ft|Çà _tãÜxÇvx à{x `tÜàçÜ - Saint Lawrence the Martyr


ft|Çà _tãÜxÇvx à{x `tÜàçÜ - Saint Lawrence the Martyr
 September 9, 2012 ‐ 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time ft|Çà _tãÜxÇvx à{x `tÜàçÜ
Catholic Parish and Education Center
1971 Saint Lawrence Drive, Santa Clara, CA 95051 Tel. 408‐296‐3000 Fax 408‐296‐3100 www.saintlawrence.org Celebrating our Catholic Faith
through Worship, Education, and Service
Rev. Thuc Si Ho
Rev. Paolo Gobbo
Parochial Vicar and
Director of Liturgy
Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - Noon
Therie Velasco-Gonzales
Office Manager
Vickie Wallace
Office Assistant
Noel Fisico
Music Coordinator
(Pre-K—8th Grade)
Philip Dolan ‐ Principal
Teen Center
408‐ 296‐7085
Extended Day Care
408‐ 296‐8077
Sue Herbelin ‐ Direct or
Christie Filios ‐ Principal
408‐296‐2260 Ext. 322
Janet Yamada ‐ Director
jyamada@saintlawrence. org
M. Eleanor de Paz
Catechetical Director
edepaz@saintlawrence. org
M. Eleanor de Paz
Elizabet h Sanville - Coordinat or
highschoolym@saintlawrence. org
Joseph AuBuchon - Coordinator
youngadult@saintlawrence. org
E-Mail Address
Phone Number
Altar Servers
Rick Duenas
Altar Servers
Anna Chitwood
Art and Environment
Margaret Haselden margarethaselden@gmail.com
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Anna Chitwood
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Mike Piccardo
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Jennie De La Cerda delacerdajennie@yahoo.com
Hospitality Ministers and Ushers
Stan Spence
Hospitality Ministers and Ushers
Jackson Chun
Deborah Ferry
Mass in Spanish
Manuel Hernandez manueljke@yahoo.com
Ministry to the Sick and the Homebound
Jessie Garibaldi
Music Ministry
Noel Fisico
Parish Finance Council
Mark Tarcha
Parish Pastoral Council
Patrick Sylvester
Vickie Wallace
Social Concerns
Terry Jelley
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Josie Hernandez
Stewardship Offering Counters
Michelle Varnau
Stewardship Offering Counters
Nicole Chun
September 9, 2012 ‐ 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time ‐ Page 2 Annual Education Appeal
The Annual Education Appeal, which will be taken in all parishes the weekend of September 8‐9, 2012 in our Diocese, provides financial assistance to many of our Catholic students who want to receive a Catholic education. This special collection is for the scholarship fund that supports the tuition financial aid program for both elementary and high school students in our schools. Did you know that the Diocese of San Jose educates over 16,500 students in 29 elementary and six high schools across Santa Clara County? Our average tuition for one elementary student last year was $7,000, while high school tuition is close to $17,000. Many of our students are there because of the generosity and support of your parish community. Now, more than ever, we need your support to offer more scholarships to families who want to partner with us to provide a strong Catholic community and a quality Catholic education for their children. Today, with the continuing challenges of our economy, parents often fall short in their ability to guarantee that their child can stay in our elementary school and graduate from one of the six Catholic private and diocesan high schools. With your generosity, you can make a difference by supporting the dreams of families to provide a Catholic education for their children. Please plan on giving generously September 10‐11 or make your gift today with a donation online at www.dsj.org . Click on “Ways to Give” and follow the link to our secure OnlineGiving site. To learn more about the Annual Education Appeal and Catholic education in the Diocese visit http://www.dsj.org/education/department‐of‐education or contact the Department of Education at 408.983.0185. of San Jose, Thank you in advance for your consideration and your commitment to the children of our Diocese.
