When Heaven Invades Earth - Teachers` Christian Fellowship
When Heaven Invades Earth - Teachers` Christian Fellowship
I N S EP TEACHERS’ CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP MALAYSIA | CONNECTING HEARTS AND MINDS | 2016 VOL 28 ISSUE 1 When Heaven Invades Earth “For the eyes of the LORD runs to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9 PP6303/09/2012 (030561) CONTENTS Editorial 01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------God's Providential Care in a Foreign Land by Koh Kok Tin 02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------God's Classroom in the Hospital Ward by Mary Magdalene Teh 05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------God's Approval Mattered Most Interview with Winston Kao 07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------God's Calling and Equipping Interview with Donna Dawi 09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------God's Unconditional Love by Jessica Rine 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------God's Transformed Soul by Wong Yew Choong 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Taking Spiritual Retreats by Dr Alex Tan 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------God's Earthen Vessel by Hoh Mey Fong 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Partnership 17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Announcements 18 I N S EP 01 2016 VOL 28 ISSUE 1 EDITORIAL When Heaven Invades Earth THE EDITORIAL COMMITTEE WISHES EVERYONE A BLESSED NEW YEAR! May this year be a God-encountering season for different ones as we continue to press in and press on as educators in the many lives we come into daily contact with. Let me explain our cover picture. Hai Bee saw this magnificent shaft of light from the clouds invading earth on her NKVE journey to my place to work on this issue of In Step. Truly, this is a year where the LORD would want to demonstrate His signs and wonders in our midst and connect our past, present and future. In “God's Earthen Vessel”, the Lord invaded and connected Hoh Mey Fong's dream from the past which she thought was gone. However, the Lord graciously brought it into reality in 2015. Read how Wong Yew Choong, a retired geochemist, came to terms with God's revelation of who He is in “God's Transformed Soul”. “God's Providential Care in a Foreign Land” records the wondrous provisions of God. Heaven invaded earth in the form of providing miraculously for all of Koh Kok Tin's needs. In “God's Unconditional Love”, heaven came lovingly to the precious Cambodians as recounted by Jessica Rine. “God's Classroom in the Hospital Ward” once again illustrates how we as educators can be channels of blessings, turning every situation into a teaching and defining moment. As educators, it is good to ask ourselves periodically “Why are we teachers?” Donna Dawi has just 'entered' the teaching door while Winston Kao has just 'exited' from it. For those of us who are in between, may we continue to bring heaven into the classrooms! We may be the only source of encouragement and positive influence for some. So let us take courage to continue the good work our Master Teacher has called us to do! In the busy, rolling-on-from-one-to-another life as an educator, we do need to pause, stop and listen at strategic and regular intervals, allowing our souls and spirits to catch up with our bodies. “Taking Spiritual Retreats” is a call for all educators to take time to recalibrate, renew and be refreshed for the marathon journey ahead. A constant reminder and challenge for us is to find a balance between 'being' and 'doing'. We encourage each one of us to check out the announcements page and sign up for the silent retreats for 2016. Lastly, may our hearts pulsate with this cry of “Lord, may Your Kingdom come, Your Will be Done on earth as it is in heaven!” Sophia Ho Editorial Committee Goh Hai Bee Sophia Ho Indyrany Kannaiya Proofreader Tan Meng Choo Printer Percetakan CL Wong Sdn Bhd (747538-W) AS81 & AS84, Jalan Hang Tuah 4, Taman Salak Selatan, 57100 Kuala Lumpur KDN: PQ1780/3509 Creative Layout & Design C Cube Print Design (002423284-P) E-mail: ccubeprint@yahoo.com TCF Office Unit C10-00-05, Blk C10 Apt Subang Perdana Goodyear Court 3 Jln Kewajipan, USJ 7 47630 Subang Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan Tel/Fax: 03-5637 5623 E-mail: tcfmy@pd.jaring.asia Website: www.tcfmy.org Facebook: TCF Malaysia IN STEP is a non-profit Christian newsletter published four times a year by the Teachers’ Christian Fellowship Malaysia (TCF). It is dedicated to Christian educators and issued FREE to TCF members. Views expressed are the writers’ and do not necessarily represent those of TCF. Every effort has been made to trace and credit the copyright owners of images which have been reproduced. TCF apologises for any unintentional omissions and would be pleased, in any such cases, to add an acknowledgement in future issues. I N 02 S EP 2016 VOL 28 ISSUE 1 God's Providential Care in a Foreign Land by Koh Kok Tin QUESTION: YOU ARE A FOREIGN STUDENT STUDYING AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM, THE UNITED KINGDOM (U.K.). You have slogged through a gruelling one-year English specialist course and secured a government scholarship for the MPIK-UK twinning programme after praying for 4 years. What do you do when 9 months into your B. Ed. degree programme, you are diagnosed with breast cancer? Do you get angry with God, feel that God has let you down or call it quits, pack up your bags and go back to Malaysia? I made a choice. “I'd like to complete my studies,” I told Professor Roger Blamey, the world-famous breast cancer consultant. I did not give a thought as to the implications of staying on, how I would cope, whether I would leave the U.K. alive. Being thousands of miles away from home meant that physical home support would not be readily available. What choice did I have but to trust God and walk by faith? Unknown to me, God had everything orchestrated for me. However, my lack of faith surfaced in my emotional health. A gamut of emotions swept over me. My mind reeled from trauma and shock over the devastating news. Fear gripped my heart as what was supposed to be a simple operation turned into something more sinister – radiation and chemotherapy. At the same time I was worried about my studies. Yet, deep in my heart, I still wanted to do well despite being ill. Most of all, I dreaded the chemotherapy and wanted to shelve it each time I visited Dr. Morgan. He knew I was overly anxious and told me to get over with the chemotherapy sessions. I was unaware that the outcome of the treatment added to my stress level. The prognosis was 60% of getting better and 40% of not getting better. I tried not to dwell on the negative side but my composure gave way as tears rolled down my cheeks. Desperate! Distraught! Hopeless! Helpless! Care and Concern from the Beeston Free Church The late Reverend Keith Mawdley was the pastor of Beeston Free Church. He was a pillar of strength in my fight against cancer. I wanted to give up after my first cycle of chemotherapy but he told me that I had to complete the course and if I did not get well he would ask the church elders to lay hands on me With late reverend Keith Mawdley (centre) and his wife, Marjorie Highfields walled garden, University Park, Nottingham and pray for healing. He led the whole church to pray for me on most Sundays, visited me every week without fail, read the Word of God to me and prayed for me. One summer day, he brought me freshly cut yellow roses from his garden. I was greatly touched. His church also sponsored my accommodation fees at the Nightingale Hall, University of Nottingham during the whole of my second year there to help ease my challenges. True to his word, he walked alongside me and saw me through! The Robinsons, my lovely host family, supported me through their frequent visits, bringing me homemade brownies and apple-pies, fetching me to and fro from church and frequently invited me to their home for dinner and prayer meetings. On my first visit to the church, they were the first Christians to invite me to their home for lunch after which they took me to pick black berries. Their love and hospitality saw me through my good and bad days. God also