2013 Retreats - Barbara Bruce


2013 Retreats - Barbara Bruce
2013 Retreats
New in
transforming lives
skye farm
c a m p & retreat m i ni s tr i es
A Ministry of The Upper NY Annual
Conference of The United Methodist Church
2 013
Pontoon Boat
aldersgat eny.org
Pool Basketball
sky lake
Hello Friends,
In the beautiful Western New York Region you will discover a
60-acre Christian retreat center where you can leave your cares
at the entrance. Since its founding, Asbury has welcomed tens of
thousands of guests, and through the years, God has continued to
work in the lives of those visiting these Holy Grounds.
Asbury offers comfortable lodging from deluxe hotel style rooms
to more informal family and youth housing. Relax in your room,
stroll the grounds or stake out your spot in a rocking chair on
the Manor porch and let your mind wander as you look out over
beautiful Silver Lake. Asbury is where people come to listen to
Asbury also offers a variety of outdoor recreational activities such
as canoeing, kayaking, swimming, sports, walking trails and
more. Nearby area attractions include Letchworth State Park,
whitewater rafting, golf and stunning vistas year-round.
You can count on Asbury’s staff to provide excellent customer service in a Christian environment. Before you even set foot on the
campus, be assured that Asbury’s staff has prayed for you. Our
mission is simple. We offer hospitality that helps people grow in
their relationship with Christ. Lives change at Asbury. Priorities
become realigned. And personal goals give way to God’s perfect
will. Come and experience Asbury for yourself.
If you are a meeting planner seeking the ideal location for your
next retreat or event, a pastor or ministry leader preparing a
personal or staff retreat, or a family looking for a unique spiritual
retreat, we invite you to experience the rustic charm that is found
in Western New York, and the spiritual peace that is found in
In Christ,
Mike Huber
Associate Director
Camp and Retreat Ministries
Upper NY Annual Conference
The United Methodist Church
About Asbury
ome and experience Asbury Camp & Retreat
Center! We offer day events in addition to single
and multiple overnight programs. Whether you’re
looking for adult, youth and family programs, or
retreats for clergy and ministry leaders, Asbury offers
something just for you. We invite you to come to the
lake and experience great accommodations, homecooked food, and a staff who will take care of all
your needs while you enjoy your time away at one of
our upcoming retreats!
Asbury offers a variety of accommodations, from hotel-style
rooms to cabin units. Lodges include twin beds with private or
semi-private bathrooms. Cabins are outfitted with bunk beds
and inside bathrooms. Couples, singles, families and young
people are comfortable and affordably housed.
Food Service: A wide range of healthy and nourishing meals
is served buffet style in Asbury’s dining room. Guests and
retreat participants often tell us they are amazed and pleased
with the quality of food. We encourage an atmosphere that
allows opportunities for fellowship, and ensure that those times
are plentiful. Again this summer, a fresh array of seasonal
foods grown on local area farms will be served!
Amenities & Activities: Asbury is a place of relaxation,
fun and renewal. A variety of meeting spaces, both indoors
and outdoors, are available for guest use. During the summer
months, our heated swimming pool is open and guests may
choose to participate in activities such as challenge course,
boating, fishing, volleyball, basketball, and 4 square. A
large athletic field is also available as well as walking paths.
Asbury’s 1950’s style snack shack is the place to go for ice
cream floats, a late night snack or to purchase a souvenir.
& Adults
You Deserve It: A Women’s Get Away
a women’s retreat on March 22-23, 2013
What Would You Do?
a women’s retreat on August 16-18, 2013
What would you do if you could? Using the book by Elisa
Morgan based on Mark 14: 8, She Did What She Could
(SDWSC): Five Words of Jesus That Will Change Your Life,
Rev. Mary Martin and Rev. Dee Finch will offer sessions,
healing time, and creative worship to explore how we can
do what matters most in the moments God has given us. Elisa
Morgan says, “Most of us care. We really do. We care about
poverty and injustice, about orphans and the sick. And yet,
weighed down by the everyday tasks of bringing home a
paycheck, putting food on the table, shuttling kids around, or
caring for an aging loved one, we question our ability to make
a difference. But what if we did…. Something? Just one thing.