Come enjoy a delicious pancake breakfast TODAY after the 8:00 AM September 9, 2012 and 10:00 AM Masses in the Parish Hall. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus
H. S. Confirmation Orientation - Today, Sept. 9th, at 3:30 PM At Saint Lawrence High School Confirmation is open to teens who are students in the 9th through 12th Grade. If you are interested in participating in High School Confirmation, please complete the Candidate Registration Form: https://fs12.formsite.com/stlawrence/HSStudent/secure_index.html as soon as possible. The first Confirmation meeting, ORIENTATION is on Sunday, September 9, 2012 in the Community Center. Student / candidate and at least one parent must attend. The session begins promptly at 3:30 PM (so please arrive by 3:15 PM) and ends after Mass at 7:00pm. The session itself runs from 3:30 ‐ 5:45pm. Mass is from 6:00 ‐ 7:00pm. Paperwork: Please bring a copy of the student's / candidate's Baptism certificate, along with the program fees to Confirmation sessions. Please be sure to put all materials in an envelope ATTENTION: Elizabeth Sanville with the Candidate's full (first and last) name clearly indicated. Confirmation registration fees are $125. Confirmation retreat fees are $225. The weekend retreat is a mandatory part of our program. I may be contacted by e‐mail to highschoolconfirmation@saintlawrence.org or via text or call to 408‐893‐9353, or Facebook message to Elizabeth Handal Sanville. September 9, 2012 ‐ 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time ‐ Page 3 Diversity at the Academy
Dear Parishioners,
Queridos Feligreses,
As the new school year begins, new students join our
community and enrich our lives. Mr. Kevin Carroll, longtime Academy Religious Studies instructor, recently
asked his freshman students their family’s country of
origin. While he guessed that it would be a diverse
group, he was amazed that his 52 freshmen students
came from 39 identified countries, two unknown
countries, and one Native American.
Al empezar el nuevo año escolar, hemos recibido
estudiantes nuevos que enriquecen nuestras vidas. .El Sr.
Kevin Carroll, que desde hace mucho tiempo es instructor
Religión de la Academia, ha preguntado a los
estudiantes de primer año el país de origen de sus familias.
Aunque suponía que era un grupo diverso le sorprendió
que los 52 estudiantes de primer año venían de 39 países
identificados, dos de países desconocidos, y un nativo
Their families’ countries of origin include:
Czech Republic
Puerto Rico
Sri Lanka
Native American
Africa (Country Unknown)
West Indies (Country Unknown)
This diversity is typical of all of the Academy grade
levels. It is one of the qualities which makes the
Academy so special. It is evidenced by the students’
interest in multiculturalism, their sharing of family and
ethnic traditions, their approach to education, and their
interest in the world around them.
To compliment the diversity, is the students’ ability to
also see and embrace common goals. The student body
is well-known for its community outreach, for its
acceptance of students who come from all walks of life,
and for its appreciation of students’ talents whether
they be in the classroom, on the athletic field, on the
stage, in the church, or in a club activity.
We look forward to the gifts which our 52 freshmen will
bring to our community during the 2012 – 2013 school
year. We look forward to learning more about Sri Lanka,
Portugal, Lithuania, and all the other countries
represented in our student body. As they grow so too
will our community.
Christie H. Filios
Saint Lawrence Academy
Los países de origen de sus familias son:
República Checa
Puerto Rico
Sri Lanka
**Nativos Americanos
** África (de país desconocido)
** West Indies (de país desconocido)
Esta diversidad es típica en todos los grados de la
Academia. Es una de las cualidades que hace que la
Academia sea tan especial. Es evidente el interés
multicultural de los estudiantes, la puesta en común de sus
tradiciones familiares y étnicas, su enfoque en la educación,
y su interés por el mundo que los rodea.
La diversidad se completa
con la capacidad de los
estudiantes de ver y abrazar objetivos comunes. El cuerpo
estudiantil es bien conocido por su proyección a la
comunidad, por la aceptación de estudiantes con diferentes
estilos de vida, y por el aprecio de los talentos de todos,
sea en el aula, en los deportes, en el escenario, en la
iglesia, o en algún club.
Esperamos con interés la aportación que los 52 estudiantes
de primer año traen a nuestra comunidad para el año
escolar 2012-2013 . Esperamos aprender más sobre Sri
Lanka, Portugal, Lituania y todos los demás países
representados en el cuerpo estudiantil. A medida que ellos
crecen también crecerá nuestra comunidad.
