2013 Issue 3.indb - Right Stuf Anime
2013 Issue 3.indb - Right Stuf Anime
2013 issue 03 TABLE OF CONTENTS Save cash & get more with the As I warm by the fire, I’m struck by the fact that there’s no time of year I like better than right now. Leaves are undergoing their colorful yearly change, eggnog is on the store shelves and there’s a snap of crispness in the air triggering nostalgic memories of yesteryear. Speaking of yesteryear, the second set of Princess Knight was recently released, bringing all 52 episodes of this classic series back to fans for the first time in more than forty years! I’m excited we could restore this piece of history for you to enjoy. As always, we’ve been working around the clock to bring you some of the very best anime and manga entertainment. There are a few things I’m particularly excited about this season. They start with the release of Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn! In association with our partners at Sunrise, Gundam Unicorn Parts 1 and 2 are available now, and the response has been overwhelming! This fall’s release of Part 3 will be the first time these OVAs have ever been available on DVD in America – What is Laplace’s Box and who will end up as its inheritor... the Earth Federation or Neo Zeon? Part 4, the conclusion of the series, is coming in 2014. We’re repackaging some of our great catalog titles, including ARIA, Tylor, Maria Watches Over Us, and Ninja Nonsense, into new, lower cost versions. The Limited Edition versions will still be available, but only while supplies last. It’s a perfect time to pick up these amazing titles if you haven’t seen them yet (and they make great holiday gifts too!). We announced some great acquisitions we’re working on for release in 2014! Cat’s Eye, Blessing of the Campanella, Space Adventure Cobra and Sengoku Collection are all in the works for the coming year. And, of course, there are more in store yet to come. If you’re the instant-gratification type, you’ll be pleased to know that we have more available streaming episodes now than ever before! Visit us on YouTube (user: nozomient) to check out hundreds of episodes for your viewing pleasure (and don’t forget to subscribe while you’re there). Also on the electronic media frontier, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter – never miss out on the latest breaking news and specials again! As always, it’s been a pleasure to serve you, an important part of our extended family of anime and manga fans. During this special time of year, I personally want to thank you for your support – it’s you who makes my job worthwhile! Best wishes to you and yours, and have a safe and happy holiday season. GOT ANIME Savings Club! MEMBERS MEMB ERS RECEIVE: RECEIVE: • An additional 10% off our everyday prices, plus the ability to stack your discount on selected sale events!* • Extended return privileges! 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(Retail Value $69.98) This coupon may only be used one time per customer. Expires 4/1/14. COUPON SPONSORED BY SENTAI FILMWORKS Hearts on Blu-ray .49 Buy Shining(SFBSH100) $37 CODE #: CP35-03 for only $37.49! (Retail Value $69.98) This coupon may only be used one time per customer. Expires 4/1/14. These coupons are redeemable by mail or online at www.rightstuf.com To redeem online, simply enter the coupon code into the “Coupon Code” box during your online checkout. To redeem by mail, enter the discount amount in the “Coupon Code” box on the order form. Whether ordering online or by mail, only one coupon may be used per order. Canceling or revising an order may affect coupon eligibility. Items already heavily discounted (weekly specials, bargain bin items, closeout items, and specialty import items) are excluded from coupon discounts. Orders which do not fulfill the terms of the submitted coupon will be returned or accepted with request for additional payment, at our option. If you have any questions about the use of a coupon, please email us at info@rightstuf.com or call at 1-800-338-6827. Front cover image: Mobile Suit Gundam UC © SOTSU • SUNRISE rightstuf @animetoday 800.338.6827 www.rightstuf.com For wholesale inquiries, contact resale@rightstuf.com nozomient Back cover image: ARIA The ANIMATION © 2005 Kozue Amano / MAG Garden - ARIA Company. Catalog Design © 2013 Right Stuf. All rights reserved. Production and Design by Right Stuf, Inc. All images are copyright of their respective owners. Opinions expressed may not be those of Right Stuf. Right Stuf cannot be held responsible for typographical errors. For comments or questions about this publication, please email the company at info@rightstuf.com Visit us online at www.rightstuf.com 1. Add up the total cost of all of your items.* 2. Multiply that total cost by 0.10 3. Enter that amount in the “Got Anime discount” box on the order form. * Remember, discount applies only to our everyday low prices and excludes specially imported items, gift certificates, and magazine subscriptions. Prepacks, Closeouts, Website Specials and Bargain Bin products which are already heavily discounted cannot be further discounted using your membership. If in doubt, you can check the Got Anime Store at www.gotanime.com or call Customer Care at 1-800-338-6827. Ninja Nonsense: The Legend of Shinobu © 2004 Ryoichi Koga / MediaWorks / Ninin ga Shinobuden Production Committee. ALREADY A GOT ANIME MEMBER, AND NOT SURE OF YOUR DISCOUNT? This fall, Nozomi Entertainment will begin re-releasing ARIA, the beautiful tale of 15-year-old Akari Mizunashi’s journey to achieve her dream of becoming an “undine” – a female gondolier in the beautiful city of Neo-Venezia. To celebrate this new edition of the series, we’re proud to present an excerpt from an interview conducted in 2007 with Director Junichi Sato and Director Yoshimasa Hiraike. Tell us about your positions as directors. Sato: It depends on the series, but I prefer to pass down my responsibilities to other people. (Laughs.) Before I do that, I always create a base for them to work on so they don’t get confused or lost, though. Once they’re given their tasks, I oversee their progress so that they don’t stray too far from what I had in mind. However, it’s important to give them some creative leeway. That’s because if I’m too stringent and it doesn’t turn out the way I want it, they’d just tell me to do it myself. (Laughs.) Hiraike: I think one of the most amazing things about Sato as a director, is that once he gives a task to someone, he’s able to let them have ownership over it until the very end. Sato: I think that’s because of my time at Toei Animation. At Toei, each series has a director, but every screenwriter also creates the episode as if they are the director. When you do that, there’s a possibility that the characters’ personalities can differ slightly from episode to episode. We were aware of that risk, but the strong consensus at Toei was that the screenwriters could handle everything themselves. Hiraike: I think that approach is very unusual compared to other production companies. Usually, directors are very hands-on. In Sato’s case, he’s hands-off, but still hands-on enough to give direction and guidance. I guess both methods have their pros and cons. Sato: Toei always had a system where the producer took on many of the responsibilities. Once the producer and the head writer finalized the framework, they’d discuss who the director should be. That’s why at Toei, it was mostly the producer who was responsible for script content. When I left Toei, I was shocked. I thought, “The director has to do all that, too?!” (Laughs.) What was your vision for the screenplay? Sato: Whenever I’m the screenwriter, this is how I approach it. First, the director creates a story that best embodies the core concept of the project. Then, as the director’s right hand man for that episode, I do my best to get it as close to that director’s vision as possible. This applies to both original shows, and shows based on manga. My goal is to deliver an episode where people think the director worked on it him or herself. In that sense, it’s easier to work with directors who have a clearly defined style, such as Hideaki Anno and Yoshiyuki Tomino. On the other hand, when I’m the director, I’m very conscious about providing something that the screenwriter can experiment with, but only if the show we’re working on allows for it. If I’m told, “This is how I’d like the series to be,” I try to respect that vision as much as possible. Hiraike: Unlike Sato, I don’t have a clearly defined vision as a screenwriter yet. For example, with ARIA, first I tried to get a sense of what Sato wanted to express, and I challenged myself to create something within that framework to the best of my abilities. I believe it’s a learning experience that will make me better as a screenwriter. I’d be getting ahead of myself by calling myself the director’s right-hand man, like Sato. (Laughs.) Hiraike: You’re always really conscious about music in your shows, right? Sato: No show is complete without music, so I think it’s normal to be conscious about it. But a show like ARIA is rare, because I had to view the music as “part of the picture.” Hiraike: It’s just my opinion, but I think there aren’t many directors like Sato, who are conscious about how sound is incorporated into the picture. The same goes for Kaleido Star. You let me handle the editing, but you were always there for anything sound related. Most directors do the editing themselves and leave the recording sessions to the Sound Director, so your style is kind of unusual. I think Sato does this, not because he doesn’t trust the Sound Director, but because he places so much emphasis on sound when creating a show. Sato: My thought process is that each part – scripting, storyboarding, drawing, recording – are all moving forward toward the final editing process of adding the sound effects and voiceovers. Once the sound is added the episode is complete, so I get really nervous if I’m not there during the recording and sound editing sessions. I’m like “What’s going on?!” (Laughs.) Also, I’ve actually grown accustomed to playing music while storyboarding. If there’s a song I want to use, I check the length of the song and figure out how many seconds into the song the chorus is. Then I build up the storyboard to the chorus, and edit it so it matches. It feels great when it all comes together. (Laughs.) Once you do this you can’t go back. Hiraike: You mean you construct the scene based on the song? Sato: Yeah. Hiraike: I can’t even fathom doing that. When I worked on the screenplay for ARIA The NATURAL, I was really conscious about the pacing. Sato: Yeah, you kind of second guess yourself at first. I remember Shigeru Nishikawa, the Editor, looking really worried during the editing sessions. (Laughs.) He said, “Are you sure you want them staying still for eight seconds?!” (Laughs.) Hiraike: Yeah, the show practically moves at the same pace as Akari. Sato: Exactly. It’s really dangerous to carry that over into other shows though. (Laughs.) We have to be careful about that. Hiraike: True, depending on the show people might throw a fit! (Laughs.) Sato: I don’t want people to misinterpret me, but the events in ARIA are only a means to show off the characters. The most important part of the show is the emotion and feelings it evokes. The quality of the episode is contingent on how well those two factors are expressed; the story is just a tool to achieve that. Under normal circumstances, you wouldn’t think that would work for a thirty minute anime, but the manga pulls it off wonderfully, so I had no choice but to believe in it and do it. What is ARIA’s position as a series? Sato: I’m sure it’s changed slightly over time, but I don’t have anything precisely in mind. The first season, ARIA The ANIMATION, was thirteen episodes long, and I wanted to try a lot of things differently. For instance, I wanted to try being both the director and the series supervisor. I only wanted to use voice actors who I had already worked with, which I don’t normally do, and I wanted to place a lot of importance on how the music mixed with the footage, which I mentioned earlier. It all came together so well that when it was over, I still wanted to do more, and that’s how season two, ARIA The NATURAL, took off. What’s the relationship between Supervisor and Director like? Hiraike: Luckily, there were a lot of important things I had to take care of, so I didn’t have the mental bandwidth to worry about what Sato thought as the Supervisor for Sketchbook. (Laughs.) I just worked on it, figuring he’d say something if he had a problem. Come to think of it, I doubt Sato would help me if I was stumbling. If I were about to break a bone, then maybe he’d help me? Sato: Nope, after you broke your bone I’d say, “I knew you’d break a bone.” (Laughs.) Hiraike: (Laughs.) But I think that works, too. If he helped me while I was stumbling, it’d be good for the project, but I wouldn’t grow as a director. Even if I stumble and fall, the most important thing is to get up on my own and follow though with the project as my own work. Sato has created a brilliant anime adaptation of ARIA. I want to do the same thing he did with my adaptation of Sketchbook. Sato: In general, I try to keep quiet and be hands off, or else the director won’t feel like they have ownership. Regardless of how it turns out, as a director you need to feel like you did everything you could. Find out more about Nozomi Entertainment’s upcoming re-release of ARIA The ANIMATION on page 7! “There are many things that are dear to me in the ARIA series. The dialog, the art, the songs, the music… I hope each of these things I hold dear turn into many more little moments of happiness, and reach even more people.” – Junichi Sato Did you feel the screenplay for ARIA was unique? Hiraike: When I was working on the screenplay, one of the biggest elements was the music. Anime is two dimensional, but I felt the music made ARIA threedimensional. And that’s exactly why there’s so much depth to the series. If there’s ever another season of Sketchbook, I definitely want to try doing something similar with the soundtrack. And after it’s done, I’d like to go out for drinks with Sato and ask him if I was successful or not. (Laughs.) Sato: No comment. (Laughs.) Hiraike: Ehh? (Laughs.) Sato: (Laughs.) He’s right, though. I was convinced from the start that music would play an especially important role in ARIA. You know how the impression of a picture can completely change with music, right? Well, I guess that’s a given, but that’s exactly why there’s music playing in so many scenes. Even the simplest scenes have music playing in the background. ARIA The ORIGINATION © 2008 Kozue Amano / MAG Garden - ARIA Company. FIND MORE ITEMS ONLINE RIGHTSTUF.COM ANIME ACCEL WORLD The year is 2046. Portable devices known as Neurolinkers have enabled mankind to oversee their daily life within virtual reality networks. Ashamed of his miserable life of constantly being bullied, Haruyuki can only cope by indulging in virtual games. That all changes when Kuroyukihime, the most popular girl in school, approaches him with a cryptic proposal: to “accelerate” further. Haruyuki is introduced to a mysterious program called Brain Burst and a virtual reality called the Accel World. 17+ • Action/Science Fiction Set 1 Blu-ray • #782009242918 • 300 mins • $49.47 • Released 11/26/13 DVD • #782009242901 • 300 mins • $40.34 • Released 11/26/13 AESTHETICA OF A ROGUE HERO 17+ • Fantasy Complete Series DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN09191ALT • N/A mins • $48.74 • Released 12/17/13 Complete Series Limited Edition DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN09191 • N/A mins • $52.49 • Released 12/17/13 AKB0048 The year is 0048, and in the wake of the great wars, all forms of entertainment have been banned by the dystopian and iron-gloved rule of the anti-music DES. To combat this threat to intergalactic harmony, a group of bold young women have resurrected the legendary J-Pop band AKB48 and formed an all new Band of Sisters: AKB0048! But these rocking rebels aren’t simply singers! Trained in combat as well as choreography, these striking strike team members are ready to lay down their lives in order to make the universe a safe place for getting your groove on! 13+ • Drama/Science Fiction Season 1 Complete Collection Blu-ray • #SFBAKB100 • 325 mins • $52.49 DVD • #SFAKB100 • 325 mins • $44.99 AKIRA Clandestine army activities threaten the war-torn city of Neo-Tokyo when a mysterious being with powerful psychic abilities escapes his prison and inadvertently draws a violent motorcycle gang into a heinous web of experimentation. As a result, a biker with a twisted mind embarks on a path of war, seeking revenge against a society that once called him weak. N/R • Action/Science Fiction 25th Anniversary Edition DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN09418 • 124 mins • $26.24 • Released 11/12/13 DVD • #FUN09419 • 124 mins • $18.74 • Released 11/12/13 ANOTHER Mei was cute, athletic, and one of the most popular girls in school. Why should a little thing like death change that? Now, twenty-three years after her mysterious demise, a new transfer student discovers that not only is his school’s student body one corpse short of a full roster, but that some secrets never leave school. What’s more, all of this may be tied to his own family past. What is the secret and how does it all connect? 14+ • Horror/Mystery Complete Collection Blu-ray • #SFBANO100 • 300 mins • $52.49 DVD • #SFANO100 • 300 mins • $44.99 ARIA At the age of 15, Akari Mizunashi has left everything behind to travel to a sparkling planet covered in water, Aqua. More than anything, Akari wants to be an Undine - a female gondolier who navigates the canals of the Aquan city of Neo-Venezia. As she begins her training with the prestigious Aria Company, will she be up to the challenges that await her on the path to achieve her dream? 13+ • Adventure/Science Fiction Season 1: The Animation (Litebox) DVD • #RSDVD1388 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $29.99 Season 3: The Origination + Arietta OVA (Litebox) DVD • #RSDVD1011 • SUB ONLY • 430 mins • $37.49 Move volumes also available! ASTRO BOY TV SERIES ORIGINAL SERIES Osamu Tezuka’s original 1963-1964 Astro Boy delighted children around the world with its touching stories and compelling characters. In a future where science fiction is reality, Dr. Boynton creates a super-robot named Astro Boy. With super strength, rocket-powered flight, a selfless heart and a kind demeanor, Astro Boy fights a never-ending crusade against the forces of evil! Features fully restored footage. ALL • Adventure Ultra Box Set 1 (Eps. 1-52) Limited Edition DVD • #RSDVD2013 • DUB ONLY • 1200 mins • $97.49 Ultra Box Set 2 (Eps. 53-104) Limited Edition DVD • #RSDVD2014 • DUB ONLY • 1200 mins • $97.49 BAKEMONOGATARI TV SERIES NISEMONOGATARI Sequel to the original series. Koyomi Araragi wakes up in a ruined school building, captured and chained by Hitagi Senjyogahara. She says, “I will protect you, Araragi.” Exactly what is Senjyogahara up to?! With Koyomi’s two younger sisters Karen and Tsukihi also involved, Koyomi once again finds himself tangled with apparitions! 16+ • Supernatural Box Set Limited Edition Blu-ray • #AOA2501 • SUB ONLY • 280 mins • $119.98 DVD & BLU-RAY tragic tale of this irrational world begins here. 13+ • Fantasy/Mystery Complete 1st Season DVD • #AOA3201 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $59.98 BLEACH TV SERIES For as long as he can remember, Ichigo Kurosaki has been able to see ghosts. But when he meets Rukia, a Soul Reaper who battles evil spirits known as Hollows, he finds his life is changed forever. With a newfound wealth of spiritual energy, Ichigo discovers his true calling: to protect the living and the dead from evil. And when he vows to defend Rukia from the ruthless justice of the Soul Society, he and his friends must cross over and do battle in the spirit world... 13+ • Action/Adventure Set 1 (Eps. 1-20) DVD • #782009241942 • 500 mins • $22.48 Set 18 (Eps. 256-267) DVD • #782009242864 • 300 mins • $40.34 More volumes also available! BLOOD MOVIE BERSERK MOVIES MOVIE 2: THE GOLDEN AGE ARC: THE BATTLE FOR DOLDREY In order to become Griffith’s equal and truly be called his friend, Guts realizes he will have to leave the Band of the Hawk. At the same time, a bloody battle to capture the impenetrable Fortress of Doldrey from the Empire of Chuder is about to begin. The Band of the Hawk will face an army 30,000 strong! 17+ • Action Blu-ray • #782009242581 • 92 mins • $22.48 DVD • #782009242574 • 92 mins • $17.98 BLACK BUTLER Ciel Phantomhive is the most powerful boy in all of England, but he bears the scars of unspeakable suffering. Forced to watch as his beloved parents were brutally murdered, the boy traded his own soul for a chance at vengeance, casting his lot with the one person on whom he could depend: Sebastian, a demon butler summoned from the very pits of hell. Together, they’ll prowl the darkest alleys of London on a mission to snuff out those who would do evil. 17+ • Supernatural Season 1 Complete Set DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN05848 • 600 mins • $41.24 Season 2 Complete Set DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN05935ALT • 450 mins • $41.24 BLACK LAGOON OVA ROBERTA’S BLOOD TRAIL Sequel to season 2. Deadly assassin-turned-maid Roberta returns to the criminal’s paradise of Roanapur, dead set on revenge - no matter the cost. Against a backdrop of violent chaos, the smugglers of the Lagoon Company team up with Roberta’s employer to save her... or at least to stop her bloody rampage. 17+ • Action DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN08316 • 125 mins • $29.99 BLACK MAGIC M-66 When two malfunctioning combat androids are accidentally unleashed on a “Terminate At All Costs” mission against the unsuspecting granddaughter of their creator, an entire city becomes the battleground and not even the military may be able to stop them! The girl’s only hope: Sybil, a freelance journalist who’s out to get the scoop of her life... if she can somehow keep both herself and her subject alive long enough to file a report. But first, she has to remember to put her clothes on! 14+ • Action/Science Fiction DVD • #MJ0111 • SUB ONLY • 48 mins • $14.99 BLAST OF TEMPEST One day, a sorceress princess was stuffed into a barrel and banished. One day, a girl was suddenly murdered, and the culprit still runs free. And one day, a battle spanning time and space over magic and revenge began! Sanity and madness, sense and intelligence, self-confidence and convictions - the BLOOD-C: THE LAST DARK Horrifying beasts with a hunger for human flesh prey on the citizens of a quiet town. In moonlit twilight, Saya slays the monsters and returns home drenched in blood. As the attacks increase in frequency and intensity, her enemies relay cryptic messages about a broken contract. Limbs are torn from flesh and skulls are crushed and devoured while the huntress struggles with paralyzing visions and gaping holes in her memory. 17+ • Drama/Supernatural DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN09132 • 105 mins • $26.24 • Released 10/22/13 BLUE EXORCIST Rin and his twin brother Yukio have been raised by Shiro Fujimoto, an eminent priest, so it comes as a shock when Rin discovers their biological father is actually Satan! As the border between “Assiah” (the human world) and “Gehenna” (the demon world) is crossed by evil, Rin vows to become the ultimate exorcist and defeat his own father. To hone his raw skills, he enters True Cross Academy to train with other exorcist candidates. 13+ • Supernatural Box Set 1 (Eps. 1-12) Limited Edition Blu-ray • #AOA1805B • 325 mins • $139.98 Box Set 2 (Eps. 13-25) Limited Edition Blu-ray • #AOA1806B • 325 mins • $139.98 Season 1 Complete Series (Eps. 1-12) DVD • #AOA1805D • 325 mins • $69.98 Season 2 Complete Series (Eps. 13-25) DVD • #AOA1806D • 325 mins • $69.98 BLUE SUBMARINE NO. 6 In the future, the rising temperature of the Earth has melted the polar ice caps. As a result, the planet’s last remaining land masses are in danger of sinking into the ocean. As if humanity didn’t have enough problems, an army of ocean-dwelling creatures led by the scientist Zorndyke have seemingly declared war on mankind! Humanity’s last hopes rest with the state-of-the-art vessel, Blue Sub 6 and her crew! Can they stop Zorndyke’s mutant army and save humanity? N/R • Action/Science Fiction Complete Collection DVD • #ES060 • 325 mins • $18.71 BODACIOUS SPACE PIRATES While the revelation that her late father was a space pirate would have been earthshaking enough for most teenage girls, discovering that he was the captain of the notorious pirate ship Benten Maru will change Marika’s life forever. Pirating is a family business, and she’s just inherited the position of captain - and her father’s former crew is quite intent on making sure Marika accepts the job! 14+ • Adventure Collection 1 (Eps. 1-13) Blu-ray • #SFBBSP101 • 325 mins • $52.49 Collection 2 (Eps. 14-26) Blu-ray • #SFBBSP102 • 325 mins • $52.49 BRAVE 10 Life is tough during the Warring States period of medieval Japan: lords battle lords for control of the country, while 800.338.6827 video.rightstuf.com 07 TO ORDER CALL TOLL-FREE DVD & BLU-RAY samurai and mystical warriors do their bidding from the shadows. Backstabbing and betrayal are common, and legendary ninja Saizo Kirigakure has had enough. He lives only for himself - until a girl with a mysterious dark power falls into his arms. Saizo quickly finds himself dragged into a struggle between powerful warlord Ieyasu Tokugawa, and the strange but alluring Yukimura Sanada. 