Binder Noxite-LR-032014
Binder Noxite-LR-032014
Noxite® air-purifying roofing membrane for now and for the future Air-purifying | Effective throughout its entire lifespan | Proven performance | Sun, wind and rain do the work | Suitable for every type of roof Content Section A 1 Air Pollution and Our Need to Reduce it 2 Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Pollution 3 How Noxite® Reduces NOx Pollution 4 Independent Testing 5 Validation 6 Project References 7 The Range of Noxite® Membranes 8 Further Information 9 Other Eco-Activ® Products Section B Section C Section D 10 Icopal and Sustainability 11 References Section E Air Pollution and Our Need to Reduce it 1 “Air pollution is bad for our health. It reduces human life expectancy by more than eight months on average and by more than two years in the most polluted cities and regions. Member States must comply with EU air quality standards quickly and reduce air pollutant emissions”. - Janez Potočnik, EU Commissioner for the Environment In Europe, emissions of many air pollutants have decreased substantially over the past decades, resulting in improved air quality across the region. However, air pollutant concentrations are still too high, and air quality problems persist. A significant proportion of Europe’s population live in areas, especially cities, where air quality standards are exceeded: ozone, nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter (PM) pollution pose serious health risks. Several countries have exceeded one or more of their 2010 emission limits for four important air pollutants. Reducing air pollution therefore remains important. - European Environment Agency City of London Air Quality Strategy 2011-2015 The Greater London Authority published a report in 2010, which detailed that an estimated 4,267 premature deaths in London in 2008 could be attributed to long term exposure to fine particles (PM2.5). The City of London has some of the worst air quality in the country. This is primarily due to the density of development and its geographical location. All local authorities in the United Kingdom are required to assess air quality and identify areas where it is unlikely to meet objectives set by the Government. The objectives have been set at levels at which minimal effects on human health are likely to occur. Air quality in the City does not meet the objectives for both annual average and hourly average nitrogen dioxide, and daily average particulate matter (PM10). As a consequence, the City has been declared an Air Quality Management Area for these two pollutants. The City of London Air Quality Strategy focuses on action to reduce nitrogen dioxide and course and fine particles (PM10 and PM2.5). The measures outlined, along with those in the Mayor‘s Air Quality Strategy, will improve air quality in the City. However, the proposed action will not be sufficient to meet the Limit Value for nitrogen dioxide. This requires coordinated national action. Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Pollution 2 What is it? Nitrogen dioxide is an irritant gas, which at high concentrations causes inflammation of the airways. When nitrogen is released during fuel combustion it combines with oxygen atoms to create nitric oxide (NO). This further combines with oxygen to create nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Nitric oxide is not considered to be hazardous to health at typical ambient concentrations, but nitrogen dioxide can be. Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide are referred to together as oxides of nitrogen (NOx). NOx gases react to form smog and acid rain as well as being central to the formation of fine particles (PM) and ground level ozone, both of which are associated with adverse health effects. Sources of NOx Pollution NOx is produced from the reaction of nitrogen and oxygen gases in the air during combustion, especially at high temperatures. In areas of high motor vehicle traffic, such as in large cities, the amount of nitrogen oxides emitted into the atmosphere as air pollution can be significant. NOx gases are formed whenever combustion occurs in the presence of nitrogen – e.g. in car engines; they are also produced naturally by lightning. NOx emissions in the EU. Share of emissions by sector group, 2011 Agriculture 2% Industrial processes 3% Non-road transport 7% Energy production and distribution 21% Solvent and product use 0% Energy use in industry 13% Road transport 40% Waste 0% Commercial institutional and households 14% Source - European Union emission inventory report 1990–2011 under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) The above pie chart shows that road transport and energy production are the greatest sources of NOx emissions in the EU during 2011. NOx emitted in the City of London The anticipated relative proportion of emissions of NOx, from vehicles and gas boilers in the City during 2011, is shown in the pie chart below. A very similar picture is predicted for 2015. Source of NOx in the City, 2011 Other 1% Commercial Gas 26% Major Roads 65% Domestic Gas 5% Minor Roads 3% Source - “City of London Air Quality Strategy 2011-2015” Health issues created by NOx. NOx mainly impacts on respiratory conditions causing inflammation of the airways at high levels. Long term exposure can decrease lung function, increase the risk of respiratory conditions and increases the response to allergens. NOx also contributes to the formation of fine particles (PM) and ground level ozone, both of which are associated with adverse health effects. The impact of nitrogen dioxide on ecosystems High levels of NOx can have a negative effect on vegetation, including leaf damage and reduced growth. It can make vegetation more susceptible to disease and frost damage. A study