Untitled - Caloi en su tinta.com
Untitled - Caloi en su tinta.com
HOMENAJE A LA ANIMACIÓN ARGENTINA EN ANNECY 2010 A fines de 1990 iniciaba junto a Caloi -popular humorista gráfico argentino- el ciclo televisivo Caloi en su Tinta. Una hora semanal consagrada a la animación de autor internacional, que en 1991 me llevaría por primera vez al Festival de Annecy. Estos dos hechos, fundantes y permanentes, resultaron sin duda, la principal inspiración de estos 20 años realizando, produciendo y difundiendo contenidos de animación, que hoy encuentran su máxima expresión en este Homenaje a la Animación Argentina que tengo el placer de presentar, en coincidencia con el Bicentenario de nuestro país y el 50 aniversario del Festival de Annecy. Así como los libros de Historia del Arte empiezan por las Cuevas de Altamira o de Lascaux, la Historia de la Animación escribió uno de sus primeros capítulos en la Argentina. Allí, en Buenos Aires, Quirino Christiani creó, dibujó y animó enteramente El Apóstol (1917), el primer largometraje animado del que se tenga noticias. La obra de este pionero, que despertó la curiosidad de Walt Disney cuando visitó el país en 1941, exhibía ya la potencia creativa de una importante tradición gráfica y un rico mestizaje cultural, que son los mismos valores que sustentan la producción actual de nuestros artistas. Tanto las realizaciones independientes como las comerciales, gozan hoy de un sólido prestigio internacional que las distingue como una industria cada vez más requerida por su capacidad para resolver con originalidad todas las necesidades de una producción. La programación preparada para este Homenaje ofrece un panorama amplio y representativo de nuestra animación, reunida en dos programas de cortometrajes, uno de publicidad, una retrospectiva de Juan Pablo Zaramella y dos largometrajes. Gracias Annecy por la generosidad de esta distinción. Deseamos a todos que puedan disfrutar de nuestras películas con la misma felicidad con que fueron realizadas y la que nos proporcionó a nosotros hacer esta selección. María Verónica Ramírez CORTOMETRAJES Un chiste corriente cuenta que los mexicanos descienden de los aztecas, los peruanos de los incas y los argentinos... de los barcos. Quizás por eso, una de nuestras inquietudes ha sido siempre definir nuestra identidad, sobre todo, cuando la globalización expresa sólo los valores de las potencias dominantes. En 1993, desde el ciclo televisivo Caloi en su tinta, lanzamos el primer concurso de animación de la Argentina. La idea era no sólo estimular a los animadores para que realizaran nuevas películas, sino también, hacer un relevamiento del material histórico y reunir las obras que estaban desperdigadas o no habían sido exhibidas. En la necesidad de encontrar una voz que nos expresara hallamos que ella era naturalmente coral, un mosaico con ecos de criollos, nativos e inmigrantes. Ahora, ayudados por el natural crecimiento de la animación, el desarrollo de las tecnologías y por el estímulo que, aunque parezca inmodesto, recibieron los jóvenes cuando difundimos las películas de autor de los grandes creadores de todo el mundo, nació en la Argentina también una generación que se expresa con frescura a través de los cortos de animación. Sin duda el cortometraje es el mejor campo de experimentación para los artistas que, alejados de los condicionamientos del mercado, los enfrenta al desafío de la síntesis y aquello que no puede ser narrado en detalle se convierte en metáfora visual. He disfrutado especialmente conformando este panorama de la animación argentina a través de sus cortos de autor, descubriendo y revisitando obras de gran belleza. Con algunas piezas emblemáticas como La Pared, de Catú (premiado en el Festival de Annecy 1962), y una gran cantidad de trabajos recientes -como el multipremiado El Empleo, de Santiago Grasso- más de treinta cortometrajes nucleados en dos programas constituyen este coro de animadores argentinos que exhiben la originalidad de sus voces y el universo personal que los define. María Verónica Ramírez Short films 1 Total running time: 80’ 1- El Empleo (6’ 20’’ – 1º premio Concurso) / The employment Directed by: SANTIAGO BOU GRASSO Technique: 2 D / drawings on paper Year: 2008 Synopsis: A man performs his usual trip to work, immersed in a world where the “use” of people is an everyday thing. 2- Martian & Pulpet (5’ 21’’) Directed by: DIEGO DIEGUEZ Technique: 3D Year: 2009 Synopsis: This is the story of the first encounter among two friends: Martian, an alien going through an inspirational stroll; and Pulpet, a tinny flying octopus. 3- Tiruriru (2’ 15’’) Directed by: PABLO RODRÍGUEZ JÁUREGUI Technique: flash Year: 2006 Synopsis: Inspired in a song by Leo Masliah. 4- Jamón (2’) / Ham Directed by: NICOLÁS DI MATIA Technique: drawings on paper Year: 2007 Synopsis: Two distinguished pigs enjoy an afternoon of tea and cupcakes, until one of them breaks with the peace of the moment. 