The thing that matters more than anything else in that solitary
moment.” There will be time in the schedule for activities such
as swimming, boating, hiking, relaxing, and enjoying a treat
in Asbury’s 1950’s style Snack Shack.. An optional trip to
attend vespers at the nearby Abbey of the Genesee will be
+ $140 multiple occupancy, $190 single occupancy, $65 Commuter
(2 nights, linens, 6 meals, and programming)
Craft & Quilt Weekend Retreat
Sept ember 20-22, 2013
Spend a whole weekend doing the craft that you love, whether
it is quilting, scrapbooking, painting, needlework and more.
Stay up late, sleep in or take a moment for a scenic walk.
Begin and end each day with centering moments from God.
+ Package A: Friday-Saturday, 1 overnight, your own table, 3 healthy meals, linens,
& snacks. $80: triple room, $90: double room, $110: single room
+ Package B: Friday-Sunday, 2 overnights, your own table, 5 healthy meals, linens,
& snacks. $125: triple room, $135: double room, $175: single room
Mini Sabbaticals at Asbury
For Pastors and Leaders in ministry
Asbury’s lakeside Manor with hotel-style accommodations,
complete with bathrobes and slippers, will become our Cozy
Mountain Lodge where women will find shelter in God.
Through the beautiful Bible story of Naomi and Ruth, you will
have the opportunity to gain a deeper relationship with God
while developing Christian friendships. Step away briefly from
your busy life. Give yourself some much needed rest. Sleep
in and let someone else cook and clean up. Come alone, or
grab a friend or two! Worship and study the Bible together.
Getaway begins with dinner on Friday at 6:00 pm.
+ Cost: $85 for a triple room, $99 for a double room, $125 for a single room
(includes use of linens, bathrobe, slippers, 3 meals, and programming)
retreats for women & adults
Retreats for Women
Rest… Imagine…no rush, no schedule. You’ll have time
to think, pray and connect with God and each other in the
beauty of God’s creation.
Relax… By yourself…with your spouse…or with another
pastor or ministry leader. No formal meetings or programs
to attend. Recharge… This is a Spirit-directed time for you. Have your
own prayer retreat. Catch up on your reading. Write a book!
Organize a staff retreat, spend time planning or work on
sermon outlines.
+ Create your own mini sabbatical at your convenience based on our availability! For a
registration form, contact our office at info@asburyuny.org or 585-237-5262.
Primetime at the Lake: Ageless Spirit
June 7-9, 2013
You are invited to our retreat setting on beautiful Silver Lake,
NY, to join others in learning, exploring, and having fun.
Our experienced facilitator, Barbara Bruce, will help you
engage in mind/body/spirit activities enabling each of us to
discover the essence of WHO and WHOSE we are. We have
a wisdom born of our years of experiencing life – our joys
and doubts that through it all have made us who we are.
Come and celebrate your ageless spirit. This all inclusive
package includes two overnight accommodations, six healthy
and nourishing meals, sessions with Barbara Bruce, evening
entertainment, a trip to Genesee Country Village & Museum,
boat rides on Silver Lake, and more.
About Our Facilitator: Barbara Bruce
Barbara is a Christian Educator with a passion for
facilitating retreats. She is the author of ten books
and countless articles. She believes that the mind,
body, and spirit are intertwined to make us who we
are as individuals. Barbara teaches Mental Aerobics
as part of the Gerontology Certification Program at Lifespan.
She has been trained in and facilitated courses in Guided
Autobiography. For more information about Barbara visit her
website at bbruce.com.
+ Cost: $199 multiple occupancy, $249 single occupancy, $109 Commuter
Check-in begins at 2 p.m. on Friday. Retreat will conclude at 2:00 pm on Sunday.
Asbury Sacred Pathways Retreats
Sacred Pathways Retreats
Weaving Together: Body, Mind, & Spirit
April 26-27, 2013
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in
my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and
wonderfully made.” - Psalm 139: 13-14
Come rest, pray and re-member who you are at this
engaging retreat with Rev. Meredith Vanderminden. Our
culture encourages us to treat our minds, bodies and spirits
as separate, unrelated entities. But God created each part
of us to function together as one cohesive, sacred whole.