of the effect of nitrogen dioxide and ammonia (NH3) on the habitat of Epping Forest has revealed that pollution is likely to be significantly influencing ecosystem health in the forest. The study demonstrated that local traffic emissions contribute substantially to exceeding the critical levels and critical loads in the area. The critical level for the protection of vegetation is 30 µg/m3 measured as an annual average. NOx also reacts with other pollutants in the presence of sunlight to form ozone which can damage vegetation at high concentrations. Notes: Critical Level is the threshold level for the atmospheric concentration of a pollutant above which harmful direct effects can be shown on a habitat or species. Critical Load is the threshold level for the deposition of a pollutant above which harmful indirect effects can be shown on a habitat or species. NOx Level Objectives Twelve European Member States exceeded one or more of the emission limits set by the EU National Emission Ceilings (NEC) Directive, according to recent official data for 2010 reported to the European Environment Agency (EEA). In some instances the limits were exceeded by significant amounts. The pollutant for which most exceedances were registered was NOx. The European Union sets Limit Values for a range of pollutants that are considered to be harmful to health and the environment. The European Commission can take action against any Member State if the air quality does not meet the Limit Values throughout its territory. At present there are two health based objectives that have been set for nitrogen dioxide. The first is to make sure hourly concentrations do not go above 200 µg/m3 for more than 18 hours in any year. The second objective is to ensure that the annual average is no greater than 40 µg/m3. Air quality in many large cities in England and Wales does not meet the European annual average Limit Value for nitrogen dioxide. In central London, air quality adjacent to some busy roads does not meet the hourly average Limit Value for nitrogen dioxide. All local authorities in England and Wales have a statutory duty to assess air quality. This is detailed in the Environment Act 1995. If levels of pollution don‘t meet the objectives set by the Government, the area must be declared an Air Quality Management Area and an action plan implemented to bring levels of pollution down. According to the 'City of London Air Quality Strategy 2011-2015' objectives for nitrogen dioxide and PM10 in the City are not being met. Therefore, The City has been designated an Air Quality Management Area for these two pollutants. Notes: EU Limit values are legally binding EU parameters that must not be exceeded. Limit values are set for individual pollutants and are made up of a concentration value, an averaging time over which it is to be measured, the number of exceedences allowed per year, if any, and a date by which it must be achieved. Some pollutants have more than one limit value covering different endpoints or averaging times. UK Emissions of NOx UK Emissions of NOx 2011 t/1x1km 0 - 0.01 0.01 - 0.03 0.03 - 0.1 0.1 - 0.3 0.3 -1 1 - 25 >25 © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved Defra. Licence Number 100022861 [2013] Predicted annual average nitrogen dioxide across the city, 2015 NO2 Concentration μg/m3 < 36 36 - 40 40 - 44 44 - 46 48 - 52 52 - 56 56 - 60 75 - 100 > 100 Source - “City of London Air Quality Strategy 2011-2015” How Noxite Reduces NOx Pollution 3 ® UV NOx NO3 The Noxite® process - from harmful NOx particles to clean air. A Noxite® roofing membrane purifies harmful NOx particles effectively from the air. At first glance, a Noxite® roofing membrane doesn’t look any different to the quality membranes you are used to from Icopal - a strong and durable capsheet. Removal of NOx Noxite® roofing membranes are quite different from all the other products in Icopal’s range. The surface slates/ granules of the Noxite® membranes are coated with titanium dioxide which functions as a catalyst in the process of changing the NOx particles into harmless levels of nitrates. The process is activated when ultraviolet radiation from the sun hits the titanium dioxide particles, releasing energy for breaking down the NOx particles. Polluted air passes over the Noxite® membrane where the NOx particles are converted into harmless levels of water, carbon dioxide and nitrates, which are then washed away by the rain. It is that simple to clean the air, and the best part is that the Noxite® effect lasts for the entire life of the roof. This innovative roofing solution makes an enormous contribution to reducing air pollution by harmful NOx particles. To quantify the effect: i. 1 m2 of Noxite® roofing membrane provides the amount of clean air that is breathed in by 12 people over a year*. ii. 100 m2 of Noxite® roofing membrane can purify as much NOx from the air as produced by an average car travelling approx 10,000 miles per year. iii. A Noxite® roof of 1,000 m2 purifies 52 million cubic metres of polluted air per year. (* How the above is calculated: 1m2 Noxite® can purify 50,000 m3 per year. An average adult person breathes in 4,000 m3 air per year. Therefore: 50,000 / 4,000 = clean air for more than 12 people ) Investing in people and the environment A Noxite® roof provides major opportunities for new-build projects or the renovation of existing premises to reduce the effect of NOx pollution. It demonstrates a commitment to invest in people’s health and helps to meet environmental objectives. A bonus is that this “green roofing” membrane does not incur any extra time or effort to install or maintain. The only thing that needs to happen is to cover the roof of the project with a Noxite® membrane and let the rest occur naturally. Using the sun, wind