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City News Group wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving! San Bernardino City News What's going on in your backyard... VOLUME I, NUMBER 48 Look at What's Inside NOVEMBER 28, 2013 Subscribe TODAY! 909.370.1200 The Week’s Weather: Fri 67 | 45 Sat 70 | 45 Extra Sun 73 | 46 Mon 74 | 36 Tues 68 | 36 Wed 69 | 37 Thurs 73 | 42 Children’s Fund IE 66ers Unveil New Look Kicks off 25th Celebration Santa Claus to Visit the SB Libraries - P. 2 PHOTO COURTESY OF: KAREN BLANCO A turbo fill blaster and some fashion stencils were a few of the gifts donated during the toy donation kick off to the Celebration of Giving Campaign headed by Children’s Fund for the 25th year. BY: BREEANNA JENT STAFF WRITER Mina Holland Wins $1,000 in Shop N’ Win Sweepstakes - P. 4 Residents brought toys by the dozens during the kick off to the 25th annual Celebration of Giving Campaign, headed by 909-370-1200 or sanbernardino @citynewsgroup.com or www.citynewsgroup.com Index Upbeat cla ssica l music set the mood as the Court Appointed Special Advocates (C.A.S.A.) of San Bernardino held a night of art and music at the National Orange Show Art Gallery in San Bernardino. On N o v. 19, C.A.S.A. hosted a silent auction as part of their Seeds for Tomorrow campaign, in hopes of raising money for a matching grant of $20,000 donated by the Cont. with Auction on P. 2 Inland Empire 66ers, unveiled a new set of logos — one that pays homage to the team’s namesake, historic highway Route 66. The new “mechanic” logo and overall muscle car theme is intended to commemorate what made Route 66 so promiCont. with 66ers on P. 9 PHOTO COURTESY OF: KRISTOPHER SARIKAS (Left) Attendees bidding on various items throughout the auction. Boy Scouts Help Unforgettables Bachelors Auctioned Collecting 5.5 Tons of Food Nov. 15 marked the fi rst time in The Unforgettables Foundation (TUF) history that a Bachelor Auction at Morongo Casino and Resort was hosted. The casino lounge’s 360-degree view made the perfect setting for the evening’s festivities with 14 eligible bachelors who reside either in Riverside or San Bernardino counties there vying for the ladies’ attention. Various prizes were handed out thanks in part to the many sponsors and supporters of The Un- Salvation Army by PHOTO COURTESY OF: CARL DAMERON ECRWSS Residential Customer For the first time in 10 years, the 2013 California League Champions, the PHOTO COURTESY OF: IE 66ERS (Right) C.A.S.A. staff members enjoying the fine art. From left: Elizabeth Palafox, Kacie Phillips, Peggy Tahramnis and Valerie Valadez. Opinions - 2 Calendar - 3 Food - 4 Entertainment - 5 Classifieds - 14 Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid San Bernardino, CA Permit #3404 EDDM BY: M ARGIE MILLER OF GRAND TERRACE PUBLISHER /JOURNALIST PHOTO COURTESY OF: KRISTOPHER SARIKAS Contact us at: Cont. with Donations on P. 9 (Above) The 66ers Dance Team was excited to pose for pictures sporting the team’s new logo. (Right) Fans couldn’t wait to get their hands on one of the team’s new hat designs. C.A.S.A. Hosts Silent Auction to Ensure Future BY: K RISTOPHER SARIKAS COMMUNITY WRITER Assembly Member Cheryl R. Brown to Co-Host Forum on Paying For College - P. 8 the Children’s Fund. This year Redlands AYSO Region 50 soccer teams helped kick off the celebration on Nov. 16 with PHOTO COURTESY OF: IE 66ERS William Anderson, 11, holds up a list of food items requested for collection. The Boy Scouts of the Inland Empire helped The Salvation Army’s San Bernardino Corps feed hungry people by collecting more than five and a half tons of food over two weekends. “That is a lot of food but we need it,” said Major Daniel Henderson, Corps Officer. “We will be using this food primarily in Cont. with Scouts on P. 9 BY: M ARGIE MILLER OF GRAND TERRACE PUBLISHER /JOURNALIST Cont. with Bachelors on P. 8 PHOTO COURTESY OF: MARDIS FAMILY San Bernardino resident Orm Chaisawang, winner of the Sexiest Heels contest, and bachelor James Frederick, a forklift operator and an assistant baseball coach at Grand Terrace High School. CITY NEWS • COMMUNITY/OPINION PAGE 2 • NOVEMBER 28, 2013 Orchids and onions Submit yours today by emailing us at: sanbernardino@citynewsgroup.com Thank you and many orchids to everyone who came out and supported the Purple Ball and raised epilespy awareness. Onions to the truck that backed into my car last Friday. Not even a note was left. Seriously, onions to people who do this. You certainly wouldn’t like it if someone did the same to you. Many orchids to my aunt for hosting Thanksgiving this year and planning vegan alternatives for myself and friends. We really appreciate the extra effort you’re making. Thank you so much! WHEN CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER, PLEASE EMAIL US! Submit yours today by emailing us at: sanbernardino@citynewsgroup.com Congratulations to my parents on their 50th wedding anniversary! You’re an inspiration to us all and we can only hope to have a love like yours. Congratulations to my husband on getting a promotion. You worked so hard for this! We all appreciate what you do for this family, thank you Love. Congratulations to my little sister on saving her money well and being able to afford a nice trip to Europe. We’re all proud of you and your persistence. I’d like to wish my dear grandmother a happy 92nd birthday. I love you, Oma! Happy birthday to my girlfriend Linda! You make life so special. Cheers, honey! A very happy birthday to my cousin Amber! I can’t wait to celebrate with you and friends. Happy birthday to my cousin Matthew! I can’t believe you’re already 12! Congratulations to Stella on the birth of her beautiful baby girl, Juniper. The City News is YOUR Community News! City News Group, Inc. What’s going on in your backyard... Serving Colton, Grand Terrace, Loma Linda, Moreno Valley, Redlands, and San Bernardino Contact Us: 22797 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, CA 92313 sanbernardino@citynewsgroup.com 909-370-1200 • Fax. 909-825-1116 Publisher - Margie Miller Editor - Helena Mitchell Staff Writer - Breeanna Jent Published Weekly on Thursday w w w.cit ynewsgroup.com Auction Cont. from P. 1 Weingart Foundation. All funds raised throughout the campaign are utilized to ensure future f inancial stability. Kara Hunter, executive director at C.A.S.A., explained the significance of the nonprofit organization. “Our organization works with kids in foster care and on juvenile probation,” said Hunter. According to Hunter, C.A.S.A. volunteers act as advocates or mentors appointed by the court, to work with the youth. Throughout the night, attendees had the opportunity to bid on various items such as season tickets for two to the San Bernardino Symphony or a Lake Arrowhead resort and spa certificate. As C.A.S.A. staff members tallied the bidding sheets, Hunter invited guest speaker Domenique Chavers to say a few words. Chavers, 18, is a college student who experienced the C.A.S.A program firsthand. “I think this is the best program for a kid,” said Chavers. “I think if I didn’t have C.A.S.A., I wouldn’t be where I am today.” According to Chavers, her experience with C.A.S.A. has inspired her to pursue a career in social work. Immediately after Chavers’s motivational speech, San Bernardino County Third District Supervisor James Ramos took the f loor. Ramos explained the importance of funding an organization such as C.A.S.A. PHOTO COURTESY OF: KRISTOPHER SARIKAS From left: San Bernardino County Third District Supervisor James Ramos, C.A.S.A. of San Bernardino Executive Director Kara Hunter, and C.A.S.A youth speaker, Domenique Chavers. Auction winner of a Lake Arrowhead Resort and Spa certificate, Liz Gallegos (right) with her friend Kathy Turnboll. and stressed the significance of community. “C.A.S.A. is a program that’s been around but has proven that it works and sometimes people don’t truly understand the impact that is in our community,” said Ramos. As the auction came to an end, C.A.S.A. staff members began announcing the auction winners. According to C.A.S.A. staff member Peggy Tahramanis, the silent auction raised roughly $7,500 by the end of the night. Santa Claus to Visit the SB Libraries The San Bernardino Public Library will host visits by Santa Claus at all four city libraries this holiday season. Santa will be in the Bing Wong Auditorium at the Feldheym Central Library on Dec. 3 at 10:30 a.m. and again at 1:30 p.m. He will then visit the Villasenor Branch Library at 525 N. Mt. Vernon Ave. on Dec. 10 at 5 p.m. His final visits will be PHOTO COURTESY OF: SHE KNOWS on Dec. 12. On that day he will be at the Dorothy Residents are invited to take their children to any of the city Inghram Branch Library libraries, Dec. 3 through Dec. 12, to visit with Santa. at 1505 W. Highland Ave. at Participation in these 11 a.m., and then will go to 108 E. Marshall at 1 p.m. the the Rowe Branch Library at same day. events is free to the public. Children and teens will be able to each choose a free 250 North 9th Street, Colton, CA 92324 book. These events are sponsored by the Friends of the San Bernardino Public Li• Near I-10 & I-215 junction brary and by a donation from • Free high-speed internet access Marvel, Disney, and First • Hampton's free hot breakfast Book organizations. • Clean & fresh Hampton Bed For more information, call • Gym/fitness center access the Children’s Room at the • Close to the Arrowhead Regional Medical Center and LLUMC Central Library, 909-381www.coltonsuites.hamptoninn.com 8235. (909) 370-2424 CITY NEWS • LIVING PAGE 4 • NOVEMBER 21, 2013 Mina Holland Wins $1,000 in Shop N’ Win Sweepstakes BY: BREEANNA JENT STAFF WRITER PHOTO COURTESY OF: MARGIE MILLER October 2013 Shop N’ Win sweepstakes winner Mina Holland (right), holds up her $1,000 cash prize. She was accompanied by her mother, Margo Salari, who holds the monthly Shop N’ Win coupon book in her hand. Mina won her grand prize after using a coupon at a local nail salon. You could be next! Call 909-370-1200 to learn how you can subscribe to City News and receive your copy of the Shop N’ Win in your mailbox each month! For Mina Holland, a personal day of pampering paid off in more ways than one when she became the third winner of the monthly Shop N’ Win sweepstakes $1,000 grand prize for October 2013. Not