Final Program


Final Program
Committee and Organizers
Committee of ESOPRS
Past President
Rolf Guthoff
Brigita Drnovsek
Michèle Beaconsfield
Christoph Hintschich
2008, 2012
2006, 2010
United Kingdom
Thierry Malet
Hans-W. Meyer-Rüsenberg
Dario Surace
Vladimir Thaller
Haraldur Sigurdsson
Marlis Zuercher
Dion Paridaens
2006, 2010
2008, 2012
2006, 2010
2008, 2012
Local Organizing Committee
Olga Lukáts
Zsuzsanna Antus
Scientific Commitee
Lelio Baldeschi
Haraldur Sigurðsson
Mihail Kataev
Dion Paridaens
Leonard Holbach
Bijan Beigi
Organizing Secretariat
AIM Group International Budapest Office –AIM Group Hungary Kft., Balassi
Bálint str. 7., H-1055 Budapest
Phone: +36 1 266-2943, 266-2944, Fax +36 1 266-2946
Welcome to ESOPRS Meeting
Dear ESOPRS Members and Colleagues,
On behalf of the ESOPRS committee, you are warmly invited to join the 33rd
annual meeting of the European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery (ESOPRS) in Budapest, Hungary from 11-13 September
The Pre-Meeting course will be held on Thursday, 11 September, and will have
a special emphasis on update in several fields of Ophthalmic Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery. The course will take place in the same venue of the
On Friday, 12 September, and Saturday, 13 September the Annual ESOPRS
Meeting will also take place in the large conference room at Hotel Kempinski
We cordially invite you to Budapest and to the 33rd ESOPRS Meeting,
Best wishes
Dr. Olga Lukats
Main Local Organizer
Dr. Zsuzsanna Antus
Local Organizer
Table of contents
The Venue of ESOPRS ............................................................................. - 5 General Information .................................................................................. - 6 For Speakers and Poster Authors ........................................................... - 8 Oral Presentation .......................................................................................... - 8 Rapid Fire Presentation ................................................................................ - 9 Poster Presentation ...................................................................................... - 9 Video Presentation ........................................................................................ - 9 -
Sponsors ................................................................................................. - 10 Mustarde Lecture .................................................................................... - 11 Mustarde Speaker: Mehmet Unal ................................................................ - 11 -
Invited Speakers ..................................................................................... - 12 Invited Speaker: Eric Arnaud ....................................................................... - 12 Invited Speaker: Ioannis Ntountas ............................................................... - 13 Invited Speaker: Richard Collin ................................................................... - 14 Invited Speaker: Serge Morax ..................................................................... - 15 -
Final Program ......................................................................................... - 16 Pre-Meeting Course, Thursday, 11 September 2014................................... - 16 Annual Meeting, Friday, 12 September 2014 .............................................. - 18 Annual Meeting, Saturday, 13 September 2014 .......................................... - 23 -
Posters .................................................................................................... - 26 Aesthetic ..................................................................................................... - 26 Eyelid .......................................................................................................... - 26 Lacrimal ...................................................................................................... - 29 Miscellaneous ............................................................................................. - 31 Orbit ............................................................................................................ - 32 Socket......................................................................................................... - 36 Video .......................................................................................................... - 36 -
Social Program ....................................................................................... - 37 Welcome Reception – Europa Boat ............................................................ - 37 Gala Dinner – Záborszki Cellar – Wine and Music ...................................... - 37 -
General Information about Budapest .................................................... - 38 Sights of Interest .................................................................................... - 39 Restaurants ............................................................................................. - 41 -
The Venue of ESOPRS
Pre-meeting Course & Annual meeting
Speakers Preview
General Information
General Secretariat
AIM Group International Budapest Office
Balassi Bálint utca 7., H-1055 Budapest, Hungary
Tel. (36) 1 266-2944
Fax. (36) 1 266-2946
Congress Language
The congress language is English.
Meeting Website
Meeting Venue
Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest
Erzsébet tér 7-8.
1051 Budapest, Hungary
Telephone: +36 1 429 3777
Opening hours of the registration desk
Thursday, 11 September, 7:00 – 18:30
Friday, 12 September, 7:30 – 17:30
Saturday, 13 September, 8:00 – 12:00
Opening hours of the Speakers Preview room
Wednesday, 10 September, 15:00 – 19:00
Thursday, 11 September, 7:00 – 18:30
Friday, 12 September, 7:30 – 17:30
Saturday, 13 September, 7:30 - 13:00
Each participant will receive a name badge upon registration.
Please note that the badge is necessary to participate in the lectures and the
Welcome Reception.
The Pre-Meeting Course registration fee includes:
 Participation in all lectures on September 11, 2014
 Coffee breaks and lunch
The Scientific Meeting registration fee includes:
 Participation in all lectures and access to the poster and exhibition area on
September 12-13, 2014
 Conference bag with program and abstract book
 Admission to the Welcome Reception on September 11, 2014
 Coffee breaks and lunches on September 12, 13 2014
The conference organizers can provide certification on request, please request
it at the registration desk.
The congress organizer will bear no liability for loss, accident, damage or injury
to persons or property irrespective of the cause.
The clients participate at all sessions, tours and events at their own risk. Sole
place of jurisdiction is Budapest, Hungary. Hungarian law is applicable.
Force Majeure
- Unexpected cancellation of the event
AIM Group Hungary organizes the ESOPRS 2014 on behalf of the organizing
society. AIM Group Hungary reserves itself the right to cancel without notice or
compensation the ESOPRS 2014 in the event of force majeure cases (for
example, but not limited to acts of nature such as fire, earthquake, hurricane,
flood or terrorist attacks). In such cases, AIM GROUP HUNGARY is freed of all
Limitation of liability of AIM Group Hungary: In the event of it being impossible
for AIM Group Hungary to carry out the ESOPRS 2014 for force majeure cases,
so long as this arises from a cause not attributable to AIM Group Hungary, AIM
Group Hungary shall only be obliged to reimburse the payments received subject
to deduction of any costs it has incurred in preparing the event. This liability only
extends to the payments made directly to AIM Group Hungary and not to
payments made by the attendees to the hotel or airlines.
For Speakers and Poster Authors
Oral Presentation
Notification of acceptance and the presentation form and its time and date was
indicated in the confirmation e-mail.
The length of an oral presentation is max. 7 min., there will be time for discussion
at the end of each session!
Please keep in mind, that it is not possible to use the own laptop! Data projection
will be provided.
At the congress venue - Kempinski Hotel Corvinus - the Speakers Preview room
Boardroom is offered to all speakers as Preview room to check their presentation
with qualified audiovisual technician. The opening hours of the Preview room are
on page 6.To ensure a smooth running program, speakers are asked to check
and submit their presentation in Speakers Preview room at least 2 hours prior to
the start of their session.
Presenters should plan to be in the meeting room at least 10 minutes before the
start of the session.
All presentations must be submitted in Windows compatible PowerPoint files on
PC-readable CDs, DVDs, external disk drives, USB sticks or memory sticks at
the Preview room.
Please note that projection requires all the presentations to be prepared in 4:3
format (1024 x 768). To avoid certain incompatibilities between PowerPoint for
Mac and PowerPoint for Windows only images in JPG- or BMP-format should be
used in their presentation.
If fonts are used in a presentation that are not available in Windows or
PowerPoint, the varying fonts must be included in the presentation or enclosed
as separate files for installation. Please note that PowerPoint never integrates
video files into a presentation but rather only links the videos to it. Therefore
every video that is to be shown, has to be available on your data medium as a
separate file. To make sure that all the videos used in a presentation are copied
from your PC to your data medium you may use PowerPoint’s “packaging for
CDs”/“pack and go” feature. If you are planning to show a video during your
lecture we recommend you to save your video file in one of the following video
formats: MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, Windows Media Video (WMV) or
Xvid/DivX (AVI). If other compression formats are used, the respective codecs
must be enclosed.
Rapid Fire Presentation
The length of a rapid fire presentation is max. 3 min., no discussion will be
A maximum of 4 PowerPoint slides is allowed per presentation.
(Please also read the technical information for oral presentations.)
Poster Presentation
Poster size must be max 90 cm width x 150 cm height.
Each poster has been given a number and should be fixed on the board marked
with the same number. Please check the number of your poster directly on-site.
Material to affix poster will be provided (it is not possible to fix the poster another
The poster set-up will be possible from Friday September 12, 7:30, dismantling
after the scientific program.
