ΚΡΑΤΙΚΟ Α Ρ Χ Ε Ι Ο ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΑΣ ΤΑΞΕΩΣ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΟ ΑΡΧΕΙΟ LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS: MINUTE PAPERS LRS1/7638-9426 ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑ ΠΝΕΥΜΑΤΙΚΗΣ ΙΔΙΟΚΤΗΣΙΑΣ ΤΗΣ ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΗΣ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑΣ LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 Former Reference 1901 7638 1901 AprAug Colossi Chiftlik: Stassi Hji Antoni wishes to sell his shares to Policarpo C hristodoulo 121 7639 1889 Apr1906 Nov Land at Mersinoudi: Pano Platres 122 7640 1901 Apr Sale by private by Fatma to her daughter Emine Deli Hassan: Registrar General asks for the papers of 123 7641 1901 MarMay False declaration of sale at Limassol between Loizo Lucaides and Cleanthi Alexandrou 124 7642 1901 A pr Aishe Hanum Saghanji Zade: M ortgage o f her house 126 7643 1880 Feb1901 Apr Ibrahim Ali of Denia: Com plaint o f delay in issue of kotchan to him and his sister 127 7644 1901 AprMay Settlem ent of titles in Assia in Messaoria affected by Irrigation works: Estim ates to be furnished exclussive of Survey 129 7645 1900 Jun1901 Apr Athina Pavlides: Tax com plaint 130 7646 1901 AprJun Mukhtar o f Lacatamia Yanni Panayi asks for appointm ent as auctioneer at Yerolakko and Psomolofou (Psimolofou) 131 7647 1901 Apr1907 Aug Mukhtar o f Ayios Demetrios asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 132 7648 1901 AprMay M ukhtar of Ano Lacatamia asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 133 7649 1901 Apr Kedrie and Meirem Ibrahim v. Vassili Hji Nicola of Lythrangomi: C hief Justice asks for certain Village certificate 134 C LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usect. LRS1 Former Reference 1901 7650 1901 AprAug Mukhtar o f Nicosia District for 1901-1902 135 7651 1901 Apr Nicola Hji Yanni of Limassol Tax com plaint 136 7652 1901 Apr Hji Gavril PapaMichail o f Limassol: Tax com plaint 137 7653 1901 AprMay Hafiz Faiz Potamializade: Com plaint o f the delay in issue of his kotchans at Kyrenia 138 7654 1901 Apr Inhabitants of Neohorio: Report against Mr Constantinides about conducting auctions in their village 139 7655 1901 A pr Hali land at Yaloussa, Kritia and Ayi Andronico: C hief Clerk Famagusta asks for authority to grant Kotchan 140 7656 1901 AprMay Mortgage uncancelled after paym ent of debt o f EmirAli Emir Hussein: Difficulty in selling the property for Revenue debt 141 7657 1901 AprSep Ahmed Jemil Effendi, C hief Clerk Limassol Land Registry Office: Retirem ent authorised by Secretary o f State to report on reduction for full pension allowable to mark unsatisfactory nature o f his services 142 7658 1901 May Query on travelling claims during 1901 143 7659 1901 MayA pr Plan fees Nicosia for March Q uarter 1901 144 7660 1901 May Plan fees Larnaca for March Q uarter 1901 145 7661 1901 AprMay Plan fees Kyrenia from O ctober 1900 to 31 March 1901 146 7662 1901 AprMay Akile wife o f Ahmed Shevki o f Linou: Sale o f mulk property for recovery o f costs of a case 147 LRS1 LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description Former Reference This margin not to be usecl- 1901 7663 1901 Apr M. Jevdet prays for increase of pay 148 7664 1901 AprJul Mahlul of Boshnak Mustafa at Famagusta: Reports on the valuation of 149 7665 1901 MarApr Leave granted to Land Registry clerks during the Quarter ended 31 March 1901 150 7666 1901 AprMay Plan fees Limassol for March Q uarter 1901 151 7667 1901 Apr Limassol Land Registry Office: The C om m issioner Limassol reports o f and asks for increase of the staff 152 7668 1901 Apr Larnaca Land Registry Office and translation of Khulassas: The C om m issioner Larnaca reports of for certain Villages 153 7669 1901 Apr Ismail Shevket: Leave 154 7670 1901 AprJul Christofi Constant! of Palehori and trees in Hali land 155 7671 1901 Apr Larnaca Land Registry office: Defaulting purchasers at auction from 1884-1894 156 7672 1901 AprMay Plan fees Famagusta for March Q uarter 1901 157 7673 1901 AprMay Requisition for expenditure: Regulation of 158 7674 1901 Apr Ahmed Pertev prays for increase o f pay 159 7675 1901 Apr Ibrahim Fevzi prays for increase of pay 160 7676 1901 AprMay M ukhtar of Limassol: C om m issioner Lim asso asks for remuneration for assistance renderec on Tadilat 161 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use<t LRS1 Former Reference 1901 7677 1901 A pr Mustafa Vefik (Shefki): Adm ission as Volunteer Clerk reported (C om m issioner Limassol) 162 7678 1901 AprMay Cyprus map: To issue a copy to the abbot of Kykko 163 7679 1901 Apr1902 Jan Registration Fees by Judgm ent Creditors: Recovery of from owners in cases of stay of sale 164 7680 1901 Apr Estimate of Staff required by Land Registry Departm ent to obtain “finality” Retirem ent of Inefficient m embers of staff; C hief Clerks o f District offices - Appointm ent of; reconsideration of salary of C hief Clerk (Inspector) Limassol; Schem e of thorough reorganization to be submitted 165 7681 1901 MayAug Arnaldo Rezzini: Illness of 166 7682 1901 Apr Salaries: To be paid on the last business day of the month 167 7683 1901 AprMay Ismail Rashid’s mother: Illness o f Ismail Rashid 168 7684 1901 Apr M. Zihni: Illness of 169 7685 1893 Oct1921 Sep Pavlaki Dingli: Vallia Forest - Removal of cairns 170 7686 1901 Apr1902 Jul J. Boudakian prays for transfer to Nicosia 171 7687 1901 MarOct Verghi transfer to the persons in possession of property and registered by Tapou 172 7688 1901 AprDee Requisition sent to Crown Agent: Regulations for 173 LRSt LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description Former Reference 1901 7689 1901 AprMay M ukhtar of Kato Zodia Hji Procopi Hji Yorghi applies for appointm ent as auctioneer 174 7690 1901 Apr Irrigation work Acheritou Reservoir: Registrar General sends 16 agreem ents to be dealt with 175 7691 1901 Apr Revenue work of the tem porary clerks: Registrar General informs that there is no probability o f his vote to bear them permanently 176 7692 1901 Apr Local Enquiries by Court Officers: Practice at Nicosia 177 7693 1901 May Procopy Georghiades applies for appointm ent as Village Judge of Morphou 178 7694 1901 AprJul Morphou Land Registry Office: Receipts after 1 of April 1901 to 31 March 1902 179 7695 1901 MayAug Query by A uditor on Larnaca Land Registry Office 180 7696 1901 AprDee Dimitri Loizides of Yaloussa: Seizure of his land by G overnm ent - C om plaint of 181 7697 1901 Apr Kyrenia Land Registry Office: Inspection by Registrar General 19 to 20 April 1901 182 7698 1901 AprMay Hji Yanni Yorghi of Sisklipo: C om m issioner Kyrenia asks for authority to register certain w ater 183 7699 1901 AprMay Refund of Land Registry fees to Emir agha Deli Hussein of Chatos Naile Deli Hussein of Chatos Mustafa Ahm ed of Chatos 184 30 cp 15 cp 15 cp LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSt Date Description LRSt Former Reference 1901 7700 1901 May Mahlul of Emine Hji Ibrahim of Lapithos: Reports of 185 7701 1901 May Mustafa Akil: Illness of 187 7702 1901 AprMay Ja fe rT ayar: Illness of 188 7703 1901 AprMay Mehmed Sami: Illness of 189 7704 1900 Apr Buildings at Ayia Paraskevi 190 7705 1901 MayAug Sale of Mortgaged property in satisfaction of debts due to Orphan Trust Fund: The clerk of Cadi should be deputed to sell as creditor 192 7706 1901 AprMay Μ. I. Efthymiades: Com plaint of Refusal of Larnaca Land Registry Office to accept memo on certain house 194 7707 1901 May Sale of the properties of Hji Lefteri Demetri of Dicomo 195 7708 1901 May M ukhtar of Flasso Sofoclis Loizou asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 196 7709 1901 May Query by auditor on Kyrenia Land Registry Office 197 7710 1901 May M. Constantinides: Resignation of Office of auctioneer. Appointm ent of mudirs to conduct sales in villages in which are not appointed auctioneers 198 7711 1887 Sep1901 May Sick certificates 199 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description not to be usect LRS1 Former Reference 1901 | 7712 1901 May Police Station at Alathrigo (Alethrico): Three rooms available for the use of the offices in public servise 200 7713 1901 MarMay G overnm ent property: Land at Strongilo: Com m issioner Famagusta forwards copy kotchan of 201 7714 1901 May Haviz Dervish: Been sum m oned to give evidence before the court o f Nicosia, report of 202 7715 1901 MayJun Papa Theodulo Papa Petrou o f Lythrodonda: Cleared Hali land 203 7716 1901 May Hali land at Trigom o (Tricomo): Mr McLaughlan: C hief Clerk Famagusta asks for permission to cultivate 204 7717 1901 MayJun Christodoulo Tofa of Petra: Sale o f land inherited by Mirophora for debt o f her father Hji Yorghi Hji Changari ((Tsangari) 205 7718 1901 May Mukhtar of Akorsou refuses to seal cirtificate being instructed in the case 206 7719 1901 May Mahlul of Hji Mariou Christodoulou of Ayi Dimmitrianos reported 207 7720 1901 May Hji Constant! Yacoumi Costanti and Michail Nicola o f Floraga (Chloraca): Land dispute 208 7721 1901 May 7722 1901 May Mahlul o f Salih Bilal at Alamino: C om m issioner Larnaca reports of 210 7723 1901 AugSep Christinou Trappello o f Ano Lefkara: C om m issioner Larnaca reports of high assessm ent of her Verghi and asks for ' authority to deduct 211 . Hali land at Peristerona cultivated by Mustafa Jam gioz 209 LRS1 LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description Former Reference This margin not to be use4 1901 7724 1901 MayJul Alteration of fees on certain kotchans charge against C. Tofarides: C om m issioner Limassol reports of 212 7725 1901 Jul1928 Feb Eleoussa Monastery: Claim to certain land at Yaloussa 213 7726 1901 MayJun Hji Dimitri Hji Simeo of Sykhari: A ttachm ent of his property, which was transferred to his son, by Mr Ch. Fiero 215 7727 1901 MayJun Nicola, Yorghios, Koumis and Kournellou Ilia of Kato Lefkara pray that the Verghi of their late fathers property be properly diveded 216 7728 1901 AprJun False declaration by Loizo Loucaides: Com m issioner Limassol forwards report on the case of 217 7729 1901 May Hali Land at Pedula: Aristidi Theodosiou wishes to buy 218 7730 1901 May Distribution of the Verghi o f a deceased person to the present possessors of the properties: Com m issioner Paphos asks question touching to 219 7731 1901 MaySep Evcaf house and a piece of Land: British Delicate of Evcaf asks for the Kotchans of in their names 220 7732 1901 May1902 Oct G. Houry - Sava Haralambo: Report on his conduct 221 7733 1901 MayAug English classes: Examination of 222 7734 1901 May Mahlul of Merjan Kanda o f Mari: Com m issioner Larnaca - Reports of 223 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 Former Reference This margin not to be use4 1901 7735 1901 May Reminders to Chief Secretary in respect of questions pending before Governm ent Grounds for early answer required to be stated 224 7736 1901 AprNov Yorghiou Bros o f Varosha: C hief Clerk Famagusta asks for some of their properties at Famagusta 225 7737 1901 May J. Iconomides and certificate of search: Question about the issue of 226 7738 1901 May Land dispute between Ph. McLauglan and Murat 227 7739 1899 NovJun Memish Oghlou and his succession: Hafuz Ramandan Effendi brings to notice refusal of Zihni Effendi to bring the case to the notice of the Com m issioner or the Registrar General for instruction 228 7740 1901 MayNov Verghi redistribution at Katodri: The Vilagers of - pray for 229 7741 1901 May Leave: To report on form (CS15) to C hief Secretary w ithout delay, the date of resuming duty of the O fficer on leave 230 7742 1901 May Q ueen’s Birthday: To be observed by Public Officers being closed 231 7743 1901 MayJun 7744 1901 MayOct M. Rifat: Leave of 233 7745 1901 MaySep Outstanding Deposits: Years 1897-1898 and 1898 - 1899 for adjustm ent 234 . Plans by Officers of Land Registry Departm ent for private persons 232 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 Former Reference This margin not to be use*t 1901 7746 1901 MayOct I. Economides: Extension of inheritance of a Mill at Ayios Andronikos Carpas Application for 235 7747 1901 May Mukhtars in Famagusta District for 1901: A ppointm ent as auctioneer reported 236 7748 1901 May Cyprus Laws of 1900: C hief Secretary forwards 2 copies of 237 7749 1901 MayJun AN Fehmi and M. Rezzini: A bsent sick 238 7750 1901 MayJun Mosque at Leper Farms: Salim Effendi to be asked to prepare plans 239 7751 1901 Jun Lunatic Asylum: Im provem ent of 240 7752 1901 MayJun Mehmed Zia asks for leave 241 7753 1901 May M. Muzaffer: Sickness of 242 7754 1901 May Yannaco PapaPetrou, petition writer: Eleni Hji Christodoulou com plains against him 243 7755 1901 MayOct Zygi Governm ent Land: Survey of 244 7756 1901 MaySep Siddika Lunatic: Cadi of Larnaca reports fraud sale of her lands 245 7757 1901 MayJul M ukhtar of Lefka Hussein Hassan M aghar asks for appointm ent as auctioneer at Lefka, Am beligou, Ghalini, Kalohorio and Elve (Elia) 246 7758 1901 May Inhabitans of several villages in Limassol District beg for Verghi redistribution 247 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 Former Reference This margin not to be use4- 1901 7759 1901 May Building on Arazi Mirie: C om m issioner Nicosia suggests addition on the kotchan for Arazi Mirie that no building can be erected on this land w ithout the authority of Governm ent 248 7760 1901 MayJun Succession o f Hassan Dede or Abdul-Jebbar: Transfer o f certain land to their name asked for (C om m issioner Paphos) 249 7761 1901 May1902 Mar Certificate of search in infants' Estate: President District Court Kyrenia asks for facility to obtain 250 7762 1901 Jun1902 Jul Verghi Assessm ent of some properties at Paleohory: Com m issioner Nicosia reports escaped registration 251 7763 1901 May Local Enquiry Clerks: To keep note book showing the work down each day 252 7764 1901 May1903 Jun Hali land: Sale of Principle adapted 254 7765 1901 Jun Loizo M avroides of Larnaca: Registrar General to find out who the heirs of Loizo are 256 7766 1901 Jun Hali land at Neda: C hief Clerk Fam agusta asks for instructions 257 7767 1901 Jun Hali land at Neda, asked for by Despinou Yorghi: C hief Clerk Famagusta asks for instructions 258 7768 1901 MayJul Standing Order (Chief Secretary): To be observed in payments under the General W arrants 259 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 |"ormer Reference This margin not to be use4. 1901 7769 1901 FebJul Neyzan and Bedanatch Chiftliks: Registration of 260 7770 1901 MayJun Revenue Debtors: C om m issioner Paphos asks for some means to attach the properties thereof so that the private claim should not supersede the G overnm ent one 261 7771 1901 Jun AN Fehmi: Illness of 262 7772 1901 May M. Sami: Illness of 263 7773 1901 AprSep M ukhtar of Lythrodonda Hji Stylianos Panagides asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 264 7774 1901 Jun1904 Jun Petition writers at Land Registry Offices: Regulation of 265 7775 1901 Jun Order of court of Kyrenia: To exclude from sale certain land in favour of Toghli Hji Zanneto (Com m issioner Kyrenia) 267 7776 1901 Jun Application for paid Em ploym ent or as a Volunteer Clerk: C hief Secretary forwards form of: C S 112 to substitute C .31 268 7777 1901 Jun Ismail Rashid begs for increase of pay 269 7778 1901 JunJul Ahmed Remzi: Illness of 270 7779 1901 Jun G. Greghori: Leave 17 to 29 June 1901 271 7780 1901 JunOct M ukhtar of Ano Zotia (Zodia) Dimitries Yorghiou asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 273 7781 1901 JunJul M ukhtar of Exometochi Savas Yanni asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 274 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 ] 'ormer Reference This margin not to be usett 1901 7782 1901 Jun M. Muzaffer, Declaration Clerk in the Land Registry Office asks for Ismail R ashid’s pay which was tem porarily given to him 275 7783 1901 MayJun Athanassis Michailides: Report against him 276 7784 1901 JunJul Cyprus Map: Chief Secretary asks how many there are in stock 277 7785 1901 Jun1904 Apr Order of Court: Between Hji Protopapa Michail Hji Protopapa Ilia and others and Melani Hji Anastassi and Sofocli Girgalli 278 7786 1901 Jun George Louka Paissiou: Application for perm anent em ploym ent 279 7787 1901 Jun Writ: General order for sale of debtor Styliano Hji A ntonis’ properties except house 280 7788 1901 Jun A. Loucaides: Petition for increase of pay 281 7789 1901 JunAug Defaulting bidders at forced sales: Collection o f fees by Tax collectors suggested 282 7790 1901 JunAug Haviz Dervish: Com plaint against him 283 7791 1901 MarAug W atter supply for irrigation of plantation of Nicosia prison: Ayios Pavlos W ater Purchase of 284 7792 1901 Jun Mahlul of Irini of Abou Kavouk Quarter Nicosia reported (M. Muzzafer) 285 7793 1901 JunNov Drawing Material: Requisition for 1901 286 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 Former Reference This margin not to be use4 1901 7794 1901 Jun M ukhtar of Kapouti Chirstos Papadopoullos asks for appointm ent as auctioneer at Philia and Kyra 287 7795 1901 Jun Hali land at Yaloussa and building 2 rooms on it: Zaharia Papadopoullos asks for kotchan for it 288 7796 1901 Jun1904 May Succession of Tudjar Shukri Effendi: Transfer of certain land at Ayia Erini asked for 289 7797 1901 Jun Cyprus map: C hief Secretary asks for the price of 1” map 290 7798 1901 Jun Enlgish classes: Report on progress of some of the Nicosia Clerks 291 7799 1901 Jun Akil Effendi Muderris Zade com plains of conversion of certain shares in Paleokythrea (Palekythro) w ater from Mulk to V akf 292 7800 1901 Jun Hali land at Ovgoros: Mehmed Emirali asks for Kotchan. C hief Clerk Famagusta 293 7801 1901 Nov1902 Aug Hali land at Davlos and Nicola Zongrapho: Despute of 294 7802 1901 Jun Colonial Office list for 1901: Chief Secretary forwards a copy of 295 7803 1901 Jun Land near the forest: Free cultivation of 296 7804 1901 Jun M ukhtar of Galinobarni: Reports appointm ent of 297 7805 1901 MayJun E. Houry asks for promotion 298 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSt Date Description LRS1 ] 7ormer Reference This margin not to be usecL 1901 7806 1901 Jul1903 Jul Governm ent property at Evdimou (Avdimou): Com m issioner Limassol forwards duplicate kotchans of 299 7807 1901 JunJul Colossi Village and O.G. Jassonides C hief Secretary: Com plaint of excessive valuation 300 7808 1901 Jun Travelling claim forms: Alteration to 301 7809 1901 JunNov Estate of deceased persons Hji Serghi Hji Petri: Defficiently in obtaining registration 302 7810 1901 JunDec Land despute: Ahmed kuchuk Halil and Hji Kyriaco Christou: Com m issioner Kyrenia asks for instructions on the m atter 303 7811 1901 JunJul Mukhtars of Genagra and Coma tou Yalou: Com m issioner Famagusta forwards security lands 304 7812 1901 JulSep Hali land at Styllos (Stylli) cleared by Yanni Yorghi: C hief Clerk Fam agusta asks for instructions 305 7813 1901 JunSep A. Kyriakides advocate: C om plaint of delay in some of his business 306 7814 1901 Jun Scarino (Scarinou) inhabitants ask for destribution of their Verghi 307 7815 1901 Jun Dervish Youssuf asks for increase of pay 308 7816 1901 Jun Land Registry Office Staff: Not to consum e their time and G overnm ent stationery in writing petitions for promotion 309 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSt Date Description LRSt Former Reference This margin not to be use41901 7817 1901 JulAug Mahmoud Ahmed Cherkez: Alteration to certain registration at cherkez chiftlik asked for 310 7818 1901 Jun Registrar General: Prepaym ent of registration fees prior to sale of Mahlul 311 7819 1901 Jul1902 Jan Binding books of Limassol Land Registry Office: Com m issioner Limassol asks for authority to spend £ 5 .1 0 /- 312 7820 1901 Jul Hassan M ehmet of Goudha (Vuda (Kalokhorio Larnacos)): Com plaint of irregularity at sale 313 7821 1901 Jun J. S. Levendian: Illness of 314 7822 1901 Jul1902 Aug Mr Levendian - W riter Improvements: Medical State: Unfit for further em ploym ent (Registrar General) 316 7823 1901 Nov M. Ratib and Th. Skyza: Undervaluation of Arazi and sale case to pay less fee (Com m issioner Paphos) 317 7824 1901 Jun Arazi Mirie: Possession by churches and Monasteries: In view of suprem e Court judgem ent churches and M onasteries cannot have possession of Arazi Mirie lands 318 7825 1901 JunJul Refund of 31 fee and case Chacalli with G. Houry (Com m issioner Kyrenia) 319 7826 1901 JulSep Revenue Staff: Apportionm ent of their salaries 323 7827 1901 Jul Inhabitants of Aradipou pray for redistribution of their Verghi assessm ents 324 - LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 Former Reference This margin not to be use4 1901 7828 1901 JunJul Pavlos Loizou of Komi Kembir: C hief Clerk Famagusta com plains that his property has been sold for which he holds kotchan 325 7829 1901 JunJul Mahlul of Florenzo Kazamia 326 7830 1901 Jul Plan fees June Quarter 1901 o f Larnaca 327 7831 1901 Jul M easuring Tape: Com m issioner Larnaca asks for one 328 7832 1901 Jul Siagou Bassili: Com m issioner Nicosia com plains o f including her land in Khali 329 7833 1901 JulAug Hassan Nihad: Illness of 330 7834 1901 Jul Expenditure: Registrar General asks for a list of expenditure under each head from the vote of this Departm ent from 1 April to 30 June 1901 331 7835 1901 May Leave granted during the Q uarter ended 30 June 1901 332 7836 1901 Jul1935 Sep Land lying between roads from Paphos Gate to Hospital, from Hospital to Bridge (Pedia river) and from Pedia river Bridge to Paphos Gate. His Excellency requests relevant plan 333 7837 1901 Jul M ukhtar of Ayious Trim ithias asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 334 7838 1901 Jul Hussein Niazi: Illness of 335 7839 1901 Jul Mulla Ibrahim Hassan M ukhtar of Ayia Kebir asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 336 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 ] Tormer Reference This margin not to be usect 1901 7840 1901 Jul AN Riza: Illness of 338 7841 1901 JulAug Inspector Limassol: Transfer o f Mulk site at Limassol from Mrs Karageorghiades to Mrs E Skirianides building over Sea and foreshore 339 7842 1901 Jul Tadilat for Verghi 1902-1903 340 7843 1901 JulAug Heirs o fY a n n i Hji Michail or (Ali M ehmed) of Akanthou asks for transfer of certain properties given them by their father before becoming Christian 341 7844 1901 MayJul Mr G. Houry acting C hief Clerk Kyrenia: Instructions not to charge extra Local Enquiry rates o f travelling for journeys on Governm ent service in Office hours 342 7845 1901 Aug Gavril Protopapa o f Panaya: Principle Forest Office recomm ends cancellation of registration of certain lands in his name at Paphos Forest 343 7846 1901 Jul Μ. E. Jelajian to Frank correspondence: Recom m ends for 344 7847 1901 Jul Mukhtar o f Hardajodissa Hji Christo Hji Yorghi asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 345 7848 1901 Jul Office hours in Sum m er 1901 346 7849 1901 Jul Philipo Markides: Illness of 347 7850 1901 JulAug Michail E. Economides: Vacation Leave 349 7851 1901 JulAug Mukhtar o f Athienou Philipos Zahariades: To furnish fresh security 350 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSt Date Description LRS1 |7ormer Reference This margin not to be use41901 7852 1901 Aug Suleyman Sadik of Siligou: Chief Secretary: Com plaint against Limassol Land Registry Office 351 7853 1901 Jul M ukhtar of Tavrou Christos Anastassi: Security bond of forwarded 352 7854 1901 Jul Plan fees Famagusta for June Q uarter 1901 353 7855 1901 Jul Inhabitants of Babla (Vavla): Com m issioner Larnaca - Verghi redistribution asked for 355 7856 1901 Jul G. Smith Registrar General: Leave 13 to 21 July 356 7857 1901 Jul Adoni Sofocli: Leave 29 July to 10 A ugust 1901 357 7858 1901 Jul Mulla Ahmed Hassan Chavoush: C om m issioner Larnaca - Distribution of his Verghi 358 7859 1901 Jul Analytical Chemist: No analysis is to be made without authority of the C hief Secretary 359 7860 1901 JunJul Inhabitants of Pyrgo: Com m issioner Nicosia: Redistribution of their Verghi beg for 360 7861 1901 JulSep AN Tevhid transfer to Famagusta 361 7862 1901 JulSep Hali land at Lefkara: In dispute by Styliano Hji Avraam i and Yianni Kapouni 362 7863 1901 JulSep Costi Caraja: Leave of 364 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 Former Reference This margin not to be usett 1901 7864 1901 Jul1902 A pr Inhabitants of Ayous Vavatsinias beg for redistribution of their Verghi 365 7865 1901 Jul Cyprus Map: C hief Secertary asks for 2 sets in portfolio for each C