11 - Saint William Catholic Church
11 - Saint William Catholic Church
SAINT WILLIAM—ROUND ROCK, TEXAS MASSES & READINGS MONDAY, May 12: Saints Nereus and Achilleus, Martyrs; Saint Pancras, Martyr Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42; Jn 10:11-18 6:30 a.m. † Daniel Vidaurri by Holmquist & Vidaurri Family 12:15 p.m. † Gracia DuBois by her Family & Friends TUESDAY, May 13 Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87; Jn 10:22-30 12:15 p.m. † Maria Aguilar by Heidi Shores 6 p.m. † Raul G. Arce by Edith Arce WEDNESDAY, May 14: Saint Matthias, Apostle Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; Ps 113; Jn 15:9-17 6:30 a.m. For the Unemployed 12:15 p.m Sp. Int. Faustina Teresa Bartlett THURSDAY, May 15: Saint Isidore Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89; Jn 13:16-20 12:15 p.m. Sp. Int. Healing for Joseph Michael Combe by Irene Combe 6 p.m. † Raul G. Arce Edith Arce FRIDAY, May 16 Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2; Jn 14:1-6 6:30 a.m. † Mr. & Mrs. Juan & Margarita Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Steve Reyna 12:15 p.m. † Blanca Rosa Miñano Tello by Blanca & Mike Crowley SATURDAY, May 17 Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98; Jn 14:7-14 8:30 a.m. † Daniel Vidaurri by Holmquist & Vidaurri Family 5:00 p.m. For the People of the Parish SUNDAY, May 18: Fifth Sunday of Easter Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33; 1 Pt 2:4-9; Jn 14:1-12 7:30 a.m. † For the Deceased Members of the Guadalupanas 9:30 a.m. Sp. Int. Bulletin Sponsors 11:30 a.m. † Adriano Menezes by Evandro Menezes 1:30 p.m. Sp. Int. Amigos En Cristo y su Retiro parte de Manuel Quezada 5 p.m. Sp. Int. Eulalio & Elvira Perez 50th Wedding Anniversary by Children MAY 11, 2014 A STEWARDSHIP MOMENT As today’s gospel reveals, the first meal shared with the risen Lord happened in a place called Emmaus. Perhaps there is no better time to reflect on this story than in those prayerful moments at Mass when we return to our place after receiving Holy Communion. Those few moments give us an opportunity to reflect on our stewardship of Christ’s presence within us. We have a chance to practice hospitality by inviting Jesus into our hearts to walk and talk with us about our own Emmaus journey. We can relive once again the time when he broke bread for the disciples. And just as they did, we too can recognize Christ in this meal we have just shared with others. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASTURE REPORT—April 27 Amount Needed Per-Week Offertory Budget Weekly Collection Total Below Budget $ $ $ Year-to-Date Totals (July 1st—April 27) Amount Needed Total Sunday Collections-to-Date Below Year-to-Date Budget $ 2,646,134 $ 2,550,732 $ (95,402) Second Collection $ 61,538 51,518 (10,020) 15,574 ¡Gracias por su apoyo y generosidad! Thank you for your continued support and generosity! Adan Chihuahua, Alicia Gamez, Moises Benavides, Frances Salazas Alba, Jose Roberto Velazquez Salgado Enrique Acosta, Tom Kelly, Charles Pearce, Hailey Allshouse, Claribel Rutherford, Gilbert Azua, Jacqueline Thompson, Melissa Read The tabernacle candle burns “In Thanksgiving—51st Wedding Anniversary of Austin & Indra D’Mello” FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER WEEKLY SCHEDULE/ HORARIO SEMANAL Sunday, May 11th 8:00 AM Amigos en Cristo Preparacion Retiro 3:00 PM Sunday 5pm Choir Rehearsal Monday, May 12th 6:30 AM Mass 9:30 AM Early Childhood Development 9:30 AM Unity in Language ESL 12:15 PM Mass 5:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation 6:30 PM Boy Scout Troop Meeting 6:30 PM Catholic Daughters of America Officer Meeting 7:00 PM CRHP Women 7:00 PM CRSP Hombres Music Practice 7:00 PM Orientacion de Matrimonios 7:00 PM S.W.Y.M. J Squad 8:00 PM Amigos en Cristo Retiro Preparacion 8:00 PM Unity in Language ESL