only did she look good and feel good, but she was able to get her money back. While enjoying the time before her bi-weekly hair appointment at Hair Couture in Grand Terrace, the Riverside resident decided to hop next door to Royal Nails Salon and get a touch-up on her manicure. Holland said that typically Saturdays are reserved for hair and eyebrow services and Sundays for manicure touch-ups, but on that day Holland saw an opportunity to get all three done in the same day. “That’s my relaxation time,” said Holland. “There’s no rush and I don’t mind waiting. I really like the service [at Royal Nails].” While she was at the salon she took the opportunity to use the salon’s coupon in the October 2013 edition of the Shop N’ Win monthly coupon book. When using the coupon she then filled in the bottom to enter into the sweepstakes to win $1,000. She shared that she felt it couldn’t hurt. “I thought, ‘why not?’” Holland said. When Holland was called by Ad-Vantage Marketing to notify Please find a way to thank our advertisers for helping make this newspaper possible! her of her big win, she wasn’t sure what to think. She sent a text to the caller asking for identification. A few text messages were exchanged before Holland realized that she had, in fact, won the sweepstakes. “When the nail salon was mentioned, I thought, ‘Oh yeah, I did fill out a coupon,’” said Holland. “I told my husband that I was being told I had won some money and he said, ‘You should call them!’” Holland was accompanied by her mother, Margo Salari, who was excited about her daughter’s winnings. This wasn’t the first time Holland has won big. She was the recipient of a cash prize of a little over $1,000 after she won a 50/50 giveaway at a football game 11 years ago. She’s also won raffle contests at work — for over five years she’s been employed as a director in the materials and management department of San Antonio Community Hospital — but she said she donates those to the hospital’s foundation. This prize, however, Holland commented, was welcomed heartily, especially in light of the holiday season. “I’m going to spend the money for Christmas presents for my boys,” said Holland, who has three sons ages 12, 9 and 6. “It was really convenient timing!” You, too, can find great deals and enter for your chance to win $1,000 by filling out and using the coupons in the monthly Shop N’ Win Coupon book. Subscribe to City News to receive it in your mailbox every month. Call today 909-370-1200. BELLA MIA BOUTIQUE & TAN GRAND OPENING CUSTOM SWIM WEAR, PURSES, HATS, JEWELRY NEW SUN-MASTER CLEAR-TECH BULBS OFF OFF $ SHOP N’ WIN $1,000 GIVEN AWAY EVERY MONTH $ Find your copy at Each coupon is a SHOP-N-WIN.com sweepstakes ticket for a $ chance to ... WIN $1,000 Never miss your chance to win! $ $ $ $ $ Shop N’ Win sweepstakes win ners Richard and Juanita Ma rtinez smile with their $1,000 cash prize and a copy of the Sho p N’ Win monthly coupon book from which they used a winning coupon for Goody’s Restaurant in Col ton. To get your copy in the mail every month, subscribe to the City News 909-370-1200 OFF OFF ANY SUN-CLUB EFT Package ANY BOTTLE OF TANNING LOTION (Incl. JWOWW, Snooki, & Kardasian) ANY Mystic Tan bellamiatan.com 1 mo. or longer 909-783-2803 22545 Barton Rd. Suite 109 Grand Terrace, Ca 92313 ANY bellamiatan@att.net TANNING PACKAGE (Reg. $25) CITY NEWS • ENTERTAINMENT NOVEMBER 21, 2013 • PAGE 5 Sixteen Decorated Trees Change Lives BY: HELENA MITCHELL EDITOR PHOTO COURTESY OF: HELENA MITCHELL Before giving the invocation for the “Forest of Hope” Winter Wonderland Brunch, Reverend Robb Zinn of Emmanuel Baptist Church shared, “Thank you, thank you for all the differences you are making in the lives of children you may never meet who may grow up to be the president, an assemblyman, mayor, or a Hollywood singer. God bless the little children.” The 13th annual event, which took place at the National Orange Show, sported 16 donated trees decorated from head to toe. Attendees placed tickets into the baskets under the trees in hopes that they would be the lucky winner. Hundreds of members, supporters and advocates for ChildHelp gathered in support of making a difference in the lives of abused children. According to the ChildHelp statistics page, every year more than three million reports of child abuse are made in the United States involving more than six million children (a report can include multiple children). This staggering statistic was just one of the many reasons that ChildHelp has been a successful place of change since 1959. First-time attendee Lorena Dailey, whose sister recently began her involvement with the organization, shared, “This is the first time I’ve been to something like this and I will do it until the day I die. As a mother, it’s a very personal cause. Thank God myself or my children never experienced it but I’ve witnessed it and it’s such an amazing cause. I don’t care if it costs $1,000 to come, I would find a way to get here.” Redlands resident Jo Ann Von Wald, who has been involved for over 30 years and currently serves as the president of the Inland Empire Auxiliary of ChildHelp, hosted the event and said, “I’m out here to support these kids. My heart goes out to them.” Kathy Hyland of Redlands, who has been a member for three years and served on countless PTA boards and baseball leagues as her children were growing, said, “Children can’t help themselves so we have to be the advocates for them. It’s sad to think that there are kids out there that are abused.” While attendees enjoyed their lunch, a group of about a dozen children whose lives have been changed as a result of ChildHelp, made their way to the stage and sang songs of thanks to the audience. Knea Hawley, who works with the Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio and has recently become a member of ChildHelp, shared that she was at an event in Beaumont where she saw some of the children whose lives have been changed through ChildHelp, sing to the audience. “When you hear these kids sing and they’re giving thanks, it’s just amazing, when you think of where these kids have come Joke of the Week PHOTO COURTESY OF: HELENA MITCHELL (Above) Detective Mary Yanez shares that what she does everyday wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for her team of supporters, her family. From left: Benjamin Yanez, Andrea Yanez, Detective Mary Yanez (2013 Spirit of Hope Award Recipient), Kaylee Duff, Nicholas Wolin, Alexandria Wolin and River Jordan. Not pictured: Alfredo and A.J. Yanez (husband and son who had to leave early for a football game). (Left) Redlands resident Jo Ann Von Wald, who has been involved for over 30 years and currently serves as the president of the Inland Empire Auxiliary of ChildHelp, hosted the event and said, “I’m out here to support these kids. My heart goes out to them.” from and how an organization can make them feel. I was committed to being involved from that moment on.” After an energetic performance by the youths, a profound message was given by Michal Madison, who shared, “I stand before you no longer a victim, but because of the creator, I’m a victorious survivor.” She shared how since the age of under 2 months old, she was sexually abused by both her father and her mother, and how her father became a school teacher and followed her through the educational system, always making sure that, in every grade, he was her teacher so she would never have an opportunity to speak out for help. She shared that just when she would get comfortable, her family would move her into another town, again, making sure that her dad was her teacher. When college rolled around, she was finally able to escape; however, not long before her freedom began to transform her, she got a call from her father that he had gotten a job offer and was moving to her college town. The abuse began again only to be alleviated around the age of 22 when her best friend began spending the night. However, it would not be long before two dangerously abusive marriages with men she was forced to marry would shake her world before her eventual escape and true freedom, which she has been thriving and growing in for the past few years. As a life-long artist and pianist who was told for so many years that she wasn’t good enough, she shared, “I get to sell my paintings and donate 10 percent to ChildHelp. Do you know how much that thrills my soul?” Shortly after Madison’s heartmoving story, event organizers welcomed Det. Mary Yanez to the stage to receive this year’s Spirit of Hope award. Yanez, who has dedicated her life to helping children in abusive situations, told the audience, “I thank you all for giving and supporting and praying, because together we can help these kids.” Retired County Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Charles Terrell, has been coming out to the event and others like it for years in support of both the cause and his wife, Bobbie, who is a retired school psychologist and a member of the organization. He said, “It’s very important taking care of kids who are abused, offering them a chance at academic progress and psychological support and moving them in the right direction as they get ready to become productive adults.” Silent and live auctions helped get the ball rolling on making a difference in the lives of those who had traveled from Beaumont Village, a facility that cares for children who are in transition from their homes and where the court decides to place them either back home, in foster care, or allow them to be adopted. Annette Winn, who has been involved in the program for about three years and serves as the vice president of ChildHelp, Fundraising Chair, and Membership Chair, shared, “I have been to the Village, and it is beautiful. There’s extensive counseling available, a chapel, a school, and horses and goats, which are great therapy. Some of these kids are so traumatized that they don’t even talk. There was one little girl that didn’t talk and when she finally spoke it was to the horse, and she said, ‘Is your mommy mean to you too?’” Answers from P. 7 Winn shared that the proceeds from events like the “Forest of Hope” and other events go towards the basic needs of the children that ChildHelp is able to reach out to, including school and hygiene supplies, clothing and more. Short and Sweet Q: What happened when the turkey got into a fight? A: He got the stuffing knocked out of him! Q: If April showers bring May f lowers, what do May f lowers bring? A: Pilgrims! Q: What sound does a space turkey make? A: Hubble, Hubble, Hubble! Welcome to ALICE'S Breakfast Special: 2 Pancakes, 2 Eggs, 2 Bacon or Sausage Only $4.50 Where locals gather . . . for great food! Dinner Special: T-Bone, New York, Rib Eye, OR Pork Chops Only $10.75 Hours: Mon. - Fri. 6 a.m. - 3 p.m., Sat. - Sun. 