26 - Saint William Catholic Church
26 - Saint William Catholic Church
SAINT WILLIAM—ROUND ROCK, TEXAS MASSES & READINGS MONDAY, May 4 Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42; Jn 10:1-10 6:30 a.m. Sp. Int. For the Unemployed 12:15 p.m. + Raul Solis By Micahel & Elda Green TUESDAY, May 5: Saint Peter Chanel, Priest and Martyr; Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort, Priest Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87; Jn 10:22-30 12:15 p.m. + Romanus Stuekerguergen By Helen Stuekerjuergen 6 p.m. Sp. Int. Rodolfo y Katia Gutierrez Anniversario 14 Años WEDNESDAY, May 6: Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor of the Church Acts 12:24—13:5a; Ps 67; Jn 12:44-50 6:30 a.m. Sp. Int. Una M. Pizalate 12:15 p.m. + William Polchinski By Dorothy Polchinski THURSDAY, May 7: Saint Pius V, Pope Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89; Jn 13:16-20 12:15 p.m. Sp. Int. The Society of St. Vincent De Paul member and their families, deceased, benefactors, the poor and continued good works. By The Society of St. Vincent De Paul 6:00 p.m. + Teodoro Aguirre By Sus Hijos FRIDAY, May 8: Saint Joseph the Worker Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2; Jn 14:1-6 6:30 a.m. Sp. Int. Hector Benavides By Family 12:15 p.m. + Fide Chavez By Espejo Family SATURDAY, May 9: Saint Athanasius, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98; Jn 14:7-14 8:30 a.m. Sp. Int. Alexianna Hernandez By Godparents 5:00 p.m. + Feliza D. Bustillos By Bustillos Family SUNDAY, May 10: Fifth Sunday of Easter Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 7:30 a.m. Sp Int. For the People of the Parish 9:30 a.m. Novena Mass 1 11:30 a.m. + Melissa Read By Mitch, Mom, Dad & Matt 1:30 p.m. + Ciro Aguirre By Jova Aguirre, Su Hermana 5 p.m. + Teodoro & Angelina DeLaRosa By Alfredo DeLaRosa & Family Diana Hernandez, Solomon R. Salazar, Jr., Kiara Sandoval, Lydia Dominguez Beltran, Ernest Lentschke Alfred John Schiltz, Jr., Justin Baca, Eugene Mcglone, Raymond Rodriguez, John Serrano Perez, Karen Barnett, Satem Davio, Lisa Alcoser Rodriguez The tabernacle burns “In Thanksgiving for Maureen Chukwumah” by Ann Nwabuzor APRIL 26, 2015 A STEWARDSHIP MOMENT In today’s Gospel reading we hear Jesus referring to himself as “the good shepherd.” His sheep know him, trust him, listen to him and follow him; having faith that no harm will come to them as long as they stay close to him. We reaffirmed our faith in Christ when we renewed our baptismal promises at Easter. As stewards of our relationship with Jesus Christ, are we, like the sheep, willing to listen to Jesus, follow him, trust him? STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE REPORT—April 6 Amount Needed Per-Week Offertory Budget Weekly Collection Total Above Budget $ $ $ Year-to-Date Totals (July 1—April 6) Fiscal Year-to-Date Budget Fiscal Year-to-Date Actual Collections Below Year-to-Date Budget $ 2,384,600 $ 2,370,413 $ (14,187) Second Collection: Good Friday Holy Land $ 59,615 79,497 19,882 10,236 ¡Gracias por su apoyo y generosidad! Thank you for your continued support and generosity! FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER WEEKLY SCHEDULE/ HORARIO SEMANAL Sunday, April 26th 8:00 AM Catechesis of Good Shepherd 8:30 AM Guadalupana Breakfast 9:00 AM Catechesis of Good Shepherd 3:00 PM Elementary Faith Formation 3:00 PM RCIA-Adapted for Children 3:00 PM Sunday 5pm Choir Rehearsal 3:00 PM Triumph Middle School Youth Ministry 6:30 PM RCIA-Adapted for Children 6:30 PM S.W.Y.M. High School Ministry Monday, April 27th 9:30 AM Early Childhood Development 9:30 AM Unity in Language ESL 6:00 PM RCIA-AC Mystagogy Part 1 6:30 PM Boy Scout Troop Meeting 6:30 PM Hijos e Hijas Preparation Meeting 7:00 PM CRHP Women 7:00 PM CRSP Hombres Music Practice 7:00 PM Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults 7:00 PM S.W.Y.M. J-Squad 8:00 PM Unity in Language ESL Tuesday, April 28th 9:30 AM Early Childhood Development 5:30 PM Practicas de Futbol 7:00 PM Legion of Mary 7:00 PM Sunday 1130am/ Saturday 5pm Choir 7:30 PM Sunday 9:30am Choir Rehearsal 8:00 PM Agua Viva 8:00 PM Amgios en Cristo Retreat Prep 8:00 PM Unity in Language ESL Wednesday, April 