 each
$5 for first + $1 each
$7 for first + $1 each
$11 for first + $2 each
$7 for first + $2 each
$10 for first + $2 each
1 item
2 items
3 items
4 items
**International shipping times are approximate. Shipment time may vary due to customs inspections.
Shipping for Prepacks / Box Sets
Box sets and prepacks are considered single items for shipping purposes.
Domestic (U.S.) Orders
We accept checks and money orders in U.S. funds. Please make all
checks / money orders payable to Right Stuf, Inc. All checks require
at least 12 days to clear our bank. Sorry, no CODs. PLEASE DO NOT
We also accept the following credit cards: MasterCard, Visa, American
Express, and Discover. If paying by credit card, we may contact you
to obtain additional details for security purposes. Shipment may be
delayed until we have received the information necessary to complete
your order.
Shipment Time
From the time we receive the order, standard processing time to ship it
is 24-48 hours. Express shipping means that your in-stock item(s) will be
shipped via 2 Business Day service.
Actual shipment time can vary based on whether the item(s) is in-stock
at the time we receive your order. If an item(s) is on backorder, it can
take an average of 10-14 business days for us to receive it. Standard
processing time then goes into effect.
Additional Shipment Options
If you need your order delivered by a specific date, additional shipping
options are available by phone (800-338-6827) or through our online store
Shipments to Military Addresses & U.S. Protectorates
In the U.S., including APO/FPO (AA, AE, AP), PR, GU and VI, please use
the Domestic Shipping Options. If you have a PO Box, or are stationed in
the service, our standard shipping is via mail because UPS will not deliver
to these locations. If you live outside of the areas above, please use our
International Shipping Options.
Shipments to International Customers
Shipping companies or local governments may charge an additional
fee for taxes or for delivering your package to your country. Such fees
and customs duties are not included in our shipping price and are your
responsibility. We will not be responsible for seized shipments and cannot
provide refunds for seized products. Please check to make sure you are
in compliance with all local laws if you are ordering any adult product.
Shipments to Commercial Addresses
Domestic (U.S.) customers may elect to have packages delivered to an
alternate work address. You must include the name of the business in
the shipping address. If your package is returned to us, we will charge
you an additional shipment fee to resend it.
Shipment Confirmation
Shipping confirmations are often sent via email to the address provided
on the order form. Please make sure to write your email address as
clearly as possible.
Split Shipments
For domestic (U.S.) orders: We may, at our option, ship your order in
multiple shipments. Please note that, in general, only shipments using the
economy ship method will receive partial shipments. Due to increased
transportation costs, orders shipping by other methods or internationally
may be held until the order is complete. You may request a shipment
of in-stock items at any time for an additional fee (based on the ship
method you have selected) by contacting customer service.
International Orders
We accept money orders in U.S. funds. Please make all money orders
payable to Right Stuf, Inc. Sorry, we do not accept international checks.
We also accept the following payment methods: MasterCard, Visa,
American Express, or Discover. For first–time orders, we require a copy
of some form of ID (driver’s license, passport, credit card statement,
utility bill, etc.), which shows your address along with a photocopy of
BOTH THE FRONT AND BACK sides of your credit card. Right Stuf
can provide a secure website location for our international customers to
submit this material. This information is destroyed after verification.
If your merchandise is defective due to a flaw in manufacturing, we
are more than happy to replace the product. Unopened DVDs can
be returned for Right Stuf store credit (or in the case of credit cards,
refunded to the issuing card). All returns must be processed within 90
days of the date on your purchase invoice. If you need to complete
a return, please obtain a return authorization number from Customer
Service at 800-338-6827 or utilize our online return request form at:
Products returned without a return authorization number, or those more
than 90 days after the invoice date, will be returned to the customer, at
our option.
If your package was damaged (such as a crushed box) while in transit:
if delivered by UPS, please contact UPS directly at (800)-PICK-UPS
(1-800-742-5877). If delivered by Mail, please contact your local
You may use one coupon per order. Some coupons and short-term
deals, such as “Shawne’s Daily Deals,” can only be used through our
website and cannot be honored for mail-in orders. Please see coupon
details for specific restrictions.
If you need additional order forms, you may make copies of this order
form. You can also print out additional forms from our website at: