Handbook Ariane - Université de Toulouse


Handbook Ariane - Université de Toulouse
Handbook Ariane
PhD students
in Midi-Pyrenees !
2011 - 2012
La Région Midi-Pyrénées
ouvre la voie de votre avenir
Assistante maternelle, manipulateur radio, services à
la personne, conducteur d'engin de travaux publics,
agriculteur, animateur tourisme et loisir, cuisinier,
spécialiste réseau informatique, transporteur, métiers
du développement durable… en soutenant les
formations du CAP à BAC + 5, la Région Midi-Pyrénées
permet à chaque jeune de trouver le métier qui lui
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between the Mediterranean
Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, in the heart of Southern France, the MidiPyrenees region has long been a major crossroads in Europe and a vibrant
cultural and intellectual melting pot. Toulouse, the capital of the region, has
been fast growing for many years, both demographically and economically.
Today, a genuinely international city, “la Ville Rose”, as it is affectionately
known, and the Midi-Pyrenees region also boast a particularly rich diverse
cultural and artistic heritage.
Some key figures :
2 866 000 inhabitants
110,000 students in Albi, Auch, Cahors, Castres, Figeac, Foix,
Montauban, Rodez, Tarbes and Toulouse
440 000 inhabitants (Greater Toulouse : 656 000 inhabitants)
90,000 students
Toulouse counts 82% of the students and most of the research laboratories
of the Midi-Pyrenees region.
“Université de Toulouse”
The Cluster of Higher Education and Research was created in 2007. It gathers most higher
education and research institutions of the Midi-Pyrenees region. Thanks to the pooling
and sharing of resources, the universities and engineering schools actively participate in
common far-reaching projects in the areas of training and research.
“Université de Toulouse” aims to internationally promote the attractiveness of
Midi-Pyrenees and at providing all the international students, PhD students and researchers with the necessary help to adapt to their new environment.
Higher education and research institutions members of the
Cluster of Higher Education and Research :
UT1 - Université Toulouse I Capitole
UT2 - Université Toulouse II Le Mirail
UT3 - Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier
INPT - Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse
ENSAT - École Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Toulouse
ENSEEIHT - École Nationale Supérieure d’Électrotechnique, d’Électronique,
d’Informatique, d’Hydraulique et des Télécommunications
ENSIACET - École Nationale Supérieure des Ingénieurs en Arts Chimiques Et
EI PURPAN - École d’Ingénieurs de Purpan
ENIT - École Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tarbes
ENM - École Nationale de la Météorologie
ENVT - École Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse
INSA de Toulouse - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse
ISAE - Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace, issu du rapprochement
CUFR-JFC - Centre Universitaire de Formation et de Recherche Jean-François
EMAC - École des Mines d’Albi-Carmaux
ENAC - École Nationale de l’Aviation Civile
ENFA - École Nationale de Formation Agronomique
ENSA Toulouse - École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Toulouse
ESCT - Groupe École Supérieure de Commerce de Toulouse
ICAM - Institut Catholique d’Arts et Métiers de Toulouse
IEP - Sciences Po Toulouse
We hope that the 2011 version of this guide will, like Ariane’s thread in the famous Greek
myth, help you find your way and provide all the useful information for your stay.
We would like to wish you an excellent University year!
Table of Contents
1. Higher education in France
2. Assessing your budget 8
3. Finding an accommodation
4. Caring for your health 17
5. Recreation, leisure and sports activities
6. Students’ associations
7. Learning new languages, discovering new cultures
8. International students or researchers
Emergency services
Address List
For detailed information, please visit our website: www.univ-toulouse.fr
Press QR to access to the internet pages on your smartphone :
Locate all the places mentioned in the guide on the interactive map :
Download the guide in the French, English, Spanish and Chinese versions on :
Editorial director
Gilbert Casamatta
Editorial organization
Zelda Lannes
Alexandre Lévy
Élodie Hartmann
Françoise Degrandcourt
Design, writing, creation
Anne Lavernhe
Zelda Lannes
Emmanuelle Ourliac
Graphics and layout
Antoine Azais
Université de Toulouse
Baptiste Hamousin
Higher education
in France
> Universities and Schools of
Higher education
To be accepted into a French university, you must have either the French
baccalauréat (the end of secondary school diploma equivalent to British
A levels or the American high school diploma), or an equivalent foreign
There are two types of institutions:
- universities offer degree programs in all fields (arts, health, human and
social sciences, science, technology..)
- schools of Higher education : schools of engineering, business schools,
Toulouse Higher School of Architecture, National Veterinary School of
Toulouse, Engineering School of Purpan…
> Organization of higher education
European countries have adopted a new common system for higher
education in order to facilitate the recognition of diplomas and degrees and
students’ mobility:
- the “LMD” system: Bachelor’s (3 yrs), Master’s (5 yrs), PhD (8 yrs)
- a semester-based organization : 1 year = 2 semesters - degree programs organized into “Unité d’Enseignements” (UE) or teaching
units which can be either compulsory or elective. They include lectures,
tutorials, internships, dissertations.
