Krislund Korner


Krislund Korner
Krislund Korner
October 2015
Volume 9
Issue 10
Fall Festival at Krislund
Up Coming Events
October 17
Fall Festival/Open
January 8/9/10, 2016
TELS Retreat for
College Aged
Young Adults
Go to!
Krislund is seeking a
Part Time Kitchen Manager
Call 422-8878 if you or
someone you know might be
interested in applying
Krislund Camp &
Conference Center
189 Krislund Dr.
PO Box 116
Madisonburg, PA 16852
Phone: (814) 422-8878
Fax: (814) 422-8552
Krislund Staff Contacts
Gene Joiner
Ashley Miller
Tammy Colwell
Mary D’Ambrosia
Jean Gerber
Ken Clouser
The Derry Activity Center
Preparing for the Center
Last month
we reported that the
Pavilion at
the pool
has been
moved to
make way
for new
Looking Ahead
Since last month….
The ground has been
cleared and the digging
The site has been leveled
and the footers have been
The basement walls
have been poured and
are now completed.
The building has
……. and been
unloaded from the
Last month I talked
a little about the many
activities that occur at
Krislund during the
fall and winter months. While we continue to
maintain momentum in the property and
program aspects, we are always mindful that
we must stay fianancially sound, if we are to
continue this ministry.
Moving forward, these three components
of program, property and finance are coming
together in an exciting development.
Krislund staff and the members of the JCCC
have long identified the need for a large
building to house activities during all types of
weather conditions. In fact, JCCC members
remember that a large multipurpose building
was in the plans of the Funding the Future
Campaign, but was delayed because of the
added costs associated with the construction
of adult housing made necessary by
environmental protection regulations.
Now, thanks to a generous donation from
the Derry Presbyterian Church, a large 5,000
square foot building will be in place near the
swimming pool by the first of the year. Work
on the Derry Activity Center will also enlist
the work of Krislund volunteers as they
install plywood walls, floor covering and
various trim work.
As we look ahead to the many uses that we
anticipate for the Center, we will need several
types of equipment. Chairs, tables, a
climbing wall, ...are just a few of the items
needed as we prepare the building for use. I
would like to ask you to consider helping
with the purchase of these components. If
individuals or churches would like to help
with establishing the climbing wall, or ensure
the purchase of tables, chairs or audio visual
equipment, please email me at or call 422-8878.
Whatever support you can give to the
Krislund ministry, whether it is through the
upcoming annual fund, volunteering, praying,
or through this second effort of giving that is
described here, your help is greatly
appreciated...not only by me, but by Krislund
staff and the many children and families who
are enriched by their connection to Krislund.
Sincere Thanks, Gene
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Krislund Presents a new Retreat
Thanks to the Stabler Foundation
of Harrisburg, Krislund will begin
offering a retreat series for young
adults aged 18-22. The Training
Emerging Leaders Series (TELS) will
holds its first retreat on January 8-10,
2016. The theme of this first retreat is
“It’s not about me!”
The TELS program is designed
to challenge young leaders to examine their own positions on various
issues and join in discussion with others. Each retreat will include special
speakers to provide over arching
Sincere Thanks to the Stabler Fdn.
concepts as well as break out
The Donald B.
sessions so that participants will
and Dorothy
have opportunities in small groups
L. Stabler
to hear and be heard.
“It’s Not About Me” Retreat
information and registration forms
will be on the website soon so hold
the dates and plan to come to
Krislund on January 8-10 to join
other young adults as we share
ideas, enjoy Krislund in the winter
and have fun and fellowship.
The Donald B.
and Dorothy L.
Stabler Foundation, was established
by Mr. and Mrs. Stabler in 1966
exclusively for charitable, religious,
scientific, literary, or educational
The Historic Brown House is Getting a Face Lift!
Quest 2015 and
The 2nd
annual Quest weekend for youth
was this past weekend. We had
over 40 youth, youth leaders and
volunteers. Even though the
weather was cold and wet. it didn’t
stop us from having a great time.
Saturday started off with laser tag
followed by some action at the
swing, wall and zip line. Campers
and adults were allowed to
experience the fun multiple times!
Later that night we had worship
and our first ever disco dodgeball.
Staff and campers had a great time
playing against one another and
building teamwork skills.
Spring Retreat!
We want to give a huge
thank you to all the churches and
campers that participated. We look
forward to our next youth retreat in
the Spring!
Next Summer!
We are already working on
the calendar and programing for
next summer. We hope to include
more specialized camps that would
include the Arts and STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering,
Math). If you would like to
volunteer during the summer as a
nurse, chaplain, kitchen help, etc. it
is not too early to let us know! We
appreciate your services during the
Traveling Day Camp!
TDC weeks are beginning
to fill up. If you would like to host
TDC at your church contact me for
more information at:
Many Thanks to the Thursday Volunteers!!!
Looking to hear from you! Ashley
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