13 - Saint William Catholic Church
13 - Saint William Catholic Church
SAINT WILLIAM—ROUND ROCK, TEXAS MASSES & READINGS MONDAY, October 14: Saint Callistus I, Pope and Martyr Rom 1:1-7; Ps 98; Lk 11:29-32 6:30 a.m. † Maria Aguilar by Society of Saint Vincent de Paul 12:15 p.m. † Charles C. Bundick, Jr. by Charles and Luz Bundick TUESDAY, October 15: Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor Rom 1:16-25; Ps 19; Lk 11:37-41 12:15 p.m. Respect for all human life from natural conception to natural death 6 p.m. † Itamara Gomes by Evandro Menezes WEDNESDAY, October 16: Saint Hedwig, Religious; Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin Rom 2:1-11; Ps 62; Lk 11:42-46 6:30 a.m. † Joseph Henry Dilger by the Lairmores 12:15 p.m. Sp. Int. Marie Soncza & Joseph Prybyla by Robert & Marianne Prybyla THURSDAY, October 17: Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr Rom 3:21-30; Ps 130; Lk 11:47-54 12:15 p.m. † Jon Strycker by Robert & Renee Strycker 6 p.m. † Jose Guadalupe Davila by Maria Davila FRIDAY, October 18: Saint Luke, Evangelist 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145; Lk 10:1-9 6:30 a.m. † Edward R. Lasher by the Knights of Columbus 12:15 p.m. † Jesus Alejandro Alvarado by Pete/ Blanca Alvarado y familia SATURDAY, October 19: Saints John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues, Priests, and Companions, Martyrs Rom 4:13, 16-18; Ps 105; Lk 12:8-12 8:30 a.m. † Jose Isabel del Castillo Death Anniversary 5 p.m. † Sebastian and Theodora Zamarripa by Loli Carroll SUNDAY, October 20: Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ex 17:8-13; Ps 121; 2 Tm 3:14—4:2; Lk 18:1-8 7:30 a.m. For the deceased members of the Guadalupanas 9:30 a.m. Sp. Int. Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court 2415 by Court 2415 Officers 11:30 a.m. Sp. Int. Wedding Anniversary: Bradley and Annette Laurich 1:30 p.m. † Efigenia Rujano de Richards by Richards Family 5:00 p.m. For the People of the Parish OCTOBER 13, 2013 A STEWARDSHIP MOMENT In today’s gospel, we hear of the ten men afflicted with leprosy, and the one who glorifies God for being healed. It is a dramatic scene of gratitude. But in order for the miracle to happen in the first place, these men had to start walking in faith before their diseased conditions changed one tiny bit. Good stewards of their faith realize that they cannot wait until their problems are over to start walking in faith. They praise God even in the darkest of nights, and in the worst of circumstances. Do we walk in faith, giving the Lord our gratitude even when we are in difficult circumstances? STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE REPORT—SEPTEMBER 29 Amount Needed Per-Week Offertory Budgeted Weekly Collection Below Budget $ $ $ 61,538 51,188 (10,350) Year to date Totals (July 1st—September 23) Amount needed Total Sunday collections-to-date Below year to date budget $ 799,994 $ 712,536 $ (87,458) Note: The bank cannot process checks written with gel pens. ¡Gracias por su apoyo y generosidad! Thank you for your continued support and generosity! Daphne Debroske, Donna Bayer, Hunter Leget, Mary Woo, Amanda Belmonte Daniel Nicholas Mayo, Mary Lou Bayer, Juan Beltran, Romanus Stuekerjuergen, Macrino Lopez, Ana Sierra, Gay Elizabeth Williams The tabernacle candle burns “In Thanksgiving of Brad & Annette’s Wedding Anniversary” TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WEEK AT A GLANCE Sunday, October 13th 8:00 AM Reg. X Hispanic Youth/ Young Adult Conf 9:30 AM Children's Liturgy of the Word 11:15 AM Unidos en el Amor de Dios 3:00 PM Elementary Faith Formation 3:00 PM Sunday 5pm Choir Rehearsal 3:00 PM