- the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS): each UE corresponds to
a certain number of ECTS (1 semester = 30 ECTS)
For more information, please refer to the website: www.univ-toulouse.fr section
“Courses”, tab “Higher education diagram”
> Choosing your degree program
in Toulouse and Midi-Pyrenees
For detailed information on the portfolio of training available in
universities and schools of higher education, please refer to the website
of the institution you have elected or contact its SUIO / Information
Service which will provide valuable help and support.
Further information
www.diplomatie.gouv.fr ; section “ Studying in France”
Web sites, SUIO and SCUIO of the institutions
Please find the contact list (in blue) page I
2. Assessing your budget
137 € to 350 €
250 € to 350 €
150 € to 380 €
400 € to 600 €
Electricity / gaz
30 € à 50 €
Cell phone
30 €
35 €
3 € a meal in the university cafeteria
200 €
CROUS halls of residence
Room in a private home
Shared accommodation
Privately rented accommodation
Transportation (depending on the city)
Bus / tube/ tram:
Pass (– 25 yrs of age)
Pass (over 25 yrs of age)
Train www.sncf.com :
Card 12-25 yrs (49 € per year)
Bike :
Monthly fees
10 € to 16 €
22 € to 40.80 €
25% to 50% discount
10 €
5 € to 35 €
Miscellaneous (leisure, cultural activities, ...)
100 €
480 € to 1000 €
Deposit (to be paid when signing the rental
One-month rent without
Rental insurance
30 € to 110 €
“Taxe d’habitation” (local tax paid by residents
250 € to 550 €
For all types of accommodation except CROUS /
university halls of residence and room in private homes
University fees Registration fees (2010-2011)
Bachelor’s 174 €
Master’s 237 €
PhD 359 €
Tuition fees may vary 0 € to 7000 €
CAF allowance : APL or ALS
See p.16
CMU free for some students
Financial Support: the
amounts lent must be
See p.16
. Loca Pass
. Pass Log
Students holding a grant
from a foreign government
may in few cases be exempted
from registration fees.
Please find the contact list (in blue) page I
> Opening a bank account
It is essential to have a bank account or a postal account (account with
“La Poste”) in France to receive and make bank deposits (CAF housing
allowance), to pay your rent…
Documents required to open a bank account:
- ID card (passport, visa, residence permit...)
- proof of address (phone or electricity bill, “certificat d’hébergement”…)
- student card or proof of enrollment in a university
> Financial support
Mobility grant
Mobility grants (incoming)
Mobility grants (outgoing)
Grants :
- exchange programs grants (Erasmus,
The full list of all grants
worldwide is available on
the site of Campus France
CREPUQ, etc.)
- french state grants (Ministry of Higher Education and Research, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
- university grants (please contact the
International Relations Office)
- Midi-Pyrenees Regional Council grants
Training / work experience contracts
Sandwich training programs offer professional training and grant equal status to
that of any wage earner (monthly salary...).
For more information, please contact:
- host institutions
- www.letudiant.fr/etudes/annuaire-alternance
- www.enalternance.com
Internships and jobs
For compulsory internships lasting 2 months or more, the student will be
paid a sum at least equal to 30% of the French minimum wage (SMIC), i.e.
approx. 330 € net / month.
Job contracts must be signed prior to starting the job in the following cases:
- seasonal jobs (summer, holiday jobs...)
- students jobs (maximum 20hrs per week)
- temporary work
For more details:
- CRIJ, CROUS, AFIJ, Pôle Emploi and dedicated services (Student’s life office) in
the host institution
- www.letudiant.fr
- www.infostages.com/stages
- www.jobisjob.fr
- www.iquesta.com
- www.crij.org
Please contact the «Inspection du travail» (Departmental inspection for
employement) in case of dispute or litigation.
Addresses on:
www.infotravail.com ; section «Inspection du travail»
Please find the contact list (in blue) page I
Finding an
> looking for an accomodation
Finding accommodation may well be a real challenge and should be undertaken
as early as possible; things are easier on the sites of Albi, Auch, Castres, Figeac,
Foix, Montauban, Rodez or Tarbes than in Toulouse which counts 90,000
students. Please keep in mind that proof of address is required by many
organizations (banks, Prefecture…) and some schools have their own halls of
residence on their campus.
> Students’accommodation
CROUS : 9 000 rooms and studios in Student Halls of Residence.
International students must apply to the International Relations Office of their host
institution (please note that second year Master’s degree and PhD students are given
top priority) or to the CROUS International Relations Office
During the academic year, CROUS may allocate the remaining available rooms directly.
Vacancies are available on line on the CROUS website.
