Log_web - Comox Legion Branch 160
Log_web - Comox Legion Branch 160
TW Volume IV Edition 9 September 27, 2014 OCTOBER 2014 Central Vancouver Island Zone Comox Branch No. 160 1825 Comox Avenue Comox, BC V9M 3M3 In the Heart of Downtown Comox BRANCH & LA OFFICERS BRANCH OFFICERS President 1st Vice 2nd Vice Secretary Treasurer Past President Stu McKinnon Ernie Mills Ernie Stefanik Claude Bédard Gillian Iddiols John Paulin EXECUTIVE Bill Beaudin Kacklyn Davis Norma Hanson Don Sinnema Dave Willington Don Davis Val Greenlaw Dave Parkin Rod Verchere LA OFFICERS President Eileen Paulin 1st Vice Pat Verchere nd 2 Vice Gail Gustafson Secretary Jasia Cocking Treasurer De Fredrickson Past President Edythe Erickson House Barb Waugh Bingo Mary Donner Social Services Pat Johnston Membership Amy Heal Ways & Means Eve Bechdoldt Sgt-at-Arms Lil Smith Catering BRANCH COMMITTEE CHAIRS & APPOINTMENTS Finance Gillian Iddiols Sick & Visiting Gillian Iddiols Building Ernie Stefanik Honors/Awards John Paulin Sports Dave Willington Poppy/Bursary Don Sinnema Meat Draw Jaclyn Davis Entertainment Rod Verchere Bar & Gaming Dave Parkin Membership & Youth Publicity Log Sgt-at-Arms Service Officer Photographer Padre Curator Val Greenlaw Norma Hanson Claude Bédard Gerry Maillet Victoria Coffey Al Cameron Rev Matthew Lucas Dave Kelly BRANCH STAFF Jasia Cocking Secretary Manager Joanne Penney Head Bartender EDITOR’S NOTES: All articles for The Log should be with the Editor by the 20th of the month. Photos must include a short description of the event c/w the names of the persons in the photograph. Send submissions in word, excel, outlook, pdf, odt or jpeg format to the Editor by email at t.w.smith@shaw.ca. If you need assistance with your submission or do not have access to a computer please call the Editor at 250 339-1706. 2 PRESIDENT’S RAMBLINGS There isn’t much to ramble on about this time as it was fairly quiet around the Branch. I attended the Battle of Britain on the 14th of Sept with the LA President and our Past President in the colour party. The Zone meeting is scheduled for the 21st in Lantzville. The 75th Anniversary of the Br was on the 13th of Sept but the dinner is on the 27th because of scheduling. At the time of writing tickets are at the bar, free for Members, $10 for Spouse/Guests. On the 29th of Sept I am going on a holiday to Nova Scotia, N.B. and North Bay, so the VP’s are in charge of all decisions. I am returning on the 15th of Oct. Hope you don’t miss me too much. The only thing I can promise you guys is I’m going to get my fill of lobster, clams and scallops. Rod Verchere, Ernie Stefanik, John Paulin and myself did a hamburger, hot dog, pop, and cookie night at the Spit for the Cadet’s first night back from summer. They said it was the first time anybody had done that for them. They all seemed to really enjoy it! Stu McKinnon President COMPUTER CORNER – Email Account Hacking I have covered this topic in the past, but, it keeps happening. In recent weeks, several users have been hit with email password hacking. Email hacking is a process where one accesses your email account and starts sending malware or inappropriate messages to everyone (in your addressbook) from your account. It can become very annoying. So, here are a few steps to prevent this. − Be smart with your password: Ideally, it shouldn't be a word found in a dictionary. And don't choose an obvious security-question answer, like your mother's maiden name. The longer the password, the better. Use a combination of numbers, lowercase, uppercase and special characters such as “&%$#*!” 3 − Don't open attachments or click on links from unknown sources: Keep antivirus and browser software updated — don't hit Ignore when those update reminders pop up. What to do when someone has hacked your account. You should access your account right away and change the password to a totally different one by following the above mentioned rules. Sometimes, hackers will have changed your password for you which would prevent you from accessing your account. In this case, click on the feature called “Forgot my password” and follow the mail provider's instructions. Send your questions/comments at bccomox@gmail.com Jacques THE CURATOR’s CORNER............by Dave Kelly Summer is over and we have quite a number of RCL ribbons from a number of Legion branches from comrades who visited them. 12 ribbons were donated and 5 are new to our collection: ! From an unknown donor, Branch 33, Bridgetown, N.S.; ! From me from my visit to NFLD, the following; ! Branch 10, Portugal Cove-St. Phillips; ! Branch 18, Bell Island; ! Branch 64, Holyrood; ! Branch 64, Conception Bay, Central Newfoundland, 40th Anniversary. Our collection now stands over 500 different types with 365 different branches. Donations of memorabilia etc. follows: ! From Comrade Brian O’Cain, magazines including Vietnam and D-Day 70th anniversary. ! From Comrade Norma Hanson, 5 Magazines titled Canada’s Red Hackle, the Black Watch and also 2 titled VP, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry. A lot of interesting reading here. They are all available for your reading pleasure. ! From the family of Comrade Sidney R. Belsom, 2 different RCL berets, 2 RCL medals and 10 pins. 8 pins are for years of 4 membership. The last one is for 60 years. I will put these in a shadow box and place it in the Memorial Room. ! From Comrade John Purdy, who recovered and repaired the clock from the wheelhouse of the Melonape. I will try to place it near the Melanope ship’s bell. ! From Comrade Bill Murray of the RCNA, a large print depicting The British Columbia Centenary Naval Review by H.R.H. Princess Margaret, Esquimalt Harbour, the July 15, 1958. I will frame this and place it in the Navy Room. Our thanks go to all these donors. A SPECIAL NOTE I was approached to find a picture with a write-up of a very tall Nazi soldier with a smaller British soldier that was given by the owner to someone at her apartment who said they were from the Comox Legion. She wants this picture and write-up returned as it has personal values. I was never given this picture and cannot find out who this mysterious Comox Legion member?? is. If you have any information regarding this issue, please let me know ASAP. My phone 250 338 6181. Fairwinds...............Dave VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - EARLY BIRD SALES I put up a new notice and one on each main doors to ask for volunteers for Friday and Saturdays only as Joanne says that the bartenders can handle Sunday through Thursday, but Fridays and Saturdays are very busy as you know with the Meat Draw on Friday and the Meat Draw and Ace of Spades on Saturday, so I’ve asked for coverage for those last two days. I did last Saturday and had a good day and I hope that I get a few volunteers, thanks ......... Val 2014 BRANCH GOLF WIND-UP 28 Golfers took to the greens of Longlands on the last day of summer. Playing a 9 hole, blind draw doubles and best ball format, Reg Garnet had his name etched on the trophy along with his partner Gillian Iddiols. For Reg, this was his second big win at the Branch golf having had his and 5 John Davies’s name recorded on the inaugural “Myrna Cooley Memorial” trophy. Reg and Gillian recorded a 28 for the par 3 course. After a count back for 2nd spot, Mark Miller and Matt French edged out Frances Wright and Victor Simonson, both with a round of 29. Most honest award went to Shea Alexander (our smiling bar tender) and her partner Steve Palcha (I promised not to announce there score). Closes to the pin for the Ladies was Gillian Iddiols, with Victor Simonson for the men. Thanks to our sponsors, Labatt’s and Pacific Western Breweries, Comox Valley Nissan, Brian Rice Toyota and Slegg lumber. And, not to forget our member Joe Cummings who supplied additional items. Their support enabled all participants to receive a prize for their efforts. Thanks to Longlands Golf who had graciously accommodated us on our monthly tournaments and for the passes they donated. Many thanks go to Vicky Willington and Hank Fortin for a wonderful steak lunch and apple crumble desert, also, to Tracy Lutley, who did an amazing job of clean up after. For those interested there is a set of lightly used clubs in a retro Coca Cola bag being raffled of in the lounge, draw date October 18th. REMEMBRANCE DAY PARADE