provided me with a best friend, the late Myrtle Clarke, a very caring and godly lady, who would fetch me to the Beeston Flea Market weekly to get my trout for me to cook my fish porridge. She visited me every week, brought me a bottle of honey every time my supply ran out and called me on most days and prayed for me every Tuesday when we met for dinner at the Nightingale Hall. I was a frequent visitor to her home for lunches after church. She was my I N S EP 2016 VOL 28 ISSUE 1 confidante, meeting and relaying my needs to the church and giving me a shoulder to cry on. Despite fighting fatigue, I came alive when it was time to go for musicals and movies with her. We loved to ramble through the woods and stroll along the beautiful campus lakeside. Those outings with her were very therapeutic. Sue Barlow and her troop helped me move my things from Sherwood Hall to Nightingale Hall; Christine Ward secured a place for me in the residential hall without my going through a hassle and gave a lot of support through getting things done efficiently. Truly, our amazing God saw to every need and every detail without me having to do any planning or lifting a finger. Help from the Academic and Administrative Staff, University of Nottingham The academic and administrative staff at the University of Nottingham came forward to extend help in every way possible. Joyce West, the B. Ed. Administrator, and her husband, David West, took me to the hospital to be warded for surgery and hosted me at their home after my surgery and often visited me at the hospital. She even knitted me a cardigan to keep me warm in winter. Such amazing love! Another person who went the extra mile was my dissertation supervisor, Anoma Siriwardena. She came to the campus hospital where I was hospitalised for a month, to supervise me on my dissertation on two occasions. I was the last to be supervised but the first to complete it, thanks to the Lord's enablement. The lecturers including the administrative staff were very supportive of me, visiting me, bringing flowers and conveying written messages of encouragement. Such wonderful people that God brought into my life. My lecturer, Dr. Marie who understood the gravity of my 03 The Robinsons situation, cancelled all her schedules, took time off from work and took me to see Professor Blamey for a second consultation to make sure that I heard the diagnosis correctly. She and many other academic and administrative staff members visited me regularly bringing me a comfort bear, flowers with messages of encouragement to cheer me up. Medical and Professional Support from the Nottingham City Hospital On the day of my surgery, I was put on a gurney (a wheeled stretcher used for transporting hospital patients). As I was being wheeled out, I felt like an athlete running a race. The patients on both sides of the ward spontaneously cheered me on until I was out of sight. That lifted my spirit. When I had many bad days at a stretch, the breast care nurse, Judith Steward who was assigned to me, was called in to help advise, counsel and support me in coping with the gruesome effects of chemotherapy. There, I remember lovingly, the Dutch nurse who would tenderly place my hand on a warm pad to enable my blood to flow well for the chemotherapy infusion. Amidst all the pain and suffering, there were some sweet moments. During my stay at the hospital, I was discharged for 2 hours to pick strawberries with some Malaysian friends and get warded again after returning from the farm. On 2 other occasions, I was discharged and warded again after visiting 2 flower shows. That was great fun which helped in the healing process. Support from the Cripps Health Centre (campus hospital) The university term reopened. When my blood count was low and I went wandering about Nightingale Hall, all pale and weak, the campus doctor, Dr. Nash, had me warded for a month. He assured me that I could stay as long as I liked. I was very privileged. He was always right on time – at 8.00 am every morning he would visit me to assess my medical condition. He was very kind, gentle and shy. Food wise, I had the best. A chef from Hughes Hall came over to cook the food I selected from the menu (ala carte). My favourite food was pork gammon with pineapple – it was most delicious. On Sundays, I received a treat from one of the cooks who would prepare her signature roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. Though eating was a challenge, the sumptuous food whetted my appetite. Most nights, the night nurse came round with a glass of milk and some biscuits; then, we chatted and watched television till it was bed time. I was really well taken care off. Assistance and Concern from the Community I needed transport from Nightingale Hall to the Nottingham City Hospital for 25 sessions of radiation. It was difficult juggling lectures and being on time for the treatment procedures. God provided Olive 04 With Myrtle, outside her Beeston home Abel, a lovely woman from Beeston Free Church, to whisk me off from my lecture hall, the Trent Building to the hospital in her car. On days when I had no lectures, the volunteer taxi drivers would come and fetch me from Nightingale Hall to the hospital, and back again, picking patients along the way and dropping them back. They were real gentlemen; they would come to fetch me, open the taxi door and on arriving at the hospital, they would open the taxi door, carry my things to the reception and later, fetch me from the reception to my hall of residence. They only claimed for petrol, as service was free. Such acts of kindness! Loving Prayer Support from Loved Ones and Malaysians My sister, Careen, visited me during the Christmas holidays and so did my other sister, Janet and her family a few months later. They brought me health food from Malaysia. Other family members lifted me up to the Lord for health and healing. Two MPIK lecturers as well as personal friends, Nga Johnson, whilst on her visit to the U.K. and Dr Yeow Poh Wha, reading for her Ph. D. degree then, intentionally visited me and stayed a night to spend time with me. They all brought me much cheer and comfort. Malaysian students like Anna Poorani and Gim had been a source of great support, taking me out for visits to the strawberry farm, Cadbury factory and flower shows to help cheer me up and get away from the boredom of being cooped up in the hospital room. Indeed, I was greatly blessed by them. I N Reflections Looking back, I stand amazed and in awe of God for His unusual favour, provision and protection for me every step of the way! Indeed, it is by the grace of God that I am what I am today. I am truly humbled and grateful beyond words. I am just so thankful to God for raising the Beeston community to rally to my aid. They remind me of Leviticus 19:34 “The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native born... But let him (her) be among you as one of the same country and you shall love him (her)...” At the end of the long, winding and treacherous journey, God gave me sweet success. I completed my treatment and also my studies way ahead of schedule. He also enabled me to graduate with a B. Ed. first class honours degree from the University of Nottingham which is ranked in the top 1% of all universities worldwide. I have been in remission without medication for close to 20 years. It gives me great confidence to say: No matter where I wander, No matter where I roam, No matter where I am, Even through the storm, God is always there for me, And that makes all the difference! Koh Kok Tin retired as a teacher at the mandatory age of 56. She is currently working in the corporate sector. S EP 2016 VOL 28 ISSUE 1 THE TEACHER'S PRAYER Lord, who am I to teach the way To little children, day by day – So prone myself to go astray? I teach them knowledge – but I know How faint they flicker and how low The candles of my knowledge glow. I teach them power to will and do – But only now to learn anew My own great weakness through and through. I teach them love for all mankind And all God's creatures – but I find My love comes lagging still behind. Lord, if their guide I still must be, O let the little children see The teacher leaning hard on Thee. - Edward A. Estapher THE TEACHER'S PSALM The Lord is my helper; I shall not fear in guiding