Langley Weavers and Spinners Guild


Langley Weavers and Spinners Guild
2009-10: Issue 6
March 2010
Langley Weavers and Spinners Guild
President’s Message
What an amazing couple of
weeks with the Olympics
here!! Whether you watched
from the comfort of your
couch or braved the crowds
and line-ups downtown, it
was certainly a party of patriotism the likes of which have
not been seen before. Yes it
feels good to be Canadian!! Hopefully if you were
watching at home like I was,
you managed to get some
fibrey activities done while
cheering for our athletes.
Thank you to those of you
who have volunteered to help
at FibresWest. Brenda Alexander (of Penelope Fibre
Arts) has the list and will be
contacting you with further
information. And a general
reminder to everyone, Fibres
West will be March 26 & 27
at the Agriplex in Abbotsford.
Sadly, I have to announce that
the InFibre (BC Interior Fibre
Festival) that was to take
place in Kamloops in May has
had to be cancelled due to
medical issues. They are hoping to be able to run it in
2011 all being well. Also,
there is a Fibre Festival in
Grand Forks in the planning
for August 2011.
The Bradner Flower Show
will be April 10 & 11 and
there will be sign-up sheets
at the March meeting if you
are interested in demonstrating at this event. Also,
we have been invited to
demonstrate at the Burnaby
Village Museum over the
summer so please contact
Marilyn if you are interested.
Salmon Arm Sheep to Shawl
is coming up September
11. Anyone wishing to put
together a team please let
Marilyn know.
At Exec this month, we
talked about trying to revive
the weaving study group for
next Guild year. If you are
interested, please speak to
Krista Graham at the March
Guild meeting.
We are also planning for “A
Good Day to Dye” event
during the late spring or
into the summer so stay
tuned for more information
on that in the near future.
tions, you will find a nomination form in this newsletter. If your name is already
on the list, THANK
YOU!! If you are unable to
continue in your position,
please let Marilyn know so
we can update the form. If
your name is not on the list,
why not? Many positions
need help. We need a
President, Vice President and Program Directors. I was asked at the
Exec meeting what will happen if we don’t have a President and my answer was
that that was for the membership to decide. So,
please seriously consider
this—the Guild meetings
cannot function without
someone leading them and
there won’t be any programs if these positions are
not filled. As I said in my
February message, there is
lots of help available on Executive, you won’t be alone.
It is YOUR Guild.
Until next time,
For our May meeting, in
addition to elections, there
will be the annual Shop &
Swap. On the topic of elec-
Inside this issue:
Meeting Information/
Study Groups
Library News
Scholarships &
Around Town—
Special points of
Next meeting:
2010 at 7:30
Marilyn O’Malley
Vice President
Jennifer Albrecht
Krista Graham
Lin Inman
Susan Forsyth
Joan Lahey
Deborah Howell
Marueen Dones
Ann Embra (standing as transition assistant)
Ann Embra
Lynn Anderson
Standards & Jury Director
Krista Graham
Denise Parks
Jennifer Albrecht
Krista Graham
Debbie Howell
Karen Bonter
Gail Dickson (helper for May&Sept)
Newsletter Assistant
Newsletter Distribution
Uli Ross
Irene Abrahams
Susan Forsyth
Nancy Mallinson
Sylvia Murray
Barbara Ydenberg
Virginia Evans
Lois Hunter
ANWG Representative
Iris Bell (e-mail)
Krista Graham (Phone)
LAC Representative
Inta Schort
Phone Committee
E-mail Committee
Margaret Sampson
Margaret Sampson (Guild)
Jennifer Albrecht (General Interest)
Web Site
Iris Bell
Marianne Iberg
Carol Jane Gray
Artisan Sale
Shari Taylor
Wool Room
Marianne Iberg
Page 2
Langley Weavers and Spinners Guild
Meeting Address
Sharon United Church
21562 Yale Road
(48th and 216th
Langley, BC
Mailing Address
PO Box 349
Milner, BC
V0X 1T0
Published 9 times a
year during the second
week of the month
except July, August
and December.
Deadline for all submissions first Saturday
of the month.
Meeting Information
Every third Tuesday of the month except for July, August and December.
November’s Meeting: March 16, 2010 @ 7:30 pm
Program: See details below
Goodies: Inta Schorcht, Joyce Hopkins
Marilyn O'Malley
Executive Meeting: April 6, 2010 at Krista Graham's home, 7pm
Upcoming Program News:
Please bring with you any fibre processing tools you own or can borrow.
Ann Embra will be bringing one of her wonderful fleeces for us to use and
will kick of with a brief talk on how she washes and dries them.