13+ • Action/Fantasy Complete Series Premium Edition Blu-ray • #813633013084 • SUB ONLY • 309 mins • $55.24 BTOOOM! Ryuta suddenly finds himself transported from playing the hit BTOOOM! video game to a mysterious island. He’s equipped with a day’s worth of provisions, a bag of bombs, a strange crystal embedded in his left hand, and a gaping hole in his memory. It doesn’t take long to figure out what’s going on. Someone is attempting to recreate the ultra-violent BTOOOM! game in real life, and the island has been populated with an army of unwilling players. There’s only one way off the island: kill seven other people before they can kill you! 17+ • Action/Science Fiction Complete Collection Blu-ray • #SFBBTM100 • 300 mins • $52.49 • Released 12/10/13 DVD • #SFBTM100 • 300 mins • $44.99 • Released 12/10/13 CAMPIONE! Some people suddenly find religion, but for 16-year-old Kusanagi Godo, it’s that REALLY old time religion that’s found him! As the result of defeating the God of War in mortal combat, Godo’s stuck with the unwanted position of Campione, or God Slayer, whose duty is to fight Herectical Gods. Not only is this likely to make Godo roadkill on the Highway to Heaven, it’s also a job that comes with a lot of other problems. Like how to deal with the fact that his “enhanced status” is attracting a bevy of overly worshippy female followers. 15+ • Adventure/Fantasy Complete Collection Blu-ray • #SFBCMP100 • 325 mins • $52.49 DVD • #SFCMP100 • 325 mins • $44.99 CAPTAIN HARLOCK: SPACE PIRATE TV SERIES When the alien Mazone murdered his father, Tadashi Daiba finds himself confronted by a hostile and disbelieving government unwilling to believe his claims, let alone prepare to fight off an alien invasion. His only hope of revenge against this mysterious foe is by joining up with the most infamous of all possible allies: the stoic space pirate Captain Harlock and his eccentric crew of misfits aboard the good ship Arcadia. With the Earth’s military holding Harlock’s final ties to Earth hostage on one side and the Mazone on the other, can the Arcadia’s STAFF PICK crew overcome such overwhelming odds and prevent the invasion? N/R • Adventure/Science Fiction Complete Series DVD • #ES057 • SUB ONLY • 1000 mins • $52.46 CASE CLOSED TV SERIES Jimmy is one of his school’s best minds, but he gets his reality checks from his childhood friend and almost-girlfriend Rachel. Nothing can keep Jimmy from a case - until he follows a suspicious man and ends up unconscious. When he awakens, he’s been transformed into a puny grade schooler! While waiting to be restored to adolescence, Jimmy takes on the name “Conan” and helps Rachel’s incompetent P.I. father solve murder cases. 13+ • Mystery Season 1 Box Set S.A.V.E. Edition (Eps. 1-26) DVD • #FUN07779 • 600 mins • $22.49 Season 2 Box Set S.A.V.E. Edition (Eps. 27-52) DVD • #FUN07780 • 600 mins • $22.49 Season 3 Box Set S.A.V.E. Edition (Eps. 53-79) DVD • #FUN07781 • 635 mins • $22.49 Season 4 Box Set S.A.V.E. Edition (Eps. 80-105) DVD • #FUN07782 • 600 mins • $22.49 Season 5 Box Set S.A.V.E. Edition (Eps. 106-130) DVD • #FUN07839 • 615 mins • $22.49 CERTAIN MAGICAL INDEX TV SERIES CERTAIN SCIENTIFIC RAILGUN Spinoff of the original series. In Academy City the majority of students are enrolled in the city’s “Power Curriculum Program,” where they must learn to master their latent psychic powers. Meet Mikoto Misaka, the third-most powerful esper. Together with her best friend Kuroko and the other members of Judgment, a student-run law enforcement agency, Mikoto delves deep into the dark heart of the scientific sprawl she calls home, and uncovers secrets she wishes she hadn’t! 14+ • Science Fiction Season 1 Part 1 (Eps. 1-12) Limited Edition DVD • #FUN06753 • 300 mins • $48.74 Season 1 Part 2 (Eps. 13-24) DVD • #FUN06754 • 300 mins • $44.99 CHROME SHELLED REGIOS The world is a forsaken place where nomadic communities take shelter within mobile, domed cities. In this bleak world, mysterious young Layfon struggles to escape his violent past. Unfortunately, that might be impossible after he’s forced to enroll at the military academy. As he joins his fellow student soldiers in the desperate battle against the Contaminoid scourge, Layfon must fight to keep the origins of his enhanced abilities a secret, because the truth could tear his team apart. 17+ • Action/Science Fiction Complete Series S.A.V.E Edition DVD • #FUN09554 • 600 mins • $22.49 COLORFUL There is a train station on the other side of death, yet not all who arrive on the platform will be judged ready for passage. For one unready soul, there will be both a test and a second chance. Rather than be reborn, this soul will awake in the body of 14-year-old suicide Makoto Kobayashi, where it must not only find a way to fit into his existence, but also unravel two mysteries. What is the secret of the great sin it committed in its own previous life, and what were the reasons that led to Makoto’s suicide? 14+ • Adventure/Drama Blu-ray • #SFBCM001 • 126 mins • $29.99 DVD • #SFCM001 • 126 mins • $22.49 SWORD ART ONLINE The spiritual successor to .hack, Sword Art Online was clearly written with a deep love for modern MMOs. Gamers will especially appreciate the thought put into exploring the dynamics of the game world. Only one aspect has been omitted: the grind. SAO moves at a fast clip that focuses on important fights and character development rather than dozens of repetitive monster battles. It’s a great, fun series, and Aniplex has packed the blu-ray releases with extras to match, including CDs, booklets, pin-ups and exclusive cards. - Marie C. Get more information on page 17. 1.800.338.6827 slaughters a classroom full of teenagers. He’s framed for the carnage, sentenced to die, and locked away in the most twisted prison ever built: Deadman Wonderland. At Deadman Wonderland, convicts are forced into brutal death matches for the amusement of the masses. His dark fate crushes all hope - until he discovers a strange ability to wield his spilled blood as a weapon. 17+ • Action Complete Series DVD • #FUN07580ALT • 325 mins • $44.99 DEATH NOTE Criminals of the universe beware - the Dirty Pair are back in action! It doesn’t matter if you’re the warden of an infamous prison, a robot that’s literally armed to the teeth, or a snotty little kid who thought it’d be fun to hijack mankind’s biggest space cannon. If Kei and Yuri get orders to bring you in, then these two Lovely Angels will use any combination of beauty, brains, and brute force to bring you to justice! 13+ • Adventure/Science Fiction Collection DVD • #RSDVD1262 • 250 mins • $26.24 FEATURES DI GI CHARAT FLASH TV SERIES Alternative telling of the original series. It’s the year 2248, and crime is on the rise. The world needs selfless, responsible heroes to set things straight... but instead it gets Kei and Yuri! These two lazy delinquents are the worst of the worst, but for some reason, the Central Computer has paired them up as a team and chosen them to inherit the honorable codename “Lovely Angels.” That means they’ll be sent out to stop evil corporations, maniacal killers, and runaway androids - all in the name of peace. But with the way these two fight, they just might blow everything up themselves first! 15+ • Action/Science Fiction Complete Collection DVD • #RSDVD1270 • 400 mins • $29.99 ORIGINAL SERIES Dejiko is a perfectly normal princess from the planet Di Gi Charat, who arrives in Tokyo with dreams of becoming an idol. Unfortunately, girls with cat ears and a tail and who can shoot ray beams out of their cat eyes aren’t exactly what most prospective employers are looking for. But there’s one place where Dejiko does fit in perfectly: Akihabara, where a kindly game store owner offers a job to Dejiko, her sidekick Puchiko and their balloon-like protector Gema. 13+ • Comedy Collection DVD • #SFDGC100 • 65 mins • $14.99 • Released 10/22/13 SPECIALS When you’re an alien princess like Dejiko, it’s almost impossible to go out walking without it becoming the start of something wild and wonderful. Whether Deji’s just hanging out, going on a Christmas Cruise or being kidnapped by her new arch rival Pyocola Analogue III (just call her Piyoko), you never know what might happen next. The one thing you can bet on is that Dejiko’s stalwart companions Genma and Puchiko will be right alongside her... and usually in trouble up to the tips of Puchiko’s cat ears! 13+ • Comedy Collection DVD • #SFDGC110 • SUB ONLY • 194 mins • $18.74 • Released 12/17/13 DIVERGENCE EVE In the 24th century, intergalactic space travel has become a reality. One of the first outposts in the far reaches of space is Watcher’s Nest, which has recently come under attack by a mysterious force known as GHOUL. The young female cadets assigned to the portal are thrown into deep trouble as they struggle to finalize their training to become elite pilots. Includes the Misaki Chronicles. 14+ • Adventure/Comedy Complete Collection DVD • #SFDVE100 • 650 mins • $41.24 • Released 11/19/13 DOMINION TANK POLICE DIGIMON NEW DOMINION TANK POLICE TV SERIES When tanks are outlawed, only outlaws will have tanks. Or at least, that’s what Mayor Weatherby seems to be forgetting in his efforts to ban certain weapons, including those used by tank-driving policewoman Leona Ozaki and her partner Al. Granted, the city’s Tank Police do seem to cause a lot of collateral damage, but the city is a dangerous place. Especially with the Dai Nippon Geiken Corporation building even more nefarious devices that are finding their way into the hands of local terrorists. Unfortunately for DNGC, they may be connected to the murder of Leona’s former partner, and once this hard-headed heroine sinks her treads into a case, there’s no backing up! 14+ • Action/Comedy DVD • #MJ0176 • SUB ONLY • 180 mins • $14.99 Seven children from Japan are suddenly thrust into a strange dimension called the “Digital World” while they are at summer camp. During their adventure, Tai, Matt, Sora, Izzy, Mimi, Joe, and T.K. discover that they are in a land where digital creatures called Digimon dwell. Befriending seven Digimon, the children learn that they have the ability to help their partners digitally evolve (digivolve) into stronger, more powerful forms that can combat enemies for a short amount of time. 10+ • Adventure Season 1: Digimon Adventure Complete Collection DVD • #767685278345 • DUB ONLY • 1260 mins • $71.96 Season 4: Digimon Frontier Complete Collection DVD • #767685294901 • DUB ONLY • 1050 mins • $71.96 Seasons 1-4 Collection DVD • #025192206511 • DUB ONLY • 4260 mins • $206.96 • Released 10/22/13 Move volumes also available! Join Tadakuni, Hidenori, and Yoshitake as they undergo the trials and tribulations of life in high school! Each episode presents the boys and their classmates in unique situations. You’ll laugh! You’ll cry! But hopefully laugh more. You’ll be astounded by the zany antics of Sanada High School! 13+ • Comedy Complete Series Premium Edition Blu-ray • #813633013091 • SUB ONLY • 288 mins • $55.24 Kei and Yuri are operatives dispatched by the for-profit World Welfare Works Association to resolve crises throughout the universe. Their preferred codename may be “Lovely Angels,” but their on-the-job effectiveness - rivaled only by the path of destruction left in their wake - has earned them a very public, very unwanted nickname: the “Dirty Pair.” 13+ • Action/Science Fiction Collection 1 (Litebox) DVD • #RSDVD1370 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $29.99 Collection 2 (Litebox) DVD • #RSDVD1372 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $29.99 TV SERIES DVD & BLU-RAY OVA SERIES The Lovely Angels are back in a triple-pack of action! Project Eden: The Dirty Pair head to planet Agerna in order to ease tensions between rival governments, capture a self-proclaimed master thief, and stop a mad scientist. Affair of Nolandia: a little girl who just happens to have crazy psychic powers has gone missing. If Kei and Yuri want to bring her back, they’ll have to fight their way through a deadly forest of illusion. Flight 005 Conspiracy: an intricate mystery involving the explosion of a space cruiser, the death of a fugitive scientist, and a topsecret new material that could change the world! 16+ • Action/Science Fiction Collection (Eden/Nolandia/Flight 005) DVD • #RSDVD1266 • 190 mins • $22.49 DIRTY PAIR Ganta is the only survivor after a mysterious man in red RIGHTSTUF.COM Law student Light is upset with the justice system, and when he finds the Death Note dropped by a death god, he vows to rid the world of evil. Any human whose name is written in the notebook dies. As criminals all over the world begin to mysteriously die, a world-renowned detective known only as “L” is put on the case to stop this serial killer that the public calls “Kira.” 15+ • Drama/Mystery Set 1 (Eps. 1-20) DVD • #DDNBS01 • 500 mins • $22.48 Set 2 (Eps. 21-37) DVD • #782009242499 • 400 mins • $22.48 DAILY LIVES OF HIGH SCHOOL BOYS DEADMAN WONDERLAND FIND MORE ITEMS ONLINE DRAGON BALL Z TV SERIES The last survivors of a ruthless warrior race have carved a path of destruction across the galaxy, and now they’ve set their sights on Earth! They will stop at nothing until they have the wish-granting powers of the seven magic Dragon Balls for their very own. With the fate of his family, friends, and the entire human race hanging in the balance, Goku, Earth’s greatest hero, must rise to meet the approaching threat. 13+ • Action Rock the Dragon Box Set Collector’s Edition (Eps 1-53 + Movies) DVD • #FUN01204 • DUB ONLY • 1480 mins • $74.99 DUSK MAIDEN OF AMNESIA Sixty years ago, a young woman was left to die in the abandoned building behind the Seikyou Academy. No one knows why or how; but the legends of the ghostly haunting HIGH SCHOOL DXD PG 11 live on. Perhaps it’s not so surprising then that among Seikyou’s many clubs is one for students interested in “paranormal investigations.” What might raise more than a few hairs, however, is that the founder of the club is the ghost herself. Unable to remember how she died, Yuko latches onto Teiichi, a freshman who can inexplicably see her. Together they and the other members of the club begin to unravel the dark mysteries that surround Seikyou. 14+ • Drama/Mystery Complete Collection Blu-ray • #SFBDMA100 • 325 mins • $52.49 DVD • #SFDMA100 • 325 mins • $44.99 ELFEN LIED Imprisoned under tight military security, Lucy, a genetically altered human known as a Diclonius, escapes her confines in a wave of bloody violence and brutality. Now lost, alone, and stricken with amnesia, she wanders into a kind family that takes her under their care, oblivious to the latent destructive power that this innocent-looking girl harbors! 17+ • Action/Science Fiction Complete Collection + OVA Blu-ray • #DELF120 • 350 mins • $37.49 DVD • #DELF110 • 350 mins • $29.99 EUREKA SEVEN TV SERIES AO When monsters from another dimension attack his home, the son of Eureka Seven’s two heroes discovers a mysterious, airsurfing mech that will protect humanity. He soon finds out this mech and his origin are linked to an even bigger mystery. 14+ • Science Fiction Part 1 DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN01390ALT • 320 mins • $48.74 Part 1 Limited Edition DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN01390 • 320 mins • $52.49 Part 2 DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN01392 • 320 mins • $48.74 FAIRY TAIL TV SERIES In the Kingdom of Fiore, powerful wizards make their living by joining magical guilds and contracting out their services to become “wizards for hire.” Harnessing the forces of Dragon Fire, Ice, Weaponry, and the Zodiac, four young wizards of the infamous guild Fairy Tail team up to seek their fortunes. High School DXD © Hiro Mashima • KODANSHA/Fairy Tail Guild • TV TOKYO. 08 video.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827 800.338.6827 video.rightstuf.com 09 TO ORDER CALL TOLL-FREE DVD & BLU-RAY 1.800.338.6827 They travel the countryside helping people and battling rival guilds, but with personalities as different as their magic skills, this team may end up doing more damage than good. 14+ • Adventure Collection 1 (Eps. 1-24) DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN08767 • 600 mins • $41.24 Collection 2 (Eps. 25-48) DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN08768 • 600 mins • $41.24 Part 5 (Eps. 49-60) DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN09170 • 300 mins • $41.24 Part 6 (Eps. 61-72) DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN09171 • 300 mins • $41.24 More volumes also available! FIND MORE ITEMS ONLINE RIGHTSTUF.COM mutation that allows him to reach into hearts of mortals and turn them into weapons. Shu finds himself caught in the crossfire between a clandestine government agency and a spirited band of rebels. 14+ • Action/Science Fiction Part 1 DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN07570ALT • 250 mins • $48.74 Part 1 Limited Edition DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN07570 • 250 mins • $67.49 Part 2 DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN07572 • 250 mins • $44.99 MOVIE GUNDAM, MOBILE SUIT PHOENIX PRIESTESS OVA SERIES Follow Fairy Tail’s dream team - Natsu, Gray, Erza, Lucy, Wendy, Happy, and Carla - as they lend a helping hand to a girl with little memory and a grudge against wizards. As they uncover clues about her mysterious past, a lunatic prince hatches a half-baked plan to sacrifice her in exchange for immortality. When the fool unleashes an ancient force, a raging war becomes the fiercest inferno Fairy Tail has ever faced. Can the guild with a heart of gold save the planet from a fiery finish? 14+ • Adventure DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN09169 • 85 mins • $26.24 UC (UNICORN) FATE/STAY NIGHT TV SERIES ZERO Prequel to the original series. A fourth Holy Grail War has started. Hoping to win, each master is heading to the new battlefield. However, Kirei Kotomine is confused and struggling, unable to find meaning in the war. He encounters his archrival - Kiritsugu Emiya. The untold truth of what occurred 10 years before Fate/Stay Night - the truth of the battle fought by Shiro’s adopted father, Rin’s father, and young Kirei Kotomine - is about to be revealed! 13+ • Action Box Set 1 (Eps. 1-13) Limited Edition Blu-ray • #AOA2303B • 330 mins • $149.98 • Released 11/5/13 DVD • #AOA2303D • 330 mins • $69.98 • Released 11/5/13 Box Set 2 (Eps. 14-25) Limited Edition Blu-ray • #AOA2304B • 290 mins • $139.98 • Released 12/31/13 DVD • #AOA2304D • 290 mins • $59.98 • Released 12/31/13 FROM UP ON POPPY HILL Yokohama, 1963. Umi lives in her family’s hillside home overlooking the sea. Every morning she hoists two signal flags towards the bay, sending out a message. A poem about the flags is published in the school newspaper. Could the author be Shun, the daring newspaper editor who has drawn Umi’s attention? While the two teenagers join in the campaign to save their school’s old clubhouse, their budding relationship takes an unexpected turn when they discover a secret surrounding their past. In Japan at the crossroads of tradition and modernization, Umi and Shun share a moving story of friendship, love and hope. 13+ • Drama/Romance DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #767685294185 • 91 mins • $31.46 DVD • #767685294178 • 91 mins • $22.46 FUTURE DIARY Reality quickly unravels for Yukiteru when Deus Ex Machina calls him into a death match to determine the new god of space and time. Each mentally scarred player possesses a prophetic device tuned to his or her personality disorder, giving them control over their future... and the fate of their opponents. It’s their strongest weapon - and their greatest weakness. Within hours of abusing his digital diary’s predictions, Yukiteru is cornered by a crazed classmate. Yuno - who is obsessively stalking him - is cute, sharp, and great with an ax. Still, her psychosis hides a vile secret: Yuki can cheat death under Yuno’s maniacal protection or - DEAD END. 17+ • Drama/Horror Part 1 (Eps. 1-13) DVD • #FUN09150ALT • 325 mins • $44.99 Part 1 (Eps. 1-13) Limited Edition DVD • #FUN09150 • 325 mins • $48.74 Part 2 (Eps. 14-26) DVD • #FUN09152 • 325 mins • $44.99 GAIKING MOVIE Far off in outer space, the planet Zela is doomed by an approaching black hole, which forces the diabolical Great Emperor to set his sights on a suitable world to colonize for his EUREKA SEVEN: AO PG 09 people: Earth! But before the invasion can begin, the Emperor and his four generals scheme to eliminate the troublesome human race by raiding our planet with giant robot monsters! As one of only a handful of Earthlings with psychic powers, Sanshiro Tsuwabuki is destined to pilot Gaiking, a giant robot that might be Earth’s only hope against the monstrous steel hordes of the Great Emperor. N/R • Science Fiction Collection DVD • #826663138177 • DUB ONLY • 326 mins • $17.94 rescued Anna Aoi as the monstrous Mimetic Beasts attempted to wipe human life from the planet. Now the Beasts are back, but Goh’s not going back into battle alone. Not only does his new bride-to-be Anna have a mech of her own, but their “his and her” giant robots are designed to mate together to form the ultimate in alien-smashing technology, the mighty Godannar! 15+ • Action/Science Fiction Complete Collection DVD • #SFGOD100 • 650 mins • $56.24 GARDEN OF WORDS GOLGO 13 When Takao decides to skip school in favor of sketching in a rainy garden, he has no idea how much his life will change when he encounters Yukino. Older but perhaps not much wiser, she seems adrift in the world. Despite their age difference, they strike up an unusual relationship that unexpectedly continues with random meetings in the same garden on each rainy day. But the rainy season is coming to a close, and there are so many things still left unsaid between them. Will there be time left for Takao to put his feelings into actions and words? 14+ • Drama Blu-ray • #SFBGOW001 • 45 mins • $26.24 DVD • #SFGOW001 • 45 mins • $18.74 TV SERIES GATCHAMAN Using weapons powered by super-science, the international terrorist organization known as GALACTOR is out to steal all of Earth’s resources for itself and its inhuman masters. Mankind’s only hope? The International Science Organization and their elite strike force, the Science Ninja Team! But these five young heroes will have their work cut out for them as they take on the seemingly impossible task of defeating GALACTOR’s horrific arsenal of mechanized weapons of mass destruction and endless armies of henchmen. 13+ • Action/Adventure/Science Fiction OVA Collection DVD • #SFGTM110 • 145 mins • $22.49 • Released 10/29/13 TV Series + OVA Complete Collection Blu-ray • #SFBGTM100 • 2770 mins • $112.49 • Released 10/29/13 DVD • #SFGTM100 • 2770 mins • $97.49 • Released 10/29/13 GIRLS UND PANZER TV SERIES The girls at Oarai Academy practice Tankery - the martial art of operating armored tanks! Miho gets drafted to join the Tankery divison. But it’s not all bad, because joining her are her new-found friends Saori, the highly receptive radio operator; Hana, a flower arranger turned gunner; Mako, their brilliant but chronically sleepy driver; and combustible tank fangirl and loader Yukari. They may not be on the half-track to fame and fortune, but once their focus is locked and loaded, they’re absolutely driven. 14+ • Action/Comedy Complete Series Blu-ray • #SFBGUP100 • 300 mins • $52.49 • Released 12/3/13 DVD • #SFGUP100 • 300 mins • $44.99 • Released 12/3/13 GODANNAR Five years ago, Goh, the pilot of the giant robot Dannar, U.C. 0096. Three years have passed since the end of the Second Neo Zeon War. It is said that the Vist Foundation manipulates the Earth Federation and Anaheim Electronics from behind the scenes. Hoping to create a new world, the Foundation attempts to hand over a certain secret to the Neo Zeon remnants known as the Sleeves. The exchange is to take place at the manufacturing colony Industrial 7, the home of student Banagher Links. He is drawn into the conflict, almost as if pulled by his own bloodline. 13+ • Action/Science Fiction Vol. 1 Blu-ray • #BE62011 • 58 mins • $39.99 Vol. 6 Blu-ray • #BE62016 • 78 mins • $47.99 Part 1 (Eps. 1-2) DVD • #RSDVD1392 • 120 mins • $22.49 Part 2 (Eps. 3-4) DVD • #RSDVD1394 • 120 mins • $22.49 Part 3 (Eps. 5-6) DVD • #RSDVD1396 • 120 mins • $22.49 • Released 11/5/13 More volumes also available! GURREN LAGANN His targets never see it coming, and he’s never caught. If there is a witness to the kill, that poor SOB winds up dead too. People say he’s a ghost. A machine. A monster. He’s Golgo 13, the most feared assassin in the world, the professional’s professional, the killer of killers. His targeted missions will keep you glued to the screen (and away from the windows). 17+ • Action Complete Collection Blu-ray • #SFBGLG500 • 1250 mins • $97.49 DVD • #SFGLG500 • 1250 mins • $74.99 GOOD LUCK GIRL! BINBOGAMI GA! Ichiko gets lucky a lot. She’s rich, beautiful, smart, and better than you at everything. But there’s a reason life always goes her way: she unwittingly steals happiness energy from everyone else! Momiji - a poverty god with a freakishly huge syringe and a bunch of oddball charms - has to take Ichiko’s extra good fortune and return it to her various victims. It’s a side-splitting ride, and everyone’s seatbelt is defective. But how many blows to the ego can Ichiko take before she grows a sympathy gland and stops hogging all the happiness? 