and rain, a Noxite® membrane roof converts polluting NOx into harmless particles. Proven performance Studies carried out by the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - French National Scientific Research Centre) show a dramatic reduction in NOx levels attributed to the effect of the Noxite® membrane. The image below summarises that when NOx gasses are pumped into an air chamber where the Noxite® membrane and a UV light source are present, there is an 89% reduction in the NOx levels over a seven hour period. This compares to only an 8% reduction over the same time period when a standard bitumen membrane is used. Diagram to outline laboratory research carried out by the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) demonstrating the dramatic NOx reduction effect of Noxite® Independent Testing 4 The range of Noxite® membranes are part of Icopal’s Eco-Activ® portfolio of products, which contribute in a positive way to the environment. Icopal believes in Noxite’s performance, and Icopal’s research suggests that a Noxite® roofing membrane really produces cleaner air, which is better for people and the environment. However, to confirm the performance of Noxite®, Icopal engaged the independent Dutch research institute, TNO, to test the Noxite® roofing membrane for its air-purifying properties. TNO carried out the study with different laboratory tests and pilot tests on roofs at Schiphol airport and in Utrecht. The TNO laboratory tests demonstrated that a Noxite® roofing membrane breaks down harmful NOx particles. These study results match Icopal’s findings and further research carried out by German and French institutes. During outdoor testing it is more complicated to study the air-purifying properties of Noxite® because, understandably, environmental factors such as sun, rain and wind, play a major role. Icopal values TNO’s conclusions and therefore a comprehensive pilot was set up. Samples of roof drain water and rainwater were collected from roofs at Schiphol and Utrecht and they were analysed for their nitrate concentration. The difference in concentration between roof drain water and rainwater shows how many harmful NOx particles were converted by the roof. The results from the pilots match the results from the lab tests - Noxite® binds polluting NOx particles, breaks them down and converts them into harmless nitrates. Validation 5 In order to validate the results carried out on the Noxite® granules, used as part of the Eco-Activ® waterproofing system, Icopal UK commissioned the British Board of Agrément (BBA) to assess the test reports complied by three recognised independent testing bodies: 1. UL Environmental Inc - Environmental Claims Validation for Paradiene 30 FR Eco-Activ® 2. CSTB - Pass’Innovation 2009-016; Eco-Activ® waterproofing system 3. TNO - The effectiveness of Icopal waterproofing membranes to capture nitrogen oxides. Conclusion Test results show that Noxite® granules have a significant depolluting capacity when added as a mineral finish to waterproofing membranes. A summary of the BBA's findings is as follows: 1. UL Environmental estimated that, over a 20 year period, between 417 g and 4143 g of nitrogen oxides per square metre of roof can be absorbed and degraded from the atmosphere. 2. The Centre Scientifique et Technique du Batiment (CSTB) reported a depolluting level of approximately 90% in membranes two months after installation. 3. TNO estimated an effective deposition rate of 0.08 cm.s-1 and 0.10 cm.s-1 as measured in laboratory tests and in-use conditions respectively. For a full copy of the BBA report, please contact Icopal Ltd. Interview with Frits Zandvoort (Head of R&D Icopal bv) Noxite® is quite rightly one of Icopal’s biggest innovations of the past few years. The capsheet, topped with titanium dioxide coated slates /granules convert harmful NOx into harmless nitrates that are washed off the roof in rainwater events. It improves public health, and the environment, as the harmful pollutant is neutralised from the environment. Frits Zandvoort has been involved with developing Noxite® roofing membranes from day one. “The point when pilot projects demonstrated that Noxite® really did work, was extremely convincing.” Frits Zandvoort is referring to the pilot at Schiphol. The air around the airport is extremely polluted, which made the results easy to measure for the Icopal researchers. “We are real pioneers with the development of Noxite®. The process from the idea to production took three years. After that we also had our product tested independently. TNO came to the same conclusion we did - Noxite® really works.” “I hope as many companies as possible will use Noxite® for their roofing projects. Various studies have demonstrated that it can make an essential difference to the air quality for humans and the environment. Each year, thousands of people die from the consequences of NOx in the air - Often elderly people, small children or people with low resistance. With Noxite® we can make a small contribution to reducing this.”, commented a concerned Frits Zandvoort. “Noxite® removes harmful NOx from the air and neutralises other harmful substances that cause smog. It works particularly well on large surface areas.” However, it is important not to underestimate the contribution from smaller premises. “We saw very good results on smaller scales too” emphasised Frits Zandvoort - Every little helps. Companies that wish to construct or refurbish sustainably would do well to choose Noxite® for their flat roofing projects. It enables governments and housing corporations to meet their environmental targets and make a major difference to their own environment. Noxite® does not deal with the causes of pollution, but it provides a great opportunity to reduce its harmful