Together we will consider how God is at work in all of who
we are. Through multiple approaches to prayer, we’ll work
to integrate all three wonderful aspects. We’ll think, discuss,
reflect and pray together. We’ll also use safe, gentle, deeply
compassionate creative activities that will take us deeper into
our desire for wholeness and relationship with God. If you
want to feel more deeply connected to all of your wonderful
parts... If you long to be more grateful for the body you
find yourself in... If you desire to experience God in a more
integrated way...Join us! Together we’ll weave together a new
understanding of the wholeness God desires for us. And we’ll
do a little simple weaving, too! Retreat begins with dinner at
6:00 pm on Friday and concludes at 4:00 pm on Saturday.
About Our Facilitator: Rev. Meredith Vanderminden
Meredith is the founder of Art Divina (visit artdivina.
com). A pastor, retreat leader, writer, artist, spiritual
director and Expressive Arts facilitator, Meredith is a
gifted retreat leader who offers programs nationally.
She received a Master of Divinity degree from Drew
Theological School in 1999 and is an ordained elder in the
United Methodist Church. Meredith is currently pursuing a
Doctor of Ministry degree in Arts and Theology at Wesley
Theological Seminary in Washington DC. Meredith lives in
the beautiful foothills of the Adirondack Mountains near Lake
George, NY with her husband and two children.
+ Cost: $105 for a double room, $130 for a single room
(includes use of linens, 3 meals, and programming)
Writing to Explore & Express Your Faith
May 22-23, 2013 with barbara bruce
Do you enjoy writing? Would you like to experience various
methods of writing? Would you like to hone your writing
skills while exploring your faith? Come and join us for our
first writing retreat. All you need to bring is a pen, paper
and a spirit of discovery. Retreat registration is at 3:30 pm
with dinner at 5:30 pm on May 22. First session begins after
dinner. Retreat concludes at 2:30 pm on May 23. Read More
about the facilitator, Barbara Bruce on Page 1.
+ $85 for a triple, $95 for a double, $115 for a single
“John and Charles Wesley”:
Mentors for Congregational Health
July 14-16, 2013
Participants will be introduced to the life and times of John and
Charles Wesley. They will explore themes such as: Preaching
full salvation, Discipleship groups, Constant Communion &
Love Feast, Singing and praying hymns, and Social Holiness
and will relate these themes to congregational life
About Our Facilitator: Rev. Dr. John Tyson
Rev. Dr. John Tyson is a visiting Professor of Church
History & Director of United Methodist Studies,
Colgate Rochester Divinity School; Professor of
Theology, United Theological Seminary, and Pastor, Arcade
United Methodist Church. John did his doctoral dissertation
on Charles Wesley. He has many published articles and
books. John is a former Houghton College professor and an
experienced conference and workshop leader.
+ $140 multiple occupancy, $190 single occupancy, $75 commuter
(2 nights, linens, 6 meals, and programming)
Praying With Your Camera
Sept ember 28-29, 2013
This retreat promises to be a photography experience unlike
any other. The image produced is not nearly as important as
the process of creating it. Yes, your images may be beautiful,
but the focus is not on the outcome; instead, it is on the
spiritual formation experienced in making it. Rather than your
technique, your photo becomes a matter of your heart. This
retreat is designed to help you cross a threshold, to begin
an enlightening journey with your camera, and to deepen
your spiritual understanding as you walk with God. Retreat
begins at 9:00 am on Saturday morning and concludes after
Letchworth State Park excursion on Sunday. Friday night
accommodations available upon request at an additional cost.
About Our Facilitator: Nancy Wilson
Nancy is a prayerful, contemplative photographer,
retreat leader, and spiritual director who lives on the
grounds of Silver Lake Institute. She has experience
as a facilitator of church gatherings, workshops
and retreats in the area of spiritual growth and
formation. She has taught classes in personal storytelling,
writing spiritual autobiography, faith booking and praying with
your camera. She has worked with all levels of photographers
from first-time camera users to professional. Nancy lifts up
Ephesians 1:18 to those who attend, “I pray that the eyes of
your hearts will be enlightened.”