The poster exhibition is open to all participants during the conference hours.
The poster has to be provided by the presenters. There is no word limit.
Video Presentation
The length of a video presentation is max. 7 min.
Videos will be shown in the poster area during the conference hours.
Please submit your video presentation in the Preview room. Opening hours on
page 6.
GOLD sponsor & exhibitor:
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Mustarde Lecture
Mustarde Speaker: Mehmet Unal
Background and Experience
 1982 Accreditation in Ophthalmology, University of Ankara
 1989 Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, University of
 1991 Founded Oculoplastic and Orbita Unit, Gazi University,
Dept of Ophthalmology, Ankara
 1991-1998 Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, Gazi
University, Dept. of Ophthalmology, Ankara
 1998-2010 Professor of Ophthalmology, Gazi University, Dept. of Ophthalmology,
 2010 – to date Professor of Ophthalmology, Dunya Goz Eye Hospital, Ankara
 2011-2012 Served as the President of Oculoplastic Committee of Turkish
Ophthalmological Society
Membership to National and International Medical Societies
 Turkish Ophthalmological Society
 European Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
 American Academy of Ophthalmology
National and International Awards
1. Her yıl Sevgi Hastanesi tarafından verilen Dr. Hatice Özcanlı Tıbbi Görüntüleme
ve Girişimsel Radyoloji Ödülü – 1996 yılında "Transluminal Balloon Dilatation of
the Lacrimal Drainage System for the Treatment of Epiphora" isimli makale için
2. The Scientific Exhibition Committee of European Congress of Radiology (ECR 95)
Ödülü - Viyana Mart 1995 - "Treatment of recurrent nasolacrimal duct obstructions
with balloon expandable metallic stents" isimli tebliğ için verilmiştir.
3. Ünal M, Konuk O, Atasever T, Ayvaz G, Yetkin İ, Çakır N, Egehan İ,
Hasanreisoğlu B. Orbital Gallium scintigraphy. A useful method to evaluate
disease activity in Graves’ ophthalmopathy. 23rd Congress of Endocrinology and
Metabolic Diseases of Turkey Joint meeting with the European Federation of
Endocrine Societies. Abstract Book, Ankara, Turkey, September 2000.
4. Balloon dacryocystoplasty in the treatment of epiphora: Long term results. Ilgıt
ET, Önal B, Konuk O, Ünal M. 32nd Society of interventional radiology annual
meeting. En iyi poster ödülü. Washington 2007.
5. Konuk O, Hondur A, Akyürek N, Ünal M. Graves oftalmopatide orbita fibröadipöz
dokuda apoptozis. İmmünhistokimyasal ve elektron mikroskopik çalışma. 38.
Ulusal Oftalmoloji Kongresi Ödülü. Özet Kitabı Sy. 88, Antalya 2004.
- 11 -
Invited Speakers
Invited Speaker: Eric Arnaud
Born: February 11, 1962
Address: 34 avenue d’Eylau 75116 PARIS
Phone: (33)1-53578765
Fax: (33)1-53578766
Diplomas and Boards
 1980: Valdictorian PCEMI Entrance Exam (PitiéSalpétrière Faculty, Paris)
 1985: Residency Exam of Paris’ Public Hospitals
(Internat des Hôpitaux de Paris)
1990: Master’s Degree in Sciences of Human Biology, Elective in Anatomy
(Pitié-Salpétrière Hospital, Paris):
C1: General Anatomy and Embryology
C2: Cervicofacial anatomy
1991: Certificate of Microsurgical Techniques (Paris I University)
1992: Thesis in Medicine (Valdictorian of the Pitié-Salpétrière Faculty)
1992: American Medical School Equivalence: FMGEMS (basic, clinical and
English parts of the Foreign Medical General Examination for Medical Studies)
1992: Research Fellowship (DEA) of Surgical Science
Elective in Surgical Neurosciences (Cochin-Port-Royal Faculty)
1994: Certification of Diploma of Superior Studies in General Surgery (DES)
1995: Certification of Diploma of Superior Studies in Plastic Surgery (DESC)
1998: Board certification of the European Board of Plastic Surgery (EBOPRAS)
Hospital Positions
 1996-98 « Chef de Clinique » Staff Member – Plastic Surgery Unit, Saint-Louis
Hospital, Paris (Head of Department: Pr. Servant)
 1998-01: Plastic Surgery Consultant at Saint-Louis Hospital, Paris
 1998-05: Craniofacial Consultant in Pediatric Craniofacial Unit Hospital
Necker, Paris, France
 2006-2011: Co-Director of Craniofacial Pediatric Craniofacial Unit Hospital
Necker, Paris, France
 Since 2011: Director of Craniofacial Pediatric Craniofacial Unit Hospital
Necker, Paris, France
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Invited Speaker: Ioannis Ntountas
Diploma of Medicine: 1985, University of Milan, Italy
Title of specialty in Ophthalmology: 1993, General
Government Hospital of Athens, GR
 Registrat in Ophthalmology: 1994, Eye Clinic West
Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust, East Anglia, UK
 Fellowship
Reconstructive Surgery: 1995, Eye Clinic “Queens
Nottingham, UK
 Fellowship in Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: 1996 – 1997,
“Moran Eye Center” Utah University, Salt Lake City, USA
 Training in Ophthalmic Oncology: 1998 – 1999, Eye Clinic, “Saint Savvas
Anticancer Hospital”, Athens GR
 Associate in Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: 1999 – 2003,
Eye Clinic, “Saint Savvas Anticancer Hospital”, Athens GR
 Faculty of European Board of Ophthalmology (FEBO): 2003
 Master in Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery (Chirurgia Oftalmoplastica): 2007,
Orbital Unit, Eye Clinic, University of Naples, Italy
 Doctorate: 2012, University of Athens
 Expertise in Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of eyelids,
lacrimal system and orbit, Cosmetic Surgery invasive and non-invasive
(plexr, fillers, botox).
Current Position
 Consultant: Orbital Unit, 1st Eye Clinic, Medical School, University of Athens
 Consultant: Eye Clinic, Medical School, University of Ioannina (GR)
 Head of Oculoplastic Unit, Eye Clinic, General Clinic of Thessaloniki
“Euromedica”, Thessaloniki (GR)
 Ophthalmology Department of “Hygeia Hospital”
 Private Practice
Membership in Scientific Societies
 Hellenic Ophthalmological Society (Past Vice-President of Committee)
 Hellenic Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Past
President of Committee)
 European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
(Member of Committee for 6 years)
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Invited Speaker: Richard Collin
Richard Collin is a Professor of Ophthalmology at UCL, Senior
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon to Moorfields Eye Hospital
and holds an Honorary Consultant appointment to the Hospital
for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street. He trained as a
medical student at Cambridge University and Westminster
Hospital, did his Ophthalmic training mainly at Moorfields and
his plastic surgery training at East Grinstead and with Jack
Mustarde in Glasgow. His Ophthalmic plastic surgery training
was with Crowell Beard at University California, San Francisco before he
returned to Moorfields to start the lid branch of the Ocularplastic service there
where he currently still works.
He was the founding secretary and subsequently president of ESOPRS, the
founding president of BOPSS and was the representative for ocularplastics to
the International Council of Ophthalmology for eight years. He has published
three texts books of Ocularplastics, two of which have had three separate
editions and has written over 200 peer reviewed papers. His main interest is lid
surgery in children and adults.
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Invited Speaker: Serge Morax
Honorary Chief Oculoplastic surgery Department,
Foundation Ophthalmic A. de Rothschild, Paris, France
Titles and Hospital Functions:
Medical studies at Saint-Antoine’s University (Paris)
Paris Hospitals: internship – from 1967 to 1970- Chu
Paris Hospitals: residency from 1970 to 1976
Paris Hospitals: assistant-professor from 1976 to 1982
Chief of die Department of Ophthalmology and Oculo-plastic Surgery at the
Foundation Ophthalmic A. de Rothschild since January 1st 1983
In charge of the Department of Ophthalmology of the Ophthalmic Foundation
A. de Rothschild since 1994
Vice-President of the Medical Commission of the Ophthalmic Foundation A. de
Rothschild since 1996
President of the Medical Commission of the Ophthalmic Foundation A. de
Rothschild since 2002.
Scientific Societies
 Member of the Ophthalmic Society of Paris
 Member of the French Society of Ophthalmology
 Member of the Administration Counsil of the French Society of Ophthalmology
since 1997
 Vice-President of the French Society of Ophthalmology since May 2002.
