the dutch touch - Dutch Canadian Centre
the dutch touch - Dutch Canadian Centre
THE D UTC H TO UC H February 2015 DUTCH CANADIAN CLUB (EDMONTON) 13312 142 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5L 4T3 Phone: 780 452 2861 nts Eve g n i m o Upc CARD MAKING CLUB February 7 and 21, 2015; March 7 and 21, 2015. KLAVERJAS TOURNAMENT February 8, 2015 The Silver Skate Festival is celebrating its 25th year!!!! During the daytime, the Silver Skate Festival is a larger-than-life winter playground with fun for all ages. There are skating races to watch (or compete in!), opportunities for families to try winter sports (like snowshoeing!), a heritage village (your destination for bannock), and so much more. During the night, the Silver Skate Festival is a feast for the imaginations of young and old alike. Walk the dream-like Folk Trails with roving characters, cozy in to live music, burn the Fire Sculpture, and so much more. The DCC is going to be at the festival again with some delicious Dutch food and hot beverages, so come out and enjoy the festival and come and warm up in our dining area. THE place for some good Dutch “gezelligheid”. 1 SILVER SKATE FESTIVAL February 13-22, 2015 QUILTING WORKSHOP February 28, 2015 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING March 22, 2015 KONINGSDAG April 27, 2015 SPRING MARKET May 9, 2015 ABO U T T H E DU T C H T O UCH The Dutch Touch is a publication for the Dutch Canadian Club (Edmonton) 13312 - 142 St. NW, Edmonton, AB T5L 4T3 Clubroom phone: 780-452-2861 February 2015 MEMBERSHIP DUES INDEX Our membership fees are per calendar year: January - December at the following rates: Bustrip 14 Calendar 20 Family (with children under 18) $70.00 Ten monthly issues are published Senior Family $60.00 (from September to June) Card Making Club Single $40.00 $35.00 Please submit your articles and news by Senior Single Contact info Student $25.00 the 20th of the month if you want them to appear in the next issue. Drop them off at the Club or mail them to Please send your membership application DCC Auxiliary or renewal with your name, address, the above address. phone number and email address to: You may also contact Jenny Smits - 780-473-0905 Lisa Putters - 780-466-5756 Visit our website at: and “Like” us on Facebook for some of the latest news. The Dutch Touch is also available online on our website. Go to and click on DCC Activities, then on Current Events. You can have The Dutch Touch delivered to your email address in PDF format by contacting Lisa Putters with the email address you want it sent to. Dutch Canadian Centre attn: Membership 13312 - 142 St NW Edmonton, AB T5L 4T3 ADVERTISING For any changes and additions or deletions in your monthly ads, please contact Lisa Putters - 780-466-5756 email: ADVERTISING RATES (per issue) 1/8 page - $8.75 + GST 1/4 page - $17.50 + GST 1/2 page - $35.00 + GST MEMBERS PAGE INFORMATION LETTERS TO THE EDITOR We welcome letters from our members regarding Club matters and concerns. Letters will be edited for grammatical errors and will be forwarded for comments to the appropriate departments. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. Please send them to the above address or to Jenny Smits: Members of the Dutch Canadian Club can place their personal announcements and classified ads on the Members’ Page free of charge. We need your ad by the 20th of the month if you want your ad published in the next issue. If you have something for sale or are trying to find something or someone or if you have something to celebrate or share with our members you may use the Members’ Page to advertise at no cost to you. Contact: Jenny Smits - 780-473-0905 Lisa Putters - 780-466-5756 2 4 19 5 DCC Board 3 Dutch cheese 17 Dutch passport 9 Editorial 3 FIFA 2015 13 Gouda clay pipes 16 Klaverjas Club 5 Managing your money 8 Members Page 11 Nederlandstalige Top 10 15 Netherlands News 19 Sewing & Craft Circle 4 Silver Skate Festival 1 Stitch N Rip Club 5 Volunteers 11 Windmills 6-7 Windmills billiards 14 EDIT O RIAL February 2015 Dear readers: We had a nice surprise when we came back from our 2-week vacation: a lot of the snow had disappeared while we were gone. That doesn’t mean it’s almost spring though, a few more months of winter to go. We enjoyed some nice winter temperatures in The Bahamas and were able to cross a few items off our bucket list while we were there. My highlight was swimming with the dolphins, they are so gentle and intelligent. Great memories! But now we are back and we are happy to have our family and friends around us again. A few busy months are coming up at the Dutch Canadian Centre: First the Silver Skate Festival food trailer for two weekends during the festival. Be sure to check it out! And then there is the Spring Market in May which requires a lot of organizing for the market coordinators. And of course the Annual General Meeting is coming up in March. And I