toulouse - Intranet
toulouse - Intranet
TOULOUSE BUSINESS SCHOOL BACHELOR PROGRAMME IN MANAGEMENT ENTIORE Cité de l'entreprise 2 avenue de Mercure – Ecoparc 1 31134 BALMA cedex – France CONTENTS Pages ARRIVING IN TOULOUSE : FINDING ACCOMMODATION : Introduction Searching for accommodation : some hotel addresses and contact details General advice on rules and requirements for your accommodation search : 3 By Plane By Train The Welcome Team 4 Rights and Obligations of the landlord and the tennant The Contract The Deposit The rental situation in TOULOUSE The different possibilities : Recommended Options Accommodation on your own Estate agencies Moving In Formalities : Electricity and Telephone Connection Opening a bank account Looking after your health: Social Security – State or Private Insurance Living Permits TOULOUSE : The Town Toulouse Transport System (TISSEO) Some Useful Addresses Embassies/Consulates The BACHELOR PROGRAMME IN MANAGEMENT 14 17 The Bachelor Programme with regard to the Groupe ESC TOULOUSE Geographical situation – Presentation of the Entiore building Opening Hours (during the year/ school holiday closing etc) Team Members, Who Does What ? APPENDICES: 19 Appendix 1 : Access to Entiore Appendix 2 : Monthly Budget of an exchange student living in Toulouse Appendix 3 : Student Residence « Lamy Residence » Appendix 4 : « Protocole d'engagement » in french and english version. Appendix 5 : Further Information about the French Social Security (Health Care Insurance) 2 YOUR ARRIVAL IN TOULOUSE… By Plane : TOULOUSE-BLAGNAC Airport : Website : (Details available on the site in English) You can obtain the following details from this site : Flight timetables, The airport shuttle bus timetable, this permits you to get between the airport and the centre of town quickly and easily. By Train : The French national rail network : The S.N.C.F. (Société Nationale des Chemins de Fers) Website : (Details available on the site in English, german, deutch,Italian) You can obtain the following details from this site : Train timetables, Customer guide, By Car : Be patient if you wish to park as this is also a big problem in the town centre of Toulouse, as in most town centres !!! The Welcome Team Every year a team of 3rd Year Bachelor Programme students is responsible for welcoming you and helping you with your first few administrative steps after your arrival in TOULOUSE. Before the end of each academic year : We select and recruit the students who will be members of the Welcome Team, We will communicate to you their contact details. 3 FINDING ACCOMMODATION… INTRODUCTION : The Reality : Finding accommodation in TOULOUSE is becoming more and more difficult each year. Patience is required ! You must begin your search as soon as possible. SEARCHING FOR ACCOMMODATION : SOME HOTEL ADDRESSES AND CONTACT DETAILS As a guide, here are some addresses of hotels which you may find useful during your search for accommodation. Outside the town centre (ideal if you have a car) Nuits d‟Hôtel 98, boulevard de la Marquette 31000 TOULOUSE : +33 (0) Fax : +33 (0) Location: Just outside TOULOUSE but between the airport and town centre. B & B HOTEL 77, boulevard de l'Embouchure 31200 TOULOUSE : +33 (0) Fax : +33 (0) B & B HOTEL Impasse R. Mouchotte 31500 TOULOUSE : +33 (0) Fax : +33 (0) HOTEL KYRIAD 6 avenu du Général De Gaulle 31130 BALMA : +33 (0) Fax : +33 (0) Location : Just outside TOULOUSE but between the airport and town centre. Price : consult their website : Reservation : possible on the website too. Location: just outside the town centre but easily accessible via the outer ringroad (exit number 17- Direction Cité de l’Espace Location via the outer ringroad (exit number 17) Special prices for Bachelor programme Students. 