om m issioner of his Departm ent and how many in store 366 7866 1901 Jul M essenger and Salt guard should be given to deserving ex-Zaptiehs 367 7867 1901 JulAug M. Zihni: Leave 5 to 26 A ugust 1901 368 7868 1901 Jul Ahmed Rassim: Leave 5 to 19 August 369 7869 1901 Jul Mehmed Dervish: Illness of 370 7870 1901 JulAug Hji Michail Hji Sava of Ayios Am vrossios: Claim of Pavli Hji Avram i to his yard 371 7871 1901 Jul E. Houry: Leave 372 7872 1901 Jul M ukhtar o f Arsos asks for pay while assisting the Verghi redistribution 373 7873 1901 JulAug English Classes of Limassol: Examinations of - Com m issioner Limassol forwards letter from Mr. A. C. Buss 375 7874 1901 Aug Mustafa Vassfi: Illness of 376 7875 1901 JulAug Hassan Tahsin asks for 10 days leave 377 7876 1901 Aug P. Giorgiades asks for 10 days leave 378 7877 1901 JulSep Clerks of Kyrenia Advocates complain that Mr Ramiz Volunteer Clerk writes petition and declarations o f sale in the Land Registry Office 379 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSt Date Description LRS1 Former Reference This margin not to be use41901 7878 1901 JulOct Annezou Hji Andrea and Zoitsa Hji Andrea of Ano Lefkara: Sale o f property of Mariou Hji Andrea, deceased, for taxes 380 7879 1901 Jul Hafiz Dervish applies for the post of C hief Clerk Limassol 381 7880 1901 JulAug M. Raif: Leave of 382 7881 1901 JulSep Burial ground of Mudulla 383 7882 1901 Jul Local Enquiry at Carpas (Abdullah Pasha Vakf): Com m issioner Famagusta asks for instructions as to the charge of fee 384 7883 1901 Jul1903 Mar Hali Land at Pyrgo: Christodoulo Yanni Lazarou of Pyrgo (Tylliria) informs cultivation by Michail Yanni Goufou and to be granted to him 385 7884 1901 Jul H. R. Dray: Illness of 386 7885 1901 Jul Cyprus Map: One set in atlas fo r the use o f His Excellency to forward 387 7886 1901 Jul Hussein Niazi: Illness of 389 7887 1901 Aug1902 Feb Inhabitants of Diorios: Grazing permit and cutting brushwood 390 7888 1901 Nov1902 Feb loanni Sym eonides of Nicosia: Refund of m oney paid for taxes 391 7889 1901 Jul Christoforo Georghiades and Hji Athanassi, Petition writers: Report on their m esbihaviour 392 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 Former Reference This margin not to be use4 1901 7890 1902 Jun Apostolo Andrea M onastery and Charilaos Serghides: Sale of certain house belongs to the M onastery 393 7891 1901 AugSep Irrigation work and heirs o f Hji Yorghi Axendi of Varoshia: Kotchan issued for a piece o f land with the area of State land 395 7892 1901 AugDee Μ. E. Jelajian: Leave of 7 A ugust to 13 Novem ber 1901 396 7893 1901 JulAug G. Houry: Report on his neglect (Com m issioner Kyrenia) 397 7894 1892 Jul1901 Aug Orphan Trust Fund: Mehmed Dervish and Ali Riza: Application for loan: C hief Secretary also calls attention to his circular 1939/92 398 7895 1901 Aug1903 Jan Hafiz Dervish: Leave of 400 7896 1901 AugNov Estimate for 1902-1903 401 7897 1901 Aug Mosque site at Buyuk Kaimakli: British Deligate at Evkaf asks for kotchan of 402 7898 1901 Sep Hussein Zihni: Illness of 403 7899 1901 Aug M. Dervish: Illness of 404 7900 1901 Aug Ali Zihni: Illness of 405 7901 1899 Aug1901 Aug Succession o f Alexandra Adad: Com m issioner Larnaca asks for title send of certain land 406 7902 1901 Aug I.C. Epenetos declares C. Kyriakides is ' attached to his Office 407 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 Former Reference This margin not to be usett 1901 7903 1901 Aug Christoforo Marko of Louvara: Cutting trees on his own land 408 7904 1901 Aug Ibrahim Fefzi begs for increase of pay 409 7905 1901 Aug1902 May Mr E. Jelajian: Title of Office changed from “C hief Clerk and Inspector Land Registry Office for Limassol and Papho D istricts” to that o f “C hief Clerk Limassol Land Registry O ffice” 410 7906 1901 JulAug Inhabitants of Lefka pray that: 411 1. Village Judge may not travel from Village to Village 2. A Land Registry Clerk may visit their Village fortnightly 7907 1901 AugOct Limassol Land Registry Office: Inspector of by Registrar General 6 to 9 A ugust 1901 412 7908 1901 Aug Ahmed Pertev: Illness of 413 7909 1901 Aug Revenue writs: Registrar General sends a list of for Execution 414 7910 1901 Oct Kyrenia Land Registration Office: M anagem ent o f by Mr George Houry: Com plaint against by Mr Shacalli advocate 415 7911 1901 Aug Ismail Shevket prays for the post of H. Dervish 416 7912 1901 Aug Succession of Lazari Christofi: Their land included in Acheritou reservoir 417 7913 1901 AugNov Hassan Mevlood of Melousha: Issue of kotchan to his Co. heirs for properties to which they are not entitled 418 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 Former Reference This margin not to be usect 1901 7914 1901 Jul1902 Mar Kyrenia Land Registry Office: C om plaint by Mr M. Shacalli 420 7915 1901 Sep Ahmed Arif: Illness of 421 7916 1901 AugOct Mukhtar of Limbia Michail Hji Samiou asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 422 7917 1901 Aug Quarantine Station Larnaca: Claim o f Hji Antonis Sardou to land adjoining right of way over to Station 423 7918 1901 AugSep Larnaca Land Registry Office: Inspection by Registrar General 26 to 28 A ugust 1901 424 7919 1901 Aug1902 Aug P. Petrides: Report on his capability Registrar General (Troodos) 425 7920 1901 Aug Inhabitants of Melini beg for Verghi redistribution 426 7921 1901 Sep1904 Dec Registrar General: Assistance in collection of outstanding Land Registry fees - Question of pyam ent of percentage of collections to Revenue collectors 427 7922 1901 SepOct Mr H. R. Dray: Leave 428 7923 1898 Mar1907 Jun Lake at Syrianokhorio claimed by the heirs of Hanna Prince and others 428 7924 1901 Sep W ater Rights on Strongylo Village affected by irrigation works: Report of Com m ission undated sent to C hief Secretary by Precident 6 July 1901 notices issued dated 13 August 1901 429 7925 1901 Sep1923 Apr Reorganization of Land Registry Department: Rules as to appointm ents 430 LRSt LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description Fortner Reference 1901 7926 1901 Oct Land Registry fees: Com m utation of for annual paym ent 431 7927 1902 Mar1940 Mar Charge of Idjare M ouadjele on Arazi Mevcoufe in Yerm asoyia, Phinikaria, Kolossi and Episcopi (Limassol District) 432 7928 1901 AugSep Inheritance fees Arazi Mirie: Instructions as to cases on which 5% is chargeable and those in which 2Vz% is chargeable 433 7929 1901 Sep1902 Jun Nicola Faka of Limassol: Sale of Salih Osman of Moutayaka, deceased, for debt 434 7930 1901 Sep Hussein Niazi: Illness of 435 7931 1901 Sep1946 Oct Application by the members o f the staff on occurrence o f Vacancy 436 7932 1901 Sep M ukhtar of Peristerona Stavros Pappadopullos: Com m issioner Famagusta sends security bond for inspection 438 7933 1901 Sep Cancellation of M ortgage w ithout production of M ortgage deed: C om m issioner Fam agusta Report in the case of the heirs o f Hji Yorghi Hji Sotiri 439 7934 1901 Sep M. Raif asks for transfer to Limassol 440 7935 1901 FebSep Irrigation Work: Colouring of Plans of different classes of land in irrigable area: Lands which were not cultivated before works were constituted: To be charged with drainage rate and tythe on them to be credited to the works 441 ■ LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRSt Former Reference This margin not to be use41901 7936 1901 Sep Ahmed Bertev: Illness of 443 7937 1901 Sep1902 Aug Sultans claim at Gypsona 444 7938 1901 Sep Hassan Tahssin: Appointm ent as teacher o f Greek in Idadi School 445 7939 1901 OctNov Mr Dervish: Illness of 446 7940 1901 Sep Survey of Irrigated District: C hief Secretary asks the Suggestion for 447 7941 1901 Jun1902 Feb Hali lands near Yalousa, Famagusta District: Enquiry into: Site for Offices and Police Station 448 7942 1901 Sep Election of m embers of Legislative Council: Assistance may be afforded to the Com m issioner 449 7943 1901 Sep Orphans Trust Fund: C hief Secretary draws attention to the circular of above 450 7944 1901 Sep Special Staff for disposal of Arrears of Taxes: Estimate for 452 7945 1901 Nov Requisition for Arm y Book 453 7946 1901 Sep Hji Gavril, Michail o f Lapithos: C om m issioner Kyrenia asks for Kotchan of certain properties 454 7947 1901 Sep Mr J. K. Epenetos: Com plaint against Mr P. Petrides 455 7948 1901 Sep Mehmed Zeki Volunteer Clerk asks for paid post 456 : LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 Former Reference This margin not to be usecL 1901 7949 1901 Sep Paphos Land Registry Office: Inspection by Registrar General 16 to 18 Septem ber 1901 " 457 7950 1901 OctNov W ork of Local Enquiry Clerks: Review o f for 12 months ending 31 August 1901 458 7951 1901 Sep1940 Mar Interest tables for Land Registry Offices 459 7952 1901 Sep Monthly Returns Land Registry Office subm its letter o f C hief Clerk proposing to stop copy o f Daimi and Sum m ary of reports in new Registers 460 7953 1901 Sep Post Office Nicosia: Question of removal to new Konak. Purchase o f present premises belonging to Phanerom eni Church 461 7954 1901 Sep Ja fe rT ayar: Illness of 462 7955 1901 Sep Ahmed Aziz: Illness of 463 7956 1901 SepOct The Eastern and Colonial Association Ltd, Limassol asks for Serghi of Athalassa 464 7957 1901 SepDee M ukhtar of Arghaki Kyriaco Hji Zenio applies for sale o f im movables 465 7958 1901 OctDec D. Th. Stavrinides declares Michail Sava as Clerk attached to his Office 466 7959 1901 SepOct Petition writers Morphou: Extension of their permit 467 7960 1901 Oct President of the District Court Nicosia asks for some informations respecting one of the boundaries o f B.7/h29 Mudulla 468 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 ]'orrner Reference This margin not to be use4· 1901 7961 1901 Oct Vicar of Latin Church at Larnaca asks for kotchan of a house built on Arazi Mirie 470 7962 1901 SepOct Leave granted to Land Registry Offices during Septem ber Quarter 1901 471 7963 1901 OctDec Stylianos Nicola Theklous of Lefkara: Tax com plaint 473 7964 1901 OctDec Evcaf M uhassebejissizade Mehmed lhassan informs of Mahlul o f Karakashli Bilal-Arab of Topjikoy 474 7965 1901 Oct G. Houry travelling claim and remarks there of 475 7966 1901 SepOct C om m issioner Limassol: Recom m endations for continuing Verghi distribution accom panied by Tapou registry in his District 476 7967 1901 SepOct Mr E. Houry com plaint of children of Christofi Marous of Paleonetocho of obtaining 7/- for making a Plan of a house 477 7968 1901 SepOct Mejelle: Forwards 7 copies of 478 7969 1901 Oct Power for Land Registry Officers to make enquiries into Offices - under Law III o f 1897 479 7970 1901 OctDec Ahm ed Remzi asks for leave 480 7971 1901 Oct Constant! Stavrides asks for confirm ation and increase of pay 481 7972 1901 Oct Mustafa Jemal: Illness of 482 ; LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 Former Reference This margin not to be use4. 1901 7973 1901 Oct Requisition for stationery for 1902 483 7974 1901 OctNov Power of Attorney given by the Bishop of Kyrenia on the part o f Holy Symod for tranfer of certain property at Prastio 484 7975 1901 Oct Ali Zihni: Illness of 485 7976 1901 Oct1902 Sep Revenue Survey of high land lying between N. Gypsos and Lapathos, E. Syncrassi, Ayi Yorghi and Arnadi, S. Aloa, Avgasidha M onastery Sandalari and Maratha W. Milea 486 7977 1901 Oct Messengers: Instructions for 487 7978 1901 Oct Reserve price in cases of Mahlul and Hali: Instructions of 488 7979 1901 Oct1902 Jan Hali land at Ayios Andronicos: Ahm ed Osman Zinnourein asks for kotchan for (Fam agusta District) 489 7980 1901 Oct1904 Mar Advance for purchase of Dictionaries English - Turkish and Thurkish - English: To be repaid on monthly installm ents 490 7981 1901 Oct Nicosia Plan fees for half ending 30 Septem ber 1901 491 7982 1901 Oct Plan fees Larnaca for Septem ber Quarter 1901 492 7983 1901 Oct Plan Fees Famagusta for Septem ber Quarter 1901 493 7984 1901 Oct Plan fees Kyrenia for half year ending 30 Septem ber 1901 494 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 Former Reference 1901 7985 1901 Oct Claim of General Tahir Pasha on the Estate of Nazire Hanum 495 7986 1901 Oct Plan fees Limassol for June and Septem ber Quarter 1901 496 7987 1901 Oct Land Registry Department: C hief Secretary asks for statem ent showing the staff served under 497 7988 1901 Oct M iltiades Shacalli: Registration of Constant! Satvrinos property 498 7989 1901 Oct Ahmed Rassin: Illness of 499 7990 1901 Oct Query by auditor on Morphou Land Registry Office: Proposal that counterfoils of Deposit notes be left with the treasury Clerk to suit convinience of auditor 500 7991 1901 OctDec Query by auditor on Paphos Land Registry Office 501 7992 1901 OctNov Estimate of Revenue Land Registry Office 5 months 1 Novem ber 1901 to 31 March 1902 502 7993 1901 Oct Demosthenis Ch. Severi declares that Theodoulos Hji Dimitri is attached to his Office 504 7994 1901 OctNov Valuation of property: Registrar General enquires if the Land Registry staff are acting in accordance with his circular 234/97 of the 22 Septem ber 1897 505 7995 1901 Oct Plan fees Limassol for the half year ended 30 Septem ber 1901 506 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 Former Reference 1901 7996 1901 Oct Application for em ploym ents in Protected Native States - Malay Peninsular 507 7997 1901 OctDec Old records of B.P. alteration to Registrar General enquires of 508 7998 1901 OctNov Petris Milias Cokonas o f Evrihou Registration of certain property at Evrihou in his name 509 7999 1901 OctNov Renouncem ent of inheritance by the heirs of Yorghaki Hji Michail of Larnaca 510 8000 1901 OctNov Mr A. Kyriakides puts forwards claim on behalf of his clients against the estate of Terzi Ali Gulan 511 8001 1901 Oct Inspection of Land Registry Office Kyrenia by Registrar General 22 to 23 O ctober 1901 512 8002 1897 Oct1901 Dec A. Kyriakides requests that money realized by sale of property of Ayshe Elmas as Mahlul may be paid to him 513 8003 1901 Nov W rit of Sale: In the case of Dimitri Yorghi of Poli and Moustafa Ramadan of Yalia Village 514 8004 1901 OctNov Mr G. Houry Acting C hief Clerk Kyrenia: W ork on Extra Local Enquires 515 8005 1904 Nov1905 Nov Mehmed Naif Effendi com plaint of wrong registration at Kyrenia of certain properties entrusted from his father 517 8006 1901 Nov Succession o f Luca Manoli of Ano Lefka: Verghi com plaint 518 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 Former Reference 1901 8007 1901 NovDee Pay list: Chief Secretary forwards new form s for use and regulation for 519 8008 1901 Nov1902 May Coffee-shop at foreshore Limassol: Heirs of Nicola Lambi ask for title deed for also Victoria Cafe Limassol 520 8009 1901 Nov King’s Birthday 9 Novem ber to be observed by closing Governm ent Offices 521 8010 1901 Nov Kyriacos Dimitri of Kotsovendi asks for Certificate o f Search for a price o f his land at Kotsovendi 523 8011 1901 Nov Hali land at Ayios Am vrossios: C om m issioner Kyrenia asks for instructions as to the fees to be charged 524 8012 1899 Dec1901 Dec Mahlul o f Dimitri Papa Yanni o f Kivides: Reward to informer 525 8013 1901 Nov1902 Dec Haralambo loannides: Division o f certain properties at Vassilia 526 8014 1892 Aug1903 May Sofocli Ateshlides alleges that his house is taken away by his sister 528 8015 1901 Apr1923 Jan Merra of Iki Dere Chiftlik 529 8016 1901 Nov Markou Frangou: Sale of Loizo Yorghos property for debt 531 8017 1901 Nov Mr Voudiziano Kyros: Com plaint of delay in issue Cirtificate for properties in Kalopssida, Ahna etc 532 8018 1901 Nov1902 Jun Mr Th. Theodoulou brings to notice the difficulty in selling some m ortgaged properties to the late Y ossif Andoniades 533 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usect LRS1 Former Reference 1901 I 8019 1901 Nov Registrar General: Com plaints in “Phontis Kyprou” and “Kyprios" as to m anner in which mudirs discharge the duties of auctioneers 534 8020 1901 Oct1902 Mar Leave granted to Land Registry Officials during Decem ber Q uarter 1901 535 8021 1901 Nov Travelling claim of and advances to Mustafa Effendi Local Enquiry Clerk 536 8022 1901 Nov1902 Jan Andreas Voudiziano and Arrears o f taxes: Sale of his land for arrears of taxes and com plaint o f Kyro Voudiziano 537 8023 1901 Nov Mustafa Safvet asks for the post of H. Tahssin 538 8024 1901 NovDee Sale by auction of Mandras in Kykko Forest at Cambo. (Registrar General) 539 8025 1901 Nov J. Shevket: Illness of 540 8026 1901 Nov Cyprus Map: C hief Secretary asks if there is any index map in store 541 8027 1901 Nov1902 Jul Instructions of Land Registry Officers Regulations Gazette 713 of 8 Novem ber 1901: Supply of Laws re for study for the prescribed Exaninations 542 8028 1901 Nov1902 Dec Ali Riza: Leave of 543 8029 1901 Nov Morphou Sub Office: Instructions 6 and 7 Novem ber 1901 by Registrar General 544 8030 1901 Nov1902 Jan Outstanding Deposits Morphou: Return of to 31 October 1901 545 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usect LRS1 Former Reference 1901 8031 1901 Dec1902 Feb Sadik Chavoush Hassan o f Polemidia com plains that the Land Registry Office refund to give him kotchan for certain property 546 8032 1901 Nov1902 Mar Zigi-Acquisition by Governm ent of plots 8 and 81 proposed sale by Hji Yanni Loizides and Maritsa Hji Yanni to Mr Ch. Pavlides o f Limassol 547 8033 1901 Nov Yorghi Michail o f Varoshia: Exclusion of of his land at Gaidoura from delim itation 548 8034 1901 Jan1902 Apr Lodjem ent at Local Treasuries of receipts: 549 1. Proceeds o f sale 2. Receipts for transfer fees to highest bidders 8035 1901 Nov Mr P. Petrides: Desmissal from Land Registry Office 550 8036 1901 NovDee Refusal of Land Registry Office recognize the title deeds of Trifonis Haralam bo and Sofoclis Athanassi 551 8037 1901 Dec Mustafa Barber Ali: Adm ission as V olunteer Clerk 552 8038 1901 Nov Hashim Ali: Illness of 553 8039 1901 Nov1902 Mar Land Registry Deposits for Fees 554 8040 1901 Nov1917 May Argiro Anastassi of Paleohori (Morphou): Registration of the land in kotchan No.92/30.6.1890 555 8041 1901 Nov Monthly Returns delay in sending to auditor (July returns specified) 556 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be useci. LRS1 Former Reference 1901 8042 1901 Nov1902 Mar Sherife Mulla Ahmed of Anoyira: Stay o f issue kotchans to purchaser of properties sold for taxes 557 8043 1901 Nov Papachristoforo Kyriaco o f Katodri: Double registration of his Vineyard 559 8044 1901 Nov1902 Feb Arazi Mirie to make Vakf: Ibrahim Fehim of Limassol: Question of His Excellency granding mulkname 560 8045 1901 Nov Blue Books: Chief Secretary forwards one copy for 1900 - 1901 561 8046 1901 Nov Antoni Clemi: Leave and Illness of 562 8047 1900 Aug1902 Jun Mr E. Houry: Preparation of plans by privately for public and w ithout authority of Registrar General 563 8048 1901 Nov1902 Dec Land Registry Officers of Nicosia: C hief Secretary asks for a list o f those who do not know English and attend Mr Newham ’s class and of those who are not attending 564 8049 1901 Nov Land Registry Staff: Ignorance of Regulations 565 8050 1901 NovDee Telegraph code: Proposal to compile a new one 566 8051 1901 Dec Hji Theodoulo Papaloizo of Pea (Peyia) Double assessm ent of Verghi 567 8052 1901 Dec Ahmed Perteve and D. J. Dimitriades apply for the post Kalem Karian at Paphos 568 8053 1901 Oct1904 Feb Kalem Karian Havhanness: A ppointm ent as second class Clerk in Limassol Land Registry Office 569 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSt Date Description This margin not to be usecL LRS1 Former Reference 1901 8054 1901 Dec Hussein Zihni: Illness of 570 8055 1901 Dec Ismail Shevket: Illness of 571 8056 1901 Dec1902 Jul Panayotou Avgousti of Paramitha: Claiming share in a house left by her father 572 8057 1901 Dec1903 Jan Xenis Hji Vassili of Kondea: Com pensation for a piece o f land 573 8058 1901 NovDee Petition W riter Yannacos Papapetrou Suspension of 574 8059 1901 Dec Mehmed Zihni: Illness of 575 8060 1901 Dec1902 Jan Nicolas Papaphilactou o f Phini: Exchange of land 578 8061 1901 Dec1903 Mar Index to circular etc for use of Land Registry Officers: Registrar General 579 8062 1890 Dec Ali Riza applies for appointm ent to the post of Custom Officer Nicosia 580 8063 1901 Dec Office hours during Ramazan 581 8064 1901 Dec Estimate o f Land Registry Revenue 1902 - 1903 582 8065 1901 Dec Sale by auction and Mudir: Com plaints of 583 8066 1901 Dec Mr A. Kyriakides declares that Mulla Hussein Ahmed may transact business in Land Registry Office on his behalf 584 8067 1901 Dec M ukhtar of Rizocarpasso Anavrisi Quarter D.H. Zahariou: C om plaint of not being appointed auctioneer 585 : LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4 LRS1 Former Reference 1901 8068 1901 DecApr Early preparation of Verghi Lists Papho and encashm ent of Verghi before 1/13 March due in respect o f the year succeeding that date 586 8069 1901 Dec1902 Apr Registers of: 587 1. Applications No. 12 2. Declarations of Sale and M ortgage N o.13 A pplications covering jackets 8070 1901 Dec Vacancies Land Registry Office: 588 Larnaca vice Hafiz Dervish Paphos vice Hassan Tahsim Limassol vice Mr Dervish: Proposal for filling 8071 1901 Aug1902 Jan Josef Cirilli and Sons: Sale of certain property at auction 590 8072 1901 Dec Nicolas Stephanou: Sickness of 591 8073 1901 Dec1902 Jan Hassan Nihad: Sickness of 592 8074 1901 Dec Mehmed Remzi asks for paid em ploym ent at Nicosia 593 8075 1901 Oct1903 Jan Services of Land Registry D epartm ent for Public Un-remmunerated 594 8076 1901 Dec1903 Jul Papaconstanti Antoniou o f Nicosia: Interference of G overnm ent with properties inherited by him 595 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usett LRS1 Former Reference 1901 8077 1901 Dec Ahmed Remzi com plains of depreving him from the benefit o f making Plans because he was sent to Limassol 596 8078 1901 Dec Demosthenis Ch. Severy declares Alkiviades Ch. Papadopoullos as his Clerk 597 8079 1901 Nov Inhabitants of Oras and Kalavassou pray for Verghi redistribution 598 8080 1901 Dec1902 May Examination of language: C hief Secretary asks if any one wishes to pass either in Greek or Turkish 600 8081 1901 Dec1902 Jan Constant! Hji Dimitri & Hji Dimitri Symeo: His Excellency asks w hether the lands refferred to in the Judgem ent were actually sold and in whose name they are now registered 601 8082 1901 Dec Greghory Hji Haralambo Hirati of Mutulla: Destribution of the Estate of Haralambo 602 8083 1901 Dec1902 Jan Land of Ayios Irakledios and Ayia Napa Monastery: Archom andrites Philotheos for the am ount valued at and the Area in Prastion Reservoir 603 8084 1901 Dec M. Fuad: Illness of 604 8085 1901 Dec Georghios K. Mikellides of Larnaca: Registration o f certain Lands by inheritance asked for 605 8086 1901 Dec1902 Jul Trimithia Chiftlik: Sale o f the interest of Christoodoulo Hji Zanneto (C om m issioner Kyrenia) 606 LRS1 LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference j Date Description This margin not to be use4· Former Reference 1901 8087 1901 Dec1902 A pr Verghi Distribution Limassol for 1901 - 1902 607 8088 1901 Dec1902 Jan M. Zihni neglect of: In a case of G overnm ent property at Paphos 609 8089 1901 Dec Mr A. Carletti asks for em ploym ent in excise Departm ent 610 8090 1901 Dec1902 Jul Cherkez Chiftlik: Ziba Fatma and other ask that they may be registered as entitle to a share of the produce of 611 8091 1901 Dec1902 Jan Kyrenia Land Registry Office: Com plaint by Mr Chacalli about irregularity respecting certain memo 612 1902 8092 1902 Jan Hji Constant! Hji Yorhgi o f Eyleje (Algantzia): Encroachm ent of Public road 1 8093 1901 Dec1902 Apr Michail Yorghi of Antioche: Sale o f his property for his brothers debt 2 8094 1901 Dec1902 Jan Plan fees Nicosia for Decem ber Q uarter 1901 3 8095 1902 Jan Hassan Mustafa Konizi o f Kofino: Encroachm ent on church land 4 8096 1902 Mar 8097 1902 JanMay M rV assfi: Illness of 8 8098 1901 Dec1902 Feb L. Yorghiades Advocate for Theodossi Yanni of Lofos: Registration o f certain land at Ypsonas 9 Hali land at Trypimeni. Principle Forest . Officer asks for enquiry 5 LRS1 LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description This margin not to be use<t Former Reference 1902 8099 1902 Jan James Gooding declares Hassan Kyrlizade is his clerk 10 8100 1902 JanJul Nazife Emir Mehmed o f Psillat: Sale of her house 11 8101 1902 Jan Inhabitants of Vavatsinia beg for redistribution of their Verghi 12 8102 1902 JanJul G. Houry: Com m issioner Kyrenia: The local enquiries carried out by him left incompleted 13 8103 1902 Jan Plan fees Kyrenia for Decem ber Q uarter 1901 14 8104 1901 Dec1902 Jan Plan fees Decem ber Quarter 1901 of Larnaca town 15 8105 1902 JanMar Ayi Kendea Monastery: Archim andrite asks for writing off the taxes as the properties sold to Governm ent 16 8106 1902 JanApr Th. D. Stavrinides declares Michail Constantinides is attached to his Office 17 8107 1902 JanFeb Guide to the Examination of Cyprus Governm ent account: Chief Secretary forwards 6 copies of the work Mr B. Senior 18 8108 1902 Jan Plan fees Famagusta for Decem ber Q uarter 1901 19 8109 1902 Jan Inhabitants of Pila ask for redistribution of their Verghi 20 8110 1902 Jan Ibrahim Malband - Osman: Verghi Confusion 21 LRS1 LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description This margin not to be usett Former Reference 1902 8111 1901 Dec Verghi Khulassas of Larnaca: Report for translation of some Villages 22 8112 1902 Jan1903 Feb M ukhtar o f Singrassi Hussein Osman: Com m issioner Famagusta reports appointm ent 24 8113 1902 Jan Evcaf Defter Hakani: Charges by Land Registry Office - Omission to change percentage on callections other than fees 26 8114 1902 Jan M. Sevasly declares that Miltiadis Pavlides is attached to his Office 27 8115 1901 Jan Land Registry Forms: Proposed that those of which large numbers are required should be procured in England 28 8116 1902 Feb Query by A uditor on Larnaca Land Registry Office 29 8117 1902 Feb Antoni Clemi: Illness of 30 8118 1902 Feb Ali Mehmed of Kilani: Issue o f Kotchan for his property 31 8119 1901 Aug1902 Feb Hali land at Mitsero: Cultivated by Yorghi Hji Constant! 