5- Pimienta (3’ 11’’ – 3º premio Concurso) / Pepper Directed by: JUAN ORTELLI Technique: 2 D Year: 2008 Synopsis: A little bug decides to give a day of peace to every animal and person in the whole world. So, he takes a pepper mill and starts his hilarious journey and makes his idea a completely success. 6- Un corto de 2 metros (6’) / A short by 2 meters Directed by: JAVIER MRAD, JAVIER SALAZAR, EDUARDO MARAGGI Technique: animated objects Year: 2007 Synopsis: As time passes, rolls and bounces, two beings are caught in a battle of millimetric proportions. 7- Hola? (2’ 16’’) / Hello? Directed by: SANTIAGO BOU GRASSO Technique: stop motion Year: 2007 Synopsis: A mime practices his movements when the telephone next to him begins to ring. Will he dare to answer? 8- Libro (5’ 50’’) / Book Directed by: PABLO DELFINI Technique: animated objects / stop motion Year: 2009 Synopsis: A wrinkled paper dreams of being a book. It achieves it by means of a strange metamorphosis. 9- Watercat (1’ 05’’) Directed by: ISMAEL NAIM Technique: cut out in flash Year: 2007 Synopsis: It is time for a shower and it seems the right moment to give free rein to the tenor inside. But beware when choosing the right audience; it is unwise to go for a cat when one sings like a dog! 10- Piscis (3’) / Pisces Directed by: JUAN CARLOS CAMARDELLA Technique: 3D. Year: 2008 Synopsis: A fishing boat arrives to an island looking for a secret treasure. It has as prisoner who can open it. 11- Jubilados (3’ 30’’) / Retired Directed by: JUAN SÁENZ VALIENTE Technique: 2D Year: 2002 Synopsis: A group of retired people expresses their sorrowful view of reality through artistic gym. 12-Un deseo muy particular (5´) / A very particular wish Directed by: LILIANA ROMERO / NORMAN RUIZ Technique: 2 D / 3 D / acuarels Year: 2009 Synopsis: A little girl with a very particular wish… Maybe she can get it… 13- Manipulador de masas (1’ 50’’) / Mass Manipulator Directed by: PABLO FAIVRE and FLORENCIA FAIVRE Technique: 3D / collage Year: 1996 14- El hombre que duerme (11’ 43’’ – mención Concurso) / The man who sleeps Directed by: INÉS SEDAN Technique: drawings on paper Year: 2009 Synopsis: A young woman is married to a man who is constantly sleeping. Having him near gives her a feeling of security and reassurance. She is a prisoner to her solitude and refuses to admit that the sleeping body is nothing more than a memory… the reminder of someone she once loved. 15- Les Triolets (3’) Directed by: LUCAS NINE Technique: tradicional animation Year: 2002 Synopsis: A second-class cabaret is run by the Devil himself. Finally, the ominous place catches fire and peace returns to the region. 16- La competitiva (19’- mención Concurso) / The competitive Directed by: HERNÁN CIEZA – ADRIANA DELFINO Technique: stop motion / pixilation / cut out Year: 2009 Synopsis: Two employees of a peculiar ramshackle factory of “caganers” express their creativity to the fullest in order to dazzle the waitress who serves lunch daily. The exuberant competition in which they are embarking ending aside the original games to make way for darker feelings. Short films 2 Total running time: 83’ 1- La Confesión de Saduj (7’– 2º premio Concurso) / The Saduj’s confession Directed by: JUAN JOSE SURACE Technique: cut out / 3D Year: 2009 Synopsis: Is a brief satirical tale which aims to examine the legacy that our ecclesiastical institutions have left us to cope with as individuals – namely, a sense of guilt; our need to feel forgiven for our sins, the fear of God or of damnation. 2- El último tren (2’ 20’’) / The last train Directed by: LUIS URQUIZA Technique: flash Year: 2009 Synopsis: Brief review that concentrates on trains history in Argentina: its exploitation and export. A tour around the country that criticizes the ruthless centralization of Buenos Aires port. 3- Los Pecadores (2’ 17’’) / The sinners Directed by: PABLO POLLEDRI Technique: 2 D Year: 2007 Synopsis: The seven deadly sins coexist in time and space… It could be terrible! 4- Romance del malevo (6’– mención Concurso) / The romance of the malevo Directed by: JOSÉ MARTÍN LUENGO Technique: 3D Year: 2009 Synopsis: A country history between a “gaucho” and a dog where through a popular recitation shows the landscape and the gaucho experience by reference to drawings of a known Argentinean painter. 5- La Pared (6’) / The wall Directed by: JORGE MARTÍN –CATÚTechnique: Dibujos 2D Year: 1961 Synopsis: A brief and symbolic story about a man that overcomes all difficulty through his mind. 6- Cat Out (4’ 11’’) Directed by: GERMAN CUERVO Technique: digital Year: 2009 Synopsis: Alter committing suicides six times, a cat will try to put an end to his seventh and last life. However, the reader knows that his time isn’t up yet. Will have to do the impossible to keep him safe… 7- Enajenados (3´ 27´´) / Insane Directed by: LUCIANA DIGIGLIO Technique: stop motion / plasticine Year: 2009 Synopsis: A tired-looking man is watching television; suddenly, his dog begins to ask him for attention. Nonetheless, nothing seems to be able to interrupt this man when he watches TV. Due to the increasingly insistent dog’s barks a chaotic situation arises between the dog, the gentleman, his wife, the TV and the house. 