+ $85 for a triple, $95 for a double room, $40 commuter Limited rooms available (includes use of linens, 3 meals, and programming)
Family, Church, & Y outh Group Retreats
Family, Church, & Youth Group Retreats
Confirmation Retreat
March 1-2, 2013
Churches of every size are invited to bring their youth to walk
beside others on the journey of becoming a member of the
United Methodist Church. All programming is provided for
you. There will be theatrical characterizations of people in
our church history, role playing to gain an understanding of
UM church structure, and reflective activities to encourage a
deeper relationship with God. There will also be time to play
games, worship, and get to know each other as Christian
friends. Please e-mail info@asburyuny.org or call 585-2375262 for a registration form.
+ $55 per person (Lodging and 3 meals), (1 adult per 8 youth required)
Reach Out: Community Mission Experience
July 14-18, 2013
Youth groups, churches, and families are invited to unite and
be the hands and feet of God offering hope to the people
of Wyoming County. Repair a porch, build a ramp, paint a
wall, or visit with the elderly. Worship and fellowship together
each evening at Asbury. Learn what it means to be in servant
ministry. Enjoy Asbury’s delicious and healthy meals with
breakfast and dinner on site, and a picnic lunch.
Please e-mail info@asburyuny.org or call 585-237-5262 for
more information.
Whitewater Adventure Day
May 11, 2013
A Saturday event for families, youth groups and churches
which begins at Asbury, then heads to Letchworth State Park
for a whitewater adventure through the beautiful Genesee
River Gorge. We’ll come back to Asbury for an ice cream
sundae or milkshake in the 1950’s style snack shack, and a
delicious chicken BBQ. S’mores over a bonfire will complete
the day. Optional overnight accommodations are available
upon request. Please contact us for a reservation.
+ $40 per person (includes chicken BBQ dinner, and all programming)
Together Time: A Family Retreat
July 1-3, 2013
Create family memories that will last a lifetime. Parents,
Grandparents, Aunts, and Uncles are invited to spend time
with their children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews.
Exciting activities will engage families of all ages: Tubing,
kayaking, and canoeing on Silver Lake; swimming in Asbury’s
pool with a new water slide; nightly campfires; an outdoor
movie; and creative crafts.
Bible teaching and worship will bookend the fun! What better
place to create family traditions than here at Asbury Retreat
Center. All housing will be in one of our two retreat lodges –
with either private or semi private bathrooms!
+ Adults $120, Children (ages 4-12) $70, Children 3 & under free, Family Max $400
Asbury Children & Y outh Retreats
Children & Youth Retreats
Mission u: Learning Together for the
Transformation of the World
July 18-20, 2013 (Three day experience)
July 20, 2013 (One day sampler)
Asbury Express I:
LOOK What God is doing!
July 21-24, 2013
Come together with others to see how God is at work all
around us. Explore the fullness of God, who we are created
to be, and what we are called to do. Awesome Bible study,
worship, games & crafts will be an important part of this
three-day experience, as well as swimming, boating, archery,
campfires and more!
+ $240Ages 7-9
Asbury Express II:
LOOK What God is doing!
July 21-24, 2013
Come together with others to see how God is at work all
around us. Explore the fullness of God, who we are created
to be, and what we are called to do. Awesome Bible study,
worship, games & crafts will be an important part of this
three-day experience, as well as swimming, boating, archery,
campfires and more!
+ $240Ages 10-12
Asbury Express III:
From Darkness to Light
August 4-7, 2013
From the very beginning, we have experienced God as
Creator. God creates order out of chaos. God creates beauty
with colors and contrasts of light and dark. God creates
humans in God’s image and likeness as part of that creative
order. Ever since that first creative effort, God continues to
create. With each new day, dark subsides and light shines
forth, seeds sprout and produce new beauty, and we humans
find new potential within ourselves as we face a shared future.
We will see God at work around us as we explore the fullness
of God, who we are created to be, and what we are called to
do. Take in the beauty of Silver Lake as we tube, kayak, and
canoe. Enjoy community as we swim, hike, tell stories around
a campfire, learn archery, and make crafts. Experience a
deeper relationship with God through devotions, Bible study
and worship.
+ $275Ages 13-18
Come and enjoy this three day event with hotel-style
accommodations in Asbury Manor and Willmott Lodge.