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. 867 W. Jefferson, San Bernardino, CA 92407 • 909-381-2014 Sudoku Fill a number into every cell in the grid, using the numbers 1 to 9. The restriction is that you can only use each number once in each row, each column, and in each of the 3×3 boxes. Answers on P. 7 PAGE 6 • NOVEMBER 28, 2013 CITY NEWS • LIVING Redlands Christmas Parade Committee Seeks Parade Entries and Sponsorships The Kiwanis Club of Redlands–Noon is seeking sponsorships and accepting entry applications for the 24th annual Redlands Christmas Parade, “Christmas Around the World,” scheduled for 6 p.m. on Dec. 7 in downtown Redlands. This parade is also part of the city’s 125th Christmas celebration. With local celebrity and cooking guru Martha Green as Grand Marshal, this citywide event is expected to bring together thousands of people from throughout the Inland Empire for a celebration of the holidays. The parade committee is currently seeking entries of classic cars, sports teams, marching bands, floats, equestrians, scout troops, carolers, area dignitaries or any other type of fun and creative entry that will help to spread the holiday spirit and cre- ate warm and wonderful memories for spectators. The entry fee is $20 for individuals and non-profit organizations and $30 for commercial entries. Go to www.redlands-events. com/XMAS.htm to download and print the application. Mail the completed application and entry fee to the Kiwanis Club of Redlands–Noon, PO Box 8427, Redlands, CA 92375. Checks should be made payable to the Kiwanis Club of Redlands. Entry applications must be received by Nov. 20. Additionally, parade sponsors are needed to help make the Redlands Christmas Parade a successful event. Sponsorship levels range from $100 to $1,000 and must be received immediately to ensure that businesses are included in all areas of the No One Injured in Kitchen Fire No one was injured in a fire that damaged a portion of a kitchen the morning of Nov. 14. Firefighters responded to the residence in the 300 block of Doyle Street shortly before 9 a.m. A Redlands police officer used a fire extinguisher to put out the blaze prior to firefighters’ arrival. The fire started in an elec- tric coffee pot on a stove and moved to the wall, hood and duct work behind and above the stove. Firefighters extinguished remaining hot spots and ventilated smoke from the residence. Firefighters are investigating whether the blaze may have been caused by a malfunction in the appliance or some other cause. chosen sponsorship. Businesses interested in becoming a parade sponsor may contact Dave Ahlers at 909-792-4016. Parade participants and spectators should dress warmly, arrive early and bring chairs and blankets as the best seats along the parade route fill up early. The parade will begin on Citrus Avenue near the Redlands Mall. Participants will travel east on Citrus to 8th Street, head north on 8th, then west on East State Street. From there the parade will travel south on Orange Street back to Citrus Avenue, then head west on Citrus. The parade will end on Eureka and West State streets, just outside the Redlands Mall. For those unable to attend, the parade will also be televised on Time Warner Cable Channel 3 and Verizon Channel 35. A DVD of the parade will also be available for purchase. In 1988, the city of Redlands sponsored the community-wide event but could not afford to continue to do so. Larry Statler, then chairman of the Easter PHOTO COURTESY OF: KIWANIS CLUB OF REDLANDS–NOON Dozens of marching bands and hundreds of floats will bring the Christmas spirit to life in Redlands this year, as in years past, during the Redlands annual Christmas Parade. Currently the Redlands Christmas Parade Committee is seeking parade entries and sponsorships to help make this year’s nighttime parade another success. Parade, and a few others, took it upon themselves to continue the festivities. The original parade committee consisted of five members, including Statler of Statler’s Jewelers, Tom Nelson of the Bootery, Linda Johnson and Daney Bachiu of Redlands Blue Print, and Dean Strella of the Redlands Daily Facts. In 1992, the Kiwanis Club of Redlands–Noon took over the management of the parade as a way to give back to the children of Redlands. In 1995, the previously daytime parade began running at night. Last year, an estimated 25,000 spectators lined the streets for the event, and countless others watched it on Redlands TV. For further information, contact Dave Ahlers at 909792-4016. Native American Tribe Donates $1 Million to Typhoon Haiyan Relief The San Manuel Band of Mission Indians has donated a total of $1 million to help the people of the Philippines in the catastrophic aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan. The American Red Cross and International Medical Corps will each receive $500,000 to assist with the humanitarian aid efforts. “A fundamental belief among Native people is caring for the welfare and well-being of people around the world,” said San Manuel Chairperson Carla Rodriguez. “The San Manuel Band of Mission Indians supports this belief and acts accordingly when calls for help come from around the world. We are pleased to support the work of the International Medical Corps and the American Red Cross as they deploy their professional staff and resources to assist the people of the Philippines. We pray for their quick and full recovery.” The Category 5 typhoon left widespread devastation, affecting 11.3 million people, including 673,000 that are displaced. Funds from San Manuel will support the global response to Typhoon Haiyan. Half of the tribe’s $1 million donation will be used for an immediate response from The American Red Cross to distribute relief items, repair and rebuild shelters, provide healthcare and ensure access to clean water and sanitation systems. The other half of San Manuel’s donation will allow the International Medical Corps to recruit local medical volunteers to staff mobile medical units (MMUs) in and around the hardest hit areas. Through the MMUs, International Medical Corps will deliver health care services with a special emphasis on child and maternal health; nutrition monitoring; medication; clean water; hygiene awareness and promotion; and psychosocial support and training for frontline health care workers. San Manuel’s support will address both the short-and long-term needs of people affected by the storm. There is projected to be a high risk of maternal and neo-natal morbidity and mortality as many health facilities and birthing clinics have been destroyed or significantly damaged. Approximately 8,000 births are expected in the first month alone. Support from San Manuel to the International Medical Corps will allow the relief organization to rapidly increase health services to meet the growing humanitarian needs. City News Group is Going Green City News Group brings you the local local news news in in Colton, Colton, Grand Grand Terrace, Terrace and Loma Linda. Loma Linda, Moreno Valley, Redlands, and San Bernardino. Become a subscriber! For every year you subscribe the City News Group will give you a “Going Green Supporter” card. A “Going Green Supporter” card is good for 12 FREE classified ads (5 lines) in the City News. For more information please call (909) 370-1200 22797 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313 CITY NEWS • LIVING 7th Annual Rockabilly Extravaganza to Feature Classic Cars, Motorcycles for a Cause NOVEMBER 21, 2013 • PAGE 7 Crossword Fill in the correct answers, one letter per square, both across and down, from the given clues. Answers on P.7 PHOTO COURTESY OF: JEFF GIVENS The Bombshell Betty Buick will be on display at the annual extravaganza event, which each year raises funds for a chosen good cause. BY: PETE PETERSEN COMMUNITY WRITER The Bombshell Betty Buick will be one of the many classic restored cars at the 7th annual Bo Huff Rockabilly Extravaganza car and motorcycle show and concert. The event will run Thanksgiving weekend on Nov. 30 at the Riverside Airport, beginning at 9 a.m. Each year, the Rockabilly Extravaganza is held to benefit someone in need. Last November’s show raised funds to purchase a special needs van for Kaylie Michalski and City of Hope cancer research. The 2011 show raised funds for Bo Huff, the Guru of Kinetic Sculpture, who suffered from multiple melanoma and is now in remission. This year’s benefactors will be Wounded Warriors, the Maxwell Family and again, City of Hope cancer research. The event will run through dusk and will feature many vendors, including custom car model designer Radio Bob, and live entertainment. The Riverside Airport is located at 6951 Flight Rd., Riverside. Ph. (909) 825-8988 Cell (909) 528-3856 Answers from P. 5 Featured Videos: Featured Video: DarNel Enterprises Video Creations, Division Pete & Darlene Petersen, owners Redlands Veterans 2007Day Colton Cement Parade Plant Factory and eventsTour Call us TODAY! $20 including tax and S&H Subscription Form Let us video tape your celebrations! 9 0 9 -3 7 0 -1 2 0 0 Main Office: 22797 Barton Road Grand Terrace CA 92313 CNG is committed to being the best provider of local news and information that connects people to the information in their communities. We bring you the local area news in Colton (Colton City News), Grand Terrace (Grand Terrace City News), Loma Linda (Loma Linda City News), Moreno Valley (Moreno Valley City News), Redlands (Redlands City News), and San Bernardino (San Bernardino City News). 