17+ • Comedy/Romance Complete Series DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN09201ALT • 325 mins • $48.74 • Released 11/19/13 Complete Series Limited Edition DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN09201 • 325 mins • $52.49 • Released 11/19/13 GTO: GREAT TEACHER ONIZUKA THE ANIMATION Meet Eikichi Onizuka, a 22-year-old ex-biker and college karate champ. He’s crude, foul-mouthed, and has a hairtrigger temper. His goal: to be the greatest high school teacher in the world! Unfortunately, the only teaching job available is at Holy Forest Academy (no certification required). There he uses his street smarts to deal with colleagues and students alike. N/R • Comedy Complete Series DVD • #ES059 • 1000 mins • $59.96 GUILTY CROWN Shu’s entire world was shattered after a meteorite crashed, unleashing the lethal Apocalypse Virus. The outbreak cost him his family and reduced him to a timid, fearful shell of what he had been. His life took another unexpected turn after meeting Inori, who introduced him to the King’s Right Hand: a genetic In the distant future, mankind has lived quietly and restlessly underground for hundreds of years, subject to earthquakes and cave-ins. Living in one such village are two young men: one named Simon who is shy and naive, and the other named Kamina who believes in the existence of a “surface” world above their heads. The destiny of these two starts moving drastically when the ceiling of their village falls in, and a gigantic “Gunmen” and a beautiful girl named Yoko, wielding a superconductive rifle, come from the surface. Together, Kamina, Simon, and Yoko ride the mecha “Lagann” that Simon digs out of the ground, and fly up to the surface! 13+ • Science Fiction Box Set + CD Soundtacks Limited Edition DVD • #AOA3302 • 700 mins • $139.98 GYO: TOKYO FISH ATTACK! A devastating, disgusting “Death Stench” is spreading across Japan, creating deadly mutant fish as it covers the land! The country is being invaded by ferocious fish with sharp metal legs, hell-bent on death and destruction! Amidst the carnage, Kaori embarks on a desperate quest to find her missing boyfriend before he is lost to the mayhem that is sweeping the land. Facing four-legged killer sharks, machine-driven squid, and the myriad dangers of Tokyo, now an urban war zone, Kaori must find the truth behind these mechanical monsters and face an evil greater than she ever could have imagined. 16+ • Horror DVD • #AOA3701 • SUB ONLY • 70 mins • $29.98 HAGANAI: I DON’T HAVE MANY FRIENDS Yozora’s an abrasive loudmouth whose only friend is imaginary. She knows she’s difficult - which makes her better off than Kodaka, a new student who picked up an undeserved bad reputation the second he stepped on campus. Inspired by their shared status as social catastrophes, the two loners unite and start the Neighbors Club, an organization dedicated to finding other misfits and making friends. In no time, a third member joins their ranks: Sena, a pretty, popular rich girl who annoys Yozora to no end. With Kodaka in the middle, the brash brunette and the blonde boy magnet go ‘round and ‘round. 17+ • Comedy Complete Series DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN09160ALT • 325 mins • $48.74 Complete Series Limited Edition DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN09160 • 325 mins • $52.49 HAKUOKI TV SERIES Disguised as a man, Chizuru Yukimura has come to Kyoto searching for her missing father, a doctor who developed a magical elixir that increases the drinker’s speed, strength, and healing abilities. Instead of her father, however, she stumbles across a battle between the Shinsengumi and the Furies, evil vampire-like creatures of their own making. When the Shinsengumi discover who Chizuru is, they decide to take her into their custody for safekeeping, but her sex is not the only secret Chizuru has. 14+ • Action/Fantasy Season 1 Collection DVD • #SFHK100 • 300 mins • $44.99 Season 3: Dawn of the Shinsengumi Collection Blu-ray • #SFBHK300 • 300 mins • $52.49 DVD • #SFHK300 • 300 mins • $44.99 More volumes also available! HANASAKU IROHA ~ BLOSSOMS FOR TOMORROW When Ohana’s mother flees with her boyfriend to avoid paying his debts, Ohana is sent off to live with her grandmother, who owns the hot spring inn, Kissuiso. Upon arriving, Ohana is put to work at the inn. Thrust into a life where the customers always come first, she struggles to find her place at the inn and fit in with her fellow coworkers. 13+ • Comedy Set 1 Premium Edition DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #813633012742 • SUB ONLY • 308 mins • $59.49 Set 2 Premium Edition DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #813633012858 • SUB ONLY • 308 mins • $59.49 HEAVEN’S LOST PROPERTY Tomoki’s life was normal until a wish-granting angelic android fell from the sky! Of course, thanks to his raging teenage hormones, most of his wishes have something to do with panties. That makes things pretty complicated, because one simple wish can lead to a rampaging robot made out of frilly undergarments or turn bloomers into bombs capable of blowing up entire neighborhoods! 17+ • Comedy Season 1 Complete Set DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN05885ALT • 350 mins • $48.74 Season 2 Complete Set Blu-ray • #FUN05887 • 300 mins • $48.74 HETALIA TV SERIES During World War I, gruff Germany takes Italy prisoner, but instead of enduring warlike interrogation, Italy becomes more of a nuisance and an unwanted guest. World War I quickly comes to an end, but World War II is right on its heels! The two soon befriend Japan, and the three of them form the Axis Powers. Meanwhile, America, who loves heroism and hamburgers, tries to form a treaty while Great Britain reminisces about when America was his loving family. 17+ • Comedy Seasons 1-2: Axis Powers Complete Series Anime Classics DVD • #FUN07914 • 260 mins • $26.24 Seasons 3-4: World Series Complete Series DVD • #FUN08938 • 225 mins • $33.74 • Released 11/5/13 HIGH SCHOOL DXD A war between heaven and hell is raging - and a hot mess of hormonal fury is raging in Issei’s pants. The guy is dying to get some action. Which is funny, since his first date ever turns into a winged monster and tries to kill him. Fortunately, Rias comes to his rescue. She’s president of The Occult Research Club, a club that doesn’t actually research the occult - they ARE the occult. Rias takes Issei as a more-than-willing slave and begins training him to use magic in battle. If Issei can improve his skills, he’ll be able to help his hotter-than-hell master and her scorching supernatural friends defeat their foes. 17+ • Comedy Complete Series DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN09165ALT • 300 mins • $48.74 Complete Series Limited Edition DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN09165 • 300 mins • $52.49 HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD OVA DRIFTERS OF THE DEAD An unplanned stop on a deserted island gives Takashi, Saeko and the rest of the ragged band of survivors a chance to DVD & BLU-RAY expose themselves to something other than zombies for a change. They’re more than ready to take a break and let their hair down, but they’re unaware that this seeming paradise is actually just the dead calm before the storm. Sometimes the recently deceased aren’t the only problems that can lie buried in the sand, and as the swimwear comes off and the inhibitions come down, a kink in the island’s food chain sets a truly shocking series of events into motion! 17+ • Action/Adventure Blu-ray • #SFBHSO010 • 16 mins • $7.49 • Released 11/26/13 DVD • #SFHSO010 • 16 mins • $5.24 • Released 11/26/13 HIIRO NO KAKERA THE TAMAYORI PRINCESS SAGA Every girl dreams of being an enchanted princess, but how many stop to think about all the horrible things that happen in fairy tales? That’s a lesson Tamaki learns all too graphically when she’s attacked by creatures she thought only existed in myths! Fortunately, she’s rescued by an extraordinary young man: one who’s not only part demon, but her future classmate as well, and one of the protectors that she’ll need if she’s going to fulfill her destiny as a Tamayori princess. A destiny that no one’s bothered to tell her she’s inherited until now! 14+ • Adventure/Drama Season 1 Complete Collection Blu-ray • #SFBHNK100 • 325 mins • $52.49 DVD • #SFHNK100 • 325 mins • $44.99 Season 2 Complete Collection Blu-ray • #SFBHNK200 • 325 mins • $52.49 • Released 11/5/13 DVD • #SFHNK200 • 325 mins • $44.99 • Released 11/5/13 HORIZON IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE When humans came down from the sky, they brought with them the Testament, the guide to the path they must follow if they wish to return. Now, in a strange world where only Japan is inhabitable, the nations of the world vie for power and protect the portions of land they’ve claimed. Each is armed with its own ultimate weapon: a Roysmoi Opro, an Armor of Deadly Sins. But there may be a far greater threat to mankind, for the Testament ends abruptly, and it’s now the last year. 17+ • Action/Fantasy Season 1 Complete Collection Blu-ray • #SFBHZN100 • 325 mins • $52.49 DVD • #SFHZN100 • 325 mins • $44.99 Season 2 Complete Collection Blu-ray • #SFBHZN200 • 325 mins • $52.49 DVD • #SFHZN200 • 325 mins • $44.99 HUMANITY HAS DECLINED For years, declining birth rates have forced the human race to cede more and more territory to other beings. Now, only a handful of humans remain and Earth is dominated by faeries - tiny, ten-inch tall creatures of surprising intelligence. But humanity’s importance isn’t over, as young Watashi learns as she assumes her grandfather’s position as an arbitrator between the races. Unfortunately, the job isn’t going to be as simple as she expected, and it’s going to take wisdom far beyond her years to achieve her most important mission. 14+ • Comedy/Science Fiction Complete Collection Blu-ray • #SFBHHD100 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $44.99 • Released 12/24/13 DVD • #SFHHD100 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $37.49 • Released 12/24/13 IS THIS A ZOMBIE? Life - or undeath? - isn’t easy for Ayumu Aikawa. A seemingly normal high schooler, he is in fact a zombie who serves as a bodyguard to an introverted necromancer. But his already complicated existence becomes even more outlandish when he accidentally steals the powers of a magical girl, transforming into one himself - complete with frilly dress and pink chainsaw! 17+ • Comedy Season 1 Complete Series Limited Edition DVD • #FUN01371 • 325 mins • $48.74 Season 2 Complete Series DVD • #FUN01373ALT • 300 mins • $44.99 Season 2 Complete Series Limited Edition DVD • #FUN01373 • 300 mins • $48.74 “Fantastic prices, and the packaging was incredible. I have never seen a company take such good care of their product.” - Justin Eureka Seven: AO © 2012 BONES / Project EUREKA AO • MBS. 10 video.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827 800.338.6827 video.rightstuf.com 11 DVD & BLU-RAY TO ORDER CALL TOLL-FREE 1.800.338.6827 FIND MORE ITEMS ONLINE RIGHTSTUF.COM JUDEN-CHAN Sadness be gone! Though depressed people are scattered across the world, there are those from a parallel world who are here to help. Known as Juden-chan, these busty ladies use their special powers to charge up the mentally dejected and earn a living in the process. While Aresta and Plug are performing their Judan-chan duties, they discover a boy named Sento. Unlike most humans, Sento can actually see them! 16+ • Comedy Complete Series DVD • #AWDVD1306 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $18.74 K-ON! MOVIE Graduation time is finally here, but the girls of the Sakuragaoka Girl’s High Light Music Club aren’t going to let the end of high school be the end of all they’ve built together. First though, they have to keep a promise to take a trip together, and like everything else they do, they’re not doing it halfway. So it’s time to hop on the bus - the double-decker bus that is - and go around the world as the band heads for the birthplace of the British Invasion: the United Kingdom! 14+ • Comedy/Drama Blu-ray • #SFBKNT001 • 110 mins • $29.99 DVD • #SFKNT001 • 110 mins • $22.49 KIDS ON THE SLOPE It’s the summer of 1966 and freshman Kaoru Nishimi is struggling to adjust to the latest of many moves in his young life, this time to Kyushu. It’s never easy adjusting, but this time will be different. This time he’ll meet friends who will change his life forever, and he’ll discover a new passion that rocks him to his very soul. It’s called jazz, and together with bad boy Sentaro and music store girl Ritsuko, they’re going to follow their muse to wherever their music takes them! 14+ • Drama/Romance Complete Collection Blu-ray • #SFBKOS100 • 300 mins • $52.49 KILL ME BABY Yasuna isn’t your typical high school girl. For one thing, she’s a little slow on the uptake, and for another, her best friend, Sonya, is actually a highly trained assassin who’s in her class as part of her assignment. Though perhaps Yasuna’s definition of “best friend” is a bit strange, as Sonya has the habit of regularly attacking Yasuna. However, as noted, Yasuna isn’t exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, and while Sonya knows precisely what to do with every one of those sharp objects, even she is hard pressed to deal with the day to day oddities that seem to fill their class schedule. 13+ • Adventure/Comedy Complete Collection DVD • #SFKMB100 • 325 mins • $44.99 KIMBA, THE WHITE LION TV SERIES ORIGINAL SERIES Kimba’s enchanting adventures of friendship, jungle survival and harmony return! Join Kimba along with his pals, Pauly the Parrot, and Daniel Baboon, as he follows in the footsteps of his late father, the great lion king, making the jungle a safer, better place for everyone to live. First aired in 1965, Kimba is known worldwide as one of Osamu Tezuka’s greatest masterpieces. Each episode is restored and presented in order according to Osamu Tezuka’s original storyline. ALL • Adventure Box Set DVD • #RSDVD1382 • DUB ONLY • 1145 mins • $52.49 KOKORO CONNECT TV SERIES The members of the Cultural Study group have spent a lot of time wondering what it would be like to be in someone else’s shoes. But there’s a huge difference between thinking about it and literally BEING in them! That’s what happens when they each find themselves inside the body of the girl - or boy next door! Take one wrestler, the cool girl, the class clown, the popular chick and the sultry maid, scramble thoroughly, and pretty soon they’ll be answering ALL of the questions they never wanted to know about the opposite sex! 14+ • Comedy/Drama Complete Collection Blu-ray • #SFBKC100 • 325 mins • $52.49 • Released 10/22/13 DVD • #SFKC100 • 325 mins • $44.99 • Released 10/22/13 12 video.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827 OVA SERIES There’s a new affliction going around, and the name of this peculiar bug is emotion sickness. As in, suddenly your emotions jump out of your body and attack someone else! Needless to say, that’s more than simply awkward if you’ve got a deep-rooted phobia like a fear of men or repressed emotions that you’re hiding, but in some situations it can literally be deadly! What is Heartseed up to this time, and why is he making our heroes involuntarily share their innermost dirty laundry? 14+ • Comedy/Drama Complete Collection Blu-ray • #SFBKC010 • 100 mins • $29.99 • Released 12/10/13 DVD • #SFKC010 • 100 mins • $22.49 • Released 12/10/13 LA STORIA DELLA ARCANA FAMIGLIA DVD & BLU-RAY LOVELY COMPLEX Koizumi’s just started high school, and she’s got a little problem: for a girl, she’s super tall! Meanwhile, her classmate Otani’s got a big problem: he’s virtually a midget, but still wants to join the basketball team. Written off as a bickering comedy duo by their teachers and classmates, the pair can’t decide who’s less likely to find love before graduating, and ultimately bet each other on who’ll actually land a mate first. As the months progress, Koizumi starts seeing Otani in a new light: sure he’s fun to hang out with and shares her love of all things Sea Mon, but maybe - just maybe - they might end up being more than friends. 13+ • Comedy/Romance Complete Series DVD • #ES053 • SUB ONLY • 575 mins • $37.46 LUPIN THE 3RD Things are NOT going well for Felicita. For years, the island of Regalo has been protected by her father’s “organization,” the Arcana Tarocco. The organization’s success is due in no small part to the members’ unusual skills with Tarot Cards, not to mention their more usual guns and knives. But now her father has decided to retire and, while the fact that his position will be filled by the winner of a series of duels doesn’t worry her, the fact that he’s decided to throw HER in as part of the prize certainly does. Fortunately, she has two aces up her sleeve: as the head of the Swords Division, she’s eligible to compete for herself; and with her favored Card, The Lovers, she can snoop into the minds of her would-be suitors-cum-rivals. It’s just too bad they have their own card tricks! 14+ • Adventure/Comedy Complete Collection Blu-ray • #SFBAFG100 • 325 mins • $52.49 • Released 11/26/13 DVD • #SFAFG100 • 325 mins • $44.99 • Released 11/26/13 TV SERIES LAST EXILE MAGICAL PLAY TV SERIES FAM, THE SILVER WING Years ago, humanity abandoned the ruined Earth. Generations later, mankind returned. In the skies above the reborn world, rebellious young Fam and her best friend Giselle make their living as Sky Pirates. Atop sleek Vespa Vanships, the girls dart fearlessly through the clouds, capturing and selling airborne battleships for profit. It’s a life of care-free swashbuckling - until the Ades Federation attacks. When Fam and Giselle rescue a princess from the clutches of the rampaging Ades armada, they join the young royal’s battle to save her Kingdom from destruction - and undertake the impossible mission of uniting humanity in peace. 14+ • Adventure Part 1 (Eps. 1-11) DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN08998 • 300 mins • $48.74 Part 1 (Eps. 1-11) Limited Edition DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN08999 • 300 mins • $52.49 Part 2 (Eps. 12-21) DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN09000 • 275 mins • $48.74 LEGEND OF THE LEGENDARY HEROES A war between bordering lands Roland and Estabul has begun. At the King of Roland’s command, Ryner Lute, a bearer of a cursed, extremely lethal power called the Alpha Stigma, and his beautiful comrade Ferris set out on a search for the Heroic Relics - artifacts that contain enormous supernatural powers and can be devastating if placed in the wrong hands. War tactics, bloody magical battles, and political intrigue ensue! 14+ • Action Complete Series DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN08953 • 625 mins • $52.49 LITTLE BUSTERS! When tragedy struck Riki Naoe as a child, he was rescued from grief when four other kids “recruited” him for their group, the “Little Busters.” Now in high school, Riki and the other Busters are still fast friends, and though their vision of being heroes of justice may have faded, they’d still do anything for each other - which is why Riki is now on two special missions. The not-so-secret one: recruiting for a baseball team. The other mission, though, that’s the strange one. Riki and Rin are receiving odd messages concerning the existence of a “secret world” and assigning them tasks they have to complete. Were their youthful dreams of being crusaders not so fanciful after all? Or is there something even more vital at stake? 14+ • Drama/Romance Collection 1 (Eps. 1-13) Blu-ray • #SFBLBS101 • 325 mins • $52.49 • Released 11/19/13 DVD • #SFLBS101 • 325 mins • $44.99 • Released 11/19/13 WOMAN CALLED FUJIKO MINE She’s a thief. A killer. A saint and a scandal. She’s whatever you need her to be to get the job done. After sizing you up with one sinful glance, she disarms you with a touch. You’re powerless to resist. She’s walking seduction, with an insatiable itch for the priceless and a fetish for mischief. She takes your breath away to get what she wants. She takes everything else just because she can. It’s all in a night’s work for the woman called Fujiko Mine. She’s the slinky, sultry thread that holds Lupin III’s crew together - and this is the heist that started it all. 17+ • Action Complete Series DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN06932ALT • 320 mins • $48.74 Complete Series Limited Edition DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN06932 • 320 mins • $52.49 Becoming a Magical Girl isn’t easy, but Padudu thinks she has most of the bases covered. She even has a magical pet and a magical cloak! Granted, her pet’s a talking fish that she wears as the cloak, but now all she should have to do is wander the countryside, fight in official Magical Battles and collect enough stamps to become an official Magical Girl. But life isn’t always simple, and when Padudu accidentally breaks a law, she ends up on the run and traveling with some really odd companions. 14+ • Comedy Complete Collection DVD • #SFMY100 • 150 mins • $22.49 • Released 12/3/13 MAKEN-KI! BATTLING VENUS Takeru enrolled in Tenbi Academy because the girl-to-guy ratio is, like, three to one. But this bevvy of bombshells is actually a school where teens beef up their combat skills using a magic power called a Maken. And every time there’s a brawl, their clothes tend to disintegrate. Distracted by all the bouncy brawlers, Takeru has a hard time concentrating on his training. If he can’t figure out how to use his Maken, he’ll be dumped by the school of his dreams - or destroyed by an attacker! 17+ • Action Complete Series DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN06990ALT • 300 mins • $48.74 • Released 11/12/13 Complete Series Limited Edition DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN06990 • 300 mins • $52.49 • Released 11/12/13 MARIA WATCHES OVER US When Yumi Fukuzawa entered the Lillian Girls’ Academy, a prestigious all-girls Catholic school in Tokyo, she never imagined she would catch the eye of beautiful and demure Sachiko Ogasawara, one of the school’s most popular students. Now Sachiko has offered to be Yumi’s soeur - her “sister” - and guide for all her years at the academy. The whole idea has Yumi completely flustered - after all, they hardly know each other! 13+ • Drama Season 1 Collection (Litebox) DVD • #RSDVD1280 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $29.99 Season 4 Collection (Litebox) DVD • #RSDVD1352 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $29.99 Move volumes also availabe! MATCHLESS RAIJIN-OH When the legendary Guardian Eldoran is badly wounded by invaders of the Jaku Empire, he has no choice but to leave the Earth’s only salvation - the mighty robot Raijin-Oh - in the hands of the first people he can find... which happens to be a classroom of 5th Graders. The children reluctantly take up the responsibility, only to find that the Jaku monsters invading their planet have become the living incarnations of the things 800.338.6827 video.rightstuf.com 13 TO ORDER CALL TOLL-FREE DVD & BLU-RAY they dislike the most! Can they successfully learn to work as a team, overcome their stigmas and defeat the forces of evil while attempting to perform decimal division? 13+ • Action/Science Fiction Vol. 1 (Eps. 1-5) DVD • #AM001 • 130 mins • $17.99 Vol. 5 (Eps. 21-25) DVD • #AM005 • 130 mins • $17.99 More volumes also available! MEDAKA BOX When newly elected Student Council President Medaka Kurokami instituted her idea for a suggestion box for problems, she was expecting things like rescuing lost puppies. What she and her best friend Zenkichi find instead are the first hints of an unbelievable secret and their school and Medaka herself are somehow at the very center of the growing maelstrom! As what seemed like an innocent pasttime turns into a dangerous game, Medaka and her recruits discover new depths to both themselves and their own unexpected abilities... and then things get really out of control! 14+ • Action/Comedy Complete Collection Blu-ray • #SFBMDB100 • 300 mins • $52.49 DVD • #SFMDB100 • 300 mins • $44.99 MICHIKO AND HATCHIN Michiko is a stunning escaped convict with lethal looks and a deadly disrespect for the lawmen trying to hunt her down. Hatchin is a hapless orphan pushed to the breaking point by the sadistic spawn of her fiendish foster parents. On their own, these chicas are nothing more than a Yin searching for its Yang, but when fate brings them together, the world better watch out! 17+ • Action/Drama Part 1 DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN07590ALT • 320 mins • $48.74 Part 1 Limited Edition DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN07590 • 320 mins • $52.49 Part 2 DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN07592 • 320 mins • $48.74 MOMO: THE GIRL GOD OF DEATH Dressed all in white with scythe in hand, she is one of the spirits entrusted with guiding souls to the other side. But unlike other shinigami, Momo chooses to open her heart to those about to cross over. If the need is great enough, she may allow a last visit, a message to loved ones, or even a chance to make amends. But how far can even the most well-meaning shinigami bend the rules before she, herself, is called to task? 14+ • Drama/Fantasy Complete Collection DVD • #MJ0110 • 150 mins • $22.49 MYSTERIOUS GIRLFRIEND X When the oddly peculiar Mikoto Urabe transfers into Akira Tsubaki’s class, he finds that life has thrown him the weirdest curve ball ever. While Urabe may be an anti-social loner who sleeps on her desk, carries a pair of scissors in her underwear, and breaks out in sudden fits of insane laughter, there’s something about her that Tsubaki just can’t quite put his finger on... until he accidentally puts his finger in it, and suddenly the phrase “sharing spit with a girl” takes on an entirely new meaning! 