these pupils. He leadeth me into the Holy of Holies before I prepare this lesson. He leadeth me to the heart of the truth, and prepareth the minds of the pupils for the truth. He giveth me a vision of the immortality of these lives. He leadeth me to see the sacredness of teaching His Book. Yea, though I become discouraged and despair at times, yet shall I lift up my head, for His promises cannot fail me. His Word will not return to Him void, and my faith undimmed shall burn through all the coming years. Thou walketh before me that the seed planted shall grow. Thou shall stand by my side on Sunday, and speak through these lips so that these pupils feel the nearness of God. Thou shalt cause each broken effort to gather sheaves through unnumbered years. My joy is full when I know that every effort is Thy name shall abide forever. Surely Thy love and watchcare shall be with me every day of my life, and some day I shall live with those who turn many to righteousness forever and ever. - Rosalee Mills Appleby I N S EP 05 2016 VOL 28 ISSUE 1 God's Classroom in the Hospital Ward By Mary Magdalene Teh JESUS ALWAYS TEACHES HIS DISCIPLES SPONTANEOUSLY USING THE SURROUNDINGS AS HIS CLASSROOM WHEREVER HE WENT, BE IT THE WELL, THE FIELD, THE TEMPLE OR THE SEA. He also used modelling as a method for teaching. I had an experience that reaped marvellous outcomes when I imitated Jesus' modelling method with the hospital ward as the classroom. “My Mum is going for hip bone operation this morning. Please pray for a successful operation!” This was a distress text message from K, one of my co-advisers in the college Christian Fellowship (CF). K's mother, 81, has been bedridden for many years. She was found on the floor with a fracture of the left hip joint. She cannot remember how she fell! Since she is already bed-ridden, the operation would not make any difference to her movements. It was just to relieve her of the excruciating pain. I wanted to visit her but I was down with flu bad enough for medical consultation in the clinic. At 1.00 p.m., she texted again, “Surgery – fine. Recovering now.” I decided to visit her only on the following day after work. Then, an idea just flashed into my mind: why not I bring a car-load of my CF students along, so that they will have an opportunity to reciprocate love and concern for their adviser? At the same time, I was trying to apply Jesus' method of discipleship: modelling. The following day, I was on medical leave, knocked off by the sedatives in the flu medication. While I was sleeping, somehow I was awakened to the prompting of reading a portion of the Scriptures to K's mother. But I have never met her before and I was not sure if she would appreciate it and so I consulted K. With her green light, I proceeded to pray for God to give me the portion of the Scriptures He wanted me to minister to her. By the evening visiting hours, my flu was getting much better and I was then able to visit her as scheduled, but with a surgical mask over my face – to prevent the aggravation of her condition by the possibility of the spread of the flu virus. On the way, I felt led to share with our team to sing a song to her. They were worship leaders in the CF and so I gave them the opportunity to choose a song. When we arrived at her bed side, she looked very happy to see us. Repeatedly, she said “God bless you” to each and every one of us. To the students, who had just finished their exam that morning, she said, “God bless you with good results.” Her mouth, instead of groaning and complaining about her pain or discomfort, was full of blessing for others! She was a godly, old lady! Then I asked her if she would like us to sing her a song. She readily agreed. The CF president led us to sing Give Thanks. When we started singing, she joined in, singing happily and worshipping God! The Holy Spirit led me in a prayer of thanksgiving, in line with the song. Then I read out to her, “Be joyful always … Give thanks in all circumstances…” (1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18). God was at work in stringing the three themes together for the very short and sweet visit! When we came out of the hospital, I was overjoyed and overwhelmed by the visit. I asked each of my students how they felt about the visit. “Wah! She had high spirit to sing even though she was in pain,” said Jek, “and she joined in the singing with much longing to worship God!” Yes, Jek was sharp in his observation: she had longed for a worship service even though in pain! Indeed, God granted her the desire of her heart by giving her a super mini worship service by her sick bed! When she said to Jek, “God bless you with good results,” Jek felt God answering his prayer and was instantly freed from his anxiety about his examination that day. Fel felt very nice to see Auntie's high spirit of joining in the singing 06 even though she was weak. She marvelled that in spite of the pain, Aunty sang to worship God and was willing to listen to God's Word. She felt very encouraged. “I feel I am blessed more than the patient!” Fel admitted. “I'll visit the sick in future,” she decided, “and I'll pray more for the sick.” Fel has not done this before. This first experience in her life has touched her heart so much so that the resultant effect on her was a compassionate heart that would reach out to those in pain. Gen felt happy because the old lady was happy about our visit. She was right because K said, “My mother appreciated the fellowship, prayers and singing brought by this group!” “I feel she is blessed,” Gen assured, “and will recover faster!” To Gen, not only did the mother's response impacted her, but also K's caring and loving way of nursing her mother was a model to her. She said, “when my mother grows old, this is how I will take care of her, too.” Tas said, “I feel a sense of fulfillment because we helped her even though we don't know her.” She felt good she could serve a fellow believer. “Very encouraging!” she exclaimed, “and very blessed!” “In future, can we go and visit old folks' homes?” she asked. To Tas, the visit has impacted her heart so much so that the resultant effect on her was a burden for the elderly. Half of the 4 students who went with me were the ones who had been hospitalised: Jek, the CF leader was hospitalised for 2 broken hand bones surgery while Gen was hospitalised for an appendix operation. They had been ministered by our CF members who took turns to wait upon them day and night by their sick beds. When these 'king' and 'queen' were discharged from the hospital, their brothers and sisters in Christ had continued to minister to their needs in the hostel, even in the lecture rooms! Now they are the ones to respond promptly to hospital visits! I N S EP 2016 VOL 28 ISSUE 1 Having tasted the sweetness of the love of Christ showered upon them by their fellow CF members, they are passing on this love to others, even strangers. Indeed, vision is not taught but caught. At the point of writing, Mary was a lecturer at Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sultan Abdul Halim. She has retired and is now attached to a seminary to be equipped for pastoral care ministry. "Give me the love that leads the way, the faith that nothing can dismay, the hope no disappointments tire, the passion that will burn like fire; Let me not sink to be a clod: Make me Thy fuel, Flame of God." ~ Amy Carmichael ~ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meditate on the interesting paraphrase of I Corinthians 13 on the importance of love in education. I N S EP 07 2016 VOL 28 ISSUE 1 God's Approval Mattered Most Interview with Winston Kao WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TEACHING? I was a Boys' Brigade (BB) member when I was studying at Horley Methodist Secondary School, Teluk Intan. Most of us in the BB were from non-Christian homes. Many of us came to the Lord through our involvement in the BB. This was how I got interested in the church youth ministry. Sharing Christ with youth became my priority. A good way to reach out to these young people would be to be their teacher. My late BB Captain, Mr Ong Tit Hoe was also a teacher. There were many other BB officers who were all teachers. Frankly, teaching was not my first choice as a career. I was more interested in pursuing a