8- [¡!] (3’) Directed by: PATRICIA GUALPA Technique: 2D Year: 2006 Synopsis: “A” vehemently looks for “B”, who does not know “A” is searching for him. 9- Un arma peligrosa (5’ 10’’) / A dangerous weapon Directed by: MARIANA WENGER / PAOLA MURIAS Technique: dibujo sobre papel / técnica mixta Year: 2009 Synopsis: “A dangerous weapon” is a film about white slave trade which is based on the homonym text by Eduardo Galeano. 10- Copia A (5’ 33’’ – Con placa 3º premio Concurso) Directed by: PABLO A. DIAZ – GERVASIO RODRÍGUEZ TRAVERSO Technique: 3D Year: 2009 Synopsis: The adventures and misfortunes of Demódoco, a projectionist who discovers by chance a oneof-a kind way to get pleasure. However, abusing it leads risky consequences. 11- Creole love call (3’) Directed by: CARLOS NINE Technique: tradicional animation Year: 2002 Synopsis: Frasco, the phlegmatic feline, falls in love with a striptease star “Lulú, the little mouse”, but this heart will break into pieces when she chooses to leave with a millionaire pig. 12- Casa (5’) / Home Directed by: MERCEDES MOREIRA Technique: pen on paper Year: 2005 Synopsis: What is a house like? Childhood games, discoveries, research… Through the spaces and the shapes, this short film tells a story about a mother and a daughter. 13- Robo (2’ 07’’) / The Robbery Directed by: JUAN ORTELLI Technique: 2D Year: 2008 Synopsis: There’s a robbery persecution. Policemen run trying to catch the thief, but he escapes successfully. He hides himself on the end of a street with the loot under his coat… but he notices that he stole something strange… 14- La Jornada (4’ 48’’) / The working day Directed by: JORGE BOMPART Technique: trimmed photos, collage and animation flash 2D Year: 2006 Synopsis: For a child growing alone in the streets with no support, each coin counts. What is the price he has to pay to get them? mn 15- Trapitos al Sol (1’ 30’’) / Rags to the sun Directed by: DAMIÁN EMILIO CARO Technique: 3D Year: 2007 Synopsis: An unfortunate parachutist whose wife is a fanatic for cleanness. 16- Si te he visto no me acuerdo (3’) / I don´t remember if I have seen you Directed by: PABLO FAIVRE and FLORENCIA FAIVRE Technique: Collage, digital 2D Year: 2009 Synopsis: A lie, a letdown at the rhythm of the bolero. 17- El hombre sin cabeza (18’) / The man without a head Directed by: JUAN SOLANAS Technique: fiction with fx Year: 2003 Synopsis: In a nostalgic atmosphere, a headless man takes joyful dance steps. He is getting ready for a romantic date, buying himself a head for such occasion. PUBLICIDAD Y FILMES POR ENCARGO Hace muchos años, el director de una importante agencia de publicidad me contaba por qué habían elegido la animación para promocionar un conocido insecticida y mostrar su efectividad para el feroz exterminio de los mosquitos con un aerosol. La razón era muy simple, justamente porque no había ferocidad cuando el insecto, que por cierto era muy simpático, era alcanzado por el producto y desaparecía mágicamente en el aire sin dejar rastros. El locutor decía: ¨... los mata bien muertos!¨, sin embargo, no había muerte, no había sangre, ni horror, ni violencia. El resultado del comercial fue tan eficaz que la marca rápidamente se convirtió en líder y símbolo de insecticidas. Ése es el poder de la animación que la vuelve inapelable: la magia. En la Argentina la animación publicitaria tuvo su época dorada en los ‘60 y ‘70 con aquellos comerciales, fenómeno que parece reeditarse en los últimos 10 años gracias a una nueva generación de creativos, técnicos y artistas que se vuelcan a las nuevas tecnologías extremando las posibilidades de este lenguaje. La combinación de estos recursos con un humor cada vez más omnipresente y agudo, convierte a la publicidad de hoy en un arma imbatible cuyas municiones son exquisitas piezas de extraordinaria eficacia. Hoy, acompañada por una coyuntura económica mundial favorable, toda la maquinaria comercial de nuestra joven industria es una usina creativa que produce para el mercado propio y el extranjero, exporta talento y genera fuentes de trabajo. Por esta combinación de creatividad y conveniencia económica, comerciales, videoclips, campañas de difusión, series, etc., son concebidos y/o realizados en Argentina para todo el mundo. Una variada selección de todas ellas, que incluye el ejemplo de los mosquitos, más obras del genial Oscar Grillo -fundador en Inglaterra de Klakto, uno de los estudios más prestigiosos de Europa- y producciones muy recientes, conviven en este nutrido panorama de la animación comercial. María Verónica Ramírez. Publicity and commissioned films Total running time: 82’ 51´´ - “Seaside woman” (1979) Directed by: Oscar Grillo Technique: colorful drawings Running time: 4´30´´ Category: VIDEOCLIP Synopsis: Animation realized with the song “Seaside woman”, by Linda McCartney - “Football Tips with Juan Carlos” (2001) Production Company: Faivre Hnos. Directed by: Pablo Faivre and Florencia Faivre Technique: drawings - cut out Running time: 1´35´´ Category: TV SEPARATOR Synopsis: Juan Carlos is a former referee with a twisted outlook on football and life. In