 Active Member of the Society of Maxillo-facial Surgery
 Member of the Society of Paul Tessier
 Active Member of the French Society of Reconstructive Plastic and Esthetic
 Founding Member of the European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery (1981)
 President of the European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive
Surgery (1997-1998)
 President of the French Society of Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
 Member of Orbital Society
 International Member of American Ophthalmology Society
 Honorary Member of the Canadian Society of Oculoplastic Surgery
 Honorary Member of the Jordan Society of Ophthalmology. 2000
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Final Program
Pre-Meeting Course, Thursday, 11 September 2014
08.30 – 08.35
Welcome and opening
08.35 – 09.05
Clinical diagnosis and treatment of orbital disorders (tumor and
Geoffrey Rose
09.05 – 09.30
Orbital imaging (Clinician concern)
Maher Assem
09.30 – 09.55
Thyroid orbitopthy diagnosis and management
David H. Verity
09.55 – 10.20
10.20 – 10.45
Coffee break
Eyelid tumors clinical features and differential diagnosis
Bita Esmaeli
10.45 – 11.10
Eyelid reconstruction after tumor removal
Brigita Drnovsek
11.10 – 11.35
Non-surgical eyelid tumor treatment
Michele Beaconsfield (given by David H. Verity)
11.35 – 12.00
The diversity of epithelial tumors of the eyelids
Jeannette Tóth
12.00 – 12.25
Diagnosis, treatment and complications of ptosis surgery
Raman Malhotra
12.25 – 12.45
Management of Facial palsy patients from the oculoplastic
point of view
Ulrich Schaudig
12.45 – 13.30
13.30 - 13.50
Management of congenital orbital disorders (anophthalmus,
Rudolf F. Guthoff
13.50 – 14.15
Rehabilitative measures after enucleation
Christoph Hintschich
14.15 – 14.35
Diagnosis and treatment of postenucleation socket syndrome
Vladimir Thaller
14.35 – 15.00
Clinical diagnosis and treatment of lacrimal disorders
Karl Heinz Emmerich
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15.00 – 15.25
DCR, CDCR challenges and solution of diagnosis and surgical
Jane Olver
15.25 – 15.50
15.50 – 16.10
Coffee break
Upper eyelid blepharoplasty
Gusztav Gulyás
16.10 – 16.30
Lower eyelid blepharoplasty and mid face lifting
Joshi Naresh
16.30 – 16.50
Brow lift indications and management
Anthony Tyers
16.50 – 17.20
Welcome Reception on the Europa Boat
More info at page 37.
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Annual Meeting, Friday, 12 September 2014
Welcome and opening
Prof. Ágoston Szél, rector of Semmelweis University, Budapest
Prof. Zoltán Zsolt Nagy, director of Dep. Ophthalmology of Semmelweis
University, Budapest
Prof. János Németh, former director of Dept. Ophthalmology of Semmelweis
University, Budapest
Prof. Rudolf F. Guthoff, president of ESOPRS
Invited Speaker
Serge Morax: The injured eyelid and lacrimal system
Chaired by Dario Surace & Marlis Zürcher
Lower lid retraction in thyroid orbitopathy: lamellar shortening or
M. Rajabi, H. Jafari, M. Mazloumi, S. Ziaeddin Tbatabaie, M. Bagher Rajabi,
R. A. Goldberg
Lower eyelid excursion: a functional and cosmetically relevant
parameter in the treatment of lower eyelid retraction
B. Beigi, M. Khandwala, D. Gupta
Oral azithromycin versus doxycycline in meibomian gland
dysfunction a randomized double masked open label clinical trial
M. Kashkouli, A. Fazel, V. Kiavash, M. Nojomi, L. Ghiasian
Sensory inhibition in periocular facial dystonias
D. Hersh, T. Salam, S. Ortiz-Perez, C. Kilduff, J. Uddin, DG Ezra
Platinum segments: a new option for adjustable upper eyelid
C. Poitelea, K. Ziahosseini, A. Litwin, S. Sagili
Long term results of midface lift in inferior eyelid reconstruction
due to facial palsy
O. Balaguer Solé, L. M. Vásquez, R. Medel Jiménez
Transnasal canthopexy in blepharophimosis syndrome: original
surgical technic and material
N. Ben Rayana Chekir, F. Touzani, L. Knani, W. Ben Hadj Salah, F. Ben Hadj
Posterior medial canthal thermoplasty outcomes
V. Thaller
Plastic microsurgical approach in botulinum toxin therapy
resistant blepharospasm cases
M. Vegh
- 18 -
Periocular necrotising fasciitis - UK incidence, characteristics,
management and prognosis
P. Cauchi, P. Flavahan, S. Drummond, M. Gregory, B. Foot
Acellular dermal matrix-supported modified tenzel flap for
reconstruction of large lower eyelid defects
P. Mettu, A. Munro, P. Gandhi
Transillumination is an efficient, straightforward, and costeffective method to locate periocular metallic foreign bodies
R. Allen, M. Baker, M. Estrada, E. Shriver
Coffee break
Chaired by Brigita Drnovsek & Dion Paridaens
Oral clonidine premedication in patients
dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR): a pioneer study
A. Murugesan, U. Kim, A. Ravichandar, D. Heber
Survey of current trends in dacryocystorhinostomy in the United
T. Kwong, M. Wearne
Comparison of silicone stent intubation in transcanalicular laser
assisted dacryocystorhinostomy
M. Beltram, B. Drnovsek, G. Hawlina
Types of lacrimal passage obstruction: a new classification using
T. Suzuki
Radiological comparison of the lacrimal sac fossa and intranasal
anatomy between black africans and caucasians
S. Gore, H. Naveed, J. Hamilton, I. Davagnanam, G. Rose, C. Rene
Success rates of endoscopic-assisted probing for congenital
nasolacrimal duct obstruction
Y. Ozkan Arat, M. Aksoy, E. Aydin, S. Oto
Canaliculodacryocystotomy - a possible surgical procedure for
canalicular repair?
E. von Lovenberg
Conjunctival melanoma- a retrospective clinicopathologic study
of 80 patients
L. Holbach, A. Berta, R. Meiller, F. E. Kruse
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Iris melanomas: the Glasgow experience of the use of ruthenium
plaque therapy
U. Agraval, P. Cauchi, E. Kemp, V. Chadha
An audit of periocular basal cell carcinoma in greater Glasgow
and Clyde, Scotland, United Kingdom.
C. Williamson, W. G. Dunn, F. Roberts, P. Cauchi
Slit-lamp exophthalmometry, a novel technique
A. Nemet, Y. Almog, E. Rosen, A. Y. Nemet
13:30- 14:00
Mustarde lecture
Mehmet Unal: Recent advances in socket surgery
Invited speaker
Yiannis Ntountas: Silent sinus syndrome
Chaired by Anthony Tyers & Mihály Végh
Eyelid basal cell carcinomas: potential new treatment role for
anti-vascular endothelial growth factor
C. Law, A. Minuk, I. Irrcher, J. Farmer, V. Kratky
Targeting the hedgehog pathway in patients with periorbital
locally advanced basal cell carcinoma or basal cell nevus
B. Esmaeli, V. Yin, E. Chou, W. William, M. Kies, M. Migden
Epidemiology and prognosis of primary periocular sweat-gland
V. Yin, M. Baker, D. Ivan, E. Shriver, B. Esmaeli
The outcomes of microsurgical treatment of eyelid melanocytic
nevi: does limited excision lead to recurrences?
A. Yarovoy, A. Shatskikh, E. Bulgakova, O. Golubeva, O. Krivovyaz
Systemic therapy of advanced basal cell carcinoma (BCC)
A. Scheuerle, E. Ellert, G. Auffarth
The “bucket-handle” lash line transposition – a novel surgical
technique for correction of intractable trichiasis
J. Roos, D. Pharoah, B. Beigi
Outcome of anterior lamellar reposition in treating trachomatous
R. Ahmed, S. Hassan
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Mechanical properties of synthetic brow-suspension materials
K. Kwon, R. J. Shipley, M. Edirisinghe, A. W. Rayment, S. M. Best, R. E.
Cameron, G. E. Rose, D. G. Ezra
The post-aponeurotic fat pad
R. Malhotra, V. Mahadevan, B. Leatherbarrow, B. Barrett
Is hering’s law as important in congenital blepharoptosis as in
acquired ptosis?
A. Y. Nemet
Ptosis surgical geometry comparative study: Fox pentagon vs.