Tuesday, May 13th 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study - Little Rock Scripture Study 9:30 AM Early Childhood Development 12:15 PM Mass 5:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation 6:00 PM Misa 7:00 PM Agua Viva 7:00 PM Agua Viva Team Rosary 7:00 PM CRHP Men Church 7:00 PM Dr. Robert J. Buchanan Presentation 7:00 PM Legion of Mary 7:00 PM Sunday 11:30am Choir Rehearsal 7:30 PM Sunday 9:30am Choir Rehearsal 8:00 PM Amigos en Cristo Preparacion Retiro Wednesday, May 14th 6:30 AM Mass 9:30 AM Early Childhood Development 12:15 PM Mass 5:15 PM Children's Choir Rehearsal 6:00 PM Christ Child Evening for Ladies 6:30 PM Knights of Columbus 1st Degree Exemplification 6:30 PM Quinceanera Rehearsal 6:30 PM Rosary Group 6:30 PM Triumph - The Peak 7:00 PM Sunday 1:30pm Coro Practica 7:30 PM SWYM Surrender 8:00 PM Agua Viva 8:00 PM Amigos en Cristo Preparacion Retiro Thursday, May 15th 9:30 AM Early Childhood Development 12:15 PM Mass 4:15 PM American Heritage Girls 5:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation 6:00 PM Misa 6:30 PM Pack 345 New Scout/Parent Meet And Greet 7:00 PM Adult Bible Study - Little Rock Scripture Study 7:00 PM CRSP Mujeres Reunion Semanal 7:00 PM Legion de Maria 7:00 PM Opus Dei Men 7:00 PM Saturday 5pm Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Sunday 7:30am Coro Practica 7:30 PM Praise and Worship Friday, May 16th 6:30 AM Mass 7:00 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation 9:30 AM Unity in Language ESL 12:15 PM Mass Ed Ctr Rm 25/27 Church Choir Room Church Education Center Ed Ctr Rms 25/27 Church Church Pavilion St. Francis Room St. Vincent de Paul Church Vesting Sacristy Church Bridal Room Ed Ctr Rm 15/17 Ofc Workroom Ed Ctr Rms 25/27 Ed Ctr Rm 21 Education Center Church Church Church Pavilion Church Vesting Sacristy Bridal Room Parish Hall St. Francis Room Church Church Choir Room Ed Ctr Rm 25/27 Church Education Center Church Church Parish Hall Pavilion Church Sacred Heart Chapel Ed Ctr Rm 15/17 Church Choir Room Sacred Heart Chapel Ed Ctr Rm 14/16 Ed Ctr Rm 24/26 1:00 PM FischeTeen Board Meeting 5:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation 7:00 PM Cristo Renueva su Parroquia 7:00 PM CRSP Hombres 8:00 PM Unity in Language ESL 9:00 PM Amigos en Cristo Hora Santa Saturday, May 17th 8:30 AM Clase de Bautismo 10:00 AM Baptism Class 10:00 AM Transitional Diaconate Ordination 3:00 PM Saturday 5pm Choir Rehearsal 3:00 PM Talleres de Oracion y Vida 3:30 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation 4:30 PM Amigos en Cristo Preparacion Retiro 6:00 PM Hijos e Hijas del Movimiento Familiar Cristiano 6:00 PM Jr. Catholic Daughters of America 7:00 PM Amigos en Cristo Dance 7:00 PM Sunday 7:30am Coro Practica St. Francis Room Church Sacred Heart Chapel St. Vincent de Paul St. Francis Room Sacred Heart Chapel Pavilion Sacred Heart Chapel Church Church Choir Room Ed Ctr Rm 25/27 Church Ed Ctr Rm 15/17 Ed Ctr 25/27 Ed Ctr Rm 14/16 Pavilion Church SCHEDULE CHANGES/ CAMBIOS AL HORARIO No Baptisms There won’t be any Baptisms on May 17th. No Habra Bautismos No habrá Bautismos el 17 de mayo. SPONSOR OF THE WEEK/ PATROCINADOR DE LA SEMANA Education Center Church Education Center Church Church Pavilion Ed Ctr Rm 21 St. Vincent de Paul Church Bridal Room Sacred Heart Chapel Church Church Choir Room Church Vesting Sacristy Church Church Ed Ctr Rms 25/27 Church Please patronize and thank our bulletin sponsors. FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER EVENTS IN THE PARISH/ EVENTOS EN LA PARROQUIA NURSERY/ NURSERIA Aprenda mas Acerca de la Legión de Maria—24 de mayo Rosario cada Viernes con la Legión de Maria Todos están invitados a una presentación para aprender sobre una de las organizaciones más grandes mundialmente, la Legión de Mary. San Juan Pablo II dijo "La Legión es un movimiento de laicos