pharmaceutical science career. To me, being a pharmacist is better paid. Moreover, the majority thinks that teaching is more suited for females. Sometimes we base our decisions on what other people think or say rather than on our convictions and on what pleases God. It was indeed a struggle when I was offered to study Bachelor of Pharmacy at USM after my first year at the University. Despite the struggle, I was very clear about whom I would serve – Christ. God's approval mattered most, not man's. Galatians 1:10 says “If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ”. That was how I ended up being a teacher. Share with us your career path I started my career as a teacher on 16 April 1979 after graduating with a teaching degree from Universiti Sains Malaysia. My first posting was to SM Seri Muara, Bagan Datoh. In 1985, I was transferred to SM Seri Perak, Teluk Intan, which was my hometown. The following year, 1986 I applied to join Maktab Perguruan Kinta, Ipoh as a Mathematics and Science lecturer. In 1996, the Lord bless me with a scholarship to study for my Masters at University of Alberta, Canada. I continued to serve at the same college after I graduated in 1997. In 1999, Maktab Perguruan Kinta, Ipoh moved to their new campus in Perlis. I asked to be transferred to the present IPG Kampus Ipoh in Hulu Kinta, Perak. I remained at the IPG until I retired in October 2015 after putting in 36 years and 4 months of service with the Ministry of Education. When I was teaching in secondary school, I served as BB Officer and when I moved on to teachers training college, I helped out in the college CF. Winston with Goh Kai Lian, Seah Jiak Choo and teacher trainees (Ipoh Teachers' Day Celebration 2015) What were some highlights in your teaching career? Throughout my teaching career, I have served as a teacher, lecturer, teacher trainer, Master trainer and Head of Department. I was appointed Pensyarah Cemerlang (excellent lecturer) in 2008. God is good and has blessed me with the opportunity to further my studies to Canada and also a three-week attachment at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. Are there any regret/s? Not really. I see teaching as touching lives and a way of making a difference in our world. The teaching journey, as a lifelong journey of making a difference in the lives of young people, has its fair share of challenges, successes and tears. Nevertheless, I enjoyed my journey. What would you have done differently? Very often as teachers, we rattle on and on, not giving a chance for our students to express themselves. James 1:19 says, “Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry”. Being eager to listen and slow to speak is a willingness to temporarily set aside our desire to be heard so that we can focus on understanding where the other person is coming from. It is a willingness to hear the other person 08 I N S EP 2016 VOL 28 ISSUE 1 Book Review by Sophia Ho out. What we say have great impact on our students. Why would you encourage more youths to take up teaching? Nelson Mandela said, “What counts in life is not the mere fact that we lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead”. What he said sums it all up, the impact of a teacher. Yes, youth should take up teaching. Has it been worth it? Why? Yes. Quoting Hendry Brooks Adams, “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops”. It is teachers' passion that helps them and their students escape the slow death of 'business as usual'. How would you describe your journey in ONE sentence? Teaching with a heart for God, and have a heart for people. HEART TO HEART WITH ASIAN LEADERS: Exclusive interviews on Crisis, Comebacks and Character by John Ng & Alvin Foo Heart to heart with Asian Leaders is an intimate and insightful look at leadership issues first-hand with 28 prominent persons across politics, business, finance and academia in the region. It is an invaluable tool for all in these challenging and fast-changing times – a resource which will profit leaders in the boardroom and living room, office and classroom.” This is a refreshing book to get a glimpse into the lives of many leaders. It is easy-to-read in the form of interview questions and responses. It reminds us that all the successful leaders have encountered crisis after crisis. However, they refused to stay dejected. They bounced back from their adversities. I was particularly blessed reading about the leaders from Malaysia including Lim Guan Eng. It encourages me that Malaysia has hope. There is a generation of leaders arising in our land that are committed to integrity, humility, recovery and divine intervention. I N S EP 09 2016 VOL 28 ISSUE 1 God's Calling and Equipping Interview with Donna Dawi 1. My family and my schooling background I am the second child of three children. My father is a teacher and my mother is a homemaker. My primary school was located in the interior area in a total enrolment of 40 pupils. When I was in Form 2, my father was transferred to Betong town, where I finished my secondary school. 2. The offers of study after SPM. Why did I choose teaching? After SPM, God was so gracious to grant all that I asked for; JPA, PETRONAS, MATRICULATION, IPT (UNIMAS). However, the two most outstanding offers were from JPA (Medical) and Petronas (Petroleum Engineering) with full scholarships for both. In fact, I already enrolled at Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) in May 2010 and had undergone the orientation week. As we were briefed of our career prospects, I then realized that engineering is not appealing to me. The nature of the work seems not compatible with the desire of my heart. Within the same week, the JPA result also came out and I came to know that I got it as well! The enrolment was scheduled to be in July at Taylor's College, Shah Alam. Having that as my back-up plan if I did not get into the Institute of Teacher Education (ITE), I would opt out of the UTP the second week itself. Less than a month later, the ITE result came out and I got it! My heart soared with joy though I knew I had to let go of the JPA overseastwinning programme. Somehow, prior to that, I was certain that the medical field is also not for me after having gone through 5 days of observation in the Sarawak General Hospital (prior to the JPA interview). The sight of blood and sickly people was too overwhelming for me, let alone to help them. In retrospect, I am most grateful to God who not only graciously answered my prayers, but also allowed me to 'have a peek' into both worlds before arriving at my final decision. I have no regrets letting go of the other two 'professional' careers for it was in the Institute of Teacher Education, Penang Campus I found my real passion. To top it all, I encountered Christ afresh! 3. How has the training in IPGKPP impacted me as a Christian teacher? At IPGKPP, our CF is very active. We had many activities such as annual camps organised in collaboration with TCF, FES and CFs from other colleges. Our CF is also privileged to join TCF Teacher's Day High Tea every year. The commitment rendered by our lecturers who faithfully shepherded us over the years is inspiring! 4. How can you use what you have learnt in IPG in the future as a Christian teacher? My spiritual growth is influenced by Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). In 2012, I joined the BSF women's class, having been invited by my lecturer, Madam Tan Lee Wah. The following year, I was invited into the leadership as a Children's leader. I served there for two years. In 2015, I could not join the women's class as my practicum was in Nibong Tebal, away from Penang island. However, God in His sovereignty had a different plan. The BSF Young Adults began its pilot class in July, after I had finished my practicum. Once again, I was invited into the leadership, but this time as a Group Leader. Wonderfully, God used both experiences mightily to mould, shape and discipline me. I learnt to be dependent upon Him for everything especially time management. Looking back, it is truly amazing to walk the talk of faith. I remember the first week I became a Group Leader, I was so overwhelmed and my mind was loaded with thoughts which lasted for a few days. On Monday evening (the first class of BSF), as I took the matter before the LORD prior to the night class, it dawned on me that “It is not about how good a shepherd I am, but how good the Good Shepherd is. Ultimately, it is about my submission to His leading.” Immediately, the 'storm' in me subsided and peace flooded my soul! 5. Tell me why you choose to come to Cambodia to attend the annual national conference for Cambodian Christian teachers with TCFM. What do you hope to achieve in this trip? My visit to Cambodia was actually more than 'my' choice. It was a generous gift by a kind soul who chose to bless me unworthy though I am. For her generosity, I had a memorable trip, and God's grace made evident! Through the trip, I hope to have a wider worldview with regards to brothers and sisters in Christ living In my traditional costume with Aunty Magdalene. I N 10 S EP 2016 VOL 28 ISSUE 1 see the salvation sent from God.'” Luke 3:4-6 With Penang BSF Young Adults Teaching Leaders and friends in another country. 