Questions and answers next before we go on to fibre processing.
Carded or combed, spun woollen or worsted, dye it or not ?
If there are questions about your own fibres please bring it along.
The Doctor Is IN Again bring along your hand tools, spinning wheels, looms and questions.
This is the meeting for any and all fibre related questions and answers.
We will have the four corners covered - spinning, weaving, fibre and knitting.
There will be experts in all fields to answer and help with any kind of
problems you might be having, maybe you just want some guidance with a
new technique, or have been wishing to try out something seen in a magazine but can't quite get it !
Maybe you just want to join in the fun.
We welcome everyone to come along, adding to our knowledge is the
game plan.
LWSG is going
GREEN—Don’t forget
The guild hand tools will be at both meetings.
your coffee mugs
2009-10: Issue 6
Page 3
Study Groups
Clackers Knitting Group
Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 23rd at 7:30
The Clackers knitting group will meet at
Maureen Dones’ home.
Bring your knitting and any interesting knitting yarns!!
We will learn a sewn bind off, so bring
needles, yarn and a blunt sewing needle/
bodkin to do the bind off.
Has anyone managed to start socks using
Judy’s magic cast on yet?
Evening Spin-In:
April 13 at 7:30 pm at Krista Graham’s home.
Day Spin-In:
For April, we decided to merge the daytime
spinning session with the guild spin-in at the
Bradner Flower Show which is happening on
Saturday April 10th and Sunday April 11th.
So we're hoping that all of the daytime spinners will be able to attend that and we'll have
lots of spinners/weavers representing the
Everyone welcome.
Mixed Media Group
Next Meeting: TBA
Ravelympic Update
I could not finish writing this newsletter without giving you all an update on my Ravelympic
knitting!!! I finished my project which was to spin for and knit, as well as block a small shawl.
I took the project off the blocking board a few hours before the Closing Ceremonies and am
very pleased with the outcome. Given my life and general business, this was a challenge and I’m proud that I
put my mind to it and crossed the finish line.
Here’s a small picture collage:
Page 4
Langley Weavers and Spinners Guild
LWSG Library News
Library Contact:
Denise Parks
The library will be open from 7:00 pm to 7:25 pm before the meeting. The library will reopen for 10 minutes at the start of the break. Please respect this limited time to committee
to enjoy a cup of tea and some friendly chatter before the second half of the meeting stats.
Library privileges are extended to all paid up Guild members. A list of library contents is
available to all members by e-mail and in print at Guild meetings.
If you would like to reserve a book or video, please contact Denise Parks. Renewal (once
only please) may be arranged by phone or e-mail, if you are unable to return items at the
monthly meeting. There is an overdue charge of $1.00 per item per meeting.
Please take care of our library books:
Keep food and drinks away so there are no coffee cup rings, cookie crumbs, or greasy fingerprints
Carry books in a plastic bag on rainy/snow days
Small amounts of water, fluid or food between the pages invites mould and insect.
New Magazines
Knit N Style: April 2010
The Bulletin Winter—2009
Borrowed Books
Irene Abrahams
Venessa Bentley
Karen Bonter
CD Weaver: You Have to be Warped, Weaving Hints & Tips. 2 disc set by Laura Fry.
Thanks for Alvera Witt.
Linda Davis
Velma Harrison
Marnie Hines
Joyce Hopkins
Lois Hunter
Linda Kunster
Page 5
Knitting on the Edge
Spinning for Softness & Speed
An Introduction to Embroidery
A Gathering of Lace
Spin Off: Winter 95, Fall 97, Spring
01, Fall 07
A Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns
Charted Knitting Designs
Never too Many Handbags
Knitting with Jean DVD
Spin Off: Summer 09, Winter 09
Rowan’s Greatest Knits
Knitting with Beads
Classic Knitted Vests
A Fine Fleece
Shear Spirit
Luxury Yarn One Skein Wonders
Handwoven: Fall 80, Nov 82, Jan 83,
Nov 83
Handwoven: Nov 91
Langley Weavers and Spinners Guild
Borrowed Books Ctd.