que se proponen de hacer la fé la aspiración de su vida hasta llegar a la meta de la santidad personal.' Vengan al Pabellón el sábado, 24 de Mayo, a las 10 a.m. para aprender sobre la espiritualidad de la Legión, el trabajo de apostolado, y los grupos de Legión de Saint William. También podrán oír testimonios de miembros sobre el como la Virgen Maria los ha llamado a su servicio y a una relación más profunda con Cristo su Hijo. Habrá un desayuno ligero gratis y premios de puerta para aquellos que vienen a la presentación. Para más información llame a Jose Luis al 512-554-4746. Legión de Maria te invita a rezar el Rosario cada viernes a las 8 p.m. en el edificio de educación, salón numero 21. Todo Católico, joven, no tan joven, soltero, casado, jubilado, que quiera acercarse más a Jesús y a su Madre es bienvenido. http://legionofmaryaustin.org/ Learn all about the Legion of Mary—Open House—May 24 The Bereavement Support Group will begin on Saturdays from June 7 – July 26 from 9:30 a.m. – 11 a.m. in the Church Bridal Room. For more information or to register, please contact Debbie George at 512-600-8158 or dgeorge@saintwilliams.org. All are invited to a Presentation to learn about one of the largest worldwide organizations of Catholic lay faithful, the Legion of Mary. St. John Paul II address the Legion of Mary saying, ' You are a movement of lay people who propose to make faith the aspiration of your life up to the achievement of personal sanctity.' Come to the Pavilion on Sat. May 24 at 10 a.m. to learn about the spirituality of the Legion, the apostolate work the Legion groups at St. William are involved in, and to hear testimonies from members about the how Our Blessed Mother has called them to her service and into a deeper relationship with Christ her Son. There will be a free light breakfast and door prizes for those who come to the presentation. For more information contact: Lynda Villasana at president@legionofmaryaustin.org SAVE THE DATE—5th Annual Evening for the Ladies—May 14 Save the date for the 5th Annual Christ Child Society Evening for the Ladies. The event will be held on Wednesday, May 14, at 6 p.m., at the Parish Hall at Saint William. Denim and Diamonds "Texas Country Chic" is the theme for the event. The evening will open with margaritas, appetizers, followed by a full barbeque meal, and a variety of desserts. The evening will kick off with a performance by Whitestone Band. For more information about tickets or sponsoring the event, please contact Pam Finley at 512-246-8262 and or pfinley2ccs@gmail.com. Misa de Sanacion Carismatica—22 de mayo Todos están invitados a una Misa de oración para los enfermos (misa de sanación carismática) el próximo jueves, 22 de mayo. Bereavement Support Group—Saturdays, starting June 7 Retiro para Jóvenes—27, 28, 29 de junio El Grupo Juvenil—Amigos en Cristo de Saint William, te invita al próximo retiro para hombres y mujeres de 18-30 años de edad. El retiro se lleva a cabo el 27, 28, y 29 de junio en el centro de cursillos de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, localizado en 200 W. FM 487, Jarrell, TX 75637. REQUISITOS: Ser Soltero/a, Tener de 18-30 anos de edad Y muchas ganas de conocer el amor de dios TRANSPORTACION Y COMIDA GRATIS. Para mas información, comuníquese con Gaby—512-417-3101, Yuri—512-924-9641, Hugo—512-627-8635, Karina—512-423-8267 Volunteer Teachers Urgently Needed—Help with the ESL Program Teachers and substitute teachers are needed for the Fall 2014–Spring 2015 English-as-a-Second Language Program for Adults. Classes meet twice a week (Monday & Friday) for 1 ½ hours each (Mornings from 9:30-11 AM, evenings from 8-9:30 p.m.) The English-as-a-Second Language calendar is consistent with the Round Rock ISD calendar for those days. You do not need to speak Spanish nor have teaching experience. You must have a current Ethics & Integrity in Ministry certification prior to teaching. Information: For more information, please contact stwmesl@gmail.com or Doris Olivo Finley at 512-913-9279. FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Saint Vincent’s Corner Today, we celebrate “Good Shepherd Sunday” where we reflect on Jesus’ care and love of us and hear his words, “I came so that they may have life and have it more abundantly.” By your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul you will reveal the love of the “Good Shepherd” to your suffering brothers and sisters. Because of your generosity, during the past year, we have been able to assist struggling conferences in West VA, Texas, Bolivia, Guatemala and several others affected by recent disasters. For more information about Saint Vincent de Paul, please visit www.svdprr.org. Words of Life We would like to pay homage to all brave mothers who dedicate themselves to their own family without reserve, who suffer in giving birth to their children, and who are ready to face any sacrifice in order to pass on to them the best of themselves … How hard they have to fight against difficulties and dangers! How frequently they are called to face genuine ‘wolves’ determined to snatch and scatter the flock! And these heroic mothers do not always find support in their surroundings, as the cultural models frequently promoted do not encourage motherhood. In the name of progress and modernity, the values of fidelity, chastity, sacrifice, in which a host of Christian wives and mothers have and continue to distinguish themselves, are presented as obsolete. Continues on page 6 FREQUENT NUMBERS/ NUMEROS FREQUENTES PASTORAL CARE Liturgy Divorce & Beyond Bereavement Ministry Hospital visit (English) Hospital visit (Español) Homebound (English) Homebound (Spanish) Nursing Home Ministry Debbie George Debbie George Debbie George Mary DiBonito Martha Estrada Mary Cavett Martha Estrada Azucena Overman 600-8158 600-8158 600-8158 934-3235 417-8722 388-0016 417-8722 627-6423 SPIRITUAL LIFE Eucharist Adoration Pilgrim Statue Our Lady of Grace Estatua Peregrina Praise & Worship Prayer Line Parish Bible Study Legion of Mary Karina Hernandez Debbie Davis Rosie Russi Les & Gabriele Miller Joan A. Price Mark Hlas Lynda Villasana 750-4676 417-9010 828-4772 255-5058 244-0814 218-8539 269-0023 OUTREACH SERVICE Gabriel Project/Project Rachel Drive-a-Senior in the Community Pro-Life Committee English-as-a-Second Language Sacred Heart Community Clinic Toll Free Hotline Jann Gorman Ann Bierschenk Doris Olivo Finley Liz Burton-Garcia (877) 932-2732 255-5028 797-5411 913-9279 716-3929 MINISTERIOS HISPANOS Ministerios Hispanos Apostoles Divina Misericordia Encuentro Matrimonial Grupo de Oración Agua Viva Amigos en Cristo Grupo Juvenil Sociedad de las Guadalupanas Lectores Legión de Mariá Legion de Maria—Grupo Juvenil Quinceañeras Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Santa Comunión Deacon Concho Castillo Magdalena Fernandez Ramón y Mildred Bodon Ricardo Gonzalez Jamie Ruiz Becky Diaz Elizabeth Araujo Rosie Russi Jose Luis Guerrero Dora Snell Juan y Leticia Serrano Lucy Montealvo 255-4473 939-8415 254-592-2009 745-1278 578-5052 705-1499 709-2184 828-4772 554-4746 238-1083 630-6084 567-8961 ORGANIZATIONS African-American Council Ada Muoneke 636-9359 American Heritage Girls Debbie Gonzales 310-8724 Asian Council Indra D’Mello 218-4097 Catholic Daughters Mary Mendoza 255-3059 Junior Catholic Daughters Annette Sprawls 497-2878 Christ Child Society Ofelia Melendez 786-4705 K.J.T. Society #134 Tina Risinger 310-9010 Knights of Columbus Robert Saldibar, Grand Knight 565-7721 Saint William Gift Shop 565-7721 Ladies Guild Diana Pier 244-9630 WilCoYA Ministry 827-9292 For more information, visit www.saintwilliasm.org or call 512255-4473. SACRED HEART COMMUNITY CLINIC HOURS: Walk-ins, Tues. & Thurs., 5 p.m.