6. What were your reactions when Indy told you that you have to do a workshop on story-telling with Jessica in Cambodia? Honestly, I was quite surprised to be informed that we were given a slot. We both felt inadequate and unworthy to share anything just yet. Lifting our eyes above the circumstances and walking by faith instead, our inadequacy drove us to depend on Him all the more. I remember Jess and I had our first discussion feeling quite overwhelmed and concerned. We took the matter to the LORD in prayer and in no time, we had our plans put together! 7. Tell me about your experiences in Cambodia/ What were positive? What were interesting? What can be improved? The annual conference itself very much reminds me of our own trainee teachers' camp that we organise annually. I consider it a great privilege to meet teachers from different provinces of Cambodia and to listen to their stories. It is also humbling to know that some of them teach simply for the love of teaching and not for personal gain. For instance, a teacher whom we met in a village at the outskirt of Phnom Penh spends his afternoon to teach Bible to the children in the village. He does so voluntarily and is only paid USD1 per month. Hearing that, I was stunned. The weight of his selfless service carries eternal value. His example prompted me to ask myself, “How do I serve the LORD in my community?” 8. How can you use the Cambodian experiences in your work as a Christian teacher? As a Christian teacher, the Cambodian experiences remind me that we are all part of God's big plan. We each have a role to play in His kingdom no matter where we are. We have the privilege of interacting with the next generation every day. Like John the Baptist, we are the “voice shouting in the wilderness. 'Prepare for the LORD's coming! Clear the road for him! The valleys will be filled, and the mountains and hills be made level. The curves will be straightened, and the rough places made smooth. And then all people will 9. Tell me about your future plans as a Christian teacher in a primary school, wherever you are posted. When I first read the question above, my default response was to plan and strategize in my mind 'What would I do?' 'How do I go about it?' Seconds later, I was gently reminded… 'Wait, I must be careful not to advance my own agenda in His name. The issue is not so much of what 'I' do (though it is certainly a valid question), but how is my submission to the King of Kings? Servant that I am, do I obediently submit to my Master's plan and commit to His will or do I conceive my own ideas of how do I serve Him? Therefore, as my future lies in the hand of the LORD, so does my everything else, let it be “the one thing I ask of the LORD, the thing I seek most, is to live in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, delighting in the LORD's perfections and meditating in His Temple.” Psalm 27:4-5 SK St John pupils attending Christian Fellowship meeting With my students from SK St. John, Betong (where I was attached for Internship) I N S EP 11 2016 VOL 28 ISSUE 1 God's Unconditional Love by Jessica Rine WHEN I HEARD ABOUT THE MISSION TRIP TO CAMBODIA, I WAS EAGER TO GO. I have heard and read about people who went there. The opportunity finally came and I said “Yes!” to God without knowing where would I get the money to join the mission. I only believed when God calls, He provides! Indeed, He provided for me financially to attend the conference. I thought I was doing God a favour by joining the mission trip to Cambodia but it turned out He is the one who blessed me more than I can ever imagine. I experienced God's unconditional love through the Cambodians. They welcomed me and treated me as their family in Christ. God's love radiates through them. Language though limited did not stop us from sharing God's wonderful works in our life. Though we came from different countries, we shared a common desire for the transformation of our nations. I believe it is God who has put the desire in our hearts to be the catalysts for changes in our countries. The sharing among us encourages me to be strong and continue to depend on God in order to become a teacher who is able to inspire my pupils! The item that my friend and I were to present to the Cambodians was the story “I love you to the moon and back”. It was a story about a father who loves his son more than the child can ever imagine. After telling the story, I could see all of them were encouraged. They were able to quickly shout the meaning of the story for them. One of them said “God's love is unconditional!” My heart was touched to witness how God spoke to them through the story. Next, I was inspired by how they worshipped God with all their hearts, minds and bodies. The way they sang, danced and poured their hearts to God was amazing. They withheld nothing back during their worship. They proclaimed God's Name and the wonder of His work in their lives. I am blessed to witness their openness to the Holy Spirit as they worshipped. God is alive in them! Therefore, I cannot help but be alive, too! The friendship and openness that they offered brought so much joy in me. As I was leaving Cambodia, I told myself “I'll bring this joy to inspire others especially the children whom I'll be teaching!” Jessica Rine and Donna Dawi LEARN 8 GRΣΣK WORDS ~ 4 Types of Love ~ Meaning Storge Affection Love between family members Philia Friendship Love between friends Eros Romance Love between a married couple Agape Unconditional Love The Love of God ~ 4 Dimensions of the WORD of GOD ~ (adapted from History's First Alphabet: Understanding Hebrew Letters & Numbering with Chuck Pierce & Robert Heidler) Logos The living Word of God Rhema The spirit Word of God Zoe The spoken Word of God Implication Theologians can teach the One can enter into the logos Word out of their own under- Word and still not know the standing and knowledge Creator God What one is thinking about in the Word becomes spirit It can become spoken by a believer from his/her spirit Significance No relationship with the Word One can use the Word as a statement of beliefs and it guides the way one thinks and communicates One is reading the Word/Bible Where the Word once spoken/ story and all of a sudden, declared, all of a sudden has a something illuminates in/to penetrating power of life that oneself causes every death structure around a person to give way Meaning Graphe The written/recorded Word of God I N 12 S EP 2016 VOL 28 ISSUE 1 God's Transformed Soul by Wong Yew Choong QUESTION: HOW DID YOU, WITH YOUR MIND TRAINED IN SCIENCE, COME TO ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOUR? Back in 2012, I was interested enough to find out more about God that I started checking on some Biblical truths. The first truth is that God created Adam and Eve and all people are descendants of this first couple. According to molecular biology researches, scientists have found that all human beings, despite differences in colour and ethnicity, are really members of a single species that had a recent origin in one place. Geneticists, after looking at an international population of genes, had picked up a trail of DNA that led them to a single woman from whom we all descended. In 1955, the TIME magazine carried a short article, saying there was scientific evidence that there was an ancestral man whose