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Full program
Room 2: 302 Room 2: 302 Room 1: 301 TS-168 TS-153 TS-169 TS-154 TS-139 TS-124 Room 3: 303 TS-106 TS-88 TS-170 TS-155 TS-140 TS-125 Room 4: 304 TS-107 TS-89 * Room 4: 304 TS-71 TS-53 * TS-35 TS-109 TS-91 * Room 6: 312 TS-73 TS-55 * TS-37 Room 6: 312 * TS-38 Room 7: 313 TS-110 TS-92 * T01 * TS-9 T14 * Coffee Break T07 TC12 TS-8 TS-26 TS-18 * TS-10 TS-27 TS-19 Room 9: 315 * TS-75 TS-57 TS-59 TC02 TS-41 TS-76 TS-77 Coffee Break TS-58 * TS-40 Coffee Break Room 9: 315 2015 IES Award (Coffee Break) TS-111 TS-93 TS-95 TC01 TS-112 TS-113 Coffee Break TS-94 * TS-114 TS-96 TC07 Plenary Session 3 (Room 1+Room 2) * TS-29 TS-21 * TS-13 TS-171 TS-156 TS-141 TS-126 Room 5: 311 TS-172 TS-157 * TS-127 Room 6: 312 * TS-158 * TS-128 AdCom Meeting AdCom Meeting AdCom Meeting AdCom Dinner * Coffee Break TS-160 TS-145 TS-31 TS-23 * TS-15 TS-32 TS-24 * TS-16 TS-33 TS-25 * TS-17 TS-79 TS-61 TC05 TS-43 TS-80 TS-62 TC11 TS-44 TS-81 TS-63 TC13 TS-45 TS-82 TS-64 TC14 TS-46 TS-83 TS-65 TC15 TS-47 TS-84 TS-66 TC21 TS-48 TS-85 TS-67 TC23 TS-49 TS-115 TS-97 TC09 TS-116 TS-98 TC10 TS-117 TS-99 TC16 TS-118 TS-100 TC17 TS-119 TS-101 TC18 TS-120 TS-102 TC19 TS-121 TS-103 TC22 Harbor Lounge A/B AdCom Lunch AdCom Meeting Post-AdCom Dinner 12:00-13:00 13:00-17:00 18:00-21:00 AdCom Meeting AdCom Meeting AdCom Lunch AdCom Meeting AdCom Meeting AdCom Meeting AdCom Meeting * TS-161 TS-146 TS-177 TS-162 TS-147 * TS-163 TS-148 TS-179 TS-164 TS-149 TS-180 TS-165 TS-150 TS-181 TS-166 TS-151 Room 10: 411 Room 11: 412 Room 12: 413 Room 13: 414 Room 14: 415 Room 15: 416 Room 16: 417 Room 17: 418 Room 18: 419 AdCom AdCom AdCom TS-131 TS-132 TS-133 TS-134 TS-135 * Meeting Meeting Meeting Coffee Break TS-130 Room 9: 315 Friday 13th of November, 2015 TS-174 TS-159 TS-144 TS-129 Room 8: 314 Thursday 12th of November, 2015 Room 7: 313 TS-30 TS-22 * TS-14 Room 10: 411 Room 11: 412 Room 12: 413 Room 13: 414 Room 14: 415 Room 15: 416 Room 16: 417 Room 17: 418 Room 18: 419 Plenary Session 2 (Room 1+Room 2) Room 8: 314 * TS-60 TC03 TS-42 Plenary Session 1 (Room 1+Room 2) TS-39 TS-28 TS-20 * TS-12 Room 10: 411 Room 11: 412 Room 12: 413 Room 13: 414 Room 14: 415 Room 15: 416 Room 16: 417 Room 17: 418 Room 18: 419 Opening Session (Room 1+Room 2) Room 8: 314 Tuesday 10th of November, 2015 * TS-11 Room 9: 315 Room 10: 411 Room 11: 412 Room 12: 413 Room 13: 414 Room 14: 415 Room 15: 416 Room 16: 417 Room 17: 418 Room 18: 419 Registration Wednesday 11th of November, 2015 TS-74 TS-56 * T08 T13 TC08 TS-7 Room 8: 314 Welcome Reception (Room 501+502, Pacifico Yokohama) Room 7: 313 * T15 TC06 TS-6 Room 7: 313 Banquet ( Ground Ballroom “HOH-SHOH” located at the 3rd floor, banquet center, Yokohama Royal Park Hotel ) TS-108 TS-90 * Room 5: 311 TS-72 TS-54 * TS-36 Room 5: 311 T04 T11 TC04 TS-5 Room 6: 312 AdCom Meeting TS-167 TS-152 TS-138 TS-123 TS-122 TS-137 Room 2: 302 TS-105 TS-87 Room 1: 301 TS-104 TS-86 Unavailable 䖃 Room 3: 303 TS-70 IES Forum on Quality Publication TS-69 TS-68 TS-52 㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌䖃 TS-34 Room 4: 304 T10 T09 TC20 TS-4 Room 5: 311 8:00-12:00 19:00-22:00 16:20-18:00 16:00-16:20 14:00-16:00 12:40-14:00 (Lunch) 11:00-12:40 10:40-11:00 09:00-10:40 18:30-21:00 15:20-17:20 15:00-15:20 13:00-15:00 11:30-13:00 (Lunch) 10:30-11:30 10:00-10:30 09:00-10:00 15:50-17:30 15:30-15:50 * TS-51 * TS-50 13:50-15:30 T06 Room 3: 303 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics: Farewell / Welcome meeting Room 1: 301 Industry Forum 12:30-13:50 (Lunch) 10:30-12:30 10:00-10:30 09:00-10:00 08:45-09:00 18:00-20:00 15:40-17:40 15:20-15:40 * T05 * T03 Unavailable Industry Forum TS-3 Room 4: 304 13:20-15:20 TS-2 Room 3: 303 TS-1 Room 2: 302 12:00-13:20 (Lunch) Room 1: 301 10:00-12:00 09:00-10:00 IECON2015-Yokohama Monday 9th of November, 2015 13:00-16:45 Student Forum I, II 18:30-20:00 Student Banquet Student Forum (Harbor Lounge B) 10:30-12:00 Student Tutorial and Industry Link Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center 424 Floor Map 423 422 421 414 415 Room 416 Room 13 417 Room 14 Room 15 16 413 Room12 412 411 Room Room 10 11 418 Room17 419 Room18 Foyer 318 304 Room4 303 Room3 317 316 301 Room1 302 Room2 Foyer 311 312 Room5 313 Room6 314 Room7 Room8 315 Room9 IECON2015 ACN2015 Venue Venue &RQIHUHQFH &HQWHU To: Tokyo Stn. 6WXGHQW )RUXP To: Motomach Chiukagai Sta. <RNRKDPD5R\DO3DUN+RWHO )%DQTXHW/REE\(QWUDQFH )%DQTXHW+DOO To: Shinyokohama Stn. To: Kannai Stn. 40min 100min Table of Contents Welcome Message from the IECON2015 General Chairs .................................... 1 Welcome Message from the IECON2015 Technical Program Chairs ..................... 2 IECON2015 Organizing Committees ................................................................ 3 Conference Information ................................................................................. 8 Local Information .......................................................................................... 10 Plenary Lectures ........................................................................................... 11 Tutorials ...................................................................................................... 14 Industry Forum ............................................................................................ 16 Student Activity Program ............................................................................... 22 Session Information ...................................................................................... 26 List of Technical and Special Sessions......................................................... 27 Technical Program Monday 9th ......................................................................................... 40 Tuesday 10th ...................................................................................... 56 Wednesday 11th .................................................................................. 82 Thursday 12th ..................................................................................... 100 Time Table for Technical Committee Meetings and Related Meetings ................... 128 List of Reviewers .......................................................................................... 131 Authors Index .............................................................................................. 137 The 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON2015) IECON 2015 is the 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, focusing on industrial and manufacturing theory and applications of electronics, controls, communications, instrumentation and computational intelligence. The objectives of the conference are to provide high quality research and professional interactions for the advancement of science, technology, and fellowship. Copyright and Reprint Permission Abstracting is permitted with credit to the source. Libraries are permitted to photocopy beyond the limit of U.S. copyright law for private use of patrons those articles in this volume that carry a code at the bottom of the first page, provided the per-copy fee indicated in the code is paid through Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923. For reprint or republication permission, email to IEEE Copyrights Manager at pubspermissions@ieee.org. All rights reserved. Copyright ©2015 by IEEE. Sponsors Technical Co-sponsors Acknowledgement City of Yokohama Tateisi Science and Technology Foundation The Foundation for Technology Promotion of Electronic Circuit Board The Murata Science Foundation The Precise Measurement Technology Promotion Foundation The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation Welcome Message from the IECON2015 General Chairs On behalf of the Organizing Committee of IECON2015, it is with great pleasure and honor we welcome all the participating delegates from 53 countries to take part in the 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON) that is being held in Yokohama in the prefecture of Kanagawa, Japan, form November 9th to November 12th, 2015. Throughout the past 41 years, IECON has excelled in showcasing creativity, in providing an ideal environment for technical exchange and networking, and most importantly in emphasizing the applied nature of the industrial electronics/informatics over a wide range of industries. IECON2015 is also focusing on industrial and manufacturing theory and applications of electronics, controls, communications, instrumentation and computational intelligence. Yokohama is the first harbor city introduced to the world as the entrance to Japan. Since the time its port was opened, Yokohama has been vigorously acquiring new cultures and information from foreign countries and introducing to Japan our countryʼs first-timeever things from food to a wide range of cultures, which entitles Yokohama as the birthplace of Japanʼs modern culture. In Minato Mirai 21, which is the conference area, is the popular tourist spots in Yokohama. Yokohama Landmark Tower has 296 meter skyscraper with a shopping complex. Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse is a complex building where you can enjoy shopping and dining of every kind. IECON 2015 had 1250 papers submitted from 47 countries. After the review process, IECON2015 has 932 high quality accepted papers, which includes 14 Student Forum papers, 312 Special Session papers and 606 Technical Track Session papers. IECON2015 has three plenary sessions based on the highly reputed speakers. Moreover, IECON2015 has the timely and interesting Industry Forum based on eight industrial leaders having highly rich experience. We would like to thank all authors and participants who have contributed to make this event a great success. Finally, we would like to specially thank to all of the volunteers who have worked very hard at all levels, those who participated in the review process, the special session organizers, the technical tracks chairs, the technical committees members, the industry forum organizers, the student forum organizers and the local and international organizing committees. Moreover, we would like to thank to all IES officers who helped us in promoting Yokohama as the host of IECON2015. Prof. Kiyoshi Ohishi Nagaoka University of Technology IEEE Prof. Hideki Hashimoto Chuo University IECON2015 General Co-Chairs 1 Welcome Message from the IECON2015 Technical Program Chairs On behalf of the Technical Program Committee, it is our great pleasure and honor to welcome you to Yokohama for the 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON2015). The main objective of IECON2015-Yokohama is to provide a forum for researchers, educators and engineers in the general field of industrial electronics to disseminate their latest research results and work up technical interests in the future research directions of the related fields. A converge of IECON is very wide and the IECON2015 is no exception. We have 17 regular tracks covering various fields and 47 call for special sessions. The program also includes 15 tutorials from experts. All 1230 submissions were thoroughly reviewed and only 918 high quality papers were included in the final program. Presentations at IECON2015Yokohama are organized in 18 parallel tracks, for a total of 173 oral sessions, taking place during the four conference days. We have the fortune to be able to invite some distinguished speakers to deliver plenary talks. We would like to thank all the members of authors, plenary speakers and attendees for their support and participation. We wish to express our most sincere appreciation and thanks to all the individuals who have contributed to the organization of this conference. Our special thanks are extended to our colleagues in the Program Committee for their review of all the submitted papers, which is important for the success of this conference, and the Track Chairs and the Special Session Chairs for their attractive proposal of sessions. We also extend our great thanks to the Local Arrangement Committee who have spent their time for ensuring the success of this conference. We hope that you will have fruitful conference and enjoyable stay in Yokohama, Japan. Prof. Toshiyuki Murakami Keio University IEEE Prof. Leopoldo G. Franquelo Universidad de Sevilla IECON2015 Prof. Mo-Yuen Chow North Carolina State University Program Co-Chairs 2 IEEE IECON2015 Organizing Committees Honorary Chair Fumio Harashima, Japan Secretary Takahiro Nozaki, Japan General Co-Chairs Kiyoshi Ohishi, Japan Hideki Hashimoto, Japan Advisory Board Gerard Capolino, France Toshio Fukuda, Japan Hiromasa Haneda, Japan Takamasa Hori, Japan John Y. Hung, USA J. David Irwin, USA Rokuya Ishii, Japan Karel Jezernik, Slovenia Toshiji Kato, Japan Okyay Kaynak, Turkey Ren Luo, Taiwan Kouhei Ohnishi (Chair), Japan Bogdan M. Wilamowski, USA Hubert Wo, USA Program Co-Chairs Toshiyuki Murakami, Japan Leopoldo G. Franquelo, Spain Mo-Yuen Chow, USA Special Session Co-Chairs Makoto Iwasaki, Japan Roberto Oboe, Italy Tutorial Co-Chairs Hiroshi Fujimoto, Japan Chandan Chakraborty, India Industry Forum Chairs Michael Condry, USA Victor K. L. Huang, USA Kiyoshi Ohishi, Japan Hideki Hashimoto, Japan Publication Co-Chairs Yasutaka Fujimoto, Japan Peter Xu, New Zealand Kenji Natori, Japan Finance Chair Seiichiro Katsura, Japan Student Forum Honorary Chairs Kiyoshi Ohishi, Japan Hideki Hashimoto, Japan Publicity Co-Chairs Yuki Yokokura, Japan Naoki Motoi, Japan Student Forum General Chairs Samir Kouro, Chile Marek Jasinski, Norway Liaison Co-Chairs Yasuharu Kunii, Japan Kouhei Ohnishi, Japan Student Forum and Student Banquet Chair Ryogo Kubo, Japan Steering Committee Chairman Fumio Harashima, Japan Member Tzyhjong Tarn, USA Toshio Fukuda, Japan Masayoshi Tomizuka, USA Ren C Luo, Taiwan Okyay Kayanak, Turkey David Irwin, USA Bogdan M. Wilamowski, USA Asif Sabanovic, Turkey Kouhei Ohnishi, Japan Secretary Hideki Hashimoto, Japan Kiyoshi Ohishi, Japan Local Arrangement Co-Chairs Tomoyuki Shimono, Japan Mihoko Niitsuma, Japan Banquet Program Co-Chairs Makoto Iwasaki, Japan Toshiaki Tsuji, Japan Sho Sakaino, Japan Technical Tour Co-Chairs Hiroshi Fujimoto, Japan Ryogo Kubo, Japan Sosuke Nakamura, Japan Registration Co-Chairs Masaaki Shibata, Japan Toshimasa Miyazaki, Japan Shunji Moromugi, Japan 3 Technical Program Committee Program Co-Chairs Toshiyuki Murakami, Japan Leopoldo G. Franquelo, Spain Mo-Yuen Chow, USA Sensors, Actuators & Micro/Nanotechnology Naoki Oda, Japan Toshiaki Tsuji, Japan Antonio Luque, Spain Stoyan Nihtianov, Netherlands Power Electronics & Energy Conversion Kozo Ide, Japan Tomoki Yokoyama, Japan Chandan Chakraborty, India Akshay Kumar Rathore, Singapore Renewable Energy & Sustainable Development Assistive & Rehabilitation Systems Noriko Kawakami, Japan Tomoyuki Shimono, Japan Hirohito Funato, Japan Kenji Natori, Japan Giovanni Spagnuolo, Italy Peter Xu, New Zealand Ramon Blasco Gimenez, Spain Electronic System on Chip & Real Time Embedded Control Hiroaki Nishi, Japan Power Systems Yutaka Uchimura, Japan Tomonobu Senjyu, Japan Eric Monmasson, France Nobuo Satoh, Japan Marc Perron, Canada Concettina Buccella, Italy Mo-Yuen Chow, USA Signal and Image Processing & Computational Intelligence Naoyuki Kubota, Japan Electrical Machines & Drives Yasuharu Kunii, Japan Takashi Kosaka, Japan Milos Manic, USA Kan Akatsu, Japan Andrea Cavagnino, Italy Factory Automation & Industrial Informatics Leila Parsa, USA Norimitsu Ichikawa, Japan Mechatronics, Robotics & System Integration Ryogo Kubo, Japan Yasutaka Fujimoto, Japan Lucia Lo Bello, Italy Masaaki Shibata, Japan Valeriy Vyatkin, Finland Peter Korondi, Hungary Hideki Hashimoto, Japan Information Processing & Its Applications Kenji Terada, Japan Motion Control & Haptics Mihoko Niitsuma, Japan Seiichiro Katsura, Japan Thilo Sauter, Austria Kiyoshi Ohishi, Japan Stamatis Karnouskos, Germany Roberto Oboe, Italy Asif Sabanovic, Turkey ICT Based Transportation Systems Tatsuya Suzuki, Japan Control System & Its Applications Shintaro Ono, Japan Makoto Iwasaki, Japan Kanghyun Jo, South Korea Mitsuo Hirata, Japan Jiming Chen, China Social Innovation Systems Xinghuo Yu, Australia Yasue Mitsukura, Japan Satoshi Suzuki, Japan Transportation Electrification Tamio Arai, Japan Hiroshi Fujimoto, Japan Akira Shimada, Japan Keiichiro Kondo, Japan Sheldon Williamson, Canada Energy Storage Systems David Dorrel, Australia Federico Baronti, Italy Fei Gao, France Chengbin Ma, China Ritesh Keshri, India Habiballah Rahimi-Eichi, USA Giuseppe Buja, Italy Sousuke Nakamura, Japan 4 Special Session Organizers SS1 - Big Data Analytics for Industrial Informatics Elizabeth Chang, Australia Paulo Leitao, Portugal Tharam Dillon, Australia Farookh Khadeer Hussain, Australia SS13 - Signal and Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Techniques for Electric Machine and Power Electronics Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis Jose Antonino-Daviu, Spain Hubert Razik, France SS2 - (canceled) SS14 - New methodologies in electrical and electronic engineering education Jose Antonino-Daviu, Spain Larisa Dunai Dunai, Spain SS3 - (canceled) SS4 - (canceled) SS15 - Fault Detection, Diagnostics and Prognostics in Electromechanical Devices Omid Geramifard, Singapore Le Tung, Singapore Jian-Xin Xu, Singapore SS5 - Robotics in the Modern Age Hitoshi Kino, Japan Tomonori Kato, Japan Kenji Tahara, Japan SS6 - Wireless Power Transfer Zhen Zhang, Hong Kong Chunhua Liu, Hong Kong SS16 - Multiphase Electric Machines for Generation and Motor Applications Emil Levi, UK Federico Barrero, Spain SS7 - Advancing Electric Vehicle Technologies Chunhua Liu, Hong Kong Zhen Zhang, Hong Kong SS17 - Biomedical Applications of Industrial Electronics Carlo Cecati, Italy Toshio Fukuda, Japan Óscar Lucía, Spain SS8 - Induction Heating Systems Óscar Lucía, Spain Claudio Carretero, Spain SS18 - Control and Filtering for Distributed Networked Systems Qing-Long Han, Australia Chen Peng, China SS9 - Biomimetics and Intelligent Robotics Maki K. Habib, Egypt Keigo Watanabe, Japan Fusaomi Nagata, Japan SS19 - Advanced Control of Robotic Systems Michael Ruderman, Japan Makoto Iwasaki, Japan SS10 - Information Technologies for Smart Grids Thomas Strasser, Austria Sebastian Rohjans, Germany SS20 - (canceled) SS21 - Multilevel Converters for Renewable Energy Systems Hadi Y. Kanaan, Lebanon Kamal Al-Haddad, Canada SS11 - Real-time Simulation and Hardwarein-the-Loop Validation Methods for Power and Energy Systems Georg Lauss, Austria Thomas Strasser, Austria SS22 - Advanced Power Electronics for Power Quality Improvement in Distributed Systems Hadi Y. Kanaan, Lebanon Kamal Al-Haddad, Canada SS12 - Smart Sensors for the Future “Internet of Things” Zhichao Tan, China Stoyan Nihtianov, Netherlands Ridha Ben-Mrad, Canada Antonio Luque, Spain SS23 - Vision Sensing and Data Processing for Human Assistive Systems Sota Shimizu, Japan Naoki Oda, Japan Toshiyuki Murakami, Japan 5 SS24 - Multilevel Converter Marcelo A. Perez, Chile Sergio Vazquez, Spain SS35 - Bio-signal and Multimedia Signal Processing Nozomu Hamada, Malaysia Yasue Mitsukura, Japan SS25 - Conversion and Control of Photovoltaic Energy Systems Samir Kouro, Chile Christian Rojas, Chile SS36 - (canceled) SS37 - Human Support and Monitoring Technology on Human Factors Kang-Hyun JO, South Korea Hiroshi HASHIMOTO, Japan Sho YOKOTA, Japan Satoshi SUZUKI, Japan SS26 - Optimized Real-Time Control Strategies of Power Electronics for Embedded Hybrid Energy Systems Fei Gao, France Alexandre De Bernardinis, France SS38 - Smart Transparent Actuation Systems Kyougnchul Kong, South Korea Hiroshi Fujimoto, Japan SS27 - Matrix Converters Marco Rivera, Chile José Rodríguez, Chile Patrick Wheeler, UK Haitham Abu-Rub, Qatar SS39 - New trends in Education regarding Cyber-Physical Systems and Industrial Agents Armando Walter Colombo, Germany Paulo Leitão, Portugal João Martins, Portugal SS28 - Advanced Motion Control for Mechatronic Systems Hiroshi Fujimoto, Japan Makoto Iwasaki, Japan Roberto Oboe, Italy Toshiaki Tsuji, Japan SS40 - Wireless and Cloud Systems for Industrial Sensing Applications Mikael Gidlund, Sweden Kim Fung Tsang, Hong Kong Gerhard P. Hancke, Hong Kong SS29 - Engineering Paradigms for Automated Facilities Matthias Foehr, Germany Tobias Jäger, Germany Paulo Leitão, Portugal SS41 - Real-World Haptics Based on Motion Control Technology Seiichiro Katsura, Japan Kiyoshi Ohishi, Japan Yasutaka Fujimoto, Japan SS30 - Recent Developments on Time-Delay Systems and Their Applications Qing-Long Han, Australia Yutaka Uchimura, Japan SS42 - Fault Diagnosis and Fault Tolerance in Power Electronics and Drives Chiara Boccaletti, Italy António João Marques Cardoso, Portugal SS31 - Electrical Machines and Drives for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Christopher H. T. Lee, Hong Kong T. W. Ching, Macau SS43 - Building Automation –Solving the Complexity Challenges Jan Haase, Germany Gerhard Zucker, Austria SS32 - Renewable Energy Harvesting Technique for Future Energy Systems Wenlong Li, Hong Kong T. W. Ching, Macau SS33 - Intelligent Robotic Control and Motion Planning Xu Jianxin, Singapore Ren Qinyuan, Singapore SS44 - Static and Dynamic Wireless Charging for Electric Transportation Giuseppe Buja, Italy Akshay Kumar Rathore, Singapore Kishore Naik Mude, Italy SS34 - Vehicle Intelligence for Proactive Assistance Takahiro Wada, Japan Takashi Bando, Japan Tadahiro Taniguchi, Japan SS45 - Resonant Power Converters Topologies, Control Techniques and Applications Maria Teresa Outeiro, Portugal Giuseppe Buja, Italy 6 SS46 - Information and Communication Technology for Smart Energy Application Palensky Peter, Netherlands Jan Haase, Germany Hiroaki Nishi, Japan SS47 - Nonlinear Control Techniques for Power System and Renewable Energy Applications Ahmed Al-Durra, United Arab Emirates S.M. Muyeen, United Arab Emirates M. E. H. Benbouzid, France 7 Conference Information Date & Venue Date: November 9-12, 2015 Venue: Pacifico Yokohama 1-1-1 Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-0012, Japan TEL +81-45-221-2166 (Transportation Guide) TEL +81-45-221-2155 (Information) Official Language The official language of the conference is English. All presentation including discussions shall be made in English. Registration Registration desk is located in the entrance lobby on the 2nd floor and will be open during the following hours: Monday, November 9 9:00 - 19:00 Tuesday, November 10 8:00 - 17:00 Wednesday, November 11 8:00 - 17:00 Thursday, November 12 8:30 - 17:00 Badges All the participants are kindly asked to wear their name badges all the time in order to enter the session rooms and to take part in the social programs. Cloakroom Cloakroom is located in the entrance lobby on the 2nd floor and will be open during the following hours: Monday, November 9 9:00 - 20:00 Tuesday, November 10 8:00 - 17:30 Wednesday, November 11 8:00 - 17:30 Thursday, November 12 8:30 - 18:00 PC Check We strongly recommend that the presenter should check the connection or compatibility of your PC with the video projector in the session room during break time before presentation. A projector is also available in the foyer by Room 303 for self-preview. Exhibition Exhibition will be held at the lobby on the 3rd floor and open during the following hours: Monday, November 9 10:00 - 18:00 Tuesday, November 10 9:00 - 17:30 Wednesday, November 11 9:00 - 18:00 Thursday, November 12 9:00 - 17:00 8 Exhibitors: DEWETRON GmbH JP Business Service Corporation KEISOKU ENGINEERING SYSTEM (KESCO) Myway Plus Corporation ROBOTEC Corporation Welcome Reception A welcome reception will be held on Monday November 9th, 18:00-20:00 at Room 501+502, Pacifico Yokohama. Banquet The banquet will be held on Wednesday November 11th, 18:30-21:00 at Ground Ballroom “HOH-SHOH” located at the 3rd floor, banquet center, Yokohama Royal Park Hotel. The entrance of the banquet lobby is located at the 1st floor connected to the shopping mall “Landmark Plaza”. Refreshments Refreshments will be served in the foyer on the 3rd and 4th floor during coffee break time each day. Internet Access Wi-Fi access will be available in all the session rooms during the conference period. SSID: i e c o n 2 0 1 5 Password: i e c o n Photography Photography / Recording sessions are strictly prohibited. Facilities of the venue ・Photocopies and Printing Photocopy and printing service is available at the Business Center (Conference Center, 1st floor and Exhibition Hall, 2nd floor) and Convenience Store (Exhibition Hall, 1st floor). ・Prayer Room Prayer Room is available at Room 224 on the 2nd floor. 9 Local Information About Yokohama More than 150 years ago, Yokohama became the first harbor city opened to the world, the entrance to Japan. Since the time its port was opened, Yokohama has been vigorously acquiring new cultures and information from abroad. Today, as a result of the fusion of a variety of foreign cultures and new urban cultures, Yokohama keeps growing as an attractive city. Calling for Help Police 110 Fire Brigade / Ambulance 119 Electricity The voltage used throughout Japan is uniformly 100 volts, A.C. There are two kinds of frequencies in use: 50 Hz in Eastern Japan (Tokyo, Yokohama, etc.) and 60 Hz in Western Japan (Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka, etc.). Currency Exchange/ATM Only Japanese yen (¥) are accepted in regular stores and restaurants. You can buy yen at foreign exchange banks and other authorized money exchangers on presentation of your passport. Banks normally open on weekdays from 9 am to 3 pm. The ATMs placed in the post offices and at 7-Eleven convenience stores throughout Japan will accept withdrawals on credit card issued abroad. On or around such machines, a notice “International ATM Service” and stickers showing VISA, VISA Electron, PLUS, MASTERCARD, Maestro, Cirrus, American Express, Diners Club International, JCB, etc., logos are displayed. Travelerʼs Checks and Credit Cards Travelerʼs checks are accepted only by leading banks and major hotels in the main cities; the use of travelerʼs checks in Japan is not as popular as in some other countries. VISA, MasterCard, Diners Club and American Express credit cards are widely accepted at hotels, department stores, shops, restaurants and nightclubs. Shopping Shops and other sales outlets in Japan are generally open on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays as well as weekdays from 10 am to 8 pm. Tipping Tips are not required anywhere in Japan, even at hotels, restaurants, or in taxis. Weather The temperature in Yokohama during the period of the Conference ranges between 10-17 degrees Celsius. 10 Plenary Lecture 1 November 10, 9:00-10:00 Prof. Birgit Vogel-Heuser Institute of Automation and Information Systems (AIS) Technische Universität München Title: Cyber Physical Production systems / Industry 4.0- challenges in research and industrial application In order to be prepared for future challenges facing industrial production domain, CyberPhysical Production Systems (CPPS) consisting of intelligent entities which collaborate and exchange information globally are being proclaimed as the 4th industrial revolution. In this context, the service-oriented architecture as well as agents are often proposed. Agent technologies have been studied intensively in academia within the last decades and applications are recently available successfully to the production domain. The applicability of agent technology and smart data for realizing CPPS with real time and dependability requirements is discussed and shown based on selected scenarios. The talk concludes with opportunities and open research issues that need to be faced in order to achieve CPPSs in the context of Industry 4.0. Biography Professor Vogel-Heuser conducts research on the development and system evolution of Cyber Physical Production Systems and Industry 4.0, with the aim of improving product quality, the efficiency and consistency of engineering activities and operational availability. She develops methods and tools for integrating the various perspectives of mechatronic systems and phases in the life cycle. Her research projects range from fundamental research in automation to the derivation of requirements from industrial applications and the development of prototype tools. After graduating in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Aachen (RWTH), Prof. Vogel-Heuser earned her doctorate degree there (1990) in the area of robot programming in mechanical engineering. She acquired industrial experience over a ten year period, including a position as Engineering Director for the Siempelkamp Group. After various professorships (Hagen 1996; Wuppertal 2000; Kassel 2006), she assumed a professorship in the Department of Automation and Information Systems at TUM (2009). She is speaker of the DFG Collaborative Research Centre 768 “Managing cycles in innovation processes - integrated development of product-service systems based on technical products” at TUM and co-initiator of the DFG Priority Programme 1593 “Design for Future- Managed Software Evolution”. 11 Plenary Lecture 2 November 11, 9:00-10:00 Prof. John Y. Hung Auburn University, U.S.A., President of the IEEE IES Title: Industrial Electronics Highlights: 65 Years and Still Growing It is said that history helps us understand the world, ourselves, our cultures, and even the forces that shape the future. This morning, we take a quick history tour of industrial electronics technology highlights, as recorded over 60+ years in IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) publications. Along this journey, we will see how industrial electronics community members and technical activities have evolved. Selected contributions from several renowned people are explained, and we also survey the spectrum of todayʼs IES technical activities. We hope to gain a greater appreciation of our interesting technical world and diverse international community, and also look forward to emerging activities and needs. Biography John Y. Hung is a Professor of electrical and computer engineering at Auburn University, U.S.A., president of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (2014-2015), and 2016 Directorelect for IEEE Division VI. His technical experiences are in nonlinear systems and control, most recently applied to autonomous vehicles, electric machines, power electronics, and robotics. A Fellow of the IEEE, he has served on the editorial boards of several IEEE research publications, and received recognitions for both research and teaching. Prior to his academic career, he was a design and development engineer in the commercial building automation industry, and also a private engineering consultant. John Hung earned the bachelor degree (University of Tennessee, 1979), master (Princeton University, 1981), and Ph.D. (University of Illinois, 1989), all in electrical engineering. His hobbies include fixing old cars, amateur radio, and playing with his grandson. 12 Plenary Lecture 3 November 11, 10:30-11:30 Mr. Takahito Okubo General Manager EV and HEV Component Engineering Department Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. Title: EV technologies today The energy saving technology is more and more needed to improve in order to solve the environmental issues like a global warming and an air pollution problem. Automotive industry has been challenging to resolve these issues in terms of developing environmental friendly cars such as Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) and Battery electric vehicle (BEV). Nissan announced our policy of “Zero emission leadership” and launched the first mass production EV “LEAF” into the market since 2010. It’s already around 200 thousands of LEAF in the market today, but it’s only the beginning and we continue our challenges. Recently, the technologies around EV such as battery technologies, electrical parts technologies, control technologies, for instance, are improved day by day. I will talk about these basic technologies around EV and the further possibilities to create the EV attractiveness which may expand EV market. 13 Tutorials November 9, 13:20-15:20, 15:40-17:40 Tutorial 1: 13:20-15:20 November 9 [Room 411] Akshay Kumar Rathore: "Advanced Current-fed Power Converters: Snubberless and Naturally Clamped" Tutorial 2 (canceled) Tutorial 3: 13:20-15:20 November 9 [Room 303] Wilhem Peters, Oliver Wallscheid, Joachim Bocker: "State-of-the-Art Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Control Methods in Automotive Traction Applications Considering Thermal Influences" Tutorial 4: 15:40-17:40 November 9 [Room 311] Nihal Kularatna: "Non-Traditional Supercapacitor assisted Circuit Topologies For Traditional Circuit Issues" Tutorial 5: 13:20-15:20 November 9 [Room 304] Daniel Siemaszko: "Control of Grid Connected Power Converters: Methodology, Modelling and Real-Time Simulation" Tutorial 6: 15:40-17:40 November 9 [Room 303] Armando W. Colombo, Stamatis Karnouskos: "The emergence of Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems based on SOA and Cloud Technologies: Realising the Internet-of-AutomationThings" Tutorial 7: 13:20-15:20 November 9 [Room 315] Michael Ruderman, Francesco Biral, Kenta Seki, Tomoyuki Shimono: "Smart and Precision Motion Control Technologies" Tutorial 8: 15:40-17:40 November 9 [Room 314] Maria Teresa Outeiro, Giuseppe Buja: "Resonant Power Converters: Topologies, Control Techniques and Applications" Tutorial 9: 13:20-15:20 November 9 [Room 311] Toshiyuki Murakami, Kiyoshi Ohishi, Yasutaka Fujimoto, Seiichiro Katsura, Peter Xu: "Force Control Applications" Tutorial 10: 15:40-17:40 November 9 [Room 304] Federico Baronti, Mo-Yuen Chow, Martin Wenger: "New Trends in Battery Management System Design" Tutorial 11: 13:20-15:20 November 9 [Room 312] Marco Rivera, Johann W. Kolar, Jose Rodriguez, Patrick Wheeler: "Matrix Converters" Tutorial 12: (canceled) 14 Tutorial 13: 13:20-15:20 November 9 [Room 314] Mohamed Benbouzid: "Advanced Signal Processing Techniques for Condition Monitoring of Electric Machines and Drives" Tutorial 14: 15:40-17:40 November 9 [Room 315] Leopoldo G. Franquelo, Sergio Vazquez: "Recent Advances and Future Trends on Multilevel Converters" Tutorial 15: 13:20-15:20 November 9 [Room 313] Wing-Kuen Ling, Kim-Fung Tsang: "Industrial Biomedical Techniques and Applications" 15 Development: Trends, Industry Forum November 9, 13:20-17:40 13:20-17:40 November 9, 2015 (Monday) [Room 301+302] Industry Forum 13:20-15:20 Chairman: Michael Condry, Intel Corporation, Chairs of IEEE Industry Forum 13:20-14:20 Hideo INOUE, Toyota Motor Corporation Driving Intelligence for Safer Automobiles 14:20-15:20 Kazuhiko Yokoyama, Yaskawa Electric Corporation Activity of YASKAWA for Industry Robots 15:20-15:40 Coffee Break Industry Forum Panel – Executive Session 15:40-17:40 Chairmans: Victor Huang, ZAP Motors, Inc., IES Technical Committee Chair of Standards Michael Condry, Intel Corporation, Chairs of IEEE Industry Forum Marek Neumann, CTO, Intel Automotive Division Automobiles and security Takashi Hotta, Chief Engineer, Hitachi Ltd, Infrastructure Systems Co. Challenge in information and control systems James Wang, Founder, 3C-KBS Inc. Electric Vehicle battery technology and systems Akifumi Tamaoki, General Manager, Robotics Div., Toyota Motor Corporation Robotics with goal of "Mobility for All" Panel Discussion (30 mins) Chairmans & Speakers Michael Condry Intel Corporation, Chairs of IEEE Industry Forum Biography: Michael was the Chief Technical Officer for Intel Corporation, Global Ecosystem Division. His career has a mixture of academic and industry positions, mostly in industry. Holding teaching and research positions at Princeton and University of Illinois, at Illinois he lead an internet application research team contributing findings to the US Internet committee. His industry roles included AT&T Bell-Labs, Sun Microsystems, and Intel. At Bell Labs he coarchitect for the Bellmac-32 processor and co-designed the System 16 V Inode File System. At Sun he led standards for the Solaris/UNIX team founding the Open Group to enable these standards. Michaelʼs CTO role at Intel drove on customer innovation, design cost reduction, and other technologies and leading technical staff development. Efforts at Intel awarded him the prestigious Intel Quality Award in 2015 for significant customer cost reduction efforts processor enablement. His background includes projects in computer architecture, security, software, firmware, operating systems, networking, IoT, and standards. Michael retired from Intel in June 2015. Michael is a senior board member for the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, he created and chairs the IEEE Industry Forum. Michael is 2016 President-Elect of the IEEE Technical Engineering and Management Society. He conceived and is chairing the IEEE Industry Summit program that will start in 2016. Michael is also a member of the IEEE Computer Society for over 27 years and is the IEEE Silicon Valley Section Vice Chair for 2015. He also is a member of the IEEE-USA CCP committee with a focus on security. Hideo Inoue Toyota Motor Corporation Driving Intelligence for Safer Automobiles Abastract: Japan has been facing a super-mature society. In the automotive sector, it is important to solve problems such as the traffic accidents, and traffic jams, and to vitalize "aged society". Based on such backgrounds, two collaborative projects about vehicle intelligence research and development in Japan are introduced. Firstly, ʻAutonomous Diving Intelligence System to Enhance Safer and More Secured Traffic Society for Elderly Driversʼ is shown. The main purpose of this project is to realize a driving intelligence system embedding an experienced driver model to recover degraded performances of recognition, decision-making and operation for elderly drivers and to achieve a significant improvement in road safety. Secondly, the ʻSmart Traffic Flow Control Projectʼ is introduced. This project indicates that the driving intelligence technologies have the potential not only to enhance a safe and secure driving but also to reduce the congestion. Through these topics, the perspectives about vehicle intelligence technologies of ADAS and Automated Driving are shown. Biography: He has been working in Toyota more than 30 years. Consistently, he developed various vehicle control technologies like of vehicle dynamics, active safety, driver assistance and made a lot of effort to diffuse them to the market, such as, ABS, TCS, VSC (ESC), ECB (brake-by-wire system), Active Suspension, Active Steering, VDIM (Vehicle Dynamics Integrated Management), PCS (Pre-Collision Safety system) in Toyota. Since 2004 he was engaged in System Integration Management of huge vehicle systems of driver assistance, integrated safety, energy management, ITS, etc. as General Manager in Integrate System Engineering Division. Since 2008 he was engaged in overall planning for cutting edge and advanced technologies as General Manager in R&D Management Department. Through his experience, he had some awards. ʻThe US Government Award for Special Appreciation for contributions 17 to the development and popularization of safety technology, awarded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in June 2009' and so on. Since 2011, he has been doing the project leader of “S-innovation" program titled as ʻAutonomous Diving Intelligence System to Enhance Safer and More Secured Traffic Society for Elderly Drivers' based on a collaborative framework between universities and industry sponsored by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). He started the Advanced Vehicle Research project to achieve innovative vehicle technologies in 2013 as Project General Manager of Toyota Motor Corporation. He is also now a Visiting Professor of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. Kazuhiko Yokoyama Yaskawa Electric Corporation Activity of YASKAWA for Industry Robots Abastract: YASKAWA Electric Corporation established as an electric motor supplier for coal - mining industry, 100 years ago. Since then, we have expanded our business into manufacturing industries, like the steel industry, paper industry, automotive industry, electronics industry, and so on. Nowadays, we supply necessary industrial products like electric servo motor/amplifier, inverter apparatus and industrial robot, for customers engaging in manufacturing industries in the world. Our industrial robots realize high-speed and high-precision motion control and have greatly contributed to factory automation. As a result, we have shipped more than 300,000 industrial robots since 1977 when we shipped first-made robot. Now, in these days, large item small scale production and build-to-order system (BTO) newly spread in addition to previous mass production system. In order to adapt to the change of production system, we are required to develop new functions of industrial robots like easy robot teaching methods, intelligence robots and so on. This talk will introduce 100 years of our walking, present robot business and our plans to develop future industrial robots. Biography: Mr.Yokoyama is a General Manager of Tsukuba Laboratory, Yaskawa Electric Corporation. He was received the M.S degrees in information engineering from Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, in 1982. After joining Yaskawa in 1982, he developed the system software of manufacturing industry robots. Between 1989 and 2008, he was engaged in development of Non-manufacturing industry robots. Those are included the live line maintenance robot system, autonomous mobile robot “HelpMate”, Humanoid Robot “HRP” with AIST(National Institute of Advanced Industrial and Science Technology), Kawada Industries inc., and Simizu Corp and double 7 D.O.F (Degree Of Freedom) arm mobile robot “SmartPal”. His research interest includes kinematics of robots and autonomous robots. He is a member of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society and a fellow member of the Robotics Society of Japan. 18 VICTOR K L HUANG, PhD ZAP Motors, Inc., IES Technical Committee Chair of Standards Biography: Dr. Victor K. L. Huang is presently Chief Advisor of Technology and Product Engineering of ZAP Motors, Inc., a publicly traded NASDAQ company (ZAAP) specializing in Electric Vehicles and products with manufacturing facilities in China. Concurrently, he is also VP Better World, Ltd, manufacturer of Electric Vehicle Charge Stations for the in Electric Vehicles and infrastructure industry (EV). Victor is a 30+ year veteran in high technology industrial management, having served as VP of engineering in 5 separate startups in Silicon Valley, and most notably led the establishment of the highly acclaimed Institute of Microelectronics (IME) for the Singapore government which resulted in Singaporeʼs highly successful silicon industry. He has also authored/co-authored over 30 IEEE and professional publications, and is a holder of 4 international patents. Dr. Huangʼs present responsibilities at ZAP Motors are EV Technology and product engineering in California and China, USPS development contract on Long Life Vehicle (LLV)/Next Generation Delivery Vehicle (NGDV) electric vehicle, Marketing with ZAP International Sales, concentrating on South American markets. He currently leads and hosts numerous standards activities with the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society and IEEE professional meeting activities in the electrical vehicle industry. At Bell Labs he helped lead groundbreaking microprocessor development creating the industry's first 32-bit CMOS microprocessor the BellMac32A. Following Bell Labs, Victor led developments in Silicon Valley in the areas of wireless base-stations, mobile consumer electronics such as PDAs, mobile cell phones, web tablets, and e-Readers. Dr. Huang is an IEEE Senior Life member, Life AdCom member of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), IES Technical Committee Chair of Standards, IES representative to the IEEE Standards Board, and a member of IEEE Standards Association SCC42 – Transportation Committee. Takashi Hotta Chief Engineer, Hitachi Ltd, Infrastructure Systems Co. Challenge in information and control systems Abastract: Information and control systems those support social infrastructure systems such as railway transportation, energy generation and distribution, and industrial systems, are on the third movement after the first and second movements. Hitachi proposed a concept of “symbiotic autonomous distribution system (S-ADS)” which supports the third movement. The concept of S-ADS is to make whole system efficient by inter-connecting individual autonomous decentralized systems. For example, the whole system will be able to improve its values such as productivity, quality, ROA, the number of customers, customer spending, and also create brand new businesses. On the other hand, security will become an important issue when the systems will be connected each other. Hitachi proposed “H-ARC” as a concept to reinforce security, 19 which supports social infrastructure systems. In the concept, not only by “Hardening”, but also by “Adaptivity”, “Responsivity”, and “Cooperativity”, the security of whole system during its lifecycle will be maintained and enhanced. Recently, deployment of S-ADS and H-ARC concepts for smart manufacturing has been proposed to a project of “Factory of Future” in IEC. Biography: Employment 10.2013 – present 04.2011 – 09.2013 01.2010 – 03.2011 10.2009 – 12.2009 1993 – 2001 1983 – 1993 Chief Engineer, Infrastructure Systems Company, Hitachi, Ltd. General Manager, Yokohama Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd. General Manager, Systems Development Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd. Deputy General Manager, Systems Development Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd. Research Director, Information and Control Systems Research Laboratory, Hitachi Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd. General Manager, R&D Strategy Center, Research & Development Group, Hitachi, Ltd. Manager, Planning Office, Hitachi Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd. Manager, the 1st Department of Systems Research, Hitachi Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd. Senior Researcher, Hitachi Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd. Researcher, Hitachi Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd. Education 03.1995 03.1983 03.1981 Doctor, University of Tokyo, Doctorate in Engineering Master, University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Engineering Bachelor, University of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering 2005 – 10.2009 2004 – 2005 2003 – 2004 2001 – 2003 Major Field Electronic Engineering Professional Affiliation IEEE Member Akifumi Tamaoki General Manager, Robotics Div., Toyota Motor Corporation Robotics with goal of "Mobility for All" Abastract: TOYOTA is working towards practical use of Partner Robots which coexist and cooperate with human. Especially on aging society expanding around the world, Partner Robots should help improve the QOL (Quality Of Life) and contribute to the sustainment of an active society. Robot technology would support not only safety driving but also various scenes on elderly life. We have set our vision as “Mobility for All”. In the Nursing and welfare area, we started providing 2 type of 20 rehabilitation robots for clinical trials at the end of last year. And also started providing a new type of HSR(Human Support Robot) as a research platform in this summer. I will introduce our products under development and our current activities in collaboration with partners on site and with customers. Biography: Education Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan Apr.1979 – Mar.1985 M. Eng. in Applied physics Work Experience TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION Apr.1985 – present Developing electronic unit for vehicle (sensors, ECUs, ABS-unit and so on) Planning and managing for development and production of in-house electronic units at Hirose Plant. General manager of Partner Robot Div. Feb.2011 - present 21 Student Activities Program November 10 November 10, 2015 10:30-12:00 Student Tutorial and Industry Link [Harbor Lounge B] 10:30-11:30 Student Tutorial Prof. Mariusz Malinowski, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland "Topologies and control methods of Modern PWM Converters for Renewable Energy" 11:30-12:00 Industry Link Dr. Masatoshi Yoshimura, Hitachi, Japan "Introduction of social innovation from Hitachi Research & Development Group" 13:00-16:45 Student Forum [Harbor Lounge B] 13:00-14:45 Session 1 15:00-16:45 Session 2 18:30-20:00 Student Banquet [Harbor Lounge B] IES Student Paper Travel Awards Student Forum Paper Awards Student Tutorial November 10, 10:30-11:30 [Harbor Lounge B] Prof. Mariusz Malinowski, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland “Topologies and control methods of Modern PWM Converters for Renewable Energy” Abstract: During the last years PWM converters have drastically increased their importance on the market of DC-AC, AC-DC and DCDC conversion. Two technology breakthroughs of the electronic industry enabled this remarkable development: • the introduction of semiconductors on the market enabled the manufacturing of reliable, robust and low cost converter modules, • the introduction of low cost microprocessors (e.g. DSPs) and FPGA for real time applications allowed the successful implementation of complex vector control schemes. Lately the PWM converters become very important for integration of renewable energy to the distributed energy systems. They offers characteristics like: Maximum Peak Power Tracking (MPPT), excellent control of induction or permanent magnets synchronous generator, a low harmonic distortion of the line currents, a regulation of the power factor, an adjustment and stabilization of the DC-link voltage. PWM converters for renewable energy sources can be more efficient, reliable, cheaper and smart with proper design of converter topology to application and new advanced control and modulation, what is presented in this tutorial. 22 Biography: Mariusz Malinowski received the M.Sc.E.E. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering (with awards) from the Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics, Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), Warsaw, Poland, in 1997 and 2001, respectively. He was a Visiting Scholar with Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark; the University of Nevada, Reno; the Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany; and the ETH Zurich, Switzerland. He was also a Visiting Professor with the Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Valparaíso, Chile; the University of Cergy-Pontoise, Cergy Pontoise, France; and the École Nationale Supérieure dʼÉlectronique, dʼÉlectrotechnique, dÍnformatique, dʼHydraulique, et des Télécommunications-Laplace, Toulouse, France. He is currently with the Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics, WUT. He has authored more than 100 technical papers. He is the holder of three implemented patents. His current research interests include the control and the modulation of pulse width modulation rectifiers, multilevel converters, and active filters, and power-generation systems based on renewable energies. Dr. Malinowski is an active member of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) and the IEEE Poland Section. Within the IES, he was responsible for student activities (2005–2009). He is an Associate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, and the Past Editor in Chief for the IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE (2010–2012). He received the Siemens Prize (2002and 2007), the WUT President Prize (2001, 2005, 2007, 2009, and 2011, 2015), a paper award at the Industrial Electronics Conference 2000 and European Power ElectronicsPower Electronics and Motion Control 2004, and the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education Awards (2003 and 2008). His industry application received many awards and medals, e.g., the Innovation Exhibition in Geneva (2006) and the Exhibition in Brussels “Eureco” (2006). He received IEEE IES David Irwin Early Career Award for “Outstanding research and development of modulation and control for industrial electronics converters” in 2011 and IEEE IES Bimal Bose Award for Industrial Electronics Applications in Energy Systems in 2015. Industry Link November 10, 11:30-12:00 [Harbor Lounge B] Dr. Masatoshi Yoshimura, Hitachi, Japan “Introduction of social innovation from Hitachi Research & Development Group” Biography: Masatoshi Yoshimura was born in Hokkaido, Japan, in 1986. He received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees from Hokkaido University, Japan, in 2009, 2011, and 2014. In 2014, he joined Hitachi Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd., Ibaraki-ken, Japan, where he has been engaged in the research and development of inverter-fed motor drive for power system. Currently, he is a researcher in the Research and Development Group, Center for Technology Innovation, Hitachi, Ltd. 23 Student Forum 13:00-14:45 November 10, 13:00-16:45 [Harbor Lounge B] Session 1 Active Thermal Control of IGBT Power Electronic Converters Johannes Falck, Markus Andresen, Marco Liserre Performance evaluation of a 650V E-HEMT GaN Power Switch Piotr Czyz Study on Power Losses of the Full Soft-Switching Current-Fed DC/DC Converter with Si and GaN Devices Andrii Chub, Jacek Rabkowski, Andrei Blinov, Dmitri Vinnikov A Novel Diagnosis Method Based on Flexible Error Voltage for IGBTs Open-Circuit Faults in Voltage-Source Inverters Yuxi Wang, Zhan Li, Liaoyuan Lin DC-biased SPWM Voltage Control for Six-phase Switched Reluctance Motor Drive Based on N+2 Power Electronic Converter Shangjian Dai, Cong Zhou, Chuang Liu Fast equivalent model of Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converters for DC Microgrid Study Junjie Ge, Xing Huang, Hailian Xie Experimental Research on Model Predictive Control of 3-level 4-leg Flying Capacitor Converter Operating as Shunt Active Power Filter Kamil Antoniewicz, Marek Jasinski, Mariusz Malinowski, Marian P. Kazmierkowski 15:00-16:45 Session 2 A New Current Control of High Instantaneous Power Impulse Converter Ludwik Zajac, Mariusz Malinowski, Sebastian Stynski, Marek Jasinski A Global Optimization Framework for Parameter Estimation of a Wind Generation Unit Model Qing Fang An Algorithm for Visualization of Big Data in a Two-Dimensional Space Bo Wu, Bogdan M. 