Private students’residences
For information and reservation: www.adele.org
> Some tips
Private home accommodation (some examples)
- CROUS : ads available on the CROUS premises and on www.crous-toulouse.fr
- CRIJ : ads available on the CRIJ premises and on www.crij.org
- Student’s life office (Services de Vie étudiante des établissements)
- Other offices in the region: CLAJ, BIJ, PIJ, Maisons du Logement…
- PAP (From owner to tenant) www.pap.fr
- www.leboncoin.fr
- www.seloger.com
- Chambre Syndicale des Propriétaires et Copropriétaires, www.crpc-mp.asso.fr
- http://chambrealouer.com
- www.colocation.fr
Subsidized low-cost social housing (HLM)
- list on : www.habitat-midipyrenees.org
- some shared accommodation are also available
Real estate agencies
Some examples of agencies in the Midi-Pyrenees region:
- FNAIMwww.fnaim31.com
- UNIS www.unis-immo.fr
- SNPI www.snpi.com
Some agencies will ask you to pay for apartment listings which are
often outdated and unreliable. In no way do they commit to finding
accommodation. Never accept to pay before signing the lease.
Rooms in a private home
- http://art.ok.free.fr
- www.accommodation-for-student.com
- http://chambrealouer.com
- www.mon-logement-etudiant.fr
- www.annonces-colocation.fr
Please find the contact list (in blue) page I
> Short-stay accommodation
Youth hostels
- in Toulouse: - “La petite auberge de Compostelle” (from 20 € / per person / per night in four-bedded
rooms) BUT very limited capacity. http://gite-compostelle-toulouse.com
- Résidence de Jolimont: short-term accommodation from 2 to 10 nights. Price
is 16.50 € per person / per night - www.foyersaintmichel-toulouse.com
- in the region: http://aubergesdejeunesse.com
Hotel residence
- Apparthôtel Labège and Apparthôtel Hippodrome: 30 € per person / per night
and 45 € per night for a twin-bedded studio
- Résidence Abitel: single room per night is 31 €, double room is 36 €
“ Tempo Toulouse ”: CROUS - “Université de Toulouse” short-stay accommodation
scheme. From September 1st to October 31st, approx.60 standard rooms (without
en-suite bathroom) are available for one week maximum (price: 10 € per night).
Further information and reservation on: tempo@univ-toulouse.fr
> Finding accommodation
Before finding your accommodation:
- choose a guarantor or “garant”, i.e. someone who will pay the rent if you happen
to be unable to pay yourself
- assess your budget:
- the rent should not exceed 30% of your total resources
- when signing the lease, you will have to pay : the deposit (at CROUS, too), the first
rent, the estate agency fees
In total a sum equal to two-month rent minimum and up to four or five-month rent
After finding your accommodation:
- do not forget to take an insurance
- apply for housing benefits with CAF
- on-line simulations on www.caf.fr
- more information at CRIJ and at “Université de Toulouse”
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> Guarantor
The guarantor (“garant”) may be:
- someone living in France or
- an organization committing themselves to
pay your rent in your stead, in case you happen to be unable to pay yourself. Beware,
the sums must be reimbursed.
The LOCA-PASS guarantee is only available to:
foreign students under 30 who have been
Renseignements sur :
granted a CROUS scholarship and living in
some CROUS halls of residence or social
housing flats
Information: http://garantieloca-pass.uesl.fr and application to be returned to CRIJ.
“Garantie régionale Midi-Pyrénées”: Available to all the other French and foreign
students registered in higher education institutions.
For more information, please refer to: +33 (0) 5 61 14 58 48
> Rental insurance
It is mandatory.
Which options?
- students’complementary insurances
- banks
Please find the contact list (in blue) page I
> Deposit (“caution”)
- one-month rent without charges for unfurnished flats
- two-month rent without charges for furnished flats (Please note: it can
exceed 2 months in some particular cases)
The deposit is refunded by the owner when you leave the flat, provided there
has been no damage to the property.
> Financial aid
CAF housing benefits: APL and ALS
Please note:
- application to be sent two-months at the latest after entering the flat
- for non EEE students, the visa and residence permit must be valid, and “OFII
certificate” must be stated on the passport
- every year, income affidavit “declaration de resources” to be returned to
the CAF before january 1st
- no allowance granted for the first rent
- allowances are paid 2 to 3 months after filling in the application (do not
forget to enclose the particulars of your bank account)
The “Avance LOCA-PASS” scheme
Eligible students must be under 30 and meet the following prerequisites: they
must have a CROUS scholarship or a CDD (“Contrat à Durée Déterminée” Limited duration work contract) underway when the application is lodged, an
internship contract of a minimum duration of three months, several CDDs of a
cumulated minimum duration of three months over the last six months, or a CDI
(“Contrat à Durée Indéterminée” – Unlimited duration work contract).
Information: http://garantieloca-pass.uesl.fr
This scheme helps and finance one-month rent or the deposit (or caution)
required by the landlords; the corresponding amount is to be reimbursed by
monthly instalments.