32 8120 1902 FebMar Neocli Yorghi Araouzo o f Ayia Phila: Issue of kotchan for his property 34 8121 1902 Feb Ali Riza: Illness of 36 8122 1901 Oct1902 Apr Mehmed Zeki: Claim to hlaf pay of Hassan Tahssin 37 8123 1902 Feb1905 Jul Irikzade Mehmed Ratib: Issue of kotchans to him for his property 38 LRS1 LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description This margin not to be usect Former Reference 1902 8124 1902 Feb1941 Aug Public Garden 39 8125 1893 Nov1969 Oct Diamond Jubilee Garden Aquisition of Land for: (Purchase of Land and ruined buildings near Paphos Gate from Rassit Effendi 39 8126 1902 Mar1903 Nov Irrigation work: Report on Completion of W ater Rights and State Lands Enquiries 40 8127 1902 Feb Idadi pupil. Instructions in practical Survey 41 8128 1902 Feb Inclusion of Municipal Plantation in new Agricultural garden Nicosia 42 8129 1902 Mar1903 Jul Sale o f Mortgaged properties of the late Major Chetwynd 43 8130 1902 Feb B. G. Am irayan and deposit money: Received by him when was in District 44 8131 1902 Feb Civil Procedure Am endm ent Law, Law IX of 1896 - W here Office refuses to register does judgm ent creditor applying enjoy lieu on properties of third parties considered by Land Registry Office entitled 45 8132 1901 Jan1902 Apr Leave granted to Land Registry Officials during March Quarter 1902 46 8133 1902 Feb IN . Toufexis prays to be allowed to make petition w riter in Land Registry Office 47 8134 1902 Feb Theodoulos Hji Demetri clerk to advocate Severi: Com plaint against him 48 8135 1901 Feb1902 May Polis Chiftlik: Claim by m unicipality to certain Land in Polis registered as part of the Chiftlik 49 LRS1 LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description This margin not to be use4- I"ormer Reference 1902 8136 1902 FebApr Sale of Immovables of Revenue Defaulters Famagusta District 50 8137 1902 Feb Cyprus Gazettes for 1901: C hief Secretary forwards a bound copy of 51 8138 1901 Dec1902 Jun English Classes for Land Registry Officers Limassol: Attendances o f Staff. Course 1901-1902 53 8139 1902 Feb Survey Instruments etc lent to Irrigation Department 54 8140 1902 Feb1906 A pr Hassan Mustafa of Lapathos: Merra land at Lapathos - Requests that on area of abotu 100 donnum s may be set aside for 55 8141 1902 FebMar Charge of insult brought by Mr E. Houry, Land Registry Office, against Mr G. Koumidis Forest Departm ent 56 8142 1902 Feb Mail Contractor: Tomazu Florenzou Zamuth Hji Stavri: Security of 57 8143 1901 Feb1902 May Inspection o f Famagusta Land Registry Office by Registrar General 13 to 15 February 1902 58 8144 1902 Feb Mr G. Houry: Disobedience of instructions and assum ption of authority in absence of Chief Clerk Famagusta 59 8145 1901 Dec1902 Feb Hali land within the delimited area near Arnadi: Com m issioner Fam agusta reports cultivation by Hassan Mehmed and Mustafa Veli of Spatharico 60 8146 1902 FebMar Mr Sami: Illness of 61 LRS1 LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description This margin not to be use4- Former Reference 1902 8147 1902 Feb1919 Sep Mr M. G. Dervishan asks permission to build wall in the River 62 8148 1902 Feb Poli Chiftlik: Vessim e (or Bessime or Vessile) Hanum daughter o f Nezire Hanum asks that her share in the proceeds may not be paid to any other claim ant 63 8149 1902 Mar Pembe Hanum wife of Jengiz Hji Mustafa Effendi: Sale of her only house for debt of her husband for request stay of 64 8150 1902 Mar Mustafa Khuloussi Mehmed: Illness of 65 8151 1902 Mar Mr Niazi: Requests to be put on pension 66 8152 1893 Sep1904 Sep Poli Chiftlik and heirs o f Tassim Bey Hafiz Shefik, as representative asks for transfer of 70 8153 1902 Feb Marshy land at Polis: C om m issioner reports on 71 8154 1902 MarJul Mahmoud Tevfik applies for admission as V olunteer Clerk 72 8155 1902 Mar Sava H. Pascali, M ukhtar of Mousoulita, Famagusta District requests to be appointed auctioneer of his Village. Offers as security the enclosed two kotchans, the one at Nicosia the other at Mousoulita 73 8156 1902 Mar Verghi Irad on Terra Mosque 74 8157 1902 Mar Mr E. Houry asks for promotion 75 8158 1902 Mar Philippos Markides: Illness of 77 8159 1901 Oct1902 Mar Kykko Forest near Asproya: Principal Forest Office: Alteration to Forest boundaries 78 LRSt LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description This margin not to be usett Former Reference 1902 8160 1902 Mar Plan fees Limassol for Decem ber and March Quarters 1902 79 8161 1902 MarApr Mr Douglas: Proposal to charge his Salary for March against Land Registry votes 80 8162 1902 MarApr Nymphodora Michail o f Petra Stay of the sale of her house requested 81 8163 1902 Mar Arnaldo Rezzini: Illness of 82 8164 1902 Mar Aishe and Salih Ahmed Hundi and Ahmed Hundi Mulla Moustafa pray for stay o f sale of their properties till next August 83 8165 1902 FebApr Queries on Travelling claims of Zihni Effendi dated 27 February 1902 84 8166 1902 Mar A. Clemi: Illness of 85 8167 1902 MarMay Stationery: Requisition for Econom y of 86 8168 1902 Mar Costi Yorghalli and Yorghalli Hji Costanti: Com plains that his land is taken for Road to Galf 87 8169 1902 Mar Revenue Debtor Yorghi Tappa of Livadia: Com m issioner Larnaca: To write off certain Verghi 88 8170 1902 Mar Mr Josa: Charge of Salary for March 1902 against Land Registry Special instruction 89 8171 1902 MarApr Hassan Nihad: The C hief Clerk of Famagusta Land Registry Office reports against him 91 LRS1 LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description This margin not to be usect Former Reference 1902 8172 1902 Jan1903 Jan Sick List o f the Land Registry S taff during 1902-1903 92 8173 1902 Mar1903 Mar Furniture for Land Registry Offices 1902-1903 93 8174 1902 Mar1910 Sep Tofi Hji Costanti of Kondea: Exchange of Land 94 8175 1899 Sep1913 Mar Enquiries Fund: Investigation of - Balance practically absorbed by end of January 1902 95 8176 1901 Aug1902 Aug Hji Papaantoni Hji Christofi of Prodromo: His land included in the forest 97 8177 1902 MarJul Poli Chiftlik: Petition from Sebiha Hanum for her share of the revenue of the form 98 8178 1902 MarApr Emlak Commission: Death of one and appointm ent of another 99 8179 1902 Mar Leave: C hief Secretary reports only the case where the Office has not availed him self or overstayed 100 8180 1902 Mar1904 Apr Tapou Khulassa books, Kyrenia Land Registry Office: Com m issioner Kyrenia asks for com pletion of the Lapithos one 101 8181 1902 Mar Refund of fees to Dem osthenis Hji Yorghi of Yerm assoya 102 8182 1902 MarAug Lutfi Effendi Sofou - Zade: Division of Keuy Chiftlik 103 8183 1902 Jun AN and Nazime Said o f Siligou ask for alteration to their kotchans 104 8184 1902 A pr Refet Rustem: Refund of the purchase money o f the property sold to him by 105 . LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usect LRS1 Former Reference 1902 auction and ultimately discovered to have been included in forest 8185 1902 Mar Certifying Officer at Morphou: Appointm ent of 106 8186 1902 Mar Garden adjoining Prison Famagusta: Suggested purchase by Governm ent 107 8187 1902 Mar Muslem property in Nicosia: C hief Secretary asks w hat the 1/4 of 1 per thousand on the assessed value would bring in 108 8188 1900 Nov1902 Oct Mr G. Shacalli asks for revision of his house at Ayios Antonios Quarter 109 8189 1902 AprNov Mr F. Ongley: Leave of 110 8190 1902 Apr1903 Apr Verghi Redistribution and Tapou adjustm ent Larnaca District 1902-1903 114 8191 1902 MarAug Cultivations o f Hali at Campo: Reported by the Forest Departm ent 115 8192 1902 MarApr Requisition for articles to be obtained through Crown Agents: C hief Secretary sends form 143 for use for 116 8193 1902 Apr Costanti Hji Simeo o f Lapithos: Sale by auction o f his property 117 8194 1902 AprJun Mukhtars o f Nicosia District for 1902-1903 118 8195 1902 A pr Sherife Hanum Youssuf Agha and others: Mr A. Kyriakides advocate asks for stay sale of their shares in certain properties at Kyrenia District 120 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSt Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 Former Reference 1902 8196 1902 MarJul Leave granted Land Registry Clerks during June Quarter 1902 122 8197 1902 Aug1946 Dec Latin Convent o f St. Joseph Larnaca (Bamboula): Land dispute 124 8198 1902 Apr1903 A pr Larnaca Land Registry Office: Requisition for forms and book during 1902-1903 125 8199 1902 Apr1903 Dec Limassol Land Registry Office: Requisition for forms and books during 1902-1903 126 8200 1902 Apr1903 Feb Famagusta Land Registry Office: Requisition for form s and books during 1902-1903 127 8201 1902 Apr1903 Jan Paphos Land Registry Office: Requisition for forms and books during 1902-1903 128 8202 1902 Apr1903 Feb Kyrenia Land Registry Office: Requisition for forms and books during 1902-1903 129 8203 1902 Apr Certificate of Search N.45: Continuing sheets 130 8204 1902 AprMay Land Registry Department: Reorganization of Departm ent 1902-1903 131 8205 1902 AprOct Acquisition of some buildings sites at Famagusta by G overnm ent from Barontji Zade V assif Effendi and Zuhdi Effendi 132 8206 1902 Apr Verghi Distribution W ork Limassol District to 31 March 1902: W ork fo r the year 1902-1903 133 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usecf LRS1 Former Reference 1902 8207 1902 Apr Mahlul of Merjan Abdullah of Galata and Hali Land: Reported 134 8208 1902 A pr A. Kyriakides, advocate com plains of conduct o f auctioneer Ahmed Rassih, Mudir of Lefka 135 8209 1902 Apr M ukhtar of Moussulida Sava Hji Paskal: Security of 136 8210 1902 Apr Costa Kyriakides advocate appointed to transact business on his behalf at the Land Registry Office Nicosia 137 8211 1902 AprMay Nicola Hji Andrea of Lefkonico: Sale of his property to his son 138 8212 1902 AprJun Burial Ground at Yaloussa 139 8213 1902 Apr Mukhtars in Famagusta District: Forwards Security bonds of 140 8214 1902 MayOct Mulk-Original registration: Fees 141 8215 1902 AprMay M ukhtar of Astrom eriti G. Lucaides asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 142 8216 1902 Apr Hji Michail Hji Panayoti o f Vouno: Refusal by Land Registry Office o f the receipt o f Yoklam a Collector 143 8217 1902 AprMay Succession of Marikkou Ilia of Kilani: Double assessm ent of Verghi 144 8218 1902 AprOct Mukhtars of Lakatamia: Appointm ent as auctioneers 145 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 Former Reference 1902 8219 1902 JunJul Hali land at Melini: Broken by Sava Nicola 146 8220 1902 Jun Haralambos Michail o f Ayios Andronicos: Sale of his land for taxes 147 8221 1902 Apr Messaria State Land: Delimitation of account of sale rent etc 148 8222 1902 Apr Revenue Debtors: Registration of their properties under the Civil Procedure A m endm ent Law on the w arrant of Mudjlis Idare 149 8223 1902 AprNov Acquisition of land for construction of road 60 feet wide between Nicosia Circular Road (Slaughter House) and Kythrea road via Buyuk Kaimakli 150 8224 1902 AprMay Acquisition of land at Larnaca for proposed voulevard between G overnm ent Garden and salt lake 151 8225 1902 MarA pr Plan fees kyrenia: Collections during March Quarter, 1902 152 8226 1902 MarApr Plan fees Famagusta for March Quarter 1902 153 8227 1902 AprJun Burial Ground o f Rizocarpaso 154 8228 1902 Apr Plan fees Nicosia for March Quarter 1902 155 8229 1900 Aug1902 Apr Nicola Haralambo Nicola and Yanni Nicola Granidiotis (Kranidiotis) Com m issioner Kyrenia asks if an agent can have property transferred to his own name 156 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usect LRS1 Former Reference 1902 8230 1902 Apr Mukhtars of Yaloussa and M oussoulida: Com m issioner Famagusta forwards security bonds of 157 8231 1902 Apr M ukhtar of Limassol Spiros Cram by asks for remunaration 158 8232 1902 Apr1910 Jun Yanco Haralambo M ukhtar of Tseri applies for post of auctioneer 159 8233 1902 AprNov Locust Tax: Reimposition of 160 8234 1902 AprDee Travelling Claims o f 1902-1903. Queries on 161 8235 1902 Apr Mustaffa Saffet asks for transfer to Larnaca 162 8236 1902 Apr Yorghi HjiChristodouli o f Corno Revenue debtor: Valuation of properties 163 8237 1902 Apr Com m issioner Paphos: Sale o f Eleni Yorghiades property 164 8238 1902 AprJun C hief Secretary: Requisition for stores 166 8239 1902 A pr Sumes deposited in Court towards expenses of Land Registry Clerks in giving evidence in cases before the Court 167 8240 1902 A pr Christofi Michail Batsalo of Lefkara: Verghi Com plaint 168 8241 1902 AprMay M ukhtar of Pano Zotia (Zodia) Hji Haralambo Hji Yanni asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 169 8242 1902 AprMay G. Houry asks for promotion 170 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usett LRS1 Former Reference 1902 8243 1902 AprMay Mr Η. T. Dray: Failure to pass exam ination in Turkish or Greek 171 8244 1902 A pr Mr P. constantinides declares that Mr Stylianos Nicolaides is employed in his Office and that he may attend the Land Registry Office every now and then for Mr P. Constantinides and his own work 172 8245 1902 AprAug Constant! Paskalides: Encroachm ent on the Delimited State Land 173 8246 1902 AprMay Sale by auction and confusion in the proceeds of sale in the case o f J 174/1901 (Com m issioner Limassol) 175 8247 1902 May1912 Mar Mr A. G. Douglas - Em ploym ent of: Assistance by m unicipality in making survey o f Nicosia 176 8248 1902 May Simeo Nicola: Declaration of Sale at Famagusta Land Registry Office 177 8249 1902 Apr Dimitri Theodosiades: Building without permission - Question of separate registration o f mulk and of the arazi on which it stands 178 8250 1902 Apr1903 Feb Coal: C hief Secretary asks how much there are stock and how much is required for next w inter 179 8251 1902 AprMay 8252 1902 Apr Office hours of the C heef Secretary Office for delivery and despatch o f papers 181 8253 1902 Apr Mr E. Prince: Application for post of Registrar District Court Famagusta 182 . Handbook of Cyprus: C hief Secretary forwards 6 copies of @ 2/4 cp each to be changed to office sundries 180 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usetf LRS1 Former Reference 1902 8254 1902 AprMay Meteor: Observed from Nicosia on the evening of Saturday the 19 April 1902 183 8255 1902 AprMay Leave to Officials to attend Sports Agones 184 8256 1902 May Sale of Revenue debtors property: C hief Clerk forwards Com m issioners minute for instructions 185 8257 1902 MayJun English class: Mr Newham reports the clerks are on his register and their attendance 186 8258 1902 MarJul Mr G. Houry: Regularity in receiving in full fees paid for copy places and copies of docum ents 187 8259 1902 MayOct Governm ent House: W ater Supply Ownership o f land Northwest of G overnm ent House with well on it 188 8260 1902 May Catalogue of instruments: C hief Secretary forwards a copy of: Cooke and Sons 189 8261 1902 May1903 May Refunds o f fees authorized but unpaid on 31 March 1902 192 8262 1902 May Sava Gryghory of Gypsos: Sale o f his properties for revenue debtors 193 8263 1902 May Delimitation of State Land at Strongilo: Report of Commission 195 8264 1902 Jul M ukhtar o f Elye Hassan Tahssin Ahmed Effendi asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 196 8265 1902 May Annual Reports on Cyprus: Complete set of 197 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 Former Reference 1902 I 8266 1902 MarMay G. Yorghallides M ukhtar o f Ayios Dometios begs to be entrusted with the sale of Immovable properties in the village of. Yerolakkos in addition to his village 198 8267 1902 MayAug Chrisostom o Yorghiadis of Ktyma: Building on hali land 199 8268 1902 MayDee Renonciation of inheritance: C hief Clerk asks for instructions in the case of the heirs o f Anastassi Hji Michail 201 8269 1903 May Census: Chief Secretary forwards a copy of 203 8270 1902 AprJul Emir Hassan Moussa o f Am beligou claims writing of the Virghi on the land taken for road and washed by river 205 1902 May C hief Secretary: Annual Reports should be sum m ary of facts and any com plaints recomm endation or suggestions for im provem ents are not to be included etc 206 8272 1902 May W rit for sale of immovables: C hief clerk of Famagusta reports that the Court invariably issues writs in names o f Judgm ent creditor 207 8273 1902 MayDee Hji Kypri Hji Christofi m ukhtar o f Massari asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 208 8274 1902 May Christodoulo Haralambo M ukhtar of Kato Koutrafa asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 209 8275 1902 MayJun Adele Bargili claims to certain land near Acheritou 210 8276 1891 Jun1902 May W ater Rights - Distribution of Karkotis River Source to Petra 211 8271 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usect LRS1 Former Reference 1902 8277 1902 May Christodoulos Philipou of Lapithos: Sale of the properties o f Stavro Hji Kyriaco of Karava 212 8278 1902 May- 1. Sava Hji Haralambo of Condea 213 2. Heirs o f Lapierre: C hief Clerk Famagusta asks for Kotchan of certain land by prescription 8279 1902 May1903 Jul Hji Yanni Hji Thoma of Derinia claims certain land at Trapeza near Acheritou 214 8280 1902 May Cyprus map: Inspector of Schools asks for same broken sheets of 215 8281 1902 May Grighory Hji Grighory begs for increase of contem plated pay or transfer to a higher paid post 216 8282 1902 May1903 Mar Lodgments direct with C om m issioner in Local treasuries on a/c of. Land Registry Office from 1 April 1902 to 31 March 1903 217 8283 1902 Jul Mr Fletcher: Issue Kotchan for a house built in Randi Forest 218 8284 1902 May Hji Stavri Dionissiou o f Nicosia: Share of the property o f the wife of Petry unlawfully sale by his father 219 8285 1902 MarMay M ukhtar of Voni Hji Petri Christodulo asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 220 8286 1902 MayJun Yassem in and Aishe Hussein of Akourso: Wrong registration of property in their names 221 8287 1902 MayJun Inhabitants of Paleohori beg for redistribution of their Verghi assessm ent 222 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4 LRS1 Former Reference 1902 8288 1902 MayJul Mehmed Naim Mustafa of Ayios Andronicos: Wrong registration of certain w ater 224 8289 1902 MayJun Petroleum Lamps: Suggestion for the care of 225 8290 1902 May1903 Mar Kiti farms: British Delegate of Evcaf asks for survey to be made of 226 8291 1902 May Memorandum: Chief Clerk Limassol asks certain points touching circular No. 18/901 of 7 February 1901 227 8292 1902 May Index to C hief Secretary circulars: C hief Secretary sends two copies of 228 8293 1902 MayJul Inhabitants of Vavatsinia pray for permission for cultivation Hali Lands 229 8294 1902 MayJun Enquiry Fund to be extended to posting fees 231 8295 1902 Jun Succession of Sava Hji Spiro: Non issue kotchan by the Land Registry Office for properties 233 8295A 1901 Jun1903 Jan Order of Court: To stay sale of the properties of Eleni Haralambo at Limassol 234 8296 1871 Jul1902 Jun Valuation by Land Registry Department: Referes to circular No.234/902 235 8297 1902 Jul loannis K. Epenetos declares Stavro K. Epenetos his clerk 236 8298 1902 Jun Hassan Iffet: Revission o f pay to Land Registry Departm ent 237 8299 1902 JunOct British Delegate of Evcaf: Mahlul share in Poli Chiftlik 238 8300 1902 Jun Papapetro Hji Yanni of Rizokarpasso com plains of loss o f his kotchans non delivery by Mudir 239 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usett LRS1 Former Reference 1902 8301 1902 Jun Nicola, Styliano and J. Dem etriades ask for registration of a piece of land, the other heirs renouncing 240 8302 1902 JunAug Afendrika Chiftlik plan asked by Evcaf 242 8303 1902 Jun1903 May Michail Yanni Koufou: Prosecution for cultivating Forest Land 243 8304 1902 Jun Mr D. Severy declares dismissal of his clerk Alkiviades Hji Papapetrou and that the latter was replaced by Mr Evripides Yorghiades of Nicosia 244 8305 1902 JunJul M ukhtar of Katokopia Michail Hji Kyriaco asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 245 8306 1902 Jun Costanti Sava of Mosfilodi: Irregular sale of his properties 246 8307 1902 Jun Annou Hji Sava of Bellabais asks for kotchan by inheritance of certain lands 247 8308 1888 Jul1902 Jun Land Registry Officers lending money and engaging in trade etc in the District in which they are serving 248 8309 1902 Jun Legislative Council - Debate of Land Registry Vote: Estimates 1902-1903 249 8310 1902 May1904 Jun Haralambo Hji Gavril, m ukhtar of Pano Lacatamia, begs that the sales of Village may be conducted by Hji Michail Hji Yanni 249B 8311 1902 JunAug Hali land at Cambo: Cultivation of reported 250 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use<t LRS1 Former Reference 1902 8312 1902 Jun Leave: C hief Secretary forwards new form of application for 251 8313 1902 MayJul Yanni M. Chimonidis asks for some rewards 252 8314 1902 Jun1935 Oct Governm ent buildings: List of 253 8315 1878 Nov1944 Mar List of Governm ent Buildings 253 8316 1878 Nov1945 Oct G overnm ent Buildings and Lands list of: Limassol District 253 8317 1901 Jul1913 Mar G overnm ent Buildings: List of 253 8318 1936 Oct1946 Jan Ditto: Famagusta District 253 8319 1922 Aug1935 Oct G overnm ent Properties: Nicosia District 253 8320 1922 Jan1935 Sep G overnm ent Buildings and Lands list of: Larnaca District 253 8321 1922 Jan1935 Sep Ditto: Kyrenia District 253 8322 1939 Jul1947 Jan Lists of Governm ent Buildings: Larnaca District 253 8323 1947 SepDee Ditto: Famagusta District 253 8324 1929 Jul1940 Jan Ditto: Kyrenia District 253 8325 1931 Jan1935 Sep G overnm ent Buildings and Lands list of: Paphos 253 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4· LRS1 ] Tormer Reference 1902 8326 1935 Dec1946 Aug List of Governm ent Buildings: General paper 253 8327 1939 Jul1940 Sep Ditto: Paphos District 253 8328 1937 Jul1947 Mar Ditto: Nicosia District 253 8329 1939 Jul1947 Dec Ditto: Famagusta 253 8330 1902 Jun1903 Jul Dimitri Accendi: Building on Mortgaged site 254 8331 1902 Jun Mr Jevdet asks for increase of pay 255 8332 1902 Jun Mr M. Schiza: (Com m issioner Paphos) Purchase of his brother’s house and the charge of fees 256 8333 1902 Jul Land Offered by Morphou people for fuel ground 257 8334 1902 Jul1930 Nov Sub Land Registry Office at Poli 258 8335 1902 Jun1903 May Mehmed Rifat asks for transfer to Nicosia (Com m issioner Larnaca) 259 8336 1902 Apr1908 Nov Drawing materials 1902-1903 260 1. For Survey Office 2. For Instructions class 8337 1902 Jun Certificate of Examinations: Chief Secretary forwards new forms of 261 8338 1902 Jun Hji Vassili Hji Yanni of Katokopia and Hji Kyriaco Hji Pieri of Peristerona. Security of 262 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4 LRS1 ITormer Reference 1902 8339 1902 JanNov Burial Ground of Lythrodonda 264 8340 1902 Jun Sophocle Constantinides, Petition writer charged with retaining to his own use money which he should have paid into the treasury and dismissed from attending Land Registry Office as Petition w riter 266 8341 1902 Jun Coronation Festivities: Postponem ent thereof in consequence of illness of His Majesty the King 267 8342 1902 Jun Minute