heard some rumours that there is going to be a big event on May 5th, the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of the Netherlands combined with the first direct KLM flight from Amsterdam to Edmonton. Sounds like it could be an interesting event. Some of our volunteers represented our club at Concordia University for their International Days in January, which was very much appreciated by the organizers of their International Studies department. And the Casino volunteers were out in full force on January 29 and 30 from morning till very late at night for our turn as casino workers. Another job well done and we will know the final results in a few months. Thanks Cor. Next is the Silver Skate Festival. Come and support this wonderful winter festival and make sure you come in for a bowl of delicious pea soup! See you there. Jenny Smits - 780-473-0905 - N E WS FROM T HE BO A RD ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) Our Annual General Meeting has been set for Sunday, March 22 at 2:00 pm in the Nordic Room. Please come out and support your board and volunteers. Wilma Thys, our treasurer has resigned her position and our interim treasurer is Judy Boekholt. Thank you for stepping up Judy. Judy will be letting her name stand for treasurer at our AGM. Thank you Wilma for the many hours you have spent on keeping our finances in order. Two other board members will have finished their term: Piet Van Papeveld and Henk Alberda, who completed the final year of the position vacated by Harm de Groot. We are always looking for some members who are willing to get involved at our board level while we are working on our plans for the future. Please let us know if you are available to be nominated. 3 N E WS FROM T HE C LUB S CARD MAKING CLUB We had a nice turn out January 10 but not all the girls were there, some were on a holiday. The next card making dates are: February 7 and 21 March 7 and 21 April 11 and 25 Hope you all keep those who struggle with health problems in your prayers. Ria Bok 780 472 2725- SEWING AND CRAFT CIRCLE Our quilting workshop will be held on Saturday, February 28, 2015 from 9:00 am until about 5:00 pm in the Nordic Room. The workshop coordinator is Trudy Moulyn and the project we’ll be learning is the “Disappearing 9-patch” pattern. Trudy has made a list of fabric and supplies needed and asks you to have the fabric pre-cut prior to the class, so we can finish the project in one day. This is a free workshop but you have to register so we know how many people we can expect. Please bring your own lunch, we’ll look after the coffee and tea. You can reach Tudy at 780-418-3138. Jenny Smits - 780-473-0905 - Five of the best outdoor ice-skating rinks in The Netherlands 1. Museumplein Amsterdam - Ice skating on a beautiful square surrounded by the Rijksmuseum, the Concertgebouw and the Van Gogh Museum. You can rent ice skates and even take a skating lesson if you like. Afterwards, enjoy a cup of hot cocoa on the pleasant terrace. 2. Leidseplein Amsterdam - From mid-November to mid-January, the Leidseplein is transformed into a winter wonderland with a sweet little ice-skating rink. Enjoy lights in the trees, snow, and many Christmas stalls serving delicious winter snacks. 3. Schaatsbaan Delft - A great little ice-skating rink is set up in the old town centre of Delft every winter. Open from early December to mid-January for loads of fun with friends and family. 4. Vrijthof Maastricht - The beautiful winter landscape on the well-known Vrijthof square in Maastricht includes a great ice-skating rink every winter. You can rent ice skates and warm up afterwards with a drink and a snack. 5. De Markt in Eindhoven - The Eindhoven Markt also boasts a great ice-skating rink every winter. The square is transformed into a winter landscape – and in the city of light, Eindhoven, they go about these matters in a very big way! Tip: Every ice-skating rink offers ice skates for rent. Some rinks charge an entrance fee, usually a small amount. After skating, the Dutch usually enjoy a cup of hot cocoa, a plate of poffertjes or a bowl of pea soup, which are served near every ice-skating rink and are the perfect way to complement your fun on the ice. 4 N E WS FROM T HE C LUB S Stitch N Rip Club Time is going too fast. We hope your Christmas season was great. We wish Ria Ruis all the best, and we hope to see you again soon. Not much news at this time. We are busy again with our projects. We are thinking of Joe and Rena Brand and wish you all the best. Our thoughts and condolences go out to Trudy Van Lieshout with the loss of her husband. If you like to join our busy knitters group, we meet every Monday at 12 noon. Coffee will be served but please bring your own lunch. Edith Van Leeuwen - 780-489-8404 - DCC#Auxiliary# The Silver Skate Festival will be here again from February 13 - 22, 2015. This year at Silver-Skate the Dutch Canadian Club Auxiliary and