—8 p.m.; Registrations, Mon. & Fri., 9 a.m.—Noon FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING On this Sunday, our Risen Lord is recognized as the good shepherd who protects us and cares for us. Being the recipients of God’s care, we need to realize that Peter’s words to the people of Jerusalem are addressed to us as well – we too must reform and embrace a new way of living if we wish to be a part of Christ’s fold. That new way of life is to bring God’s care and mercy to the poor, the vulnerable, the forgotten and abandoned through our relationships with them. En este domingo, nuestro Señor Resucitado es reconocido como el buen pastor que nos protege y nos cuida. Al ser quienes reciben el cuidado de Dios, necesitamos darnos cuenta de las palabras de Pedro a la gente de Jerusalén, las cuales están dirigidas a nosotros también – nosotros también debemos reformar y adoptar una nueva manera de vivir si deseamos ser parte del redil de Cristo. Esa nueva manera de vivir es llevar el cuidado y la misericordia de Dios a los pobres, los vulnerables, los olvidados y abandonados a través de nuestras relaciones con ellos. PRO-LIFE LINE/ LINEA PRO-VIDA Monthly Pro-Life Meeting—May 20 The monthly pro-life meeting will be on Tuesday, May 20 at 7 p.m. in the work room of the parish offices. If God is calling you to share your pro-life heart and ideas, please join in to help guide our pro-life mission at Saint William. Prayer Request Please pray for Robert Campbell, 41, scheduled to be executed on May 13, for the murder of a woman, and for Robert Pruett, 34, scheduled for execution of May 21 for the murder of a man, and for the victims of these violent crimes and their families, that they may all find mercy, healing, forgiveness and peace. Do you live with the pain of an abortion? Even though you may feel this could never be understood or forgiven, there is hope in Christ. For help, locate your nearest Project Rachel ministry at www.hopeafterabortion.com Crisis Pregnancy? Suffering from an abortion? There is help. Call 1-877-WeCare2. "I have set before you life and death . . .choose life, that you and your descendants may live!" (Dt. 31:19) Words of Life Continued from page 5 ….Although, a woman who lives consistent with her principles often feels deeply alone, her guiding principle is Christ, who has revealed the love which the Father bestows on us. A woman who believes in Christ finds a powerful support precisely in this love that bears everything. It is a love that enables her to believe that all she does for a child conceived, born, adolescent or adult, she does at the same time for a child of God. ~ Pope Saint John Paul the Great Dr. Robert J. Buchanan, Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life, presents a report on The 20th General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life; Disability and Aging—May 13 All are invited to a presentation by Dr. Robert J. Buchanan, Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life, on Tuesday, May 13, at 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall at Saint William Parish in Round Rock. Dr. Buchanan will present excerpts from his report at the 20th General Assembly of Pontifical Academy for Life on ‘Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia’, as well as his reflections on living, eating, and working within 5 feet of the Holy Father every day! This event is free and open to the general community. For more information, please visit www.saintwilliams.org FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER NEWS IN THE PARISH/ NOTICIAS EN LA PARROQUIA Vocation Announcement Hai Dong Nguyen With great joy, I wish to inform you that Hai Dong Nguyen has petitioned for the Order of the Diaconate in the Diocese of Austin in Texas, through the imposition of hands and the invocation of the Holy Spirit by Bishop Joe