genetic material on the chromosome is common to every man on earth. Although these studies of human DNA may not point conclusively to the claim that we are all descendants of the Biblical Adam and Eve, it is interesting to note that they are consistent with what the Bible says: "And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward Him and find Him.” (Acts 17:26) The second Biblical truth that I looked at was that God created a "mature" earth and the entire universe in a fully functional state. According to Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution, Man could have evolved over millions of years from an ape. But he has no hard, irrefutable proof that that was what had happened. Furthermore, classic Darwinism had been largely replaced by theories that differed greatly from one another. Today, many scientists point out that these theories are inconsistent with known Science. For example: (1) cosmic evolution violates known Law of Physics, (2) evolution is mathematically impossible and (3) evolution is biologically unattainable. Since the Biblical truths that I examined were consistent with modern scientific knowledge, I next proceeded to focus attention on myself to find out what was preventing me from accepting Christ Jesus. Eventually, with sincere and honest soul-searching I came to realize that it was my PRIDE that was the resistant wall between my Lord and me. I considered the case of a boss and his employee and asked myself the question: “Can their understanding and relationship with each other improve if the employee thinks he knows more than his boss and take an arrogant stance at meetings?” Of course "No" is the answer. Therefore, the pride in me had to be absent when I listened to His servants' preaching and the reading of His Word if I desired to know Him intimately. Up to that point in time, I still had several issues regarding statements like "Seeing is believing" and "God is Spirit." In Science, we begin with a theory. Then we look for evidential data to support the theory after which we conclude if the theory has been proven or not. Take, for example, WiFi. We cannot see it and most of us do not understand what it is. Does it mean that it does not exist? By no means! There are evidences all around us that WiFi exists and it is invaluable to mankind for all forms of communication purposes. Now, let us turn to God. According to the Holy Bible, God is Spirit (John 4:24) and we cannot see Him or sense Him with our normal senses. Does that mean there is no God? By no means! If we have witnessed evil spirits doing bad things to people, then why is it so difficult to accept that there is a good Spirit who only wants to love us unconditionally, here on earth and beyond? I can testify that God exists. I used to love horse-racing. I loved to see horses running in a race. They moved so gracefully and swiftly and showed such powerful competitive spirit to finish the race. I was invited to become a member of a local elite horse-racing club and started attending race meetings regularly. Then the temptation of a small wager for monetary gain set in. That was the beginning of my addiction to horse-racing. It consumed a lot of my time in studying racing forms in the hope of picking a winner. Then as my addiction grew and I found I did not have time for anything else, I began to realise that that was not the way to try to make some extra cash at the expense of my family life. I did make several attempts at staying away from the races. But, at best, on my own will power, I only managed to refrain for just a month or two before the call of the tracks became too hard to resist. After I accepted Christ as my Lord and Master, I found my own will became less important while His will became greater. I praise and thank my Lord for steering me away from my desire to go back to the races. By His grace and mercy my addiction to horse-racing ended. He gave me other good options to spend my spare time. I have not I N S EP 13 2016 VOL 28 ISSUE 1 gone back to racing for almost three years now. My racing friends are amazed. Truly I am thankful for His bountiful grace and mercies to me. To my so-called scientist's mind, what has happened in my life (and there were many more changes in my life and countless blessings that I do not have space to testify in this abridged version of my testimony) is proof enough that God is real and He loves me. All believers in Christ have experienced His immense love and power in transforming their lives. I hereby testify that God exists because He has transformed my life through His Word (Romans 12:2). Furthermore, God answers my prayer (Psalm 6:9) when I approach Him humbly, reverently and sincerely. What more evidence or proof do I need to accept Him as my Lord and Saviour so that I can be dead to sin and alive in God (Romans 6:1-23)? My approach to finding God may differ from others but just as God first loved me it was His Holy Spirit that first touched my heart and opened my eyes and mind to the Gospel of Christ. No amount of reasoning or thinking can achieve that. It is God's free gift to all of us so that we cannot boast we earned it by our own good deeds. The gracious God however, leaves the decision to us whether or not to accept His free gift of salvation. God does not want robotic obedience. I willingly accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour in 2012 at the age of 72. In 2013, I was baptised in the Kledang Community Chapel, Ipoh. Wong Yew Choong was born on 28 March 1940 in Kuala Lumpur to immigrant parents from China. He was educated in Methodist Boys' School, Kuala Lumpur until Upper Six in 1959. He studied in the University of Malaya on a Malaysian Government Scholarship, graduating with a B.Sc in Chemistry and Geology in 1963, and an Honours degree in Chemistry in 1964. Upon his graduation, he immediately commenced work at the Geological Survey Malaysia HQ (GSM) in Ipoh. Later, he was promoted to Senior Geochemist in 1976, a super scale appointment. He was awarded a British Council scholarship to do his post-graduate course in Geochemical Exploration in the Institute of Geological Sciences, London, UK. In 1984, he was promoted as the Director of Geochemistry. He retired in 1995. His wife is Tan Meng Eng, a retired English Language teacher of Methodist Girls' School, Ipoh. Taking Spiritual Retreats by Dr Alex Tan A MILITARY RETREAT IS OFTEN CONSIDERED AS LOSING GROUND AS THE SOLDIERS ARE INVOLVED IN MOVING BACK OR WITHDRAWAL. However, not everyone sees it as that. General Oliver Prince Smith during the Korean War declared, "Retreat, hell! We're not retreating, we're just advancing in a different direction”! A spiritual retreat is not losing ground. It is taking a step sideways to reflect upon and to consolidate the advances of our spiritual life. Our lives are very busy. We are swept away by its non-stop demands. The insistent attentiongrabbing noise of the mobile phones, television and social media drowns out the voice of God. Our bodies are stressed resulting in hypertension, heart attacks and strokes. Our souls are fragmented and disjointed. Our lives feel disconnected and surreal. We feel as if we are drowning in a strong flowing river, being swept away with no control over our lives. All we can do is to try to keep our heads above the water. And when we do have a moment to take stock, we wonder where the months and years have gone. It is essential for those who are serious about their spiritual life to take time out for retreats. As mentioned, retreats are when we intentionally step aside to reflect about our lives – in Christ and to listen to Him who is speaking into our lives. Retreats are opportunities for us to • assess the state of our spiritual • • • • • • • • life making important decisions pray listen to God rest recharge recommit renew reassess our ministries Retreats are of many different forms. There are the formal guided retreat (usually under a spiritual director), informal group retreat, I N 14 and personal retreat. Personal retreat may be conducted by a person on his/her own. Frequency of taking a retreat depends on individuals. The length of a retreat varies. It may be a 3-day retreat, a one week, one month or three months. In silent retreats, speaking is kept to the minimum. There are no