4 Downtown RESIDENCES HOTELIERES CITEA TOULOUSE 11 avenue Léon Blum 31500 TOULOUSE : +33 (0) Fax : +33 (0)5 34 30.28.01 Website : @ : Location : very convenient : near the metro and G. Phoebus Residence. Prices for 1 night : single room : € 72 Double/twin bedroom : € 77 Breakfast : € 7,50 YOUTH HOSTEL Résidence Jolimont 2 avenue Yves Brunaud 31500 TOULOUSE : +33 (0)5 34 30 42 80 Fax : +33 (0)5 34 30 19 67 @ : 1 night : € 16 with the youth Hostel Card. Otherwise 16 € 3 Nights minimum Breakfast : € 3 Meal : Selfservice (about € 9, it depends on your choice) Double bedroom with shower and toilets IMPORTANT : Book in advance !! Very convenient : near the metro and G. Phoebus Residence. HOTELS You can consult the website (proposed in several languages) The best solution to help in your search is to consult the website „guide de Toulouse pratique. It is a goldmine for information on accommodation ; in particular it has a list of hotels with prices and a plan to be better prepared to come to Toulouse... Website : 5 GENERAL ADVICE ON RULES AND REQUIREMENTS FOR YOUR ACCOMMODATION SEARCH : Rights and obligations of the Landlord and the Tenant : Information from the following websites : du Centre d'Information sur l'Habitat : de l'ANIL : The Contract : Known as” Le bail” or “contrat de location” : The landlord is not allowed to demand from a potential tenant, a copy of a piece of identification, social security card, proof of balance of their bank account, or statement from their bank of their financial situation. (art. 22.2 nouvelle loi 17/01/2002). If the landlord is an individual and not an organisation, a short term rental contract is generally of one year minimum (there are certain rental obligations to be respected). When signing the contract you generally have to pay : One month rental in advance, Some form of guarantee deposit, In the mean time : No remuneration is due to an estate agent before the signature of a contract by the landlord and the tenant. In the case where the accommodation is rented un-furnished the estate agents charges are divided 50/50 between the landlord and the tenant. Housing Insurance : You are required to take out insurance for the accommodation which you are renting, you have the choice however who to take out your insurance with. If you share your accommodation there are certain joint insurance policies available to cover you as a co-occupant, check with your insurance company. Whatever your renting situation, the ideal situation regarding insurance is to take out a „multi risk‟ insurance policy. The civil responsibility of each person is to ensure that they are covered for personal risk, damage to the accommodation etc, and also the damage that may be caused to neighbours and to the property. For the opening of accounts for example with the water board, gas and electricity board, installation of telephone lines (see later on"Moving in Formalities"). Take into account that utilities (electricity, water, gas, telephone etc) may not be included in your rent and so please budget accordingly. Also council tax may no be included in your rent either. State of the accommodation : The tenant is obliged to maintain the accommodation in a decent state, (DECRET DECENCE) it must satisfy the conditions fixed by the law of 30/01/2002) regarding the physical security and the health of the tenants and their neighbours. Guarantee Deposit : One month in advance of the main rent (without charges). To be returned at the end of the contract providing that the condition of the apartment upon exit is the same as the condition upon entry. The landlord may withhold any amount that is due for repairs etc. The landlord must take into account normal usage when examining the condition of the apartment Any reductions made from the guarantee deposit must be eventually justified in the form of official receipts for work undertaken or damaged goods purchased. All invoices must be forwarded to the tenant. Apartment Contents & State List : It is a detailed document between the landlord and the tenant made at the start of the renting period and the end of the renting period. This document details the condition of the apartment and all its contents. The rent : An amount fixed and determined between the landlord and the tenant. As an Indication : Here is an example of an estimation of prices of apartments in Toulouse town centre. (Information collected from the website www.l' – Réf. 2008. The price of the accommodation is evidently determined by the location and the overall condition of the building. 