consequences. "Many companies really do their best to reduce the emissions of pollutants, but the problem is too great to solve overnight. Doing nothing is not an option in our opinion. That’s why we looked for a solution that reduces the damaging impact of NOx emissions", said Frits Zandvoort. Frits Zandvoort - Head of R&D Icopal bv Project References 6 Noxite Case Study William Harvey Hospital Background William Harvey Hospital is named after the English physician who was the first to describe accurately how blood was pumped around the body by the heart. A metal sheet roof over part of the clinical zone at the hospital had failed and was in need of repair. Project: William Harvey Hospital Location: Ashford, Kent System: Noxite® Eco-activ® capsheet and Total Torch System Challenge Client: East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust Specifier: Neaves Perry Architects, Ashford The roof had been overlaid around 20 years ago with an aluminium sheet system, used to rectify a failing felted roof installed in the 1970s, but was unable to cope with the roof’s shallow pitch and awkward detailing, and so a new solution was needed. Architect Roger Neaves, of Neaves Perry Architects, required an aesthetically viable roof covering that could be installed swiftly and would provide a long-lasting, low maintenance finish. A flexible membrane was to be specified to achieve a high quality finish with excellent performance characteristics. Main Contractor: Limen Construction Ltd, Rochester Contractor: Byford Roofing Services Ltd, Kent Area: 1,500 m2 Completion: May 2011 Solution The cost and time efficiency of a membrane, over simply replacing the original standing seam roof, made this a much more attractive specification option for the NHS Trust. Icopal’s innovative Noxite® membrane was chosen. It includes a titanium dioxide coating specially designed to transform harmful nitrogen oxides into harmless nitrates. To secure the contract, Byford Roofing had to reassure Hospital management that the new roofing material would deliver the high performance required, but also show that it would be a highly cost effective solution with savings gained by using the membrane verses replacing the metal roof. Having won the contract, a team of up to five roofers working non-stop under a protective canopy completed the first phase of the project in under six weeks. The torch–on membrane was quick to install, and the team achieved the highest level of detailing around box gutters and edging, delivering a highly impressive finish. The contract also marked the launch of Noxite® Eco-Activ® membrane into the UK, and so was a particularly significant achievement for the Byford team. Noxite Case Study Moorlands Junior School Background Moorlands Junior School in Sale was having a new extension added to the existing building, but several problems with water penetrating the existing roof which was causing constant internal damage. Aedas, acting as Building Surveyor, and Seddon Construction as the appointed Main Contractor, had several discussions and site meetings with Icopal Limited to determine the best course of action for the roof. Challenge Project: Moorlands Junior School Location: Sale, Greater Manchester System: Noxite® Eco-activ® capsheet and Profiles System Client: Trafford Metropolitan Council Specifier: Aedas Main Contractor: Seddon Construction Ltd, Bolton Icopal conducted a full survey of the roof to highlight the problems. Mitie Tilley Roofing Ltd, Worsley Contractor: On the first inspection the major concern was that almost the whole roof had ponding water, with vegetation growing across several 1,500 m2 Area: areas of the roof. The existing bituminous waterproofing had been September 2012 Completion: repaired at several points indicating areas that historically there had been problems. When Icopal returned for a second visit, following a number of dry days, core samples were taken which highlighted areas of damp insulation. This indicated that the detailing, especially around the internal outlets, was the obvious cause of water ingress. The works had to be carried out in the summer break and in co-ordination with the new build construction. Trafford Council was insistent that the whole works be completed within the six weeks school break to avoid disruption to the operation of the school. Roofing contractor, Mitie Tilley Roofing Ltd, informed the client that they would attempt to complete the works in the allotted time but with a poor summer predicted, they anticipated that this would not be possible. It was also highlighted during one of the site meetings that the school was registered with the Eco Schools campaign and so the building’s sustainability was very important. Solution Icopal presented a full specification incorporating both existing and new roofs. Due to the severe ponding and the internal outlet problems a tapered insulation scheme was proposed draining to the perimeter edge. The additional insulation would also help improve the building’s energy efficiency. This would also be aided by the inclusion of new rooflights to meet the current regulations. For the waterproofing element Icopal recommended the new, innovative Noxite® Eco-activ membrane, which was enthusiastically accepted by the surveyor, main contractor and, more importantly, the client. The Noxite® Classic membrane from Icopal is manufactured with recycled bitumen content with granular titanium dioxide finish works actively with the surrounding environment to transform harmful nitrogen oxides into harmless nitrates. Noxite Case Study Holcombe Brook Primary School Background The school’s roof was very old and showing serious signs of ageing, with blocked internal outlets causing severe ponding water on the roof and splits in the covering