Summer Arabic Intensive


Summer Arabic Intensive
t h e z ay t u n a c o l l e g e
Summer Arabic Intensive
J u ne 9 to Ju ly 18, 20 1 4
he Summer A rab i c Intensiv e is a
residential language program in Berkeley, California, designed for students
motivated by any number of reasons, such
as for personal enrichment, the serious study
of the Islamic tradition, or future academic
study. The program incorporates classical Arabic texts and modern academic rigor within
a nourishing spiritual environment. Students
complete the program with the tools to begin
a lifelong journey of learning Arabic.
The Summer Arabic Intensive at Zaytuna College is a six-week program
that provides the equivalent of one year of Arabic language credit in an
environment designed for concentrated learning. The program integrates
reading, writing, and elocution at an accelerated pace. This year, it offers
two courses, one with an emphasis on Qur’ānic Arabic and the other a
systematic study of Arabic grammar. The program also fulfills the Arabic
language pre-requisite for admission into the undergraduate program at
Zaytuna College.
The rhythm of life at the Arabic Intensive aligns with the norms of
Islamic faith and practice. Class hours are shortly after the dawn (fajr)
and noon (żuhr) prayers, with a substantive break between these periods
for collaborative learning, homework, the reading of texts, memorization (ĥifż) and practice of Qur’ān recitation (tajwīd), or for rest. Students
who are not Muslim but are open to studying in a devotional (yet nonproselytizing) setting in which Arabic is taught as a sacred language are
welcome at the program.
I ntroduct i o n to Qu r’Ān i c A r a b i c
This course is designed for students with no prior study in Arabic.
Emphasis is placed on Qur’ānic Arabic; proper elocution and recitation
(tajwīd); vocabulary acquisition with special attention to Qur’ānic vocabulary, key forms, and patterns for the derivation of words; and an overview
of the structure of the language.
By the end of the summer, students should be fluent readers of the
Qur’ān with proper tajwīd and will have memorized about 1,000 words of
Arabic, as well as the last ĥizb of the Qur’ān with meaning.
Tex tbo o k s
• Al-Qā¢idah al-Nūrāniyyah
• John Penrice, A Dictionary and Glossary of the Qur’ān
• Ernest N. McCarus, English Grammar for Students of Arabic
• Tim Buckwalter and Dilworth Parkinson, A Frequency Dictionary of Arabic
• Fahim Qazi, Easy Introduction to Arabic
Arab i c Gr a mma r
This course is designed for students who have completed beginner-level
work or already know how to read and write the Arabic alphabet. The
course provides a systematic study of Arabic grammar that emphasizes
vocabulary acquisition, syntax (naĥw), and morphology (śarf ), and builds
a foundation for advanced textual study.
By the completion of this course, students will have a firm grounding
in Arabic grammar, have memorized 3,000 words of Arabic, and will be
ready to approach classical texts in the Islamic tradition with the aid of a
Tex tbo o k s
• Hans Wehr, Arabic-English Dictionary
• J.A. Haywood and H.M. Nahmad, A New Arabic Grammar of the Written Language
• Tim Buckwalter and Dilworth Parkinson, A Frequency Dictionary
of Arabic
• Fahim Qazi, ¢Ūlūm Lughat al-Qur’ān
“If you leave everything to
spend six weeks to focus
on the language, even
your dreams should be in
Fadi Elhin
Program Director
Summer Arabic Intensive
The heart of the Summer Arabic Intensive program is its faculty.
Instructors for the 2014 program will be confirmed in the spring. Below is
a selection of instructors who have previously taught at the program.
Fadi Elhin (Summer ‘13) directs the Summer Arabic Intensive and brings
to Zaytuna a decade of experience teaching Arabic at varied academic and
community-based settings, including, most recently, at the University of
Faraz Khan (Summer ’13) teaches courses in Islamic Studies at Zaytuna
College and has previously served as an instructor and academic advisor at
the Qasid Institute in Amman, Jordan.
Joanna Bell (Summer ’13) holds an M.A. in Arabic Language and Literature and Islamic Studies from The Ohio State University.
Elsa Elmahdy (Summer ’09 & ’10) is the Arabic Language Coordinator in
the Department of Near Eastern Studies at the UC-Berkeley.
Dawood Yasin (Summer ’08 to ’11) serves as Director of Student Life
at Zaytuna College, where he focuses on residential life, community engagement, and student counseling.
For more past instructors, visit our website:
Sulayman Nyang
Elinor Aishah Holland
The Arabic Intensive program includes a Visiting Scholars Series where
distinguished scholars conduct workshops and presentations that provide a
historical and sociocultural context for the Arabic language to deepen the
student’s appreciation of the rich history and enduring culture of Arabic.
Below is a selection of past scholars who have visited the Summer
Arabic Intensive. Zaytuna’s co-founders—Zaid Shakir, Hamza Yusuf,
and Hatem Bazian—also often deliver presentations at the program.
Hina Azam, an assistant professor of Islamic Studies at the University
of Texas at Austin, researches Islamic law and jurisprudence, women in
Islam, and patriarchy in Muslim societies.
Elinor Aishah Holland is one of the few Americans to study Islamic
calligraphy in the traditional Ottoman method. She teaches and lectures
widely and is also accomplished in Western lettering traditions.
Sulayman Nyang, a professor in the African Studies Department at
Howard University, has done pioneering research relating to Islam in the
United States and has also written widely about Islam in Africa.
Suhaib Webb is a nationally recognized American Muslim voice. He has
studied at Egypt’s al-Azhar University and is the founder of the Ella Collins Institute of Islamic and Cultural Studies in Massachusetts.
For more past visiting scholars, visit our website:
The Summer Arabic Intensive is held on the Zaytuna College campus, a
few blocks from the University of California at Berkeley, and across the
bay from San Francisco. The Northern California area is home to about
300,000 to 500,000 Muslims, and there are more than 50 mosques and
dozens of organizations that reflect the region’s defining characteristics
of tolerance and activism. Berkeley offers diverse options for halal food
as well as ongoing community events that Zaytuna’s students routinely
attend as part of their summer experience.
Program fees vary according to type of room (single or double) and
include tuition and textbooks. Students should rank their preferences on
the online Application for Admission, and we will do our best to accommodate their choice.
• S i n g l e R o o m : $6,030
• Doubl e R o o m: $5,755
• Tuit i o n O n ly: $3000
Spaces for the Summer Arabic intensive fill fast, and we
encourage you to apply early.
Apply Today | | 510.900.3156
2515 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, CA 94704