Crawford triangles
K. Kwon, R. J. Shipley, M. Edirisinghe, A. W. Rayment, S. M. Best, R. E.
Cameron, G. E. Rose, D. G. Ezra
Minor ptosis repair is effective in myasthenia gravis
M. Belliveau, J. Oestreicher
Coffee break
Chaired by Rudolf F. Guthoff & Hans W. Meyer
Dermis fat graft in children as primary and secondary orbital
F. Quaranta-Leoni, S. Sposato, A. Modugno, C. Moretti
Chronic anophthalmic socket pain treated by implant removal
and dermis fat graft
P. Shams, M. Baker, E. Dafgård Kopp, E. Bohman, R. Allen
Radiological findings after dermis fat-graft in congenital
A. Modugno, G. Savino, A. Giordano Resti
Effect of allogeneic platelet lysate on the fibrovascularization of
porous polyethylene (medpor) implants glued with cyanoacrylate
tissue glue
S. Ozturk, C. Sahin, A. Tas, T. Muftuoglu, H. Karagoz, F. Zor
Late complications related to hydroxyapatite orbital implants: a
review of 542 cases
G. Hawlina, M. Beltram, B. Drnovsek Olup
Simultaneous sphere & hemisphere insertion of hydrogel socket
expanders in congenital clinical anophthalmia
H. Tawfik, M. Abdulhafez
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The role of the myofibroblast revisited in acquired socket
H. Tawfik, Y. Fouad, W. Ossman, H. Rashed, M. Abdulhafez, S. Abdelrahman
Deepening the inferior conjunctival fornix using fascia lata in
contracted socket and anophthalmic socket syndrome
M. Ibrahiem, S. Abdelaziz
The quantitated internal suture browpexy
R. Allen, A. Barikian, P. Shams, M. Baker
Necessity and techniques for lateral canthopexy in lower lid
blepharoplasty patients
M. Keserü, B. große Darrelmann, S. Green
General Annual Meeting for full members
Gala Dinner
More info on page 37.
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Annual Meeting, Saturday, 13 September 2014
Junior Award
Invited speaker
Richard Collin: Clinical diagnosis and management of congenital
eyelid disorders
Chaired by Francesco Quaranta- Leoni & Maarten
Longer lashes, red eyes: the painful pursuit of beauty
F. Mellington, Y. Ghosh
Upper eyelid skin contracture in facial paralysis
K. Ziahosseini, V. Venables, CH. Nduka, R. Malhotra
Periocular dark circles, an all-time problem
M. Houri
Frontalis suspension with silicone rod using two-point brow
incisions in blepharoptosis patients
H-C. Kim, H-J. Kwon, H. Lew
Botulinum toxin injection for the treatment of epiphora in lacrimal
outflow obstruction
K. Ziahosseini, Z. Al-Abbadi, R. Malhotra
The use of remifentanyl as a single agent in sedation for
oculoplastic surgeries
K. Chan, A. Kovacova, E. Clark, A. McCormick
Ethmoid air cell schwannoma presented as fronto-ethmoidal
V. Joganathan, D. Gupta, V. Liolios, R. Bassily, D. Wallace, B. Beigi, P.
Coffee break
Chaired by Christoph Hintschich & Ronald de Keizer jr.
Endovascular coiling of an unusual intraorbital arteriovenous
E. Rødahl, J. Lind, J. Kråkenes
Was it the proper decision for management of this vascular
M. Assem, A. Samy, H. Khattab
Safe orbital surgery without prophylactic oral antibiotics
R. de Keizer, G. Kozdras, R. Wubbels, W. vd Bosch, D. Paridaens
- 23 -
Diagnostic & prognostic significance of diffusion weighted
imaging (DWI) in orbital lesions
N. Raichura, B. Mukherjee, V. Noronha
Patient expectations of orbital decompression surgery for thyroid
eye disease (TED): are they being met?
S. Wickwar, H. McBain, G. E. Rose, S. Hirani, S. P. Newman, D. G. Ezra
Long term follow-up of patients with thyroid eye disease treated
with endoscopic orbital decompression
H. Ueland, S. Gulati, O. Haugen, A. Danielsen, E. Rødahl
Rethinking graves orbitopathy: a stem cell disease?
D. Ezra, K. Kozdon, C. Fitchett, G. Rose, M. Bailly
Active versus inactive thyroid eye disease: comparison in ocular
surface profile
F. Pakdel, B. Parsa, M. B. Kashkouli, A. Jazayeri, N. Pirmarzdashty, M. E.
Khamseh, A. Kassaei
Lateral canthal position following lateral orbitotomy and the
influence of ocular proptosis
P. Shams, M. Baker, R. Allen
Orbital and ocular considerations in patients with tessier 3 and 4
S. Richardson, P. Pellerin
Median forehead flap for reconstruction following exenteration of
the orbit
É. Remenár, K. Korányi, G. Gulyás, M. Kásler
Enlargement of the contracted anophthalmic socket by Csapody
T. Tönköl, P. Vámosi
Invited speaker
Eric Arnaud: Craniofacial
developmental orbital disorders
Chaired by Geoffrey Rose & Katalin Korányi
Outcomes of invasive fungal infection of the sinus and orbit
M. Yoon, D. Trief, S. Gray, M. Durand, F. Jakobiec
Non exenteration management of sino-orbital fungal disease
B. O'Donnell, D. Athavale, R. Jones, M. Forer, N. Biggs
- 24 -
A retrospective review of bisphosphonate-induced orbital
S. Freitag, D. Lefebvre, J. Mandeville, Y. Yonekawa, J. Arroyo, N. Torun
Mucocele of the orbit with acute severe visual loss
S-L. Peng, P. Archambault, B. Arthurs
Inverted plaque radiotherapy in malignant orbital tumors: a case
T. Leivo, J. Heikkonen, T. Kivelä
Worldwide enucleation techniques and materials for treatment of
retinoblastoma – an international survey
D. Mourits, D. Hartong, M. Bosscha, R. Kloos, A. Moll
Molecular genetic characteristics of melanocytic tumors of the
orbit-establishing adequate therapeutic strategies in the
treatment of orbital melanomas
UH. Grenzebach, M. Böhm, A. Tsianakas, M. Schiller, T. Spieker, H. Busse,
N. Eter
Unwrapped hydroxyapetite orbital implants: our experience
F. Shams, L. Jawaheer, E. Kemp, P. Cauchi, V. Chadha
Delayed orbital floor fracture repair, a retrospective study and
proposed protocol
B. Beigi, M. Khandwala, D. Gupta
Fat-wrapping of extraocular muscles can improve restricted
motility after prior orbital fracture repair.