The application has to be made 2 months at the latest after the installation.
Information and application for “Avance LOCA-PASS” and “Allocations
Logement de la CAF” can be obtained on the CRIJ premises in Toulouse.
PASS-LOG Mairie de Toulouse
(For all students whose accommodation is located in the city of Toulouse)
The amount of one-month rent max. can be lent on presentation of the rent
receipt; it is to be reimbursed by monthly instalments:
Information at “Mairie de Toulouse” (Toulouse City Hall)
and “Université de Toulouse”
Caring for your
Service Interuniversitaire de Médecine
Préventive et de Promotion de la Santé /
University Preventive Medicine
The preventive medicine department provides medical protection to university
students who have access to free consultations with GPs, specialists and social workers.
In Toulouse:
- Université Toulouse I Capitole : +33 (0)5 61 63 37 25, www.univ-tlse1.fr
- Université Toulouse II Le Mirail : +33 (0)5 61 50 41 41, www.univ-tlse2.fr
- Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier : +33 (0)5 61 55 73 67, www.ups-tlse.fr
Branch offices in the region: please check with the registrar of your host institution.
Family Planning Centres in the region
These centres provide detailed information, advice and support on all
aspects of sexual health, sex, contraception, prevention against STIs,
abortion… and offer medical consultations free of charge.
In Toulouse:
3 rue du Pont Vieux (Esquirol or Saint Cyprien tube station).
Open weekdays from 9 am to 4.30 pm, +33 (0)5 62 13 23 77
Branch offices on regional sites: www.haute-garonne.gouv.fr
section “Santé”
Please find the contact list (in blue) page I
French Movement for Family
This association defends women’s rights against all types of violence.
It encourages straightforward, confidential and anonymous exchanges
on all aspects of sexual health, contraception issues, abortion, STIs,
AIDS, sexual assaults. When necessary, it refers to medical counselling,
performs pregnancy tests, and makes the morning after pill / E.H.C
and condoms available.
Information: www.planning-familial.org
A CROUS nurse is on call at the Arsenal and Chapou Halls of Residence.
- At l’Arsenal : Mondays and Wednesdays from 1pm to 6 pm, Tuesdays from 1pm to
4.30pm and Fridays from 1pm to 4pm, +33 (0)5 62 25 60 03
- At Chapou : open from Mondays to Fridays from 8am to midday, +33 (0)5 61 12 55 77
Contact: muriel.nicoleau@ac-toulouse.fr ; for emergencies, +33 (0)6 21 04 10 76.
> Regional hospitals
Albi : www.ch-albi.fr - 22 bvd du Général Sibille, Albi - +33 (0)5 63 47 47 47
Auch : www.ch-auch.fr - route Tarbes, Auch - +33 (0)5 62 61 32 32
Cahors : www.ch-cahors.fr - 335 r. du Président Wilson, Cahors - +33 (0)5 65 20 50 50
Castres : www.chic-cm.fr - 20 bvd Maréchal Foch, Castres - +33 (0)5 63 71 63 71
Figeac : www.ch-figeac.fr - 33 r. des Maquisards, Figeac - +33 (0)5 65 50 65 50
Foix : www.chi-val-ariege.fr - RN 20 / Sortie 9, Saint-Jean de Verges - +33 (0)5 61 03 30 30
Montauban : www.ch-montauban.fr - 100 r. Léon Cladel, Montauban - +33 (0)5 63 92 82 82
Rodez : www.ch-rodez.fr – Av de l’Hôpital, Rodez – +33 (0)5 65 55 12 12
Tarbes : www.ch-bigorre.fr - 2 r. Ayguerote, Tarbes - +33 (0)5 62 54 65 00
Toulouse : Main hospitals :
- Hôpital Rangueil : 1 av. du professeur Jean Poulhes, Toulouse - +33 (0)5 61 32 25 33
Access: tube line B, then bus line 88, stop Hôpital Rangueil
- Hôpital Purpan : pl. du Docteur Baylac, Toulouse - +33 (0)5 61 77 22 33
Access: tramway and bus 45, 46, 64 et 66 stop Purpan
- For other hospitals/private clinics: www.chu-toulouse.fr
> Disabled students :
Information on accessibility, facilities and support in the host
institutions: www.univ-toulouse.fr/handicap
> Taking a health insurance
How to benefit from social security?
Detailed information on:
Please find the contact list (in blue) page I
leisure and sports activities
Make the most of the town highlights and attractions!
They are many and often at a reduced rate for you…
> “Université de Toulouse”
It provides valuable information to help you and discover the many
regional assets.
AfterWork gives an overview of all the events organized by “Université de Toulouse”.
L’exploreur guide-book presents the cultural venues (theatres, concert halls,
art galleries, cinemas…) in Toulouse and the Midi-Pyrenees region.