this episode, he demonstrates the importance of wearing bright colours when taking medium-range shots. - “Oso” (Bear) (1958) Production Company: Oscar M Desplats Directed by: Oscar M Desplats Technique: drawings on paper Running time: 1´ 10´´ Category: PUBLICITY Synopsis: A polar bear escapes from the zoo to look up for a refrigerator, to stay cooler. - “Friends with you” (2009) Production Company: Pepper Melon Product: Target Technique: 2D drawings Running time: 45´´ Category: PUBLICITY Synopsis: The animated world of TARGET bears dozens of characters and environments that change constantly. -“Tan cerca del sol” (So close to the sun) (2008) Directed by: Pablo Tufaro Technique: 3 D Running time: 3´14´´ Category: VIDEO CLIP Synopsis: The vision on the eternal fight between the good and the evil and its symbiosis to obtain that everything in this life continues working eternally. - “Obras de arte” (Art works) (80´s) Production Company: Catú Cine Animación SA Directed by: José Martín “Catú” Technique: drawings on paper – 2 D Running time: 40´´ Category: PUBLICITY Synopsis: The soups are done harvesting the best vegetables. Animation realized imitating Van Gogh’s technique. - “Luna” (Moon) (2003) Production Company: Encuadre Directed by: Rosanna Manfredi Technique: 3D Running time: 30´´ Category: PUBLICITY - “Franceses” (French) -“Bigotes” (Moustaches) (2009) Production Company: Hombre.cosa Directed by: Hombre.cosa Technique: 2D Running time: 40´´ Category: PUBLICITY - “Baño” (Bath) (2002) Production Company: Faivre Hnos. Directed by: Pablo Faivre and Florencia Faivre Technique: drawings – cut out Running time: 10´´ Category: TV SEPARATOR Synopsis: While a girl is putting on make up, a fly is moving around until she kills it. - “Vals de la basura” (The trash vals) (2008) Production Company: Hook Up Animation Directed by: Diego Puente Technique: 3D Running time: 1´40´´ Category: EDUCATIONAL VIDEO / TV Synopsis: The Neck Show: A talk show hosted by Neck the giraffe that entertains and teaches preschoolers through little stories and songs. -“Charles de Gaulle” y -“Toma de la Bastilla” (Prise de la Bastille) (1989) Production Company: BERRINO & NANNI Product: Parisienne Directed by: Miguel Nanni Technique: pencil over paper, filmed in 35 mm Running time: 40´´ Category: PUBLICITY Synopsis: Charles de Gaulle Frees Paris and gives us an important speech: nobody can resist Parissiennes. On July 14, 1789 the French Revolution takes place, the crowd goes to the Bastille and one of the revolutionaries invites the citizens to smoke a Parisiennes before making History. - “Sentidos” (Senses) (2009) Production Company: Hombre.cosa Directed by: Hombre.cosa Technique: mixed - live action - 3D - 2D Running time: 1´ 7´´ Category: PUBLICITY - “Meltdown” (2004) Production Company: Faivre Hnos. Directed by: Pablo Faivre and Florencia Faivre Technique: drawings – cut out Running time: 10´´ Category: TV SEPARATOR Synopsis: A snowman melts him while he is drinking hot chocolate. - “Skips” (80´s) Production Company: Klactoveesedstene Animations Directed by: Oscar Grillo Technique: cell animation Running time: 32´´ Category: PUBLICITY - “Cucarachas” (Cockroaches) (2001) Production Company: 4Kartoon Directed by: Roberto Schenone, Ricardo Achart Technique: 3D Running time: 3´ 57´´ Category: TV’s PROGRAMME SCKETCH Synopsis: Two cockroaches had been locked up in the CQC archives, being their unique diversion to watch recorded programs. One day, they manage to escape and make its own program giving an acid and ironic glance on the world of the spectacle. - “Saloon” (1960) Production Company: M.C.Films Marcos Casado Sastre Agency: J.Walter Thompson Argentina Directed by: Néstor Córdoba Technique: drawings on paper Running time: 1´ Category: PUBLICITY Synopsis: In a tavern in the Far West, arrives a cowboy wearing jeans. In Argentinean slang, the cowboy is called “vaquero”, as well as that kind of jeans. -“Galería de Arte” (Art Gallery), “Cita” (Date), “Velorio” (Funeral) (2008) Production Company: Hook Up Animation Directed by: Diego Puente Technique: 3D Running time: 1´ total Category: SEPARATOR of Universal Channel Synopsis: Two spies attempt to blast each other by hiding bombs on different situations reminding us of the cold war movies or series. You guessed right, they always fail! - MTV World Stage (2009) Production Company: Hombre.cosa Directed by: Hombre.cosa Technique: 3D Running time: 40´´ Category: PUBLICITY - “Hipnosis” (Hypnosis) (2009) Production Company: Pepper Melon Product: Sponge-Bob SquarePants Spots Agency: Madre Directed by: Tomás García Technique: 3D Running time: 45´´ Category: TV SEPARATOR Synopsis: A teenage girl innocently sits at the chair at a psychologist’s office. Through hypnosis she is able to escape reality into a dream world where life swims freely through the air. At the end, she realizes that the road out of bad karma lies in none other than… SpongeBob Squarepants. - “No te hagas la cabeza” (Don't hope against hope) (2006) Production Company: Ayllu Animaciones / Omava Directed by: Juan Antín Running time: 