July 2014 - Christian Books Worldwide
July 2014 - Christian Books Worldwide
PO Box 388 Leatherhead Surrey Christian Books Worldwide E: office@cbww.org.uk W: www.cbww.org.uk July 2014 Bring the Books Praise the Lord for the many new opportunities He has given us. Sukesh Pabari returns home from Kenya this month to take up a pastorate in Clevedon. We are currently printing four new books he translated into Swahili with two more re‐prints. He hopes to continue the work in Kangwangware with trips abroad as a caretaker of this work. Over thirty books have been printed and are being distributed. When we say “distributed”, we have learned that one book is on the Radio in Tanzania. We have supported Stephen Nowak in his training visits to Tanzania with near on 20,000 of Sukesh’s Swahili books. On Stephen’s recent visit to the Mbeya region he found that one pastor was using a Swahili book received previously, on a regular radio slot, where each week he reads a chapter of John Piper’s “50 Reasons Why Christ Came to Die” and makes comments on it. With 50 chapters this gives him material for one year. So the Lord is multiplying the bread again. Recently, Pastor Robin returned from Pakistan where the Lord opened many doors for the gospel. The Lord allowed him to preach in three different churches, speak at one Bible college, visit two libraries, and distribute 500 Urdu copies of “Foundation of Christian Faith” with 4000 leaflets. The difficulties and persecution of Christians in Pakistan are well known, yet Robin found great humility and hunger for God's word. Pray for boldness for Pakistani Christians to reach out to Muslims and trust in Him who is able to save their souls. There is a great need for commentaries and topical books. In one church Robin says: ”I was asked to speak right at the end of the service and I took 50 copies of FOCF in Urdu. By the time I came out of the church most of them were gone.” The effect of sin can be seen. During the visit a women was stoned to death by her family members, a suicide bomb killed two army officers, there was the killing of Shia's Muslims, and an attack on Karachi airport. Not all these things reach our news. Robin is grateful to those who prayed for him. He was hoping to bring his mother to the UK due to her poor health, but they have not been able to obtain a visa. Urdu leaflet CBW is currently printing in Urdu “Preaching , Pure and Simple” by Stuart Olyott Our Chairman, Jeremy, just got back from an end of year conference with Garry Williams in Nis, Serbia, at the Balkans Theological Seminary, which was established in 2013. Those who know the brethren in Serbia will have heard of Simo Ralevic and his brothers. Simo's story, how he survived under the communist regime, and how his family came to know the Lord, and then started translating and publishing hundreds of Reformed books and evangelistic material, is an amazing one of praise to the Lord. Jeremy has known Simo from boyhood when his father (John Marshall) used to take the family 'bible smuggling' for their family holidays. This visit was the culmination of many dreams to establish a suitable training college for students and pastors living in the Balkan region. Ceda and Simo Roger Weil's book "Foundations of the Christian faith", and "Knowing God" by Packer have just been published in Serbian, and were distributed. Garry Williams lectured for two days to 10 students (who are beginning training for the ministry) plus about 30‐40 others who listened in. Most seminary students in any context are keen to learn, but it was a pleasure, and a privilege to teach men so obviously hungry for God's word, and in a context where there is so little of it. There were approaching 2 1/2 hours of Q and A with lots of good questions, which is always a sign of real engagement and thinking. People come from quite far. There were a number of students and attendees from Macedonia in particular. The newly refurbished buildings in the centre of Nis (the second city of Serbia) allow students to stay overnight and eat on site. The library, which was tiny, is much expanded with old and new books on theology in both Serbian and English, many supplied by CBW. Garry helped with the syllabus for next year. The Balkans region is so needy spiritually and materially, and the work of this fledgling seminary is like a small seed that we should pray will grow into a strong tree. CURRENT Projects: Emanuel addressing students at Balkans Theological Faculty Printing in Burmese, Hakha Chin, Urdu, Hindi, Tamil, Vaiphei, Zulu, Shona and 6 books in Swahili. New Russian stock. Bring the Books Our new logo is designed to reflect our partnership with Pastor Training International Jeremy Marshall, David Ide ‐ (davidide@btconnect.com) 01483 200342 Robin Asgher, Mike Taylor (mtaylor@christianbooksworldwide.org) 01372 372983 CHRISTIAN BOOKS WORLDWIDE is a registered charity. No 112 75 03