volunteers will be serving authentic Dutch snacks again from our mobile kitchen, with an attached dining room compliments of Sid Braaksma and Northgate Industries. The DCC kitchen will be open on Friday 13, from 6-9, on Saturday 14 & Sunday 15, from 11-9 and on Monday 16, from 11-6 (Family Day). On the following weekend our hours are: on Friday 20, from 6-9, on Saturday 21, from 11-9, and on Sunday 22, from 11-6. Frank & Riek Stolk are our coordinators. Thank you to Michael and Debbie Bok for bringing their Husky “Nook” to the children’s Sinterklaas Party, it was very much appreciated by all. Truus de Visser - 780-434-4133 - KLAVERJAS TOURNAMENTS The winners from our January tournament were: 1. Jane VanderBleek 2. Johanna Kuipers 3. Laura Veldman Congratulations ladies! Our next tournament will be on Sunday, February 8 at 1:30 pm. See you all there. Piet & Erica van Leeuwen - 780-459-5367 - 5 N E WS FROM T HE C LUB S WINDMILLS With the dark mornings and evenings it is no wonder we want to stay inside, cozy and warm. However with a few easy ‘to do’ tips. You can keep healthy and happy throughout the winter season. ! Stay active! Keep your body moving? ! Check your medicine cabinet, clear out any expired medications, and stock up with decongestants and cough mixtures. ! Keep yourself hydrated with cold water or herbal teas, as those warming coffees with added flavours can creep on the weight. ! Don’t forget to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables to maintain good health, but also to balance out all those sweet treats we have been eating. ! Watch your step when you are out and about by wearing footwear with soles with decent grip patterns. ! Utilize the longer nights by sleeping as this helps refuel your body from stress and it also enables your body to secrete the hormone melatonin, which is believed to help repair the immune system. Don’t&forget&the&Silver&Skate&Fes4val&February&14:22,&at&Hawrelak&&Park.&Hope&to&see&you&all&there!& As&usual,&I&screwed&up&the&name&of&one&of&the&beloved&Dutch&winter&events&on&March&12,&2015.&It&is& supposed&to&be&Boerenkool&Stamppot&day.& Our&2015&Calendar&of&Events:&& February&12&& :&Valen4ne’s&Day&& March&12& & :&Boerenkool April&2&& & :&Easter&Lunch& April&30& & :&Koningsdag&& May&09&& & :&Market May&28&&& & :&Windup&BBQ&& I was having lunch with a few of my friends the other day when Linda Lankoff said she had been invited to a Kitchen Party. I explained to her that this had nothing to do with coffee and cake in the kitchen, but was in fact, an East Coast gathering and they all involve beer, food and music. It’s informal, relaxed and most of all fun. A Kitchen Party is essentially just a big jam-session. Everyone sits around and plays or sings – no talent necessary. Many old standards will be hauled out – Barrett’s Privateers’ inevitably is sung in varying states of drunkenness. There will be 80’s pop and power-ballads and lots of silliness. Mostly it will just be about good friends having a laugh together. 6 Eastern Canada has a strong tradition of music. There is a rich Celtic influence from Irish and Scottish immigrants who settled there. The Acadian French have left their musical mark on the East coast as well. You can hear it in the fiddles and accordions they took with them all the way to Louisiana and back. The Black Loyalists brought gospel music to Eastern Canada, where it still has strong roots to this day. But East Coast music isn’t all folk songs and tradition. It’s also cutting edge – rock, pop, rap, country, you’ll find it all there. Sarah McLaghlan hails from Nova Scotia, as do Sloan, Eric’s Trip, Jale, Trush , April Wine and Matt Minglewood, and I’m sure we all remember a bunch of other oldies. There is music everywhere; in bars of course, but also in shops, restaurants, on the boardwalk, the streets, even on the ferry. There are concerts and festivals across the East Coast, all summer long for any style of music you can imagine. The thing about all of this music is, you take it for granted and don’t realize how much you miss it and how much you look forward to that part of your Heritage again. I’ll see you in the Kitchen. A huge thank you to all our January volunteers. You are always the best. To all our friends who need a little inspiration this month, “The golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself. It is not in your environment; it is not in luck or chance, or the help of others; it is in yourself alone”. We only have three Birthdays in February so on your Birthday, take time for you, and enjoy every little thing you do. Anybody had any other ideas about the Bus Trip or are you all happy with Sylvan Lake. If you have any other suggestions either let Jenny Smits or myself know. Judy%Boekholt%–%780147013701%– Thank you I would like to express my endless gratitude and thanks, for all your thoughtfulness and generosity during my illness. From you all I have