Deliverers - Voice of The Light Ministries


Deliverers - Voice of The Light Ministries
Ministry Letter
Voice Of The Light Ministries
Army of
The room was filled with great expectation. Hundreds of hungry
and thirsty people were crying out together and pulling down from
heaven the very presence of our loving Father. As His presence began
to fill the room, the atmosphere and hearts of the people began to
change. Prophetic words were being released, giving glory to our Lord
Jesus Christ, our guest of honor. This was an amazing time of
surrender to the king of Kings and lord of Lords, at the capital of our
nation, in Washington, D.C. A powerful force of deliverance was
released, not just for the people who attended, but deliverance was
released at the very door of our nation.
“This is something that is going to be like a tidal wave that will
move throughout our country. God never does something in one place
that He doesn’t want around the world,” said Ana and Emerson.
Momentum is building everywhere God sends the VOTLM Team and
also with the supernatural movement of the Regions of Captivity
Deliverance Conferences. Amazingly, these conferences are moving
to a higher level or realm in the Spirit. People are really experiencing
what it means to be delivered and set free, so they can go forth and
deliver others. The Lord wants the world delivered and set free! The
Lord made this very clear at this conference.
The prophetic ministry was amazing. Ana began to prophesy,
“This is the time that He will judge our enemies. Hear the choir of
angels that are singing. Just and true are your ways all powerful God.
July 09
N· 6
Ministry Letter
You are just, and in
all your ways you
are just. Thirst and
hunger and raise
your voice. We are
here to become one
worshippers. Great
things will happen
when you worship
She continued.
“I am establishing
are for those who
authority to judge. I am raising and choosing My
people. I am giving them authority; to judge in the
kingdom of darkness, to judge the works of the devil,
to undo or destroy the works of the devil,” says the
Lord. “I have called you to rule. I have called you as a
king. I have called you to have dominion. I have called
you and have anointed you to subject all your enemies
under your feet. My authority is in this place. I will lift
up, in this place, a government. This is a place of
government, Washington D.C. From this place, I will
establish thrones of government. Those who listen
attentively to my voice will sit upon those thrones to
“There is just too much evil that has gone out to the
face of the earth and my people are oppressed and my
people are subjected under darkness and darkness
rules, BUT NOT FOR VERY LONG. I am awakening a
people with understanding and with knowledge of
understanding, who are coming out of the church
understanding into the Kingdom understanding. This
means, people are coming into the Kingdom to
possess their place in the Kingdom.”
Then the Lord used Emerson to release an
incredible experience in another dimension in the Spirit
through worship. He released powerful words of
wisdom and revelations of who God is and what He
expects from His sons and daughters. Emerson said,
“If you are going to worship God, you are going to have
to be conscious of Him. You must begin to let Him fill
your mind. You will lose track of time and space and
who you are. That’s worship because you enter the
Spirit realm. He is looking for those who will worship
Him in Spirit and in truth. It is not about us, it’s about
Him. Then you will concentrate on the greatest
treasure that any man could ever find and that is
Then Emerson prophesied. “I am going to start
something here,” says the Lord, “that will be a river of
worship and freedom. People will come from all over
the United States, not to just see the monuments, but
to get free and experience My love and My power and
to experience Me in the reality of who I am. I have
heard your heart crying and I know that you are looking
for something that’s going to ‘shake the nations’ and
what I have begun here is going to spread to the
People began to realize, at the conference, they
were still focusing on this present world and all of their
problems, sicknesses and financial needs. They were
in spiritual and physical bondage. They were caught in
places of captivity, set in motion by the devil and his
demonic schemes and structures. Without deliverance,
these people would never be completely free to
experience our God and His Kingdom of light and life.
Emerson said, “How can He share the secrets of the
universe and the secrets of eternity with us if we are in
captivity? There is hope. The Lord is now releasing
Ministry Letter
supernatural solutions from heaven to many problems
that have no solutions.”
Praise the Lord! Our Father is releasing this
amazing revelation of deliverance, through the
Regions of Captivity teachings of Ana and Emerson
and through the VOTLM Team. Hundreds, and soon
thousands, will be set free, and they too will become
deliverers for this generation. In the times of Moses,
when the children of Israel were in the physical
bondage of slavery to a system and structures of
captivity, the Lord sent a deliverer. NOW this is the
time the Lord is raising up and sending out an Army of
Deliverers to set our generation free to become true
worshippers. In Ex 8:1 it says “This is what the LORD
says: Let My people go, so that they may worship Me.”
A new generation of worshippers is being filled with the
power and authority of the living God.
In Mark 16:20 it says, “They went out and preached
everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming
the word through the accompanying signs.” At these
conferences, hundreds are being set free from the
strongholds of sickness, disease, depression,
hopelessness, suicide, sexual abuse, drug abuse,
bondage to medicines, religious structures and much
more. In Washington, DC, there were those who were
healed from mental illness, dependency on drugs,
ancestral worship, generational strongholds of
witchcraft, and one awesome healing of a woman who
got up and walked away from a wheel chair. Now this
is confirming the Lord is working with them,
through the accompanying signs and wonders.
Amen! Remember what the word says, “Not by
might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the
LORD of hosts.” Zech 4:6. The Holy Spirit is
By Pastor Cheryl Hernández
Board of Directors Member VOTLM
Ministry Letter
We just returned from Washington D.C.,
where we held an extraordinary “Regions of
Captivity” Conference. Many were set free from
their areas of captivity and the anointing of the
Holy Spirit was greater than ever.
submission of our will to the Holy Spirit must
take place and we must commit our soul to our
spirit! We have to be willing to take our will and
give it to the Holy Spirit, if we want to see
changes in our lives.
I wanted to go deeper with the Lord so I
asked Him, “Lord what now?” The Holy Spirit
gave me this word that I would like to share:
If people felt free after the conference, it is
because they drank of the living water from
heaven and ate the flesh of the Lord.
The Lord said, “Everyone that attended the
conference must go deeper than ever before, but
to do this we will have to change our old habits,
our old daily routines, our old food habits and
the way we think. We must be looking for His
revelation, if we really want to know and follow
HIM. We must do this NOW. No matter what we
are going through, no matter how our situations
are financially, what state our marriage is in or if
we have problems with our children. We must
leave everything and follow HIM, but it has to be
NOW. “
In John chapter 7:37-38 Jesus says, “If you
are thirsty, come and drink and I will cause rivers
of living water to flow out of your innermost
being”. Notice that He did not say river, He said
The point is, we need to move forward, NOW.
Ana Méndez Ferrell spoke of something very
important at the conference when she said, “The
Lord gave us a free will. This means God cannot
control our will, neither can the devil. Nobody
can possess it. Only we can decide what to do
with our will.”
So, we have to make a decision and it has to
be NOW. We are not to waste much time. The
There are many rivers flowing inside of us;
rivers of prayer, rivers of destiny, rivers of
blessing, rivers of revelation, rivers of change.
There are rivers full of things that God wants to
give us from Heaven, but nothing is going to
happen, nothing is going to change in our lives if
we don’t begin to yield ourselves to the leading
of the Holy Spirit.
That is why Voice of The Light Ministries hosts
these conferences, not to provide knowledge,
but to train us to open our spirit to hear and see
what the Holy Spirit is saying. So let the rivers
flow. If we let the Holy Spirit move freely in us,
we will see the changes in our lives.
VOTLM team
More Info:
July 10 to 11 Jacksonville, FL
Kingdom’s Women II Conference
July 23 to 25 Miami, FL
The Kingdom Government
Ministerio Apóstolico Avance Misionero
Phone: 1-904-386-6512