causing several leaks. Several edge details had disintegrated and were showing exposed rotting timbers beneath the decks which were deteriorating due to exposure. All in all the roof was in an incredibly poor state. Problem It became obvious to all parties that the whole roof had to be stripped and replaced, including the deck. Given the extent and size of the project the roof refurbishment had to be finished before the new school year started in September. The client also wanted to include new PV panels as energy conservation and environmental considerations were important to the school. Project: Holcombe Brook Primary School Location: Bury, Greater Manchester System: Noxite® Eco-activ® capsheet and Total Torch System Client: Bury Metropolitan Borough Council Contractor: D. Shawcross Ltd, Wigan Area: 1,250 m2 Completion: August 2013 Solution The Headteacher authorised works to start before the end of term to ensure the September deadline was met, provided that the works were phased to allow pupils to be relocated and areas to be cordened off during breaktimes. For the waterproofing, Icopal put forward a specification of the Total Torch System capped with the depolluting Noxite® Eco-Activ® mineral capsheet. Improved thermal efficiency was provided by increasing insulation thickness/ U-value performance. The rooflights were replaced with modern, more thermally efficient units. This would increase the amount of natural light and reduce the dependancy on internal lighting. New barrel skylights and additional rooflights were added to maximise the use of natural light. Falls were improved and tapered insulation was installed to the valley gutter of the butterfly roofs to improve drainage. The school plans to add photovoltaic panels at a later date. Icopal's IcoSun Fix Console and weathering collars will be used to provide mounting for the new PV panels without comprimising the wateproofing. Both the Headteacher and Bury MBC were very happy with the project. Following installation of the green technologies at Holcombe Brook members of the school's eco-council, represented by pupils of the school, gave a presentation outlining the initiatives, which has helped the school to achieve Eco-Schools' prestigious environmental Green Flag Award. Noxite Case Study Morden Mount Primary School Background The school had experienced many leaks over the years but six roofs continually caused disruption to the school. At the request of the school and Greenwich Borough Council, Capital Roofing was asked to carry out a full survey of the roofs in question. They identified some areas that required extensive alterations and some asbestos removal to skylights and water tank glass enclosures on two of the roofs. Project: Morden Mount Primary School Location: Greenwich, London System: Noxite® Eco-activ® capsheet and Profiles System Client: Greenwich London Borough Council Contractor: Capital Roofing Co Ltd, Blackheath Problem Area: 1,600 m2 The water-tank enclosures comprised vertical wired-glass panels which served no real lighting purpose. The panels extended right down to the existing roof covering meaning upstand detailing would be problematic. Completion: September 2012 The School Head was also keen to use eco-friendly products when possible. With this in mind Capital Roofing asked Icopal to visit site to provide a roof waterproofing specification, and to design a tapered insulation scheme Solution The overlay specification to the existing asphalt surface used Icopal's Profiles Vapour Vent XL vapour control layer, Thermazone Torch-on insulation, and Profiles Vent XL underlay. The system was finished with Icopal's Eco-Activ® Noxite® Mineral Capsheet. Tapered insulation was installed to 70% of the insulated roof area to increase thermal performance and provide positive falls for efficient roof drainage. Due to the increase in height, kerb details were raised. The glass panels around the water tanks were removed and replaced with a new PVC cladding, allowing the detail to be properly waterproofed. Twenty-one skylights were replaced with new units, and new guttering was installed where required. Icopal's Elastoflex liquidapplied waterproofing system was used in small areas adjacent to the existing hall windows due to the type of vertical panels originally installed. This allowed a better seal to be created to the panels, where membrane installation would have been tricky to detail. The School Head was absolutely delighted with the works and finish, and the project was carried out to programme and to budget. Richard Perrett, Surveyor for Greenwich Council, commented ‘I was very impressed with the quality of workmanship carried out on this project. Having read more about the Noxite® capsheet and having seen the appearance, I would not hesitate to recommend this product on future projects’. Noxite Case Study Copenhagen Airport Background The Asset Management Department of the Copenhagen Airport manages the maintenance of more than 200,000 m2 of bitumen roofing at the airport. The bitumen roofs are installed on the main airport terminals, hangars and workshops, etc The Copenhagen Airport CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) strategy calls for maintaining a clean environment in the airport area. Icopal approached Copenhagen Airport with the proposal to install a new generation of Eco Activ® Noxite® bitumen roofing membrane as a contribution to further reduction of the ambient NOx concentrations. Project: Copenhagen Airport; Lounge B3 Location: Copenhagen, Denmark System: Noxite® Eco-activ® capsheet Client: Copenhagen Airport A/S Main Contractor: BLP Tagdækning, Kastrup, Denmark Area: 320 m2 Completion: May 2013 The Airport readily accepted this proposal and decided to install the Noxite® membrane on lounge B3 at the