Spring Scientific Symposium2016 - American Society of Ophthalmic
Spring Scientific Symposium2016 - American Society of Ophthalmic
Program Book Spring Scientific Symposium 2016 June 2-5 | Ojai Valley Inn | Ojai, California StopLoss Jones Tube ™ Simple. Efficient. Stable. Put an end to the high loss rate of ordinary Jones Tubes. For more information about StopLoss™ Jones Tubes, please visit FCI-Ophthalmics.com or call 800-932-4202. 2016 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Dear Friends and Colleagues Welcome to the Ojai Valley Inn. For a long time now, Jan and I have been looking forward to hosting you here in Southern California. Like most of you, we look forward to the Spring Meeting every year. The meeting is not only scientifically fascinating, but also provides the opportunity to connect with our ASOPRS family, renewing lifelong friendships and creating new ones. On Thursday, the first day of the meeting, Program Chair Wendy Lee, MD has organized a Human Cadaver Facial Injection Workshop, to which all ASOPRS members have been invited. Scientific Sessions on Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning will cover the breadth of Aesthetic and Functional Oculofacial Surgery, as well as Practice Management. Guest speaker William Rich, MD will update us on the political and practical landscape from the view of the AAO. The President’s Welcome Reception will be held on Thursday evening from 6 to 7:30 pm, onsite at the Pixie Pool. The Annual Golf Tournament will be held Friday afternoon at the challenging and breathtaking Ojai Valley Inn Golf Course, site of many professional golf events. Other group recreational activities will be held on Friday and Saturday afternoons. Check in with onsite registration for tour availability. For those venturing out on their own, the Ojai Valley offers many activities from hiking, biking, tennis, horseback riding, winetasting, shopping, meditation, art classes, and just relaxing and soaking up the ambience of this jewel of California. PRESIDENT ROBERT A. GOLDBERG, MD, FACS UCLA Stein Eye Institute David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Los Angeles, CA PRESIDENT-ELECT GERALD J. HARRIS, MD, FACS The Eye Institute Medical College of Wisconsin Milwaukee, WI VICE PRESIDENT TAMARA R. FOUNTAIN, MD Rush University Medical Center Chicago, IL Ophthalmology Partners, Ltd. Deerfield, IL EXECUTIVE SECRETARY JENNIFER A. SIVAK-CALLCOTT, MD West Virginia University Eye Institute Morgantown, WV TREASURER JEMSHED A. KHAN, MD Khan Eyelid & Facial Plastic Surgery Overland Park, KS SECRETARY OF MEETINGS SUSAN R. CARTER, MD The Eye Center Warren, NJ SECRETARY OF EDUCATION ROBERT G. FANTE, MD, FACS Fante Eye and Face Centre Denver, CO Our Annual Banquet on Saturday night will be held on the Orchard Lawn of the Ojai Valley Inn. One of my favorite traditions is the introduction of our new members, who will be inducted during the Banquet. PROGRAM CHAIR VIKRAM D. DURAIRAJ, MD, FACS TOC Eye and Face Austin, TX Tisha Kehn, Amanda Macrina and Toma Ossian worked their typical magic in making this meeting happen, and as always we are greatly indebted to them. As well, we are indebted to the exhibitors that add value to the meeting by introducing the newest technologic advances in our field, and we hope you will take the opportunity to foster our long-standing relationships with these talented and dedicated individuals. IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT KATHLEEN F. ARCHER, MD Archer Aesthetics Houston, TX Welcome to California, and we wish you a meeting full of inspirational learning, exhilarating adventures, and magical time spent with family and friends. Bob Goldberg and Jan Takasugi TABLE OF CONTENTS General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Featured Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Corporate Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Program at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Social Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Exhibitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Foundation Donors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Future Symposium Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery JONATHAN J. DUTTON, MD, PHD University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC DELEGATE, AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOHN N. HARRINGTON, MD, FACS Texas Ophthalmic Plastic, Reconstructive and Orbital Surgery Associates Dallas, TX COUNCILOR, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF OPHTHALMOLOGY LOUISE A. MAWN, MD Vanderbilt Eye Institute Nashville, TN ADVISORY BOARD Kathleen F. Archer, MD, Chair Roger A. Dailey, MD, FACS James C. Fleming, MD Jill A. Foster, MD, FACS James W. Karesh, MD, FACS Don O. Kikkawa, MD, FACS Jan W. Kronish, MD, FACS Michael E. Migliori, MD, FACS Jeffrey A. Nerad, MD, FACS Stuart R. Seiff, MD, FACS 3 General Information Symposium Objectives Cancellations Intended for members of ASOPRS, Board certified ophthalmologists, specializing in facial, ophthalmic plastic, orbital, and lacrimal surgery. ASOPRS issues refunds, less a $50 administrative fee, upon receipt of written notice on or before May 3, 2016. No refunds will be made after May 3, 2016. Refunds will not be made for no-shows. 1. To provide a forum for the presentation of new concepts, techniques, and experiences in orbital disease and surgery. 2. To provide a forum for the presentation of new concepts, techniques, and experiences in facial aesthetic surgery. 