G. Rose
Triple implant for the reconstruction of the lower part of the orbit
M. Kataev
Closing remarks
- 25 -
P: 1
Chronic eyelid oedema following periocular hyaluronic acid filler treatment
L. Peng, J. T. S. Yu, S. M. Ataullah
P: 2
A case of eosinophilic preseptal cellulitis (wells syndrome) following intravitreal
bevacizumab injection
A. Koukkoulli, N. Koutroumanos, R. Jolly, H. Henderson
P: 3
Periorbital necrotizing fasciitis
D.J. van der Werf, T.H. Cornelissen, C.A.E. Eenhorst, R. Kalmann
P: 4
Superior fornix measurement in cicatricial disease
K. Oktavec, C. Petris, L. Pizzarello, M. Kazim
P: 5
Eyelid malignant melanoma metastasizing to contralateral eyelid
S. Gore, C. Rene
P: 6
Ptosis surgery in patients with myasthenia gravis
K. Brogan, K. Crofts
P: 7
Conservative treatment of a lower lid carcinoma involving the preseptal orbital fat
pad: 3 years and a half follow up
M. Vaccaro, R. Bianchini, P. Monaco
P: 8
Congenital ptosis associated to combined superior rectus, lateral rectus and
levator palpebrae synkinesis: first report in the literature
N. Chalvatzis, A. Tzamalis, S. Dimitrakos, R. Harrad
P: 9
Dermis-fat graft for correction of recurrent severe upper eyelid retraction in graves'
B. Kuzmanovic Elabjer, D. Miletic, M. Busic, A. Biscan Tvrdi, P. Reisz Majic
P: 11
Clinical and histological evaluation of galea graft for posterior lamella
N. Panizzo, G. Colavitti, C. D'Aloja, Z.M. Arnez
Merkel cell carcinoma
G. Rivas Dangel, A. Cunha Martins, E. Miyagi Yonamine
P: 13
The prevalence of glaucoma in patients undergoing surgery for eyelid entropion or
S. Golan, G. Rabina, S. Keren, S. Kurz, I. Leibovitch
P: 14
Imiquimod 5% cream for the treatment of periocular basal cell carcinoma
G. Ozturk Karabulut, P. Kaynak, C. Ozturker, K. Fazil, A. Demirok, O.F. Yilmaz
P: 15
Rhabdomyosarcoma is extremely rare in newborns, especially in the site of upper
eyelid. Coincidence of other pediatric solid tumor needs to be considered in the
case of congenital rhabdomyosarcoma
Y. Lee, Y. Hsu, S. Yang, T. Huang
- 26 -
P: 16
Quickert suture using nonabsorbable suture material for lower lid entropion
H. Kim, Y. Ko
P: 17
Upper eyelid and lacrimal reconstruction with preserved sclera and DSI after
resection of sebaseous carcinoma
H. Hideki Tsuji, M. Megumi Kobayashi
P: 18
Surgical treatment of malignant eyelid tumours – 15 years’ experience
Z. Zlatarova, B. Nenkova
P: 19
Fast growing eyelid melanoma as a cause of floppy eyelid
M. Sredkova, M. Kapurdova, A. Kapurdov
P: 20
Treatment of pseudotosis with botulinum toxin a
F. Shams, P. Cauchi
P: 21
Glabellar flap results after extensive medial canthus basal cell carcinoma resection
G. Rivas Dangel, A. Cunha Martins
P: 22
Keratoacanthoma versus squamous cell carcinoma - a diagnostic and
management dilemma
T. Pearsall, A. McElvanney
P: 23
Successful autologous mucosal grafting in late diagnosed ocular cicatricial
pemphigoid: case report
R. Paulaviciene, A. Ruzgys, L. Butkiene
P: 24
Surgical correction of lower lid retraction in Korean
S. Lee, JW. Jang, SJ. Kim
P: 25
Epiblepharon repair using periciliary y-v epicanthoplasty
C. Lee
P: 26
Isolated transient eyelid lag in multiple sclerosis
N. Kim, J. Choi, I. Kim, M. Lee, H. Choung, S. Khwarg
P: 27
Eyelid trichoblastoma: a rare tumour at an unusual location.
A. Jayaprakasam, C. Rene
P: 29
Treatment of an eye wounded by severe blunt trauma leading to open globe injury,
eyelid lacerations and orbital wall fractures: a case report
C. Ozturker, P. Kaynak, G. Ozturk Karabulut, K. Fazil, Y. Yildirim, A. Demirok, O. F.
P: 30
Morphological changes during experimental blepharoptosis, its correctability
S. Askerova, A. Shafiev, S. Aslanov, A. Dadasheva
P: 31
Bupivacaine injection for management of lagophthalmos due to long standing
idiopathic facial nerve palsy
M. Rajabi, M. Shadravan, M. Mazloumi, S. Ziaeddin Tabatabaie, S. Simindok Hosseini,
M. Bagher Rajabi
P: 32
Bilateral eccrine hidrocystoma of the eyelid
M. Farag, S. Ismail
P: 33
Eyelash resection for severe, recurrent cicatricial entropion and segmental
A. Murugesan, S. K. Rao
- 27 -
P: 34
Ectropion management with hyaluronic acid gel fillers in 4 patients with congenital
lamellar ichtyosis: 2. year results
P. Kaynak, C. Ozturker, G. Ozturk Karabulut, K. Fazil, A. Demirok, O.F. Yilmaz
P: 35
The relevance of lower fornix fat prolapse as a measure of involutional entropion
V. Joganathan, D. Gupta, C. Rai, B. Beigi
P: 36
Playdoh models are a very effective tool for teaching eyelid anatomy
F. Jazayeri, S. Macleod, S. Webber, R. Manners
P: 37
Should we perform levator resection in congenital ptosis patients with poor levator
A. Gupta, M. Naik, T. Dave, MJ. Ali, S. Kaliki
P: 38
Reconstruction after wide excision in medial canthal region: the extended bilobed
glabellar - palpebral flap
N. Panizzo, G. Colavitti, C. D'Aloja, Z. M. Arnez
P: 39
The tenzel flap as an adjunct in thyroid lower eyelid recession surgery
B. Arthurs
P: 40
Total upper eyelid reconstruction - a presentation of two cases
Z. Zikic
P: 41
Corneal topography with upper eyelid platinum chain implantation using the
pretarsal fixation technique
I. Mavrikakis, E. Detorakis, S. Baltatzis, I. Yiotakis, D. Kandiloros
P: 42
Evolution in the choice of ptosis repair techniques over the last decade
I. Larre, C. Brugniard, C. Arndt, A. Ducasse
P: 43
Comprehensive problems of paralytic lagophthalmos correction
Y. Grusha, N. Iskusnich
P: 44
Muller’s muscle-conjunctiva complex (MMCC) resection for ptosis repair. a
retrospective study
M. Araujo, A. Pereira, A. Abreu, D. Dias
P: 45
Nonsurgical management of eyelid melanoma
M. Varde
P: 46
A one-stage alternative to the Hughes flap
B. Skippen, A. Hamilton, R. Benger
P: 48
Effect of manuka honey on wound healing: randomised controlled study on surgical
upper eyelid skin wounds
C. Poitelea, K. Ziahosseini, A. Litwin, S. Sagili, R. Malhotra
P: 49
Recostruction of medial upper eyelid defects following excision of large
xanthelasma palpebrarum with blepharoplasty island rotation flaps
G. Ozturk Karabulut, P. Kaynak, C. Ozturker, K. Fazil, A. Demirok, O.F. Yilmaz
P: 51
Analysis of lid contour change with aging in Asians: by measuring midpupil lid
distance (MPLDS)
H. Lee, S. Baek
P: 52
The mysterious cases of the droopy lids
K. Koka, B. Mukherjee
- 28 -
P: 53
Use of a double triangle silicone sling for early repair in congenital ptosis
K. Revere, M. Nazemzadeh, W. Katowitz, J. Katowitz
P: 54
Chalazion excision effects on ocular aberrations
A. Sabermoghaddam Ranjbar, A. Kargozar, M. Abrishami, S. Zarei Ghanavati
P: 55
Management of persistent epithelial defect following infectious corneal keratitis by
use of therapeutic contact lens as an alternative
T. Pearsall, A. McElvanney
P: 56
Non-surgical correction of epiblepharon using hyaluronic acid gel
A. Gupta, M. Naik, T. Dave, MJ. Ali
P: 57
Two cases of ptosis masquerading metastatic breast carcinoma & secondary
S. Stafanous, A. Sorial
P: 58
New entropion&ectropion methods; step by step surgical photos of how I do it
S. Stafanous, A. Sorial
P: 60
A case of intralesional cidofovir injection for recurrent lacrimal sac squamous
J. Son, SB. Lee, JH. Rho
P: 61
Classification and clinical characteristics of epiphora with punctal stenosis
H. Ahn, J. Kim, Y. Kwon, W. Ryu, W. Jung
P: 62
Canalicular laceration repair using mini-monoka mono canalicular stent
T. Abdelghafar
P: 63
Surgical outcomes of endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy: analysis of 1083
consecutive cases
S. Yang, SK. Jung, SY. Kim
P: 64
Nasolacrimal ostium after external dacryocystorhinostomy
E. Turkoglu, N. Aksoy, Y. Aksoy, G. Alagoz
P: 65
Characterisation of the lacrimal punctum using spectral domain anterior segment
optical coherence tomography
H. Timlin, P. Keane, A. Day, T. Salam, M. Abdullah, D. Ezra
P: 66
Recurrent dacryocystitis secondary to mascara dacryolith
S. Mangat, R. Ford
P: 68
Surgical outcomes on 1686 cases of nasolacrimal duct obstruction
J. Yang
P: 69
Is reflux during syringing predictive of outcome after DCR?