learned much of life’s philosophy. Thank you all sincerely. Judy Boekholt Life is precious My heart is like an open book, for everyone to see. All the people that I meet who mean so much to me. There isn’t a day that passes by that I don’t try to say: Hello friend, how are you, have a wonderful day. Life is much too precious and much too short you know. Today I wish you blessings wherever you may go. 7 Managing Your Money Should I contribute to an RRSP, a TFSA or both? The introduction of the tax-free savings account (TFSA) in 2009 represented the most important change to the way Canadians save money since registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs) were launched in the 1950s. But the big question on many people’s minds is whether they should contribute to a TFSA, the tried-and-tested RRSP, or possibly even both? Before shedding some light on this question, let’s first understand some of the key differences and similarities between the two investment vehicles. First and foremost, both RRSPs and TFSAs provide investors with the opportunity for tax-effective investment growth. But unlike an RRSP, contributions to a TFSA are not tax-deductible, amounts can be withdrawn tax-free at any time, and withdrawn amounts are added back into your TFSA contribution room the following year. Which is best? On a very basic level, looking at your pre-retirement and expected post-retirement marginal tax rates can help you determine how to best allocate your investments. If you expect to be in a lower tax bracket during retirement, contributing to an RRSP is generally more beneficial. However if you expect your retirement tax bracket to be equal or higher than your pre-retirement tax rate, the TFSA may be more tax-efficient. Hold on; not so fast. Although it’s tempting to settle on a simple rule-of- thumb, the decision to use a TFSA or RRSP is not that simple – your Investors Group Consultant can help you to determine what’s best for you. Even if you anticipate having a lower marginal tax rate in retirement, maximizing your RRSP contributions may not always be the most taxefficient long-term strategy. Since RRSP withdrawals (directly or through your registered retirement income fund (RRIF) or an annuity) increase your taxable income, those withdrawals may affect certain government incometested benefits and credits such as the Old Age Security benefit and the Age Credit. On the other hand, if your expected marginal tax rate in retirement is equal to or higher than during your accumulation years, contributing to your TFSA is not always the best approach. For example, RRSPs that are converted to a RRIF or an annuity after age 65 can produce income that is eligible for the pension income tax credit, and thus qualifies for pension income-splitting with your spouse. Other income-splitting strategies such as spousal RRSPs could distribute a portion of your taxable income to a spouse with a lower marginal tax rate in retirement, further reducing your tax bill and reducing the claw-back effect on your income-tested benefits and credits. So where does this leave us? Generally speaking, a TFSA may be better suited for shorter-term goals, such as an emergency fund or saving for a major purchase, since there is no tax on withdrawals and withdrawn amounts are added back into your TFSA contribution room the following year. An RRSP is a long-term investment vehicle. The taxes and lost contribution room associated with early withdrawals are strong incentives to keep your money invested until retirement. The TFSA can also be a powerful retirement savings tool. However due to the ease with which TFSA savings can be accessed (no taxes on withdrawals or loss of contribution room), only a disciplined investor who can resist the temptation to dip into their savings prior to retirement will fully benefit from its potential as a source of retirement income. When choosing between an RRSP or TFSA, remember to take into account your unique circumstances as well as your short and long-term goals. Consider RRSPs for long-term investments, and if you’re in a lower tax bracket after retirement. TFSAs may be a better option for short-term goals, and can be more tax-efficient if you’re in a higher tax bracket. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Your personal savings strategy needs to take into account your unique circumstances as well as your short and long-term objectives. If you have any questions about choosing between contributing to an RRSP or TFSA, I would be happy to help. This column, written and published by Investors Group Financial Services Inc. (in Québec – a Financial Services Firm), and Investors Group Securities Inc. (in Québec, a firm in Financial Planning) presents general information only and is not a solicitation to buy or sell any investments. Contact your own advisor for specific advice about your circumstances. For more information on this topic please contact your Investors Group Consultant. Marguerite&(Rita)&Hemmes:Davis,&PFP,&AICB&Financial&Consultant&& Office&(780)&448:1988,&Cellular&(780)&868:9273& 24th&Floor,&Tower&1,&Sco4a&Place,&10060&Jasper&Avenue&& Edmonton,&Alberta&T5J&3R8 8 Renew your Dutch Passport You should be aware that the Dutch Consulates in Edmonton and Calgary will be closed permanently after September 2015. If you need to apply for or renew your Dutch passport after September you will have to go to Toronto or Vancouver. Schedule an Appointment All applicants must apply in person at a Dutch Mission since they are lawfully required to confirm your identity and take your fingerprints. This also applies to children. An appointment is required and can be scheduled on their website. Processing time Dutch passports currently take approximately four weeks to process, provided the application and documents you submitted are correct and complete. The process may take considerably longer if further information is required. You are therefore advised to submit your application well before your current passport’s expiration date or your intended travel date. Please note: - if you choose to have the new passport sent to you instead of picking it up in person, you abstain yourself from the right to verify your fingerprints at the moment of receiving the passport. & DUTCH CONSULATE Website: Open: Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays and all Dutch and Canadian Holidays. Appointment only. Address: 2nd floor of the Bonnie Doon Shopping Center, Suite 257, 8330-82 Avenue Edmonton AB, T6C 0Y6. Phone 780-428-7513 Fax: 780-424-2053 email: 9 Golden Hour Clock Shop 10040 - 164 Street EDMONTON, AB T5P 4Y3 Phone 780-489-0171 Fax: 780-489-1847 Award Winning Gouda from the Heart of Alberta! 2009 Canadian Champion Smoked Gouda medium Old Grizzle ex. aged gouda Gruyere medium (Swiss) The 2011 Canadian Champion Spiced Herbs & Garlic Gouda 2012 World Champion Smoked Gouda 2nd Award Silver 2013 Canadian Champion Old Grizzly Artistic Old Grizzly Gouda Ex. Aged Available at Old Strathcona Farmers’ Market Edmonton every Saturday from 8:00 am-3:00 pm. Hess & Ronnie Nyenhuis SERVING EDMONTON & AREA FOR OVER 40 YEARS Closed on Mondays Free shipment across Canada, shipment by mail in 4 kg or 8 kg boxes. Order by phone, fax, online or visit our own store in Red Deer (Mon.-Sat. 9:00 am - 5:00 pm). Sylvan “Star” Cheese ltd. Phone: (403) 340-1560 Fax: (403) 342 6831 RR #1, Site 6, Box 31, Red Deer, AB T4N 5E1 web: email: GUARANTEED CLOCK AND WATCH REPAIR Victoria Fancy Sausage (2007) Ltd ! BEN’S MEATS & DELI Family owned and operated since 1953 Enjoy an old world feel: many Dutch products including Croquettes, Frikandellen, Rookworst and our delicious Metworst. Visit our candy section for the sweet or salty tastes, or browse our huge deli with Dutch liver sausage and imported Gouda Cheese. 15726 Stony Plain Road Edmonton AB T5P 3Z5 PH: (780) 489-1424 Fax: (780) 409-8236 6508—118 Ave Edmonton AB 780-471-2283 Email: Allen & Jackie Snyder CLASSIC EUROPEAN ANTIQUES 7000. Sq. Ft . Hidden Antiques & Collectibles treasures CONTACT ANNEKE: 780-482-4414 Cell 780-699-7839 Hours: Tuesday to Friday 11:00—5:00. Saturday 10:00-4:00. Sunday 11:00-4:00 13314-126 Ave . Edmonton [ Across from Wholesale Sports ] 10 Come and visit us for our large assortment of Dutch items, as well as sliced deli meats and fresh meat products! We are the supplier for the Dutch Canadian Club’s famous Croquettes! members page Thank You! Thank you to Ray & Fran Riege from St. Albert, who donated two authentic Gouda clay pipes to our club. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES! Windmills social! every Thursday afternoon we need volunteers for serving the lunch and cleaning up. Contact Faye de Vries at 780-478-7599.! (For some information about clay pipes, see page 16) Silver Skate Festival! February 14, 15 & 16 - Food trailer at Hawrelak Park. We need food preparers, servers and clean-up help. Please contact Riek Stolk at 780-464-4879 if you can help.! 50 Shades of Pink Please join or sponsor us again this year for the Sunday May 3rd annual breast cancer walk, hosted by the Breast Cancer Society of Canada and 8 participating Cleo stores in Edmonton, St. Albert, Spruce Grove and Sherwood Park. The walk is 5 K and starts at the River Valley Road. Festivities include great music, guest speakers, a Zumba warm up, survivor tent, refreshments and activities for the kids. Don’t forget to “pink” it up with crazy costumes. ! We had a great turn-out last year and collected more than $3,000 for breast cancer research. We will do this again and we specifically will walk for our club members who are going through or lost their battle with cancer. For more info, contact Jenny Smits 780-473-0905 - 11 John D. Stobbe Owner/Broker Century 21 - Shackleton Realty 8724-91 Street NW Edmonton, Alberta T6C 4L2 Bus 780-988-1100 Fax 780-485-1313 