'Dan' Wilamowski A Just-in-time Learning Approach for Sewage Treatment Process Monitoring with Deterministic Disturbances Han Yu 24 A Hardware Accelerator For Real-Time Extraction of The Linear-Time MSER Algorithm Sohailah Alyammahi, Ehab Salahat, Hani Saleh, Andrzej Sluzek Modern Design of Classical Controllers: Continuous-Time First Order Controllers Ivan D. Diaz-Rodriguez Experimental Evaluation of Hardware-based Global Maximum Power Point Searching Methods Radoslaw Kot, Sebastian Stynski, Mariusz Malinowski 25 Session Information - Session list for regular and special sessions - Session list for student forum sessions - Session program for regular and special sessions - Session program for student forum sessions 26 Monday 9th of November, 10:00-12:00 Room1+2:301 TS-1 Transportation Electrification A TT20-01 Chairs: Ivo Dolezel, Mahmoud Alahmad Room03:303 TS-2 Advancing Electric Vehicle Technologies SS07-01 Chairs: Chunhua Liu, Zhen Zhang Room04:304 Room05:311 Room06:312 TS-3 Biomimetics and Intelligent Robotics SS09-01 Chairs: Maki K. Habib, Keigo Watanabe, Fusaomi Nagata Real-Time Simulation and Hardware-In-The-Loop Validation Methods for Power and Energy TS-4 Systems SS11-01 Chairs: Georg Lauss, Thomas Strasser TS-5 Advanced Power Electronics for Power Quality Improvement in Distributed Systems SS22-01 Chairs: Hadi Y. Kanaan, Kamal Al-Haddad Room07:313 TS-6 Electrical Machines and Drives for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles SS31-01 Chairs: Christopher H. T. Lee, T. W. Ching Room08:314 TS-7 Vehicle Intelligence for Proactive Assistance SS34-01 Chairs: Takahiro Wada, Hiroyuki Okuda Room09:315 TS-8 Power Electronics and Control I TT07-01 Chairs: Jose M. Sosa, Jose Rodriguez Room10:411 TS-9 Real-World Haptics Based on Motion Control Technology SS41-01 Chairs: Seiichiro Katsura, Chowarit Mitsantisuk Room11:412 TS-10 Dynamic Wireless Charging for Electric Transportation SS44-01 Chairs: Giuseppe Buja, Akshay Kumar Rathore Room12:413 TS-11 Design and Modeling Aspects of Electrical Machines and Actuators TT04-17 Chairs: Andrea Cavagnino, Khairul Salleh Mohamed Sahari Room13:414 TS-12 DC-DC Converters I TT01-01 Chairs: Dorin Neacsu, Alberto Castellazzi Room14:415 TS-13 High voltage and Multilevel Converters TT01-02 Chairs: K Gopakumar, Nina Roscoe Room15:416 TS-14 Power Electronics I TT01-03 Chairs: Praveen Jain, Yongheng Yang Room16:417 TS-15 Power Systems I TT03-01 Chairs: Zhenyu Lv, Jonathan Andrea Room17:418 TS-16 Bilateral Control TT06-01 Chairs: Kenji Natori, Ugur Tumerdem Room18:419 TS-17 Energy Storage Systems I TT17-02 Chairs: Federico Baronti, Mo-Yuen Chow 27 Monday 9th of November, 13:20-15:20 Room11:412 TS-18 Induction Machine Drives I TT04-01 Chairs: Muneaki Ishida, Hajime Kubo Room12:413 TS-19 Modeling in Storage Systems TT17-01 Chairs: Chengbin Ma, Mohd Junaidi Abdul Aziz Room13:414 TS-20 Signal and Image Processing I TT12-01 Chairs: Takahiro Yakoh, Abhisek Ukil Room14:415 TS-21 Transportation Electrification I TT08-01 Chairs: Fei Gao, Keiichiro Kondo Room15:416 TS-22 Mechatronics Control I TT05-01 Chairs: Talha Boz, Wenyu Liang Room16:417 TS-23 Renewable Energy Applications I TT02-01 Chairs: Noriko Kawakami, Hanzhou Liu Room17:418 TS-24 Interfacing and control of Renewable Energy Generation I TT02-02 Chairs: Thanh Trung Do, Zhirong Xu Room18:419 TS-25 DC-DC Converters II TT01-04 Chairs: Haitham Abu-Rub, Alberto Castellazzi 28 Monday 9th of November, 15:40-17:40 Room11:412 TS-26 Electrical Machine Winding Issues TT04-02 Chairs: Ayman Abdel-Khalik, Aldo Boglietti Room12:413 TS-27 Sliding Mode Control TT07-02 Chairs: Juntao Fei, Yanmin Wang Room13:414 TS-28 Transportation Electrification B TT20-02 Chairs: Shin-Ichi Hamasaki, Akram M Room14:415 TS-29 Transportation Electrification II TT08-02 Chairs: Hiroshi Fujimoto, Takahiro Nozaki Room15:416 TS-30 Mechatronics I TT05-02 Chairs: Masayoshi Wada, Peng Yao Room16:417 TS-31 Renewable Energy Applications II TT02-03 Chairs: Li Hong Idris Lim, Kazutaka Itako Room17:418 TS-32 Interfacing and control of Renewable Energy Generation II TT02-04 Chairs: R. Blasco-Gimenez, Sousuke Nakamura Room18:419 TS-33 Control Applications I TT07-03 Chairs: Alessandro Giustiniani, Kazuhiro Tsuruta 29 Tuesday 10th of November, 10:30-12:30 Room03:303 Room04:304 Room05:311 TS-34 Induction Heating Systems SS08-01 Chairs: Óscar Lucía, Tomokazu Mishima, Claudio Carretero Signal, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Techniques for Electric Machine Fault TS-35 Diagnosis SS13-01 Chairs: Jose Antonino-Daviu, Hubert Razik TS-36 Advanced Control of Robotic Systems SS19-01 Chairs: Michael Ruderman, Seiichiro Katsura Room06:312 TS-37 Time-delay Systems SS30-01 Chairs: Qing-Long Han, Yutaka Uchimura Room07:313 TS-38 Conversion and Control of Photovoltaic Energy Systems I SS25-01 Chairs: Samir Kouro, Jaime Zapata Room08:314 TS-39 New Trends in Education Regarding Cyber-Physical Systems and Industrial Agents SS39-01 Chairs: João Martins, Armando Colombo Room09:315 TS-40 Wireless and Cloud Systems for Industrial Sensing Applications SS40-01 Chairs: Kim Fung Tsang, Gerhard P. Hancke Room10:411 TS-41 Wireless Power Transfer - Analysis and Evaluation SS06-01 Chairs: Zhen Zhang, Chunhua Liu Room11:412 TS-42 Resonant Power Converters Topologies, Control Techniques And Applications SS45-01 Chairs: Maria Teresa Outeiro, Giuseppe Buja Room12:413 TS-43 Nonlinear Control Applications SS47-01 Chairs: S.M. Muyeen, Mohamed Benbouzid Room13:414 TS-44 Sensors and Measurement Technology TT09-01 Chairs: Martin Zlatanski,, Stoyan Nihtianov Room14:415 TS-45 Power Electronics and Control II TT01-05 Chairs: K. I. Hwu, Drazen Dujic Room15:416 TS-46 Power Electronics II TT01-06 Chairs: Concettina Buccella, Ehsan Jamshidpour Room16:417 TS-47 Power Systems II TT03-02 Chairs: Fan Yang, Muhammad Shafiq Room17:418 TS-48 Motion Control I TT06-02 Chairs: Naoki Motoi, Chowarit Mitsantisuk Room18:419 TS-49 Identification and Control TT07-04 Chairs: Lixian Zhang, Xue Du 30 Tuesday 10th of November, 13:50-15:30 Room01:301 TS-50 Loss Modeling in Electrical Machines and Drives TT04-03 Chairs: Pascal Maussion, Kaoru Inoue Room02:302 TS-51 Fault Diagnosis and Condition Monitor Issues TT04-04 Chairs: Shih-Chin Yang, Thomas Wolbank Room03:303 TS-52 Wireless Power Transfer - Advanced Control and Optimization SS06-02 Chairs: Zhen Zhang, Chunhua Liu Room04:304 TS-53 Computational Intelligence I TT12-02 Chairs: Naoyuki Kubota , Shinji Doki Room05:311 TS-54 Smart Sensors for the Future “Internet of Things” SS12-01 Chairs: Ridha Ben-Mrad, Stoyan Nihtianov, Antonio Luque Room06:312 TS-55 Power Electronics and Energy System I TT21-01 Chairs: Gerasimos Rigatos, Ausias Garrigos Room07:313 TS-56 Biomedical Applications of Industrial Electronics SS17-01 Chairs: Óscar Lucía, Toshio Fukuda, Carlo Cecati Room08:314 TS-57 Engineering Paradigms for Automated Facilities SS29-01 Chairs: Matthias Foehr, Paulo Leitão Room09:315 TS-58 Intelligent Robotic Control and Motion Planning I SS33-01 Chairs: Xu Jianxin, Ren Qinyuan Room10:411 TS-59 Mechatronics Application TT21-03 Chairs: Kimiko Motonaka, Dominik Luczak Room11:412 TS-60 Robotics TT05-03 Chairs: Khairul Salleh Mohamed Sahari, Naoki Motoi Room12:413 TS-61 EMC and Industrial Communication TT13-01 Chairs: Shinobu Ishigami, Norimitsu Ichikawa Room13:414 TS-62 Nonlinear Control in Power Electronics TT01-07 Chairs: Hui Ma, Nobuo Satoh Room14:415 TS-63 Power Electronic Converters I TT01-08 Chairs: Yuki Yokokura, Miguel Sosa Room15:416 TS-64 Power Electronics and Electrical Machines TT01-09 Chairs: Hiralal Suryavanshi, Xiaohua Jiang Room16:417 TS-65 Power Electronics Applications I TT01-10 Chairs: Hiroshi Tadano, Drazen Dujic Room17:418 TS-66 Power Electronics III TT01-11 Chairs: Hasan Komurcugil, Tomokazu Mishima Room18:419 TS-67 Renewable Energy Applications III TT02-05 Chairs: Hamid Reza Karimi, Christos Ioakeimidi 31 Tuesday 10th of November, 15:50-17:10 Room01:301 TS-68 Experimental-based Considerations on Electrical Machines and Drives TT04-05 Chairs: Andrea Cavagnino, Gerd Bramerdorfer Room02:302 TS-69 Special Machines and Related Control I TT04-06 Chairs: Marco Trapanese, Sheng-Ming Yang Room03:303 TS-70 Wireless Power Transfer - Emerging Applications SS06-03 Chairs: Zhen Zhang, Chunhua Liu Room04:304 TS-71 Information Technology for Smart Grids SS10-01 Chairs: Thomas Strasser, Sebastian Rohjans Room05:311 TS-72 Educational aspects in Electrical and Electronic Engineering SS14-01 Chairs: Jose Antonino-Daviu, Larisa Dunai Room06:312 TS-73 Big Data Analytics for Industrial Informatics SS01-01 Chairs: Elizabeth Chang, Paulo Leitão, Farookh Khadeer Hussain Room07:313 TS-74 Matrix Converters SS27-01 Chairs: Patrick Wheeler, Jun-Ichi Itoh Room08:314 TS-75 Bio-Signal and Multimedia Signal Processing SS35-01 Chairs: Yasue Mitsukura, Aleksander Malinowski Room09:315 TS-76 Special Session on Intelligent Robotic Control and Motion Planning II SS33-02 Chairs: Xu Jianxin, Ren Qinyuan Room10:411 TS-77 Control Strategies for Multilevel Inverters SS24-01 Chairs: Sergio Vazquez, Samir Kouro Room12:413 TS-79 Industrial Informatics I TT13-02 Chairs: Cheng Pang, Vyatkin Valeriy Room13:414 TS-80 Power Electronics Applications II TT01-12 Chairs: Chung Choo Chung, Hirohito Funato Room14:415 TS-81 Power Electronic Converters and Control TT01-13 Chairs: Rodrigo Padilha Vieira, Hubert Razik Room15:416 TS-82 Power Electronic Converters II TT01-14 Chairs: Sertac Bayhan, Keiju Matsui Room16:417 TS-83 Power Electronics IV TT01-15 Chairs: Atsushi Nakata, Stone Cheng Room17:418 TS-84 Modulation and Control Strategies for Power Electronics I TT01-16 Chairs: Jan Michalik, Akshay K. Rathore Room18:419 TS-85 Renewable Energy Applications IV TT02-06 Chairs: Miloud Rezkallah, Kanzumba Kusakana 32 Wednesday 11th of November, 13:00-14:40 Room01:301 TS-86 Induction Machine Drives II TT04-07 Chairs: Yasutaka Fujimoto, Ankita Dwivedi Room02:302 TS-87 Energy Storage Systems II TT17-03 Chairs: Federico Baronti, Guishi Wang Room03:303 TS-88 Robotics in The Modern Age I SS05-01 Chairs: Hitoshi Kino, Kenji Tahara Room04:304 TS-89 Fault Detection, Diagnostics and Prognostics in Electromechanical Devices SS15-01 Chairs: Omid Geramifard, Jian-Xin Xu Room05:311 TS-90 Multilevel Converters for Renewable Energy Systems I SS21-01 Chairs: Hadi Y. Kanaan, Kamal Al-Haddad Room06:312 TS-91 Vision Sensing and Data Processing for Human Assistive Systems I SS23-01 Chairs: Sota Shimizu, Hiroshi Igarashi Room07:313 TS-92 Renweable Energy Harvesting Technique for Future Energy Systems SS32-01 Chairs: Wenlong Li, T. W. Ching Room08:314 TS-93 Advanced Motion Control for Mechatronic Systems I SS28-01 Chairs: Makoto Iwasaki, Hiroshi Fujimoto Room09:315 TS-94 Human Support and Monitoring Technology on Human Factors - System Design - SS37-01 Chairs: Kang-Hyun Jo, Yohei Tomita Room10:411 TS-95 Modulation Techniques for Multilevel Converters SS24-02 Chairs: Sergio Vazquez, Samir Kouro Room11:412 TS-96 Fault Diagnosis in PE&D SS42-01 Chairs: António João Marques Cardoso, Thomas Wolbank Room12:413 TS-97 Multiphase Converter Control and Parameter Identification SS16-01 Chairs: Emil Levi, Hand Seng Che Room13:414 TS-98 Distributed Networked Systems I SS18-01 Chairs: Qing-Long Han, Chen Peng Room14:415 TS-99 DC-DC Converters III TT01-17 Chairs: Rajesh Gupta, Ahmed Aboushady Room15:416 TS-100 Modeling and Simulation in Power Electronics I TT01-18 Chairs: K. I. Hwu, Kodjo Agbossou Room16:417 TS-101 Power Systems III TT03-03 Chairs: Andrea Benigni, Xinghuo Yu Room17:418 TS-102 Computer and Control Systems TT07-05 Chairs: Chih-Hong Lin, Akihiko Kawashima Room18:419 TS-103 Nonlinera System Control TT07-06 Chairs: Chung Choo Chung, Marcin Kaminski 33 Wednesday 11th of November, 15:20-17:20 Room01:301 TS-104 Control of IPM Synchronous Motors TT04-08 Chairs: Gilbert Foo, Tian-Hua Liu Room02:302 TS-105 Building Automation – Solving the Complexity Challenges SS43-01 Chairs: Jan Haase, Joern Ploennigs Room03:303 TS-106 Robotics in The Modern Age II SS05-02 Chairs: Tomonori Kato, Tetsuya Morizono Room04:304 TS-107 Real-Time Control and Diagnostic for Hybrid Energy Systems SS26-01 Chairs: Elena Breaz, Arnaud Gaillard Room05:311 TS-108 Multilevel Converters for Renewable Energy Systems II SS21-02 Chairs: Hadi Y. Kanaan, Kamal Al-Haddad Room06:312 TS-109 Vision Sensing and Data Processing for Human Assistive Systems II SS23-02 Chairs: Sota Shimizu, Naoki Oda Room07:313 TS-110 Conversion and Control of Photovoltaic Energy Systems II SS25-02 Chairs: Samir Kouro, Jaime Zapata Room08:314 TS-111 Advanced Motion Control for Mechatronic Systems II SS28-02 Chairs: Roberto Oboe, Toshiaki Tsuji Room09:315 TS-112 Human Support and Monitoring Technology on Human Factors - Motion and Behavior - SS37-02 Chairs: Mihoko Niitsuma, Koji Makino Room10:411 TS-113 Modular Multilevel Converters SS24-03 Chairs: Sergio Vazquez, Samir Kouro Room11:412 TS-114 Fault Tolerance in PE&D SS42-02 Chairs: António João Marques Cardoso, Thomas Wolbank Room12:413 TS-115 Utilisation of Additional Degrees of Freedom in Multiphase Drives SS16-02 Chairs: Federico Barrero, Franck Scuiller Room13:414 TS-116 Distributed Networked Systems II SS18-02 Chairs: Qing-Long Han, Chen Peng Room14:415 TS-117 Transportation Electrification III TT08-03 Chairs: Giuseppe Buja, Kundan Kumar Room15:416 TS-118 Power Systems IV TT03-04 Chairs: Fan Yang, Kenji Natori Room16:417 TS-119 Interfacing and control of Renewable Energy Generation III TT02-07 Chairs: Dao Zhou, Marco Trapanese Room17:418 TS-120 Interfacing and control of Renewable Energy Generation IV TT02-08 Chairs: Zhixiang Zou, Francisco Kleber A. Lima Room18:419 TS-121 Robust Control TT07-07 Chairs: Chung Choo Chung, Yukinori Nakamura 34 Thursday 12th of November, 9:00-10:40 Room01:301 TS-122 High-speed Electrical Machines TT04-09 Chairs: Michele Degano, Puvan Arumugam Room02:302 TS-123 Loss Minimization Control and Efficiency Optimization TT04-10 Chairs: Mustapha Debbou, Hajime Kubo Room03:303 TS-124 Special Machines and Related Control II TT04-11 Chairs: Michael Ruderman, Sheng-Ming Yang Room04:304 TS-125 Energy Applications TT21-02 Chairs: Ausias Garrigos, Lidan Zhou Room05:311 TS-126 Signal and Image Processing II TT12-03 Chairs: Thomas Schlegl, Masayoshi Nakamoto Room06:312 TS-127 Renewable Energy Applications V TT02-09 Chairs: Nimrod Vazquez, Jongwon Shin Room07:313 TS-128 Power Systems V TT03-05 Chairs: Rajendra Kumar Pandey, João Martins Room08:314 TS-129 Information and Communication Technology for Smart Energy Applications SS46-01 Chairs: Peter Palensky , Hiroaki Nishi Room09:315 TS-130 Smart Transparent Actuation Systems SS38-01 Chairs: Kyougnchul Kong, Hiroshi Fujimoto Room13:414 TS-131 Applications in Power Electronic Converters I TT01-19 Chairs: Hadi Kanaan, Hirohito Funato Room14:415 TS-132 Power Electronic Converters III TT01-20 Chairs: Subrata Banerjee, Kan Akatsu Room15:416 TS-133 Modulation and Control Strategies for Power Electronics II TT01-21 Chairs: Hao Ma, Sousuke Nakamura Room16:417 TS-134 Matrix Converters TT01-22 Chairs: Haitham Abu-Rub, Tsuyoshi Hanamoto Room17:418 TS-135 Power Electronics V TT01-23 Chairs: Martin Novak, Nobuo Satoh 35 Thursday 12th of November, 11:00-12:40 Room01:301 TS-137 Modeling and Design of IPM Synchronous Motors TT04-12 Chairs: Michele Degano, Toshimasa Miyazaki Room02:302 TS-138 Design Issues of Permanent Magnet Machines TT04-13 Chairs: Hanzhou Liu, B. G. Fernandes Room03:303 TS-139 Control Solutions for Permanent Magnet Machines I TT04-14 Chairs: Wei Xu, Türker Türker Room04:304 TS-140 Electrical Drive Applications I TT04-15 Chairs: H. T. Yang, Radu Bojoi Room05:311 TS-141 Industrial Informatics II TT13-03 Chairs: Wenbin Dai, Wei Wu Room08:314 TS-144 Power Electronics and Energy System II TT21-04 Chairs: Afshin Izadian, Ausias Garrigos Room09:315 TS-145 Modeling and Control TT07-08 Chairs: Shen Yin, Hamed Nademi Room13:414 TS-146 Applications in Power Electronic Converters II TT01-25 Chairs: Hitoshi Haga, Oleksandr Husev Room14:415 TS-147 Power Electronic Converters IV TT01-26 Chairs: Jose Rodriguez, Bo Zhang Room15:416 TS-148 Modulation and Control Strategies for Power Electronics III TT01-27 Chairs: Pat Wheeler, Fei Gao Room16:417 TS-149 Interfacing and Control of Renewable Energy Generation TT01-28 Chairs: Ambrish Chandra, Longcheng Tan Room17:418 TS-150 Power Electronics VI TT01-29 Chairs: Chun-An Cheng, Arnaud Gaillard Room18:419 TS-151 Modeling in Power Electric Converters TT01-30 Chairs: Mohamed Boutoubat, Hadi Kanaan 36 Thursday 12th of November, 14:00-16:00 Room01:301 TS-152 Sensorless Methods in Electrical Machines TT04-16 Chairs: Fábio Lima, Hiroki Goto Room02:302 TS-153 Transportation Electrification C TT20-03 Chairs: Zhihui Chen, Óscar Lucía Room03:303 TS-154 Industrial Application TT13-04 Chairs: Sheng Huang, Luca Ferrarini Room04:304 TS-155 Energy Storage Systems III TT17-04 Chairs: Mo-Yuen Chow , Chengbin Ma Room05:311 TS-156 Interfacing and control of Renewable Energy Generation V TT02-11 Chairs: R. Blasco-Gimenez, Gerardo Escobar Room06:312 TS-157 Power Electronics in Renewable Energy Systems TT02-12 Chairs: Enrico Concettoni, Nimrod Vazquez Room07:313 TS-158 Power Systems VI TT03-07 Chairs: Shin-Ichi Hamasaki, Priyesh Jagdishchandra Chauhan Room08:314 TS-159 Mechatronics II TT05-05 Chairs: Yasuhiro Kakinuma, Xingguo Lu Room09:315 TS-160 Control Applications II TT07-09 Chairs: Anurak Jansri, Anh-Tu Nguyen Room13:414 TS-161 Power Electronics VII TT01-31 Chairs: Kapil Jha, Marco Bellini Room14:415 TS-162 Human Support and Monitoring Technology on Human Factors - Perception and Cognition - SS37-03 Chairs: Satoshi Suzuki, Sho Yokota Room15:416 TS-163 Computational Intelligence II TT12-04 Chairs: Juan Pablo Serrano-Rubio, Christos Ioakeimidis Room16:417 TS-164 Assistive and Rehabilitation Systems TT10-01 Chairs: Peter Xu, Tomoyuki Shimono Room17:418 TS-165 Electronic System on Chip and Real Time Embedded Control TT11-01 Chairs: Marc Perron, Eric Monmasson Room18:419 TS-166 Information Processing and Its Applications TT14-01 Chairs: Thilo Sauter, Stamatis Karnouskos 37 Thursday 12th of November, 16:20-18:00 Room01:301 TS-167 Electrical Drive Applications II TT04-18 Chairs: Constantinos Sourkounis, Radu Bojoi Room02:302 TS-168 Control Solutions in Electrical Drives TT04-19 Chairs: Alessandro Serpi, Piotr Serkies Room03:303 TS-169 Control Solutions for Permanent Magnet Machines II TT04-20 Chairs: Tian-Hua Liu, Frederik De Belie Room04:304 TS-170 Motion Control II TT06-03 Chairs: Yuki Yokokura, Eiichi Saito Room05:311 TS-171 Signal Processing Applications TT21-05 Chairs: Seta Bogosyan, Vicente Climente-Alarcon Room06:312 TS-172 Distributed Systems TT21-06 Chairs: Amjad Anvari-Moghaddam, Rodrigo Teixeira Pinto Room08:314 TS-174 Mechatronics Control II TT05-06 Chairs: Xingguo Lu, Tatsuya Kato Room14:415 TS-177 Power Electronics and Power Quality TT01-32 Chairs: Jingjing Huang, Vinod Khadkikar Room16:417 TS-179 Power Electronic Converters V TT01-34 Chairs: Drazen Dujic, Nisha Kondrath Room17:418 TS-180 Modeling and Simulation in Power Electronics II TT01-35 Chairs: Oscar Lucia, Maria Teresa Outeiro Room18:419 TS-181 Power Electronics Applications III TT01-36 Chairs: Toshimasa Miyazaki, Marco Bellini 38 Tuesday 10th of November, 13:00-14:45 Harbor Lounge B SF-1 Student Forum I Tuesday 10th of November, 15:00-16:45 Harbor Lounge B SF-2 Student Forum II 39 TS-1 Monday 9th of November, 10:00-12:00 [Room1+2:301] TT20-01 Transportation Electrification A Chairs: Ivo Dolezel, Mahmoud Alahmad YF-002682 Thermal Simulation of Dual-Redundancy BLDCM based on Magnetic Analysis Wang Peng, Li Yuren, Liang Bo YF-016799 A Novel Twelve Level Inverter Topology for Adaptive Input Sources Mohannad Khair Allah, Fares AlJuheshi, Mahmoud Alahmad, Herbert Hess, Nasser Aljuhaishi Aljuhaishi YF-003158 Rotor-Current Observer in Finite-State Model Predictive Control of Five-Phase IM Cristina Martín, Manuel Arahal, Federico Barrero, Mario Duran, Sergio Toral YF-014559 Artificial Neural Networks Applications in Domestic Induction Heating Antonio Bono-Nuez, Carlos Bernal-Ruiz, Bonifacio Martin-del-Brio, Francisco J Perez-Cebolla, Abelardo Martinez-Iturbe YF-011622 Model of thermal clamping of high-speed machine tools based on novel way of induction heating Ivo Dolezel, Vaclav Kotlan, Lukas Koudela YF-018937 A Wireless Smart Parking System Orika Orrie, Bruno Silva, Gerhard P. Hancke TS-2 Monday 9th of November, 10:00-12:00 [Room03:303] SS07-01 Advancing Electric Vehicle Technologies Chairs: Chunhua Liu, Zhen Zhang YF-005606 A new combined bidirectional boost converter and battery charger for electric vehicles Nadim Sakr, Daniel Sadarnac, Alain Gascher YF-011916 A Fuzzy Traction Control System for Electric Vehicle Applications S. M. Reza Tousi, Ehsan Sharifian, M. Hassan Moradi YF-014222 Mixed Strategist Dynamics Application to Electrical Vehicle Distributed Load Scheduling Andres Ovalle, Ahmad Hably, Seddik Bacha, Vanina Pirsan YF-016349 The Economics of Using Electric Vehicles for Vehicle to Building Applications Considering the Effect of Battery Degradation Ahmad Ghaderi, Amir Ali Forough Nassiraei YF-016659 Experiences with Long Distance Electromobility in Metropolitan Areas Philipp Spichartz, Philip Dost, Nora Becker, Constantinos Sourkounis YF-023329 Optimal Dispatch of Electric Taxis and Price Making of Charging Stations Using Stackelberg Game Hongbin Zhou, Chensheng Liu, Bo Yang, Xinping Guan 40 TS-3 Monday 9th of November, 10:00-11:40 [Room04:304] SS09-01 Biomimetics and Intelligent Robotics Chairs: Maki K. Habib, Keigo Watanabe, Fusaomi Nagata YF-003557 Robotic Trajectory Following Controller with a Capability for Generating Micro Vibrational Motion along Curved Surface Fusaomi Nagata, Shohei Hayashi, Tomoya Nagatomi, Akimasa Otsuka, Keigo Watanabe, Maki K. Habib YF-003964 Algorithm for Swarming and Following Behaviors of Multiple Mobile Robots Akimasa Otsuka, Fusaomi Nagata, Keigo Watanabe, Maki Habib YF-011673 Closed-loop Control Experiments for a Blimp Robot Consisting of Four-divided Envelopes Keigo Watanabe, Naoto Okamura, Isaku Nagai YF-013099 IC Design of Pulse-Type Hardware Neuron Model for Piezoelectric Element Impact-Type MEMS Microrobot Yuki Ishihara, Kazuki Sugita, Masaki Tatani, Hirozumi Oku, Minami Takato, Fumio Uchikoba, Ken Saito YF-007811 (V) 360botG2—An improved Unit of Mobile Self-assembling Modular Robotic System Aiming at Exploration in Real World Yanjun Cao, Yuquan Leng, Jinyun Sun, Yang Zhang, Weimin Ge TS-4 SS11-01 Monday 9th of November, 10:00-11:40 [Room05:311] Real-Time Simulation and Hardware-In-The-Loop Validation Methods for Power and Energy Systems Chairs: Georg Lauss, Thomas Strasser YF-015075 FPGA-based Real-Time Simulation of a PSIM Model: An Indirect Matrix Converter Case Study Tarek Ould Bachir, Asma Merdassi, Sébastien Cense, Handy Fortin-Blanchette, Jean Bélanger YF-020621 Real-Time Performance of FPGA-based MMC valves for HVDC Systems Sumek Elimban, Rudi Wierckx YF-025321 Stability and Accuracy Evaluation of a Power Hardware in the Loop (PHIL) Interface with a Photovoltaic Micro-Inverter Onyinyechi Nzimako, Rudi Wierckx YF-021539 Grid Connected Solar PV fed Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Implementation using XSG Platform P. Venkata Krishna, Alok Kumar, Rajesh Gupta YF-023752 Development of a simulator-to-simulator interface for geographically distributed simulation of power systems in real time Marija Stevic, Andrea Benigni, Antonello Monti 41 TS-5 SS22-01 Monday 9th of November, 10:00-11:40 [Room06:312] Advanced Power Electronics for Power Quality Improvement in Distributed Systems Chairs: Hadi Y. Kanaan, Kamal Al-Haddad YF-001902 Three-phase Power Quality Device for Weak Systems Based on SRF and p-q theory Controller Alireza Javadi, Abdelhamid Hamadi, Kamal Al-Haddad YF-013307 Novel Control Algorithm for a Unified Power Quality Conditioner Connected to a Radial Grid Cleiton Freitas, Luís Monteiro, Edson Watanabe YF-015148 Nonlinear Load Sharing in Low Voltage Microgrid using Negative Virtual Harmonic Impedance Preetha Sreekumar, Vinod Khadkikar YF-023884 On Flatness-based Controller for Shunt-Connected VSC with LCL-filter for Voltage Dip Mitigation in a Weak Grid Concettina Buccella, Carlo Cecati, Hassan Abdullah Khalid, Dianguo Xu YF-003565 Improving Power Quality Using a New Single Phase Multilevel Active Power Filter (SPMAPF) Mohamed Haddad, Salem Rahmani, Abdelhamid Hamadi, Kamal Al-Haddad TS-6 Monday 9th of November, 10:00-12:00 [Room07:313] SS31-01 Electrical Machines and Drives for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Chairs: Christopher H. T. Lee, T. W. Ching YF-014184 A New Fault-Tolerant Flux-Reversal Doubly-Salient Magnetless Motor Drive with Four-Phase Topology Christopher H. T. Lee, K. T. Chau, Chunhua Liu YF-010499 Dead-beat Direct Torque and Flux Control Based on Sliding-Mode Stator Flux Observer for PMSM in Electric Vehicles Yin Chen, Dan Sun, Bin Lin, T.W. Ching, Wenlong Li YF-008109 A combined switched reluctance motor drive and battery charger for electric vehicles Nadim Sakr, Alejandro Fernandez Sanchez, Daniel Sadarnac, Alain Gascher YF-009342 FEA Based Thermal Analysis of Various Topologies for Integrated Motor Drives (IMD) Robert Abebe, Vakil Gaurang, Giovanni Lo_calzo, Tom Cox, Chris Gerada, Mark Johnson YF-012963 Modification of Electric Drive Vehicles Performances Using a Direct Torque Control with OverModulation Ability Ahmad Ghaderi, Javad Soltani, Mohammad Ebrahimi, Amir Ali Forough Nassiraei YF-025275 Evaluation Method of Energy Consumption for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive System Daisuke Sato, Jun-ichi Itoh 42 TS-7 Monday 9th of November, 10:00-12:00 [Room08:314] SS34-01 Vehicle Intelligence for Proactive Assistance Chairs: Takahiro Wada, Hiroyuki Okuda YF-014311 Model Predictive Cooperative Cruise Control In Mixed Traffic Hyuntai Chin, Hiroyuki Okuda, Yuichi Tazaki, Tatsuya Suzuki YF-011215 Automatic Generation of Summarized Driving Video with Music and Captions Kazuhito Takenaka, Takashi Bando, Tadahiro Taniguchi YF-006254 Statistical Localization Exploiting Convolutional Neural Network for an Autonomous Vehicle Satoshi Ishibushi, Akira Taniguchi, Toshiaki Takano, Yoshinobu Hagiwara, Tadahiro Taniguchi YF-002895 Modeling of Drivers' Decision Making of Merging Space on Expressways Shohei Ueda, Takahiro Wada YF-007331 An Analysis of an elderly driver behaviour in Urban Intersections based on a Risk Potential Model Yasuhiro Akagi, Pongsathorn Raksincharoensak YF-010588 Limitation of Driver’s Compensation under Visual Field Contraction Jieun Lee, Makoto Itoh, Toshiyuki Inagaki TS-8 Monday 9th of November, 10:00-11:40 [Room09:315] TT07-01 Power Electronics and Control I Chairs: Jose M. Sosa, Jose Rodriguez YF-016853 Integration of Model-Predictive Control in Medium and High-Voltage Power Electronics Products: An Industrial Perspective on Gaps and Progress Required Georgios Papafotiou, Georgios Demetriades, Vassilios Agelidis YF-005312 Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control of a Stacked Multicell Converter Cristian Garcia, Samir Kouro, Thierry Meynard, Margarita Norambuena, Jose Rodriguez YF-009555 A Composite space vector hysteresis current controller based on duration allocation strategy Ye Shi, Zai-jun Wu, Xiao-bo Dou, Ming-qiang Hu YF-002828 A model-based controller for a DC-DC boost converter with an LCL input filter Jose M. Sosa, Gerardo Escobar, P. Raymundo Martinez-Rodriguez, Gerardo Vazquez, Mario A. Juarez, Juan C. Nava-Cruz Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control of a Stacked Multicell Converter with Reduced YF-008435 Computational Cost Margarita Norambuena, Samir Kouro, Sibylle Dieckerhoff, Jose Rodriguez 43 TS-9 Monday 9th of November, 10:00-12:00 [Room10:411] SS41-01 Real-World Haptics Based on Motion Control Technology Chairs: Seiichiro Katsura, Chowarit Mitsantisuk YF-006343 Reproduction of Haptic Sensations For High-Stiffness Environment Considering Mechanical Admittance Yusuke Asai, Yuki Yokokura, Kiyoshi Ohishi YF-007994 Force Sensorless Control with 3D Workspace Analysis for Haptic Devices based on Delta Robot Chowarit Mitsantisuk, Sorawit Stapornchaisit, Nakhon Niramitvasu, Kiyoshi Ohishi YF-008052 A Method for Converting End Effectors of Various Forms into Tactile Interfaces Tatsuki Seki, Sho Sakaino, Toshiaki Tsuji YF-015822 Position Control in Normal Direction for the Fast Screw-tightening Shohei Ogawa, Tomoyuki Shimono, Atsuo Kawamura, Takahiro Nozaki YF-016756 Analysis of Generalized Hybrid Parameters Based on Macro-Micro Bilateral Control for Avoiding Destruction of Micro Object Masaki Takeya, Seiichiro Katsura YF-020206 Design of Bilateral Control Based on Complementary Sensitivity Function Using Velocity Information Masahiro Tajiri, Yasutaka Fujimoto TS-10 Monday 9th of November, 10:00-11:40 [Room11:412] SS44-01 Dynamic Wireless Charging for Electric Transportation Chairs: Giuseppe Buja, Akshay Kumar Rathore YF-022462 Secondary-side-only Simultaneous Power and Efficiency Control for Two Converters in Wireless Power Transfer System Giorgio Lovison, Motoki Sato, Takehiro Imura, Yoichi Hori YF-002216 Series-series resonant IPT system analysis under frequency mismatch Manuele Bertoluzzo, Rupesh Kumar Jha, Giuseppe Buja YF-025097 Modeling and Design of Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer System for EV Applications Kai Song, Chunbo Zhu, Kim-Ean Koh, Kobayashi Daita, Takehiro Imura, Yoichi Hori YF-021377 Real-time Coupling Coefficient Estimation and Maximum Efficiency Control on Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer Using Secondary DC-DC Converter Daita Kobayashi, Takehiro Imura, Yoichi Hori YF-023701 Control and Analysis of Multi-level Type Multi-phase Resonant Converter for Wireless EV Charging Mariusz Bojarski, Erdem Asa, Maria Teresa Outeiro, Dariusz Czarkowski 44 TS-11 Monday 9th of November, 10:00-12:00 [Room12:413] TT04-17 Design and Modeling Aspects of Electrical Machines and Actuators Chairs: Andrea Cavagnino, Khairul Salleh Mohamed Sahari YF-020524 Analysis of Different Forced Convection Cooling Systems for Belt-Driven Starter-Generator Aldo Boglietti, Radu Bojoi, Andrea Cavagnino, Marco Cossale, Alberto Tenconi YF-003883 Synchronous Reluctance Motor Multi-Static MEC Model Guilherme Bueno Mariani, Christian Chillet, Marylin Fassenet, Lauric Garbuio, Abdelhadi Besri, Nicolas Voyer YF-013072 Modeling Integrated Magnetic Gears Using a Magnetic Equivalent Circuit Dominik Thyroff, Stefan Meier, Ingo Hahn YF-008834 Optimal Design of an Electro-Mechanical Actuator for Aerospace Application Claudio Sciascera, Paolo Giangrande, Christopher Brunson, Michael Galea, Christopher Gerada YF-001767 A Study on Loss-of-Synchronism in Stepping motors based on Equilibrium Rotor-Angles Keisuke Yagi, Noriyuki Hori YF-020028 Development of 1-Inch Boiler Tube Inspection Robot Muhammad Asyraf Azlin Shah, Khairul Salleh Mohamed Sahari, Muhammad Fairuz Abdul Jalal, Adzly Anuar TS-12 Monday 9th of November, 10:00-12:00 [Room13:414] TT01-01 DC-DC Converters I Chairs: Dorin Neacsu, Alberto Castellazzi YF-000477 Design and implementation of an output feedback controller for the Cuk converter Satyajit Chincholkar, Chok-You Chan YF-002852 A Simplified Approach to Implementation of State-Space Control of DC/DC Converters on Low-Cost Microcontrollers Dorin Neacsu YF-002941 Interleaved Soft-Switching Multilevel Boost Converter with Coupled Inductor Taro Takiguchi, Koichi Furukawa, Koichi Matsumura, Hirotaka Koizumi YF-003298 A New Switching Cell for A Family of Large DC Gain Non-isolated Converters Kerui Li, Yafei Hu, Adrian Ioinovici YF-003484 An Active-Clamping Resonant Flyback DC/DC Converter with Improved Output Power Transfer Amir Tahavorgar, John Quaicoe YF-004375 Bidirectional DC-to-DC Converter for Motor Control Unit of Electric Vehicle Jin-san Kim, Feel-soon Kang, Sun-phil Kim, Sung-jun Park 45 TS-13 Monday 9th of November, 10:00-12:00 [Room14:415] TT01-02 High voltage and Multilevel Converters Chairs: K Gopakumar, Nina Roscoe YF-000728 A flexible and robust power management mechanism based on single-phase Modular Multilevel Converter with integrated energy storage elements Minghao Xu, Martel Tsirinomeny, Alfred Rufer YF-003433 Comparing SiC MOSFET, IGBT and Si MOSFET in LV distribution inverters Nina Roscoe, Yanni Zhong, Stephen Finney YF-011088 A Simple Voltage Balancing Method for Modular Multilevel Converter Peng Dong, Jianwen Zhang, Jing Lyu, Xu Cai YF-011568 Control of a Grid Connected Modular Multilevel Converter under Pulsed DC Load Marija Jankovic, Alessandro Costabeber, Alan Watson, Jon Clare YF-008265 Optimal Asymmetry for Cascaded Multilevel Converter with Cross-Connected Half-Bridges Andrés Yenes, Daniela Muñoz, Javier Pereda YF-010685 A New Arm Voltage Balancing Technique for the Control of Modular Multilevel Converters Jake D. Stringfellow, Terrence J. Summers, Robert E. Betz TS-14 Monday 9th of November, 10:00-12:00 [Room15:416] TT01-03 Power Electronics I Chairs: Praveen Jain, Yongheng Yang YF-006181 An Enhanced Repetitive Control Strategy for Shunt Active Power Filter With LCL Output Filter Biaoguang Sun, Yunxiang Xie, Hui Ma YF-010758 Conducted EMC Modeling for Accreditation in DC-DC Converters Inus Grobler, Michael Gitau YF-011363 Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis in Neutral-Point-Clamped UPS Inverters with no Additional Sensors Luis M. A. Caseiro, André M. S. Mendes YF-014257 Real-Time Multiple IGBT Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis in Three-Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Converters with no Additional Sensors Luis M. A. Caseiro, André M. S. Mendes YF-012785 Advanced Design Tools for the Reliability of Power Electronics - Case studies on a Photovoltaic (PV) System Yongheng Yang, Vasile-Simion Sularea, Ke Ma, Frede Blaabjerg YF-011274 Generalized IGBT Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis Algorithm with no Additional Sensors for GridConnected N-Level NPC Converters Luis M. A. Caseiro, André M. S. Mendes 46 TS-15 Monday 9th of November, 10:00-12:00 [Room16:417] TT03-01 Power Systems I Chairs: Zhenyu Lv, Jonathan Andrea YF-003166 Sensitivity of an Electromagnetic Circular Loop Due To the Passage of a Vehicle. Vehicle Signature Kerbouai Hamza, N'Diaye Abdoul, Bouquain David, Srairi Salim, El Moudni Abdellah YF-005126 Medium Voltage to Low Voltage Power Flow Solution Using Modified Backward/Forward Sweep Algorithm Bryan Navarro, Datu Amil Hussien Asakil, Maricar Navarro YF-013021 Discrete Consensus-Based Distributed Secondary Control Scheme with Considering Time-Delays for DC Microgrid Zhenyu Lv, Zaijun Wu, Xiaobo Dou, Minqiang Hu YF-013528 The Electric Arc as a Circuit Component Jonathan Andrea, Olivier Zirn, Patrick Besdel, Marc Bournat YF-019941 Economic Benefits of Plug-in Electric Vehicles using V2G for Grid Performance-based Regulation Service Wente Zeng, John Gibeau, Mo-Yuen Chow YF-020672 Sliding Mode Control for Three-Phase Unity Power Factor Rectifier with Vector Operation Javier Morales, Jose Luis Garcia de Vicuna, Ramon Guzman, Miguel Castilla, Jaume Miret, Javier Torres-Martí nez TS-16 Monday 9th of November, 10:00-12:00 [Room17:418] TT06-01 Bilateral Control Chairs: Kenji Natori, Ugur Tumerdem YF-004391 A Design Method of Observers for Bilateral Control Using DC Brushed Motor Yoshiyuki Kambara, Kouhei Ohnishi YF-009881 A Novel Viewpoint in Bilateral Control System with Time Delay Aiming for Clear Control Goals Hayata Sakai, Kouhei Ohnishi YF-006017 L2 Stable Transparency Optimized Two Channel Teleoperation under Time Delay Ugur Tumerdem, Muaz Demir YF-010103 Two-Port Network Based Bilateral Control of a Steer-by-wire System Xiaodong Wu, Chang Ye, Min Xu YF-010898 Bilateral Control Using Functional Electrical Stimulation Tomoya Kitamura, Sho Sakaino, Toshiaki Tsuji YF-001074 A Coupling Library for the Force Dimension Haptic Devices and the 20-sim Modelling and Simulation Environment Filippo Sanfilippo, Paul B.T. Weustink, Kristin Ytterstad Pettersen 47 TS-17 Monday 9th of November, 10:00-12:00 [Room18:419] TT17-02 Energy Storage Systems I Chairs: Federico Baronti, Mo-Yuen Chow YF-009733 Modeling And State of Charge-based Energy Management Strategy of Ultracapacitor Energy Storage System of Urban Rail Transit Huan Xia, Zhongping Yang, Fei Lin, Huaixin Chen YF-009768 Basic Analysis of Wireless Power Transfer Systems Using Super-Capacitor As Load Yuyu Geng, Zhongping Yang, Fei Lin YF-014281 Enhanced State-of-Charge Estimation for Lithium-ion Iron Phosphate Cells with Flat Open-Circuit Voltage Curves Shahab Nejad, Daniel T Gladwin, David A Stone YF-008575 Equivalent Series Resistance-based Real-time Control for a Battery-Ultracapacitor Hybrid System Chen Zhao, He Yin, Zhongping Yang, Chengbin Ma YF-009725 Thresholds Modification Strategy of Wayside Supercapacitor Storage Considering DC Substation Characteristics Junxing Wang, Zhongping Yang, Fei Lin, Yajie Zhao, Yutong Lu, Xiaohao Zhao, Huan Xia YF-006831 Sensorless Battery Cell Temperature Estimation Circuit for Enhanced Safety in Battery Systems Radu Schwarz, Kathrin Semmler, Martin Wenger, Vincent Lorentz, Martin März TS-18 Monday 9th of November, 13:20-15:00 [Room11:412] TT04-01 Induction Machine Drives I Chairs: Muneaki Ishida, Hajime Kubo YF-015458 Sensorless Position Estimation from PWM-Induced Transient Excitation in Induction Machines Markus Amhof, Matthias A. Samonig, Thomas M. Wolbank YF-002267 Robust Predictive Current Control for Performance Improvement of Induction Motors with Parameter Variation Zheng Hu, Kay Hameyer YF-012327 Weighted Torque Current Control for High Speed Train with Dual Induction Motors Fed by a Single Inverter Lei Guo YF-012939 Performance Improvement of Three-Level Inverter Fed Five-Phase Induction Motor during Low-Speed Operation using DTC Yogesh Tatte, Mohan Aware YF-013242 Investigation on the Dynamic Performance of an Induction Machine Using a Novel Concept of a Rotating Converter with a Floating Capacitor Yanmei Yao, Alija Cosic, Chandur Sadarangani 48 TS-19 Monday 9th of November, 13:20-15:20 [Room12:413] TT17-01 Modeling in Storage Systems Chairs: Chengbin Ma, Mohd Junaidi Abdul Aziz YF-010944 A Modeling Method for Dynamic V-I Characteristics of Solid Batteries Zhichao He, Geng Yang, Languang Lu, Hua Geng YF-014583 Minimizing Battery Wear in a Hybrid Energy Storage System using a Linear Quadratic Regulator Ephrem Chemali, Lucas McCurlie, Brock Howey, Tyler Stiene, Mohammad Mizanoor Rahman, Matthias Preindl, Ryan Ahmed, Ali Emadi Battery Characterization and State-of-Charge Prediction for Different Journey Conditions with the help YF-016837 of the “Journey Mapping” Concept Kavya Prabha Divakarla, Shamsuddeen Nalakath, Martin Drennan, Ryan Ahmed, Ali Emadi, Saiedeh Razavi YF-022039 Online Battery Modeling for State-of-Charge Estimation using Extended Kalman Filter with Busse’s Adaptive Rule Low Wen Yao, Mohd Junaidi Abdul Aziz, Nik Rumzi Nik Idris, Ibrahim M. Alsofyani YF-026131 Universal state of charge estimator for battery packs of battery energy storage systems Saeed Sepasi, Leon Roose, Marc Matsuura, Hsun Jou YF-016888 A Small-Scale Hybrid Energy Storage System for Modeling and Control Validation Purposes Xavier del Toro Garcia, Carlos de la Cruz, Pedro Roncero-Sanchez, Alfonso Parreño TS-20 Monday 9th of November, 13:20-15:00 [Room13:414] TT12-01 Signal and Image Processing I Chairs: Takahiro Yakoh, Abhisek Ukil YF-014249 Autonomous Lane Tracking Reflecting Skilled/Un-Skilled Driving Characteristics Ayame Koga, Hiroyuki Okuda, Yuichi Tazaki, Tatsuya Suzuki, Blaine Levedahl, Kentaro Haraguchi, Zibo Kang YF-012718 A Maximally Stable Extremal Regions System-on-Chip For Real-Time Visual Surveillance Ehab Salahat, Hani Saleh, Andrzej Sluzek, Mahmoud Al-Qutayri, Baker Mohammed, Mohammed Ismail YF-020931 Motion Prediction and Human Detection Using a Single 2D Laser Range Finder Satoshi Sadamura, Yasutaka Fujimoto YF-007269 A Statistical Approach for Trajectory Analysis and Motion Segmentation for Freely Moving Cameras Jiaxin Li, Feng Lin, Ben Chen YF-011045 Selective Sending Block Determination Method Based on Quad-Tree Structure for Live Video Streaming Systems Ning Zhang, Takahiro Yakoh 49 TS-21 Monday 9th of November, 13:20-15:20 [Room14:415] TT08-01 Transportation Electrification I Chairs: Fei Gao, Keiichiro Kondo YF-011029 A Novel Static Fault Diagnosis Approach for Three-phase Full-bridge Inverter Qingchao Zhang, Ruiqing Ma, Yigeng Huangfu, Ben Zhao YF-026409 Standalone DC Level-1 EV Charging using PV/Grid Infrastructure, MPPT Algorithm and CHAdeMO Protocol Vamsi Krishna Pathipati, Najath Abdul Azeez, Sheldon Williamson YF-018996 Maximum Power Point Tracking for Thermoelectric Generators with High Frequency Injection Romina Rodriguez, Matthias Preindl, Ali Emadi, James Cotton YF-017957 Fuzzy Energy Management Strategy for Tram with Supercapacitors Jakub Talla, Lubos Streit, Zdenek Peroutka, Pavel Drabek, Vojtech Blahnik YF-016977 A Novel Hybrid Energy Storage System for Electric Vehicles Mario Porru, Alessandro Serpi, Ignazio Marongiu, Alfonso Damiano YF-026344 A New Single-stage High-efficiency Photovoltaic(PV)/Gridinterconnected DC Charging System for Transportation Electrification Siddhartha Anirban Singh, Najath Abdul Azeez, Sheldon Williamson TS-22 Monday 9th of November, 13:20-15:20 [Room15:416] TT05-01 Mechatronics Control I Chairs: Talha Boz, Wenyu Liang YF-001678 Towards an Abstraction Layer for PLC Programming using Object-Oriented Features of IEC61131-3 applied to Motion Control Lorenzo Racchetti, Lorenzo Tacconi, Marcello Bonfe', Cesare Fantuzzi YF-012726 Verification and Validation based on the generation of Testing Sequences from Timing Diagram Specifications in Industrial Automation Lorenzo Racchetti, Lorenzo Tacconi, Cesare Fantuzzi YF-015474 Diesel Engine NOx Emission Modeling with Airpath Input Channels Talha Boz, Mustafa Unel, Volkan Aran, Metin Yilmaz, Cetin Gurel, Caner Bayburtlu, Kerem Koprubasi YF-016861 Modeling, Identification and Control of an Antagonistically Actuated Joint for Telerobotic Systems Gregor Bauer, Benjamin Grossmann, Thomas Schlegl, Hiroshi Kobayashi YF-024864 EEMD Based Analysis of Vehicle Crash Responses Zuolong Wei, Hamid.R. Karimi, Kjell G. Robbersmyr YF-012017 Robust Localization for Mobile Robot by K-L Divergence-based Sensor Data Fusion Keita Suyama, Yuki Funabora, Shinji Doki, Kae Doki 50 TS-23 Monday 9th of November, 13:20-15:20 [Room16:417] TT02-01 Renewable Energy Applications I Chairs: Noriko Kawakami, Hanzhou Liu YF-023612 Design of a High-Efficiency Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor and Inverter System Hanzhou Liu YF-026271 Nine switch multi-channel dual converter for WECS Carlos Reusser, Samir Kouro YF-002968 Design and Control Process of SEPIC Converter for Maximum Power Extraction in Wind Energy Conversion Systems Jakeer Hussain, Mahesh Kumar YF-004944 Longitudinal Differential Protection Based on the Universal Line Model Niclas Johannesson, Staffan Norrga YF-006165 A Novel PMSG based WECS for Grid Integration using DMC Haris Ahmed, Brijesh Brijwasi, Avik Bhattacharya YF-014176 Overvoltage protection scheme for back to back converter of grid connected DFIG Prashant Debre TS-24 Monday 9th of November, 13:20-15:20 [Room17:418] TT02-02 Interfacing and control of Renewable Energy Generation I Chairs: Thanh Trung Do, Zhirong Xu YF-008311 Dynamic Stability Analysis of Autonomous Medium-Voltage Mixed-Source Microgrid Zhuoli Zhao, Ping Yang, Josep Guerrero, Zhirong Xu, Timothy Green, Jinyong Lei, Xiaobin Guo, Peng Li YF-022837 Enhanced Grid Integration of Renewable Power Plants by Grid Impedance Measurement Thanh Trung Do, Hauke Langkowski, Michael Jordan, Detlef Schulz YF-015989 Impacts of Industrial Baseline Errors in Demand Side Management Enabled Enterprise Control Bo Jiang, Aramazd Muzhikyan, Amro Farid, Kamal Youcef-Toumi YF-009059 Technical and Environmental Impacts of Electric Vehicles and Renewable Energy Integration in a Distribution Grid Maria Vanina Pirsan, Vincent Debusschere, Seddik Bacha, Andres Ovalle YF-017248 Optimal Economic and Environment Operation of Microgrids based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Moataz Elsied, Ottavio Lo Brutto, Amrane Oukaour, Hamid Gualous, Tarek Youssef, Osama Mohamed YF-000469 Energy Management Strategy for Medium-Voltage Isolated Microgrid Zhirong Xu, Ping Yang, Zhu Chen, Chun-meng Yang, Qun-ru Zheng 51 TS-25 Monday 9th of November, 13:20-15:00 [Room18:419] TT01-04 DC-DC Converters II Chairs: Haitham Abu-Rub, Alberto Castellazzi YF-004383 Cascaded DC-to-DC Converter Employing a Tapped-Inductor For High Voltage Boosting Ratio Jinsung Choi, Giyung Lee, Ki-du Kim, Feel-soon Kang, Jin-san Kim YF-004898 Fundamental Study on Control Strategies to Increase Efficiency of Dual Active Bridge DC-DC Converter Muhammad Hazarul Azmeer bin Ab Malek, Hiroaki Kakigano YF-007099 Diode-Capacitor-Inductor Network Based DC/DC Converters with High Power Density for High Voltage Gain Step-Up Applications Yafei Hu, Kerui Li, Manxin Chen YF-007358 A New Analyzing Scheme for Non-integer Order DC/DC Converters Yanfeng Chen, Xi Chen, Bo Zhang, Dongyuan Qiu YF-009806 GaN-based Consumer Application DC-DC Converter for PCB Embedment Technology Integration Antonio Martinez-Perez, Adane Kassa Solomon, Alberto Castellazzi, Bing Lu TS-26 Monday 9th of November, 15:40-17:20 [Room11:412] TT04-02 Electrical Machine Winding Issues Chairs: Ayman Abdel-Khalik, Aldo Boglietti YF-000604 A New Single Tooth Winding Layout for A Single-Phase Induction Motor with Segmented Stator Ayman Abdel-Khalik, Mohamed Diab, Shehab Ahmed, Ahmed Massoud YF-011991 New High Voltage 2-Pole Concentrated Winding and Corresponding Rotor Design for Induction Machines Oleg Moros, Gurakuq Dajaku, Christian Klusmann, Dieter Gerling YF-002178 New Flexible Harmonic Cost Effective Concentrated Winding Topology Oleg Moros, Dieter Gerling YF-002437 Winding Thermal Model for Short-Time Thermal Transient: Validation in Motor Operative Conditions Aldo Boglietti, Enrico Carpaneto, Silvio Vaschetto, Eric Armando, Marco Cossale YF-007366 PWM method for open-end winding machines using small triangle space vectors without inverter output clamping Hajime Kubo, Yasuhiro Yamamoto, Takeshi Kondo, Kaushik Rajashekara, Bohang Zhu 52 TS-27 Monday 9th of November, 15:40-17:40 [Room12:413] TT07-02 Sliding Mode Control Chairs: Juntao Fei, Yanmin Wang YF-000213 Neural Network-Based Model Reference Adaptive Control of Active Power Filter Based on Sliding Mode Approach Yunmei Fang, Juntao Fei, Kaiqi Ma YF-000221 Adaptive Backstepping Nonsingular Terminal Sliding Control of MEMS Gyroscope Yunmei Fang, Juntao Fei, Weifeng Yan YF-001511 Voltage Controller of DC-DC Buck Converter Using Terminal Sliding Mode Yanmin Wang, Hongwei Xia, Yuqing Cao YF-006769 A Multi-surface Sliding-mode Extremum Seeking Controller for Alternator Maximum Power Point Tracking Shirin Fartash Toloue, Mehrdad Moallem YF-011436 Second-Order Sliding Mode Control of an Innovative Engine Cooling System Saif Siddique Butt, Robert Prabel, Harald Aschemann YF-017051 Control of Single-Stage Grid-Connected Three-Phase Solar Photovoltaic System Using Sliding Mode Control Sameer Rokade, B Bandyopadhyay, Vivek Agarwal, Sukumar Mishra TS-28 Monday 9th of November, 15:40-17:20 [Room13:414] TT20-02 Transportation Electrification B Chairs: Shin-Ichi Hamasaki, Akram M YF-017582 Comparative of Modulation Techniques for Modular Multilevel Converter Miguel Moranchel Pérez, Inés Sanz Alonso, Emilio Bueno Peña, Francisco J. Rodriguez YF-012459 Experimental Verification of Hexagonal Modular Multilevel Converter for 3-phase System Shin-ichi Hamasaki, Takashi Tsubakidani, Syunsuke Eguchi, Mineo Tsuji YF-023558 Stabilization and energy management in a DC grid by Variable Structure Flatness based Controller Akram Fayaz, Djawad Hamache YF-019682 Nonlinear synchronizing control of parallel inverters connected to the electricity grid Gerasimos Rigatos, Pierluigi Siano, Nikolaos Zervos, Carlo Cecati YF-013455 Control Algorithm for a PV Powered BLDC Drive for Air Conditioner Application Srikanth Kotra, Mahesh K.Mishra, Nikhil Korada 53 TS-29 Monday 9th of November, 15:40-17:40 [Room14:415] TT08-02 Transportation Electrification II Chairs: Hiroshi Fujimoto, Takahiro Nozaki YF-021121 Bench Test of Minimum Time Autonomous Driving for Electric Vehicle Based on Optimization of Velocity Profile Considering Energy Constraint Yuta Ikezawa, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Daisuke Kawano, Yuichi Goto, Misaki Tsuchimoto, Koji Sato YF-022187 Range Extension Autonomous Driving for Electric Vehicles Based on Optimal Velocity Trajectory and Driving Braking Force Distribution Considering Road Gradient Information Hideki Yoshida, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Daisuke Kawano, Yuichi Goto, Misaki Tsuchimoto, Koji Sato YF-021881 Optimal Scheduling of Diesel Generators in Offshore Support Vessels to Minimize Fuel Consumption Srinivasa Rao Kamala, Priyesh Chauhan, Sanjib Kumar Panda, Gary Wilson, Xiong Liu, Amit Kumar Gupta YF-011304 Modelling of Lithium-ion Battery and SOC Estimation using Simple and Extended Discrete Kalman Filters for Aircraft Energy Management Jean Ernst Bester, Ahmed El Hajjaji, Augustin Mpanda Mabwe YF-026379 A Dynamic Parameter Identification Modeling Technique using Random Charge/Discharge Pulses for Ultracapacitor-powered Mass Electric Transport Amandeep Singh, Najath Abdul Azeez, Sheldon Williamson YF-017515 Synchronous Reluctance Motor Design based EV Powertrain with Inverter Integrated with Redundant Topology Danilo Herrera, Eduardo Galvan, Juan Manuel Carrasco TS-30 Monday 9th of November, 15:40-17:40 [Room15:416] TT05-02 Mechatronics I Chairs: Masayoshi Wada, Peng Yao YF-009962 A Novel Steering Mechanism of Two-Wheeled Wheel Chair for Stability Improvement Sakurako Hamatani, Toshiyuki Murakami YF-019801 Visual Exploration Platform Design for Fine Profile Sensing in Precision Motion Systems Kok Kiong Tan, Wenyu Liang, Jun Yik Lau, Silu Chen, Minh Hoang-Tuan Nguyen YF-019828 Application of Design of Experiments to Feature Selection in Ventilation Tube Applicator Jun Yik Lau, Minh Hoang-Tuan Nguyen, Wenyu Liang, Kok Kiong Tan YF-023337 Straight Driving Control for Electric Tiller Considering Human Driving Input Hirofumi Ikoma, Ken Yoshihara, Wataru Kato, Toshimasa Miyazaki, Kiyoshi Ohishi YF-026158 Mechanical Design of an Active-caster Robotic Drive with Dual-wheel and Differential mechanism Shota Nasu, Masayoshi Wada YF-011827 Bending of Multi-Graphene by Nanomanipulation Assisted with Electron Beam Irradiation for Box Structure Takafumi Fujiwara, Masahiro Nakajima, Akihiko Ichikawa, Kenichi Ohara, Yasuhisa Hasegawa, Toshio Fukuda 54 TS-31 Monday 9th of November, 15:40-17:20 [Room16:417] TT02-03 Renewable Energy Applications II Chairs: Li Hong Idris Lim, Kazutaka Itako YF-002038 Non-contact Measurement of POA Irradiance and Cell Temperature for PV Systems Li Hong Idris Lim, Zhen Ye, Dazhi Yang YF-006203 Three Level Z source Inverter Based Photovoltaic Power Conversion Systems Ajit Kumar, Avik Bhattacharya YF-004693 Development of Real Time Hotspot Detection System Using Scan-Method for PV Generation System Kazutaka Itako, Hossam Bakhsh, Tsugutomo Kudoh, Qixin Huang YF-000418 A Grid-Connected Switched PV Array Ahmed Elserougi, Ayman Abdel-Khalik, Ahmed Massoud, Shehab Ahmed YF-009687 Distributed MPPT PV system with current source inverter Toru Sai, Akira Kitamura, Byung-Gyu Yu, Xiang-Dong Sun, Mikihiko Matsui TS-32 Monday 9th of November, 15:40-17:20 [Room17:418] TT02-04 Interfacing and control of Renewable Energy Generation II Chairs: R. Blasco-Gimenez, Sousuke Nakamura YF-016209 Review of Power System Stability with High Wind Power Penetration Rui Hu, Weihao Hu, Zhe Chen YF-014621 Eigenvalue-based Harmonic Stability Analysis Method in Inverter-Fed Power Systems Yanbo Wang, Xiongfei Wang, Frede Blaabjerg, Zhe Chen YF-014486 Impact of Photovoltaic grid-connected power fluctuation on system frequency deviation in contiguous power systems Chamnan Limsakul, Anawach Sangswang, Roongrojana Songprakorp, Panom Parinya YF-018635 Stability Analysis of HVDC-Diode Rectifier Connected Off-shore Wind Power Plants Soledad Bernal-Perez, Salvador Añó-Villalba, Ramon Blasco-Gimenez YF-004847 Time-Frequency-Based Assessment of Grid Frequency Deviation Caused by Wind Power Fluctuations Md Moinul Islam, Md Nayim Kabir, Charles W. Brice 55 TS-33 Monday 9th of November, 15:40-17:40 [Room18:419] TT07-03 Control Applications I Chairs: Alessandro Giustiniani, Kazuhiro Tsuruta YF-022934 Quadrotor Tuning for Attitude Control based on Double-Loop PID Controller using FRIT Arthit Julkananusart, Itthisek Nilkhamhang YF-016241 Repetitive Controller with Low-Pass Filter Compensation Applied to Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) Charles Lorenzini, Jeferson Vieira Flores, Luís Fernando Alves Pereira, Aurélio Tergolina Salton, Rafael da Silveira Castro YF-012483 Control Design for a Reduction of Clutch Judder in a Truck Drive Train Robert Prabel, Harald Aschemann YF-017639 Controller Design and Verification for a Rotational Piezo-based Actuator for Accurate Positioning Applications in Noisy Environments Mark Butcher, Alessandro Giustiniani, Roberto Losito, Alessandro Masi YF-024694 Synchronization Control for Twin-axes Table Drive System Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Tetsuya Ojiro, Hideki Honda YF-014117 MLR :A New Concept to Launch a partial Deadlock avoidance policy for k-th Order System of Petri Nets Daniel Yuh Chao, TsungHsien Yu TS-34 Tuesday 10th of November, 10:30-12:10 [Room03:303] SS08-01 Induction Heating Systems Chairs: Óscar Lucía, Tomokazu Mishima, Claudio Carretero YF-025232 Permanent Magnet Heater for Aluminum Billets: Experimental Results Fabrizio Dughiero, Michele Forzan, Marcello Zerbetto YF-011266 Optimization of inductor for pre- and post-heating metal parts during their edge laser welding David Panek, Ivo Dolezel, Vaclav Kotlan, Roman Hamar YF-012866 Model of laser heating with induction pre- and post-heating and its experimental verification Vaclav Kotlan, David Panek, Roman Hamar, Ivo Dolezel YF-019585 All-SiC Power Module-applied Single-Stage ZVS-PWM AC-AC Converter for High-Frequency Induction Heating Tomokazu Mishima, Souta Morinaga, Mutsuo Nakaoka YF-020079 Dual frequency induction hardening of steel elements Jerzy Barglik, Albert Smalcerz 56 TS-35 Tuesday 10th of November, 10:30-12:30 [Room04:304] SS13-01 Signal, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Techniques for Electric Machine Fault Diagnosis Chairs: Jose Antonino-Daviu, Hubert Razik YF-005207 Case Stories of Advanced Rotor Assessment in Field Motors Operated with Soft-Starters and Frequency Converters Jose Antonino-Daviu, Jesus Corral-Hernandez, Vicente Climente-Alarcon, Hubert Razik Comparative Influence of Adjacent and Non-adjacent Broken Rotor Bars on the Induction Motor Diagnosis through MCSA and ZSC Methods Jose A. Antonino-Daviu, Konstantinos N. Gyftakis, Raul Garcia-Hernandez, Hubert Razik, Antonio J. M. Cardoso A Hybrid Kernel PCA, Hypersphere SVM and Extreme Learning Machine Approach for Nonlinear YF-009849 Process Online Fault Detection YF-007706 Mengqi Ni, Jingjing Dong, Tianzhen Wang, Jingang Han, Diju Gao, Mohamed Benbouzid YF-016047 Stator Current Analysis by Subspace Methods for Fault Detection in Induction Machines Youness Trachi, Elhoussin Elbouchikhi, Vincent Choqueuse, Mohamed Benbouzid YF-017027 Automatizing the detection of rotor failures in induction motors operated via soft-starters George Georgoulas, Petros Karvelis, Ioannis Tsoumas, Jose Alfonso Antonino-Daviu, Jesús Corral-Hernández, Chrysostomos Stylios, Vicente Climente-Alarcón, George Nikolakopoulos YF-017647 Bayes error based feature selection: an electric motors fault detection case study Lucio Ciabattoni, Gionata Cimini, Francesco Ferracuti, Massimo Grisostomi, Gianluca Ippoliti, Matteo Pirro TS-36 Tuesday 10th of November, 10:30-12:30 [Room05:311] SS19-01 Advanced Control of Robotic Systems Chairs: Michael Ruderman, Seiichiro Katsura YF-023825 Torque/Force Control of Wave System Based on Reflected Wave Rejection and Wave-based Load Disturbance Observer Eiichi Saito, Seiichiro Katsura YF-008486 Mobile Robot Navigation in Unknown