6 Studio/T1 (1 room) : T2 (1 room + 1 bedroom) : T3 (1 room + 2 bedrooms) : T4 (1 room + 3 bedrooms) : T5 (1 room + 4 bedrooms) : between 380 à 480 euros between 490 à 600 euros between 615 à 790 euros between 740 à 1230 euros between 800 à 1520 euros Notice : If you are renting non-furnished accommodation : 3 months If you are renting furnished accommodation : many different cases depending on your individual contract. For further information to clarify your position consult the following website – page 4. In all cases : to give notice on your accommodation you must send a letter to your landlord by certified mail L.R.A.R. (Lettre Recommandée avec Accusé de Réception). 7 ACCOMMODATION LAMY RESIDENCE RESIDENCE LOCATION DESCRIPTION (Special agreement for exchange students registered in the ESC Bachelor Programme) Address : 7 avenue de l‟Ancien Vélodrome - Toulouse. Ideal location down-town Next to subway station : 10 min walk from St Cyprien and Compans Caffarelli stations Subway to Balma-Gramont and Bus n°83 to get to Entiore Residence is safe: kitchenette with hotplate, refrigerator and microwaves, living room with closet, sofa bed, a table, 2 or 4 chairs, bathroom with bath and toilets. In the residence : Laundry room with washer + dryer, cafeteria with TV, wireless internet connection. only 10 studios SO : FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE BASIS !! Deposit : 1 months rent Agency fees : € 100 Notice : 1 month (acknowledge receipt) Electricity non-included Housing Insurance : COMPULSORY (partnership with a company for 1,5 € / month) Kit crockery included Video visit : Surface area T1 (19m2) T2 (36-38 m2)* Rent About €460 €639 Deposit €310 € 390 *T2 can be shared by 2 persons (separed bedroom) Additional charge for a parking space : about € 30 in underground car park Studio T1 T2 RESERVATION See Appendix 3 8 RESIDENCE LOCATION DESCRIPTION LES ESTUDINES DE BRIENNE 7 et 30 Impasse du ramier des Catalans 31000 TOULOUSE Next to ESC TOULOUSE Graduate School of Management Downtown : 5 minutes with bus n° 1 and 16 or 15 min. walk To get to Entiore : From city center, take subway to Balma + Bus 83 Please consult the website : TO FIND OTHER STUDENT RESIDENCES, PLEASE CONSULT : ADELE – Practical guide to student accommodation - Site web : ASSOCIATION PURPOSE Our opinion LIK‟HOME The aim of this association created in 2004 is to help international students find accommodation in French Host families in Toulouse or in the suburbs. Some of these families propose a private room but wish to share family life with the students. Others offer total independence. Ideal for short periods. You won‟t be able to find better. Lik‟home always checks accommodation before proposing them to the students. Very competitive prices. Friendly welcome from a Toulouse family. ACCOMMODATION ON YOUR OWN ! : "Les petites annonces" : ACCOMMODATION SPACE created this year by TOULOUSE BUSINESS SCHOOL students. Some of our former exchange students have found their accommodation via this website. PARU VENDU Site web : (private adverts on line). Site Web : (private adverts on line, with the possibility to subscribe to the mailing list for any new adverts put on line). PUBLI TOULOUSE (small adverts) 15 rue Rivals LA DEPECHE DU MIDI (regional newspaper) : Site web : (private adverts on line) Avenue Jean Baylet LE GUIDE DE TOULOUSE PRATIQUE : On line web based information on all areas.