Hanging with Tante Jennie and Tante Tis in Amsterdam this past Fall. What wonderful women they are!! I Appreciate Referrals!! If you know of any friends, family, neighbours, or co-workers who are looking to Sell or Buy a home, have them contact me directly. Thank you!!. 12418 - 118 Avenue (780) 455-5855 For Weddings, Anniversaries, Company Parties, Reunions, Dances etc. (Club members and ESCA members receive a discount on the rental) Inquiries welcome Willem Hubben Certified Denturist 780-984-4569 Frank Stolk DUTCH CANADIAN CENTRE 13312—142 Street, Edmonton, AB NEW DENTURES RELINES REPAIRS 12 HALL RENTALS Netherlands is coming to Edmonton for the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2015 On Saturday, June 6, 2015 the Netherlands women’s team (Oranje leeuwinnen) will play against New Zealand at 7:00 pm and on Thursday, June 11, 2015 they will play China at 4:00 pm. Both games are part of a doubleheader that day and are played at the Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton. The Dutch Canadian Club would like to organize a group of supporters so they can receive discounts on the tickets and have their seats together. We could have an “Orange” section at the stadium. We can also organize for a bus to pick up the supporters at the Dutch Canadian Centre before the games. Let’s go out and support the “Oranje leeuwinnen”. Bring your Dutch flags! At the same time we can support the Canadian team that plays the other games of the doubleheader: On June 6 they play China at 4:00 pm and on June 11 they play New Zealand at 7:00 pm so bring your Canadian flag as well. On Monday June 15, 2015 the Canadian team will play the Netherlands at Olympic Stadium, Montreal at 19:30 local time. The official schedule of this world cup can be found on The final match will be played on Sunday July 5, 2015 at BC Place Stadium in Vancouver at 4:00 pm local time. The match for 3rd place will be played in Edmonton on Saturday, July 5 at 2:00 pm. Participating countries are: Group A - Canada, New Zealand, China, Netherlands Group B - Norway, Thailand, Germany, Cote d’Ivoire Group C - Cameroon, Ecuador, Japan, Switzerland Group D - USA, Australia, Sweden, Nigeria Group E - Spain, Costa Rica, Brazil, Korea Republic Group F - France, England, Colombia, Mexico 13 Windmill Billiards Here are the standings Games Points Games Points 1 P. Putters 18 23 11 H. Sierink 18 16 2 A. Wolfert 15 22 12 A. Smits 13 12 3 J. Breunesse 16 22 13 J. Brand 18 11 4 F. Hemmes 17 22 14 H. Kavelaars 10 10 5 L. Damen 16 20 15 B. Westmaas 17 10 6 C. Brusselers 18 19 16 W. Snoek 10 8 7 G. Boekholt 15 16 17 G. Thys 11 8 8 E. Wiersema 15 16 18 B. Trompetter 4 2 9 P. Van Papeveld 16 16 19 J. de Visser 5 2 10 J. Toering 16 16 As you can see, there is movement all over the place and finally in first place a real billiard player. Maybe it is time for Jack to make a move, we will be holding our breath. Cor Brusselers BUSTRIP Please let me know if you are interested in a bustrip at end of May or beginning of June. It will be a one-day trip, cost will be about $50.00 for the bus per person based on 40 people. My suggestion is Sylvan Lake. First a visit to John Schalkwyk at Sylvan Star Cheese, where we can tour the cheesemaking facilities and have lunch and a wine and cheese tasting. In the afternoon we could take a cruise on Sylvan Lake of about an hour and a half. We’ll stop for dinner on the way back. So far one person expressed interest and that’s just not enough yet. We can also stay closer to home and visit the Leduc Discovery Centre and the Devonian Gardens. Or if you have any other suggestions, please give me a call or send me an email and I’ll work on it. I do need enough lead time to organize and advertise it however, so, I’d like to know the sooner the better. Jenny Smits - 780-473-0905 - 14 Dennis Stolzmann Realty Executives Progressive Serving Edmonton and Area Call today for your free market evaluation Phone: 780-908-6651 Fax: 780-244-3530 N ed e rl a n d s t a l i g e Top 10 January 3, 2015 email: website: 1 Nielson Sexy als ik dans 2 Claudia de Breij Mag ik dan bij jou 3 Racoon Oceaan 4 Willemijn Verkaik Laat het los 5 Jaman Zwevend op de wolken 6 Maaike Ouboter Dat ik je miss 7 Jannes Eens 8 Glennis Grace Dat ik je mis 9 Roy Donders Ik wil jou 10 Samantha Steenwijk Lieveling, wat hou ik van jou Mag ik dan bij jou was het openingslied van de theatervoorstelling Hete vrede uit 2011, die de prijs voor beste cabaretprogramma van het jaar ontving. Het lied werd toen wel als een single uitgebracht maar was niet erg succesvol. In de afgelopen jaren won de song echter aan populariteit. Behalve dat Mag ik dan bij jou meer dan 50.000 keer is gedownload, is het lied ook 2 miljoen keer bekeken via YouTube. Bovendien staat het nummer van De Breij al meer dan 3 jaar in de iTunes top 100 en eindigt de plaat altijd hoog in de Top 2000. Het chanson wordt met grote regelmaat gedraaid of gezongen bij zowel huwelijken als begrafenissen. 