Corridors using Line and Dense Features of Point Clouds Kun Qian, Zhijie Chen, Xudong Ma, Bo Zhou YF-023892 Proposal of Visual Servoing using Phase-Only-Correlation (POC) Yoshi Ri, Hiroshi Fujimoto YF-025402 Design Method of Stable force Control System Using New Resonance Ratio Control and Instantaneous State Observer Akinori Yabuki, Takashi Yoshioka, Kiyoshi Ohishi, Toshimasa Miyazaki, Yuki Yokokura YF-018716 Asymptotic observer of the link states of flexible joint robots with motor-side sensing Michael Ruderman YF-013005 Closed form minimum infinity-norm resolution for single-degree kinematically redundant manipulators Didier Quirin, Valerio Salvucci, Moto Kawanobe, Travis Baratcart, Takafumi Koseki 57 TS-37 Tuesday 10th of November, 10:30-12:30 [Room06:312] SS30-01 Time-delay Systems Chairs: Qing-Long Han, Yutaka Uchimura YF-004774 Disturbance-Observer-Based Active Queue Management with Time Delay Using Software-Defined Networking Controller Hosho Chibana, Manabu Yoshino, Masashi Tadokoro, Daisuke Murayama, Ken-Ichi Suzuki, Ryogo Kubo YF-012092 Model-error feedback design for systems with time-varying delay based on mixed H2/ H infinity control Yutaka Uchimura, Tooru Suhara YF-013293 Introducing Jitter Buffers in Networked Control Systems with Communication Disturbance Observer under Time-Varying Communication Delays Ryusuke Imai, Ryogo Kubo YF-019534 Filtering of Jitter Based on Inverse Related Filters and Error Corrector in Network Control Systems Hiroki Murata, Yusuke Kawamura, Seiichiro Katsura YF-020168 Event-triggered H-infinity controller design for networked control systems with nonlinear perturbations Xian-Ming Zhang, Qing-Long Han YF-025291 Analysis and Compensation of Modeling Error for Synchronized Bilateral Teleoperation Satoshi Nishimura, Seiichiro Katsura TS-38 Tuesday 10th of November, 10:30-12:30 [Room07:313] SS25-01 Conversion and Control of Photovoltaic Energy Systems I Chairs: Samir Kouro, Jaime Zapata YF-015709 GMPPT of Solar PV Array under Partial Shading Condition using LabVIEW FPGA P. Chinna D. Goud, Alok Kumar Singh, Rajesh Gupta, Paulson Samuel YF-001929 Multi-Proposal Utilization of One-Cycle Controller in Photovoltaic Systems for DC Applications João Carvalho Neto, Andres Salazar, André Maitelli YF-013331 Application of Hybrid Energy Storage System in a Grid Interactive Microgrid Environment Korada Nikhil, Mahesh K Mishra YF-018813 High Efficiency MPPT by Model Predictive Control Considering Load Disturbances for Photovoltaic Applications Under Dynamic Weather Condition Morcos Metry, Mohammad B. Shadmand, Robert S. Balog, Haitham Abu Rub YF-002739 A Novel Voltage-Control Method in Low-Voltage Distribution Systems Keigo Shimofuji, Akiko Takahashi, Jun Imai, Shigeyuki Funabiki YF-019909 Model predictive control of interleaved dc-dc stage for photovoltaic microconverters Jaime W. Zapata, Samir Kouro, Matias Aguirre, Thierry Meynard 58 TS-39 Tuesday 10th of November, 10:30-12:30 [Room08:314] SS39-01 New Trends in Education Regarding Cyber-Physical Systems and Industrial Agents Chairs: João Martins, Armando Colombo YF-007455 Motion control and teleoperation challenge Andreja Rojko, Darko Hercog YF-009121 Green City: A Low-Cost Testbed for Distributed Control Algorithms in Smart Grid Alberto Castelo Becerra, Wente Zeng, Mo-Yuen Chow, Juan Jose Rodríguez Andina YF-016705 Impact of new ICT trends for the educational curriculum in the area of Industrial Automation and Engineering Jeffrey Wermann, Eduardo Cardoso Moraes, Nils Kliesing, Armando Walter Colombo YF-017108 An approach to qualify human resources supporting the migration of SME´s into a Industry4.0compliant company infrastructure Armando Walter Dr. Colombo, Dirk Schleuter, Matthias Kircher YF-019151 A new teaching tool to enhance Power Quality assessment Joao Martins, Armando Pires, Vitor Pires, Pedro Pereira YF-019267 Transnational Lifelong Education Course in Robotic Systems Paulo Leitao, Juan Carlos Fraile, Vidal Moreno, Robert Harrison, Halis Altun, Armando W. Colombo, Javier P. Turiel, Belén Curto TS-40 Tuesday 10th of November, 10:30-12:30 [Room09:315] SS40-01 Wireless and Cloud Systems for Industrial Sensing Applications Chairs: Kim Fung Tsang, Gerhard P. Hancke YF-009024 Dissimilarity Metrics for Probabilistic Broadcasting in Wireless Multi-hop Networks Daniel Gutierrez-Reina, Sergio L. Toral, Federico Barrero, Mesut Güness YF-011479 Air Conditioning Control Using Self-Powered Sensor Considering Comfort Level and Occupant Location Sachio Godo, Jan Haase, Hiroaki Nishi YF-012122 A Service-Oriented Architecture for Wireless Video Sensor Networks: Opportunities and Challenges Bo Cheng, Gerhard Hancke YF-016292 Efficiency and Robustness Management for IEEE 802.15.4 in Healthcare Sensor Network Hao Ran Chi, Chung Kit Wu, King Tim Ko, Kim Fung Tsang, Wah Ching Lee YF-019259 Adaptive TDMA-based MAC protocol in energy harvesting wireless body area network for mobile health Xin Qi, Kun Wang, Dong Yue, Lei Shu, Yan Liu, Huidan Zhao YF-023051 MOBILE BASED BIG DATA DESIGN PATENT IMAGE RETRIEVAL SYSTEM VIA Lp NORM DEEP LEARNING APPROACH Wing-Kuen Ling, Jing Su, Qingyun Dai, Jun Xiao, Kim-Fung Tsang 59 TS-41 Tuesday 10th of November, 10:30-11:30 [Room10:411] SS06-01 Wireless Power Transfer - Analysis and Evaluation Chairs: Zhen Zhang, Chunhua Liu YF-002186 Evaluation of Primary-side Power Supply Coil Shape to Expand the Charging Area in a Contactless Power Transmission System Hideki Ayano, Yuki Tanaka, Masato Sagawa, Yoshihiro Matsui YF-006041 Mathematical Model of Series-Series Compensation for Contactless Power Transfer System Brijesh Kumar Kushwaha, Gautam Rituraj, Praveen Kumar YF-023507 Analysis and Experiment on Harmonic Current Distortion in Wireless Power Transfer System Using a Diode Rectifier Katsuhiro Hata, Takehiro Imura, Yoichi Hori TS-42 Tuesday 10th of November, 10:30-12:10 [Room11:412] SS45-01 Resonant Power Converters Topologies, Control Techniques And Applications Chairs: Maria Teresa Outeiro, Giuseppe Buja YF-006394 Comparison of resonant power converters with two, three, and four energy storage elements Maria Teresa Outeiro, Giuseppe Buja YF-009598 Design of Current-Fed Push-Pull Resonant Inverters for Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamps Yueh-Ru Yang YF-011886 High Gain Resonant Boost Converter For PV Micro-Converter System Sachin Jain, Jih-Sheng Lai YF-016055 Soft-switching capabilities of SAB vs. DAB converters Christian Fontana, Mattia Forato, Kundan Kumar, Maria T. Outeiro, Manuele Bertoluzzo, Giuseppe Buja YF-019062 Time-Domain Analysis of A Wide-Range Dual-Active-Bridge Bidirectional Series Resonant Converter Alireza Safaee, Praveen Jain, Alireza Safaee 60 TS-43 Tuesday 10th of November, 10:30-12:30 [Room12:413] SS47-01 Nonlinear Control Applications Chairs: S.M. Muyeen, Mohamed Benbouzid YF-000795 Torque observer and extended H infinity filter for sensorless control of permanent magnet generators tested on a wind turbine emulator Danilo Llano, Richard McMahon YF-002399 Research of Adaptive Full- order Sliding Mode Observer in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Xuemei Zheng, Danmei Ding, Rui Song, Yong Feng YF-013803 Simulation of a Torque Based Hysteresis Control in Static and Low Dynamic Conditions Marcel Scheuer, Philip Dost, Constantinos Sourkounis YF-014435 Applying Predictive Power Control to BESS for Mitigation of Wind Power Fluctuations Thai-Thanh Nguyen, Hak-Man Kim, Mario J. Duran YF-009857 A Virtual Synchronous Generator Based Inverter Control Method for Distributed Generation Systems Gang Yao, Zhichong Lu, Mohamed Benbouzid, Tianhao Tang, Jingang Han YF-002984 Analysis and control of fast scale bifurcation in series connected DC drive operating in continuous conduction mode Nelson Okafor, Damian Giaouris, Bashar Zahawi TS-44 Tuesday 10th of November, 10:30-12:30 [Room13:414] TT09-01 Sensors and Measurement Technology Chairs: Martin Zlatanski,, Stoyan Nihtianov YF-001333 Rational Approximations Principle for Frequency Shifts Measurement in Frequency Domain Sensors Fabian N. Murrieta-Rico, Vitalii Petranovskii, Oleg Yu. Sergiyenko, Julio C. Rodriguez-Quiñonez, Wendy Flores-Fuentes, Daniel Hernandez-Balbuena, Andrei Tchernykh, Vira Tyrsa, Juan Ivan Nieto Hipolito, Oscar Vision Based Cone Angle Estimation of Bubbly Cavitating Flow and Analysis of Scattered Bubbles using YF-015997 Micro Imaging Techniques Gokhan Alcan, Morteza Ghorbani, Ali Kosar, Mustafa Unel YF-023949 High Resolution Position Estimation from Hall Effect Sensor Jurgen Ortiz, Vianey Guadalupe Cruz Sanchez, Osslan Osiris Vergara Villegas, Angel Flores Abad, Manuel Nandayapa YF-015172 Direct and Automatic Measurement of the Overlapping Time in GCB Applications Yannick Maret, Martin Zlatanski, Stevan Marinkovic YF-023876 Calorimetric Flow Sensors Based on Thick-film Printed Thermopiles for Air Conditioning System Monitoring Samir Cerimovic, Franz Keplinger, Thilo Sauter YF-020915 Experimental Verification of Stability Region of Balancing a Single-wheel Robot: an Inverted Stick Model Approach Sangdeok Lee, Seul Jung 61 TS-45 Tuesday 10th of November, 10:30-12:30 [Room14:415] TT01-05 Power Electronics and Control II Chairs: K. I. Hwu, Drazen Dujic YF-000965 One-Comparator Sampling Based on Positive-Slope and Negative-Slope Saw-Toothed Waves Y. T. Yau, K. I. Hwu, W. Z. Jiang YF-016497 Single-phase to Three-phase AC/DC/AC Converter for an Induction Motor Using a SEPIC PFC Converter in DCM as Rectifying Stage Mario González Ramírez, Carlos Alberto Cruz Villar YF-004413 Permeance Based Modelling of the Core Corners Considering Magnetic Material Nonlinearity Min Luo, Drazen Dujic YF-014532 Design Optimization of Single-Phase PFC Rectifier Using Pareto-Front Analysis and Including ElectroThermal Modelling Mahmoud Ibrahim, Pierre Lefranc, Luc Gonnet, David Frey, Jean-Paul Ferrieux, Sokchea Am YF-001317 Control of Electrolytic Capacitor-less Single-phase to Three-phase Converter for IPMSM Drive Hui Luo, Genping Wu, Quan Yin YF-004618 Application control configurations in a photovoltaic inverter operating in a microgrid Rubén Ortega Gonzalez, Oscar Carranza Castillo, Julio Cesar Sosa Savedra, Victor Hugo García Ortega, Nancy Y. Ortega Gonzalez TS-46 Tuesday 10th of November, 10:30-12:30 [Room15:416] TT01-06 Power Electronics II Chairs: Concettina Buccella, Ehsan Jamshidpour YF-011444 Design of a control unit for advanced gate drivers featuring adaptive dead-time and diagnostics Alessandro Soldati, Davide Barater, Francesco Brugnano, Carlo Concari YF-016233 Impedance Analysis of Control Modes in Cascaded Converter Yanjun Tian, Fujin Deng, Zhe Chen, Poh Chiang Loh, Yanting Hu YF-022217 A New Control Technique for Dual Stator Induction Generator Used in Standalone Applications Saptarshi Basak, Chandan Chakraborty YF-024147 Power Flow Control Using a DC-DC MMC for HVdc grid Connected Wind Power Plants Ricardo Vidal, Enrique Belenguer, Diego Soto, Ramon Blasco-Gimenez, Cristian Pesce, Ruben Pena, Javier Riedemann YF-009113 DSC-Based Implementation for Power Control of DFIG in Microgrid Applications Burak Soner, Tarik Uzunovic, Emre Ozsoy, Edin Golubovic, Asif Sabanovic YF-004545 An improved current mode control of a three-phase rectifier based on positive-sequence detection Panfilo Raymundo Martínez Rodríguez, Gerardo Escobar Valderrama, Jose Miguel Sosa Zuñiga, Gerardo Vazquez Guzman, Cesar Augusto Limones Pozos, Samuel Iturriaga Medina 62 TS-47 Tuesday 10th of November, 10:30-12:30 [Room16:417] TT03-02 Power Systems II Chairs: Fan Yang, Muhammad Shafiq YF-004049 Suppression of arc grounding overvoltage by using ZnO nonlinear resistance grounding mode Qian Wang YF-019917 A New Transient Limiter Based on Coupling Transformer Emanuel YouhannaEshagh, AliReza Edalatian YF-020184 Dynamic Simulation of a Wind Farm Incorporated with Highly-Resolved Wind Prediction Data Fredrik Raak, Yoshihiko Susuki, Ryosuke Morita, Takayuki Wada, Kazuhisa Tsuboki, Hiroshi Uyeda, Yasumasa Fujisaki, Takashi Hikihara YF-021334 A Lyapunov Function Neuro-Adaptive Controller for LFC in Two-Area Power System Muhammad Saleheen Aftab, Muhammad Shafiq, Fakhra Aftab YF-002445 Energy management for fuel cell-supercapacitor hybrid system using passivity-based controller with multi-equilibrium states Fan Yang, Bo Sheng, Yang Fu YF-003905 Comparison of the water heating technique’s impact on the sizing of a standalone PV-Battery backup system assisting an intermittent primary energy source Jawad Khoury, Rita Mbayed, Georges Salloum, Eric Monmasson TS-48 Tuesday 10th of November, 10:30-12:30 [Room17:418] TT06-02 Motion Control I Chairs: Naoki Motoi, Chowarit Mitsantisuk YF-019771 Three-Degree-of-Freedom Control and Its Application to Motion Control Systems Akihiro Suzumura, Yasutaka Fujimoto YF-011207 A Design Method of Phase Control System for SISO system using Hilbert Transformer Naotaka Fujii, Seiichiro Katsura YF-008451 Application of Fictitious Reference Iterative Tuning to Vibration Suppression Controller for 2-Inertia Resonance System Hidehiro Ikeda, Hideki Ajishi, Tsuyoshi Hanamoto YF-019593 Command Shaping with Transition of State for Smooth Force Control Tomoki Kono, Seiichiro Katsura YF-017272 Motion Reproduction Based on Time-Adaptation in Multi-Degree-of-Freedom System for Contact Task Issei Takeuchi, Seiichiro Katsura YF-012815 Double Hands Manipulation with Force Sensation Realized by Multi DoF Forceps Robots Takuya Matsunaga, Guillaume Fau, Shuhei Shimizu, Kazuki Tanida, Takahiro Mizoguchi, Kouhei Ohnishi 63 TS-49 Tuesday 10th of November, 10:30-12:30 [Room18:419] TT07-04 Identification and Control Chairs: Lixian Zhang, Xue Du YF-018538 Thermal Impedance Control for Thermal Rendering Technique Yukiko Osawa, Seiichiro Katsura YF-011533 Resilient Estimation for a Class of Markov Jump Linear Systems with Unideal Measurements and its Application to Robot Arm Systems Lixian Zhang, Yanzheng Zhu, Peng Shi YF-009237 A Novel SPSA Kernel Wavelet Neural Network for Model-free PID Controller Yuxin Zhao, Xue Du, Genglei Xia, Renfeng Jia YF-019364 Approximate Bisimulations for A Class of Discrete-Time Switched Systems Guoqi Ma, Linlin Qin, Xinghua Liu, Chun Shi, Gang Wu YF-013595 H-Infinity Control of Stochastic Switched Nonlinear Systems with Average Dwell Time Yanli Liu, Xuebo Yang, Ben Niu, Yang Tang, Okyay Kaynak YF-014931 Active Tower Damping for an Innovative Wind Turbine with a Hydrostatic Transmission Harald Aschemann, Julia Kersten TS-50 Tuesday 10th of November, 13:50-15:30 [Room01:301] TT04-03 Loss Modeling in Electrical Machines and Drives Chairs: Pascal Maussion, Kaoru Inoue YF-022497 Improvements on Experimental Modeling of the Losses in Induction Machine with Taguchi Orthogonal Plan Phok Chrin, Bruno Dagues, Maria David, Pascal Maussion, Long Bun YF-018899 Modeling and Analysis of Core Loss of an IPM Machine for Online Estimation Purposes Shamsuddeen N Nalakath, Matthias Preindl, Berker Bilgin, Yinye Yang, Ali Emadi YF-012572 Preisach model of hysteresis for the Piezoelectric Actuator Drive Gabriel Zsurzsan, Michael A.E. Andersen, Zhe Zhang, Nils Axel Andersen YF-020532 Numerically Designed Optimal Trajectories of Induction Motor for Energy-saving and Jerk Suppression based on 3-dimensional Loss Map Kaoru Inoue, Takuma Arizono, Toshiji Kato YF-021849 Improving Start-up Operation of Sensorless DTC of Induction Machines Using Simple Flux Regulation Ibrahim Alsofyani, Nik Rumzi Nik Idris, Junaidi Abdul Aziz, Abdul Halim Yatim 64 TS-51 Tuesday 10th of November, 13:50-15:10 [Room02:302] TT04-04 Fault Diagnosis and Condition Monitor Issues Chairs: Shih-Chin Yang, Thomas Wolbank YF-011355 Online Insulation Condition Monitoring of Traction Machines using Inverter Induced Voltage Injection Clemens Zoeller, Markus Vogelsberger, Thomas Wolbank YF-017396 Performance Evaluation of Stator Winding Fault Detection in the Inverter-Fed Permanent Magnet Machine Using High Frequency Voltage Injection Shih-Chin Yang YF-008818 Application of Sweep Frequency Response Analysis for the Detection of Winding Faults in Induction Motor Tushar Vilhekar, Makarand Ballal, B Umre, G Surya YF-016594 Dynamic Space-Vector Model of Induction Machines with Stator Inter-Turn Short-Circuit Fault Alberto Berzoy, Ahmed Mohamed, Osama Mohammed TS-52 Tuesday 10th of November, 13:50-15:30 [Room03:303] SS06-02 Wireless Power Transfer - Advanced Control and Optimization Chairs: Zhen Zhang, Chunhua Liu YF-003999 Operating Point Setting Method for Wireless Power Transfer with Constant Voltage Load Daisuke Gunji, Takehiro Imura, Hiroshi Fujimoto YF-006572 Optimization of the Compensation Capacitors for Megahertz Wireless Power Transfer Systems Zefan Tang, Minfan Fu, Ming Liu, Chengbin Ma YF-010308 Novel Power Receiver for Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer System Jinhai Jiang, Chunbo Zhu, Kai Song, Guo Wei, Qianfan Zhang YF-013811 A Magnetic Coupled Resonance WPT System Design Method of Double-end Impedance Converter Networks with Class-E Amplifier Zhenya Wang, Xuemei Wang, Bo Zhang YF-015695 Wireless Power System Appling a Microcontroller Dominated Matrix Converter Rui Zhao, Daniel. T Gladwin, David. A Stone 65 TS-53 Tuesday 10th of November, 13:50-15:30 [Room04:304] TT12-02 Computational Intelligence I Chairs: Naoyuki Kubota , Shinji Doki YF-024031 Short term load forecasting using cartesian genetic programming: an efficient evolutive strategy Francisco Giacometto, Enric Sala, Konstantinos Kampouropoulos, Luis Romeral YF-023124 Binaural Wind Noise Detection, Cancellation and Its Evaluation for Hearing Aids based on HRTF Cues Hidetoshi Nakashima, Ryousuke Kouyama, Nobuhiko Hiruma, Yoh-ichi Fujisaka YF-006793 Estimation of Next Human Action and its Timing based on the Human Action Model with Timing Probabilistic Distribution Kohjiro Hashimoto, Shinji Doki, Kae Doki YF-025941 Robot Communication based on Relational Trust Model Saika Ono, Takenori Obo, Chu Kiong Loo, Naoyuki Kubota YF-026514 Topology Discovery of Hierarchical Ethernet LANs without SNMP support Krzysztof Nowicki, Aleksander Malinowski TS-54 Tuesday 10th of November, 13:50-15:30 [Room05:311] SS12-01 Smart Sensors for the Future “Internet of Things” Chairs: Ridha Ben-Mrad, Stoyan Nihtianov, Antonio Luque YF-005398 A 25mW Smart CMOS Wind Sensor with Corner Heaters Wouter F.M. Brevet, Fabio Sebastiano, Kofi A.A. Makinwa YF-018147 Wireless Temperature Sensor for Harsh Industrial Environment Anupama Kulkarni, Alexander Kerezov, Stoyan Nihtianov YF-015059 Chip-Scale Thermal Energy Harvester Using Bi2Te3 Jane Cornett, Bill Lane, Baoxing Chen, Marc Dunham, Mehdi Asheghi, Kenneth Goodson, Yuan Gan, Nian Sunn YF-015865 Assessment of a piezoelectric energy harvester for a sensor module Vainatey Kulkarni, Ridha Ben Mrad, Eswar Prasad YF-003115 A Machine Learning Technique in a Multi-Agent Framework for Online Outliers Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks Hugo Martins, Fábio Januário, Luis Palma, Alberto Cardoso, Paulo Gil 66 TS-55 Tuesday 10th of November, 13:50-15:30 [Room06:312] TT21-01 Power Electronics and Energy System I Chairs: Gerasimos Rigatos, Ausias Garrigos YF-017469 Design of an Agent-Based Simulator for Real-Time Estimation of Power Consumption/Generation in Residential Buildings António Sá, Rui Amaral Lopes, J.F. Martins YF-011541 Electromagnetic Design of a New Hybrid-Excited Flux-Switching Machine for Fault-Tolerant Operations Fei Lin, K. T. Chua, Chunhua Liu, Chun Qiu YF-016683 Mitigation of Electric Drivetrain Oscillation Resulting from Abrupt Current Derating at Low Coolant Flow Rate Humphrey Mokom Njawah Achiri, Smidl Vaclav, Zdenek Peroutka YF-019704 Flatness-based adaptive fuzzy control for active power filters Gerasimos Rigatos, Pierluigi Siano, Patrice Wira YF-013277 Selective Operation of 3-level NPC Inverter Based on Synchronous Reference Frame Method Supplying Nonlinear Loads in Microgrid System Ali Mortezaei, M Godoy Simões, Ahmed Al-Durra, S M Muyeen TS-56 Tuesday 10th of November, 13:50-15:30 [Room07:313] SS17-01 Biomedical Applications of Industrial Electronics Chairs: Óscar Lucía, Toshio Fukuda, Carlo Cecati YF-002844 A Review of Pulse Generation Topologies for Clinical Electroporation Carlos Bernal, Oscar Lucia, Hector Sarnago, José M. Burdio, Antoni Ivorra, Quim Castellví YF-005592 A Portable Point-of-Care Device for Multi-Parametric Diabetes Mellitus Analysis. Jaime Punter-Villagrasa, Cristina Paez-Aviles, Maria Kitsara, Jordi Colomer-Farrarons, Ivón RodriguezVillareal, Miguel Aller-Pellitero, F. Javier del Campo, Joan Cid, Neus Sabaté, Pere Miribel-Català YF-016543 Multi-objective Design of a Magnetic Fluid Hyperthermia Device Roberta Bertani, Michele Forzan, Paolo Sgarbossa, Elisabetta Sieni, Paolo Di Barba, Federico Spizzo, Lucia Del Bianco YF-019623 A Generalized Method for Automatic Segmentation of Neighboring Cells Zhenzhou Wang YF-023574 Impact of Transcutaneous Energy Transfer on the Electric Field and Specific Absorption Rate in the Human Tissue Oliver Knecht, Johann W. Kolar 67 TS-57 Tuesday 10th of November, 13:50-15:30 [Room08:314] SS29-01 Engineering Paradigms for Automated Facilities Chairs: Matthias Foehr, Paulo Leitão YF-000426 Challenges of system integration in the engineer-to-order business Matthias Foehr, Michael Gepp, Jan Vollmar YF-004901 Cost Optimization on Warning Threshold and Non-Fixed Periodic Inspection Intervals for Machine Degradation Monitoring Hengchao Yan, Junhong Zhou, Chee Khiang Pang YF-012319 For a Better Understanding of Integration Nicole Schmidt, Arndt Lüder, Ronald Rosendahl, Daria Ryashentseva, Matthias Foehr, Jan Vollmar YF-019356 Guarded state machines in OPC UA Thomas Frühwirth, Florian Pauker, Andreas Fernbach, Iman Ayatollahi, Wolfgang Kastner, Burkhard Kittl YF-014834 An Efficient Method of Occluded Solder Ball Segmentation for Automated BGA Void Defect Inspection using X-ray Images Somchai Nuanprasert, Sueki Baba, Takashi Suzuki TS-58 Tuesday 10th of November, 13:50-15:30 [Room09:315] SS33-01 Intelligent Robotic Control and Motion Planning I Chairs: Xu Jianxin, Ren Qinyuan YF-000116 Study on the 3D Printed Robotic Fish with Autonomous Obstacle Avoidance Behavior Based on the Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Control Xin Deng, Dingli Jiang, Jin Wang, Mingxu Li, Qiaosong Chen YF-002372 Motion Control of A Robotic Fish via Learning Control Approach with Self-adaption Xuefang Li, Jian-Xin Xu, Qinyuan Ren YF-018627 An Optimization Approach for Planning Robotic Field Coverage Xin Yu, Thaddeus A. Roppel, John Y. Hung YF-018651 Coverage Path Planning Based on a Multiple Sweep Line Decomposition Xin Yu, John Y. Hung YF-004839 Analysis of Force Harmonics and Eddy Current Damping for 2 DOF Moving Magnet Linear Motor Haiyue Zhu, Tat Joo Teo, Chee Khiang Pang 68 TS-59 Tuesday 10th of November, 13:50-15:30 [Room10:411] TT21-03 Mechatronics Application Chairs: Kimiko Motonaka, Dominik Luczak YF-012491 Implementation and basic experiments of Kinodynamic motion planning for a quadrotor Kimiko Motonaka, Keigo Watanabe, Shoichi Maeyama YF-013161 Analyzing human's continuous learning ability with the reflection cost Tomohiro Yamaguchi, Yuki Tamai, Keiki Takadama YF-015504 Stability Analysis via IQC for Multilateral Tele-control and Application to Multi-client/Multi-Coupling Physical Model System Takanori Miyoshi, Takashi Imamura, Kazuhiko Terashima YF-018643 Parametric identification of multi-mass mechanical systems in electrical drives using nonlinear least squares method Dominik Luczak, Krzysztof Zawirski YF-020176 Trotting Control of a Quadruped Robot Using PID-ILC Petrus Sutyasadi, Manukid Parnichun TS-60 Tuesday 10th of November, 13:50-15:30 [Room11:412] TT05-03 Robotics Chairs: Khairul Salleh Mohamed Sahari, Naoki Motoi YF-011932 Formation Control of Differential-Drive Mobile Robots in the Framework of Functionally Related Systems Tarik Uzunovic, Asif Sabanovic YF-015539 Dynamic Balance of Humanoid Robot Using Pose Classification with Incremental Proportional Derivative Dead-Zone Control Chih-Lyang Hwang, Chia-Hsien Wu, Bo-Lin Chen YF-022942 Friction-based Slip Detection in Robotic Grasping Pavel Dzitac, Abdul Md Mazid, M Yousef Ibrahim, Gayan K Appuhamillage, T. A Choudhury YF-022977 Friction-based Slippage and Tangential Force Detection in Robotic Grasping Pavel Dzitac, Abdusl Md Mazid, M. Yousef Ibrahim, Gayan K Appuhamillage, T. A. Choudhury YF-023655 Design and Modeling of a Parallel Robot for Ultrasound Guided Percutaneous Needle Interventions Sabri Orcun Orhan, Mehmet Can Yildirim, Ozkan Bebek 69 TS-61 Tuesday 10th of November, 13:50-15:30 [Room12:413] TT13-01 EMC and Industrial Communication Chairs: Shinobu Ishigami, Norimitsu Ichikawa YF-012955 Evaluation of Isolation Property of UWB 2DC Tile for Coexistence with Radio Signals Akimasa Okada, Akihito Noda, Hiroyuki Shinoda YF-019887 Geometry-Based Modeling of Wideband Industrial Indoor Radio Propagation Channels Yun Ai, Bjorn Olav Hogstad, Michael Cheffena, Matthias Patzold YF-021482 An Error Model for Safe Industrial Communication Andreas Platschek, Bernd Thiemann, Heimo Zeilinger, Thilo Sauter YF-001244 Computer guided product EMC compliance on user’s workshop with a Smart Phone -- Cloud Computing Wei Wu, Yuejia Wu YF-011312 Experimental consideration of electrostatically induced voltage generated by approach and isolation of charged body Norimitsu Ichikawa TS-62 Tuesday 10th of November, 13:50-15:30 [Room13:414] TT01-07 Nonlinear Control in Power Electronics Chairs: Hui Ma, Nobuo Satoh YF-010146 Hybridisation techniques for a Supercapacitor-Assisted Temperature Modification Apparatus for inline water heating Nicoloy Gurusinghe, Nihal Kularatna, Sean Charleston, Jayathu Fernando, Howell Round YF-017299 Interleaving DC/DC Converter-fed Electric Skateboard with power factor corrected charger Sean A. Huang, Chang-Ming Liaw, Jhong-Yan Ni YF-024074 A Fuzzy-based Hybrid PLL Scheme for Abnormal Grid Conditions Siavash Beheshtaein, Mehdi Savaghebi, Josep Guerrero YF-000183 Research on Direct Power Control based on Sliding Mode Control for Vienna-type Rectifier Hui Ma, Yunxiang Xie, Wenjing Li, Bing Chen YF-008559 Hardware-In-the-Loop simulation of a boost converter with the Xilinx System Generator from Matlab/Simulink Hamza Cherragui, Mickael Hilairet, Stephan Giurgea 70 TS-63 Tuesday 10th of November, 13:50-15:30 [Room14:415] TT01-08 Power Electronic Converters I Chairs: Yuki Yokokura, Miguel Sosa YF-000507 Equivalent Circuits of MMC and VSC: Applications Can Wang, S. M. Fazeli, W. P. Hew, N. Abd Rahim, B. T. Ooi YF-006491 A Modified Structure for Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Configuration of Multilevel Inverter Shivam Prakash Gautam, Lalit Kumar, Shubhrata Gupta YF-018341 Analysis and Design for Self-Oscillating LED Driver with High Frequency Pulsating Output Current Mario Juarez, P. Raymundo Rodriguez, Miguel Sosa, Gerardo Guzman, Mario Ponce YF-016535 Small-Signal Analysis of PWM Boost Converter in CCM with Complex Impedance Load Dalvir K. Saini, Agasthya Ayachit, Marian K. Kazimierczuk, Tadashi Suetsugu YF-017566 Six-Level Modular Multilevel Converter prototype with centralized hardware platform controller Miguel Moranchel Pérez, Francisco M. Sanchez Gomez, Emilio Bueno Peña, Francisco J. Rodriguez, Inés Sanz Alonso TS-64 Tuesday 10th of November, 13:50-15:30 [Room15:416] TT01-09 Power Electronics and Electrical Machines Chairs: Hiralal Suryavanshi, Xiaohua Jiang YF-017779 Optimal DC Gapped Inductor Design Including High-Frequency Effects Ernesto Barrios, Andoni Urtasun, Alfredo Ursúa, Luis Marroyo, Pablo Sanchis YF-001236 Three-phase Dual-buck Inverter Utilizing Coupled Inductors Linna Lv, Lan Xiao, Qi Qi, Huizhen Wang YF-016764 Evaluations and Measurements of a High Frequency Nanocrystalline Core Transformer for Power Converters Xiaohua Jiang, Jin Xu, Bin Cui, Yingyu Zeng, Zhongxi Li YF-020486 Calculating Leakage Reactance of 9-Winding Transformer using Time-Dependent 3D FEM analysis Hisao Fukumoto, Tatsuya Furukawa, Hideaki Itoh, Masashi Ohchi YF-009911 Energy Evaluation of Different Inverter Topologies and Modulations Used on Electrical Vehicles Walter Naranjo, Javier Pereda, Luis Muñoz, Camilo Cortés 71 TS-65 Tuesday 10th of November, 13:50-15:30 [Room16:417] TT01-10 Power Electronics Applications I Chairs: Hiroshi Tadano, Drazen Dujic YF-002631 Integrated Galvanically Isolated MOSFET and IGBT Gate-Driver Circuit with Switching Speed Control V.R.H. Lorentz, R. Schwarz, T. Heckel, M. März, L. Frey YF-003859 MVDC Marine Electrical Distribution: Are we Ready? Uzair Javaid, Drazen Dujic, Wim van der Merwe YF-005452 Active Damping based on Ackermman's Formula for a Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverter with LCL Filter Ramon Guzman, Luis Garcia de Vicuna, Javier Morales, Arash Momeneh, Jaume Miret, Javier Torres-Martínez YF-011452 LCCL Series Resonant Inverter for Ultrasonic Dispersion System with Resonant Frequency Tracking and Asymmetrical Voltage Cancellation Control Jirapong Jittakort, Anawach Sangswang, Sumate Naetiladdanon YF-016713 Investigation of Eliminating Free-wheeling Diode Conduction of Z-source Inverter using SiC-MOSFET Ryuji Iijima, Takanori Isobe, Hiroshi Tadano TS-66 Tuesday 10th of November, 13:50-15:10 [Room17:418] TT01-11 Power Electronics III Chairs: Hasan Komurcugil, Tomokazu Mishima YF-005134 MPPT Controled Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Circuit Using Synchronized Switch Harvesting on Inductor Naoki Kawai, Yukito Kushino, Hirotaka Koizumi YF-005355 Sliding Mode Control of Three-Phase Grid-Connected Voltage-Source Inverter With Vector Operation Javier Morales, Luis Garcia de Vicuña, Ramon Guzman, Miguel Castilla, Arash Momeneh, Javier Torres YF-005665 Split-Source Inverter Ahmed Abdelhakim Abdelrazek, Paolo Mattavelli, Giorgio Spiazzi YF-006602 Design and Optimizations of Solenoid Magnetic Structure for Inductive Power Transfer in EV Applications Yunuyu Tang, Fan Zhu, Yuxi Wang, Hao Ma 72 TS-67 Tuesday 10th of November, 13:50-15:30 [Room18:419] TT02-05 Renewable Energy Applications III Chairs: Hamid Reza Karimi, Christos Ioakeimidi YF-002011 A Novel Energy Yields Calculation Method for Irregular Wind Farm Layout Peng Hou, Weihao Hu, Mohsen Soltani, Zhe Chen YF-003948 Sensorless Small Wind Turbine with a Sliding-Mode Observer for Water Heating Applications Jagath Sri Lal Senanayaka, Hamid Reza Karimi, Kjell Gunnar Robbersmyr YF-004472 Short-term wind speed forecasting model based on ANN with statistical feature parameters Christos S. Ioakimidis, Konstantinos N. Genikomsakis, Panagiotis I. Dallas, Sergio Lopez YF-019127 A Particular Model for Doubly-Fed Induction Generator Francisco Kleber A. Lima, Carlos Gustavo C. Branco YF-024619 Decision on Failure Diagnosis and Condition Monitoring technique for Wind Conversion System. Anissia Beainy, Chantal Maatouk Riachi, Nazih Moubayed, Fouad Kaddah TS-68 Tuesday 10th of November, 15:50-17:30 [Room01:301] TT04-05 Experimental-based Considerations on Electrical Machines and Drives Chairs: Andrea Cavagnino, Gerd Bramerdorfer YF-023345 Experimental Fault Assessment on Multiphase PM Generators with Fractional-Slot Concentrated Windings Radu Bojoi, Andrea Cavagnino, Shafiq Ahmed Odhano, Alberto Tenconi, Silvio Vaschetto YF-009571 Measurement-based nonlinear modeling of PMSMs Gerd Bramerdorfer, Guenther Weidenholzer, Siegfried Silber, Wolfgang Amrhein, Stephan Lanser YF-002224 Air-Gap Flux Density Measurement System for Verification of Permanent Magnet Motor FEM Model Stefan Haller, Peng Cheng, Bengt Oelmann YF-023027 Anomalies in Experimental Measurement of Operational Inductances of a Concentrated-Wound IPM Machine under Field-Weakening Region Mohammad Farshadnia, Muhammad Ali Masood Cheema, Rukmi Dutta, John Fletcher, Muhammed Fazlur Rahman YF-020702 Acoustic Noise Reduction in VSI-DFIM for Electrical Naval Propulsion Mustapha Debbou, Maria Pietrzak-David 73 TS-69 Tuesday 10th of November, 15:50-17:10 [Room02:302] TT04-06 Special Machines and Related Control I Chairs: Marco Trapanese, Sheng-Ming Yang YF-024791 The effect of manufacturing tolerances on a tubular linear ferrite motor Valeria Boscaino, Giovanni Cipriani, Vincenzo Di Dio, Domenico Curto, Vincenzo Franzitta, Marco Trapanese YF-018945 Design and analysis of a linear permanent magnet machine with three phase multi-layered structure Shunya Takano, Shodai Tanaka, Shuhei Yamaguchi, Tomoyuki Shimono, Takahiro Mizoguchi YF-020087 Modeling of Claw Pole Helical Motor Huy-Nhien Nguyen, Yasutaka Fujimoto YF-011118 Position Sensorless Control with Accelerometer for Linear and Curvilinear Synchronous Motor Yoshiyasu Takase, Hiroshi Nakamura, Minoru Koga, Toru Shikayama, Akihito Toyota TS-70 Tuesday 10th of November, 15:50-17:10 [Room03:303] SS06-03 Wireless Power Transfer - Emerging Applications Chairs: Zhen Zhang, Chunhua Liu YF-016934 Novel spike-based architecture for RFID and Sensor communication system Manjunath Machnoor, Javed S Gaggatur, Sanjeev K YF-017442 A Novel Multi-level Bi-directional DCDC Converter for Inductive Power Transfer Applications Kerim Colak, Erdem Asa, Dariusz Czarkowski, Hasan Komurcugil YF-024376 Prototype Design of Energy Management System for Mobile Device via Wireless Charging Robot Sousuke Nakamura, Yoshinori Kakinuma, Keita Akiho, Hideki Hashimoto YF-024848 Investigation of Wireless Power Transfer System with Spaced Arranged Primary H-shaped Core Coils for Moving EVs Chihiro Kato, Kazuma Tsuda, Tsuyoshi Matsumura, Yasuyoshi Kaneko, Toshiyuki Fujita, Tomio Yasuda 74 TS-71 Tuesday 10th of November, 15:50-17:30 [Room04:304] SS10-01 Information Technology for Smart Grids Chairs: Thomas Strasser, Sebastian Rohjans YF-006815 Modelling of IEC 61850 Message Passing for Automatic Generation of Distributed Control Chen-Wei Yang, Valeriy Vyatkin YF-021245 Using Large-Scale Local and Cross-Location Experiments for Smart Grid System Validation Martin Büscher, Thomas Strasser, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Sebastian Rohjans, Filip Andren YF-023795 A Multi-Round Double Auction Mechanism for Local Energy Grids with Distributed and Centralized Resources Paul Flikkema Low-Cost Integration of Hardware Components into Co-Simulation for Future Power and Energy Systems Okko Nannen, Klaus Piech, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Sebastian Rohjans, Florian Schloegl, Jorge Velasquez, Filip Andren, Thomas Strasser An Improved Algorithm for Power System Fault Type Classification based on Least Square Phasor YF-012351 Estimation YF-025364 Zakarya Oubrahim, Vincent Choqueuse, Yassine Amirat, Mohamed Benbouzid TS-72 Tuesday 10th of November, 15:50-17:30 [Room05:311] SS14-01 Educational aspects in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Chairs: Jose Antonino-Daviu, Larisa Dunai YF-008656 Education in electric and electronic engineering via students involvement in innovative projects Larisa Dunai-Dunai, Andres Prieto, Monica Chillaron, Jose Antonino-Daviu YF-014036 Face detection and recognition application for Android Larisa Dunai, Monica Chillaron, Guillermo Peris, Ismael Lengua YF-015881 Development of Distributed Simulation Platform for Power System and Wind Farms Rui Hu, Weihao Hu, Zhe Chen YF-018619 Test bed to teach power quality applying the b-learning methodology Irwin Diaz-Diaz YF-020095 Strategy and Verification to Visualize Experiential Values in Skill Education Service Satoshi Suzuki, Yasue Mitsukura 75 TS-73 Tuesday 10th of November, 15:50-17:10 [Room06:312] SS01-01 Big Data Analytics for Industrial Informatics Chairs: Elizabeth Chang, Paulo Leitão, Farookh Khadeer Hussain YF-001295 Outlier Mining of a Vision Sensing Database for SVM Regression Improvement Wendy Flores-Fuentes, Felix F. Gonzalez-Navarro, Fabian N. Murrieta-Rico, Oleg Sergiyenko, Moises RivasLopez, Daniel Hernandez-Balbuena, Julio C. Rodriguez-Quiñonez, Daniel Olivas-Ugalde, Vladimir M. YF-005142 Kernel-Based SMOTE for SVM Classification of Imbalanced Datasets Josey Mathew, Ming Luo, Chee Khiang Pang, Hian Leng Chan YF-010049 Requirements Engineering of Industrial Automation Systems - Adapting the CESAR Requirements Meta Model for Safety-Critical Smart grid Software Roopak Sinha, Sandeep Patil, Cheng Pang, Valeriy Vyatkin, Barry Dowdeswell YF-021547 Predictive Data Analytics for Agent-based Management of Electrical Micro Grids Jonas Queiroz, Artur Dias, Paulo Leitao TS-74 Tuesday 10th of November, 15:50-17:30 [Room07:313] SS27-01 Matrix Converters Chairs: Patrick Wheeler, Jun-Ichi Itoh YF-024139 Single Phase High-Voltage Matrix Converter for Traction Drive with Medium Frequency Transformer Martin Pittermann, Pavel Drabek, Bedrich Bednar YF-025356 Ride Through Capability of Matrix Converter for Grid Connected System under Short Voltage Sag Hiroki Takahashi, Jun-ichi Itoh YF-003441 A DSVM Method to Improve Output Performance for Matrix Converters Huu-Nhan Nguyen, Hong-Hee Lee YF-025526 Revelation of Soft-Switching Operation for Isolated DC to Single-phase AC Converter with Power Decoupling Nagisa Takaoka, Jun-ichi Itoh YF-004014 Novel Family of Forward Mode Three-level Direct AC Converters Lei Li 76 TS-75 Tuesday 10th of November, 15:50-17:30 [Room08:314] SS35-01 Bio-Signal and Multimedia Signal Processing Chairs: Yasue Mitsukura, Aleksander Malinowski YF-001961 Extraction of Unconscious Emotions while Watching TV Commercials Tomomi Nomura, Yasue Mitsukura YF-013749 Identifying the Dominant Species of Tropical Wood Species using Histogram Intersection Method Azlin Ahmad, Rubiyah Yusof, Yasue Mitsukura YF-012238 Motion Artifact Removal from Photoplethysmography based on Weighted Band-pass Filter Satoru Suzuki, Yasue Mitsukura YF-009563 Microelectrode Array Signal Amplification Using Stochastic Resonance Marco Antonio Barreto, Francisco Fambrini, José Hiroki Saito YF-001996 Signal Processing of EMG Signal for Continuous Thumb-Angle Estimation Shahrul Naim Sidek, Abdul Rahman Siddiqi TS-76 Tuesday 10th of November, 15:50-17:30 [Room09:315] SS33-02 Special Session on Intelligent Robotic Control and Motion Planning II Chairs: Xu Jianxin, Ren Qinyuan YF-003662 Wide Area Surveillance of Urban Environments using Multiple Mini-VTOL UAVs Yue Yang, Mohammad Karimadini, Cheng Xiang, Swee Huat Teo, Ben M. Chen, Tong Heng Lee YF-012858 A High Fidelity Simulator for a Quadrotor UAV using ROS and Gazebo Mengmi Zhang, Hailong Qin, Menglu Lan, Jiaxin Lin, Shuai Wang, Kaijun Liu, Feng Lin, Ben M. Chen YF-011665 ROS+Unity: An Efficient High-fidelity 3D Multi-UAV Navigation and Control Simulator in GPS-Denied Environments GPS-Denied Environments Wei Meng, Yuchao Hu, Jiaxin Lin, Feng Lin, Rodney Teo Evaluation of AUV Fixed and Vectorial Propulsion Systems with Dynamic Simulation and Non-linear Control Emanuel Pablo Vega, Olivier Chocron, Janito Vaqueiro Ferreira, Mohamed Benbouzid, Pablo Siqueira Meirelles Disturbance Observer based Small Force Detection for an Ultrasonic Motor with Application to a YF-012149 Surgical Device YF-004405 Wenyu Liang, Sunan Huang, Silu Chen, Kok Kiong Tan 77 TS-77 Tuesday 10th of November, 15:50-17:30 [Room10:411] SS24-01 Control Strategies for Multilevel Inverters Chairs: Sergio Vazquez, Samir Kouro YF-002046 Heuristic Model Predictive Modulation in High Power Multi-level Converters Christopher David Townsend, Roberto Alves Baraciarte, Daniel Tormo, Hector Zelaya De La Parra, Georgios Demetraides, Vassilios Georgios Agelidis YF-025267 Closed-Loop SHE-PWM Technique for Power Converters Through Model Predictive Control Ricardo Aguilera, Pablo Lezana, Georgios Konstantinou, Pablo Acuna, Bin Wu, Steffen Bernet, Vassilios Agelidis YF-018473 Model Predictive Control of Cascaded H-Bridge Inverters based on a Fast-Optimization Algorithm Ricardo Aguilera, Roky Baidya, Pablo Acuna, Sergio Vazquez, Toit Mouton, Vassilios Agelidis YF-015067 A Novel DC Voltage Control for A Cascade H-Bridge Multilevel STATCOM N V Surendra Babu Nukala, Khalifa Al Hosani YF-024287 Second Order Sliding Mode Control for Three-Level NPC Converters Via Extended State Observer Sergio Vazquez, Jianxing Liu, Huijun Gao, Leopoldo G. Franquelo TS-79 Tuesday 10th of November, 15:50-17:30 [Room12:413] TT13-02 Industrial Informatics I Chairs: Cheng Pang, Vyatkin Valeriy YF-013935 Enhanced Building Thermal Model By using CO2 Based Occupancy Data Tomoya Imanishi, Rajitha Tennekoon, Peter Palensky, Hiroaki Nishi YF-018015 Towards Formal Verification of Smart Grid Distributed Intelligence: FREEDM case Sandeep Patil, Gulnara Zhabelova, Valeriy Vyatkin, Bruce McMillin YF-009296 Towards Cyber-Physical Agnosticism by Enhancing IEC 61499 with PTIDES Model of Computations Valeriy Vyatkin, Cheng Pang, Stavros Tripakis YF-009458 Towards IEC 61499 Models of Computation in Ptolemy II Cheng Pang, Wenbin Dai, Valeriy Vyatkin YF-005789 Data center energy efficiency and power quality: an alternative approach with solid state transformer Gulnara Zhabelova, Alireza Yavarian, Alex Huang, Valeriy Vyatkin 78 TS-80 Tuesday 10th of November, 15:50-17:30 [Room13:414] TT01-12 Power Electronics Applications II Chairs: Chung Choo Chung, Hirohito Funato YF-000051 Pseudo Single Stage Flyback Current Source Inverter For Grid Connected PV Applications Omar Abdel-Rahim, Hirohito Funato, Junnosuke Haruna YF-010669 Direct Power Control for Three Phase Grid Connected Inverter via Port-Controlled Hamiltonian Method Gil Ha Lee, Yonghao Gui, Chunghun Kim, Chung Choo Chung YF-012114 Power Control of Low Frequency AC Transmission System using Cycloconverters with Virtual Synchronous Generator Control Achara Pichetjamroen, Toshifumi Ise YF-012971 A New DSTATCOM Topology Using Hybrid Renewable Energy Based DC-Link VSI for Power Quality Applications S. P. Gawande, P. D. Debre, M. R. Ramteke YF-013765 Control Strategy of Solid State Power Electronic Transformer under Voltage Disturbance Conditions Jianhua Wang, Binshi Gu, Qing Duan, Chunyan Ma, Baojian Ji, Jun You TS-81 Tuesday 10th of November, 15:50-17:30 [Room14:415] TT01-13 Power Electronic Converters and Control Chairs: Rodrigo Padilha Vieira, Hubert Razik YF-002305 A New Multiple Converter Topology for Battery/Ultracapacitor Hybrid Energy System Milad Momayyezan, Branislav Hredzak, Vassilios G. Agelidis YF-009164 Design of PI Controllers for a Grid-Connected VSC Based on Optimal Disturbance Rejection Wesam Taha, Abdul R. Beig, Igor Boiko YF-010154 A Step-Up/Down Single-Stage ZVS Inverter Behnam Koushki, Alireza Safaee, Praveen Jain, Alireza Bakhshai YF-013668 Improvements on the Booster Magnet Power Converters at Elettra Marco Cautero, Tomasz Ciesla, Roberto Visintini YF-017736 Analytical Semiconductor Loss Calculation of Hysteresis Current Controlled 2-Level and 3-Level ANPC Inverters in Grid Impedance Measurement and Active Filter Applications Sandro Guenter, Friedrich W. Fuchs 79 TS-82 Tuesday 10th of November, 15:50-17:30 [Room15:416] TT01-14 Power Electronic Converters II Chairs: Sertac Bayhan, Keiju Matsui YF-001945 Model Predictive Control of Quasi-Z Source Three-Phase Four-Leg Inverter Sertac Bayhan, Haitham Abu-Rub YF-002674 Pursuit of Simple Power Conditioner for Photovoltaic Small Power Generation Keiju Matsui, Eiji Oishi, Yasutaka Kawata, Mikio Yasubayashi, Masayoshi Umeno, Masaru Hasegawa YF-002992 A Dimmable LED Driver with Partial Power Regulation Chin-Sien Moo, Yu-Jen Chen, Yong-Jyun Li, Hau-Chen Yen YF-006262 A Flyback Converter using Power MOSFET to Achieve High Frequency Operation beyond 13.56MHz Nobuo Satoh, Hirotaka Otake, Takashi Nakamura, Takashi Hikihara YF-023434 Offshore Wind Energy Systems Using High Frequency Isolated Current-Fed Modular Converters Kumar Modepalli, Leila Parsa TS-83 Tuesday 10th of November, 15:50-17:30 [Room16:417] TT01-15 Power Electronics IV Chairs: Atsushi Nakata, Stone Cheng YF-001694 An Impedance Voltage Compensation and Vibration Voltage Suppression Control by Using Inexact Differential in a Single-phase PWM Inverter Atsushi Nakata, Akihiro Torii, Susumu Shiozawa, Suguru Mototani YF-016454 Buck DC-AC Converter Using Gallium Nitride FETs for Amplitude-Modulated Class-E RF Power Amplifiers Dalvir K. Saini, Agasthya Ayachit, Marian K. Kazimierczuk, Tadashi Suetsugu YF-017817 Experimental Validation of a Proposed Single-Phase Five-Level Active Rectifier Operating with Model Predictive Current Control Vitor Monteiro, Andrés Nogueiras Meléndez, João C. Ferreira, Carlos Couto, João L. Afonso YF-022357 Power Conditioning Applications of 700V GaN-HEMTs Cascode Switch Stone Cheng, Po-Chien Chou YF-013684 A Simple Core Loss Modeling for Three-Phase PWM Voltage Source Converters Farideh Javidi Niroumand, Alireza Kouchaki, Morten Nymand 80 TS-84 Tuesday 10th of November, 15:50-17:30 [Room17:418] TT01-16 Modulation and Control Strategies for Power Electronics I Chairs: Jan Michalik, Akshay K. Rathore YF-018422 Circulating Current Controller for Parallel Interleaved VSCs using PR Controllers Lorand Bede, Ghanshyamsinh Gohil, Mihai Ciobotaru, Tamas Kerekes, Remus Teodorescu, Vassilios Agelidis YF-018988 Finite Control Set MPC of Active Current-Source Rectifier with Full State Space Model Jan Michalik, Zdenek Peroutka, Vaclav Smidl YF-019755 Optimal Pulsewidth Modulation of Cascade Nine-Level (9L) Inverter for Medium Voltage High Power Industrial AC Drives Akshay K. Rathore, Amarendra Edpuganti, Ankita Dwivedi, Rakesh Srivastava YF-021164 A New Switching Algorithm for an AC-AC Converter with High Frequency Link Harish Sudhakaran Nair, Rijil Ramchand YF-013315 Class DE Voltage-Source Parallel Resonant Inverter Takeshi Kondo, Hirotaka Koizumi TS-85 Tuesday 10th of November, 15:50-17:30 [Room18:419] TT02-06 Renewable Energy Applications IV Chairs: Miloud Rezkallah, Kanzumba Kusakana YF-010626 A study on parameters identification of electrical emulator of the fuel cell Le Anh Tuan, Aihoshi Ryo, Ishida Mune Aki, Yamamura Naoki YF-016918 Hybrid Standalone Power Generation System Using Hydro-PV-Battery for Residential Green Buildings Miloud Rezkallah, Shailendra Sharma, Ambrish Chandra, Bhim Singh YF-025283 A Unified Nonlinear Controller Design for On-grid/Off-grid Wind Energy Battery-Storage System Boubacar Housseini, Francis Aimé Okou, Rachid Beguenane YF-016578 Daily operation cost minimization of photovoltaic-diesel-battery hybrid systems using different control strategies Kanzumba Kusakana YF-026417 Improved Hybrid SHM-SHE Modulation Technique for Four-Leg Three-Level NPC Inverters Ramon Portillo, Mohammad Sharifzadeh, Hani Vahedi, Leopoldo G. Franquelo, Kamal Al-Haddad 81 TS-86 Wednesday 11th of November, 13:00-14:40 [Room01:301] TT04-07 Induction Machine Drives II Chairs: Yasutaka Fujimoto, Ankita Dwivedi YF-009865 Combined Model-Based Sliding Mode Controller For A Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive Yousif Omer Eldigair, Igor Boiko, Abdul Rahiman Beig YF-023248 Modeling and Analysis of Wireless Electro-mechanical Energy Transfer and Conversion Using Resonant Inductive Coupling Yasutaka Fujimoto YF-005959 A Space Vector Modulation Based Direct Torque Control Scheme for a Current Source Inverter fed Induction Motor Drive Hang Gao, Soumitra Das, Bin Wu, Manish Pande, David Xu YF-001481 Synchronous Operation of a Rotating Power Electronic Brushless Doubly-Fed Generator Naveed-ur-Rehman Malik, Chandur Sadarangani, Alija Cosic YF-003387 Control of a Cascaded Doubly Fed Induction Generator supplying an isolated DC grid Maria EL Achkar, Rita Mbayed, Georges Salloum, Sandrine Le Ballois, Nicolas Patin, Eric Monmasson TS-87 Wednesday 11th of November, 13:00-15:00 [Room02:302] TT17-03 Energy Storage Systems II Chairs: Federico Baronti, Guishi Wang YF-013463 An Optimal Hybrid Supercapacitor and Battery Energy Storage System in Wind Power Application Cong-Long Nguyen, Hong-Hee Lee YF-008125 Power Distribution of a Multiple-Receiver Wireless Power Transfer System: A Game Theoretic Approach He Yin, Minfan Fu, Chen Zhao, Chengbin Ma YF-015113 Frequency-Based Energy Management of Stand-Alone Systems: Design of the Control Parameters for High Versatility Andoni Urtasun, Ernesto L. Barrios, Pablo Sanchis, Luis Marroyo YF-010219 Optimization of decentralized energy storage flexibility for frequency reserves Olli Kilkki, Christian Giovanelli, Ilkka Seilonen, Valeriy Vyatkin YF-012181 Dispatch performance analysis of PV power plants using various energy storage capacities Guishi Wang, Mihai Ciobotaru, Vassilios G. Agelidis YF-015938 Optimization-based energy management strategies for electric vehicles Imad Eddine Aiteur, Cristina Vlad, Emmanuel Godoy 82 TS-88 Wednesday 11th of November, 13:00-15:00 [Room03:303] SS05-01 Robotics in The Modern Age I Chairs: Hitoshi Kino, Kenji Tahara YF-002909 Two- and Three-dimensional Caging-Based Grasping of Objects of Various Shapes with Circular Robots and Multi-Fingered Hands Tomohiro Egawa, Yusuke Maeda, Hideki Tsuruga YF-005061 Geometric conditions for feedforward positioning of musculoskeletal tendon-driven structure Hiroaki Ochi, Hitoshi Kino, Kenji Tahara, Yuki Matsutani YF-006335 A Basic Experiment for Image-Based Position Measurement of Objects at Sea Fumiaki Takemura, Natsuki Uechi, Kazuma Noha, Norimitsu Sakagami, Kuniaki Kawabata, Satoru Takahashi, Shinichi Sagara, Rintaro Ono, Chiaki Katagiri, Yumiko Nakanishi YF-008745 Landing Method for a One-legged Robot with Artificial Muscles and an MR Brake Hikaru Ishihara, Takahiro Nagayama, Hiroki Tomori, Taro Nakamura YF-009741 Service Personalisation of Assistive Robot for Autism Care Rajiv Khosla, Mei-Tai Chu, Khanh Nguyen YF-011835 Recorder-playing robot that uses versatile vibrato to mimic a human player Kazuki Sakuragi, Mingzhao Cheng, Tomonori Kato TS-89 Wednesday 11th of November, 13:00-14:40 [Room04:304] SS15-01 Fault Detection, Diagnostics and Prognostics in Electromechanical Devices Chairs: Omid Geramifard, Jian-Xin Xu YF-001635 A Closed-Form Solution to Fault Parameter Estimation and Faulty Phase Identification of Stator Winding Inter-Turn Fault in Induction Machines VietHung Nguyen, Danwei Wang, Abhisek Ukil, Sivakumar Nadarajan, Viswanathan Vaiyapuri, Chandana Jayampathi YF-001775 Multi-Model Diagnostics for Various Machining Conditions: A Similarity-Based Approach Omid Geramifard, Tung Le YF-004871 A Two-Step Precognitive Maintenance Framework for Equipment Fault Diagnosis with Imbalanced Data Hengchao Yan, Junhong Zhou, Chee Khiang Pang YF-002313 Fuel Cells Remaining Useful Life estimation using an Extended Kalman Filter Mathieu Bressel, Mickael Hilairet, Daniel Hissel, Belkacem Ould Bouamama YF-005304 Thermal Prognosis of Dry-type Transformer: Simulation Study on Load and Ambient Temperature Impacts Mehdi Bagheri, Aravinth Subramaniam, Saurabh Bhandari, Subash Chandar, Siva Kumar Nadarajan, Amit Gupta, Sanjib Kumar Panda 83 TS-90 Wednesday 11th of November, 13:00-14:40 [Room05:311] SS21-01 Multilevel Converters for Renewable Energy Systems I Chairs: Hadi Y. Kanaan, Kamal Al-Haddad YF-001112 Impedance Modeling of Modular Multilevel Converters Jing Lyu, Xu Cai, Marta Molinas YF-009989 Capacitance Minimisation & Alleviation of Per-Phase Power Imbalances in Cascaded PV Converters Christopher David Townsend, Yifan Yu, Georgios Konstantinou, Vassilios Georgios Agelidis YF-023256 A Novel Modulation Method Applied in Quasi-Z-Source Based Cascaded PV System Suffering Module Mismatch Cheng Wang, Kai Zhang, Liming Liu, Wenxin Liu YF-020583 Single-DC-Source Five-Level CHB Inverter with Sensor-Less Voltage Balancing Hani Vahedi, Kamal Al-Haddad YF-019976 Single-DC-Source 7-Level CHB Inverter with Multicarrier Level-Shifted PWM Hani Vahedi, Mohammad Sharifzadeh, Kamal Al-Haddad, Bogdan M. Wilamowski TS-91 Wednesday 11th of November, 13:00-15:00 [Room06:312] SS23-01 Vision Sensing and Data Processing for Human Assistive Systems I Chairs: Sota Shimizu, Hiroshi Igarashi YF-007447 Driving Assist Control of Electric Vehicle by Steer-by-Wire System Considering Collision Avoidance of Traveling Bicycle Sotaro Maejima, Toshiyuki Murakami YF-017523 Human Maneuver Model Learning with Prediction Based Filtering Hiroshi Igarashi YF-021032 3-Dimension Analysis of Human Arm Stiffness in Reaching Movement Using Arm Robot Yukako Tani, Seiichiro Katsura, Chiharu Yamada, Yoshihiro Itaguchi, Kazuyoshi Fukuzawa YF-011401 Personal Skill Identification Using Time Series Motion Picture Data Toshiyuki Maeda, Masumi Yajima YF-022209 Integration of a topic probability distribution into surgical phase estimation with a hidden Markov model Dinh Tuan Tran, Ryuhei Sakurai, Joo-Ho Lee YF-010065 Dynamic Movement Primitives for Human Movement Recognition Alp Burak Pehlivan, Erhan Oztop 84 TS-92 Wednesday 11th of November, 13:00-14:20 [Room07:313] SS32-01 Renweable Energy Harvesting Technique for Future Energy Systems Chairs: Wenlong Li, T. W. Ching YF-000256 Effects and Analysis of Suppressing Frequency Fluctuations in Microgrids Using Virtual Synchronous Generator Control Yuko Hirase, Osamu Noro, Kazushige Sugimoto, Kenichi Sakimoto, Yuji Shindo, Toshifumi Ise YF-003875 Analysis and Power Scaling of a Single-Sided Linear Induction Machine for Energy Harvesting Michael Flankl, Arda Tuysuz, Johann W. Kolar YF-017833 Extremum Power Seeking Control of A Hybrid Wind-Solar-Storage DC Power System Dan Shen, Afshin Izadian YF-005177 Complex-Conjugate Control of a Linear Magnetic-Geared Permanent-Magnet Machine for Archimedes Wave Swing Based Power Generation Wenlong Li, K.T. Chau TS-93 Wednesday 11th of November, 13:00-15:00 [Room08:314] SS28-01 Advanced Motion Control for Mechatronic Systems I Chairs: Makoto Iwasaki, Hiroshi Fujimoto YF-018872 Verification of Robust Position Control on a Cross-Coupled 2-DOF Direct Drive Actuator Shodai Tanaka, Tomoyuki Shimono, Yasutaka Fujimoto YF-007897 All-Wheel-Drive Electric Vehicle with On-board Motors: Experimental Validation of the Motion Control Systems Valentin Ivanov, Dzmitry Savitski, Javier Orus, Jose Manuel Rodriguez Fortun, Aldo Sorniotti, Patrick Gruber YF-012602 Experimental Verification of Chatter Suppression in End Milling Process Using Cooperative Control of Spindle and Stage Motors Satoshi Fukagawa, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Shinji Ishii, Yuki Terada YF-003794 Quick Torque Ripple Suppression Controlled Fast Position Servo Based on Hybrid System of Disturbance Observer and Torque Ripple Table Yoshiaki Seki, Kiyoshi Ohishi, Yuki Yokokura, Yuji Ide, Daigo Kuraishi YF-003972 Application of Decoupling Hybrid Control for Cold Rolling Mill with Disturbance Observer Atsushi Suzuki YF-011614 Disturbance Observer for Dead-Time Compensation with Variable Gain and Its Stability Analysis Based on Popov Criterion Shuhei Shimmyo, Kouhei Ohnishi 85 TS-94 Wednesday 11th of November, 13:00-15:00 [Room09:315] SS37-01 Human Support and Monitoring Technology on Human Factors - System Design Chairs: Kang-Hyun Jo, Yohei Tomita YF-022446 Miniaturization and Drive evaluation of Modular Robot by 3D Printer Kaoru Mitsuhashi, Yasuhiro Ohyama, Hiroshi Hashimoto YF-011762 Method to Evaluate Similarity of Music by Music Features Shu Tamura, Shin-ichi Ito, Momoyo Ito, Minoru Fukumi YF-012033 Binaural Asynchronous Component Cancellation -- an Extention of the Spatial Wiener Filter Yohei Tomita YF-012947 Building Detection based on Facet for Urban Reconstruction Dongwook Seo, Danilo Caceres Hernandez, Alexander Filonenko, Kang-Hyun Jo YF-010243 Illegally Parked Vehicle Detection Using Adaptive Dual Background Model Wahyono Wahyono, Alexander Filonenko, Kanghyun Jo YF-018775 Real-Time Flood Detection for Video Surveillance Alexander Filonenko, Danilo Cáceres Hernández, Dongwook Seo, Kang-Hyun Jo TS-95 Wednesday 11th of November, 13:00-14:40 [Room10:411] SS24-02 Modulation Techniques for Multilevel