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Date Security Code Please provide your email address: Name on Card: Hard copy Send newspaper via email Send newspaper via mail (Colton, Grand Terrace, Loma Linda, Moreno Valley, Signature: Call for shipping rates Redlands, & San Bernardino residents ONLY) Payment Method: Thank you for being a valued subscriber of the City News Group. If paying with cash you will receive a receipt within 3 business days Mail receipt to: Name: INTEREST RATES ARE STILL LOW Get approved NOW For VA • FHA • CalVet Refinance • Reverse Mortgage Don Shore 951-830-5555 Email: dshore@pacbell.net NMLS License# 309204 Orion Home Loans NMLS License# 283126 PAGE 8 • NOVEMBER 28, 2013 Bachelors Cont. from P. 1 NEED ATER? EA WATER H PHOTO COURTESY OF: HELENA MITCHELL Innovations Hair Salon in Grand Terrace gave bachelor James Frederick, a Grand Terrace resident who is a forklift operator in San Bernardino and an assistant baseball coach at Grand Terrace High School, a makeover for the big night. He is pictured here with Innovations employees, from left: Marybeth Correra, Sue Pasillas, Jamie Rey, Frederick, Yolanda Navarro, Ophelia Chagolla and Sandy Razo. PHOTO COURTESY OF: MARDIS FAMILY Emcees Julie Buehler, Palm Springs Sports Radio host, and a few of the eligible bachelors up for auction. who bid on them will take Ken Binkley, gave Frederick his makeover the day of the auction. Innovations Salon wanted to get involved, Binkley said, because “giving back to our community that supports us gives us inner satisfaction.” Frederick said his friend, Danielle, encouraged him to participate. He will be going on a group date with a young woman named Patty, 26, who was the successful bidder for him. Evans said the group dates between the bachelors and the ladies place following the holidays. He also said he hopes to see more ladies at similar events in the future. San Bernardino County Fire Marshal Mike Horton took home the largest bid, totaling $1,500. Assemblymember Cheryl R. Brown to Co-Host Forum on Paying For College PHOTO COURTESY OF: OFFICE OF CHERYL BROWN forgettables Foundation. The sponsors ranged from Citizens Business Bank Arena to local businesses such as Innovations Salon in Grand Terrace, Susie Willhide at Grand Terrace’s Baskets Ahh.. La Cart providing gift baskets for the event and Colton Dental giving away a $599 teeth whitening procedure. The event began at 6:30 p.m. and ran through 9 p.m. that evening. Following the auction, attendees were invited to head over to Club Vibe. TUF founder Tim Evans shared that event sponsors provided many fun-filled date opportunities for the ladies who had successful bids on the bachelors: a Long Beach cruise, a Hangar 24 tour, an Ontario Reign hockey game and a jeep trip in Coachella Valley. Additionally, local salons and spas gave each bachelor a makeover on the day of the event to ensure they were each auction ready, and girls participated in a Sexiest Heels contest. Orm Chaisawang, a San Bernardino resident, was one of the winners in the Sexiest Heels contest. Thanks to Alex Hards dee-jaying the event, the fun never stopped. The event, which was planned for four months by a Bachelor Auction Committee, raised over $5,000 for the foundation. “It was a tremendous success for a first time event,” Evans said. Emcees included Inland Empire Magazine owner Brenda Lorenzi, Palm Springs Sports Radio host Julie Buehle, San Bernardino County Fifth District Supervisor Josie Gonzales and Highland Mayor Pro Tem Penny Lilburn. Evans’s inspiration for the Bachelor Auction came from a similar event he’d seen in the Coachella Valley, where $50,000 was raised. He saw an opportunity to bring an entertaining event to his local area and help raise funds for a great cause. TUF is a non-profit foundation that dedicates their time, energy and money in assisting low-income families during the hardest part of their lives — the loss of a child. TUF is dedicated to helping families give their children the dignified burial they deserve and helps educate both parents and community members on how to deal with the loss. “The Unforgettables is such a tough topic, you almost have to have loud, fun, happy events to counteract the somber nature of the cause — so that’s what we do,” said Evans. Among the 14 bachelors auctioned off that evening were: Redlands residents Nik Alsop, who is a soccer coach; Steven Sumlar, in marketing and massage therapy; CJ Sillers, Oak Glen resident and Brewcakes owner; David Brigham, a sales representative with Ritual Brewing Company; Yucaipa residents Mark Edwards, a financial specialist and entrepreneur; Ed Ferguson, owner and manager of Tire Guys Goodyear; Menifee resident Mike Horton, fire marshal with the San Bernardino County Fire Department; Riverside residents Matt Friedlander, senior director with the United Way of the Inland Valleys; Jonathan Murtaugh, a Facebook marketing director; James Persinger, a financial adviser; Nick Adcock, a governmental affairs manager with the Greater Riverside Chambers of Commerce; Canyon Lake resident David Morgan, a California state district representative; Irvine resident Paul Cramer, a director of sales for a pet food company and a real estate broker; and Grand Terrace resident James Frederick, an assistant baseball coach at Grand Terrace High School. “It was a great group of guys picked,” said Frederick, 27, of the bachelors. Frederick was a first-time bachelor for auction. “We clicked really well together,” he said. “I would definitely like to do it again.” Innovations Salon in Grand Terrace, owned by CITY NEWS • COMMUNITY Assemblymember Cheryl Brown, above, will host a forum and resource fair aimed at educating students about financial aid programs available to them. Assemblymember Cheryl R. Brown (D-San Bernardino), in partnership with the Associated Student Government (ASG), Inc. at San Bernardino Valley College (SBVC), will co-host a college affordability forum and resource fair at the campus library on Dec. 5, from noon to 3 p.m. The focus of the event is to inform students of free financial aid programs and explore the importance of planning ahead to succeed in college. “We’re really concerned about the increasing amount of debt that students are amassing after they’ve completed their degrees and certificates,” said Brown. “There’s a number of funding opportunities available at the state level including scholarships, grants and investment options. I’m really pleased to have worked with the California Student Aid Commission to come to this event and share some of the free assistance programs that are available to transfer and vocational students. This is a wonderful opportunity to explore some viable options to lower your costs. Please take advantage of these programs.” The forum, moderated by ASG, will include two panels. Participating speakers include Like Us! The San Bernardino City News is on Facebook! Trustee Joseph Williams, San Bernardino Community College District (SBCCD); Professor Ed Gomez, History Department, SBVC; Professor James Dulgeroff, Department of Economics, SBVC; Professor James Robinson, Chair of the Human Services Dept., SBVC; School Support Representative Monique Doduc, California Student Aid Commission; Deputy Director of Operations Miguel McQueen, San Bernardino County Workforce Development Department (WDD); Programs Manager Theresa Keller, San Bernardino Employment Training Agency (SBETA); and President/CEO Dina Walker, Blu Education Foundation. In addition to the forum, a resource fair featuring free financial assistance information will occur outside the library. Participating vendors include Assemblymember Cheryl R. Brown, WDD, EOPS/STAR, SBETA and Blu Education Foundation. Those who wish to attend can RSVP to Ashley Jones by calling 909-381-3238 or emailing Ashley.Jones@asm.ca.gov. Students, faculty, community leaders and residents are encouraged to participate and ask questions at the open forum. Donations Cont. from P. 1 their “Kids Helping Kids” toy drive. Over 100 unwrapped toys were donated in the drive, confirmed Karen Blanco, Children’s Fund marketing manager. Erin Phillips, president and CEO of Children’s Fund, said, “Teaming up with Redlands AYSO is a way to educate our youth that giving back is very rewarding. The parents will take their child shopping for a gift that they would like to receive and then the child donates that gift to the collection box. What a great message.” The toy drive marked the second year Redlands AYSO has participated in the Celebration of Giving Campaign. Trish Aurelio, Redlands AYSO assistant regional commissioner said, “Redlands AYSO is excited to partner with Children’s Fund again this year and we welcome everyone to participate in the Kids Helping Kids Toy Drive — not just soccer players and their parents but the entire community as well.” To mark the occasion, 89.7 KSGN was on site at the Redlands Sports Complex during the kickoff event. KSGN Program Director Bryan O’Neal said, “Making a difference is what KSGN stands for. Together we can put smiles on the faces of underprivileged children this holiday season.” KSGN brought their spinning wheel for prize opportunities. “The idea was that the child was to pick out what they would like to receive and then put it in the box for a child who would not otherwise receive a toy,” said Blanco of the theme. The support from the community was high, Blanco explained with this anecdote: “One 10-year-old had handcarved a toy because he wanted to make sure that someone got a toy for Christmas. He said, ‘I just wish I could see the look on the boy’s face when he gets this.’” Blanco also shared that this year Children’s Fund is working with local Girl Scout troops who are collecting donations of toys and that on Dec. 10, will deliver them to Children’s Fund at the organization’s warehouse in San Bernardino. For their participation in the drive, Girl Scouts will earn a toy drive patch, said Blanco. Those who are interested in donating new, unwrapped toys may drop them off through Dec. 18 at the Children’s Fund warehouse, located at 1140 E. Cooley Ave., San Bernardino. 66ers Cont. from P. 1 nent in Southern California. 