Remembrance day is fast approaching and we are in desperate need ablebodied people to carry flags on our parade. You do not need a uniform. Dress appropriate with medals, if you have them, is just fine Flags, slings and white gloves will be available in the upper hall from 0900 to 1000 hrs. I would ask that everyone be formed up at the marshaling area by 1030. I would like to see all 22 flags carried by Veterans and Legion Members We do have see through raincoats available for parade personal, if required, but I have ordered clear skies for the day so we will not require them! (I Hope) A sign up sheet will be available on the notice board in the lounge on the 1st of October or call our office at 250-339-2022 and leave your name. Thank You Gerry Maillet, Sgt at Arms Branch 160 Comox 6 LADIES EUCHRE Do you like to play euchre? Come join a friendly group who play Monday afternoons, Upper Hall Legion start time is 1:30 pm, cost $2.00 1st week $1.00 thereafter, plus 50/50 draw - $1.00 Prizes and most of the money goes back in May to fund our banquet Laura Grierson, Convenor 1ST POPPY PRESENTATION BC/YUKON COMMAND The Royal Canadian Legion #101 17618 58 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 1L3 Phone (1) 604-575-8840 - Fax (1) 604-575-8820 info@legionbcyukon.ca or visit us at www.legionbcyukon.ca September 25, 2014 TO: All Branches For Information of Members of Command Executive Council FROM: Joanne Henderson, Poppy Fund Coordinator SUBJECT: Presentation of First Poppy Memo #112.14 Presentation of the First Poppy will occur at 3:00 pm on October 21st, 2014 to the Governor General of Canada. On Tuesday October 28th at 10:00 am, the First Poppy in British Columbia will be presented to British Columbia’s Lieutenant Governor. In accordance with The General By-Laws, Subsection 1101.d, Provincial Commands and Branches may organize their own First Poppy presentations to local Government Authorities/Mayors any time after 11:00 am on October 28th 2014. Please ensure the proper protocol is followed in your community when scheduling Poppy Presentations to Mayors and Councils. Distribution of the Poppies to the public may commence on Friday October 31st, 2014, which is the official opening of the 2014 campaign. The Poppy Campaign concludes on 11th November 2014. 7 VISITORS Branch # 160 would like to thank all the visitors to the Branch and hope you had an enjoyable experience. These are the notable and far away visitors who enjoyed our comradeship in September 2014: Don Croft Ranata Wolff F & M Schofield Eric Aase M Atkinson Ed Thorpe D Panidin Ede Hollenhead Larry Thomas Frank Sharma Clint Wall Helen Pough J Langley Helen Smith D Cortice Salmon Arm BC Hamburg Germany Br 77 Lakefield ON Quadra Is BC Brandon MB Br 240 Surrey BC Br 118 N Van BC Br 118 N Van BC Coquitlam BC Aukland NZ Kelowna BC Princeton BC Br 133 P Coquitlam BC Perth Scotland Calgary AB Ben Gattner J McCullough Rod Zeigler Patrick Gillis Leo Quinlan D Kohne Jane Recall Renith Appleby Marlene Thomas S Martin Gord/Roz Renie Ross-Smith Deb Barleo Heather Campbell Br 62 Salmon Arm BC Trenton ON Br57 Baddock NS Barrie ON Bradford ON Br 30 Vancouver BC Br 118 N Van BC Vancouver BC Coquitlam BC Victoria BC Br 39 Vegreville AB Br 239 Pender Is BC Maple Ridge BC Glasgow Scotland ** All visitors in the above list are taken from the “Sign In” book located at the front door. If any names are misspelt, omitted, or the Branch number is incorrect, please accept our apologies, as this is what was interpreted when we made the list. Thanks. TW NAVY DAY Location: Navy Room Branch 160 Comox Date: Sunday October 5th Time: 1300 hrs (1:00PM) Host: Royal Canadian Navy Association, Comox Valley Branch Lunch: Will be served For more information contact: Don Knight, 250 339-5498, or dknight@telus.net Open invitation to all retired and serving RCN, Merchant Navy, retired and serving USN Commonwealth Navies and Wannabe’s. 8 LAST POST They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old; age shall not weary them nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them. We will remember them. VETERANS Oscar Knudson Al Taylor MEMBER Wayne Torrans WHAT’S