Irma Melanson
Heather Moyer
Cherry Nettleton
Masako Ryan
Diana Twiss
Alison Wilkins
Jen Albrecht
* Joline Baylis
Joan Cave
Yvette Dabss
Carol Jane Gray
June Lee
Jackie Neufeld
Basic Sock Video
Color in Spinning
Socks from the Toe Up
Reversible Knits
Folk Shawls
Bead Crochet
Spin Off Spring 08
Spin Off: Spring 09
Interweave Knits: Summer 06
Knitter’s Stash
Learning To Weave
Introduction to Weaving—video
Orenburg Lace Shawls
The New Dyer
Synthetic Dyes for Natural Fibres
Hands on Dyeing
Merino: Handspinning, Dyeing
Opinionated Knitter
History of Handknitting
New Pathways for Sock Knitters
** Beautiful Things to Make for Baby
All New Homespun Handknits
Inkle Loom Weaving
Weaving Bands
Knitting without Tears
Wild Fibres Summer 09
Alden Amos Big Book of Handspinning
Homespun Handknit
Twisted Sisters Sock Workbook
1411 Johnston Road
White Rock, BC V4B 3Z4
Phone: 778-294-5440
Lynne Anderson, Owner
2009-10: Issue 6
Welcome to fibre nirvana
Page 6
Guild News
LWSG Scholarship Report
The Executive Committee has
awarded a scholarship to Ann
Embra to attend a 3-day workshop with Kris Abshire on surface design called “The Esoteric
Cloth”. This workshop is part of
the Greater Vancouver Guild’s
Interlacement Symposium cele-
brating their 50th year. Ann will do a
program for the Guild as her payback
for this opportunity.
Scholarships are available to all members in good standing.
Contact Ann Embra or Lynn Anderson
for more information.
Guild Workshops
Design & Sew & Finish Handwoven Fabircs with Heleen deBoer
In this
May 15 and 16
workshop you
will learn how to measure
and make a pattern for
yourself that you can use for
knitting or sewing, incorporating different styles.
Learn many techniques to
finish a garment and find
out how to incorporate knit-
ting and crochet with handwovens. In this workshop,
you’ll have fun designing your
special garment! The cost of
this 2 day workshop with
Heleen will be $80 and it will
be held at Langley Meadows
School. If you would like to
take this workshop to learn
the designing and finishing
techniques but you’re not a
weaver and don’t have any
handwovens to work with,
Heleen is willing to provide
some samples for you to use in
the class.
If you would like to register for any of these workshops, or if you have suggestions for a workshop you
would like to take - or teach - please contact Maureen Dones 604-857-2769 or Debbie Howell 604-534-
Page 7
Langley Weavers and Spinners Guild
Dyeing Workshop with Kim McKenna—Now 1 Seat Available
May 27 & 29, June 12
This workshop is geared to
weavers, spinners, quilters,
stitchers and other fibre arts
enthusiasts who wish to infuse
their work with colourful notes
of hand-dyed yarn. There is
nothing more satisfying than
working with yarn that has
been dyed the exact color as
envisioned in your mind’s eye.
This 2 ½ day workshop is divided into 3 sessions. Session
#1 will be held on Thursday
May 27th from 6 till 9pm.
You will learn the ins and outs
of the dyeing process, how to
mix dye stock solutions and
how to prepare the sample
skeins. In session #2 on Saturday May 29th from
9:30am to 4pm, you will create the samples needed to
make your own color wheel.
2009-10: Issue 6
Using Ashford dyes and a
straight forward direct application technique, you will dye
silk yarn samples. You will
prepare all the yarn needed
to make an 18-step color
wheel with 90 recipes and
samples to refer back to. In
session #3 on June 12th from
10am to 4pm,
you will dye a
color of your
own choosing,
using an immersion dye
process and
250 grams of
your own protein based
yarn such as silk, wool, alpaca,
llama, mohair, etc.
tion dye techniques, a more
thorough understanding of color
theory and the ability to perform a level and repeatable
dye run. This workshop will be
held at Doris Smith’s home. The
costs are $100 for the workshop
and approximately $50 for the
materials (the materials cost will
be confirmed
closer to the workshop date).
This workshop now
has 1 seat available.
Upon completion of the workshop, you will have a solid
working knowledge of both
immersion and direct applica-
Page 8
Around Town—Community Events and Other News
March at the Surrey Museum
17710-56A Avenue
Surrey Museum - Unique artifacts, images and interactive
displays in a stunning and modern space that highlights Surrey’s history. Attractive space for programs, 42-seat orientation theatre, changing exhibits.