17+ • Comedy/Romance Complete Collection Blu-ray • #SFBMGX100 • 325 mins • $52.49 DVD • #SFMGX100 • 325 mins • $44.99 NAKAIMO ~ MY LITTLE SISTER IS AMONG THEM! Is insanity hereditary? Shougo Mikadono’s beginning to think so, because the terms of his late father’s will seem crazy and following them may drive him bonkers as well. Oh, it sounds simple: before Shougo can claim his very large inheritance, he just has to start attending a certain new school and find a nice girl to marry. Perfectly do-able, right? Except, it turns out that Shougo has way too much in common with one of them who happens to be his long-lost sister and he has no idea which one she is! Will Shougo meet and court his Miss Right without committing something very morally wrong? 17+ • Romance Complete Collection Blu-ray • #SFBNLS100 • 325 mins • $52.49 • Released 11/12/13 DVD • #SFNLS100 • 325 mins • $44.99 • Released 11/12/13 NARUTO TV SERIES SHIPPUDEN (UNCUT) After two and a half years of training on the road, Naruto is back in the Village Hidden in the Leaves, and he’s ready to show off his new skills. He and Sakura team up to take on their old master Kakashi, who’s pretty impressed with their progress. They’ll have plenty of opportunity to put it into action when news arrives from the Sand Village that Gaara, Naruto’s former rival and now Kazekage of the Sand, has been kidnapped! 16+ • Adventure Set 1 (Eps. 1-13) DVD • #782009239956 • 325 mins • $44.96 Set 15 (Eps. 180-192) DVD • #782009242116 • 300 mins • $40.34 Set 16 (Eps. 193-205) DVD • #782009242123 • 300 mins • $40.34 More volumes also available! MOVIES SHIPPUDEN MOVIE 4: THE LOST TOWER The Rogue Ninja Mukade is about to be caught by Naruto’s team when he summons forth the power of the Ley Line - an ancient underground channel of chakra. Naruto gets caught up in the chakra and is sent back in time to the city of Loran, known for its thousand towers. There he encounters the future Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, on a top-secret mission and the Queen of Loran, Sara, whose rule is threatened by Mukade. Will Naruto be able to return to his own time, and can a chance encounter in the past save the future? 16+ • Adventure Blu-ray • #782009242727 • 94 mins • $22.48 DVD • #782009242710 • 94 mins • $17.98 NATSUME’S BOOK OF FRIENDS Because he inherited his grandmother Reiko’s ability to see yokai, Natsume has always been an outcast. After moving to his grandmother’s hometown and accidentally releasing a yokai imprisoned in a Lucky Cat statue, he learns about one of Reiko’s keepsakes, the “Book of Friends.” Inside are the names of the yokai she defeated, and possessing it allows the wielder to command the yokai named within. Yokai now visit Natsume on a daily basis, seeking to either get their names back or to take possession of the Book of Friends. 13+ • Comedy/Drama/Supernatural Seasons 1-2 Set Premium Edition DVD • #813633012513 • SUB ONLY • 570 mins • $59.49 Season 4 Set Premium Edition DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #813633012841 • SUB ONLY • 315 mins • $59.49 Move volumes also available! 1.800.338.6827 an understatement. Just thinking about cats can make him sneeze - a fact that seems to be lost on his mother and sister, who both adore cats. And if that wasn’t bad enough, when Junpei inadvertently damages a statue of a cat deity, he becomes cursed with the ability to understand felines. Now he must perform one hundred favors for cat-kind or face the fate of being turned into a cat himself! 13+ • Comedy/Romance Complete Collection Blu-ray • #SFBNY110 • 300 mins • $52.49 DVD • #SFNY110 • 300 mins • $44.99 OKAMIKAKUSHI ~ MASQUE OF THE WOLF From the moment Hiroshi and his family arrive in Jouga, he senses something odd about the isolated village. It’s not that the people are aloof, but some simply disappear. Students transfer out of his school without any notice. Hiroshi’s next-door neighbor Isuzu, who seems quite infatuated with him, warns him to stay away from the old part of town. The upcoming Haasaku Festival seems to be generating an unusual level of concern, and groups of masked people roam the streets by night, hunting... something. Could the legends of man-sized wolves roaming the mountains surrounding Jouga be real? 14+ • Horror/Mystery Complete Collection DVD • #SFOKK100 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $37.49 ONE PIECE TV SERIES UNCUT It is the era of adventure as countless souls are lured along the Grand Line in pursuit of dreams far greater than any they’ve ever dared to imagine. Among those on the high seas is a youth on a quest to be king of them all: Luffy, the Straw Hat Pirate! But first he must find a ship, a crew, and some supplies. Determined to recruit those at first unwilling to his cause, the young captain remains undaunted! 14+ • Action/Adventure Collection 1 (Eps. 1-26) DVD • #FUN09469 • 650 mins • $26.24 Season 4 Part 1 (Eps. 206-217) DVD • #FUN09476 • 300 mins • $29.99 Season 5 Part 1 (Eps. 264-275) DVD • #FUN09180 • 320 mins • $29.99 Season 5 Part 2 (Eps. 276-287) DVD • #FUN09181 • 320 mins • $29.99 Season 5 Part 3 (Eps. 288-299) DVD • #FUN09182 • 320 mins • $29.99 More volumes also available! MOVIES NINJA NONSENSE Take one totally cute (and naive) ninja girl trainee, and a ninja horde under the weirdest headmaster ever - a strange, yellow, spherical, pudgy... creature... named Onsokumaru - and you get the craziest, most hilarious anime show ever invented! 15+ • Comedy Collection (Litebox) DVD • #RSDVD1368 • 320 mins • $29.99 • Released 11/5/13 NISEMONOGATARI SEE BAKEMONOGATARI NURA: RISE OF THE YOKAI CLAN Rikuo Nura is an average middle school student by day... and a yokai by night. Not just any yokai, either - he’s the grandson of Nurarihyon, the Supreme Commander of the Nura Clan! Rikuo wants to live a normal life; however, his grandfather wants him to succeed as the rightful heir. When an inter-clan conflict threatens the stability within their organization, Rikuo must decide whether he will live his life as a human or accept his yokai heritage. 13+ • Adventure/Supernatural Set 1 (Eps. 1-13) Blu-ray • #782009242741 • 300 mins • $49.47 DVD • #782009242734 • 300 mins • $40.34 Set 2 (Eps. 14-26) Blu-ray • #782009242765 • 300 mins • $49.47 DVD • #782009242758 • 300 mins • $40.34 NYAN KOI! Saying that Junpei Kosaka’s allergic to cats is something of MOVIE 10: STRONG WORLD When the Straw Hats catch wind of trouble in the peaceful waters of the East Blue, they quickly set a course for home! But before they reach their destination, fate leads them into the deadly path of Golden Lion Shiki. This gravity-defying madman needs a navigator, and he wants Nami! 13+ • Action/Adventure DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN09179 • 113 mins • $26.24 • Released 11/19/13 DVD • #FUN09178 • 113 mins • $22.49 • Released 11/19/13 ORESHURA Eita is a freshman with excellent grades and a disdain for love. Along with his childhood friend Chiwa, a girl who’s like a sister to him, he lived an ordinary life. That was all until the school’s most beautiful girl, Masuzu, confesses her love to him. However, her true desire is simply to fool others and pretend to be a couple. A fierce battle over Eita begins as his ex-girlfriend, Himeka, and his virtual fiancée, Ai, join the fray! Will Eita be able to continue his ordinary life while maintaining a fake relationship and dealing with all of his admirers? 13+ • Comedy/Romance Complete Set DVD • #AOA3601 • 325 mins • $59.98 • Released 12/17/133 FIND MORE ITEMS ONLINE RIGHTSTUF.COM PANTY & STOCKING WITH GARTERBELT The Anarchy Sisters Panty and Stocking are two nasty angels who got booted from the pearly gates. Now they spend their days blowing up ghosts in the lecherous abyss between Heaven and Earth. Panty likes sex, Stocking likes sweets, and their afro-sporting main man Garter Belt has a fetish we can’t mention. Ghosts don’t have a prayer against their panty pistols and stocking swords, and if this debaucherous duo can collect enough Heaven Coins, they just might get their halos back. 17+ • Comedy Complete Series DVD • #FUN09072 • 325 mins • $44.99 PATLABOR TV SERIES Giant robots, sociopaths, madmen waving guns - these aren’t just the problems the Mobile Police have to deal with every day, these ARE the Mobile Police! But in a world where giant robots called Labors are frequently used for criminal purposes, the boys and girls in blue have to face things that are even bigger and scarier! When police cadet Noa Izumi comes in to take a pilot aptitude test and instead initiates a high speed chase, it’s clear that she’s got exactly the right combination of guts, brains, and just plain crazy that the Second Special Vehicles Division desperately needs. 14+ • Action/Science Fiction Collection 1 (Eps. 1-12) Blu-ray • #MJ0113 • 300 mins • $52.49 DVD • #MJ0112 • 300 mins • $44.99 Collection 2 (Eps. 13-24) Blu-ray • #MJ0118 • 300 mins • $52.49 DVD • #MJ0117 • 300 mins • $44.99 Collection 3 (Eps. 25-36) Blu-ray • #MJ0120 • 300 mins • $52.49 • Released 11/5/13 DVD • #MJ0119 • 300 mins • $44.99 • Released 11/5/13 PET GIRL OF SAKURASOU Banished from normal housing for adopting stray cats, Sorata’s life has gone to the dogs and now he’s been impounded in Sakura Hall, a notorious den of troublemakers, geniuses, and weirdos. Meanwhile, Mashiro is the cat’s meow of the art world. However, she’s so dysfunctional that she needs a full-time keeper just survive to day-to-day life. Given Sorata’s weakness for taking in small, cute and sometimes not completely loveable creatures, can he handle Mashiro’s grooming, feeding and general, er... domestication? Well, if he’s not, too bad, ‘cause he’s stuck with her! 14+ • Drama Collection 1 (Eps. 1-12) Blu-ray • #SFBPGS101 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $44.99 • Released 12/17/13 DVD • #SFPGS101 • 300 mins • $37.49 • Released 12/17/13 PHI-BRAIN ~ THE PUZZLE OF GOD How do you solve the world’s most challenging puzzles? With the world’s best puzzle solver, of course. That would be Kaito Daimon, a completely average high school student except for one thing: he’s a demon at solving puzzles. When he suddenly finds himself caught in a lethal Philosopher’s Puzzle made by the sinister POG, he wouldn’t be worried, except that his childhood friend Nonoha is caught with him. And she... well, let’s just say that Nonoha and puzzles don’t mix. 14+ • Adventure/Comedy Season 1 Collection 1 (Eps. 1-13) Blu-ray • #SFBPB101 • 325 mins • $52.49 DVD • #SFPB101 • 325 mins • $44.99 Season 2: Orpheus Order Collection 1 (Eps. 1-13) Blu-ray • #SFBPB201 • 325 mins • $52.49 DVD • #SFPB201 • 325 mins • $44.99 Season 2: Orpheus Order Collection 2 (Eps. 14-25) Blu-ray • #SFBPB202 • 325 mins • $52.49 DVD • #SFPB202 • 325 mins • $44.99 More volumes also available! POKEMON BLACK AND WHITE When Ash and his mother accompany Professor Oak to the distant Unova region, Ash discovers Pokemon that he’s never seen before. He’ll need plenty of new Pokemon on his team if he wants to challenge Unova’s expert Gym Leaders. His quest to become a Pokemon Master just got even tougher! ALL • Adventure Set 1 (Eps. 1-12) DVD • #782009242277 • DUB ONLY • 260 mins • $17.99 CAMPIONE! PG 08 Set 4 (Eps. 37-48) DVD • #782009242376 • DUB ONLY • 260 mins • $17.99 More volumes also available! BLACK AND WHITE: RIVAL DESTINIES As Ash and his friends continue to explore the Unova region, he’ll find himself up against the ultimate battle challenge: Alder, the Champion Master of Unova! His friends also face their own trials, one fighting for the right to continue her travels, another confronting a returning challenge from the past - and all three of them must team up to save an island from the clashing forces of three powerful and mysterious Legendary Pokemon! ALL • Adventure Set 1 (Eps. 1-12) DVD • #782009243021 • DUB ONLY • 260 mins • $17.99 TV SERIES T Got Anime members save an extra 10% OFF our everyday day prices, studio sales & more! re! DVD & BLU-RAY PRINCESS KNIGHT Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Silverland, a princess named Sapphire was born. However, all was not well in Silverland. By law, only a son may inherit the throne. To stop the evil Duke Duralumon from becoming next in line to inherit, the King announced that Sapphire was a boy. Now years later, everyone in the kingdom sees Sapphire as a swashbuckling prince, but the Duke still lurks in the shadows, waiting for his chance... Thus begins the story of Sapphire, the courageous Princess Knight, as she fends off the Duke’s wicked schemes and fights for justice and the happiness of her people! 7+ • Adventure/Fantasy Part 1 (Eps. 1-26) DVD • #RSDVD1378 • DUB ONLY • 650 mins • $29.99 Part 2 (Eps. 27-52) DVD • #RSDVD1380 • DUB ONLY • 650 mins • $29.99 • Released 10/22/13 QUEEN’S BLADE In a land where a queen is chosen every few years solely by winning a tournament, there can be no short supply of formidable opponents. For one woman warrior however, an early defeat clearly shows her that she is lacking in experience, though she may be bountiful in body. Fortunately, her life is saved by a powerful stranger. Unfortunately for this savior, less-than-pure motives and shrewd family members mean her reward is a prison cell. 17+ • Action/Fantasy Seasons 1-2 Complete Collection DVD • #AWDVD1222 • 600 mins • $56.24 Season 3: Rebellion Complete Collection + CDs Blu-ray • #SFBQBR100 • 300 mins • $52.49 DVD • #SFQBR100 • 300 mins • $44.99 Ninja Nonsense © 2004 Ryoichi Koga / MediaWorks / Ninin ga Shinobuden Production Committee. Campione! © Joe Takeduki, Sikorsky / SHUEISHA, CAMPIONE! committee. 14 video.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827 800.338.6827 video.rightstuf.com 15 TO ORDER CALL TOLL-FREE DVD & BLU-RAY REVOLUTIONARY GIRL UTENA SEE UTENA RIO - RAINBOW GATE! Rio, “Goddess of Victory,” is a casino dealer who works at the beautiful Howard Resort. She strives to follow in the footsteps of her missing mother to become MVCD (Most Valuable Casino Dealer). But in order for Rio to become MVCD, she has to collect 13 special magical cards, called “Gates,” and along the way she faces various challenges and trials. Can she succeed in becoming the most popular dealer in the world? 16+ • Comedy Complete Series DVD • #AWDVD1310 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $22.49 ROBOTECH MOVIES 10+ • Science Fiction Collection (Shadow Chronicles/Love Live Alive) DVD • #031398171065 • DUB ONLY • 178 mins • $17.98 caretaker - only for her to wind up as the reincarnation of Eris. After kidnapping Athena, Eris begins a process to reincarnate herself using Athena’s life force. Can the team beat Eris’ five Ghost Saints and save Athena in time? N/R • Fantasy DVD • #ES051 • SUB ONLY • 90 mins • $18.71 MOVIES 3-4: LEGEND OF CRIMSON YOUTH / WARRIORS OF THE FINAL HOLY BATTLE When Athena goes to visit her brother, Abel, he informs her of her plans to destroy humanity. Dismissing Seiya and his fellow Bronze Saints, Abel places Athena under his own protection only for her to rebel. As Seiya and his team attempt to defeat the legendary Corona and resurrected Gold Saints, Athena’s soul is enroute to the afterlife. Can they rescue their goddess and protect mankind before it’s too late? N/R • Fantasy DVD • #ES052 • SUB ONLY • 120 mins • $18.71 SAIYUKI TV SERIES ORIGINAL SERIES Once demonkind and man lived together in harmony, but 1.800.338.6827 when a band of rogue demonic forces seeks to resurrect a diabolical monster, a dark spiritual energy begins to cover the land. Now, it’s up to a renegade priest, a monkey king, a lecherous water sprite and a sympathetic demon to stop the resurrection and return harmony to a dangerous land. 14+ • Action/Adventure Complete Collection DVD • #DSY110 • 1250 mins • $37.49 SAKURA WARS MOVIE When something wicked stages chaos, the Imperial Assault Force sends the divas of the Flower Division to drive steel through evil’s spotlight! Sweet Sakura, glamorous Sumire, adorable Iris, tactical Leni, mechanic Kohran, Kana the martial arts master, exotic Orohime, and stoic leader Maria are always ready for action! Just as a fresh face joins the ensemble, other members begin to vanish one after another. When a deviant virtuoso unleashes demons to terrorize Tokyo, it’s up to the maidens of metal to pull their act together and drop the curtain on evil! 14+ • Action/Science Fiction DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN07708 • 85 mins • $26.24 • Released 10/22/13 ROSE OF VERSAILLES General Jarjayes, desperate for a son to preserve the family name and noble standing, names his newborn daughter “Oscar” and chooses to raise her as a boy. Fourteen years later, Oscar is a masterful duelist, marksman, and the newly appointed Commander of the French Royal Guards. Her first task: to protect Marie Antoinette. Marie’s youthful naiveté makes her an easy target for those who wish to see the monarchy overthrown. Oscar soon finds herself both defending Marie’s reputation from those who seek to discredit her and protecting her life from those who wish to kill her. 13+ • Drama Part 1 (Eps. 1-20) Limited Edition DVD • #RSDVD1374 • SUB ONLY • 480 mins • $37.49 Part 2 (Eps. 21-40) Limited Edition DVD • #RSDVD1376 • SUB ONLY • 480 mins • $37.49 FIND MORE ITEMS ONLINE RIGHTSTUF.COM SAMURAI PIZZA CATS SO, I CAN’T PLAY H SWEET BLUE FLOWERS Join Speedy Cerviche, Guido Anchovy, and Polly Esther at Pizza Cats. But the pizza take-out joint is merely a front for their true job: a crime-fighting secret ninja trio! Led by Big Al Dente, they’re tasked with keeping scheming Seymour “The Big” Cheese and his evil Crow Ninjas from taking over Little Tokyo. The Pizza Cats are backed up by a Rescue team, four other cats with their own restaurant whose weapons can combine to form super weapons! And they will need them when evil undoubtedly shows up in the form of a gigantic monster-like robot used by the Big Cheese! N/R • Comedy Complete Series DVD • #ES054 • DUB ONLY • 1200 mins • $59.96 Never make a deal with a goddess you’ve only just met. That’s a lesson Ryosuke learns the hard way when he foolishly agrees to let Lisara Restole use some of his “essence” to stay in this world. Despite her smoking-hot appearance, Lisara’s actually a Shinigami. However, she doesn’t steal years off his life. Oh no, instead she sucks off his lecherous spirit. Now the poor degenerate’s only hope is to help her! But Shinigami can be really harsh mistresses, and it’s going to be anything but easy to go back to being sleazy! 17+ • Romance Complete Collection Blu-ray • #SFBCPH100 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $44.99 • Released 12/31/13 DVD • #SFCPH100 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $37.49 • Released 12/31/13 Tears have always come easily to Fumi, but as a child she could always count on her best friend, Akira, to cheer her up. After a decade apart, Fumi and Akira find themselves reunited by chance. But even as the two girls rediscover their friendship, with the start of the new school year Fumi becomes romantically involved with a tall, charismatic girl named Sugimoto. Fumi soon finds herself playing a balancing act between friendship and love. 13+ • Drama Complete Series DVD • #LPDVD1362 • SUB ONLY • 275 mins • $29.99 SANKAREA: UNDYING LOVE SPECIAL A Zombie-obsessed Furuya is making a potion to reanimate his dead cat when he meets Rea. She’s about as miserable as a girl can get, thanks to her creepy, domineering father. When the pain becomes too much, she tries to commit suicide with a sip of Furuya’s weird elixir. The potion doesn’t kill her - but it does turn her into a zombie. Now that Rea’s undead and ready to finally live, she hides out with Furuya, who’s always dreamed of having a zombie girlfriend. Their one-of-a-kind relationship comes with some challenges, like the fact that Rea is decomposing. Even worse, her freak-show dad is dangerously determined to get her back under his control. As Furuya fights to keep his ghoulfriend safe, Rea finds the secret to resurrecting her happiness: live like you’re dying - even if you’re already dead. 14+ • Comedy/Romance Complete Series DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN09231ALT • 300 mins • $48.74 Complete Series Limited Edition DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN09231 • 300 mins • $52.49 Until she was six, Hikari was always the best at everything she did. Right up until the moment she challenged Kei to a wrestling match and he won. Ever since then, Hikari’s entire life has revolved around beating Kei at something, anything! Unfortunately, a decade later, he’s still the top student and athlete at their high school and she’s still second-best at everything. But what Hikari’s never noticed is that he’s actually in love with her! That’s only the beginning of the ridiculously convoluted web of relationships that ties the elite group of students who go by the name of the Special A together! 13+ • Comedy/Romance Complete Collection DVD • #SFSPA110 • 650 mins • $52.49 In the year 2022, next-generation game Sword Art Online (SAO) is the world’s first true VRMMORPG. A virtual reality helmet known as “Nerve Gear” has been developed, making Full Dives into a virtual dimension possible. SAO has generated worldwide buzz, and on its official launch day Kirito immerses himself in its virtual world. But Akihiko, the developer of SAO, proclaims the following to all players. “This game is inescapable unless all levels are cleared. And in this world, ‘Game Over’ is equivalent to death in the real world.” 13+ • Fantasy/Science Fiction Box Set 1 (Eps. 1-7): Aincrad Part 1 Limited Edition Blu-ray • #AOA2901B • 175 mins • $89.98 Box Set 2 (Eps. 8-14): Aincrad Part 2 Limited Edition Blu-ray • #AOA2902B • 175 mins • $89.98 Box Set 3 (Eps. 15-19): Fairy Dance Part 1 Limited Edition Blu-ray • #AOA2903B • 125 mins • $89.98 Box Set 4 (Eps. 20-25): Fairy Dance Part 2 Limited Edition Blu-ray • #AOA2904B • 150 mins • $89.98 • Released 11/19/13 Volume 1 (Eps. 1-7): Aincrad Part 1 DVD • #AOA2901D • 175 mins • $39.98 Volume 2 (Eps. 8-14): Aincrad Part 2 DVD • #AOA2902D • 175 mins • $39.98 Volume 3 (Eps. 15-19): Fairy Dance Part 1 DVD • #AOA2903D • 125 mins • $39.98 Volume 4 (Eps. 20-25): Fairy Dance Part 2 DVD • #AOA2904D • 150 mins • $39.98 • Released 11/19/13 SAY, “I LOVE YOU” Friends suck, and trusting someone is just setting yourself up. That’s the lesson Mei learned after her heart was ripped out. But unlike so many, she found an easy solution: she’ll never make another friend. Ever. It worked for Mei until handsome, charming and annoyingly popular Yamato came along. For some freakish reason, he seems to like Mei. Now things are getting way too complicated. Mei’s no princess waiting for a knight in shining armor to rescue her. So why did he have to kiss her and confuse everything? 14+ • Drama/Romance Complete Collection Blu-ray • #SFBSIL100 • 325 mins • $52.49 • Released 12/24/13 DVD • #SFSIL100 • 325 mins • $44.99 • Released 12/24/13 ROYAL SPACE FORCE: WINGS OF HONNEAMISE War between the Kingdom of Honneamise and its archrival, The Republic, seems inevitable. But even as the two nations’ rapidly evolving technology creates new ways to wage more deadly forms of warfare, a small group seeks to use those same advances to propel mankind forward through the world’s first manned spaceflight program. For astronaut candidate Shirotsugh Lhadatt, it’s a personal odyssey as he grows from an aimless young man into a leader. 15+ • Drama/Science Fiction Blu-ray • #MJ0139 • 125 mins • $29.99 DVD • #MJ0194 • 125 mins • $22.49 SHAKUGAN NO SHANA TV SERIES Ancient curses, enchanted artifacts and dungeon diving: that’s what Fam and Ihrie do for a living - whenever these lovely young ladies can get paid for it, that is. As two highly trained magic users, they’re off on a quest for the “Ultimate Power.” All they have to do is find three artifacts. So how hard can it be? Unfortunately, Sorceress Rasha and her muscle-headed partner Migel are on the same quest, as are the mysterious Prince Lyle, the anything-for-a-buck merchant Galuff with his dog Gil, and the sinister magician Rugudurol! 13+ • Adventure/Comedy Complete Collection DVD • #MJ0174 • 100 mins • $14.99 Wielding a blazing sword, Shana is a fiery huntress whose sole purpose is to fight demon-like beings that consume human lives. Once a flame that represents their remaining life goes out, they fade from existence. This should have been Yuji’s fate, but when he discovers he holds a special power, that ignites a newfound strength in Shana. They join forces in her ongoing mission to maintain the balance between the ordinary world and the supernatural. 14+ • Action Season 1 (Eps. 1-24) DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN08354 • 600 mins • $44.99 Season 3 Part 1 (Eps. 1-12) Limited Edition DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN09095 • 300 mins • $52.49 Season 3 Part 2 (Eps. 13-24) DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN09096 • 300 mins • $48.74 More volumes also available! SAINT SEIYA SHINING HEARTS TV SERIES Over the years, many strange things have washed up on the shores of Windaria, a mysterious island where humans, elves and other beings live in harmony. Rick, a former swordsman, knows this all too well, having been found on the beach with a profound case of amnesia. Perhaps that’s why he takes a quick interest in Kaguya, a girl who arrives in a similar fashion. Whatever the reason, it soon becomes apparent that his skills may be required to protect the lovely castaway. Dark forces are on the move and a deathly wind is blowing into Windaria in the form of pirates, brigands and other strangers, all of whom seem to be seeking Kaguya! 