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CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS Agenda Senate Meeting 16-3 November 21, 198 5 MSU Lounge 2 01 4:00 p.m. I. II. III. IV. Call to Order Roll Call Approval of Minutes 16-2 Executive Board Nominations Kirk Hendrick to Judicial Council Kelly Owens to Appropriations Board Rodney Wright to Radio Board V. VI. Announcements Board, Committee and Director Reports VII. Old Business VIII. New Business A. Approval of Executive Board Nominations. B. Approval of OPI Operating Policy C. Approval of $400.00 for Athletic Club-ski trip. -Muir D. Approval of cash prizes for Homecoming floats winners. E. Approval of prizes for "Best Joke" Contest. F. Approval of E&P Contracts. G. Approval of $300 for Intramurals storage cabinet. H. Waiver for Senate President Varona to work 15-20 hours. I. Nominations for Senate President Pro Tempore. J. Creation of Ad Hoc Committee for Media Board. K. Nominations for Media Board. IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES Senate Meeting 16-3 November 21, 1985 MSU Lounge 201 4:00 p.m. I. Call to Order Senate President Varona called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m. II. Roll Call Present Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Adams Anton Chadwell Dela Rosa Dixon Harrison Larsen Leroy Lieberman Menke Miller Muir Nichols Novak Spicer Susman Swanson Wehremeister Zayas All Senators were present. III. IV. V. VI. Approval of Minutes 16-2 The minutes were declared approved with no corrections. Executive Board Nominations Kirk Hendrick to Judicial Council (Introduction) Kelly Owens to Appropriations Board Rodney Wright to Radio Board Announcements Senator Nichols announced that he would be distributing Basketball tickets after the meeting. Board, Committee and Director Reports Andy Nichols, Appropriations Board Chairman explained to the Senate that CSUN has no "MONEY"! Nichols would like to see the Senate reconsider the $1000 funding of the Holiday Festival. Nancy Clark, CSUN Business Manager explained also that the Controllers Office will not process monies, unless an emergency. Clark requested that the Senate dissapprove items C and G on the agenda. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 Senate Meeting 16-3 November 21, 1985 -2- Kirk Hendrick, NSA Director reported on the progress of obtaining Senator Paul Laxalt on campus with the assistance of the Young Democrats. Jeff Chadwell, Elections Board member announced that refunds for Homecoming will be on next weeks agenda. Mike Muir, acting E&P Director discussed this weeks events. Ken Jordan, KUNV Program Director announced that KUNV brought in approximately $5000 in underwriting and a presentation will be set on December 4, 1985. Tom Muir, Organizations Board Chairman announced that the advertising for the Holiday Festival is underway and things are moving along fine. VII. VIII. Old Business There was no old business. New Business A. B. Approval of Executive Board Nominations. Senator Nichols moved to approve. Senator Lieberman seconded. motion passed with 19 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. The Approval of OPI Operating Policy. Senator Nichols moved to approve. Senator Lieberman seconded. Janu Tornell went over the policy and explained her position as OPI Director. Tornell gave a brief summary of what her job entails. The motion passed with 19 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. C. Approval of $400.00 for Athletic Club-ski trip. —Muir. Senator Spicer moved to approve. Senator Larsen seconded. Senate President Varona passed the gavel at 4:20 to Senator Nichols. The Organizations Board approved the request. Discussion took place on whether or not the funds were available. The CSUN Business Manager and Appropriations Board Chairman both stated (several times) that the funds were not available. Senator Dixon offered several friendly amendments to either make it a loan or a promisary note. This was illegal. CSUN President Kelleher asked the Senate to vote as Senators not as a member of any other organization, which would conflict with their decision. Several members in the gallary addressed the issue. Gus Varona, Senate President called for the question. There were a multitude of seconds. The motion passed unanimously. The main motion was then voted upon. Roll Call In Favor (9) Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Adams Chadwell Harrison Larsen Muir Novak Spicer Swanson Wehremeister Opposed Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator (9) Anton DelaRosa My.aa Leroy Lieberman Menke Miller Nichols Susman Abstaining (1) Senator Dixon -3- Senate Meeting 16-3 November 21, 1985 Senate President Varona cast the deciding vote in favor of the main motion. Senator Nichols passed the gavel back to Senate President Varona at 5:00 p.m. D. Approval of cash prizes for Homecoming Floats winners. Mike Muir set the prizes at $300 for 1st place, $200 for 2nd place and $100 for 3rd place. In the second division $100 for 1st place and $50 for second. The total amount for Homecoming Float Prizes totaled $650.00. The motion to approve the cash prizes of $650.00 passed with 17 in favor, 0 opposed, and 2 abstaining (Lieberman, Adams). E. Approval of prizes for "Best Joke" Contest. No action was taken, as Miller was paying for the prize. F. Approval of E&P Contracts. 1. Approval of contract with DJ's Unlimited for the amount of $250.00 on November 22, 1985. Senator Muir moved to approve. Senator Novak seconded. The motion passed with 18 in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 abstaining (Spicer). G. Approval of $300 for Intramurals storage cabinet. This item was withdrawn. H. Waiver for Senate President Varona to work 15-20 hours. Senator Nichols moved to approve. CSUN President Kelleher seconded. The motion passed with 18 in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 abstaining (Zayas). I. Nominations for Senate President Pro Tempore. Senator Lieberman nominated Andy Nichols. Senator Swanson nominated Jack Spicer. J. Creation of Ad Hoc Committee for Media Board. Senator Zayas moved to approve. CSUN President Kelleher seconded. Zayas explained the board and that both Radio and Publications Boards were in favor of the merger. The motion passed unanimously. K. Nominations for Media Board Senator Lieberman nominated the following: Ron Zayas Gus Varona Daniel Swanson Bruce Menke Tom Muir Julie Halfin Sean Kelleher Debra Cone Sam Lieberman Ken Jordan Andrew Nichols Janu Tornell IX. Jack Spicer - Chairman Regent Carolyn Sparks President Maxson A representative from Dean of Student Services. Open Discussion "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to Senator Nichols. Senate President Varona mentioned the possibilities of getting him "sloshed". Several Senators concurred. X. Adjournment Thei meeting was adjourned at 5:12 p.m. by Senate President Varona. Gus Varona Senate President Susan Dute Senate Secretary CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MEMORANDUM TO: All Senators FROM: Sean Kelleher, CSUN President DATE: November 22, 1985 RE: VETO Because of C.S.U.N.S. lack of funding, its' need to cut back on ABSOLUTELY ALL non-essential functions as well as spending. Item C of meeting three of the Sixteenth Session (passed with a vote of 9 for, nine opposed and 1 abstaining with Senate President Varona casting the deciding vote in favor of the expenditure) is hereby Vetoed. SK/sjd UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477
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