Christie H. Filios
Principal de la Academia de San Lorenzo
Translated by Sr Josefina Montalvo rscj
September 9, 2012 ‐ 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time ‐ Page 4 Stewardship
09/01/2012 - Saturday
5:00 PM
09/02/2012- Sunday
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
1:30 PM
6:00 PM
Auto Debit & Mail-In
Total Stewardship Offering
Year-To-Date Stewardship
July 1, 2012 - September 04, 2012
YTD Variance ($2,205)
Friends and Family: Parishioners: May Armann Suzanne Cisneros Pete Espinosa, Jr. Sal Garcia Carlos Ilano Hubert Jansen Ann Lizotte Pat Naki Barbara Orason Ernie Ortiz Manuel Saragoza Arlene Thompson Sherrie  Jess Avila
Rob Abreu Lazaro Arreola Kerri Berry Amalia Cacho Gerry Castro Chris Dennis Adrian Diaz Kathy Garcia Bonnie Gedling Hilda Gonzales Melodie Jenkins Primo Jumawan Thuy Le Mita Macasaet Sammy Macasaet Makena Naki Randy Richmond Dale W. Rolph, Jr. Mark Rolph Natalie Sparrer Cyril Tan Office for the Office of Financial Protection of Children Services and Vulnerable Adults If you suspect financial Diocese of San Jose mismanagement or Enrique Flores misconduct in your Phone: 408‐983‐0113 parish, school, or in Fax: 408‐983‐0147 the Emergency line: Diocese of San Jose, 408‐983‐0141 please contact: E‐mail: protection@dsj.org EthicsPoint dsj.ethicspoint.com or hotline 888‐325‐7863 You are invited to take part in the San Jose 40 Days for Life effort from September 26th to November 4th. 40 Days for Life is composed of 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. Join us on September 17th at a Special Mass celebrated by Bishop Thomas Daly at Saint Christopher Parish at 7 pm. A reception with Bishop Daly will follow Mass. Join us on September 26th at 8:30 am at Saint Leo's Parish, 88 Race Street, San Jose for procession to Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic for a prayer service. To get more information or to volunteer to help, contact Pat at 408‐497‐7270 or visit www.40daysforlife.com/sanjose All are welcome! September 9, 2012 ‐ 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time ‐ Page 5 Mass Readings & Intentions
September 9, 2012 23nd Sunday Ordinary Time
Isaiah 35:4-7a/Psalm 146:6-10/James 2:1-5/Mark 7:31-37
8:00 AM
+ David John Garcia
+ John Bonte
10:00 AM
+ Manuel & Margaret Simas
People of Saint Lawrence
12:00 PM
+ Elisabeth Meneses
+ Armando Ocampo
1:30 PM
+ William Navarrette
6:00 PM
+ Maria Hong Nguyen
September 10, 2012 Monday
1 Corinthians 5:1-8/ Psalm 5:5-6,7,12/Luke 6:6-11
8:30 AM
Thanksgiving - Saint Joseph
September 11, 2012 Tuesday
1 Corinthians 6:1-11/ Psalm 149:1b-2,3-4,5-6a,9b/Luke 6:12-19
8:30 AM
+ Marcel Ghabour
September 12, 2012 Wednesday The Most Holy Name of Mary
1 Corinthians 7:25-31/ Psalm 45:11-12,14-17/Luke 6:20-26
8:30 AM
+ Manuel Espeleta
September 13, 2021 Thursday
Saint John Chrysostom
1 Corinthians 8:1b-7,11-13/ Psalm 139:1b-3,13-14ab,23-24/Luke 6:27-38
8:30 AM
+ Esabel Gonsalves
September 14, 2012 Friday
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Numbers 21:4b-9/ Psalm 78:1bc-2,34-38/Philippians 2:6-11/John 3:13-17
8:30 AM
+ David John Garcia
September 15, 2012 Saturday
Our Lady of Sorrows
1 Corinthians 10:14-22/ Psalm 31:2,3b,3cd-4,5-6,15-16,20/
John 19:25-27 or Luke 2:33-35
8:30 AM
+ David John Garcia
5:00 PM
People of Saint Lawrence
+ Agne Hernandez
September 16, 2012 24th Sunday Ordinary Time
Isaiah 50:4c-9a/Psalm 116:1-6,8-9/James 2:14-18/Mark 8:27-35
8:00 AM
+ Helen Blackford
+ Enrique Latoza
10:00 AM
+ Harry W. Arnold
+ Elma D'Souza
12:00 PM
+ Peladia Ortiz
People of Saint Lawrence
1:30 PM
Priest's Intention
6:00 PM
+ Vuong Dinh
Saturday, September 15th: Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows
Mass Times
SUNDAY 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Children’s Liturgy 12:00 Noon 1:30 PM Mass in Spanish 6:00 PM Youth Mass SATURDAY 8:30 AM 5:00 PM (Sunday Vigil) MONDAY—FRIDAY 8:30 AM Daily RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:30 PM ‐ 4:30 pm or by appointment DEVOTIONS Rosary ‐ Monday to Saturday After the 8:30 AM Mass Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help Tuesday before the 8:30 AM EUCHARISTIC ADORATION THURSDAY 9:00 AM ‐ 8:45 PM Solemn Benediction 8:45 PM CHAPEL OPEN DAILY 7:00 AM ‐ 7:00 PM The principal biblical references to Mary's sorrows are in Luke 2:35 and John 19:2627. The passage from Luke is Simeon's prediction about a sword piercing Mary's soul