5´30´´ Technique: clay animation Category: EDUCATIONAL VIDEO Synopsis: Rolo is talking with his friend Colo about his wild sexual adventures. He is a little paranoid and wanders if he has got the HIV along the way. - “Viento” (Wind) (2007) Production Company: Blue Client: Ford Agency: JWT Argentina Directed by: Franco Bittolo, Cristian Morales Technique: Live action, 3D, matte painting, Alien skin filter photoshop Running time: 1´30´´ Category: PUBLICITY - “Tasters” (90´s) Production Company: Klactoveesedstene Animations Directed by: Oscar Grillo Technique: drawings on paper Running time: 30´´ Category: PUBLICITY - “No se deje meter el perro” (Don´t let them jerk you around) (1971) Production Company: Producciones Story Directed by: Raúl Avila Creation of characters: Raúl Avila and Oscar M. Desplats Technique: drawings on paper – live action Running time: 41´´ Category: PUBLICITY - “Lo mejor de Fox Sports” (The best of Fox Sports) (2006) Production Company: Giboon Animation Estudio Directed by: Ismael Naim Technique: digital cut out Running time: 1´ Category: TV´S PROGRAMME PRESENTATION Synopsis: The hosts of the TV programme make different sports like racing and tennis. - “Lightswitch - Nick Dreams” (2003) Production Company: Faivre Hnos. Directed by: Pablo Faivre and Florencia Faivre Technique: drawings – cut out – live action Running time: 20´´ Category: TV SEPARATOR Synopsis: Dreamy situations involving real kids in imaginary situations. - “PezPerro” (FishDog) (2008) Production Company: Rebolucion Directed by: Franco Bittolo, Cristian Morales Technique: live action – 3D Running time: 1’ 08’’ Category: PUBLICITY -“Frog legs”, “Antidepressant”, “Asteroid technology”, “Internet dog”, “Read the card” (2007 2008) Production Company: Hook Up Animation Directed by: Gonzalo Azpiri – Omar Hechtenkopf Technique: drawings on paper / 2D Running time: 52´´ Category: spots Synopsis: Short funny stories based on the famous The New Yorker magazine graphic cartoons. - “Cuento tradicional chino” (Traditional Chinese story) (2008) Production Company: Tercer Ojo Group Animated by: Victor Blasco Technique: 3D with backgrounds composed in 2D - collage of photos and textures Running time: 1´30´´ Category: TV PILOT Synopsis: A wise man called Chuang Tse dreamed that he was a butterfly. When he woke up he decided to gather all his disciples and told them about his dream. - “Arquitecta” (Architect) (2008) Production Company: Nannimación Directed by: Miguel Nanni Design: Silvia Nanni / Miguel Nanni Technique: Pencil over paper, colour hand applied with use of graphic tablet Running time: 25´´ Category: PUBLICITY Synopsis: Cefalex shows that not even erasing your head takes away the headache, only by using Cefalex! - “Baile bananita Dolca” (80´s) Production Company: Catú Cine Animación SA Directed by: José Martín “Catú” Technique: drawings on paper – 2 D Running time: 30´´ Category: PUBLICITY - “Road trip” of Monkey and Gorilla (2005) Production Company: Faivre Hnos. Directed by: Pablo Faivre and Florencia Faivre Technique: drawings – cut out Running time: 1´10´´ Category: TV SERIES Synopsis: Two laboratory monkeys undergo various experiments with hard drugs. - “Norfolk” (80´s) Production Company: Klactoveesedstene Animations Directed by: Oscar Grillo Technique: drawings on paper Running time: 30´´ Category: PUBLICITY -“Mama Perfecta” (Perfect Mom) - “Luz de la cocina”(Kitchen´s light) - “Licuadora” (Blender) (2008) Production Company: Pepper Melon Directed by: Tomás García Technique: 3D Running time: 1´48´´ each one Category: PUBLICITY Synopsis: Different commercials of Lucchetti´s Pasta - “Gimnasia Jazz” (Jazz gym) (1985) Production Company: Berrino & Nanni Directed by: Miguel Nanni Design: Miguel Nanni Technique: pencil over paper, acetate tracing, textured color with a dermatographic pencil Running time: 35´´ Category: PUBLICITY Synopsis: In the Kitchen of an ordinary house, a group of flies and mosquitoes do a Jazz Dance class on food. The fun ends when Raid appairs on the scene… - “Hansel and Gretel” (2009) Production Company: EL. EI. Directed by: Sebastián Lopez Technique: fiction with green screen Running time: 1´ Category: PUBLICITY Synopsis: The main concept was to adapt Grimm’s Hansel & Gretel with a modern twist. The spot was entirely shot against green screen with partial sets. Extensive matte painting was done in postproduction. - “Budlight” (80´s) Production Company: Klactoveesedstene Animations Directed by: Oscar Grillo Technique: cell animation Running time: 30´´ Category: PUBLICITY - MTV 10 Count (2008) Production Company: Hombre.cosa Directed by: Hombre.cosa Technique: mixed - still photos - 2D - 3D Running time: 56´´ Category: PUBLICITY - “Oswald” (2004) Production Company: Faivre Hnos. Directed by: Pablo Faivre and Florencia Faivre Technique: cut out Running time: 1´ Category: TV SEPARATOR Synopsis: Oswald is a stunt double who puts himself at risk in various trials, more out of his own carelessness than any real danger. - “Tubby 3 y 4” (1984) Production Company: Catú Cine Animación SA Directed by: Jorge Martín “Catú” Technique: drawings 2 D Running time: 40´´ Category: PUBLICITY Synopsis: Two chocolates find each other walking in the street, starting a new friendship. - “Funky Punky” (2008) Production Company: Encuadre Directed by: Gustavo Cova – Rosanna Manfredi Technique: 3D Running time: 3´ 30´´ Category: TV SERIES / PILOT Synopsis: They want to be famous… and they won’t stop until achieving it. - “Architecture” (2000) Production Company: Faivre Hnos. Directed by: Pablo Faivre and Florencia Faivre Technique: scale model shooting Running time: 42´´ Category: TV SEPARATOR - “Kia-Ora” (70´s) Production Company: Klactoveesedstene Animations Directed by: Oscar Grillo Technique: cell animation Running time: 40´´ Category: PUBLICITY - Hinchada Clemente – “Japan”, “Argentina”, “Germany” (2006) Production Company: CT Producciones Directed by: María Verónica Ramírez, Carlos Loiseau (Caloi) Animation: Franco Bittolo, Raúl Pastorino Technique: 3D Running time: 2´54´´ Category: TV´S MICROPROGRAMME FOR World Cup 2006 Synopsis: The popular animated character, Clemente, continues to delight us with his classic world cup soccer chants. - Iberobot I (2007) Production Company: Giboon Animation Estudio Directed by: Ismael Naim Technique: digital cut out Running time: 1´ 10´´ Category: TV SERIES Synopsis: Constructed with obsolete technology, Iberobot complains against the world that created him. - “Etiqueta” (Label) (1977) Production Company: DIANAR Dibujos Animados Argentinos Directed by: Jorge Martín “Catú” Technique: drawings Running time: 30´´ Category: PUBLICITY - “Lowdown” (2009) Production Company: Pepper Melon Directed by: Daniel García Technique: 3D Running time: 10´´ Category: TV SEPARATOR Synopsis: Cardboard figures move and organize in a stop-motion flow. They produce a vibe of construction and creation that softly stings with nostalgia of when one once played with cardboard when young. - “Desayuno” (Breakfast) (2009) Production Company: Rulloni Cine Directed by: Mario Rulloni Technique: stop motion / 2D / 3D Running time: 7´ Category: EDUCATIONAL VIDEO Synopsis: “Breakfast” is a short of animation, directed mainly to the children, whose objective is to realize of the benefits of a good nutritional habit. One "Cow teacher" illustrates in an entertained and dynamic way the fundamental importance to us of a good breakfast in early age. - “Sugus” (80´s) Production Company: Catú Cine Animación SA Directed by: Jorge Martín “Catú” Technique: 2D drawings Running time: 25´´ Category: PUBLICITY Synopsis: In the jungle, some creatures pick up fruits to make sweets. - “Airport” (2006) Production Company: Faivre Hnos. Client: AXN Directed by: Pablo Faivre and Florencia Faivre Technique: stop motion - cut out - motion graphics Running time: 30´´ Category: TV SEPARATOR Synopsis: Campaign consisting of spots in different film genres to promote various genre-based programming blocks: martial arts, film noir, detective movies, etc. - “Javi y el club del árbol” (2009) Production Company: Astrolab Motion Directed by: Federico Badía Technique: 2D Running time: 4´56´´ Category: EDUCATIONAL VIDEO FOR TV Synopsis: From his bedroom, Javi has access to a gigantic tree where every night a gang of animals meets to play and hang out together. - “Pizza, Pasta, Pepperoni” (2008) Production Company: Hook Up Animation Directed by: Diego Puente Technique: 3D Running time: 1´30´´ Category: EDUCATIONAL VIDEO FOR TV Synopsis: The Neck Show: A talk show hosted by Neck the giraffe that entertains and teaches preschoolers through little stories and songs. - “Animals” (90´s) Production Company: Klactoveesedstene Animations Directed by: Oscar Grillo Technique: cell animation Running time: 1´ Category: PUBLICITY Synopsis: Different animals sing the best songs of Frank Sinatra. - “Pequeciencias” (2006) Production Company: Power Comunicación S.H Directed by: Christian Olmos Technique: 3D Running Time: 1´50´´ Category: TV SERIES - “Robo al banco” by Hijitus (1967) Production Company: Producciones García Ferré S.A. Directed by: Manuel García Ferré Technique: 2D Running time: 4´20´´ Category: TV SERIES Synopsis: "The adventures of Hijitus", the first animated series created in Argentina for the television, first appeared in 1967. A humble boy that lives with his little dog, Pichichus, in the outskirts of a small town called Trulalá. In his fight against evil, and with the help of his magic hat, he becomes Super Hijitus, fighting against villains such as Neurus and Cachavacha. - “La vecinita de enfrente” by Hijitus (1986) Production Company: Producciones García Ferré S.A. Directed by: Manuel García Ferré Technique: 2D Running time: 1´03´´ Category: TV SERIES RETROSPECTIVA JUAN PABLO ZARAMELLA La retrospectiva de un artista joven es una invitación a descubrir un creador sobresaliente. Este es el caso de Juan Pablo Zaramella, notable y prolífico animador que a sus 38 años se distingue como uno de los realizadores argentinos con mayor reconocimiento nacional e internacional. Formado en el Instituto de Cine de Avellaneda, comenzó su carrera en el mundo de la publicidad, para