3. To provide a forum for the discussion of physician advocacy, practice management, and access to care. 4. To provide a forum for the exchange of concepts and clinical experience in oculofacial, orbital and lacrimal surgery. Meeting Evaluation/CME Certificate A link to an electronic evaluation will be provided to attendees via email. Hard copy evaluations will not be available. Please complete the electronic evaluation in its entirety after the meeting. You will have an opportunity to print a CME certificate once you have completed the electronic evaluation. Your feedback is carefully considered when planning future meetings. Thank you in advance for completing the evaluation and helping ASOPRS improve our Spring Scientific Symposium. Continuing Medical Education Continuing Medical Education information and Financial Disclosures can be found in the 2016 Spring Scientific Symposium Syllabus. Disclaimer Registrants for this symposium understand that medical and scientific knowledge is constantly evolving and that the views and techniques of the instructors are their own and may reflect innovations and opinions not universally shared. The views and techniques of the instructors are not necessarily those of ASOPRS but are presented in this forum to advance scientific and medical education. ASOPRS disclaims any and all liability arising out the information presented in this course. Registrants also understand that operating rooms and health care facilities present inherent dangers and as such they shall confirm to all proper medical practices and procedures for the treatment of patients for whom no medical history is available. Malpractice insurance for ophthalmologists www.omic.com OPHTHALMIC MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY getaquote@omic.com 4 Featured Faculty William L. Rich III, MD, FACS Steven G. Yoelin, MD William Rich is currently the President and Medical Director of Health Policy for the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), the oldest American medical specialty society. Prior to this Dr. Rich served as the Secretary for Federal Affairs for the Academy. He has had a twenty-five year involvement in health policy, health care financing, physician payment and quality metrics in addition to consulting with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the National Health Policy Forum, the National Institute of Health Care Management, the Bipartisan Policy Center and the Institute of Medicine. He has served on RWJ panels dealing with the Future Of Fee For Service Medicare, Economic Incentives For Promoting Quality, and Health Outcomes Measures As A Determinant Of Patient Choice. He has served as a founder and executive committeeman for a local IPA and the nation’s largest national subspecialty PPO. Steven G. Yoelin, MD is a board certified ophthalmologist with a private practice in Newport Beach, CA. Since the early 2000s, Dr. Yoelin has expanded his practice to include facial aesthetics using injectable neurotoxins, dermal fillers and collagen stimulators. In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Yoelin conducts research in various FDA- and investigator-initiated clinical trials pertaining to facial injectables. He has been the lead investigator on several pilot studies and trials, including one that led to FDA approval of a new aesthetic product at the end of 2008. Currently Dr. Rich chairs the AAO ophthalmic clinical data registry, IRIS (Intelligent Research in Sight) and served on the PEW Foundation work group “Future Directions for Medical Device Registries.” Dr. Rich has delivered numerous named lectureships dealing with health policy and continues to lecture on a regular basis at national and regional meetings. He has received the Honor and Senior Honor award from the AAO, the Presidents Award from the American Glaucoma Society, the Special Recognition Award from the American Society of Retinal Specialists, the Annual Honored Lecture Award from Women in Ophthalmology and the Founders Award from Georgetown University School of Medicine. Dr. Yoelin has established a nationwide reputation as an expert in the field of facial injectables. He speaks at professional events and conferences across the country, including every major ophthalmic meeting. He is highly respected by other physicians as a teacher of injectable procedures, as well as a trusted advisor on integrating facial aesthetics in an ophthalmology practice. Dr. Yoelin is a magna cum laude graduate of the University of California, Davis, and earned his medical degree from the University of California, Irvine, where he received numerous awards for his academic and research efforts. Dr. Rich is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Georgetown University College of Arts and Sciences and its medical school. Currently practicing general ophthalmology as the senior partner in Northern Virginia Ophthalmology Associates, he resides in Washington D.C and Solomons Island, Maryland with his spouse, Janet S. Wright, M.D. FACC, former Sr, Vice President of Science and Quality for the American College of Cardiology and current Executive Director of the CDC Million Hearts initiative. Their interests include bicycling, sailing, hiking, and literature. ASOPRS Extends Special Thanks to our Spring Scientific Symposium Supporters 5 Program at a Glance Thursday – Friday Thursday, June 2, 2016 8 am Executive Committee Meeting Garden Room 1 – 5 pm Registration Hacienda Foyer 2 – 5 pm ASOPRS Human Cadaver Facial Dissection Workshop Hacienda A Course Directors: Wendy W. Lee, MD and Robert A. Goldberg, MD, FACS (Supported in part by Merz Aesthetics and Allergan, Inc.) 6 – 7:30 pm ASOPRS President’s Welcome Reception Pixie Pool (Supported in part by FCI Ophthalmics and MedDev Corporation) Friday, June 3, 2016 6:45 – 7:45 am 6:45 – 8 am 7 am – Noon Fellowship Program Directors Committee Meeting Visit with Exhibitors/Breakfast Anacapa Ballroom Registration Hacienda Foyer MORNING ACTIVITY – GUEST TOUR! Please note: This activity may have been cancelled or is no longer available. Please check with Registration for further information. 