airport. The Danish Business Innovation Fund supports the project by providing funding for analysis and characterization of the roofs performance over a two year period. Noxite Case Study Alachua County 911 Background The Alachua County Combined Communications Center houses 911 service technology for the city of Gainesville and the surrounding area, representing over 227,000 residents plus the population of the University of Florida. When it was time to replace the building’s old roof, the County’s primary concern was reliability. But in addition, they approached the project from an environmentally conscious perspective, and wanted a system that would be sustainable and green. Project: Alachua County 911 Location: Gainesville, Florida, USA System: Noxite® Eco-activ® capsheet and Siplast Paradiene System Client: Alachua County Sheriff’s Office Specifier: Paul Stresing Associates Inc Contractor: Ferber & Osteen Roofing & Sheet Metal Area: 2,500 m2 Completion: 2013 Solution To meet the high performance needs of this critical facility, the two-ply Icopal Siplast SBS modified bitumen Paradiene 20/30 Eco-Activ® System was chosen. Noxite® from Icopal is part of its Eco-Activ® range of building protection systems, and is manufactured with a granular titanium dioxide finish which works actively with the surrounding environment to transform harmful nitrogen oxides into harmless nitrates. Environmental goals for the project were met through Icopal’s Eco-Activ® depolluting Noxite® granules, which will actually help to clear Gainesville’s air. In addition, the Siplast NVS Lightweight Insulating Concrete roof insulation installed on the project can be reroofed indefinitely, making it a truly sustainable solution. Noxite Case Study Jubilee House Background When it was time to reroof Jubilee House, a 25-year old social housing facility, B.C. Housing wanted to take the opportunity to help the environment as well. The 87-unit apartment building for low-income people over 45 years of age is located in downtown Vancouver, where there is interest in reducing pollution. Additionally, the reroofing project needed to be completed with minimal disruption to the building’s occupants. Project: Jubilee House Location: Vancouver, Canada System: Noxite® Eco-activ® capsheet and Siplast Paradiene System Client: B.C. Housing Specifier: RDH Building Engineering Ltd Contractor: Bollman Roofing & Sheet Metal Ltd Area: 1,000 m2 Completion: 2013 Solution B.C. Housing took the recommendation of their roof consultant, RDH Building Engineering, and chose a time-proven, two ply Icopal Siplast SBS-modified bitumen system with a cap sheet surfaced with Eco-Activ® depolluting Noxite® granules. With Eco-Activ, the project’s environmental goals will be met, as Noxite® technology helps to clean Vancouver’s urban air. The choice of torch grade material avoided hot bitumen fumes and allowed Bollman Roofing and Sheet Metal to complete the installation quickly with minimal impact on the tenants. Noxite® torch-on roofing membranes use the sun’s rays to produce an autocatalytic reaction that turns harmful nitrous oxides into benign nitrates. The resulting depolluting effect lasts throughout the life of the waterproofing membrane. Noxite Case Study Maple Leaf Gardens BEFORE AFTER Background Maple Leaf Gardens is situated in downtown Toronto, Canada and is a historic arena for professional ice hockey. Designed by one of Canada’s most notable architectural firms, Ross and Macdonald, it opened in 1931 and was home to the Toronto Maple Leafs of the National Hockey League until 1999. Problem The existing 25-year old PVC single ply roof on the building’s signature dome was past its useful service life, and the 4-ply built-up, gravel surfaced system on the flat areas was in need of replacement Project: Maple Leaf Gardens Location: Toronto, Canada System: Noxite® Eco-activ® capsheet and Siplast Paradiene System Specifier: IRC Building Sciences Group Contractor: Dean Chandler Roofing Ltd Area: 10,000 m2 Completion: 2011 Solution A torch-applied two ply Icopal Siplast SBS-modified bitumen system with a capsheet surfaced with Eco-Activ® depolluting Noxite® granules was specified, that will actually help to clear Toronto’s urban air. Noxite® torch-on roofing membranes use the sun’s rays to produce an autocatalytic reaction that turns harmful nitrous oxides into benign nitrates. The resulting depolluting effect lasts throughout the life of the waterproofing membrane. The Range of Noxite® Membranes Icopal’s roofing materials are known for their excellent quality and the range of Noxite® roofing membranes are no different in that respect. They are used in the same way as any other standard Icopal bituminous waterproofing capsheets and the “Noxite® effect” remains active for the entire lifespan of the roof, providing a continual investment for the future. The range of Noxite® membranes available are designed to meet the high demands from project specifiers and clients. Several different levels of guarantee coverage are now available, based upon the requirements, product choice, budget and level of cover required. For further information on different guarantee options, please refer to the Icopal Insured Guarantees Brochure or contact Icopal Technical Services. Due to Icopal's groove technology featured in the range, the membranes can be applied with a low flame up to 30% faster than traditional torchon products, and use 25% less gas, further expanding the products environmental credentials 7 Profiles XL PLUS Noxite Building on the success of the Profiles system, the Profiles XL Plus Noxite membrane represents the ultimate choice in performance and life expectancy. Integrating Noxite® technology into a 5.2mm highly robust and extremely durable membrane provides the specifier