29th 5:30 AM That Man is You 9:00 AM Catechesis of Good Shepherd 9:30 AM Early Childhood Development 2:00 PM Catechesis of Good Shepherd 5:00 PM Cub Scout - Pack Meeting 5:15 PM Childern's Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Agua Viva 7:00 PM Sunday 1:30pm Coro Practica Thursday, April 30th 9:30 AM Early Childhood Development 6:00 PM Cub Scout Scouting Night 7:00 PM Adult Bible Study - Little Rock Scripture Study 7:00 PM CRSP Mujeres Reunion Semanal 7:00 PM Jesus is Lord 7:00 PM Legion de Maria Reunion 7:00 PM Sunday 7:30am Coro Practica 7:30 PM Praise and Worship Friday, May 1st 9:00 AM Catechesis of Good Shepherd 9:30 AM Unity in Language ESL 1:00 PM FISCHETeen Retreat 3:00 PM Campuzano/Salim Wedding Rehearsal 3:00 PM FISCHETeen Retreat 5:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation 6:00 PM Ensayo Primera Comunión 7:00 PM CRSP Hombres 7:30 PM First Friday Mass 7:30 PM Jesus es el Señor Ed Ctr Rm 12 Parish Hall Sec 2 Ed Ctr Rm 12 Education Center Education Center Church Choir Room Parish Hall Ed Ctr Rm 14/16 Pavilion Education Center Education Center Pavilion Softball Field St. Francis Room Sacred Heart Chapel Church Vesting Sacristy Parish Hall Ed Ctr Rm 25/27 Education Center 8:00 PM Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial 8:00 PM Estudio Biblico 8:00 PM Legion de Maria Jovenes 8:00 PM Unity in Language ESL 9:00 PM Amigos en Cristo Hora Santa Saturday, May 2nd 9:15 AM First Saturday Rosary 9:15 AM Pastoral Council Meeting 10:00 AM Baptism Parent Orientation 10:00 AM Children's Choir Rehearsal 10:00 AM Marriage Ministry - Together in God's Love 11:00 AM Bautismo Sesion para Padres 11:00 AM First Eucharist Mass 12:00 PM SWYM Apologetics Workshop 1:00 PM Legion de Maria - Armar Rosarios 1:00 PM Waguespack Wedding Con-Validation 2:00 PM Campuzano/Salim Wedding 3:30 PM Asian Council 1st Saturday Rosary 3:30 PM Saturday 5pm Choir Rehearsal 6:00 PM MFCC Hijos e Hijas 6:00 PM Ministry Leader Appreciation Dinner 7:00 PM Amigos en Cristo 7:00 PM Sunday 7:30am Coro Practica Ed Ctr Rm 15/17 Ed Ctr Rm 21 Ed Ctr Rm 11 Education Center Sacred Heart Chapel Sacred Heart Chapel Ed Ctr Rm 25/27 Ed Ctr Rm 14/16 Church Ed Ctr Rm 24/26 Ed Ctr Rm 15/17 Church Ed Ctr Rm 14/16 Ed Ctr Rm 21 Sacred Heart Chapel Church Ed Ctr Rm 15/17 Church Choir Room Education Center Parish Hall Ed Ctr Rm 15/17 Church Choir Room Education Center Softball Field St. Francis Room Church Church Choir Room Pavilion Ed Ctr Rm 11 Ed Ctr Rm 21 Parish Hall Ed Ctr Rm 12 Education Center Ed Ctr Rm 12 Pavilion Church Choir Room Ed Ctr Rm 11 Church Choir Room Education Center Pavilion Ed Ctr Rm 11 St. Vincent de Paul Parish Hall Church Bridal Room Church Choir Room Church Vesting Sacristy Ed Ctr Rm 12 Education Center Parish Hall Sct 2 Church Sacred Heart Chapel Church Church St. Vincent de Paul Sacred Heart Chapel Parish Hall SPONSOR OF THE WEEK/ PATROCINADOR DE LA SEMANA Please patronize and thank our bulletin sponsors. FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER EVENTS IN THE PARISH/ EVENTOS EN LA PARROQUIA RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/ EDUCACION RELIGIOSA Mother’s Day Novena of Masses Saint William Youth Ministry Updates—Stay up to date on the latest… A Mother’s Day Novena of Masses will be offered by the priests of Saint William. What better gift than prayer can you offer to your mom, grandma, mother in law and godmother? Envelopes are located in the Welcome Center and in the parish office. Write the names of those you would like to remember in these nine masses and drop the envelope in the collection. Novena de Misas en Día de las Madres Una Novena de Misas del Día de las Madres será ofrecida por los sacerdotes de Saint William. No hay mejor regalo que el regalo de oración para su madre, abuela, suegra y madrina. Los sobres se encuentran en el Centro de Bienvenida y en la oficina de la parroquia. Escriba los nombres de la persona que gusta recordar durante las misas y deposite el sobre en la colecta. SWYM Join us this Sunday for our last official SWYM of the Semester. SWYM Deep will begin next Sunday. 