66ers general manager Joe Hudson said, “When we went through the whole rebranding process, we looked at a number of new concepts and logos, including cars, trucks and, ultimately, characters like the mechanic. From the start of the process we wanted a logo that we could bring life to and when the mechanic character was presented, it just made sense and fit great within the whole brand and theme of Route 66. We have truly created a new and exciting brand that focuses on the family fun entertainment that minor league baseball is all about. Our new identity symbolizes both a new era in an already historic franchise as well as an investment to our fans and community. This is a look that will appeal to all ages and will present a brand image that we feel all of our fans will love. Our fans can expect the same great entertainment, world class service and community focus that Scouts Cont. from P. 1 the gift boxes we’ll give to area families in need at Christmas but it will also help supplement our daily meal program, including special holiday meals we are serving on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.” After standing in front of Stater Bros. stores on Nov. 2 and Nov. 9, the Boy Scouts collected 11,004 pounds of food. Although this is the first time they’ve actually weighed it, it may not be the first year they’ve collected this much. They have collected tons of food for the Salvation Army and other charities with meal programs for the past several years. “There are a lot of needy people out there so it may not go far,” said Denise Wampole, Inland Empire Scouting for Food Coordinator. “Hopefully it will help.” Boy Scouts from San Bernardino, Rialto, Colton, Highland, Grand Terrace, Fontana and Bloomington collected food for the Salvation Army. They were participating in a nationwide event the Boy Scouts of America calls “Scouting for Food.” Each Scouting for Food drive benefits a local charity. For instance, not only did they love us for. We’ve simply re-imagined our identity.” The home cap logo depicts a mechanic batting with an oildrenched wrench. Other logos also tie in the muscle-car theme, depicting wrenches, engines and the “66ers” on wings. Creating and perfecting the logo took nearly a year of collaboration between the 66ers and Brandiose, a San Diego-based company led by founders Jason Klein and Casey White. Clients include a number of MLB teams, including the Lehigh Valley IronPigs and the Richmond Flying Squirrels. Jason and Casey often traveled to San Bernardino and visited with fans, staff and community members to get a sense of what type of logo would perfectly emanate the spirit of both the team and the Inland Empire community. From there, the design team was able to settle on the new logo and the team’s new colors of powder blue and orange — colors not usual in the league. “From the start, when we talked about changing our logos, it was more than just logos,” said Hudson. “It was changing the troops from San Bernardino and other nearby communities collect food for the Salvation Army, a troop from Lake Arrowhead that is part of the same Arrowhead District as those helping the Salvation Army, collected food for a shelter in Blue Jay. The San Bernardino Salvation Army will put the food to good use on Thanksgiving Day when it hosts a Thanksgiving dinner that often brings in 300 people. Although much of the food served at that dinner is fresh, some of the non-perishable items the Boy Scouts collect may be included. In December, the San Bernardino Corps assembles holiday food baskets for more than 600 local families. Canned food donations received from the Boy Scouts will be included in those baskets. In addition to the holiday baskets, a delicious Christmas dinner is served on Christmas Day to those in need. And if there’s still any of the five-and-a-half tons of food left over after Christmas, the San Bernardino Corps also needs food every day for up to 75 people at its Hospitality House homeless shelter and for the up to 200 people who receive a free dinner served six nights a week at its 746 W. Fifth Street location. More than 40,000 meals are served annually at the Fifth Street location. Wyatt’s Big screens lit up to unveil the new rebranding theme of the Inland Empire 66ers. brand of the 66ers. We wanted the new brand to be fun, exciting and unique while at the same time paying homage to the history of Route 66. When we looked at colors, we thought of the classic muscle car colors and found the baby blue and orange combination not only fit perfectly within the new theme and brand, but also looked great when combined together.” Following the unveiling, merchandise featuring the new logos and colors became available for purchase online and by visiting the merchandise store inside San Manuel Stadium. As merchandise went up for sale, items flew off the shelves and into the hands of eager and sup- portive 66ers fans. For Hudson and the rest of the team, the brand represents both the team’s growth and the family fun it has brought to the Inland Empire for years. “I think the most exciting part of the new logos and the overall brand are all the possibilities that they allow us as a front office to have from a creative standpoint. It opens up a lot of new possibilities from video board graphics to merchandise to print material,” said Hudson. The 66ers players themselves will soon be sporting the new look on their uniforms, which will be unveiled at a later date. PHOTO COURTESY OF: CARL DAMERON The last customer to drop her donations into the Scout’s basket was TJ Bullington from Crestline (center). Bullington responded to the Scout’s request for donations and happily gave the items to Scout Jason Bun. DAVIDSON’S "JS$POEJUJPOJOH)FBUJOH*OD i-PDBM'BNJMZPXOFEBOEPQFSBUFETJODFu 5IFSFDPNNFOEFETFSWJDFDPNQBOZ UPUIF*OMBOE&NQJSF 'SFF&TUJNBUFT $BMM/PX (FUZPVSBJSDPOEUJPOFS DIFDLFEBOETFSWJDFE GPS (FUBOFX"JS$POEJUJPOFS GPSPOMZ 8FBMTPPíFSEVDUDMFBOJOHBOETBOJUJ[JOH Full Service Collision Center EJTDPVOUXJUIUIJTBE We Work With All Insurance Companies Free Estimates • Lifetime Warranty Expert Color-Matching Service Frame & Uni-Body Straightening Rental Cars & Towing Available 'PS4BMFTBOE4FSWJDF$BMM www.wyattspaintbody.com In Business Since 1975 With 2 Locations to Assist You 1120 West Redlands Blvd. Redlands, CA 92373 (909) 307-3333 PHOTO COURTESY OF: IE 66ERS QMVTJOTUBMMBUJPOPOUPO4&&3 Paint & Body Please find a way to thank our advertisers for helping make this newspaper possible! NOVEMBER 28, 2013 • PAGE 9 CITY NEWS • COMMUNITY 350 N. Rancho Ave. San Bernardino, CA 92410 (909) 885-5051 44JFSSB8BZ4BO#FSOBSEJOP$" XXXEBWJETPOTBJSBOEIFBUDPN -JD CITY NEWS • LIVING PAGE 10 • NOVEMBER 28, 2013 Shoppers Get Deals, Enter for Chance to Win $1,000 Grand Prize with Shop N’ Win Coupon Book PHOTO COURTESY OF: HONEYBAKED HAM (Above) HoneyBaked Ham is known for its slow-cooked sweet hams, and this holiday season there’s deals for every family size and budget. Look for ways to save in the November 2013 Shop N’ Win coupon and make your holidays a little sweeter. You could be the next $1,000 winner. PHOTO COURTESY OF: REDLANDS CIGAR (Above) Redlands Cigar offers a wide range of premium cigars in its walk-in humidor. Look for ways to save and come in for a relaxed sociable evening. Find coupons in the November 2013 Shop N’ Win coupon book and enter BY: BREEANNA JENT for your chance to be the next $1,000 winner! STAFF WRITER (Right) Sink your teeth into these tasty shrimp and fish The holiday seasons came tacos, save money and enter the drawing to win $1,000 quick this year and the monthat Maria’s Cafe when you use the November 2013 Shop ly Shop N’ Win coupon book N’ Win coupon. A meal never tasted so good. is making it easier than ever Schedule a free Schedule free Schedule aafree portfolio review. portfolio review. portfolio review. Shawn W Price Financial Advisor . 1776 W Park Ave Shawn W Price Shawn W Price Financial Advisor . Suite 126 Financial AdvisorRedlands, CA 92373 . 1776 W Park Ave 909-307-9539 Suite 126W Park Ave 1776 Redlands, CA 92373 Suite 126 909-307-9539 Redlands, CA 92373 Member SIPC www.edwardjones.com www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC www.edwardjones.com PLUMBING 24 Hour Emergency Service Available Complete Plumbing & Drain Cleaning “The Recommended Service Company to the Inland Empire” the lounge, and areas to play classic games like Dominos or poker, the lounge truly is quite relaxing. The lounge also offers free WiFi for those looking to surf the web while they enjoy their cigar. Other deals in the November 2013 Shop N’ Win coupon book mean more chances to get cigar lovers a relaxing holiday gift. The November 2013 Shop N’ Win coupon book also offers opportunities to pick out the perfect holiday ham, with deals by HoneyBaked Ham. With two locations to serve Inland Empire residents, HoneyBaked Ham is known for its sweetly-glazed and tender ham, smoked for hours overnight over a blend of hardwood chips. HoneyBaked Ham has made a name for itself for over 40 years after Harry J. Hoenselaar opened the first HoneyBaked Ham Company store in Michigan, where he perfected the unique smoking technique and patented a machine that slices ham in a single, continuous spiral. HoneyBaked Ham is offering deals in the November 2013 Shop N’ Win monthly coupon book on holiday hams that fit everyone’s budget and family size — from larger, family-sized hams to a quarter ham. There are even ways to save on roasted or smoked turkey, tri-tip roast or slowcooked prime rib. HoneyBaked Ham is located at 707 W. Second St. in San Bernardino and at 5267 Arlington Ave. in Riverside. Between shopping trips or just for a good meal any time of the day, Maria’s Café is offering deals on authentic Mexican food. The restaurant has built a reputation for serving customers both from the local area and beyond. Hungry customers can find deals on breakfast and combination plates when they eat at the restaurant and use the Maria’s Shop N’ Win coupon. Maria’s Café is located at 2049 E. Washington St., Colton, in the shopping center between Stater Bros. and Rite Aid. Three local residents have been named winners of the $1,000 prize and each coupon is your chance to be the next! Call 909-825-1115 for advertising information or subscribe to your City News to receive the Shop N’ Win in your mailbox every month. Street Smart Offers Women Self-Defense and Safety Workshop 909-307-9539 Member SIPC for residents to find the perfect gift, a delicious mouthwatering dinner piece or a hearty meal to fill up on between all that holiday shopping — with great deals to boot. Redlands Cigar, at 732 Tennessee St. in Redlands, is offering deals on cigars, both boxed and individual, this month. With an intimate lounge area, Redlands Cigar caters to those looking to relax and socialize in a comfortable atmosphere, explained