9 am – Noon Behind the Scenes Ojai Walking Art Tour Get an insider’s view of the Ojai art scene! Participants get a chance to experience Ojai’s enchanted artist community by visiting a variety of working artist studios. Artist media range from oil painting to jewelry and styles range from traditional to abstract. The walking tour begins and ends at the Ojai Valley Inn. Price: $110 per person (recommended for ages 12 and up) Package includes taxes + gratuities 8 am – 12:15 pm Scientific Session [3.75 CME Hours] Hacienda Ballroom 8 – 8:03 am Welcome and Opening Remarks Robert A. Goldberg, MD, FACS, President and Wendy W. Lee, MD, Spring Meeting Program Chair ORBIT Session Moderators: Christopher B. Chambers, MD and Jill A. Foster, MD, FACS Abstracts Followed by Discussion 8:03 – 8:08 am 8:08 – 8:13 am 8:13 – 8:18 am 8:18 – 8:23 am Incidence of Blindness After Orbital Surgery Shu-Hong Chang, MD1, Matthew Kapeles, BS1, Colin McInnis, MD2 1 University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 2University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ Temperature Changes Associated with Bone Drilling in an Orbit Model: Comparison of Ultrasonic Bone Drill and Conventional High-Speed Drill Jessica Chang, MD1, Anna M. Gruener1, Clarissa Kum1, Brad Rabinovitz2, Timothy J. McCulley, MD1 1 Wilmer Eye Institute, Baltimore, MD, 2 Stryker CMF, NSE, Kalamazoo, MI Patterns of Visual Field Changes in Thyroid Eye Disease Related Compressive Optic Neuropathy Suzanne K. Freitag, MD1, Michael Kazim, MD2, Catherine Choi, MD1, Dean Cestari, MD1 1 Mass Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, MA, 2Columbia University, New York, NY Understanding the genetic expression profile differences of Mesenchymal derived stem cells from orbital adipose tissue that might influence the pathogenesis of Thyroid Eye Disease Juan Ayala-Haedo, MD, Wensi Tao, PhD, Daniel Pelaez, PhD, Sara Wester, MD, MS University of Miami, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, FL 8:23 – 8:35 am Discussion Scientific Session – continued 6 Program at a Glance Friday Scientific Session – ORBIT Session continued Case Presentations Followed by Expert Comments 3 year old girl with retained foreign body 8:35 – 8:38 am Nicholas Mahoney, MD Johns Hopkins University, Bethesda, MD 8:38 – 8:45 am Discussion 8:45 – 8:48 am Reactivation of Thyroid Orbitopathy after Orbital Decompression Requiring Combined Surgical Approach 8:48 – 8:55 am Discussion 8:55 – 8:58 am Late Orbital Reconstruction or ? 8:58 – 9:05 am Discussion James Chelnis, MD, Brian T. Fowler, MD Hamilton Eye Institute, Memphis, TN Robert G. Fante, MD, FACS Fante Eye and Face Center and University of Colorado, Denver, CO Invited Talks 9:05 – 9:20 am Update on Thyroid Eye Disease Raymond S. Douglas, MD, PhD Orbital Decompression: Which Wall? 9:20 – 9:40 am Raymond I. Cho, MD, FACS and Jeremiah P. Tao, MD, FACS 9:40 – 9:50 am Discussion 9:50 – 10:20 am Visit with Exhibitors/Refreshment Break Anacapa Ballroom TRAUMA & RECONSTRUCTION Moderators: Robert A. Mazzoli, MD and Sara Tullis Wester, MD Abstract Followed by Discussion Traumatic Orbital Encephaloceles: Recognition and Management 10:20 – 10:25 am Mark J. Lucarelli, MD, FACS1, Leslie A. Wei, MD2, Sean Paul, MD3, Timothy S. Wells, MD4, Greg J. Griepentrog, MD4 1 University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, 2Ophthalmic Associates, Binghamton, NY, 3Austin Oculofacial Plastics, Austin, TX, 4 Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI 10:25 – 10:30 am Discussion Case Presentation Followed by Expert Comments Thin skin getting thinner: a difficult orbital rim reconstructive case with high density porous polyethylene onlay implant 10:33 – 10:40 am Discussion 10:30 – 10:33 am C. Blake Perry, MD Casey Eye Institute, Oculofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Oregon Health and Sciences University, Portland, OR Invited Talks 10:40 – 11 am Facial trauma and Oculofacial Surgery: Past, Present and Future 11 – 11:25 am Panel: Advanced Management of Trauma from an Oculofacial Perspective Vikram D. Durairaj, MD, HB Harold Lee, MD, FACS, Eli L. Chang, MD, James C. Fleming, MD 11:25 – 11:40 am Discussion 11:40 am – 12:05 pm William L. Rich III, MD, FACS 12:05 – 12:15 pm Discussion 12:15 pm Adjourn William R. Nunery, MD, FACS AAO UPDATE 7 Program at a Glance Friday – Saturday AFTERNOON ACTIVITIES Please note: Some activities may have been cancelled or are no longer available. Please check with Registration for further information. 1 – 3:30 pm Ojai Food Crawl Get an up close and personal look at the downtown Ojai culinary scene! This walking tour begins and ends at the Ojai Valley Inn and visits restaurants and shops for tastings and conversations with the chefs and shop owners. Beer, wine, baked goods, chocolate and locally made artisanal foods are amongst the offerings along with local history and architectural points of interest. 1 – 4 pm Coastal Sailing Take a leisurely trip along the Southern California Coast onboard a stunning sailboat. Enjoy spectacular views of the coastline while spotting wildlife along the way! 1:30 pm Price: $110 per person (recommended for ages 12 and up) Package includes taxes + gratuities; The tasting will constitute a lunch. Price: $125 per person (recommended for ages 10 and up) Package includes taxes + gratuities and roundtrip transfer from the Ojai Valley Inn. ASOPRS Annual Golf Tournament (Supported in part by Gunther Weiss Scientific Glassblowing & Integrated Orbital Implants, Inc.) The ASOPRS Annual Golf Tournament will be held onsite at the Ojai Valley Inn’s spectacular championship golf course. With beautiful views of the Topa Topa Mountain range, the course has hosted seven senior PGA Tournaments. Don’t miss your chance to golf at one of the top 25 Golf Resorts in North America! Golf Tournament Package: $160, includes golf cart, range