6:30-8:30PM in the Pavilion. Steubenville Youth Conference: July 17-19 join 3,000 other teens seeking Christ in a powerful weekend in Springfield, MO. Open to all current 8th12th grade teens. More details here: www.saintwilliams.org/swym Senior Scholarship Form: 2015 High School Graduates are encouraged to apply for the Senior Scholarship. www.saintwilliams.org/swym EVENTS IN THE PARISH/ EVENTOS EN LA PARROQUIA 75 years of Mass celebrated at Saint William. Please save the date for the following list of 75th Anniversary events: 6th Annual Evening for the Ladies—May 13 You are invited to the Sixth Annual Christ Child Society Evening for the LadiesHollywood Night with the Stars. The event will be held on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 6:00pm, at the St. William Parish Hall. A Night With the Shepherds—May 14 from 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. in the parish hall—Join us for a wine and cheese reception with current and former pastors and assistant pastors. They’ll be sharing their stories during their time at Saint William. Birthday Dinner Party for anyone who turns 75 in 2015—September 12 at 6:30 p.m. in the parish hall Vivaldi’s Four Seasons and Gloria, directed by Dr. Gerardo Ramos November 14 at 7:30 p.m. in the church; tickets are $20 and will be available after Mass and on the Saint William website. 75th Anniversary Mass—Bishop Joe Vasquez, Presider—November 21 at A Story of Faith and Family—Book Sale—Benefitting the Guadalupanas Janie Castillos' book on the History of Saint William Church is complete and will be available soon. The title of the book is: “A Story of Faith and Family” Saint William Catholic Church, Round Rock, Texas A historical account from a personal perspective You may pre-order your copy by email to: beekeeperjc@sbcglobal.net Available in English only. All proceeds from the sale of the book will be to Saint William Church via the Guadalupanas. The evening will open with social time, appetizers, and followed by a full meal, and deserts. We will have entertainment by 2 Special Guest. Dress Attire is dress as your favorite Celebrity. We will be presenting a testimonial by one of our benefactors. The Christ Child Society, a non-profit organization, has a respect for life and the desire to help children. The Christ Child Society of Texas, Capital Area Chapter, has provided over 5,000 layettes for newborns in need through various agencies. The Christ Child Society offers different programs to support children in need throughout the Texas, Capital area. These programs include the Layette Program, Bereavement Gowns “Angel Gowns”, Hygiene for Teenage Homeless Project, caps and mittens, and more. With this we help our community’s youth in many ways. Tickets: Becky Cook at 512-876-7372 and/ or becky@cooktx.com. SAVE THE DATE: Saint William Golf Tournament—June 27 This year’s annual golf tournament will take place on June 27 with an 8 a.m. Shot Gun Start at the beautiful The Golf Club Star Ranch, located on 2500 FM 685 in Hutto. Lunch is included. The event is organized by the Knights of Columbus. Please contact a member of the Knights of Columbus for information or to register. FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Saint Vincent’s Corner Today, we celebrate “Good Shepherd Sunday” where we reflect on Jesus’ love and care for us. During the month of March, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to be “Good Shepherds” to the hearts of the suffering, by assisting 170 families, providing 4091 lbs of food, a value of $6913 and paid $16,290 for utility, rent and other bills. God Bless you for your generosity! For more information about the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, please visit www.svdprr.org. Marriage - Why God's Design “God calls each of us to be holy. Some are called to holiness through family life in the sacrament of Marriage. Today, there are those who say that marriage is out of fashion. In a culture of relativism and the ephemeral, many preach the importance of ‘enjoying’ the moment. They say that it is not worth making a life-long commitment, making a definitive decision, ‘forever’, because we do not know what tomorrow will bring. I ask you, instead, to be revolutionaries; to swim against the tide. I am asking you to rebel against this culture