15 Gouda Clay Pipes A Gouda clay pipe is a tobacco pipe made of stone, which many men smoked in the 18th century. In 1606, English mercenaries arrived in the Netherlands as reinforcements for Gouda. They taught the people of Gouda how to make the pipes. Later, in 1660, the Guild of Gouda Pipe Makers was founded. With the arrival of wooden pipes, the cigar and popularity of cigarettes, the trade seemed to be dying out – but the opposite was true. With the Gouda Pipe Foundation, three enthusiastic gentlemen breathed new life into the pipe. You can admire their skills in the Waag in Gouda. Did you know that? • The Gouda clay pipe was a huge success in China. • There are only a few people in Gouda who can still roll the original clay pipes. Melbourne, Australia There was a lot of interest for the art of Gouda’s Clay Pipe making at the Tesselaar Tulip Festival in Sylvan (Melbourne). From September 19-21, 2014, they celebrated the Dutch weekend at this Festival, which was visited by approximately 15,000 guests. There was a lot of amazement and interest in the art of making the “Gouda Clay Pipes”. Quite a few visitors remembered their Grandfather smoking a Pipe. Patrick Vermeulen, from the “Goudse pijp” Guild ran several workshops at the festival for children, who enjoyed learning to make their own wonderful clay pipe, and specially because they were allowed to take them home. Clay Pipe maker Patrick Vermeulen from the Guild of Gouda Pipe Makers has a part in a historical action movie about Dutch hero Michiel de Ruyter. Vermeulen is a market salesman selling clay pipes in the movie which will be shown in Dutch theatres starting January 29, 2015 16 Ten Dutch cheeses There is more to Dutch cheese than the plastic versions of Gouda and Edam you tend to find in foreign or even some Dutch supermarkets. Here are some of our favourites, and we apologize if we’ve missed yours. Dutch hard cheese, by the way, is either jong (young, 4 weeks), jong-belegen (youngmature 8-10 weeks), belegen (mature, 16-18 weeks), extra belegen (extra mature, 7 -8 months), oud (old, 10-12 months) or overjarig (very old, more than 18 months). 1. Leidse kaas - Cheese with cumin seeds to give it flavour. 2. Friese nagelkaas - Cheese with cloves and cumin seeds, an acquired taste for some and a tried-it-once-never-again experience for others 3. Bleu de Wolvega - Organic French-style blue cheese from Friesland. Very tasty. 4. Goudse kaas, old - Crumbly, salty, pungent with overtones of stinky (don’t let this put you off, just hold your nose and eat this delicious cheese on a piece of roggebrood or rye bread.) 5. Zeekraalkaas - Organic sheep’s milk cheese with samphire, made in Terschelling. Yum. 6. Geska Glarus - Not a Dutch cheese but such a pervasive presence on Dutch tables since times immemorial that it deserves a place. It’s stinky, powdered Swiss cheese which tastes like shredded cardboard. Expats who miss it can buy it in the home sickness shops on line. 7. Rommedoe - (roum is the Limburg dialect word for cream and doe is derived from the French doux, or soft). A hold-your-nose Limburg cheese which is no longer made in Limburg because of Dutch regulations but pop over the border with Belgium and you’ll find it under the name Hervekaas. It’s production goes back to the fifteenth century. Sharp, pungent and stinky. And please don’t take on any form of public transport after you’ve eaten some. 8. Edammer kaas - Small round cheese whose production goes back to the 17th century and one of the best-known Dutch cheeses in the world. It was known as a klootkaasjes or ball (as in gonads) cheese. 9. Texelse schapenkaas - This cheese was made in the 16th and 17th centuries on the island of Texel. One of the more surprising ingredients was the juice of boiled sheep’s poo which gave it is characteristic colour (green) and taste (sharp). It also helped keep the cheese. This practice was discontinued in the 1930’s but you can still buy the poo-less variety. 10. Limburger - Beloved of comedians for its pungent smell – often compared to body odour – Limburger cheese was made in the 19th century in the Duchy of Limburg, which is now divided between the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium. Nowadays its mainly made in Germany. They are welcome to it. Note: Some Dutch cheeses have brand names, like Leerdammer (also: Maasdammer) or Old Amsterdam. They have nothing to do with either Leerdam, Maasdam or Amsterdam but have been given a brand new name by cheesy marketing men. This article was first published on website Netherlands by Numbers 17 Costume display The verses below reportedly were written on the wall of Mother Teresa's home for children in Calcutta, India, and are widely attributed to her. Do it anyway People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway. Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway. In the Bahamas we found some interesting tropical rum drinks: Bahama Mama 1 oz. Coconut Rum 1 1/4 oz. Gold Rum 1 1/2 oz. Nassau Royale Liqueur 2 oz's. Orange Juice 2 oz's. Pineapple Juice Dash of Angostura Bitters (optional) 1/6 oz Grenadine 1 Cherry and/or Slice of Orange Gully Wash 2 oz. Gin 2 oz. Coconut Water 4 oz. Condensed Milk Pretty simple: just mix the gin and coconut water in half the glass over ice. Then fill the rest with condensed milk. Raise glass and toast. Enjoy! Aris & Jenny 18 NE WS FRO M THE N ETHE R LAND S DCC CLUBS CLUB MANAGER 780-984-4569 BOARD MEMBERS President Frank Stolk 780-464-4879 Vice-president Emmy Diamond 780-433-5584 Secretary Rita Hemmes-Davis 780-449-1080 Treasurer Wilma Thys 780-406-9674 Officers Piet Van Papeveld 780-437-0680 Lisa Putters 780-466-5756 Henk Albarda 780-466-0873 Cees Stolk 780-417-2245 Pieter Van Leeuwen 780-459-5367 DCC AUXILIARY President Edith Van Leeuwen 780-489-8404 Secretary Truus de Visser 780-434-4133 Treasurer Erica Van Leeuwen 780-459-5367 THE WINDMILLS President Pieter Putters 780-466-5756 Secretary Judy Boekholt 780-470-3701 Treasurer Ria Bok 780-472-2725 DUTCH TOUCH Editor Jenny Smits 780-473-0905 Advertising Lisa Putters 780-466-5756 State lottery misled players over winning odds: court The Dutch state lottery misled players between 2000 and 2008 by exaggerating the likelihood of winning, the Supreme Court has ruled. The lottery should have warned players that it would use both sold and unsold tickets when making the draw, the court said. ‘This means the odds of winning were lower than consumers thought,’ the court said. ‘This is misleading.’ The case was taken to court by a foundation named which represents some 23,000 lottery players. The foundation says the players are now ‘excellently’ placed to demand a refund on their tickets. Everyone who played the state lottery between January 1 2000 and 2008 can sign up for the next step, the foundation said. Rotterdam's mayor tells Muslims to pack their bags and go if they don't like freedom Rotterdam’s Moroccan born mayor tells his fellow Muslim immigrants they “can ---- off” if they do not appreciate freedom of speech in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack. Ahmed Aboutaleb, a Labour politician and former g o v e r n m e n t m i n i s t e r, i s s u e d h i s uncompromising message on the day that Islamist terrorists attacked the French satirical magazine because it published cartoons mocking Islam. “It is incomprehensible that you can turn against freedom. But if you do not like freedom, in Heaven’s name pack your bag and leave,” he said. “There may be a place in the world where you can be yourself,” he continued. “Be honest with yourself and do not go and kill innocent journalists. And if you do not like it here because humorists you do not like make a newspaper, may I then say you can ---off.” Mr Aboutaleb, who became the Dutch city’s mayor in 2008, has repeatedly hit the headlines for his outspoken views on the integration of immigrants, including praise from Boris Johnson. “[His] is the voice of the Enlightenment, of Voltaire. We can and will protect this country against these jihadist thugs,” wrote London’s mayor. 19 BILLIARDS CLUB Jack Toering 780-454-5171 BUILDING MAINTENANCE Piet Van Papeveld 780-437-0680 CARD MAKING Ria Bok 780-472-2725 CASINO Cory Vriens 780-478-1450 CONCORDIA BAND Dave Greidanus 587-269-3619 HALL RENTALS Frank Stolk 780-984-4569 HERITAGE FESTIVAL Emmy Diamond 780-433-5584 KLAVERJAS TOURNAMENTS Pieter Van Leeuwen 780-459-5367 LANGUAGE LESSONS Nadine Silveira 780-570-2232 MEMBERSHIP Lisa Putters 780-466-5756 SEWING & CRAFT CIRCLE Jenny Smits 780-473-0905 SPRING MARKET Barbara de Visser 780-444-8855 STITCH ‘N RIP CLUB Edith Van Leeuwen 780-489-8404 Dutch Canadian Centre FEBRUARY 2015 lub eekly C W r a l u Reg le Schedu f Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 2 3 4 5 6 7 Card Club 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Card Club 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Quilting Tuesday Wednesday Thursday fall & winter months 1 Board Meeting 2nd Monday of the month 6:30 pm Committee Meetings 8 Klaverjas in the months with 31 days prior to the board meetings at 6:30 pm Monday: Stitch & Rip Club 12:00 - 3:00 pm Tuesday: Sewing Circle 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Klaverjas Club MARCH 2015 12:30 - 4:00 pm Wednesday: Seniors Drop-In Nordic Room Sunday Monday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Card Club 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Card Club 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 1:00 - 4:00 pm Billiard Club 7:00 pm Thursday: Windmills Seniors 1:00 pm Concordia Band 8:00 pm Friday Flying Dutchman Club Room Social 22 AGM 29 7:30 pm Silver Skate Festival February 13-22, 2015 Saturday: Card Making 10:00 - 5:00 twice a month (check dates on calendar) 20
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