Triumph Youth Ministry 6:30 PM S.W.Y.M. High School Youth Ministry 6:30 PM Unity Rosary Committee Meeting Monday, October 14th 9:30 AM Unity in Language ESL 4:00 PM Elementary Faith Formation 6:30 PM Boy Scout Troop Meeting 6:30 PM Catholic Daughters of America Officers Meeting 6:30 PM Elementary Faith Formation 7:00 PM CRHP Women 7:00 PM CRSP Hombres Music Practice 7:00 PM Orientacion de Matrimonios 7:00 PM Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults 7:00 PM S.W.Y.M. J Squad 7:00 PM Sunday 5pm Choir Rehearsal 8:00 PM Unity in Language ESL Tuesday, October 15th 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study - Little Rock Scripture Study 9:30 AM Early Childhood Development 6:30 PM Formación de Fe Elemental 6:30 PM Formacion de Fe Secundaria 6:30 PM Reuniones para Padres de Familia 6:30 PM Spring Festival Committee 7:00 PM Agua Viva Team Rosary Church 7:00 PM CRHP Men 7:00 PM Divorce Support Group 7:00 PM Legion of Mary 7:00 PM Pro Life Committee 7:00 PM Sunday 11:30am Choir Rehearsal 7:30 PM Sunday 9:30am Choir Rehearsal 7:45 PM Reunión para Catequistas 8:00 PM Agua Viva Wednesday, October 16th 5:30 AM That Man is You 9:00 AM Catechesis of Good Shepherd 9:30 AM Early Childhood Development 2:00 PM Catechesis of Good Shepherd 5:15 PM Children's Choir Rehearsal 6:30 PM Elementary Faith Formation 6:30 PM Rosary Group 6:30 PM RSYM Mesa Diretiva 6:30 PM Triumph - The Peak 7:00 PM Catholic Daughters of America 7:00 PM English Lector Meeting 7:00 PM Sunday 1:30pm Coro Practica 8:00 PM Agua Viva Thursday, October 17th 9:00 AM Catechesis of Good Shepherd 9:30 AM Early Childhood Development 4:00 PM Catechesis of Good Shepherd 4:15 PM American Heritage Girls 7:00 PM * AFF 7 Steps to Financial Freedom 7:00 PM * AFF Bible Verses Every Catholic Should Know 7:00 PM * AFF Divine Mercy Cenacle 7:00 PM * AFF Prayer 7:00 PM * AFF Theology of the Body 7:00 PM Adult Bible Study - Little Rock Scripture Study 7:00 PM CRSP Mujeres Reunion Semanal 7:00 PM Jesus is Lord 7:00 PM Legion de Maria 7:00 PM Opus Dei Men 7:00 PM Saturday 5pm Choir Rehearsal Parish Hall Sacred Heart Chapel Ed Ctr Rm 24/26 Education Center Church Choir Room Parish Hall Pavilion Church Bridal Room Ed Ctr Rms 25/27 Education Center Pavilion St. Francis Room Education Center St. Vincent de Paul Church Vesting Sacristy Church Bridal Room Parish Hall Ed Ctr Rm 15/17 Church Choir Room Ed Ctr Rms 25/27 Ed Ctr Rm 21 Education Center Education Center Parish Hall Pavilion Ofc Break Room Vesting Sacristy St. Vincent de Paul Church Bridal Room St. Francis Room Ofc Workroom Church Church Choir Room Ed Ctr Rm 25/27 Pavilion Parish Hall Ed Ctr Rm 12 Education Center Ed Ctr Rm 12 Church Education Center Sacred Heart Chapel Ed Ctr Rm 24/26 Ed Ctr Rm 15/17 Pavilion Church Cry Room North Church Choir Room Ed Ctr Rm 14/16 Ed Ctr Rm 12 Education Center Ed Ctr Rm 12 Ed Ctr Rm 25/27 Ed Ctr Rm 13 Ed Ctr Rm 15/17 Ed Ctr Rm 25/27 Ed Ctr Rm 14/16 Ed Ctr Rm 11 Ed Ctr Rm 21 St. Vincent de Paul Parish Hall Church Bridal Room Sacred Heart Chapel Church 7:00 PM Sunday 7:30am Coro Practica 7:30 PM Praise and Worship Friday, October 18th 9:00 AM Catechesis of Good Shepherd 9:30 AM Unity in Language ESL 11:15 AM Ethics & Integrity in Ministry Refresher 1:00 PM FISCHTeen Service Project 4:00 PM Cantu/Trinh Wedding Rehearsal 6:00 PM Dominguez/Vasquez Wedding Rehearsal 6:00 PM Formación de Fe Elemental 6:00 PM Rebano Sagrado Noche Juvenil 6:00 PM Reuniones para Padres de Familia 7:00 PM CRSP Hombre's 7:00 PM Quinceaña Rehearsal 7:45 PM Jesus es el Senor 7:45 PM Reuniones de Catequistas 8:00 PM Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial 8:00 PM Estudio Biblico 