14+ • Fantasy/Romance Complete Collection Blu-ray • #SFBSH100 • 300 mins • $52.49 DVD • #SFSH100 • 300 mins • $44.99 RUIN EXPLORERS Five mystical warriors called the “Saints” fight wearing sacred armors, the designs of which are derived from the various constellations. They have adopted their destined guardian symbols, and are empowered by a mystical energy. The Saints have sworn to defend the reincarnation of the Greek goddess Athena in her battle against the other Gods who want to dominate the world. N/R • Adventure Sanctuary Complete Collection DVD • #025192206412 • DUB ONLY • N/A mins • $89.96 • Released 12/3/13 MOVIES MOVIES 1-2: EVIL GOD ERIS / THE HEATED BATTLE OF THE GODS When the Saints visit an orphanage, Hyouga falls for the PG 07 BRAVE 10 DVD & BLU-RAY STARZINGER MOVIES The Great Planet responsible for maintaining galactic peace and harmony is losing its power. Once-peaceful aliens have now mutated into violent creatures bent on death, destruction, and invading inhabited planets. The only way to stop them is to replace the aging monarch with a new queen that can restore balance to the galaxy. The Princess Aurora must now undertake a dangerous mission to the Great Planet, 30,000 light years away from our solar system. But first she needs a royal guard to ensure her safety on the long voyage… N/R • Science Fiction Movie Collection DVD • #826663142228 • DUB ONLY • 300 mins • $17.94 STEINS;GATE The microwave is a time machine. Okarin proved it. The selfanointed mad scientist nuked bananas into some gelatinous version of the future. Or maybe it was the past. Doesn’t matter. No one thought he could do it, but he did it anyway. He sent text messages through time to people he knew. To his friends. Some of them female. Pretty. He should have been more careful. He should have stopped. Tampering with the timespace continuum attracts unwelcome attention. 14+ • Science Fiction Part 1 DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN01540ALT • 300 mins • $48.74 Part 2 DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN01542 • 300 mins • $48.74 SUPER ROBOT WARS: ORIGINAL GENERATION OVA THE ANIMATION In the future, humankind, once driven to the brink of annihilation, has regrouped under the banner of the Earth Federation, which protects its citizens from alien invasion. Seeking to increase its defenses, the Earth Federation Army has continued development of Personal Troopers, a form of mobile weaponry used in combat. But when the Bartoll, the latest and most advanced Personal Trooper, is unveiled to an eager public, something goes terribly wrong... 13+ • Science Fiction DVD • #AWDVD1308 • SUB ONLY • 90 mins • $11.24 • Released 11/26/13 TV SERIES DIVINE WARS Ryusei attends a tournament for the robot fighting game Burning PT. In one fateful moment, he will learn the truth: Burning PT is in fact a training tool for top-secret mobile weaponry called Personal Troopers, and that the Troopers exist to fight off an alien menace that has already begun to move against us... 13+ • Science Fiction Complete Collection DVD • #AWDVD1307 • SUB ONLY • 780 mins • $29.99 • Released 11/26/13 SWORD ART ONLINE TARI TARI The last year of high school is always a time of both looking forward and looking back. For Wakana Sakai, who had started studying music, it’s time to face the tragedy that made her abandon that path. For Sawa Okita, it’s about her dreams of riding professionally. And for Konatsu Miyamoto, it’s about bringing her friends together through the magic of song. Can something as simple as the formation of a chorus club really help solve the hurts and pangs that come with growing up? 13+ • Comedy/Drama Complete Collection DVD • #SFTRT100 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $37.49 TEGAMI BACHI: LETTER BEE In land of near-perpetual night, a lone artificial sun illuminates a single city, and communication between the rest of the world is made possible only by the Letter Bees - elite couriers who must fight against monsters to make their deliveries. Having been saved by a Letter Bee, Lag Seeing has finally gained employment at the Bee Hive, but he’s quickly learning that the dangerous job has become even more lethal, with renegade humans now targeting the Letter Bees as well. 13+ • Adventure/Fantasy Season 1 Collection 1 (Eps. 1-13) DVD • #SFLTB101 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $37.49 Season 2: Reverse Collection 1 (Eps. 1-13) DVD • #SFLTB201 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $37.49 Season 2: Reverse Collection 2 (Eps. 14-25) DVD • #SFLTB202 • SUB ONLY • 300 mins • $37.49 Move volumes also available! TEKKAMAN BLADE OVA SERIES TEKKAMAN BLADE II N/R • Science Fiction Complete Collection DVD • #ES061 • SUB ONLY • 180 mins • $14.96 • Released 10/29/13 TENCHI MUYO OVA SERIES ORIGINAL SERIES Tenchi just accidentally freed the ravishing space pirate Ryoko after 700 years of captivity! Now, attractive alien girls from across the galaxy are about to make his life more outrageous than ever imaginable. Can he survive the romantic Brave 10 © Shimotsuki / MEDIA FACTORY • BRAVE10 Project. 16 video.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827 800.338.6827 video.rightstuf.com 17 TO ORDER CALL TOLL-FREE DVD & BLU-RAY entanglements of living with five lovely ladies - and unlock the secrets of his mysterious ancestry? 17+ • Fantasy Collection DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN04239ALT • 325 mins • $48.74 WAR ON GEMINAR Kenshi has been transported to a galaxy far, far away and captured by a gorgeous princess! This royal beauty quickly claims him as her personal servant - and lends him out to all the lecherous ladies at her prestigious boarding school. On the rare occasion Kenshi doesn’t have his hands full with a curvaceous coed, he can be found training for the intergalactic mecha battle royale. Helping the princess save her planet is Kenshi’s ticket home, but losing means he’ll be stuck scrubbing backs in the interstellar sauna for the rest of his life! 17+ • Action/Fantasy Part 1 (Eps. 1-7) DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN07693ALT • 322 mins • $48.74 Part 1 (Eps. 1-7) Limited Edition DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN07693 • 322 mins • $52.49 Part 2 (Eps. 8-13) DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN07694 • 271 mins • $48.74 TYLOR, IRRESPONSIBLE CAPTAIN Justy Ueki Tylor had his life all planned out: join the military, get a cushy desk job, and retire with a fat pension check. The perfect plan... until he somehow managed to save an admiral! Now Tylor - a man who wouldn’t know what discipline was if it bit him on the backside - has been made Captain of the space cruiser Soyokaze. The crew of this run-down ship is the craziest rag-tag team of misfits you’ve ever seen, but they’d better learn to work together because they’re about to go head to head with the Raalgon Empire! 15+ • Comedy/Science Fiction Collection Remastered (Litebox) DVD • #RSDVD1358 • 650 mins • $29.99 OVA SERIES N/R • Comedy Complete Collection DVD • #ES058 • SUB ONLY • 110 mins • $18.71 • Released 10/29/13 THIS BOY CAUGHT A MERMAN UTENA, REVOLUTIONARY GIRL When a picture of his late grandfather falls into the ocean, Shima jumps in after it without thinking. Nearly drowning, he’s saved by a perfect stranger... one whose strangeness extends to only being human from the waist up! The young man and merman quickly begin to bond in ways neither anticipated. And yet, it’s going to be far from easy. After all, Shima and Isaki are swimming in separate gene pools and that may make maintaining a longterm relationship a whole different kettle of fish! 17+ • Fantasy Blu-ray • #SFBTBM001 • 30 mins • $18.74 DVD • #SFTBM001 • 30 mins • $11.24 TIGER & BUNNY When Utena was just a young girl deep in sorrow, a prince wrapped her in a rose-scented embrace and bestowed upon her a ring with a promise that it would lead her to him again. Ever since then she has aspired to be like him. Now a spirited teenager, Utena attends the prestigious Ohtori Academy. However, her strong sense of chivalry soon places her at odds with the school’s student council and thrusts her into a series of mysterious and dangerous duels against its members. 16+ • Drama Set 1: Student Council Saga (Eps. 1-12) Limited Edition DVD • #RSDVD1154 • 300 mins • $37.49 Set 3: Apocalypse Saga (Eps 25-39 + Movie) Limited Edition DVD • #RSDVD1158 • 460 mins • $59.99 Move volumes also available! TV SERIES Stern Bild City is a thriving metropolis where superheroes called “NEXTs” protect the streets, sponsors pull the strings, and a hugely popular show called Hero TV captures all of it. Veteran hero Kotetsu Kaburagi (a.k.a. Wild Tiger) and hotheaded new hero Barnaby Brooks, Jr. (nicknamed Bunny by his friends) are forced to team up not only to protect Stern Bild City, but to earn as many points on Hero TV as possible. 13+ • Action/Adventure Set 1 (Eps. 1-12) Blu-ray • #782009242536 • 300 mins • $49.47 DVD • #782009242529 • 300 mins • $40.34 Set 2 (Eps. 14-25) Blu-ray • #782009242550 • 300 mins • $49.47 DVD • #782009242543 • 300 mins • $40.34 VIVIDRED OPERATION MOVIE WE WITHOUT WINGS THE BEGINNING Timid Takashi wants to escape to an alternate world where he is a heralded knight, but is held back by thoughts of his sister and his girlfriend. All-around upbeat guy Shuusuke has a disastrous first encounter with a woman who turns out to be his new co-worker. Handyman Hayato is a hard-boiled loner who has random encounters with two gangs and a girl with a uniform fetish. 17+ • Comedy/Romance Season 1 DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN01400ALT • 300 mins • $44.99 Season 1 Limited Edition DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN01400 • 300 mins • $48.74 In the metropolis of Stern Bild, there are heroes who wear the logos of sponsors and protect the city from danger. Their exploits are broadcast on the popular HERO TV. Wild Tiger (Kotetsu T. Kaburagi) is a veteran superhero past his peak who is ordered by his company to team up with the rookie hero Barnaby Brooks Jr. Can these two mismatched superheroes overcome their differences to protect the city? 16+ • Action Blu-ray • #782009242826 • 94 mins • $22.48 DVD • #782009242819 • 94 mins • $17.98 TSURITAMA When Yuki ends up living with his grandmother, it’s just one more in a long line of transfers - except Yuki doesn’t make friends easily, so he’s used to making do without any. All that’s about to change when another new student arrives in class complete with a rod and reel - and announces he’s an alien. Now as he learns the fine art of fishing, Yuki finds himself drawn into a friendship with Haru the alien, moody Natsuki the Fishing Prince, and the mysterious Akira with his pet duck, Tapioca. But there’s something sinister afoot, and if Yuki can’t make the catch of the day, the whole of Japan, and perhaps the world itself, will be caught in an alien net. 14+ • Comedy/Drama Complete Collection Blu-ray • #SFBTSU100 • 300 mins • $52.49 DVD • #SFTSU100 • 300 mins • $44.99 18 video.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827 STAFF PICK TV SERIES Sequel to the TV series. Six months have passed. The Raalgon Empire has developed a horrible new type of weapon, and Tylor has been charged with the duty of intercepting it. But when all that could go wrong does go wrong, the crew members of the Soyokaze find themselves at the mercy of their enemies. As the hours tick down toward their execution, the crew wonders: has their irresponsible captain misled them? Or is this all a part of some greater strategy? 13+ • Comedy/Science Fiction Collection Remastered (Litebox) DVD • #RSDVD1360 • 360 mins • $22.49 THERMAE ROMAE 1.800.338.6827 On an artificial island, Akane lives a simple but happy life with her little sister Momo and their genius inventor grandfather. Everyone can see the revolutionary invention that solved all the world’s energy problems, the Manifestation Engine. But suddenly, a mysterious enemy called the “Alone” appears to attack the Manifestation Engine. Equipped with incredibly powerful Palette Suits designed by her grandfather, Akane and her friends must work together to save the world. 13+ • Action/Science Fiction Complete Set DVD • #AOA3501 • 300 mins • $59.98 • Released 12/17/13 WOLF CHILDREN Hana was a student before she was a mother. She was bright and pretty, and her future held endless possibilities. Then she met a man, who turned out to be a wolf, and together they built a family. When fate took him from her, she was left alone with two unusual kids she didn’t know how to raise. Frightened of discovery, Hana and her children fled to the countryside to build a new life. This is a mother’s journey. Teach your children to chase their dreams - and smile through the tears as they disappear into the world in search of who they will become. 13+ • Drama/Romance DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #FUN09242 • 117 mins • $26.24 • Released 11/26/13 DVD • #FUN09241 • 117 mins • $22.49 • Released 11/26/13 HIGH SCHOOL DXD This is one of the most talked about new titles of the summer. Full of wonderful colors and action packed fight scenes, it will have you on the edge of your seat. I was expecting plenty of fan service and boy did it deliver. In fact, you could say it was fan service on steroids. The series itself has a good story line and kept me interested to the very end. - Michael B. Get more information on page 11. YAMIBO: DARKNESS, THE HAT, AND TRAVELERS OF THE BOOKS Hatsuki is a high-school student living with Hatsumi, and the two are so close they are like sisters. On Hatsumi’s 16th birthday, she is suddenly surrounded by a green light and disappears right in front of Hatsuki! Hatsuki manages to follow Hatsumi with the help of a yellow parakeet named Ken, and ends up in a place called “The Great Library,” full of different worlds stored in books. But Hatsumi isn’t there, and so the search begins... 13+ • Fantasy Complete Series DVD • #AWDVD1311 • SUB ONLY • 325 mins • $22.49 • Released 10/22/13 YUGIOH! Yu-Gi-Oh! follows the adventures of a boy named Yugi and his friends who love the newest card game that is sweeping the nation! In this game, players pit monster against monster in high intensity duels. But there’s more to this game than meets the eye. Yugi solves an old Egyptian puzzle that infuses him with the energy of an ancient spirit. Their forces unite to form a stronger, more confident duelist, for Yugi needs all the help he can get! 10+ • Action/Adventure Season 1 Complete Collection DVD • #767685294949 • DUB ONLY • 1015 mins • $40.46 Season 2 Complete Collection DVD • #025192209864 • DUB ONLY • N/A mins • $40.46 • Released 11/5/13 YUMERIA On his birthday Tomokazu wakes up right next to the strange girl that he’d been dreaming of! Weirder yet, his cousin, Nanase, takes the new addition in stride and enrolls her in Tomokazu’s high school, despite the fact that the girl can only say one word: “Mone.” But things get totally out of control when he discovers that he can take others back and forth to Mone’s dream world, where his new found abilities may be the key to stopping a nightmarish invasion! 14+ • Adventure/Comedy Complete Collection DVD • #SFYUM100 • 300 mins • $29.99 • Released 11/12/13 YURUYURI: HAPPY GO LILY Right after starting middle school, Akari joins the Amusement Club, whose only other members are her two childhood friends Kyoko and Yui. Chinatsu, Akari’s classmate, becomes the fourth member after falling head over heels for Yui. More often than not, Kyoko stirs up some wild scheme to get everyone in trouble as a means to pass the time and experience the ideal middle school life! 13+ • Comedy Season 1 Premium Edition Blu-ray • #813633013107 • SUB ONLY • 288 mins • $55.24 Season 2 Premium Edition Blu-ray • #813633013497 • SUB ONLY • 286 mins • $55.24 • Released 1/7/14 FIND MORE ITEMS ONLINE RIGHTSTUF.COM ZATCH BELL GUILLOTINES Every thousand years, mamodo descend upon earth to conduct the ultimate battle. The winning mamodo becomes the King of the mamodo world. In order for the many mamodo to use their powerful spell books, they need human partners. Kiyo is a brilliant but aloof 14-year-old. Kiyo’s father, an archeologist, finds a mamodo child named Zatch unconscious in a forest. He sends the good-hearted Zatch to be his son’s mentor. The unsuspecting Zatch and Kiyo must defend themselves against the ambush of mamodo-king wannabees. 10+ • Adventure Megaset Complete Collection (Eps. 1-104) DVD • #025192206405 • DUB ONLY • N/A mins • $89.96 • Released 12/3/13 It is the deadliest weapon made by man. The mere mention of its name fills hearts with terror. A weapon of choice for elite fighters, the flying guillotine leaves victims begging for mercy. A secret brotherhood of assassins - known only as The Guillotines - were once favored by the Emperor, but are now a force of terror and oppression under a new regime. Exiled to a remote village and hunted by a squad of fighters with firearms that challenge their cold steel, The Guillotines must now outwit and outfight enemies from both sides. 17+ • Action Blu-ray • #812491014189 • 113 mins • $22.49 DVD • #812491014066 • 113 mins • $18.74 ZETMAN HAPPY LIFE Jin and Kouga may come from very different walks of life, but both boys are searching for the real meaning of justice and what it means to be a hero! Jin may be poor, but he lives a happy life with his grandfather - until the day tragedy strikes and changes his life forever. Kouga, born into a wealthy family, is in line to inherit his family’s power and fortune. But what is true strength? What does it really mean to be human? Jin and Kouga’s fates intertwine in their struggle to harness the power that lies within each of them! 17+ • Action/Science Fiction Complete Series Blu-ray • #782009242840 • 325 mins • $49.47 • Released 11/5/13 DVD • #782009242833 • 325 mins • $40.34 • Released 11/5/13 The members of Active Volcano once burned with a passion for the rock ‘n’ roll life, but the college bandmates eventually drifted apart. Now in their forties, none of their lives have gone according to plan. Lead guitarist Ki-young, bass guitarist Sung-wook, and drummer Hyuk-soo reconnect at the memorial service for their lead singer, Sang-woo. Ki-young takes Sang-woo’s death hard, and it sparks his determination to reunite the band. Can the members of Active Volcano take the stage once again? 13+ • Comedy/Drama Special Edition (2-Disc Set) DVD • #FPDVD1332 • SUB ONLY • 112 mins • $22.49 IP MAN LIVE ACTION BACK TO 1942 The Henan province disaster was one of the darkest moments in 20th-century Chinese history - a humanitarian crisis first sparked by drought, then compounded by a combination of windstorms, government corruption, and a war with Japan. In the midst of the devastation, an American journalist searches for answers, and slowly comes to understand that there may be a greater connection between these tragedies and his political theories than he once thought. N/R • Drama Blu-ray • #812491014097 • 96 mins • $22.49 DVD • #812491014080 • 96 mins • $18.74 COMPANY MAN Hyeong-do goes to the office every day, but isn’t thrilled with the cubicles, the politics, his co-workers, or the management. His job is murder. Literally. At this company, death is all in a day’s work. Hyeong-do is a corporate assassin. He’s one of the best, and a loyal employee. But when his new trainee gets killed, he feels an obligation to care for the kid’s family. Now, Hyeong-do wants out of the cutthroat rat race to start a new life, but his colleagues have different plans. N/R • Action Blu-ray • #812491014295 • SUB ONLY • 96 mins • $22.49 DVD • #812491014288 • SUB ONLY • 96 mins • $18.74 DRUG WAR Manufacturing just fifty grams of meth in China will earn you a death sentence. Timmy Choi has manufactured tons, and after a violent accident, he’s in the custody of Captain Zhang. Now, he only one chance to avoid execution: turn informant. But, the increasingly desperate police are quickly stretched past their limits. As things spin wildly out of control, the line between duty and recklessness is blurred, and it becomes unclear whether Zhang or Choi actually has the upper hand. N/R • Action Blu-ray • #812491014394 • SUB ONLY • 107 mins • $22.49 DVD • #812491014387 • SUB ONLY • 107 mins • $18.74 FLOATING CITY In 1940s Hong Kong, the poorest families had no choice but to abandon their children. Bo Wah Chuen, a mysterious blue-eyed Asian boy, is ostracized and shunned. As he works his way up from lowly laborer to an esteemed engineer for the British colonies, a shy but beautiful wife by his side, and another woman’s attention growing that could feed both his heart and his career, Bo remains haunted. Who is he? Where does he come from? Who does he want to be? N/R • Drama Blu-ray • #812491014110 • SUB ONLY • 105 mins • $22.49 DVD • #812491014103 • SUB ONLY • 105 mins • $18.74 THE FINAL FIGHT 13+ • Action Blu-ray • #812491014417 • 101 mins • $22.49 • Released 11/12/13 DVD • #812491014400 • 101 mins • $18.74 • Released 11/12/13 KING OF THE STREETS Yue Feng is a thug with exceptional street fighting abilities. He will stop at nothing to defeat all challengers - until, in a tragic accident, he kills a fellow competitor and is sent to prison. Eight years later, Yue Feng emerges a changed man. He no longer fights, and is looking for a new life of peace. But it’s brutal on the streets, and redemption doesn’t come easy. His brotherhood is destroyed, family members murdered, and a loved one humiliated - a deadly chain reaction that leaves him no choice but to unleash his power in the name of justice. N/R • Action Blu-ray • #812491013434 • SUB ONLY • 88 mins • $22.49 DVD • #812491013427 • SUB ONLY • 88 mins • $18.74 LAST TYCOON For Cheng, innocence and young love are shattered by circumstance, wrongful imprisonment, murder, and escape. He finds himself in the crime gangs of Shanghai and apprenticed to the local “tycoon”. As the years pass, Cheng rises to the upper echelons of power and finds himself torn between the love of two women, the murderous plots of the secret service, and the looming threat of war that may destroy the entire city. N/R • Action Blu-ray • #812491014325 • SUB ONLY • 119 mins • $22.49 DVD • #812491014301 • SUB ONLY • 119 mins • $18.74 MASQUERADE Political intrigue, betrayal, peril and forbidden romance play out in this lavish, critically acclaimed historical epic set in the royal palace of Korea’s ancient Joseon Dynasty, when a lowly peasant is forced to masquerade as the tyrannical king, who has fallen ill. 13+ • Action/Drama DVD • #851339004128 • 131 mins • $20.24 MULAN: RISE OF A WARRIOR When the emperor of China issues a decree that all families in the Northern Provice must defend their homeland against the barbarian hordes, Mulan disguises herself as a soldier. As the invading armies close in, her remarkable courage and insight elevate her to the position of a true leader, who will sacrifice everything to defend her nation and bring honor to her family. N/R • Action/Science Fiction DVD/Blu-ray Combo • #IF09406 • 110 mins • $22.49 NEW WORLD DVD & BLU-RAY of being exposed, Ja-sung is torn between his duty as a cop and the fiercely loyal gang members who will follow him to hell and back. As suspicions grow that a traitor lives in their ranks, the stakes climbing higher, Ja-sung makes a final, shocking decision no one could have predicted. N/R • Action Blu-ray • #812491014240 • SUB ONLY • 135 mins • $22.49 DVD • #812491014226 • SUB ONLY • 135 mins • $18.74 OLDBOY After a drunken night on the town, Oh Dae-su finds himself locked up without explanation in a mysterious prison, which becomes his home for the next 15 years. When he is finally released, Dae-su finds himself still trapped in a web of conspiracy and violence. His own quest for vengeance becomes tied in with romance when he falls for an attractive sushi chef. 17+ • Action 10th Anniversary Edition Blu-ray • #842498001028 • 120 mins • $31.48 RING SADAKO What began as a haunted videotape, passed from hand to cursed hand all those years ago in The Ring, has only gotten easier to find. Sadako waits. And it’s not just on tape anymore. At a local high school, there is a rumor of an online video of someone committing suicide. If it were only a prank or the work of a deranged artist in town, the students wouldn’t be killing themselves after watching it, would they? The police would have a theory about the quickly growing body count? And what about the woman in white with long hair? N/R • Horror Blu-ray • #812491014059 • SUB ONLY • 97 mins • $22.49 DVD • #812491014042 • SUB ONLY • 97 mins • $18.74 TAI CHI ZERO TAI CHI HERO Sequel to Tai Chi Zero. Lu Chan is still trying to find his place in Chen Village, the legendary town where everyone is a martial arts master... and Chen-style Tai Chi is forbidden to outsiders. But since he helped save the town, Yuniang, the beautiful daughter of Grandmaster Chen, agrees to marry him. It’s only a formality, though - and that suits Lu Chan just fine. Then Village still stands in the shadow of danger. A prodigal brother returns, Lu Chan’s presence invokes a curse on the town, and Yuniang’s scorned fiancée has an appetite for revenge. N/R • Action Blu-ray • #812491014202 • 100 mins • $22.49 DVD • #812491014196 • 100 mins • $18.74 TALE OF TWO SISTERS Something strange is happening when Su-Mi and her younger sister Su-Yeon come home to their father’s large but dark and foreboding house after a stay in a hospital. Their dad is taciturn and burdened and their stepmother, Eun-joo, greets them with forced enthusiasm. 