S. Vasquez on May 17, 2014. On behalf of the Church, I want to thank you the people of his home parish for your generous support of Hai. It is through your prayers, encouragements, and support that we have many vocations. Please keep Hai and all our seminarians in your daily prayers. If you have any grave concerns affecting his ordination to the diaconate, please contact me in writing enclosed in a “confidential” envelope and address to: The Very Reverend Father Trung Nguyen, Rector of St. Mary’s Seminary, 9845 Memorial Dr., Houston, TX 77024. Vocation Announcement Deacon Craig De Young With great joy, I wish to inform you that Deacon Craig DeYoung has petitioned for the Order of the Priesthood in the Diocese of Austin in Texas through the imposition of hands and the invocation of the Holy Spirit by his Bishop on Saturday, June 7, 2014. On behalf of the Church, I want to thank you for your assistance in forming Deacon Craig during his pastoral year from 2011-12. Please keep Deacon Craig and all our seminarians in your daily prayers. If you have any grave concerns affecting his ordination to the priesthood, please contact me in writing enclosed in a “confidential” envelope and address to: The Very Reverend Father Trung Nguyen, [Rector of St. Mary's Seminary], 9845 Memorial Dr., Houston, TX 77024. First Communions Thank you to Joan Bowden for sending us this wonderful picture showing the many youth of the parish as they enter Mass, prepared for their first communion, on May 3. Amigos en Cristo Helping during the Spring Fiesta The Hispanic Young Adults Ministry—Amigos en Cristo have been very active in recruiting new members, promoting their ministry and signing up for countless volunteer and service projects at Saint William such as the annual Spring Fiesta. Amigos en Cristo is currently accepting registrations for their upcoming retreat in June. Please see page 4 for details. Email us your pictures… Do you have pictures from a Saint William event or ministry gathering? Email your pictures to communications @saintwilliams.org FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER EVENTS IN THE PARISH/ EVENTOS EN LA PARROQUIA Women’s Hour of Prayer—May 20 If you are a woman between the ages of 12-112, you are invited to come to spend an hour in prayer with other women from Saint William. We will join together on Tuesday, May 20, from 8-9 PM in the Sacred Heart Chapel to offer our hearts together to the Lord. The prayer hour will be very simple, and will include praise and worship, a scripture reading, silent prayer, and a closing prayer. If you desire a few minutes to come rest and refresh your soul, this is for you. If you have any questions you may email Amy Villarreal at omaramy@sbcglobal Frequently Asked Questions New Communion Minister Training – June 14 If you are a Catholic who has received Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation, and if you are interested in becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, this class is for you. Please join us on June 14 from 11 a.m.3 p.m. in the church. Training will cover Theology of Eucharist in the Catholic Church, serving at Sunday Mass, and information on ministering to the homebound, nursing home residents, and hospitals. For information, please contact Debbie George at 512-600-8158 or dgeorge@saintwilliams.org. Parish Pastoral Council Discernment—June 21 Saturday, June 21 at 9:15 a.m. in the Parish Hall All parishioners, discerning or not, who would like to prayerfully join and support the Pastoral Council Discernment process are invited to attend the upcoming meeting. The Pastoral Council is a lay group of 12 representatives of Saint William who serve as a sounding board for our priests. The council also acts as a conduit between our priests and our parishioners. The council meets on the first Saturday of every month. Mission & Vision Saint William’s Pastoral Council is a body of wisdom seeking to lead our parish into a better future. Saint William’s Pastoral council envisions a parish that Draws people to Christ, Roots them in the parish, Provides opportunities for conversion and, Sends them into the world as active disciples. Discernimiento del Consejo Pastoral—21 de junio Sábado, 21 de Junio a las 9:15 a.m. en el Salón Parroquial Todos los feligreses, discerniendo o no, están invitados a unirse a participar en la próxima reunión para apoyar el proceso de discernimiento de Consejo Pastoral en oración durante el proceso. El Consejo Pastoral es un grupo laico de 12 representantes de la iglesia Saint William, que sirven como una junta directiva para nuestros sacerdotes. El Consejo también actúa como un conducto entre los feligreses y nuestros sacerdotes. El Consejo se reúne el primer sábado de cada mes. Visión & Misión El Consejo Pastoral de la iglesia de San Guillermo es un cuerpo de prudencia, sabiduría tratando de dirigir a nuestra parroquia hacia un futuro mejor. El Consejo Pastoral de la iglesia de San Guillermo imagina una parroquia que Atrae a gente hacia Cristo, La siembra con raíces firmes en la parroquia, Ofrece oportunidades para la conversión y, Los envía al mundo como discípulos activos. What about our debt? There’s no short answer to this question. Our current 30 acres and construction (parish offices/hall, religious education building, pavilion, our church, the McNeil Road exit and additional parking) were at a cost of about $25,000,000. Our church was dedicated in 2006. The Diocese of Austin loaned the monies for our Saint William campus and facilities to be constructed. The capital campaign of 2001 garnered pledges totaling $3,800,000. The 2007 through December 2012 campaign raised $6,000,000 from approximately 2,611 donors. There were approximately 3,900 registered parishioner households, at that time. This left the parish with a debt balance. Upon Fr. Dean’s arrival, the parish has since been aggressively attending to this debt. Thanks to the good and generous stewards of our parish, over the last four years we have whittled our debt down to its current $6,000,000. In this three-year campaign effort of 2014, we have a strong and large parish family of more than 5,800 households. We believe in coming together as a parish family for the greater good of Saint William over the next three years. We can reduce our current debt and construct our much needed parish activity center. We are currently working out the details of debt reduction with the diocese. Updates will follow. ¿Qué pasará con la deuda? No hay una respuesta breve a esta pregunta. Nuestros actuales 30 acres y las instalaciones (oficinas parroquiales/salón parroquial, edificio de educación religiosa, pabellón, nuestra iglesia, la salida de McNeil Road y el estacionamiento adicional) tuvieron un costo de alrededor de $25,000,000 de dólares. Nuestra iglesia fue consagrada en 2006. La Diócesis de Austin prestó el dinero para nuestro campus de Saint William y las instalaciones que se construyeron. En la campaña capital del 2001 recaudamos un total $3,800,000 dólares. En la campaña del 2007 hasta diciembre del 2012 se recaudó $6,000,000 dólares con la colaboración de solo 2,611 donantes. En aquel entonces había aproximadamente 3,900 familias. Sin embargo aún teníamos una deuda por saldar. Con la llegada de P. Dean, la parroquia ha estado dedicándose a reducir esta deuda. Gracias a la colaboración de nuestros buenos y generosos parroquianos, en los últimos cuatro años hemos reducido nuestra deuda a solo $6,000,000 dólares. En esta campaña de tres años del 2014, tenemos una familia parroquial más fuerte y grande, con más de 5,800 familias registradas. Si unimos nuestros esfuerzos como familia parroquial, en los próximos tres años, por el bien común de Saint