(practical living, accommodation, going out etc) Website : 9 REAL ESTATE AGENCIES These agencies will put you in contact with landlords who have properties available to rent... Attention Beware !! : Some agencies try to take advantage of young students (French or international students) who find it very difficult to find accomodation especially around that time for the start of the new academic yeart. There have been cases whereby agencies have convinced students to sign and pay a fee just to view an apartment. Many make empty promises and this is why we recommend starting your search earlier rather than later. If you should find yourself in this situation we advise you not to sign anything and go see another agency. MOVING IN FORMALITIES : Here are the contact details for the following companies should you not take advantage of them at the Espace Etudiant and wish to contact them : GAZ/ELECTRICITE AND TELEPHONE : EDF –GDF (Electricité De France – Gaz de France) 4, rue Sébastopol : +33 (0)5 34 45 90 00 Freephone : 0810 131 00 - Website EDF/GDF: Information Contact Point : 1 place du Capitole Opening Hours Monday To Friday : Between 9 am and 7pm and on Saturday between 9am and 5pm, Closed on Sundays If your apartment has been empty for less than three months, the connection can be made from a distance, all you have to do is contact your local agency of the EDF-GDF depending on your accommodation. In other cases a technician will visit – by appointment- to complete any necessary installation. You will receive thereafter a bill every two months and a meter reading every six months. France TELECOM (installation of telephone lines) 18 place Wilson or 11 rue Alsace Lorraine Free : 0800 10 14 31 - Website : For these two companies the following documents are required : The contract for the apartment A passport or identity card Bank details 10 OPENING A BANK OR POSTAL ACCOUNT : Right to an account : You have the right to open an account in a bank of your choice whatever your situation. The right to a bank account is held even after any payment incidents. Formalities For Opening An Account : The banking establishment must firstly inform you of their banking conditions, the prices of their different services, the client bank relationship. In order to verify your address and your identity : you must provide your rental contract and a form of identity which shows your photograph and signature. You must also provide a specimen of your signature for the bank to verify your signature on any cheques you may write. Before providing you with a card or cheque book the bank must verify with the “Banque de France” in order to check that you are allowed to open a bank account. Basic Bank Services That Are Available At A Minimum : Opening, running and closing a bank account. The ability to settle different payments, direct debits etc. A bank card which allows you to purchase goods and also withdraw money from cash machines. Bank statements. FOR YOUR INFORMATION : We have an agreement with a bank : Fees 2006/2007 : € 3,05 per month (including insurance, debit card & on line consultation of bank account). Our Welcome team will be able to help you at your arrival, to open your account. VERY USEFUL for information on all French public services !: (With English, Spanish and German versions) 11 LOOKING AFTER YOURSELF – SOCIAL SECURITY (Health Care Insurance) (See Appendix 5) : EUROPEAN STUDENTS : o They will have to provide us a copy of their European Health Insurance Card, on their arrival. o Otherwise, they have to register with the “Sécurité Sociale Etudiante” (French state organisation providing medical coverage) and pay the corresponding fee (€198 in 2009/2010, whatever the duration of your stay). To be submitted at the start of the academic year. NON EUROPEAN STUDENTS : o They will have to provide a copy of their Personal Health Insurance Policy (in English). The students must be covered by their insurance as soon as they arrive in France and during their entire stay in France. o If no personal insurance is provided, the same procedure as for the European students will apply : they will have to register with the “Sécurité Sociale étudiante” For your information, two official organisations deal with both the French Social Security and a supplemental Health Insurance Policy : L.M.D.E. : (website proposed in French, English, German, Chinese/Please select your language …. VITTAVI : NON E.U. EXCHANGE STUDENTS OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS : Documents to get a hold of before your arrival : Passport or identification card. For students from out of the European Union you must obtain a short visa (3 months) or a temporary long stay visa from 3 to 6 months (VISA TEMPORAIRE DE LONG SEJOUR). You can get these from the French Embassy or Consulate in your country of origin. Please note : depending on your country of origin, a visa may be required for a stay under or up to 3 months. NB : in any case, if you plan to travel around Europe, please check that your visa autorises you to do it. Please make sure to apply for a Schengen visa. Information is available on line at : in English, Spanish, German, Chinese. 12 TOULOUSE THE TOWN GO VISIT the Tourist Office website of this beautiful ‘Pink City’ : (both English & Spanish ) 13 TOULOUSE TRANSPORT : There is an excellent transportation system to discover and explore Toulouse – Website : Everything you need to know : The subway, the bus with schedules, routes and points of sales for tickets, etc… THE “CANAL DU MIDI” in TOULOUSE 14 A FEW other ESSENTIALS ! Speaking Clock : 36.99 Office du Tourisme (Donjon du Capitole) : ., fax Traffic Reports : . ou 36.15 INFOTRAFIC Police : 23, bd de l’ embouchure, . Lost & Found : 17, pl. Intérieure St-Cyprien,, Open Monday to Friday between 9h30 to 11h30 and 12h30 to 15h30 Accident Services : Emergency Phone Numbers : Police : 17 – Fire Department : 18 – SAMU : 15 Doctors who speak English : - Docteur OSCAR Hervé : 50 rue du Béarnais tél : - Docteur MASSERON Pierre : 78 allée Barcelone tél : - Docteur BERRANGER Bernard : 35 rue de Rémusat tél : EDF GDF Services - Grand Toulouse : - Customer Information Desk (Individuals), . 0.810.131.000. - Customer Information Desk (Companies), . 0.810.231.000. - Electricity Failure Line, . 0810.131.333. - Gas Failure Line, . 0.810.131.433. GDF : Générale des Eaux (Water Board), Information Hotline 0.801.147.147 SNCF Information & Ticket Sales : ( (0,34E/mn) Metro-Bus information : 05. French Weather Website ( Météo France ) : EMBASSIES & CONSULATES Please consult : 15 THE BACHELOR PROGRAMME IN MANAGEMENT Undergraduate Programme of the Groupe ESC TOULOUSE THE BACHELOR PROGRAMME, PROGRAMME OF THE GROUPE ESC TOULOUSE GEOGRAPHICAL SITUATION – HOW DO I GET TO THE BACHELOR PROGRAMME/ENTIORE The Group ESC TOULOUSE stays attached in the heart of Toulouse, it is located on 20 boulevard lascrosses (one of the main boulevards in Toulouse). It is served by the bus lines 1, 10, 16, 24. On the other hand two of its programs, The Bachelor Programme and Capitolis (Executive Education Programme) are based on the ENTIORE site, at the Cité de l'entreprise. The building is situated at around 25 minutes from the town centre of Toulouse. NB ! The postal address indicates that ENTIORE is situated in the BALMA area (the main sorting office) ENTIORE however is located in the area of QUINT-FONSEGRIVES. BUS : The departure is from the bus terminal situated at the BALMA-GRAMONT metro station in the north of Toulouse. The bus to be taken will be heading in the direction of FONSEGRIVES. Certain buses on this route offer a stop directly outside the ENTIORE building. If you miss these buses then the bus stops frequently on the main road just up from ENTIORE on the „route de Castres‟ (you must ask for the bus stop: Montels) : Note there is a ten minute walk to ENTIORE from this bus stop. Please allow this time in order to arrive at classes on time. The TISSEO Bus to get to ENTIORE is # 83 CAR-SHARING works exceptionally well with our students. This usually begins after the first day back, many students who have a car are open to suggestions so do not hesitate to ask one of them. It enables students to get to know each other and to share travel costs between one or more of you. 16 OPENING HOURS : ENTIORE : All Year Round : From 7:45am to 9pm Except Saturday & Sunday The building is closed the week of the 10th August. The Bachelor Programme : All Year Round : From 8am to 12 :30 am and 1:30 pm until 6pm Except Saturday & Sunday The Bachelor Programme is closed the week of the 10th August. THE MEMBERS OF THE TEAM : WHO DOES WHAT ? Caroline HERMET Director of the Bachelor Programme : +33 (0)5 62 57 66 04 Email: Géry FLAMENT Studies : +33 (0)5 62 57 65 32 Email : Jean- Claude ESCUDE Prospection & Placements Manager (First Year) : +33 (0)5 62 57 66 05 Email : Yannick KIEFER Placements Manager (Second & Third Year) : +33 (0)5 62 57 66 06 Email : Florence LANGER-HELFFRICH International Relations Coordinator : +33 (0)5 62 57 66 10 Email : Catherine MILLIET International Relations Assistant – Outgoing Students : +33 (0)5 62 57 66 26 Email : Fabiola DOSSOU International Relations Assistant Incoming Students : +33 (0)5 62 57 65 54 Email : Laurence DANJOU Administrative Assistant (3nd Year - Mgmt. international/Courses taught in French) : +33 (0)5 62 57 65 79 Email : l.danjou Mapi AURIOL Administrative Assistant (3nd Year - Mgmt. international/Courses taught in English) : +33 (0)5 62 57 65 43 Email : mp.auriol Joëlle CAPELLE Administrative Assistant (3nd Year - Electives) Entrance examinations (For French Students) : +33 (0)5 62 57 65 30 Email : Corinne GILLES-BELLET Administrative Assistant (First Year) (Recruitment, Admissions, Placements…) : +33 (0)5 62 57 66 07 Email : Marie-Christine AMORIN Administrative Assistant (First Year) (Recruitment, Admissions, Placements…) : +33 (0)5 62 57 65 25 Email : 17 APPENDICES APPENDIX 1 : Access to the Bachelor Programme (ENTIORE, Cité de l’Entreprise) 18 APPENDIX 2 : MONTHLY BUDGET OF AN EXCHANGE STUDENT LIVING IN TOULOUSE ACCOMMODATION Agency fees (in general concerns student residences, girl residences and sometimes owners) In general, corresponds to 1 month rent For your information, agency fees 2009/2010 of the student residences which we have agreements with are about €150-€200 Rent (including utilities) for a studio From € 450 to € 600 (an average) in student residences. About € 450 to private owners. Deposit It corresponds to 1 month rent in student residences, to be paid before the arrival of the student. NB : Fees charged by banks, on both sides, in addition to the amount transferred. Example of «AVIVA Insurance» proposed to our exchange students in 2009/2010 : € 75 per year. To be paid upon arrival of the student, but a part is reimbursed according to the duration of his stay. Accommodation insurance (COMPULSORY FOR ALL ACCOMMODATIONS) FRENCH STUDENT SOCIAL SECURITY For stays of more than 3 months (whatever the duration) For stays of less than 3 months : COMPULSORY for French and exchange students - in 2009/2010 : € 198 Optional if the student has a private insurance BUT he must present us a copy of this document in French or in English. Otherwise it is COMPULSORY. Students must be covered by insurance as soon as they arrive at the French airport of entry in France. For your information, private insurance for international students are very expensive in France. SUNDRIES To find a room upon arrival in Toulouse : Hotel Youth Hostel (3 nights maximum) Bank account From € 70 to € 90 a night, breakfast inclusive. Landline phone/ internet access € 16 a night + € 3 the breakfast + Meal : about € 9 We have an agreement with a bank : Fees : € 3,05 per month (including insurance, debit card & on line consultation of bank account). € 30 French mobile phone From € 30 to € 50 Bus Pass € 10, monthly pass Food expenses 400 € 19 APPENDIX 3 : STUDENT RESIDENCE « LAMY RESIDENCE » PROCEDURE TO APPLY FOR ACCOMMODATION STEP 1 : Fill in the documents Appendices 3 and 5 . STEP 2 : Send them via email ( ) to Mr Stéphane RAVARY with : - A copy of your passport Vos Références (your references) : NOM (Name) Prénom (Surname) Adresse dans votre pays d'origine (Your home address) Your e-mail Date et lieu de naissance (ville/pays) date & place of birth (town/country) Date d'arrivée à Toulouse Your date of arrival = First day of contract Date de départ de Toulouse Your date of departure = Last day of contract Votre choix (your choice) : FURNISHED Please tick your choice below Surface area T1 T2 Rent About €460 €639 Deposit €310 € 390 REFERENCES de votre compte bancaire dans votre pays (your bank details in your country). It will be useful later (after your departure from Toulouse, to reimburse you your deposit) Nom de votre banque/Your bank name : ……………………………………………………………… Nom du bénéficiaire/Depositor : ………………………………………………………………………… Adresse de votre banque/Your bank address : ……………………………………………………….. Son code SWIFT/Its Swift code :………………………………………………………………………... Votre numéro de compte/Your number of account (beneficiary account) : No…………………….. 