L. Tan, A. Abumattar, M. Wasik, R. Khooshabeh
P: 70
The comparison of the surgical outcome of transcanalicular diode laser assisted
dacryocystorhinostomy and external dacryocystorhinostomy in dysfunctional
C. Ozturker, P. Kaynak, G. Ozturk Karabulut, K. Fazil, A. Demirok, O. F. Yilmaz
- 29 -
P: 71
Frontal sinus mucocoele formation as a late complication of external
A. Malik, I. Syed, S. Osborne, A. Toma
P: 72
Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy following radioactive iodine thyroid ablation
G. Lelli, S. Van Tassel, K. Segal, N. Hsu, A. Kacker
P: 73
Two cases of lacrimal drainage obstruction caused by proton beam therapy
H. Kashiwagi, H. Fuji, S. Murayana, Y. Ishida, Y. Iida
P: 74
Nasolacrimal duct obstruction – first sign of malignant lymphoma
S. Schmitzer, C.I. Butea-Simionescu
P: 75
Vas registration of external DCR in local anesthesia
E. Bohman, E. D. Kopp, K. Gustafsson
P: 76
Intubation and diagnostic sonography of lacrimal passages in case of nasolacrimal
canal obliteration combined with low production of lacrimal fluid
S. Askerova, S. Aslanov, A. Shafiev, A. Dadasheva
P: 77
External dacryocystorhinostomy: characteristics and surgical outcomes in patients
with and without previous dacryocystitis
G. Rabina, S. Golan, S. Keren, M. Neudorfer, I. Leibovitch
P: 78
“Anterior flap only” external dacryocystorinostomy is effective in long-term in
pediatric patients
Z. Onaran, R. Ogurel, N. Gokcinar, N. Ornek, T. Ogurel, K. Ornek
P: 79
Keratotopography in diagnosing tear film destabilization
A. Dadasheva, S. Askerova, S. Aslanov, A. Shafiev
P: 80
Punctum-like tissue destruction after transcanalicular diod laser
B. Yeniad
P: 81
S. Kim
P: 82
The comparison of the clinical results of endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy using
a microdebrider
S. Kim, S.H. Jo
P: 83
DCR laser with masterka intubation
G. Davi, G. Aimino, A. Lobbi
P: 84
Surgical treatment of tear ducts inflammations: ten-year experience in
ophthalmology department of military institute of medicine in Warsaw, Poland
R. Rozycki, D. Bialas, I. Nowak-Gospodarowicz, A. Maliborski, M. Rekas
P: 85
Lacrimal SAC SCC metastasis to cavernous sinus after DCR
J. Roos, B. Beigi
P: 86
Lacrimal punctal occlusion with conjunctival flap
B. Yazici, AD. Bilge, F. Naqadan
P: 87
Tear osmolarity in primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction
A. Yazici, E. Sari, N. Tiskaoglu, S. Ermis
- 30 -
P: 88
Early mucosal epithelialization of an anastomosis can be obtained with an anterior
flap-sparing endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy
T. Sasaki, T. Sounou, C. Miyazaki, M. Hirose, K. Sugiyama
P: 90
Do we still need external DCR in times of microendoscopical procedures?
A. Krieb, R. Ungerechts, M. Lang, K.-H. Emmerich
P: 91
Reliability of air bubble test in assessment of anatomical and functional success
after external dacryocystorhinostomy
M. Kashkouli, M. Jamshidian-Tehrani, S. Shahrzad
P: 92
Outcomes of conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy with metaireau tube
K. Fazil, P. Kaynak, C. Ozturker, G. Ozturk Karabulut, A. Demirok, O.F. Yilmaz
P: 93
Use of the masterka stent in the treatment of complex and simple congenital
nasolacrimal duct obstruction
M. Nazemzadeh, W. Katowitz, J. A. Katowitz
P: 94
Imaging findings in lacrimal outflow obstruction; ipsilateral versus contralateral
nasal septal deviation
A. Heirati, H. Behboudi, MB. Kashkouli
P: 95
The use of perforated polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) punctal plugs in the treatment of
symptomatic epiphora secondary to punctal stenosis
A. Abbas, N. Haq, J. Burns, R. Sampath
P: 96
Lacrimal minitrephine- a useful tool for a lacrimal surgeon
P. Udhay
P: 97
Method of lacorhinostomy with a modified lacoprosthesis
E. Borzenkova, V. Obodov
P: 98
Transcanalicular laser-assisted dacryo-cysto-rhinostomy
A. Al-Mujaini, Y. Al-Badai
P: 99
Diagnostic utility of CT dacryocystography
P. Udhay
P: 100 OPD scan analysis before and after pterygium excision with conjunctival graftp
S. Bridan, S. Issa, A. Sabry
P: 101 Perioperative management of new era anticoagulants in oculoplastic surgery
P. Laubichler, C. Hintschich
P: 102 Vismodegib (erivedge) - a new drug treatment in multiple eyelid and orbital
basalioma; a case report
A. Schoen
P: 103 Combined treatment of the orbital, palpebral and facial arteriovenous malformation.
Case report
A. Ruzgys, R. Paulaviciene, B. Vaisnyte
P: 104 Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B presenting as bulbar conjunctival mass
M. Ha
- 31 -
P: 105 Adnexal and ocular firework related injuries: the Rotterdam experience
S. Frimmel, T. de Faber, D. Paridaens
P: 107 Conjunctival myxoid spindle cell lipoma
S. Moorthy, A. Douglass, K. Tumuluri
P: 108 On-the-day theatre cancellations for an oculoplastic department in a district general
B. Ong, R. Lim, M. Khandwala
P: 109 Surgical results of evisceration and implant insertion in patient with painful blind
A. Rahimi, S. Mortazavi
P: 110 Anatomical landmarks of surgical corridor preparing for orbital floor reconstruction
M. Ozer, F. Govsa, Z. Kazak, S. Erdogmus, S. Celik
P: 111 Necrotizing dacryometaplasia: case report and literature review
B. Skippen, A. Gal, K. Tumuluri
P: 112 Proptosis after baerveldt glaucoma implants: a report of 4 cases
A. Rengifo Coolman, W.A. van den Bosch, P.W.T. de Waard, A.D.A. Paridaens
P: 113 Bilateral optic nerve lymphoma masquerading as posterior ischemic optic
F. Pakdel, N. Pirmarzdashty, M. Sultan Sanjari, R. Zolfaghari
P: 115 Lamina cribrosa displacement after optic nerve sheath fenestration in idiopathic
intracranial hypertension: new tool for monitoring changes in intracranial pressure?