owner Tim Krug. “It’s a laid back kind of experience,” said Krug. “You can’t be in a hurry to smoke a cigar.” The lounge offers a large selection of premium cigars in its large walk-in humidor, built by Erik Haynes. Adhering to its motto, “Relax and enjoy a cigar,” the lounge welcomes both the cigar aficionado and the casual smoker alike. Sporting three f lat screen televisions visible across the large space of PHOTO COURTESY OF: MARIA’S CAFE Earthquake Gas Shut off Valves Installed From : $285.00 The Redlands Police Department will again offer a personal self-defense and safety seminar designed especially for women, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Dec. 7, at the Redlands Community Center Gymnasium. The seminar, part of the department’s Street Smart program, is designed to increase participants’ level of awareness and minimize their risk of victimization. The seminar is designed for women and girls ages 13 and up and will include a personal safety presentation as well as hands-on training. The class includes presentations by members of the Redlands Police Department, hands-on training in self-defense tactics and a personal safety question and answer session. Participants should bring a light lunch and water and wear loose clothing and comfortable tennis shoes. The cost for the seminar is $15. All of the fees collected will be applied to the Street Smart Self Defense program. Street Smart is an after school self-defense program for children and teens taught by Redlands Police officers. Now in its fifth year, Street Smart is designed for individuals ages 6 and up. Classes are held at 3:45 p.m. on Fridays at the Redlands Community Center. Scholarships are available. Health and Beauty Section Tips to Turn Your Home into Your Own Beauty Salon swabs are created equal so I always make sure I have plenty of Q-tips Precision Tips,” says Kyees. “They are the best quality with 100 percent cotton and the pointed ends are perfect for precise application. I use one end to apply or create a cool design and the other for cuticle clean-up, they are genius!” One of the easiest and most current trends is negative space. Apply a coat of bold, stylish nail polish such as oxblood to your nails. While nails are still semi-wet and tacky, dip the pointed end of your cotton swab >ŽŽŬŝŶŐďĞĂƵƟĨƵůŚĂƐŶĞǀĞƌďĞĞŶƐŽƐŝŵƉůĞŽƌĂīŽƌĚĂďůĞ͊h ƐĞƚŚĞďĞĂƵƚLJ in remover and precisely products you already own to pamper yourself and keep you looking and remove a section of the polish to create empty, feeling great. negative space on the (BPT) — Giving amount of hand or body other while giving you nail plate. A favorite is yourself a professional- lotion will also do the an immediate glammed the “inverted V-shaped looking beauty make- trick if you rub it lightly up look. mani” with empty space over can be as simple onto problem spots. • Give those cotton in the shape of a “V” at as looking around your • Q-tips cotton swabs swabs double duty for a the bottom of the nail, house. Whether it’s in can be used for creating manicure worth showing or you can come up your bathroom or your a variety of on-trend off. First, rub toothpaste with your own design, laundry room, all sorts of beauty looks and are an on your nails to remove such as horizontal lines products already in your easy and hygienic alterna- stains and add shine be- or a moon. Make sure home can be re-purposed tive to expensive makeup fore using remover on to apply a thin layer of a to easily and quickly help brushes. For special oc- the nail plate. Whether clear top coat to seal the you create this season’s casions, opt for metallic it’s applying a bold, sea- manicure in place. on-trend looks from head bronzy, gold tones on top sonal color or a nail art • Keep your perfect to toe. Here are some tips of dark smoky eyes and design, the next step is pout in place. Hold a tisto get you started. bold lips. After applying up to you. Celebrity nail sue over your lips and • Starting from your eye shadow and lip- technician Kimmie Ky- lightly dust translucent the top ...no time for a stick, use the cotton swab ees, whose clients include shower? Grab a dryer to dab loose pigment in a today’s hottest pop stars sheet from your laundry bronzy shade onto the in- and actresses, has a variety room and rub it on your ner corners of your eyes of tips for creating unique, head to tame y-aways and in the center of your DIY nail art, starting with while giving your hair a lips. The subtle hints of having the right tools on fresh scent. A dime-sized gold will balance each hand. “Not all cotton powder over the tissue. This will help the color last from day to night. • Lipstick can equal blush. When you’re in a bind, rub some lipstick between your ngers to warm it up, then lightly smooth onto your cheeks in an upward motion. Voila, rosy cheeks that . Dec. 31, 2013 perfectly complement your lips. Make sure you don’t apply the color too low or under the cheekbones. Place the color just a bit higher than you might think so it runs across the tops of your cheekbones and fades into your skin about an inch from your hairline. PAGE 12 • NOVEMBER 28, 2013 CITY NEWS • LIVING CSUSB Welcomes New Hundley Named Associate Vice President for Development Executive Director for the Western States Communication Association Beth Brenner, a new face to the university’s total. She previously was direcCal State San Bernardino’s tor of Corporate and Foundawinning team of leaders. Dungeon Junction By Zamorano tion Relations for Cal Poly’s University Advancement Division, director of Major Gifts for the College of Engineering, and assistant director of Advancement for the Orfalea College of Business. “I am thrilled to be joining Cal State San Bernardino at such an exciting time in the university’s history under the leadership of President (Tomás) Morales and Dr. Fremont,” said Brenner. “I am honored to have the opportunity to partner with alumni, donors and friends of CSUSB on philanthropic initiatives that will transform the lives of students, businesses and communities in our region.” Prior to joining Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Brenner was California Allstate Foundation Manager for Allstate Insurance Company’s Allstate Foundation. She also served as director of Development and Donor Services Officer for the Sacramento Region Community Foundation, and she was the Northwest Development Associate for Canine Companions for Independence. Brenner graduated from Sonoma State University, where she earned a Bachelor’s degree in communication studies with a journalism emphasis, while minoring in English. She also earned a Master’s degree in nonprofit administration from the University of San Francisco. Colton PHOTO COURTESY OF:SCUSB OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS PHOTO COURTESY OF: SID ROBINSON Beth Brenner, who has served in a wide variety of philanthropic positions at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and other organizations, has been named the new associate vice president for development at Cal State San Bernardino. Brenner began her appointment on Oct. 31. Longtime CSUSB administrator Cindi Pringle has served in the position on an interim basis following her retirement as the associate vice president for development last December. “I am delighted that the university has a stellar new leader of development,” said Ron Fremont, Cal State San Bernardino vice president of University Advancement. “Beth brings a wealth of development experience to CSUSB, having successfully served in four unique positions at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Last year alone, Cal Poly SLO raised in excess of $42 million of which more than $20 million was directly or indirectly attributed to Beth’s work.” Brenner has served in four different positions at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo since 2008, including her most recent role as assistant dean for Advancement and External Relations for the College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences. She was the lead development officer for the most successful fundraising college at the university, helping it to exceed its fundraising goal by 50 percent during 2012-2013, which accounted for half of Professor Heather Hundley, above, will shadow current Executive Director John Reinard prior to taking her new position in June next year. Heather Hundley, professor of Communication Studies at Cal State San Bernardino, has been named executive director for the Western States Communication Association. She will begin her threeyear term on June 1, 2014, and will shadow current Executive Director John Reinard prior to taking her new position. The WSCA is an academic professional association devoted to conducting and sharing research among its 1,000 members. The association publishes research in scholarly journals and holds a convention every year in February. “I still have mixed feelings M-F 6:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., 4:30-7 p.m. Sat 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Zumba Toning Mondays at 7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. Don't Miss It! 30 Minutes to Fitness! 1220 E. Washington A-24 Colton, CA 92324 (near Big Lots) (909) 370-3223 You win! Your beard does grow faster! 