fixed place for a retreat. We may have a retreat at a retreat centre (which is ideal because they provide accommodation and food), a hotel/resort, a caravan or a tent. Or even in a home. Example of a personal retreat in 2011 <http://www.kairos2.com/retreatA ug2011.htm> The focus of a retreat is not in how it is structured but in spending time with ourselves and with the Lord. The keyword is listen. • In a retreat, we listen to our bodies. Some of us are not very good custodians of our bodies. Often I find that most people sleep a lot during their retreats. This is because many of us are not aware of how tired we really are. • We listen to our lived experiences. Many of us need time to process our experiences. There are grief processes that need closure. Issues of deep hurt and wounds need to be identified and undergo the process of healing. There are areas of forgiveness that need to be worked through. • We listen to the silence in our lives. Such silence which is found between words, speaks of our deepest needs, and of our innermost demons. Silence allows us to name and face these needs and demons. • We listen to the sound of our prayers. Our prayers reflect our inner spiritual life. This is especially true of our prayerlessness. Though we give a lot of lip service to prayer, time for prayer is the first to disappear in a busy life. • We listen to the word of God by reading the Bible. Bible-reading is an essential component of a retreat. In a retreat, we have time to read the Bible slowly and reflectively. In normal days, many of us read the Bible either to prepare a sermon or for cell group Bible study. S EP 2016 VOL 28 ISSUE 1 impression, a strong conviction or even an audible voice. The whole process of a retreat is to slow us down so that we can hear the still, small voice of God. As Elijah cannot hear God during the noise of wind, earthquake and fire, we often cannot hear him in the earthshaking and stormy events of our everyday–lives. • In a retreat, we step aside to listen to the whisper of a still, small voice, to re-evaluate our lives, to pray and obey. It is essential for us to make time for retreats. This is especially if our lives are very busy. Allocating time for retreats should be part of our planning and ministry. I recommend that we plan for at least two retreats a year. We must realise that we serve out of our being. There is always the danger that we run on empty. We may get away by serving when we are spiritually empty but it will be a matter of time before we crash and suffer burn out. We must realize that when we fall, not only we will be hurt, more importantly many others who depend on us and look up to us will be hurt, too. So, take time out to step aside in our busy life and listen. ·• We listen to the voice of God. This may be an inner strong Interestingly, the Chinese word for listen is 'ting'. It is a combination of the Chinese characters of being present, seeing, focusing, feeling and thinking. Dr Alex Tang is a Consultant Paediatrician as well as a lecturer with Monash University's Medical Faculty. He is also an elder with the Presbyterian church and is an active writer and blogger in the area of spiritual formation and life. I N S EP 2016 VOL 28 ISSUE 1 15 God's Earthen Vessel by Hoh Mey Fong I AM PRIVILEGED THAT GOD GRANTED ME AN OPPORTUNITY TO ATTEND A 9-MONTH LEADERSHIP TRAINING COURSE IN ASIAN RURAL INSTITUTE (ARI) IN JAPAN FROM MARCH TO DECEMBER 2015. God widened my perspectives on topics in agriculture, globalisation and localisation, pollution, war and environment. He also deepened my understanding of the entire cycle of nature and life that He intended for His whole creation. Our most important needs for survival are oxygen, food and water. In Genesis 1, I understand all these were God's free gifts to us 'in the beginning''. Indeed, “By faith we understand that the world was framed (fashioned, put in order, aligned properly and equipped for the intended purpose) by the Word of God so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible” (Hebrews 11:3) God also commanded us to 'fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion' over His creation (Genesis 1:28). What does this mean? Does it mean I can do whatever I wish to God's creation? The answer is NO! We are to be good stewards of God's creation! We are to take good care, protect and preserve all that God has richly blessed us and the succeeding generations. As I witness how nature is being exploited, the environment is being polluted and the whole world is in total chaos, I think we as God's people also –do not take God's commandment seriously. Instead, we forged partnerships with the world's ways of doing things. I sinned against God by being a “watcher” of all the destruction and doing nothing about it. Ironically, most Christians today are not oppressed by pagan warlords. We are oppressed by mindsets from the devil. Satan fills our minds with these thoughts: “I cannot do anything”, “I have only a small voice”, and “I have no power and authority”. The Lord wants His sharp, living and active Word to pierce through the world's structures and create His order. Then we will recover blessings that have been hidden through disorder and chaos from past seasons. Therefore, everything that gets out of God's order/ framework deviates from the Word of God. In other words, the Word of God has been displaced and Satan is creating and operating confusion/chaos. If all the chaotic conditions in our world hurt me deeply, I cannot imagine how much more they hurt God who still owns creation? What should be my response as a care-taker of God's creation? How can I make a difference as I stand in the gap in this season? “In the beginning” when it was spoken by God in Genesis 1:1, are three powerful words that are still relevant yesterday, today and tomorrow. Satan has been using Man to stop the power of this phrase from continuing its operation, its energy and its creative power. Satan through religion must make us think that God did this and He is not doing this anymore! The power of God's Living Word is for us to enter into God's “In the beginning” again! God gave me a dream as a young child about my involvement in agriculture and livestock. However, my setback was I became a school dropout. I could not read or spell correctly. Therefore, it meant I could not continue with my studies. However, God in His redemptive grace, wisdom and knowledge has something far better. My past does not control my future. God controls my future. God has redeemed my past as an adopted and dyslexic child. He has given me hope and His Word as my strategy to fulfil His promises and plans for my future. I give God all glory, honour and praise because my Abba Father who loves me deeply fulfilled my long-forgotten dream after 30 years! If I did enter institutions of higher learning earlier in life, I might have learnt all about chemical farming like others. However, not many people fully understand the word 'sustainable' in sustainable agriculture. Even our universities that offer this topic are teaching chemical agriculture which proved to be destructive. Therefore, we are now concerned about global warming, climate change, pollution and a host of encircling disasters. Today I serve among Orang Asli (OA) to help them understand sustainable agriculture and at a deeper level to guide them back to “in the beginning” so that they and their households can enter into the fullness of God's plan for them. I know I still need tremendous downloads of God's wisdom and grace to do my small part for His creation. I trust that all my brothers and sisters in Christ will pause, rethink and ask our Heavenly Father to make us His change agents for the sake of future generations so that they can continue to enjoy God's creation. My desire is to see young children enjoy nature, and I N 16 connections and favours. I cannot do it alone. Let us do it together with joyful hearts and laughter. understand the importance of the whole cycle of life and food security. So, I really want to see schools begin to have topics that can achieve these objectives be it as a subject or by starting a sustainable agriculture club or society. My prayers are that God will give school principals and teachers the vision and boldness to act, as God speaks from His