incursionar luego en la ilustración y la infografía. Con este bagaje de lenguajes y métodos comienza en el año 2000 a recorrer un camino independiente, junto a la productora Silvina Cornillón, y se lo reconoce inmediatamente como un especialista en la técnica del stop motion, a partir de su segunda película, Viaje a Marte (2005), realizada en colaboración con el guionista Mario Rulloni y galardonada con más de 50 premios internacionales. “Considero que el estilo de animación debe tener correlato con la historia a contar”, expresa Zaramella que, a través de muy diversas técnicas, ha transitado un camino de exploración personal que incluye trabajos notables como El guante (2001), en pixilación con actores, o la sintética y bidimensional Lapsus (2007). Merecedor de más de 150 premios internacionales, actualmente participa junto a Rulloni de Ánima Buenos Aires, largometraje en producción que reúne a los realizadores más importantes de la Argentina. Con una singular producción de trabajos por encargo y cortos independientes, la obra de Zaramella plantea siempre mundos fantásticos surgidos de la realidad cotidiana. Es un artista de gran personalidad que en cada filme afirma su opinión como autor y se ha convertido en uno de los referentes de la animación argentina. Esta retrospectiva, concebida desde el cariño y la admiración profundos, es un merecido reconocimiento a la solidez artística de su trabajo. María Verónica Ramírez Juan Pablo Zaramella Total running time: 60´ 1- Introducción (1’ 51’’) 2- Desafío a la muerte / The Challenge to Death Directed by: Juan Pablo Zaramella Country: Argentina Running time: 3´16´´ Technique: stop motion Year: 2001 Synopsis: For the first time in front of a camera, Fahaki Ayunanda introduces his all body into a blender and assures that he will remain alive after turning it on. 3- El Guante / The Glove Directed by: Juan Pablo Zaramella Country: Argentina Running time: 10´ Technique: pixilation Year: 2001 Synopsis: Story of a man who is mysteriously chosen to receive a box containing a globe. This becomes part of a plan which will change his life forever. 4- Efectos del mate / Mate effects Directed by: Juan Pablo Zaramella Country: Argentina Running time: 2´ Technique: pixilation Year: 2008 Synopsis: The Effects of Mate on the Northern Hemisphere 5- Lapsus Directed by: Juan Pablo Zaramella Country: Argentina Running time: 3´ 20´´ Technique: animated draw Year: 2007 Synopsis: A curious nun ventures into the darker side of her animated world. 6- Making off Lapsus Directed by: Juan Pablo Zaramella Country: Argentina Running time: 30´´ Technique: animated draw Year: 2007 7- En la ópera / At the opera Directed by: Juan Pablo Zaramella Country: Argentina Running time: 40´´ Technique: stop motion Year: 2009 Synopsis: An original and particular moving night at the opera 8- Sexteens Directed by: Juan Pablo Zaramella Country: Argentina Running time: 5´ 20’’ Technique: stop motion Year: 2006 Synopsis: Three girls and the beginning of their sex life. Educational video aimed to talk about sex issues with adolescents. 9- Viaje a Marte / Trip to mars Directed by: Juan Pablo Zaramella Country: Argentina Running time: 16´ 05´´ Technique: stop motion Year: 2004 Synopsis: Antonio is a boy who wants to go Mars. Luckily his grandfather knows how to get there. 10- Espejo / Mirror for Nickelodeon (3 episodes) Directed by: Juan Pablo Zaramella Country: Argentina Running time: 1´35´´ Technique: stopmotion Year: 2001 Category: TV separator 11- Tres reyes / Three kings for Nickelodeon Directed by: Juan Pablo Zaramella Country: Argentina Running time: 45´´ Technique: stopmotion Category: TV separator 12- Buzz Directed by: Juan Pablo Zaramella Country: Argentina Running time: 3´45´´ Technique: stop motion Category: TV separator 13- Optimum Directed by: Juan Pablo Zaramella Country: Argentina Running time: 1´ Technique: stopmotion Category: publicity 14- Ilolay Directed by: Juan Pablo Zaramella Country: Argentina Running time: 18´´ Technique: stopmotion Category: publicity 15- Fibertel Directed by: Juan Pablo Zaramella Country: Argentina Running time: 54´ Technique: stop motion Category: publicity 16- INASE Directed by: Juan Pablo Zaramella Country: Argentina Running time: 1´ Technique: stopmotion Category: publicity 17- Clorox Directed by: Juan Pablo Zaramella Country: Argentina Running time: 40´´ Technique: stop motion Category: publicity 18- Toyota Caurry Directed by: Juan Pablo Zaramella Country: Argentina Running time: 43´ Technique: pixilation Category: publicity 19- Sprite Directed by: Juan Pablo Zaramella Country: Argentina Running time: 30´´ Technique: stop motion / mixed technique Category: publicity 20- 9th Havana Film Fest New York Directed by: Juan Pablo Zaramella Country: Argentina Running time: 42´ Technique: stop motion Category: opening’s spot 21- Pasta Knorr Cica (4 spots) Directed by: Juan Pablo Zaramella Country: Argentina Running time: 1´2´´ Technique: stop motion Category: publicity 22- Tarjeta Naranja Directed by: Juan Pablo Zaramella Country: Argentina Running time: 49´ Technique: stop motion Category: publicity LARGOMETRAJE MERCANO, EL MARCIANO Mercano, el marciano (2002), largometraje de animación para adultos del realizador argentino Juan Antín, nació como una serie de cortos emitida por el canal de televisión Much Music del año 1998 al 2000 con gran repercusión de audiencia. Mercano… es la historia de un extraterrestre que paseaba plácidamente por su planeta cuando una sonda espacial enviada por los terrestres llamada “Voyager” aplasta a su perro. A partir de allí emprende el viaje a la Tierra con una absurda misión: vengar la muerte de su mascota. Para su poca fortuna, la nave cae en Buenos Aires, Argentina y queda destruída. Su misión fracasa antes de empezar y el “alien” se ve forzado a sobrevivir en una realidad desconocida y poco amigable. Abandonado a su suerte y sin techo, Mercano queda confinado a una vida en los márgenes de la sociedad. En el desamparo de una cloaca como vivienda, el marciano se las arregla para obtener una laptop y comienza a crear una realidad virtual parecida a su hogar. En el cyberespacio se hace amigo de Julián, un niño también solitario, hijo de un poderoso empresario. Cuando el padre de Julián descubre la actividad de su hijo y el marciano, se lanza a explotar un nuevo negocio millonario, en un delirio megalómano "Es una película bastante dura, que trata sobre la realidad argentina", define Antín. "El marciano permite mirar a nuestra realidad con ojos ingenuos". Con una estética minimalista, un particular uso del lenguaje con jergas porteñas y argentinas, Antín construye un retrato de la Argentina lleno de humor y cinismo a la vez que lanza una mirada crítica sobre la tecnología y la vida cotidiana. Este filme, que obtuviera entre otros galardones, la Mención especial del Jurado del Festival de Annecy en 2002, vuelve a su pantalla como una de las obras representativas de la Animación Argentina. María Verónica Ramírez “MERCANO EL MARCIANO” / Mercano the Martian Directed by: Juan Antín Animation: Ayar B Production Company: Universidad del Cine Country: Argentina Running time: 75´ Technique: 2D / 3D / computer Year: 2002 Synopsis: Mercano is a Martian who lived happily on the planet Mars until the tragic day when the space probe Voyager fell to Martian soil and crushed his dog. He was so furious that he took off in his rocket towards Earth to wreak vengeance, but with a turn of misfortune, he was forced to permanently stay in Argentina. LARGOMETRAJE BOOGIE, EL ACEITOSO Boogie, el aceitoso (2009) es un largometraje de animación basado en la historieta homónima creada en los años ´70 por uno de los maestros del humor gráfico en Argentina, el recientemente fallecido Roberto Fontanarrosa. Sé que Boogie me despreciaría mucho, por sudamericano de un país periférico y por hispanoparlante. No entraría dentro de sus amistades", decía Fontanarrosa," Boogie es un veterano de la guerra de Vietnam, “un prófugo de la justicia desde su nacimiento” según las palabras de su creador. Un machista empedernido, admirador de Harry el sucio. Un especialista en armas cuyo hobby es disparar a transeúntes desde la ventana de su apartamento. Un xenófobo que persigue por igual a judíos, negros, homosexuales o “chicanos”. Un inescrupuloso asesino a sueldo que se ufana de ser el mejor de los matones hasta que el mafioso más importante de la ciudad le encarga eliminar un testigo, nada menos que a su competidor, el mercenario en ascenso, Blackburn. Es entonces cuando Boogie sale a las calles a demostrar que él sigue siendo el número uno. Este violento y sádico personaje, heredero de la tradición del policial negro, ha tenido desde su nacimiento un gran impacto en el público debido al humor paroxístico y corrosivo de Fontanarrosa. Boogie juega siempre al extremo de sus rasgos y ahí reside su carisma. La identificación que provoca ha tomado por asalto el lenguaje en la vida cotidiana. “Es un Boogie”, se oye decir en la calle para caracterizar a un sujeto inescrupuloso. Este personaje de dimensión mítica ha sido la inspiración de esta película de animación con fondos 2D que conviven con elementos 3D y tiene también su versión en 3D, convirtiéndose en el primer filme en utilizar estas técnicas en el país. Boogie, el aceitoso, participó de la competencia oficial en Annecy 2009, y se presenta también dentro de esta selección. María Verónica Ramírez. BOOGIE, EL ACEITOSO / Oily Boogie Directed by: Gustavo Cova Script: Roberto Fontanarrosa (characters) and Marcelo Paez-Cubells (writer) Production Company: Illusion Studios Country: Argentina - México Running time: 82´ Technique: 2D – 3D Year: 2009 Synopsis: A cold-blooded and ruthless hit man. Always on the run, Boogie follows his own rules. A violent, chauvinist and sadistic character starring in a film that features a story line, music and images targeted to teen and adult audiences. Women, alcohol, bullets, it has it all. Boogie, combines black humor, incredible 2-D backgrounds and 3-D graphics with a sharp screenplay. Boogie, is a film that provides a lethal dose of irony and such extreme violence that it becomes impossible not to laugh.