Converters Chairs: Sergio Vazquez, Samir Kouro YF-000132 Timing Calculations for Three Level Dodecagonal Space Vector Structures from Reference Phase Voltages Sudharshan Kaarthik, Gopakumar K, Carlo Cecati, Istvan Nagy YF-024384 Operation of Modular Matrix Converter under Close Input and Output Frequency by Using Voltage Space Vector Modulation Yushi Miura, Keiji Inubushi, Tomoaki Yoshida, Takuya Fujikawa, Toshifumi Ise YF-004952 Nine Level Inverter for Open End Induction Motor with Eight Switches per Phase Gopakumar K, Abhijit Kshirsagar, Sudharshan Kaarthik, Umanand L, Rajashekara Kaushik YF-024325 Adaptive Phase-Shifted PWM for Multilevel Cascaded H-bridge Converters for Balanced or Unbalanced Operation Abraham Marquez, Jose I. Leon, Sergio Vazquez, Leopoldo G. Franquelo, Samir Kouro YF-005649 A Novel Modulation Scheme for a Modular Multiphase Multilevel Converter in a Power Hardware-inthe-Loop Emulation System Alexander Schmitt, Mario Gommeringer, Christoph Rollbühler, Paul Pomnitz, Michael Braun 86 TS-96 Wednesday 11th of November, 13:00-14:40 [Room11:412] SS42-01 Fault Diagnosis in PE&D Chairs: António João Marques Cardoso, Thomas Wolbank YF-025623 ANN-Based Diagnosis of Incipient Stator Winding Turn Faults for Three-Phase Induction Motors in the Presence of Unbalanced Supply Voltage Shady Khalil, Haitham Abu-Rub YF-000272 A New Fault Detection Method for Modular Multilevel Converter Semiconductor Power Switches Saeed Haghnazari, Mahmoud Shahbazi, Mohammad Reza Zolghadri YF-016195 Protection of MV/LV Solid-State Transformers in the Distribution Grid Thomas Guillod, Florian Krismer, Raphael Färber, Christian M. Franck, Johann W. Kolar YF-007773 A Novel Sliding Mode Controller For Dc-Dc Boost Converters Under Input/Load Variations Jianwei Zhang, David G. Dorrell, Li Li, Ahmadreza Argha YF-018589 A Single-Phase PLL Circuit with Sub and Interharmonics Immunity Renato Guerreiro Araujo, Francisco Kleber A. Lima, João Amin Moor Neto, Carlos Gustavo C. Branco TS-97 Wednesday 11th of November, 13:00-15:00 [Room12:413] SS16-01 Multiphase Converter Control and Parameter Identification Chairs: Emil Levi, Hand Seng Che YF-000833 A Nine-Arm Modular Multilevel Converter (9A-MMC) for Six-Phase Medium Voltage Motor Drives Ahmed Elserougi, Ayman Abdel-Khalik, Ahmed Massoud, Shehab Ahmed YF-002089 An Open-end Winding Drive with a Single DC Voltage Source Milan Darijevic, Martin Jones, Emil Levi YF-004448 Reliability assessment of an autonomous underwater vehicle propulsion by using electrical multi-phase drive Christophe Olmi, Franck Scuiller, Jean-Frederic Charpentier YF-004537 A Reduced Switch-Count SEPIC-Based Inverter for Asymmetrical Dual Three-Phase Induction Machines Mohamed Diab, Ahmed Elserougi, Ayman Abdel-khalik, Ahmed Massoud, Shehab Ahmed YF-005347 Dual Three-phase Operation of Single Neutral Symmetrical Six-phase Machine for Improved Performance Hang Seng Che, Wooi Ping Hew YF-002801 Five-Phase Induction Machine Parameter Identification using PSO and Standstill Techniques José Riveros, Daniel Gutiérrez-Reina, Federico Barrero, Sergio Toral, Mario Duran 87 TS-98 Wednesday 11th of November, 13:00-15:00 [Room13:414] SS18-01 Distributed Networked Systems I Chairs: Qing-Long Han, Chen Peng YF-000779 Design of WPT Coils to Minimize AC Resistance and Capacitor Stress Applied to SS-topology Robin Tanzania, Fook Hoong Choo, Liter Siek YF-002143 Improved delay-dependent stability criteria for networked control systems via discrete Wirtinger-based inequality Jin Zhang, Chen Peng, Shaodong Ma, Jie Jiang YF-003077 Distributed Asynchronous Passive Filtering for Nonlinear Markov Jump Systems Zhaowen Xu, Hongye Su, Zheng-Guang Wu, Jie Tao YF-004707 An Event-Triggered Finite-Time Control Scheme for Unicycle Robots HaoJie Zhang, Qiang Lu, Xiaodan Zhao, Ping Wang YF-007803 H_2/H_infty Filtering of Hybrid Networks with Random Packet Losses Bo Qi, Dajun Du, Minrui Fei, Jiansen Yang YF-004936 Robust Sampled-data H∞ Control for Offshore Steel Jacket Platforms Mao-Mao Meng, Bao-Lin Zhang, Qing-Long Han, Xian-Ming Zhang, Haihong Wang TS-99 Wednesday 11th of November, 13:00-14:40 [Room14:415] TT01-17 DC-DC Converters III Chairs: Rajesh Gupta, Ahmed Aboushady YF-012629 Closed-loop Control of Isolated Dual Active Bridge Converter using Dual Phase Shift Modulation V. Karthikeyan, Rajesh Gupta YF-014303 DC Fault Isolation Study of Bidirectional Dual Active Bridge DC/DC Converter for DC Transmission Grid Application Yasen Harrye, Ahmed Aboushady, Khaled Ahmed YF-016063 Design and Implementation of an Integrated Boost-Flyback Converter Kaweewat Tattiwong, Chanin Bunlaksananusorn YF-022527 Influence of Parasitic Components on MHz-Level Frequency LLC Resonant DC-DC Converter Akinori Hariya, Ken Matsuura, Hiroshige Yanagi, Satoshi Tomioka, Yoichi Ishizuka, Tamotsu Ninomiya YF-023167 Dynamic Physical Limits of a Phase-Shifted Full Bridge Circuit for Power Supply of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Gradient Amplifiers Hongliang Shi, Bin Cui, Yingyu Zeng, Jing Xu, Xiaohua Jiang 88 TS-100 Wednesday 11th of November, 13:00-15:00 [Room15:416] TT01-18 Modeling and Simulation in Power Electronics I Chairs: K. I. Hwu, Kodjo Agbossou YF-000337 Analysis and Design of A Voltage-fed Full Bridge DC-DC Converter Applied For High-power Fuel-cell Tram Systems Yue Wang, Dawei Gao YF-005487 Dynamic Model of a Grid-Connected Three-Phase Inverter with Slope Voltage Control Javier Torres-Martínez, Miguel Castilla, Jaume Miret, Mohammad Moradi-Ghahderijani, Javier Morales, Ramon Guzman YF-007692 Modeling of the Tapped Inductor SEPIC Converter by the TIS-SFG Approach Jia Yao, Jianfeng Zhao, Alexander Abramovitz YF-000914 Implementation of Type III Controller for KY Converter Based on PSIM K. I. Hwu, W. Z. Jiang, Jenn-Jong Shieh YF-000922 Study and Simulation on Control-to-Output Transfer Function of KY Boost Converter K. I. Hwu, W. Z. Jiang, Jenn-Jong Shieh YF-006564 SOC and SOH Characterisation of Lead Acid Batteries Jacques Marchildon, Mamadou Lamine Doumbia, Kodjo Agbossou TS-101 Wednesday 11th of November, 13:00-15:00 [Room16:417] TT03-03 Power Systems III Chairs: Andrea Benigni, Xinghuo Yu YF-025259 Protection of AC and DC Microgrids: Challenges, Solutions and Future Trends Siavash Beheshtaein, Mehdi Savaghebi, Juan Carlos Vasquez, josep M. Guerrero YF-017019 Dynamic Line Rating Forecastability for Conservative Day-Ahead Line Rating Values Sanna Uski YF-007021 Dynamic Optimal Power Flow Including Energy Storage with Adaptive Operation Costs Chengquan Ju, Peng Wang YF-023744 QDEVS Natural Coupled Simulation of a Microgrid Andrea Benigni, Michael Brown, Rodrigo Leonard, Roger Dougal YF-005223 High-Voltage DC Trailing Cable Systems for Mobile Machinery Jochen Barthel, Kilian Jung, Jörg Seewig YF-002526 Network Constrained Optimal Automatic Generation Control for a Two Area Power System Ragini Patel, Chaojie Li, Xinghuo Yu, Brendan McGrath 89 TS-102 Wednesday 11th of November, 13:00-14:40 [Room17:418] TT07-05 Computer and Control Systems Chairs: Chih-Hong Lin, Akihiko Kawashima YF-006718 Robust Control Design of Multiple Resonant Controllers Applied to Three-Phase UPS Inverter Under Unbalanced and Nonlinear Loads. Alisson Thomas Barden, Luís Fernando Alves Pereira YF-014095 Non-Fragile Static Output Feedback Control Design with Guaranteed Cost of Uncertain Systems with Application to Helicopter System Jun Yoneyama, Masaki Omura, Kenta Hoshino YF-014362 Energy Management Systems Based on Real Data and Devices for Apartment Buildings Akihiko Kawashima, Ryosuke Sasaki, Takuma Yamaguchi, Shinkichi Inagaki, Akira Ito, Tatsuya Suzuki YF-014753 Adaptive Disturbance Estimation and Robust Control for Bank-to-turn Missiles Autopilot Design Chaoyuan Man, Jun Yang, Shihua Li YF-015873 Event-driven output feedback control for a class of nonlinear systems subject to disturbances Jiankun Sun, Jun Yang, Shihua Li, Xisong Chen TS-103 Wednesday 11th of November, 13:00-15:00 [Room18:419] TT07-06 Nonlinera System Control Chairs: Chung Choo Chung, Marcin Kaminski YF-007757 Nonlinear Adaptive Speed Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors under Unbalanced Resistances Ilro Lee, Yunsik Kim, Donghoon Shin, Youngwoo Lee, Chung Choo Chung YF-023272 Adaptive state space controller for drive with elastic connection Marcin Kaminski YF-013536 Nonlinear Controller-Observer Design for an Inverted Pendulum on a Cart Based on Full Fuzzy Modeling Issam Smadi, Saher Albatran YF-026484 Performance of a web transport system with tension control subsystem using speed as control input Nicola Ivan Giannoccaro, Tetsuzo Sakamoto, Issei Uchitomi YF-005479 DSP Based Implementation of Piecewise Linear Control Scheme for wide air-gap control of an Electromagnetic Levitation System Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, Subrata Banerjee YF-001473 Shape-controlled production of alginate hydrogel-poly-L-lysine microcapsules based on electrodeposition method Zeyang Liu, Masaru Takeuchi, Masahiro Nakajima, Yasuhisa Hasegawa, Toshio Fukuda, Qiang Huang 90 TS-104 Wednesday 11th of November, 15:20-17:20 [Room01:301] TT04-08 Control of IPM Synchronous Motors Chairs: Gilbert Foo, Tian-Hua Liu YF-001589 Accuracy Improvement of Carrier Signal Injection Sensorless Control for IPMSM in Consideration of Inverter Nonlinearity Tianhao Wang, Bowen Shi, John Xu, Chris Gerada YF-008567 Sensorless Stator Flux Observer for Direct Torque Controlled Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives using the Current Derivative Approach Gilbert Foo, Xinan Zhang YF-003581 Fine Current Harmonics Suppression Control for the Input Current of Electrolytic Capacitor-Less Inverter for IPMSM Kodai Abe, Kiyoshi Ohishi, Hitoshi Haga YF-014443 Evaluation of Direct Position Estimation based on α-β Axes Inductance Information for IPMSM Sensorless Control Systems Toshiki Suzuki, Shinji Doki, Masaru Hasegawa YF-022373 Deep Flux Weakening Control of a Segmented Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor with Maximum Torque per Voltage Control Sithumini Ekanayake, Rukmi Dutta, M.F. Rahman, D. Xiao YF-000124 Nonlinear Controller Design for a Sensorless Matrix-Converter IPMSM Drive System Yi Chen, Tian-Hua Liu, Cuong Nguyen TS-105 Wednesday 11th of November, 15:20-17:20 [Room02:302] SS43-01 Building Automation – Solving the Complexity Challenges Chairs: Jan Haase, Joern Ploennigs YF-004642 Understanding Building Operation from Semantic Context Joern Ploennigs, Bei Chen, Anika Schumann YF-018481 A Survey of Adaptive Systems Supporting Green Energy in the Built Environment Jan Haase, Zucker Gerhard, Fares AlJuheshi, Mahmoud Alahmad, Mohannad Khair Allah YF-017655 Interoperable integration of building automation systems using RESTful BACnet Web services Daniel Schachinger, Christoph Stampfel, Wolfgang Kastner YF-020877 Data-Fusion for Increasing Temporal Resolution of Building Energy Management System Data Dumidu Wijayasekara, Milos Manic YF-003131 Outliers Detection Method Using Clustering in Buildings Data Usman Habib, Gerhard Zucker, Max Blöchle, Florian Judex, Jan Haase YF-007552 Active Controlled Shutter for Effective Cooling of Servers in Data Center Tomomichi Noguchi, Hiroaki Nishi 91 TS-106 Wednesday 11th of November, 15:20-17:20 [Room03:303] SS05-02 Robotics in The Modern Age II Chairs: Tomonori Kato, Tetsuya Morizono YF-012335 A Robot Fish Encapsulated by An Electromagnetic Wave-Transmitting Plastic Film Mizuho Shibata, Norimitsu Sakagami YF-016357 Experimental Investigation of Contribution of Biarticular Actuation to Mappings between Sensory and Motor Spaces Tetsuya Morizono, Kenji Tahara, Hitoshi Kino YF-019194 Foot Pressure and Posture Information-Based Visual Feedback System for Well-Balanced Gait in Older People Yasutaka Nakashima, Kazuya Takizawa, Yuya Matsumoto, Satoshi Miura, Yo Kobayashi, Masakatsu G. Fujie YF-020265 Basic Study of Power Reduction for Shape Memory Alloy Actuator Drive Yamano Akio, Shintani Atsuhiko, Ito Tomohiro, Nakagawa Chihiro YF-020281 Adaptive Tracking Control with Partial Regressor for Multi-joint Robot Mitsunori Uemura, Hiroaki Hirai, Fumio Miyazaki YF-024635 Transmission Torque Linearization of Quadruped Robot with a Two-joint Simultaneous Drive Mechanism for Gravity Compensation Keisuke Ueda, Toshimasa Miyazaki, Kiyoshi Ohishi TS-107 Wednesday 11th of November, 15:20-17:20 [Room04:304] SS26-01 Real-Time Control and Diagnostic for Hybrid Energy Systems Chairs: Elena Breaz, Arnaud Gaillard YF-005428 A Robust Battery State-of-Charge Estimation Method for Embedded Hybrid Energy System Jinhao Meng, Guangzhao Luo, Elena Breaz, Fei Gao YF-021296 Part-load control stategy of a 20kW SiC power converter for embedded PEMFC multi-stack architectures Abdelfatah Kolli, Arnaud Gaillard, Alexandre De Bernardinis, Olivier Bethoux, Daniel Hissel, Zoubir Khatir YF-024805 The Relationship between Classical and MPC Horizon 1 based Current Regulators Galina Mirzaeva, Graham Goodwin, Brendan McGrath YF-001007 Robust Buck Converter Design with a High-Order Sliding Mode Differentiator Shengrong Zhuo, Yigeng Huangfu YF-016136 Control strategy of fuel cell electric vehicle including degradation process Alexandre Ravey, Ali Mohammadi, David Bouquain YF-002704 Study and Design of comprehensive technology of a certain type of aircraft brake cooling Lu Jiuli, Yuan Zhaohui, Tian Guanglai, Ma Xiaojun 92 TS-108 Wednesday 11th of November, 15:20-17:20 [Room05:311] SS21-02 Multilevel Converters for Renewable Energy Systems II Chairs: Hadi Y. Kanaan, Kamal Al-Haddad YF-001686 Compatible FPGA implementation of Capacitor Voltage Balance Control for Half-bridge and Full-bridge Modular Multilevel Converter Wei Li YF-012807 Impact of the Number of Angles and Levels on Harmonic Mitigation in Multilevel Converters Hassan Abdullah Khalid, Concettina Buccella, Carlo Cecati, Elena Desantis YF-004561 Control of Three-Level NPC Converters in DFIG based Off-Grid Wind Energy Conversion Systems Shailendra Sharma, Ambrish Chandra, Maarouf Saad YF-020109 Current Control System Based on Repetitive Control and Disturbance Observer for Single-Phase FiveLevel Inverter Hitoshi Haga, Kenta Sayama, Kiyoshi Ohishi, Takayuki Shimizu YF-025348 Model Predictive Control of a Dual Output Seven-Level Rectifier Mohammad Sleiman, Handy Fortin Blanchette, Luc-Andre Gregoire, Hadi Kanaan, Kamal Al-Haddad YF-019984 PUC Converter Review: Topology, Control and Applications Hani Vahedi, Hadi Kanaan, Kamal Al-Haddad TS-109 Wednesday 11th of November, 15:20-17:20 [Room06:312] SS23-02 Vision Sensing and Data Processing for Human Assistive Systems II Chairs: Sota Shimizu, Naoki Oda YF-009628 An Attitude Correction Method for Underwater Image captured by Stationary Sensor Node Akihito Ono, Satoru Takahashi, Kuniaki Kawabata, Shun'ichi Kaneko, Tsuyoshi Suzuki, Fumiaki Takemura, Hidenori Ishihara Experimental Evaluations of Motion Stabilization using Image Feature Tracking for Biped Walking YF-010634 Robot Naoki Oda, Mina Yamazaki YF-016829 Development of a Visual Compressive Trackng System Enhanced by Adaptive Boosting Yau-Zen Chang, Ming-Hsi Hsu, Chieh-Tsai Wu, Shih-Tseng Lee YF-019232 Route space detection of industrial indoor vehicle with the Joint Extended Histograms of Oriented Gradients (EHOG) Koichi Hidaka, Yuya Shimanuki YF-009261 Imaging system for determining depth mapping properties by using a liquid crystal lens Marenori Kawamura, Shunsuke Ishikuro, Susumu Sato YF-016667 Towards Non-mechanical Wide Angle Fovea Sensor -Fundamental Design by Liquid Crystal Lens CellSota Shimizu, Susumu Sato 93 TS-110 Wednesday 11th of November, 15:20-17:00 [Room07:313] SS25-02 Conversion and Control of Photovoltaic Energy Systems II Chairs: Samir Kouro, Jaime Zapata YF-005797 Design of a cleaning program for a PV plant based on the analysis of short-term and long-term effects Jaime W. Zapata, Marcelo A. Perez, Samir Kouro YF-007285 Current control of a three-phase inverter grid connected through an LCL filter Gerardo Escobar, Sami Pettersson, Carl N.M. Ho, Manuel J. Lopez-Sanchez, Jose M. Sosa, Panfilo R. Martinez-Rodriguez YF-018732 Grid Connected PV System with Maximum Power Point Estimation based on Reference Cells Jose Silva, Jose Espinoza, Jaime Rohten, Miguel Torres, Eduardo Espinosa YF-020141 Photovoltaic DC-DC Converter for Direct Power Interface to Copper Electrorefining Process Paz Castillo, Samir Kouro, Christian Rojas, Nicolas Muller YF-015814 Active Power Decoupling Topology with Fault Tolerant Ability for a Single Phase Grid Connected Inverter V V S Pradeep Kumar, Baylon G. Fernandes TS-111 Wednesday 11th of November, 15:20-17:20 [Room08:314] SS28-02 Advanced Motion Control for Mechatronic Systems II Chairs: Roberto Oboe, Toshiaki Tsuji YF-009709 Smooth Polynomial Interpolation for Point-to-Point Trajectories with Vibration Avoidance Burak Sencer, Kosuke Ishizaki YF-014079 Disturbance Rejection Control Method Based on Composite Disturbance Observer for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Yunda Yan, Zhiyuan Sun, Shihua Li YF-014141 Control of a Servo Press Using Distributed Reference Governors Yuzo Ohta, Yoshiki Shibutani, Izumi Masubuchi YF-019852 A Design Method of Initial Value for Adaptive Feed-forward Control using Support Vector Machine Shota Yabui, Takenori Atsumi YF-021083 Use of Load–side MEMS Accelerometers in Servo Positioning of Two–Mass–Spring Systems Roberto Oboe, Davide Pilastro YF-022195 Novel Method for High Speed Force Curve Measurement considering Cantilever Dynamics for Atomic Force Microscopy Tomoki Enmei, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Yoichi Hori 94 TS-112 Wednesday 11th of November, 15:20-17:20 [Room09:315] SS37-02 Human Support and Monitoring Technology on Human Factors - Motion and Behavior Chairs: Mihoko Niitsuma, Koji Makino YF-001279 Evaluation Method of Degree of Functional Recovery on Walking Rehabilitation Based on SelfOrganizing Map Koji Makino, Masahiro Nakamura, Hidenori Omori, Shohei Ueda, Hidetsugu Terada YF-021741 Petri Net Application in Simulation of Ambulatory Processes Fábio Lima, Matheus F.R. Cortez, Patrica P. Schimdt, Ana Karoline Silvério, João Chang Jr. YF-010979 An Approach to 3D Gyro Sensor Based Motion Analysis in Tennis Forehand Stroke Takahiro Ishikawa, Toshiyuki Murakami YF-011878 Improvement of activity recognition for child growth monitoring system at kindergarten Shuhei Kurashima, Satoshi Suzuki YF-015121 A Close Face-Distance Warning System for Straightend Neck Prevention T. Toda, M. Nakai, X. Liu YF-016284 Obtaining User’s Preference and Ability from Human-robot Conversation towards Mutual Assistance Eri Sato-Shimokawara, Aoi Suzuki, Reona Gomi, Toru Yamaguchi TS-113 Wednesday 11th of November, 15:20-17:20 [Room10:411] SS24-03 Modular Multilevel Converters Chairs: Sergio Vazquez, Samir Kouro YF-006726 A Generic Virtual Prototyping Tool for Multilevel Modular Converters (MMCs) Sokchea Am, Pierre Lefranc, David Frey, Mahmoud Ibrahim YF-011584 Discontinuous modulation of modular multilevel converters without the need for extra submodules Ricard Picas, Salvador Ceballos, Josep Pou, Jordi Zaragoza, Georgios Konstantinou, Vassilios G. Agelidis, Josep Balcells YF-013188 A Control Method for Inductor Current Balancing in Current Source Modular Multilevel Converter Mukeshkumar Bhesaniya, Anshuman Shukla, Georgios Demetriades YF-010197 Utilising Redundant Voltage Levels for Circulating Current Control in Modular Multilevel Converters Georgios Konstantinou, Josep Pou, Salvador Ceballos, Ricard Picas, Jordi Zaragoza, Vassilios Agelidis YF-001457 A Novel Voltage Measurement Technique for Modular Multilevel Converter Capacitors Saeed Haghnazari, Mohammad Reza Zolghadri YF-017329 Modular Multi-Level DC-DC Converter for High-Power and High-Voltage Applications Ricardo Vidal-Albalate, Diego Soto-Sanchez, Enrique Belenguer, Rubén Peña, Ramon Blasco-Gimenez 95 TS-114 Wednesday 11th of November, 15:20-17:00 [Room11:412] SS42-02 Fault Tolerance in PE&D Chairs: António João Marques Cardoso, Thomas Wolbank YF-012548 Reliability Assessment of Fault Tolerant Permanent Magnet AC Drives Georges El Murr, Antonio Griffo, Jiabin Wang, Zi-Qiang Zhu, Barrie Mecrow YF-015296 Feasibility Analysis of Auxiliary Winding for Condition Monitoring of Wound Field Brushless Synchronous Generators Sivakumar Nadarajan, S.K Panda, Bicky Bhangu, Amit Kumar Gupta YF-015806 Perfomance Comparaison of Sensor Fault-Tolerant Control Strategies for PMSG-based Marine Current Energy Converters Huu-Tam Pham, Jean-Matthieu Bourgeot, Mohamed Benbouzid YF-006912 Model-based Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control for Multi-Level Inverters Marjan Alavi, Danwei Wang, Ming Luo YF-005339 Comparison of power cycling and thermal cycling effects on the thermal impedance degradation in IGBT modules Mohamed Halick Mohamed Sathik, Tseng King Jet, Chandana Jayampathi Gajanayake, Rejeki Simanjorang, Amit Kumar Gupta TS-115 Wednesday 11th of November, 15:20-17:20 [Room12:413] SS16-02 Utilisation of Additional Degrees of Freedom in Multiphase Drives Chairs: Federico Barrero, Franck Scuiller YF-002763 Open-Phase Fault Operation of 5-Phase Induction Motor Drives using DTC Techniques Mario Bermúdez, Ignacio González-Prieto, Federico Barrero, Mario Duran, Xavier Kestelyn YF-006645 On-Line Observer Modification of a Six-Phase Induction Generator in Faulted Mode Mehdi Taherzadeh, Sebastien Carriere, Mahmood Joorabian, Franck Betin, Reza Kianinezhad, Gerard Capolino YF-012211 Comparative Study of DTC and RFOC Methods for the Open-Phase Fault Operation of a 5-Phase Induction Motor Drive Mario Bermúdez, Hugo Guzman, Ignacio González-Prieto, Federico Barrero, Mario J. Duran, Xavier Kestelyn YF-008796 Unbalanced Operation of Multiphase Wind Energy Conversion Systems Connected to Microgrids Mario J. Durán, Ignacio González-Prieto, Hugo Guzmán, Federico Barrero, H.M. Kim, Daniel Gutierrez-Reina YF-003786 Third harmonic current injection to reduce the pulsating torque of a five-phase SPM machine Franck Scuiller YF-006858 A Simple Braking Method for Six-phase Induction Motor Drives with Diode Front-End Rectifier Mario J. Durán, Ignacio González-Prieto, Federico Barrero, Michele Mengoni, Luca Zarri, Emil Levi 96 TS-116 Wednesday 11th of November, 15:20-17:20 [Room13:414] SS18-02 Distributed Networked Systems II Chairs: Qing-Long Han, Chen Peng YF-008737 Event-triggered network-based synchronization of complex networks with neutral neural network nodes Yijun Zhang, Baoyong Zhang YF-009474 Model Based Fallback Control for Networked Control System via Switched Lyapunov Function Tsubasa Sasaki, Kenji Sawada, Seiichi Shin, Shu Hosokawa YF-010162 Sampled-data consensus of nonlinear multi-agent systems with stochastic disturbances Biao Zhang, Wangli He YF-021016 Stabilization of Discrete-Time Switched Positive Systems Based on Lossy Networks Guoyang Li, Dong Wang, Wei Wang YF-021857 Event-triggered distributed H-infinity filtering over sensor networks under Round-Robin scheduling Bo Liu, Xian-Ming Zhang, Qing-Long Han YF-021318 Method of Position Error Compensation in Consideration of Symmetric Structure for Bilateral Control System under Time Delay Shuhei Shimizu, Takuya Matsunaga, Kouhei Ohnishi TS-117 Wednesday 11th of November, 15:20-17:20 [Room14:415] TT08-03 Transportation Electrification III Chairs: Giuseppe Buja, Kundan Kumar YF-006289 A 3.7 kW On-board Charger Based on Modular Circuit Design Jens Schmenger, Stefan Zeltner, Reinhard Kramer, Stefan Endres, Martin Maerz YF-026352 Capacitive Wireless Power Transfer Systems: A Comprehensive Review Deepak Rozario, Najath Abdul Azeez, Sheldon Williamson YF-016187 Charging Power Limitation Method of a Wireless Power Transmission System for Railway Vehicle Febry Pandu Wijaya, Keiichiro Kondo YF-019747 Bidirectional Naturally Clamped Soft-switching Current-fed Push-Pull DC/DC Converter Akshay K. Rathore, Pan Xuewei YF-026387 Design Considerations to Obtain a High Figure of Merit in Circular Archimedean Spiral Coils for EV Battery Charging Applications Kunwar Aditya, Mohamed Youssef, Sheldon Williamson YF-026395 Analysis of A Series-Parallel Resonant Inductive Coupling Circuit using the Two-port Network Theory Kunwar Aditya, Mohamed Youssef, Sheldon Williamson 97 TS-118 Wednesday 11th of November, 15:20-17:20 [Room15:416] TT03-04 Power Systems IV Chairs: Fan Yang, Kenji Natori YF-003352 Adaptive Distance Protection for Microgrids Hengwei Lin, Josep M. Guerrero, Juan C. Vásquez, Chengxi Liu YF-003379 Distance Protection for Microgrids in Distribution System Hengwei Lin, Chengxi Liu, Josep M. Guerrero, Juan C. Vásquez YF-010561 A Multiple Model Approach to Fault Detection and Localization in Multi-terminal HVDC Systems Ali Al Hage Ali, Dominic Buchstaller, Bernhard Piepenbreier, Markus Engel YF-012564 Design of a High Precision Chip for Detecting Electric Arc Jianyu Feng, Kexu Sun, Zhelu Li, Yahui Leng, Lenian He, Jianxiong Xi YF-024198 Non-contact Arc Study for DC power systems Jing Li, Mark Sumner, Dave Thomas, Edward Christopher, He Zhang, Ke Jia YF-014745 Smart Metering System for Microgrids Emilio José Palacios-García, Yajuan Guan, Mehdi Savahgebi, Juan Carlos Vasquez, Josep María Guerrero, Antonio Moreno-Munoz, Brian Schmidt Ipsen TS-119 Wednesday 11th of November, 15:20-17:20 [Room16:417] TT02-07 Interfacing and control of Renewable Energy Generation III Chairs: Dao Zhou, Marco Trapanese YF-007145 Feedforward Current Reference Control for DFIG During Grid Faults Donghai Zhu, Xudong Zou, Qingjun Huang, Shiying Zhou, Xiaolu Gao, Yong Kang YF-011169 Experimental investigation of network frequency controlled by wind power plants with doubly fed induction generators Rahmat Suryana, Wilfried Hofmann YF-011592 Small-signal stability analysis and PHIL experiment validation of power system with WECS voltage/frequency ancillary control Xinze Xi, Hua Geng, Geng Yang, Yu Zhou, Jin Lin, Yonghua Song YF-002151 Improved LVRT Grid Code under Islanding Condition Bakhtyar Hoseinzadeh, Filipe Faria da Silva, Claus Leth Bak YF-005258 Improved DFIG Capability during Asymmetrical Grid Faults Dao Zhou, Frede Blaabjerg YF-008222 Transient Analysis of DFIG-Based WECS Under Three-phase Voltage Dips Via Coupled Simulation Aimeng Wang, Siwan Shu, Shuhui Dong 98 TS-120 Wednesday 11th of November, 15:20-17:20 [Room17:418] TT02-08 Interfacing and control of Renewable Energy Generation IV Chairs: Zhixiang Zou, Francisco Kleber A. Lima YF-011576 Improved Utilization of Grid Connected Voltage Source Converters in Smart Grid through Local VAR Compensation Naga Brahmendra Yadav Gorla, Chew Lin Chia, Sanjib Kumar Panda YF-025569 Current control loop design and analysis based on resonant regulators for microgrid applications Federico de Bosio, Luiz Antonio de Souza Ribeiro, Josep Maria Guerrero, Michele Pastorelli, Francisco Freijedo, Marcel Soares Lima YF-004421 Resonance Damping in a Smart Transformer-based Microgrid Zhi-Xiang Zou, Marco Liserre, Zheng Wang, Ming Cheng, Shouting Fan YF-017698 Operation Cost Minimization of Droop-Controlled DC Microgrids Based on Real-Time Pricing and Optimal Power Flow Chendan Li, Federico de Bosio, Sanjay Chaudhary, Moisès Graells, Juan Vasquez, Josep Guerrero YF-017825 Dynamic Behavior of DC Microgrids under Load Types and Controlled-Distributed Energy Resources Tuan-Dat Mai, Johan Driesen YF-024856 Multiagent-based Distributed Control for Operation Cost Minimization of Droop Controlled DC Microgrid Using Incremental Cost Consensus Chendan Li, Juan Vasquez, Josep Guerrero TS-121 Wednesday 11th of November, 15:20-17:20 [Room18:419] TT07-07 Robust Control Chairs: Chung Choo Chung, Yukinori Nakamura YF-000868 µ-Approach Based Robust Voltage Controller Design for a Boost Converter Used in Photovoltaic Applications Mehmet Baskin, Bulent Caglar YF-011894 Robust Disturbance Compensation for a Duocopter by Gain-Scheduled Nonlinear Control and Observer Design Harald Aschemann, Robert Prabel YF-007749 Nonlinear H2 Velocity Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Hoonyoung Lee, Hyunmin Hwang, Youngwoo Lee, Donghoon Shin, Chung Choo Chung YF-011517 Suppression of Anti-Resonance and Resonance in Pneumatic System of Vibration Isolator Considering Time Delay Yukinori Nakamura, Hiroki Kawakami, Shinji Wakui YF-007293 Model Predictive Control for Power Control in Islanded DC Microgrids Tuyen V. Vu, Sanaz Paran, Fernand Diaz, Touria Mezyani, Chris Edrington YF-020982 Autonomous Aerial Refueling Precise Docking Based on Active Disturbance Rejection Control Zikang Su, Honglun Wang, Xingling Shao, Peng Yao 99 TS-122 Thursday 12th of November, 9:00-10:40 [Room01:301] TT04-09 High-speed Electrical Machines Chairs: Michele Degano, Puvan Arumugam YF-016152 Comparison of State-of-the-Art High-Speed High-Power Machines Hans-Christian Lahne, Dieter Gerling YF-012513 Comparison of Multi-physics Optimization Methods for High Speed Synchrnous Reluctance Machines Mauro Di Nardo, Mikiel Galea, Christopher Gerada, Marco Palmieri, Francesco Cupertino, Salem Mebarki YF-008664 An Analysis of the 6-Slot 2-Pole High-Speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines with Tooth-Coil Windings Nikita Uzhegov, Janne Nerg, Juha Pyrhönen YF-007951 Solid Rotor Interior Permanent Magnet Machines for High Speed Applications Puvan Arumugam, Zeyuan Xu, Chris Gerada, Tahar Hamiti, Serhiy Bozhko, Gaurang Vakil, Steve Pickering YF-022306 Vector Control of a High Speed Induction Machine Supported by Magnetic Bearings Marco Antonio Fumagalli, Fábio Lima, Fabiano Camargo Rosa TS-123 Thursday 12th of November, 9:00-10:40 [Room02:302] TT04-10 Loss Minimization Control and Efficiency Optimization Chairs: Mustapha Debbou, Hajime Kubo YF-006823 Loss Minimizing and Saturation Dependent Control of Induction Machines in Vehicle Applications Thomas Windisch, Wilfried Hofmann YF-021725 Optimal Efficiency Control of Synchronous Reluctance Motors-based ANN Considering Cross Magnetic Saturation and Iron Losses Truong Phuoc Hoa, Damien Flieller, Nguyen Ngac Ky, Jean Mercklé, Mai Tuan Dat YF-006408 DB-DTFC as Loss Minimizing Control for Synchronous Reluctance Drives Michael Saur, Bastian Lehner, Frank Hentschel, Dieter Gerling, Robert D. Lorenz YF-008788 Loss Minimization Control of Vernier Reluctance Machines with DC Field Windings in Stator Hanxiao Lu, Jian Li, Ronghai Qu, Shaofeng Jia YF-013404 Modified Efficiency Optimization Control for Fractional Slot Concentrated Wound Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators R.M.H.M Rathnayake, R. Dutta, J. E. Fletcher, D. Xiao 100 TS-124 Thursday 12th of November, 9:00-10:20 [Room03:303] TT04-11 Special Machines and Related Control II Chairs: Michael Ruderman, Sheng-Ming Yang YF-007161 A Novel Circular Winding Brushless DC(CWBLDC) Machine with Low Torque Ripple Dong Wang, Huangda Lin, Siwei Cheng, Zhewu Jia, Xiaoqin Zheng YF-012394 Load Commutation of the Circular Winding Brushless DC Machine(CWBLDC) Huangda Lin, Siwei Cheng, Dong Wang, Zhewu Jia YF-003735 A Maximum Torque Control Strategy for Wound-Field Flux Switching Motor Drives Sheng-Ming Yang, Jia-Hao Zhang, Jun-Ying Jiang YF-024821 Design to Maximize Torque-Volume Density of Axial-Flux SRM for In-Wheel EV Hiroki Goto, Shinya Murakami, Osamu Ichinokura TS-125 Thursday 12th of November, 9:00-10:40 [Room04:304] TT21-02 Energy Applications Chairs: Ausias Garrigos, Lidan Zhou YF-001597 DCRDL: An Energy Management Rule Definition Language for Context-based Device Control in Smart Buildings Xiaohui Peng, Masahiro Bessho, Noboru Koshizuka, Ken Sakamura YF-020729 Optimizing of Sampling in a Low-Cost Single-Phase Instantaneous AC-Grid Synchronization Unit with Discrete Calculation of Derivative Function Ilya Galkin, Maxim Vorobyov YF-002054 Framework for Multipoint Sensing Simulation for Energy Efficient HVAC Operation in Buildings Hanwen Zhang, Abhisek Ukil YF-026433 Artificial Neural Networks based Thermal Energy Storage Control for Buildings Kasun Amarasinghe, Dumidu Wijayasekara, Howard Carey, Milos Manic, Dawei He, Wei-Peng Chen YF-011142 Research on Multi-objective Control Strategy of Split-Capacitor-Type Three-Phase Four-Wire Distribution Static Generator Gang Yao, Xiaojun Zhou, Lidan Zhou, Dongdong Li, Huajun Yu 101 TS-126 Thursday 12th of November, 9:00-10:40 [Room05:311] TT12-03 Signal and Image Processing II Chairs: Thomas Schlegl, Masayoshi Nakamoto YF-011975 Design of Semi-Sparse Multi-Band Digital Filters Using Branch and Bound Method Masayoshi Nakamoto, Tomohiro Hirakawa, Toru Yamamoto YF-022004 On Asymptotic Merit Factor of Low Autocorrelation Binary Sequences Abhisek Ukil YF-008613 Least Squares Pose Estimation of Cylinder Axes from Multiple Views using Contour Line Features Mark Becke, Thomas Schlegl YF-002496 An Automatic Glaucoma Screening Algorithm using Cup-to-disc ratio and ISNT rule with Support Vector Machine Wanicha Ruengkitpinyo, Pikul Vejjanugraha, Waree Kongprawechnon, Toshiaki Kondo, Pished Bunnun, Hirohiko Kaneko YF-005622 Detection of Elevated Regions in Surface Images from Laser Beam Melting Processes Joschka zur Jacobsmühlen, Stefan Kleszczynski, Gerd Witt, Dorit Merhof TS-127 Thursday 12th of November, 9:00-10:40 [Room06:312] TT02-09 Renewable Energy Applications V Chairs: Nimrod Vazquez, Jongwon Shin YF-012777 Interfacing Circuit for two Galloping-based Piezoelectric Energy Harveter Yu-Yin Chen, Dejan Vasic YF-016527 A small scale prototype of a wave energy conversion system for hydrogen production Giovanni Cipriani, Valeria Boscaino, Domenico Curto, Vincenzo Di Dio, Vincenzo Franzitta, Marco Trapanese, Alessia Viola A Simulation Study of Proportional Resonant Controller Based on the Implementation of FrequencyYF-009067 Adaptive Virtual Flux Estimation with the LCL Filter Nurul Fazlin Binti Roslan, Jon Are Suul, Alvaro Luna, Ignacio Candela, Pedro Rodriguez YF-023582 Harmonics and Interharmonics Estimation of Wind Power Plant using Sliding Window Matrix Pencil Sanjay Agrawal, Soumya R. Mohanty, Vineeta Agarwal YF-006092 Multifunctional Grid-Connected Photovoltaic-System Controlled by Sliding Mode Ivan Mendez, Nimrod Vazquez, Joaquin Vaquero, Jeziel Vazquez, Claudia Hernandez, Hector Lopez 102 TS-128 Thursday 12th of November, 9:00-10:40 [Room07:313] TT03-05 Power Systems V Chairs: Rajendra Kumar Pandey, João Martins YF-003182 Reducing Specific Energy Consumption by Conserving Energy and Increasing Energy Efficiency in Low Tension Distribution and Utilisation - A Case Study Suresh Krishnamoorthy, Devishree Jayabal YF-015946 Modelling and Power Quality Evaluation of Power Transformers Michael Schael, Pascal Cueillette, Constantinos Sourkounis YF-013854 Multi-Terminal HVDC Operational Improvement with STATCOM Rajendra Kumar Pandey YF-020559 A New Prospective of Smart Transformer Application: Dual Microgrid (DMG) Operation Chandan Kumar, Marco Liserre YF-022438 Automating Remote Grid Acceptance and Energy Services Tests suited for large deployments of PV systems in active distribution networks Mihai Sanduleac, Vitor Pires, João Martins TS-129 Thursday 12th of November, 9:00-10:40 [Room08:314] SS46-01 Information and Communication Technology for Smart Energy Applications Chairs: Peter Palensky , Hiroaki Nishi YF-002364 Computational Fluid Dynamics-based Thermal Modeling for Efficient Building Energy Management DMKK Venkateswara Rao, Abhisek Ukil YF-021008 New Trends in the Development of Wide-Area Damping Control Systems Kun Zhu YF-009903 Effective Metering Data Aggregation for Smart Grid Communication Infrastructure Toshichika Shiobara, Peter Palensky, Hiroaki Nishi YF-005517 An Architecture for a distributed Smart Grid Registry System Tim Dethlefs, Thomas Preisler, Wolfgang Renz YF-009946 Implementation and Evaluation of HEMS Management Middleware using XML Yuta Emura, Toshichika Shiobara, Tomomichi Noguchi, Hiroaki Nishi 103 TS-130 Thursday 12th of November, 9:00-10:40 [Room09:315] SS38-01 Smart Transparent Actuation Systems Chairs: Kyougnchul Kong, Hiroshi Fujimoto YF-002976 Linearized Gear Drive System via Bilateral Control based Twin-Drive Mechanism Dapeng Tian YF-006459 Equivalence of Resonance Ratio and I-PD Controllers in Zero Stiffness Torque Control for Soft Robot Yusuke Kawai, Yuki Yokokura, Kiyoshi Ohishi, Kotaro Saito, Atsushi Shimamoto YF-016101 State Estimation and Position Control of a Robotic Manipulator with a Biarticular Actuation Mechanism Hyunjin Choi, Sehoon Oh, Kyoungchul Kong YF-003603 Proposal of Self Resonance Cancellation Control without Using Drive-Side Information Shota Yamada, Kenji Inukai, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Kenji Omata, Yuki Takeda, Susumu Makinouchi YF-021326 Force Control and Force Observer Design of Series Elastic Actuator based on its Dynamic Characteristics Sehoon Oh, Chan Lee, Kyounchul Kong TS-131 Thursday 12th of November, 9:00-10:40 [Room13:414] TT01-19 Applications in Power Electronic Converters I Chairs: Hadi Kanaan, Hirohito Funato YF-006246 Analysis and Design of a MMC based Wind Power Converter for Offshore DC Grids Yiran Chang, Gang Shi, Jianwen Zhang, Xu Cai YF-007374 Integrated Hybrid Output Converter as Power Router for Renewable-based Nanogrids Olive Ray, Santanu Mishra YF-013641 Achieving High Efficiency using SiC MOSFETs and Reduced Output Filter for Grid-Connected V2G Inverter Wooyoung Choi, Di Han, Casey Morris, Bulent Sarlioglu YF-013986 Analysis and Design of a Wide Input Range DC-DC Converter for High-Speed Generator Energy Storage Systems Liuchen Tai, Mingyao Lin, Jianhua Wang, Kai Liu, Tiefeng Gao YF-017752 Performance of the Modular Multilevel Converter With Redundant Submodules Noman Ahmed, Lennart ÄNgquist, Antonios Antonopoulos, Lennart Harnefors, Staffan Norrga, Hans-Peter Nee 104 TS-132 Thursday 12th of November, 9:00-10:40 [Room14:415] TT01-20 Power Electronic Converters III Chairs: Subrata Banerjee, Kan Akatsu YF-006637 LCL Type Grid-connected Converter no Startup Inrush Current Control Method Based on Capacitor Branch Voltage Feedforward Shiying Zhou, Xudong Zou, Li Tong, Xiaolu Gao, Donghai Zhu, Yong Kang YF-006742 A New ZCS PWM Full-Bridge Converter of Buck-Type for Applications with Very High Input Voltage Zhijian Yin, Manxin Chen, Kerui Li, Adrian Ioinovici YF-007315 Discharging Scenario of Serial Buck-Boost Battery Power Modules with Fault Tolerance Li-Ren Yu, Donghui Ye, Chin-Sien Moo YF-007781 An Ultra-Efficient Maximum Power Point Tracking Circuit for Photovoltaic Inverters Mario Gommeringer, Alexander Schmitt, Felix Kammerer, Michael Braun YF-008214 A Double Signal PWM Scheme for Neutral Point Voltage Balancing in Three Level NPC Converters Santu Kr. Giri, Sarbani Mukherjee, Sibaprasad Chakrabarti, Subrata Banerjee, Chandan Chakraborty TS-133 Thursday 12th of November, 9:00-10:20 [Room15:416] TT01-21 Modulation and Control Strategies for Power Electronics II Chairs: Hao Ma, Sousuke Nakamura YF-004677 H5-HERIC Based Transformerless Multilevel Inverter for Single-Phase Grid Connected PV Systems Gerardo Vazquez Guzman, Panfilo Raymundo Martinez Rodriguez, Jose Miguel Sosa ZuÑIga, Gerardo Escobar Valderrama, Mario Alberto Juarez Balderas, Andres Alejandro Valdez Fernandez YF-006319 An Enhanced Power Sharing Strategy for Islanded Microgrids Using Adaptive Virtual Impedances Liaoyuan Lin, Qian Guo, Jian Hu, Hao Ma YF-010138 A Bipolar-DC-Bus EV Fast Charging Station with Intrinsic DC-Bus Voltages Equalization and Minimized Voltage Ripples Longcheng Tan, Bin Wu, Sebastian Rivera YF-010545 Simple and Fast Synchronous Reference Frame Current Control for Single-Phase Grid-Connnected Votage Souce Converters Sakda Somkun, Viboon Chunkag 105 TS-134 Thursday 12th of November, 9:00-10:20 [Room16:417] TT01-22 Matrix Converters Chairs: Haitham Abu-Rub, Tsuyoshi Hanamoto YF-011282 A Study on Damping Control Method for Three-phase-to-single-phase Matrix Converter System with Neutral Line Qian Wang, Ryosuke Yamada, Naoki Yamamura, Muneaki Ishida YF-017728 Hybrid Matrix Converter Based on Instantaneous Reactive Power Theory Ameer Janabi, Bingsen Wang YF-020222 DDPWM-Based Power Conversion System Using Three to Four Phase Matrix Converter for Stand-alone Power System Tsuyoshi Hanamoto, Norhisam Bin Misron, Saman Toosi YF-001759 High Voltage Pulse Generator Based on DC-to-DC Boost Converter with Capacitor-Diode Voltage Multipliers for Bacterial Decontamination Ahmed Elserougi, Shehab Ahmed, Ahmed Massoud TS-135 Thursday 12th of November, 9:00-10:40 [Room17:418] TT01-23 Power Electronics V Chairs: Martin Novak, Nobuo Satoh YF-007439 Novel Dead Time Controlled Gate Driver Using the Current Sensor of SiC-MOSFET Akimasa Niwa, Takanori Imazawa, Tomonori Kimura, Takanari Sasaya, Hiroshi Tadano, Takanori Isobe YF-010936 Digital Control of a Bridgeless SEPIC PFC AC-DC Converter with Variable Voltage Output Kuan-Sheng Ho, Kao-Chih Wu, Ying-Yu Tzou YF-011177 An SiC Inverter for High Speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines Martin Novak, Jaroslav Novak, Oleg Sivkov YF-014508 Boost-based Amplifier for Power-Hardware-in-the-loop Simulations of Utility-Tied DG Kapil Jha, Santanu Mishra, Avinash Joshi YF-014788 Evaluation of Isolated Converter Topologies for Low Voltage DC Distribution Aleksi Mattsson, Vesa Väisänen, Pasi Nuutinen, Pasi Peltoniemi, Tero Kaipia, Pertti Silventoinen, Jarmo Partanen 106 TS-137 Thursday 12th of November, 11:00-12:20 [Room01:301] TT04-12 Modeling and Design of IPM Synchronous Motors Chairs: Michele Degano, Toshimasa Miyazaki YF-002291 A Permanent Magnet Traction Machine with Wide High Efficiency Range for EV Application Bin Zhang, Ronghai Qu, Wei Xu, Jian Li YF-013153 End Barrier Shape Optimizations and Sensitivity Analysis of Synchrnous Reluctance Machines Mauro Di Nardo, Michele Degano, Mikiel Galea, Christopher Gerada, Marco Palmieri, Francesco Cupertino YF-011347 Modeling and analysis of IPM synchronous motor under six step voltage control by Fourier series Ming-Shi Huang, Kuan-Cheng Chen, Chin-Hao Chen YF-018708 Nonlinear Modeling and Design of Initial Position Estimation and Polarity Detection of IPM Drives Yingguang Sun, Matthias Preindl, Shahin Sirouspour, Ali Emadi TS-138 Thursday 12th of November, 11:00-12:40 [Room02:302] TT04-13 Design Issues of Permanent Magnet Machines Chairs: Hanzhou Liu, B. G. Fernandes YF-017418 Design of a Permanent Magnet Motor with Wide Temperature Range Hanzhou Liu YF-005614 Design optimization of bonded PM BLDC motors with reference to the cogging torque amplitude Luca Ferraris, Fausto Franchini, Emir Poskovic YF-025178 Optimal Design of Photovoltaic based Submersible Permanent Magnet BLDC Motor Using FEM. Sashidhar Sampathirao, B. G. Fernandes YF-004723 Advanced Mathematical Model for Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Machines with Equivalent Virtual Salient Rotor Junhua Chen, Ronghai Qu, Jian Li YF-021997 Analysis of Cogging Torque in Surface Permanent Magnet Machine with Manufacturing Tolerances Leilei Wu, Ronghai Qu, Bao Song, Haisheng Bi, Jing Ou, Guowei Yang, Chengfei Du 107 TS-139 Thursday 12th of November, 11:00-12:40 [Room03:303] TT04-14 Control Solutions for Permanent Magnet Machines I Chairs: Wei Xu, Türker Türker YF-020249 Advanced torque control of Permanent magnet synchronous motor using Finite element analysis based motor model with Real time simulator Ryo Tanabe, Kan Akatsu YF-006416 Model Based Control of a PMSM with Variable Switching Frequency and Torque Ripple Control Fernando D. Ramirez-Figueroa, Mario Pacas YF-009466 Nonsingular Terminal Sliding Mode Control for the Speed Regulation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor with Parameter Uncertainties Wei Xu, Yajie Jiang, Chaoxu Mu, Hong Yue YF-006599 A Discrete-Time Current Controller for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives Türker Türker, Umit Buyukkeles, Huseyin Mese, Faruk Bakan YF-017388 Performance Improvement of Brushless DC Machine by Zero-Sequence Current Injection Alessandro Serpi, Giuseppe Fois, Federico Deiana, Gianluca Gatto, Ignazio Marongiu TS-140 Thursday 12th of November, 11:00-12:20 [Room04:304] TT04-15 Electrical Drive Applications I Chairs: H. T. Yang, Radu Bojoi YF-001732 A Grid-Connected Energy Conversion System for a Treadmill with Auto-transferring Modes between a Motor and a Generator H. T. Yang, T. H. Tseng, T. H. Ai, Y. H. Wu, S. H. Yeh YF-006629 Drivetrain Design Optimization for Electrically Actuated Systems via Mixed Integer Programing Witold Pawlus, Damian Frick, Manfred Morari, Geir Hovland, Martin Choux YF-017981 Cascade speed control structure with limited of torsional torque based on the FDC method in two-mass drive Piotr Serkies, Krzysztof Szabat, Stephen Dodds YF-020664 Networked PFC Drive for SPPCSIM Air Conditioners to enable elastic load operation in constrained power systems Shibal Ibrahim, Nauman A. Zaffar 108 TS-141 Thursday 12th of November, 11:00-12:40 [Room05:311] TT13-03 Industrial Informatics II Chairs: Wenbin Dai, Wei Wu YF-010413 Reconfigurable Elements of Execution Semantics for Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems Wenbin Dai, Cheng Pang, Valeriy Vyatkin A knowledge-based approach for the selection of assembly equipment based on fuel cell component characteristics Mussawar Ahmad, Bilal Ahmad, Robert Harrison, Borja Ramis Ferrer, Jose L. Martinez Lastra, James Meredith, Axel Bindel Preventing Electrical Hazards Under Grounding-Fault Condition By Means Of Surface Leakage YF-001252 Protection YF-004553 Wei Wu, Yuejia Wu YF-011843 Hardware-Security Technologies for Industrial IoT: TrustZone and Security Controller Christian Lesjak, Daniel Hein, Johannes Winter YF-017507 Artificial Immune Systems Algorithms as a Solution to Perform Diagnosis on Distributed Manufacturing Systems: A Performance Test Andre Dionisio Rocha, Pedro Lima Monteiro, Mafalda Parreira, Jose Barata TS-144 Thursday 12th of November, 11:00-12:20 [Room08:314] TT21-04 Power Electronics and Energy System II Chairs: Afshin Izadian, Ausias Garrigos YF-007307 A Solar Energy Harvesting System for a Portable Compact LED Lamp Ji Hoon Hyun, Dong Sam Ha, Daniel Daeick Han, Chong-Min Kyung YF-026263 Quantitative Comparison of Permanent Magnet Linear Machines for Ropeless Elevator Hua Fan, K.T Chau, Chunhua Liu, Zhen Zhang, Chun Qiu YF-006939 Investigation into the potential use of integrated switching regulators for low-voltage, low-power phovotovoltaic conversion in space applications Ausias Garrigos, José M. Blanes, Roberto Gutierrez, Marcos Compadre, Craig Clark, Malcolm Macdonald YF-019089 A Selective Polarity DC-DC- Converter with Infinite Output Voltage Levels Kaiyang Liu, Afshin Izadian 109 TS-145 Thursday 12th of November, 11:00-12:40 [Room09:315] TT07-08 Modeling and Control Chairs: Shen Yin, Hamed Nademi YF-001546 A Novel Sorting-based Multi-objective Model Predictive Control for PMSG Wind Turbines Ming Yu, Yi Wang, Yonggang Li YF-013498 Study on Kernel Partial Least Squares Based Key Indicator Prediction Shen Yin, Mingyu Wang, Hao Luo, Huijun Gao YF-001325 Friction Model for Planar Two-dimensional Motion Hiroaki Kato YF-023108 A Predictive Control of a Turbocharged Diesel Engine for Exhaust Emission Mitigation Hamed Nademi, Farzad Tahami YF-012165 On-line Adaptive control for Minimizing Slippage Error While Mobile Platform and Manipulator Operate Simultaneously for Robotics Mobile Manipulation Ren Luo, Yueh-Shiuan Tsai TS-146 Thursday 12th of November, 11:00-12:40 [Room13:414] TT01-25 Applications in Power Electronic Converters II Chairs: Hitoshi Haga, Oleksandr Husev YF-006076 Power Control Analysis for Variable Speed Pumped Storage with Full-Size Converter Xin Chang, Minxiao Han, Chao Zheng YF-008915 Distributed Low Voltage Ride-Through Operation of Power Converters in Grid-Connected Microgrids under Voltage Sags Xin Zhao, Lexuan Meng, Tomislav Dragicevic, Mehdi Savaghebi, Josep Guerrero, Juan Vasquez, Xiaohua Wu YF-010448 Parallel Operation of Three-phase Inverters with Virtual Oscillator and Multi-resonant Control Jian Hu, Liaoyuan Lin, Hao Ma YF-020389 Design of Three-Phase Three-Level CIC T-Source Inverter with Maximum Boost Control Oleksandr Husev, Tatiana Shults, Ryszard Strzelecki, Carlos Roncero-Clemente, Frede Blaabjerg YF-013412 Highly Dynamic DC-Voltage Control by means of a Bidirectional Three Phase Voltage Source Inverter Philip Dost, Constantinos Sourkounis 110 TS-147 Thursday 12th of November, 11:00-12:40 [Room14:415] TT01-26 Power Electronic Converters IV Chairs: Jose Rodriguez, Bo Zhang YF-002712 Ripple Free Operation of Two-Stage Boost Type DC-DC Converter Ryuga Hosoki, Shuhei Kinjo, Hirotaka Koizumi YF-007838 Phase-Modular Three-Phase Isolated Bridgeless PFC Converter Xiang Zhang, Liping Zhou, Dongyuan Qiu, Wenxun Xiao, Bo Zhang, Fan Xie YF-012289 Modular Multilevel Converters Using Split Wound Coupled Inductors Xiangfeng Li, Bo Zhang, Dongyuan Qiu, Lili Qu, Guidong Zhang, Fan Xie YF-022489 A Decision Algorithm to Select a Proper Control Method for a Cascaded Multilevel Inverter under Faulty Condition Saeed Ouni, Andres Ulloa Schmeisser, MohammadReza Zolghadri, Hashem Oraee, Jose Rodriguez, Pablo Lezana YF-021067 Fast-scale and slow-scale instabilities of photovoltaic inverter Lixia Sun, Yunfeng Li, Zhengeng Wen TS-148 Thursday 12th of November, 11:00-12:20 [Room15:416] TT01-27 Modulation and Control Strategies for Power Electronics III Chairs: Pat Wheeler, Fei Gao YF-013501 The SVPWM Modulator with Active Voltage Balancing Control for 4-level FLC Converter Dusan Janik, Tomas Kosan, Zdenek Peroutka YF-014338 Output Impedance Mitigation at Filter Resonance for Single and Three-phase UPS Systems with Reduced Sensor Count Sanjay Tolani, Parthasarathi Sensarma YF-016586 Lifetime-Oriented SVPWM for Thermally-Overloaded Power Devices in Three-Level Inverters Mokhtar Mohamed, Gamal Dousoky, Masahito Shoyama YF-018023 Fault-Tolerant Cascaded H-Bridge Converter for an Induction Motor Drive Ines Sanz, Emilio Bueno, Miguel Moranchel, Francisco Javier Rodriguez 111 TS-149 Thursday 12th of November, 11:00-12:40 [Room16:417] TT01-28 Interfacing and Control of Renewable Energy Generation Chairs: Ambrish Chandra, Longcheng Tan YF-004006 Leakage Current Analysis of Single-phase Transformer-less Grid-connected PV Inverters Lin Ma, Tamas Kerekes, Fen Tang, Remus Tedorescu, Xinmin Jin, Yibin Tong, Jingzhe Liang YF-007048 FRIT Based Optimized PI Tuning for dc link Voltage Control of Grid connected Solar PV system Ravi Nath Triathi, Tsuyoshi Hanamoto YF-010723 Design and Implementation of Fast PWM Boost Converter based on Low Cost Microcontroller for Photovoltaic Systems Donny Radianto, Gamal M. Dousoky, Masahito Shoyama YF-011339 A voltage controlled power resistor circuit for active gate driving of wide-bandgap power devices Alessandro Soldati, Davide Barater, Carlo Concari, Michael Galea, Chris Gerada YF-011371 Comparing control topologies for wide-bandgap power-device drivers: a simulation study Alessandro Soldati, Davide Barater, Carlo Concari, Giovanni Franceschini TS-150 Thursday 12th of November, 11:00-12:40 [Room17:418] TT01-29 Power Electronics VI Chairs: Chun-An Cheng, Arnaud Gaillard YF-016144 A Novel Integrated Driver with PFC for Supplying Light-Emitting Diodes Chun-An Cheng, Tsung-Yuan Chung YF-016942 A Novel Primary-Side LED Power Regulation Without Auxiliary Winding Ali Shagerdmootaab, Mehrdad Moallem YF-020214 Modified Modulation Scheme of the Buck-Boost Voltage Source Inverter for Bidirectional Power Flow Capability Ahmed Abdelhakim Abdelrazek, Paolo Mattavelli, Giorgio Spiazzi YF-022543 Dual Input-Dual Output Single Inductor DC-DC Converter Zubair Rehman, Ibrahim Al-Bahadly, Subhas Mukhopadhyay YF-023604 High Efficiency Three-Phase Interleaved Buck-type PFC Rectifier Concepts Codruta-Mihaela Ancuti, Valeriu Nicola Olarescu, Ciprian Sorandaru, Sorin Musuroi 112 TS-151 Thursday 12th of November, 11:00-12:20 [Room18:419] TT01-30 Modeling in Power Electric Converters Chairs: Mohamed Boutoubat, Hadi Kanaan YF-000957 A Novel High Voltage-Boosting Converter with Active Clamp Y. T. Yau, K. I. Hwu, W. Z. Jiang YF-004499 Dynamic model for VIENNA rectifier operating in continuous and discontinuous conduction mode Tiefeng Gao, Jianfeng Zhao YF-005444 Sliding-Mode Control for a Three-Phase Shunt Active Power Filter in Natural Frame Ramon Guzman, Luis Garcia de Vicuna, Javier Morales, Miguel Castilla, Jaume Miret, Javier Torres-Martínez YF-019895 A High Efficiency and High Reliability Single-Phase Modified Quasi Z-Source Inverter for Non-Isolated Grid-Connected Applications Mohammad Meraj, Atif Iqbal, Lazhar Brahim, Rashid Alammari, Haitham Abu-Rub TS-152 Thursday 12th of November, 14:00-16:00 [Room01:301] TT04-16 Sensorless Methods in Electrical Machines Chairs: Fábio Lima, Hiroki Goto YF-009482 Stationary reference frame sensorless vector control based on primary flux linkage and sinusoidal complete tracking current controller for IPMSM Ryota Takahashi, Kiyoshi Ohishi, Haga Hitoshi, Yuki Yokokura YF-012998 Improved Accuracy of Sensorless Position Estimation by Combining Resistance- and Inductance-Based Saliency Tracking Johannes Graus, Ingo Hahn YF-014397 The Position Sensorless Control for the Wound-field Synchronous Motor with Double Three-phase Wound Stator in Stop/Low-speed Driving Kang Li, Shinji Doki, Masami Fujitsuna YF-021431 Almost Parameter-free Sensorless Control of PMSM Hakim Teiar, Hicham Chaoui, Pierre Sicard YF-005371 Hybrid Sensorless Control for SPMSM With Multiple Saliencies Zhe Chen, Zhenbin Zhang, Guangzhao Luo, Ralph Kennel YF-017213 Current Controller for Sensorless PMSM Drive using combined Sliding Mode Strategy and Disturbance Observer Thieli Smidt Gabbi, Hilton Gründling, Rodrigo Padilha Vieira 113 TS-153 Thursday 12th of November, 14:00-16:00 [Room02:302] TT20-03 Transportation Electrification C Chairs: Zhihui Chen, Óscar Lucía YF-001104 Research on a 4-Phase Wound-Field Doubly Salient Generator with Compensation Capacitors Zhihui Chen, Kaidi Zhao, Xiaofei Yu YF-008346 Unbalanced Operation of Five-Phase Induction Machines Using Steady State Symmetrical Components-part I: theoretical considerations Luís A. Pereira, Luís F. A. Pereira, Sérgio Haffner, Guilherme Nicol YF-008362 Unbalanced Operation of Five-Phase Induction Machines Using Steady State Symmetrical Components-part II: study of typical cases Luís A. Pereira, Luís F. A. Pereira, Sérgio Haffner, Alexandre H. Silveira YF-002585 Series Resonant Multi-Inverter Prototype for Domestic Induction Heating Mario Pérez-Tarragona, Héctor Sarnago, ÓScar Lucía, José M. Burdío YF-002623 Ultra High Efficiency Adaptable Class-DE Inverter for Resonant Power Conversion Hector Sarnago, Oscar Lucia, Thomas Kimmer, José M. Burdio YF-003719 A Capacitor Voltage Balancing Strategy for a Five-Level Hybrid-Clamped Inverter Kui Wang, Yongdong Li, Zedong Zheng, Lie Xu, Boran Fan TS-154 Thursday 12th of November, 14:00-16:00 [Room03:303] TT13-04 Industrial Application Chairs: Sheng Huang, Luca Ferrarini YF-002348 A Colored Petri Nets Model of the Risk Management Process Based on the ISO 14971 Standard Alvaro Sobrinho, José Neto, Paulo Cunha, Leandro Dias da Silva, Angelo Perkusich YF-023779 Passive UHF Far-field RFID Based Localization in Smart Rack Sheng Huang, Oon Peen Gan, Zi Qin Hwang, Hongsheng Song, Lihua Xie YF-013226 Smart Workbench: A Multimodal and Bidirectional Assistance System for Industrial Application Sascha Niedersteiner, Clemens Pohlt, Thomas Schlegl YF-020591 Real-Time Properties for Design of Heterogeneous Industrial Automation Systems Sten Grüner, Ulirch Epple YF-023841 Modeling and Design of an Optimal Line Manager of a Packaging System with MILP Giacomo Ferrari, Luca Ferrarini, Anacleto Petretti, Emiliano Pizzi YF-024813 An