U’zoom, quarterly cultural magazine, reviews students’ associations, their
activities and the main events scheduled throughout the year.
Access to U’zoom with your mobile phone
Semaine de l’étudiant 2010
Main events
The Student’s Week “Semaine de l’étudiant”:
from October 13th to October 22nd 2011, many
free concerts, performing art shows are staged
in Toulouse, Auch, Albi, Castres-Mazamet, Figeac,
Montauban, Rodez, Tarbes. If you wish to know
more about the city where you are going to study,
if you are ready to make new friends, feel free
to join as an artist (call for projects in April),
as a volunteer or as a spectator!
The full programme is available on:
Intercultural tandem: if you are willing to get
to know an international student, to discover
his / her culture and civilization and to spend
some time together, please contact:
Throughout the year
Workshops free of charge (dance, cinema, reading,
Concerts by the “Orchestre National du Capitole”:
free entrance
Inter-university theatre festival “Scènes de rentrée”
Send an e-mail to the following address, sign up
for the mailing list and you will receive all the latest
events every week: culture@univ-toulouse.fr
Please find the contact list (in blue) page I
Special events
- National Heritage days in September: on that occasion, entrance is free or at
a reduced rate to many sites of interest (private mansions, museums…)
- Film spring festival “Printemps du Cinema” (in March)
- The Museum night “Nuit des musées” (mid - May)
- Music Day “Fête de la musique” (June 21st)…
Semaine de l’étudiant 2010
> Culture and Student’s life
Each host institution stages its own activities: lectures, conferences,
concerts, shows, meetings, workshops.
Do not hesitate to contact the culture or student’s life department for more details.
> Other entities
CROUS organizes many sports activities, cultural workshops,
musical and literary contests throughout the year. Their website
keeps you updated…
Full information on the Midi-Pyrenees regional associations
(cultural, sports and leisure sections) are available online at the:
- CRIJ (Regional Youth Information Centre)
- BIJ (Youth Information Office)
- PIJ (Youth Information Contact Point)
City / Townhalls
The Toulouse Culture pass “Carte Toulouse Culture” entitles
the students to discounts and the vouchers “Chéquier Toulouse
Jeunes” offer perks on a wide range of activities.
Borrowing a book is free of charge for you in university libraries but also in municipal
There are two types of museums:
- the museums managed by the town: their access is free of charge for students
- the state-managed museums: access is free of charge every first Sunday of each
month; they also offer special students’ rates throughout the year
Sports can be part of curriculum (see the details in the university or school of yours) or
just a leisure, in which case you may be granted the Toulouse “Pass- Sport” by Toulouse
township (CROUS, FFSU - www.sport-u.com
+33 (0), TUC - www.tuc.asso.fr).
You will be fit throughout the year!
Please find the contact list (in blue) page I
Students’ associations
Ready or willing to embark on a student’s
project with your peers? Then read the
section below.
> Support funds
To help you and achieve your individual or group projects, do not hesitate to turn to:
- FSDIE (Fonds de Soutien et de Développement aux Initiatives Étudiantes) of Universities:
- UT1 Capitole: contact : Fany DECLERCK – In charge of culture
- UT2 Le Mirail: Pôle Associations et Initiatives Étudiantes (PAIE)
contact : paie@univ-tlse2.fr
- UT3 Paul Sabatier: Division de la Vie Étudiante (DVE)
contact : Rachel LACOME, +33 (0)5 61 55 82 61, lacome@adm.ups-tlse.fr
- FSIE (Fonds de Soutien aux Initiatives Étudiantes) of “Université de Toulouse” for
inter-university projects. Please contact : culture@univ-toulouse.fr
Please remember application deadlines and pre-requisites for aid or grants!
> Students’ associations
For more information:
- address list of institutions on Université de Toulouse website
- Maison des Initiatives Étudiantes (MIE) at UT2 Le Mirail
- student’s life division (DVE) at UT3 Paul Sabatier
- INSA Toulouse Students’ “Amicale”
- in others schools, contact the Students’ Bureau (BDE)...
Student’s week 2009
> Some associations
Animafac: This network of exchange of experiences and resource centre offers
information and development tools as well as possibilities to work collaboratively
on projects to more than 12,000 students’ associations.
Afev: (Association de la fondation étudiante pour la ville) was set up to fight against
inequalities in districts and to create links between youngsters and students.
Afev now fosters tailored one-to-one support of a youngster by a student with
an informal educational approach. Afev volunteers dedicate themselves to
collective projects aiming at promoting citizenship and solidarity.
Please find the contact list (in blue) page I
Learning new languages,
discovering new cultures….
Café des langues
> “Université de Toulouse”
You are a student, a researcher or a researcher / lecturer and you want to
improve your skills in foreign languages? “Université de Toulouse” offers you
a large portfolio of courses in English, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese,
Portuguese, Norwegian or Swedish.