17+ • Horror Limited Edition Blu-ray • #842498001011 • SUB ONLY • 115 mins • $26.98 • Released 10/22/13 TOWER It’s Christmas Eve at Seoul’s ultra-luxurious, 108-story, residential high-rise, Tower Sky, and the annual, magical White Christmas gala is underway, dazzling the elite tenants and their VIP guests. When unthinkable disaster strikes - and out of the reach of help - chaos and panic erupt. Now two strangers must summon the strength and courage to save thousands... but at what cost? 13+ • Action/Drama DVD • #851339004166 • 121 mins • $20.24 YATTERMAN Classic seventies anime series Yatterman flies to the silver screen in a brilliant crime-fighting explosion of candycolored camp, over-the-top adventure, and pure popcorn entertainment. Directed by legendary cult director Takashi Miike and featuring a brand new plot and re-imagined characters! N/R • Action/Science Fiction DVD • #ES055 • SUB ONLY • 110 mins • $18.71 The head of the Goldmoon crime syndicate is dead. The boss’ right hand man, Ja-sung, has been a deep-cover police operative for eight years, closely watched by handler Police chief Kang. With a baby on the way and living in mortal fear 800.338.6827 video.rightstuf.com 19 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ITEM LISTINGS Ratings System To benefit our customers, we have implemented a rating system for many of our products based on the manufacturer’s suggested rating for each title. N/R Not yet rated. ALL, 7+, 10+ Generally acceptable for children. No nudity. Possible mild violence. 12+, 13+, 14+ Parental discretion advised. May contain violence, brief nudity, mature themes, and/or mild language. May suggest sexual situations, but no such situations are shown. 15+, 16+, 17+ Strong violence and explicit language. Nudity may be prevalent. Mild sexual situations may be shown. 18+ Extreme violence and/or explicit nudity. May contain sexually explicit material. Absolutely not for anyone under 18 years of age. Please note: Right Stuf does not set ratings and is not responsible for errors, omissions, or inaccurate ratings. These ratings are guidelines only and are subject to change. Runtime / Page Count The listing for each item contains information detailing its approximate length. Depending on the manufacturer, this may or may not include extra bonus features, such as previews or forwards. An N/A indicates that the manufacturer has not provided this information at this time. prices. However, these editions may or may not include all of the features that were found on the original releases. If you are concerned that the item you are considering may not contain the features that you want, please check the item’s listing through our online store or feel free to contact Customer Care. Missing Volumes You may notice volume gaps in our printed catalog listings. This is not necessarily because the products aren’t available, but merely because we couldn’t fit every item into the printed catalog. If you are looking for a certain volume, please feel free to contact Customer Care or check our online store. Omnibus Editions An omnibus collects two to four “regular” volumes into one book. Omnibus volume numbers don’t always match the regular volume numbers. Print on Demand (POD) Some books are marked “Print On Demand.” This means they are part of the Right Stuf Print on Demand program and are printed to meet orders. The paper quality used is higher than that of “regular” manga, but they may take extra time to ship if we do not have any copies already in stock. DVD-R These are DVDs printed to order by the manufacturer. They will play in DVD players that play regular DVDs. Depending on the manufacturer, they may or may not feature artwork on the top of the discs. DVD/BLU-RAY SPECIFIC Can my DVD play in a Playstation / Xbox / personal computer? It depends on the DVD. There have been instances of some DVDs having difficulty playing in certain players. While the vast majority of DVDs will work just fine, we cannot guarantee all DVDs will play correctly on your Playstation, Xbox, or personal computer. Edited / Uncut Will a Blu-ray disc play in my regular DVD player? Although many fans screech in horror at the very thought of altering the original Japanese version of a show, for a series to make it to American TV (or even into some retail stores), it is often edited. This can mean that scenes containing nudity, excessive violence, blood, and foul language are altered or even totally removed. Anime purists may want the original in all its glory, but parents of young TV viewers do not. Manufacturers recognize this and sometimes release both the Edited (TV) and the Uncut (original) versions of the show. Just as CDs and DVDs require different types of players, so do DVDs and Blu-ray discs. In order to play a Blu-ray disc, you must have a Blu-ray player or a device capable of playing a Blu-ray disc. DUB ONLY? SUB ONLY? Although DVDs and Blu-ray discs allow for the possibility of multiple languages, it’s not always possible to license a title for dual-language release. So, you end up with manufacturers releasing discs that are Subtitled Only (SUB ONLY) or English Dubbed Only (DUB ONLY). Subtitled discs display the dialogue on the bottom of the screen while the actual voices are still in Japanese. Dubbed means the music is (probably) intact, but the voices have been redone in English. If we are aware that a title is dub or sub only, it will be noted as such in the product listing. Release Dates If an item has not yet been released at the time of this catalog’s printing, you may see a release date listed. However, manufacturers can (and often do) change these dates due to production delays. If you are preordering an item and are concerned whether it’s on schedule, please feel free to check the release date on our online store or to contact our friendly Customer Care representatives. OVA (OAV) OVA stands for Original Video Animation. Basically, this means it is a direct-to-video release. Special Collections Certain DVD and Blu-ray items are marked with names such as “Viridian Collection,” “S.A.V.E. Edition,” etc. These are re-releases of the original discs at lower Will a DVD play in my Blu-ray player? While some Blu-ray players will also read DVDs, not all do. We cannot guarantee that all DVDs will play in your Blu-ray player. What is Region Coding? Region coding is a geographical restriction for DVDs and Blu-ray discs. Since players are region specific, you need to make sure that the item you purchase is coded for the same region as your player. All DVDs and Blu-ray discs we sell are region coded for the United States. What region is my player? If you purchased your player from a retail outlet in the U.S., it should be Region 1 for DVD players or Region A for Blu-ray players. You can check the region coding on your player by looking for the region code symbol on the player’s packaging. DVD Region Codes: 0 Region Free 1 United States and Canada 2 Europe, Egypt, Arabia, Japan and South Africa 3 Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Borneo and Indonesia 4 Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, the Caribbean and South America 5 India, Africa, Russia and former USSR countries 6 China Blu-ray Region Codes: A The Americas, Korea, Japan and Southeast Asia B Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Australia and New Zealand C Russia, India, China and the rest of world GENERAL What’s this “Got Anime” thing? It’s an easy way to get an additional discount on your favorite anime items. For a small yearly membership fee, you get additional discounts, newsletters, and members-only specials! Read more about the Got Anime Savings Club on page 3. Memberships are non-transferable and are linked to the billing address of your account. If you move, please make sure to contact us with your new address so that we can update your membership information. I saw this show that I think might have been anime. Do you have it? If you can give us enough information, someone can usually identify the program. Please understand, though, that if you ask us about something where “there’s a girl who’s a magic user, a guy with a sword, and a villain who wants to take over the universe,” there’s a problem. This describes about half the films ever made. Also, knowing what a series or movie is doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s available in the U.S. as a licensed product, but it could be. Why isn’t (title here) available in the U.S.? You might be surprised to find out how much anime is available in the U.S. Of the few titles that remain unlicensed, some titles have their rights disputed, some licensors want more money than a title can possibly generate in this market, and of course, some are currently in negotiation. With the exception of a few TV series (which are a different matter entirely, due to their length), this just about covers it. We do not sell bootlegged products. Why don’t you carry many imports? Limited availability of imports and lack of timely distribution of such overseas items make it difficult to provide quality imports on a timely basis. As such, these items are generally only listed on our online store, so if you’re looking for a particular item, please check our online store or contact Customer Care. Why don’t you have (title here) audio soundtrack from Japan? See the previous question. You also might want to check our online store, since some titles are available domestically. I really want to learn Japanese. What resources do you have? We have many products to help our customers learn about Japan and the Japanese language! Whether you’re just starting out or you’re ready to move onto the next level, we carry the latest items to help you learn the Japanese language. These items are available on our online store, including everything from videos and textbooks to memory aids and intermediate readers. Can I special order items that are not on the online store? Simply put: if it isn’t on our online store, we can’t get it at the moment. Do you carry adult products? Since this catalog is delivered to anime fans of all ages, we’ve taken special precautions to ensure younger fans are not exposed to listings for products that contain adult situations or sexual content. Products of this nature have been placed in a special adult insert, and you will only receive it if you have ordered these products in the past. If you would like to receive a printed copy of the adult section, you can send a written request to: Right Stuf Adult Catalog Request 512 NE Main St. Grimes, IA 50111-0680 A free downloadable version is also available on our website at: http://catalog.rightstuf.com 23 DOMESTIC ORDER FORM ORDER FORM INFORMATION CUSTOMER CARE How can I contact you? Our friendly Customer Care representatives can be reached by phone from 8AM to 5PM Central Standard Time (CST), Monday through Friday: By Phone: 1-800-338-6827 You can also contact us day or night, 7 days a week, online: On the Web: www.rightstuf.com By Email: info@rightstuf.com Please do not email your credit card information. You can also contact us by the traditional methods: By Mail: Right Stuf 512 NE Main St. Grimes, IA 50111-0680 By Fax: (515) 986-1129 (Please use FINE mode) If I move, should I inform you? Certainly a good idea, especially if you want to keep getting stuff from us. Just call our friendly Customer Care representatives who will be happy to update your information. Can I get a new order form? You can give us the information on the form or on any scrap of paper. As long as we can read it, you’re fine. You can also print copies of it at: www.rightstuf.com/orderform How can I check on my order? If you placed your order through our online store, you can check your order status when you log in. Otherwise, simply call our friendly Customer Care representatives at 1-800-338-6827 or email us at info@rightstuf.com Will I get your next catalog? If you’ve ordered something from us in the last 6 months, you will automatically receive the new catalog when it is shipped. If not, you may find that you’ll stop receiving catalogs, and you will have to send us the current catalog fee to reactivate. Why do you hold my order for 12 days when I pay by check? Even with all this cool technology, checks can still require at least 12 days to clear. What’s this NSF charge? “Non-Sufficient Funds” means that your check bounced. There is a $25 charge for all returned checks. Once you have bounced a check, all further orders must be paid for by either credit card or money order. Do I need to add sales tax? Only if you’re shipping to an Iowa address. PAYMENT METHODS Do you take VISA / MasterCard / Discover / American Express? Yes to all. About the only plastic that we don’t take are standard ATM and gasoline cards. If you’re paying by credit card, we may contact you to obtain additional details for security purposes. Shipment may be delayed until we have received the information necessary to complete your order. If I order using a credit card, when do you charge it? Credit cards (by law in our state, actually) get charged only when the product actually ships. COUPONS Can I use my coupons online? Can I pay with my PayPal account? If you are shipping to a U.S. address and your order exceeds $49 (before freight), then economy shipping is FREE! Shipping Options Economy: 4-14 Days. $3.49 for first item + $1 each additional item. Expedited: 2-5 Days. $6.49 for first item + $1 each additional item. How much is shipping for box sets? Box sets are considered a single item for shipping purposes. Yes, you can. Simply use the coupon code that is on your coupon when you place your online order. I’m not at home during the day. Can you ship to my office? How many coupons can I use? Certainly. In fact, we prefer to do this to ensure that you actually receive your order. We require that you include the business’ name in the address so your delivery person can get your package to you. If your package is returned to us, we will charge you an additional shipment fee to reship it. You can only use one coupon per order, and some coupons can only be used one time per customer. Some coupons can also only be used through our online store. This is generally due to specific date or manufacturer requirements, which cannot be imposed on mail-in orders. Please review the coupon restrictions to see if it can be applied to your order. MAIL-IN ORDERS I went to your online store to order, but I don’t have a credit card. Help! Should you prefer to use the online store to select items, you can actually use it to place an order by mail! Simply select all of the items you want and place them in your cart. When you proceed to checkout, make I chose expedited shipping when placing my order, but it took 2 weeks to arrive. Why? You must have ordered a product that we didn’t have in stock at the time that we received your order. If an item is out of stock when we receive your order, we still ship it out by express delivery when we receive it from the manufacturer. Do you do split shipments? SHIPPING TIME Can I get a shipment confirmation sent to me? Shipping confirmations are sent via email to the email address provided on the order form. Please make sure to write your email address as clearly as possible. How long will it take to ship my order? From the time we receive your order, standard processing time is 1-2 days if all of the items on your order are in stock. If some of the items on your order Billing Address Shipping Address (If paying by credit card, this address must match your credit card billing information.) (If paying by credit card, we may contact you for additional information before your order will ship.) Name: Name: Company: Company: Address: Address: (Suite/Apt #) City: State/Prov: Country: Zip: Phone: ( ) (Suite/Apt #) City: State/Prov: Country: Zip: Phone: ( ) GIFT CERTIFICATES Email: Available in any whole dollar amount from $5 on up! Just add the item number “GIFT CERTIFICATE” on this order form and write in the amount you’d like to give. Don’t forget to fill in the quantity! NOTE: Shipping charges do not apply to gift certificates, Got Anime memberships or catalogs. (Right Stuf does not sell or share any personal information you may provide. This information is only used to contact you should a problem arise with your order. Please provide either an email address or a daytime phone number.) Yes Got Anime Member?* No *Remember, your Got Anime membership is tied to your billing address. We may, at our option, ship your order in multiple shipments. Please note that, in general, only shipments using economy shipping will receive partial shipments. Due to increased transportation costs, orders shipping by expedited shipping may be held until the order is complete. You may request a shipment of in-stock items at any time for an additional fee (based on the ship method you have selected) by contacting Customer Care. ITEM# TITLE/DESCRIPTION (SIZE? COLOR?) PRICE QTY. TOTAL Save Money! Add a Got Anime Savings Club Membership (See page 3 for more details.) RETURNING MERCHANDISE If your merchandise is defective due to a flaw in manufacturing, we are more than happy to replace it. Unopened DVDs and Blu-ray discs can be returned for Right Stuf store credit (or in the case of credit cards, refunded to the issuing card). All returns/refunds must be processed within 90 days (120 days if you are a Got Anime member) of the date on your purchase invoice. If you need to complete a return/refund, please obtain a return authorization number from Customer Care at 1-800-338-6827, or utilize our online return request form at: www.rightstuf.com/requestform Products returned without a return authorization number, or those over 90 days (120 days for Got Anime members) past the invoice date, will be returned to the customer at our option. SHIPPING CHARGES Right Stuf does not sell or share any personal information you may provide. This information is collected only to contact you should a problem arise with your order. 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Claymores are half-humans, halfdemons who willingly transformed themselves by mixing their blood with monster’s blood. 16+ • Fantasy/Supernatural Vol. 1 • #VIZ1421506181 • 208 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 23 • #9781421558837 • 200 pgs • $7.49 More volumes also available! CRIMSON EMPIRE From the time she was sold into servitude as a young girl and told by a handsome demonic figure that she had a destiny to fulfill, Sheila’s childhood was anything but easy. After joining an assassin’s guild to undergo rigorous training, Sheila is later taken in by the dashing Prince Edvard to serve as both his housemaid and bodyguard. As skillful as she is with a blade, Sheila hasn’t a clue when it comes to courtly romance. While she uses her talents to help Edvard win the throne, can she stave off the many admirers who vie for her heart? 16+ • Adventure/Fantasy Vol. 1 • #9781937867232 • 176 pgs • $10.49 Vol. 2 • #9781937867447 • 176 pgs • $10.49 Vol. 3 • #9781937867812 • 176 pgs • $10.49 • Released 12/17/13 D.GRAY-MAN In a fictional 19th century England, Allen Walker is a 15-yearold boy who roams the earth in search of Innocence, the SWEET REIN I have a terrible weakness for manga that are cute, sweet, and funny, and in that regard Sweet Rein might as well be kryptonite. From the author of Land of the Blindfolded comes a story about lonely Santas, devoted reindeer, and the meaning and strength of connections that makes me smile just thinking about it. The tone is reminiscent of Natsume’s Book of Friends’ more light-hearted episodes, and the summer “let’s all visit the beach!” chapters are absolutely priceless. - Marie C. Get more information on page 36. mysterious substance used to create weapons that obliterate demons known as akuma. A born exorcist, Walker’s primary anti-akuma weapon is the cross that’s embossed on his red, disfigured left hand. Together with his fellow exorcists, Walker leads the battle against the Millennium Earl, an evil being out to destroy mankind. 13+ • Supernatural Omnibus Edition Vol. 1-3 • #9781421555676 • 576 pgs • $11.24 Vol. 4-6 • #9781421555683 • 576 pgs • $11.24 • Released 11/5/13 DANCE IN THE VAMPIRE BUND ORIGINAL SERIES After millennia in hiding, Mina Tepes, the ruler of all vampires, wants change. Using her vast wealth, she’s paid off the entire gross national debt of Japan and in so doing gained the authority to create a “special district” off the coast of Japan that is to become the haven to all vampires! Now, on the eve of the landmark press conference announcing the existence of vampires, terrorists are plotting to assassinate her! 16+ • Supernatural Omnibus Edition Vol. 1 • #9781937867041 • 656 pgs • $14.99 Vol. 3 • #9781937867751 • 624 pgs • $14.99 Vol. 4 • #9781937867850 • 656 pgs • $14.99 • Released 11/5/13 Regular Edition Vol. 14 • #9781937867263 • 208 pgs • $10.49 More volumes also available! MEMORIES OF A SLEDGE HAMMER Somebody is trying to kill government liaison Reiko Gotoh, but her lycanthrope bodyguard, Seiji Hama, is nowhere to be found. The mystery of Hama’s whereabouts can only be solved by examining the past, when the ill-fated couple first met. The past may be the key to saving Gotoh in the present - and to the future of the Vampire Bund itself! 16+ • Supernatural Vol. 1 • #9781626920194 • 192 pgs • $10.49 • Released 12/3/13 GAIDEN: DIVE IN THE VAMPIRE BUND Side story to Dance in the Vampire Bund. When two teenage tourists visit the Bund and are unexpectedly turned into vampires, they appeal to Mina and her loyal lycanthrope bodyguard, Akira, for help. What they learn is that their only hope is to find a cure to reverse their vampirism within forty-eight hours, or they will be stuck as vampires forever. Unfortunately for them, a race against time turns into a game of cat and mouse that takes them across the entire Bund in pursuit of the one person who holds the key to their salvation. 16+ • Supernatural Vol. 1 • #9781626920170 • 192 pgs • $10.49 Vol. 2 • #9781626920187 • 192A pgs • $10.49 DAWN OF THE ARCANA Princess Nakaba of Senan is forced to marry Prince Caesar Alice Love Fables © QuinRose / Mamenosuke Fujimaru. 26 books.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827 800.338.6827 books.rightstuf.com 27 BOOKS TO ORDER CALL TOLL-FREE 1.800.338.6827 DISGAEA DISGAEA 3: SCHOOL OF DEVILS In the Netherworld school known as the Evil Academy, students learn to be proper demons! Truancy, poor hygiene, and unfinished homework are what’s needed to make the honor role at this evil alma mater. But there is one diminutive demon not content with being the most sinful kid in school... The mischievous Mao has his sights set on superseding his own father, and becoming the new overlord of the Netherworld! N/R • Comedy Vol. 1 • #9781926778723 • 160 pgs • $10.46 Vol. 2 • #9781926778792 • 192 pgs • $11.21 DOGS: BULLETS & CARNAGE Haine, the “Stray Dog”: a cipher of a young man with a mysterious metal collar bolted to his neck and a disturbing talent for mayhem. Badou: a hired gun for petty jobs, legal and non, whose reckless hides a serious intent. Driven by their ghosts and a desire for truth, they and others are inexorably drawn to the “Underground,” the dark and dangerous sector below the city that holds all the secrets - but secrets that can only be had for a price. 17+ • Action/Drama Vol. 1 • #9781421527031 • 200 pgs • $9.74 Vol. 8 • #9781421559063 • 208 pgs • $9.74 • Released 11/19/13 More volumes also available! DOROHEDORO A sorcerer cursed Caiman with a reptile head and left him with no memory of his previous life. Adding to the mystery, there’s a specter of a man living inside him. But Caiman has one key advantage: he’s now completely immune to magic. Along with his best friend, Nikaido, Caiman is hunting down sorcerers, searching for the one who can undo his curse and killing the rest. But when En, the Head Sorcerer, gets word, he sends a crew of “cleaners,” igniting a war between two worlds. 17+ • Action Vol. 1 • #9781421533636 • 176 pgs • $9.74 Vol. 10 • #9781421533841 • 184 pgs • $9.74 Vol. 11 • #9781421533858 • 176 pgs • $9.74 • Released 12/17/13 More volumes also availabe! NARUTO PG 34 of the enemy country Belquat, tantamount to becoming a hostage. While Caesar is pleasing to the eye, he is also selfish and possessive, telling Nakaba outright: “You are my property.” With only her attendant Loki at her side, Nakaba must find a way to cope with her hostile surroundings, her fake marriage... and a mysterious power! 16+ • Fantasy Vol. 1 • #9781421541044 • 192 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 11 • #9781421558899 • 192 pgs • $7.49 More volumes also available! DEADMAN WONDERLAND 16+ • Action/Drama Vol. 1 • #9781421555485 • 216 pgs • $7.49 • Released 2/11/14 DEMON LOVE SPELL Miko is a shrine maiden who has never had much success at seeing or banishing spirits. Then she meets Kagura, a sexy demon who feeds off women’s feelings of love. Kagura’s insatiable appetite has left many girls at school brokenhearted, so Miko casts a spell to seal his powers. Surprisingly, the spell works - sort of - but now Kagura is after her! 16+ • Romance Vol. 1 • #9781421549453 • 200 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 4 • #9781421553658 • 200 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 5 • #9781421553740 • 208 pgs • $7.49 • Released 12/3/13 More volumes also available! DENGEKI DAISY After orphan Teru Kurebayashi loses her beloved older brother, she finds solace in the messages she exchanges with DAISY, an enigmatic figure who can only be reached through the cell phone her brother left her. Meanwhile, mysterious school janitor Tasuku Kurosaki always seems to be around whenever Teru needs help. Could DAISY be a lot closer than Teru thinks? 