balls, score cards, and tournament fees. 4 – 5 pm Women in ASOPRS Reception Wallace Neff Courtyard 5 – 6 pm YASOPRS Reception Wallace Neff Courtyard 6 – 7 pm Merz-sponsored Reception Garden Room Saturday, June 4, 2016 6:45 – 7:45 am Education Committee Meeting Visit with Exhibitors/Breakfast Anacapa Ballroom Registration Hacienda Foyer 8 am – Noon Scientific Session [3.5 CME Hours] Hacienda Ballroom 8 – 8:03 am Welcome and Opening Remarks 6:45 – 8 am 7 am – Noon Robert A. Goldberg, MD, FACS, President and Wendy W. Lee, MD, Spring Meeting Program Chair LACRIMAL & ONCOLOGY Moderators: Eli L. Chang, MD and Navdeep Nijhawan, MD, FRCSC Abstracts Followed by Discussion 8:03 – 8:08 am 8 Neurostimulation for Dry Eye Disease – A Different Approach Andrea L. Kossler, MD1, Mark Brinton2, Daniel Palanker, MD1 1 Stanford School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA, 2Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 8:08 – 8:13 am Unilateral alacrima as an uncommon presenting symptom of nasopharyngeal carcinoma 8:13 – 8:18 am Discussion Audrey Ko, MD1, Bradford W. Lee, MD2, Ramzi M. Alameddine, MD1, Bobby S. Korn, MD, PhD, FACS1, Don O. Kikkawa, MD, FACS1 1 University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, 2Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, FL Scientific Session – continued Program at a Glance Saturday Scientific Session – LACRIMAL & ONCOLOGY continued 8:18 – 8:23 am Incidence and Clinical Characteristics of Pediatric Periocular Dermoid Cysts Gregory J. Griepentrog, MD1, Jasmina Bajric, MD1,2, Brian G. Mohney, MD2 1 Medical College of Wisconsin Eye Institute, Milwaukee, WI, 2Mayo Clinic Department of Ophthalmology, Rochester, MN 8:23 – 8:28 am Vismodegib for Orbital and Periocular Basal Cell Carcinoma Alon Kahana, MD, PhD1, Christine C. Nelson, MD2, May Chan2, Victor Elner2, Frank Worden3 1 Kellogg Eye Center and Cancer Center, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 2Kellogg Eye Center, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 3Cancer Center, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Orbitofacial Metastatic Basal Cell Carcinoma: Report of Ten Cases 8:28 – 8:33 am Elysa McClintic, MD1, Sara Branson, BS1, Omar Ozgur, MD2, Bita Esmaeli, MD2, R. Patrick Yeatts, MD1 1 Department of Ophthalmology, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem, NC, 2Ophthalmic Plastic and Orbital Oncology, Department of Plastic Surgery, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX 8:33 – 8:38 am Michael K. Yoon, MD, Natalie Homer, Suzanne K. Freitag, MD, Anna Stagner, Frederick A. Jakobiec Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, MA 8:38 – 8:43 am 8:43 – 8:53 am Volumetric Radiographic Analysis of Scirrhous Breast Cancer Metastasized to the Orbit Eyelid Tarsal Mass as the Only Ophthalmic Manifestation of Erdheim-Chester Disease Omar K. Ozgur, MD1, Filip Janku, MD2, Bradley Thuro, MD1, Bita Esmaeli, MD1 Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery, Department of Plastic Surgery, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 2Department of Investigational Cancer Therapeutics, Division of Cancer Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX 1 Discussion Invited Talk 8:53 – 9:18 am Lacrimal Gland Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma: Overview, Gaps in Knowledge, Future 9:18 – 9:23 am Discussion David T. Tse, MD, FACS Case Presentations Followed by Expert Comments 9:23 – 9:26 am 9:26 – 9:33 am Management of eyelid melanoma in situ David J. Russell, MD California Pacific Medical Center, University of CA San Francisco, San Francisco, CA Discussion 9:33 – 9:36 am Complicated case of mixed orbital tumor Sophie D. Liao, MD University of Colorado SOM, Aurora, CO 9:36 – 9:43 am Discussion 9:43 – 9:46 am Keratocystic odontogenic tumor involving the orbital apex: A rare tumor to implicate the orbit 9:46 – 9:53 am Discussion Christopher B. Chambers, MD, Adam R. Sweeney, Shu-Hong Chang, Jazjit K. Dillon University of Washington, Seattle, WA Invited Talk 9:53 – 10:08 am Management of Eyelid Melanoma: Considerations for Optimal Outcomes 10:08 – 10:13 am Discussion 10:13 – 10:43 am Visit with Exhibitors/Refreshment Break Bita Esmaeli, MD, FACS Anacapa Ballroom AESTHETIC Moderators: Erin M. Shriver, MD and John J. Martin Jr., MD Abstracts Followed by Discussion 10:43 – 10:48 am The Analysis of Female Asian and Caucasian Temporal Fossa Anatomy Erin Lessner, MD, Tomoyuki Kashima, MD, Catherine Hwang, MD UCLA Stein Eye Institute, Los Angeles, CA Scientific Session – continued 9 Program at a Glance Saturday Scientific Session – AESTHETIC continued 10:48 – 10:53 am 10:53 – 10:58 am 1 Year Experience with Deoxycholic Acid for Submental Fat Reduction C. Blake Perry, MD, Roger A. Dailey, MD, FACS Casey Aesthetic Facial Surgery Center, Oregon Health & Sciences University, Portland, OR Discussion Case Presentations Followed by Expert Comments 10:58 – 11:01 am A Cluster of Post-Blepharoplasty Complications Michael Neimkin, MD1, John B. Holds, MD2, Philip L. Custer, MD3 1 Ophthalmic Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Inc., Washington University in Saint Louis Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Saint Louis University Department of Ophthalmology, Saint Louis, MO, 2Ophthalmic Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, Inc., Des Peres, MO, 3Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 11:01 – 11:08 am Discussion 11:08 – 11:11 am Pants, Belt, Underwear and Suspenders 11:11 – 11:18 am Discussion Roberto M. Limongi, MD Federal University of Goiás, Goiania, AB, Brazil Invited Talks Nuances of Injectables: What to Choose When and Why 11:18 – 11:28 am Brian S. Biesman, MD 11:28 – 11:38 am Julie A. Woodward, MD Periorbital Rejuvenation with Devices: Laser, Light, Energy 11:38 – 11:48 am Approaches to Lower Lid Blepharoplasty 11:48 am – Noon Discussion Jonathan Hoenig, MD Noon – 1 pm ASOPRS Business Meeting 1 pm Adjourn Hacienda Ballroom AFTERNOON ACTIVITIES Please note: Some activities may have been cancelled or are no longer available. Please check with Registration for further information. 