8:00 PM Legion de Maria Jovenes 8:00 PM Legion of Mary Young Adults 8:00 PM Unity in Language ESL 9:00 PM Amigos en Cristo Hora Santa Saturday, October 19th 7:00 AM Triumph Middle School Rally Gathering 8:00 AM Sacramento del Bautismo 8:30 AM Clase de Bautismo 9:00 AM Christ Child Society Assembly & General Mtg 9:00 AM FISCHE Home Schoolers Home of Virtue 9:30 AM Arseculerante Memorial Service 9:30 AM Bereavement Support Group 9:30 AM Cub Scout Pack 345 Religious Emblem Class 10:00 AM Baptism Class 10:00 AM Marriage Ministry: Together in God's Love 11:00 AM Dominguez/Vasquez Convalidation 11:00 AM Quinceañera 1:30 PM American Heritage Girls Mom 'n Me Tea 2:00 PM Cantu/Trinh Wedding 2:30 PM Talleres de Oracion y Vida 3:00 PM Saturday 5pm Choir Rehearsal 5:00 PM Spring Festival Committee 6:00 PM Hijos e Hijas del Movimiento Familiar Cristiano 7:00 PM Grupo Juvenil Amigos en Cristo 7:00 PM Unity Rosary Church Choir Room Church Vesting Sacristy Ed Ctr Rm 12 Ed Ctr Rms 25/27 Parish Hall Pavilion Church Church Education Center Parish Hall Pavilion St. Vincent de Paul Sacred Heart Chapel Parish Hall Ed Ctr Rm 14/16 Ed Ctr Rm 15/17 Ed Ctr Rm 11 Ed Ctr Rm 21 Ed Ctr Rm 23 Ed Ctr Rm 25/27 Sacred Heart Chapel Pavilion Church Parish Hall Sec 2 Pavilion Ed Ctr Rm 15/17 Sacred Heart Chapel Ed Ctr Rm 23 Ed Ctr Rm 14/16 Parish Hall Sctn 1 Ed Ctr Rm 24/26 Church Sacred Heart Chapel Pavilion Church Ed Ctr Rm 13 Church Choir Room Pavilion Ed Ctr 24/26 Ed Ctr Rm 15/17 Church Mass and Reconciliation—For the regular Mass and Reconciliation schedule, please see the cover of this bulletin. Misa y Reconciliación—Para el horario de la Misa y Reconciliación, vea la portada de este boletín. ***** Events not open to the public are marked with an asterisk. ***** SPONSOR OF THE WEEK PLEASE PATRONIZE AND THANK OUR BULLETIN SPONSORS. TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/ EDUCACION RELIGIOSA EVENTS IN THE PARISH/ EVENTOS EN LA PARROQUIA Estudio Biblico para principiantes—cada viernes Este estudio de la biblia es para personas que no han tenido experiencia en estudio biblia. El curso se reúne cada viernes de 8 p.m.- 9:30 p.m. en el salón #11 del edificio de ER para mas información, llame al 512-809-2278 o envíe correo electrónico paulafgo@gmail.com Office Closed—October 17 and November 1 Faith Formation Office will be close October 17 and November 1. Oficina Cerrada—17 de octubre y 1 de noviembre La Oficina de Formacion de la Fe estara cerrada el 17 de octubre y 1 de noviembre. Ladies Guild Meeting—October 24 Stay up-to-date with the latest—SWYM The Ladies Guild invites all the ladies of Saint William to their upcoming meeting in October. The meeting will be held on Thursday, October 24, starting at 7 p.m. at Our Lady of Guadalupe Prayer Garden, located behind the church, to pray the rosary. Please bring your rosary and a flashlight. The meeting will then continue in the Pavilion for hot chocolate, hot tea, cookies and a brief business meeting. Please Note: If you signed up to provide a raffle item for the upcoming Bunco Tournament on October 25, please bring the item to the meeting. For more information, please contact Linda Hernandez at lindahernandez9722@sbcglobal.net. Saint William Arts & Crafts Show—November 2 (sponsored by Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court 2415) All are invited to the Annual Arts & Crafts Show on Saturday, November 2, from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., in the Pavilion at Saint William. The arts and craft show will feature 30 vendors with items ranging from woodwork, religious items, jewelry, Christmas decorations, home canned goods, baby items, and more! All