UP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Early Bird Membership Sales in the Lounge Remembrance Day Preparations Sign up Sheet for Colour Parade October 5th: Navy Day October 2nd: LA Executive Meeting th October 8 : Branch Executive Meeting 7:30 PM th October 9 : LA General Meeting th October 17 : Branch General Meeting 7:00 PM th October 17 : Posting of the 2015 Nominations st October 31 : Halloween Party 9 MEAT DRAW October Schedule Friday October 3 Ernie Mills & Jackie Davis Saturday October 4th Gillian & Dave Iddiols Friday October 10th Val Greenlaw & Partner Saturday October 11th Claude Bedard Friday October 17th Ernie Mills & Lil Smith Saturday October 18th Gerry Maillet Friday October 24th Paul Ellegood & Tim Ackerman Saturday October 25th Terry Smith & John Davis Friday October 31st Pete & Linda Marinus Any inquiries or problems call Jaclyn Davis at 250 334-3345. rd BRANCH 160 CRIB PLAYOFFS Sunday, October 19th 10:00 a.m. in the lounge Doubles followed by singles. Team playoff if required. 10 Sports Raffle. Lightly used Golf clubs, in a retro Cocoa Cola bag. Lots of extras, not shown. Tickets $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00 Draw date October 18 th 11 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – LA BINGO Bingo Workers The Ladies Auxiliary is looking for workers for the Monday night bingo. All money raised is donated to Veterans and Community Programs. Please consider coming out and lending a hand. No experience necessary! SICK & VISITING If you know of any member or veteran who needs assistance or would appreciate a visit please notify the Sick & Visiting Committee. They can be reached at the Branch Office. 250 339-2022. 12 FIXED EVENTS WITHIN THE BRANCH SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ! Last Sunday Dine/Dance - Upper Hall/Lounge 2:00 to 6:00 PM ! 3rd Sunday Euchre - Lounge 1:00 PM ! Ladies Euchre - Upper Hall 1:30 PM ! Pull Tab Draw – Lounge 4:00 PM ! L.A. Drop-in Bingo - Upper Hall 7:00 PM ! Line Dancing - Lounge 7:00 PM ! Men’s Darts League - Lounge (Sep to Apr) 7:30 PM ! Mixed Dart League - Upper Hall 7:30 PM ! Ladies Crib League - Lounge 7:30 PM ! Mixed Pub League Darts – Lounge (Sep to Apr) 7:30 PM ! Beer & Burger – Lounge 5:00 PM ! 2nd Wednesday Branch Executive Meeting – Upper Hall 7:30 PM ! Ladies Dart League - Lounge (Sep to Apr) 7:30 PM ! Drop-in Darts – Lounge (May to Aug) 7:00 PM ! NVI Cribbage League - Lounge 7:30 PM ! 1st Thursday L.A. Executive Meeting - Upper Hall 7:00 PM ! 2nd Thursday L.A. General Meeting - Upper Hall 7:00 PM ! 3rd Thursday L.A. Soup/Sandwich Lunch - Upper Hall 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM ! 3rd Thursday Branch General Meeting - Upper Hall 7:00 PM ! Men’s Pub League Darts - Lounge (Sep to Apr) 7:30 PM ! Meat Draw - Lounge 3:00 PM ! Drop-in Darts – Lounge (Sep to Apr) 7:00 PM ! Meat Draw - Lounge 3:00 PM ! Ace of Spades Draw - Lounge 6:00 PM ! Gucci Cards - Lounge 7:00 PM 13 E N T E R T A I N M E N T FRIDAY OCTOBER 24th – DINNER SHOW “STEVE ELLIOT IS ELVIS” @ 9:00 PM Doors open 5:30 PM Octoberfest German Fare @ 6:00 PM $25.00/person Tickets available at the Bar till closing time October 22nd. SUNDAY OCTOBER 26th – DANCE Dance to “DOUBLE PLAY” 2:00 – 6:00 PM in the Lounge NO COVER CHARGE FRIDAY OCTOBER 31st – HALLOWEEN PARTY Dance to “CROSSTOWN EXPRESS” @ 7:30 PM Join in the fun lots of prizes!!!! NO COVER CHARGE WEDNESDAY - BEER & BURGER NITES $10.00/person – October 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th; 5:00 to 6:30 PM. **Please check @ the Bar for cancellations/time changes, etc Contact Jasia Cocking for Hall Rentals/Special Events Office Hours: Monday – Friday - 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Telephone/Fax: 250 339-2022; Email: rcl.comox.branch160@shaw.ca; Website: www.comoxlegion.ca Ladies Auxiliary Catering –250 339-2022 SERVICE OFFICER, BRANCH 160 Telephone: 250 339-7697 FREE WIFI Network Name: cx160 Password: comox160-2 LOUNGE HOURS OF OPERATION MONDAY TO SATURDAY - 11:00 AM TO MIDNIGHT SUNDAY - NOON TO 5:00 PM Telephone: 250 339-2112 [Unless non-usage requires that the bartender closes early] 14
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