with the ultimate flat roof solution and exceptional life expectancy. Product Code 2004298 Nominal Roll Length 5.0 m +/- 0.1 m Nominal Roll Width 1.0 m +/- 0.01 m Nominal Roll Weight 36 kg +/- 2 kg Nominal Thickness 5.2 mm +/- 0.4 mm Colour Availability Dark Grey Reinforcement Polyester Bitumen Type SBS modified Bitumen Dark Grey Profiles XL Noxite The Profiles XL Noxite membrane combines the proven performance of Profiles XL with the innovative Eco-Activ® Noxite® mineral. An industry leading reinforced bitumen waterproofing membrane Profiles XL is tried and tested and has been in continuous use for over twenty years. Product Code 2004292 Nominal Roll Length 7.0 m +/- 0.1 m Nominal Roll Width 1.0 m +/- 0.01 m Nominal Roll Weight 36.5 kg +/- 2 kg Nominal Thickness 4.5 mm +/- 0.4 mm Colour Availability Dark Grey Reinforcement Polyester Bitumen Type SBS modified Bitumen Dark Grey Thermaweld Noxite Thermaweld Noxite combines performance and value in a robust and durable elastomeric roofing membrane. Developed for use in high performance built-up systems it offers the specifier and the client long term performance on both new build and refurbishment flat, pitched or curved roofs. Product Code 2004291 Nominal Roll Length 8.0 m +/- 0.1 m Nominal Roll Width 1.0 m +/- 0.01 m Nominal Roll Weight 38 kg +/- 2 kg Nominal Thickness 4.5 mm +/- 0.4 mm Colour Availability Dark Grey Reinforcement Polyester Bitumen Type SBS modified Bitumen Dark Grey Noxite Classic The Noxite Classic capsheet is the original product in this range and continues to be a popular choice with many specifiers. Offering increased UV resistance and heat resistance Noxite Classic is a glass reinforced, APP modified bitumen membrane manufactured from recycled bitumen content extracted via Icopal’s BiELSo process. Product Code . 3007126 Nominal Roll Length 7.5 m +/- 0.1 m Nominal Roll Width 1.0 m +/- 0.01 m Nominal Roll Weight 41 kg +/- 2 kg Nominal Thickness 4.0 mm +/- 0.4 mm Colour Availability Light Grey Reinforcement Glass Bitumen Type APP modified Bitumen Light Grey 8 Further Information Noxite® website Please visit the Noxite® website where you can find information about Noxite’s performance, including useful images and presentations to provide further detail. Noxite® Reduction Certificate For every project undertaken with Noxite® products Icopal will issue a certificate outlining the volume Certificate of air which has been purified due to its use. Noxite ®… cle A Noxite roofi ng membran This is a wonderful memento of a client’s conscious choice to improve the local environment. an the air Installing 1’0 00 m 2 of Ico pal Noxite ® roofin g membran e purifies 52 mi llion m 3 of air annually e creates a health and positive cont the environm ribution to ent. the air qual ity for both Noxite ® is a human durable wate rproof mem polluting parti brane whic cles. The inno h effectivel y cleans the vative caps coated with heet air of harm titanium dioxi is covered ful NOx with granules de. This acts down the NOx as or a catalyst, and slates whic particles into h are in the presence harmless level of sunlight, s of nitrates, break which are wash ed away by rainfall. Project: Manchester, 01 January 2014 On behalf of Icopal Ltd N. Harrison , Technical Direc tor Installed by: Area: www .icop al-n oxite .co.u k 9 Other Eco-Activ® Products The Eco-Activ® range of products provided by Icopal include systems and components which provide a positive impact on the environment. Sustainability is paramount within Icopal and besides our Noxite® bituminous roofing membranes, we also supply the following products to promote environmentally friendly roofing solutions. Icosun FIX Console The Icosun FIX Console is an innovative mounting system to safely and securely fix solar panels onto flat roofs. The system can be installed on to most Icopal roofing systems with a bitumen, POCB or synthetic waterproof capsheet. The benefit of the Icosun FIX Console is its combination of strength and flexibility. The mounting system is tailored to your requirements and after simple installation, the system is fully waterproof and is suited for any type of solar panel. Icopal Green Roof Systems The environmental benefits of green roofs are numerous and well documented. They include: • Storm water attenuation to reduce flood risk • Urban cooling • Improvement of air quality • Provision of wildlife habitats • Improved longevity of waterproof membranes • Better aesthetics Icopal provide a range of different green roof systems from extensive sedum and biodiverse to full intensive roof gardens. Each system can be designed to meet the specific needs of the project. Sun-Activ® The Sun-Activ® membrane is a bituminous waterproofing cap sheet with a highly reflective, smooth white surface. It is designed to comply with the Cool Roof concept that gains more importance as the demand for energy efficiency and environmental awareness increases. The Sun-Activ® membrane is especially beneficial for use on new or refurbished roofs: • With solar panel installations • With a low amount of thermal insulation • With a high amount of internal heat generation • With air-cooling systems These are mostly offices and public institutions such as schools and hospitals, residential buildings and industrial premises. A Cool Roof efficiently reflects sunlight and keeps its surface cool by re-radiating the sun’s heat back to its surroundings. The roof temperature stays lower, therefore the amount of heat conducted into the building below decreases. Elastoflex Elastoflex solvent free liquid waterproofing coating is the latest product in Icopal’s range of liquid waterproofing systems. Elastoflex is an odour-free and solvent-free, fleece reinforced liquid roofing and waterproofing system, and is ideal for use on