items are handmade. Admission is free but please consider donating a non-perishable food item at the door. Collection barrels will be available at the entrance for anyone who would like to donate a non-perishable food item for the St. Vincent de Paul—Food Pantry at Saint William. For more information, please contact Cindy Talley, Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court 2415, at 512-388-3473 or cindy.talley@mockscience.com Join us this Sunday—Discussing the topic ‘Original Sin’. Next Sunday will be off-site at Georgetown High Theater from 3 p.m.—7:15 p.m. Volunteer for the Unity Rosary! SWYM students will serve as beads in this event at 7p.m. on October 19. If you would like to serve as a bead, you must attend the training on Saturday, October 19 at 8:45 a.m. EVENTS IN THE PARISH/ EVENTOS EN LA PARROQUIA Food, Fun, Fellowship! - Bunco Tournament—October 25 All are invited to a Bunco Tournament on Friday, October 25, from 7 p.m.–9 p.m. at the Kinningham House located at 1000 Southcreek Drive in Round Rock. Tickets will be regularly priced at $25 per person after October 1st No Bunco Experience Necessary! Beginners welcome. To register, please contact Teri Blazek at TBlazekSC@AOL.com at 512-255-7116. BBQ Fundraiser—October 20 The Saint William Spring Fiesta Committee is sponsoring a BBQ fundraiser on Sunday, October 20, at 10 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. (or until sold out) at Pavilion parking lot. Plates will consist of delicious bbq chicken, sausage, potato salad, beans, and all the trimmings. The cost is $8 per plate. All proceeds will benefit Saint William Catholic Church. Recauda de Fondos—BBQ Pollo Asado—October 20 El Comité de la Fiesta de Primavera de Saint William está patrocinando una venta de BBQ Pollos Asados para recaudar fondos, el domingo, 20 de octubre, a las 10 a.m.—6:30 p.m. (o hasta que se termine la comida) en el estacionamiento del Pabellón. Las platillos llevaran delicioso pollo con salsa bbq, salchicha, ensalada de papa, frijoles, y mas. El platillo cuesta $8 cada uno. Los fondos beneficiaran a la iglesia Saint William. TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Saint Vincent’s Corner In today’s Gospel, we hear that only one of those healed returned to glorify God and to give thanks to God. It is true, that when we have a grateful heart we know that everything is a gift from God. To give thanks for all that God has given to you, have you considered answering the call to help serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? The Pro-Life Place October is Respect Life month. Pope Francis calls us to “Open Your Hearts to Life”. Last weekend, we included flyers in the bulletin and distributed blessed roses at all the masses. The rose is associated closely with our Blessed Mother Mary. The word rosary comes from Latin and means garland of roses. Thanks for your Pro-Life donations. Bishop Joe Vasquez stated, “Catholics appreciate the sanctity of human life. We know that life must be respected, appreciated and protected from conception until natural death. This comprehensive understanding of human life encompasses the serious issue of abortion, but is broader. The moment of conception is when life is most vulnerable, which is why the church speaks so clearly and strong about the protection we must give to the unborn. However, we must also respect and protect children as they develop, adults as they age and elderly as they near their time of death. We must understand that life is a sacred gift from God; therefore, we have to be very watchful and protective of it at every stage.” Frequent Numbers/ Numeros Frequentes PASTORAL CARE