16+ • Comedy/Romance Vol. 1 • #9781421537276 • 192 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 13 • #9781421559667 • 192 pgs • $7.49 • Released 12/3/13 More volumes also available! DETECTIVE CONAN SEE CASE CLOSED DEVIL AND HER LOVE SONG Maria is gorgeous, whip-smart, and seems to have it all. But when she unleashes her sharp tongue, some consider her to be the very devil! Maria’s difficult ways even get her kicked out of an elite school. Her frank nature gains her more enemies at her new school, but her angelic singing voice inadvertently catches the attention of Yusuke and Shin. Can these boys mend her hardened heart, or will they just end up getting scorched? 13+ • Drama/Romance Vol. 1 • #9781421541648 • 200 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 10 • #9781421541877 • 216 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 11 • #9781421551340 • 224 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 12 • #9781421551357 • 200 pgs • $7.49 • Released 12/3/13 Vol. 13 • #9781421551364 • 232 pgs • $7.49 • Released 2/4/14 More volumes also available! DICTATORIAL GRIMOIRE Upon receiving a posthumous letter from the father he never knew, Otogi transfers to a new school and moves into an abandoned mansion as part of his inheritance. There, he finds a manuscript that reveals the truth about his ancestors: the Brothers Grimm made a deal with mystical beings known as the Marchen Demons, who now have a claim on Otogi’s life. With a dashing male Cinderella as his guide, can Otogi Grimm unlock the power of the manuscript and stop the fairy tale demons before they destroy him first? 13+ • Fantasy Vol. 1 • #9781937867935 • 176 pgs • $10.49 Vol. 2 • #9781937867942 • 192 pgs • $10.49 • Released 1/7/14 DISAPPEARANCE OF NAGATO YUKI-CHAN SEE MELANCHOLY OF HARUHI SUZUMIYA DOUBT ORIGINAL SERIES A Japanese cell phone game called Rabbit Doubt has gone viral in Tokyo. In it, players are rabbits who must do everything in their power to uncover the wolf in rabbit’s clothing before it kills them off. When five fans of this game decide to meet offline for fun, the last thing they expect is to lose consciousness and wake up trapped in an abandoned building with a corpse strung up in front of them and a mysterious barcode tattooed on each of their bodies. 16+ • Drama/Horror Vol. 1 • #9780316245302 • 400 pgs • $14.24 Vol. 2 • #9780316245319 • 400 pgs • $14.24 JUDGE Sequel to Doubt. A young man, driven by jealousy over love, tells a lie that accidentally results in the death of his older brother. Some time later, Hiro is kidnapped and confined to a room with eight other people, each wearing a grotesque animal mask. Their kidnapper informs them that their time has come to be judged for their “sins” - and that they will have to judge one another. Every twelve hours, the captives must choose who among them will die... and only four will remain alive when all is through... 16+ • Drama Vol. 1 • #9780316252669 • 240 pgs • $9.74 Vol. 2 • #9780316240321 • 192 pgs • $9.74 • Released 11/19/13 Vol. 3 • #9780316240338 • 192 pgs • $9.74 • Released 2/18/14 DRAGON BALL Legend has it that if all seven of the precious orbs called “Dragon Balls” are gathered together, an incredibly powerful dragon god will appear to grant one wish. Unfortunately, the orbs are scattered across the world, making them extremely difficult to collect. Enter Bulma, a scientific genius who has constructed a radar to detect the exact locations of the Dragon Balls. She’s on a mission to find all seven orbs, but first she must convince young Son Goku to join her on her quest. With a monkey tail, superhuman strength, and a magic staff for a weapon, Son Goku is ready to set out on the adventure of a lifetime... 13+ • Adventure Omnibus Edition Vol. 1-3 • #9781421555645 • 576 pgs • $11.24 Vol. 4-6 • #9781421555652 • 576 pgs • $11.24 FIND MORE ITEMS ONLINE RIGHTSTUF.COM Vol. 7-9 • #9781421555669 • 568 pgs • $11.24 • Released 12/3/13 Color Edition Vol. 1 • #9781421565927 • 248 pgs • $14.99 • Released 2/4/14 DURARARA!! Yearning for a life less ordinary, introverted high school student Mikado makes his way to Ikebukuro, a hotbed of madmen. On his first day, he encounters a cast of characters so colorful, the rich hues of his rural hometown pale in comparison! As if the naive stalker chick, the hikikomori genius doctor, the hedonistic information dealer, and the strongest man weren’t enough, Mikado also chances upon a sight that leaves him rubbing his eyes - the Black Biker, soundlessly weaving through the streets like a figure out of an urban legend. 16+ • Comedy/Drama Vol. 1 • #9780316204903 • 176 pgs • $8.99 Vol. 6 • #9780316250948 • 176 pgs • $8.99 Vol. 7 • #9780316369015 • 176 pgs • $9.74 • Released 1/21/14 More volumes also available! EVANGELION, NEON GENESIS ORIGINAL SERIES Once Shinji didn’t care about anything, then he found people to fight for - only to learn that he couldn’t protect them, or keep those he let into his heart from going away. As mankind tilts on the brink of the apocalyptic Third Impact, human feelings are fault lines leading to destruction and, just maybe, redemption and rebirth. 16+ • Science Fiction Omnibus Edition Vol. 1-3 • #9781421550794 • 524 pgs • $14.99 Vol. 10-12 • #9781421553634 • 576 pgs • $14.99 More volumes also available! SHINJI IKARI RAISING PROJECT Stunning, hot-headed Asuka has been friends with Shinji since they were little. She always sort of assumed they’d stay together - until the day the beautiful, brilliant Rei showed up in class! When Shinji starts to get curious about Rei, Asuka needs to figure out if she wants to be just friends with Shinji or something more. But why are so many people keeping an eye on these relationships? 16+ • Action/Adventure/Drama Vol. 1 • #9781595823212 • 184 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 13 • #9781616553159 • 192 pgs • $7.49 • Released 12/18/13 More volumes also available! SHINJI IKARI DETECTIVE DIARY When even a tough dude like his school pal Toji is getting menaced by gangsters, a nice guy like Shinji Ikari feels obliged to seek out the local private eye, Ryoji Kaji, and his striking young assistant, Kaworu Nagisa. Somehow, though, Shinji gets drafted into solving the case himself, with Kaworu’s help - although Kaworu quickly proves to be a mystery of his own... 14+ • Mystery Vol. 1 • #9781616552251 • 184 pgs • $7.49 FLOWERS OF EVIL Bookworm Takao falls in love with Nanako, but he cannot express his feelings through words. Instead he secretively acts out in a heat of passion, which creates a huge scandal in his school. There is one person who knows his true nature, and this girl will do anything to nurture what this Charles Baudelaire hides. 17+ • Drama/Romance Vol. 1 • #9781935654469 • 208 pgs • $8.21 Vol. 6 • #9781935654919 • 200 pgs • $8.21 Vol. 7 • #9781939130006 • 204 pgs • $8.21 Vol. 8 • #9781939130044 • 204 pgs • $8.21 • Released 1/7/14 More volumes also available! FROM THE NEW WORLD Humanity, with the newfound “power of the gods” is on the brink. A new species of beast, with the intelligence of man, and another race monsters begin to clash in this unpredictable story told through the adventures of a group of six youth whose telekenetic abilities have such been revealed. N/R • Adventure/Science Fiction Vol. 1 • #9781939130136 • 192 pgs • $8.21 • Released 11/12/13 Vol. 2 • #9781939130143 • N/A pgs • $8.21 • Released 1/21/14 FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST Alchemy: the power to alter the natural world. A dangerous energy which should not be taken lightly. When two brothers, Edward and Alphonse, attempt to harness alchemy to grant their dearest wish, things go wildly astray. Now, the soul of one brother is locked in a living suit of iron while the other has lost his limbs. They roam the globe in search of the ultimate alchemical treasure, the Philosopher’s Stone. But the world is crawling with ruthless alchemists who are pursuing the same thing... 13+ • Adventure Omnibus Edition Vol. 1-3 • #9781421540184 • 576 pgs • $11.24 Vol. 13-15 • #9781421554921 • 576 pgs • $11.24 Vol. 16-18 • #9781421554938 • 576 pgs • $11.24 • Released 11/12/13 More volumes also available! GA: GEIJUTSUKA ART DESIGN CLASS Follow the lives of five senior art students as they learn color theory and technique... and have some cute and colorful life lessons along the way. With full-color illustrations scattered throughout, this volume will teach the reader some art basics as well. Art class was never this fun! 13+ • Comedy Vol. 5 • #9780316250849 • 128 pgs • $9.74 More volumes also available! GANTZ Today, the city - tomorrow, the world! That’s the plan of Il Palazzo, the haughty prettyboy leader of ACROSS, a secret society based somewhere deep beneath Fukuoka, Japan. It’s a good thing he’s starting small, because ACROSS begins its bid for global domination with just two members: Il Palazzo, and Excel, the teenaged girl smitten with him. 17+ • Comedy Vol. 1 • #VIZ156931988X • 200 pgs • $7.46 Vol. 26 • #9781421552330 • 192 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 27 • #9781421552347 • N/A pgs • $7.49 • Released 1/14/14 More volumes also available! The last thing Kei and Masaru remember was being struck dead by a subway train while saving the life of a drunken bum. What a waste! And yet, somehow, they’re still... alive? Or semi-alive? Maybe it’s reanimated... by some kind of alien orb with a nasty message: “Your lives are over. What you do with your new lives is up to me!” And what this orb called “Gantz” intends to do with their lives is make them play games of death. 17+ • Horror/Science Fiction Vol. 1 • #9781593079499 • 224 pgs • $9.71 Vol. 28 • #9781616550509 • 234 pgs • $10.49 Vol. 29 • #9781616551506 • 216 pgs • $10.49 • Released 10/23/13 Vol. 30 • #9781616551513 • 192 pgs • $10.49 • Released 1/22/14 More volumes also available! FAIRY TAIL GATE 7 Lucy wants to join the Fairy Tail, a club for the most powerful wizards, but her ambitions land her in the clutches of a gang of dangerous pirates and devious magicians. Her only hope for rescue is Natsu, a strange boy she met on her travels. Natsu’s not your typical hero - he gets motion sickness, eats like a pig, and his best friend is a talking cat. 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The members of Public Security Section 9, a special-operations task force made up of former military officers and police detectives, track criminals both in the real world and online, along with an on-going, more serious investigation into the serial killer and hacker known only as “The Laughing Man.” 16+ • Science Fiction Vol. 1 • #9781935429852 • 256 pgs • $8.24 Vol. 4 • #9781612620954 • 208 pgs • $8.24 More volumes also available! GTO: GREAT TEACHER ONIZUKA 14 DAYS IN SHONAN After cracking down on troubled teens in his own school, Eikichi (aka GTO) goes home to the peaceful shores of Shonan to relax and escape the stresses of Tokyo. However, much like communities across the globe, even his hometown has not escaped the declining state of child services. In typical form, GTO decides to personally provide hard-knocks education to his old neighborhood with hopes of putting a group of troubled teens back on the track towards happiness. 17+ • Comedy Vol. 1 • #9781932234886 • 200 pgs • $8.21 Vol. 9 • #9781935654636 • 192 pgs • $8.21 More volumes also available! GUNDAM, MOBILE SUIT ORIGIN Universal Century 0079. The experimental RX-78 Gundam mobile suit is scheduled to be transported to Federation command in Jaburo, deep within the Brazilian jungles. Unfortunately, before the transporter arrives the Federation is attacked. With few resources available against the Zeon’s most mobile mechs, Federation forces strike back using their new weapon, the mobile suit Gundam. Caught in the crossfire is a young teen named Amuro Ray. 13+ • Science Fiction Hardcover Vol. 1 • #9781935654872 • 442 pgs • $22.46 Vol. 2 • #9781935654889 • 458 pgs • $22.46 Vol. 3 • #9781935654971 • 480 pgs • $22.46 Vol. 4 • #9781935654988 • 400 pgs • $22.46 • Released 12/10/13 GUNSLINGER GIRL “Rescued” by the Social Welfare Agency after a brutal attack, Henrietta was repaired with robotic components and brainwashed to become an extraordinary, lethal cyborg assassin. Despite her conditioning and programming, Henrietta still has the heart of a young girl who has not completely forgotten how to love. Can the Gunslinger Girl find peace in a struggle against her very nature? 16+ • Action/Drama Omnibus Edition Vol. 1 • #9781934876923 • 560 pgs • $12.74 Regular Edition Vol. 15 • #9781937867287 • 224 pgs • $8.99 More volumes also available! HAGANAI: I DON’T HAVE MANY FRIENDS Recent high school transfer student Hasegawa Kodaka is pathetically inept at making friends. When he comes across Got Anime members ers save an ur everyday extra 10% OFF our es & more! prices, studio sales Naruto © 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto. Ninja Nonsense © 2004 Ryoichi Koga / MediaWorks / Ninin ga Shinobuden Production Committee. 28 books.rightstuf.com 800.338.6827 800.338.6827 books.rightstuf.com rightstuf.com m 29 TO ORDER CALL TOLL-FREE BOOKS the brash loner Mikazuki Yozora, who typically chats with her imaginary friend, the two outsiders become the unlikeliest of allies. Realizing that they have no hope of a normal social life, the two rejects decide to form a group called “The Neighbors Club” in order to make friends and maybe even learn a thing or two about social skills. 13+ • Comedy Vol. 1 • #9781937867126 • 192 pgs • $9.74 Vol. 3 • #9781937867300 • 192 pgs • $9.74 Vol. 4 • #9781937867706 • 192 pgs • $9.74 Vol. 5 • #9781937867867 • 192 pgs • $9.74 • Released 1/7/14 More volumes also available! STAFF PICK HAYATE THE COMBAT BUTLER Hayate’s parents sell him as an organ donor to the yakuza an idea Hayate isn’t too crazy about, so he decides to kidnap someone and ransom them. The girl, Negi Sanzenin, thinks that he is confessing his love for her - and she turns out to be the only daughter of a super-wealthy family. Negi buys Hayate from the yakuza, and to pay her back, Hayate agrees to be her butler. 16+ • Comedy Vol. 1 • #VIZ1421508516 • 208 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 22 • #9781421539058 • 192 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 23 • #9781421539065 • N/A pgs • $7.49 • Released 2/11/14 More volumes also available! HEROMAN Upon hearing of a new toy robot called the Heybo, American teen Joey becomes set on the idea that acquiring one will change his life for the better. Unfortunately, he cannot afford to buy the machine on his meager salary from the local diner. His luck changes when he picks up a broken-down Heybo abandoned by a school bully. He tries to fix the toy, naming it Heroman, but his efforts go to waste - until Heroman is struck by a bolt of lightning, and transforms into a giant robot! 10+ • Action Vol. 1 • #9781935654582 • 192 pgs • $8.21 Vol. 5 • #9781935654681 • 192 pgs • $9.71 More volumes also available! HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD In a matter of hours, a mysterious illness transforms Fujimi High School into a hive of nightmares as students collapse and are reborn as flesh-hungry zombies! Only a handful of students escape the initial outbreak - among them Takashi Komuro and his childhood friend, Rei. He manages to protect Rei from the initial onslaught, but how long can Takashi hope to survive when the whole school - maybe even the whole town - is out for their blood?! 17+ • Action/Horror Omnibus Edition (Hardcover) (Color) Vol. 1-4 • #9780316201049 • 704 pgs • $44.99 Vol. 5-7 • #9780316250863 • 608 pgs • $37.49 • Released 12/17/13 HIGURASHI: WHEN THEY CRY ORIGINAL SERIES Keiichi Maebara has just moved to a seemingly peaceful new town. He’s making friends and enjoying his life - until one day when he learns of a grisly murder that took place in the little village. His friends won’t give him any details, which only adds to Keiichi’s uneasiness. After learning at the town’s annual festival that a death has occurred on that night every year for the past four years, Keiichi is drawn into a web of intrigue to help unravel the mystery of these murders. 16+ • Horror Vol. 1 • #9780759529830 • 192 pgs • $8.99 Vol. 22 • #9780316229456 • 448 pgs • $14.24 Vol. 23 • #9780316229463 • 480 pgs • $14.24 • Released 10/29/13 Vol. 24 • #9780316229487 • 400 pgs • $14.24 • Released 1/21/14 More volumes also available! a success in the manga industry, but that’s not enough to stop Shizuo! 16+ • Adventure/Comedy Vol. 1 • #9781421533650 • 208 pgs • $9.74 Vol. 5 • #9781421554815 • 208 pgs • $9.74 More volumes also available! FIND MORE ITEMS ONLINE DEMON LOVE SPELL Can a demon fall in love with a human? How about one that feeds off women’s feelings of passion or love? Miko, the daughter of a powerful priest, lands herself in a sticky situation when she casts a spell on the incubus Kagura. This new development results in awkward situations, powerful enemies and a budding romance between the two of them. If you’re looking for a series with comedy, romance and supernatural creatures I recommend picking up Demon Love Spell. - Jessica H. Get more information on page 28. UMINEKO Each year, the Ushiromiya family gathers at the secluded mansion of its patriarch, the elderly Kinzo. When their parents’ conversation turns to the division of the inheritance upon Kinzo’s imminent death, Battler and his cousins reminisce about the stories their parents teased them with as children - tales of the witch, Beatrice, who haunts the island’s forest. But when people start dying unnatural deaths, Battler can’t help but wonder... 16+ • Drama/Mystery Vol. 1 • #9780316229166 • 512 pgs • $14.24 Vol. 4 • #9780316229524 • 544 pgs • $15.74 Vol. 5 • #9780316369039 • N/A pgs • $16.49 • Released 1/21/14 More volumes also available! HUNTER X HUNTER When Gon learns his father was a famous Hunter, he aspires to follow in his footsteps and track down monsters, treasures, and words of magic. But first, he has to pass the dangerous Hunter test. Gon quickly befriends two other Hunter wannabes: Kurapika, who’s motivated by vengeance, and money-hungry Leorio. The adventure begins when the would-be hunters run through a forest filled with dangerous animals - and even more dangerous rivals! 16+ • Action/Supernatural Vol. 1 • #VIZ1591167531 • 184 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 31 • #9781421558875 • 208 pgs • $7.49 • Released 12/3/13 More volumes also available! I DON’T LIKE YOU AT ALL, BIG BROTHER!! Dear Citizen: You’ve no doubt noticed that the world is a troubled place. People are apathetic, lazy, and unmotivated. You’ve probably asked yourself, “Why isn’t anything being done to stop this systematic decline?” Well, you’ll be happy to know measures are being taken. We, your government, have decided society needs a wake-up call. 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NARUTO Ninja are the ultimate power - and in the village of Konohagakure live the stealthiest ninja in the world. But twelve years ago Konohagakure was attacked by a nine-tailed fox demon which claimed the life of the Hokage, the village champion. Today, peace has returned, and a trouble-making orphan named Uzumaki Naruto is struggling to graduate from the Ninja Academy. His goal: to become the next Hokage. But unknown to Naruto and his classmates, within him is a terrifying force... 13+ • Fantasy Omnibus Edition Vol. 1-3 • #9781421539898 • 600 pgs • $11.24 Vol. 16-18 • #9781421554907 • 576 pgs • $11.24 Vol. 19-21 • #9781421554952 • N/A pgs • $11.24 • Released 1/7/14 Regular Edition Vol. 62 • #9781421556192 • 192 pgs • $7.49 Vol. 63 • #9781421558851 • 192 pgs • $7.49 • Released 11/5/13 Vol. 64 • #9781421561394 • 192 pgs • $7.49 • Released 1/7/14 More volumes also availalbe! OOKU: THE INNER CHAMBERS In Edo period Japan, a strange new disease called the Red Pox has begun to prey on the country’s men. Within eighty years of the first outbreak, the male population has fallen by seventy-five percent. Women have taken on all of the roles traditionally granted to men, even that of the Shogun. The men, precious providers of life, are carefully protected. And the most beautiful of the men are sent to serve in the Shogun’s Inner Chamber... 17+ • Romance Vol. 1 • #9781421527475 • 216 pgs • $9.74 Vol. 8 • #9781421554822 • 224 pgs • $9.74 Vol. 9 • #9781421558776 • N/A pgs • $9.74 • Released 1/21/14 More volumes also available! NATSUME’S BOOK OF FRIENDS Takashi Natsume can see spirits and demons, and he’s always been set apart from other people because of his gift. Now he’s a troubled high school student who has come to live in the small town where his grandmother grew up. 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When Roman architect Lucius is criticized for his “outdated” thermae designs, he retreats to the local bath to collect his thoughts. All Lucius wants is to recapture the Rome of earlier days. Slipping deeper into the warm water, Lucius is suddenly caught in the suction and dragged through the drainage at the bottom of the bath! He emerges coughing and sputtering amid a group of strange-looking foreigners with the most peculiar bathhouse customs... over 1,500 years in the future in modern-day Japan! 17+ • Comedy Hardcover Vol. 1 • #9780316229197 • 352 pgs • $26.24 Vol. 2 • #9780316232197 • 352 pgs • $26.24 Vol. 3 • #9780316369114 • 384 pgs • $29.99 • Released 2/18/14 SUMMER WARS TIGER & BUNNY Kenji is your typical teenage misfit. He’s good at math, bad with girls, and spends most of his time hanging out in the allpowerful online community known as OZ. 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It’s one of the freshest shonen series in years, easily differentiating itself from the “plucky hero wants to be the best” archetype to deliver a story and characters with emotional weight best compared to Fullmetal Alchemist. - Marie C. Get more information on page 32. desert homeworld, Gunsmoke. But the Stampede’s many enemies have kept their motors running, and they’re back on his trail and determined to bring Vash to ground - hard! And a new crowd of bounty hunters, badasses, and brain-cases are also looking to cash in the astronomical price on his head! 14+ • Action/Adventure/Science Fiction Omnibus Edition Vol. 1 • #9781616550103 • 568 pgs • $14.99 Vol. 2 • #9781616550110 • 600 pgs • $14.99 • Released 1/1/14 TRITON OF THE SEA The ocean holds many tales. Mermaids. Underwater kingdoms. Fantastical beasts lurking in the deep. Spurred by these tales, Kazuya sets out to find the truth, but what he finds is a baby?! 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No, Nick fits in much better on the streets of New Orleans - at least until his so-called friends turn on him! Rescued by the mysterious Kyrian of Thrace, Nick suddenly finds himself indoctrinated into a bizarre supernatural world, that of the Dark-Hunters, where he discovers that life isn’t nearly so “normal” as it once seemed. 16+ • Supernatural Vol. 1 • #9780316190534 • 240 pgs • $9.74 Vol. 2 • #9780316190541 • 240 pgs • $9.74 • Released 12/17/13 DRACULA EVERLASTING Nicholas Harker is an average teen who has just lost his parents in a tragic accident. But when he learns he is the sole heir to a vast estate from a mysterious ancestor he never knew he had, his life will never be average again. Together with his new friend, Jill Hawthorne, who has relocated from London, Nicholas discovers that he is a direct descendant of Lord Dracula, and what’s worse, Dracula’s spirit is beginning to exert control over him. 16+ • Drama/Supernatural Vol. 1 • #9781935934035 • 192 pgs • $8.24 Vol. 3 • #9781937867690 • 192 pgs • $8.99 • Released 12/3/13 More volumes also available! HELLO KITTY Join Kitty in her first-ever comic book adventures as she explores an underground realm, moonlights as an international superspy, climbs the Himalayas, travels back in time, and discovers that sometimes, the best place to get away from it all is between the pages of a good book. ALL • Comedy Vol. 1 • #9781421558783 • 64 pgs • $5.99 Vol. 2 • #9781421558790 • 64 pgs • $5.99 • Released 1/7/14 LONE WOLF 2100 A young girl may hold the key to saving the world... or destroying it. A corporation wants her secret... no matter what it may be. Her only companion is an android... who is accused of killing her father. Plunge into the dystopian world one hundred years in the future, where human-like “Emulation Constructs” fight to enjoy the same rights as their human creators, where the vast majority of the world’s human population struggles to Don see what you want? Don’t F Find even more items on RightStuf.com! MAX STEEL Maxwell McGrath is just your average 16-year-old boy... until he starts experiencing uncontrollable Turbo Energy! To control this superpower, he must merge with a know-it-all alien ultralink named Steel. Together this unlikely duo will battle to save the earth as the ultimate turbocharged superhero: MAX STEEL! Max faces his toughest battle yet when Naught and Dredd hatch a plan to build an army... made up of mind-controlled N-Tek agents! Max has to fight his own allies to stop his worst enemies from staging a full-on takeover! ALL • Science Fiction Vol. 1 • #9781421555232 • 64 pgs • $5.99 Vol. 2 • #9781421557267 • 64 pgs • $5.99 • Released 1/7/14 MAXIMUM RIDE Fourteen-year-old Maximum Ride, better known as Max, knows what it’s like to soar above the world. She and all the members of the “Flock” are just like ordinary kids - except they have wings and can fly. When Angel, the youngest member, is kidnapped and taken back to where she and the others were genetically engineered by sinister scientists, the others must brave a journey to blazing hot Death Valley, CA, to save her. 13+ • Adventure/Science Fiction Vol. 1 • #9780759529519 • 240 pgs • $9.74 Vol. 7 • #9780759529731 • 192 pgs • $9.74 • Released 10/29/13 More volumes also available! MISS PEREGRINE’S HOME FOR PECULIAR CHILDREN 1.800.338.6827 STREET FIGHTER CLASSIC Chun-li and Guile uncover the secrets of Shadaloo, while Ryu and Ken hunt down the murderous master of the fist - Akuma! It’s a whirlwind tour across the globe with all your favorite World Warriors! 