12-31-13 6-30-12 about it because it’s a lot of work, but I think it’s going to be really good exposure for the department, college and campus,” said Hundley, who also is graduate coordinator for CSUSB’s department of communication studies. Hundley became a member of WSCA during her graduate studies at California State University, Sacramento. Her first graduate term paper was competitively selected for presentation at the association’s annual conference. During her time with the association, Hundley served in several elected positions in the Media Studies Interest Group (Secretary, Vice Chair and Chair), was appointed to different committees in the association (including the Member Services Committee, Time and Place Committee and the Scholars Award Committee), and was elected in the presidential positions second vice president, first vice president, president-elect, president and past president. One of the obligations of an executive director is to oversee the membership database, search for convention sites along with the president or president-elect, oversee policies and bylaws, and oversee WSCA’s financial responsibilities. While the executive director for WSCA is an unpaid position, Hundley is committed to giving back to her professional association. “Part of it is love for the association and giving back to the community that helped me professionally and personally,” she said. The current president of WSCA, Brian L. Ott, said the association “is thrilled that Dr. Heather Hundley has accepted our invitation to serve as the association’s next Executive Director. She brings strong organizational skills, effective leadership and a deep commitment to the association.” “Heather was an excellent president and program planner, especially planning a program in Alaska,” said President-elect Patricia O’Keefe, who has known Hundley for a decade. “What she brings to us is her total organization and dedication to the (association) and we’re so lucky to have her.” Hundley’s goals as executive director are to help the continued growth of WSCA and to maintain its established excellent reputation in the field. Please find a way to thank our advertisers for helping make this newspaper possible! 12-31-13 6-30-12 12-31-13 6-30-12 12-31-13 6-30-12 CITY NEWS • LIVING NOVEMBER 28, 2013 • PAGE 13 Author Jeff McMahon Tips to Keep Potty Training Positive to Visit The Frugal Frigate PHOTO COURTESY OF: FRUGAL FRIGATE Author Jeff McMahon will present his book, Swimming to the Moon, at the Frugal Frigate. Aimed specifically at keeping the tradition of hardcover books and bedtime reading alive in the age of e-books and alternate reading methods, The Frugal Frigate will offer a new children’s illustrated poetry book: “Swimming to the Moon/A Collection of Rhymes Without Reason,” by author Jeff McMahon. The poems in this poetry book form a collection of tall tales and silly stories with some words of wisdom woven in. Each poem is interpreted by illustrator Jessica Warrick, who worked with McMahon to bring the rhymes to life. The illustrated verses and story-poems come alive with memorable characters and messages that will appeal to children of all ages. The inspiration for this project is the author’s fond memories of reading Shel Silverstein books with his young children at bedtime; the fun and laughter and his desire to foster that tradition forward with the same type of hardcover book that made the experience so fun and memorable. “I sincerely believe that in this day of e-books and Kindles, there’s still nothing like a great illustrated hardcover book to flip through and share and read with your family,” said McMahon. “With nothing against the progress and practicality of the electronic age, I’m confident that you can’t beat holding a real hardcover book in your hands and reading with your kids. ‘Swimming to the Moon’ is the perfect book for families to share and experience together.” The 192-page gift book includes 118 illustrations and poems in a beautiful hardcover edition with a full color dust jacket. McMahon will visit The Frugal Frigate (9 N. Sixth Street, Redlands) on Dec. 7, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. “Swimming to the Moon” is available now in hardcover for $19.98. (BPT)—Parents everywhere agree — potty training can be a struggle. You worry about taking your toddler out in public or trying to find ways simultaneously to encourage potty training and boost your child’s selfconfidence. Still, of 1,000 moms surveyed, 76 percent feel that their child’s personal growth as a result of potty training is, ultimately, a big reward. Every parent goes through the potty training stages and every parent will experience a challenge or two during the experience. The following advice from Pull-Ups Potty Training Partners, Dr. Heather Wittenberg and Jen Singer, addresses the fears parents and toddlers have during the training process and explains the Pull-Ups Potty Breaks Ritual — a simple call-and-response routine that keeps potty training fun and consistent. Not making it in time It’s helpful to monitor how long it’s been between potty breaks and how much your child has had to drink. Reminding your child to go is another important step. Sixtyeight percent of 1,000 moms surveyed say that accidents occur as a result of their toddler not wanting to stop playing and take a potty break. Get your child excited with the potty breaks ritual by calling out, “What does a big kid take?” and let them excitedly respond, “A potty break”. Fear of the toilet For children, the fear of falling in the toilet or of something reaching up to grab them is both real and scary. Remember that toddlers may not understand a logical explanation. Instead, try to take their mind off of the fear PHOTO COURTESY OF: BPT Potty training should be geared to the individual child. by turning the experience into something fun. The Pull-Ups Big Kid App offers more advice for parents and fun activities and games to help toddlers have fun with potty training. Accidents We all know accidents happen. While it may feel as if you’re causing a scene, remember that no one around you is as concerned about it as you. Try to stay positive and be prepared. When heading out the door, bring an emergency kit containing wipes, a change of clothes and some fresh training pants. Pull-Ups Training Pants have new Disney Monsters University designs to help get kids excited and to take the scare out of potty training. Taking too long to train As one of the most common potty training concerns, every parent has a different idea about what is “too long.” Don’t let external pressures give you false expectations about your child’s development or potty-training process. Potty training is a marathon, not a sprint, so enjoy the ride. Training on the road Vacations and trips can interrupt a child’s schedule, from traditional sleep times to potty training. Try your best to schedule stops and count on spending extra time for potty breaks. Once you’re at your destination or back home, jump back into your normal training routine. Every child will have a unique experience with potty training. Establishing a fun, consistent routine ensures you’ll both endure fewer frustrations and share a positive experience together. Before you know it, your little one will soon be a big kid. For more potty training tips, inspiration and tools, visit PullUps.com. Super Cleaners Over 20 Years ’Experience $3.00 off order of $20.00or more! 22310 Barton Road Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Please find a way to thank our advertisers for helping make this newspaper possible! (909) 825-8110 Seehow howwe westack stackup up against against the see thecompetition! competition Visit www.AreYouToxic.com Then call Tim Lunstrum Today! 951-453-2852 ATTENTION ALL BUSINESS OWNERS: Al Negrete, and his wife, Dora, proudly display their $1,000 Shop N’ Win winnings. $ The coupon used at Maria’s Cafe was one of over 150 that the restaurant received that month because they advertised in the Shop N’ Win! GIVE YOUR CUSTOMERS A CHANCE TO ... $ $ PROMO CODE JJJ 2CK WIN $1,000 Limited Time Each coupon you place drives $ more business to you! For advertising information call $ 909-825-1115 Visit us online at www.ultrasculptceneters.com Initial Consultation & Treatment Only $49.00 Offer valid w/this coupon. (800) 605-0449 CITY NEWS PAGE 14 •NOVEMBER 28, 2013 Proofreading Services at Low Cost Services Offered For videos of local events, call us! DarNel Enterprises. (909) 528-3856. 1849 VIP Barber Shop Special Monday to Thursday Open 7 Days and Holidays. 650 S. E St., San Bernardino. 909-806-4248 Need a Plumber? Call, Midtown Builders & Plumbers Bonded & Lic# 110004 (951) 363-2012 American or International (UK) English, with any major European language notes, quotes and references. Technical copy is acceptable in chemistry, physics, engineering and mathematics. For medical and life sciences, technical copy is acceptable only after preview and discussion. Qualifications: Chemistry and engineering degrees; taught in Dutch schools (VVO—Athenaeum & Gymnasium levels) students preparing for IB examinations; currently proofreader for 6 local weekly newspapers. Call Erasmus at 909-327-6599 or email at erasmus.de.tweede@gmail.com for quotes and availability. 07/25/13 Call today to make your children’s lives better tomorrow. Academic Learning Centers. 909-825-8580. 1849 07/25/13 HOUSE PAINTING PARTNERS (Husband and wife team) Seniors get 60% off. Neat clean reliable Christians. Will travel. For more details and information call, 909-797-2946 or you can call 951-780-9484. 18308 Beautiful home located in Colton/ Cooley Ranch area. $1350 w/$1000 security deposit w/gardener. 2 bed/ 1bath. Lg kitchen, dining area, living room & family room. Small pet ok w/ add. security deposit. 909-553-1085. 19051 12/5/13 18889 19047 17031 01/30/14 I can drive you anywhere near or far (a doctor’s appt. or all the way to Las Vegas). I’m a retired teacher with an excellent driving record. Please call/ text Jim at (909) 205-3247. 18875 19018 18889 1/30/13 Arroyo Vista Apartments 11/28/13 COLTON Studio, 1 bath. La Cadena. Upstairs apt. near Valley College. Refrigerator & coin-op laundry. $645 per month. (909) 796-2897 www. united-pm.com 18889 REDLANDS 3 bed, 2 bath Hunter Dr. Spacious house with tile flooring. Large yard. Bonus sun room. $1425 per month (909) 796-2897 www.united-pm.com 18889 LOMA LINDA 1 bed 1.5 bath. Redlands Blvd. Downstairs apt. Near LLU. All utilities included. Pets submit. $665 per month. (909) 796-2897 www.united-pm.com 1/30/13 1/30/13 12/26/13 HOME & OFFICE cleaning! Cleaning of refrigerator, fan and oven. Free estimates, and special offers for seniors. Call 909-503-3994. Ask for Aida. 1/30/13 1/30/13 Grand Terrace 4 bed/2 bath house. RV parking, enclosed sunroom, 2car garage, covered patio, large living room. Excellent area. Owner pays gardener, water, trash. $1,500/month. 22245 Victoria, Grand Terrace. Call Diane, 909-533-9578. 18151 18889 12/05/13 18889 ‘‘A family owned company devoted to quality service and customer satisfation’’ since 1989. We can meet all of your roofing needs. Call us today at 951-212-9384. Seniors, law enforcement, and military will receive discount! Se habla español. Lic#732789 COLTON 2 bed, 1 bath. Washington St. Downstairs condo in gated community. New carpet. Central air. $795 per month. (909) 796-2897 www. united-pm.com Room for Rent Master w/bath. Furnished. Use of kitchen & laundry. Internet & cable avail. Call Sid at 909-783-1865. 