that sees everything as temporary and that ultimately believes you are incapable of responsibility; that believes you are… Continues on Page 6 FREQUENT NUMBERS/ NUMEROS FREQUENTES PASTORAL CARE Liturgy Divorce & Beyond Bereavement Ministry Hospital visit (English) Hospital visit (Español) Homebound (English) Homebound (Spanish) Nursing Home Ministry Debbie George Debbie George Debbie George Mary DiBonito Martha Estrada Geri Lynn Martha Estrada Azucena Overman 600-8158 600-8158 600-8158 934-3235 417-8722 629-9006 417-8722 627-6423 SPIRITUAL LIFE Eucharist Adoration Pilgrim Statue Our Lady of Grace Estatua Peregrina Praise & Worship Prayer Line Parish Bible Study Legion of Mary Gigi Lewis Debbie Davis Rosie Russi Les & Gabriele Miller Joan A. Price Mark Hlas Lynda Villasana 203-9938 417-9010 828-4772 255-5058 244-0814 218-8539 269-0023 OUTREACH SERVICE Gabriel Project/Project Rachel Drive-a-Senior in the Community Pro-Life Committee English-as-a-Second Language Sacred Heart Community Clinic Toll Free Hotline Jann Gorman Ann Bierschenk Doris Olivo Finley Liz Burton-Garcia (877) 932-2732 255-5028 797-5411 913-9279 716-3929 MINISTERIOS HISPANOS Ministerios Hispanos Apostoles Divina Misericordia Encuentro Matrimonial Grupo de Oración Agua Viva Amigos en Cristo Grupo Juvenil Sociedad de las Guadalupanas Lectores Legión de Mariá Legion de Maria—Grupo Juvenil Quinceañeras Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Santa Comunión Magdalena Fernandez Ramón y Mildred Bodon Ricardo Gonzalez Servando Borja Henrietta De Leon Elizabeth Araujo Bertha Ruíz Jose Luis Guerrero Dora Snell Juan y Leticia Serrano Lucy Montealvo 255-4473 939-8415 254-592-2009 745-1278 799 1567 255-2431 709-2184 809 5734 554-4746 255-4473 630-6084 567-8961 ORGANIZATIONS African-American Council Ada Muoneke 636-9359 American Heritage Girls Debbie Gonzales 310-8724 Asian Council Indra D’Mello 218-4097 Catholic Daughters Mary Rutherford 740-5660 Junior Catholic Daughters Annette Sprawls 497-2878 Christ Child Society Barbara Forby 773-8749 K.J.T. Society #134 Tina Risinger 310-9010 Knights of Columbus Greg Castro, Grand Knight 217-4717 Saint William Gift Shop Robert Saldibar 565-7721 Ladies Guild Teri Blazek 255-7116 WilCo Young Adults Ministry Laura Gonzalez 827-9292 For more information, visit www.saintwilliasm.org or call 512255-4473. SACRED HEART COMMUNITY CLINIC HOURS: Walk-ins, Tues. & Thurs., 5 p.m.—8 p.m.; Registrations, Mon. & Fri., 9 a.m.—Noon FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING Whom do we follow and to whose voice do we listen? This Sunday as we continue to unpack the meaning of our Baptism, we hear Jesus call himself the Good Shepherd whose sheep hear his voice and follow his lead. That way of Jesus is the way of love and unity. We are truly blessed to be loved so much and because we have been given so much, we must in turn live lives of generous love toward all. Are there some in our world we believe are undeserving of love or respect or generosity? Jesus gave his life for them, how shall we respond? ¿A quién seguimos y a la voz de quien hacemos caso? Este sábado mientras continuamos descubriendo el significado de nuestro Bautismo, escuchamos a Jesús llamarse a si mismo el Buen Pastor cuyas ovejas escuchan su voz y siguen su liderazgo. El camino de Jesús es el camino del amor y la unidad. Somos verdaderamente bendecidos por ser amados tanto y por que se nos ha dado tanto, nos toca entonces, vivir vidas con amor generoso hacia todos ¿Hay alguien en nuestro mundo que creemos que carece de amor, respeto o generosidad? Jesús dio su vida por ellos ¿Cómo debemos responder? PRO-LIFE LINE/ LINEA PRO-VIDA Marriage - Why God's Design—Continued from page 5 ...incapable of true love. I have confidence in you and I pray for you. Have the courage ‘to swim against the tide’.” ~ Pope Francis, July 2014 http://www.marriageuniqueforareason.org/2013/08/02/five-great-pope-francis-quotes-aboutmarriage-and-the-family-from-world-youth-day Bishops Encouraged by D. C. March for Marriage On April 25, 2015, thousands of Americans led by the national organization for marriage and co-sponsoring organizations marched to the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, DC—three