whereas the passage from John relates Jesus' words to Mary and to the beloved
disciple. Many early Church writers interpret the sword referred to in Luke’s passage
as Mary's sorrows, especially as she saw Jesus die on the cross. Thus, the two
passages are brought together as prediction and fulfillment. John's account of Jesus'
death is highly symbolic. When Jesus gives the beloved disciple to Mary, we are
invited to appreciate Mary's role in the Church: She symbolizes the Church; the
beloved disciple represents all believers. As Mary mothered Jesus, she is now mother to all his followers.
Furthermore, as Jesus died, he handed over his Spirit. Mary and the Spirit cooperate in begetting new children of
God—almost an echo of Luke's account of Jesus' conception. Christians can trust that they will continue to experience
the caring presence of Mary and Jesus' Spirit throughout their lives and throughout history.
Source: www.americancatholic.org
September 9, 2012 ‐ 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time ‐ Page 6 High School Confirmation and Youth Ministry
By: Elizabeth Sanville
My Retreat Experience
By: Katelyn Ruby Good evening, my name is Katelyn Ruby. I wrote my reflection in the form of a letter and I’d like to share it with you. Dear God, Coming into this weekend I really didn’t know what to expect. Yes, I’ve been on retreats even a week long one in beautiful Tahoe, but this one I thought it would just be an extended Confirmation class. Little did I know that these three days would help me find you again in my busy life. My relationship with you has been distant and the only person I can point a finger to is myself. I had dirty hands coming into this retreat God and you helped me clean them. I was a little blinded, but your light has given me vision in my life again. I promise that no matter how busy or overwhelmed I feel, I’ll never ever lose you again … at least not of my own will. Your love has allowed me to meet these new, beautiful people in my Confirmation class and the memories we’ve shared over the span of 3 days are unmatched. Never have I met so many leaders ‐ both teenagers and adults ‐ that are willing and dedicated to helping me and all these other teens find our way to You. Your love is amazing and it transcends into the lives of all these people seated in Church here. I cannot thank you enough for providing me with the gift of life, love, family, friends, strangers to be met, and ultimately the gift of forgiveness. Thank you for forgiving me for not always recognizing Your presence. I love you, and I’ll always love you … ‘til the day that I join you in Heaven. Love Always, Your Daughter, Your Servant – Katelyn Ruby September 9, 2012 ‐ 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time ‐ Page 7 My Retreat Experience
By: Claudia Plancarte My name is Claudia Plancarte, and I want to share my Confirmation experience at my first Confirmation class. Well, at first I didn’t want to come to Confirmation classes because, classes would be really long and I hate waiting for a long time. LOL! And I didn’t have any choice anyways because either way I was going to have to come. After a while I realized that Confirmation classes weren’t that bad! They were actually something good, because when I came to Confirmation class, to me I was getting close to God J and then you get to be close to your friends, and meet new people! Yey! Anyways, my experience at Confirmation retreat was something spectacular! Basically, retreats are when you gather with people, your community, and friends, and learn more and more about God! You experience more about His life and who He is! Retreat is something that you would love to do and experience with everyone! Confirmation retreat for me is something that I