Liturgy Divorce & Beyond Bereavement Ministry Hospital Visit (English) Hospital Visit (Español) Homebound (English) Homebound (Spanish) Nursing Home Ministry Debbie George Debbie George Debbie George Mary DiBonito Martha Estrada Mary Cavett Martha Estrada Azucena Overman 600-8158 600-8158 600-8158 934-3235 417-8722 388-0016 417-8722 627-6423 SPIRITUAL LIFE Eucharist Adoration Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Grace Estatua Peregrina Praise & Worship Prayer Line Parish Bible Study Legion of Mary Karina Hernandez Debbie Davis Rosie Russi Les & Gabriele Miller Mark Hlas George Price Lynda Villasana 750-4676 417-9010 828-4772 255-5058 218-8539 244-0814 269-0023 OUTREACH SERVICE Gabriel Project/ Project Rachel Drive a Senior in the Community Pro-Life Committee English-as-a-Second Language Sacred Heart Community Clinic Toll Free Hotline Jann Gorman Ann Bierschenk Doris Olivo Finley Liz Burton-Garcia (877) 932-2732 255-5028 797-5411 913-9279 716-3929 MINISTERIOS HISPANOS Ministerios Hispanos Apostoles Divina Misericordia Encuentro Matrimonial Grupo de Oración—Agua Viva Amigos en Cristo—Grupo Juvenil Sociedad de las Guadalupanas Lectores Legión de Mariá Legión de Mariá Grupo Juvenil Quinceañeras Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Santa Comunión Deacon Concho Castillo Magdalena Fernandez Ramon y Mildred Bodon Ricardo Gonzalez Ernesto Peña Becky Diaz Elizabeth Araujo Rosie Russi Jose Luis Guerrero Dora Snell Juan y Leticia Serrano Lucy Montealvo 255-4473 939-8415 254-592-2009 745-1278 964-4311 705-1499 388-6013 828-4772 554 4746 238-1083 630 6084 567-8961 ORGANIZATIONS African-American Council Ada Muoneke 636-9359 American Heritage Girls Debbie Gonzalez 310-8724 Asian Council Indra D’Mello 218-4097 Catholic Daughters Audrey Morton 590-1113 Junior Catholic Daughters Annette Sprawls 497-2878 Christ Child Society Ofelia Melendez 786-4705 K.J.T. Society, #134 Tina Risinger 310-9010 Knights of Columbus Robert Saldibar, Grand Knight 565-7721 Knights of Columbus (store) 600-8177 Ladies Guild Diana Pier 244-9630 WilCoYA Ministry 827-9292 Vocations Committee Fr. Uche Andeh 255-4473 For more information, visit www.saintwilliams.org or call 512-255-4473. SACRED HEART COMMUNITY CLINIC HOURS: Walk-Ins, Tues. & Thurs., 5 p.m.—8 p.m.; Registrations, Mon. & Fri., 9 a.m.-noon TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME EVENTS IN THE PARISH/ EVENTOS EN LA PARROQUIA YEAR OF FAITH/ AÑO DE LA FE As these harvest months unfold, God’s plan is that the fruit of the earth is to be shared by all. The goods of the earth are for our benefit as long as we do not hoard these blessings at the expense of others’ needs. How do you demonstrate gratitude to God for the blessings of the earth? Are you satisfied with the goods you have? How do you share God’s blessings with others? Mientras estos meses de cosecha suceden, el plan de Dios es que el fruto de la tierra sea compartido por todos. Las bondades de la tierra son para nuestro beneficio mientras que no acumulemos éstas bendiciones a expensas de las necesidades de otros. ¿Cómo demuestra gratitud a Dios por las bendiciones de la tierra? Está satisfecho con los bienes que posee? ¿cómo comparte las bendiciones de Dios con otros? Let us unite in prayer... Unity Rosary—October 19 CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING Healing was a special ministry of Jesus. Through healing, the sick were not only restored to health, but they were restored to community life – the community was healed as well. Who are the lepers of our society who are cast out and rejected? What healing do we need to welcome the immigrant; the poor; the prisoner coming out