M. Perez-Lopez, DS. Ting, L. Clarke
P:116 Anti IL6 receptor antibody (tocilizumab) influence on inflammatory interleukins
levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells cultures of patients with active thyroid
eye disease: in vitro study
A. Leszczynska, E. Fernández, M. González-Candial, M. Chang, S. Ortiz, E. Gallardo
P: 117 Comparison of exophthalmos measurement using hertel exophthalmometry and
two-dimensional computed tomography in normal subjects and patients with
thyroid orbitopathy
M. Lee, K.J. Choi, Y.J. Choi, H-K. Choung, N. Kim, S.I. Khwarg
P: 118 The effect of stererotactic navigation system during orbital decompression for
thyroid-associated orbitopathy
J. Lee, KS. Lim
P: 119 Therapy of an extended squamous cell carcinoma of the lid and orbit with
cetuximab in combination with electrochemotherapy
M. Emesz, K. Saria, M. Rasp, EM. Arlt, EM. Krall, S. Kaya, FM. Bauer
P: 120 Montelukast associated Churg Strauss syndrome with orbital inflammation
L. White, M. Khandwala, R. Lim, B. Ong
P: 121 Periorbital nodular fasciitis in pregnancy: case report and review of the literature
K. Tumuluri, B. Skippen
- 32 -
P: 123 An acute inflammatory proptosis revealing a rare case of orbital tuberculosis
E. Sztermer, F. Gobert, S. Faure, E. Besancon-Marissal, B. Gombert
P: 124 Periorbital myofibroma presenting as a lacrimal sac mass
C. Petris, K. Oktavec, M. Kazim
P: 125 Sclerotherapy as an alternative to surgery for paediatric orbital lymphangioma – a
case series
K. Patel, G. Kalantzis, B. Chang, A. Barnacle
P: 126 Rectus muscle fixation to orbital wall using titanium plate for severe recalcitrant
F. Pakdel, R. Asadi, M.S. Sanjari, N. Pirmarzdashty
P: 127 Rhabdomyolysis presenting with orbital apex syndrome
M. Chi, J. Wi, H. Moon, D. Nam
P: 128 Superior ophthalmic vein thrombosis complicated with central retinal artery
occlusion presenting as the initial manifestation of antiphospholipid syndrome
M. Altinisik, A. Koytak, E. Toklu, F. Hidayetov, B. Toz, M. Atay, E. Asoglu, K. Tuncer
P: 129 Herpes zoster ophthalmicus presenting as orbital cellulitis – a case report
H. Su
P: 130 Retrobulbar haemorrhage: a literature review and management algorithm
M. Saldana, B. Beigi
P: 131 Graves orbitopathy in children and adolescents
A. Papp, G. Dorner, T. Neumayer, B. Kiss
P: 132 Orbital xanthogranuloma and erdheim Chester disease
S. Moorthy, S. Taylor, K. Tumuluri
P: 133 Two novel presentations of ocular plexiform neurofibroma
A. Malik, R. Bonilla, J. Uddin, S. Osborne
P: 134 Subconjunctival herniated orbital fat mimicking adipocytic neoplasm - a case report
CC. Lin, CC. Chen, SW. Liou
P: 135 Thyroid eye disease - a south-east Asian experience
N. Lim, KO. Lee, S. Amrith, G. Sundar
P: 136 Extraocular extension of choroidal malignant melanoma in our cases
K. Korányi, B. Salomváry, E. Tóth, A. Bajcsay
P: 137 Differences of the orbital volumes after inferior orbital wall fracture operation with
various reconstruction materials
S.W. Seo, W.S. YOO, Y.W. CHO
P: 138 Significance of primary implantation of orbital implants in evisceration and
enucleation on functional and aesthetic effect of medical and proesthetic treatment
M. Bogdanovic, DJ. Obucina, N. Micanovic, J. Ljikar, S. Stojiljkovic
P: 139 Human umbilical cord blood cells and chorionic plate derived mesenchymal stem
cells promote axon survival of optic nerve crush in rats
S. Rho, G. Kim, SR. Kim, KH. Baek, M. Kang, H. Lew
- 33 -
P: 140 Surgical outcomes of deep superior sulcus augmentation using acellular human
dermal matrix
S. Yang, WK. Cho, SY. Kim
P: 141 Optic nerve avulsion iconography: about one case
F. Thoumazet, C. Paya
P: 142 Excision of the eyeball with shaver evisceration
A. Krushinin; M.I. Shlyakhtov
P: 143 Unusual presentation of orbital cavernous haemangioma with acutely painful
proptosis due to thrombosis
A. Jayaprakasam, C. Rene
P: 144 Update in the varying faces of silent sinus syndrome
M. Garcia Vilaro, J. Uddin, D. Ezra, R. Jayaram, T. Abad, M. Manisali
P: 146 3D techniques used in orbital reconstruction in cystic anophthalmia- a case report
D. Mourits, J. Wolff, T. Forouzanfar, A. Ridwan-Pramana, A. Moll, P. de Graaf, E. KraalBiezen, D. Hartong
P: 148 Cases of choroidal melanoma with histological diagnosis
H. Park, S.J. Kim
P: 149 An uncommon presentation of a common orbital lesion
K. Koka, B. Mukherjee, A. Desai
P: 150 Slowly progressive periorbital infiltration, demonstrating pathological signs of
Whipple disease
V. De Groot, RJW. de Keizer, P. Jonckheere, MJ. Tassignon
P: 151 Clinical features of diplopia after repair of blowout fracture
H. Choi, H. S. Jeon
P: 152 A case of llipgranuloma after autologous fat injection which was misdiagnosed as
lacrimal gland mass
H. Choi, H. Jeon, J. Heon Roh
P: 153 Anatomic location and distribution of supraorbital notch and supraorbital foramen
evaluated with facial 3d computed tomography
KE. Choi, J. Lee, H. Lee, S. Baek
P: 154 Orbital morphology for decompression surgery in thyroid eye disease using 2-d
orbital CT and 4 parameters
JS. Lee, J. Lee, H. Lee, S. Baek
P: 155 Comparison of orbital anatomy in Korean and Caucasian by computed tomography
H. Ahn, HC. Jung, WJ. Jung, WY. Ryu, YH. Kwon
P: 156 Post-traumatic intraorbital foreign object tangent to the intact globe: an unusual
K. Fazil, P. Kaynak, C. Ozturker, G. Ozturk Karabulut, A. Demirok, O.F. Yilmaz
P: 157 Bilateral involution of lacrimal glands in unilateral primary acquired nasolacrimal
duct obstruction (Pando) patients
A. Yazici, E. Bulbul, H. Yazici, E. Sari, N. Tiskaoglu, S. Ermis
- 34 -
P: 158 A 10-year review of orbital biopsy: the Newcastle eye centre study
D. Ting, M. Perez-Lopez, N. Chew, L. Clarke, J. Dickinson, C. Neoh
P: 159 Orbital cysticercosis: our experience in a tertiary eye care centre in South India
N. Raichura, B. Mukherjee
P: 160 A comparison with the pattern of orbital MRI between igg4-related orbital disease
and orbital mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma
K. Ohshima, Y. Sogabe, M. Shimizu, Y. Sato
P: 161 Glut-1 positive infantile capillary hemangiomas: a case report and review of the
V. Kratky, A. Brissette, YN. Strube, J. Farmer
P: 162 When is case neglected that is too late for decompression
M. Knezevic, S. Popovic, M. Bozic, G. Vlajkovic, D. Rasic, A. Radosavljevic
P: 164 The predictive value of infraorbital nerve enlatgement in diagnosing igg4 related
orbital disease
S. Shen
P: 165 Treatment challenges for benign mesenchymal tumors of orbit
V. Yin, H. Merritt, W.-L. Wang, O. Solyman, B. Esmaeli
P: 166 Routine x-rays in orbital fractures- do they add value to the diagnosis?
P. Tan, D.V. Gunasekaran, E.P. Wong, E.S. Goh
P: 167 Multidisciplinary management of orbital and periocular amyloidosis in the National
Health Service
N. Haq
P: 168 Orbital malignant fibrous histiocytoma: clinical, radiological, histopathological
O. Golubeva, A.A. Yarovoy, A.V. Shatskikh, L.F. Pestereva, S.S. Kleyankina
P: 169 Hyaluronic acid gel in nonsurgical enophthalmos correction in silent sinus
syndrome [clinical case]
Y. Grusha, A. Stoyukhina, V. Sheptulin
P: 170 Long term effect of strabismus surgery in graves’ ophthalmopathy
S. Pitz, V. K. R. Döllinger, J. Eha, V. Weyer, H. Elflein
P: 171 ZMC repair with minimal skin scar
J. Park, G.Y. Kim, S.H. Doh
P: 172 Late complications of orbital decompression: recurrent orbital cellulitis and
proptosis secondary to maxillary sinusitis
F. Mellington, T. Farooq, R. Ford
P: 174 Modification of preeoperative oculomoteur disordes after orbital decompression in
grave desease: retrospective study from 2000 to 2010
T. Malet, J. Gire, S. Fauquier, N. Gambarelli, G. Pinto
P: 175 Perimuscular soft tissue entrapment in blowout fracture without involvement of the
muscle itself
A. Bagheri, M. Tavakoli, K. Khosravi
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P: 176 New technique to reconstruct upper fornix in contracted anophthalmic socket
O. Balaguer Solé, L.M. Vasquez, R. Medel Jiménez
P: 177 Results after primary orbital dermofat grafting
M. Farag
P: 178 Reconstruction of contracted eye socket with post-auricular full-thickness skin graft
S. Liao
P: 179 Our surgical prodecedure for correction of anophtalmic socket with important deep
upper lid sulcus: our experience since 1998 to 2013
J. Gire, S. Fauquier, T. Malet
P: 180 Surgical treatment of orbital implant exposure
J. Delmas, P.Y. Robert, J.P. Adenis, O. Leclerc
P: 181 Five years experince with conjuntival flap as an alternative to fit a prosthesis
A. Galindo-Ferreiro, M. Al Aliwi, P. Mitiko Akaishi, A Velasco, E. Cruz
P: 182 Visual hallucination after oculer prosthesis: a case report
M. Zengin Eroglu, A. Ersanli, E. Turan Vural, S. Aymak, M. Yenerel
P: 183 Use of mitomycine c in reconstruction of the anophthalmic socket contraction
B. Yeniad, LK. Bilgin
P: 184 Treatment tactics of the “bionic”orbital implant protrusion
M. Gushcina, E. Egorova
P: 185 Hydrogel expansion and glue tarsorrhaphy for congenital anophthalmia and
M. Nazemzadeh, W. Katowitz, M. Sulewski, Jr., J. A. Katowitz
P: 186 Evisceration and quality of life
A. Ersanli, M. Zengin Eroglu, E. Turan Vural, H. A. Sanisoglu, M. Caliskan
P: 187 Nine-year experience of primary orbital implantation of double wrapped silicone
implants in uveal melanoma enucleations
A. Yarovoy, E. Bulgakova, A. Shatskikh, O. Golubeva
V: 1
Video of modification of posterior approach white line advancement ptosis repair
S. Mangat, Y. Ghosh
V: 2
Lower lid epiblepharon correction through small incision
C. Choo, JH. Woo
V: 3
Adjustable frontalis sling with a single strip of autogenous temporalis fascia
P. Akaishi, M. Aliwi, A. Galindo, A. Cruz
V: 4
New flap cutting technique in endonasal dacryocystectomy
J. Park, S. Yang
V: 5
Orbital echinococcosis: successful en bloc surgical excision
A. Bagheri, MR. Fallahi, M. Zonoobi
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Social Program
Welcome Reception – Europa Boat
Thursday, September 11th at 19.00 – 21:00
Dress code: business casual
Europa boat will be at the Pest side of the river Danube bank (same as the
Kempinski Hotel), next to the Chain Bridge.