paper of the Chief Secretary: To search and report w hat are in office 268 8343 1902 Jun Mukhtars' fees for certificate 269 8344 1 9 0 2 JunJul Renounciation of inheritance by the heirs of Ilia Kallia (Com m issioner Kyrenia) 270 8345 1902 Jun Christallou Hji Dimitri o f Ayios Ermolaos: Sale of her land to her son to escape it from sale for her debts 271 8346 1902 JunJul Plan fees for June Q uarter 1902 272 8347 1902 Jul Hassan Hamid: Statem ent of his annual salary asks for 273 8348 1902 JunJul Old Quarrantine at Limassol: The Director of Public works proposes to take it over 274 8349 1902 JunJul Succession o f Loizo PapaCostanti of Odhou: Refusal of Larnaca Land Registry Office to issue kotchan for their properties 275 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usect LRS1 ]'ormer Reference 1902 8350 1902 Jul1903 Mar Mustafa Vassfi: Illness of 277 8351 1902 Jul Gambling: Circular about 279 8352 1902 JulOct Water, registration of at Kazafani: “ Kulchuk” supply of BellaPais 280 8353 1902 Jul1903 A pr Tadilat 1902: All Districts 281 8354 1902 JulAug Mr E. H. Houry: Regularities committed by 282 8355 1902 Jul Verghi Irad on w inter w ater Mill 283 8356 1902 Jul Omiros Muzalas asks for excem ption from Askerie tax 285 8357 1902 JulDec Varvarou Christou asks for registration of w ater (Com m issioner Kyrenia) 286 8358 1902 Jul Hji Michail Paskali of Sotira: A ttachm ent of his properties etc 287 8359 1902 Jul H. Athanasi Christofides, Petition writer, charge against 288 8360 1902 JulAug Inhabitants of Kondea: Offering their land for sale to Governm ent 289 8361 1902 JulDec Th. Galanaki, Petition writer, charge against 290 8362 1902 JulOct Messrs Hji Pavlo & Sons: Revision of their Verghi 291 8363 1902 JulAug Sina M onastery property at Kha Potami Chiftlik: Copy of certain registration asked for (Principle Forest Officer) 292 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4 LRS1 ];ormer Reference 1902 8364 1902 JulOct Certificate of search: Continuation sheet of 293 8365 1898 Sep1902 Nov Fuel scarcity at Paphos 294 8366 1902 Jul M ukhtar of Pera Theodulo Hji Constant! asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 295 8367 1902 Jul Mr G. Smith: Six weeks leave from 18 July 296 8368 1902 JulAug Registration plan of Kouklia and Acheritou Reservoir: Chief Secretary asks for plan of 297 8369 1902 JulAug Imperial Ottoman Bank asks for certificate o f search in the name of Major Chetwynd 298 8370 1902 Jul Mr F. Ongley: Endorsem ent in cheques drawn in favour of Registrar General 299 8371 1902 Jul Mahlul of Ali Ousta resident at Nicosia 300 8372 1902 Jul Leave granted to the Land Registry clerks during Septem ber Q uarter 1902 301 8373 1902 Jul M ortgage cancellation of 302 8374 1902 OctNov K. A. Lefkarides asks for alteration to the boundaries of his house 303 8375 1902 JulSep Lefteri Ellina of Prastion: C hief Clerk Famagusta reports the he died w ithout issue (Mahlul of) 305 8376 1902 Jul1906 Dec Platres Land: Constantinos Michael asks for permission for cultivation of 306 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usett LRS1 Former Reference 1902 8377 1901 Aug Vacancies in Land Registry Department: To furnish a list of 308 8378 1898 Dec1902 Nov Hussein Mustafa of Jidars (Gedares) and others: False declaration and Sentence reported 309 8379 1902 JulSep Ahmed Pertev: Transfer to Nicosia 310 8380 1902 Aug1903 Sep Colonial Regulations: C hief Secretary sends some abstract of 312 8381 1902 Aug1903 Feb Mahlul o f Hussein Ismail Kahya of Elie: Com m issioner Nicosia reports of 313 8382 1902 Aug Omodos Church Committee: Forest claim 316 8383 1902 Aug Leave to Printing Departm ent 318 8384 1902 FebNov Christos Hji Toghli, Haralambo Angeli Tsiko and Chrissi Angeli Tsiko: Claim land in Forest (Com m issioner Kyrenia) 319 8385 1902 AugNov Yannaki Kyriaco of Karava: Com plaint of high assessm ent of Verghi 320 8386 1902 AugSep Paym ent orders: To make in the name of Com m issioner Nicosia in cases of Travelling claims and Petty cash 321 8387 1902 AugOct Building books of Larnaca Land Registry Office 322 8388 1902 Aug Estimates for 1903-1904 323 8389 1 9 0 2 AugSep Archm andriti and Merra o f Avgassida Monastery 324 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4 LRS1 Former Reference 1902 8390 1902 SepOct Anastassis Michail of Xilotimbo: Objection to registration of some land in name of Mr J. Vonditsiano 325 8391 1902 Sep Departmental Vote: Registrar General asks for statem ent of expenditure to 31 August 1902 327 8392 1902 Sep Sale by auction of a shop at Famagusta: Chief Clerk Famagusta asks if it is required by Governm ent 329 8393 1902 AprSep J. S. Levendian: Re-em ploym ent 330 8394 1902 Oct Hassan Dai Ouzou AN o f Pyrga: Distribution of his Verghi 331 8395 1902 Sep Drymou Church: Sale of the house of 332 8396 1902 OctDec Hji Kyriaco Michail of Khirokitia prays that two pieces of the property be returned to him instead o f the surplus from the sale 333 8397 1902 Sep Hali land at Vavatsinia: C om m issioner Larnaca reports of 334 8398 1902 SepDee Hali land at Ayia Erini: Kiamil Jihan asks to buy one piece o f 10 donum s 335 8399 1902 Sep1903 Jan PapaYianni PapaNicola of . Rizocarpasso: Requests to point out to him the boundaries o f his certain land 336 8400 1902 Sep Hali land at Lefkonico, cultivated by Yannaco Hji Vassili: Sale at auction suggested 337 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 Former Reference 1902 8401 1902 A pr Land near Kalohorio bridge of Hji Constant! Papa Yorghi: D epartm ent of Public works asks for a local enquiry to be made 338 8402 1902 Sep Query by auditor on June return for delay 339 8403 1902 SepOct Yannaco Papapetro, Petition writer: Com plaint against Mr A. Carletti 340 8404 1902 Aug Kypri Hji Christofi and Christo Kypri: Sale between relations (Kyrenia District) 341 8405 1902 Sep Yannaco Papapetro: Ibrahim Hassan of Xerovouno com plains against him 342 8406 1902 SepOct Petition writers Morphou: Extension of their permits 344 8407 1902 SepOct Nicola Haralambo, Petition writer: Andreas Kyriaco of Shilloura com plains against him 345 8408 1902 Sep1903 Jan Beach at Limassol: Enlargem ent of 346 8409 1902 Sep1903 Jun Ayi Nicola M onastery properties at Kakopetria: Damaged by Evrykhou Troodos road 347 8410 1902 SepOct Plan fees: Collection o f and paym ent o f percentage during Septem ber quarter 348 8411 1889 Dec1902 Nov Survey o f Pitzivi land at Messaoria 350 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 Former Reference 1902 8412 1901 Apr1902 Dec Arghiros Anastassi the M ukhtar of Paleohori Morphou asks for rem m uneration for rendering assistant to V. Clerk 351 8413 1902 Oct Hji Yanco Solom onides prays for promotion o f his son Socratis 353 8414 1902 Oct Succession o f Eleassi Hji M enico of Tricomo: Registration o f their properties under Civil Procedure A m endm ent Law 354 8415 1902 Oct Succession of Hassan Effendi of Larnaca: Claim certain fees on account o f their father beeing Tapou Clerk 355 8416 1902 Oct Succession o f Mustafa Shevki: Sale of their properties 356 8417 1902 Oct Ismail Ahmed Onbashi and others of Konedra (Knodhara): Issue of Kotchan for certain properties etc 357 8418 1902 Oct1905 A pr Strakka Chiftlik and Yulchin Hanum Mulla Zade Hussein Effendi: Transm its note Verbal 358 8419 1902 Oct Inhabitants of Linou pray for redistribution o f their Verghi 359 8420 1902 Oct1903 Feb Forms etc in use in the London Land Registry Office 362 8421 1902 Sep Irrigation works: Allaged interference o f Land Registry Office Famagusta with desposition of Land within Vatili Swamp 363 8422 1902 OctDec Costi Efrossini: Sinking well near the V akf w ater of Lakatamia 364 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usect LRS1 Former Reference 1902 8423 1902 Oct Zuhdi Effendi asks for kotchan of his two shops at Famagusta 365 8424 1902 OctNov Succession of Petri Hji Nicola o f Ano Lefkara: Division o f their properties 366 8425 1902 Oct Mr L. Lucaides asks for appointm ent as inspector in Land Registry D epartm ent 367 8426 1902 Oct Hali land at Topji Koy: Cleared by Kassab Mehmed Osman 368 8427 1902 SepOct False declaration at Paphos by Sofocli Vassili and Kypriano Michail 369 8428 1902 AugOct George Houry: Charges against forwards (Com m issioner Famagusta) 370 8429 1902 Oct Irrigation and Survey of Engomi State Land 371 8430 1902 Oct Pepi Yorghi Youssif and others of Assom atos: House dispute (Com m issioner Kyrenia) 372 8431 1883 Jun1903 Apr Katerina Zahardaki: Claim to the proceeds o f sale of certain house at Nicosia sold by Governm ent 373 8432 1902 Oct Nicola Hji Antoni: Com plaint against Hji Athanassi, Petition w riter 374 8433 1902 O ct1903 Mar Sale by auction: The Sheriff to pay to theJudgm ent Creditor the proceeds of sale out of the deposits before the final account sent to him 375 8434 1902 Oct1903 Nov Village certificates form o f to be under in transaction of Land Registry business 376 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 I Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 Former Reference 1902 8435 1902 Sep1903 Jun Mahlul of Hji Kelesh o f Episcopi: Petition of Yussuf Sadoullah that they are undervalued (some concealed) are grant to heirs to mulk 377 8436 1902 OctNov Defter Hakani fees: Registrar General asks for an estim ate of Collection likely to receive during five m onths ending 31 March 1902 378 8437 1902 Oct Petition writers: Nicosia Land Registry Office. Irregularities of 379 8438 1902 SepDee Limassol Land Registry Office: Inspection by Registrar General 9 - 1 2 Septem ber 1902 380 8439 1885 Jul1928 Oct J. Vondiziano asks for two pieces of Land near Forest 381 8440 1902 Oct Thodori Sava and others o f Klepini: Valuation of property 382 8441 1902 Oct Valuation o f Inshaat by Public work Departm ent 383 8442 1902 OctDec Tatilat returns: C hief Clerk Famagusta suggests - Form for general use to be printed 384 8443 1902 Oct M. Kiani Effendi (English class at Paphos) wishes to learn English as he hears a teacher is going to be appointed at Paphos 385 8444 1902 Oct1926 A pr Assessm ent of “Oil Mills” for Verghi Kimat and Irad 386 8445 1902 Sep1903 Mar Paphos Land Registry Office: Inspection by Registrar General 27 Septem ber 1902 and following days 387 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usect LRS1 Former Reference 1902 8446 1902 Oct1903 May Com m issioner Paphos: Registration of w ater at Prodromi 388 8447 1902 Oct Christodoulo Kyriaco com plains against Lambriano Papadopoullo Petition w riter 389 8448 1902 Oct Miltiadis Yorghi of Athienou: Com plaint of wrong collection of Verghi from his wife Elengou 390 8449 1902 Oct1903 Mar Leave: Granted during Decem ber Quarter 1902 391 8450 1902 Oct1903 Jan Road of Karavostassi to Pyrgo: Abatm ent of Verghi 392 8451 1902 OctDec Life Interests - Fees and Verghi assessm ent on Registration o f (see Limassol Return No.20) 393 8452 1902 OctDec M. Saib: Return to Nicosia 394 8453 1902 Oct Katib - Zade Ahmed Hussein asks for permission to attend the Land Registry Office as petition w riter like others 395 8454 1902 Oct Bamboula Marsh: Means of keeping it cleans proposed road across starting in front of Latin convent 396 8455 1902 OctNov Giusepp Borg and Maritsa borg of Alexandria: Purchase of property from each other 397 8456 1902 OctNov Inhabitants of Vavatsinia: Distruction o f their properties by flood 398 8457 1902 Oct Burdett’s stock exchange Official Intelligence: Notes for 1903 issue 399 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 I"ormer Reference 1902 8458 1902 JunNov Inhabitants of Peristerona Piyi (Peristeronopiyi: Protest against appointm ent of Sadik Hassan as Mukhtar 400 8459 1902 Nov1904 Jul Mr P. Constantinides, Limassol: Question of dividing a plot of land into two by Construction of road 401 8460 1922 May1946 Nov Travelling claims and affixing stamp in case when the am ount claimed is £1 or over even though the am ount claimed for subsistance is under £1 405 8461 1897 Dec1956 Apr Athalassa Chiftlik (Special file No.74) Issue of kotchan for a house: Purchase of chiftlik by Governm ent 407 8462 1902 Nov1903 Mar Messaoria Irrigation Works: Lands affected by W ater Rights affected by and State Lands Delimitation 408 8463 1902 Nov1903 Mar Dimitri Gazoulis Petition w riter asks permission for practicing at Morphou 409 8464 1902 OctDec Nicosia Land Registry Office: Irregular tam pering with registrations 410 8465 1902 OctNov M ukhtar of Philia Antoni Hji Costanti asks for appointm ent as auctioneer in his village Massary and Kira 412 8466 1902 Nov Civil Procedure A m endm ent Law applications: Instructions for Nicosia Office 413 8467 1902 Nov Nicosia Land Registry Office ask closing o f Office to the Public in the afternoon 414 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 I"ormer Reference 1902 8468 1901 May1914 Apr Building on Arazi Mirie and Arazi Mevkufe 415 8469 1902 Nov1942 Sep Posting Fees: Suggestions of Treasury clerk for accounting for deposits as and paym ent o f auctioneers 416 8470 1902 FebNov Blue Book for 1901-1902: C hief Secretary sends one copy of 417 8471 1902 NovDee Registrar Generals Deposits account: To be transferred from C om m issioner Nicosia to Imperial Ottoman Bank on 1 Decem ber 1902 418 8472 1902 Nov1903 Jan Famagusta Land Registry Office: Inspection by Registrar General 4 to 6 Novem ber 1902 419 8473 1902 NovDee False Statem ent at Paphos Land Registry Office by Evanthia Kyriacou 420 8474 1902 Nov Land near central Prison offerred for sale by Efrossini Apostoli 421 8475 1902 FebNov Registration of w ater at Larnaca tis Lapithou 422 8476 1899 Sep1902 Nov Land belonging to Mr Heideustam adjoining the gardens: Purchase of 423 8477 1902 Dec Antoni Sardon: Building by Public W orks Departm ent on his land 424 8478 1902 Nov Petition Writers: Non delivery by them of kotchans etc for their clients 425 8479 1902 Dec Kyriaco Yorghalli of Dicomo: Registration o f property in his name 426 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4·’ LRS1 I'ormer Reference 1902 under the Civil Procedure A m endm ent Law o 8480 1902 Jan1903 Mar Evangeli Yanni of Clepini: Production of frondulent kotchan 427 8481 1902 Nov1903 Mar P. Markides: Extra clerical Assistance Limassol Land Registry Office - Transfer to Agricultural Department 428 8482 1902 Apr1916 Sep Requisition from Cyprus to Crown Agents: C hief Secretary forwards Rules and forms for 429 8483 1902 Nov Rules of sale: Addition to No.3 430 8484 1902 OctDec Nicosia Land Registry Office: Practice o f in regard to list and other applications counter work etc 431 8485 1902 NovDee Sale by auction by the mudirs: Delay in felling in the date of sale and returning the auction bills 432 8486 1902 Nov Registration o f w ater at Kyrenia in the name of Costanti Hji Yorghaki 433 8487 1902 NovDee Larnaca Land Registry Office: Inspector by Registrar General 20 to 22 Novem ber 1902 434 8488 1901 Dec1904 May New Verghi Khulassas of Nicosia 435 8489 1902 Oct1903 Mar Office hours during Ramazan 436 8490 1902 Dec Examination in English Limassol Staff: Asking from which book the exam inations will be held 437 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usect LRS1 ]7ormer Reference 1902 8491 1902 Dec J. C. Gaffiero: Exam inations in survey 438 8492 1902 Dec Protopapa Neophito of Petra: Stay sale of his properties for debt pays for 439 8493 1902 Dec1907 Apr G. P. Christofides declares Theodulo Chalanaki is attached to his office 441 8494 1902 Dec1903 Jul Schedules of Forced sales submitted to Registrar General under Rule of sale 3(2) Gazette 746 of 21.11.1992. One paper for all from all Districts enter below each schedule received and dealt with 442 8495 1902 Dec Form to be served on defaulting purchaser: Com m issioner Limassol suggests printing of 443 8496 1902 Dec1905 A pr M essenger Ali Mustafa: Change of to non Mohamedan or appointm ent another 444 8497 1903 Dec1905 May Delimited State Forest grant of to sec. o f Kitium to be attached to M esapotam os Monastery 445 8498 1902 Dec1904 Dec Limassol Land Registry Office: Com plaint by Mr Lanites about certain memo 447 8499 1902 Dec Hji Haralambi Nicola and Panayotou Costanti o f Kouklia: Sale of their land . in Kouklia reservoir 448 8500 1902 Dec1903 Mar Hassan Iffet begs for paid post 449 8501 1902 Dec Sale by auction: Question connected with sec.VIII of the new instructions 450 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usect LRS1 Former Reference 1902 8502 1902 Dec Hali land at Ay. Ilia: Sale of 451 8503 1902 Dec Burial Ground o f Yolou: Cancellation of notice and registration of one site selected and another substituted 452 8504 1902 Dec Irrigation work o f Messaria Vatili Reservoir: Land included in the area of 453 8505 1902 Dec W rits and Kykko monks: Pressure to recover the sums due to them by means o f writs 454 8506 1902 Dec Petition writers: Application for permits at Nicosia Office 455 8507 1902 Nov1903 May English classes - Term 1902-1903 456 8508 1902 Nov1903 Apr G. Papadopullo: M ortgage at Kyrenia 457 8509 1902 Dec M ortgage of Christodulo Severy: Cancellation w ithout production o f it (Com m issioner Kyrenia) 488 8510 1902 Dec Inhabitants of Neohorio: Request that trespassers of their lands in boundaries of other villages be compelled to go to their village for trial. (Com m issioner Nicosia) 489 8511 1902 Dec1903 Jan Civil list for the Island: Compilation by mr Richards 490 8512 1902 NovDee Margherita Carletti: Sale of her house at Kyrenia 491 8513 1902 Dec Yanni Irakli: About the properties of Yanni Grighory of Paliom etoho 492 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usect LRS1 Former Reference 1902 8514 1902 Dec O. Mouzala: The Governm ent is unable to offer him the post he desired 493 8515 1902 Nov1903 Jan Form N.84 and 84A: C om m issioner Limassol asks for printing of 494 8516 1902 Dec1903 Jul Deposit accounts: Com m issioner Famagusta suggests form for 495 8517 1902 Nov1903 Jan Eleni C. Papadopullou: Stay sale of her property, begs for 496 8518 1902 Dec1903 Jan Verghi Irad and assessm ent of Tadilat: Com m issioner Kyrenia asks question concerning to 497 8519 1902 Dec1903 Oct Confiscation o f land belonging to Michail Com odrom o 498 8520 1902 Dec1903 Jan Mr M. P. Efthymiades asks if any property is registered in the name of the late J. H. Hutchinson 499 8521 1902 Jan1903 Jul Evangeli Michail of Korno: Registration of water 500 8522 1902 NovDee Civil Procedure A m endm ent Law: A. R. G. rains points concerning to 501 8523 1902 NovDee Irrigation work: Sale o f land of Mashera Monastery 502 8524 1902 Dec1903 Apr Colossi Chiftlik: Mr Jam es Gooding survey by Salim Effendi 503 8525 1901 Dec Haralambo Diamandous of Galada: Cut down trees outside his kotchan at Kakopetria 504 LRS1 LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description This margin not to be usect Former Reference 1902 8526 1902 Dec Eleni S. Carlettides: Stay sale o f her property 506 8527 1902 Dec1929 Nov Hali land at Sym boulou cleared by Mr Aristidi M. Loizo of Limassol 507 8528 1902 Dec Hali land at Paramali: Cleared by Constant! and Vrioni Hji Michail of Kilani 508 8529 1902 Dec1903 Jan Civil Procedure A m entm ent Law applications: To be noted in Memo Register N.109 509 8530 1903 Jan Stavros Stavrinides: Refund o f Askirie taxes paid by him, prays for 510 8531 1903 JanSep Petition writers: Licensed in 1903 all Districts 511 1903 8532 1903 Jan1919 Jan Delimitation with Boundary stones of Hali and Governm ent lands in and around Famagusta to Esme Hanum ’s claim C hief Secretary 2416/906 1 8533 1901 Oct1903 Jan Land Registry Office Famagusta: Seal and signature of the certifying office refund of 2 8534 1903 Jan Progress report Decem ber of Nicosia, Limassol and Famagusta 4 8535 1903 Jan Hali Land within Acheritou recervoir 5 8536 1902 Dec1903 Jan Plan fees in Decem ber Quarter 1902 6 LRS1 LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description This margin not to be use4· Former Reference 1903 8537 1902 Dec1903 Jan Christoforos Georgiades Petition writer: M esbehavier o f him self 7 8538 1903 JanMar Toghli Philipou of Dala Convict: Sale of his immovable properties 8 8539 1903 Jan English Editor of Cyprus Journal: Publication, of 9 8540 1902 Dec1903 Jul Leave Granted during M arch’s Quarter 1903 10 8541 1903 Jan Inhabitants of Pedula pray for redistribution of their Verghi 11 8542 1903 Jan Hji Papa Yorghi Hji Zovani of Athna (Akhna): Exchange of land in, re ce rvo irfo r piece outside at Prastio mandres 12 8543 1903 Jan Succession of Cosma Hji Marko of Frennaros: To receive the purchase money of their land sold to Governm ent 13 8544 1903 Jan Chief Secretary Famagusta: Registration of W ater at Platani 14 8545 1903 Jan1904 Jan Sick o f the Staff during 1903-1904 15 8546 1903 Jan Hali land at Lefkara: Cleared by Koumi Ilia Theklou 16 8547 1903 Jan Pavlo Th. Charalam bou: Stay sale of his land for Debt 17 8548 1902 Dec1903 Jan Kyrenia Land Registry Office: Progress report Decem ber 1902 and state o f work of the Office on 31 Decem ber 18 LRS1 LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description This margin not to be usect Former Reference 1903 8549 1903 Jan Michalaki Hji Gavril: Com plication for perm anent em ploym ent 19 8550 1903 Jan1904 Feb Land Registry Department: Exam inations for Promotion: Regulations Gazette 713, 8 Novem ber o f 1901 20 8551 1903 Dec1904 Jan Hariclou Yanni of Nikita: To stay sale of property o f her deceased daughter Maritsa Arghirou for debt 21 8552 1903 Jan Cyprus map: Statem ent of the map published by Governm ent 22 8553 1900 Jan1903 Aug Inhabitants of Iko and Kalopanayotis: Redistribution of their Verghi beg for 23 8554 1903 Jan Christinou Michail o f Mazodo: Registration o f property in her name for debt 24 8555 1903 Jan Ahined Hussein of Ay. Sozomeno: Complains of cultivation by Christodoulo Yorghi over the Village w ater wells 25 8556 1901 Feb1903 Jan Hussein AN Dai of Dali: Cancellation of his kotchan for a ruined room 26 8557 1902 Dec1903 Jan Purchase o f land between G overnm ent House plantation and village of Ayious Om oloyitades 27 8558 1903 Jan1908 Jun Mr HajiGabril: Pay for July, A ugust and October 28 The Abbot of Machera M onastery asks for loan of 150 to improve the w ater supply at Lythrodonda 29 8559 LRS1 LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description This margin not to be use4 Former Reference 1903 8560 1903 Jan1909 Dec Mahlul o f Zinji Abdullah Abdullah of Akacha (Akaki): M uhzir Mehmed Mevlana informs thereof 30 8561 1903 Jan Laws etc: Supply of to clerks on repayment 31 8562 1902 Dec1903 Jan Local Enquiries - State of work in the several Districts 32 8563 1903 Jan Mustafa Jam jioz Ahmed of Peristerona pays to stay sale of his property 33 8564 1892 Jul1903 Jan C. M. Giorgiades: Remmission of Kotchan fees to m inor orphans of Talib 34 8565 1903 Feb Petition writers: Translation of docum ents by 35 8566 1903 Jan Inhabitants o f Paliomedocho: Redistribution of their Verghi, pray for 36 8567 1903 Jan M oham m adams Inheritance Canoncal Law: M. Fakhri asks for subm ission of a copy of to His Excellency 37 8568 1903 JanNov George L. Paissiou Kyraji of Local Enquire Clerk Nazim Effendi asks for perm anent em ploym ent 38 8569 1903 Jan Map of Cyprus: Mr N. Vitalis asks for one 39 8570 1903 Jan1932 Jul Fauntain at Eylanja: Im provem ents to and of w ater supply 40 8571 1902 Nov1903 Jan Refunds: Com m issioner Nicosia asks to w hat account to be charged 41 LRS1 LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description Former Reference 1903 8572 1903 JanFeb Land Registry Department: Favorable notice by High Com m issioner and Secretary State on Exertions of staff to make the Departm ent efficient 42 8573 1903 JanFeb Refund of Land Registry Fee: To Hji Hafiz Ali Effendi 43 8574 1903 Feb Cyprus map: To Issue one set of mounted and folded to Director of Public works 44 8575 1903 FebMar Encroachm ent on Governm ent land by Mr M ughabghab: Reports of (C hief Clerk Famagusta) 45 8576 1903 JanFeb Land at Platres: A. Z. Pierides asks to buy a piece or lease 46 8577 1903 Feb Hali land at Ayios Therapon: Panayi Hji Michail Chichi applies for permission to cultivate 47 8578 1903 Jan1916 Sep Alexandras Kelvelides: Execution of the will of 48 8579 1902 Dec1903 Feb Auctioneers: Advocates o f Nicosia request that the mukhtars or persons appointed specially may be em ployed and not the mudirs 49 8580 1903 Feb Index to C hief Secretary’s Circulars for 1902: A copy thereof forwarded 50 8581 1903 Feb Convict Lefteri HjiKyriaco claims for return of fees paid in respect of registrations concelled 51 LRS1 LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description This margin not to be use4- Former Reference 1903 8582 1903 Feb Coal: To be weighed by the Municipal W eigher when received 52 8583 1903 Feb Mahlul of Kaloyiro Hji Michail of Prastio: C hief Clerk Famagusta reports of 54 8584 1903 JanFeb Land Registry Officers: Attendance in court as witnesses 56 8585 1903 Feb W rits executed: Return from the Sheriff 57 8586 1903 Feb1937 Mar School buildings of: How it is to be registered and if Verghi is to be assesed for asked 59 8587 1903 Feb E. Houry: Travelling claim of 60 8588 1903 FebMay Mill at Miliou of Seid Mehmed Agha Vakf: Writing off Verghi Irad 61 8589 1903 Feb Mortgages: Revision of Law respecting 62 8590 1903 Feb1904 May Requisition for forms and books for the year 1903-1904 63 8591 1903 FebMar Petition writers atending Nicosia Land Registry Office: Com plaint that advocates’ clerks are transacting business as Petition writers 64 8592 1903 Feb Com plaint o f placing boundary stones on his land at Famagusta 66 8593 1903 Apr1904 Feb Mahlul of Selim Abdullah of Platani Famagusta District: Turkish Delegate o f Evkaf informs thereof 67 LRSt LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description This margin not to be use4- Former Reference 1903 8594 1903 Feb Plantation of Caroub trees at Kridia “Kyra Kali”: Forming of 68 8595 1901 Apr1903 Feb N. lerides: Loan o f £300 asked for or sale of his chiftlik to Governm ent 69 8596 1903 Feb Disposal of M ortgage Contracts after foreclosure 70 8597 1903 Feb Advances to Agriculturists: Facilities to be afforded by Land Registry Office 71 8598 1897 Aug1903 Jun Revision o f Verghi Assessm ent in respect of properties taken up in the construction o f public roads 72 8599 1903 FebJul Civil Procedure Am m endm ent Law on the properties of Yanni Loizo of Peyia 73 8600 1903 Feb Hji Sotiri Hji Yorghi Pourekko of Varoshia prays for stay of sale of his properties 74 8601 1903 Feb Hali land at Platani: Sale of to Ahmed Omer 75 8602 1903 FebMar Yanni Haralambo Kaiserly of Spilia prays for registration in his name on paym ent o f a piece of G overnm ent land and pines 76 8603 1902 Oct1903 Mar Half Salary o f O fficer’s absent on half pay leave: Apportionm ent of 77 8604 1903 Feb1904 Jan Hassan Kako Housssein o f Platani: Registration o f garden in his name 78 LRS1 LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description This margin not to be usetj/ Former Reference 1903 8605 1903 FebJun Hali land at Akanthou: 50 to 100 donum s at Platres: Suggests sale of 79 8606 1903 Feb1931 Feb New Lunatic Asylum: Site for 80 8607 1903 Feb G overnm ent buildings: The Director o f Public W orks forwards 20 copies of the books of 81 8608 1903 Feb Blankets for messengers 82 8609 1903 Feb Municipal Cattle Market: Modified Bye - Law for 83 8610 1903 Feb Leave authorized: To be granted by the Registrar General on 3 March 1903 to attend Te Deum 84 8611 1903 FebMar Audit Queries: Disposal of 85 8612 1903 FebMar Glikerios Loizou of Larnaca: Loan o f £20 86 8613 1903 Mar Hakki Kuchuk Halil of Kyrenia: Certificate of Mortgage and all other docum ents Loss of: Authority to cancell 87 8614 1903 FebMar Xenophon Antoniades: Original kotchan in name of Ayi Yorghi Konto for a building site at Scala - Issue of 88 8615 1903 MarA pr Aresti Thoma of Kyrenia: Kotchan for a house on the road of Lapithos Issue of 89 . LRS1 LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description This margin not to be use4- Former Reference 1903 8616 1903 Mar1904 Apr Mr Chacalli for Severis and Co: Registration o f properties under Civil Procedure A m endm ent Law o f 1896 in the name o f Zografo H. Androniko o f Klepini: Com m issioner Kyrenia applies for 90 8617 1903 Mar Shefki Mehmed Emin of Peristerona: A. Kyriakides asks for registration of wells under Civil Procedure A m endm ent Law in name of 91 8618 1903 FebMar Hassan Hassan: Order prolonging Memo 92 8619 1903 MarJun Hji Constant! Kyprianides, M ukhtar of Erghates begs to be entrusted with the sale of immovable properties in his village 95 8620 1903 MarJun Hassan Mustafa of Yallia prays for stay of sale of his property on account o f debt 96 8621 1892 May1903 Mar Michail Petri of Yeradjes com plains of excessive assessm ent on his Vineyard 97 8622 1903 Mar G. Essayan begs for Local enquire in to the properties descriped on Civil Procedure Am endm ent Law 69/03 98 8623 1903 MarJul Forced Sale: Double rate charged by a Mudir in 99 8624 1903 Mar Tadilat in Kyrenia town 100 8625 1903 FebJun Constant! Michail Hji Nicola of Kilani pray for com pensation for Vineyard etc taken for Kilani - Pera Pedi road 101 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8626 1903 MarJun Theodotos Papa Spyrou of Kato Platres applies for permission to build a house in Pano Platres in the locality “Ay. Nicola” adjacent to the Forest 102 8627 1903 Mar Leave: C hief Secretary - No leave is to be granted by the Head of a Departm ent to an Officer in extension to the leave already granted by the High Com m issioner 103 8628 1903 Mar M. Sadreddin Advocate declares that Hakki Effendi is attended to his O fficer 104 8629 1903 Mar B. G. Am irayan C hief Clerk, Land Registry Office Famagusta: A ppointm ent as a m em ber of the Municipal Com m ission Famagusta 105 8630 1903 Mar Removal o f Houses erected by Dr. Moghabghab, Mr Hadji Petro and others on forshore south of Famagusta and Varosha 106 8631 1903 JanJun Sales under writ: Returns of dates fixed 107 8632 1903 Mar Ali Tevhid Effendi begs for transfer to Efcaf Department 108 8633 1903 MarMay Registrar General: Officers Records 109 8634 1903 May1904 Sep Inhabitants of Clirou: Beg that Serghi may be given them in Greek am endm ent in charge for translation of Serghis and search certificate 110 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4· LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8635 1903 Mar Deposits: To be bought to account as Revenue before the end o f March 111 8636 1886 Jul1938 May Potam ializade Safvet Effendi prays for certification of the copy plans of several chiftliks of Mustafa Sadreddin Pasha 112 8637 1903 Mar Burial ground at Lapithos of Muslims: Com m issioner Kyrenia asks for instructions as to registration of 113 8638 1903 Sep Hali land at Paralimni: Despute of 114 8639 1903 Mar Hali land at Mari: Sale of (Com m issioner Larnaca) 115 8640 1903 Mar1904 Jan Furniture for 1903-1904 116 8641 1903 Mar Morphou Sub-Office 117 8642 1902 Sep1903 Apr Land: Difference in extent between Malie and Tapou 118 8643 1903 Mar Mehmed Jelal asks for appointm ent to the post of M ahkeme clerks Larnaca 119 8644 1903 Mar G. Houry: Exam inations in Turkish 120 8645 1903 MarApr Annezou Dimitri of Ay. Athanassi: Sale of her im movables 121 8646 1903 MarAug Instructions in Surveying 122 8647 1903 MarA pr Styliani Dimitri of Ay. Epiktitos asks for kotchan by inheritance 123 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4 LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8648 1903 MarSep Hji Annou and Vassilou Yorghi and others o f Trimithi ask for kotchan by inheritance 124 8649 1903 Mar1907 Jun Hji Them istokli Hji Stavrinou o f Strovolos: Inclusion of his land in the boundaries of Athalassa Chiftlik - Prays for restoration o f his land 125 8650 1903 Mar Maronite Clerical General: Loan of £250 for im provem ent o f w ater supply of his property at Kormakiti 126 8651 1903 Mar J. D. Nicolas: Application for appointm ent as C hief Clerk 127 8652 1903 Mar Mr George Smith: Appointm ent to act as British Delegate of Evkaf 128 8653 1903 Mar Supreme Court Judgm ent: Mehmed Hji Hassan Dandelen and others V. Mehmed AN Zaim, Costa Papa Yanni and others 129 8654 1903 AprMay Makedonitissa Monastery: Archim adrite Philotheos asks for a plan of properties at Lakatamia and Strovolos 130 8655 1903 MarJun Forced Sales: Cases in which all the land of Judgm ent Debtor has been sold 131 8656 1903 Apr Registration of Certain land at Kormakiti in the name of the heirs of Coumi Hji Michail 132 8657 1903 Mar B. G. Am irayan: Increase of his pay from £180 to 200 133 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4. LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8658 1903 FebMay Eleni Hji Kyriakou etc o f Pano Lefkara: Application as to division of properties 134 8659 1903 MarApr Famagusta town: Total assessed value o f im m ovable properties within walls apart from Evkaf property etc 135 8660 1903 MarApr Plan fees: March Q uarter 1903 136 8661 1903 MarApr Suleyman Ibrahim of Aloda (Aloa): Registration of some properties in his name 137 8662 1903 Mar Depreciation in Value of land in Cyprus Com parison o f prices 1903 and about the date of British Occupation 137A 8663 1903 Mar Planting of sand dunes at Ay. Memnon near Varoshia 139 8664 1903 MarApr Hji Yannaco o f Ktyma and Constant! Christofi of Emba: Division o f land 140 8665 1903 AprJun Archim andrite Philotheos exchange with Papa Christodulo of certain land of Ay. Anastassi M onastery at Peristerona 141 8666 1894 Nov1903 A pr Phani Epam inonda Santi o f Larnaca: Registration by inheritance of house, begged for 142 8667 1903 A pr Memos: Sim ultaneously lodged 143 8668 1903 A pr Progress Reports for March 1903 145 8669 1903 A pr Mr D. Ch. Severis advocate for Hji Loizo Hji Luca: Refund of taxes 146 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8670 1903 A pr Irrigation Work: C hief Clerk Fam agusta claims of Hji Photi Kara Yorghi 147 8671 1903 A pr Hassan Hji Mehmed of Orto: Com m issioner Paphos asks for cancellation and registration of certain properties 149 8672 1903 Apr Com m issioner Kyrenia: Michail Tofalli and others wish to buy Hali land at Ayia Erini 150 8673 1903 MaySep Leave granted during June Quarter 1903 151 8674 1903 Apr Paphos Land Registry Office and Mr Pavlides. Com m issioner Paphos: Delay in the work 152 8675 1903 Apr1904 Jan Zia Shemssi and others owners of Neyzan Chiftlik: Divission of their property 154 8676 1903 Apr Vassilios Papadopoullos o f Nicosia: Sale of house garden etc on the Nicosia Larnaca road: Notice respecting 155 8677 1900 Sep1903 May Succession of Usmiani of Larnaca: Cancellation o f m ortgage deed 156 8678 1903 Apr Hussein Hji Ibrahim of Agherda asks for kotchan of certain land 157 8679 1903 Apr Hji Hussein Salih of Agherda asks for kotchan of certain land 158 8680 1903 Apr Cyprus Map: To issue one to office com m anding Troops 159 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8681 1898 Jun1903 Jul Mortgaged properties and total charged on land: His Excellency’s Minute on C hief Secretary 77/903 160 8682 1902 Oct1903 Jul Outsdanding Deposits 31 March, 1903 161 8683 1903 Apr1904 Nov Cyprus Road Work: D epartm ent of Public W orks sends a copy of 162 8684 1903 AprOct Requisition for forms and books of: Larnaca Land Registry Office during the year 1903-1904 163 8685 1903 Jul1904 Mar Ditto: Limassol Land Registry Office during 1903-1904 164 8686 1903 Jul1904 Mar Ditto: Famagusta Land Registry Office during 1903-1904 165 8687 1903 Oct Ditto: Papho Land Registry Office during 1903-1904 166 8688 1903 Apr1904 Mar Ditto: Kyrenia Land Registry Office during the year 1903-1904 167 8689 1903 MayJun Blue Book Return for 1902-1903 168 8690 1903 A pr Miltiadi Hji Kypriano o f Ktyma requests that Serghi Theodossi may prevented from cultivating his land 169 8691 1903 AprMay Mr H. R. Dray: leave of 170 8692 1903 MayNov Registrar General: Verghi Distribution and Tapou adjustm ent Larnaca District 1903-1904 171 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8693 1903 Apr Deposit o f 3s. 4 1/2 cp. Outstanding 172 8694 1903 AprJun New Land Registry Office: Fireproof room for records at new konak 173 8695 1903 Apr Salih Nami Ibrahim asks for copy of the final account in the sale o f Toghli Hji Yannis properties 174 8696 1903 Apr1904 Feb Coal for the year 1903-1904 175 8697 1904 Apr 176 W an tin g 8698 1903 A pr Application from Mr Μ. E. Economides fo r promotion 177 8699 1903 MayAug Xenophon Hji Antoni of Prastion: Irrigation W orks - Kouklia 179 8700 1903 AprMay Succession of Constant! Hji Larco of Lissi: Sale o f their land to Governm ent 180 8701 1903 AprMay Jelaleddin AN Effendi and Mr G. H. Grighory: Increase of their salaries 181 8702 1903 May Local Enquiry Work: Com m issioner Limassol reports on the state of 182 8703 1903 Apr Styliani Hji Yanni: Sale o f her share in certain land at Phrenaros 183 8704 1903 Apr Halil Hamdi Ex Land Registry Clerk asks for permission to be petition w riter 184 8705 1903 AprAug Jelaleddin AN Effendi: Leave of 185 . LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usett LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8706 1903 Apr Hali land at Ayia Erini: Cleared by Kypri Michail 187 8707 1903 Apr Mr G. A. Danglas: Registrar General asks for authority for his salary 188 8708 1886 Mar1906 Jan St. Lazaros Marsh at Larnaca: Purchase of land New North Road 189 8709 1903 A pr M ukhtar of Flasso asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 190 8710 1903 Apr Famagusta acquisition o f land for construction of roads and laying out o f new Town 191 8711 1903 AprMay Kyrenia Land Registry Office: Inspection by Registrar General 26 and 27 April 1903 192 8712 1903 May1904 Jul M ukhtar of Athienou: Application for appointm ent as auctioneer 193 8713 1903 May1904 Mar Iki dere chiftlik and Mustafa Assaf: Loan of £500 194 8714 1903 May1904 Mar Lodgm ent of fees direct with Com m issioner or in Local Treasury on account of Land Registry Office from 1 April 1903 to 31 March 1904 195 8715 1903 May1906 Feb Sava Nicola of Kalopanayoti: Requests permission to fell pine trees in his land 196 8716 1903 Jun1905 Apr Enquiry Fund - Review of and question o f increasing rates 197 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8717 1903 May M outoulla Village: Application for distribution of Verghi 199 8718 1903 May Grighory Hji Grighory: Application for the post of Police clerk and Interpreter Nicosia 203 8719 1903 May Hali land at M elounda broken by Halil Osman, Ibrahim Chavoush Halil, Houssein and Hassan Mehmed and Ahmed Hassan 204 8720 1903 May Grighory and Michael Loizo of Heptagomi (Eptakomi): Building on Arazi Mirie 205 8721 1903 Sep1906 Feb W ater Registration of Ayios Andronicos and Rizocarpasso 206 8722 1903 Jun M ukhtar of Psem olophou Yorghi Hji Christodoulou asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 207 8723 1903 MayJun M ukhtar of Voni Hji Petro Hji Nicola asks for appointm ent as auctioneer in Village 208 8724 1903 AprMay Mirianthis for Michail Hji Yanni of Kythrea: Cancellation of certain registration 209 8725 1903 MayJul Phanerom eni Church shops Orda Oda Baghche). Application for registration o f shops and site as Idjaretein with grant of extension of inheritance in names of certain persons as Trustees of the church 210 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8726 1903 May M ukhtar o f Ayia Varvara Yorghi Hji Yorghi Tingiry asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 211 8727 1903 MayDee English Examination in July: Inspector of Schools asks for services o f Hassan Tahsim Effendi 212 8728 1903 May1907 Feb Toghli Yanni o f Vouni Convict prays for stay of sale o f the properties till he released 213 8729 1903 May Lefka: Marathassa water 214 8730 1903 MayAug Ahmed Remzi: Leave of 215 8731 1903 Jun Lists of auctioneer Mukhtars and other Mukhtars for 1903-1904 216 8732 1903 May Yanni Th. Patsalides com plains that he did not receive answer to his application for cultivation of certain Hali Land situated at Prodromo, Limassol District 217 8733 1903 MayJun Ibrahim Fevzi asks for pensioned post 218 8734 1880 Mar1903 Jun Municipal Market Place: Nicosia Land therefore acquired from the Aziz Effendi V akf 219 8735 1903 May Leave: To apply for, if any one require, before A ugust on account o f influx of work 220 8736 1903 May Police of Limassol accom odation of: To interview with Behaeddin Effendi 221 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRSl Former Reference 1903 8737 1903 Jun M ukhtar o f Ayious Trim ithias Panayi Hji Haralambos asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 222 8738 1903 Jun M ukhtar of Kato Zodia Haralam bos Hji Ctori asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 223 8739 1903 May Yanni E. Pissarides M ukhtar of Bedoula asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 224 8740 1900 Nov1903 Jul Ibrahim Hussein Ebe o f Kokkina Omission of Land Registry Office to include in his kotchan the w ords Mersinia 225 8741 1903 Jul P. Constantiniides on behalf of Arm enian Church Nicosia: Sale by auction by G overnm ent as Hali land o f a piece at Deftera. C hief Secretary asks for remmission to bring actions against the Governm ent 226 8742 1903 MayJun Hassan Tahsim: States that the hours for attending at the Idadi School and teaching Greek were changed and asks for instructions as to his attendance at the Officer 227 8743 1903 MayAug Louka Sava, M ukhtar of Enkomi asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 228 8744 1903 May1904 Feb Am abassador of Constantinople: Estate of Hama Oglou Mustafa Bin Hussein of Psilatos: Request o f his son Ahmed that his interests may be safeguarded 229 8745 1903 Jun Nicola Hji Koumi M ukhtar of Mia Milia asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 230 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be useft LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8746 1903 May Cyprus Handbook for 1903: C hief Secretary forwards six copies of 231 8747 1903 May Statute Law o f Cyprus 1878 to 1902 Index to prepared by Sir Joseph T. Hutchinson, C hief Justice: C hief Secretary forwards 14 copies of 232 8748 1903 Mar1904 Nov Irrigation: Report on lands drained in the Messaoria 233 8749 1903 May Cherkez Chiftlik: Question in Legislative Council by Hji Ahmed Dervish Pasha as to 234 8750 1903 May Yorghi Nicolaides, M ukhtar of Pallouriotissa asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 235 8751 1903 May Auctioneers security bond and Rules o f sale 1901: Supply of 500 copies of each form 236 8752 1903 May Charges against Sch. 10. Estimates Land Registration in the District Offices to be sent to Registrar General 237 8753 1897 Aug1903 ??? “Halki” w ater Prodromos: Agreem ent between Kaminaria, Tris Elies and Prodromos 1897. (Copied from Original in lands of the Bishop of Kitium) 238 8754 1903 May1904 Dec Requisition for forms Annual: To be furnished in time to reach Chief Secretary Office by the 1 January each year 239 8755 1903 JunJul M. Kiani Local Enquiry Clerk: Neglect of duty (Com m issioner Paphos) 240 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8756 1903 May Mehmed Mustafa o f Platanisso Karpass: Rehearing of his case with Hji Gregory of Leonarisso for debt and stay of sale of his property 241 8757 1903 JunSep Purchase for Irrigation Departm ent o f house and land of Messrs Christian and W illiam son at Acheritou 242 8758 1903 May G. Yoannides and M. Chacalli: Alteration to the date of sale o f the properties at auction under J. 129/903 244 8759 1903 MayJul Student Clerks 245 8760 1903 May1904 Feb Survey Examinations 1903. (Registrar General) 246 8761 1903 MaySep Mr H. R. Dray: Resignation o f Office 247 8762 1903 JunJul Legislative Council: Local Enquiry charges - com plaint by Messrs Kyriakides and Sozos o f excessive rate levied at Limassol 248 8763 1903 Jun G. E. Turner: To frank letters sent through the Post Office 249 8764 1903 JunAug Ali and Tourm oush Mehmed Ali of Trabeza (Trapeza) asks for kotchans by inheritance 250 8765 1903 Jun1904 Mar Lands taken for Acheritou Reservoir: Com plaint to Legislative Council by Yassoum is Adam ou and others that their lands have been occupied and no com pensation paid 251 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSl Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 I7ormer Reference 1903 8766 1903 Jun Michail Santi: Claim to the land taken by the Styllos Irrigation Channel 252A 8767 1903 Jun Ahmed Pertev Land Registry Office Limassol applies for promotion 254 8768 1901 Jan1903 Jun Petros Sava of Strovolos asks for authority to build outside Nicosia Ayios Antonios side 255 8769 1903 Jul1904 Aug Site for proposed English church at Varosha 256 8770 1903 Jun Panaretos Haralambides: Loan of £300 for im provem ent o f w ater o f the M onastery o f Ayios Panteleimon 257 8771 1903 Jun Survey Instruments - List of: Required for the use o f the Famagusta Land Registry Office 258 8772 1903 Jun Land Registry Office accounts, Limassol: Query by Auditor on 259 8773 1903 JunJul Yorghi Hji Michail Chacalli, M ukhtar o f Tymbou, asks for appointm ent as auctioner 260 8774 1903 Jun Nic. D. Them istokli asks for registration of a threshing floor in his debtors name under Civil Procedure A m endm ent Law 1896 261 8775 1903 Jun Sava Haralambos: Purchase of several pieces of Arazi and Mulk properties for Severi and Zachariades by Com m issioner Kyrenia asks for instructions as to the way o f issuing kotchans to the purchase 262 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8776 1903 Jun Hji Dimitri Panayi o f Rizokarpaso: Stay of sale o f his property for debt prays for 263 8777 1903 JunJul Hafiz Ali, Muderris (teacher) of Paphos: Transfer o f the watermill registered in the name o f Yusuf Ali of Ayia Varvara to that o f Paphos M edresse according to Sheri llam asked for 264 8778 1903 JunDec Purchase of Graim stores Paphos town L. Georghiades 265 8779 1903 Jun1904 Jul Michail Hji Antoni Papa of Vouni V. Simeo Hji Sava and Constantino Hji Sava: Notes in an auction between 266 8780 1903 Jun1904 Jan Antoni Liassides (Late Public W orks Departm ent forem an): Purchase of Land as assistance to w iddow and Children and leasing of same 267 8781 1903 Jun Hassan Mustafa and others of Melounda apply for registration of a piece of Hali Land 268 8782 1903 Jun G. Yoannides for judgm ent creditor applies for registration in his debtors name of a w ater right and trees under Civil Procedure Am endm ent Law 269 8783 1903 JunJul Applications for Loans: Chief Clerk Famagusta suggests form of 270 8784 1903 Jun Michail Theodoulou, M ukhtar of Perahorio asks for appointm ent as auctioner 271 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 ]"ormer Reference 1903 8785 1903 Jun Arazi Mirie property not registered in owner’s name: Instructions as to w hether the heir should be changed inheritance fees o f 5% on 272 8786 1903 JunJul D. J. Demitriades asks for the half pay of Mr Ph. Markides office and transfer to Paphos Land Registry Office 273 8787 1903 Jun1909 Jul Lefka: Assistance for transaction of Land Registry business there (Registrar General) 274 8788 1903 Jun1904 Jan Maroullou Markou o f Nicosia: Claim to a piece of land near the Tripioti new Opening 275 8789 1903 Jun Haralambos Yacoubi o f K. Lefkara: False declaration by 276 8790 1903 Jun S taff for collection of arrears o f Taxes: Revenue Prosecutios etc 277 8791 1903 Jun Cyprus Gazette: C om m issioner Kyrenia asks for English copies for the use of the Land Registry Office o f No.722, 728, 736, 738, 739, 741 and 753 278 8792 1902 Nov1904 May Sale of properties of Yanco Hji Sava of Arsos 279 8793 1903 Jun1904 Apr Tadilat 1903-1904 280 8794 1903 Jun Chrysanthos Hji Michail M ukhtar o f Peristerona asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 281 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usecL LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8795 1903 JunAug Exam inations in English, Turkish and Greek 282 8796 1903 Jun Audit observations: Nicosia Office 283 8797 1903 JunSep Philippo Petro Kougi M ukhtar o f Dali, asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 284 8798 1903 JunJul Alexandras, Christofi, Orthodoxos, Loukas and Kakoullou Liassides of Varosha pray for stay o f sale of their property for debt 285 8799 1903 Jun1919 Sep Signature Stamp for signing papers: His Excellency directs that no Officer shall use one w ithout the previous permission o f Governm ent 286 8800 1903 Jul1904 Jun Cherkez Ahmed Abdullah and ten others apply for the am ount falling to their share from produce of the cherkez chiftlik 287 8801 1903 Jun M. Fahri Bey: To act as exam ine in English, Greek and M athem atics during the Examinations which will be held on the 4 July and subsequent days 288 8802 1903 JunJul Plans: Com m issioner Paphos submits application from Zihni Effendi and asks for authority to adapt the system followed in other Districts with regard to preparation of 289 8803 1903 JunOct J. I. Levendian asks for assistance to enable him to go to cheshm e for Baths 290 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usect LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8804 1903 Jul Michail Kokonas of Ano Lefkara: Com plains o f overassessm ent of his properties 291 8805 1903 JunJul Mr P. Constantinides declares that Mr Panayotis L. Panayides is attached to his Office 292 8806 1903 Jul Tadilat, Sec.44, pages 85: Instructions 293 8807 1903 Jul1904 Jul P. Ch. Aradippiotis - Tax Collector: C om m issioner Kyrenia brings to notice that Ali Dede o f Lapithos died and left no heirs 294 8808 1903 Jul Plan Fees: June Quarter 1903 295 8809 1903 Jul Mahlul of Michail Yeni Christofi of Engomi or Ahmed Moustafa 296 8810 1903 JunOct Leave: Granted during Septem ber quarter (Mr Calapodas) 297 8811 1903 Jul Dr. Moghabghad begs that the stores lying on his land be removed 299 8812 1903 Jun1905 Sep Evangeli Antoniades of Korno: Assessm ent o f his properties 301 8813 1903 Jul Petros Mitsides of Kyrenia: Fraud in the purchase price of a house belonging to one Ali Mehmed of Kyrenia 302 8814 1903 JulOct Inhabitants o f Kormakiti, Ayia Irini and Diorios: Building of a caroub store at “Kornos” at the expense of St. G eorge’s church, Kormakitis 303 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8815 1903 Jul1904 Feb Messrs G. Savides and Co. apply for a Loan of £500 304 8816 1903 Jul Minors Purchase of land by: C hief Clerk Famagusta asks w hether a guardian should be appointed in case where the father is the vendor 305 8817 1903 Jul Cyprus Civil List: 6 copies forwarded 306 8818 1903 Jul Hji Athanassi Christofides: Em bezzlem ent of 2/- given him by one Yussuf Suleiman o f Lurudjina to pay into the Treasury as kotchan fees 307 8819 1903 JulSep M. Sevasly on behalf of Serghi Nicola of Ay. Serghis: Refund of money paid in Treasury as Beit-ul-mal of a sale of properties of Hji Antoni Loizo who died w ithout heirs and against whom he holds a judgm ent of the Daavi Court of Famagusta for 5,000 cp 308 8820 1903 JunAug Mr I. A. Karageorgiadis of Limassol applies for em ploym ent 309 8821 1903 Jul1905 Oct Survey Office: Articles required for the year 1903 for the use of 310 8822 1903 Jun Survey Instruments: Repairs to 311 8823 1903 JulOct Heirs of Osman Suleiman of Malounda (Famagusta) apply for registration in their names o f a piece of land situate near the village 312 8824 1903 JulAug Irikzade Mehmed Ratib: Refuses to pay the Verghi Irad assessed on a w ater Mill at Episkopi am ounting to 330 cp for 1902 313 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSt Date Description This margin not to be usect LRSt Former Reference 1903 8825 1903 JulNov Toghli Petri Leper wishes to dispose o f the lands owned by him at Angastina Village 314 8826 1903 Jul Index to the content of the Destour compiled by Mr Justice Tyser and Izzet Effendi: Chief Secretary forwards 7 copies of 315 8827 1903 Jul Lefkara S taff apply for appointm ent to a perm anent post in the town and increase o f Salary 316 8828 1903 Jul Hussein Niazi Effendi Land Registry Clerk Paphos begs to be supplied with certain Survey instruments 317 8829 1903 Jul M. Pemzi Volunteer Clerk, Kyrenia Land Registry Office asks for appointm ent to a paid post 318 8830 1903 JulAug A. Carletti, Land Registry Clerk Famagusta: Report against him by the Chief Clerk Land Registry Office for gross insolence 319 8831 1903 Jul Paphos District Villages: Various com plaints by 321 8832 1903 Jul1904 Jan Forced sales: Return shewing num ber executed during July of 322 8833 1903 Jul1930 Sep Survey o f the V akouf lands at Yermasoyia: M ukhtar and Azas refuse giving information respecting 323 8834 1903 JulAug Paphos Land Registry Office: Tem porary assistance for 324 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 ]7ormer Reference 1903 8835 1903 JulSep Dr. M oghabghab: Building on additional room without permissions 325 8836 1903 Jul Hji Thom as Hji Sava of Trahona prays that his house which was sold for debt be restored to him 326 8837 1903 Jul Sales by Auction: C hief Clerk Land Registry Office suggests am endm ent to the Scale of Auctioneers fees in 327 8838 1903 Jul Verghi Distribution: Am belikou inhabitants ask for an Official and be sent to the Village to malie 328 8839 1903 Jul Akile Abdullah of Lefka, Guardian of the Orphans of Ahmed Shukri o f Linou prays that Cadi be instructed to pay of £4.10.1 from Orphans Trust Fund to prevent sale o f property o f Orphans 329 8840 1903 Aug M. Sadreddin Effendi Clerk Land Registry Office Nicosia: Illness and leave 330 8841 1903 JulOct C hief Clerk Famagusta: Lands lying between the Aqueduct and the Ayios Loucas Road Survey of 331 8842 1 9 0 3 AugNov Ahmed Muntaz Effendi for Mehmed Fouad Rifat Effendi: Land Registry Office declines transfer o f the properties purchased by the latter from Ahmed Tofik Pasha of Constantinople on the ground that the V endor died before the com pletion of the form alities and asks for instructions 332 8843 1903 Jan1905 May Ahmed Suleiman o f Anglissides: Com m issioner Larnaca com plains of delay in carrying out a Local Enquiry 333 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSt Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8844 1903 Jul Ahmed Aziz Hji Ali of Nissou: Com m isioner Nicosia com plains that his properties were sold by auction at a low price and begs that a second sale takes place 334 8845 1903 Aug H. Izzet, Local Enquiry Clerk Limassol: Illness and transport in a carriage from Ayios Am brosios to Limassol of 335 8846 1903 Sep1904 Feb Messaoria Survey account: Theodolite N o.103305 336 8847 1903 Sep Imperial Ottoman Bank Nicosia: Refuses to receive lodgm ents in copper to a higher extent than two shillings 337 8848 1903 Jul Police Station at Pahna: Kotchans of 338 8849 1903 Aug Ph. Markides, C hief Secretary begs that his services be gazetted 339 8850 1903 JulSep Inhabitans o f Louroudjina apply for distribution of Verghi 340 8851 1903 Aug1904 May Ali Beys’ W ell - Morphou Road: Question of ownership 341 8852 1903 AugSep M. Remzi Effendi, V olunteer Clerk, Kyrenia Land Registry Office applies for three (3) months leave from 15 A ugust to 11 Novem ber 1903 344 8853 1903 Aug Mustafa Sadreddin Effendi Advocate declares that Ahmed Tevfik Effendi is attached to his Office 345 8854 1903 Aug Margarou and Evdokia Savouri and Spiro Sava of Poli: Procecution for making a false declaration of 346 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSl Date Description This margin not to be use<t LRSl Former Reference 1903 8855 1903 Aug Panayi Yorghi Fidiri o f Leonarisso: Registration o f certain properties in his name by order of Court 347 8856 1903 Aug1904 May Frederick Ongley: To act as Com m issioner at Limassol during Mr M ichell’s absence on leave 348 8857 1903 Aug Ahmed Aziz Hji Ali of Dali begs that his property which was sold for debt be put up to auction again so as to fetch a better price 349 8858 1903 Aug Longhinos Hji Christodoulou of Kato Lakatamia prays for stay of sale of his property for debt 350 8859 1903 Aug Hji Efrosyni Lazarou o f Nicosia begs that the sum of 921/2 cp verghi irad, wrongly collected from her for 1902, may be refunded 351 8860 1902 Nov1904 Feb Michail Haralambo o f Malia: Sale of property of 352 8861 1903 Aug Tofi Yorghi o f Eptakomi asks for registration of a house and land 353 8862 1903 Aug Heirs of Louka Paissiou o f Varosha ask for registration of a piece of land by inheritance 354 8863 1903 Aug Sava Haralambo for: Severi and Zahariades: Com m issioner Kyrenia begs to be allowed to accept the purchases in a sale at Karmi 355 8864 1903 Aug Inspection Larnaca Land Registry Office by Registrar General 6 to 8 A ugust 1903 356 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4 LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8865 1903 Aug Ahmed Pertev, Land Registry Clerk Limassol applies for the post of Mr A. J. Pilavaki, clerk in the Limassol Post Office 357 8866 1903 Aug W ar Departm ent and local Government: Exchange or transfer of land between 358 8867 1903 Aug Heirs of Haralambo loannides: A ppointm ent of Agent for them selves 359 8868 1903 AugSep Emir Ahmed Kharsidin o f Ayi Yorghi Papho: Stay sale o f his property, begs for 360 8869 1902 Oct1923 Jun Governm ent Documents: Executed in lax m anner 361 8870 1903 Aug C hief Secretary: Estimates for 1904-1905 362 8871 1903 Aug1904 Feb Ahmed Rustem of Xerovounos: Destruction of his property when constructing the road 363 8872 1903 Aug Inhabitants o f Dali pray for Verghi Distribution 364 8873 1903 Nov1904 Mar Binding Books of Paphos Land Registry Office 365 8874 1903 Oct Μ. N. Yerides: Stay sale of his properties, begs for 366 8875 1903 Aug Hji Michail Climi asks for transfer o f his son to Nicosia 367 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usecL LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8876 1903 Sep Progress Report o f August 368 8877 1903 Sep1904 Apr Mr Μ. V. Feneck: He asks for permission to build a shop in Famagusta town 369 8878 1903 Sep Loan of £130 to P. H. Aradipiodi 370 8879 1903 Sep V olunteer Clerks: To give list of names, date of appointm ent and authority of 371 8880 1903 Aug Mukhtar of Yerolakko Haritos Hji Zanti asks for appointm ent as auctioneer in his village 372 8881 1903 Aug1904 Feb Tevfik Mehmed of Lefka and Ahmed Zeki asks for permission to be petition w riter at Lefka and Isaia Constantino 373 8882 1903 Aug Styliano Antoniades o f Pano Platres: Com plains of Assessm ent of Verghi on a W ooden house 374 8883 1903 Nov Hji Michail Hji Theodoulo of Ayi Dimitri: Assessm ent o f his Mill at Tris Elies 375 8884 1903 AugSep Athalassa Chiftlik: C hief Secretary asks for 2 copies o f the plan of 376 8885 1903 Sep1904 Feb Lapithos and Vasilia Mosques: Travelling Expenses for Local Enquiry of 377 8886 1903 Sep Lapithos Survey of: C hief Secretary asks the cost of 378 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usect LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8887 1903 Sep Wells, registration of: In the name of Loizi Hji Ilia o f Ayi Serghi (Chief Clerk Famagusta) 379 8888 1903 Sep Hji Yorghios Hji Ktori o f Morphou: To put his properties to auction again 399 8889 1903 Sep Yorghi Yanni o f Ayia Anna asks for division kotchan 400 8890 1903 Sep Mr N. Rossos for Yorghios Francesco: Transfer of some Arazi Mirie from the name of Hji Yorghi Riga to Yorghios Francesco of Larnaca 401 8981 1903 Sep Cyprus map: Chief Secretary asks for a set fold in case 402 8892 1889 Mar1904 Jul Governm ent properties - Plan of to be filed in Com m issioners Office 403 8893 1903 AugOct Mehmed Naim Effendi: Purchase of his land between Varosha and Famagusta 404 8894 1903 Sep Theodoulos Hji Haralambos of Ayious Om oloyidades: Loan o f £100 405 8895 1903 Sep Form CS175: C hief Secretary forwards some for use 406 8896 1903 SepOct Paphos Land Registry Office Staff: Transfer of Mr D. Dem etriades from Limassol: Appointm ent o f Mustafa Shefki as student clerk at £18 407 8897 1903 Aug Land Registry Office Paphos: Inspection by Registrar General 7-9 Septem ber 1903 408 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSl Date Description This margin not to be usect LRS1 ITormer Reference 1903 8898 1903 SepDee Query by A uditor on Paphos Land Registry Office 409 8899 1903 Dec V acf of Seid Mehmed Agha at Termia (Thermia): Com m issioner Kyrenia Enquiry of 410 8900 1903 Sep Eleni Hji Petrou: Resale of certain properties at another as it was facted low price 411 8901 1903 Sep1908 Jul Sale by auction in Governm ent at Paphos fetched low price at the sale of the properties of Abdurrahm an Mehmed Chattalo and Osman Mehmed Naim of Ayios Mercurios: C om m issioner proposes to bid him self fo r Governm ent 412 8902 1903 Sep1904 May Mr Demostenis Stavrinides, advocate, declares Mr Pavlo Lavithi as his clerk 413 8903 1903 SepNov Binding Books of Famagusta Land Registry Office asks to spend five pounds for (Chief Clerk Famagusta) 414 8904 1903 Sep1904 Nov Maronite Church at Varosha: Issue of new kotchan therefore asked for 415 8905 1903 SepDee Mr Z. Zahariades declares Mr Yanni Hji Kalli and Mr Apostolos M ichaelides as his clerk 416 8906 1903 O ct1904 Apr Paphos Villages: Various com plaints from Assessm ent o f vineyards for kimat in second year from planting 417 8907 1903 Sep Antoni Happas of Larnaca claims certain land taken for irrigation 418 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8908 1903 Sep Hassan Tahsin: Sickness of absent from 10 to 27 Septem ber 1903 419 8909 1903 Sep Murid Ahmed prays for resale of his water 420 8910 1903 Sep Mehmed Shakir form ery w riter asks for certificate of Service 421 8911 1903 Nov Anoyira Village: Evdim (Avdim ouAnoyira land taken for roads (Director of Public works) 422 8912 1903 Sep Mr A. Giovanni: Application for C hief Clerkship 423 8913 1903 Oct Form N.4: Requisitions for some 424 8914 1903 Oct Sofoklli Liassides M ukhtar of Ayios Antonios Quarter prays for appointm ent as auctioneer 425 8915 1903 Sep Form N.29: Revision of 426 8916 1903 Oct Dimitrios Neophitou o f Petra asks for Com pensation awarded to him by the Court fo enjury received 427 8917 1903 Sep Mustafa Chavoush Hassan of Siligou asks for the kotchan of the properties he purchased at auction 429 8918 1903 Sep Ruined house near Police Depot used as latrine: C hief Secretary asks if it is the property o f Governm ent 430 8919 1903 Sep Avraam Ctori Tom ara and others of Morphou ask for loan o f £150 431 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usect LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8920 1903 Sep1904 Mar Sale by auction in the case of the heirs of Hji Nicola PapaNeophito: Bid by the heirs at auction too low to escape high fees and Verghi 432 8921 1902 Sep1903 Oct Burial Ground of Dali 433 8922 1903 SepNov Hassan Tahssin: Attentance to Idadi School 434 8923 1903 Sep Medical Certificates of sick Officers 436 8924 1903 Sep Hji Lighory Bidiri or Panayi o f Yaloussa: Registration o f wells 437 8925 1903 Oct Panayotou Antoni Kanary of Pelendri: Registration of land in Forest 438 8926 1903 Sep Om er Fuad, Volunteer clerk, asks for paid post 440 8927 1905 MayJul Ahmed Adil: Adm ission as volunteer clerk 441 8928 1903 Oct Sava Toghli of Limnia: Registration of well 442 8929 1903 Oct Hali Land at Ay. Mama: Registration to Sofronio Yerom onaho 443 8930 1903 Sep1904 Jan Leave granted during Decem ber Quarter 1903 444 8931 1903 Sep1904 Mar Kyrenia Land Registry Office and Extra Local Enquiry Clerk: Com m issioner Kyrenia asks for 445 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSl Date Description This margin not to be usett LRSl Former Reference 1903 8932 1903 AugOct Estimates and General warrant for 1903-1904: C hief Secretary forwards a copy of 447 8933 1903 Sep Land Registry Offices, Sum m onses to attendance in Court as witness 448 8934 1903 Oct Mahlul of Kara Mehmed Abdullah of Kilani: Judgm ent o f Hassan Hilmi Mustafa against him 449 8935 1903 Feb1904 Feb Othon Hji Yorghi of Omodos: Land dispute 451 8936 1903 Oct Menicos Liassi: C hief C le rk, Famagusta Registration of well 453 8937 1903 Oct1907 Jun General Swindley and Major C hetwynd’s Estate: Tricom o Chiftlik 454 8938 1903 Oct Progress Reports Septem ber 1903 455 8939 1903 Jan1906 Mar Land at Aya Paraskevi belongs to C hrysanthos Paraskeva: Purchase by Governm ent 456 8940 1903 Oct1904 Jul Official sales: To alter the existing practice, to conclude on some day other than Sunday 457 8941 1903 Nov Famagusta Land Registry Office: Inspection by Registrar General 5 to 7 O ctober 1903 458 8942 1903 Oct Attilio Carletti: The Fam agusta Chief Clerk reports against the conduct of 459 8943 1903 Oct Om er Fuad Volunteer Clerk: Com plains against the C hief Clerk 460 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8944 1903 Oct Local Enquiry system in Nicosia Distric: Submits report of C hief Clerk and Mustafa Mehmed Ali 461 8945 1903 Oct Hali Land at Polemidia: Sadik Chavoush o f Polemidia applies on behalf o f his Children for kotchan 462 8946 1903 Oct Local Enquire Clerks: Long coast for - Reports of 463 8947 1903 SepNov Sale by auction: Com m issioner Paphos forwards report o f the m udir of 464 8948 1903 Oct Minute papers of C hief Secretary: C hief Secretary’s instructions as to dealing with 465 8949 1903 OctDec Governm ent property and Mandria and Ay. Nicola road: C om m issioner Paphos asks if the kotchan of certain properties have been filed in this office 466 8950 1903 Oct G overnm ent renting buildings: Not to be with liability 467 8951 1903 Oct Plan fees Septem ber Quarter 1903 468 8952 1903 Oct1904 Jul English Instruction Nicosia, 1903-1904 469 8953 1903 Oct Nicolaos Zinon of Limassol: A m endm ent of registration 470 8954 1903 OctNov Acquisition o f 2 shops at Famagusta: Registrar General asks for authority to buy two shops 471 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8955 1903 Oct Constant! Hji Elia of Ayios Ermolaos and question of legitimacy 472 8956 1903 Nov Mr Michail Conomidi (Economides): Com m issioner Limassol recomm ends increase to his salary 473 8957 1903 Dec1904 Feb Kalapanayiotis water: C hief Secretary asks for information to the proprietorship of 474 8958 1903 Oct Blue Book o f 1902-1903: C hief Secretary sends a copy of 475 8959 1903 Oct Land Registry Office Kyrenia: Report on arrears o f work 476 8960 1903 Oct Hali land at Ayios Am vrossios: Yacoum i Hji Michail asks for kotchan for 477 8961 1903 OctNov Defter Hakani fees: Registrar General asks for an estim ate o f collection likely to receive during months ending 31 March 1904 478 8962 1903 Oct1917 Jan W ine Factory Vasa: Title to the land on which it is erected to be vested in G overnm ent or the Agricultural Board 479 8963 1903 Oct Mortgage Cancellation of by Miss Alice W atkins at Larnaca o f a price of land situated at Famagusta 480 8964 1903 Oct M ukhtar o f Peristerona asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 481 8965 1903 Oct G overnm ent property: C om m issioner Limassol forwards a copy of the kotchan of the land purchased for Isolation Hospital Limassol 482 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usect LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8966 1903 Oct Civil Procedure Am endm ent Law application. Sim ultaneously receipt o f £2: Com m issioner Kyrenia asks for instructions 483 8967 1903 Oct Governm ent property: House at Episkopi (Police Station): C om m issioner Limassol forwards duplicate kotchan of a plan 484 8968 1903 Oct1904 Nov G. Papadopoullos: Building o f a shop by him on a site in Past M arket which was form erly open cutting thus the view of the neighbours 485 8969 1903 Oct1904 Mar Succession of Am m ahan Tapal Suleyman of Siligou: Refusal o f Limassol Land Registry Office to issue kotchans for the properties they inherited from their mother 486 8970 1903 Oct A. Carletti: Suggests scheme for transport of book and C hief Clerk Famagusta disgrees 488 8971 1904 Apr Com m issioner Limassol: Mahlul o f Abdul Munir of Evdimo (Avdimou) 489 8972 1903 Nov Query by Auditor: On Verghi taking on deposit. (Com m issioner Kyrenia) 490 8973 1903 Nov Refund of 8/- 6cp to Ahem d Agha Mehmed Agha: C hief Clerk Fam agusta asks for authority 491 8974 1903 Nov1904 Jun Verghi Distribution of Mosphilodi: Identification o f certain properties said to have been registered in Nicosia District at new Registration 492 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSl Date Description This margin not to be use4. LRSl Former Reference 1903 8975 1902 Jan1904 Feb Survey of properties of Hala Sultan Tekke by Salim Effendi 493 8976 1903 Sep M. Sadreddin and M. Muzaffer: Breach o f Rule 5 of Exam inations in English 494 8977 1903 Nov Sofocli Kyriaco Cotsapa o f Kannavia: Distruction o f trees on Hali Land 495 8978 1903 Nov W ater registration o f at Orgha in the name of Theofanou Yordani (Com m issioner Kyrenia) 496 8979 1903 NovDee Greek Exam inations 7 December, 1903 499 8980 1903 JanNov J. Babikian: Com m issioner Fam agusta To suspend him from attending Land Registry Office 500 8981 1903 Nov C. Stavrides: Sum m ons o f and his travelling claim 501 8982 1903 Nov1904 Apr Succession of Mehmed Ali Ousta: Division of their properties 502 8983 1903 Nov M ukhtar o f Mora Mustafa A rif Salih asks to be entrusted with sale of im m ovable properties in his Village and Ornithi 503 8984 1903 Nov Nicola Kyprianou Convict: C hief Clerk Famagusta - Identification of his signature 504 8985 1903 Nov W ater of Kargadona at Sisklipo (Com m issioner Kyrenia): Registration of 505 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use<l· LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8986 1903 Nov Mahmoud Mehmed o f Cofinou: Tax com plaint 506 8987 1903 NovDee Acquisition o f land of Mariou Papa Yanni between Famagusta and Varosha 507 8988 1903 Nov M unicipality of Lapithos: Registration of on Evlek of land in the name o f by purchase from Behie Hanum 508 8989 1903 NovDee Y ussouf Zia Effendi Local Enquiry Clerk: Report on unsatisfactory nature o f his work 509 8990 1903 Nov Office hours during Ramazan 510 8991 1903 NovDee Ahmed Rassin: Leave of 511 8992 1903 Nov Sale by Pieri Hji Simeo to Antoni Nicola of Condea of land within Reservoirs held subject to special conditions as to flooding etc 512 8993 1903 Dec Refund of £7.2.8 cp to Hji Nisiforo Yorghi asks for authority 513 8994 1903 Dec1904 Mar Shuki Mustafa claims paym ent of a piece o f land taken within the Famagusta Reservoir 514 8995 1903 Nov Notice or Order: English first, Turkish second and Greek third and to be signed by the Officer responsible for their issues 515 8996 1903 Dec Mustafa Mehmed Ali: Travelling claim on transfer from Nicosia to Kyrenia Land Registry Office 516 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSt Date Description This margin not to be use4· LRS1 Former Reference 1903 8997 1903 NovDee Building on Arazi Mirie: Board to consider building applications 517 8998 1903 Nov Beyuk M edresse Nicosia: Room occupied by son o f the Librarian 518 8999 1903 Dec1905 May Hava wife o f Bakal Bashi Zade Ahmed Bessin of Nicosia begs to be informed of the kotchan fees she has to pay for the properties she inherited from her father and situate at Kirni (Krini) Kyrenia District 519 9000 1903 Nov1904 Jan M ufredats for 1904: Preparation of (Com m issioner Paphos) 520 9001 1903 Nov Land Registry Fees: C om m issioner Paphos suggests am endm ent of the present system 521 9002 1903 Dec Sale by auction of the properties of Toghli Hji Zorzi of Karmi in 48 lots and purchase by Severi and Zachariadi in lump for £380: A uctioneer claims fees for each lot separately 522 9003 1903 Nov1904 May Revised Estimates o f receipts and expenditures for the year ending the 31 March 1904: Receiver General has shewn £7,000 as revenue for Defter Hakani against the original Estimate o f £9,000 523 9004 1903 Nov N. G. Chrysafinis, Barrister at Law: Declares that Mr P. Panayides is attached to his office 524 9005 1903 Nov Magdalini Hji Papa Yorghi of Kalopanayoti prays that her house which illegally passed to the hands o f Styliano Yorghi be restored to her 525 Reference LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Date Description This margin not to be usett LRS1 Former Reference 1903 9006 1903 Dec H. Kacoyanni for Hassible Salih of Mamoundali: Com m issioner Paphos com plains that the Land Registry Office refuses to register Judgm ent Debtor Hussein Mehmed Ali on the strenght of an Ham 526 9007 1903 Nov Michail Hji Haralambos and Antoni Hji Theodoros of Pano Platres apply for a kotchan in their name for a piece of land at Pano Platres 527 9008 1903 Dec Verghi Kimat and Irad assessm ent for 1904-1905 528 9009 1903 Dec Sherife Hussein Portogal applies for the issue of kotchans in her name by inheritance on the strength of a Fetva o f the Sheri Court 529 9010 1903 Dec Hji Mustafa Hji Ahmed of Melatia (Meladhia) applies for registration of w ater in his name 530 9011 1903 NovDee Estimates o f Revenue for 1904-1905 (Registrar General) 531 9012 1903 Dec Purchase o f land at Boghazi 532 9013 1903 NovDee M. Safet, Land Registry Clerk Limassol, asks for the extra pay of 10/- which was paid to Mr Demetriades prior to his transfer to Paphos 533 9014 1903 Dec Famagusta Land Registry Office: Advance to m eet clerks travelling Expenses pending subm ission of claims to Registrar General 536 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 Former Reference 1903 9015 1903 Dec Yorghi Haralambo o f Kato Akourdalia: Cancellation o f the M ortgage w ithout the production of the certificate 537 9016 1903 Dec W ar Departm ent Reserved Troodos: Sanatorium below C hief S ecretary’s Office 538 9017 1903 Dec Pertikia w ater at Larnaca tis Lapithou: Registration of 539 9018 1903 Dec