of jail? How are we called by our faith to challenge and heal our society by upholding the dignity of every person, especially those who are hated, marginalized or helpless? Welcome USA, Mexico, Columbia, India, Brazil, Puerto Rico, and your native country to the Unity Rosary! Everyone is invited to the Unity Rosary on Saturday, October 19, 2013 at 7:00p.m. Wear your native dress from your country at the Unity Rosary. Come and unite in praying the Most Holy Rosary from languages all over the world. It will be followed by a multicultural reception at the parish hall, complete with traditional ethnic food from different countries. For more information contact Ginny Christy at (512) 255-4432. Sign up to pray in your native language and/or sign up to bring your country’s traditional food for the reception. Rosario de Unidad - 19 de octubre ¡Bienvenidos USA, Mexico, Columbia, India, Brazil, Puerto Rico, y su país al Rosario de Unidad! Todos están invitados al Rosario de Unidad el Sábado 19 de Octubre, 2013 a las 7:00p.m. Vistan con ropa típica de su país para el Rosario de Unidad y vengan a rezar el Santo Rosario incluyendo idiomas de todo el mundo. Seguirá con una recepción multicultural en el salón parroquial con diferentes imagines de la Virgen representando cada país y comida tradicional. Para más información favor de llamar a Rosaura Russi al at (512) 731-3863. Regístrense para rezar en su idioma o traiga comida típica de su país para la recepción. TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME EVENTS IN THE PARISH/ EVENTOS EN LA PARROQUIA Novena—All Souls Day—November 2-5 The priests of Saint William will offer a Novena of Masses for all of the faithful departed November 2 – 5. If you would like your loved one remembered at these nine masses, please write their names on the All Souls Day envelope found in your packet of envelopes. Additional envelopes may be picked up at the Welcome Center. Novena—Día de Todas las Almas—2-5 de noviembre Los sacerdotes de Saint William ofrecerá una Novena de Misas para todos los fieles difuntos el 2 - 5 de noviembre. Si desea recordar a su ser querido en estas nueve misas, por favor escriba su nombre en el sobre del Día de todas Las Almas que está en el paquete de sobres. También tenemos sobres adicionales en el Centro de Bienvenida. Altar of Remembrance—November You are invited to place a framed photo of a deceased loved one on our Altar of Remembrance, and to write their names in the Book of the Names of the Dead. They will be remembered in prayer at mass throughout the month of November. All Saints Masses Vigil—Thursday, October 31 - (no 6 p.m. Spanish) - 7 p.m. Friday, November 1 - 6:30 am, 12:15 pm, 6 pm - 7:30 p.m. Spanish All Souls Mass Saturday, November 2 - 8:30 a.m. bilingual—Church If you would like the photo returned, please attach your name and phone number to the back so we can contact you to pick it up. May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace, and may perpetual light shine upon them. Altar de Recuerdos—Noviembre Está invitado a colocar una foto de su ser querido difunto en nuestro Altar de Recuerdo, y a escribir sus nombres en el Libro de los Nombres de los Muertos. Serán recordados en oración durante la misa durante el mes de noviembre. Si desea que se le regrese la foto, por favor anote su nombre y número de teléfono en la parte posterior para que podamos contactarle. Que las almas de los fieles difuntos descansen en paz, y luz perpetua brille sobre ellos. Misas Todos los Santos Vigilia—Jueves, 31 de Octubre - (no 6 p.m. Español) - 7 p.m. Viernes, 1 de Noviembre - 6:30 am, 12:15 pm, 6 pm, - 7:30 p.m. Español Misa Todas las Almas Sábado. 