For detailed information on course contents and applications, please visit:
Mission LVE (Langues Vivantes Etrangères), +33 (0)5 61 14 80 15,
Toulangues is the Toulouse portal to foreign language learning;
this association provides detailed information on language courses
available in Toulouse. http://www.toulangues.org/
> Let’s get started! Brush up your
language skills before the academic year!
“Université de Toulouse” will run the first late summer session in Languages (French as
foreign language, English and Spanish) from September 1st to September 10th 2011.
If you are looking for a crash course, this could be what you are looking for. The
program will include activities both inside and outside the classroom to help
improve your language skills.
For further information, please contact:
- French languages courses: fle@univ-toulouse.fr
- English and Spanish courses: lve@univ-toulouse.fr
> Foreign cultural institutes
The associations listed below offer language courses and cultural activities
(festivals, conferences…)
Association Amitié France Portugal
17, r. des Pyrénées
31180 St. Geniès Bellevue
+33 (0)5 61 74 27 37
Association L’Italie à Toulouse
35 ter r. Gabriel Péri - 31000 Toulouse
+33 (0)5 61 99 68 82
Centre Dante-Alighieri
9 pl. du Capitole - 31000 Toulouse
+33 (0)5 61 21 12 15
Cercle franco-hellénique
4 bis r. Clémence Isaure - BP 111
31013 Toulouse cedex 6
+33 (0)5 61 13 65 25
Goethe Institut
4 bis r. Clémence-Isaure - BP 11423
31014 Toulouse cedex 6
+33 (0)5 61 23 08 34
Institut d’études Andorranes
66 r. de la Pomme - 31000 Toulouse
+33 (0)5 61 21 71 33
Instituto Cervantes
31 r. des Chalets - 31000 Toulouse
+33 (0)5 61 62 80 72
Please find the contact list (in blue) page I
International students
or researchers
You are an international student or researcher? This chapter has been
especially designed to help you!
> Funding your studies!
If you do not hold a grant from your government or if you do not
come under a Leonardo or Erasmus exchange program, you must
give proof of financial resources to come and study in France: 430 €
/ month for a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree and 536 € / month for
a PhD degree.
Grants / scholarships
Some institutions grant scholarships to international students who wish to
study in France. Please refer to the university cooperation section of the
French Embassy in your country or to Campus France sites and EGIDE.
If you wish or need to work during your studies, you need the residence permit.
You will only be entitled to part-time jobs (15hrs a week, 60 hrs a month) with
the exception of sandwich “alternance” training programs contracts.
Information on job contracts
Looking for a job? please see p.11
A residence permit is necessary to apply for housing benefits with CAF (see
p.12). The visa does not suffice. Moreover, you must have a guarantor living
on the French territory or an organization committing themselves (see p.14).
Please find the contact list (in blue) page I
> How to adapt to your new environment
French language courses are available for students at all levels, researchers and researchers /
lecturers enrolled or working in “Université de Toulouse” institutions of Higher Education.
- “Université de Toulouse” , +33 (0)5 61 14 80 26, e-mail address: fle@univ-toulouse.fr,
Mondays to Fridays, from 9.30 am to 12.30 and from 1.30 to 4 45 pm. French language
courses are available for students at all levels, researchers and researchers / lecturers
enrolled or working in “Université de Toulouse” institutions of Higher
Education. For more information, please visit our site: www.univ-toulouse.fr/fle
- for others institutions, see Toulangues website: http://www.toulangues.org/
Backpacking may be the opportunity for you to discover the cultural
and historical highlights of Midi-Pyrenees and to taste our savoury
regional cuisine!
“Tandem”: Meet a French student to share leisure activities.
“Parrainage”: Meet a French family, share a meal with them, spend
some time or take a trip together.
Sortie à vélo dans le Comminges – 06/04/2010
Information: bienvenue@univ-toulouse.fr INTERCULTURAL EXCHANGES
Evening parties, outings, day trips: these are just a few examples of the many
opportunities offered to you on your campus to make new friends, share
experiences and be really involved in your environment!
ASER (Erasmus Association UT1): contact@aser-tlse.org ; www.aser-tlse.org
EIMA (Erasmus Association UT2): eima.tlse2@gmail.com ; http://w3.eima.univ-tlse2.fr
AEGEE (European Students’Association): aegeetoulouse@gmail.com
INSA Toulouse students’ bureau: club.bee@amicale-insat.fr
Welcome Team at ESCT: welcome_team_esct@yahoo.fr
SIDRA: Promotion of world citizenship through human, cultural and intercultural
activities and exchanges: association.sidra@gmail.com
MÔndus (IEP Toulouse) : international.toulouse@gmail.com ;
To get in touch with people from your country and culture, you can visit the directory
of associations available on:
Please find the contact list (in blue) page I
> International researchers
Visa and residence permit
We recommend you to ask for the “convention d’accueil” with
your host institution or research laboratory as early as possible. It
will be requested to obtain a long-stay visa and / or the “scientific”
residence permit.