Innovative Energy Predictive Process Planning Tool for Assembly Automation Systems Mus'ab H. Ahmad, Bilal Ahmad, Daniel A. Vera, Robert Harrison 114 TS-155 Thursday 12th of November, 14:00-16:00 [Room04:304] TT17-04 Energy Storage Systems III Chairs: Mo-Yuen Chow , Chengbin Ma YF-023833 Optimal Management Strategy of Energy Storage Systems for RES-based Microgrids Maura Musio, Alessandro Serpi, Claudia Musio, Alfonso Damiano YF-017795 Automotive Lead-Acid Battery State-of-Health Monitoring System Ross Kerley, Ji Hoon Hyun, Dong Ha YF-018805 Reconfigurable Battery Energy Storage System for Utility-Scale Applications Guishi Wang, Josep Pou, Vassilios G. Agelidis YF-026492 Comparison of State and Parameter Estimators for Electric Vehicle Batteries Rocco Morello, Walter Zamboni, Federico Baronti, Roberto Di Rienzo, Roberto Roncella, Giovanni Spagnuolo, Roberto Saletti YF-021423 Equalization Algorithm for Distributed Energy Storage Systems in Islanded AC Microgrids Nelson Diaz, Adriana Luna, Juan Vásquez, Josep Guerrero YF-025135 Energy Efficiency of Lithium-ion Battery Used as Energy Storage Devices in Micro-grid Kaiyuan Li, King Jet Tseng TS-156 Thursday 12th of November, 14:00-16:00 [Room05:311] TT02-11 Interfacing and control of Renewable Energy Generation V Chairs: R. Blasco-Gimenez, Gerardo Escobar YF-005657 Fully FPGA Based Performance Enhanced DMPC for Grid-Tied AFE With Multiple Predictions Zhenbin Zhang, Zhe Chen, Chun Wu, Ralph Kennel YF-006548 Comparative Evaluation of Synchronization Techniques for Grid Interconnection of Renewable Energy Sources Amardeep Balasaheb Shitole, Hiralal Murlidhar Suryawanshi, Shelas Sathyan YF-007277 A model-based controller of a three-level stacked-cell grid connected converter Gerardo Escobar, Panfilo R. Martinez-Rodriguez, Erick I. Pool, Angel E. Peña-Quintal, Gerardo Vazquez, Jose M. Sosa YF-022233 Improved Phase-Locked Loop under Heavily Distorted Grid Condition Liran Zheng, Hua Geng, Geng Yang YF-015199 Coordinated voltage control scheme for distribution grid with on-load tap-changer and distributed energy resources in a market context Xue Han, Henrik W. Bindner, Jasmin Mehmedalic, David V. Tackie YF-026301 Performance Enhancement of a Flyback Photovoltaic Inverter using Hybrid Maximum Power Point Tracking Hadeed Sher, Khaled Addoweesh, Kamal Al-Haddad 115 TS-157 Thursday 12th of November, 14:00-16:00 [Room06:312] TT02-12 Power Electronics in Renewable Energy Systems Chairs: Enrico Concettoni, Nimrod Vazquez YF-006084 An Integrated Transformerless Photovoltaic Inverter Jeziel Vazquez, Nimrod Vazquez, Joaquin Vaquero, Ivan Mendez, Claudia Hernandez, Hector Lopez YF-010278 Delta Connected Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Photovoltaic Converters Yifan Yu, Georgios Konstantinou, Christopher Townsend, Ricardo Aguilera, Branislav Hredzak, Vassilios Agelidis Fully FPGA Based Direct Model Predictive Power Control for Grid-Tied AFEs with Improved YF-017604 Performance Zhenbin Zhang, Ralph Kennel YF-024708 A Multi-Port Converter Based Renewable Energy System for Residential Consumers of Smart Grid Mohammad Jafari, Zahra Malekjamshidi, Glenn Platt, Jianguo Zhu, David Dorrell YF-005576 Comparison of Multistage Stacked Boost Architecture Topologies in Regards of the Relation between Duty Cycle, Number of Stages and Efficiency Gina K. Steinke, Alfred Rufer YF-002771 A Dual Tangent Based Algorithm for Maximum Power Point Tracking of Solar PV Systems Anubhav Jain, Chinmay Jain, Bhim Singh, Kamal Al-Haddad, Ambrish Chandra TS-158 Thursday 12th of November, 14:00-16:00 [Room07:313] TT03-07 Power Systems VI Chairs: Shin-Ichi Hamasaki, Priyesh Jagdishchandra Chauhan YF-009504 Experimental Verification of Deadbeat Control for Unified Power Flow Controller Shin-ichi Hamasaki, Tsuyoshi Takaki, Mineo Tsuji YF-009547 Deadbeat Control of Bidirectional Buck/boost DC-DC Converter for Power Leveling System with EDLC Shin-ichi Hamasaki, Yoshihiro Yano, Hirotaka Fukuda, Mineo Tsuji YF-017094 On the Optimal Reactive Power Control for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Distributed Generation Systems Manel Velasco, Pau Marti, Javier Torres-Martinez, Jaume Miret, Miguel Castilla YF-004359 Voltage Dip State Estimation in Distribution Networks by Applying Bayesian Inference Gu Ye, Yu Xiang, Vladimir Cuk, Sjef Cobben YF-008087 Passive Filter Applications for Harmonic Mitigation in Different Microgrid Operation Modes Li-Yuan Hsu, Yu-Jen Liu YF-016098 Modular Power Conditioner Concept for Improving Quality of Supply Johnny Chhor, Michael Schael, Frederik Einwächter, Constantinos Sourkounis 116 TS-159 Thursday 12th of November, 14:00-16:00 [Room08:314] TT05-05 Mechatronics II Chairs: Yasuhiro Kakinuma, Xingguo Lu YF-003867 Hybrid UAV Path Planning Based on Interfered Fluid Dynamical System and Improved RRT Peng Yao, Honglun Wang, Zikang Su YF-012173 A Push-Recovery Method for Walking Biped Robot Based on 3-D Flywheel Model Ren Luo, Chao-Wen Huang YF-015954 Visual Servo System for Ball Dribbling by Using Bipedal Robot“Nao” Kazuya Tamura, Atsuo Kawamura, Takahiro Nozaki YF-004332 Long-Range Outdoor Localization of a Mobile Robot using a Binocular Camera Bo Zhou, Meng Li, Kun Qian, Xianzhong Dai, Fang Fang YF-000302 Application of Multi-Dimensional Feedback Quantized Modulation to Inverter-Fed Two Cascaded Electrodynamic Shakers Hung-Chi Chen, Che-Yu Lu, Cheng-Chiang Yao YF-026247 Simultaneous Control of Tool Posture and Polishing Force on Unknown Curved Surface for SerialParallel Mechanism Polishing Machine Yuta Oba, Yuki Yamada, Yasuhiro Kakinuma TS-160 Thursday 12th of November, 14:00-16:00 [Room09:315] TT07-09 Control Applications II Chairs: Anurak Jansri, Anh-Tu Nguyen YF-012203 Overshoot Suppressor for Electronic Throttle Control Anurak Jansri, Suwilai Phumpho, Poomyos Payakkawan, Direk Tong-aram, Pithuk Keattipun, Pitikhate Sooraksa Online Adaptation of the Authority Level for Shared Lateral Control of Driver Steering Assist System YF-017124 Using Dynamic Output Feedback Controller AnhTu Nguyen, Chouki Sentouh, Jean-Christophe Popieul YF-003638 Fault estimation and fault-tolerant control of vaporcompression cycle systems Jaepil Ban, Wookyong Kwon, Sangchul Won YF-013323 A Fault Detection Strategy Based on Intelligent Particle Filter for Nonlinear Systems Han Yu, Shen Yin YF-024899 Curvature based velocity control system for mobile robot Wang Pengfei, Sekiyama Kosuke YF-009997 Modulated Potential Field Using 5DOF Implant Assist Robot for Position and Angle Adjustment Koyo Yu, Kohei Ohnishi, Hiromasa Kawana, Shin Usuda 117 TS-161 Thursday 12th of November, 14:00-15:20 [Room13:414] TT01-31 Power Electronics VII Chairs: Kapil Jha, Marco Bellini YF-012661 Waveform Control Method for Mitigating Harmonics of Inverter Systems with Nonlinear Load Haoran Wang, Guorong Zhu, Xiaobin Fu, Siyuan Ma, Huai Wang YF-001651 Programmable mask design for Phase Controlled Thyristors with automated short positioning Marco Bellini, Jan Vobecky YF-004103 The New 7th Generation IGBT Module with High Compactness and High Power Density Naoki Mitamura, Junya Kawabata, Yoshiyuki Kusunoki, Yuichi Onozawa, Yasuyuki Kobayashi, Ikawa Osamu YF-023396 Optimized 4-Coil Inductor System Arrangement for Induction Heating Appliances Claudio Carretero, Rafael Alonso, Jesus Acero, Jose M. Burdio TS-162 Thursday 12th of November, 14:00-15:40 [Room14:415] SS37-03 Human Support and Monitoring Technology on Human Factors Perception and Cognition Chairs: Satoshi Suzuki, Sho Yokota YF-009695 Analysis of color categorization for color vision deficient subjects at different luminance levels Keiko Sato, Hironori Takimoto, Yasue Mitsukura YF-002135 Potential of Electronic Clinical Pathways as Triggers for Eliciting Implicit Knowledge Taro Sugihara, Hideki Sakanishi, Akio Gofuku, Katsuhiro Umemoto, Muneou Suzuki, Kenji Araki YF-014524 A Study on Definition of the Imitation Motion - From the viewpoint of imitated person Sho Yokota, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Diasuke Chugo, Kuniaki Kawabata YF-024392 Enhancement of Attachment Behavior Model for Social Robot to Adapt in Daily Living Environments Yohei Takahashi, Mihoko Niitsuma YF-020516 Remote Communication Support System as Communication Catalyst for Dementia Care Satoru Goto, Yoshimi Matsuda, Toshiki Kikugawa, Yoshinori Kobayashi, Yoshinori Kuno 118 TS-163 Thursday 12th of November, 14:00-15:40 [Room15:416] TT12-04 Computational Intelligence II Chairs: Juan Pablo Serrano-Rubio, Christos Ioakeimidis YF-012106 Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Neural Oscillator based Robot Locomotion Azhar Aulia Saputra, Takahiro Takeda, Janos Botzheim, Naoyuki Kubota YF-021792 Hyperconic Multilayer Perceptron for Function Approximation Juan Pablo Serrano-Rubio, Rafael Herrera-Guzman, Arturo Hernandez-Aguirre YF-001805 Advanced Nonintrusive Load Monitor for Equipment Diagnostics on Fan Coil Unit Buyun Jing, Mei Chen YF-013943 Novel Fast and Scalable Parallel Union-Find ASIC Implementation For Real-Time Digital Image Segmentation Ehab Salahat, Hani Saleh, Andrzej Sluzek, Mahmoud Al-Qutayri, Baker Mohammed, Mohammed Ismail YF-004502 Supporting electro-mobility in an urban environment with the Nomadic Agent concept Konstantinos N. Genikomsakis, Philippe Moeyersoms, Dimitrios Savvidis, Christos S. Ioakimidis TS-164 Thursday 12th of November, 14:00-16:00 [Room16:417] TT10-01 Assistive and Rehabilitation Systems Chairs: Peter Xu, Tomoyuki Shimono YF-010286 A Novel Assist Device for Tension Pole Based Movable Handrail Ryo Hanaoka, Toshiyuki Murakami YF-013625 Robotic Diagnosis of Directional Force Control Performance at an End-effector of a Limb Toward Physiotherapeutic Support Naoya Tojo, Ippei Toyomasu, Tomoyuki Shimono, Shinichiro Ishii YF-019607 Realization of Storage and Reproduction of Water Pouring Task Based on Controlled Variable of Task Daisuke Hiramatsu, Tomoyuki Shimono, Atsuo Kawamura, Takahiro Nozaki, Yosuke Asano YF-020133 The Control Scheme of Undearactuated Master System in Bilateral Control for Operation of Fragile Environment. Daisuke Tomizuka, Kouhei Ohnishi YF-021806 Development of an endskeleton type power assist suit using pneumatic artificial muscles with amplification mechanism Hiroki Inose, Taro Nakamura, Yokoyama Kazuya, Hiroya Imamura, Isao Kikutani YF-022411 Patient Simulator Using Wearable Robot: Representation of Invariant Sitting-down and Standing-up Motions of Patients with Knee-OA Ryu Kubo, Shogo Okamoto, Shogo Nezaki, Naomi Yamada, Yasuhiro Akiyama, Yoji Yamada 119 TS-165 Thursday 12th of November, 14:00-16:00 [Room17:418] TT11-01 Electronic System on Chip and Real Time Embedded Control Chairs: Marc Perron, Eric Monmasson YF-018759 Development of Real-Time Control Emulator in FPGA using HiLeS Methodology Jorge Luis Mayorga Taborda, Camilo Dominguez-Bonilla, Alonso Guiterrez, Fernando Jimenez, Harold Chamorro YF-019615 Characterization of FPGA-Master ARM Communication Delays in Cyclone V Devices Roberto Fernández-Molanes, Filipe Salgado, José Fariña, Juan J. Rodríguez-Andina YF-002658 Clock Speed Optimization of Runtime Reconfigurable Systems by Signal Latency Measurement Dominik Meyer, Jan Haase, Marcel Eckert, Bernd Klauer YF-012505 Resolving parameter reference management in IP-XACT using Kactus2 Esko Pekkarinen, Mikko Teuho, Timo D. Hämäläinen, Erno Salminen YF-014648 Design of a Computational Nonvolatile RAM for a Greedy Energy-Efficient VLSI Processor Akira Mochizuki, Naoto Yube, Takahiro Hanyu YF-020699 A Many-Core based Execution Framework for IEC 61131-3 Matthias Becker, Kristian Sandström, Moris Behnam, Thomas Nolte TS-166 Thursday 12th of November, 14:00-16:00 [Room18:419] TT14-01 Information Processing and Its Applications Chairs: Thilo Sauter, Stamatis Karnouskos YF-017922 Temperature Rise Estimation of Substation Connectors Using Data-Driven Models Francisco Giacometto, Francesca Capelli, Enric Sala, Luis Romeral, Jordi Riba YF-022055 Multiple Temperature Control with Detection of Contacting Points for Rendering Thermal Sensation Yukiko Osawa, Seiichiro Katsura YF-002747 Gossip Algorithms for Clustering Problems Linh Thi Hoai Nguyen, Takayuki Wada, Izumi Masubuchi, Toru Asai, Yasumasa Fujisaki YF-009679 Distributed Computing of All-to-All Comparison Problems in Heterogeneous Systems Yi-Fan Zhang, Yu-Chu Tian, Wayne Kelly, Colin Fidge YF-001937 A Sentiment Analysis Framework in Implicit Opinions for Thai Language Masawee Masdisornchote YF-006777 Human Activity Modeling and Prediction for Assisting Appliance Operations Yuichiro Koiwa, Jun Miura, Koki Nakagawa 120 TS-167 Thursday 12th of November, 16:20-17:40 [Room01:301] TT04-18 Electrical Drive Applications II Chairs: Constantinos Sourkounis, Radu Bojoi YF-014591 Speed droop control of integrated modular motor drives Alessandro Galassini, Alessandro Costabeber, Chris Gerada YF-013889 Simulation of a Torque Based Hysteresis Control in High Dynamic Conditions Marcel Scheuer, Philip Dost, Constantinos Sourkounis YF-020788 Optimal electrical drive configuration to use in a Do 128-6 aircraft taking into account the electromagnetic, mechanical and aerodynamic designs Marius Donea, Dieter Gerling YF-005053 Speed Control of Servo Drives with a Flexible Couplings Using a Modified Luenberger Observer Mohammad Reza Riahi, Behzad Esmaeilnejad, Farzad Tahami TS-168 Thursday 12th of November, 16:20-18:00 [Room02:302] TT04-19 Control Solutions in Electrical Drives Chairs: Alessandro Serpi, Piotr Serkies YF-021393 Lowcost Control of Switched Reluctance Motor Using Single Current Sampling Resistance Shangjian Dai, Chuang Liu, Cong Zhou, Minjun Guan, Shouyi Han, Lei Ren YF-002798 Phase Current Control of a Two Phase Synchronous Reluctance Machine Samer Yammine, Maurice Fadel, Duy-Minh Nguyen, Dominique Harribey, Laurent Albert YF-020117 Fine Motor Current Control Based on New Current Reconstruction Method Using One DC-Link Current Sensor Kei Matsuura, Kiyoshi Ohishi, Hitoshi Haga, Itaru Ando YF-014966 A SVPWM Technique for Three-Level Five-Phase Dual Inverter with Common Mode Voltage Elimination Kiran Kumar B, Ronak Nemade, Mohan Aware, Wahyu Satiawan YF-002429 Capacitor Current Reducing Control of the Inverters for the Dual Winding Motor Takashi Suzuki, Hideki Kabune, Norihisa Ito 121 TS-169 Thursday 12th of November, 16:20-17:40 [Room03:303] TT04-20 Control Solutions for Permanent Magnet Machines II Chairs: Tian-Hua Liu, Frederik De Belie YF-013447 Closed-Loop Control Strategy for PM Machines with Non-sinusoidal Back-EMFs using Dual-Inverter Open-end Winding Nurul Ain Mohd Said, Dan Xiao, Rukmi Dutta, John E.Fletcher YF-001341 Implementation of Maximum Power Recovery for a Dual-PMSM System Shao-Kai Tseng, Tian-Hua Liu, Jing-Wei Hsu YF-005401 Open-Loop Behaviour of Back-EMF Based Self-Sensing BLDC Drives Frederik De Belie, Araz Darba, Jan Melkebeek YF-010472 A New Control Strategy of Ironless Stator Axial-Flux PM Motor Fed by Inverter with Output LC Filter Weiwei Geng, Zhuoran Zhang, Kui Jiang TS-170 Thursday 12th of November, 16:20-18:00 [Room04:304] TT06-03 Motion Control II Chairs: Yuki Yokokura, Eiichi Saito YF-022322 Nominal Characteristic Trajectory Following Control as Practical Controller: A Review Shin-Horng Chong, Kaiji Sato YF-020443 Analysis and Compensation of Nonlinear Friction Effect on Frequency Identification Chao Li, Bin Yao, Xiaocong Zhu YF-025089 Experimental Study on Performance Improvement of Force Control by Using Multi-Level Converters Hidemine Obara, Kenji Natori, Yukihiko Sato YF-020958 An Implementation Method of Workspace Observer Considering Fluctuation of Equivalent Mass Matrix Naoki Motoi, Ryogo Kubo YF-023299 Calculation of Grasping Force to Adapt Mass Variation of Object Considering Human Motion Ryutaro Honjo, Seiichiro Katsura 122 TS-171 Thursday 12th of November, 16:20-17:40 [Room05:311] TT21-05 Signal Processing Applications Chairs: Seta Bogosyan, Vicente Climente-Alarcon YF-023965 AERO-Beam: An Open-architecture Test-Bed for Research and Education in Cyber-Physical Systems Orion Lawlor, Seta Bogosyan YF-005584 Current Variation in a Rotor Bar during Transients Due to a Hot Spot Vicente Climente-Alarcon, Sabin Sathyan, Antero Arkkio, Jose A. Antonino-Daviu YF-007927 Specular Reflection Removal with High-Speed Camera for Video Imaging Shuhei Iwata, Kunihiro Ogata, Sho Sakaino, Toshiaki Tsuji YF-024929 Applying Scanning Technique to Create 3D Model Suchada Rianmora, Kittiphan Nuamchit, Natthakarn Vanasrivilai, Pornpim Tantipiched, Apisit Rammbuth TS-172 Thursday 12th of November, 16:20-18:00 [Room06:312] TT21-06 Distributed Systems Chairs: Amjad Anvari-Moghaddam, Rodrigo Teixeira Pinto YF-020575 Towards Security Assurance for Heterogeneous Industrial Networks Apala Ray, Johan Akerberg, Mats Bjorkman, Mikael Gidlund YF-000523 Load Shifting Control and Management of Domestic Microgeneration Systems for Improved Energy Efficiency and Comfort Amjad Anvari-Moghaddam, Juan C. Vasquez, Josep M. Guerrero YF-019879 Management an efficient’s ticket in Optimize Auction Bandwidth of Content Centric Network with Provider Portal for Application Wisarut Suesuwan, Woraphon Lilakiatsakun, Ratchata Thienchai YF-008044 Optimal Power Flow in MTDC Networks for Large Offshore Wind Power Plants: Validation of the Distributed Voltage Control Strategy Rodrigo Teixeira Pinto, Silvio F. Rodrigues, Epameinondas Kontos, Pavol Bauer YF-017574 A Wireless MAC Method with Support for Heterogeneous Data Traffic Pablo Gutiérrez Peón, Elisabeth Uhlemann, Wilfried Steiner, Mats Björkman 123 TS-174 Thursday 12th of November, 16:20-18:00 [Room08:314] TT05-06 Mechatronics Control II Chairs: Xingguo Lu, Tatsuya Kato YF-020044 A Fuzzy Logic Controller Tuned with PSO for Delta Robot Trajectory Control Xingguo Lu, Ming Liu YF-002534 Multipurpose Optimization of Camera Placement and Application to Random Bin-Picking Akihito Ito, Nobutaka Tsujiuchi, Yusuke Okada YF-001503 Robust and Precise Platoon Driving Control of Welfare Vehicles along Wheel Track by using Model Error Compensator Tatsuya Sugano, Hiroshi Okajima, Nobutomo Matsunaga YF-022659 Gait Pattern Acquisition for Four-legged Mobile Robot by Genetic Algorithm Tatsuya Kato, Kai Shiromi, Masanobu Nagata, Hidetoshi Nakashima, Kazunori Matsuo YF-006785 Engine Controller for Hybrid Powered Dual Quad-Rotor System Chin E. Lin, Thanakorn Supsukbaworn, Ying-Chi Huang, Kai-Ti Jhuang, Chia-Hsun Li, Chin-Yu Lin, Szu-Yu Lo TS-177 Thursday 12th of November, 16:20-18:00 [Room14:415] TT01-32 Power Electronics and Power Quality Chairs: Jingjing Huang, Vinod Khadkikar YF-003026 Sliding mode Based Space-vector Hysteresis Current Control for Active Power Filter Jing-jing Huang YF-004367 Sliding Mode Control Strategy for Three-Phase DVR Employing Twelve-Switch Voltage Source Converter Samet Biricik, Hasan Komurcugil, Malabika Basu YF-017434 Dual Feedback Active Damping Method for Grid-Connected LCL Filter Resonance Mahmoud A. Gaafar, Gamal Dousoky, Masahito Shoyama YF-009008 Online Method for Simultaneous Extraction of Individual Harmonics in Three-Phase Systems Pedro Roncero-Sanchez-Elipe, Xavier del Toro Garcia, Alfonso Parreño Torres YF-009393 Attenuation of Low-Order Current Harmonics in Three-Phase LCL-Filtered Grid-Connected Inverters Jianguo Wang, Jiu Dun Yan, Lin Jiang, Jiyan Zou 124 TS-179 Thursday 12th of November, 16:20-18:00 [Room16:417] TT01-34 Power Electronic Converters V Chairs: Drazen Dujic, Nisha Kondrath YF-017477 Multiport Resonant DC-DC Converter Yan-Kim Tran, Drazen Dujic, Philippe Barrade YF-019003 Performance Evaluation of SiC Based Bidirectional DC-DC Buck-Boost Converter Operating in CCM using Temperature-Dependent L3 Spice Model Nisha Kondrath, Mace Al-Chalabi YF-019542 Discontinuous Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Techniques for a Five-Phase Quasi Z-Source Inverter Ahmad A. Abduallah, Atif Iqbal, Mohammed Meraj, Lazhar Ben-Brahim, Rashid Alammari, Haitham Abu-Rub YF-023418 Wide Voltage Range Operation of Isolated Modular Multilevel DC-DC Converter Changjiang Sun, Jianwen Zhang, Yiran Chang, Gang Shi, Xu Cai YF-010294 Design and Implementation of a 200kHz Single-Phase Boost-Inverter Using Silicon Carbide Semiconductors Minsoo Jang, Taekyun Kim, Vassilios Agelidis TS-180 Thursday 12th of November, 16:20-18:00 [Room17:418] TT01-35 Modeling and Simulation in Power Electronics II Chairs: Oscar Lucia, Maria Teresa Outeiro YF-009873 Analysis of Nonlinear Oscillation of Four-quadrant Converter in High-speed Trians Based on Discrete Model Qiaona Lian, Fei Lin, Wei Shi, Zhongping Yang, Hu Sun, Jinghai Jiao, Zhiqiang Zhang YF-013722 Large-Signal Model and Nonlinear Control of PWM Converters in Discontinuous Conduction Mode Sanjeev Kumar Pandey, Amit Kumar, Sanjaykumar Patil YF-013919 Stability and Robustness Analysis of a DC/DC Power Conversion System under operating Conditions Uncertainties Sharmila Sumsurooah, Milijana Odavic, Dushan Boroyevich, Serhiy Bozhko YF-010618 A New Multilevel Converter with Granular Voltage Steps and Reduced Number of Switches Saleh Ziaeinejad, Ali Mehrizi-Sani YF-013218 Combination System of Var Compensation and Photovoltaic Power Generation based on Modular Multilevel Converter Bingyong Tai, Congzhe Gao, Xiangdong Liu, Jingliang Lv 125 TS-181 Thursday 12th of November, 16:20-18:00 [Room18:419] TT01-36 Power Electronics Applications III Chairs: Toshimasa Miyazaki, Marco Bellini YF-003891 Control of a Bidirectional Dual Active Bridge Converter for Charge and Discharge of a Li-Ion Battery Said Talbi, Augustin Mpanda Mabwe, Ahmed El Hajjaji YF-016772 Design of a Grid Adaptive Controller for PWM Converters with LCL Filters Markus Andresen, Nils Hoffmann, Marco Liserre, Friedrich W. Fuchs YF-002577 Flexible Power Distribution Unit - A Novel Power Electronic Transformer Development and Demonstration for Distribution System Qing Duan, Jianhua Wang, Chunyan Ma, Binshi Gu, Baojian Ji, Peng Qiu, Jun You YF-016969 Robust Control of a Grid-Connected Converter with an LCL-Filter Using a Combined Sliding Mode and Adaptive Controller in a Multi-Loop Framework Márcio Stefanello, Jorge Rodrigo Massing, Rodrigo Padilha Vieira YF-015555 High Resolution m-Cell Symmetric Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter With One Transistor Clamped H-Bridge Per Phase Indrajit Sarkar, Baylon G. Fernandes 126 SF-1 Tuesday 10th of November, 13:00-14:45 [Harbor Lounge B] Student Forum I YF-025224 Active Thermal Control of IGBT Power Electronic Converters Johannes Falck, Markus Andresen, Marco Liserre YF-025607 Performance evaluation of a 650V E-HEMT GaN Power Switch Piotr Czyz YF-026522 Study on Power Losses of the Full Soft-Switching Current-Fed DC/DC Converter with Si and GaN Devices Andrii Chub, Jacek Rabkowski, Andrei Blinov, Dmitri Vinnikov YF-026573 A Novel Diagnosis Method Based on Flexible Error Voltage for IGBTs Open-Circuit Faults in VoltageSource Inverters Yuxi Wang, Zhan Li, Liaoyuan Lin YF-026638 DC-biased SPWM Voltage Control for Six-phase Switched Reluctance Motor Drive Based on N+2 Power Electronic Converter Shangjian Dai, Cong Zhou, Chuang Liu YF-026662 Fast equivalent model of Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converters for DC Microgrid Study Junjie Ge, Xing Huang, Hailian Xie YF-026689 Experimental Research on Model Predictive Control of 3-level 4-leg Flying Capacitor Converter Operating as Shunt Active Power Filter Kamil Antoniewicz, Marek Jasinski, Mariusz Malinowski, Marian P. Kazmierkowski SF-2 Tuesday 10th of November, 15:00-16:45 [Harbor Lounge B] Student Forum II YF-026697 A New Current Control of High Instantaneous Power Impulse Converter Ludwik Zajac, Mariusz Malinowski, Sebastian Stynski, Marek Jasinski YF-026816 A Global Optimization Framework for Parameter Estimation of a Wind Generation Unit Model Qing Fang YF-026883 An Algorithm for Visualization of Big Data in a Two-Dimensional Space Bo Wu, Bogdan M. 'Dan' Wilamowski YF-026913 A Just-in-time Learning Approach for Sewage Treatment Process Monitoring with Deterministic Disturbances Han Yu YF-026948 A Hardware Accelerator For Real-Time Extraction of The Linear-Time MSER Algorithm Sohailah Alyammahi, Ehab Salahat, Hani Saleh, Andrzej Sluzek YF-026999 Modern Design of Classical Controllers: Continuous-Time First Order Controllers Ivan D. Diaz-Rodriguez YF-027022 Experimental Evaluation of Hardware-based Global Maximum Power Point Searching Methods Radoslaw Kot, Sebastian Stynski, Mariusz Malinowski 127 128 Committee 11:30-13:00 Time Wednesday 11th of November, 2015 Date Room 10: 411 Room 12:00-13:20 Monday 9th of November, 2015 TC04 Data Driven Control and Monitoring, Shen Yin, China 11:30-13:00 12:00-13:20 Monday 9th of November, 2015 11:30-13:00 11:30-13:00 TC07 Electronic Systems on Chip, Marc Perron, Canada TC08 Energy Storage, Mo Yuen Chow, USA TC09 Factory Automation, Lucia Lo Bello, Italy TC10 Human Factors, Kang Hyun Jo, Korea 12:30-13:50 Tuesday 10th of November, 2015 Room 14: 415 12:30-13:50 Tuesday 10th of November, 2015 Room 15: 416 12:30-13:50 Tuesday 10th of November, 2015 Room 16: 417 Wednesday 11th of November, 2015 Wednesday 11th of November, 2015 11:30-13:00 11:30-13:00 11:30-13:00 TC13 Industrial Informatics, Elizabeth Chang, Australia TC14 MEMS & Nanotechnologies, Ridha Ben Mrad, Canada TC15 Motion Control, Roberto Oboe, Italy TC16 Network-based Control Systems and Applications, Qing-Long Han, Australia TC17 Power Electronics, Herbert Hess, USA TC18 Renewable Energy, Ramon Blasco-Gimenez, Spain TC19 Resilience and Security for Industrial Applications (ReSia), Milos Manic, USA 11:30-13:00 12:30-13:50 Tuesday 10th of November, 2015 Room 18: 419 TC23 Transportation Electrification, Sheldon Williamson, Canada Room 18: 419 11:30-13:00 TC22 Standards, Victor Huang, USA + Industry Summit, Michael Condry, USA Wednesday 11th of November, 2015 12:30-13:50 Tuesday 10th of November, 2015 Room 17: 418 TC21 Smart Grid, Peter Palensky, Netherlands Room 5: 311 12:00-13:20 Monday 9th of November, 2015 Room 17: 418 Room 16: 417 Room 15: 416 Room 14: 415 TC20 Sensors and Actuators, Toshiyuki Murakami, Japan Wednesday 11th of November, 2015 Wednesday 11th of November, 2015 12:00-13:20 Monday 9th of November, 2015 TC12 Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, Armando W. Colombo, Germany Room 9: 315 12:30-13:50 Tuesday 10th of November, 2015 Room 13: 414 Room 13: 414 Room 12: 413 Room 8: 314 Room 11: 412 Room 7: 313 TC11 Industrial Agents, Paulo Leitão, Portugal Wednesday 11th of November, 2015 Wednesday 11th of November, 2015 Wednesday 11th of November, 2015 12:00-13:20 Monday 9th of November, 2015 TC06 Electrical Machines, Chris Gerada, UK TC05 Education in Engineering and Industrial Technologies, João Martins, Portugal 12:30-13:50 Tuesday 10th of November, 2015 Room 12: 413 Room 6: 312 12:30-13:50 Tuesday 10th of November, 2015 Room 11: 412 TC03 Control, Robotics & Mechatronics, Peter Korondi, Hungary TC02 Cloud and Wireless Systems for Industrial Applications, Kim F. Tsang, Hong Kong 12:30-13:50 Tuesday 10th of November, 2015 Room 10: 411 TC01 Building Automation, Control, and Management, Jan Haase, Austria # Technical Committee Meeting u u u 129 IES Forum on Quality Publication November 11, 11:30-13:00 11:30-13:00 November 11, 2015 (Wednesday) [Room 303] Moderator: Dave Irwin Speakers and Panelists: Xinghuo Yu, IES VP Publications Carlo Cecati, TIE EiC Kim Man, TII EiC Juan Jose Rodriguez-Andina, IEM EiC Okyay Kaynak, TMech EiC Yousef Ibrahim, IES VP Conferences Luis Gomes, IES VP Technical Activities Dan Wilamowski, Past TIE and TII EiC Description: The IES Forum on Quality Publication will be an opportunity for conference participants to hear about the latest activities and new initiatives of IES publications, and discuss various publication related issues such as nexus between conference paper versus journal article, how to conduct quality review, how to become an effective associate editor, article difference between magazine and journal, nexus between conferences, journals and technical activities. The forum will contain several short talks, followed by panel discussion and Q&A for conference participants to interact with the panel on any issues of their interest. 130 List of Reviewers Abdel-Khalik, AS Abdel-Khalik, Ayman Abdellah, Kouzou Abdel-Rahim, Omar Abeykoon, Harsha Aboushady, Ahmed Abu-Rub, Haitham Adewumi, Aderemi Aftab, Muhammad Saleheen Agarwal, Preeti Aguilera, Ricardo Aguirre, Matias Ahmad, Bilal Ahmad, Shameem Ahmadi, Reza Ahmed, Khaled Ahmed, Syed Zahid Akatsu, Kan Akiror, Jemimah Akwsar, Ali Alavi, Marjan Alberti, Luigi Alcaso, Aderito Neto Al-Durra, Ahmed Al-Habaibeh, Amin Al-Haddad, Kamal Al-Hosani, Khalifa Alsawalhi, Jamal Am, Sokchea Amaral, Acacio Ambia, Mir Nahidul Ambrozic, V. Amhof, Markus Andrade, Antóniob M. S. S. ANDREA, Jonathan Andrén, Filip Añó-Villalba, Salvador Antonello, Riccardo Antoniewicz, Kamil Antonino-Daviu, Jose Aoki, Hirofumi Aparicio, Néstor Apsley, Judith Aranovskiy, Stanislav Armando, Eric Aroudi, AbdelaliEl Arunagirinathan, Paranietharan Asama, Junichi Asano, Yoshinari Asano, Yosuke Asfani, Dimas Anton Assaad, Hamida Astarloa, Armando Atkinson, Hayden Atsumi, T. Atsumi, Takenori Auephanwiriyakul, Sansanee Auger, Francois Aziz, Mohd Junaidi Abdul Baba, J. Babakmehr, Mohammad Bacha, Seddik Bader, Sebastian Badr, Iman Bag, Gargi Bagherzadeh, Mohammad Ali Bai, Zhihong Baidya, Roky bal, Satarupa Balagopal, Bharat Bando, Takashi Banerjee, S. Baoming, Ge Barac, Filip Barai, Mukti Baran, Eray Abdurrahmen Barbalata, Corina Barbosa, José Barglik, Jerzy Baronti, Federico Barroso, Giovanni C. Barth, Tobias Bartz, Rainer Baruschka, Lennart Barzegaran, Mohammadreza Basak, Saptarshi Bastidas-Rodriguez, Juan David Basu, Tuhin S. Battaglia, Filippo Bauer, Paul Bayhan, Sertac Beheshtaein, Siavash Beig, Abdul R. Belenguer, Enrique Bellini, Marco Beltran, Hector Ben Mrad, Ridha Ben Othman, Slim Benbouzid, Mohamed Benigni, Andrea Benzekri, Azzouz Bermudez, Mario Bertoluzzo, Manuele Betin, Franck Bhattacharya, Avik Bhubaneswari, G. Biral, Francesco Biswas, Sujit K. Blaabjerg, Frede Blasco-Gimenez, Ramon Bletterie, Benoit Blinov, Andrei Boccaletti, Chiara Bodo, Nandor Boglietti, Aldo Bojoi, Radu Boldea, Ion Borage, Mangesh Borges, Cruz E. Borsato Rodrigues, Reinaldo Boscaino, Valeria Bose, Bimal Bouabdallah, Ahmed Bouazza, Kheir Eddine Bouchareb, Ilhem Boughari, Yamina Bramerdorfer, Gerd Breaz, Alina 131 Brinzei, Nicolae Briz, Fernado Brovont, Aaron Brscic, Drazen Bruckner, Dietmar Brudlo, Piotr Bruzzese, Claudio Buccella, Concettina Budai, Csaba Bueno, Emilio Buja, Giuseppe Burguete, Eduardo Büscher, Martin Buso, Simone Busquets-Monge, Sergio Cai, Guowei Calvo, Belen Cao, Wen Capponi, Fabio Guilii Cardoso, Antonio J. Marques Carlsson, Johan Carranza, Oscar Carraro, Matteo Carretero, Claudio Carvalho Neto, Joao Castellini, Luca Castilla, Maria del Mar Castilla, Miguel Cautero, Marco Cavagnino, Andrea Cavallo, Alberto Cecati, Carlo Cedric , Caruana Cemin, David Chaber, Bartosz Chai, Feng Chai, Shan Chakraborty, Chandan Chakraborty, Debjani Chang, James Chang, Xiao Changping, Du Chattopadhyay, Ajit K. Che, H.S. Che, HS Che, Weiwei Chemali, Ephrem Chen, Chin-Ling Chen, Dong Chen, FengXiang Chen, Guozhu Chen, Liang Chen, Mu Chen, Qianhong Chen, Woei-Luen Chen, Xia Chen, Yu Cheng, Bo Cheng, Chun-An Cheng, Stone Chi, Hao Ran Chia, Meng Hwee Chiba, Akira Ching, T. W. Chinnapen-Rimer, Suvendi Cho, In-Ho Choi, Hyunjin Choi, Ui-Min Choudhury, Abhijit CHRENKO, Daniela Christensen, James H. Chugo, Daisuke Chui, Kwok Tai Ciccarelli, Flavio Cimini, Gionata Ciobotaru, Mihai Cirstea, Marcian Clare, Jon Clerc, Guy Climente-Alarcon, Vicente Collado, J. Colombo, Armando Walter Comanescu, Mihai Combariza, Miguel CON, Tetsuya Contreras, Juan Corradi, Giulio Corzine, Keith Cosic, Alija Cossutta, Pablo Costa, Aniko Costa, Fabiano Costa, Paulo Cox, Robert Cristalli, Cristina Cupertino, Francesco da Silva, M. F. Dai, Shangjian Dalhues, Stefan Damiano, Alfonso Danilov, Dmitry Darijevic, Milan Das, Sukanta Dashora, Hemant Datta, Manoj Davey, Kent De Belie, Frederik De Bernardinis, Alexandre de Carvalho Ferreira, Luis Henrique De Donato, Giulio Deaconu, Sorin Debnath, Dipankar Degano, Michele Dehbozorgi, M. Reza del Toro Garcia, Xavier Delgado, Joaquim Delgado, Miguel Delgado-Gomes, Vasco Delprat, Sebastien Deqing, Huang Despesse, Ghislain Dey, Papan Di Marco, Piergiuseppe Di Rienzo, Roberto Diallo, Demba Diaz, Nelson Dick, Christian P. Dinavahi, Venkata Diraco, Giovanni Diskus, Christian Divakarla, Kavya Divandari, Mohammad Doki, Shinji Dolezel, Ivo Domínguez Navarro, José Antonio Dong, Hai Dong, Peng Dongdong, Zhao Dordevic, Obrad Dorrell, David Dousoky, Gamal M. Doval-Gandoy, Jesus Drabek, Pavel Du, Dajun Du, Yi Duan, Jie Dudek, Rainer Dufour, Christian Dujic, Drazen Dunai, Larisa Duran, Mario J. Dusmez, Serkan Dwivedi, Sanjeet Dzung, Dacfey Eckert, Marcel Economakos, George Edpuganti, Amarendra El Aroudi, Abdelali Elbouchikhi, Elhoussin Eldigair, Yousif Omer Elias, M. F. M. El-Khoury, Catherine Nasr Elserougi, Ahmed Emadi, Ali Emmanuel, Boutleux Endo, Takahiro ERENTURK, Koksal Errouissi, Rachid Escobar, Gerardo Espinosa, Eduardo Estima, Jorge Oliveira Facchinetti, Tullio Fahimi, Babak Faisal, Syed Fan, Hua Fan, Wenchao Fang, Haijun Farid, Kadri Farrokhi, Mohammad Faruque, Omar Fay, Alexander Fazlin, Nurul Feng, Ying Feng, Zhiguang Ferková, Želmíra Fernbach, Andreas Ferracuti, Francesco Ferrari, Carlo Ferraris, Luca Ferreira, Adriano Ferreira, Fernando J. T. E. Ferreira, Joao Filonenko, Alexander Finamor, Gustavo Fisher, Roy Flores, Freddy Fong, Bernard Fonseca, Davide Forgez, Christophe Forsström, Stefan Forzan, Michele Freijedo, Francisco D. Freire, Nuno Freitas, Luiz Freschi, Fabio Frühwirth, Thomas Fu, Minfan Fujii, K. Fujimoto, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Yasutaka Fukai, Hironobu Fukui, Yoshiro Fukuoka, Yutaka Funabashi, T. FUNABIKI, Shigeyuki Funato, Hirohito Furutani, Eiko Gabriel, Fabien GAILLARD, Arnaud Gajowik, Tomasz Galassini, Alessandro Gamba, Matteo Gandhi, Arun Gao, Congzhe Gao, Fei Gao, Huanli Gao, Shuang Garcera, Gabriel Garcia, Antoni Garcia, Eduardo Garcia-Breijo, Eduardo Garrido, Antonio Gaßmann, Stefan Ge, Baoming Ge, Xiaohua Geng, Hua Genikomsakis, Konstantinos Georgoulas, George Gepp, Michael Gerada, Chris Geramifard, Omid Gerling, Dieter Ghosh, Subhojit Gidlund, Mikael Giegerich, Martin Gieras, Jacek Giret, Adriana Giri, Santu Giustiniani, A. Gladwin, Daniel Gmyrek, Zbigniew Golatowski, Frank Gonzalez-Longatt, Francisco Gonzalez-Prieto, Ignacio Goodwin, Graham C. Gopakumar, K. Goto, Hiroki Grami, Said Grau, Antoni Graus, Johannes Gregor, Raul Griñó, Robert Griva, Giovanni Grüner, Sten Gruosso, Giambattista Guan, Minjun Guglielmi, Paolo Gunji, Daisuke Guo, Lei Guo, Xiaoqiang Guo, Yao Guo, Zhaoqin Gupta, Rahul Gupta, Rajesh Guzman, Hugo Guzman, Johan Guzman-Miranda, Hipolito Gyftakis, Konstantinos Ha, Dong Haase, Jan Habib, Maki K. Hace, Ales Hachiya, Yuriko Haga, Hitoshi Haghnazari, Saeed Hagiwara, M. Hahn, Ingo Haider, Sajjad Haiyue, Zhu Hamasaki, Shin-ichi Hameyer, Kay Han, Fengling Han, Minxiao Han, Soo-Bin Han, Wei Han, Yan Hanaizumi, Hiroshi Hanamoto, Tsuyoshi Hancke, Gerhard P. Hanna Nohra, A. F. Hansen, Søren Haque, Md. Enamul Hara, Ryoichi Hara, Susumu Haran, Kiruba Harirchi, Farnaz Harnefors, Lennart Harrison, Robert Haruna, Junnosuke HASEGAWA, Masaru Hashemnia, Mohammad Naser Hashimoto, Hideki HASHIMOTO, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Seiji He, Jinwei He, Lidong He, Qiang He, Siyuan He, Wangli Hendricks, Christopher Hernandez, Octavio Hidaka, Koichi HILAIRET, Mickael Hilt, Oliver Hinkkanen, Marko Hiraguri, Takefumi Hiraki, Eiji Hiraoka, Toshihiro 132 Hirata, Mitsuo Hironori, Takimoto Hirose, Noriaki Hirota, Atsushi Hissel, Daniel Ho, Yihsin Hoffmann, Frank Höglund, Joel Hojo, Masahide Holmes, Andrew S. Hong, Yongqiang Hori, Noriyuki Horváth, László Hoshi, Nobukazu Hossain, Jahangir Hovd, Morten Howlader, Abdul Motin Hsu, Pau-Lo Hu, Jun Hu, Patrick Hu, Sheng Hu, Songli Hu, Xiaosong HUANG, Jiaying Huang, Jingjing Huang, Xiaoliang Huangfu, Yigeng Huikuri, Marko Hung, John Hung, Kevin Husev, Oleksandr Hussain, Farookh Hussain, Ikhlaq Hussain, Omar Hussein, Ala Hwu, K. I. Ibrahim, Yousef Ichikawa, Norimitsu Ide, Kozo Idkhajine, Lahoucine Igarashi, Hiroshi Igarashi, Seiki Ilves, Kalle Imura, Takehiro Inamori, Mamiko Ines, Omrane Inoue, Shigenori Inoue, Yukinori Inzunza, R. Ioakeimidis, Christos Iovan, Monica Iqbal, Atif Ise, Toshifumi Isfanuti, Andy-Sorin Ishibashi, Masaki Ishigami, Shinobu Ishikawa, Hiroki Ishikawa, Jun Isobe, T. Issa, Walid Ito, Akira Ito, Kazuaki Ito, Masahide Ito, Shin-ichi Itoh, Junichi Itoh, Jun-ichi IV, Prasanna Iwaji, Yoshitaka Iwanowski, Marcin Iwasaki, Makoto Iwata, Hiroaki Iwaya, Kazuki Jaafar, A. Jain, Chinmay Jain, Praveen Jain, Sachin Jamaluddin, Muhammad Herman Jamshidpour, Ehsan Jang, Minsoo Janiszewski, Dariusz Janjua, Naeem Jansen, Helm Jatsun, Sergey Jennehag, Ulf Jeong, Ilsu Jha, Kapil Ji, Jinhua Jian, Ming-Shen Jiang, Homin Jiang, Hui Jiang, Simin Jiao, Zhan-si Jlassi, Imed Jo, Kang-Hyun John, Vinod Jones, Martin Jooho, Lee Joshi, Avinash Joukhadar, Abdulkader Ju, Chengquan Juarez, Mario Justino, Julio Kadera, Petr Kadwane, Sumant Kaewmanee, Wattana Kanaan, Hadi Y. Kaneko, Shun'ichi Kang, Feel-Soon Karamanakos, Petros Karapanos, Vasileios Karatepe, Engin Karimi, Hamid Reza Karimi-Ghartemani, Masoud Karnouskos, Stamatis Karwowski, Krzysztof Kastha, D. Kato, Tomonori Katsura, Seiichiro Kawafuku, Motohiro Kawakami, Noriko Kawamura, Atsuo Kazmierkowski, Marian P. Kehler, Leandro Kelly, Blaise Kelouwani, Sousso Kennel, Ralph Kerekes, Tamas Keshri, Ritesh Kumar Kestelyn, Xavier Khairallah, Mohannad Khaligh, Alireza Khan, M.A. Khan, Z. J. Khatounian, Flavia Khatri, Navita Khelfi, Mohamed Fayçal Kheng Suan, Freddy Tan Khoo, Suiyang Kilkki, Olli Kim, J. Kim, Jae Hee Kim, Jae-Hoon Kim, Sang-Hoon Kino, Hitoshi Kishore, Avinash Kishore Naik, Mude Kivanc, Omer C. Kladas, Antonios G. Knap, Vaclav Kobayashi, Hiromu Kobayashi, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, Koichi Koibuchi, Michihiro Koizumi, Hirotaka Kolb, Johannes Komada, Satoshi Komrska, Tomas Komurcugil, Hasan Kondo, Keiichiro Kondo, Masaaki Kondrath, Nisha Konstantinou, Georgios S. Kosaka, Takashi Kotlan, Václav Kotsampopoulos, Panos Koutroulis, Eftichios Kovacs, Bence Kovatsch, Matthias Krishnamoorthy, Suresh Krismer, Florian Kritikakou, Angeliki Kruger, Carel Ku, Hyun-Keun Kubo, Ryogo Kucera, Adam Kularatna, Nihal Kulkarni, Vainatey Kulothungan, Gnana Sambandam Kumar, Anuj Kumbasar, Tufan Kumon, Makoto Kunii, Yasuharu Kunt, Emrah Deniz Kurokawa, Fujio Lachichi, Amel Lafoz, Marcos Lago, Jackson Lahaye, Domenico Lahne, Hans-Christian Laird, Hamish Lan, Yuan Landernas, Krister Lanfranchi, Vincent Langston, James Lauss, Georg Lazzeri, Andrea Lee, Christopher H. T. Lee, Dong-Choon Lee, Dong-Hee Lee, Jinwoo 133 Lee, Ju-Jang Lee, Taeck-Kie Lee, WC Lee, Young Il Legat, Christoph Lehfuss, Felix Lehmann, Matthias Lehnhoff, Sebastian Lei, Chen Lei, Liu Lei, Ren Leitao, Paulo Leite, Vicente Lembeye, Yves Leng, Siyu Lengua, Ismael Lenwari, Wanchak Leon, Jose I. Leon, Jose Ignacio Lezana, Pablo Li, Bo Li, Fuqiang Li, Guang-Jin Li, H. B. Li, Jen-Hsing Li, Jian Li, Junhong Li, Kaiyuan Li, Lei Li, Linghan Li, Mian Li, Shanbin Li, Siqi Li, Wei Li, Wenlong Li, Xiaodong Li, Xiaoli Li, Yen-Fang Liberado, E. V. Lima, F. K. A. Lima, Fabio Lima, José Lin, Bor-Ren Lin, Fei Lin, Hengwei Lin, J. H. Lin, James Linden, Maria Lindner, Andreas Liserre, Marco Liu, Jinna Liu, Bing Liu, Chunhua Liu, Endong Liu, Hanzhou Liu, Hao Liu, Hui Liu, Jianxing Liu, Po-Chun Liu, Shuai Liu, Tian-Hua liu, Wei Liu, Xinghua Liu, Xudan Liu, Ye Liu, Yong Liu, Yu-Jen Liu, Zhiwei Lizana, Ricardo Lohweg, Volker Lopez, Oscar Lopez-Nicolas, Gonzalo Lorentz, V.R.H. Lozano-Garcia, Jose M. Lu, Cunwei Lu, Huimin Lu, Languang Lu, Wenzhou Lu, Xuanming Lucía, Óscar Lüder, Arndt Luna, Massimiliano Luo, Hui Luque, Antonio Lutzemberger, Giovanni Luz, Paulo C. V. Lv, Linna L'vov, Alexey Lyu, Jing Ma, Chengbin Ma, Hao Ma, Hui Ma, Lin Madani, Sajjad Maeda, Toshiyuki Maeda, Yoshihiro Maitelli, Andre Laurindo Maiti, Suman Majestorovic, Dusan Makino, Hiroaki Makino, Koji Malekian, Reza Malik, Naveed ur Rehman Malinao, Jasmine Malinowski, Aleksander Malinowski, Mariusz Malzahn, Joern Mandal, Kuntal Mandal, Paras Maneewarn, Thavida Manic, Milos Manzoni, Renato Mariano, Silvio Marignetti, Fabrizio Marquez, Abraham Marti, Pau Martinecz, Antal Martinez Rodriguez, Panfilo Raymundo Martins, Antonio Martins, Joao Martins, Jorge Martins, Mario L. da S. Mascioli, F. M. F. Masisi, Lesedi Massoud, Ahmed M. Mateos, Raul Mathe, Lazlo Matos, Diogo Matos, Paulo Matsui, Kanae Matsui, Keiju Matsui, Nobuyuki Matsuka, Daisuke Matsumoto, Y. Matsuse, Kouki Matsutani, Hiroki Matsutani, Yuki Maussion, Pascal Mayo-Maldonado, Jonathan McDaid, Andrew McNamara, Liam Mehta, Axaykumar Mekhilef, Saad Melo, Victor Memon, Tasneem Mendalek, Nassar Meng, Wei Meng, Wenchao Merritt, Noel Richard Meyer, Dominik Miah, Suruz Michalik, Jan Miller, John M. Minakata, Hideaki Minami, Masataka Mirafzal, Behrooz Miret, Jaume Mishima, Tomokazu Mitamura, Naoki Mitsantisuk, Chowarit Mitsuhashi, Kaoru Mitsukura, Yasue Miura, Kazumasa Miura, Yushi Miyajima, Chiyomi Miyatake, Masafumi Miyazaki, Toshimasa Miyoshi, Takanori Mizoguchi, Takahiro Moallem, Mehrdad Mochizuki, Akira Moergestel, Leo van Mohamed, A. Mohanta, D.K. Molnar-Matei,, Florin Monmasson, Eric Monteiro, Joao Moo, Chin-Sien Morales, Juan Miguel Moranchel, Miguel Morello, Rocco Moreno, Javier Morimoto, Masayuki Morizono, Tetsuya Moros, Oleg Mortezaei, Ali Motegi, Shin-ichi Motoi, Naoki Moubayed, Nazih Mougharbel, Imad Moutinho, Filipe Mu, Chaoxu Müller, Nicolás Mummadi, Veerachary Murakami, Toshiyuki Muramatsu, Satoshi Musio, Maura Mustafa, Mohammed Obaid Muyeen, S.M. Nabavi, Seyedbehzad Nademi, Hamed Nagai, Shin-ichiro Nagashima, Hiroki Nagata, Fusaomi Nagatsu, Yuki Nagorny, Kevin Nakakuki, Takashi Nakamoto, Masayoshi Nakamura, Kenji Nakamura, Sousuke Nakamura, Yukinori Nakanishi, Y. Nakata, Atsushi Nakazawa, Yosuke Namerikawa, Toru Nasiri Zarandi, Reza Natori, Kenji Neacsu, Dorin Nejad, Shahab Nerg, Janne Neugschwandtner, Georg Neves, Francisco Nguyen, Binh Minh Nguyen, Cong-Long Nguyen, Manh Cuong Nguyen, Thanh Hai Nguyen, VietHung Nihtianov, Stoyan Niitsuma, Mihoko Ninagawa, Chuzo Nishi, Hiroaki Nishikata, Shoji Nishimura, Kazunori Nishimura, Satoshi Niu, Shuangxia Nomoto, Akihiro Novak, Martin Nozaki, Takahiro Nukala, Surendra Babu Oboe, Roberto Ochi, Hiroaki Oda, Naoki Odhano, Shafiq Ogata, Kunihiro Ogidi, Oladapo Oh, Sehoon Ohashi, Gosuke Ohishi, Kiyoshi Ohnishi, Kouhei Ohyama, Kazuhiro Ohyama, Yasuhiro Okuda, H. Okuda, Hiroyuki Olalla, Carlos Olesciuk, Valentin Oliva, Luz Noe Oliveira, L. M. R. Orozco, Martha Ortega, Juan Antonio Ortega, Ruben Ouada, Mahdi Ould Bachir, Tarek Outeiro, Maria Teresa Oyama, Tadahiro Ozturk, Salih B. Pacas, Mario Padmanaban, Sanjeevikumar Palensky, Peter Palma, Leonardo Palma, Luis Brito Panda, Anup Kumar Pandey, Medha Pandey, Rajendra Kumar Pánek, David Papakonstantinou, Nikolaos Parsa, Leila Partovi, Alireza Paschero, Maurizio Patel, Ragini Patti, Alfonso Pawlus, Witold Pechmann, Agnes Peña, Ruben Peñarrocha Alós, Ignacio Peng, Chen Perdigão, Marina Pereira, Arnaldo Pereira, Carlos Eduardo Pereira, Mario Perez, Emilio Perez, Marcelo A. Pérez-Tarragona, Mario Perini, Roberto Perron, Marc Peters, Wilhelm Petrone, Giovanni Pham, Ha Photong, Chonlatee Piasecki, Szymon Picas, Ricard Picot, Antoine Pigazo, Alberto Pilastro, Davide Pinheiro, Jose Renes Pinto, Sandro Pires, Vitor Pirro, Matteo Pitner, Tomas Ploennigs, Joern Polverino, Pierpaolo Ponce, Enrique Popov, Marjan Popovac, Mirza Portillo, Ramon Posada, Felipe Poskovic, Emir Pradeep Kumar, V. V. S. Prasanna, Udupi R. Praus, Fritz Precup, Radu-Emil Qi, Yifei Qiao, Yue Qinyuan, Ren Qiu, Dongyuan Qu, Ronghai Qu, Zengcai Queiroz, Jonas Rabkowski, Jacek Radac, Mircea-Bogdan Radovnikovich, Micho Rafal, Krzysztof Rahbari-Asr, Navid Rahimi-Eichi, Habiballah Rajesh, Kumar 134 Raksincharoensak, Pongsathorn Rathore, Akshay Kumar Rauh, Andreas Ravey, Alexandre Ray, Olive Razafinjaka, Jean Razik, Hubert Real-Calvo, Rafael Reddy, B. Venugopal Rekola, Jenni Renaudineau, Hugues Repetto, Maurizio Restrepo, C. Reusser, Carlos Rezvani, Mohammad Ribeiro, Eunice Ribeiro, Luis Ricco, Mattia Riedemann, Javier Riedl, Matthias Rigatos, Gerasimos Rim, C. T. Rivera, Marco Riveros, Jose Robert, Bruno Rocco, Paolo Roche, Robin Rodas, Jorge Rodic, Miran Rodrigues, Nelson Rodriguez, Fco Javier Rodríguez, José Rohjans, Sebastian Rojas, Christian Rolak, Michal Rolan, Alejandro Romero-Cadaval, Enrique Roncero-Sanchez, Pedro Rosa, Paulo Roscoe, Nina Rosyadi, Marwan Roy, Sumit Ruderman, Michael Ryndzionek, Roland Ryoo, Hong-je Saad, M. S. Saad, Maarouf Sabanovic, Asif Safaee, Alireza Saha, Tapas Kumar Sahoo, Manoranjan Sai, Toru Saito, Eiichi Saito, Ken Saito, Suzuo Sakaino, Sho Sakamoto, Tetsuzo Sakata, Koichi Salem, Mohammed Saletti, Roberto Salimi, Mahdi Samonig, Matthias A. Sanada, Masayuki Sanchez, Juan A. Santillan, Gerardo Santos, Max Sari, Ali Sariyildiz, Emre Sarkany, Zoltan Sarraipa, João Sasaki, Takeshi Sato, Daisuke Sato, Keiko Satoh, Nobuo Sato-Shimokawara, Eri Sattar, Adnan Sauter, Robert Sauter, Thilo Sawata, Tadashi Sayed Hassen, Sayed Z. Schaat, Samer Schael, Michael Schlögl, Florian Schmeck, Hartmut Schmidt, Nicole Schmitt, Alexander Schoder, Karl Schulz, Martin Sciascera, Claudio Scuiller, Franck Sebaaly, Fadia Seitl, Christian Seki, Kenta Sekiguchi, Hiroyuki Sekiya, Hiroo Seleme Jr., Seleme Isaac Semail, Eric Senjyu, Tomonobu Sepasi, Saeed Seron, Maria Serpanos, Dimitrios Serra, G. Serra, Giovanni Sha, Mo Shafiee, Qobad Sharifzadeh, Mohammad Sharma, Isha Shawon, Mohammad Shen, Ke Shen, Lei Shen, Wei Shi, Liming Shi, Xiufang Shi, Yang Shibata, Masaaki Shimizu, Sota Shimmyo, Shuhei Shimomura, Shoji Shimono, Tomoyuki Short, Michael Shoyama, Masahito Shu, Siwan Shukla, Anshuman Shuzheng, Wang Shwehdi, M. H. Siano, Pierluigi Siemaszko, Daniel Silber, Siegfried Silva, Bruno Silva, Jose Silva, Nelson Singh, Amit Kumar Sisinni, Emiliano Slama-Belkhodja, Ilhem Sleiman, Mohammad Sloderbeck, Michael Smidl, Vaclav Sokolowski, Peter Solero, Luca Solsona, Jorge A. Somasekhar, V. T. Somkun, Sakda Song, Chunwei Sonnati, Venkateshwarlu Soong, Theodore Sorandaru, Ciprian Sorandaru, Cirprian Sorrentino, Marco Sottile, Joseph Sousa, Duarte Sousa, Gean Souza, W. A. Spiazzi, Giorgio Spiteri-Staines, Cyril Sreeraj, E. S. Srinivas, Srirama Stabile, Nino Stadlbauer, Stephan Stepien, Jacek Stifter, Matthias Stöckl, Johannes Strandt, Alia Strasser, Thomas Suemitsu, Walter Suhaib, Masroor Sun, Hong Tao Sun, Hongtao Sun, Xiaofeng Sun, Zhendong Sundaram, Vivek M. Suntio, T. Suzuki, Atsushi Suzuki, Keisuke Suzuki, Satoru Suzuki, Satoshi Swevers, Jan Szayer, Geza Sziebig, Gabor Szmurlo, Robert Tahami, Farzad Tahara, Kenji Tai, Liuchen Tajik, Ali Tajima, Genki Tajti, Ferenc Takagi, Y. Takahashi, Hiroki Takahashi, Rion Takahashi, Satoru Takahashi, Satoshi Takama, Yasufumi Takano, T. Takeda, H. Takeda, Ryu Takemoto, Masatsugu Takemura, Fumiaki Takenaka, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Eijiro Takeuchi, Issei Talebi, H. A. Tamai, Shinzo Tan, Longcheng Tan, Shaolin Tan, Zhichao TANAKA, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Toshihiko Tanaka, Yoshihiro Tanelli, Mara Tang, Chunsen Tani, Angelo Taniguchi, Tadahiro Tarczewski, Tomasz Tarik, Ferhatbegovic Tavares, Adriano Taylor, Adam Tenconi, A. Teppner, Renate Terada, Kenji Tessarolo, Alberto Tetervenoks, Olegs Thakura, Parsuram Thomaschewski, Jorg Thyroff, Dominik Tian, Engang Timmermann, Dirk Toda, Takeshi Tolani, Sanjay Toliyat, Hamid A. Tomita, Hajime Tomita, Hideo Tomita, Mutuwo Tomita, Yohei Townsend, Christopher Trajin, Baptiste Trapanese, Marco Trentesaux, Damien Treytl, Albert Trovão, João P. Tsai, Mi-Ching Tsang, Kim-Fung Tseng, Chung-Shi Tseng, King Jet Tsuji, Toshiaki Tsukakoshi, Masahiko Tsuruta, Kazuhiro Tsutsumi, Shigeyoshi Tumerdem, Ugur Tung, Le Turner, Sandy L. Turolla, Andrea Uchida, Kosuke Uchimura, Yutaka Ueda, Y. Ugurlu, Barkan Ukil, Abhisek Ulhaq, Azhar Umre, B. S. Uno, Masatoshi Urasaki, Naomitsu Urtasun, Andoni Uzhegov, Nikita Uzunovic, Tarik Vaezi, Masoud Vahedi, M. Hani Vainel, Gyula Valenzano, Adriano Van Heerden, Kirill 135 Vaschetto, Silvio Vazquez, Gerardo Vazquez, Nimrod Vazquez, O. Vazquez, Sergio Vázquez, Carlos Velik, Rosemarie Venikar, Prasad A. Verdugo, Cristian Verma, Arun Verma, Saurab Vidal, Fabio Silveira Vidal-Albalate, Ricardo Viehweider, Alexander Villani, Marco Vinnikov, Dmitri Vitale, Gianpaolo Vogel-Heuser, Brigit Vogelsberger, Markus A. Vosmik, David Vulturescu, Bogdan Vyatkin, Valeriy Wada, Keiji Wada, Takahiro Wallmark, Oskar Wang, Danwei Wang, Dong Wang, Gang Wang, Guishi Wang, Huizhen Wang, Jianguo Wang, Jianhua Wang, Junxing Wang, Kui Wang, Li Wang, Qian Wang, Runxin Wang, Shuo Wang, Tianzhen Wang, W. Wang, Xiangyu Wang, Yafei Wang, Yizhen Wang, Yubin Wang, Yueye Wang, Yulong Wang, Yuncheng Wang, Zheng Wang, Zhenzhou Wang, Xingsong Watanabe, Atsushi Watanabe, Keigo Watson, Alan Wei, Wang Wei, Zuolong Wenchao, Gao Wenyu, Liang Weyrich, Michael Wheeler, Patrick Wilamowski, Bogdan M. Willerich, Stephan Williamson, Sheldon Wing, K. Wolbank, Thomas Wong, Chin Yeow Wong, Pak Kin Wong, Siu-Chung Woo, Hanseung Wrobel, Rafal Wu, Chengjie Wu, Chung Kit Wu, Hansheng Wu, Jian Wu, Thomas Wu, Xing Xia, Huan Xia, Shs Xin, Deng Xiong, Wenjun Xu, Dewei Xu, Dianguo Xu, Fei Xu, Liangfei Xu, Long Xu, Peter Xu, Yinliang Xu, Zhenyao Xu, Zhirong Xuefang, Li Xuewei, Pan Yagi, Keisuke Yakoh, Takahiro Yamaguchi, Fumito Bob Yamaguchi, Toru Yamamoto, Akio Yamamoto, Masafumi Yamamura, Naoki Yamanouchi, Wataru Yamazaki, Katsumi Yan, Huaicheng Yan, Jeffrey Yan, Jiu Dun Yan, Yan Yan, Zheng Yang, Chaoqun Yang, Dong Yang, Fuwen Yang, Geng Yang, H. T. Yang, Huan Yang, Jun Yang, Li Yang, Nanfang Yang, Po Yang, Qinming Yang, Sheng-Ming Yang, Shih-Chin Yang, Song Yang, Xu Yang, Yongheng Yang, Yue Yang, Yueh-Ru Yang, Zhongping Yao, Gang Yao, Xiu Yashiro, Daisuke Yasuda, Gen'ichi Yasui, Shinji Yazdanian, Mehrdad Ye, Gu Yepes, Alejandro G. Yin, He Yin, Shen Yin, Xiuxia Yokoi, Yuichi Yokokura, Yuki Yokota, Sho Yokoyama, Tomoki Yona, Atsushi Yong, Feng Yoshimori, Seiki Yoshino, Teruo You, Pengcheng Yousfi, Fatima Louisa Youssef, Mohamed Yu, Chuang Yu, Feng Yu, Hao Yu, Kan Yu, Miao Yu, Tsung Hsien Yu, Xinghuo Yu, Xunwei Yu, Zhang Yubai, Kazuhiro Yulin, Wang Zabaleta, M. Zabihi, Nima Zamai, Eric Zanaty, E. A. Zanma, Tadanao Zapata, Jaime Zarri, L. Zeilinger, Heimo Zeng, Wente Zeng, Xiangjun Zeroug, Houcine Zgheib, Rawad Zha, Wenting Zhai, Dongling Zhai, Junyong Zhakypov, Zhenishbek Zhang, Bao-Lin Zhang, Bo Zhang, Dawei Zhang, Heng Zhang, Jin Zhang, Lei Zhang, Mengmi Zhang, Wenlong Zhang, Xian-Ming Zhang, Xiaodong Zhang, Xing Zhang, Y. J. Zhang, Yao Zhang, Ye Zhang, Yonggao Zhang, Yuan Zhang, Zhen Zhang, Zhikun Zhang, Ziang Zhao, Chen Zhao, F. Zhao, Hui Zhao, Jiyun Zhao, Xingang Zhao, Yue Zhao, Zhengming Zhaoqin, Guo Zheng, Cong Zheng, Min ZHENG, Ping Zheng, Tao Zhou, Minghao Zhou, Xing Zhou, Yingjiang Zhu, Jianguo Zhu, Shuang Zoitl, Alois Zolghadri, Mohammad Reza Zong, Sheng Zoric, Ivan Zou, Zhixiang Zschaeck, Stephan Zucker, Gerhard 136 137 A YF-023949 YF-000604 YF-000418 YF-000833 YF-004537 YF-003166 YF-000051 YF-005665 YF-020214 YF-003166 YF-019542 YF-003581 YF-009342 YF-014303 YF-007692 YF-001945 YF-025623 YF-019895 YF-019542 YF-023396 YF-003387 YF-025267 YF-018473 YF-026301 YF-026387 YF-026395 YF-017817 YF-021334 YF-021334 YF-023582 YF-017051 YF-006564 YF-016853 YF-025267 YF-018473 YF-018422 YF-010197 YF-010278 YF-010294 YF-002305 YF-012181 YF-011584 YF-018805 YF-002046 YF-009989 YF-023582 YF-025267 YF-018473 YF-010278 YF-019909 YF-013749 YF-004553 YF-024813 YF-024813 YF-004553 YF-006165 YF-014303 YF-017752 YF-014583 YF-016837 YF-000604 YF-000418 YF-000833 Abad, Angel Flores Abdel-Khalik, Ayman Abdel-Khalik, Ayman Abdel-Khalik, Ayman Abdel-khalik, Ayman Abdellah, El Moudni Abdel-Rahim, Omar Abdelrazek, Ahmed Abdelhakim Abdelrazek, Ahmed Abdelhakim Abdoul, N'Diaye Abduallah, Ahmad A. Abe, Kodai Abebe, Robert Aboushady, Ahmed Abramovitz, Alexander Abu-Rub, Haitham Abu-Rub, Haitham Abu-Rub, Haitham Abu-Rub, Haitham Acero, Jesus Achkar, Maria EL Acuna, Pablo Acuna, Pablo Addoweesh, Khaled Aditya, Kunwar Aditya, Kunwar Afonso, Joao L. Aftab, Fakhra Aftab, Muhammad Saleheen Agarwal, Vineeta Agarwal, Vivek Agbossou, Kodjo Agelidis, Vassilios Agelidis, Vassilios Agelidis, Vassilios Agelidis, Vassilios Agelidis, Vassilios Agelidis, Vassilios Agelidis, Vassilios Agelidis, Vassilios G. Agelidis, Vassilios G. Agelidis, Vassilios G. Agelidis, Vassilios G. Agelidis, Vassilios Georgios Agelidis, Vassilios Georgios Agrawal, Sanjay Aguilera, Ricardo Aguilera, Ricardo Aguilera, Ricardo Aguirre, Matias Ahmad, Azlin Ahmad, Bilal Ahmad, Bilal Ahmad, Mus'ab H. Ahmad, Mussawar Ahmed, Haris Ahmed, Khaled Ahmed, Noman Ahmed, Ryan Ahmed, Ryan Ahmed, Shehab Ahmed, Shehab Ahmed, Shehab TS-26 TS-31 TS-97 TS-97 TS-15 TS-80 TS-66 TS-150 TS-15 TS-179 TS-104 TS-6 TS-99 TS-100 TS-82 TS-96 TS-151 TS-179 TS-161 TS-86 TS-77 TS-77 TS-156 TS-117 TS-117 TS-83 TS-47 TS-47 TS-127 TS-27 TS-100 TS-8 TS-77 TS-77 TS-84 TS-113 TS-157 TS-179 TS-81 TS-87 TS-113 TS-155 TS-77 TS-90 TS-127 TS-77 TS-77 TS-157 TS-38 TS-75 TS-141 TS-154 TS-154 TS-141 TS-23 TS-99 TS-131 TS-19 TS-19 TS-26 TS-31 TS-97 Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November TS-44 Tuesday 10th of November Authors Index Room11:412 Room16:417 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room16:417 Room13:414 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room01:301 Room07:313 Room14:415 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room11:412 Room18:419 Room16:417 Room13:414 Room01:301 Room10:411 Room10:411 Room05:311 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room06:312 Room12:413 Room15:416 Room09:315 Room10:411 Room10:411 Room17:418 Room10:411 Room06:312 Room16:417 Room14:415 Room02:302 Room10:411 Room04:304 Room10:411 Room05:311 Room06:312 Room10:411 Room10:411 Room06:312 Room07:313 Room08:314 Room05:311 Room03:303 Room03:303 Room05:311 Room16:417 Room14:415 Room13:414 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room11:412 Room16:417 Room12:413 10:30- Room13:414 15:4015:4013:0013:0010:0015:5013:5011:0010:0016:2015:2010:0013:0013:0015:5013:0011:0016:2014:0013:0015:5015:5014:0015:2015:2015:5010:3010:3009:0015:4013:0010:0015:5015:5015:5015:2014:0016:2015:5013:0015:2014:0015:5013:0009:0015:5015:5014:0010:3015:5011:0014:0014:0011:0013:2013:0009:0013:2013:2015:4015:4013:00- Ahmed, Shehab Ahmed, Shehab Ai, T. H. Ai, Yun Aihoshi, Ryo Aiteur, Imad Eddine Ajishi, Hideki Akagi, Yasuhiro Akatsu, Kan Akerberg, Johan Akiho, Keita Akiyama, Yasuhiro Alahmad, Mahmoud Alahmad, Mahmoud Alammari, Rashid Alammari, Rashid Alavi, Marjan Al-Bahadly, Ibrahim Albatran, Saher Albert, Laurent Alcan, Gokhan Al-Chalabi, Mace Al-Durra, Ahmed Al-Haddad, Kamal Al-Haddad, Kamal Al-Haddad, Kamal Al-Haddad, Kamal Al-Haddad, Kamal Al-Haddad, Kamal Al-Haddad, Kamal Al-Haddad, Kamal Al-Haddad, Kamal Aljuhaishi, Nasser AlJuheshi, Fares AlJuheshi, Fares Allah, Mohannad Khair Aller-Pellitero, Miguel Alonso, Ines Sanz Alonso, Ines Sanz Alonso, Rafael Al-Qutayri, Mahmoud Al-Qutayri, Mahmoud Alsofyani, Ibrahim Alsofyani, Ibrahim M. Altun, Halis Am, Sokchea Am, Sokchea Amarasinghe, Kasun Amhof, Markus Amirat, Yassine Amrhein, Wolfgang Ancuti, Codruta-Mihaela Andersen, Michael A.E. Andersen, Nils Axel Ando, Itaru Andrea, Jonathan Andren, Filip Andren, Filip Andresen, Markus