1/30/13 LOMA LINDA 1 bed 1 bath. Redlands Blvd. Downstairs cottage by LLU. Pets submit. All utilities included. $695 per month (909) 7962897 www.united-pm.com 18889 A beautiful property in Redlands offers spacious one and two bedroom apartments, exceptional value for your money. With one year lease and on approved credit your first month rent is only $99.00. Large private patios/balconies, pool, Jacuzzi, clubhouse and tennis court make this a home you’ll enjoy. 1 Br. 1 Bath, 720 Sq. Ft.$925 2 Br. 2 Bath, 966 Sq. Ft. $1,125 Call 909-335-9970 16894 12/12/13 1/30/13 12/26/13 12/26/13 SAN BERNARDINO 3 bed, 2.5 bath Plymouth Way. House with NEW wood flooring. ALL appliances included. $1550 per month (909) 796-2897 www.united-pm.com 18889 NEED A HAIR CUT? or a hair stylist for weddings, special accasions, photoshoots, and etc. Call and ask for ELIZABETH! at 760-920-3273 (cell). Call to make an appointment today! I cut women’s, children’s, and men’s hair. 18298 LOMA LINDA 2 bed 1 bath. Canada St. Upstairs apt. close to LLU. Laundry on site. Stove & dishwasher. $795 per month. (909) 796-2897 www. united-pm.com REDLANDS Studio 1 bath. Cajon St. Large studio near downtown Redlands. Refrigerator. Month to month. $765 per month. (909) 796-2897 www.united-pm.com 11/28/13 BLUE MOUNTAIN SENIOR VILLAS: Retirement Living at an Affordable Price Smoke-Free • Luxury Apartments • 62+ • 1&2 Bedroom • Pet-Friendly • All Utilities Paid • Hurry! Limited Space! 909-422-1557 17882 Apartments For Rent 1/30/14 Why Rent When You Can Own? Free Home Buyer Consultation Realty One Group Freesia Vickman, Realtor (951)207-9914 DRE# 01828837 18586 Housing For Rent • High school term papers • College or university papers, theses & dissertations • Chapter drafts for books (fiction or nonfiction) • Journal articles (scientific) • Magazine articles (popular) 07/25/13 Automotive City #1 Autocare 610 S. E St., San Bernardino. We offer brakes, rotors, oil changes, 4 wheel alignment. Full auto repair labor, $65/hr. 909-888-4030 19048 CLASSIFIEDS 11/28/13 1/30/13 ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENTS! REDLANDS 2 bed, 1 bath. 70 San Mateo St. Spacious apartment near Downtown Redlands. Includes carport. $795 per month. (909) 796-2897 www.united-pm.com 18889 1/30/13 Have you tried the body wrap? Wrap your unwanted body fat and see results in 45 minutes! If interested call 909-543-7146. Or visit https://mybodywrap.itworks. com/home 17921 $650 per month plus sec. deposit. Good location in Northern San Bernardino. One block from St. Bernadine’s Hospital. Features include: gated complex, security entrance cameras, on-site laundry, swimming pool, and remote controlled inside covered parking. Two blocks from banks, grocery stores, Coco’s Restaurant, and retail stores. If interested, please call Angel at 909-520-4607. 17541 08/08/13 SAN BERNARDINO 2 bed, 1 bath S. L Street Affordable house near Lytle Creek Park & quick access to 215. $795 per month (909) 796-2897 www.united-pm.com 18889 1/30/13 House for rent in Colton. 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 3 car garage, 2100 sq.ft., twostory house. Newly remodeled. Appliances included. Gardener included in rent. RV parking. Jacuzzi in backyard. $1,850/month, will discount rent for extended lease. $1,200 security deposit. Call owner, 909-725-8882, Stephanie. 06/26/14 COLTON 1 bed 1 bath. La Cadena. Upstairs apt. near Valley College. Refrigerator & coin-op laundry. $665 per month. (909) 796-2897 www. united-pm.com 18889 1/30/13 LOMA LINDA 2 bed 1 bath. Bellaire St. Downstairs apt. near LLU and VA. Month to month lease available. $815 per month (909) 796-2897 www. united-pm.com 18889 1/30/13 Find Out What Your Home is Worth! On-line visit: www.OnlineHousePrices. com or call a free recorded message at 1-800-361-9527 ID#1041 JL Premier Properties FROM $595 – $845 CALL: 310-704-7711 CITY NEWS NOVEMBER 28, 2013 • PAGE 15 CLASSIFIEDS MARKETING Commercial R.E for Lease R.E. Appraisal Service Paul Grutsis, Appraisal Lic #AR002936. 30+ years of real estate appraisal experience. Residential; Land; Commercial; Estate Planning; Bankruptcy Service; Divorce. paulgrutsis@gmail.com 760-519-6257 17976 12/31/13 Wanted 18897 Weider Flex CTX-60 Exercise Equip. $25 & Antique Oak Bed $100 Call 909-226-6511 Event 19029 Debbie Earle, in conjunction with Arcadia Publishing, is publishing the story of Grand Terrace. If you have memorabilia, photos, and/or information on Grand Terrace: Contact Debbie Earle at (909) 370-1807, (951) 205-4334, or at snwhite01@aol.com. 10/25/13 Be part of our winning team! Now hiring advertising sales professionals. Experience a plus, but we will teach you how to sell highly effective advertising to restaurants, retailers, realtors and other businesses. Earn up to $1500 per week or more and grow with our company! If you have the drive and talent to get appointments, ask questions and make recommendations, then call today for confidential interview. 909-825-1115 AKC 12-week old Teacup Yorkie Puppies. Very cute, must see. Training puppies to stay off carpet and sit on command. Call 909-936-3647. 12/05/13 Annual Holiday Gift & Craft Fair 9am-1pm, Sat., Dec 7th Eagles Club, 895 E. 9th, San Bernardino. Vendors, bake sale, raffles, food, fun & more! 19060 12/05/13 Going Out of Business - Excellent pianos - Lowest prices. Spinets, Consoles, Studios, & Grands. Flexible hours. (951) 685-4075 19078 01/30/14 For Sale LIVESTOCK A bronze king-size bed frame for sale. Have headboard and footboard as well. In great condition. $100 OBO. If interested, please call 909-534-2500. 18121 19020 3 Pc Sectional Emerald Green Micro Suede $300.00 909-556-5919 11/28/13 Dodger Yearbooks 1960, 62, 63, 64, 65, 69, 70, 71 1961-FREE $30.00 Each - Call 909-556-5919 11/28/13 WANTED A FOREVER HOME for these two chiwawa puppies. They are Brother & Sister and are about 4 months old. They had 3 shots so far in the series. Absolutely darling pups, may weigh 3 pounds each. Please call 909-783-8888. Subscription Form 909-370-1200 Main Office: 22797 Barton Road Grand Terrace CA 92313 CNG is committed to being the best provider of local news and information that connects people to the information in their communities. We bring you the local area news in Colton (Colton City News), Grand Terrace (Grand Terrace City News), Loma Linda (Loma Linda City News), Moreno Valley (Moreno Valley City News), Redlands (Redlands City News), and San Bernardino (San Bernardino City News). I wish to subscribe to: 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years Start Date Start Date Start Date Start Date Start Date Colton City News $10.00 $15.00 $20.00 $25.00 Grand Terrace Loma Linda Moreno Valley Redlands City News City News City News 19059 12/05/13 LOST & FOUND! Lost Dog Small white dog lost in Burlington Parking lot on 11/10/13. Please call 432-360-9228 if you have any info. Inside Yard Sale at Mueller’s Muscle Cars Priced to sell. Old car parts, projects and car related items. Hundreds of collectibles (old movie posters, records, books, etc). Formal dresses, Halloween costumes, and jewelry. Also old furniture. Ends December 15th. 363 South Arrowhead Avenue San Bernardino, CA 92408 Antiques Lover Estate Sale Heirlooms, investment pieces, and great Christmas presents all in one. Fabulous sale! Most pieces are museum quality. Fri, Sat and Sun Nov 29, 30, & Dec 1 9am - 2pm. No children please! 4189 Kansas Ave Riverside , Ca 92507 Yard Sale 12/31/13 19020 3/6/14 11/28/13 Pancakes with Santa Holiday Bizarre Toy Drive December 8th, $5/breakfast from 7:30am to 1pm. Hosted by the GTHS Legacy Regiment Marching Band. 19031 18189 Hospice Volunteers Needed Cornerstone Hospice is looking for volunteers to visit, provide companionship, or relieve a caregiver for our hospice patients within the Inland Empire. Onetwo hours a week. Hours are flexible and we will train you. If you are interested, please contact Debbie Eatinger at (909) 872-8100 or deatinger@cstonehospice.com. We are also accepting applications for all nursing positions. INTERNS Do you like people? This is a great opportunity to get out and meet new and exciting locals everyday! Other training includes: • Graphic Design • Sales • Record-Keeping • Client Follow-Up • And More! Call today! 951-567-1936 City News San Bernardino City News Total X X X Multi-family Moving Sale Couch, end & coffee table, pillows, lamps, kitchen appliances, clothing, jewelry, Christmas decorations, games, books, and more! Close to Tyler & Indiana. Saturday, November 30. 3273 Mohawk Trail Riverside, CA 92503 Multi-family Yard Sale Lots of furniture including antique desk, computer table, chairs , children’s books, baby items, small stroller and much more. A large selection of miscellaneous items. Something for everyone. Saturday only 8a.m.-3 p.m. 7254 San Francisco Street Highland, CA 92346 Moving Sale - Rain or Shine 11/29, 11/30, 12/01 (8am to 3pm) Everything must go. Moving out of state. Cherry wood Broyhill Cal-King Bedroom Set, LG front load washer/ dryer set (with base compartments), and much more. 17722 Streamside Ln Riverside, CA 92503 The City News Group has a special offer for subscribers. 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Contact Ryan at 909-709-7705. 18442 12/26/13 Subscribe for ONLY $10/YEAR 909-370-1200 CITY NEWS PAGE 16 • NOVEMBER 28, 2013 ONE HOUR STUDENT MASSAGE Book an appointment at Ashdown College Student Clinic TODAY! ly On $35 Additional $5 OFF for new clients Get your A.S. Degree in Medical Massage (1150 Hours) Students benefit from: • 10 Years of experience training Medical Massage Therapists • Advanced courses in hospital-based massage and medical modalities • 93% Job Placement Rate • Federal Financial Aid including Pell Grants and subsidized loans for those who qualify Ashdown College of Health Sciences was founded by Medical Professionals to combine the evidence-based approach of modern medicine with the holistic healing techniques of massage. Ashdown College, where student success matters! A rewarding career in Medical Massage is just a phone call away, make it today! Your City News is Now Online! Even more information and photos, just visit us on the web! 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