The boat will leave the pier at 19:15 and it will dock again at 20:30. Arriving after
19:15 or leaving before 20:30 is not possible.
The Welcome Reception is only for the registered participant, excluding their
companion. To enter the boat the badge is mandatory!
Guided walk (~8 min.) leaves from Kempinski Hotel to the boat at 18:45. Please
Gala Dinner – Záborszki Cellar – Wine and Music
Friday, September 12th at 20.00h.
Dress code: appropriate dressing for dinner and disco
Important note: temperature is ~21°C
Not included in the registration fee.
To attend the Gala dinner the “Gala Dinner Voucher” will be needed. The
vouchers will be provided at the registration desk if the Gala Dinner fee is paid.
An organized transfer will leave at 19:30 from the Kempinski Hotel.
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General Information about Budapest
It is recommended that delegates arrange an appropriate travel and health
insurance prior to travelling.
The local currency is Hungarian Forint (HUF).
ATM machines found everywhere from where local currency can be obtained.
Foreign currencies can be easily exchanged in banks and exchanges offices.
There are several banks near the meeting venue, and there are exchange offices
at the airport, railway stations and many other location.
Hungary is in the Central European Time Zone (CET): GMT +1 hours.
Smoking is forbidden by law in public transportation and also at the stations and
in public buildings and restaurants. Smoking is not permitted inside the
conference building.
Tipping is optional, but normally 10% is customary in taxis, restaurants and bars.
Budapest taxis are usually yellow colored. It is compulsory for them to use a
taximeter and they can also give a receipt. Here are some taxi companies: Főtaxi:
+36-1-222-2222; Budapest Taxi: +36-1-777-7777; Tele5Taxi: +36-1-555-5555
Please pay attention to arrive at the Liszt Ferenc Airport at least 2 hours before
the planes departure time because of the security control.
Emergency number: 112
Ambulance: 104
Police: 107
Firefighters: 105
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Sights of Interest
For more information please visit:
Budapest Eye
Enjoy the spectacular sight from above at Erzsébet Square, in
the heart of the city, in front of Hotel Kempinski.
The Parliament and its treasures
The world’s 3rd largest parliament and it is also
called The Jewelry box which is really stands for
its name and therefore worth to be visited.
Built between 1885 and 1904, the Parliament
building soon became the symbol of the
Hungarian capital. Not just because it’s sheer
size – nearly 18000 square meters –but also
because of its detailed decoration, inside
splendor and eclectic diversity.
The Castle District
The Castle district of Budapest reflects a medieval
atmosphere with its picturesque narrow streets
and old citizen houses. The Royal Palace houses
different museums and exhibitions. Allow yourself
time to walk around at the Buda side of the river
St. Stephen's Basilica
Saint Stephen's Basilica is the largest Roman
Catholic Church in Budapest. It has the second
highest ecclesiastical status in Hungary and has a
majestic view from its bell tower.
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Central Market Hall
Enjoy the stunning architecture and a fantastic
market with fish on the basement floor; meats,
fruits and vegetables on the ground floor and
handicrafts and food stalls on the first floor.
Budapest Ruin Pubs
Budapest is famous for its variety ruin pub.
The beginning of the 21st century was an
exciting turning point in the nightlife of
Budapest: in the central area of the city new
places were opened one after another in
tenement houses and factory buildings
doomed to destruction. These were equipped
with rejected furniture of old community
centers, cinemas, and grandmothers’ flats, bringing a retro feeling into these places. They
were soon called ruinpubs and became very popular - ruinpub is the exact translation of
the Hungarian name. Many can be found within walking distance of the Kempinski Hotel.
Shopping Street areas
Budapest famous shopping street, the Váci
Street starts from Vörösmarty Square right next
to Kempinski Hotel in a pedestrian area. There
are several shops, souvenirs, coffee houses.
Indulge yourself at one of the many coffee
houses of Budapest, like the Gerbeaud
Confectionary. Hungary’s largest mall, the
WestEnd City Center, which is opened till 9 pm.
and located 2 metro stops from Kempinski Hotel with the blue line towards Újpest Központ.
Thermal Baths
Budapest is also called the Capital of Spa.
There are approximately 130 thermal
springs. It is worth to visit a thermal bath or
spa like Széchenyi Bath (open 6 am. to 10
pm.) or Gellért Bath (4 stops from Kempinski
Hotel by the tram 47 or 49) or one of the
Turkish spas like Lukács, Rudas or Király
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Walking Distance
Restaurant Callas – formal
Andrássy Bld. 20., 1062 Budapest
Restaurant Callas located in the centre of the city
on the Andrassy Avenue, next to the beautiful
Opera House. Its cousine is international, and
don’t forget to taste their desserts made by their
master confectionery.
Restaurant Tom George – casual
Október 6. St 8., 1051 Budapest
Tom George is an ultimately trendy restaurant
in downtown Budapest, close to St. Stephen’s
Basilica. The interior design is modern, laidback, elegant and unpretentious as a whole.
The menu is truly international, reflecting
culinary traditions from all corners of the world,
including Mediterranean, Indian, and naturally
Spoon café and Lounge – casual
Vigadó Sq. – 3rd pier, 1052 Budapest
What better way to enjoy the beautiful evening
panorama of Budapest than having a meal on a boat
restaurant. Spoon cafe and lounge is a standing boat
on the River Danube. During the dinner the widest
panorama of the Buda Castle can be observed.
Gerbeaud Brewery- casual
Vörösmarty Sq. 7-8., 1051 Budapest
In the heart of the city at the end of the pedestrian
zone, a relaxed and fun brewery restaurant located
under the roof of the famous Gerbeaud café house.
The nobly-rustically furnished and decorated
premises offer a tremendous atmosphere and the
appropriate, relaxed setting for meeting contacts –
whether it be for a quick business lunch, a pleasant
dinner, or a beer after hours.
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Easy to reach
Restaurant Gundel – formal
1146 Budapest XIV, Állatkerti St. 2
The best and most prestigious restaurant
of Budapest where kings and prime
ministers were invited. Established at the
beginning of the last century by Karoly
Gundel next to the impressive Heroe´s
Square. Its cuisine is combining the
traditional Hungarian cuisine with the international taste. Has an elegant and luxurious
dining room with a unique Art Nouveau atmosphere.
Jackets are required for gentlemen in the evenings.
Restaurant Robinson- casual
1146 Budapest XIV, Városligeti tó
(City Park Lake)
Like its namesake, Robinson
Crusoe, this lovely glass pavilion sits
on an island, only this island is not
deserted but filled with guests
enjoying the enchanted atmosphere of an oasis amidst the lake in Budapest's City Park
right next to the Hero’s Square. It has superb setting in which to enjoy an imaginative array
of fine food and drink, while the swans and ducks cavort nearby.
Restaurant Fisherman’s Bastion – formal
Halászbástya, 1014 Budapest
The Fishermen’s Bastion (Halászbástya) is the most
peculiar sight of Castle District. It is a diadem of
Budapest, part of the World Heritage, a unique place
for a restaurant. Crystal lustres of unique design draw
the hall into luminosity. In case of good weather it has
a great terrace overlooking the river Danube and its
banks. The Knight Hall, which was formerly used as
an exhibition room, now features dining tables of
different sizes. From all the floors of the building, guests can enjoy the fascinating sight of
the city.
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