1:30 – 4:30 pm Coastal Sailing Take a leisurely trip along the Southern California Coast onboard a stunning sailboat. Enjoy spectacular views of the coastline while spotting wildlife along the way! 1:30 – 4 pm Price: $125 per person (recommended for ages 10 and up) Package includes taxes + gratuities and roundtrip transfer from the Ojai Valley Inn. From the Mountains to the Coast – Biking and Kayaking Bike downhill along the well groomed Ojai Valley Trail while taking in the scenery of the mountains with stunning views of the ocean! The bike ride begins in Ojai and ends at the Ventura Pier, where participants will have the opportunity to kayak along the Pacific Ocean waterfront. Price: $200 per person (recommended for ages 8 and up) Package includes taxes + gratuities, all equipment and transfer back to Ojai Valley Inn. ASOPRS Annual Banquet & New Member Inductions Orchard Lawn SOCIAL EVENT 6 – 9 pm 10 Program at a Glance Sunday Sunday, June 5, 2016 Foundation Board of Trustees Meeting Boardroom Visit with Exhibitors/Breakfast Anacapa Ballroom Registration Hacienda Foyer 8 am – 12:15 pm Scientific Session [3.75 CME Hours] Hacienda Ballroom 8 – 8:03 am Welcome and Opening Remarks 6:45 – 7:45 am 6:45 – 8 am 7 – 10:30 am Robert A. Goldberg, MD, FACS, President and Wendy W. Lee, MD, Spring Meeting Program Chair EYELID Moderators: Andrew R. Harrison, MD and Sophie D. Liao, MD Invited Talk 8:03 – 8:15 am Complex Eyelid Reconstruction: Approach to Cicatrix 8:15 – 8:20 am Discussion Thomas E. Johnson, MD Abstracts Followed by Discussion 8:20 – 8:25 am 8:25 – 8:30 am 8:30 – 8:35 am 8:35 – 8:40 am The Effect of Mechanical and Voluntary Brow Elevation on Eyelid Position in Patients with Ptosis, Dermatochalasis and Normal Controls Daniel B. Rootman, MD, Sarah Al Shaker, MD, Tyler A. Moreno, Alex Sones, BS, Robert A. Goldberg, MD, FACS UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Use of Bilayer Matrix Wound Dressing in Periorbital Wound Reconstruction Ilya M. Leyngold, MD1, Mark M. Leyngold, MD2, Neel Kumar, MD1 University or South Florida Morsani College of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology, Tampa, FL, 2University of Florida College of Medicine, Department of Surgery, Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Gainesville, FL 1 Factors Affecting Sling Exposure and Infection in Frontalis Sling Suspension Erin M. Shriver, MD1, Justin Kuiper2, Thomas J. Clark1, Keith D. Carter, MD, FACS1, Richard C. Allen, MD, PhD, FACS3 1 University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, 2Iowa Methodist Medical Center, Des Moines, IA, 3MD Anderson, Houston, TX Laterally or Superiorly Pedicled Tarso-Conjunctival Flap: Comparison of Two Techniques for Lower Eyelid Reconstruction Ramzi Alameddine, MD, Audrey C. Ko, MD, Bobby S. Korn, MD, PhD, FACS, Don O. Kikkawa, MD, FACS Division of Oculofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, UC San Diego Department of Ophthalmology, Shiley Eye Institute, La Jolla, CA 8:40 – 8:45 am Conjunctival melanoma responsive to systemic BRAF/MEK-inhibiting therapy Lora Dagi Glass, MD1, James Chodosh, MD, MPH2, Donald P. Lawrence, MD3, Frederick A. Jakobiec, MD, DSc4, Suzanne K. Freitag, MD1 1 Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery Service, Department of Ophthalmology, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, 2Cornea Service, Department of Ophthalmology, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, 3Oncology Service, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, 4David G. Cogan Laboratory of Ophthalmic Pathology, Department of Ophthalmology, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA Anterior lamellar supplementation with a bioartificial dermal substitute in a patient with mycosis fungoides 8:50 – 9:05 am Discussion 8:45 – 8:50 am Jean-Paul Abboud, MD, Jennifer A. Sivak-Callcott, MD West Virginia University Eye Institute, Morgantown, WV Case Presentations Followed by Expert Comments 9:05 – 9:08 am Vismodegib – End Game? Simeon A. Lauer, MD Hackensack University Medical Center, Hackensack, NJ Scientific Session – continued 11 Program at a Glance Sunday Scientific Session – EYELID continued 9:08 – 9:15 am 9:15 – 9:18 am Discussion Refractory Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis Stephen Winkler, MD1, James Karesh, MD2 1 Krieger Eye Institute, Baltimore, MD, 2Krieger Eye Institute, Sinai Hospital, Chevy Chase, MD 9:18 – 9:25 am Discussion 9:25 – 9:28 am Bilateral eyelid necrosis and sinus-cutaneous fistulas due to pyoderma gangrenosum 9:28 – 9:35 am Discussion Michael E. Migliori, MD, FACS Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, RI Invited Talk 9:35 – 9:47 am Asian Blepharoplasty & Epicanthoplasty 9:47 – 9:52 am Discussion William P. Chen, MD AESTHETIC Moderators: Stuart R. Seiff, MD, FACS and Catherine J. Hwang, MD Abstracts Followed by Discussion 9:52 – 9:57 am Restylane Silk: Initial Experience in Periorbital Injections 9:57 – 10:02 am Why chlorhexidine is not a facial prep 10:02 – 10:07 am Discussion Wenjing Liu, MD, Robert A. Goldberg, MD, FACS, Danica Fiaschetti, Daniela Leitch UCLA Stein Eye Institute, Los Angeles, CA Kenneth D. Steinsapir, MD Jules Stein Eye Institute, David Geffen School of Medicine, Beverly Hills, CA Complicated Case Presentations Followed by Expert Comments 10:07 – 10:10 am Residual ptosis and loss of crease definition after ptosis surgery 10:10 – 10:17 am Discussion 10:17 – 10:20 am Juvederm Voluma: Case of Exuberant Volume 10:20 – 10:27 am Discussion 10:27 – 10:57 am Visit with Exhibitors/Refreshment Break