ANgquist, Lennart Ano-Villalba, Salvador Antonino-Daviu, Jose A. Antonino-Daviu, Jose A. Antonino-Daviu, Jose A. Antonino-Daviu, Jose A. Antonino-Daviu, Jose Alfonso YF-004537 YF-001759 YF-001732 YF-019887 YF-010626 YF-015938 YF-008451 YF-007331 YF-020249 YF-020575 YF-024376 YF-022411 YF-016799 YF-018481 YF-019895 YF-019542 YF-006912 YF-022543 YF-013536 YF-002798 YF-015997 YF-019003 YF-013277 YF-001902 YF-003565 YF-026417 YF-020583 YF-019976 YF-025348 YF-019984 YF-026301 YF-002771 YF-016799 YF-016799 YF-018481 YF-018481 YF-005592 YF-017582 YF-017566 YF-023396 YF-012718 YF-013943 YF-021849 YF-022039 YF-019267 YF-014532 YF-006726 YF-026433 YF-015458 YF-012351 YF-009571 YF-023604 YF-012572 YF-012572 YF-020117 YF-013528 YF-021245 YF-025364 YF-016772 YF-017752 YF-018635 YF-005207 YF-007706 YF-008656 YF-005584 YF-017027 TS-97 TS-134 TS-140 TS-61 TS-85 TS-87 TS-48 TS-7 TS-139 TS-172 TS-70 TS-164 TS-1 TS-105 TS-151 TS-179 TS-114 TS-150 TS-103 TS-168 TS-44 TS-179 TS-55 TS-5 TS-5 TS-85 TS-90 TS-90 TS-108 TS-108 TS-156 TS-157 TS-1 TS-1 TS-105 TS-105 TS-56 TS-28 TS-63 TS-161 TS-20 TS-163 TS-50 TS-19 TS-39 TS-45 TS-113 TS-125 TS-18 TS-71 TS-68 TS-150 TS-50 TS-50 TS-168 TS-15 TS-71 TS-71 TS-181 TS-131 TS-32 TS-35 TS-35 TS-72 TS-171 TS-35 Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November 13:0009:0011:0013:5015:5013:0010:3010:0011:0016:2015:5014:0010:0015:2011:0016:2015:2011:0013:0016:2010:3016:2013:5010:0010:0015:5013:0013:0015:2015:2014:0014:0010:0010:0015:2015:2013:5015:4013:5014:0013:2014:0013:5013:2010:3010:3015:2009:0013:2015:5015:5011:0013:5013:5016:2010:0015:5015:5016:2009:0015:4010:3010:3015:5016:2010:30- Room12:413 Room16:417 Room04:304 Room12:413 Room18:419 Room02:302 Room17:418 Room08:314 Room03:303 Room06:312 Room03:303 Room16:417 Room1+2:301 Room02:302 Room18:419 Room16:417 Room11:412 Room17:418 Room18:419 Room02:302 Room13:414 Room16:417 Room06:312 Room06:312 Room06:312 Room18:419 Room05:311 Room05:311 Room05:311 Room05:311 Room05:311 Room06:312 Room1+2:301 Room1+2:301 Room02:302 Room02:302 Room07:313 Room13:414 Room14:415 Room13:414 Room13:414 Room15:416 Room01:301 Room12:413 Room08:314 Room14:415 Room10:411 Room04:304 Room11:412 Room04:304 Room01:301 Room17:418 Room01:301 Room01:301 Room02:302 Room16:417 Room04:304 Room04:304 Room18:419 Room13:414 Room17:418 Room04:304 Room04:304 Room05:311 Room05:311 Room04:304 138 B YF-014834 YF-014222 YF-009059 YF-005304 YF-018473 YF-002151 YF-006599 YF-004693 YF-010154 YF-011584 YF-008818 YF-003387 YF-018813 YF-003638 YF-011215 YF-017051 YF-005479 YF-008214 YF-002046 YF-017507 YF-013005 YF-011444 YF-011339 YF-011371 YF-016543 YF-006718 YF-020079 Bacha, Seddik Bacha, Seddik Bagheri, Mehdi Baidya, Roky Bak, Claus Leth Bakan, Faruk Bakhsh, Hossam Bakhshai, Alireza Balcells, Josep Ballal, Makarand Ballois, Sandrine Le Balog, Robert S. Ban, Jaepil Bando, Takashi Bandyopadhyay, B Banerjee, Subrata Banerjee, Subrata Baraciarte, Roberto Alves Barata, Jose Baratcart, Travis Barater, Davide Barater, Davide Barater, Davide Barba, Paolo Di Barden, Alisson Thomas Barglik, Jerzy YF-017752 YF-020028 YF-000523 YF-022942 YF-022977 YF-003158 YF-002135 YF-015474 YF-018589 YF-007773 YF-020532 YF-005584 YF-002437 YF-007951 YF-023701 YF-017442 YF-002747 YF-006343 YF-005126 YF-019607 YF-011436 YF-012483 YF-014931 YF-011894 YF-015059 YF-019852 YF-012939 YF-014966 YF-016535 YF-016454 YF-002186 YF-019356 YF-026409 YF-026344 YF-026379 YF-026352 YF-021849 YF-022039 Baba, Sueki Antonopoulos, Antonios Anuar, Adzly Anvari-Moghaddam, Amjad Appuhamillage, Gayan K Appuhamillage, Gayan K Arahal, Manuel Araki, Kenji Aran, Volkan Araujo, Renato Guerreiro Argha, Ahmadreza Arizono, Takuma Arkkio, Antero Armando, Eric Arumugam, Puvan Asa, Erdem Asa, Erdem Asai, Toru Asai, Yusuke Asakil, Datu Amil Hussien Asano, Yosuke Aschemann, Harald Aschemann, Harald Aschemann, Harald Aschemann, Harald Asheghi, Mehdi Atsumi, Takenori Aware, Mohan Aware, Mohan Ayachit, Agasthya Ayachit, Agasthya Ayano, Hideki Ayatollahi, Iman Azeez, Najath Abdul Azeez, Najath Abdul Azeez, Najath Abdul Azeez, Najath Abdul Aziz, Junaidi Abdul Aziz, Mohd Junaidi Abdul Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November TS-2 TS-24 TS-89 TS-77 TS-119 TS-139 TS-31 TS-81 TS-113 TS-51 TS-86 TS-38 TS-160 TS-7 TS-27 TS-103 TS-132 TS-77 TS-141 TS-36 TS-46 TS-149 TS-149 TS-56 TS-102 TS-34 Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November TS-57 Tuesday 10th of November TS-131 TS-11 TS-172 TS-60 TS-60 TS-1 TS-162 TS-22 TS-96 TS-96 TS-50 TS-171 TS-26 TS-122 TS-10 TS-70 TS-166 TS-9 TS-15 TS-164 TS-27 TS-33 TS-49 TS-121 TS-54 TS-111 TS-18 TS-168 TS-63 TS-83 TS-41 TS-57 TS-21 TS-21 TS-29 TS-117 TS-50 TS-19 Room13:414 Room12:413 Room06:312 Room11:412 Room11:412 Room1+2:301 Room14:415 Room15:416 Room11:412 Room11:412 Room01:301 Room05:311 Room11:412 Room01:301 Room11:412 Room03:303 Room18:419 Room10:411 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room12:413 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room05:311 Room08:314 Room11:412 Room02:302 Room14:415 Room16:417 Room10:411 Room08:314 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room01:301 Room12:413 10:0013:2013:0015:5015:2011:0015:4015:5015:2013:5013:0010:3014:0010:0015:4013:0009:0015:5011:0010:3010:3011:0011:0013:5013:0010:30- Room03:303 Room17:418 Room04:304 Room10:411 Room16:417 Room03:303 Room16:417 Room14:415 Room10:411 Room02:302 Room01:301 Room07:313 Room09:315 Room08:314 Room12:413 Room18:419 Room14:415 Room10:411 Room05:311 Room05:311 Room15:416 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room07:313 Room17:418 Room03:303 13:50- Room08:314 09:0010:0016:2013:5013:5010:0014:0013:2013:0013:0013:5016:2015:4009:0010:0015:5014:0010:0010:0014:0015:4015:4010:3015:2013:5015:2013:2016:2013:5015:5010:3013:5013:2013:2015:4015:2013:5013:20- Baronti, Federico Barrade, Philippe Barrero, Federico Barrero, Federico Barrero, Federico Barrero, Federico Barrero, Federico Barrero, Federico Barrero, Federico Barreto, Marco Antonio Barrios, Ernesto Barrios, Ernesto L. Barthel, Jochen Basak, Saptarshi Baskin, Mehmet Basu, Malabika Bauer, Gregor Bauer, Pavol Bayburtlu, Caner Bayhan, Sertac Beainy, Anissia Bebek, Ozkan Becerra, Alberto Castelo Becke, Mark Becker, Matthias Becker, Nora Bede, Lorand Bednar, Bedrich Beguenane, Rachid Beheshtaein, Siavash Beheshtaein, Siavash Behnam, Moris Beig, Abdul R. Beig, Abdul Rahiman Belanger, Jean Belenguer, Enrique Belenguer, Enrique Belie, Frederik De Bellini, Marco Benbouzid, Mohamed Benbouzid, Mohamed Benbouzid, Mohamed Benbouzid, Mohamed Benbouzid, Mohamed Benbouzid, Mohamed Ben-Brahim, Lazhar Benigni, Andrea Benigni, Andrea Bermudez, Mario Bermudez, Mario Bernal, Carlos Bernal-Perez, Soledad Bernal-Ruiz, Carlos Bernardinis, Alexandre De Bernet, Steffen Bertani, Roberta Bertoluzzo, Manuele Bertoluzzo, Manuele Berzoy, Alberto Besdel, Patrick Besri, Abdelhadi Bessho, Masahiro Bester, Jean Ernst Bethoux, Olivier Betin, Franck Betz, Robert E. YF-026492 YF-017477 YF-003158 YF-009024 YF-002801 YF-002763 YF-012211 YF-008796 YF-006858 YF-009563 YF-017779 YF-015113 YF-005223 YF-022217 YF-000868 YF-004367 YF-016861 YF-008044 YF-015474 YF-001945 YF-024619 YF-023655 YF-009121 YF-008613 YF-020699 YF-016659 YF-018422 YF-024139 YF-025283 YF-024074 YF-025259 YF-020699 YF-009164 YF-009865 YF-015075 YF-024147 YF-017329 YF-005401 YF-001651 YF-009849 YF-016047 YF-009857 YF-012351 YF-004405 YF-015806 YF-019542 YF-023752 YF-023744 YF-002763 YF-012211 YF-002844 YF-018635 YF-014559 YF-021296 YF-025267 YF-016543 YF-002216 YF-016055 YF-016594 YF-013528 YF-003883 YF-001597 YF-011304 YF-021296 YF-006645 YF-010685 TS-155 TS-179 TS-1 TS-40 TS-97 TS-115 TS-115 TS-115 TS-115 TS-75 TS-64 TS-87 TS-101 TS-46 TS-121 TS-177 TS-22 TS-172 TS-22 TS-82 TS-67 TS-60 TS-39 TS-126 TS-165 TS-2 TS-84 TS-74 TS-85 TS-62 TS-101 TS-165 TS-81 TS-86 TS-4 TS-46 TS-113 TS-169 TS-161 TS-35 TS-35 TS-43 TS-71 TS-76 TS-114 TS-179 TS-4 TS-101 TS-115 TS-115 TS-56 TS-32 TS-1 TS-107 TS-77 TS-56 TS-10 TS-42 TS-51 TS-15 TS-11 TS-125 TS-29 TS-107 TS-115 TS-13 Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November 14:0016:2010:0010:3013:0015:2015:2015:2015:2015:5013:5013:0013:0010:3015:2016:2013:2016:2013:2015:5013:5013:5010:3009:0014:0010:0015:5015:5015:5013:5013:0014:0015:5013:0010:0010:3015:2016:2014:0010:3010:3010:3015:5015:5015:2016:2010:0013:0015:2015:2013:5015:4010:0015:2015:5013:5010:0010:3013:5010:0010:0009:0015:4015:2015:2010:00- Room04:304 Room16:417 Room1+2:301 Room09:315 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room08:314 Room15:416 Room02:302 Room16:417 Room15:416 Room18:419 Room14:415 Room15:416 Room06:312 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room18:419 Room11:412 Room08:314 Room05:311 Room17:418 Room03:303 Room17:418 Room07:313 Room18:419 Room13:414 Room16:417 Room17:418 Room14:415 Room01:301 Room05:311 Room15:416 Room10:411 Room03:303 Room13:414 Room04:304 Room04:304 Room12:413 Room04:304 Room09:315 Room11:412 Room16:417 Room05:311 Room16:417 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room07:313 Room17:418 Room1+2:301 Room04:304 Room10:411 Room07:313 Room11:412 Room11:412 Room02:302 Room16:417 Room12:413 Room04:304 Room14:415 Room04:304 Room12:413 Room14:415 139 Bhandari, Saurabh Bhangu, Bicky Bhattacharya, Avik Bhattacharya, Avik Bhesaniya, Mukeshkumar Bi, Haisheng Bilgin, Berker Bindel, Axel Bindner, Henrik W. Biricik, Samet Bjorkman, Mats Bjorkman, Mats Blaabjerg, Frede Blaabjerg, Frede Blaabjerg, Frede Blaabjerg, Frede Blahnik, Vojtech Blanchette, Handy Fortin Blanes, Jose M. Blasco-Gimenez, Ramon Blasco-Gimenez, Ramon Blasco-Gimenez, Ramon Blochle, Max Bo, Liang Boglietti, Aldo Boglietti, Aldo Bogosyan, Seta Boiko, Igor Boiko, Igor Bojarski, Mariusz Bojoi, Radu Bojoi, Radu Bonfe', Marcello Bono-Nuez, Antonio Boroyevich, Dushan Boscaino, Valeria Boscaino, Valeria Botzheim, Janos Bouamama, Belkacem Ould Bouquain, David Bourgeot, Jean-Matthieu Bournat, Marc Boz, Talha Bozhko, Serhiy Bozhko, Serhiy Brahim, Lazhar Brahmendra Yadav Gorla, Naga Bramerdorfer, Gerd Branco, Carlos Gustavo C. Branco, Carlos Gustavo C. Braun, Michael Braun, Michael Breaz, Elena Bressel, Mathieu Brevet, Wouter F.M. Brice, Charles W. Brijwasi, Brijesh Brown, Michael Brugnano, Francesco Brunson, Christopher Brutto, Ottavio Lo Buccella, Concettina Buccella, Concettina Buchstaller, Dominic Bueno, Emilio Buja, Giuseppe YF-005304 YF-015296 YF-006165 YF-006203 YF-013188 YF-021997 YF-018899 YF-004553 YF-015199 YF-004367 YF-020575 YF-017574 YF-012785 YF-014621 YF-005258 YF-020389 YF-017957 YF-025348 YF-006939 YF-018635 YF-024147 YF-017329 YF-003131 YF-002682 YF-020524 YF-002437 YF-023965 YF-009164 YF-009865 YF-023701 YF-020524 YF-023345 YF-001678 YF-014559 YF-013919 YF-024791 YF-016527 YF-012106 YF-002313 YF-016136 YF-015806 YF-013528 YF-015474 YF-007951 YF-013919 YF-019895 YF-011576 YF-009571 YF-019127 YF-018589 YF-005649 YF-007781 YF-005428 YF-002313 YF-005398 YF-004847 YF-006165 YF-023744 YF-011444 YF-008834 YF-017248 YF-023884 YF-012807 YF-010561 YF-018023 YF-002216 TS-89 TS-114 TS-23 TS-31 TS-113 TS-138 TS-50 TS-141 TS-156 TS-177 TS-172 TS-172 TS-14 TS-32 TS-119 TS-146 TS-21 TS-108 TS-144 TS-32 TS-46 TS-113 TS-105 TS-1 TS-11 TS-26 TS-171 TS-81 TS-86 TS-10 TS-11 TS-68 TS-22 TS-1 TS-180 TS-69 TS-127 TS-163 TS-89 TS-107 TS-114 TS-15 TS-22 TS-122 TS-180 TS-151 TS-120 TS-68 TS-67 TS-96 TS-95 TS-132 TS-107 TS-89 TS-54 TS-32 TS-23 TS-101 TS-46 TS-11 TS-24 TS-5 TS-108 TS-118 TS-148 TS-10 Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November 13:0015:2013:2015:4015:2011:0013:5011:0014:0016:2016:2016:2010:0015:4015:2011:0013:2015:2011:0015:4010:3015:2015:2010:0010:0015:4016:2015:5013:0010:0010:0015:5013:2010:0016:2015:5009:0014:0013:0015:2015:2010:0013:2009:0016:2011:0015:2015:5013:5013:0013:0009:0015:2013:0013:5015:4013:2013:0010:3010:0013:2010:0015:2015:2011:0010:00- Room04:304 Room11:412 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room10:411 Room02:302 Room01:301 Room05:311 Room05:311 Room14:415 Room06:312 Room06:312 Room15:416 Room17:418 Room16:417 Room13:414 Room14:415 Room05:311 Room08:314 Room17:418 Room15:416 Room10:411 Room02:302 Room1+2:301 Room12:413 Room11:412 Room05:311 Room14:415 Room01:301 Room11:412 Room12:413 Room01:301 Room15:416 Room1+2:301 Room17:418 Room02:302 Room06:312 Room15:416 Room04:304 Room04:304 Room11:412 Room16:417 Room15:416 Room01:301 Room17:418 Room18:419 Room17:418 Room01:301 Room18:419 Room11:412 Room10:411 Room14:415 Room04:304 Room04:304 Room05:311 Room17:418 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room15:416 Room12:413 Room17:418 Room06:312 Room05:311 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room11:412 C 10:3010:3013:5013:0009:0013:5014:0014:0014:0015:5015:4015:4011:00- Room11:412 Room11:412 Room01:301 Room14:415 Room05:311 Room07:313 Room02:302 Room02:302 Room13:414 Room04:304 Room18:419 Room12:413 Room03:303 TS-13 TS-90 TS-131 TS-179 TS-127 TS-3 TS-27 TS-166 TS-115 TS-54 TS-35 TS-125 TS-26 TS-29 TS-161 TS-115 TS-14 TS-14 TS-14 TS-25 TS-56 TS-15 TS-66 TS-100 TS-151 TS-158 TS-45 TS-110 TS-33 TS-81 TS-11 TS-68 TS-113 TS-113 TS-5 TS-28 TS-95 TS-108 TS-4 TS-44 TS-132 TS-46 TS-132 TS-165 TS-12 TS-73 TS-89 TS-85 TS-108 TS-157 TS-112 Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November 10:0013:0009:0016:2009:0010:0015:4014:0015:2013:5010:3009:0015:4015:4014:0015:2010:0010:0010:0013:2013:5010:0013:5013:0011:0014:0010:3015:2015:4015:5010:0015:5015:2015:2010:0015:4013:0015:2010:0010:3009:0010:3009:0014:0010:0015:5013:0015:5015:2014:0015:20- Room14:415 Room05:311 Room13:414 Room16:417 Room06:312 Room04:304 Room12:413 Room18:419 Room12:413 Room05:311 Room04:304 Room04:304 Room11:412 Room14:415 Room13:414 Room12:413 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room18:419 Room07:313 Room16:417 Room17:418 Room15:416 Room18:419 Room07:313 Room14:415 Room07:313 Room18:419 Room14:415 Room12:413 Room01:301 Room10:411 Room10:411 Room06:312 Room13:414 Room10:411 Room05:311 Room05:311 Room13:414 Room14:415 Room15:416 Room14:415 Room17:418 Room13:414 Room06:312 Room04:304 Room18:419 Room05:311 Room06:312 Room09:315 YF-011088 YF-001112 YF-006246 YF-023418 YF-009067 YF-007811 YF-001511 YF-017922 YF-006645 YF-003115 YF-007706 YF-026433 YF-002437 YF-017515 YF-023396 YF-006645 YF-011274 YF-011363 YF-014257 YF-009806 YF-002844 YF-020672 YF-005355 YF-005487 YF-005444 YF-017094 YF-004618 YF-020141 YF-016241 YF-013668 YF-020524 YF-023345 YF-011584 YF-010197 YF-023884 YF-019682 YF-000132 YF-012807 YF-015075 YF-023876 YF-008214 YF-022217 YF-008214 YF-018759 YF-000477 YF-005142 YF-005304 YF-016918 YF-004561 YF-002771 YF-021741 Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November YF-000868 TS-121 Wednesday 11th of November 15:20- Room18:419 TS-42 TS-42 TS-50 TS-99 TS-126 TS-56 TS-153 TS-153 TS-161 TS-71 TS-33 TS-27 TS-139 Cai, Xu Cai, Xu Cai, Xu Cai, Xu Candela, Ignacio Cao, Yanjun Cao, Yuqing Capelli, Francesca Capolino, Gerard Cardoso, Alberto Cardoso, Antonio J. M. Carey, Howard Carpaneto, Enrico Carrasco, Juan Manuel Carretero, Claudio Carriere, Sebastien Caseiro, Luis M. A. Caseiro, Luis M. A. Caseiro, Luis M. A. Castellazzi, Alberto Castellvi, Quim Castilla, Miguel Castilla, Miguel Castilla, Miguel Castilla, Miguel Castilla, Miguel Castillo, Oscar Carranza Castillo, Paz Castro, Rafael da Silveira Cautero, Marco Cavagnino, Andrea Cavagnino, Andrea Ceballos, Salvador Ceballos, Salvador Cecati, Carlo Cecati, Carlo Cecati, Carlo Cecati, Carlo Cense, Sebastien Cerimovic, Samir Chakrabarti, Sibaprasad Chakraborty, Chandan Chakraborty, Chandan Chamorro, Harold Chan, Chok-You Chan, Hian Leng Chandar, Subash Chandra, Ambrish Chandra, Ambrish Chandra, Ambrish Chang Jr., Joao YF-006394 YF-016055 YF-022497 YF-016063 YF-002496 YF-002844 YF-002585 YF-002623 YF-023396 YF-021245 YF-017639 YF-011436 YF-006599 Caglar, Bulent Buja, Giuseppe Buja, Giuseppe Bun, Long Bunlaksananusorn, Chanin Bunnun, Pished Burdio, Jose M. Burdio, Jose M. Burdio, Jose M. Burdio, Jose M. Buscher, Martin Butcher, Mark Butt, Saif Siddique Buyukkeles, Umit 140 Chang, Xin Chang, Yau-Zen Chang, Yiran Chang, Yiran Chao, Daniel Yuh Chaoui, Hicham Charleston, Sean Charpentier, Jean-Frederic Chau, K. T. Chau, K.T Chau, K.T. Chaudhary, Sanjay Chauhan, Priyesh Che, Hang Seng Cheema, Muhammad Ali Masood Cheffena, Michael Chemali, Ephrem Chen, Baoxing Chen, Bei Chen, Ben M. Chen, Ben M. Chen, Ben M. Chen, Bing Chen, Bo-Lin Chen, Chin-Hao Chen, Huaixin Chen, Hung-Chi Chen, Junhua Chen, Kuan-Cheng Chen, Manxin Chen, Manxin Chen, Mei Chen, Qiaosong Chen, Silu Chen, Silu Chen, Wei-Peng Chen, Xi Chen, Xisong Chen, Yanfeng Chen, Yi Chen, Yin Chen, Yu-Jen Chen, Yu-Yin Chen, Zhe Chen, Zhe Chen, Zhe Chen, Zhe Chen, Zhe Chen, Zhe Chen, Zhe Chen, Zhihui Chen, Zhijie Cheng, Bo Cheng, Chun-An Cheng, Ming Cheng, Mingzhao Cheng, Peng Cheng, Siwei Cheng, Siwei Cheng, Stone Cherragui, Hamza Chhor, Johnny Chi, Hao Ran Chia, Chew Lin Chibana, Hosho Chillaron, Monica YF-006076 YF-016829 YF-006246 YF-023418 YF-014117 YF-021431 YF-010146 YF-004448 YF-014184 YF-026263 YF-005177 YF-017698 YF-021881 YF-005347 YF-023027 YF-019887 YF-014583 YF-015059 YF-004642 YF-007269 YF-003662 YF-012858 YF-000183 YF-015539 YF-011347 YF-009733 YF-000302 YF-004723 YF-011347 YF-007099 YF-006742 YF-001805 YF-000116 YF-019801 YF-012149 YF-026433 YF-007358 YF-015873 YF-007358 YF-000124 YF-010499 YF-002992 YF-012777 YF-016209 YF-014621 YF-016233 YF-002011 YF-015881 YF-005371 YF-005657 YF-001104 YF-008486 YF-012122 YF-016144 YF-004421 YF-011835 YF-002224 YF-007161 YF-012394 YF-022357 YF-008559 YF-016098 YF-016292 YF-011576 YF-004774 YF-008656 TS-146 TS-109 TS-131 TS-179 TS-33 TS-152 TS-62 TS-97 TS-6 TS-144 TS-92 TS-120 TS-29 TS-97 TS-68 TS-61 TS-19 TS-54 TS-105 TS-20 TS-76 TS-76 TS-62 TS-60 TS-137 TS-17 TS-159 TS-138 TS-137 TS-25 TS-132 TS-163 TS-58 TS-30 TS-76 TS-125 TS-25 TS-102 TS-25 TS-104 TS-6 TS-82 TS-127 TS-32 TS-32 TS-46 TS-67 TS-72 TS-152 TS-156 TS-153 TS-36 TS-40 TS-150 TS-120 TS-88 TS-68 TS-124 TS-124 TS-83 TS-62 TS-158 TS-40 TS-120 TS-37 TS-72 Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November 11:0015:2009:0016:2015:4014:0013:5013:0010:0011:0013:0015:2015:4013:0015:5013:5013:2013:5015:2013:2015:5015:5013:5013:5011:0010:0014:0011:0011:0013:2009:0014:0013:5015:4015:5009:0013:2013:0013:2015:2010:0015:5009:0015:4015:4010:3013:5015:5014:0014:0014:0010:3010:3011:0015:2013:0015:5009:0009:0015:5013:5014:0010:3015:2010:3015:50- Room13:414 Room06:312 Room13:414 Room16:417 Room18:419 Room01:301 Room13:414 Room12:413 Room07:313 Room08:314 Room07:313 Room17:418 Room14:415 Room12:413 Room01:301 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room05:311 Room02:302 Room13:414 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room13:414 Room11:412 Room01:301 Room18:419 Room08:314 Room02:302 Room01:301 Room18:419 Room14:415 Room15:416 Room09:315 Room15:416 Room09:315 Room04:304 Room18:419 Room17:418 Room18:419 Room01:301 Room07:313 Room15:416 Room06:312 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room15:416 Room18:419 Room05:311 Room01:301 Room05:311 Room02:302 Room05:311 Room09:315 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room03:303 Room01:301 Room03:303 Room03:303 Room16:417 Room13:414 Room07:313 Room09:315 Room17:418 Room06:312 Room05:311 Chillaron, Monica Chillet, Christian Chin, Hyuntai Chincholkar, Satyajit Ching, T.W. Chocron, Olivier Choi, Hyunjin Choi, Jinsung Choi, Wooyoung Chong, Shin-Horng Choo, Fook Hoong Choqueuse, Vincent Choqueuse, Vincent Chou, Po-Chien Choudhury, T. A Choudhury, T. A. Choux, Martin Chow, Mo-Yuen Chow, Mo-Yuen Chrin, Phok Christopher, Edward Chu, Mei-Tai Chua, K. T. Chugo, Diasuke Chung, Chung Choo Chung, Chung Choo Chung, Chung Choo Chung, Tsung-Yuan Chunkag, Viboon Ciabattoni, Lucio Cid, Joan Ciesla, Tomasz Cimini, Gionata Ciobotaru, Mihai Ciobotaru, Mihai Cipriani, Giovanni Cipriani, Giovanni Clare, Jon Clark, Craig Climente-Alarcon, Vicente Climente-Alarcon, Vicente Climente-Alarcon, Vicente Cobben, Sjef Colak, Kerim Colombo, Armando W. Colombo, Armando Walter Colombo, Armando Walter Colomer-Farrarons, Jordi Compadre, Marcos Concari, Carlo Concari, Carlo Concari, Carlo Cornett, Jane Corral-Hernandez, Jesus Corral-Hernandez, Jesus Cortes, Camilo Cortez, Matheus F.R. Cosic, Alija Cosic, Alija Cossale, Marco Cossale, Marco Costabeber, Alessandro Costabeber, Alessandro Cotton, James Couto, Carlos Cox, Tom YF-014036 YF-003883 YF-014311 YF-000477 YF-010499 YF-004405 YF-016101 YF-004383 YF-013641 YF-022322 YF-000779 YF-016047 YF-012351 YF-022357 YF-022942 YF-022977 YF-006629 YF-019941 YF-009121 YF-022497 YF-024198 YF-009741 YF-011541 YF-014524 YF-010669 YF-007757 YF-007749 YF-016144 YF-010545 YF-017647 YF-005592 YF-013668 YF-017647 YF-018422 YF-012181 YF-024791 YF-016527 YF-011568 YF-006939 YF-017027 YF-005207 YF-005584 YF-004359 YF-017442 YF-019267 YF-016705 YF-017108 YF-005592 YF-006939 YF-011444 YF-011339 YF-011371 YF-015059 YF-017027 YF-005207 YF-009911 YF-021741 YF-013242 YF-001481 YF-020524 YF-002437 YF-011568 YF-014591 YF-018996 YF-017817 YF-009342 TS-72 TS-11 TS-7 TS-12 TS-6 TS-76 TS-130 TS-25 TS-131 TS-170 TS-98 TS-35 TS-71 TS-83 TS-60 TS-60 TS-140 TS-15 TS-39 TS-50 TS-118 TS-88 TS-55 TS-162 TS-80 TS-103 TS-121 TS-150 TS-133 TS-35 TS-56 TS-81 TS-35 TS-84 TS-87 TS-69 TS-127 TS-13 TS-144 TS-35 TS-35 TS-171 TS-158 TS-70 TS-39 TS-39 TS-39 TS-56 TS-144 TS-46 TS-149 TS-149 TS-54 TS-35 TS-35 TS-64 TS-112 TS-18 TS-86 TS-11 TS-26 TS-13 TS-167 TS-21 TS-83 TS-6 Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November 15:5010:0010:0010:0010:0015:5009:0013:2009:0016:2013:0010:3015:5015:5013:5013:5011:0010:0010:3013:5015:2013:0013:5014:0015:5013:0015:2011:0009:0010:3013:5015:5010:3015:5013:0015:5009:0010:0011:0010:3010:3016:2014:0015:5010:3010:3010:3013:5011:0010:3011:0011:0013:5010:3010:3013:5015:2013:2013:0010:0015:4010:0016:2013:2015:5010:00- Room05:311 Room12:413 Room08:314 Room13:414 Room07:313 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room18:419 Room13:414 Room04:304 Room13:414 Room04:304 Room04:304 Room16:417 Room11:412 Room11:412 Room04:304 Room16:417 Room08:314 Room01:301 Room15:416 Room03:303 Room06:312 Room14:415 Room13:414 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room17:418 Room15:416 Room04:304 Room07:313 Room14:415 Room04:304 Room17:418 Room02:302 Room02:302 Room06:312 Room14:415 Room08:314 Room04:304 Room04:304 Room05:311 Room07:313 Room03:303 Room08:314 Room08:314 Room08:314 Room07:313 Room08:314 Room15:416 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room05:311 Room04:304 Room04:304 Room15:416 Room09:315 Room11:412 Room01:301 Room12:413 Room11:412 Room14:415 Room01:301 Room14:415 Room16:417 Room07:313 141 D TS-50 TS-40 TS-168 TS-79 TS-141 TS-159 TS-10 TS-26 TS-67 TS-21 TS-155 TS-169 TS-97 TS-86 TS-123 TS-15 TS-50 TS-120 TS-120 TS-68 TS-80 TS-23 TS-24 TS-137 TS-139 TS-56 TS-56 TS-19 TS-177 TS-77 TS-8 TS-113 TS-16 TS-46 TS-58 TS-108 TS-129 TS-26 TS-97 TS-73 TS-121 TS-155 TS-72 TS-8 TS-43 TS-69 TS-127 TS-19 TS-24 TS-140 Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November YF-022497 YF-023051 YF-021393 YF-009458 YF-010413 YF-004332 YF-025097 YF-011991 YF-004472 YF-016977 YF-023833 YF-005401 YF-002089 YF-005959 YF-021725 YF-003166 YF-022497 YF-017698 YF-025569 YF-020702 YF-012971 YF-014176 YF-009059 YF-013153 YF-017388 YF-016543 YF-005592 YF-016888 YF-009008 YF-002046 YF-016853 YF-013188 YF-006017 YF-016233 YF-000116 YF-012807 YF-005517 YF-000604 YF-004537 YF-021547 YF-007293 YF-021423 YF-018619 YF-008435 YF-002399 YF-024791 YF-016527 YF-016837 YF-022837 YF-017981 Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November YF-002348 TS-154 Thursday 12th of November TS-44 TS-45 TS-128 TS-64 TS-99 TS-158 TS-154 TS-122 TS-137 TS-39 TS-69 TS-127 TS-10 TS-70 Dagues, Bruno Dai, Qingyun Dai, Shangjian Dai, Wenbin Dai, Wenbin Dai, Xianzhong Daita, Kobayashi Dajaku, Gurakuq Dallas, Panagiotis I. Damiano, Alfonso Damiano, Alfonso Darba, Araz Darijevic, Milan Das, Soumitra Dat, Mai Tuan David, Bouquain David, Maria de Bosio, Federico de Bosio, Federico Debbou, Mustapha Debre, P. D. Debre, Prashant Debusschere, Vincent Degano, Michele Deiana, Federico Del Bianco, Lucia del Campo, F. Javier del Toro Garcia, Xavier del Toro Garcia, Xavier Demetraides, Georgios Demetriades, Georgios Demetriades, Georgios Demir, Muaz Deng, Fujin Deng, Xin Desantis, Elena Dethlefs, Tim Diab, Mohamed Diab, Mohamed Dias, Artur Diaz, Fernand Diaz, Nelson Diaz-Diaz, Irwin Dieckerhoff, Sibylle Ding, Danmei Dio, Vincenzo Di Dio, Vincenzo Di Divakarla, Kavya Prabha Do, Thanh Trung Dodds, Stephen YF-023949 YF-016497 YF-015946 YF-016764 YF-023167 YF-004359 YF-002348 YF-012513 YF-013153 YF-019267 YF-024791 YF-016527 YF-023701 YF-017442 da Silva, Leandro Dias Cruz Sanchez, Vianey Guadalupe Cruz Villar, Carlos Alberto Cueillette, Pascal Cui, Bin Cui, Bin Cuk, Vladimir Cunha, Paulo Cupertino, Francesco Cupertino, Francesco Curto, Belen Curto, Domenico Curto, Domenico Czarkowski, Dariusz Czarkowski, Dariusz Room13:414 Room14:415 Room07:313 Room15:416 Room14:415 Room07:313 Room03:303 Room01:301 Room01:301 Room08:314 Room02:302 Room06:312 Room11:412 Room03:303 13:5010:3016:2015:5011:0014:0010:0015:4013:5013:2014:0016:2013:0013:0009:0010:0013:5015:2015:2015:5015:5013:2013:2011:0011:0013:5013:5013:2016:2015:5010:0015:2010:0010:3013:5015:2009:0015:4013:0015:5015:2014:0015:5010:0010:3015:5009:0013:2013:2011:00- Room01:301 Room09:315 Room02:302 Room12:413 Room05:311 Room08:314 Room11:412 Room11:412 Room18:419 Room14:415 Room04:304 Room03:303 Room12:413 Room01:301 Room02:302 Room16:417 Room01:301 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room01:301 Room13:414 Room16:417 Room17:418 Room01:301 Room03:303 Room07:313 Room07:313 Room12:413 Room14:415 Room10:411 Room09:315 Room10:411 Room17:418 Room15:416 Room09:315 Room05:311 Room08:314 Room11:412 Room12:413 Room06:312 Room18:419 Room04:304 Room05:311 Room09:315 Room12:413 Room02:302 Room06:312 Room12:413 Room17:418 Room04:304 14:00- Room03:303 10:3010:3009:0013:5013:0014:0014:0009:0011:0010:3015:5009:0010:0015:50- E YF-013447 TS-169 Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November YF-012963 TS-6 Monday 9th of November YF-002658 TS-165 Thursday 12th of November YF-019917 TS-47 Tuesday 10th of November YF-019755 TS-84 Tuesday 10th of November YF-007293 TS-121 Wednesday 11th of November TS-22 TS-53 TS-22 TS-53 TS-104 TS-152 TS-1 TS-34 TS-34 TS-165 TS-167 TS-35 TS-13 TS-119 TS-157 TS-96 TS-2 TS-43 TS-146 TS-167 TS-15 TS-8 TS-101 TS-100 TS-148 TS-177 TS-149 TS-73 TS-21 TS-74 TS-146 TS-19 TS-120 TS-138 TS-98 TS-49 TS-80 TS-181 TS-34 TS-45 TS-65 TS-179 TS-72 TS-72 TS-54 TS-1 TS-97 TS-115 TS-43 TS-115 TS-115 TS-115 TS-123 TS-68 TS-104 TS-169 TS-84 TS-60 TS-60 Ebrahimi, Mohammad Eckert, Marcel Edalatian, AliReza Edpuganti, Amarendra Edrington, Chris YF-012017 YF-006793 YF-012017 YF-006793 YF-014443 YF-014397 YF-011622 YF-011266 YF-012866 YF-018759 YF-020788 YF-009849 YF-011088 YF-008222 YF-024708 YF-007773 YF-016659 YF-013803 YF-013412 YF-013889 YF-013021 YF-009555 YF-023744 YF-006564 YF-016586 YF-017434 YF-010723 YF-010049 YF-017957 YF-024139 YF-008915 YF-016837 YF-017825 YF-021997 YF-007803 YF-009237 YF-013765 YF-002577 YF-025232 YF-004413 YF-003859 YF-017477 YF-014036 YF-008656 YF-015059 YF-003158 YF-002801 YF-002763 YF-014435 YF-012211 YF-008796 YF-006858 YF-013404 YF-023027 YF-022373 YF-013447 YF-019755 YF-022942 YF-022977 E.Fletcher, John Doki, Kae Doki, Kae Doki, Shinji Doki, Shinji Doki, Shinji Doki, Shinji Dolezel, Ivo Dolezel, Ivo Dolezel, Ivo Dominguez-Bonilla, Camilo Donea, Marius Dong, Jingjing Dong, Peng Dong, Shuhui Dorrell, David Dorrell, David G. Dost, Philip Dost, Philip Dost, Philip Dost, Philip Dou, Xiaobo Dou, Xiao-bo Dougal, Roger Doumbia, Mamadou Lamine Dousoky, Gamal Dousoky, Gamal Dousoky, Gamal M. Dowdeswell, Barry Drabek, Pavel Drabek, Pavel Dragicevic, Tomislav Drennan, Martin Driesen, Johan Du, Chengfei Du, Dajun Du, Xue Duan, Qing Duan, Qing Dughiero, Fabrizio Dujic, Drazen Dujic, Drazen Dujic, Drazen Dunai, Larisa Dunai-Dunai, Larisa Dunham, Marc Duran, Mario Duran, Mario Duran, Mario Duran, Mario J. Duran, Mario J. Duran, Mario J. Duran, Mario J. Dutta, R. Dutta, Rukmi Dutta, Rukmi Dutta, Rukmi Dwivedi, Ankita Dzitac, Pavel Dzitac, Pavel Room15:416 Room04:304 Room15:416 Room04:304 Room01:301 Room01:301 Room1+2:301 Room03:303 Room03:303 Room17:418 Room01:301 Room04:304 Room14:415 Room16:417 Room06:312 Room11:412 Room03:303 Room12:413 Room13:414 Room01:301 Room16:417 Room09:315 Room16:417 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room14:415 Room16:417 Room06:312 Room14:415 Room07:313 Room13:414 Room12:413 Room17:418 Room02:302 Room13:414 Room18:419 Room13:414 Room18:419 Room03:303 Room14:415 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room05:311 Room05:311 Room05:311 Room1+2:301 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room02:302 Room01:301 Room01:301 Room03:303 Room17:418 Room11:412 Room11:412 10:0014:0010:3015:5015:20- Room07:313 Room17:418 Room16:417 Room17:418 Room18:419 16:20- Room03:303 13:2013:5013:2013:5015:2014:0010:0010:3010:3014:0016:2010:3010:0015:2014:0013:0010:0010:3011:0016:2010:0010:0013:0013:0011:0016:2011:0015:5013:2015:5011:0013:2015:2011:0013:0010:3015:5016:2010:3010:3013:5016:2015:5015:5013:5010:0013:0015:2010:3015:2015:2015:2009:0015:5015:2016:2015:5013:5013:50- 142 F TS-75 TS-153 TS-144 TS-120 TS-159 TS-27 TS-27 TS-22 TS-22 TS-96 TS-119 TS-24 TS-165 TS-68 TS-11 TS-48 TS-28 TS-63 TS-27 TS-27 TS-98 TS-118 TS-43 TS-138 TS-110 TS-181 TS-165 TS-62 TS-57 TS-35 TS-154 TS-154 TS-138 TS-76 TS-83 TS-141 Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November YF-009563 YF-003719 YF-026263 YF-004421 YF-004332 YF-000213 YF-000221 YF-001678 YF-012726 YF-016195 YF-002151 YF-015989 YF-019615 YF-023027 YF-003883 YF-012815 YF-023558 YF-000507 YF-000213 YF-000221 YF-007803 YF-012564 YF-002399 YF-025178 YF-015814 YF-015555 YF-019615 YF-010146 YF-019356 YF-017647 YF-023841 YF-023841 YF-005614 YF-004405 YF-017817 YF-004553 Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November YF-002798 TS-168 Thursday 12th of November TS-88 TS-28 TS-158 TS-104 TS-35 TS-86 TS-4 TS-31 TS-97 TS-97 TS-134 TS-24 TS-19 TS-19 TS-21 TS-50 TS-137 TS-129 TS-117 TS-118 TS-111 TS-154 TS-8 TS-110 TS-156 TS-167 TS-110 TS-110 Fambrini, Francisco Fan, Boran Fan, Hua Fan, Shouting Fang, Fang Fang, Yunmei Fang, Yunmei Fantuzzi, Cesare Fantuzzi, Cesare Farber, Raphael Faria da Silva, Filipe Farid, Amro Farina, Jose Farshadnia, Mohammad Fassenet, Marylin Fau, Guillaume Fayaz, Akram Fazeli, S. M. Fei, Juntao Fei, Juntao Fei, Minrui Feng, Jianyu Feng, Yong Fernandes, B. G. Fernandes, Baylon G. Fernandes, Baylon G. Fernandez-Molanes, Roberto Fernando, Jayathu Fernbach, Andreas Ferracuti, Francesco Ferrari, Giacomo Ferrarini, Luca Ferraris, Luca Ferreira, Janito Vaqueiro Ferreira, Joao C. Ferrer, Borja Ramis YF-002909 YF-012459 YF-016098 YF-022373 YF-016047 YF-009865 YF-020621 YF-000418 YF-000833 YF-004537 YF-001759 YF-017248 YF-014583 YF-016837 YF-018996 YF-018899 YF-018708 YF-009946 YF-006289 YF-010561 YF-022195 YF-020591 YF-002828 YF-007285 YF-007277 YF-005053 YF-018732 YF-018732 Fadel, Maurice Egawa, Tomohiro Eguchi, Syunsuke Einwachter, Frederik Ekanayake, Sithumini Elbouchikhi, Elhoussin Eldigair, Yousif Omer Elimban, Sumek Elserougi, Ahmed Elserougi, Ahmed Elserougi, Ahmed Elserougi, Ahmed Elsied, Moataz Emadi, Ali Emadi, Ali Emadi, Ali Emadi, Ali Emadi, Ali Emura, Yuta Endres, Stefan Engel, Markus Enmei, Tomoki Epple, Ulirch Escobar, Gerardo Escobar, Gerardo Escobar, Gerardo Esmaeilnejad, Behzad Espinosa, Eduardo Espinoza, Jose Room03:303 Room13:414 Room07:313 Room01:301 Room04:304 Room01:301 Room05:311 Room16:417 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room16:417 Room17:418 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room14:415 Room01:301 Room01:301 Room08:314 Room14:415 Room15:416 Room08:314 Room03:303 Room09:315 Room07:313 Room05:311 Room01:301 Room07:313 Room07:313 15:5014:0011:0015:2014:0015:4015:4013:2013:2013:0015:2013:2014:0015:5010:0010:3015:4013:5015:4015:4013:0015:2010:3011:0015:2016:2014:0013:5013:5010:3014:0014:0011:0015:5015:5011:00- Room08:314 Room02:302 Room08:314 Room17:418 Room08:314 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room11:412 Room16:417 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room01:301 Room12:413 Room17:418 Room13:414 Room14:415 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room13:414 Room15:416 Room12:413 Room02:302 Room07:313 Room18:419 Room17:418 Room13:414 Room08:314 Room04:304 Room03:303 Room03:303 Room02:302 Room09:315 Room16:417 Room05:311 16:20- Room02:302 13:0015:4014:0015:2010:3013:0010:0015:4013:0013:0009:0013:2013:2013:2013:2013:5011:0009:0015:2015:2015:2014:0010:0015:2014:0016:2015:2015:20- Ferrieux, Jean-Paul Fidge, Colin Filonenko, Alexander Filonenko, Alexander Filonenko, Alexander Finney, Stephen Flankl, Michael Fletcher, J. E. Fletcher, John Flieller, Damien Flikkema, Paul Flores, Jeferson Vieira Flores-Fuentes, Wendy Flores-Fuentes, Wendy Foehr, Matthias Foehr, Matthias Fois, Giuseppe Fontana, Christian Foo, Gilbert Forato, Mattia Fortin-Blanchette, Handy Forzan, Michele Forzan, Michele Fraile, Juan Carlos Franceschini, Giovanni Franchini, Fausto Franck, Christian M. Franquelo, Leopoldo G. Franquelo, Leopoldo G. Franquelo, Leopoldo G. Franzitta, Vincenzo Franzitta, Vincenzo Freijedo, Francisco Freitas, Cleiton Frey, David Frey, David Frey, L. Frick, Damian Fruhwirth, Thomas Fu, Minfan Fu, Minfan Fu, Xiaobin Fu, Yang Fuchs, Friedrich W. Fuchs, Friedrich W. Fujie, Masakatsu G. Fujii, Naotaka Fujikawa, Takuya Fujimoto, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Yasutaka Fujimoto, Yasutaka Fujimoto, Yasutaka Fujimoto, Yasutaka Fujimoto, Yasutaka Fujimoto, Yasutaka Fujisaka, Yoh-ichi Fujisaki, Yasumasa Fujisaki, Yasumasa Fujita, Toshiyuki Fujitsuna, Masami YF-014532 YF-009679 YF-012947 YF-010243 YF-018775 YF-003433 YF-003875 YF-013404 YF-023027 YF-021725 YF-023795 YF-016241 YF-001333 YF-001295 YF-000426 YF-012319 YF-017388 YF-016055 YF-008567 YF-016055 YF-015075 YF-025232 YF-016543 YF-019267 YF-011371 YF-005614 YF-016195 YF-024287 YF-026417 YF-024325 YF-024791 YF-016527 YF-025569 YF-013307 YF-014532 YF-006726 YF-002631 YF-006629 YF-019356 YF-006572 YF-008125 YF-012661 YF-002445 YF-017736 YF-016772 YF-019194 YF-011207 YF-024384 YF-021121 YF-022187 YF-023892 YF-003999 YF-012602 YF-022195 YF-003603 YF-020206 YF-020931 YF-019771 YF-020087 YF-023248 YF-018872 YF-023124 YF-020184 YF-002747 YF-024848 YF-014397 TS-45 TS-166 TS-94 TS-94 TS-94 TS-13 TS-92 TS-123 TS-68 TS-123 TS-71 TS-33 TS-44 TS-73 TS-57 TS-57 TS-139 TS-42 TS-104 TS-42 TS-4 TS-34 TS-56 TS-39 TS-149 TS-138 TS-96 TS-77 TS-85 TS-95 TS-69 TS-127 TS-120 TS-5 TS-45 TS-113 TS-65 TS-140 TS-57 TS-52 TS-87 TS-161 TS-47 TS-81 TS-181 TS-106 TS-48 TS-95 TS-29 TS-29 TS-36 TS-52 TS-93 TS-111 TS-130 TS-9 TS-20 TS-48 TS-69 TS-86 TS-93 TS-53 TS-47 TS-166 TS-70 TS-152 Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November 10:3014:0013:0013:0013:0010:0013:0009:0015:5009:0015:5015:4010:3015:5013:5013:5011:0010:3015:2010:3010:0010:3013:5010:3011:0011:0013:0015:5015:5013:0015:5009:0015:2010:0010:3015:2013:5011:0013:5013:5013:0014:0010:3015:5016:2015:2010:3013:0015:4015:4010:3013:5013:0015:2009:0010:0013:2010:3015:5013:0013:0013:5010:3014:0015:5014:00- Room14:415 Room18:419 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room14:415 Room07:313 Room02:302 Room01:301 Room02:302 Room04:304 Room18:419 Room13:414 Room06:312 Room08:314 Room08:314 Room03:303 Room11:412 Room01:301 Room11:412 Room05:311 Room03:303 Room07:313 Room08:314 Room16:417 Room02:302 Room11:412 Room10:411 Room18:419 Room10:411 Room02:302 Room06:312 Room17:418 Room06:312 Room14:415 Room10:411 Room16:417 Room04:304 Room08:314 Room03:303 Room02:302 Room13:414 Room16:417 Room14:415 Room18:419 Room03:303 Room17:418 Room10:411 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room05:311 Room03:303 Room08:314 Room08:314 Room09:315 Room10:411 Room13:414 Room17:418 Room02:302 Room01:301 Room08:314 Room04:304 Room16:417 Room18:419 Room03:303 Room01:301 143 G Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November YF-017213 YF-016934 YF-021296 YF-005339 YF-014591 YF-008834 YF-011339 YF-012513 YF-013153 YF-020729 YF-017515 YF-023779 YF-015059 YF-013218 YF-000337 YF-009849 YF-005428 YF-005959 YF-024287 YF-013498 YF-013986 YF-004499 YF-007145 YF-006637 YF-003883 YF-020672 YF-005452 YF-005355 YF-005444 YF-004618 YF-005312 YF-007706 YF-006939 YF-005606 YF-008109 YF-017388 YF-009342 YF-006491 YF-012971 YF-007811 YF-010944 YF-011592 YF-022233 YF-010472 YF-009768 YF-004472 YF-004502 YF-017027 YF-000426 YF-009342 TS-152 TS-70 TS-107 TS-114 TS-167 TS-11 TS-149 TS-122 TS-137 TS-125 TS-29 TS-154 TS-54 TS-180 TS-100 TS-35 TS-107 TS-86 TS-77 TS-145 TS-131 TS-151 TS-119 TS-132 TS-11 TS-15 TS-65 TS-66 TS-151 TS-45 TS-8 TS-35 TS-144 TS-2 TS-6 TS-139 TS-6 TS-63 TS-80 TS-3 TS-19 TS-119 TS-156 TS-169 TS-17 TS-67 TS-163 TS-35 TS-57 TS-6 YF-017434 TS-177 Thursday 12th of November Gabbi, Thieli Smidt Gaggatur, Javed S Gaillard, Arnaud Gajanayake, Chandana Jayampathi Galassini, Alessandro Galea, Michael Galea, Michael Galea, Mikiel Galea, Mikiel Galkin, Ilya Galvan, Eduardo Gan, Oon Peen Gan, Yuan Gao, Congzhe Gao, Dawei Gao, Diju Gao, Fei Gao, Hang Gao, Huijun Gao, Huijun Gao, Tiefeng Gao, Tiefeng Gao, Xiaolu Gao, Xiaolu Garbuio, Lauric Garcia de Vicuna, Jose Luis Garcia de Vicuna, Luis Garcia de Vicuna, Luis Garcia de Vicuna, Luis Garcia Ortega, Victor Hugo Garcia, Cristian Garcia-Hernandez, Raul Garrigos, Ausias Gascher, Alain Gascher, Alain Gatto, Gianluca Gaurang, Vakil Gautam, Shivam Prakash Gawande, S. P. Ge, Weimin Geng, Hua Geng, Hua Geng, Hua Geng, Weiwei Geng, Yuyu Genikomsakis, Konstantinos N. Genikomsakis, Konstantinos N. Georgoulas, George Gepp, Michael Gerada, Chris YF-011827 TS-30 Monday 9th of November YF-012602 TS-93 Wednesday 11th of November YF-009547 TS-158 Thursday 12th of November YF-011827 TS-30 Monday 9th of November YF-001473 TS-103 Wednesday 11th of November YF-011762 TS-94 Wednesday 11th of November YF-020486 TS-64 Tuesday 10th of November YF-021032 TS-91 Wednesday 11th of November YF-022306 TS-122 Thursday 12th of November YF-002739 TS-38 Tuesday 10th of November YF-012017 TS-22 Monday 9th of November YF-000051 TS-80 Tuesday 10th of November YF-002941 TS-12 Monday 9th of November YF-020486 TS-64 Tuesday 10th of November Gaafar, Mahmoud A. Fujiwara, Takafumi Fukagawa, Satoshi Fukuda, Hirotaka Fukuda, Toshio Fukuda, Toshio Fukumi, Minoru Fukumoto, Hisao Fukuzawa, Kazuyoshi Fumagalli, Marco Antonio Funabiki, Shigeyuki Funabora, Yuki Funato, Hirohito Furukawa, Koichi Furukawa, Tatsuya Room15:416 Room08:314 Room07:313 Room15:416 Room18:419 Room09:315 Room15:416 Room06:312 Room01:301 Room07:313 Room15:416 Room13:414 Room13:414 Room15:416 14:0015:5015:2015:2016:2010:0011:0009:0011:0009:0015:4014:0013:5016:2013:0010:3015:2013:0015:5011:0009:0011:0015:2009:0010:0010:0013:5013:5011:0010:3010:0010:3011:0010:0010:0011:0010:0013:5015:5010:0013:2015:2014:0016:2010:0013:5014:0010:3013:5010:00- Room01:301 Room03:303 Room04:304 Room11:412 Room01:301 Room12:413 Room16:417 Room01:301 Room01:301 Room04:304 Room14:415 Room03:303 Room05:311 Room17:418 Room15:416 Room04:304 Room04:304 Room01:301 Room10:411 Room09:315 Room13:414 Room18:419 Room16:417 Room14:415 Room12:413 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room17:418 Room18:419 Room14:415 Room09:315 Room04:304 Room08:314 Room03:303 Room07:313 Room03:303 Room07:313 Room14:415 Room13:414 Room04:304 Room12:413 Room16:417 Room05:311 Room03:303 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room15:416 Room04:304 Room08:314 Room07:313 16:20- Room14:415 15:4013:0014:0015:4013:0013:0013:5013:0009:0010:3013:2015:5010:0013:50- Gerada, Chris Gerada, Chris Gerada, Chris Gerada, Chris Gerada, Christopher Gerada, Christopher Gerada, Christopher Geramifard, Omid Gerhard, Zucker Gerling, Dieter Gerling, Dieter Gerling, Dieter Gerling, Dieter Gerling, Dieter Ghaderi, Ahmad Ghaderi, Ahmad Ghorbani, Morteza Giacometto, Francisco Giacometto, Francisco Giangrande, Paolo Giannoccaro, Nicola Ivan Giaouris, Damian Gibeau, John Gidlund, Mikael Gil, Paulo Giovanelli, Christian Giri, Santu Kr. Gitau, Michael Giurgea, Stephan Giustiniani, Alessandro Gladwin, Daniel T Gladwin, Daniel. T Godo, Sachio Godoy, Emmanuel Gofuku, Akio Gohil, Ghanshyamsinh Golubovic, Edin Gomi, Reona Gommeringer, Mario Gommeringer, Mario Gonnet, Luc Gonzalez, Ruben Ortega Gonzalez-Navarro, Felix F. Gonzalez-Prieto, Ignacio Gonzalez-Prieto, Ignacio Gonzalez-Prieto, Ignacio Gonzalez-Prieto, Ignacio Goodson, Kenneth Goodwin, Graham Goto, Hiroki Goto, Satoru Goto, Yuichi Goto, Yuichi Goud, P. Chinna D. Graells, Moises Graus, Johannes Green, Timothy Gregoire, Luc-Andre Griffo, Antonio Grisostomi, Massimo Grobler, Inus Grossmann, Benjamin Gruber, Patrick Grundling, Hilton Gruner, Sten Gu, Binshi YF-001589 YF-007951 YF-011339 YF-014591 YF-008834 YF-012513 YF-013153 YF-001775 YF-018481 YF-011991 YF-002178 YF-016152 YF-006408 YF-020788 YF-016349 YF-012963 YF-015997 YF-024031 YF-017922 YF-008834 YF-026484 YF-002984 YF-019941 YF-020575 YF-003115 YF-010219 YF-008214 YF-010758 YF-008559 YF-017639 YF-014281 YF-015695 YF-011479 YF-015938 YF-002135 YF-018422 YF-009113 YF-016284 YF-005649 YF-007781 YF-014532 YF-004618 YF-001295 YF-002763 YF-012211 YF-008796 YF-006858 YF-015059 YF-024805 YF-024821 YF-020516 YF-021121 YF-022187 YF-015709 YF-017698 YF-012998 YF-008311 YF-025348 YF-012548 YF-017647 YF-010758 YF-016861 YF-007897 YF-017213 YF-020591 YF-013765 TS-104 TS-122 TS-149 TS-167 TS-11 TS-122 TS-137 TS-89 TS-105 TS-26 TS-26 TS-122 TS-123 TS-167 TS-2 TS-6 TS-44 TS-53 TS-166 TS-11 TS-103 TS-43 TS-15 TS-172 TS-54 TS-87 TS-132 TS-14 TS-62 TS-33 TS-17 TS-52 TS-40 TS-87 TS-162 TS-84 TS-46 TS-112 TS-95 TS-132 TS-45 TS-45 TS-73 TS-115 TS-115 TS-115 TS-115 TS-54 TS-107 TS-124 TS-162 TS-29 TS-29 TS-38 TS-120 TS-152 TS-24 TS-108 TS-114 TS-35 TS-14 TS-22 TS-93 TS-152 TS-154 TS-80 Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November 15:2009:0011:0016:2010:0009:0011:0013:0015:2015:4015:4009:0009:0016:2010:0010:0010:3013:5014:0010:0013:0010:3010:0016:2013:5013:0009:0010:0013:5015:4010:0013:5010:3013:0014:0015:5010:3015:2013:0009:0010:3010:3015:5015:2015:2015:2015:2013:5015:2009:0014:0015:4015:4010:3015:2014:0013:2015:2015:2010:3010:0013:2013:0014:0014:0015:50- Room01:301 Room01:301 Room16:417 Room01:301 Room12:413 Room01:301 Room01:301 Room04:304 Room02:302 Room11:412 Room11:412 Room01:301 Room02:302 Room01:301 Room03:303 Room07:313 Room13:414 Room04:304 Room18:419 Room12:413 Room18:419 Room12:413 Room16:417 Room06:312 Room05:311 Room02:302 Room14:415 Room15:416 Room13:414 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room03:303 Room09:315 Room02:302 Room14:415 Room17:418 Room15:416 Room09:315 Room10:411 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room06:312 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room05:311 Room04:304 Room03:303 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room07:313 Room17:418 Room01:301 Room17:418 Room05:311 Room11:412 Room04:304 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room08:314 Room01:301 Room03:303 Room13:414 144 H TS-144 TS-40 TS-105 TS-105 TS-165 TS-3 TS-3 TS-105 TS-2 TS-5 TS-153 TS-153 TS-104 Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November YF-007307 YF-011479 YF-018481 YF-003131 YF-002658 YF-003964 YF-003557 YF-003131 YF-014222 YF-003565 YF-008346 YF-008362 YF-003581 Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November YF-017795 TS-155 Thursday 12th of November TS-181 TS-24 TS-168 TS-2 TS-118 TS-107 TS-81 TS-24 TS-62 TS-120 TS-120 TS-146 TS-155 TS-118 TS-118 TS-172 TS-118 TS-120 TS-80 TS-96 TS-165 TS-40 TS-52 TS-18 TS-133 TS-24 TS-89 TS-29 TS-114 TS-114 TS-4 TS-38 TS-99 TS-63 TS-22 TS-62 TS-144 TS-40 TS-97 TS-115 TS-63 TS-46 TS-133 TS-115 TS-115 TS-15 TS-65 TS-66 TS-100 TS-151 TS-35 Ha, Dong Sam Haase, Jan Haase, Jan Haase, Jan Haase, Jan Habib, Maki Habib, Maki K. Habib, Usman Hably, Ahmad Haddad, Mohamed Haffner, Sergio Haffner, Sergio Haga, Hitoshi YF-002577 YF-017248 YF-021393 YF-023329 YF-014745 YF-002704 YF-017736 YF-008311 YF-024074 YF-017698 YF-024856 YF-008915 YF-021423 YF-003352 YF-003379 YF-000523 YF-014745 YF-025569 YF-010669 YF-016195 YF-018759 YF-009024 YF-003999 YF-012327 YF-006319 YF-008311 YF-005304 YF-021881 YF-015296 YF-005339 YF-021539 YF-015709 YF-012629 YF-006491 YF-015474 YF-010146 YF-006939 YF-009024 YF-002801 YF-008796 YF-018341 YF-004545 YF-004677 YF-012211 YF-008796 YF-020672 YF-005452 YF-005355 YF-005487 YF-005444 YF-007706 Ha, Dong Gu, Binshi Gualous, Hamid Guan, Minjun Guan, Xinping Guan, Yajuan Guanglai, Tian Guenter, Sandro Guerrero, Josep Guerrero, Josep Guerrero, Josep Guerrero, Josep Guerrero, Josep Guerrero, Josep Guerrero, Josep M. Guerrero, Josep M. Guerrero, Josep M. Guerrero, Josep Maria Guerrero, Josep Maria Gui, Yonghao Guillod, Thomas Guiterrez, Alonso Guness, Mesut Gunji, Daisuke Guo, Lei Guo, Qian Guo, Xiaobin Gupta, Amit Gupta, Amit Kumar Gupta, Amit Kumar Gupta, Amit Kumar Gupta, Rajesh Gupta, Rajesh Gupta, Rajesh Gupta, Shubhrata Gurel, Cetin Gurusinghe, Nicoloy Gutierrez, Roberto Gutierrez-Reina, Daniel Gutierrez-Reina, Daniel Gutierrez-Reina, Daniel Guzman, Gerardo Guzman, Gerardo Vazquez Guzman, Gerardo Vazquez Guzman, Hugo Guzman, Hugo Guzman, Ramon Guzman, Ramon Guzman, Ramon Guzman, Ramon Guzman, Ramon Gyftakis, Konstantinos N. Room18:419 Room17:418 Room02:302 Room03:303 Room15:416 Room04:304 Room14:415 Room17:418 Room13:414 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room13:414 Room04:304 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room06:312 Room15:416 Room17:418 Room13:414 Room11:412 Room17:418 Room09:315 Room03:303 Room11:412 Room15:416 Room17:418 Room04:304 Room14:415 Room11:412 Room11:412 Room05:311 Room07:313 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room15:416 Room13:414 Room08:314 Room09:315 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room14:415 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room17:418 Room15:416 Room18:419 Room04:304 11:0010:3015:2015:2014:0010:0010:0015:2010:0010:0014:0014:0015:20- Room08:314 Room09:315 Room02:302 Room02:302 Room17:418 Room04:304 Room04:304 Room02:302 Room03:303 Room06:312 Room02:302 Room02:302 Room01:301 14:00- Room04:304 16:2013:2016:2010:0015:2015:2015:5013:2013:5015:2015:2011:0014:0015:2015:2016:2015:2015:2015:5013:0014:0010:3013:5013:2009:0013:2013:0015:4015:2015:2010:0010:3013:0013:5013:2013:5011:0010:3013:0015:2013:5010:3009:0015:2015:2010:0013:5013:5013:0011:0010:30- Haga, Hitoshi Haga, Hitoshi Hage Ali, Ali Al Haghnazari, Saeed Haghnazari, Saeed Hagiwara, Yoshinobu Hahn, Ingo Hahn, Ingo Hajjaji, Ahmed El Hajjaji, Ahmed El Haller, Stefan Hamache, Djawad Hamadi, Abdelhamid Hamadi, Abdelhamid Hamalainen, Timo D. Hamar, Roman Hamar, Roman Hamasaki, Shin-ichi Hamasaki, Shin-ichi Hamasaki, Shin-ichi Hamatani, Sakurako Hameyer, Kay Hamiti, Tahar Hamza, Kerbouai Han, Daniel Daeick Han, Di Han, Jingang Han, Jingang Han, Minxiao Han, Qing-Long Han, Qing-Long Han, Qing-Long Han, Shouyi Han, Xue Hanamoto, Tsuyoshi Hanamoto, Tsuyoshi Hanamoto, Tsuyoshi Hanaoka, Ryo Hancke, Gerhard Hancke, Gerhard P. Hanyu, Takahiro Haraguchi, Kentaro Hariya, Akinori Harnefors, Lennart Harribey, Dominique Harrison, Robert Harrison, Robert Harrison, Robert Harrye, Yasen Haruna, Junnosuke Hasegawa, Masaru Hasegawa, Masaru Hasegawa, Yasuhisa Hasegawa, Yasuhisa Hashimoto, Hideki Hashimoto, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Kohjiro Hata, Katsuhiro Hayashi, Shohei Hazarul Azmeer bin Ab, Muhammad He, Dawei He, Lenian He, Wangli He, Zhichao Heckel, T. YF-020109 YF-020117 YF-010561 YF-000272 YF-001457 YF-006254 YF-013072 YF-012998 YF-011304 YF-003891 YF-002224 YF-023558 YF-001902 YF-003565 YF-012505 YF-011266 YF-012866 YF-012459 YF-009504 YF-009547 YF-009962 YF-002267 YF-007951 YF-003166 YF-007307 YF-013641 YF-009849 YF-009857 YF-006076 YF-020168 YF-004936 YF-021857 YF-021393 YF-015199 YF-008451 YF-020222 YF-007048 YF-010286 YF-012122 YF-018937 YF-014648 YF-014249 YF-022527 YF-017752 YF-002798 YF-019267 YF-004553 YF-024813 YF-014303 YF-000051 YF-002674 YF-014443 YF-011827 YF-001473 YF-024376 YF-022446 YF-014524 YF-006793 YF-023507 YF-003557 YF-004898 YF-026433 YF-012564 YF-010162 YF-010944 YF-002631 TS-108 TS-168 TS-118 TS-96 TS-113 TS-7 TS-11 TS-152 TS-29 TS-181 TS-68 TS-28 TS-5 TS-5 TS-165 TS-34 TS-34 TS-28 TS-158 TS-158 TS-30 TS-18 TS-122 TS-15 TS-144 TS-131 TS-35 TS-43 TS-146 TS-37 TS-98 TS-116 TS-168 TS-156 TS-48 TS-134 TS-149 TS-164 TS-40 TS-1 TS-165 TS-20 TS-99 TS-131 TS-168 TS-39 TS-141 TS-154 TS-99 TS-80 TS-82 TS-104 TS-30 TS-103 TS-70 TS-94 TS-162 TS-53 TS-41 TS-3 TS-25 TS-125 TS-118 TS-116 TS-19 TS-65 Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November 15:2016:2015:2013:0015:2010:0010:0014:0015:4016:2015:5015:4010:0010:0014:0010:3010:3015:4014:0014:0015:4013:2009:0010:0011:0009:0010:3010:3011:0010:3013:0015:2016:2014:0010:3009:0011:0014:0010:3010:0014:0013:2013:0009:0016:2010:3011:0014:0013:0015:5015:5015:2015:4013:0015:5013:0014:0013:5010:3010:0013:2009:0015:2015:2013:2013:50- Room05:311 Room02:302 Room15:416 Room11:412 Room10:411 Room08:314 Room12:413 Room01:301 Room14:415 Room18:419 Room01:301 Room13:414 Room06:312 Room06:312 Room17:418 Room03:303 Room03:303 Room13:414 Room07:313 Room07:313 Room15:416 Room11:412 Room01:301 Room16:417 Room08:314 Room13:414 Room04:304 Room12:413 Room13:414 Room06:312 Room13:414 Room13:414 Room02:302 Room05:311 Room17:418 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room09:315 Room1+2:301 Room17:418 Room13:414 Room14:415 Room13:414 Room02:302 Room08:314 Room05:311 Room03:303 Room14:415 Room13:414 Room15:416 Room01:301 Room15:416 Room18:419 Room03:303 Room09:315 Room14:415 Room04:304 Room10:411 Room04:304 Room18:419 Room04:304 Room15:416 Room13:414 Room12:413 Room16:417 145 Hein, Daniel Hentschel, Frank Hercog, Darko Hernandez, Claudia Hernandez, Claudia Hernandez, Danilo Caceres Hernandez, Danilo Caceres Hernandez-Aguirre, Arturo Hernandez-Balbuena, Daniel Hernandez-Balbuena, Daniel Herrera, Danilo Herrera-Guzman, Rafael Hess, Herbert Hew, W. P. Hew, Wooi Ping Hidaka, Koichi Hikihara, Takashi Hikihara, Takashi Hilairet, Mickael Hilairet, Mickael Hirai, Hiroaki Hirakawa, Tomohiro Hiramatsu, Daisuke Hirase, Yuko Hiruma, Nobuhiko Hissel, Daniel Hissel, Daniel Hitoshi, Haga Ho, Carl N.M. Ho, Kuan-Sheng Hoa, Truong Phuoc Hoffmann, Nils Hofmann, Wilfried Hofmann, Wilfried Hogstad, Bjorn Olav Honda, Hideki Honjo, Ryutaro Hori, Noriyuki Hori, Yoichi Hori, Yoichi Hori, Yoichi Hori, Yoichi Hori, Yoichi Hosani, Khalifa Al Hoseinzadeh, Bakhtyar Hoshino, Kenta Hosokawa, Shu Hosoki, Ryuga Hou, Peng Housseini, Boubacar Hovland, Geir Howey, Brock Hredzak, Branislav Hredzak, Branislav Hsu, Jing-Wei Hsu, Li-Yuan Hsu, Ming-Hsi Hu, Jian Hu, Jian Hu, Ming-qiang Hu, Minqiang Hu, Rui Hu, Rui Hu, Weihao Hu, Weihao Hu, Weihao YF-011843 YF-006408 YF-007455 YF-006092 YF-006084 YF-012947 YF-018775 YF-021792 YF-001333 YF-001295 YF-017515 YF-021792 YF-016799 YF-000507 YF-005347 YF-019232 YF-020184 YF-006262 YF-008559 YF-002313 YF-020281 YF-011975 YF-019607 YF-000256 YF-023124 YF-002313 YF-021296 YF-009482 YF-007285 YF-010936 YF-021725 YF-016772 YF-011169 YF-006823 YF-019887 YF-024694 YF-023299 YF-001767 YF-022462 YF-025097 YF-021377 YF-023507 YF-022195 YF-015067 YF-002151 YF-014095 YF-009474 YF-002712 YF-002011 YF-025283 YF-006629 YF-014583 YF-002305 YF-010278 YF-001341 YF-008087 YF-016829 YF-006319 YF-010448 YF-009555 YF-013021 YF-016209 YF-015881 YF-016209 YF-002011 YF-015881 TS-141 TS-123 TS-39 TS-127 TS-157 TS-94 TS-94 TS-163 TS-44 TS-73 TS-29 TS-163 TS-1 TS-63 TS-97 TS-109 TS-47 TS-82 TS-62 TS-89 TS-106 TS-126 TS-164 TS-92 TS-53 TS-89 TS-107 TS-152 TS-110 TS-135 TS-123 TS-181 TS-119 TS-123 TS-61 TS-33 TS-170 TS-11 TS-10 TS-10 TS-10 TS-41 TS-111 TS-77 TS-119 TS-102 TS-116 TS-147 TS-67 TS-85 TS-140 TS-19 TS-81 TS-157 TS-169 TS-158 TS-109 TS-133 TS-146 TS-8 TS-15 TS-32 TS-72 TS-32 TS-67 TS-72 Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November 11:0009:0010:3009:0014:0013:0013:0014:0010:3015:5015:4014:0010:0013:5013:0015:2010:3015:5013:5013:0015:2009:0014:0013:0013:5013:0015:2014:0015:2009:0009:0016:2015:2009:0013:5015:4016:2010:0010:0010:0010:0010:3015:2015:5015:2013:0015:2011:0013:5015:5011:0013:2015:5014:0016:2014:0015:2009:0011:0010:0010:0015:4015:5015:4013:5015:50- Room05:311 Room02:302 Room08:314 Room06:312 Room06:312 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room15:416 Room13:414 Room06:312 Room14:415 Room15:416 Room1+2:301 Room14:415 Room12:413 Room06:312 Room16:417 Room15:416 Room13:414 Room04:304 Room03:303 Room05:311 Room16:417 Room07:313 Room04:304 Room04:304 Room04:304 Room01:301 Room07:313 Room17:418 Room02:302 Room18:419 Room16:417 Room02:302 Room12:413 Room18:419 Room04:304 Room12:413 Room11:412 Room11:412 Room11:412 Room10:411 Room08:314 Room10:411 Room16:417 Room17:418 Room13:414 Room14:415 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room04:304 Room12:413 Room14:415 Room06:312 Room03:303 Room07:313 Room06:312 Room15:416 Room13:414 Room09:315 Room16:417 Room17:418 Room05:311 Room17:418 Room18:419 Room05:311 I YF-022942 YF-022977 YF-014532 YF-006726 YF-020664 YF-011827 YF-011312 YF-024821 YF-003794 YF-022039 YF-021849 YF-017523 YF-016713 YF-008451 YF-021121 YF-023337 YF-002739 YF-013293 YF-021806 YF-015504 YF-013935 YF-007439 YF-022462 YF-025097 YF-021377 YF-023507 YF-003999 YF-014362 YF-010588 YF-021806 YF-020532 YF-024384 YF-003603 YF-004472 Ibrahim, M. Yousef Ibrahim, Mahmoud Ibrahim, Mahmoud Ibrahim, Shibal Ichikawa, Akihiko Ichikawa, Norimitsu Ichinokura, Osamu Ide, Yuji Idris, Nik Rumzi Nik Idris, Nik Rumzi Nik Igarashi, Hiroshi Iijima, Ryuji Ikeda, Hidehiro Ikezawa, Yuta Ikoma, Hirofumi Imai, Jun Imai, Ryusuke Imamura, Hiroya Imamura, Takashi Imanishi, Tomoya Imazawa, Takanori Imura, Takehiro Imura, Takehiro Imura, Takehiro Imura, Takehiro Imura, Takehiro Inagaki, Shinkichi Inagaki, Toshiyuki Inose, Hiroki Inoue, Kaoru Inubushi, Keiji Inukai, Kenji Ioakimidis, Christos S. YF-003298 YF-007099 YF-016233 YF-011665 YF-002267 YF-005789 YF-012173 YF-003026 YF-011347 YF-001473 YF-007145 YF-004693 YF-017299 YF-023779 YF-012149 YF-006785 YF-011029 YF-001007 YF-018627 YF-018651 YF-020389 YF-002968 YF-015539 YF-007749 YF-023779 YF-000965 YF-000914 YF-000922 YF-000957 YF-007307 YF-017795 Ibrahim, M Yousef Hu, Yafei Hu, Yafei Hu, Yanting Hu, Yuchao Hu, Zheng Huang, Alex Huang, Chao-Wen Huang, Jing-jing Huang, Ming-Shi Huang, Qiang Huang, Qingjun Huang, Qixin Huang, Sean A. Huang, Sheng Huang, Sunan Huang, Ying-Chi Huangfu, Yigeng Huangfu, Yigeng Hung, John Y. Hung, John Y. Husev, Oleksandr Hussain, Jakeer Hwang, Chih-Lyang Hwang, Hyunmin Hwang, Zi Qin Hwu, K. I. Hwu, K. I. Hwu, K. I. Hwu, K. I. Hyun, Ji Hoon Hyun, Ji Hoon Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November TS-60 TS-45 TS-113 TS-140 TS-30 TS-61 TS-124 TS-93 TS-19 TS-50 TS-91 TS-65 TS-48 TS-29 TS-30 TS-38 TS-37 TS-164 TS-59 TS-79 TS-135 TS-10 TS-10 TS-10 TS-41 TS-52 TS-102 TS-7 TS-164 TS-50 TS-95 TS-130 TS-67 Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November TS-60 Tuesday 10th of November TS-12 TS-25 TS-46 TS-76 TS-18 TS-79 TS-159 TS-177 TS-137 TS-103 TS-119 TS-31 TS-62 TS-154 TS-76 TS-174 TS-21 TS-107 TS-58 TS-58 TS-146 TS-23 TS-60 TS-121 TS-154 TS-45 TS-100 TS-100 TS-151 TS-144 TS-155 Room13:414 Room18:419 Room15:416 Room09:315 Room11:412 Room12:413 Room08:314 Room14:415 Room01:301 Room18:419 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room13:414 Room03:303 Room09:315 Room08:314 Room14:415 