will NEVER forget! It’s one experience in life. At Confirmation retreat what you basically do is have fun with people and be more close to our God! You play fun activities with friends and leaders. You learn that being close to God is something wonderful and it is something that EVERYONE, EVEN YOU, SHOULD DO! Retreat is something really, really cool! First, because you get to be away from your parents and second because at retreat they have some good food! Then at retreat, they have some really emotional parts that just want to make you cry! Well, I can’t tell you what it’s about so yeah! I really, really invite all those teenagers who haven’t done their Confirmation and experience this journey with God and friends, because I guarantee you that this experience is something you’ll never forget! Something that I’m pretty sure you’ll want to repeat! I want to thank all the leaders and one person specifically. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have gone to the retreat. Elizabeth, THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING that you have done for me, and everyone. I thank you for being there with everyone, helping them out and being with us on this wonderful experience. THANK YOU ELIZABETH! I LOVE YOU! I also want to thank Irma for being there for me helping me out and I thank you for being like my second Mother! De todo Corazon mil gracias! TE QUIERO IRMA! Well, like I said before, have that courage to experience Confirmation and retreat with your brothers and sisters! AND HAVE FUN!!!! The Climate
Reality Project TM
Climate Crisis Solutions & Action
The Diocese of San Jose,
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, the
Thomas Merton Center of Palo Alto
the Sierra Club and many others are
sponsoring a presentation that will
bring together the science, potential
outcomes and suggested actions.
Gary Latshaw, PhD (Stanford) will
explain the rationale of the science
behind the crisis, describe potential
local and national impacts, and offer
solutions which must be
implemented soon for the benefit of
future generations. Q&A, networking
with sponsors and refreshments.
Ample free parking on campus.
Friday, September 14, 2012,
7:30 PM
Elizabeth Seton School Auditorium
1095 Channing Avenue, Palo Alto
Free Open to the Public
We must empower ourselves to
act now.
September 9, 2012 ‐ 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time ‐ Page 8 Eucharistic Adoration
We need committed vigil adorers for the following hours:
 12:00 to 1:00 PM
 3:00 to 4:00 PM
 5:00 to 6:00 PM
 And specially 7:00 to 8:00 PM
Note: Adorers are required to register their names and contact
numbers either through the Parish Office or by calling me and to
specify the hour they would like to commit to every Thursday.
In order to keep the Eucharistic Adoration going on and be sure that every hour is covered, it is very
important to have more than two registered adorers for each hour.
Thank you very much. Leila Tabet, Mobile No. 408-836-1211
If you love singing and enjoy the company of others, we are
always looking for more volunteer singers to join our different
choirs. Children ages 8 to 14 are needed for the Children’s choir.
Teens and young adults are welcome to join the 6 pm Mass Choir.
Adult singers are needed for different Mass schedules.
If interested, please contact Noel Fisico at 408-869-8254 or
by e-mail at nfisico@saintlawrence.org.
Our Lady of Fatima requested devotion to
Her Immaculate Heart when she appeared to
Lucy in 1925 asking for the 5 First Saturdays
devotion. She asked that we go to Confession,
receive Communion, recite the Rosary, and
keep her company for 15 minutes with the
intention of making reparation to Her.
Please join us on the following
8:30 AM Masses:
October 6 November 3
After the Mass, we will recite the Spiritual
Rosary as requested by the Blessed Mother, and especially for our country.
September 9, 2012 ‐ 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time ‐ Page 9 Liturgy Corner: Radical Realignment by Deborah Ferry The following is taken from commentary on today’s Second
Readings .