17710-56A Avenue, Surrey, B.C. 604-5926956. Hours: Tuesdays-Fridays,
9:30am-5:30pm, Saturdays: 10:00am-5:00pm. Admission:
Adult: $5, Seniors & Students: $3.75, Child & Youth: $2.50, 5
& Under Free
Weaving-Level 1
Make a beautiful woven sampler and a stunning, unique scarf,
in this inspiring and creative class, as you learn the basics of
this age-old art. Table looms provided. Supply fee of $12 for
the sampler. Scarf supplies paid for separately. Please preregister by calling 604-592-6956
Saturday, March 20
7 sessions $123 (16yrs+)
Kids Can Knit: Intermediate
Speaker Series
Make cool wristbands, funky bags, headbands or other fun
projects as you learn the purl stitch, increasing, decreasing
and other new techniques in this intermediate class that takes
you “beyond the basics.” Supplies included. Please preregister by calling 604-592-6956
The Decorating Coach
Wednesday, March 24
Discover professional trade secrets and workroom tips for
creating stunning draperies from Decorating Coach, Susan
Wells. Also, learn ideas for upholstered headboards and
pillows with pizzazz. Please pre-register by calling 604-5926956
6 sessions $54 (8-12yrs)
Thursday, March 4
1 session $7.50 (16yrs+)
Craft It with Wool
Preschoolers enjoy hands-on fun and increase manual dexterity as they learn about how clothing was made in days
gone by. Activities include weaving, spool knitting and felting. Please pre-register by calling 604-592-6956
Thursday, March 18
1 session $9 (3-6yrs)
Page 9
Langley Weavers and Spinners Guild
Workshop Opportunity—Embellishing the Surface
Whonnock Weavers and Spinners will be holding a workshop this spring with Anita Luvera Mayer
on Saturday March 27 and Sunday March 28, 2010.
It is titled Embellishing the Surface and will be held at the Whonnock Lake Centre. There are two
open spots in this workshop, cost is $125 for a fantastic weekend with Anita, and with the new
Golden Ears Bridge, an easy commute from Langley.
If you are interested in one of these spots, please contact Ellen Hamilton at or phone her at 604-820-2883.
May every stitch you knit bring
you a little closer to that calm,
clear space in the centre of the
—-Earth Heart Designs
2009-10: Issue 6
Page 10
Newsletter Editor:
Uli Ross
Feel free to send along pictures,
event information and other
newsworthy items for inclusion
in the newsletter to the above email.
Purpose of the Guild
The Guild was formed in 1971 under the spons
orship of the Langley
Arts Council. It promotes, educates, encourage
s, inspires and improves
the skills of our members in spinning, weaving,
dyeing, felting and knitting.
To go out into the community to promote our
art by demonstrating or
giving workshops or exhibiting our work.
To provide opportunities to members to share
knowledge, skills and
ideas to further their artistic endeavours.
We’re on the W
To maintain an extensive library, which can
be accessed by members;
containing material related to all fibre arts prom
oted by the Guild.
To maintain a Scholarship Fund available to
members to encourage the
pursuit of their art.
Nomination Form (Initial Form-March)
You may nominate yourself or another person – please make sure you have the other person’s permission. Revisions
will be made as names are nominated and reprinted in April. New positions are noted as bold and italic.
Executive – Elected:
President: ___________________
Vice President: ________________
Secretary: Marilyn O’Malley
Treasurer: Lin Inman (standing)
Program Directors: (1) ______________
(2) ___________________
Education Directors (Workshops): (1) Maureen Dones (standing) (2) Deborah Howell (standing) (3) Ann Embra (helper standing)
Scholarship Directors: (1) Ann Embra (standing)
(2) Lynne Anderson (standing)
Standards & Jury Director: Krista Graham (standing)
Committees – Volunteer:
Library: Denise Parks (standing)
Equipment: (1) Krista Graham (standing) (2) Jennifer Albrecht (standing)
Membership: (1) Deborah Howell (standing)
(2) Karen Bonter (standing) (3) Gail Dickson (standing) (helper for May & Sept)
New Member Hospitality: Marilyn O’Malley
Newsletter Editor: Uli Ross (standing) Editorial Assistant: Irene Abrahams (standing) Distributor: ________________
Web Site: 1) Iris Bell(standing)
2) Marianne Iberg (standing)
Tea/Coffee: (1) Nancy Mallinson (standing) (2)Sylvia Murray (standing) (3) Barbara Ydenberg (standing)
Archivist/Historian: 1) Lois Hunter (standing) 2) Virginia Evens (standing)
Phone/Email Committee: Margaret Sampson (standing) Email (Gen. Interest): Jennifer Albrecht (standing)
Sunshine: Carol Jane Gray (standing)
Artisan Sale: Shari Taylor (standing)
Wool Room: Marianne Iberg (standing)
Silent Auction: Cherry Nettleton (standing)
Cash Desk: Lois Hunter (standing)
Clean Up Co-ordinator: _________________
Guild Representatives:
Community Relations/Advertising: Jonathan Wilkins (standing)
ANWG: (1) Iris Bell (standing) (2) Krista Graham (standing)
LAC: Inta Schorcht (standing)