13+ • Action Hardcover (Color) Vol. 1 • #9781926778754 • 304 pgs • $37.49 ORIGINS: AKUMA He is the world’s most feared martial artist, mentioned only in whispers. Few have dared to challenge him, and even fewer have survived to speak of the nightmare. He is Akuma Master of the Fist, wielder of the Dark Hado. But he was not always trapped on the path of chaos. Street Fighter Origins: Akuma reveals the secrets of this dark figure’s past for the first time, and shows how a frustrated young man grew into a mad demon. 16+ • Action Harcover (Color) #9781926778785 • 128 pgs • $26.21 MONSTER GALAXY VAMPIRE CHEERLEADERS/ PARANORMAL MYSTERY SQUAD Long before Chase ever heard of Monsuno, scientists experimented with Monsuno essence. One such scientist, Dr. Moto, tried to create her own Monsuno, but her experiments went horribly wrong. Trapped in an icy lab, Dr. Moto has continued her terrible experiments for years, and now Chase, Bren, Jinja have stumbled upon her horrifying creations! Will they be trapped with Dr. Moto and her experiments forever? 8+ • Action Vol. 1 • #9781421549415 • 96 pgs • $5.99 Vol. 2 • #9781421556895 • 64 pgs • $5.99 Vol. 3 • #9781421557281 • 64 pgs • $5.99 • Released 12/10/13 MORTAL INSTRUMENTS INFERNAL DEVICES A prequel to Cassandra Clare’s Mortal Instruments series. Tessa Gray is a sixteen-year-old American girl traveling alone to Victorian London who runs afoul of the city’s sordid supernatural underworld. Rescued by the Shadowhunters of the London Institute, Tessa quickly finds herself caught up in an intrigue that may very well destroy her new friends including the two enigmatic young men, Jem and Will, who have taken her under their wing... 16+ • Supernatural Vol. 1 • #9780316200981 • 256 pgs • $9.74 Vol. 2 • #9780316200967 • 256 pgs • $9.74 BOOKS Alexia Tarabotti is laboring under a great many social tribulations. First, she has no soul. Second, she’s a spinster whose father is both Italian and dead. Third, she was rudely attacked by a vampire, a terrible breach of social etiquette. Where to go from there? From bad to worse apparently, for the appalling Lord Maccon (loud, messy, gorgeous, and werewolf) is sent by Queen Victoria to investigate the incident, and he is none too happy to see Alexia at the scene. 16+ • Horror/Mystery Vol. 1 • #9780316182010 • 240 pgs • $9.74 Vol. 3 • #9780316182034 • 240 pgs • $9.74 • Released 11/19/13 More volumes also available! UGLYDOLL MONSUNO: COMBAT CHAOS RIGHTSTUF.COM SOULLESS A horrific family tragedy sets Jacob on a journey to a remote island off the coast of Wales, where he discovers the crumbling ruins of Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. As Jacob explores its abandoned bedrooms and hallways, it becomes clear that the children were more than just peculiar. They may have been dangerous. They may have been quarantined on a deserted island for good reason. And somehow - impossible though it seems - they may still be alive. 13+ • Mystery Hardcover #9780316245289 • 240 pgs • $14.99 • Released 10/29/13 Avery would love nothing more than to become a Moga tamer, but there’s no way his overprotective mom will let him pursue a dangerous career with the Moga Rangers! Avery and his sister Dawn have kept their aspirations a secret, but the alignment of the planets has sent hundreds of Moga raining down from the heavens, and it’s going to be tough for them to keep their secret with the allure of brand-new Moga all around! 10+ • Adventure Vol. 1 • #9780316224390 • 198 pgs • $7.49 • Released 11/19/13 FIND MORE ITEMS ONLINE Join the Uglys as they rocket into space, travel back in time, and sail the seven seas - or at least one of them. Plus, J. Otto Seibold, James Kochalka, and Mike LM Kelly lend their Ugly talents and storytelling. You don’t need a passport or driver’s license to ride this ride, but please bring cookies! ALL • Comedy Vol. 1 • #9781421555225 • 80 pgs • $5.99 Vol. 2 • #9781421557236 • 80 pgs • $5.99 Vol. 3 • #9781421557243 • 80 pgs • $5.99 • Released 1/7/14 Vampire Cheerleaders: The Bakertown High School cheerleading squad has a secret: behind all their pretty makeup and short skirts are five hungry vampires who sure know how to show their school spirit! Paranormal Mystery Squad: Goth girl Stephanie Kane, her bratty sister Katie, and best friend Charlotte have made a name for themselves hunting down all manner of supernatural beasties. That is, until the People for the Ethical Treatment of Monsters slaps them with a boatload of new regulations and places a court-appointed PETM liaison on their all-girl team. 16+ • Comedy/Supernatural Omnibus Edition Vol. 1-2 • #9781935934745 • 416 pgs • $11.99 Regular Edition Vol. 3 • #9781937867195 • 208 pgs • $9.74 APPARITIONS: GHOST OF OLD EDO Author Miyuki Miyabe explores the ghosts of Japan, and the spaces of the living world they inhabit. Written with a journalistic eye and a fantasist’s heart. Apparitions bring the restless dead, and those who encounter them, to life. N/R • Supernatural #9781421567426 • 224 pgs • $11.24 • Released 11/19/13 BOOK GIRL For Tohko Amano, self-styled “book girl,” being the head of the literary club is more than just an extracurricular activity. It’s her bread and butter... literally! Tohko is actually a literaturegobbling demon who can be found at all hours of the day munching on torn-out pages. For Tohko, the real delicacies are hand-written stories, but when a student comes knocking on the literary club door for advice on writing love letters, will Touko discover a new kind of delicacy? 15+ • Drama Vol. 7 • #9780316076975 • 208 pgs • $8.99 Vol. 8 • #9780316076982 • 224 pgs • $8.99 • Released 1/21/14 More volumes also available! DOG IN WATER Until pain, memory, resignation and fury are all subsumed by the one possible conclusion, a thing or two may just be worth doing. Thus a nameless former cop who should never have become a private detective awaits clients in a dingy office across the street from a Chinese restaurant. N/R • Drama #9781939130037 • 204 pgs • $11.21 EVERYBODY KIRIGAMI! NOVELS AI NO KUSABI: THE SPACE BETWEEN In the future, a new society lives on a distant star. Ruled by a computer system named Jupiter, men are divided into classes based on their hair color. The Blondies, genetically altered by Juipter, are the highest class and occupy the capital city of Tanagura. Those with black hair, Mongrels, are forced to live in the slums, Ceres. Iason, the leader of the Blondies, encounters Riki, a mongrel, in the streets of Ceres one night and sets out to own him... 16+ • Drama/Romance Vol. 1 • #9781569707821 • 300 pgs • $6.71 Vol. 8 • #9781569702703 • 200 pgs • $7.46 • Released 11/13/13 More volumes also available! N/R • N/A Genre #9781939130174 • N/A pgs • $13.46 • Released 2/11/14 KIELI Kieli, a lonely girl with the power to see ghosts, encounters a man named Harvey, who happens to be one of the legendary Undying. The Undying were soldiers made from recycled corpses who were trained to be immortal killing machines in a violent war 80 years ago. She follows Harvey on his journey to return the ghost of a soldier, who died in that war and has since been possessing a radio, to his grave. 16+ • Supernatural Vol. 1 • #9780759529298 • 240 pgs • $8.24 Vol. 9 • #9780759529373 • 240 pgs • $8.99 More volumes also available! MELANCHOLY OF HARUHI SUZUMIYA Meet Haruhi - a cute, determined girl starting high school in a city where absolutely no one understands her. Meet Kyon - the sarcastic guy who sits behind her in homeroom and the only boy she’s ever opened up to. Meet the S.O.S. Brigade - an after-school club organized by Haruhi with a mission to seek out the extraordinary. Their second mission? Keeping Haruhi happy... because even though she doesn’t know it, Haruhi has the power to destroy the universe. Seriously. 16+ • Comedy Hardcover Vol. 1 • #9780316039017 • 224 pgs • $11.24 Vol. 9 • #9780316038935 • 240 pgs • $11.99 Vol. 10 • #9780316038980 • 416 pgs • $13.49 • Released 11/19/13 Paperback Vol. 1 • #9780316039024 • 224 pgs • $6.74 Vol. 9 • #9780316038942 • 192 pgs • $6.74 Vol. 10 • #9780316038973 • 416 pgs • $8.24 • Released 11/19/13 More volumes also available! MELANCHOLY OF MECHAGIRL A collection of some of Catherynne Valente’s most admired stories, including the Hugo Award-nominated novella Silently and Very Fast and the Locus Award finalist “13 Ways of Looking at Space/Time,” with a brand-new long story to anchor the collection. N/R • Fantasy/Science Fiction #9781421556130 • 304 pgs • $11.24 SPICE AND WOLF The life of a traveling merchant is a lonely one, a fact with which Kraft Lawrence is well acquainted. Wandering from town to town with just his horse, cart, and wares, the peddler has settled into his routine - that is, until he finds wolf-goddess Holo asleep in his cart. Holo strikes up a bargain with the merchant to increase his profits in exchange for taking her along on his travels. Lawrence soon learns, however, that having a goddess as a traveling companion can be a bit of a mixed blessing. 16+ • Adventure Vol. 1 • #9780759531048 • 240 pgs • $8.99 Vol. 9 • #9780316245487 • 240 pgs • $8.99 Vol. 10 • #9780316322362 • 240 pgs • $8.99 • Released 12/17/13 More volumes also available! VAMPIRE HUNTER D ORIGINAL SERIES 12,090 A.D. It is a dark time for the world. Humanity is crawling out from under 300 years of domination by the race of vampires known as the Nobility. The war against the vampires has taken its toll: cities lie in ruin and the countryside is fragmented into small villages struggling against nightly raids. Every village wants a Hunter - warriors who have pledged their guns and swords to the eradication of the Nobility. But some Hunters are better than others, and some bring their own kind of danger... 16+ • Fantasy/Horror Vol. 1 • #DHGN1595820124 • 300 pgs • $6.71 Vol. 20 • #9781616552558 • 160 pgs • $8.99 • Released 12/11/13 More volumes also available! ART BOOKS DARK SOULS DESIGN WORKS Showcasing the grim and chilling artwork behind the Dark Souls game in a gorgeous hardcover collection! Dark Souls: Design Works features key visuals, concept art, character and monster designs, rough sketches, and an exclusive interview with the game’s creators. N/R • N/A Genre Color #9781926778891 • 128 pgs • $29.99 • Released 11/13/13 DRAGON BALL THE COMPLETE ILLUSTRATIONS N/R • N/A Genre Color (Hardcover) #9781421525662 • 218 pgs • $18.74 DRAGON’S DOGMA OFFICIAL DESIGN WORKS TOTORO, MY NEIGHBOR Eleven-year-old Satsuki and her sassy little sister Mei have moved to the country to be closer to their ailing mother. While their father is working, the girls explore their sprawling old house and the forest and fields that surround it. Soon, Satsuki and Mei discover Totoro, a magical forest spirit who takes them on fantastic adventures through the trees and the clouds - and teaches them a lesson about trusting one another. ALL • Fantasy Hardcover #9781421561202 • 244 pgs • $13.49 Collects the development artwork behind this expansive new setting, including character, creature, and weapon designs, plus rough sketches, key visuals, and plenty of creator commentary. N/R • N/A Genre Color #9781926778921 • 312 pgs • $33.74 • Released 11/13/13 FINAL FANTASY THE SKY: ART OF FINAL FANTASY Showcases Amano’s ethereal illustrations for the first ten Final Fantasy games! The slipcase features a double-hinged flap that Ninja Nonsense © 2004 Ryoichi Koga / MediaWorks / Ninin ga Shinobuden Production Committee. 40 books.rightstuf.com books.rightst 800.338.6827 800.338.6827 books.rightstuf.com 41 TO ORDER CALL TOLL-FREE BOOKS STAFF PICK ILLUSTRATIONS The wonderful illustrations from the newest games in this legendary series are collected in this prestigious volume. Included in this collection are pin-ups, story artwork, and rough concepts from The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Blue, Trails of Zero, and all three Trails in the Sky chapters. N/R • N/A Genre Color #9781926778914 • 272 pgs • $37.49 • Released 11/13/13 MEGA MAN MM25: MEGA MAN & MEGA MAN X OFFICIAL COMPLETE WORKS MEGA MAN MM25: MEGA MAN & MEGA MAN X OFFICIAL COMPLETE WORKS For Mega Man’s 25th anniversary, Udon is bringing over MM25, a gorgeous artbook that combines the previously released (and now out-of-print) Mega Man: Official Complete Works and Mega Man X: Official Complete Works. But that’s not all – there are also 96 pages of new content, including artwork from Mega Man 9 and Mega Man 10, plus interviews with seven different Capcom illustrators! Any fans of Mega Man or Capcom art in general will want this on their shelf (myself included)! - Judy A. Get more information on page 42. folds around the open edge and is held flat to the back side with a hidden magnetic closure, making it easy both to remove the books and to display the set closed. Each hardcover book is 11 5/8” high by 10 5/8” wide, and printed on glossy stock. Volume 1 contains Amano’s work for Final Fantasy I-III. Volume 2 contains his contributions for Final Fantasy IV-VI, and volume 3 features his art for Final Fantasy VII-X. N/R • N/A Genre Box Set (Hardcover) (Color) #9781616551605 • 640 pgs • $67.49 KINGDOM HEARTS SHIRO AMANO: ARTWORK OF KINGDOM HEARTS Explore the many worlds of Square-Enix’s Kingdom Hearts series with Shiro Amano’s The Artwork of Kingdom Hearts. The artist behind the manga adaptation of the video games that bring together the worlds of Disney and Final Fantasy reveals the artwork that goes into creating the games and the effort he puts into transforming the interactive gameplay of the game into a manga narrative. Featuring concept artwork, sketches, and more, The Artwork of Kingdom Hearts will take readers into the worlds they have only dreamed of! 8+ • N/A Genre Color #9780316401166 • 112 pgs • $20.99 • Released 10/29/13 KORRA, THE LEGEND OF ART OF THE ANIMATED SERIES At over 430 pages, MM25 is the ultimate Mega Man artwork collection! MM25 collects the complete artwork behind every Mega Man and Mega Man X game, including character art, concept sketches, game covers, rare pinups and much more. This new hardcover edition also features over 100 pages of never-before-published material, plus new tribute art and interviews from the creators behind the blue bomber! N/R • N/A Genre Color #9781926778860 • 432 pgs • $44.99 MELANCHOLY OF HARUHI SUZUMIYA ILLUSTRATIONS Collects the fantastic key visuals and promotional artwork from the Haruhi Suzumiya anime series. Autumn & Winter features Haruhi and the whole gang in schoolgirl uniforms, winter clothes, elegant dresses, holiday outfits, and more as they get into hijinks both in and out of school. Spring & Summer features Haruhi and the whole gang in beachwear, sports outfits, summer dresses, evening gowns, and more as they adventure through all sorts of fun and farcical situations. N/R • N/A Genre Spring and Summer (Color) #9781926778709 • 176 pgs • $29.99 Autumn and Winter (Color) #9781926778716 • 192 pgs • $29.99 MONSTER HUNTER ILLUSTRATIONS Illustrations 2 covers all the third-generation Monster Hunter games, including Monster Hunter Tri and Monster Hunter Portable 3rd. Featured are creature designs, monster designs, armor, weapons, tons of rough sketches and more! N/R • N/A Genre Color Vol. 2 • #9781926778884 • 400 pgs • $37.49 PERSONA 4 ARENA OFFICIAL DESIGN WORKS This spectacular art book collects the artwork behind the landmark title, including character designs, rough sketches, storyboards and pinups. All this plus character profiles, story summaries, creator interviews and more! N/R • N/A Genre Color #9781926778815 • 176 pgs • $29.99 PONYO ON THE CLIFF BY THE SEA This hardcover artbook contains hundreds of pieces of neverbefore-seen artwork created during the development of Season 1 of The Legend of Korra. With captions from Mike and Bryan throughout, this is an intimate look inside the creative process that brought the mystical world of bending and a new generation of heroes to life! 8+ • N/A Genre Hardcover (Color) Vol. 1 • #9781616551681 • 184 pgs • $26.24 ART OF LEGEND OF THE HEROES QUEEN’S BLADE CHARACTERS The gorgeous character art from the newest games in this legendary series is collected in this prestigious volume. Included in this collection are rough sketches, character artwork, expression charts, and more from The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Blue, Trails of Zero, and all three Trails in the Sky chapters. N/R • N/A Genre Color #9781926778907 • 272 pgs • $37.49 • Released 11/13/13 This book entails not only cels, but striking watercolor and pastel concept sketches and layout pages. Interviews with production principles about their daring choice to hand draw a film in the age of CGI, and the voice-over screenplay itself, complete the package. ALL • Fantasy Hardcover #9781421566023 • 268 pgs • $26.24 • Released 11/5/13 VISUAL COLLECTION In this full-color art collection are dozens of detailed portraits from many of Japan’s leading character designers, as well as established members of the Queen’s Blade production community. It also features character bios, battle stage information, and additional gameplay facts. 17+ • N/A Genre Color #9781935654551 • 192 pgs • $26.96 1.800.338.6827 SONICOMI SUPER SONICO PICTURE ALBUM Features hundreds of illustrations of the idol, as she works a bikini-photoshoot on the beach, rocks out on stage, cosplays as your favourite anime and game characters, or leaps towards distant stars! Includes images from the Sonicomi visual novel game, as well as merchandise artwork, pinups, crossover costumes, and even more illustrations created just for this volume. N/R • N/A Genre Color #9781926778808 • 160 pgs • $29.99 SOUL EATER SOUL ART This deluxe, full-color, hardcover edition collects the artwork of Atsushi Ohkubo, creator of Soul Eater and B. Ichi. Included are cover art, color pages from the Japanese magazine publications, promotional artwork, designs from the Soul Eater video games, and much more! 16+ • N/A Genre Hardcover (Color) #9780316250986 • 112 pgs • $18.74 VOCALOID FIND MORE ITEMS ONLINE RIGHTSTUF.COM advanced techniques. N/R • N/A Genre #9781939130082 • 64 pgs • $9.71 STRAIGHT ROAD WITH 99 CURVES: COMING OF AGE ON THE PATH OF ZEN ORIGAMI FLOWERS: FOLD BEAUTIFUL PAPER FLOWER BOUQUETS This frank memoir traces Greg Shepherd’s meandering path from seeker to disillusionment, and, over a decade later, his way back to Zen and inner peace. We experience Zen practice in Japan and Hawaii and meet Zen masters Yamada Koun Roshi and Robert Aitken, the “dean of American Buddhism”. And we understand why Zen was so appealing to the American counterculture and how its profound lessons of focus and detachment remain insightful and important. N/R • N/A Genre #9781611720112 • 180 pgs • $11.21 N/R • N/A Genre #9781939130181 • N/A pgs • $12.71 • Released 1/28/14 POKEMON FELTIES: HOW TO MAKE 16 OF YOUR FAVORITE POKEMON This colorful and easy-to-understand project-based kit includes instructions to create 16 Pokemon, and comes with complete materials to create your very own 5-inch Pikachu immediately. Step-by-step instructions, full-color photos of each finished project, and pattern diagrams make it a breeze to craft your own Pokemon. This how-to book showcases some of the most beloved characters of the Pokemon world: Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott, Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup, Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, and, of course, Pikachu. N/R • N/A Genre #9781604381771 • 80 pgs • $11.24 WAY OF TAIKO Taiko drumming offers a deep connection to the universe through sound and rhythm. This book offers a user-friendly guide to taiko, with history, types of drum, performance, and tradition. This second edition includes additional taiko resources, a revised introduction, updates on US taiko, and eight pages of new and stunning color photographs of exciting taiko action. N/R • N/A Genre 2nd Edition #9781611720129 • 136 pgs • $14.96 HATSUNE MIKU GRAPHICS Superstar Japanese idol Hatsune Miku stars in her own character artwork showcase! CV01 collects more than 40 artists’ spectacular takes on the Vocaloid diva. Over 150 illustrations feature themes from high-fashion to everyday activities, pin-up style pieces to musical performance, and more! 13+ • N/A Genre Character Collection CV01: Miku (Color) #9781926778747 • 96 pgs • $22.49 Character Collection CV02: Rin and Len (Color) #9781926778761 • 96 pgs • $26.24 Character Collection CV03: Luka (Color) #9781926778778 • 96 pgs • $26.24 VOCALOID ART & COMIC Collects oodles of tribute artwork devoted to these virtual idols, including exclusive new pieces from some of the hottest names in manga. All this, plus three exciting manga short stories featuring Miku and friends! N/R • N/A Genre Color Vol. 1 •#9781926778822 • 128 pgs • $26.24 • Released 1/13/14 WORLD OF WARCRAFT TRIBUTE Featuring hundreds of artists from around the globe, World of Warcraft Tribute showcases professionals and fan artists alike, each paying homage to the most popular MMORPG of all time. N/R • N/A Genre Color #9781926778877 • 224 pgs • $33.74 COOKING SUSHI SIMPLICITY: MAKING MOUTH-WATERING SUSHI AT HOME ALL • N/A Genre #9781939130075 • 82 pgs • $11.21 • Released 11/12/13 CRAFTS EVERYDAY PAPERCRAFT: PAPER FOLDING PROJECTS FOR THE HOME AND BEYOND Focuses on origami techniques but features papercraft elements to build sturdier projects with a focus on more hands-on items for the office and home. With precise instructions and vivid, four-color photographs, Everyday Papercraft shows readers how to create elegant and useful paper projects that you can display or give as gifts. The book also features information on paper selection and preparation, BOOKS GUIDE BOOKS POKEMON BLACK AND WHITE POCKET COMICS A pocket-sized book brick jam-packed with four-panel comic strips featuring all the new Pokemon Black and White characters, Pokemon vital statistics, Pokemon trivia, Pokemon puzzles, and Pokemon fun quizzes! ALL • Comedy #9781421559100 • 320 pgs • $7.49 ZELDA, LEGEND OF HYRULE HISTORIA An unparalleled collection of historical information on the Zelda franchise. This handsome hardcover contains never before-seen concept art, the full history of Hyrule, the official chronology of the games, and much more! Starting with an insightful introduction by the legendary producer and videogame designer Shigeru Miyamoto, this book is crammed full of information about the storied history of Link’s adventures from the creators themselves. Also includes an exclusive comic by Akira Himekawa! N/R • Adventure Hardcover (Color) #9781616550417 • 248 pgs • $26.24 CULTURE CBLDF PRESENTS MANGA: INTRODUCTION, CHALLENGES, AND BEST PRACTICES This handbook is designed to provide libraries, booksellers, and fans with a concise and informed overview of manga its history, genres, and challenges. What sets this book apart among manga guides is its expert panel of contributors - not only scholars of the medium, but veterans of the manga industry itself who’ve worked from both the North American and Japanese sides of the field. N/R • N/A Genre #9781616552787 • 200 pgs • $11.99 • Released 12/4/13 PERSONA: A BIOGRAPHY OF YUKIO MISHIMA This, the first full biography to appear in English in almost 40 years, traces Mishima’s trajectory from a sickly boy named Kimitake Hiraoka to a hard-bodied student of martial arts. In detail it examines his family life, the wartime years, and his emergence then fame as a writer and advocate for traditional values. Revealed here are all the personalities and conflicts and sometimes petty backbiting that shaped the culture of postwar literary Japan. N/R • N/A Genre Hardcover #9781611720082 • 864 pgs • $29.96 PROFESSOR RISLEY AND THE IMPERIAL JAPANESE TROUPE Schodt’s depiction of Risley and his Troupe is enlivened by portraits of the circus demimonde and supported by 19thcentury photographs, posters, and drawings, many in color. His accounts of these first meetings between Westerners and Japanese shed new light on how different cultures meet, mingle, and influence each other. Descriptions of crowds, dazzling routines, and superstar Troupe performers like the famous Little All Right are a delightful revelation to anyone interested in Asia, the circus, and popular entertainment. N/R • N/A Genre Hardcover #9781611720099 • 304 pgs • $26.25 SAMURAI SWORD: A HANDBOOK This complete handbook reveals the lore of the samurai sword, fascinating both for owners and the intrigued. Detailing the origins and development of the samurai sword, this book covers its historical background, styles, famous schools, and differences in construction, outlining methods of identifying and researching the sword, as well as caring for it properly. 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