This is our second weekend hearing from the Letter
of Saint James and we will hear from Saint James
all month. The person to whom this letter is
ascribed can scarcely be one of the two members of
the Twelve who bore the name James, for he is not
identified as an apostle. This Saint James most
probably refers to the third New Testament
personage named James, a relative of Jesus who is
usually called “brother of the Lord”. He was the
leader of the Jewish Christian community in
Jerusalem whom Paul acknowledged as one of the
“pillars”. According to the Jewish historian Josephus,
he was stoned to death by the Jews under the high
priest Ananus II in A.D. 62.
This week James is asking believers to go against
their natural instincts. In so many ways, the Gospel
of Jesus Christ reverses expectations and defies our
usual categories. If a statesman or a prelate, a
celebrity or business leader of note enters a room,
Join us for the third annual
youth & young adult ministry
kickoff for the Dioceses of
Northern California on
Saturday, September 22, 2012.
eyes go in their direction and people scramble to
accommodate and please.
James is not
condemning that behavior, but he is calling for a
radical realignment of how we see things. In God’s
kingdom, he says, all are worthy of “royal treatment,”
not just dignitaries or the well off. The letter of
James abounds in earthy images and examples like
the one we find here. Similar to how Jesus taught,
James gets to the
point, using clear
illustrations to teach
his lesson.
James has a sort of
folksy manner to his
writing. This is not
prose, but practical,
that says if you start playing favorites or judging
people not by their hearts but by their pocketbooks,
you have betrayed the Gospel. James’ final point is
both obvious and revolutionary.
Senior Citizen Meetings will
resume with luncheon on Thursday,
September 13, 2012
at 12 Noon in the Parish Hall.
We will carpool from Saint Lawrence at 7:00 AM.
Enjoy an all-day Jam event at
Six Flags Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo.
Tickets are $44.
Celebrate morning Mass, enjoy rides,
all you can eat lunch buffet, speakers, evening concert,
and 2 hours exclusive ride time from 7pm - 9pm.
This year's event features: Mike Patin, Chris Stefanick,
Jackie Francois, Jacob & Matthew Band, David Bisono,
Noelle Garcia, & Paul J Kim
For more details see http://onfirenorcal.com/
highschoolym@saintlawrence.org or Elizabeth Handal
Sanville on Facebook or (408) 893-9353. Tickets that
allow entry into the morning Mass sell out quickly. When
you RSVP yes, indicate if you need a ride or can provide a
ride for carpooling.
Co-sponsored by the Dioceses of Sacramento, Stockton,
San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, Monterey, Fresno,
Santa Rosa & Reno, NV
This will be Potluck so bring your
favorite dish. All are invited.
September 9, 2012 ‐ 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time ‐ Page 10 Saint
Does your heart ache as mine when reflecting on how many of our loved ones have given up the practice of their Catholic Faith? The Saint Monica Sodality prays for these individuals and on the last Sunday of each month, we have a Mass intention for their return. If you have names you wish to pray for, make a list and leave it in the Parish Office or give to Mary Ann Miller. A prayer card to Saint Monica will be given to you at no charge. We ask you to join us in prayer. For more information, please contact Mary Ann Miller at 408‐887‐3675. You Are Invited!
Join Catholicism 201
on Thursdays from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
in the Parish Hall.
Week 2: Sacraments and Sacraments of Initiation
This week deals with the notion of sacramentality, the
experience of ritual and the definition of sacraments. Two
of the Sacraments of Initiation are illustrated: Baptism and
Confirmation. Sacraments are spoken of according to this
four-part definition: 1) An outward sign 2) Instituted by
Christ 3) To give Grace 4) Within the Church
Week 3: The Eucharist
This presentation continues the teaching on the
Sacraments of Initiation. Particular attention is given to the
setting of the Passover and how the Eucharist is
simultaneously a meal, a memorial and a sacrifice.
Week 4: The Sacraments of Healing
The Sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing of the
Sick are covered by this talk. Particular attention is given
to the Biblical notion of confessing sins and the historical
development of the Sacrament in the Church. A fun and
then serious Top 10 List of “Reasons to Go to Confession”
are provided.