2 de Noviembre - 8:30am bilingüe—Iglesia EVENTS IN THE DIOCESE/ EVENTOS EN LA DIOCESIS Play Golf, Help Babies! 3rd Annual Annunciation Maternity Home Charity Golf Tournament—October 28 Gather your foursome to support mothers and babies on Monday, October 28, at Berry Creek Country Club | 11am Registration, 1:30pm Shotgun Start | $100/player includes golf, fajita dinner, and player bag Visit www.thematernityhome.org. Volunteer at the Formula One race at the Circuit of the Americas—Sign-up by October 17 The Knights of Columbus Chapter in the Diocese of Austin will be fundraising for the Diocese of Austin Office of Pro-Life Activities and Chaste Living and are looking for volunteers. Sodexo, the food Vendor for the Circuit Of the Americas (COTA), has generously offered the chance to staff some of their concession stands for the Formula One Race. The Knights of Columbus are looking for 105 volunteers by October 17. The funds raised will be donated to prolife activities in the diocese including; Project Rachael, Sidewalk Ministries, Gabriel Project, Pro-Life Helpline, Natural Family Planning, Catechesis on Human Love Certification the UT. Party for Life, Texas Catholic Pro Life Day, the Coordination of Parish Pro-Life Committees, Culture of Life Speakers Bureau, and much more. To volunteers, contact Junruh1949@att.net, or call Jim Unruh at 512 924 2602. Please indicate which of the 3 days you can volunteer. TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME EVENTS IN THE PARISH/ EVENTOS EN LA PARROQUIA Blessing of Pets Thank you to Patti Kudlak for sharing this picture with us. Parishioners joined us by the outdoor Stations of the Cross on October 5, Memorial of St. Francis of Assisi, for a Blessing of the Pets. Picture courtesy: Patti Kudlak, parishioner and Coordinator of the Saint William Nursery Sold, Sold, SOLD-OUT! Oktoberfest hosts Send us your pictures… Do you have pictures from your ministry gathering, an event at Saint William? Send your pictures to communications@saintwilliams.org. We’d love to feature them on our website, bulletin, or social media. 330 sold-out crowd, raises $45K and counting Friends, neighbors and parishioners gathered for an evening of fun and fellowship at the Oktoberfest Dinner and Auction on October 5. A sold-out crowd of about 330 attended the dinner which featured delicious German cuisine by the Goertz Family. The evening concluded with a paddles-up live-auction. The even raised $45K-and-counting. Funds raised will benefit Saint William and a number of parish ministries such as the Early Childhood and Development Center, the Middle School Youth Ministry— Spanish and the Altar Servers. Pictures courtesy: Staff TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Festival of Saints ~ OCTOBER 26, 6PM ~ DRESS AS YOUR FAVORITE SAINT! All are invited to the Festival of Saints on: Saturday, October 26—6 p.m.—Parish Hall Admission $2 Children under 13 and $3 for Adults Children and parents are invited for: Food, Festivities, and a Parade of Saints! Dress as your favorite Saint! For more information, please visit www.saintwilliams.org or call 512-255-4473. VÍSTASE COMO SU SANTO FAVORITO! Los invitamos al Festival de los Santos el: sábado, 26 de octubre—6 p.m.—Salón Parroquial $2 para niños menores de 13 y $3 para Adultos Jóvenes y sus papas están invitados para: Comida, Fiesta, y un Desfile de Santos! Vístase como su santo favorito! CO-SPONSORED by the Williamson County Young Adults and Saint William Catholic Church—Faith Formation Para mas información, por favor visite www.saintwilliams.org o llame al 512-255-4473.
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