Room04:304 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room13:414 Room16:417 Room11:412 Room18:419 Room03:303 Room14:415 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room18:419 Room08:314 Room04:304 13:5010:3015:2011:0015:4013:5009:0013:0013:2013:5013:0013:5010:3015:4015:4010:3010:3014:0013:5015:5009:0010:0010:0010:0010:3013:5013:0010:0014:0013:5013:0009:0013:50- Room11:412 Room14:415 Room10:411 Room04:304 Room15:416 Room12:413 Room03:303 Room08:314 Room12:413 Room01:301 Room06:312 Room16:417 Room17:418 Room14:415 Room15:416 Room07:313 Room06:312 Room16:417 Room10:411 Room12:413 Room17:418 Room11:412 Room11:412 Room11:412 Room10:411 Room03:303 Room17:418 Room08:314 Room16:417 Room01:301 Room10:411 Room09:315 Room18:419 13:50- Room11:412 10:0013:2010:3015:5013:2015:5014:0016:2011:0013:0015:2015:4013:5014:0015:5016:2013:2015:2013:5013:5011:0013:2013:5015:2014:0010:3013:0013:0011:0011:0014:00- 146 J YF-005622 YF-024708 YF-002771 YF-002771 YF-019062 YF-010154 YF-011509 YF-011886 YF-020028 YF-017728 YF-010294 YF-013501 YF-011568 YF-012203 YF-003115 YF-001902 YF-003859 YF-003182 YF-001635 YF-005339 Jafari, Mohammad Jain, Anubhav Jain, Chinmay Jain, Praveen Jain, Praveen Jain, Sachin Jain, Sachin Jalal, Muhammad Fairuz Abdul Janabi, Ameer Jang, Minsoo Janik, Dusan Jankovic, Marija Jansri, Anurak Januario, Fabio Javadi, Alireza Javaid, Uzair Jayabal, Devishree Jayampathi, Chandana Jet, Tseng King YF-004502 YF-003298 YF-006742 YF-017647 YF-014745 YF-019895 YF-019542 YF-012114 YF-000256 YF-024384 YF-006254 YF-010626 YF-011282 YF-009628 YF-008745 YF-013099 YF-013625 YF-012602 YF-010979 YF-009261 YF-009709 YF-022527 YF-004847 YF-012718 YF-013943 YF-016713 YF-007439 YF-021032 YF-004693 YF-002534 YF-014362 YF-011762 YF-002429 YF-011762 YF-020265 YF-020486 YF-025275 YF-025356 YF-025526 YF-010588 YF-007897 YF-002844 YF-007927 YF-017833 YF-019089 Jacobsmuhlen, Joschka zur Ioakimidis, Christos S. Ioinovici, Adrian Ioinovici, Adrian Ippoliti, Gianluca Ipsen, Brian Schmidt Iqbal, Atif Iqbal, Atif Ise, Toshifumi Ise, Toshifumi Ise, Toshifumi Ishibushi, Satoshi Ishida, Muneaki Ishida, Muneaki Ishihara, Hidenori Ishihara, Hikaru Ishihara, Yuki Ishii, Shinichiro Ishii, Shinji Ishikawa, Takahiro Ishikuro, Shunsuke Ishizaki, Kosuke Ishizuka, Yoichi Islam, Md Moinul Ismail, Mohammed Ismail, Mohammed Isobe, Takanori Isobe, Takanori Itaguchi, Yoshihiro Itako, Kazutaka Ito, Akihito Ito, Akira Ito, Momoyo Ito, Norihisa Ito, Shin-ichi Ito, Tomohiro Itoh, Hideaki Itoh, Jun-ichi Itoh, Jun-ichi Itoh, Jun-ichi Itoh, Makoto Ivanov, Valentin Ivorra, Antoni Iwata, Shuhei Izadian, Afshin Izadian, Afshin Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November TS-157 TS-157 TS-157 TS-42 TS-81 TS-26 TS-42 TS-11 TS-134 TS-179 TS-148 TS-13 TS-160 TS-54 TS-5 TS-65 TS-128 TS-89 TS-114 Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November TS-20 Monday 9th of November TS-163 TS-12 TS-132 TS-35 TS-118 TS-151 TS-179 TS-80 TS-92 TS-95 TS-7 TS-85 TS-134 TS-109 TS-88 TS-3 TS-164 TS-93 TS-112 TS-109 TS-111 TS-99 TS-32 TS-20 TS-163 TS-65 TS-135 TS-91 TS-31 TS-174 TS-102 TS-94 TS-168 TS-94 TS-106 TS-64 TS-6 TS-74 TS-74 TS-7 TS-93 TS-56 TS-171 TS-92 TS-144 Room15:416 Room13:414 Room14:415 Room04:304 Room15:416 Room18:419 Room16:417 Room13:414 Room07:313 Room10:411 Room08:314 Room18:419 Room16:417 Room06:312 Room03:303 Room04:304 Room16:417 Room08:314 Room09:315 Room06:312 Room08:314 Room14:415 Room17:418 Room13:414 Room15:416 Room16:417 Room17:418 Room06:312 Room16:417 Room08:314 Room17:418 Room09:315 Room02:302 Room09:315 Room03:303 Room15:416 Room07:313 Room07:313 Room07:313 Room08:314 Room08:314 Room07:313 Room05:311 Room07:313 Room08:314 14:0014:0014:0010:3015:5015:4010:3010:0009:0016:2011:0010:0014:0013:5010:0013:5009:0013:0015:20- Room06:312 Room06:312 Room06:312 Room11:412 Room14:415 Room11:412 Room11:412 Room12:413 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room15:416 Room14:415 Room09:315 Room05:311 Room06:312 Room16:417 Room07:313 Room04:304 Room11:412 13:20- Room13:414 14:0010:0009:0010:3015:2011:0016:2015:5013:0013:0010:0015:5009:0015:2013:0010:0014:0013:0015:2015:2015:2013:0015:4013:2014:0013:5009:0013:0015:4016:2013:0013:0016:2013:0015:2013:5010:0015:5015:5010:0013:0013:5016:2013:0011:00- K YF-000132 YF-004952 YF-016934 YF-013455 YF-000132 YF-004952 YF-004847 YF-002429 YF-024619 YF-014788 YF-004898 YF-026247 YF-024376 YF-021881 YF-004391 YF-023272 YF-007781 K, Gopakumar K, Sanjeev K.Mishra, Mahesh Kaarthik, Sudharshan Kaarthik, Sudharshan Kabir, Md Nayim Kabune, Hideki Kaddah, Fouad Kaipia, Tero Kakigano, Hiroaki Kakinuma, Yasuhiro Kakinuma, Yoshinori Kamala, Srinivasa Rao Kambara, Yoshiyuki Kaminski, Marcin Kammerer, Felix YF-014508 YF-002216 YF-006785 YF-013765 YF-002577 YF-024198 YF-009237 YF-008788 YF-007161 YF-012394 YF-015989 YF-000116 YF-002143 YF-010308 YF-003735 YF-010472 YF-009393 YF-000965 YF-000914 YF-000922 YF-000957 YF-016764 YF-023167 YF-009466 YF-009873 YF-018759 YF-004006 YF-001805 YF-011452 YF-002704 YF-010243 YF-012947 YF-018775 YF-004944 YF-009342 YF-002089 YF-006645 YF-022837 YF-014508 YF-026131 YF-007021 YF-004677 YF-018341 YF-002828 YF-003131 YF-022934 YF-005223 YF-020915 K, Gopakumar Jha, Kapil Jha, Rupesh Kumar Jhuang, Kai-Ti Ji, Baojian Ji, Baojian Jia, Ke Jia, Renfeng Jia, Shaofeng Jia, Zhewu Jia, Zhewu Jiang, Bo Jiang, Dingli Jiang, Jie Jiang, Jinhai Jiang, Jun-Ying Jiang, Kui Jiang, Lin Jiang, W. Z. Jiang, W. Z. Jiang, W. Z. Jiang, W. Z. Jiang, Xiaohua Jiang, Xiaohua Jiang, Yajie Jiao, Jinghai Jimenez, Fernando Jin, Xinmin Jing, Buyun Jittakort, Jirapong Jiuli, Lu Jo, Kang-Hyun Jo, Kang-Hyun Jo, Kang-Hyun Johannesson, Niclas Johnson, Mark Jones, Martin Joorabian, Mahmood Jordan, Michael Joshi, Avinash Jou, Hsun Ju, Chengquan Juarez Balderas, Mario Alberto Juarez, Mario Juarez, Mario A. Judex, Florian Julkananusart, Arthit Jung, Kilian Jung, Seul Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November 09:0010:0016:2015:5016:2015:2010:3009:0009:0009:0013:2013:5013:0013:5009:0016:2016:2010:3013:0013:0011:0013:5013:0011:0016:2014:0011:0014:0013:5015:2013:0013:0013:0013:2010:0013:0015:2013:2009:0013:2013:0009:0013:5010:0015:2015:4013:0010:30- Room17:418 Room11:412 Room08:314 Room13:414 Room18:419 Room15:416 Room18:419 Room02:302 Room03:303 Room03:303 Room17:418 Room09:315 Room13:414 Room03:303 Room03:303 Room03:303 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room18:419 Room15:416 Room14:415 Room03:303 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room16:417 Room15:416 Room16:417 Room04:304 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room16:417 Room07:313 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room12:413 Room16:417 Room15:416 Room14:415 Room09:315 Room02:302 Room18:419 Room16:417 Room13:414 TS-95 TS-70 TS-110 TS-95 TS-95 TS-32 TS-168 TS-67 TS-135 TS-25 TS-159 TS-70 TS-29 TS-16 TS-103 TS-132 Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November 13:0015:5015:2013:0013:0015:4016:2013:5009:0013:2014:0015:5015:4010:0013:0009:00- Room10:411 Room03:303 Room07:313 Room10:411 Room10:411 Room17:418 Room02:302 Room18:419 Room17:418 Room18:419 Room08:314 Room03:303 Room14:415 Room17:418 Room18:419 Room14:415 TS-95 Wednesday 11th of November 13:00- Room10:411 TS-135 TS-10 TS-174 TS-80 TS-181 TS-118 TS-49 TS-123 TS-124 TS-124 TS-24 TS-58 TS-98 TS-52 TS-124 TS-169 TS-177 TS-45 TS-100 TS-100 TS-151 TS-64 TS-99 TS-139 TS-180 TS-165 TS-149 TS-163 TS-65 TS-107 TS-94 TS-94 TS-94 TS-23 TS-6 TS-97 TS-115 TS-24 TS-135 TS-19 TS-101 TS-133 TS-63 TS-8 TS-105 TS-33 TS-101 TS-44 147 Kampouropoulos, Konstantinos Kanaan, Hadi Kanaan, Hadi Kaneko, Hirohiko Kaneko, Shun'ichi Kaneko, Yasuyoshi Kang, Feel-soon Kang, Feel-soon Kang, Yong Kang, Yong Kang, Zibo Karampuri, Ramsha Karimadini, Mohammad Karimi, Hamid Reza Karimi, Hamid.R. Kartashov, Vladimir M. Karthikeyan, V. Karvelis, Petros Kastner, Wolfgang Kastner, Wolfgang Katagiri, Chiaki Kato, Chihiro Kato, Hiroaki Kato, Tatsuya Kato, Tomonori Kato, Toshiji Kato, Wataru Katsura, Seiichiro Katsura, Seiichiro Katsura, Seiichiro Katsura, Seiichiro Katsura, Seiichiro Katsura, Seiichiro Katsura, Seiichiro Katsura, Seiichiro Katsura, Seiichiro Katsura, Seiichiro Katsura, Seiichiro Kaushik, Rajashekara Kawabata, Junya Kawabata, Kuniaki Kawabata, Kuniaki Kawabata, Kuniaki Kawai, Naoki Kawai, Yusuke Kawakami, Hiroki Kawamura, Atsuo Kawamura, Atsuo Kawamura, Atsuo Kawamura, Marenori Kawamura, Yusuke Kawana, Hiromasa Kawano, Daisuke Kawano, Daisuke Kawanobe, Moto Kawashima, Akihiko Kawata, Yasutaka Kaynak, Okyay Kazimierczuk, Marian K. Kazimierczuk, Marian K. Kazuya, Yokoyama Keattipun, Pithuk Kelly, Wayne Kennel, Ralph Kennel, Ralph Kennel, Ralph YF-024031 YF-025348 YF-019984 YF-002496 YF-009628 YF-024848 YF-004375 YF-004383 YF-007145 YF-006637 YF-014249 YF-011509 YF-003662 YF-003948 YF-024864 YF-001295 YF-012629 YF-017027 YF-019356 YF-017655 YF-006335 YF-024848 YF-001325 YF-022659 YF-011835 YF-020532 YF-023337 YF-016756 YF-023825 YF-019534 YF-025291 YF-011207 YF-019593 YF-017272 YF-018538 YF-021032 YF-022055 YF-023299 YF-004952 YF-004103 YF-006335 YF-009628 YF-014524 YF-005134 YF-006459 YF-011517 YF-015822 YF-015954 YF-019607 YF-009261 YF-019534 YF-009997 YF-021121 YF-022187 YF-013005 YF-014362 YF-002674 YF-013595 YF-016535 YF-016454 YF-021806 YF-012203 YF-009679 YF-005371 YF-005657 YF-017604 TS-53 TS-108 TS-108 TS-126 TS-109 TS-70 TS-12 TS-25 TS-119 TS-132 TS-20 TS-26 TS-76 TS-67 TS-22 TS-73 TS-99 TS-35 TS-57 TS-105 TS-88 TS-70 TS-145 TS-174 TS-88 TS-50 TS-30 TS-9 TS-36 TS-37 TS-37 TS-48 TS-48 TS-48 TS-49 TS-91 TS-166 TS-170 TS-95 TS-161 TS-88 TS-109 TS-162 TS-66 TS-130 TS-121 TS-9 TS-159 TS-164 TS-109 TS-37 TS-160 TS-29 TS-29 TS-36 TS-102 TS-82 TS-49 TS-63 TS-83 TS-164 TS-160 TS-166 TS-152 TS-156 TS-157 Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November 13:5015:2015:2009:0015:2015:5010:0013:2015:2009:0013:2015:4015:5013:5013:2015:5013:0010:3013:5015:2013:0015:5011:0016:2013:0013:5015:4010:0010:3010:3010:3010:3010:3010:3010:3013:0014:0016:2013:0014:0013:0015:2014:0013:5009:0015:2010:0014:0014:0015:2010:3014:0015:4015:4010:3013:0015:5010:3013:5015:5014:0014:0014:0014:0014:0014:00- Room04:304 Room05:311 Room05:311 Room05:311 Room06:312 Room03:303 Room13:414 Room18:419 Room16:417 Room14:415 Room13:414 Room11:412 Room09:315 Room18:419 Room15:416 Room06:312 Room14:415 Room04:304 Room08:314 Room02:302 Room03:303 Room03:303 Room09:315 Room08:314 Room03:303 Room01:301 Room15:416 Room10:411 Room05:311 Room06:312 Room06:312 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room18:419 Room06:312 Room18:419 Room04:304 Room10:411 Room13:414 Room03:303 Room06:312 Room14:415 Room17:418 Room09:315 Room18:419 Room10:411 Room08:314 Room16:417 Room06:312 Room06:312 Room09:315 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room05:311 Room17:418 Room15:416 Room18:419 Room14:415 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room09:315 Room18:419 Room01:301 Room05:311 Room06:312 Keplinger, Franz Kerekes, Tamas Kerekes, Tamas Kerezov, Alexander Kerley, Ross Kersten, Julia Kestelyn, Xavier Kestelyn, Xavier Khadkikar, Vinod Khair Allah, Mohannad Khalid, Hassan Abdullah Khalid, Hassan Abdullah Khalil, Shady Khatir, Zoubir Khosla, Rajiv Khoury, Jawad Kianinezhad, Reza Kikugawa, Toshiki Kikutani, Isao Kilkki, Olli Kim, Chunghun Kim, H.M. Kim, Hak-Man Kim, Jin-san Kim, Jin-san Kim, Ki-du Kim, Sun-phil Kim, Taekyun Kim, Yunsik Kimmer, Thomas Kimura, Tomonori Kinjo, Shuhei Kino, Hitoshi Kino, Hitoshi Kircher, Matthias Kitamura, Akira Kitamura, Tomoya Kitsara, Maria Kittl, Burkhard Klauer, Bernd Kleszczynski, Stefan Kliesing, Nils Klusmann, Christian Knecht, Oliver Ko, King Tim Kobayashi, Daita Kobayashi, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Yasuyuki Kobayashi, Yo Kobayashi, Yoshinori Koga, Ayame Koga, Minoru Koh, Kim-Ean Koiwa, Yuichiro Koizumi, Hirotaka Koizumi, Hirotaka Koizumi, Hirotaka Koizumi, Hirotaka Kolar, Johann W. Kolar, Johann W. Kolar, Johann W. Kolli, Abdelfatah Komurcugil, Hasan Komurcugil, Hasan Kondo, Keiichiro Kondo, Takeshi YF-023876 YF-018422 YF-004006 YF-018147 YF-017795 YF-014931 YF-002763 YF-012211 YF-015148 YF-016799 YF-023884 YF-012807 YF-025623 YF-021296 YF-009741 YF-003905 YF-006645 YF-020516 YF-021806 YF-010219 YF-010669 YF-008796 YF-014435 YF-004375 YF-004383 YF-004383 YF-004375 YF-010294 YF-007757 YF-002623 YF-007439 YF-002712 YF-005061 YF-016357 YF-017108 YF-009687 YF-010898 YF-005592 YF-019356 YF-002658 YF-005622 YF-016705 YF-011991 YF-023574 YF-016292 YF-021377 YF-016861 YF-004103 YF-019194 YF-020516 YF-014249 YF-011118 YF-025097 YF-006777 YF-002941 YF-005134 YF-013315 YF-002712 YF-023574 YF-003875 YF-016195 YF-021296 YF-017442 YF-004367 YF-016187 YF-007366 TS-44 TS-84 TS-149 TS-54 TS-155 TS-49 TS-115 TS-115 TS-5 TS-1 TS-5 TS-108 TS-96 TS-107 TS-88 TS-47 TS-115 TS-162 TS-164 TS-87 TS-80 TS-115 TS-43 TS-12 TS-25 TS-25 TS-12 TS-179 TS-103 TS-153 TS-135 TS-147 TS-88 TS-106 TS-39 TS-31 TS-16 TS-56 TS-57 TS-165 TS-20 TS-39 TS-26 TS-56 TS-40 TS-10 TS-22 TS-161 TS-106 TS-162 TS-20 TS-69 TS-10 TS-166 TS-12 TS-66 TS-84 TS-147 TS-56 TS-92 TS-96 TS-107 TS-70 TS-177 TS-117 TS-26 Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November 10:3015:5011:0013:5014:0010:3015:2015:2010:0010:0010:0015:2013:0015:2013:0010:3015:2014:0014:0013:0015:5015:2010:3010:0013:2013:2010:0016:2013:0014:0009:0011:0013:0015:2010:3015:4010:0013:5013:5014:0013:2010:3015:4013:5010:3010:0013:2014:0015:2014:0013:2015:5010:0014:0010:0013:5015:5011:0013:5013:0013:0015:2015:5016:2015:2015:40- Room13:414 Room17:418 Room16:417 Room05:311 Room04:304 Room18:419 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room06:312 Room1+2:301 Room06:312 Room05:311 Room11:412 Room04:304 Room03:303 Room16:417 Room12:413 Room14:415 Room16:417 Room02:302 Room13:414 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room13:414 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room13:414 Room16:417 Room18:419 Room02:302 Room17:418 Room14:415 Room03:303 Room03:303 Room08:314 Room16:417 Room17:418 Room07:313 Room08:314 Room17:418 Room13:414 Room08:314 Room11:412 Room07:313 Room09:315 Room11:412 Room15:416 Room13:414 Room03:303 Room14:415 Room13:414 Room02:302 Room11:412 Room18:419 Room13:414 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room14:415 Room07:313 Room07:313 Room11:412 Room04:304 Room03:303 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room11:412 148 Kondo, Takeshi Kondo, Toshiaki Kondrath, Nisha Kong, Kyounchul Kong, Kyoungchul Kongprawechnon, Waree Kono, Tomoki Konstantinou, Georgios Konstantinou, Georgios Konstantinou, Georgios Konstantinou, Georgios Konstantinou, Georgios Kontos, Epameinondas Koprubasi, Kerem Korada, Nikhil Kosan, Tomas Kosar, Ali Koseki, Takafumi Koshizuka, Noboru Kosuke, Sekiyama Kotlan, Vaclav Kotlan, Vaclav Kotlan, Vaclav Kotra, Srikanth Kouchaki, Alireza Koudela, Lukas Kouro, Samir Kouro, Samir Kouro, Samir Kouro, Samir Kouro, Samir Kouro, Samir Kouro, Samir Koushki, Behnam Kouyama, Ryousuke Kramer, Reinhard Krishna, P. Venkata Krishnamoorthy, Suresh Krismer, Florian Kshirsagar, Abhijit Kubo, Hajime Kubo, Ryogo Kubo, Ryogo Kubo, Ryogo Kubo, Ryu Kubota, Naoyuki Kubota, Naoyuki Kudoh, Tsugutomo Kularatna, Nihal Kulkarni, Anupama Kulkarni, Vainatey Kumar B, Kiran Kumar, Ajit Kumar, Alok Kumar, Amit Kumar, Chandan Kumar, Kundan Kumar, Lalit Kumar, Mahesh Kumar, Praveen Kuno, Yoshinori Kuraishi, Daigo Kurashima, Shuhei Kusakana, Kanzumba Kushino, Yukito Kushwaha, Brijesh Kumar YF-013315 YF-002496 YF-019003 YF-021326 YF-016101 YF-002496 YF-019593 YF-025267 YF-009989 YF-011584 YF-010197 YF-010278 YF-008044 YF-015474 YF-013455 YF-013501 YF-015997 YF-013005 YF-001597 YF-024899 YF-011622 YF-011266 YF-012866 YF-013455 YF-013684 YF-011622 YF-005312 YF-008435 YF-026271 YF-019909 YF-024325 YF-005797 YF-020141 YF-010154 YF-023124 YF-006289 YF-021539 YF-003182 YF-016195 YF-004952 YF-007366 YF-004774 YF-013293 YF-020958 YF-022411 YF-025941 YF-012106 YF-004693 YF-010146 YF-018147 YF-015865 YF-014966 YF-006203 YF-021539 YF-013722 YF-020559 YF-016055 YF-006491 YF-002968 YF-006041 YF-020516 YF-003794 YF-011878 YF-016578 YF-005134 YF-006041 TS-84 TS-126 TS-179 TS-130 TS-130 TS-126 TS-48 TS-77 TS-90 TS-113 TS-113 TS-157 TS-172 TS-22 TS-110 TS-148 TS-44 TS-36 TS-125 TS-160 TS-1 TS-34 TS-34 TS-110 TS-83 TS-1 TS-8 TS-8 TS-23 TS-38 TS-95 TS-110 TS-110 TS-81 TS-53 TS-117 TS-4 TS-128 TS-96 TS-95 TS-26 TS-37 TS-37 TS-170 TS-164 TS-53 TS-163 TS-31 TS-62 TS-54 TS-54 TS-168 TS-31 TS-4 TS-180 TS-128 TS-42 TS-63 TS-23 TS-41 TS-162 TS-93 TS-112 TS-85 TS-66 TS-41 Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November 15:5009:0016:2009:0009:0009:0010:3015:5013:0015:2015:2014:0016:2013:2015:2011:0010:3010:3009:0014:0010:0010:3010:3015:2015:5010:0010:0010:0013:2010:3013:0015:2015:2015:5013:5015:2010:0009:0013:0013:0015:4010:3010:3016:2014:0013:5014:0015:4013:5013:5013:5016:2015:4010:0016:2009:0010:3013:5013:2010:3014:0013:0015:2015:5013:5010:30- Room17:418 Room05:311 Room16:417 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room05:311 Room17:418 Room10:411 Room05:311 Room10:411 Room10:411 Room06:312 Room06:312 Room15:416 Room07:313 Room15:416 Room13:414 Room05:311 Room04:304 Room09:315 Room1+2:301 Room03:303 Room03:303 Room07:313 Room16:417 Room1+2:301 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room16:417 Room07:313 Room10:411 Room07:313 Room07:313 Room14:415 Room04:304 Room14:415 Room05:311 Room07:313 Room11:412 Room10:411 Room11:412 Room06:312 Room06:312 Room04:304 Room16:417 Room04:304 Room15:416 Room16:417 Room13:414 Room05:311 Room05:311 Room02:302 Room16:417 Room05:311 Room17:418 Room07:313 Room11:412 Room14:415 Room16:417 Room10:411 Room14:415 Room08:314 Room09:315 Room18:419 Room17:418 Room10:411 L YF-004952 YF-016152 YF-011886 YF-012858 YF-015059 YF-022837 YF-009571 YF-019801 YF-019828 YF-023965 YF-001775 YF-021326 YF-014184 YF-010669 YF-004383 YF-003441 YF-013463 YF-007749 YF-007757 YF-010588 YF-022209 YF-020915 YF-016829 YF-003662 YF-016292 YF-007757 YF-007749 YF-014532 YF-006726 YF-006408 YF-021245 YF-025364 YF-008311 YF-019267 YF-021547 YF-012564 YF-007811 YF-014036 YF-024325 YF-023744 YF-011843 YF-014249 YF-002089 YF-006858 YF-025267 YF-022489 YF-020443 YF-002526 YF-017698 YF-024856 YF-006785 YF-011142 YF-021016 YF-008788 YF-002291 YF-004723 YF-007269 YF-024198 YF-025135 YF-014397 YF-003298 Lahne, Hans-Christian Lai, Jih-Sheng Lan, Menglu Lane, Bill Langkowski, Hauke Lanser, Stephan Lau, Jun Yik Lau, Jun Yik Lawlor, Orion Le, Tung Lee, Chan Lee, Christopher H. T. Lee, Gil Ha Lee, Giyung Lee, Hong-Hee Lee, Hong-Hee Lee, Hoonyoung Lee, Ilro Lee, Jieun Lee, Joo-Ho Lee, Sangdeok Lee, Shih-Tseng Lee, Tong Heng Lee, Wah Ching Lee, Youngwoo Lee, Youngwoo Lefranc, Pierre Lefranc, Pierre Lehner, Bastian Lehnhoff, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Sebastian Lei, Jinyong Leitao, Paulo Leitao, Paulo Leng, Yahui Leng, Yuquan Lengua, Ismael Leon, Jose I. Leonard, Rodrigo Lesjak, Christian Levedahl, Blaine Levi, Emil Levi, Emil Lezana, Pablo Lezana, Pablo Li, Chao Li, Chaojie Li, Chendan Li, Chendan Li, Chia-Hsun Li, Dongdong Li, Guoyang Li, Jian Li, Jian Li, Jian Li, Jiaxin Li, Jing Li, Kaiyuan Li, Kang Li, Kerui YF-004103 YF-003638 YF-021725 YF-007307 L, Umanand Kusunoki, Yoshiyuki Kwon, Wookyong Ky, Nguyen Ngac Kyung, Chong-Min Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November 14:0014:0009:0011:00- Room13:414 Room09:315 Room02:302 Room08:314 TS-122 TS-42 TS-76 TS-54 TS-24 TS-68 TS-30 TS-30 TS-171 TS-89 TS-130 TS-6 TS-80 TS-25 TS-74 TS-87 TS-121 TS-103 TS-7 TS-91 TS-44 TS-109 TS-76 TS-40 TS-103 TS-121 TS-45 TS-113 TS-123 TS-71 TS-71 TS-24 TS-39 TS-73 TS-118 TS-3 TS-72 TS-95 TS-101 TS-141 TS-20 TS-97 TS-115 TS-77 TS-147 TS-170 TS-101 TS-120 TS-120 TS-174 TS-125 TS-116 TS-123 TS-137 TS-138 TS-20 TS-118 TS-155 TS-152 TS-12 Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November 09:0010:3015:5013:5013:2015:5015:4015:4016:2013:0009:0010:0015:5013:2015:5013:0015:2013:0010:0013:0010:3015:2015:5010:3013:0015:2010:3015:2009:0015:5015:5013:2010:3015:5015:2010:0015:5013:0013:0011:0013:2013:0015:2015:5011:0016:2013:0015:2015:2016:2009:0015:2009:0011:0011:0013:2015:2014:0014:0010:00- Room01:301 Room11:412 Room09:315 Room05:311 Room17:418 Room01:301 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room05:311 Room04:304 Room09:315 Room07:313 Room13:414 Room18:419 Room07:313 Room02:302 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room08:314 Room06:312 Room13:414 Room06:312 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room14:415 Room10:411 Room02:302 Room04:304 Room04:304 Room17:418 Room08:314 Room06:312 Room15:416 Room04:304 Room05:311 Room10:411 Room16:417 Room05:311 Room13:414 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room10:411 Room14:415 Room04:304 Room16:417 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room08:314 Room04:304 Room13:414 Room02:302 Room01:301 Room02:302 Room13:414 Room15:416 Room04:304 Room01:301 Room13:414 TS-95 Wednesday 11th of November 13:00- Room10:411 TS-161 TS-160 TS-123 TS-144 149 Li, Kerui Li, Kerui Li, Lei Li, Li Li, Meng Li, Mingxu Li, Peng Li, Shihua Li, Shihua Li, Shihua Li, Wei Li, Wenjing Li, Wenlong Li, Wenlong Li, Xiangfeng Li, Xuefang Li, Yongdong Li, Yonggang Li, Yong-Jyun Li, Yunfeng Li, Zhelu Li, Zhongxi Lian, Qiaona Liang, Jingzhe Liang, Wenyu Liang, Wenyu Liang, Wenyu Liaw, Chang-Ming Lilakiatsakun, Woraphon Lim, Li Hong Idris Lima, Fabio Lima, Fabio Lima, Francisco Kleber A. Lima, Francisco Kleber A. Lima, Marcel Soares Limones Pozos, Cesar Augusto Limsakul, Chamnan Lin, Bin Lin, Chin E. Lin, Chin-Yu Lin, Fei Lin, Fei Lin, Fei Lin, Fei Lin, Fei Lin, Feng Lin, Feng Lin, Feng Lin, Hengwei Lin, Hengwei Lin, Huangda Lin, Huangda Lin, Jiaxin Lin, Jiaxin Lin, Jin Lin, Liaoyuan Lin, Liaoyuan Lin, Mingyao Ling, Wing-Kuen Liserre, Marco Liserre, Marco Liserre, Marco Liu, Bo Liu, Chengxi Liu, Chengxi Liu, Chensheng YF-007099 YF-006742 YF-004014 YF-007773 YF-004332 YF-000116 YF-008311 YF-014753 YF-015873 YF-014079 YF-001686 YF-000183 YF-010499 YF-005177 YF-012289 YF-002372 YF-003719 YF-001546 YF-002992 YF-021067 YF-012564 YF-016764 YF-009873 YF-004006 YF-019801 YF-019828 YF-012149 YF-017299 YF-019879 YF-002038 YF-021741 YF-022306 YF-019127 YF-018589 YF-025569 YF-004545 YF-014486 YF-010499 YF-006785 YF-006785 YF-009733 YF-009768 YF-009725 YF-011541 YF-009873 YF-007269 YF-012858 YF-011665 YF-003352 YF-003379 YF-007161 YF-012394 YF-012858 YF-011665 YF-011592 YF-006319 YF-010448 YF-013986 YF-023051 YF-004421 YF-020559 YF-016772 YF-021857 YF-003352 YF-003379 YF-023329 TS-25 TS-132 TS-74 TS-96 TS-159 TS-58 TS-24 TS-102 TS-102 TS-111 TS-108 TS-62 TS-6 TS-92 TS-147 TS-58 TS-153 TS-145 TS-82 TS-147 TS-118 TS-64 TS-180 TS-149 TS-30 TS-30 TS-76 TS-62 TS-172 TS-31 TS-112 TS-122 TS-67 TS-96 TS-120 TS-46 TS-32 TS-6 TS-174 TS-174 TS-17 TS-17 TS-17 TS-55 TS-180 TS-20 TS-76 TS-76 TS-118 TS-118 TS-124 TS-124 TS-76 TS-76 TS-119 TS-133 TS-146 TS-131 TS-40 TS-120 TS-128 TS-181 TS-116 TS-118 TS-118 TS-2 Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November 13:2009:0015:5013:0014:0013:5013:2013:0013:0015:2015:2013:5010:0013:0011:0013:5014:0011:0015:5011:0015:2013:5016:2011:0015:4015:4015:5013:5016:2015:4015:2009:0013:5013:0015:2010:3015:4010:0016:2016:2010:0010:0010:0013:5016:2013:2015:5015:5015:2015:2009:0009:0015:5015:5015:2009:0011:0009:0010:3015:2009:0016:2015:2015:2015:2010:00- Room18:419 Room14:415 Room07:313 Room11:412 Room08:314 Room09:315 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room08:314 Room05:311 Room13:414 Room07:313 Room07:313 Room14:415 Room09:315 Room02:302 Room09:315 Room15:416 Room14:415 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room17:418 Room16:417 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room09:315 Room13:414 Room06:312 Room16:417 Room09:315 Room01:301 Room18:419 Room11:412 Room17:418 Room15:416 Room17:418 Room07:313 Room08:314 Room08:314 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room06:312 Room17:418 Room13:414 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room03:303 Room03:303 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room16:417 Room15:416 Room13:414 Room13:414 Room09:315 Room17:418 Room07:313 Room18:419 Room13:414 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room03:303 Liu, Chuang Liu, Chunhua Liu, Chunhua Liu, Chunhua Liu, Hanzhou Liu, Hanzhou Liu, Jianxing Liu, Kai Liu, Kaijun Liu, Kaiyang Liu, Liming Liu, Ming Liu, Ming Liu, Tian-Hua Liu, Tian-Hua Liu, Wenxin Liu, X. Liu, Xiangdong Liu, Xinghua Liu, Xiong Liu, Yan Liu, Yanli Liu, Yu-Jen Liu, Zeyang Llano, Danilo Lo, Szu-Yu Lo_calzo, Giovanni Loh, Poh Chiang Loo, Chu Kiong Lopes, Rui Amaral Lopez, Hector Lopez, Hector Lopez, Sergio Lopez-Sanchez, Manuel J. Lorentz, V.R.H. Lorentz, Vincent Lorenz, Robert D. Lorenzini, Charles Losito, Roberto Lovison, Giorgio Lu, Bing Lu, Che-Yu Lu, Hanxiao Lu, Languang Lu, Qiang Lu, Xingguo Lu, Yutong Lu, Zhichong Lucia, Oscar Lucia, OScar Lucia, Oscar Luczak, Dominik Luder, Arndt Luna, Adriana Luna, Alvaro Luo, Guangzhao Luo, Guangzhao Luo, Hao Luo, Hui Luo, Min Luo, Ming Luo, Ming Luo, Ren Luo, Ren Lv, Jingliang Lv, Linna YF-021393 YF-014184 YF-011541 YF-026263 YF-023612 YF-017418 YF-024287 YF-013986 YF-012858 YF-019089 YF-023256 YF-006572 YF-020044 YF-000124 YF-001341 YF-023256 YF-015121 YF-013218 YF-019364 YF-021881 YF-019259 YF-013595 YF-008087 YF-001473 YF-000795 YF-006785 YF-009342 YF-016233 YF-025941 YF-017469 YF-006092 YF-006084 YF-004472 YF-007285 YF-002631 YF-006831 YF-006408 YF-016241 YF-017639 YF-022462 YF-009806 YF-000302 YF-008788 YF-010944 YF-004707 YF-020044 YF-009725 YF-009857 YF-002844 YF-002585 YF-002623 YF-018643 YF-012319 YF-021423 YF-009067 YF-005428 YF-005371 YF-013498 YF-001317 YF-004413 YF-005142 YF-006912 YF-012165 YF-012173 YF-013218 YF-001236 TS-168 TS-6 TS-55 TS-144 TS-23 TS-138 TS-77 TS-131 TS-76 TS-144 TS-90 TS-52 TS-174 TS-104 TS-169 TS-90 TS-112 TS-180 TS-49 TS-29 TS-40 TS-49 TS-158 TS-103 TS-43 TS-174 TS-6 TS-46 TS-53 TS-55 TS-127 TS-157 TS-67 TS-110 TS-65 TS-17 TS-123 TS-33 TS-33 TS-10 TS-25 TS-159 TS-123 TS-19 TS-98 TS-174 TS-17 TS-43 TS-56 TS-153 TS-153 TS-59 TS-57 TS-155 TS-127 TS-107 TS-152 TS-145 TS-45 TS-45 TS-73 TS-114 TS-145 TS-159 TS-180 TS-64 Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November 16:2010:0013:5011:0013:2011:0015:5009:0015:5011:0013:0013:5016:2015:2016:2013:0015:2016:2010:3015:4010:3010:3014:0013:0010:3016:2010:0010:3013:5013:5009:0014:0013:5015:2013:5010:0009:0015:4015:4010:0013:2014:0009:0013:2013:0016:2010:0010:3013:5014:0014:0013:5013:5014:0009:0015:2014:0011:0010:3010:3015:5015:2011:0014:0016:2013:50- Room02:302 Room07:313 Room06:312 Room08:314 Room16:417 Room02:302 Room10:411 Room13:414 Room09:315 Room08:314 Room05:311 Room03:303 Room08:314 Room01:301 Room03:303 Room05:311 Room09:315 Room17:418 Room18:419 Room14:415 Room09:315 Room18:419 Room07:313 Room18:419 Room12:413 Room08:314 Room07:313 Room15:416 Room04:304 Room06:312 Room06:312 Room06:312 Room18:419 Room07:313 Room16:417 Room18:419 Room02:302 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room11:412 Room18:419 Room08:314 Room02:302 Room12:413 Room13:414 Room08:314 Room18:419 Room12:413 Room07:313 Room02:302 Room02:302 Room10:411 Room08:314 Room04:304 Room06:312 Room04:304 Room01:301 Room09:315 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room06:312 Room11:412 Room09:315 Room08:314 Room17:418 Room15:416 150 M YF-008575 YF-013021 YF-011088 YF-001112 Ma, Chengbin YF-006572 Ma, Chengbin YF-008125 Ma, Chunyan YF-013765 Ma, Chunyan YF-002577 Ma, Guoqi YF-019364 Ma, Hao YF-006602 Ma, Hao YF-006319 Ma, Hao YF-010448 Ma, Hui YF-006181 Ma, Hui YF-000183 Ma, Kaiqi YF-000213 Ma, Ke YF-012785 Ma, Lin YF-004006 Ma, Ruiqing YF-011029 Ma, Shaodong YF-002143 Ma, Siyuan YF-012661 Ma, Xudong YF-008486 Mabwe, Augustin Mpanda YF-011304 Mabwe, Augustin Mpanda YF-003891 Macdonald, Malcolm YF-006939 Machnoor, Manjunath YF-016934 Maeda, Toshiyuki YF-011401 Maeda, Yusuke YF-002909 Maejima, Sotaro YF-007447 Maerz, Martin YF-006289 Maeyama, Shoichi YF-012491 Mai, Tuan-Dat YF-017825 Maitelli, Andre YF-001929 Makino, Koji YF-001279 Makinouchi, Susumu YF-003603 Makinwa, Kofi A.A. YF-005398 Malekjamshidi, Zahra YF-024708 Malik, Naveed-ur-Rehman YF-001481 Malinowski, Aleksander YF-026514 Man, Chaoyuan YF-014753 Manic, Milos YF-020877 Manic, Milos YF-026433 Marchildon, Jacques YF-006564 Maret, Yannick YF-015172 Mariani, Guilherme Bueno YF-003883 Marinkovic, Stevan YF-015172 Marongiu, Ignazio YF-016977 Marongiu, Ignazio YF-017388 Marquez, Abraham YF-024325 Marroyo, Luis YF-017779 Marroyo, Luis YF-015113 Marti, Pau YF-017094 Martin, Cristina YF-003158 Martin-del-Brio, Bonifacio YF-014559 Martinez Lastra, Jose L. YF-004553 Martinez Rodriguez, Panfilo Raymun YF-004545 Martinez Rodriguez, Panfilo Raymun YF-004677 Martinez-Iturbe, Abelardo YF-014559 Martinez-Perez, Antonio YF-009806 Martinez-Rodriguez, P. Raymundo YF-002828 Martinez-Rodriguez, Panfilo R. YF-007285 Martinez-Rodriguez, Panfilo R. YF-007277 Martins, Hugo YF-003115 Martins, J.F. YF-017469 Martins, Joao YF-019151 Martins, Joao YF-022438 Ma, Chengbin Lv, Zhenyu Lyu, Jing Lyu, Jing TS-52 TS-87 TS-80 TS-181 TS-49 TS-66 TS-133 TS-146 TS-14 TS-62 TS-27 TS-14 TS-149 TS-21 TS-98 TS-161 TS-36 TS-29 TS-181 TS-144 TS-70 TS-91 TS-88 TS-91 TS-117 TS-59 TS-120 TS-38 TS-112 TS-130 TS-54 TS-157 TS-86 TS-53 TS-102 TS-105 TS-125 TS-100 TS-44 TS-11 TS-44 TS-21 TS-139 TS-95 TS-64 TS-87 TS-158 TS-1 TS-1 TS-141 TS-46 TS-133 TS-1 TS-25 TS-8 TS-110 TS-156 TS-54 TS-55 TS-39 TS-128 Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November TS-17 Monday 9th of November 13:5013:0015:5016:2010:3013:5009:0011:0010:0013:5015:4010:0011:0013:2013:0014:0010:3015:4016:2011:0015:5013:0013:0013:0015:2013:5015:2010:3015:2009:0013:5014:0013:0013:5013:0015:2009:0013:0010:3010:0010:3013:2011:0013:0013:5013:0014:0010:0010:0011:0010:3009:0010:0013:2010:0015:2014:0013:5013:5010:3009:00- Room03:303 Room02:302 Room13:414 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room17:418 Room15:416 Room13:414 Room15:416 Room13:414 Room12:413 Room15:416 Room16:417 Room14:415 Room13:414 Room13:414 Room05:311 Room14:415 Room18:419 Room08:314 Room03:303 Room06:312 Room03:303 Room06:312 Room14:415 Room10:411 Room17:418 Room07:313 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room05:311 Room06:312 Room01:301 Room04:304 Room17:418 Room02:302 Room04:304 Room15:416 Room13:414 Room12:413 Room13:414 Room14:415 Room03:303 Room10:411 Room15:416 Room02:302 Room07:313 Room1+2:301 Room1+2:301 Room05:311 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room1+2:301 Room18:419 Room09:315 Room07:313 Room05:311 Room05:311 Room06:312 Room08:314 Room07:313 10:00- Room18:419 TS-15 Monday 9th of November 10:00- Room16:417 TS-13 Monday 9th of November 10:00- Room14:415 TS-90 Wednesday 11th of November 13:00- Room05:311 Marz, M. Marz, Martin Masdisornchote, Masawee Masi, Alessandro Massing, Jorge Rodrigo Massoud, Ahmed Massoud, Ahmed Massoud, Ahmed Massoud, Ahmed Massoud, Ahmed Masubuchi, Izumi Masubuchi, Izumi Mathew, Josey Matsuda, Yoshimi Matsui, Keiju Matsui, Mikihiko Matsui, Yoshihiro Matsumoto, Yuya Matsumura, Koichi Matsumura, Tsuyoshi Matsunaga, Nobutomo Matsunaga, Takuya Matsunaga, Takuya Matsuo, Kazunori Matsutani, Yuki Matsuura, Kei Matsuura, Ken Matsuura, Marc Mattavelli, Paolo Mattavelli, Paolo Mattsson, Aleksi Maussion, Pascal Mayorga Taborda, Jorge Luis Mazid, Abdul Md Mazid, Abdusl Md Mbayed, Rita Mbayed, Rita McCurlie, Lucas McGrath, Brendan McGrath, Brendan McMahon, Richard McMillin, Bruce Mebarki, Salem Mecrow, Barrie Medina, Samuel Iturriaga Mehmedalic, Jasmin Mehrizi-Sani, Ali Meier, Stefan Meirelles, Pablo Siqueira Melendez, Andres Nogueiras Melkebeek, Jan Mendes, Andre M. S. Mendes, Andre M. S. Mendes, Andre M. S. Mendez, Ivan Mendez, Ivan Meng, Jinhao Meng, Lexuan Meng, Mao-Mao Meng, Wei Mengoni, Michele Meraj, Mohammad Meraj, Mohammed Merckle, Jean Merdassi, Asma Meredith, James YF-002631 YF-006831 YF-001937 YF-017639 YF-016969 YF-000604 YF-000418 YF-000833 YF-004537 YF-001759 YF-014141 YF-002747 YF-005142 YF-020516 YF-002674 YF-009687 YF-002186 YF-019194 YF-002941 YF-024848 YF-001503 YF-012815 YF-021318 YF-022659 YF-005061 YF-020117 YF-022527 YF-026131 YF-005665 YF-020214 YF-014788 YF-022497 YF-018759 YF-022942 YF-022977 YF-003905 YF-003387 YF-014583 YF-002526 YF-024805 YF-000795 YF-018015 YF-012513 YF-012548 YF-004545 YF-015199 YF-010618 YF-013072 YF-004405 YF-017817 YF-005401 YF-011274 YF-011363 YF-014257 YF-006092 YF-006084 YF-005428 YF-008915 YF-004936 YF-011665 YF-006858 YF-019895 YF-019542 YF-021725 YF-015075 YF-004553 TS-65 TS-17 TS-166 TS-33 TS-181 TS-26 TS-31 TS-97 TS-97 TS-134 TS-111 TS-166 TS-73 TS-162 TS-82 TS-31 TS-41 TS-106 TS-12 TS-70 TS-174 TS-48 TS-116 TS-174 TS-88 TS-168 TS-99 TS-19 TS-66 TS-150 TS-135 TS-50 TS-165 TS-60 TS-60 TS-47 TS-86 TS-19 TS-101 TS-107 TS-43 TS-79 TS-122 TS-114 TS-46 TS-156 TS-180 TS-11 TS-76 TS-83 TS-169 TS-14 TS-14 TS-14 TS-127 TS-157 TS-107 TS-146 TS-98 TS-76 TS-115 TS-151 TS-179 TS-123 TS-4 TS-141 Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November 13:5010:0014:0015:4016:2015:4015:4013:0013:0009:0015:2014:0015:5014:0015:5015:4010:3015:2010:0015:5016:2010:3015:2016:2013:0016:2013:0013:2013:5011:0009:0013:5014:0013:5013:5010:3013:0013:2013:0015:2010:3015:5009:0015:2010:3014:0016:2010:0015:5015:5016:2010:0010:0010:0009:0014:0015:2011:0013:0015:5015:2011:0016:2009:0010:0011:00- Room16:417 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room11:412 Room16:417 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room16:417 Room08:314 Room18:419 Room06:312 Room14:415 Room15:416 Room16:417 Room10:411 Room03:303 Room13:414 Room03:303 Room08:314 Room17:418 Room13:414 Room08:314 Room03:303 Room02:302 Room14:415 Room12:413 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room01:301 Room17:418 Room11:412 Room11:412 Room16:417 Room01:301 Room12:413 Room16:417 Room04:304 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room01:301 Room11:412 Room15:416 Room05:311 Room17:418 Room12:413 Room09:315 Room16:417 Room03:303 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room06:312 Room06:312 Room04:304 Room13:414 Room13:414 Room09:315 Room12:413 Room18:419 Room16:417 Room02:302 Room05:311 Room05:311 151 Merhof, Dorit Mese, Huseyin Metry, Morcos Meyer, Dominik Meynard, Thierry Meynard, Thierry Mezyani, Touria Michalik, Jan Miret, Jaume Miret, Jaume Miret, Jaume Miret, Jaume Miret, Jaume Miribel-Catala, Pere Mirzaeva, Galina Mishima, Tomokazu Mishra, Mahesh K Mishra, Santanu Mishra, Santanu Mishra, Sukumar Misron, Norhisam Bin Mitamura, Naoki Mitsantisuk, Chowarit Mitsuhashi, Kaoru Mitsukura, Yasue Mitsukura, Yasue Mitsukura, Yasue Mitsukura, Yasue Mitsukura, Yasue Miura, Jun Miura, Satoshi Miura, Yushi Miyazaki, Fumio Miyazaki, Toshimasa Miyazaki, Toshimasa Miyazaki, Toshimasa Miyoshi, Takanori Mizoguchi, Takahiro Mizoguchi, Takahiro Moallem, Mehrdad Moallem, Mehrdad Mochizuki, Akira Modepalli, Kumar Moeyersoms, Philippe Mohamed, Ahmed Mohamed, Mokhtar Mohamed, Osama Mohammadi, Ali Mohammed, Baker Mohammed, Baker Mohammed, Osama Mohanty, Soumya R. Mohd Said, Nurul Ain Molinas, Marta Momayyezan, Milad Momeneh, Arash Momeneh, Arash Monmasson, Eric Monmasson, Eric Monteiro, Luis Monteiro, Pedro Lima Monteiro, Vitor Monti, Antonello Moo, Chin-Sien Moo, Chin-Sien Moradi, M. Hassan YF-005622 YF-006599 YF-018813 YF-002658 YF-005312 YF-019909 YF-007293 YF-018988 YF-020672 YF-005452 YF-005487 YF-005444 YF-017094 YF-005592 YF-024805 YF-019585 YF-013331 YF-007374 YF-014508 YF-017051 YF-020222 YF-004103 YF-007994 YF-022446 YF-020095 YF-001961 YF-013749 YF-012238 YF-009695 YF-006777 YF-019194 YF-024384 YF-020281 YF-023337 YF-025402 YF-024635 YF-015504 YF-012815 YF-018945 YF-006769 YF-016942 YF-014648 YF-023434 YF-004502 YF-016594 YF-016586 YF-017248 YF-016136 YF-012718 YF-013943 YF-016594 YF-023582 YF-013447 YF-001112 YF-002305 YF-005452 YF-005355 YF-003905 YF-003387 YF-013307 YF-017507 YF-017817 YF-023752 YF-002992 YF-007315 YF-011916 TS-20 TS-139 TS-38 TS-165 TS-8 TS-38 TS-121 TS-84 TS-15 TS-65 TS-100 TS-151 TS-158 TS-56 TS-107 TS-34 TS-38 TS-131 TS-135 TS-27 TS-134 TS-161 TS-9 TS-94 TS-72 TS-75 TS-75 TS-75 TS-162 TS-166 TS-106 TS-95 TS-106 TS-30 TS-36 TS-106 TS-59 TS-48 TS-69 TS-27 TS-150 TS-165 TS-82 TS-163 TS-51 TS-148 TS-24 TS-107 TS-20 TS-163 TS-51 TS-127 TS-169 TS-90 TS-81 TS-65 TS-66 TS-47 TS-86 TS-5 TS-141 TS-83 TS-4 TS-82 TS-132 TS-2 Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November 13:2011:0010:3014:0010:0010:3015:2015:5010:0013:5013:0011:0014:0013:5015:2010:3010:3009:0009:0015:4009:0014:0010:0013:0015:5015:5015:5015:5014:0014:0015:2013:0015:2015:4010:3015:2013:5010:3015:5015:4011:0014:0015:5014:0013:5011:0013:2015:2013:2014:0013:5009:0016:2013:0015:5013:5013:5010:3013:0010:0011:0015:5010:0015:5009:0010:00- Room13:414 Room03:303 Room07:313 Room17:418 Room09:315 Room07:313 Room18:419 Room17:418 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room15:416 Room18:419 Room07:313 Room07:313 Room04:304 Room03:303 Room07:313 Room13:414 Room17:418 Room12:413 Room16:417 Room13:414 Room10:411 Room09:315 Room05:311 Room08:314 Room08:314 Room08:314 Room14:415 Room18:419 Room03:303 Room10:411 Room03:303 Room15:416 Room05:311 Room03:303 Room10:411 Room17:418 Room02:302 Room12:413 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room02:302 Room15:416 Room17:418 Room04:304 Room13:414 Room15:416 Room02:302 Room06:312 Room03:303 Room05:311 Room14:415 Room16:417 Room17:418 Room16:417 Room01:301 Room06:312 Room05:311 Room16:417 Room05:311 Room15:416 Room14:415 Room03:303 N YF-005304 YF-001635 YF-015296 YF-023108 YF-011452 YF-011673 YF-003557 YF-003964 YF-022659 YF-003557 YF-008745 YF-000132 YF-021164 YF-020265 YF-006777 YF-015121 YF-011827 YF-001473 YF-011975 Nadarajan, Sivakumar Nadarajan, Sivakumar Nademi, Hamed Naetiladdanon, Sumate Nagai, Isaku Nagata, Fusaomi Nagata, Fusaomi Nagata, Masanobu Nagatomi, Tomoya Nagayama, Takahiro Nagy, Istvan Nair, Harish Sudhakaran Nakagawa, Chihiro Nakagawa, Koki Nakai, M. Nakajima, Masahiro Nakajima, Masahiro Nakamoto, Masayoshi YF-005487 YF-016705 YF-020672 YF-005452 YF-005355 YF-005487 YF-005444 YF-018023 YF-006629 YF-026492 YF-019267 YF-014745 YF-019585 YF-020184 YF-016357 YF-011991 YF-002178 YF-013641 YF-013277 YF-020958 YF-012491 YF-001694 YF-024619 YF-018473 YF-015865 YF-009466 YF-008214 YF-022543 YF-020141 YF-008265 YF-009911 YF-024821 YF-009962 YF-007447 YF-010979 YF-010286 YF-019534 YF-004774 YF-012548 YF-001333 YF-001295 YF-023833 YF-023833 YF-023604 YF-013277 YF-015989 Nadarajan, Siva Kumar Moradi-Ghahderijani, Mohammad Moraes, Eduardo Cardoso Morales, Javier Morales, Javier Morales, Javier Morales, Javier Morales, Javier Moranchel, Miguel Morari, Manfred Morello, Rocco Moreno, Vidal Moreno-Munoz, Antonio Morinaga, Souta Morita, Ryosuke Morizono, Tetsuya Moros, Oleg Moros, Oleg Morris, Casey Mortezaei, Ali Motoi, Naoki Motonaka, Kimiko Mototani, Suguru Moubayed, Nazih Mouton, Toit Mrad, Ridha Ben Mu, Chaoxu Mukherjee, Sarbani Mukhopadhyay, Subhas Muller, Nicolas Munoz, Daniela Munoz, Luis Murakami, Shinya Murakami, Toshiyuki Murakami, Toshiyuki Murakami, Toshiyuki Murakami, Toshiyuki Murata, Hiroki Murayama, Daisuke Murr, Georges El Murrieta-Rico, Fabian N. Murrieta-Rico, Fabian N. Musio, Claudia Musio, Maura Musuroi, Sorin Muyeen, S M Muzhikyan, Aramazd Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November 13:0010:3010:0013:5013:5013:0011:0011:0011:0014:0010:3015:2010:3010:3015:2015:4015:4009:0013:5016:2013:5015:5013:5015:5013:5011:0009:0011:0015:2010:0013:5009:0015:4013:0015:2014:0010:3010:3015:2010:3015:5014:0014:0011:0013:5013:20- Room15:416 Room08:314 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room17:418 Room15:416 Room18:419 Room15:416 Room04:304 Room04:304 Room08:314 Room15:416 Room03:303 Room16:417 Room03:303 Room11:412 Room11:412 Room13:414 Room06:312 Room04:304 Room10:411 Room16:417 Room18:419 Room10:411 Room05:311 Room03:303 Room14:415 Room17:418 Room07:313 Room14:415 Room15:416 Room03:303 Room15:416 Room06:312 Room09:315 Room16:417 Room06:312 Room06:312 Room11:412 Room13:414 Room06:312 Room04:304 Room04:304 Room17:418 Room06:312 Room17:418 TS-89 TS-114 TS-145 TS-65 TS-3 TS-3 TS-3 TS-174 TS-3 TS-88 TS-95 TS-84 TS-106 TS-166 TS-112 TS-30 TS-103 TS-126 Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November 13:0015:2011:0013:5010:0010:0010:0016:2010:0013:0013:0015:5015:2014:0015:2015:4013:0009:00- Room04:304 Room11:412 Room09:315 Room16:417 Room04:304 Room04:304 Room04:304 Room08:314 Room04:304 Room03:303 Room10:411 Room17:418 Room03:303 Room18:419 Room09:315 Room15:416 Room18:419 Room05:311 TS-89 Wednesday 11th of November 13:00- Room04:304 TS-100 TS-39 TS-15 TS-65 TS-66 TS-100 TS-151 TS-148 TS-140 TS-155 TS-39 TS-118 TS-34 TS-47 TS-106 TS-26 TS-26 TS-131 TS-55 TS-170 TS-59 TS-83 TS-67 TS-77 TS-54 TS-139 TS-132 TS-150 TS-110 TS-13 TS-64 TS-124 TS-30 TS-91 TS-112 TS-164 TS-37 TS-37 TS-114 TS-44 TS-73 TS-155 TS-155 TS-150 TS-55 TS-24 152 Nakamura, Hiroshi Nakamura, Masahiro Nakamura, Sousuke Nakamura, Takashi Nakamura, Taro Nakamura, Taro Nakamura, Yukinori Nakanishi, Yumiko Nakaoka, Mutsuo Nakashima, Hidetoshi Nakashima, Hidetoshi Nakashima, Yasutaka Nakata, Atsushi Nalakath, Shamsuddeen Nalakath, Shamsuddeen N Nandayapa, Manuel Nannen, Okko Naranjo, Walter Nardo, Mauro Di Nardo, Mauro Di Nassiraei, Amir Ali Forough Nassiraei, Amir Ali Forough Nasu, Shota Natori, Kenji Nava-Cruz, Juan C. Navarro, Bryan Navarro, Maricar Neacsu, Dorin Nee, Hans-Peter Nejad, Shahab Nemade, Ronak Nerg, Janne Neto, Joao Amin Moor Neto, Joao Carvalho Neto, Jose Nezaki, Shogo Nguyen, AnhTu Nguyen, Cong-Long Nguyen, Cuong Nguyen, Duy-Minh Nguyen, Huu-Nhan Nguyen, Huy-Nhien Nguyen, Khanh Nguyen, Linh Thi Hoai Nguyen, Minh Hoang-Tuan Nguyen, Minh Hoang-Tuan Nguyen, Thai-Thanh Nguyen, VietHung Ni, Jhong-Yan Ni, Mengqi Nicol, Guilherme Niedersteiner, Sascha Nieto Hipolito, Juan Ivan Nihtianov, Stoyan Niitsuma, Mihoko Nikhil, Korada Nikolakopoulos, George Nilkhamhang, Itthisek Ninomiya, Tamotsu Niramitvasu, Nakhon Niroumand, Farideh Javidi Nishi, Hiroaki Nishi, Hiroaki Nishi, Hiroaki Nishi, Hiroaki Nishi, Hiroaki YF-011118 YF-001279 YF-024376 YF-006262 YF-008745 YF-021806 YF-011517 YF-006335 YF-019585 YF-023124 YF-022659 YF-019194 YF-001694 YF-016837 YF-018899 YF-023949 YF-025364 YF-009911 YF-012513 YF-013153 YF-016349 YF-012963 YF-026158 YF-025089 YF-002828 YF-005126 YF-005126 YF-002852 YF-017752 YF-014281 YF-014966 YF-008664 YF-018589 YF-001929 YF-002348 YF-022411 YF-017124 YF-013463 YF-000124 YF-002798 YF-003441 YF-020087 YF-009741 YF-002747 YF-019801 YF-019828 YF-014435 YF-001635 YF-017299 YF-009849 YF-008346 YF-013226 YF-001333 YF-018147 YF-024392 YF-013331 YF-017027 YF-022934 YF-022527 YF-007994 YF-013684 YF-011479 YF-013935 YF-007552 YF-009903 YF-009946 TS-69 TS-112 TS-70 TS-82 TS-88 TS-164 TS-121 TS-88 TS-34 TS-53 TS-174 TS-106 TS-83 TS-19 TS-50 TS-44 TS-71 TS-64 TS-122 TS-137 TS-2 TS-6 TS-30 TS-170 TS-8 TS-15 TS-15 TS-12 TS-131 TS-17 TS-168 TS-122 TS-96 TS-38 TS-154 TS-164 TS-160 TS-87 TS-104 TS-168 TS-74 TS-69 TS-88 TS-166 TS-30 TS-30 TS-43 TS-89 TS-62 TS-35 TS-153 TS-154 TS-44 TS-54 TS-162 TS-38 TS-35 TS-33 TS-99 TS-9 TS-83 TS-40 TS-79 TS-105 TS-129 TS-129 Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of 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Room01:301 Room01:301 Room03:303 Room07:313 Room15:416 Room04:304 Room09:315 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room13:414 Room13:414 Room18:419 Room02:302 Room01:301 Room11:412 Room07:313 Room03:303 Room16:417 Room09:315 Room02:302 Room01:301 Room02:302 Room07:313 Room02:302 Room03:303 Room18:419 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room12:413 Room04:304 Room13:414 Room04:304 Room02:302 Room03:303 Room13:414 Room05:311 Room14:415 Room07:313 Room04:304 Room18:419 Room14:415 Room10:411 Room16:417 Room09:315 Room12:413 Room02:302 Room08:314 Room08:314 O TS-170 TS-53 TS-111 TS-88 TS-109 TS-180 TS-68 TS-68 TS-171 TS-9 TS-130 TS-130 TS-30 TS-64 TS-9 TS-9 TS-30 TS-36 TS-93 TS-104 TS-106 TS-108 TS-130 TS-152 TS-168 TS-160 TS-16 TS-16 TS-48 TS-93 TS-116 TS-164 TS-111 TS-94 TS-82 TS-33 TS-61 TS-174 Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of 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Obo, Takenori Oboe, Roberto Ochi, Hiroaki Oda, Naoki Odavic, Milijana Odhano, Shafiq Ahmed Oelmann, Bengt Ogata, Kunihiro Ogawa, Shohei Oh, Sehoon Oh, Sehoon Ohara, Kenichi Ohchi, Masashi Ohishi, Kiyoshi Ohishi, Kiyoshi Ohishi, Kiyoshi Ohishi, Kiyoshi Ohishi, Kiyoshi Ohishi, Kiyoshi Ohishi, Kiyoshi Ohishi, Kiyoshi Ohishi, Kiyoshi Ohishi, Kiyoshi Ohishi, Kiyoshi Ohnishi, Kohei Ohnishi, Kouhei Ohnishi, Kouhei Ohnishi, Kouhei Ohnishi, Kouhei Ohnishi, Kouhei Ohnishi, Kouhei Ohta, Yuzo Ohyama, Yasuhiro Oishi, Eiji Ojiro, Tetsuya Okada, Akimasa Okada, Yusuke YF-025291 YF-013595 YF-007439 YF-016683 YF-012955 YF-007552 YF-009946 YF-006335 YF-020699 YF-001961 YF-005312 YF-008435 YF-000256 YF-004944 YF-017752 YF-011177 YF-011177 YF-026514 YF-015822 YF-015954 YF-019607 YF-024929 YF-014834 YF-014788 YF-013684 YF-025321 Oba, Yuta Nishimura, Satoshi Niu, Ben Niwa, Akimasa Njawah Achiri, Humphrey Mokom Noda, Akihito Noguchi, Tomomichi Noguchi, Tomomichi Noha, Kazuma Nolte, Thomas Nomura, Tomomi Norambuena, Margarita Norambuena, Margarita Noro, Osamu Norrga, Staffan Norrga, Staffan Novak, Jaroslav Novak, Martin Nowicki, Krzysztof Nozaki, Takahiro Nozaki, Takahiro Nozaki, Takahiro Nuamchit, Kittiphan Nuanprasert, Somchai Nuutinen, Pasi Nymand, Morten Nzimako, Onyinyechi Room06:312 Room18:419 Room17:418 Room06:312 Room12:413 Room02:302 Room08:314 Room03:303 Room17:418 Room08:314 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room07:313 Room16:417 Room13:414 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room04:304 Room10:411 Room08:314 Room16:417 Room05:311 Room08:314 Room17:418 Room16:417 Room05:311 16:2013:5015:2013:0015:2016:2015:5015:5016:2010:0009:0009:0015:4013:5010:0010:0015:4010:3013:0015:2015:2015:2009:0014:0016:2014:0010:0010:0010:3013:0015:2014:0015:2013:0015:5015:4013:5016:20- Room04:304 Room04:304 Room08:314 Room03:303 Room06:312 Room17:418 Room01:301 Room01:301 Room05:311 Room10:411 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room10:411 Room10:411 Room15:416 Room05:311 Room08:314 Room01:301 Room03:303 Room05:311 Room09:315 Room01:301 Room02:302 Room09:315 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room08:314 Room13:414 Room16:417 Room08:314 Room09:315 Room15:416 Room18:419 Room12:413 Room08:314 14:00- Room08:314 10:3010:3009:0013:5013:5015:2009:0013:0014:0015:5010:0010:0013:0013:2009:0009:0009:0013:5010:0014:0014:0016:2013:5009:0015:5010:00- 153 P TS-56 TS-118 TS-79 TS-129 TS-54 TS-122 TS-137 TS-114 TS-29 TS-89 TS-120 TS-86 TS-128 TS-180 TS-34 TS-34 TS-57 TS-58 TS-73 TS-89 TS-73 Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November YF-005592 YF-014745 YF-013935 YF-009903 YF-003115 YF-012513 YF-013153 YF-015296 YF-021881 YF-005304 YF-011576 YF-005959 YF-013854 YF-013722 YF-011266 YF-012866 YF-004901 YF-004839 YF-005142 YF-004871 YF-010049 Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November YF-006416 TS-139 Thursday 12th of November TS-43 TS-174 TS-164 TS-3 TS-85 TS-3 TS-7 TS-20 TS-150 TS-73 TS-97 TS-130 TS-112 TS-102 TS-109 TS-88 TS-53 TS-161 TS-63 TS-147 TS-60 TS-1 TS-45 TS-44 TS-93 TS-161 TS-49 TS-166 TS-82 TS-3 TS-3 TS-138 TS-71 TS-24 TS-4 TS-147 TS-42 TS-10 TS-42 TS-2 TS-24 TS-46 TS-91 Paez-Aviles, Cristina Palacios-Garcia, Emilio Jose Palensky, Peter Palensky, Peter Palma, Luis Palmieri, Marco Palmieri, Marco Panda, S.K Panda, Sanjib Kumar Panda, Sanjib Kumar Panda, Sanjib Kumar Pande, Manish Pandey, Rajendra Kumar Pandey, Sanjeev Kumar Panek, David Panek, David Pang, Chee Khiang Pang, Chee Khiang Pang, Chee Khiang Pang, Chee Khiang Pang, Cheng YF-002984 YF-001503 YF-022411 YF-011673 YF-025283 YF-013099 YF-014311 YF-014249 YF-023604 YF-001295 YF-004448 YF-003603 YF-001279 YF-014095 YF-009628 YF-006335 YF-025941 YF-004103 YF-000507 YF-022489 YF-023655 YF-018937 YF-004618 YF-023949 YF-007897 YF-004103 YF-018538 YF-022055 YF-006262 YF-003557 YF-003964 YF-021997 YF-012351 YF-017248 YF-015075 YF-022489 YF-016055 YF-023701 YF-006394 YF-014222 YF-009059 YF-009113 YF-010065 Pacas, Mario Okafor, Nelson Okajima, Hiroshi Okamoto, Shogo Okamura, Naoto Okou, Francis Aime Oku, Hirozumi Okuda, Hiroyuki Okuda, Hiroyuki Olarescu, Valeriu Nicola Olivas-Ugalde, Daniel Olmi, Christophe Omata, Kenji Omori, Hidenori Omura, Masaki Ono, Akihito Ono, Rintaro Ono, Saika Onozawa, Yuichi Ooi, B. T. Oraee, Hashem Orhan, Sabri Orcun Orrie, Orika Ortega Gonzalez, Nancy Y. Ortiz, Jurgen Orus, Javier Osamu, Ikawa Osawa, Yukiko Osawa, Yukiko Otake, Hirotaka Otsuka, Akimasa Otsuka, Akimasa Ou, Jing Oubrahim, Zakarya Oukaour, Amrane Ould Bachir, Tarek Ouni, Saeed Outeiro, Maria T. Outeiro, Maria Teresa Outeiro, Maria Teresa Ovalle, Andres Ovalle, Andres Ozsoy, Emre Oztop, Erhan Room12:413 Room08:314 Room16:417 Room04:304 Room18:419 Room04:304 Room08:314 Room13:414 Room17:418 Room06:312 Room12:413 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room17:418 Room06:312 Room03:303 Room04:304 Room13:414 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room11:412 Room1+2:301 Room14:415 Room13:414 Room08:314 Room13:414 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room15:416 Room04:304 Room04:304 Room02:302 Room04:304 Room17:418 Room05:311 Room14:415 Room11:412 Room11:412 Room11:412 Room03:303 Room17:418 Room15:416 Room06:312 13:5015:2015:5009:0013:5009:0011:0015:2015:4013:0015:2013:0009:0016:2010:3010:3013:5013:5015:5013:0015:50- Room07:313 Room15:416 Room12:413 Room08:314 Room05:311 Room01:301 Room01:301 Room11:412 Room14:415 Room04:304 Room17:418 Room01:301 Room07:313 Room17:418 Room03:303 Room03:303 Room08:314 Room09:315 Room06:312 Room04:304 Room06:312 11:00- Room03:303 10:3016:2014:0010:0015:5010:0010:0013:2011:0015:5013:0009:0015:2013:0015:2013:0013:5014:0013:5011:0013:5010:0010:3010:3013:0014:0010:3014:0015:5010:0010:0011:0015:5013:2010:0011:0010:3010:0010:3010:0013:2010:3013:00- Pang, Cheng Pang, Cheng Pang, Cheng Papafotiou, Georgios Paran, Sanaz Parinya, Panom Park, Sung-jun Parnichun, Manukid Parreira, Mafalda Parreno, Alfonso Parsa, Leila Partanen, Jarmo Pastorelli, Michele Patel, Ragini Pathipati, Vamsi Krishna Patil, Sandeep Patil, Sandeep Patil, Sanjaykumar Patin, Nicolas Patzold, Matthias Pauker, Florian Pawlus, Witold Payakkawan, Poomyos Pehlivan, Alp Burak Pekkarinen, Esko Peltoniemi, Pasi Pena, Emilio Bueno Pena, Emilio Bueno Pena, Ruben Pena, Ruben Pena-Quintal, Angel E. Peng, Chen Peng, Wang Peng, Xiaohui Pengfei, Wang Peon, Pablo Gutierrez Pereda, Javier Pereda, Javier Pereira, Luis A. Pereira, Luis A. Pereira, Luis F. A. Pereira, Luis F. A. Pereira, Luis Fernando Alves Pereira, Luis Fernando Alves Pereira, Pedro Perez, Marcelo A. Perez, Miguel Moranchel Perez, Miguel Moranchel Perez-Cebolla, Francisco J. Perez-Tarragona, Mario Peris, Guillermo Perkusich, Angelo Peroutka, Zdenek Peroutka, Zdenek Peroutka, Zdenek Peroutka, Zdenek Pesce, Cristian Petranovskii, Vitalii Petretti, Anacleto Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad Pettersson, Sami Pham, Huu-Tam Phumpho, Suwilai Picas, Ricard Picas, Ricard Pichetjamroen, Achara YF-009296 YF-009458 YF-010413 YF-016853 YF-007293 YF-014486 YF-004375 YF-020176 YF-017507 YF-016888 YF-023434 YF-014788 YF-025569 YF-002526 YF-026409 YF-010049 YF-018015 YF-013722 YF-003387 YF-019887 YF-019356 YF-006629 YF-012203 YF-010065 YF-012505 YF-014788 YF-017582 YF-017566 YF-024147 YF-017329 YF-007277 YF-002143 YF-002682 YF-001597 YF-024899 YF-017574 YF-008265 YF-009911 YF-008346 YF-008362 YF-008346 YF-008362 YF-016241 YF-006718 YF-019151 YF-005797 YF-017582 YF-017566 YF-014559 YF-002585 YF-014036 YF-002348 YF-017957 YF-016683 YF-018988 YF-013501 YF-024147 YF-001333 YF-023841 YF-001074 YF-007285 YF-015806 YF-012203 YF-011584 YF-010197 YF-012114 TS-79 TS-79 TS-141 TS-8 TS-121 TS-32 TS-12 TS-59 TS-141 TS-19 TS-82 TS-135 TS-120 TS-101 TS-21 TS-73 TS-79 TS-180 TS-86 TS-61 TS-57 TS-140 TS-160 TS-91 TS-165 TS-135 TS-28 TS-63 TS-46 TS-113 TS-156 TS-98 TS-1 TS-125 TS-160 TS-172 TS-13 TS-64 TS-153 TS-153 TS-153 TS-153 TS-33 TS-102 TS-39 TS-110 TS-28 TS-63 TS-1 TS-153 TS-72 TS-154 TS-21 TS-55 TS-84 TS-148 TS-46 TS-44 TS-154 TS-16 TS-110 TS-114 TS-160 TS-113 TS-113 TS-80 Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November 15:5015:5011:0010:0015:2015:4010:0013:5011:0013:2015:5009:0015:2013:0013:2015:5015:5016:2013:0013:5013:5011:0014:0013:0014:0009:0015:4013:5010:3015:2014:0013:0010:0009:0014:0016:2010:0013:5014:0014:0014:0014:0015:4013:0010:3015:2015:4013:5010:0014:0015:5014:0013:2013:5015:5011:0010:3010:3014:0010:0015:2015:2014:0015:2015:2015:50- Room12:413 Room12:413 Room05:311 Room09:315 Room18:419 Room17:418 Room13:414 Room10:411 Room05:311 Room12:413 Room15:416 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room16:417 Room14:415 Room06:312 Room12:413 Room17:418 Room01:301 Room12:413 Room08:314 Room04:304 Room09:315 Room06:312 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room13:414 Room14:415 Room15:416 Room10:411 Room05:311 Room13:414 Room1+2:301 Room04:304 Room09:315 Room06:312 Room14:415 Room15:416 Room02:302 Room02:302 Room02:302 Room02:302 Room18:419 Room17:418 Room08:314 Room07:313 Room13:414 Room14:415 Room1+2:301 Room02:302 Room05:311 Room03:303 Room14:415 Room06:312 Room17:418 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room13:414 Room03:303 Room17:418 Room07:313 Room11:412 Room09:315 Room10:411 Room10:411 Room13:414 154 R Q YF-020184 YF-001678 Racchetti, Lorenzo YF-001236 YF-019259 YF-008486 YF-004332 YF-012858 YF-019364 YF-011541 YF-026263 YF-007358 YF-007838 YF-012289 YF-002577 YF-012289 YF-008788 YF-002291 YF-004723 YF-021997 YF-003484 YF-021547 YF-013005 Raak, Fredrik YF-007803 Qi, Qi Qi, Xin Qian, Kun Qian, Kun Qin, Hailong Qin, Linlin Qiu, Chun Qiu, Chun Qiu, Dongyuan Qiu, Dongyuan Qiu, Dongyuan Qiu, Peng Qu, Lili Qu, Ronghai Qu, Ronghai Qu, Ronghai Qu, Ronghai Quaicoe, John Queiroz, Jonas Quirin, Didier YF-007951 YF-025364 YF-010561 YF-020702 YF-021083 YF-008044 YF-019151 YF-019151 YF-022438 YF-017647 YF-009059 YF-014222 YF-024139 YF-023841 YF-021482 YF-024708 YF-004642 YF-013226 YF-005649 YF-018341 YF-007277 YF-017124 YF-016977 YF-026417 YF-005614 YF-011584 YF-010197 YF-018805 YF-011436 YF-012483 YF-011894 YF-015814 YF-015865 YF-014583 YF-018996 YF-018899 YF-018708 YF-005517 YF-008656 YF-005592 YF-008664 Qi, Bo Pickering, Steve Piech, Klaus Piepenbreier, Bernhard Pietrzak-David, Maria Pilastro, Davide Pinto, Rodrigo Teixeira Pires, Armando Pires, Vitor Pires, Vitor Pirro, Matteo Pirsan, Maria Vanina Pirsan, Vanina Pittermann, Martin Pizzi, Emiliano Platschek, Andreas Platt, Glenn Ploennigs, Joern Pohlt, Clemens Pomnitz, Paul Ponce, Mario Pool, Erick I. Popieul, Jean-Christophe Porru, Mario Portillo, Ramon Poskovic, Emir Pou, Josep Pou, Josep Pou, Josep Prabel, Robert Prabel, Robert Prabel, Robert Pradeep Kumar, V. V. S. Prasad, Eswar Preindl, Matthias Preindl, Matthias Preindl, Matthias Preindl, Matthias Preisler, Thomas Prieto, Andres Punter-Villagrasa, Jaime Pyrhonen, Juha Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November 09:0015:5015:2015:5015:2016:2010:3010:3009:0010:3013:2010:0015:5014:0013:5014:0015:2014:0013:0013:5014:0014:0013:2015:5011:0015:2015:2014:0015:4015:4015:2015:2013:5013:2013:2013:5011:0009:0015:5013:5009:00- Room01:301 Room04:304 Room15:416 Room01:301 Room08:314 Room06:312 Room08:314 Room08:314 Room07:313 Room04:304 Room17:418 Room03:303 Room07:313 Room03:303 Room12:413 Room06:312 Room02:302 Room03:303 Room10:411 Room14:415 Room05:311 