Week 5: Sacraments of Vocation
This week focuses on the Sacraments of Holy Orders and
Marriage. Some attention is given to the issues of
ordaining women and priestly celibacy, but this is not the
primary focus of the talk. Just as the priest is an icon of
Christ, married couples are called to be an icon of the
Holy Trinity.
Week 6: Mary and the Saints
This talk begins with the Saints. It looks at the use of the
term “saint,” the history of devotion to the martyrs and
saints as well as to how saints can be our models,
intercessors, teachers and friends. Then, we'll look at
Mary in the New Testament and how she is our model,
our intercessor, and our Mother. This section also
discusses the Perpetual Virginity of Mary, the doctrines of
the Assumption and the Immaculate Conception, Marian
Apparitions and private revelation.
Week 7: Introduction to Christian Morality
This presentation is based on the question, “How Should
We Live?” First it deals with who "we" are, and then the
question of "How" we should live. Concepts of moral
action and the notions of virtue and vice are discussed.
Also covered is the way in which natural law and
revelation work together to inform us. Conscience, sin and
moral culpability is also covered.
Week 8: The Thorny Issues
There’s no getting around this one. It is thorny! The issues
are broken into two categories: sexuality and life issues.
The issue of artificial birth control is used to demonstrate
the principles that underlie the Catholic understanding of
human sexuality. The issue of abortion is used to
demonstrate the principles related to other life issues
(embryonic stem cell research, euthanasia, the death
penalty, Just War theory). Please be aware that the
presentation on abortion does include several disturbing
September 9, 2012 ‐ 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time ‐ Page 11 The Academy
The Saint Lawrence Academy faculty and staff are participating in Professional Learning
Communities (PLCs). These PLCs are an opportunity for members of the Academy to become
students themselves and to collaborate together on topics of like interest. For our first year of
PLCs, there are four Professional Learning Communities from which faculty can select:
1) Classroom Engagement, 2) Spirituality, 3) Understanding by Design, and 4) Flipping the
In each of the communities, teachers and staff will work collaboratively through discussion,
reading, learning activities, and other activities. All members will have a voice in the focus topics. A
special thanks goes to the PLC leaders: Laura Stoll, Amy Olein, Mary Carroll, Sr. Peggy Hurley,
Julie Tsutsui, and Ryan Olein.
The Academy celebrated Crazy Socks Day on Wednesday, August 29. One of the
goals of the day was to see who could come up with the funniest, craziest socks on
campus. A second goal was to see how many students we could get participating in
this activity. The Student Council has worked hard this summer to establish
activities which will build community and in which students can easily participate.
Other special days planned for this year are “Talk like a Pirate Day”, “Boys’ Hush
Day”, “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahpocalypse week”, and more.
SLEMS introduces…
Sarah Reede,
Middle School Teacher
Sarah Reede likes variety,
making middle school the
perfect place for her to
teach. She is a 6th grade
homeroom teacher, 6th
grade social studies teacher,
and 7th and 8th grade
Language Arts writing
teacher. Originally from
Oregon, where her parents
and younger sister still
reside, Ms. Reede has taught German and health,
having earned a B.A. degree in German from
Oregon State University as well as a B.A. degree
from Portland State University in Health Education.
She has also worked as a bank teller, a medical
biller, and as a ballroom dance studio coordinator,
which, happily, came with free dance lessons. She
is beginning her credential work through the Cal
State Teaching Program.
Her various jobs led her to conclude that education
is the career that suits her best. “I am a teacher
because there is nothing that makes me happier
than an “ah-ha!” moment,” explained Ms. Reede.
“I like middle school because they understand my
sense of humor, they are never boring, and they
are super- inquisitive.”
Ms. Reede’s hobbies also reflect variety and
include reading, photography and visiting farmers
markets. She misses her family and Portland radio
stations, but otherwise feels that the South Bay and
Saint Lawrence are home. “The warm welcome,
the interested parents and the dedicated students”
make Sarah Reede happy to be here.