If you are salaried and PhD student, you can be granted the
“scientific” visa and residence permit.
Social security is compulsory and free if you have a job contract.
If you do not have any job contract, you are entitled to CMU
which is free or paying (according to your previous years’ income).
It also covers your spouse and children.
Dedicated aid to international researchers (installation and stay
in France)
Fondation Nationale Alfred Kastler / FNAK : www.fnak.fr
Please find the contact list (in blue) page I
address list
All the contact addresses shown in blue are listed in alphabetical order
ADIL 31 (Agence départementale
d’information sur le logement)
4 r. Furgole - 31000 Toulouse
+33 (0)5 61 22 46 22 - www.adil31.org
CIO (Toulouse Nord) - 63 bis r. St Exupery
Quatier des Demoiselles - 31400 Toulouse
+33 (0)5 34 41 34 81
Aéroport de Toulouse-Blagnac
Tél. 3654 ou +33 (0)825 380 000
Conseil Régional de Midi-Pyrénées
22 bvd du Maréchal Juin
31406 Toulouse Cedex 9 /+33 (0)5 61 33 50 50
Afev Toulouse
25 r. Magendie - 31400 Toulouse
+33 (0)5 34 31 94 00
AFIJ (Association pour Faciliter l’Insertion
professionnelle des Jeunes diplômés)
25 r. Notre Dame - 31400 Toulouse
+33 (0)5 34 31 24 44
toulouse@afij.org - www.afij.org
Ambassades et Consulats
info@animafac.net - www.animafac.net
Appart’City LABEGE
R. Jean Rostand BP 28191
31681 Toulouse
+33 (0)5 62 24 67 00
Appart’City Toulouse Hippodrome
1 all. Antoine Osète
31100 Toulouse
+ 33 (0) 5 34 51 63 25
AVF Toulouse
(Accueil des Villes Françaises)
43 pl. des Carmes - 31000 Toulouse
+33 (0)5 61 55 39 81
CAF (Caisses d’Allocations Familiales)
24 r. Riquet - 31000 Toulouse
+33 (0)5 61 99 77 00 - www.caf.fr
Informations générales : +33 (0)8 20 25 31 10
Campus France
Centre toulousain du volontariat
95 gd. r. Saint-Michel - 31400 Toulouse
+33 (0)5 61 25 94 90 - ctv31@aliceadsl.fr
(Centre d’information et d’Orientation)
Cité administrative - bât. F - BP 40303
bvd Armand Duportal - 31003-Toulouse
+33 (0)5 61 21 38 26
(Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie)
3 bvd Léopold Escande - 31093 Toulouse cedex 9
Centre d‘examen de santé +33 (0)5 61 14 75 75
Service Relations internationales
+33 (0)5 62 73 80 85
(Centre Régional d’Information Jeunesse)
17 r. de Metz - 31000 Toulouse
+33 (0)5 61 21 20 20
crij-tlse@crij.org - www.crij.org
CROUS(Centre Régional des Œuvres
Universitaires et Scolaires)
58 r. du Taur - 31070 Toulouse
+33 (0)5 61 12 54 00
Service relations internationales :
+33 (0)5 61 12 54 56 / 33
Service RI Logement : +33 (0)5 61 12 54 59
Université de Toulouse 2 Le Mirail
5 all. Antonio Machado - 31058 Toulouse
+33 (0)5 61 50 45 10 / +33 (0)5 61 50 42 38
Cours d’été : etedefle@univ-tlse.fr
DDTEFP (Direction Départementale du Travail,
de l’Emploi et de la Formation Professionnelle)
Cité administrative
bvd Armand Duportal - 31074 Toulouse Cedex
+33 (0)5 67 73 64 79 - www.travail.gouv.fr
18 pl. Roguet - 31300 Toulouse
+33 (0)5 61 77 26 66
toulouse@egide.asso.fr - www.egide.asso.fr
Gare routière
68 bvd Pierre Semard - 31000 Toulouse
+33 (0)5 61 61 67 67 (cars régionaux)
Gare SNCF (Matabiau)
64 bvd Pierre Sémard - 31500 Toulouse
+33 (0)5 61 10 10 00 - www.sncf.fr
(L’assurance maladie et mutuelle étudiante)
97 r. Riquet - 31007 Toulouse
+33 (0)969 369 601 (coût d’un appel local)
Office de tourisme
Donjon du Capitole - 31000 Toulouse
+33 (0)5 61 11 02 22
www.ot-toulouse.fr - infos@ot-toulouse.fr
7 r. Arthur Rimbaud- CS 40310
31203 Toulouse cedex 2 /+33 (0)5 34 41 72 20
toulouse@ofii.fr - www.offi.fr