This United Methodist Women sponsored event will offer
a spiritual growth study called, “Living Sacramentally,
Walking Justly” which will focus on faithful living and
action in today’s world. Participants will have a choice
between two additional studies: “Geographic Study: The
Roma of Europe” or “Issue Study: Poverty“. Can’t make the
three day experience? Try the one day sampler and get a
taste of each of the three studies.
Children & Youth Option With a Twist
(ages 7-18)
Using age appropriate activities filled with fun, students will
follow the stories of five children who migrated for different
reasons: poor living conditions, political unrest, natural
disaster, seeking economic security and civil war. As they
connect with Deronda, Janar, Michelle, Pablo and Lumiere,
students will be encouraged to know and understand
who their neighbors are, appreciate the diversity in their
communities, and be tolerant and accepting of neighbors
who are of a different race, religion or culture. Students will
appreciate the courage it takes to make a new place home.
Awesome Asbury activities will be included such as pool
time, outrageous games, tubing and kayaking on Silver
Lake, archery, campfires and more! Children and youth
will be housed with parents/guardians at night. Come for
all three days or just on Saturday for the one day option.
+ $20 program cost per child/youth per day ($60 per day maximum per family)
For more information or to register directly with Mission U go to their website at:
gbgm-umc.org/unysocm. Sponsored by the UNY United Methodist Women.
Marriage Encounter Weekend
April 5-7, 2013
Looking for the perfect weekend? A weekend to bring you
and your spouse closer together? A Worldwide Marriage
Encounter weekend is exactly what you are looking for. At a
Worldwide Marriage Encounter, the original and continually
updated marriage enrichment program, you get away from
the distractions of everyday life and focus on each other.
Instead of simply listening to lectures about how to improve
your marriage, you will actually BE improving your marriage.
+ For More information or to register directly with WWME go to their
website at: wwme.org. Sponsored by United Methodist & Wesleyan Marriage Encounter.
Register online or request a form
Upon Receipt of
Register Online at asburyuny.org or complete the registration form
found on our website. To request a hard copy please contact our
office at info@asburyuny.org or call 585-237-5262.
Shortly after the registration is processed,
the retreat participant will receive a confirmation letter/packet. We work hard to
have your retreat with us hassle free! If
you have questions at any time, please do
not hesitate to call 585-237-5262 or email
how t o regist er
how to register
for Retreats at Asbury
apply discounts
NOTE: These discounts are only applicable to our “Asbury Express
Programs” this year
• Early Bird Discount $10 off - if registered by May 1, 2013
• Sibling Discount $15 off - per sibling registering. Offer good
at any UNY Camp and Retreat Center.
• Refer a Friend Discount $25 off - when we receive the registration of one friend who has never attended Asbury. Name
must be indicated at the time of registration.
Cancellation Policy
A full refund will be given in cases of documented medical concern or due to a death
in the family that prohibits attendance.
More than three weeks before the retreat,
partial refunds (less the deposit) will be
offered. We are unable to offer refunds
within three weeks of the start of the session
except as stated above. There is no refund
once the retreat starts. There is no fee adjustment if a retreat participant arrives late
or leaves early.
A non refundable $50 deposit per retreat must be submitted at the
time of registration. Checks should be payable to “Upper New
York AC” or “UNYAC.” The balance is due upon check in for
your retreat.
Privacy Policy
We respect the privacy of personal information submitted to us. Information is collected only for the purposes of this ministry,
and may be disclosed to staff in the performance of their job duties or to others for statistical purposes only. We are committed
to protecting your information to the best of
our ability. We assume your submission of
a registration represents your consent for us
to collect, use and disclose your personal
information for the purposes listed above.
Asbury Camp & Retreat Center
United Methodist
United Methodist
Upper NY Annual Conference of
The United Methodist Church
PO Box 218, 16 Lakeside Ave, Silver Lake NY 14549
Phone: 585-237-5262
Fax: 585-237-6863
Website: asburyuny.org
E-mail: info@asburyuny.org
United Methodist
UNY Camp & Retreat Ministries
Return Service Requested
324 University Ave, 3rd Floor, Syracuse NY 13210
ASBURYCamp & Retreat Center
Upper New York Annual Conference