Sotiri Michail of Milia asks for registration in his name o f a piece of Hali Land 540 9019 1903 Dec Hji Yanni Hji Michail o f Lapithos: Registation of a W ater right in his name 541 9020 1903 Dec Civil Procedure Am endm ent Law applications: Com m issioner Limassol asks for instructions at to w hether after the expiration of the period given in form N.117, paym ent o f fees should be refused 542 9021 1903 JulDec A. Francoudi for Yanni Yorghi of Limassol: Refund to his client o f the kotchan fees including coasts am ounting to £11.4.8 for properties purchased by him at auction from one Christofi Yanni of Melini which on enquiry were found to belong to one Haridimo Yorghallides of Limassol in whose fovour a judgm ent was issued 543 9022 1903 Sep1904 Feb G. Houry, Land Registry Clerk Fam agusta begs that he be granted the £10 stopped from his salary since the last 16 m onths 544 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 Former Reference 1903 9023 1903 Dec Mevcoufe transactions in the Land Registry Office asks if it is necessary to continue sending copies m onthly to the Evcaf Offices 545 9024 1903 Dec Registrar General: Land Registration in Cyprus. Memo on 545A 9025 1903 Dec1904 Feb Pavlo and Haritomeni Nicola Kom odrom ou of Rizokarpasso beg that their land which is to be sold as Hali may not be sold 546 9026 1903 Dec Hji Chrystallou Florenzo o f Athienou and Antoni Kyriaco Bambori of Pyrga: Understatem ent of the sale price in on declaration o f sale 547 9027 1903 Dec1904 Jan Special Staff paid from Registrar G eneral’s votes: Revenue procecutions new Verghi Khulassas 548 9028 1903 Dec Mehmed Emin, M ukhtar o f Epicho, applies for em ploym ent as auctioneer 549 9029 1903 Dec Mesaoria Survey: Settlem ent of boundary lines o f lands adjacent to State Forests and Encroachm ents therin 550 9030 1903 Dec C.Z. Kaloyeras and others as trustees o f St. G eorge’s M onastery apply for original kotchan for a piece of land 551 9031 1903 Dec Ahmed Remzi Effendi, Land Registry Clerk, Morphou applies fo r the post of Fahri Bey 552 9032 1903 Dec1904 Feb Kyrenia Land Registry Office: Inspction by Registrar General 15 and 16 Decem ber 1903 553 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 Former Reference 1903 9033 1903 Dec1904 Feb Mr Rezzini: Neglect of duty in dealing with applications 554 9034 1903 Dec Chrystallou G. Kofti and Κ. Z. Kaloyeras: Chief Clerk reports that the sale price in a Declararion of sale made by them is less than one third of the previous one and asks for instructions 555 9035 1903 Dec A ffet Ismail and Mulla Hassan Hassif o f Mathiati apply for division o f their properties situate at Marghi, Lythrodontas and Mathiatis 556 9036 1903 Dec Haralambo Hji PapaNicola of Ayia Varvara applies for loan from the Governm ent 557 9037 1903 Dec Law VI of 1902 - C hief Secretary: To extend the Law relating to seed corn advances 558 9038 1903 Jan- Appointm ents: 559 1. Mehmed Fahri Muhassebedji of the Evcaf 2. Ahmed Rassin Superintendet Land Registry Office Nicosia 3. Costi Karadja, C hief Clerk, Land Registry Office Larnaca 9039 1903 Dec Mehmed Fahri Bey begs that his appointm ent in the Evcaf may be declared pensionables 560 9040 1903 Dec1909 Aug Ali Tevhid Effendi: Return to Famagusta Land Registry Office 561 LRS1 LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description This margin not to be usett ] 'ormer Reference 1903 9041 1903 Dec Spiros Constantinides of Limassol applies for a loan for a Threshing Machine 562 9042 1903 Dec1906 Dec Chorlulu Ali Pasha Vakf: Registrations of Mulk Standing thereon 564 9043 1904 Jan Kotchan form N..35 for Roub lands: Karavas and Lapithos 500 copies of 565 1904 9044 1904 Jan Michail E. Economides applies for increase of his salary 1 9045 1904 JanFeb Paralimni Lake: Drainage of Interference with by tenant of lands of Ayia Marina Church 2 9046 1903 Dec1904 A pr Leave granted to Land Registry Officials: Quarter ending the 31 March 1904 3 9047 1904 JanJun British Delegate of Evkaf - Kilani Mosque: Registration of properties of 4 9048 1904 Jan C hief Secretary: Mehmed Chilavi begs that his son in law, Mehmed Rifaat, clerk Land Registry Office Larnaca, may be transferred to Nicosia 7 9049 1904 Jan Plan fees: Decem ber Q uarter 1903 8 9050 1904 Jul1905 Jan Land Registry Office Staff: Illness of during year 1904-1905 9 9051 1904 Jan Kontello w ater at Myrtou: Registration of in the name of Constant! Hji Toghli of Kondemeno 10 LRSl LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description Former Reference 1904 9052 1904 Jan Gianema W ater at Agridaki: Registration o f in the name o f Anastassia Trifona of Agridaki 11 9053 1904 Jan Azm i Melek o f Kyrenia applies for em ploym ent 12 9054 1903 Jan1904 Jan Diorios Village - Division of: Into two quarters 13 9055 1 9 0 4 JanMay Hali lands at Ayios Amvrosios: Desputes between Villagers and the Arm inian M onastery 14 9056 1903 Jan1904 Jan Short Loans: Discharged bonds of 15 9057 1904 Jan Michail P. Olympios asks for a Loan of £10 16 9058 1904 Jan A rif Mustafa of Nicosia and Hussein Arnaoud o f Aghirta: Object to judgm ent given by the court of appeal and request that the price of property purchased by them at auction be refunded to them 17 9059 1904 Jan Petition writers: Enrolm ent of for 1904 18 9060 1904 JanSep Land Registry Office: Exam inations for Promotion 19 9061 1904 Jan Books and Maps: Required by the Resident Engineer, Railway 20 9062 1904 JanA pr Land at Morphou between the Konak and Syrianohorio Road: Purchase of by Governm ent 21 LRS1 LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description This margin not to be use4- Former Reference 1904 9063 1 9 0 4 JanJun P. Constantinides and A. Artem is on behalf of Yianni Riza: Illegal transfer of certain properties in the name of Yorghi Frangeskou Complain of 22 9064 1904 Jan Mr Arnaldo Rezzini transfer to Public W orks Department 23 9065 1904 Jan Limassol Land Registry Office: Inspection by Registrar General 19 to 22 January 1904 24 9066 1904 Jan Yanni Flouri o f Gourri: Obliterating a word on a kotchan with a view to deseption - Principle Forest Officer asks if procecution ccan be made 25 9067 1904 AugOct Yalias riverbed: Encroachm ent on beg on inhabitant of Dali 26 9068 1904 Jan1938 A pr Old Church in Famagusta: Prepaired by Orthodox Com m unity 27 9069 1904 Feb Names of promising young men: wishing to join the G overnm ent Service 28 9070 1 9 0 4 JanSep Louis A. Josephides applies for appointm ent to the vacant post in the Land Registry Office 29 9071 1904 Jan Mr G. B. Day (Resident Engineer, Railway): His Excellency authorizes him to frank letters 30 9072 1904 Jan1906 Feb Trifon Eliades of Limassol Com plains of high valuation of certain properties at Ora and wishes to sell them so as to get rid of the tax 31 LRS1 LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description This margin not to be usect Former Reference 1904 9073 1904 JanMar Application for one m onth’s leave to unable him to take his wife abroad for medical assistance 32 9074 1904 JanMar A. Carletti: Report against his conduct by the chief clerk of the Lavid Registry Office Famagusta (C om m issioner Famagusta) 33 9075 1904 Feb Delegate of Evcaf: Queries on Mevcoufe returns Novem ber 1903 34 9076 1879 Apr1907 Mar N. Rossides o f Limassol: Claim to a long strip of land on the foreshore on the North point of Limassol town by 35 9077 1904 Jan Sale of Immovable property for debt etc. Local Enquiry to be made in applications for 36 9078 1904 Jan P. Constantinides, Advocate: Declares that Patrocles Zanti is attached to his Offices 37 9079 1904 Feb1908 Dec Registrar General: Survey Exam inations 38 9080 1904 Jan Philippo Markides begs to be transferred to his form er post in the Land Registry Office 39 9081 1904 FebOct Heirs of George Menardo of Limassol apply for a Local Enquiry into the properties of Nicola Paraskeva of Pissouri, judgm ent Debtor in J.227/903 40 9082 1904 Jan C. E. Spenser, Inspector of Police: Authority by His Excellency to frank letters 41 LRS1 LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description This margin not to be use4- Former Reference 1904 9083 1904 JanFeb Xenophon Yoannides, Advocate declares that Mr Yanko Nicolaides is attached to his Office 42 9084 1904 Feb Yacovos Antoni, M ukhtar o f Karava: W ithdrawal of the security given in his favour by Yanni Vassili o f Kyrenia 43 9085 1904 Feb B. G. Am m irayan, Chief Clerk Famagusta Land Registry Office: Appointm ent o f as Inspector of Forests in the Famagusta District 44 9086 1904 May Halil Ibrahim asks permission to attend the Land Registry Office as a Petition w riter 46 9087 1904 MayOct Panayoti Nicola, M ukhtar of Kiti: Death of Hji Paraskevou Touloum ou and Mahlul properties left by her Com m issioner Larnaca inform of 47 9088 1904 MarSep Petri Sava of Strovolos: Purchase by G overnm ent for £20 o f a house belonging to him and situate near the circular Road outside Nicosia 48 9089 1904 Feb Local Enquiry Clerks paid from Receiver G eneral’s Vote: A full redistribution o f the defaulters properties should be made by the form er instead of Enquiry into properties available for sale and sales 49 9090 1904 JanJun Maria Nasri prays that the sale of her properties at Exometoshi fo r debt may be stayed 50 LRS1 LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description This margin not to be use4· Former Reference 1904 9091 1904 Feb Mehmed Naim Effendi o f Famagusta begs that his son Hussein Fekri may be employed as assistant clerk in the police Famagusta 51 9092 1904 Feb Valuations in Nicosia Office: W here there is difference in extent by Tabou and in the Verghi assessm ent 53 9093 1904 Feb Yorghis and Antoni Hji Panayi of Varosha apply for registration o f a Mulk house by inheritance: Site mahlul (Arazi Mevcoufe) 54 9094 1904 Feb W ater called “M ezeri” at Karavas: Application for registration 55 9095 1902 Apr1904 A pr M. Chacalli for Hji Hussein Salih of Agirda: Application for registration of certain land in the name of Judgm ent Debtor Mehmed Suji Hussein of Kiomurju 56 9096 1904 Feb A. Carlettis’ travelling claim for £7.15/-: Advance from Petty Cash 57 9097 1904 Feb Suleiman Sami Mehmed o f Larnaca asks for em ploym ent in the Land Registry Office 58 9098 1904 MarMay Mehmed Zia, Land Registry Clerk Kyrenia asks for transfer to Nicosia in order to be enabled to study English 59 9099 1904 Mar1929 Apr Land Registry Office Nicosia 60 9100 1904 FebMar Local Enquiries - Reduction of numbers outstanding by em ploym ent of Extra Enquiry Clerk 61 LRS1 LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description Former Reference 1904 9101 1904 Feb A. Artemis, Advocate: Declares that Chrysanthos Zanti is attached to his Office 62 9102 1904 Feb Registration Judgm ent Debtors properties: Order of judge Limassol directing registration after service of notice refusing registration for non paym ent of fees 63 9103 1904 JanDee Diaries: Annual num ber required for the use o f Land Registry Departm ent 64 9104 1904 Feb Hali Land at Evretou: Sale by auction o f - Purchase by Hussein Oulashi Mehmed 65 9105 1904 FebJun Greek Student Clerks 66 9106 1904 FebJun M ortgage Cancellation by C hief Cadi 67 9107 1904 Feb Mortgage Cancellation by Chief Cadi 68 9108 1904 Feb1917 Apr Ali Reouf Effendi agent o f Evcaf: C om m issioner Larnaca asks if the properties sold by auction under J. 195/03 can be registered in the E vca fs name 69 9109 1904 FebSep Eleni C. Papadopoulou prays that the sale of her properties which will take place on 21 and 22 February at Psevda and Mosphiloti (Larnaca District) may be postponed to the 5 June next 70 LRS1 LRSl LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description This margin not to be use<l· Former Reference 1904 9110 1904 Feb1929 Dec A. Pertev Effendi Land Registry Clerk Limassol: A ppointm ent of as clerk in the Post Office, Larnaca 71 9111 1904 Feb1905 Mar Idjare: British Delegate o f Evcaf asks for the tem porary services of a clerk from this Office to assist the M uhassebedji in the calculation of 72 9112 1904 Feb Form N.20: To shew thereon the difference, if any, between the am ounts brought to account and the correct adjustm ents 73 9113 1904 FebApr Hali lands: Issue of notice prohibiting breaking up of without previous permission o f Governm ent 74 9114 1904 Feb1905 Dec Hali Lands at mone near Spilia excluded from the Forest by alteration of Delimitation line V.O. in C.375 of 16 Novem ber 1903 - Gazette 15 January 1904 75 9115 1 9 0 4 JanNov Ilia Hji Yorghis o f Kilani prays that the money paid by him fo r a Vineyard which has been registered in the name of other persons may be refunded to him 76 9116 1904 Feb W ater called “A rnoussa” at Kharcha: Application for registration of 77 9117 1904 FebJun W ater Known as “Village Spring” at Kharcha: Application for registration of 78 9118 1904 Feb W ater called: “ Kannoura” at Ayios Am brossios: Application for registration of 79 9119 1904 FebMay Ditto: "Stefacha” at Ayios Am brosios Application for registration of 80 . LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date 9120 1904 FebJun W ater Called: “M outhouna” at Ayios Am brosios - Application for registration of 81 9121 1904 FebJun Ditto: “ Platanos” at Ayios Am brosios Application for registration of 82 9122 1904 Feb1923 Mar Filing of Land Registry papers: Sec.I para 7 - Printed instructions 83 9123 1904 May1908 May D. Ch. Severis for him self and Maritsa Severis and others: Com plains that the Kyrenia Land Registry Office refuses to transfer directly the properties of Com pany Ch. Severis and Zachariades to the name of the new purchasers 84 9124 1904 FebMay Requisition to Crown Agents: For Type cabinet, Type and Holder 85 9125 1904 Feb Halil Ismail, M ukhtar of Kato Deftera asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 86 9126 1904 Feb1905 Feb Foreshore: Franza Kanaki - Claim to land between Larnaca Road and Sea Limassol 87 9127 1904 FebMar Osman Abdi - Ex-trooper: Sale of properties of for debt 88 9128 1904 Feb Hassan Ibrahim of Komi Kebir asks for registration of certain land in Eptakomi 89 9129 1904 Feb1922 Apr Hali Lands: C hief Clerk of Fam agusta - Grants of on paym ent of Equivalent value 90 9130 1904 Mar Cyprus Map - Mounted and fold up, 1” to the mile: Issue of a copy for the use of Mr Atkinson 91 Description Former Reference This margin not to be use4· LRS1 LRS1 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference Date Description Former Reference 1904 9131 1904 Mar1911 Mar W itnesses Expenses: Apropriation of by Land Registry clerks, Paphos instead of paying them to the credit o f Enquiry Fund 92 9132 1904 Mar M. Chacalli for Agathangelos Economou applies for registration o f certain properties in the name of judge Debtor Pavli Christofi Peristiany of Ayios Am brosios 93 9133 1904 FebMar Mulla Ali of Giaz and Achile Suleiman of Marona: Declaration o f Sale between Instructions as to w hether the relationship requires them to pay fees on the assessed value 94 9134 1904 Mar Refund of 31 to Local Com m andant Military Police Larnaca: C om m issioner Larnaca asks authority for 95 9135 1904 Feb1905 Aug Registration of judgm ent Debtors properties: Order of Court Paphos directing registration after service of notice refusing registration for non paym ent of fees 96 9136 1904 Mar Efrem Economides of Nicosia begs for promotion or transfer o f his son Michail Economides 99 9137 1904 Mar Moulla Osman Hji M ussarif of Limassol: C hief Secretary com plains that the sale by auction of his property for debt did not realize its value 100 9138 1904 MarJun Sherife Ahmed of Silikou asks for kotchan in her name of a piece of land at Moniati 101 - LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSl Date Description LRS1 Former Reference 1904 9139 1904 Mar Hali land in Mesaoria: Breaking up w ithout permission of 102 9140 1904 Mar Travelling claims: To be submitted for paym ent before the 31 March 103 9141 1904 Mar Osman Y ussuf of Am adies prays for stay o f sale of his property for debt 104 9142 1904 Mar Yussuf Rustem of Am adies prays for stay of sale of his property for debt 105 9143 1904 Mar Mehmed Mulla Ahmed Seid Ali, of Ayi Nicola V endor and Nicola PapaPhilakti, of Phini Purchaser: Declaration o f sale between - Com m issioner Paphos asks for instructions as to w hether the sale price, which compared with the assessed value is very low, is to be accepted 106 9144 1904 Mar Circulars of C hief Secretary: Index o f for the year 1903 107 9145 1904 AprMay Zuhdi Effendi: Mahlul properties left by 108 9146 1904 Mar Guardians: Com m issioner Kyrenia asks for instructions as to w hether the word applies both to those appointed by the civil and sheri courts and to the natural ones 109 9147 1904 Mar1905 Nov Financial Instructions for the guidance of according Officers: 8 copies o f forwarded 110 9148 1904 MarMay Burial ground at Klirou for Christians: Site selected for 111 9149 1904 Mar Coin false: Registrar General reports on 112 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 Former Reference 1904 9150 1904 MarMay Examination questions for second class clerkships: Slips of for printing subm itted 113 9151 1904 Mar Famagusta District: A copy o f the map of asked for 114 9152 1904 Mar Dr Owen: Exemption o f his house from Verghi Irad 115 9153 1904 MarDee Michail Christodulo Kokkino of Lemithou: Com plains of double paym ent o f Verghi on certain land 116 9154 1904 Mar Nalbant Hassan Katzika of Larnaca: Mahlul properties of 117 9155 1904 Apr Succession of Seid Ali of Ktyma: Hassan Mustafa of Ktyma for Safie and Emine and other of Seid Ali: Com plaint about the division of their properties made am ongst them selves 119 9156 1888 Sep1905 Sep Mahlul o fZ u h d i Effendi o f Famagusta: Mehmed Jelal Sheikh o f Mevlevi Khane of Cyprus informs that he will claim as Mahlul a price of his land about 20 donum s near Famagusta fortress 120 9157 1904 Feb1905 Mar Acquisition of Land for Railway 121 9158 1904 FebA pr Mustafa Shevki, student clerk Paphos: Leave and transfer to Famagusta 122 9159 1903 Dec1904 Apr Verghi Redistribution in Nicosia District (Solea): Receiver General asks w hat staff would be required and the cost of 123 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 Former Reference 1904 9160 1904 Mar Mukhtars of Nicosia District and other Districts (Auctioneers etc) for 1904-1905: Com m issioner forwards a list of 124 9161 1904 Mar M ukhtar o f Ayios Domedios asks for appointm ent as auctioneer in his village and in the villages o f Yerolakkos, Geuneli and Ayios Vassilios 125 9162 1904 Mar M. Zihni, C hief Clerk Land Registry Office Paphos: Com plaint against him by Mr H. Pavlides the advocate 126 9163 1904 Feb1909 Oct G overnm ent land at Varosha: Appropriation by Nejim Houry Observation by the Registrar General 127 9164 1904 Mar M ukhtar o f Anaphotia Christodulo Hji Yanni: Com m issioner Larnaca asks that the prohibition o f Conducting sale by him may be revoked 128 9165 1904 MarSep Interference by Dr. M oghabghab with quarrying operations for Famagusta Harbour claim to Land 129 9166 1904 FebMar Gazette for 1903 129A 9167 1904 Apr Succession o f Abdullah Hassan of Bileri (Pileri): Transfer of property from their father 130 9168 1904 Mar Petty Cash Imprest: Receiver General informs, that no Imprest for Petty Cash will not be made in future and that the Petty Cash expenses are to be made from the deposits in hand 131 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSl Date Description LRS1 Former Reference 1904 9169 1904 MarA pr M em orandums deposited by the C om m issioner Nicosia against Defaulters short Loans 132 9170 1904 A pr Blue Book Returns 1903-1904 133 9171 1904 Mar Colossi Chiftlik: C hief Clerk Limassol reports the sale of Panayi Nicola M argarous interest on the 26 June 1904 134 9172 1904 Mar Paphos Land Registry Office: C om plaint of anom aly of 135 9173 1904 Mar Ordinance XXIV of 1879 Customs Excise: C hief Secretary forwards 2 copies of as amended by Ordinance X 1990 136 9174 1904 Mar1905 Dec Abdul Hamid: Application for the post of student clerk Land Registry Office Larnaca 137 9175 1904 MarJun Hussein Ahmed of Phassulla: Com plaint o f Delay in issue of Title Deeds 138 9176 1904 MarJun M ukhtar o f Kythrea Ayios Adronicos and Ayi Yorghi applies for appointm ent as auctioneer in his Q uarter and other Villages 139 9177 1904 A pr High Assessm ent o f Verghi and sale by auction in Revenue Cases no bidder comes forward of the reason 140 9178 1904 Mar Kyriaco Haralambo M ukhtar of Kalapanayoti asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 141 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 Former Reference 1904 9179 1904 Apr1913 Feb M ukhtar of Kato Lacatamia asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 142 9180 1904 MarA pr Plan fees: March Quarter 1904 143 9181 1904 Mar Hassan Om er Ex. Sergiant: M ortgage of his property 144 9182 1904 AprJun Alexandras Christodulou of Ktyma: Claim that the Com m issioner w odehouse seeks to take his land by force 145 9183 1904 Apr Mr G. H. Grighory applies for promotion 147 9184 1904 Apr Evidence o f Land Registry Officers in Court: A uditor asks for information as to fees 148 9185 1904 Apr1905 Jun Furniture for Land Registry Offices during 1904 - 1905 149 9186 1904 Apr1905 Apr Book binding of Papho Land Registry Office 150 9187 1904 AprDee Leave granted during June Q uarter of 1904 151 9188 1904 MarApr Mehmed Ali of Larnaca applies for admission as Volunteer clerk 152 9189 1904 JanDee Requisition for form s and books during 1904 - 1905: (Larnaca) 153 9190 1904 AprOct Ditto: (Limassol) 154 9191 1904 FebDee Ditto: (Famagusta) 155 9192 1904 MayDee Ditto: (Paphos) 156 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSt Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 Former Reference 1904 9193 1904 Feb1905 Mar Requisition for forms and books during 1904 - 1905: (Kyrenia) 157 9194 1904 Apr Costa Kyriakides M ukhtar o f Linou asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 159 9195 1904 Apr1905 Feb Mukhtar of Corago asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 160 9196 1904 Apr N. Antoniades M ukhtar o f Pallouriotissa asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 161 9197 1904 Apr Mavrom ichalis Savides M ukhtar of Strovolo asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 162 9198 1904 Apr1907 Mar Sale by action: Auctioners fees Forced sales o f im movables 163 9199 1904 Apr1949 Jul Hali Land at Ayios Am brossios “Trahona” locality: Asked for by the inhabitants of Ayios Am brossios 164 9200 1904 Apr Hali Land at Ayia Erini Kyrenia: Asked for by Nessouh Mehmed 165 9201 1904 Apr Succession of Zuhdi Effendi of Famagusta: Request o f the heirs that their rights be safeguarded 166 9202 1904 May Principle Forest Office: Land Adjoining ditch Plantation - Nicosia Purchase of 166 9203 1904 AprSep Mustafa Salih of Jami Jeded: Em ploym ent or Charity 167 9204 1904 Apr Sofocli Karagiorgiades student clerk: Resignation of 168 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSl Date Description This margin not to be use4 LRSl Former Reference 1904 9205 1904 AprJun Road Morphou - Myrtou: Schedule of the properties taken for construction 169 9206 1904 MarMay Crown Agents for the Colonies and their staff: Heads of Departm ents should take the opportunity when they visit England to come into personal relations with 170 9207 1904 Mar1905 Feb Outstanding Deposits on 31 March 1904 171 9208 1898 Jan1916 Sep Travelling claims in District: Prepaym ent of (Com m issioner Limassol) 172 9209 1904 MarMay “A lethia” 5 March 1904 No. 1197. Com plaint etc Papho Land Registry Office 173 9210 1904 NovApr Mortgaged properties of Tereza Habbas: Registrar District Court Larnaca asks for the sale of 174 9211 1904 May1905 Oct Instruments , Drawing Materials etc: 175 1. Survey Office 2. M essaoria Survey 9212 1904 AprMay Mr N. G. Chrisafiny: Declares N. Sym eonides and Christoforo Kyriakides as his clerks 176 9213 1904 May1921 Feb Com pulsory Registration: Law VII 185 to be enforced 177 9214 1905 May Donation of a ruined church at Famagusta to be used as English church: The Bishop of Jerusalem asks for 178 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4· LRS1 Former Reference 1904 9215 1904 Apr Com m issioner Larnaca: Mahlul of Fotini Loizo 179 9216 1904 Apr Verghi W ork and the works of the Revenue clerk: C hief Clerk, Land Registry Office reported 180 9217 1904 JunSep V a cf Khan and Succession of Hassib Bey at Limassol: C hief Clerk, Land Registry Office Limassol, reports sale of certain share of 181 9218 1904 Apr Imperial Ottoman Bank: Sale of property at Larnaca to G overnm ent 182 9219 1902 Jul1904 Apr M ukhtar o f Elia Hassan Tahsin asks for appointm ent s auctioneer 183 9220 1904 AprJul Book binding of Kyrenia Land Registry Office during 1904 - 1905 185 9221 1904 AprSep Book binding Limassol Land Registry Office during 1904-1905 186 9222 1904 AprNov Livera: Com m issioner Kyrenia recomm ends to have a separate registration 187 9223 1904 Apr Com m issioner Kyrenia: W ater Registration in name o f Milou Hji Hanna Kirmiji of Kormakiti 188 9224 1904 Apr Com m issioner Kyrenia: W ater at Contem enos - Registration in name of Kypriano Elefheri 189 9225 1904 Jun C om m issioner Kyrenia: W ater at Sisklipos - Registration in name of Costi Kyriaco 190 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be useft LRS1 Former Reference 1904 9226 1904 Apr1906 Dec Mr Kirk V. Demostenes o f Mandria: The C hief Justice asks to see certain Documents connected with case of 191 9227 1904 Apr Com m issioner Larnaca: W ater Registrations of at Melini 192 9228 1904 AprMay Leondios Hji Simeo, M ukhtar of Lythrodonta asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 193 9229 1904 Apr Mukhtar of Trahona Hji Costis Hji Thoma asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 194 9230 1904 AprJul Costi I. Fekko, M ukhtar o f Pera asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 195 9231 1904 Apr Michail Yorghi, M ukhtar o f Spilia asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 196 9232 1904 AprJun G. Yoannides councel for Alex Hji Y ossif of Assom ato: C om plaint of refusal of the Land Registry Office Kyrenia to accept fees on certain Civil Procedure Am m endm ent Law 197 9233 1904 Apr1905 Feb Messaria Survey: Expenditure during 1 9 0 4 - 1905 198 9234 1904 AprAug Sale by auction and purchaseby debtor: Question o f issue of new kotchan and fees to be levied 199 9235 1904 May1906 Jun Foreshore encroachm ent on by Zoitsa Marnero of Limassol: C om m issioner Limassol reports of 200 . LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSt Date Description LRSl Former Reference 1904 9236 1904 A pr Luka L. Moudoulioti, M ukhtar of Pedula asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 201 9237 1902 Mar1904 Apr Requisition for Stationery: To send in June and Decem ber 2 02 9238 1904 AprJul Paphos Land Registry Office: Com plaint of by Harilaos Pavlides advocate 204 9239 1904 May1914 Jan Chari Hji Petri o f Deftera: Exclussion of his house from sale o f his properties 205 9240 1904 Apr Aishe Izzet (Izis) of Nicosia: Stay sale o f her house for debt prays for 206 9241 1904 AprMay Petition writer: C om m issioner Nicosia recomm ends that Hussein Zihni Effendi, Ex-Custom Officer, be allowed to petition write 207 9242 1904 Aug1905 A pr Verghi Distribution in Larnaca District and Tapou adjustm ent during 1904-1905 208 9243 1903 Dec1905 Mar Lodgm ent Direct with C om m issioner or in local treasurer on account of Land Registry fees during 1 April 1904 to 31 March 1905 209 9244 1904 May Departm ent of Public Works: Road Poli Chrisohou to Pomos - Formers list of the properties taken for 210 9245 1904 AprMay Colonial Office list of 1904: C hief Secretary forwards a copy of 211 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usect LRS1 Former Reference 1904 9246 1904 May1905 May Irrigation W orks of Gaidura or Prastion and Pallouriotissa Church land: Registrar General asks the Fund Assistant if certain plots have been paid for 212 9247 1904 May Registrar General and Assistant Registrar General: To find security for £500 instead of £200 and £200 instead of £100 respectively 213 9248 1904 May A. Rizzini: Application for em ploym ent in Public W orks Departm ent 214 9249 1904 May Mukhtar of Athienou Nicoli B. Zannetti asks for em ploym ent as auctioneer 215 9250 1904 May Transfer o f M. Rifaat from Larnaca to Nicosia: M. Khuloussi Nouri from Nicosia to Larnaca 218 9251 1904 May Loizos Haralambous: Verghi com plaint 219 9252 1904 May Dimitri Papa Nicola exadhelpho of Rizocarpasso: Identification o f 5 trees taken from him 220 9253 1904 May King’s Advocate reports that Imperial Statutes and Law reports are missing from his library 222 9254 1904 May Building o f a house by Stavri Vanthi of Kyrenia near Harbour Trainway 223 9255 1904 May W ater at Ayous: Registration in name of Lambi Christofi Andrea 224 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4· LRS1 Former Reference 1904 9256 1904 MayJul Sofronios Yerom onahos and Bishop of Kitium o f Lania: Paym ent for trees standing on the lands occupied over 10 years 225 9257 1904 MaySep Petition writers: Licensed for 1904 226 9258 1904 MayJul Legislative Council: Debate about exclusion o f pine trees from the land in registration 1830 o f 17 January 1903 at Ayios Theodoras Limassol 227 9259 1904 MayJun Valuations: Alleged m isstatem ent of am ount agreed upon with M ukhtar in Local Enquiry 228 9260 1904 May1905 Jan Papho Land Registry Office: State of work therein - Com plaints in Legislative Council enquiry by C hief Clerk Limassol 229 9261 1904 Jul1917 Mar Mevcoufe land and trees in some Villages: Delegates of Evcaf asks for registration of 230 9262 1904 May Road of Athalassa: Com pensation ask for by certain people o f Palouriodissa 231 9263 1904 May Tax Collector George Papadopullos Security by Hji Papa Yorghi o f Corno in favour of 232 9264 1901 Jun Travelling claims during 1904-1905: Remarks etc on 234 9265 1904 MayJun Yanni Econom ides of Limassol: C hief Clerk Famagusta asks for instructions for dealing with certain olive trees at Lefkonico 235 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRSl Former Reference 1904 9266 1904 May M ukhtar o f Kythrea Michail A. Atalides asks for em ploym ent as auctioneer 236 9267 1904 May Muride Ibrahim of Arab Ahmed Quarter Nicosia: Sale of house for debt - Registers for assistance 237 9268 1904 May Refund o f 13/- from Revenue to Land Registry Office. C hief Clerk Limassol asks for authority 238 9269 1904 May Paphos Land Registry Office: Com plaint of Mr Pavlides against 240 9270 1904 MayJun Ahmed Zekki Effendi: Paym ent of Refund notes at Lefka 241 9271 1904 MayOct Island Treasurer: Query by the Island Treasurer - Ali Ahmed Remzi Effendi’s salary 242 9272 1904 May Hassan Tahsin Effendi: Attendance at Idadi School as Greek Instructor 243 9273 1904 SepOct Mr Ph Markides: Return to Land Registry Office 244 9274 1904 MayJun Burial Ground o f Dali: Registration of (Com m issioner Nicosia) 245 9275 1904 May Rem inder to Chief Clerk Limassol: Observation on frequently sending of 246 9276 1904 May Hand Book o f Cyprus for 1904: Chief Secretary forwards 6 copies of 247 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSt Date Description This margin not to be usett LRS1 Former Reference 1904 9277 1904 MayJui Mahlul of Ali Nouri of Kivisil: Com m issioner Larnaca passes report of 248 9278 1904 May Mustafa Sadreddin declares Mustafa Lutfi as his clerk and to cary out his works in Land Registry Office 250 9279 1904 MayAug Instruction in Arithm etic for Land Registry Officers 251 9280 1904 MayJun Mr M. J. Pilavakis: Limassol Land Registry Office - Registration of properties of Judgm ent Debtor Christofi Hji Marias of Trahona - Com plaint o f respecting 252 9281 1904 May Mehmed Assim Supreme Court: Registrar General reports to C hief Secretary that he has been taken on Trial from 1 June 1904 253 9282 1904 Jun Irrigation Department: Em ploym ent of Mr Haggi Gabrel and Ali Effendi in regard to work connected with 254 9283 1904 Jul1935 Jul Hali land at Ayia Erene: Dimitri Yoanni asks for kotchan for 10 donnum s of 255 9284 1904 Jun Hji Luka Hji Kyriaco o f Kato Zotia (Zodia) prays for stay of sale o f his properties for debts 256 9285 1904 Jun Paraskeva Nicola, M ukhtar of Shilloura asks for appointm ent as auctioneer 257 9286 1904 Jun H. Kalemkarian prays for appointm ent to the post of the Nicosia Treasury Clerk 258 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSt Date Description LRSt Former Reference 1904 9287 1904 Jun1905 Mar Debtors R elief Bill: Statistics in support of 259 9288 1904 MayOct Anastassi Protopapa o f Miligouri: Com plains of Double assessm ent of Verghi of certain land at Elya purchased by him 260 9289 1 9 0 4 JunJul Drainning of Swamp at Ormidia 261 9290 1904 Jun Sale by auction: Reports sale proceed with after satisfaction of the debt, and asks for authority to cancel the sale 264 9291 1904 JunSep Assessm ent Sales: Com parison of 265 9292 1904 Jun Clerk of Legislative Council: Mr Theodotou will ask the Registrar General if he is aware o f the enquiry made by some Land Registry Clerk at Kythrea from the M ukhtar about person who would be able to pay £2 when asked to some enquiries at Kyrenia District 266 9293 1904 Jun1905 Feb Mr Nic. Ch. Lanides on behalf of Yenethlios D. Midellas: Tax paid by his client Mr Midella on caroubs trees which are not his that it be removed from his name etc 267 9294 1904 Jun M. Zihni Effendi: C om m issioner Paphos prays for transfer to Nicosia 268 9295 1904 Jun Writ: Ordering sale o f Caroob and Olive trees with their fruits on C hief Clerks asks for instructions 269 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSl Date Description This margin not to b& use4. LRS1 Former Reference 1904 9296 1904 Jun Annual Report for 1902-1903. C hief Secretary forwards a copy of 270 9297 1904 MayJun Bookbinding 271 9298 1904 Jun Costanti Hji Christofi and his Children o f Kalavaso: Sale of their properties debt 272 9299 1904 JunJul English Examination 1904-1905 273 9300 1904 Jul Mehmed Ata o f Limassol: Sale of his trees for askerie 274 9301 1904 MayJun Chief Justice forwards a letter from the United States Consul at Sivas, Turkey, authenticating the signature of Ahmed Jem aleddin to a docum ent in Turkish giving a power o f attorney to his sister Zehra Hanum Veladin Bey now residing in Constantinople etc 275 9302 1904 Jun Local Com m andant o f Military Police Nicosia: False declaration at Lefka between Jen Hassan Sheikh Ali and his son Hussein Hen Hassan Sheikh Ali 276 9303 1904 Jun Herodotos Stavrinides: Registrar General recommends him for Em ploym ent 277 9304 1904 Jun Commission Kyrenia: Nicola Hji Paraskeva of Lapithos prays for Local Enquiry gratis of his properties (Half donnum of land and trees thereon for he is poor. The property is situated at Phteriha 278 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSl Date Description This margin not to be usect- LRS1 Former Reference 1904 I 9305 1904 Jun Petri Michail Havaje of Petra: Com m issioner Nicosia asks for copy of the registration of his house 279 9306 1904 Jun Survey in Egypt: Notes concerning 280 9307 1 9 0 4 JunMay C hief Secretary: Minute papers New form of 281 9308 1904 Jun V akf Land Laws: Translated by Mr C. R. Tyser - C hief Secretary forwards 7 copies of 282 9309 1904 Jun M. O. Jasonides: Sale o f properties for debt 283 9310 1904 JulOct Hali land at Menoya: Ahmed Mussa asks kotchan for 284 9311 1904 Jun Com m issioner Larnaca: Mehmed Ramiz prays for transfer to a town 285 9312 1906 SepOct Mutevelli Mustafa A ssaf Bey: Mevcoufe Properties in different Villages registration of 286 9313 1904 Jun Police station o f Pyla: Com m issioner Larnaca forwards copy of the registration of plan of 287 9314 1900 Sep1904 Jun Yosif Cirilli and sons and auction Bill lost: Com m issioner Larnaca suggests to issue kotchan on the existing papers 288 9315 1904 JunJul Hassan Nihad Effendi: Tem porary transfer to Nicosia on account of Illness of his wife 289 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4 LRS1 Former Reference 1904 9316 1 9 0 4 JunJul Nicola Kyriaco of Ayios Epictitos: Elucidation of his account with Stavri Sava of Ayios Epictitos 290 9317 1904 Jun M. Zia: Com m issioner Kyrenia prays for transfer to Nicosia 291 9318 1904 Jun J. Levendian: Application for increase o f pay 292 9319 1904 Jan1905 Feb Mayjor Chamberlayne: Leave three months vacation three m onths / one week half pay - Mr Ongley to act as Com m issioner Kyrenia 293 9320 1904 Jun M. Rifat asks for promotion 294 9321 1904 Jun1954 Mar Aphendrika Chiftlik: General paper 295/1 9322 1942 Jan1954 Mar Ditto: General paper 295/2 9323 1922 Nov1958 Apr Ditto: Documents 295 9324 1904 Jun Y usuf Zia Effendi, Local Enquiry Clerk: Application for three months Vacation leave: C hief Secretary 1745/04 available half pay cannot be distributed among the staff o f on Office - Officers must be appointed definitely to replace absentees and Colonial Office Regulations 108 followed 296 9325 1905 Feb Petition writers 1905 297 9326 1904 Mar1905 Jan Tadilat 1904-1905 all Districts 299 LAND REGISTRY AMD SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be usect LRS1 Former Reference 1904 9327 1904 JunJul Local Auditor: Query on Limassol Land Registry Office 300 9328 1904 Jun Local Auditor: Query on the outstanding £1.10/- paid to the Registrar of the District Court of Papho for the Evidence given by the Land Registry Clerks 301 9329 1904 MayJul Pan fees of June Quarter 1904 302 9330 1904 Sep Suprem e Court: Registrar Suprem e Court ask for some information about the case o f Panayi Loizo V. Papa Christodoulo Papa Philipo in Paphos District 303 9331 1904 JulOct False Declaration of Sale: Mehmed Ahm ed Jilyodi o f Mora, V endor and Mehmed Chavoush Ahm ed of Mora, Purchaser 304 9332 1904 AprAug Hassan Izzet Local Enquiry Clerk Limassol: Unsatisfactory conduct regarding absence from Office during April 11904 307 9333 1904 Jul W ater at Ayios Am brosios: Vrisoudi tis Hji Chrysis: Registration in the name of Mariou Sava 308 9334 1904 Jul Ali Zihni asks for transfer to Nicosia 309 9335 1904 Jul1905 Dec Epam inonda Michailides: Question of certain Hadjets sent through this Office to Limassol for exchange 310 9336 1904 OctNov Franking Regulation: C hief Secretary forwards three copies of 311 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSl Date Description LRSl Former Reference 1904 9337 1904 Sep Famagusta - Inside fortress: Sale of Holding 10/1 and store erected thereon by Harbour contractor 312 9338 1904 Jul C om m issioner Papho: Hussein Niazi begs that either he be appointed Local Enquiry Clerk or transferred to another District ect 313 9339 1904 Jul M. Rifat asks for increase of pay or translation o f Khulassas out of Office hours 314 9340 1904 Jul Gabril Yanni Kyrillou and Yannis Kakouri o f Kaliana pray that the G overnm ent repair the Mill Chanel at “Yefyri o f A raklides” on Troodos road as promised by the C om m issioner Nicosia 315 9341 1904 Jul English Church at Larnaca: Registration as mulk o f Field to serve as a site thereof 316 9342 1904 Jul M. Kiani asks for definite instructions if he has been definitely withdrawn from Local Enquiry work in Consequence of appointm ent o f Antoni Papa Petrou 317 9343 1904 Nov1906 Feb Extension of inheritance of Karakash Baghche asked for by Hakki Mahmoud of Nicosia 318 9344 1904 Jul1908 Jul Messrs Rossides brothers M ortgage in favour of Messrs J. B. Smith and Co. of Leith: Instructions as to filling the m ortgage deed asked for 319 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4- LRS1 Former Reference 1904 9345 1904 SepDee Morphi Christo Pantouri of Karava: Registration in his name o f properties under Civil Procedure A m endm ent Law of properties found in Delimited Forest 320 9346 1904 Jul Mr Thom pson: Attendance in Land Registry Office during the Vacation of Idadi School 321 9347 1904 JulAug Blue Book for 1903: Remarks on Area of the Island and Paphos 322 9348 1 9 0 4 JunJul Mahlul of Constantino Zym boulaki 323 9349 1904 Jul1906 Jan Kouklia Chiftlik: Signature of M. Bergman on the declaration o f Sale 324 9350 1904 JulAug English Instruction: Land Registry Clerks to attend Police class 325 9351 1904 Oct Mr Sevasli asks for receipt to be issued for paym ents o f Deposits 326 9352 1904 JulNov Ch. Sozos for Mr Ch. Hji Pavlou and Sons: Registration under Civil Procedure Am endm ent Law of the properties of debtor Fatma Sherife Suleiman 327 9353 1904 Jul1905 Jan Explosive Stores at Famagusta: Erection by Messrs Ham m er and Thom son Agents for Nobel Ltd 328 9354 1904 Jul Alleged fraudulent personation of one Mariou Papa Yanni o f Kambi Pharmaka in declaration of sale to Nicola Theodori 329 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use<l· LRSt Former Reference 1904 9355 1907 Jul Hassan Mustafa and Afiz Yanjin Hassan of Kazafani: Registration of Certain property 330 9356 1904 SepOct Larnaca Land Registry Office: Inspection by Registrar General 29-30 July 1904 331 9357 1904 Jul Antoni Papa Petrou asks for the post of Mr L Lucaides in Police Department 332 9358 1904 Jul Principle Forest Office: Christoforo Hji Yorghi o f Odan: Destroying trees on Hali Land 333 9359 1904 Aug Papa Nicola Papa Christodoulo of Pedula asks for for com pensation for his vineyard taken for Village road 334 9360 1904 Aug Photini Dimitri of Galiana: Abatem ent of Verghi for her land taken for Nicosia Troodos road 335 9361 1904 Aug Refund o f Land Registry fees to Sophronios Theodoro o f 11/7 asks authority for (Chief Clerk Limassol) 336 9362 1904 Oct1905 Mar Famagusta Land Registry Office: Inspection by Registrar General 4 to 6 A ugust 1904 339 9363 1904 Aug1905 A pr Com m issioner Larnaca: Sale by auction of the properties o f Tereza Y oussif Habbas 340 9364 1904 Aug Styliano Mountji of Larnaca: Writing off certain Verghi suggests for 341 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSt Date Description This margin not to be usecj. LRSl Former Reference 1904 9365 1904 Aug1905 Jun Alam ino Chiftlik: Mr G. Mozoras property at 342 9366 1904 Sep G. Houry: Com plaint by Mr. O Essayan 344 9367 1904 Sep Com m issioner Larnaca: Alleged Fraudulent Personation of Maritsa Sava of Livathia 345 9368 1904 Aug Com m issioner Kyrenia: W ater Registration at Vouno in name of Toghli Hji Petri and others 346 9369 1904 AugNov Omiros Mouzalas: Dismissal of 347 9370 1904 Sep1905 Nov Maria Massri and Theodoro Golfinopoullos: Cancellation of M ortgage (Com m issioner Paphos) 349 9371 1904 AprSep False declaration between Hussein Salih Coundroza of Meladia and Haralambo Hji Sava o f Steni 350 9372 1904 Aug1928 Feb Yorghi Savides, M ukhtar of Ayios Savas Quarter Nicosia begs for appointm ent as auctioneer 351 9373 1904 SepAug Charles Christian asks for transfer of the house of Mr W illiam s Barker in the names o f Messrs Ernest Barker and Frederick Ernest Bird 352 9374 1904 Sep L. Auditor: Kokkinotrim ithia Chiftlik Sale of 353 9375 1904 SepNov Limassol Land Registry Office: Inspection by Registrar General 20-24 A ugust 1904 354 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be use4 LRS1 Former Reference 1904 9376 1904 Sep L. Auditor: Petty Cash account 355 and Carriage hire 9377 1904 Aug Ordinance of Falkland Islands: To sim plify Title of land - Chief Secretary forwards a copy of 356 9378 1904 Sep1905 Mar Estimates for 1905-1906 357 9379 1904 Sep1909 Jan Verghi Khulassas of Kyrenia Land Registry Office: Translation of 359 9380 1904 Sep Mr M. Sevasly: sherife and Kioulsem Question o f right of preemption 360 9381 1904 AugSep Departm ent of Public Works: Road Construction of, Question about the information for revision of the Virghi Assessm ent 361 9382 1904 Sep Petition Writers: Retension by them of kotchans issued for persons transacting business through them 362 9383 1904 Sep Writs: Sim ultaneously receipt of no of them 364 9384 1903 Aug1908 Mar New Verghi Khulassas: Increased expenditure at rate o f £250 per annum to complete 365 9385 1904 Sep Land Registry Clerks put on incremental scale on 1 October 1903: Registrar General asks about their conduct 366 9386 1904 Sep Interest computing of: C om m issioner Kyrenia asks for instructions as to with the begining and date of sale are to be included 367 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description LRS1 Former Reference 1904 9387 1904 Sep1905 Dec Mr Haggi Petro: Removal o f house on beach at Famagusta and grant of new site 368 9388 1904 JunSep Ali and Mehmed Hji Imbrahim of Morphou: Double assessm ent of Verghi 369 9389 1904 Sep1925 May Loan Fund: List of persons to whom the advance made is not secured by mortgage 370 9390 1904 Sep S. Stavrinaki declares Panayotis L. Panayides his clerk 371 9391 1904 Sep Infunts Estates: Rules o f Court 372 9392 1904 Nov1905 Mar Yorghanji Bashi Mustafa Sami: Com plaint of wrong Assessm ent of Tax at Kyrenia District 373 9393 1904 SepOct Cherkez Chitlik Tarstem Bykan: Registration of his land in names of Evcaf: Com plains of 374 9394 1904 Sep Com m issioner Kyrenia: W rit ordering sale of Immovable property before registered in the name of Debtor 375 9395 1904 Oct1908 Apr C hief Clerks, Larnaca and Kyrenia Land Registry Office: Proposed increase of pay o f Messrs Karaja and Kevorkian 376 9396 1904 Sep1909 Jun Ismail Rashid, D. Youssuf, M. Sadruddin, M. Muzaffer, Ja fe rT a ya r: Failure to pass English and test for second class clerkship: Cases submitted to Governm ent 377 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSt Date Description This margin not to be use4· LRSt Former Reference 1904 9397 1904 Apr1905 Dec Grighory Hji Grighory: Transfer to Kyrenia as Clerk and Interpreter to Police 378 9398 1904 Apr1907 Dec Purchase o f land at Lefka for Governm ent 379 9399 1904 Sep Inhabitants of Tsada: Reassessm ent of their taxes 380 9400 1904 Sep Money weighing Balance for Verghi distribution work 381 9401 1904 Sep Nicolas Stefanou: Question of his not passing English Exam inations 382 9402 1905 Apr1908 Jun Shaben Pasha Garden and adjoining properties: Question of acquisition o f to be attached to Police Barracks Nicosia 384 9403 1904 Sep G. Koumides: Principal Forest Office recomm ends him for promotion 385 9404 1904 Sep1905 Jan Forms of the record of Services: C hief Secretary forwards form s to fill in 386 9405 1904 Sep Paphos Land Registry Office: Com m issioner Paphos asks instructions as to charge of fees on the application of Hdije Hanum Mahmoud Effendi 387 9406 1904 SepOct Refund of 11/6 cp to Razkie Mustafa (Com m issioner Paphos) 388 9407 1904 Nov1905 Dec Kalliopi Marias of Galata: Remission of Verghi for property taken for road 389 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRSt Date Description This margin not to be usect LRS1 Former Reference 1904 9408 1904 Sep1912 Sep Old Hospital site Eumerich Q uarter Nicosia: Registration of in names o f Delegages o f Evcaf 390 9409 1904 NovDee Com m issioner Larnaca: Succession of kotchan Hji Michail: Issue of kotchan for certain property the case being before the court 391 9410 1904 Oct1905 Jun Site atT ahtakala: Registration in their names asked for 392 9411 1904 Sep1925 Oct Police station at Am adies purchase of: Local C om m andant Military Police Nicosia asks to carry out the sale 393 9412 1904 Sep Ch. Lucas Lucaides: Local Com m andant Military Police Larnaca asks for the record of his services in the Departm ent 394 9413 1904 SepOct Roman Catholic House: Ira d o ffo r period let to Arm enian pauper’s children to use as school 395 9414 1904 Sep1905 Nov Inspector of Schools: English Instruction during 1904-1905 396 9415 1904 SepOct His Excellency Sir Charles A. King Harman: Arrival on 12 October 397 9416 1904 Sep Succession o f Yorghi Hji Sotiri: Com m issioner Famagusta Concellation of their m ortgage 398 9417 1904 Sep Sale by auctions of the properties of Costanti Hji Procopy of Lapithos: Com m issioner Kyrenia asks for 399 LAND REGISTRY AND SURVEYS - MINUTE PAPERS Reference LRS1 Date Description This margin not to be useit LRS1 Former Reference 1904 instructions as to how the proceeds of sale of one o f his two houses is to be desposed of between the two Creditors etc 9418 1904 SepOct Petition w riter Christoforos Georghiades: Com plaint against Mr M uzaffer Effendi 400 9419 1904 SepOct Mufredats - Propose that to avoid confusion they should contain same num ber of lines per page as Tax Collectors Book F.35 assistance in checking totals Limassol Inspection A ugust 1904 401 9420 1904 Oct1905 Jan Arithm etic: Treatise o f H. Smith 402 9421 1902 Feb Governm ent property: Public Garden Limassol - C hief Secretary forwards kotchan and plan of 403 9422 1904 Oct1905 Jan Tithe Memours Security of 404 9423 1904 Dec Ormidia Avgorou road: Form 149 (Departm ent of Public W orks) 405 9424 1904 Sep Nazife Ibfrahim Haki: Seven days leave to Mr Safvet Land Registry Clerk Limassol 406 9425 1904 Sep Com m issioner Larnaca: Governm ent property of old store for salt at Zygi, sends kotchan 407 9426 1904 Oct Com m issioner Kyrenia: Kyriaco Tofi Tsiko and Haralambi Angeli Tsiko and others apply to cut tim ber on private land 409