William, podremos reducir nuestra deuda actual y construir nuestro centro de actividades parroquial que tanto necesitamos. Estamos trabajando actualmente con la diócesis en los detalles para reducir la deuda actual. Los seguiremos informando de nuestros avances. FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER NEWS IN THE PARISH/ NOTICIAS EN LA PARROQUIA 2014 Spring Fiesta raised an estimated $121,000 thanks to our volunteers and sponsors! Thanks to all the volunteers and Saint William ministries who generously gave of their time and treasure to make this event a huge success. Thank you to this year’s sponsors – Nyle Maxwell Family of Dealerships, DNT Construction, Tall Guy AC & Heat, Beck Funeral Home, Wag-a-Bag, Seton Medical Center Williamson, Brush32 Dental, First Response Medical Training, Brown Distributing, Round Rock Refuse, Keystone Concrete, Ennis Golf Carts, and DJ Primo. Also, thanks to the Spring Fiesta Committee – Julio Campos, co-chair, Gloria Vallejo, co-chair, Javier Aguilera, Frank Alvarez, Joe Balandran, Mando Cadena, Liz Campos, Becky Diaz, Amanda Estrada, Ernest Martinez, Lupe Martinez, Janice Parker, Viola Ramirez, Alice Rivera, Luciano Rivera, Thomas Serrato, Imelda Tovar, Adolfo Vallejo, and Bea Wills as well as los Ministerios Hispanos, ministries, organizations, parishions, and all the volunteers. 2014 Spring Fiesta Drawing GRAND PRIZE WINNERS! Congratulations to this year's grand prize winners: Bill & Maria Chastain from Hutto, TX They drove away in a beautiful 2014 Dodge Ram 1500 Express. The winners of the 2nd-8th prizes are listed below. 2nd - 8th Prize Winners 2nd Prize – Uriel Jaramillo 46” Hitachi HD Flat Screen TV 3rd Prize – Cristy Werner Port Aransas Weekend Getaway w/Deep Sea Fishing Trip (Donated by Russell & Cindy Waters) 4th Prize – Chase Kelly $250 Visa Card (Donated by Julio & Liz Campos) 5th Prize – Jane Wellburn $250 Visa Card (Donated by Adolfo & Gloria Vallejo) 6th Prize – Ana Yuco Longhorn Tailgate Package (Donated by Rolando & Viola Ramirez) 7th Prize – Monica DeLeon Handmade Quilt (Donated by Saint William Quilters) 8th Prize – Walter Laird Two-night Stay at Port Royal Ocean Resort in Port Aransas Sponsor Item Sold African-American Council American Heritage Girls Amigos en Cristo Grupo Juvenil Apostoles Divina Misericordia Asian Council Carlin Family Catholic Daughters of the Americas Early Childhood Development Center El Rancho Petting Zoo Encuentro Matrimonial Grupo de Oracion Agua Viva Hermanos de San Juan Diego High School R.E. Holy Family Catholic School Holy Family Catholic School Janice Parker/Frank Alvarez Junior Catholic Daughters Knights of Columbus Lectores Legión de Mariá Maria Aimiranda Matrimonio En Cristo Morela Perdomo Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Santa Comunión Sociedad de las Guadalupanas Spanish CRSP Hombres Spanish CRSP Mujeres Spanish Elementary R.E. Spanish R.E Splish Splash Splish Splash Spring Fiesta Committee Spring Fiesta Committee That Man is You Sodas/Water Lollipop Tree Paletas Flautas de pollo y papa Egg Rolls/Pot Stickers Snow Cones Hot Dogs/Chili Dogs Ring Toss Petting Zoo Tacos Nachos/Duros w/cueritos Train Ride Inflatables Girly Spa Popcorn Garage Sale Garage Sale Breakfast Tacos Hamburgers/Sausage Wraps Pizza Menudo Moonwalk Funnel Cake Ice Cream with Strawberries Elotes/Corn on the Cob Cotton Candy Cake Wheel Tortas Gorditas/Enchilada Plate Aguas Frescas Dora the Explorer Bean Bag Toss Balloon Toss Monkey Climb Beer Garden Cascarones Ice Cream Bars & Sandwiches Total 2,375.00 235.00 567.00 1,264.00 788.00 1,600.00 722.00 916.00 690.00 1,340.00 1,163.00 494.00 884.00 242.00 521.00 $ 14,172.45 321.00 2,676.00 1,143.00 383.00 621.00 1,940.00 860.00 2,276.00 454.00 1,363.00 646.00 4,580.00 737.00 332.00 1,216.00 1,688.00 7,353.00 129.00 293.00
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