Kenneth D. Steinsapir, MD Jules Stein Eye Institute, David Geffen School of Medicine, Beverly Hills, CA Catherine J. Hwang, MD UCLA Stein Eye Institute, Los Angeles, CA Anacapa Ballroom Panel 10:57 – 11:17 am Panel – Complications in Aesthetics: What Comes Our Way and How We Deal John B. Holds, MD, Michael J. Groth, MD, Robert M. Schwarcz, MD, Tanuj Nakra, MD Featured Speaker 11:17 – 11:29 am Vascular Complications of Injectables 11:29 – 11:37 am Discussion Steve Yoelin, MD Scientific Session – continued 12 Program at a Glance Sunday Scientific Session – continued PRACTICE MANAGEMENT/CODING Moderators: M. Reza Vagefi, MD and Andrea L. Kossler, MD 11:37 – 11:45 am Photography for the Oculofacial Surgeon 11:45 – 11:53 am Aspects of Practice Management 11:53 am – 12:01 pm Audit-Proofing Your Charts 12:01 – 12:11 pm OMIC – Informed Consent: What you don’t know can hurt you 12:11 – 12:15 pm Discussion 12:15 pm Adjourn Robert A. Goldberg, MD, FACS Tanuj Nakra, MD Kathleen M. Duerksen, MD, FACS Ron Pelton, MD Gunther Weiss Scientific has been hand-blowing quality glass products for over 50 years. With ongoing surgeon feedback we have aspired to create Lester Jones Tubes that minimize extrusion. Newest to our product line is the improved Double-Ended Jones Tube designed to resist extrusion for the most difficult cases. The internal flange rests comfortably inside the nasal cavity while the draining end retains the shape and functionality of a traditional Jones Tube. They can be customized to any length/diameter. As with all our other tubes, they are comprised solely of biocompatible Pyrex glass, eliminating concerns about tissue reactions from silicone implants. They require no special equipment or techniques. Please visit our booth to learn more 13 Thursday, June 2, 2016 6 – 7:30 pm President’s Welcome Reception (Supported in part by FCI Ophthalmics and MedDev Corporation) Join us at the Pixie Pool at the Ojai Valley Inn to reconnect with friends and colleagues. A Welcome Reception ticket is included in the price of registration for ASOPRS Members and Candidate Members; we invite you to purchase additional tickets for guests. Reception Ticket • Included in Registration for Meeting Attendees (RSVP Required) • Guests: $65 (ages 18 & up) • Complimentary (ages 17 and under) Ticket Price Includes: One drink ticket for adults and light appetizers. SOCIAL EVENTS Saturday, June 4, 2016 6 – 9 pm ASOPRS Annual Banquet & New Member Inductions The Orchard Lawn of the Ojai Valley Inn will be the setting for a relaxing evening with beautiful views of the Topa Topa Mountains. The Banquet is included in the price of registration for Members and Candidate Members; we invite you to purchase additional tickets for guests. Banquet Ticket • Included in Registration for Meeting Attendees (RSVP Required) • Guests: $170 (ages 18+) • $70 (ages 13-17) • $45 (ages 5-12) • Complimentary (ages 4 and under) Ticket Price Includes: One drink ticket for adults and buffet dinner. 14 Exhibitors Advice Media Booth #5 Advice Media is the leader in online digital marketing for medical practices. We offer beautiful websites and proven marketing through SEO, Social Media, Review Management, Paid Search so that we are last company you will need! Representatives: Chad Erickson, Darren Seigel Bausch + Lomb Booth #4 Bausch + Lomb, a Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc. company, is a leading global eye health organization that is solely focused on protecting, enhancing, and restoring people’s eyesight. Our core businesses include ophthalmic pharmaceuticals, contact lenses and lens care products, and ophthalmic surgical devices and instruments. We globally develop, manufacture and market one of the most comprehensive product portfolios in our industry, which are available in more than 100 countries. Representatives: David Myers and Nathan Belcher Ceremed, Inc. Booth #14 Biopor® Porous Polyethylene Implants featuring the unique AOC® Coating that reduces “tissue grab” and minimizes debris in the pores. Ocular Sphere Implants for enucleation and evisceration procedures and Sheets for orbital reconstruction. Representatives: Chelsea Gutierrez, Eric Hohenstein Crystal Clear Digital Marketing Booth #3 Crystal Clear Digital Marketing is committed to helping local medical practices Find, Serve & Keep more patients profitably. Offering a complete Digital Marketing System Crystal Clear does the work of 10 to 12 vendors all in one. From Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Engagement, Websites, Email Marketing, Mobile & Text Marketing, Patient Relationship Management and so much more Crystal Clear does most of the work so local practices don’t have to. Crystal Clear’s founders have served over 3,500 local businesses, built 2 businesses worth over 200 million in enterprise value and have been recognized in the Inc. 500/5000 for the last two years. Representative: Corry Auger Doctor.com Booth #12 Doctor.com is the definitive marketing automation & reputation management platform for medical practices. Services include ProfileSync™, an exclusive service to update practice and provider listings on 8 of the top 10 Healthcare Websites plus 60+ local business sites; the ReviewHub™, a point-of-care laptop computer that captures authentic patient reviews and publishes them to the web’s leading consumer health destinations; and SiteEnhance™, custom web code that transforms existing websites with advanced interactivity and mobile readiness. Representatives: Bryan Edelstein and David Greenberg Ellman, A Cynosure Company Booth #10 Ellman, A Cynosure Company, is committed to providing innovative products that serve the needs of our global customers. Ellman offers a full complement of advanced radiofrequency (RF) and laser products, including the Pellevé® Wrinkle Reduction System, a complete line of aesthetic