creation. Our education system can include Agriculture Science as an attractive subject for our young people to pursue. May God open His floodgates to bring in passionate servant-teachers who are willing to share in schools. Prayer: “Lord, we speak, we decree and we declare that we are ready to start again “in the beginning”. May the covenant power of Your voice be released into the earth realm/ our spheres of influence to create and continue to do so! Let your Spirit's power unlock our whole being and give us your divine blueprint to define the reality around us.” This is my prayer, desire and dream that need divine MY BACKGROUND I am a Malaysian Chinese born in Kuala Lumpur. I was brought up in a typical Chinese family who practised ancestral worship. I have an elder sister and a younger one, and all three of us were respectively adopted into the family. I attended 6 years of primary and 5 years of secondary studies in Air Panas Girls' School, Kuala Lumpur. After leaving secondary 5, I took on a number of jobs, working with the Royal Selangor Pewter Company as a caster for 9 months, then in the design department designing packaging boxes for more than 5 years. During that time, I also took up evening and weekend classes on black and white photography, pottery and horticulture. After that, I went to United Kingdom and Europe for a one-year working holiday. Upon my return from my working holiday, I worked as a part-time freelance tour guide and newspaper delivery vendor. Finally, I ventured full-time into the cake and food business – catering for finger food and set lunches besides operating a stall selling bread and cakes in the canteen of a university. In 2008, I took up a job with Malaysian CARE, a nonprofit Christian charity organisation established in Malaysia in 1979. I FOOD FOR THOUGHT ON FOOD SCARCITY AND SECURITY: Farmers can do without professionals, but professionals cannot do without farmers. S EP 2016 VOL 28 ISSUE 1 am supported by my local assembly, the Saint Andrew's Presbyterian International Church, to serve in Malaysian CARE as a community staff. As a child I have always loved the outdoors, and have a keen interest in caring for animals, plants, agriculture and nature. I enjoy jungle trekking, caving, photography and activities that connect me with nature in one way or another. Deep inside me, I nurture a passion to help in any way that I could, to reach out to people who are helpless and living in poverty to meet their basic needs for survival with secured food supply and to empower them to have the independence to sustain their living with the proper use and upkeep of the natural environment. I cherish and envision a stage where needy and marginalised people have all their basic needs met by living in close harmony with nature. God has richly provided all the necessary means for us to enjoy. Hoh Mey Fong was a product of a school system that failed to identify her as a dyslexic child and harnessed her God-given gifts. However, through divine intervention, God has deepened her faith in Him, enriched her in every way and empowered her to serve our indigenous people through food-life education and sustainable farming. God gave her a unique opportunity to have a head-on, hands-on and heart-on opportunity to study in the Asian Rural Institute (ARI) Japan for 9 months. She is now a community staff member of Malaysian CARE, Perak. I N S EP 17 2016 VOL 28 ISSUE 1 In Partnership Ayin Vav – Year To Establish Your Future WE HAVE ALL ENTERED INTO 2016 WHICH IS ALSO THE HEBREW YEAR 5776, THE YEAR OF AYIN VAV. Interestingly, Ayin is the Hebrew word for 'eye'. God wants us in TCF and the education mountain to increase our abilities to see, look again to see better and beyond ourselves. We also need to be aware that the eye can be a symbol of evil and to discern the occult forces around us in the field of education. In 2 Chronicles 16:9 “For the eyes of the LORD runs to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” So, 2016 is the year when God is looking for those who are committed to Him so that He can show Himself strong. As educators and communicators at different levels, whether in the private or public domains we need to be filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit to move forward in faith and see God's miracles and breakthroughs in our consistent mindsets, concerns and constraints within the education system and web of relationships. The other Hebrew letter for 5776/2016 is Vav. It is a picture of a connecting pin which holds and joins things together like God's Tabernacle for 40 years in the Vav wilderness. He tabernacles among us today. Vav can mean hook, peg, nail or pin. So, we need to know who God has connected us in covenant relationships and allow God to invade our lives so as to establish us in our respective destinies during times of transitions, crossroads and repositioning/ realignment. Indeed, let us all align ourselves to ABBA Father's authority in our lives and receive His anointing and activation of the gifts He has deposited in us for the areas of activities He has called us to serve Him in 2016. All of us who have been, are still and will be associated with TCF and the education mountain need to ask God how we can use our tent pegs like the woman named Jael (Judges 4) so as to secure victories and breakthroughs for ourselves and TCF. Most of us are oppressed by the Sisera (Judges 4) mindsets of fear, timidity, unbelief, weaknesses, hopelessness, passivity and poverty from our enemy, Satan. 2016 is the year for us to put (vav) the tent peg of God's Word to break Satan's oppression. God controls our future and the future of TCF. Let God establish our future this year and let us be on the right side of the Jordan river, crossing over with God. Let us consider and declare God's Names for He is “I AM that I AM” (Exodus 3:14) El Elohim – the Strong One El Elyon – the Most High El Shaddai – the God Almighty El 'Olam – the Eternal God El Hai – the Living God El Gibbor – the Mighty God Elah – the Awesome God ------------------------------------------------------------ Goh Hai Bee, former TCF Vice Chairman I N 18 S EP 2016 VOL 28 ISSUE 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS TCF AGM Date : 5 March 2016 (Saturday) Time : 2pm Venue : TCF Office SILENT RETREAT TRAC-TCF EDUCATION SILENT RETREAT Date : June 3-5, 2016 Venue : Rumah Methodist, Bukit Fraser Topic : Come & Rest in Me - An Educators' Retreat Facilitator - Rev Hwa Chih Rev Hwa Chih is an ordained Anglican minister. He is currently retired from active ministry. His calling and passion: formation and spirituality – 'being' precedes 'doing'. His dream and prayer for silent retreats is to help fulltime workers to journey towards being transformed (Romans 12:1-2) into the persons God wants them to be. As educators, we model more than we teach. We want to impart our values from the calm, peaceful wellsprings of our hearts. This retreat integrates times of silence, rest, prayer and reflection on the state of our spiritual journey in our life with Christ. Dates 6-11 June 2016 or 4-9 July 2016 (Retreat begins with dinner at 6.30 pm Monday; ends with afternoon tea at 3.00 pm on Saturday.) Facilitator: Dr Alex Tang is a Consultant Paediatrician as well as a lecturer with Monash University's Medical Faculty. He is also an elder with the Presbyterian church and is an active writer and blogger in the area of spiritual formation and life. For more information, please log onto http://www.trac.org.my/ index.cfm?&menuid=70& parentid=22 MARANATHA RETREAT HOUSE Another possible place for silent retreats. Website: http://maranatha.com. my/index.php Venue The Cleft (It is located near Selesa Hill Homes) Cost RM500 / S$500 per person (Please do not allow cost to hinder you from registering for a retreat) Number of participants Maximum 6 persons per retreat Registration Please send inquiries to: Rev Hwa Chih 59 Tingkat Taman Ipoh 10, 31400 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia Email: hwachih@gmail.com Phone/SMS: +60175094880 (Malaysia) Whatsapp: +60175678034 OUR CHILDREN'S EDUCATION AT THE CROSSROADS 2.0 Public Schools? Chinese Schools? Home Schools? International Schools? Private Schools? Lost...? You are not alone! Join us for dinner and a time of questions and answers.