58 all. Jean Jaurès - 31000 Toulouse
+33 (0)5 61 17 82 10 - www.onisep.fr
MAE (la Mutuelle Assurance Élèves)
55 r. Bayard - 31000 Toulouse
+33 (0)5 34 41 53 53 - www.mae.fr
Pôle emploi
+33 (0)8 11 55 01 31
Mairie d’Albi
16 r. de l’Hôtel de Ville - 81023 Albi Cedex 9
+33 (0)5 63 49 10 10 - www.mairie-albi.fr
Services administratifs (titres de séjour...) :
1 r. St. Anne - 31000 Toulouse
Accueil des étudiants étrangers :
+33 (0)5 34 45 34 64
Mairie d’Auch
Hôtel de Ville - Pl. de la Libération
BP 321 - 32007 Auch Cedex
+33 (0)5 62 64 12 11 - www.mairie-auch.fr
Mairie de Castres
BP 10406 - 81108 Castres Cedex
+33 (0)5 63 71 58 58 - www.ville-castres.fr
+33 (0)5 61 17 70 00 - www.ac-toulouse.fr
Renseignements administratifs
Tél. 3939
Mairie de Figeac
BP 205 - r. de Colomb - 46100 Figeac
+33 (0)5 65 50 05 40 - www.ville-figeac.fr
Résidence Abitel
1 r. Tastavin
31000 Toulouse
+33 (0)5 61 44 05 70
Mairie de Mautauban
9 r. de l’Hotel de Ville - 82000 Montauban
+33 (0)5 63 22 12 00 - www.montauban.com
Résidence de Jolimont
2 av. Yves Brunaud 31500 Toulouse
+33 (0)5 34 30 42 80
Mairie de Tarbes
1 pl. Jean Jaurès - 65000 Tarbes
+33 (0)5 62 44 38 38 - www.tarbes.fr
Taxe d’habitation et redevance audiovisuelle
Mairie de Toulouse
Pl. du Capitole, 31 000 Toulouse :
+33 (0)5 61 22 29 22
Services de l’état civil,
8 r. du Colonel Pélissier
+33 (0)5 61 22 30 26 / 27
Mairie de Rodez
Pl. Eugène Raynaldy - 12000 Rodez
+33 (0)5 65 77 88 00 - www.mairie-rodez.fr
Maison de l’Europe
35 r. Croix Baragnon - 31000 Toulouse
+33 (0)5 61 53 86 43
Tisséo-SMTC (bus-métro)
9 r. Michel Labrousse - 31081 Toulouse Cedex 1
+33 (0)5 61 41 70 70 - www.tisseo.fr
Université de Toulouse
15 rue des Lois - 31000 Toulouse
Mission Accueil –Logement :
+33 (0) 5 61 14 58 48
Mission Culture et Initiatives Etudiantes :
+33 (0) 5 61 14 80 22 - culture@univ-toulouse.fr
VITTAVI (l’assurance maladie étudiante)
7 r. des Lois - 31000 Toulouse
+33 (0)825 825 715 - www.vittavi.fr
Please find the contact list (in blue) page I
emergency service
Numéros d’urgence
Appel d’urgence européen : 112
Police secours : 17
Pompiers (incendie, accident, problème de santé) : 18
SAMU : 15 ou 05 34 39 33 33
SOS Médecins : +33 (0)5 61 33 00 00
Centre de vaccination : +33 (0)5 61 22 23 46
17 pl. de la Daurade, Toulouse
Pharmacie de nuit : +33 (0)5 61 62 38 05
76 all. Jean Jaurès, Toulouse
Croix Rouge Ecoute : +33 (0)8 00 85 88 58
Drogue/alcool/tabac infos services :
+33 (0)8 00 23 13 13 ou +33 (0)1 70 23 13 13
Sida info service : +33 (0)8 00 84 08 00
Abonnement EDF-GDF +33 (0)8 10 13 10 00
Compagnie générale des eaux :
+33 (0)5 61 34 77 77
Dépannage gaz +33 (0)8 01 13 14 33
Dépannage électricité +33 (0)8 10 13 13 33
Cyber Cafés
De nombreux cyber cafés se trouvent au centre ville et
à proximité des campus.
Accès Internet au CRIJ
• Objets trouvés à Toulouse :
+33 (0)5 62 27 63 00
• Perte carte bancaire : +33 (0)8 92 70 57 05
• Renseignements téléphoniques :
La Région Midi-Pyrénées
ouvre la voie de votre avenir
Assistante maternelle, manipulateur radio, services à
la personne, conducteur d'engin de travaux publics,
agriculteur, animateur tourisme et loisir, cuisinier,
spécialiste réseau informatique, transporteur, métiers
du développement durable… en soutenant les
formations du CAP à BAC + 5, la Région Midi-Pyrénées
permet à chaque jeune de trouver le métier qui lui
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Please find the contact list (in blue) page I
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