lasers and pulsed light devices, and the Surgitron® Surgical RF Systems. Our products are used around the world for precision surgical and aesthetic procedures in the Aesthetic, Surgical, Dental and Veterinary fields. Representatives: Ilene Strobing, Karin Paretta FCI Ophthalmics Booth #6 FCI specializes in products for oculoplastic procedures. Featured items on display include the OphtaCath balloon catheter, the Masterka, Mini Monoka, Ritleng, Crawford and other stents & tubes. Also displayed: Bioceramic and silicone Orbital Implants and Ptosis Slings and Strips for frontalis suspension. Representatives: Anne Bohsack, Michele Joyce Gunther Weiss Scientific Glassblowing Co., Inc. Booth #8 Providing hand crafted Lester Jones Tubes for over fifty years. Representatives: Scott Wheeler, Monica Wheeler Integrated Orbital Implants, Inc. (IOI) Booth #9 Bio-eye Hydroxyapatite Orbital Implants Representatives: Clifton Hawley, Vicki Perry continued on next page 15 Exhibitors continued from previous page MedDev Corporation Booth #11 Provider of Gold/Platinum Contour™ and ThinProfile™ (40% reduced thickness) Eyelid Implants, Tantalum Eyelid Sizing Weights, and Blinkeze® External Lid Weights for the nonsurgical treatment of lagophthalmos. Representatives: Suzanne Grey, President, Cid Cadigal, MarCom Specialist/CS Manager Merz North America Booth #7 Merz North America is a specialty healthcare company that is dedicated to delivering a better total experience in aesthetics, dermatology and neurosciences. As part of the Merz Pharma Group, our ambition is to become the most admired, trusted and innovative aesthetics and neurotoxin company. By developing products that improve patients’ health and help them to live better, feel better and look better, we will continue to make significant contributions to the well-being of individuals around the world. Merz North America is a privately-held company based in Raleigh, North Carolina. To learn more about Merz North America, please visit www.merzusa.com. EXHIBITOR HOURS Visit with exhibitors during these designated times: Friday, June 3 6:45 – 8 am 9:50 – 10:20 am Saturday, June 4 6:45 – 8 am 10:13 – 10:43 am Sunday, June 5 6:45 – 8 am 10:27 – 10:57 am Exhibits located in the Anacapa Ballroom 16 Modernizing Medicine Booth #13 Modernizing Medicine is transforming how healthcare information is created, consumed and utilized to increase efficiency and improve outcomes. The Company’s product, Electronic Medical Assistant® (EMA™), is a cloud-based, specialty-specific electronic medical record (EMR) system with a massive library of built-in medical content and coding expertise, designed to save physicians time. Representative: Chris Ledvora Stryker CMF Booths #1 and #2 Stryker is a leading medical technology company and together with our customers, we are driven to make healthcare better. Stryker offers innovative reconstructive, medical, surgical, neurotechnology, spine and robotic arm assisted technologies to help people lead more active, satisfying lives. We are committed to enhancing quality of care, operational effectiveness and patient satisfaction. Representatives: Jason Smith, Zach Grau, Jesse Hernandez, Seth Brusseau, Greg Swords, Todd Johnson Notes 17 ASOPRS Foundation Donors ASOPRS Foundation Gratefully Acknowledges our Year-to-Date Foundation Donors PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE Darlene J. and Richard P. Carroll Family Fund of the Minneapolis Foundation Harvey “Chip” Cole, III, MD Dr. & Mrs. James Christian Fleming Leo Model Foundation c/o Roberta E. Gausas, MD James L. Hargiss, MD Dr. Michael J. and Susie K. Hawes TRUSTEE’S CIRCLE Evan H. Black, MD Kenneth V. Cahill, MD Richard P. Carroll, MD, FACS Darlene Carroll dba Summit Designs Richard K. Dortzbach, MD Jill A. Foster, MD, FACS Scott M. Goldstein, MD Mark A. Alford, MD Richard L. Anderson, MD Edwin C. Augustat, MD Edward H. Bedrossian, Jr., MD Charles K. Beyer-Machule, MD Mark S. Brown, MD George F. Buerger, Jr., MD Dr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Buerger, MD David G. Buerger, MD Keith D. Carter, MD, FACS Susan R. Carter, MD John C. Choi, MD David E. Cowen, MD Philip L. Custer, MD Christopher M. DeBacker, MD Vikram D. Durairaj, MD Gil A. Epstein, MD Douglas P. Felt, MD John P. Fezza, MD & Family Tamara R. Fountain, MD Suzanne K. Freitag, MD 18 Robert & Margaret Kennedy, MD Mark R. Levine, MD William R. Nunery, MD Dr. Arthur J. and Elizabeth A. Schaefer Dr. and Mrs. Orkan G. Stasior Karen Lee Taylor Ralph E. Wesley, MD John L. Wobig, MD BENEFACTORS | $15,000-$19,999 Jerry K. Popham, MD Joe F. Arterberry, MD Kevin A. Beadles, MD Thomas A. Bersani, MD | $20,000+ | $10,000-$14,999 John A. Burns, MD Roger A. Dailey, MD Guy G. Massry, MD Scott Wheeler/Gunther Weiss GOLD PATRON | $5,000-$9,999 SILVER PATRON | $2,500-$4,999 Craig Czyz, DO John B. Holds, MD Albert Hornblass, MD Michael Kazim, MD Stuart and Marilou Seiff, MD David B. Soll, MD Dr. and Mrs. John N. Harrington James Karesh, MD Jemshed A. Khan, MD Man Kim, MD Jan W. Kronish, MD David B. Lyon, MD, FACS Dale R. Meyer, MD BRONZE PATRON Robert A. Goldberg, MD Stacia H. Goldey, MD Jeff B. Goldstein, MD Brian D. Haas, MD Roderick N. Hargrove, MD David E.E. Holck, MD James A. Katowitz, MD William R. Katowitz, MD Femida Kherani, MD Don O. Kikkawa, MD, FACS Elliot Korn, MD Stephen J. Laquis, MD, FACS Simeon A. Lauer, MD Alan M. Lessner, MD Richard D. Lisman, MD Mark J. Lucarelli, MD, FACS Lisa A. Mansueto, MD Mark L. Mazow, MD M. Polly McKinstry, MD Melissa Meldrum-Aaberg, MD Michael and Marianne Migliori James Moses, MD William N. Offutt, IV, MD Arthur C. Perry, MD Bryan Sires - The Sires Family Peter J. Sneed, MD Christopher Stephenson, MD | $1,000-$2,499 Columbus Foundation (CF) - James Moses Christine C. Nelson, MD John D. Ng, MD, FACS Jay J. Older, MD Jane J. Olson, MD George