sustainability based projects or on sensitive, occupied buildings where the odours from solvent-based products would be disruptive. Cool Roof Paint Cool Roof Paint renovation coating is a water based acrylic polymer binder that reflects the warmth of the sun, so that the roof surface remains cooler and the same applies to the space below. It prolongs the life expectancy of the roof and the temperature inside becomes more pleasant. Cool Roof Paint is solvent free and weatherproof. Therm'X Therm’X is an innovative, insulating, high vapour permeable pitched roof membrane with reflective surfaces that helps improve internal building comfort and performance whilst saving energy. Research shows that Therm’X can provide a reduction of radiant summer heat between 4-9oC therefore positively contributing to maintaining internal building comfort levels. Therm’X is a high performing breather membrane made from a highly reflective top breather membrane, a polyester matt for complementary insulation and a reinforced reflective underside which is mechanically interlocked with the polyester matt. The huge benefit of the Therm’X is the three-in-one product you get from it functioning as a traditional breather membrane, with superior mechanical strength, a reflective outer surface to limit solar gain in summer and an inner reflective side to increase U-value performance in winter. Monarfloor® Acoustics Icopal’s range of acoustic products encompasses traditional floating floor treatments, (many of which were developed by Icopal and are now universally accepted as the industry standard), through to innovative second generation systems specially developed for use in the new build sector. The Code for Sustainable Homes has been introduced to drive a step change in sustainable home building practice. It is a standard for key elements of design and construction which affect the sustainability of a new home and will become the single national standard for sustainable homes. The Code will be used by designers and builders as a guide to development and by home-buyers to assist in their choice of home. All of Icopal’s advanced acoustics solutions can provide an opportunity to gain either three or four Credits when used as part of a system. They can not only be cost-neutral but also provide opportunities for further savings by, for example, allowing you to specify a continuous raft foundation between dwellings. Dalite Rooflights Natural light can dramatically improve the quality of life for anyone living or working within a building – boosting concentration, feelings of well-being and productivity. Dalite Rooflights are an ideal way to maximise the transmission of high quality, uniform, natural daylight through a flat roof into the interior, with all the benefits that daylight can deliver. Incorporating rooflights into a flat roof can provide three times more daylight than the same area of vertical windows and provide a much more even distribution of light. Dalite Rooflights reduce energy costs and carbon footprint as well as promoting the health benefits of natural light. Icopal and Sustainability 10 A commitment to the environment As a company, Icopal is proud of its strong environmental credentials, actively promoting the recycling of its products whenever possible, in order to minimise the use of raw materials and energy in the development and production of roofing and waterproofing solutions. This means that many of our products meet – and often exceed – environmental standards, and are recognized by many of the industry bodies promoting excellence in this field. As sustainable building practices become increasingly mainstream, we are therefore ideally positioned to offer architects and developers the products they need both to satisfy evolving environmental standards, and meet the increasingly informed expectations of building users. Bitumen recycling Unique in the world, Icopal have a recycling plant which can transform old /waste bitumen membranes into the raw materials to create new high performance waterproofing membranes. This process allows virtually endless recycling of bitumen roofing, protecting scarce resources while delivering a high quality bituminous roofing product with all the benefits of the original material. By reusing the waste, considerable reductions are gained in the energy demand and CO2 emissions resulting from the extraction, processing and transportation of raw materials, and as old roofs are no longer destined for landfill, it further improves the sustainability of the entire production chain. For example, one tonne of collected and approved bituminous roofing waste produces net savings on raw materials of 750 kg and CO2 savings of 615 kg CO2/tonne. Grooves technology Icopal’s high performance elastomeric torch-on capsheets feature a unique patented grooved profile that uses 25% less gas and allows up to 30% faster application than traditional torch-on membranes. Used in conjunction with specially formulated low-melt resin blends only a minimal heat application is required to activate the unique adhesive properties of the membrane, as the heat is channelled quickly along the grooves and disperses rapidly along the roll. This form of application ensures maximum adhesion with the minimum use of energy, providing an instant 100% secure bond. It goes without saying that this also reduces CO2 emissions, is better for the environment and produces cost savings for the roofing company. Close up of an Icopal membrane's grooved profile References • European Environment Agency ( • City of London Air Quality Strategy 2011-2015 ( • DEFRA - • European Union emission inventory report 1990–2011 under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) • DEFRA - 11
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