days before the U.S. Supreme Court is to hear oral arguments on the constitutionality of states’ preserving the legal definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman. In a letter to his brother bishops, Bishop J. Malone—Chairman, Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth—expressed gratitude for this public opportunity to march for marriage and also a profound appreciation for the bishop’s efforts in support of marriage and family life. The anticipated decision of the supreme court positions itself to be the most important judicial ruling since Roe V. Wade decision declaring a constitutional right to abortion. The bishop stated that the march was an important witness to a movement dedicated to building a culture of marriage and the family and it served to remind people that a supreme court ruling will not decide the issue of marriage anymore than Roe decided the issue of abortion. He asks that we pray for the good of marriage, for the supreme court justices, and our nation’s commitment to the well-being of children. http://usccb.org/issues-and-action/marriage-and-family/marriage/promotion-and-defense-ofmarriage/ Annunciation Maternity Home Banquet - May 7 The 13th Annual AMH Banquet will be held on Thursday, May 7, 2015 at the St. Helen Catholic Church—St. Rita Activity Center in Georgetown. To register on-line: www.thematernityhome.org Crisis Pregnancy? Suffering from an abortion? There is help. Call 1-877-WeCare2. "I have set before you life and death...choose life, that you and your descendants may live!" (Dt. 30:19) VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Visit the church website for information about the Totally Catholic VBS EVEREST: Conquering Challenges with God's Mighty Power! Bible School is offered in English and Spanish. Online registrations began on April 7. ESCUELA BIBLICA EN VACACIONES June 22—26, 2015 English—www.saintwilliams.org/vbs Español—www.saintwilliams.org/ebv Visite el sitio web de la iglesia para obtener información sobre el programa EBV, totalmente católico! Everest: ¡Conquistando los Retos con la Fuerza Poderosa de Dios! Escuela Bíblica se ofrece en inglés y español. Las inscripciones comenzaron el 7 de abril. FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER NEWS IN THE PARISH/ NOTICIAS EN LA PARROQUIA Making a gift is easy…it can be done online at www.saintwilliams.org, place a check in the offertory basket with capital campaign in the memo line, or stop by the front office. Capaña Capital—$6.9 Milliones Recaudado Saint William ha recaudado seis punto nueve millones de dólares. Debemos estar muy orgullosos de esto, pero todavía no hemos terminado! Como algunos de ustedes saben, la diócesis nos da un período de gracia de doce meses para el cathedraticum, es decir, un impuesto eclesiástico. Este impuesto no se está aplicando a ninguna de nuestras donaciones de campaña de capital que están entrando actualmente. Capital Campaign—$6.9 Million Raised The total that Saint William has raised is 6.9 million dollars and that total grows by the week. That is a number to be proud of, but we’re not done yet! As some of you may or may not know, the diocese gives us a grace period of 12 months where Cathe- draticum, the church tax, is not being applied to any of our incoming capital campaign gifts. Our one year ends on May 7th. After May 7th, all capital campaign income will be taxed by 10%. If you’ve not yet made a gift or are in a position to pay off your pledge, this is a great time to consider doing so. Email us your pictures… Email your pictures to communications@saintwilliams.org Pero nuestro año de gracia se termina el 7 de mayo. Después del 07 de mayo, a todos los ingresos de la campaña capital se les van a imponer diez por ciento. Si aún no ha hecho un donativo o está en condiciones de pagar su promesa, este es un buen momento para considerar hacerlo. Hacer un donativo es fácil ... se puede hacer por el Internet en www.saintwilliams.org, o puede colocar un cheque en la canasta del ofertorio con campaña de capital en la línea del memo, o puede pasar por la oficina. Gracias de nuevo por su continua generosidad y por sus oraciones. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a la oficina de la iglesia. THANK YOU—Guadalupanas give $15,000 Two weekends ago, the Society of the Guadalupanas had their annual banquet. During the banquet, the Guadalupanas presented a check to Fr. Dean and Saint William totaling $15,000. Thank you to the Society of the Guadalupanas for the generous contribution. This is money they raise throughout the year through their breakfasts. Tea and Fashion Show Models pose at the Ladies Guild Tea and Fashion Show, held on March 28 in the Pavilion at Saint William. The event included lunch and a fashion show featuring the latest in fashion and more. Picture Courtesy of Betty Glaser FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER IN THE DIOCESE/ EN LA DIOCESIS IN THE DIOCESE/ EN LA DIOCESIS Job Openings HOME PARISH PRIESTHOOD VOCATION ANNOUNCEMENT The Diocese of Austin has a job opening for a: Director- Office of Life, Charity and Justice. This position is responsible for connecting the diocese and its parishes with USCCB offices and other national programs concerned with social justice issues. Receptionist. This position is responsible for attending to visitors and dealing with inquiries on the phone and face to face from the public. In addition, supplies information regarding the Diocese to the general public, clients and customers. Property Loss Prevention and Compliance Manager. This position is responsible for the safety, risk mitigation and insurance related repairs of buildings owned and operated by the Diocese of Austin and its parishes. VOCATION ANNOUNCEMENT With great joy, I wish to inform you that Deacon Hai Nguyen has petitioned for the Order of the Priesthood in the Diocese of Austin in Texas through the imposition of hands and the invocation of the Holy Spirit by his Bishop on Saturday, June 6, 2015. On behalf of the Church, I want to thank you the people of his home parish for your generous support of Deacon Hai. It is through your prayers, encouragements, and support that we have many vocations. All applications must be submitted directly through the Diocese of Austin web page at http://austindiocese.applicantpro.com/jobs/. Please keep Deacon Hai and all our seminarians in your daily prayers. PRAYERS/ ORACIONES If you have any grave concerns affecting his ordination to the priesthood, please contact me in writing enclosed in a “confidential” envelope and addressed to: The Very Reverend Father Trung Nguyen, Rector St. Mary’s Seminary 9845 Memorial Dr., Houston, TX 77024. Prayer for a family God made us family We need one another We love one another We forgive one another We work together We play together We worship together Together we use God's word Together we love all people Together we serve our God Together we hope for heaven These are our hopes and ideals Help us to attain them O God, through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen Dominican Sisters of Mary—Golf Tournament—May 4 The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist invite you to join them for a Golf Tournament, Dinner and Auction on Monday, May 4th at Cimarron Hills Golf and County Club. The day's events will begin with Mass at St. Helen's with Bishop Joe Vasquez and Bishop Michael Mulvey at 10:30am, followed by Golf registration opening at Cimarron at 11am and a shotgun start at 12:30pm. If you don't play golf, you're welcome to join the Sisters for just the dinner & auction portion of the evening, beginning at 5:30pm. Special guests include Mother Assumpta Long, Prioress General of the community, and Sr. Joseph Andrew, the vocation director. All are welcome! For more information, please visit the Sisters website at www.sistersofmary.org. Volunteers Needed—Rosary Making—May 2 You are invited to make Rosaries. The beads and string will be provided but volunteers are needed to help assemble the Rosaries. This is a simple project and is perfect for all ages. Join the Rosary makers, on Saturday, May 2, at 1pm-4pm in the Education Center, room 21. All rosaries made will be donated to a Spanish retreat. For more information, please contact Faviola Hidalgo at 361-548-2272. FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER
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