20 APPENDIX 4A : PROTOCOLE D'ENGAGEMENT (French version) Je soussigné(e) : NOM - Prénom : ……………………………………………………………………………………… Université d'origine : ………………………………………………………………………………… déclare accepter les termes du présent accord contractuel entre : A - La résidence ………………………………………………………………………………………… Représentée par …………………………………………………………………………………….. Le propriétaire………………………………………………………………………………………. B - TOULOUSE BUSINESS SCHOOL - Programme Bachelor Entiore – Quint/Fonsegrives – 31134 BALMA cedex Représenté par son International Relations Coordinator : Mme F. LANGER-HELFFRICH C - et moi-même concernant le logement que je loue : adresse : …………………………………………………………………………………………………... Date de location : du ………………………………………au ………………………………………... A savoir : tout manquement à honorer les sommes dues à leur date d‟échéance (dépôt de garantie, loyer, frais d'agence, préavis,…) tout autre problème que je provoquerai au sein de la Résidence (exemple : problèmes de comportement, de dégradation du matériel,…) entraînera automatiquement : La suspension de ma participation aux cours du Programme Bachelor, Et/ou la non divulgation de mes notes à mon université et à moi-même, Et/ou la suspension de l’obtention de mon diplôme et ce jusqu‟au règlement total de ma dette et/ou régularisation des problèmes rencontrés. Je note également que mon université d'origine serait immédiatement informée de la situation. L’étudiant Lu et approuvé, La résidence/le propriétaire Lu et approuvé, TBS Programme Bachelor F. Langer-Helffrich, International Rel. Coordinator Lu et approuvé, Date et signature Date et signature Date et signature 21 APPENDIX 4B : PROTOCOLE D'ENGAGEMENT (English version) I, the undersigned : Name - Surname : Home University : Declare that I agree with and accept the terms of the present contract of agreement between (fill in the correct part A or B or C) : A - The residence ………………………………………………………………………………………… Represented by…………………………………………………………………………………….. Or The owner, Mr/ Mrs………………………………………………………………………………………. B - TOULOUSE BUSINESS SCHOOL – Bachelor Programme Entiore – Quint/Fonsegrives – 31134 BALMA cedex Represented by Ms F. LANGER-HELFFRICH, International Relations Coordinator C – and Myself Regarding the accommodation I am renting at the following address : ………………………………………………………………………………………………….......................... Rental period (dates) : from ………………………………to ………………………………………........ The terms of this contract are as stated below: Failure to meet in due time the payments of the deposit, monthly rent, agency fees and/or the mutually agreed period of notice to vacate the apartment/studio/room. Any other problems I may cause within the residence/appartment building (i.e. noise, misbehaviour, damages…) will automatically lead to : Exclusion from the ESC Toulouse Bachelor Programme, And/or the non communication of my grades and transcript of records to me or to my home university And/or the suspension by ESC Toulouse Bachelor Programme of the awarding of my diploma, Until any pending payments and/or problems have been duly settled. Should any of the above occur, I am also aware of the fact that my Home University will be informed of the situation. The Student The Residence/the Owner TBS Bachelor Programme F. Langer-Helffrich, International Rel. Coordinator Date and signature Date and signature Date and signature 22 APPENDIX 5 : FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT THE FRENCH SOCIAL SECURITY 23 24
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