L. Paris, MD Julian D. Perry, MD Karim Punja, MD Allen M. Putterman, MD J. Earl Rathbun, MD Dr. and Mrs. David Reifler Janet L. Roen, MD Paul N. Rosenberg, MD Peter A.D. Rubin, MD, FACS Daniel P. Schaefer, MD Jeremiah P. Tao, MD, FACS Claude Warren, III, MD Michael G. Welsh, MD, FACS Edward J. Wladis, MD Michael T. Yen, MD *Donations to the Foundation are recorded cumulatively and donors are acknowledged at the appropriate level. A complete list of donors is documented above, as of February 2016. ASOPRS Foundation Donors Audrey E. Ahuero, MD Richard C. Allen, MD, PhD, FACS Malena M. Amato, MD Anonymous Kathleen F. Archer, MD Rosalie L. Bair, MD Newell Baker Stephen M. Baker, MD, FRCSC Sterling S. Baker, MD Harold Ballitch, MD Behin Barahimi, MD Barbara Beatty Gerald Behrens Maziar Bidar, MD Brian S. Biesman, MD Sean M. Blaydon, MD Richard Boalbey Fred S. Bodker, MD James & Lynn Boedeker Stephen Bosniak, MD Jim and Joan Bowers Bert Bowden, MD Cynthia A. Boxrud, MD Edwin & Nancy Boyer Vic & Valerie Bricka Wade Brock, MD Jean and Milton Bruce Cat N. Burkat, MD Michael A. Burnstine, MD Conley B. Call, MD Jorge Camara, MD Tim P. Carey, MD John S. Chang, Jr., MD Karen L. Chapman, MD Imtiaz A. Chaudhry, MD, PhD, FACS Steven Chen, MD, FACS Raul & Mary Lou Chipongian Catherine E. Cuite, MD Daniel L. Dale, MD Brett Davies, MD John & Arlene Dayton Robert C. Della Rocca, MD Sheri L. Demartelaere, MD James B. Dickson, MD, FACS Angela M. Dolmetsch, MD Steven C. Dresner, MD Kathleen M. Duerksen, MD, FACS Jonathan J. Dutton, MD, PhD Jeffrey P. Edelstein, MD John Eggleston Ken Elkins Timothy Engelbrecht Todd B. Engen, MD Yoash R. Enzer, MD George K. Escaravage, MD Bita Esmaeli, MD, FACS Robert G. Fante, MD, FACS Aaron Fay, MD Kenneth A. Feldman, MD FRIEND Patrick M. Flaharty, MD Ian C. Francis, MD L. Neal & Shelley Freeman Bartley R. Frueh, MD Barry R. Fuller, MD Lauren Z. Gavaris, MD Paul T. Gavaris, MD GI Department Sunshine Club James W. Gigantelli, MD Geoffrey J. Gladstone, MD Kelly Graham Robert Graham Gregory J. Griepentrog, MD Kurt W.L. Guelzow, MD Pierre Guibor, MD Barrett G. Haik, MD, FACS M. Marsha Hall & Edward Warren Lawrence F. Handler, MD Thomas Hanley Elizabeth Hansen Gerald J. Harris, MD, FACS Matheson A. Harris, MD Andrew R. Harrison, MD Adam S. Hassan, MD Carol M. Hawks Grant W. Heinz, MD Mark Heffernan Robert H. Hill, MD Marc J. Hirschbein, MD, FACS Holland, Johns, Schwartz & Penny, L.L.P. Kelly Holley Don A. Hollsten, MD Ken Hughes & Associates Susan M. Hughes, MD Alfred & Regina Humphrey Julie, Ken & Morgan Husa Edsel B. Ing, MD, FRCSC Bud and Marian Itzen Srinivas Iyengar, MD Verdi Johnson David F. Jones, MD Mary Jotte Alon Kahana, MD Kelly Kaiser Sara A. Kaltreider, MD Kevin Kalwerisky, MD Mitesh Kapadia, MD, PhD Sajeev S. Kathuria, MD Do-You Kim, MD Randi Klein Kim Klippenstein, MD Bobby S. Korn, MD, PhD William Kremer Gazette Publishing Company Debra M. Kroll, MD Thomas M. Kropp, MD Katherine A. Lane, MD David C. Larned, MD | UNDER $1,000 H.B. Harold Lee, MD Sang Yeul Lee, MD Daniel R. Lefebvre, MD Gary J. Lelli, MD Bradley N. Lemke, MD Peter S. Levin and Lisa Voge-Levin Family Fund Ilya L. Leyngold, MD Boaz J. Lissauer, MD Mikel W. Lo, MD Joanne E. Low, MD Jonathan C. Lowry, MD Drew & Karen Luning Cari E. Lyle, MD William & Stephanie Mack, MD Jason Malecka Geva E. Mannor, MD Ronald T. Martin, MD, FACS Douglas P. Marx, MD Thomas R. Mather, MD Louise A. Mawn, MD Mayo Clinic Dept of Ophthalmology Fund Robert A. Mazzoli, MD Rodney W. McCarthy, MD Clinton D. McCord, Jr., MD McInnis Elementary School Jill Melicher-Larson, MD Murray A. Meltzer, MD Frank and June Moore Carrie L. Morris, MD W. John Murrell, MD Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Naugle Jr. D.S & J.L Nelms Eric R. Nelson, MD Jeffrey A. Nerad, MD Nethery Eye Associates Jean & Paul Newton David Noonan Alan E. Oester, Jr., MD James Oestreicher, MD Older & Slonim Eyelid Institute Ophthalmology Partners Francis A. Papay, MD Sarit M. Patel, MD, MBA Ronald W. Pelton, MD Robert B. Penne, MD Randal T.H. Pham, MD, FACS Margaret E. Phillips, MD Kenneth Piest, MD Sara Plazola, MD Jeffrey C. Popp, MD James P. Pressly, MD Paul Proffer, MD Eric P. Purdy, MD Christopher & Sarah Rall Nicholas T. Ranson, MD Kai & Baerbel Rehder David J. Remigio, MD Charles D. Rice, MD Michael J. Richard, MD Philip R. Rizzuto, MD, FACS Rand Rodgers, MD Rene S. Rodriguez-Sains, MD Carl E. Rosen, MD Peter J. Sakol, MD Donna and Jim Savage David Savar, MD Caron Scanlan Jeffrey Schiller, MD David R. Segrest, MD Bryan D. Seiff, MD Thomas & Patricia Sell Roberta D. Sengelmann Karen and Jerry Shasserre Debra J. Shetlar, MD John W. Shore, MD Erin M. Shriver, MD Scott Sigler, MD Rona Silkiss, MD Jennifer A. Sivak-Callcott, MD Robert G. Small, MD Jason Smith Russ and Joanne Smith Alice Song, MD Thomas C. Spoor, MD George O. Stasior, MD, FACS Eric A. Steele, MD Charles M. Stephenson Scot A. Sullivan, MD Mary Sutula Myron Tanenbaum, MD Manoj M. Thakker, MD Nicole Timlin Daniel J. Townsend, MD Nancy A. Tucker, MD M. Reza Vagefi, MD Deborah Valore Douglas J. Van Putten, MD Pablo E. Vanegas Plata, MD Kenneth P. Vestal, MD Valerie L. Vick, MD Becky Walter Kimberly Walter Boyer William L. Walter, MD Ronald E. Warwar, MD Gary S. Weinstein, MD Timothy S. Wells, MD Matthew W. Wilson, MD Bryan J. Winn, MD David L. Wirta, MD Julie A. Woodward, MD John L. Woog, MD Allan E. Wulc, MD, FACS Hiroo Yabe, MD John G. Yassin, MD Matthew Zweig Orin M. Zwick, MD 19 47TH ANNUAL FALL SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM October 13-14, 2016 Palmer House Hilton | Chicago, IL Photo: City of Chicago ASOPRS 2017 SPRING SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM June 22-25, 2017 Fairmount Waterfront | Vancouver, BC, Canada Photo: Tourism Vancouver / Albert Normandin
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