Room09:315 Room14:415 Room18:419 Room02:302 Room10:411 Room10:411 Room04:304 Room12:413 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room07:313 Room05:311 Room12:413 Room14:415 Room01:301 Room01:301 Room08:314 Room05:311 Room07:313 Room01:301 Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November TS-22 Monday 9th of November TS-47 Tuesday 10th of November TS-64 TS-40 TS-36 TS-159 TS-76 TS-49 TS-55 TS-144 TS-25 TS-147 TS-147 TS-181 TS-147 TS-123 TS-137 TS-138 TS-138 TS-12 TS-73 TS-36 Room15:416 Room09:315 Room05:311 Room08:314 Room09:315 Room18:419 Room06:312 Room08:314 Room18:419 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room18:419 Room14:415 Room02:302 Room01:301 Room02:302 Room02:302 Room13:414 Room06:312 Room05:311 13:20- Room15:416 10:30- Room16:417 13:5010:3010:3014:0015:5010:3013:5011:0013:2011:0011:0016:2011:0009:0011:0011:0011:0010:0015:5010:30- TS-98 Wednesday 11th of November 13:00- Room13:414 TS-122 TS-71 TS-118 TS-68 TS-111 TS-172 TS-39 TS-39 TS-128 TS-35 TS-24 TS-2 TS-74 TS-154 TS-61 TS-157 TS-105 TS-154 TS-95 TS-63 TS-156 TS-160 TS-21 TS-85 TS-138 TS-113 TS-113 TS-155 TS-27 TS-33 TS-121 TS-110 TS-54 TS-19 TS-21 TS-50 TS-137 TS-129 TS-72 TS-56 TS-122 Racchetti, Lorenzo Radianto, Donny Rahim, N. Abd Rahman, M.F. Rahman, Mohammad Mizanoor Rahman, Muhammed Fazlur Rahmani, Salem Rajashekara, Kaushik Raksincharoensak, Pongsathorn Ramchand, Rijil Ramirez, Mario Gonzalez Ramirez-Figueroa, Fernando D. Rammbuth, Apisit Ramteke, M. R. Rao, DMKK Venkateswara Rathnayake, R.M.H.M Rathore, Akshay K. Rathore, Akshay K. Ravey, Alexandre Ray, Apala Ray, Olive Raymond-Herrera, Oscar Razavi, Saiedeh Razik, Hubert Razik, Hubert Rehman, Zubair Ren, Lei Ren, Qinyuan Renz, Wolfgang Reusser, Carlos Reza Tousi, S. M. Rezkallah, Miloud Ri, Yoshi Riachi, Chantal Maatouk Riahi, Mohammad Reza Rianmora, Suchada Riba, Jordi Ribeiro, Luiz Antonio de Souza Riedemann, Javier Rienzo, Roberto Di Rigatos, Gerasimos Rigatos, Gerasimos Rituraj, Gautam Rivas-Lopez, Moises Rivera, Sebastian Riveros, Jose Robbersmyr, Kjell G. Robbersmyr, Kjell Gunnar Rocha, Andre Dionisio Rodrigues, Silvio F. Rodriguez Andina, Juan Jose Rodriguez Fortun, Jose Manuel Rodriguez, Francisco J. Rodriguez, Francisco J. Rodriguez, Francisco Javier Rodriguez, Jose Rodriguez, Jose Rodriguez, Jose Rodriguez, P. Raymundo Rodriguez, Pedro Rodriguez, Romina Rodriguez-Andina, Juan J. Rodriguez-Quinonez, Julio C. Rodriguez-Quinonez, Julio C. Rodriguez-Villareal, Ivon Rohjans, Sebastian YF-012726 YF-010723 YF-000507 YF-022373 YF-014583 YF-023027 YF-003565 YF-007366 YF-007331 YF-021164 YF-016497 YF-006416 YF-024929 YF-012971 YF-002364 YF-013404 YF-019755 YF-019747 YF-016136 YF-020575 YF-007374 YF-001333 YF-016837 YF-005207 YF-007706 YF-022543 YF-021393 YF-002372 YF-005517 YF-026271 YF-011916 YF-016918 YF-023892 YF-024619 YF-005053 YF-024929 YF-017922 YF-025569 YF-024147 YF-026492 YF-019682 YF-019704 YF-006041 YF-001295 YF-010138 YF-002801 YF-024864 YF-003948 YF-017507 YF-008044 YF-009121 YF-007897 YF-017582 YF-017566 YF-018023 YF-005312 YF-008435 YF-022489 YF-018341 YF-009067 YF-018996 YF-019615 YF-001333 YF-001295 YF-005592 YF-021245 TS-22 TS-149 TS-63 TS-104 TS-19 TS-68 TS-5 TS-26 TS-7 TS-84 TS-45 TS-139 TS-171 TS-80 TS-129 TS-123 TS-84 TS-117 TS-107 TS-172 TS-131 TS-44 TS-19 TS-35 TS-35 TS-150 TS-168 TS-58 TS-129 TS-23 TS-2 TS-85 TS-36 TS-67 TS-167 TS-171 TS-166 TS-120 TS-46 TS-155 TS-28 TS-55 TS-41 TS-73 TS-133 TS-97 TS-22 TS-67 TS-141 TS-172 TS-39 TS-93 TS-28 TS-63 TS-148 TS-8 TS-8 TS-147 TS-63 TS-127 TS-21 TS-165 TS-44 TS-73 TS-56 TS-71 Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November 13:2011:0013:5015:2013:2015:5010:0015:4010:0015:5010:3011:0016:2015:5009:0009:0015:5015:2015:2016:2009:0010:3013:2010:3010:3011:0016:2013:5009:0013:2010:0015:5010:3013:5016:2016:2014:0015:2010:3014:0015:4013:5010:3015:5009:0013:0013:2013:5011:0016:2010:3013:0015:4013:5011:0010:0010:0011:0013:5009:0013:2014:0010:3015:5013:5015:50- Room15:416 Room16:417 Room14:415 Room01:301 Room12:413 Room01:301 Room06:312 Room11:412 Room08:314 Room17:418 Room14:415 Room03:303 Room05:311 Room13:414 Room08:314 Room02:302 Room17:418 Room14:415 Room04:304 Room06:312 Room13:414 Room13:414 Room12:413 Room04:304 Room04:304 Room17:418 Room02:302 Room09:315 Room08:314 Room16:417 Room03:303 Room18:419 Room05:311 Room18:419 Room01:301 Room05:311 Room18:419 Room17:418 Room15:416 Room04:304 Room13:414 Room06:312 Room10:411 Room06:312 Room15:416 Room12:413 Room15:416 Room18:419 Room05:311 Room06:312 Room08:314 Room08:314 Room13:414 Room14:415 Room15:416 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room06:312 Room14:415 Room17:418 Room13:414 Room06:312 Room07:313 Room04:304 155 S YF-017469 YF-004561 YF-009113 YF-011932 YF-005592 YF-020931 YF-013242 YF-001481 YF-005606 YF-008109 YF-019062 YF-019062 YF-010154 YF-006335 YF-002186 YF-020028 YF-009687 YF-016535 YF-016454 YF-023825 YF-009563 YF-013099 YF-006459 YF-006335 YF-012335 YF-009881 YF-008052 YF-010898 YF-007927 YF-026484 YF-001597 YF-002135 YF-000256 YF-005606 YF-008109 YF-011835 YF-022209 YF-024031 Saad, Maarouf Sabanovic, Asif Sabanovic, Asif Sabate, Neus Sadamura, Satoshi Sadarangani, Chandur Sadarangani, Chandur Sadarnac, Daniel Sadarnac, Daniel Safaee, Alireza Safaee, Alireza Safaee, Alireza Sagara, Shinichi Sagawa, Masato Sahari, Khairul Salleh Mohamed Sai, Toru Saini, Dalvir K. Saini, Dalvir K. Saito, Eiichi Saito, Jose Hiroki Saito, Ken Saito, Kotaro Sakagami, Norimitsu Sakagami, Norimitsu Sakai, Hayata Sakaino, Sho Sakaino, Sho Sakaino, Sho Sakamoto, Tetsuzo Sakamura, Ken Sakanishi, Hideki Sakimoto, Kenichi Sakr, Nadim Sakr, Nadim Sakuragi, Kazuki Sakurai, Ryuhei Sala, Enric YF-025364 YF-018732 YF-020141 YF-007455 YF-017051 YF-005649 YF-024031 YF-017922 YF-026492 YF-020389 YF-016888 YF-016888 YF-009008 YF-026131 YF-018627 YF-022306 YF-003433 YF-012319 YF-009067 YF-010146 YF-026352 YF-018813 YF-018716 YF-002496 YF-000728 YF-005576 YF-012319 Sa, Antonio Rohjans, Sebastian Rohten, Jaime Rojas, Christian Rojko, Andreja Rokade, Sameer Rollbuhler, Christoph Romeral, Luis Romeral, Luis Roncella, Roberto Roncero-Clemente, Carlos Roncero-Sanchez , Carlos Roncero-Sanchez, Pedro Roncero-Sanchez-Elipe, Pedro Roose, Leon Roppel, Thaddeus A. Rosa, Fabiano Camargo Roscoe, Nina Rosendahl, Ronald Roslan, Nurul Fazlin Binti Round, Howell Rozario, Deepak Rub, Haitham Abu Ruderman, Michael Ruengkitpinyo, Wanicha Rufer, Alfred Rufer, Alfred Ryashentseva, Daria Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November TS-108 TS-46 TS-60 TS-56 TS-20 TS-18 TS-86 TS-2 TS-6 TS-42 TS-42 TS-81 TS-88 TS-41 TS-11 TS-31 TS-63 TS-83 TS-36 TS-75 TS-3 TS-130 TS-88 TS-106 TS-16 TS-9 TS-16 TS-171 TS-103 TS-125 TS-162 TS-92 TS-2 TS-6 TS-88 TS-91 TS-53 Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November TS-55 Tuesday 10th of November TS-71 TS-110 TS-110 TS-39 TS-27 TS-95 TS-53 TS-166 TS-155 TS-146 TS-19 TS-19 TS-177 TS-19 TS-58 TS-122 TS-13 TS-57 TS-127 TS-62 TS-117 TS-38 TS-36 TS-126 TS-13 TS-157 TS-57 Room04:304 Room07:313 Room07:313 Room08:314 Room12:413 Room10:411 Room04:304 Room18:419 Room04:304 Room13:414 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room14:415 Room12:413 Room09:315 Room01:301 Room14:415 Room08:314 Room06:312 Room13:414 Room14:415 Room07:313 Room05:311 Room05:311 Room14:415 Room06:312 Room08:314 15:2010:3013:5013:5013:2013:2013:0010:0010:0010:3010:3015:5013:0010:3010:0015:4013:5015:5010:3015:5010:0009:0013:0015:2010:0010:0010:0016:2013:0009:0014:0013:0010:0010:0013:0013:0013:50- Room05:311 Room15:416 Room11:412 Room07:313 Room13:414 Room11:412 Room01:301 Room03:303 Room07:313 Room11:412 Room11:412 Room14:415 Room03:303 Room10:411 Room12:413 Room16:417 Room14:415 Room16:417 Room05:311 Room08:314 Room04:304 Room09:315 Room03:303 Room03:303 Room17:418 Room10:411 Room17:418 Room05:311 Room18:419 Room04:304 Room14:415 Room07:313 Room03:303 Room07:313 Room03:303 Room06:312 Room04:304 13:50- Room06:312 15:5015:2015:2010:3015:4013:0013:5014:0014:0011:0013:2013:2016:2013:2013:5009:0010:0013:5009:0013:5015:2010:3010:3009:0010:0014:0013:50- Sala, Enric Salahat, Ehab Salahat, Ehab Salazar, Andres Saleh, Hani Saleh, Hani Saletti, Roberto Salgado, Filipe Salim, Srairi Salloum, Georges Salloum, Georges Salminen, Erno Salton, Aurelio Tergolina Salvucci, Valerio Samonig, Matthias A. Sampathirao, Sashidhar Samuel, Paulson Sanchez Gomez, Francisco M. Sanchez, Alejandro Fernandez Sanchis, Pablo Sanchis, Pablo Sandstrom, Kristian Sanduleac, Mihai Sanfilippo, Filippo Sangswang, Anawach Sangswang, Anawach Sanz, Ines Saputra, Azhar Aulia Sarkar, Indrajit Sarkar, Mrinal Kanti Sarlioglu, Bulent Sarnago, Hector Sarnago, Hector Sarnago, Hector Sasaki, Ryosuke Sasaki, Tsubasa Sasaya, Takanari Sathik, Mohamed Halick Mohamed Sathyan, Sabin Sathyan, Shelas Satiawan, Wahyu Sato, Daisuke Sato, Kaiji Sato, Keiko Sato, Koji Sato, Koji Sato, Motoki Sato, Susumu Sato, Susumu Sato, Yukihiko Satoh, Nobuo Sato-Shimokawara, Eri Saur, Michael Sauter, Thilo Sauter, Thilo Savaghebi, josep M. Savaghebi, Mehdi Savaghebi, Mehdi Savaghebi, Mehdi Savahgebi, Mehdi Savitski, Dzmitry Savvidis, Dimitrios Sawada, Kenji Sayama, Kenta Schachinger, Daniel Schael, Michael YF-017922 YF-012718 YF-013943 YF-001929 YF-012718 YF-013943 YF-026492 YF-019615 YF-003166 YF-003905 YF-003387 YF-012505 YF-016241 YF-013005 YF-015458 YF-025178 YF-015709 YF-017566 YF-008109 YF-017779 YF-015113 YF-020699 YF-022438 YF-001074 YF-014486 YF-011452 YF-018023 YF-012106 YF-015555 YF-005479 YF-013641 YF-002844 YF-002585 YF-002623 YF-014362 YF-009474 YF-007439 YF-005339 YF-005584 YF-006548 YF-014966 YF-025275 YF-022322 YF-009695 YF-021121 YF-022187 YF-022462 YF-009261 YF-016667 YF-025089 YF-006262 YF-016284 YF-006408 YF-023876 YF-021482 YF-025259 YF-024074 YF-025259 YF-008915 YF-014745 YF-007897 YF-004502 YF-009474 YF-020109 YF-017655 YF-015946 TS-166 TS-20 TS-163 TS-38 TS-20 TS-163 TS-155 TS-165 TS-15 TS-47 TS-86 TS-165 TS-33 TS-36 TS-18 TS-138 TS-38 TS-63 TS-6 TS-64 TS-87 TS-165 TS-128 TS-16 TS-32 TS-65 TS-148 TS-163 TS-181 TS-103 TS-131 TS-56 TS-153 TS-153 TS-102 TS-116 TS-135 TS-114 TS-171 TS-156 TS-168 TS-6 TS-170 TS-162 TS-29 TS-29 TS-10 TS-109 TS-109 TS-170 TS-82 TS-112 TS-123 TS-44 TS-61 TS-101 TS-62 TS-101 TS-146 TS-118 TS-93 TS-163 TS-116 TS-108 TS-105 TS-128 Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November 14:0013:2014:0010:3013:2014:0014:0014:0010:0010:3013:0014:0015:4010:3013:2011:0010:3013:5010:0013:5013:0014:0009:0010:0015:4013:5011:0014:0016:2013:0009:0013:5014:0014:0013:0015:2009:0015:2016:2014:0016:2010:0016:2014:0015:4015:4010:0015:2015:2016:2015:5015:2009:0010:3013:5013:0013:5013:0011:0015:2013:0014:0015:2015:2015:2009:00- Room18:419 Room13:414 Room15:416 Room07:313 Room13:414 Room15:416 Room04:304 Room17:418 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room01:301 Room17:418 Room18:419 Room05:311 Room11:412 Room02:302 Room07:313 Room14:415 Room07:313 Room15:416 Room02:302 Room17:418 Room07:313 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room16:417 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room13:414 Room07:313 Room02:302 Room02:302 Room17:418 Room13:414 Room17:418 Room11:412 Room05:311 Room05:311 Room02:302 Room07:313 Room04:304 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room11:412 Room06:312 Room06:312 Room04:304 Room15:416 Room09:315 Room02:302 Room13:414 Room12:413 Room16:417 Room13:414 Room16:417 Room13:414 Room15:416 Room08:314 Room15:416 Room13:414 Room05:311 Room02:302 Room07:313 156 Schael, Michael Scheuer, Marcel Scheuer, Marcel Schimdt, Patrica P. Schlegl, Thomas Schlegl, Thomas Schlegl, Thomas Schleuter, Dirk Schloegl, Florian Schmeisser, Andres Ulloa Schmenger, Jens Schmidt, Nicole Schmitt, Alexander Schmitt, Alexander Schulz, Detlef Schumann, Anika Schwarz, R. Schwarz, Radu Sciascera, Claudio Scuiller, Franck Scuiller, Franck Sebastiano, Fabio Seewig, Jorg Seilonen, Ilkka Seki, Tatsuki Seki, Yoshiaki Semmler, Kathrin Sencer, Burak Sensarma, Parthasarathi Sentouh, Chouki Seo, Dongwook Seo, Dongwook Sepasi, Saeed Sergiyenko, Oleg Sergiyenko, Oleg Yu. Serkies, Piotr Serpi, Alessandro Serpi, Alessandro Serpi, Alessandro Serrano-Rubio, Juan Pablo Sgarbossa, Paolo Shadmand, Mohammad B. Shafiq, Muhammad Shagerdmootaab, Ali Shah, Muhammad Asyraf Azlin Shahbazi, Mahmoud Shao, Xingling Sharifian, Ehsan Sharifzadeh, Mohammad Sharifzadeh, Mohammad Sharma, Shailendra Sharma, Shailendra Shen, Dan Sheng, Bo Sher, Hadeed Shi, Bowen Shi, Chun Shi, Gang Shi, Gang Shi, Hongliang Shi, Peng Shi, Wei Shi, Ye Shibata, Mizuho Shibutani, Yoshiki Shieh, Jenn-Jong YF-016098 YF-013803 YF-013889 YF-021741 YF-016861 YF-008613 YF-013226 YF-017108 YF-025364 YF-022489 YF-006289 YF-012319 YF-005649 YF-007781 YF-022837 YF-004642 YF-002631 YF-006831 YF-008834 YF-004448 YF-003786 YF-005398 YF-005223 YF-010219 YF-008052 YF-003794 YF-006831 YF-009709 YF-014338 YF-017124 YF-012947 YF-018775 YF-026131 YF-001295 YF-001333 YF-017981 YF-016977 YF-017388 YF-023833 YF-021792 YF-016543 YF-018813 YF-021334 YF-016942 YF-020028 YF-000272 YF-020982 YF-011916 YF-026417 YF-019976 YF-016918 YF-004561 YF-017833 YF-002445 YF-026301 YF-001589 YF-019364 YF-006246 YF-023418 YF-023167 YF-011533 YF-009873 YF-009555 YF-012335 YF-014141 YF-000914 TS-158 TS-43 TS-167 TS-112 TS-22 TS-126 TS-154 TS-39 TS-71 TS-147 TS-117 TS-57 TS-95 TS-132 TS-24 TS-105 TS-65 TS-17 TS-11 TS-97 TS-115 TS-54 TS-101 TS-87 TS-9 TS-93 TS-17 TS-111 TS-148 TS-160 TS-94 TS-94 TS-19 TS-73 TS-44 TS-140 TS-21 TS-139 TS-155 TS-163 TS-56 TS-38 TS-47 TS-150 TS-11 TS-96 TS-121 TS-2 TS-85 TS-90 TS-85 TS-108 TS-92 TS-47 TS-156 TS-104 TS-49 TS-131 TS-179 TS-99 TS-49 TS-180 TS-8 TS-106 TS-111 TS-100 Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November 14:0010:3016:2015:2013:2009:0014:0010:3015:5011:0015:2013:5013:0009:0013:2015:2013:5010:0010:0013:0015:2013:5013:0013:0010:0013:0010:0015:2011:0014:0013:0013:0013:2015:5010:3011:0013:2011:0014:0014:0013:5010:3010:3011:0010:0013:0015:2010:0015:5013:0015:5015:2013:0010:3014:0015:2010:3009:0016:2013:0010:3016:2010:0015:2015:2013:00- Room07:313 Room12:413 Room01:301 Room09:315 Room15:416 Room05:311 Room03:303 Room08:314 Room04:304 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room08:314 Room10:411 Room14:415 Room17:418 Room02:302 Room16:417 Room18:419 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room05:311 Room16:417 Room02:302 Room10:411 Room08:314 Room18:419 Room08:314 Room15:416 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room12:413 Room06:312 Room13:414 Room04:304 Room14:415 Room03:303 Room04:304 Room15:416 Room07:313 Room07:313 Room16:417 Room17:418 Room12:413 Room11:412 Room18:419 Room03:303 Room18:419 Room05:311 Room18:419 Room05:311 Room07:313 Room16:417 Room05:311 Room01:301 Room18:419 Room13:414 Room16:417 Room14:415 Room18:419 Room17:418 Room09:315 Room03:303 Room08:314 Room15:416 Shieh, Jenn-Jong Shikayama, Toru Shimamoto, Atsushi Shimanuki, Yuya Shimizu, Shuhei Shimizu, Shuhei Shimizu, Sota Shimizu, Takayuki Shimmyo, Shuhei Shimofuji, Keigo Shimono, Tomoyuki Shimono, Tomoyuki Shimono, Tomoyuki Shimono, Tomoyuki Shimono, Tomoyuki Shin, Donghoon Shin, Donghoon Shin, Seiichi Shindo, Yuji Shinoda, Hiroyuki Shintani, Shiobara, Toshichika Shiobara, Toshichika Shiozawa, Susumu Shiromi, Kai Shitole, Amardeep Balasaheb Shoyama, Masahito Shoyama, Masahito Shoyama, Masahito Shu, Lei Shu, Siwan Shukla, Anshuman Shults, Tatiana Siano, Pierluigi Siano, Pierluigi Sicard, Pierre Siddiqi, Abdul Rahman Sidek, Shahrul Naim Siek, Liter Sieni, Elisabetta Silber, Siegfried Silva, Bruno Silva, Jose Silveira, Alexandre H. Silventoinen, Pertti Silverio, Ana Karoline Simanjorang, Rejeki Simoes, M Godoy Singh, Alok Kumar Singh, Amandeep Singh, Bhim Singh, Bhim Singh, Siddhartha Anirban Sinha, Roopak Sirouspour, Shahin Sivkov, Oleg Sleiman, Mohammad Sluzek, Andrzej Sluzek, Andrzej Smadi, Issam Smalcerz, Albert Smidl, Vaclav Sobrinho, Alvaro Soldati, Alessandro Soldati, Alessandro Soldati, Alessandro YF-000922 YF-011118 YF-006459 YF-019232 YF-012815 YF-021318 YF-016667 YF-020109 YF-011614 YF-002739 YF-015822 YF-018945 YF-018872 YF-013625 YF-019607 YF-007757 YF-007749 YF-009474 YF-000256 YF-012955 YF-020265 YF-009903 YF-009946 YF-001694 YF-022659 YF-006548 YF-016586 YF-010723 YF-017434 YF-019259 YF-008222 YF-013188 YF-020389 YF-019682 YF-019704 YF-021431 YF-001996 YF-001996 YF-000779 YF-016543 YF-009571 YF-018937 YF-018732 YF-008362 YF-014788 YF-021741 YF-005339 YF-013277 YF-015709 YF-026379 YF-016918 YF-002771 YF-026344 YF-010049 YF-018708 YF-011177 YF-025348 YF-012718 YF-013943 YF-013536 YF-020079 YF-018988 YF-002348 YF-011444 YF-011339 YF-011371 TS-100 TS-69 TS-130 TS-109 TS-48 TS-116 TS-109 TS-108 TS-93 TS-38 TS-9 TS-69 TS-93 TS-164 TS-164 TS-103 TS-121 TS-116 TS-92 TS-61 TS-106 TS-129 TS-129 TS-83 TS-174 TS-156 TS-148 TS-149 TS-177 TS-40 TS-119 TS-113 TS-146 TS-28 TS-55 TS-152 TS-75 TS-75 TS-98 TS-56 TS-68 TS-1 TS-110 TS-153 TS-135 TS-112 TS-114 TS-55 TS-38 TS-29 TS-85 TS-157 TS-21 TS-73 TS-137 TS-135 TS-108 TS-20 TS-163 TS-103 TS-34 TS-84 TS-154 TS-46 TS-149 TS-149 Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November 13:0015:5009:0015:2010:3015:2015:2015:2013:0010:3010:0015:5013:0014:0014:0013:0015:2015:2013:0013:5015:2009:0009:0015:5016:2014:0011:0011:0016:2010:3015:2015:2011:0015:4013:5014:0015:5015:5013:0013:5015:5010:0015:2014:0009:0015:2015:2013:5010:3015:4015:5014:0013:2015:5011:0009:0015:2013:2014:0013:0010:3015:5014:0010:3011:0011:00- Room15:416 Room02:302 Room09:315 Room06:312 Room17:418 Room13:414 Room06:312 Room05:311 Room08:314 Room07:313 Room10:411 Room02:302 Room08:314 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room13:414 Room07:313 Room12:413 Room03:303 Room08:314 Room08:314 Room16:417 Room08:314 Room05:311 Room15:416 Room16:417 Room14:415 Room09:315 Room16:417 Room10:411 Room13:414 Room13:414 Room06:312 Room01:301 Room08:314 Room08:314 Room13:414 Room07:313 Room01:301 Room1+2:301 Room07:313 Room02:302 Room17:418 Room09:315 Room11:412 Room06:312 Room07:313 Room14:415 Room18:419 Room06:312 Room14:415 Room06:312 Room01:301 Room17:418 Room05:311 Room13:414 Room15:416 Room18:419 Room03:303 Room17:418 Room03:303 Room15:416 Room16:417 Room16:417 157 Solomon, Adane Kassa Soltani, Javad Soltani, Mohsen Somkun, Sakda Soner, Burak Song, Bao Song, Hongsheng Song, Kai Song, Kai Song, Rui Song, Yonghua Songprakorp, Roongrojana Sooraksa, Pitikhate Sorandaru, Ciprian Sorniotti, Aldo Sosa Savedra, Julio Cesar Sosa Zuniga, Jose Miguel Sosa ZuNIga, Jose Miguel Sosa, Jose M. Sosa, Jose M. Sosa, Jose M. Sosa, Miguel Soto, Diego Soto-Sanchez, Diego Sourkounis, Constantinos Sourkounis, Constantinos Sourkounis, Constantinos Sourkounis, Constantinos Sourkounis, Constantinos Sourkounis, Constantinos Spagnuolo, Giovanni Spiazzi, Giorgio Spiazzi, Giorgio Spichartz, Philipp Spizzo, Federico Sreekumar, Preetha Sri Lal Senanayaka, Jagath Srivastava, Rakesh Stampfel, Christoph Stapornchaisit, Sorawit Stefanello, Marcio Steiner, Wilfried Steinke, Gina K. Stevic, Marija Stiene, Tyler Stone, David A Stone, David. A Strasser, Thomas Strasser, Thomas Streit, Lubos Stringfellow, Jake D. Strzelecki, Ryszard Stylios, Chrysostomos Su, Hongye Su, Jing Su, Zikang Su, Zikang Subramaniam, Aravinth Suesuwan, Wisarut Suetsugu, Tadashi Suetsugu, Tadashi Sugano, Tatsuya Sugihara, Taro Sugimoto, Kazushige Sugita, Kazuki Suhara, Tooru YF-009806 YF-012963 YF-002011 YF-010545 YF-009113 YF-021997 YF-023779 YF-025097 YF-010308 YF-002399 YF-011592 YF-014486 YF-012203 YF-023604 YF-007897 YF-004618 YF-004545 YF-004677 YF-002828 YF-007285 YF-007277 YF-018341 YF-024147 YF-017329 YF-016659 YF-013803 YF-015946 YF-013412 YF-016098 YF-013889 YF-026492 YF-005665 YF-020214 YF-016659 YF-016543 YF-015148 YF-003948 YF-019755 YF-017655 YF-007994 YF-016969 YF-017574 YF-005576 YF-023752 YF-014583 YF-014281 YF-015695 YF-021245 YF-025364 YF-017957 YF-010685 YF-020389 YF-017027 YF-003077 YF-023051 YF-020982 YF-003867 YF-005304 YF-019879 YF-016535 YF-016454 YF-001503 YF-002135 YF-000256 YF-013099 YF-012092 TS-25 TS-6 TS-67 TS-133 TS-46 TS-138 TS-154 TS-10 TS-52 TS-43 TS-119 TS-32 TS-160 TS-150 TS-93 TS-45 TS-46 TS-133 TS-8 TS-110 TS-156 TS-63 TS-46 TS-113 TS-2 TS-43 TS-128 TS-146 TS-158 TS-167 TS-155 TS-66 TS-150 TS-2 TS-56 TS-5 TS-67 TS-84 TS-105 TS-9 TS-181 TS-172 TS-157 TS-4 TS-19 TS-17 TS-52 TS-71 TS-71 TS-21 TS-13 TS-146 TS-35 TS-98 TS-40 TS-121 TS-159 TS-89 TS-172 TS-63 TS-83 TS-174 TS-162 TS-92 TS-3 TS-37 Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November 13:2010:0013:5009:0010:3011:0014:0010:0013:5010:3015:2015:4014:0011:0013:0010:3010:3009:0010:0015:2014:0013:5010:3015:2010:0010:3009:0011:0014:0016:2014:0013:5011:0010:0013:5010:0013:5015:5015:2010:0016:2016:2014:0010:0013:2010:0013:5015:5015:5013:2010:0011:0010:3013:0010:3015:2014:0013:0016:2013:5015:5016:2014:0013:0010:0010:30- Room18:419 Room07:313 Room18:419 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room02:302 Room03:303 Room11:412 Room03:303 Room12:413 Room16:417 Room17:418 Room09:315 Room17:418 Room08:314 Room14:415 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room09:315 Room07:313 Room05:311 Room14:415 Room15:416 Room10:411 Room03:303 Room12:413 Room07:313 Room13:414 Room07:313 Room01:301 Room04:304 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room03:303 Room07:313 Room06:312 Room18:419 Room17:418 Room02:302 Room10:411 Room18:419 Room06:312 Room06:312 Room05:311 Room12:413 Room18:419 Room03:303 Room04:304 Room04:304 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room13:414 Room04:304 Room13:414 Room09:315 Room18:419 Room08:314 Room04:304 Room06:312 Room14:415 Room16:417 Room08:314 Room14:415 Room07:313 Room04:304 Room06:312 T YF-011509 YF-001678 YF-012726 YF-015199 YF-016713 YF-007439 YF-004774 YF-009164 YF-023108 YF-005053 YF-005061 YF-016357 YF-003484 YF-006645 YF-013218 YF-013986 YF-020206 YF-013161 YF-002739 YF-025356 YF-009482 YF-006335 YF-009628 YF-024392 Tacconi, Lorenzo Tacconi, Lorenzo Tackie, David V. Tadano, Hiroshi Tadano, Hiroshi Tadokoro, Masashi Taha, Wesam Tahami, Farzad Tahami, Farzad Tahara, Kenji Tahara, Kenji Tahavorgar, Amir Taherzadeh, Mehdi Tai, Bingyong Tai, Liuchen Tajiri, Masahiro Takadama, Keiki Takahashi, Akiko Takahashi, Hiroki Takahashi, Ryota Takahashi, Satoru Takahashi, Satoru Takahashi, Yohei YF-012785 YF-010685 YF-024198 YF-013919 YF-006181 YF-023418 YF-010499 YF-009873 YF-015873 YF-007811 YF-012564 YF-021067 YF-009687 YF-018708 YF-014079 YF-015059 YF-006785 YF-015067 YF-008818 YF-011169 YF-006548 YF-020184 YF-020176 YF-009067 YF-012017 YF-016284 YF-003972 YF-004774 YF-002135 YF-012238 YF-020095 YF-011878 YF-014834 YF-002429 YF-014311 YF-014249 YF-014362 YF-014443 YF-009628 YF-019771 YF-017981 T, Somasekhar V Sularea, Vasile-Simion Summers, Terrence J. Sumner, Mark Sumsurooah, Sharmila Sun, Biaoguang Sun, Changjiang Sun, Dan Sun, Hu Sun, Jiankun Sun, Jinyun Sun, Kexu Sun, Lixia Sun, Xiang-Dong Sun, Yingguang Sun, Zhiyuan Sunn, Nian Supsukbaworn, Thanakorn Surendra Babu Nukala, N. V. Surya, G Suryana, Rahmat Suryawanshi, Hiralal Murlidhar Susuki, Yoshihiko Sutyasadi, Petrus Suul, Jon Are Suyama, Keita Suzuki, Aoi Suzuki, Atsushi Suzuki, Ken-Ichi Suzuki, Muneou Suzuki, Satoru Suzuki, Satoshi Suzuki, Satoshi Suzuki, Takashi Suzuki, Takashi Suzuki, Tatsuya Suzuki, Tatsuya Suzuki, Tatsuya Suzuki, Toshiki Suzuki, Tsuyoshi Suzumura, Akihiro Szabat, Krzysztof Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of 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Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November TS-26 Monday 9th of November TS-14 TS-13 TS-118 TS-180 TS-14 TS-179 TS-6 TS-180 TS-102 TS-3 TS-118 TS-147 TS-31 TS-137 TS-111 TS-54 TS-174 TS-77 TS-51 TS-119 TS-156 TS-47 TS-59 TS-127 TS-22 TS-112 TS-93 TS-37 TS-162 TS-75 TS-72 TS-112 TS-57 TS-168 TS-7 TS-20 TS-102 TS-104 TS-109 TS-48 TS-140 Room15:416 Room14:415 Room15:416 Room17:418 Room15:416 Room16:417 Room07:313 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room04:304 Room15:416 Room14:415 Room16:417 Room01:301 Room08:314 Room05:311 Room08:314 Room10:411 Room02:302 Room16:417 Room05:311 Room16:417 Room10:411 Room06:312 Room15:416 Room09:315 Room08:314 Room06:312 Room14:415 Room08:314 Room05:311 Room09:315 Room08:314 Room02:302 Room08:314 Room13:414 Room17:418 Room01:301 Room06:312 Room17:418 Room04:304 13:2013:2014:0013:5009:0010:3015:5011:0016:2013:0015:2010:0015:2016:2009:0010:0013:5010:3015:5014:0013:0015:2014:00- Room15:416 Room15:416 Room05:311 Room16:417 Room17:418 Room06:312 Room14:415 Room09:315 Room01:301 Room03:303 Room03:303 Room13:414 Room12:413 Room17:418 Room13:414 Room10:411 Room10:411 Room07:313 Room07:313 Room01:301 Room03:303 Room06:312 Room14:415 15:40- Room11:412 10:0010:0015:2016:2010:0016:2010:0016:2013:0010:0015:2011:0015:4011:0015:2013:5016:2015:5013:5015:2014:0010:3013:5009:0013:2015:2013:0010:3014:0015:5015:5015:2013:5016:2010:0013:2013:0015:2015:2010:3011:00- 158 Takaki, Tsuyoshi Takano, Shunya Takano, Toshiaki Takaoka, Nagisa Takase, Yoshiyasu Takato, Minami Takeda, Takahiro Takeda, Yuki Takemura, Fumiaki Takemura, Fumiaki Takenaka, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Issei Takeuchi, Masaru Takeya, Masaki Takiguchi, Taro Takimoto, Hironori Takizawa, Kazuya Talbi, Said Talla, Jakub Tamai, Yuki Tamura, Kazuya Tamura, Shu Tan, Kok Kiong Tan, Kok Kiong Tan, Kok Kiong Tan, Longcheng Tanabe, Ryo Tanaka, Shodai Tanaka, Shodai Tanaka, Yuki Tang, Fen Tang, Tianhao Tang, Yang Tang, Yunuyu Tang, Zefan Tani, Yukako Tanida, Kazuki Taniguchi, Akira Taniguchi, Tadahiro Taniguchi, Tadahiro Tantipiched, Pornpim Tanzania, Robin Tao, Jie Tatani, Masaki Tatte, Yogesh Tattiwong, Kaweewat Tazaki, Yuichi Tazaki, Yuichi Tchernykh, Andrei Tedorescu, Remus Teiar, Hakim Tenconi, Alberto Tenconi, Alberto Tennekoon, Rajitha Teo, Rodney Teo, Swee Huat Teo, Tat Joo Teodorescu, Remus Terada, Hidetsugu Terada, Yuki Terashima, Kazuhiko Teuho, Mikko Thiemann, Bernd Thienchai, Ratchata Thomas, Dave Thyroff, Dominik YF-009504 YF-018945 YF-006254 YF-025526 YF-011118 YF-013099 YF-012106 YF-003603 YF-006335 YF-009628 YF-011215 YF-017272 YF-001473 YF-016756 YF-002941 YF-009695 YF-019194 YF-003891 YF-017957 YF-013161 YF-015954 YF-011762 YF-019801 YF-019828 YF-012149 YF-010138 YF-020249 YF-018945 YF-018872 YF-002186 YF-004006 YF-009857 YF-013595 YF-006602 YF-006572 YF-021032 YF-012815 YF-006254 YF-011215 YF-006254 YF-024929 YF-000779 YF-003077 YF-013099 YF-012939 YF-016063 YF-014311 YF-014249 YF-001333 YF-004006 YF-021431 YF-020524 YF-023345 YF-013935 YF-011665 YF-003662 YF-004839 YF-018422 YF-001279 YF-012602 YF-015504 YF-012505 YF-021482 YF-019879 YF-024198 YF-013072 TS-158 TS-69 TS-7 TS-74 TS-69 TS-3 TS-163 TS-130 TS-88 TS-109 TS-7 TS-48 TS-103 TS-9 TS-12 TS-162 TS-106 TS-181 TS-21 TS-59 TS-159 TS-94 TS-30 TS-30 TS-76 TS-133 TS-139 TS-69 TS-93 TS-41 TS-149 TS-43 TS-49 TS-66 TS-52 TS-91 TS-48 TS-7 TS-7 TS-7 TS-171 TS-98 TS-98 TS-3 TS-18 TS-99 TS-7 TS-20 TS-44 TS-149 TS-152 TS-11 TS-68 TS-79 TS-76 TS-76 TS-58 TS-84 TS-112 TS-93 TS-59 TS-165 TS-61 TS-172 TS-118 TS-11 Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November 14:0015:5010:0015:5015:5010:0014:0009:0013:0015:2010:0010:3013:0010:0010:0014:0015:2016:2013:2013:5014:0013:0015:4015:4015:5009:0011:0015:5013:0010:3011:0010:3010:3013:5013:5013:0010:3010:0010:0010:0016:2013:0013:0010:0013:2013:0010:0013:2010:3011:0014:0010:0015:5015:5015:5015:5013:5015:5015:2013:0013:5014:0013:5016:2015:2010:00- Room07:313 Room02:302 Room08:314 Room07:313 Room02:302 Room04:304 Room15:416 Room09:315 Room03:303 Room06:312 Room08:314 Room17:418 Room18:419 Room10:411 Room13:414 Room14:415 Room03:303 Room18:419 Room14:415 Room10:411 Room08:314 Room09:315 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room09:315 Room15:416 Room03:303 Room02:302 Room08:314 Room10:411 Room16:417 Room12:413 Room18:419 Room17:418 Room03:303 Room06:312 Room17:418 Room08:314 Room08:314 Room08:314 Room05:311 Room13:414 Room13:414 Room04:304 Room11:412 Room14:415 Room08:314 Room13:414 Room13:414 Room16:417 Room01:301 Room12:413 Room01:301 Room12:413 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room17:418 Room09:315 Room08:314 Room10:411 Room17:418 Room12:413 Room06:312 Room15:416 Room12:413 Tian, Dapeng Tian, Yanjun Tian, Yu-Chu Toda, T. Tojo, Naoya Tolani, Sanjay Toloue, Shirin Fartash Tomioka, Satoshi Tomita, Yohei Tomizuka, Daisuke Tomori, Hiroki Tong, Li Tong, Yibin Tong-aram, Direk Toosi, Saman Toral, Sergio Toral, Sergio Toral, Sergio L. Torii, Akihiro Tormo, Daniel Torres, Alfonso Parreno Torres, Javier Torres, Miguel Torres-Martinez, Javier Torres-Martinez, Javier Torres-Martinez, Javier Torres-Martinez, Javier Torres-Martinez, Javier Townsend, Christopher Townsend, Christopher David Townsend, Christopher David Toyomasu, Ippei Toyota, Akihito Trachi, Youness Tran, Dinh Tuan Tran, Yan-Kim Trapanese, Marco Trapanese, Marco Triathi, Ravi Nath Tripakis, Stavros Tsai, Yueh-Shiuan Tsang, Kim Fung Tsang, Kim-Fung Tseng, King Jet Tseng, Shao-Kai Tseng, T. H. Tsirinomeny, Martel Tsoumas, Ioannis Tsubakidani, Takashi Tsuboki, Kazuhisa Tsuchimoto, Misaki Tsuchimoto, Misaki Tsuda, Kazuma Tsuji, Mineo Tsuji, Mineo Tsuji, Mineo Tsuji, Toshiaki Tsuji, Toshiaki Tsuji, Toshiaki Tsujiuchi, Nobutaka Tsuruga, Hideki Tsuruta, Kazuhiro Tuan, Le Anh Tumerdem, Ugur Turiel, Javier P. Turker, Turker YF-002976 YF-016233 YF-009679 YF-015121 YF-013625 YF-014338 YF-006769 YF-022527 YF-012033 YF-020133 YF-008745 YF-006637 YF-004006 YF-012203 YF-020222 YF-003158 YF-002801 YF-009024 YF-001694 YF-002046 YF-009008 YF-005355 YF-018732 YF-020672 YF-005452 YF-005487 YF-005444 YF-017094 YF-010278 YF-002046 YF-009989 YF-013625 YF-011118 YF-016047 YF-022209 YF-017477 YF-024791 YF-016527 YF-007048 YF-009296 YF-012165 YF-016292 YF-023051 YF-025135 YF-001341 YF-001732 YF-000728 YF-017027 YF-012459 YF-020184 YF-021121 YF-022187 YF-024848 YF-012459 YF-009504 YF-009547 YF-008052 YF-010898 YF-007927 YF-002534 YF-002909 YF-024694 YF-010626 YF-006017 YF-019267 YF-006599 TS-130 TS-46 TS-166 TS-112 TS-164 TS-148 TS-27 TS-99 TS-94 TS-164 TS-88 TS-132 TS-149 TS-160 TS-134 TS-1 TS-97 TS-40 TS-83 TS-77 TS-177 TS-66 TS-110 TS-15 TS-65 TS-100 TS-151 TS-158 TS-157 TS-77 TS-90 TS-164 TS-69 TS-35 TS-91 TS-179 TS-69 TS-127 TS-149 TS-79 TS-145 TS-40 TS-40 TS-155 TS-169 TS-140 TS-13 TS-35 TS-28 TS-47 TS-29 TS-29 TS-70 TS-28 TS-158 TS-158 TS-9 TS-16 TS-171 TS-174 TS-88 TS-33 TS-85 TS-16 TS-39 TS-139 Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November 09:0010:3014:0015:2014:0011:0015:4013:0013:0014:0013:0009:0011:0014:0009:0010:0013:0010:3015:5015:5016:2013:5015:2010:0013:5013:0011:0014:0014:0015:5013:0014:0015:5010:3013:0016:2015:5009:0011:0015:5011:0010:3010:3014:0016:2011:0010:0010:3015:4010:3015:4015:4015:5015:4014:0014:0010:0010:0016:2016:2013:0015:4015:5010:0010:3011:00- Room09:315 Room15:416 Room18:419 Room09:315 Room16:417 Room15:416 Room12:413 Room14:415 Room09:315 Room16:417 Room03:303 Room14:415 Room16:417 Room09:315 Room16:417 Room1+2:301 Room12:413 Room09:315 Room16:417 Room10:411 Room14:415 Room17:418 Room07:313 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room15:416 Room18:419 Room07:313 Room06:312 Room10:411 Room05:311 Room16:417 Room02:302 Room04:304 Room06:312 Room16:417 Room02:302 Room06:312 Room16:417 Room12:413 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room04:304 Room03:303 Room04:304 Room14:415 Room04:304 Room13:414 Room16:417 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room03:303 Room13:414 Room07:313 Room07:313 Room10:411 Room17:418 Room05:311 Room08:314 Room03:303 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room17:418 Room08:314 Room03:303 159 V U Vahedi, Hani YF-026417 Vahedi, Hani YF-020583 Vahedi, Hani YF-019976 Vahedi, Hani YF-019984 Vaisanen, Vesa YF-014788 Vaiyapuri, Viswanathan YF-001635 Vakil, Gaurang YF-007951 Valderrama, Gerardo Escobar YF-004545 Valderrama, Gerardo Escobar YF-004677 Valdez Fernandez, Andres Alejandro YF-004677 van der Merwe, Wim YF-003859 Vanasrivilai, Natthakarn YF-024929 Vaquero, Joaquin YF-006092 Vaquero, Joaquin YF-006084 Vaschetto, Silvio YF-002437 Vaschetto, Silvio YF-023345 Vasic, Dejan YF-012777 Vasquez, Juan YF-017698 Vasquez, Juan YF-024856 Vasquez, Juan YF-008915 Vasquez, Juan YF-021423 Vasquez, Juan C. YF-003352 Vasquez, Juan C. YF-003379 Vasquez, Juan C. YF-000523 Vasquez, Juan Carlos YF-025259 Vasquez, Juan Carlos YF-014745 Vazquez, Gerardo YF-002828 Vazquez, Gerardo YF-007277 Vazquez, Jeziel YF-006092 Vazquez, Jeziel YF-006084 Vazquez, Nimrod YF-006092 Vazquez, Nimrod YF-006084 Vazquez, Sergio YF-018473 YF-016683 YF-012092 YF-026484 YF-006335 YF-024635 YF-002895 YF-001279 YF-020281 YF-017574 YF-001635 YF-002054 YF-022004 YF-002364 YF-002135 YF-002674 YF-008818 YF-015474 YF-015997 YF-017779 YF-017779 YF-015113 YF-017019 YF-009997 YF-020184 YF-008664 YF-009113 YF-011932 Vaclav, Smidl YF-013099 Uchimura, Yutaka Uchitomi, Issei Uechi, Natsuki Ueda, Keisuke Ueda, Shohei Ueda, Shohei Uemura, Mitsunori Uhlemann, Elisabeth Ukil, Abhisek Ukil, Abhisek Ukil, Abhisek Ukil, Abhisek Umemoto, Katsuhiro Umeno, Masayoshi Umre, B Unel, Mustafa Unel, Mustafa Ursua, Alfredo Urtasun, Andoni Urtasun, Andoni Uski, Sanna Usuda, Shin Uyeda, Hiroshi Uzhegov, Nikita Uzunovic, Tarik Uzunovic, Tarik Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November TS-85 TS-90 TS-90 TS-108 TS-135 TS-89 TS-122 TS-46 TS-133 TS-133 TS-65 TS-171 TS-127 TS-157 TS-26 TS-68 TS-127 TS-120 TS-120 TS-146 TS-155 TS-118 TS-118 TS-172 TS-101 TS-118 TS-8 TS-156 TS-127 TS-157 TS-127 TS-157 TS-77 Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November TS-55 Tuesday 10th of November TS-37 TS-103 TS-88 TS-106 TS-7 TS-112 TS-106 TS-172 TS-89 TS-125 TS-126 TS-129 TS-162 TS-82 TS-51 TS-22 TS-44 TS-64 TS-64 TS-87 TS-101 TS-160 TS-47 TS-122 TS-46 TS-60 TS-3 Room06:312 Room18:419 Room03:303 Room03:303 Room08:314 Room09:315 Room03:303 Room06:312 Room04:304 Room04:304 Room05:311 Room08:314 Room14:415 Room15:416 Room02:302 Room15:416 Room13:414 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room02:302 Room16:417 Room09:315 Room16:417 Room01:301 Room15:416 Room11:412 15:5013:0013:0015:2009:0013:0009:0010:3009:0009:0013:5016:2009:0014:0015:4015:5009:0015:2015:2011:0014:0015:2015:2016:2013:0015:2010:0014:0009:0014:0009:0014:0015:50- Room18:419 Room05:311 Room05:311 Room05:311 Room17:418 Room04:304 Room01:301 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room16:417 Room05:311 Room06:312 Room06:312 Room11:412 Room01:301 Room06:312 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room13:414 Room04:304 Room15:416 Room15:416 Room06:312 Room16:417 Room15:416 Room09:315 Room05:311 Room06:312 Room06:312 Room06:312 Room06:312 Room10:411 13:50- Room06:312 10:3013:0013:0015:2010:0015:2015:2016:2013:0009:0009:0009:0014:0015:5013:5013:2010:3013:5013:5013:0013:0014:0010:3009:0010:3013:50- 10:00- Room04:304 YF-003875 TS-92 Wednesday 11th of November 13:00- Room07:313 YF-001333 TS-44 Tuesday 10th of November 10:30- Room13:414 YF-010936 TS-135 Thursday 12th of November 09:00- Room17:418 Uchikoba, Fumio Tuysuz, Arda Tyrsa, Vira Tzou, Ying-Yu W Wada, Takahiro Wada, Takayuki Wada, Takayuki Wahyono, Wahyono Wakui, Shinji Wang, Aimeng Wang, Bingsen Wang, Can Wang, Cheng Wang, Danwei Wang, Danwei Wang, Dong Wang, Dong Wang, Dong Wang, Guishi Wang, Guishi Wang, Haihong Wang, Haoran Wang, Honglun Wang, Honglun Wang, Huai Wang, Huizhen Wang, Jiabin Wang, Jianguo Wang, Jianhua Wang, Jianhua Wang, Jianhua Wang, Jin Wang, Junxing Wang, Kui Wang, Kun Wang, Mingyu Wang, Peng Wada, Masayoshi Vazquez, Sergio Vazquez, Sergio Vega, Emanuel Pablo Vejjanugraha, Pikul Velasco, Manel Velasquez, Jorge Vera, Daniel A. Vergara Villegas, Osslan Osiris Vidal, Ricardo Vidal-Albalate, Ricardo Vieira, Rodrigo Padilha Vieira, Rodrigo Padilha Vilhekar, Tushar Viola, Alessia Visintini, Roberto Vlad, Cristina Vobecky, Jan Vogelsberger, Markus Vollmar, Jan Vollmar, Jan Vorobyov, Maxim Voyer, Nicolas Vu, Tuyen V. Vyatkin, Valeriy Vyatkin, Valeriy Vyatkin, Valeriy Vyatkin, Valeriy Vyatkin, Valeriy Vyatkin, Valeriy Vyatkin, Valeriy Vyatkin, Valeriy YF-002895 YF-020184 YF-002747 YF-010243 YF-011517 YF-008222 YF-017728 YF-000507 YF-023256 YF-001635 YF-006912 YF-021016 YF-007161 YF-012394 YF-012181 YF-018805 YF-004936 YF-012661 YF-020982 YF-003867 YF-012661 YF-001236 YF-012548 YF-009393 YF-013765 YF-013986 YF-002577 YF-000116 YF-009725 YF-003719 YF-019259 YF-013498 YF-007021 YF-026158 YF-024287 YF-024325 YF-004405 YF-002496 YF-017094 YF-025364 YF-024813 YF-023949 YF-024147 YF-017329 YF-017213 YF-016969 YF-008818 YF-016527 YF-013668 YF-015938 YF-001651 YF-011355 YF-000426 YF-012319 YF-020729 YF-003883 YF-007293 YF-006815 YF-010049 YF-018015 YF-009296 YF-009458 YF-005789 YF-010219 YF-010413 Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November TS-7 TS-47 TS-166 TS-94 TS-121 TS-119 TS-134 TS-63 TS-90 TS-89 TS-114 TS-116 TS-124 TS-124 TS-87 TS-155 TS-98 TS-161 TS-121 TS-159 TS-161 TS-64 TS-114 TS-177 TS-80 TS-131 TS-181 TS-58 TS-17 TS-153 TS-40 TS-145 TS-101 Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November TS-30 Monday 9th of November TS-77 TS-95 TS-76 TS-126 TS-158 TS-71 TS-154 TS-44 TS-46 TS-113 TS-152 TS-181 TS-51 TS-127 TS-81 TS-87 TS-161 TS-51 TS-57 TS-57 TS-125 TS-11 TS-121 TS-71 TS-73 TS-79 TS-79 TS-79 TS-79 TS-87 TS-141 Room10:411 Room10:411 Room09:315 Room05:311 Room07:313 Room04:304 Room03:303 Room13:414 Room15:416 Room10:411 Room01:301 Room18:419 Room02:302 Room06:312 Room14:415 Room02:302 Room13:414 Room02:302 Room08:314 Room08:314 Room04:304 Room12:413 Room18:419 Room04:304 Room06:312 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room02:302 Room05:311 10:0010:3014:0013:0015:2015:2009:0013:5013:0013:0015:2015:2009:0009:0013:0014:0013:0014:0015:2014:0014:0013:5015:2016:2015:5009:0016:2013:5010:0014:0010:3011:0013:00- Room08:314 Room16:417 Room18:419 Room09:315 Room18:419 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room14:415 Room05:311 Room04:304 Room11:412 Room13:414 Room03:303 Room03:303 Room02:302 Room04:304 Room13:414 Room13:414 Room18:419 Room08:314 Room13:414 Room15:416 Room11:412 Room14:415 Room13:414 Room13:414 Room18:419 Room09:315 Room18:419 Room02:302 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room16:417 15:40- Room15:416 15:5013:0015:5009:0014:0015:5014:0010:3010:3015:2014:0016:2013:5009:0015:5013:0014:0013:5013:5013:5009:0010:0015:2015:5015:5015:5015:5015:5015:5013:0011:00- 160 Wang, Ping Wang, Qian Wang, Qian Wang, Shuai Wang, Tianhao Wang, Tianzhen Wang, Wei Wang, Xiongfei Wang, Xuemei Wang, Yanbo Wang, Yanmin Wang, Yi Wang, Yue Wang, Yuxi Wang, Zheng Wang, Zhenya Wang, Zhenzhou Watanabe, Edson Watanabe, Keigo Watanabe, Keigo Watanabe, Keigo Watanabe, Keigo Watson, Alan Wei, Guo Wei, Zuolong Weidenholzer, Guenther Wen, Zhengeng Wenger, Martin Wermann, Jeffrey Weustink, Paul B.T. Wierckx, Rudi Wierckx, Rudi Wijaya, Febry Pandu Wijayasekara, Dumidu Wijayasekara, Dumidu Wilamowski, Bogdan M. Williamson, Sheldon Williamson, Sheldon Williamson, Sheldon Williamson, Sheldon Williamson, Sheldon Williamson, Sheldon Wilson, Gary Windisch, Thomas Winter, Johannes Wira, Patrice Witt, Gerd Wolbank, Thomas Wolbank, Thomas M. Won, Sangchul Wu, Bin Wu, Bin Wu, Bin Wu, Chia-Hsien Wu, Chieh-Tsai Wu, Chun Wu, Chung Kit Wu, Gang Wu, Genping Wu, Kao-Chih Wu, Leilei Wu, Wei Wu, Wei Wu, Xiaodong Wu, Xiaohua Wu, Y. H. YF-004707 YF-004049 YF-011282 YF-012858 YF-001589 YF-009849 YF-021016 YF-014621 YF-013811 YF-014621 YF-001511 YF-001546 YF-000337 YF-006602 YF-004421 YF-013811 YF-019623 YF-013307 YF-003557 YF-003964 YF-011673 YF-012491 YF-011568 YF-010308 YF-024864 YF-009571 YF-021067 YF-006831 YF-016705 YF-001074 YF-020621 YF-025321 YF-016187 YF-020877 YF-026433 YF-019976 YF-026409 YF-026344 YF-026379 YF-026352 YF-026387 YF-026395 YF-021881 YF-006823 YF-011843 YF-019704 YF-005622 YF-011355 YF-015458 YF-003638 YF-025267 YF-005959 YF-010138 YF-015539 YF-016829 YF-005657 YF-016292 YF-019364 YF-001317 YF-010936 YF-021997 YF-001244 YF-001252 YF-010103 YF-008915 YF-001732 TS-98 TS-47 TS-134 TS-76 TS-104 TS-35 TS-116 TS-32 TS-52 TS-32 TS-27 TS-145 TS-100 TS-66 TS-120 TS-52 TS-56 TS-5 TS-3 TS-3 TS-3 TS-59 TS-13 TS-52 TS-22 TS-68 TS-147 TS-17 TS-39 TS-16 TS-4 TS-4 TS-117 TS-105 TS-125 TS-90 TS-21 TS-21 TS-29 TS-117 TS-117 TS-117 TS-29 TS-123 TS-141 TS-55 TS-20 TS-51 TS-18 TS-160 TS-77 TS-86 TS-133 TS-60 TS-109 TS-156 TS-40 TS-49 TS-45 TS-135 TS-138 TS-61 TS-141 TS-16 TS-146 TS-140 Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November 13:0010:3009:0015:5015:2010:3015:2015:4013:5015:4015:4011:0013:0013:5015:2013:5013:5010:0010:0010:0010:0013:5010:0013:5013:2015:5011:0010:0010:3010:0010:0010:0015:2015:2009:0013:0013:2013:2015:4015:2015:2015:2015:4009:0011:0013:5013:2013:5013:2014:0015:5013:0009:0013:5015:2014:0010:3010:3010:3009:0011:0013:5011:0010:0011:0011:00- Room13:414 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room09:315 Room01:301 Room04:304 Room13:414 Room17:418 Room03:303 Room17:418 Room12:413 Room09:315 Room15:416 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room03:303 Room07:313 Room06:312 Room04:304 Room04:304 Room04:304 Room10:411 Room14:415 Room03:303 Room15:416 Room01:301 Room14:415 Room18:419 Room08:314 Room17:418 Room05:311 Room05:311 Room14:415 Room02:302 Room04:304 Room05:311 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room02:302 Room05:311 Room06:312 Room13:414 Room02:302 Room11:412 Room09:315 Room10:411 Room01:301 Room15:416 Room11:412 Room06:312 Room05:311 Room09:315 Room18:419 Room14:415 Room17:418 Room02:302 Room12:413 Room05:311 Room17:418 Room13:414 Room04:304 Y X TS-36 TS-11 TS-91 TS-20 TS-91 TS-164 TS-134 TS-130 TS-164 TS-159 TS-69 TS-102 TS-59 TS-112 TS-126 TS-26 TS-85 TS-134 TS-106 TS-109 TS-168 TS-57 Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November 10:3010:0013:0013:2013:0014:0009:0009:0014:0014:0015:5013:0013:5015:2009:0015:4015:5009:0015:2015:2016:2013:50- Room05:311 Room12:413 Room06:312 Room13:414 Room06:312 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room09:315 Room16:417 Room08:314 Room02:302 Room17:418 Room10:411 Room09:315 Room05:311 Room11:412 Room18:419 Room16:417 Room03:303 Room06:312 Room02:302 Room08:314 YF-025402 YF-001767 YF-011401 YF-011045 YF-021032 YF-022411 YF-011282 YF-003603 YF-022411 YF-026247 YF-018945 YF-014362 YF-013161 YF-016284 YF-011975 YF-007366 YF-010626 YF-011282 YF-020265 YF-010634 YF-002798 YF-004901 Room16:417 Room18:419 Room12:413 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room09:315 Room07:313 Room01:301 Room02:302 Room03:303 Room09:315 Room15:416 Room14:415 Room04:304 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room03:303 Room15:416 Room13:414 Room01:301 Room06:312 Room09:315 Room15:416 Room14:415 Room01:301 Room02:302 Room17:418 Room14:415 Room01:301 Room03:303 Room01:301 Room13:414 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room14:415 YF-019852 TS-111 Wednesday 11th of November 15:20- Room08:314 15:2010:3015:4010:0010:0015:5014:0015:2009:0016:2010:3013:5011:0015:2011:0011:0014:0010:0013:5013:0010:0013:5013:5013:0015:2014:0010:0010:0011:0011:0009:0013:0013:2013:2015:20Yabuki, Akinori Yagi, Keisuke Yajima, Masumi Yakoh, Takahiro Yamada, Chiharu Yamada, Naomi Yamada, Ryosuke Yamada, Shota Yamada, Yoji Yamada, Yuki Yamaguchi, Shuhei Yamaguchi, Takuma Yamaguchi, Tomohiro Yamaguchi, Toru Yamamoto, Toru Yamamoto, Yasuhiro Yamamura, Naoki Yamamura, Naoki Yamano, Akio Yamazaki, Mina Yammine, Samer Yan, Hengchao Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Yabui, Shota TS-119 TS-49 TS-27 TS-17 TS-17 TS-76 TS-158 TS-104 TS-123 TS-169 TS-40 TS-64 TS-147 TS-107 TS-147 TS-147 TS-154 TS-14 TS-62 TS-86 TS-5 TS-58 TS-64 TS-99 TS-104 TS-153 TS-16 TS-13 TS-137 TS-139 TS-122 TS-98 TS-24 TS-24 TS-117 YF-011592 YF-009237 YF-001511 YF-009733 YF-009725 YF-003662 YF-004359 YF-022373 YF-013404 YF-013447 YF-023051 YF-001236 YF-007838 YF-002704 YF-007838 YF-012289 YF-023779 YF-006181 YF-000183 YF-005959 YF-023884 YF-002372 YF-016764 YF-023167 YF-001589 YF-003719 YF-010103 YF-000728 YF-002291 YF-009466 YF-007951 YF-003077 YF-008311 YF-000469 YF-019747 Room12:413 Room05:311 Room16:417 Room09:315 Room13:414 YF-012564 TS-118 Wednesday 11th of November 15:20- Room15:416 13:5011:0010:0010:0013:00- Xi, Xinze Xia, Genglei Xia, Hongwei Xia, Huan Xia, Huan Xiang, Cheng Xiang, Yu Xiao, D. Xiao, D. Xiao, Dan Xiao, Jun Xiao, Lan Xiao, Wenxun Xiaojun, Ma Xie, Fan Xie, Fan Xie, Lihua Xie, Yunxiang Xie, Yunxiang Xu, David Xu, Dianguo Xu, Jian-Xin Xu, Jin Xu, Jing Xu, John Xu, Lie Xu, Min Xu, Minghao Xu, Wei Xu, Wei Xu, Zeyuan Xu, Zhaowen Xu, Zhirong Xu, Zhirong Xuewei, Pan YF-001244 TS-61 Tuesday 10th of November YF-001252 TS-141 Thursday 12th of November YF-013021 TS-15 Monday 9th of November YF-009555 TS-8 Monday 9th of November YF-003077 TS-98 Wednesday 11th of November Xi, Jianxiong Wu, Yuejia Wu, Yuejia Wu, Zaijun Wu, Zai-jun Wu, Zheng-Guang 161 Yan, Hengchao Yan, Jiu Dun Yan, Weifeng Yan, Yunda Yanagi, Hiroshige Yang, Bo Yang, Chen-Wei Yang, Dazhi Yang, Fan Yang, Geng Yang, Geng Yang, Geng Yang, Guowei Yang, H. T. Yang, Jiansen Yang, Jun Yang, Jun Yang, Ping Yang, Sheng-Ming Yang, Shih-Chin Yang, Xuebo Yang, Yinye Yang, Yongheng Yang, Yue Yang, Yueh-Ru Yang, Zhongping Yang, Zhongping Yang, Zhongping Yang, Zhongping Yang, Zhongping Yano, Yoshihiro Yao, Bin Yao, Cheng-Chiang Yao, Gang Yao, Gang Yao, Jia Yao, Low Wen Yao, Peng Yao, Peng Yao, Yanmei Yasubayashi, Mikio Yasuda, Tomio Yatim, Abdul Halim Yau, Y. T. Yau, Y. T. Yavarian, Alireza Ye, Chang Ye, Donghui Ye, Gu Ye, Zhen Yeh, S. H. Yen, Hau-Chen Yenes, Andres Yildirim, Mehmet Can Yilmaz, Metin Yin, He Yin, He Yin, Quan Yin, Shen Yin, Shen Yin, Zhijian Yokokura, Yuki Yokokura, Yuki Yokokura, Yuki Yokokura, Yuki Yokokura, Yuki YF-004871 YF-009393 YF-000221 YF-014079 YF-022527 YF-023329 YF-006815 YF-002038 YF-002445 YF-010944 YF-011592 YF-022233 YF-021997 YF-001732 YF-007803 YF-014753 YF-015873 YF-008311 YF-003735 YF-017396 YF-013595 YF-018899 YF-012785 YF-003662 YF-009598 YF-009733 YF-009768 YF-008575 YF-009725 YF-009873 YF-009547 YF-020443 YF-000302 YF-009857 YF-011142 YF-007692 YF-022039 YF-020982 YF-003867 YF-013242 YF-002674 YF-024848 YF-021849 YF-000965 YF-000957 YF-005789 YF-010103 YF-007315 YF-004359 YF-002038 YF-001732 YF-002992 YF-008265 YF-023655 YF-015474 YF-008575 YF-008125 YF-001317 YF-013498 YF-013323 YF-006742 YF-006343 YF-025402 YF-003794 YF-006459 YF-009482 TS-89 TS-177 TS-27 TS-111 TS-99 TS-2 TS-71 TS-31 TS-47 TS-19 TS-119 TS-156 TS-138 TS-140 TS-98 TS-102 TS-102 TS-24 TS-124 TS-51 TS-49 TS-50 TS-14 TS-76 TS-42 TS-17 TS-17 TS-17 TS-17 TS-180 TS-158 TS-170 TS-159 TS-43 TS-125 TS-100 TS-19 TS-121 TS-159 TS-18 TS-82 TS-70 TS-50 TS-45 TS-151 TS-79 TS-16 TS-132 TS-158 TS-31 TS-140 TS-82 TS-13 TS-60 TS-22 TS-17 TS-87 TS-45 TS-145 TS-160 TS-132 TS-9 TS-36 TS-93 TS-130 TS-152 Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November 13:0016:2015:4015:2013:0010:0015:5015:4010:3013:2015:2014:0011:0011:0013:0013:0013:0013:2009:0013:5010:3013:5010:0015:5010:3010:0010:0010:0010:0016:2014:0016:2014:0010:3009:0013:0013:2015:2014:0013:2015:5015:5013:5010:3011:0015:5010:0009:0014:0015:4011:0015:5010:0013:5013:2010:0013:0010:3011:0014:0009:0010:0010:3013:0009:0014:00- Room04:304 Room14:415 Room12:413 Room08:314 Room14:415 Room03:303 Room04:304 Room16:417 Room16:417 Room12:413 Room16:417 Room05:311 Room02:302 Room04:304 Room13:414 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room17:418 Room03:303 Room02:302 Room18:419 Room01:301 Room15:416 Room09:315 Room11:412 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room17:418 Room07:313 Room04:304 Room08:314 Room12:413 Room04:304 Room15:416 Room12:413 Room18:419 Room08:314 Room11:412 Room15:416 Room03:303 Room01:301 Room14:415 Room18:419 Room12:413 Room17:418 Room14:415 Room07:313 Room16:417 Room04:304 Room15:416 Room14:415 Room11:412 Room15:416 Room18:419 Room02:302 Room14:415 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room14:415 Room10:411 Room05:311 Room08:314 Room09:315 Room01:301 Z TS-43 TS-155 TS-38 TS-110 TS-113 TS-113 TS-115 TS-59 TS-61 TS-77 TS-117 TS-15 TS-39 TS-64 TS-99 TS-34 TS-28 TS-79 TS-79 TS-98 TS-116 TS-116 TS-137 TS-25 TS-52 TS-147 TS-147 TS-147 TS-125 TS-98 TS-118 TS-124 Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November YF-020664 TS-140 Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November YF-002984 YF-026492 YF-019909 YF-005797 YF-011584 YF-010197 YF-006858 YF-018643 YF-021482 YF-002046 YF-006289 YF-019941 YF-009121 YF-016764 YF-023167 YF-025232 YF-019682 YF-018015 YF-005789 YF-004936 YF-008737 YF-010162 YF-002291 YF-007358 YF-013811 YF-007838 YF-012289 YF-012289 YF-002054 YF-004707 YF-024198 YF-003735 TS-162 TS-102 TS-29 TS-95 TS-30 TS-37 TS-36 TS-80 TS-181 TS-24 TS-47 TS-117 TS-117 TS-24 TS-31 TS-160 TS-125 TS-160 TS-132 TS-145 TS-33 TS-153 TS-58 TS-58 TS-101 TS-90 TS-157 TS-165 TS-40 TS-139 TS-1 TS-75 Zahawi, Bashar Zamboni, Walter Zapata, Jaime W. Zapata, Jaime W. Zaragoza, Jordi Zaragoza, Jordi Zarri, Luca Zawirski, Krzysztof Zeilinger, Heimo Zelaya De La Parra, Hector Zeltner, Stefan Zeng, Wente Zeng, Wente Zeng, Yingyu Zeng, Yingyu Zerbetto, Marcello Zervos, Nikolaos Zhabelova, Gulnara Zhabelova, Gulnara Zhang, Bao-Lin Zhang, Baoyong Zhang, Biao Zhang, Bin Zhang, Bo Zhang, Bo Zhang, Bo Zhang, Bo Zhang, Guidong Zhang, Hanwen Zhang, HaoJie Zhang, He Zhang, Jia-Hao YF-014524 YF-014095 YF-022187 YF-024384 YF-023337 YF-004774 YF-025402 YF-013765 YF-002577 YF-015989 YF-019917 YF-026387 YF-026395 YF-017248 YF-009687 YF-013323 YF-011142 YF-009997 YF-007315 YF-001546 YF-014117 YF-001104 YF-018627 YF-018651 YF-002526 YF-009989 YF-010278 YF-014648 YF-019259 YF-009466 YF-002682 YF-013749 Zaffar, Nauman A. Yokota, Sho Yoneyama, Jun Yoshida, Hideki Yoshida, Tomoaki Yoshihara, Ken Yoshino, Manabu Yoshioka, Takashi You, Jun You, Jun Youcef-Toumi, Kamal YouhannaEshagh, Emanuel Youssef, Mohamed Youssef, Mohamed Youssef, Tarek Yu, Byung-Gyu Yu, Han Yu, Huajun Yu, Koyo Yu, Li-Ren Yu, Ming Yu, TsungHsien Yu, Xiaofei Yu, Xin Yu, Xin Yu, Xinghuo Yu, Yifan Yu, Yifan Yube, Naoto Yue, Dong Yue, Hong Yuren, Li Yusof, Rubiyah Room14:415 Room17:418 Room14:415 Room10:411 Room15:416 Room06:312 Room05:311 Room13:414 Room18:419 Room17:418 Room16:417 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room17:418 Room16:417 Room09:315 Room04:304 Room09:315 Room14:415 Room09:315 Room18:419 Room02:302 Room09:315 Room09:315 Room16:417 Room05:311 Room06:312 Room17:418 Room09:315 Room03:303 Room1+2:301 Room08:314 10:3014:0010:3015:2015:2015:2015:2013:5013:5015:5015:2010:0010:3013:5013:0010:3015:4015:5015:5013:0015:2015:2011:0013:2013:5011:0011:0011:0009:0013:0015:2009:00- Room12:413 Room04:304 Room07:313 Room07:313 Room10:411 Room10:411 Room12:413 Room10:411 Room12:413 Room10:411 Room14:415 Room16:417 Room08:314 Room15:416 Room14:415 Room03:303 Room13:414 Room12:413 Room12:413 Room13:414 Room13:414 Room13:414 Room01:301 Room18:419 Room03:303 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room04:304 Room13:414 Room15:416 Room03:303 11:00- Room04:304 14:0013:0015:4013:0015:4010:3010:3015:5016:2013:2010:3015:2015:2013:2015:4014:0009:0014:0009:0011:0015:4014:0013:5013:5013:0013:0014:0014:0010:3011:0010:0015:50- 162 Zhang, Jianwei Zhang, Jianwen Zhang, Jianwen Zhang, Jianwen Zhang, Jin Zhang, Kai Zhang, Lixian Zhang, Mengmi Zhang, Ning Zhang, Qianfan Zhang, Qingchao Zhang, Xiang Zhang, Xian-Ming Zhang, Xian-Ming Zhang, Xian-Ming Zhang, Xinan Zhang, Yang Zhang, Yi-Fan Zhang, Yijun Zhang, Zhe Zhang, Zhen Zhang, Zhenbin Zhang, Zhenbin Zhang, Zhenbin Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Zhuoran Zhao, Ben Zhao, Chen Zhao, Chen Zhao, Huidan Zhao, Jianfeng Zhao, Jianfeng Zhao, Kaidi Zhao, Rui Zhao, Xiaodan Zhao, Xiaohao Zhao, Xin Zhao, Yajie Zhao, Yuxin Zhao, Zhuoli Zhaohui, Yuan Zheng, Chao Zheng, Liran Zheng, Xiaoqin Zheng, Xuemei Zheng, Zedong Zhong, Yanni Zhou, Bo Zhou, Bo Zhou, Cong Zhou, Dao Zhou, Hongbin Zhou, Junhong Zhou, Junhong Zhou, Lidan Zhou, Liping Zhou, Shiying Zhou, Shiying Zhou, Xiaojun Zhou, Yu Zhu, Bohang Zhu, Chunbo Zhu, Chunbo Zhu, Donghai Zhu, Donghai Zhu, Fan YF-007773 YF-011088 YF-006246 YF-023418 YF-002143 YF-023256 YF-011533 YF-012858 YF-011045 YF-010308 YF-011029 YF-007838 YF-020168 YF-004936 YF-021857 YF-008567 YF-007811 YF-009679 YF-008737 YF-012572 YF-026263 YF-005371 YF-005657 YF-017604 YF-009873 YF-010472 YF-011029 YF-008575 YF-008125 YF-019259 YF-007692 YF-004499 YF-001104 YF-015695 YF-004707 YF-009725 YF-008915 YF-009725 YF-009237 YF-008311 YF-002704 YF-006076 YF-022233 YF-007161 YF-002399 YF-003719 YF-003433 YF-008486 YF-004332 YF-021393 YF-005258 YF-023329 YF-004901 YF-004871 YF-011142 YF-007838 YF-007145 YF-006637 YF-011142 YF-011592 YF-007366 YF-025097 YF-010308 YF-007145 YF-006637 YF-006602 TS-96 TS-13 TS-131 TS-179 TS-98 TS-90 TS-49 TS-76 TS-20 TS-52 TS-21 TS-147 TS-37 TS-98 TS-116 TS-104 TS-3 TS-166 TS-116 TS-50 TS-144 TS-152 TS-156 TS-157 TS-180 TS-169 TS-21 TS-17 TS-87 TS-40 TS-100 TS-151 TS-153 TS-52 TS-98 TS-17 TS-146 TS-17 TS-49 TS-24 TS-107 TS-146 TS-156 TS-124 TS-43 TS-153 TS-13 TS-36 TS-159 TS-168 TS-119 TS-2 TS-57 TS-89 TS-125 TS-147 TS-119 TS-132 TS-125 TS-119 TS-26 TS-10 TS-52 TS-119 TS-132 TS-66 Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Monday 9th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Monday 9th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November 13:0010:0009:0016:2013:0013:0010:3015:5013:2013:5013:2011:0010:3013:0015:2015:2010:0014:0015:2013:5011:0014:0014:0014:0016:2016:2013:2010:0013:0010:3013:0011:0014:0013:5013:0010:0011:0010:0010:3013:2015:2011:0014:0009:0010:3014:0010:0010:3014:0016:2015:2010:0013:5013:0009:0011:0015:2009:0009:0015:2015:4010:0013:5015:2009:0013:50- Room11:412 Room14:415 Room13:414 Room16:417 Room13:414 Room05:311 Room18:419 Room09:315 Room13:414 Room03:303 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room06:312 Room13:414 Room13:414 Room01:301 Room04:304 Room18:419 Room13:414 Room01:301 Room08:314 Room01:301 Room05:311 Room06:312 Room17:418 Room03:303 Room14:415 Room18:419 Room02:302 Room09:315 Room15:416 Room18:419 Room02:302 Room03:303 Room13:414 Room18:419 Room13:414 Room18:419 Room18:419 Room17:418 Room04:304 Room13:414 Room05:311 Room03:303 Room12:413 Room02:302 Room14:415 Room05:311 Room08:314 Room02:302 Room16:417 Room03:303 Room08:314 Room04:304 Room04:304 Room14:415 Room16:417 Room14:415 Room04:304 Room16:417 Room11:412 Room11:412 Room03:303 Room16:417 Room14:415 Room17:418 Zhu, Guorong Zhu, Haiyue Zhu, Jianguo Zhu, Kun Zhu, Xiaocong Zhu, Yanzheng Zhu, Zi-Qiang Zhuo, Shengrong Ziaeinejad, Saleh Zirn, Olivier Zlatanski, Martin Zoeller, Clemens Zolghadri, Mohammad Reza Zolghadri, Mohammad Reza Zolghadri, Mohammad Reza Zou, Jiyan Zou, Xudong Zou, Xudong Zou, Zhi-Xiang Zsurzsan, Gabriel Zucker, Gerhard YF-012661 YF-004839 YF-024708 YF-021008 YF-020443 YF-011533 YF-012548 YF-001007 YF-010618 YF-013528 YF-015172 YF-011355 YF-000272 YF-001457 YF-022489 YF-009393 YF-007145 YF-006637 YF-004421 YF-012572 YF-003131 TS-161 TS-58 TS-157 TS-129 TS-170 TS-49 TS-114 TS-107 TS-180 TS-15 TS-44 TS-51 TS-96 TS-113 TS-147 TS-177 TS-119 TS-132 TS-120 TS-50 TS-105 Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Monday 9th of November Tuesday 10th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Thursday 12th of November Wednesday 11th of November Tuesday 10th of November Wednesday 11th of November 14:0013:5014:0009:0016:2010:3015:2015:2016:2010:0010:3013:5013:0015:2011:0016:2015:2009:0015:2013:5015:20- Room13:414 Room09:315 Room06:312 Room08:314 Room04:304 Room18:419 Room11:412 Room04:304 Room17:418 Room16:417 Room13:414 Room02:302 Room11:412 Room10:411 Room14:415 Room14:415 Room16:417 Room14:415 Room17:418 Room01:301 Room02:302