Diplomats in Spain NEWSLETTER
Diplomats in Spain NEWSLETTER
ASSOCIATION OF Diplomats in Spain INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATS IN SPAIN NEWSL ASOCIACION INTERNACIONAL DE DIPLOMATICOS EN ESPAÑA NEWSLETTER October 2014 Alfonso XII, 46 – 28014 Madrid – NIF: G80519887 www.aidemadrid.org A New Term of The Year 2014-15 Words from Our New President Dear friends, We are in a new beginning year of AIDE until next June. This summer, many of our friends ended their term in Madrid and are back to their countries or on the way to other destinations. We miss them already and wish them good luck. But the departure of so many is also the arrival of others. To all new diplomats and their spouses we give the warmest welcome and hope that this diplomatic course is among the best in their careers. We are very happy with the join of new partners in AIDE and some of them directly to the Board. There are still vacancies on the Board this year where you can spend pleasant moments of pure friendship but also a positive spirit at work. We invite you to approach or write to damasdiplomaticas@gmail.com until the Board completes as by statute. Warm greetings, Florica - Cristina Vîlcu President AIDE Invitation to October Monthly Meeting You are warmly invited to attend our Second Monthly Meeting of the year 2014-2015, which will be held on October 16th 2014 at 10.30 a.m. at the Residence of Saudi Arabia by hostess HH Princess Rola Al-Ghrair Address: Calle de la Veredilla nº 1, La Moraleja 28109 Madrid Please send your confirmation to damasdiplomaticas@gmail.com by 15th October 2014 Sra. María Pilar de Aguilar García, ALEMANIA, 5th October. Exma. Sra. Shafag Orujova, AZERBAIJAN, 6th October. Sra. Carolina Estrada Pellicer, HONORARIA, 6th October. Exma. Sra. Muna Majali, JORDANIA, 12th October. Exma. Sra. Deolinda Dominges Camoes, CABO VERDE, 23rd October. TO ALL THE BIRTHDAY LADIES… HAPPY BIRTHDAY! AIDE BOARD 2014-2015, number 2, OCTOBER 2014 COMPLUTENSE – Anyone interested in joining this year´s course please contact: Nisrine at diplomaticas.curso2014@gmail.com TERTULIA LITERARIA – monthly meetings. For more information please contact MayLasotel. 916501988Email marialasomira@hotmail.com. Discussions are held monthly in Spanish. PRADO- if you are interested inenjoying a painting class at Prado Museum please contact CarolinaEstrada: damasdiplomaticas@gmail.com AIDE WEB We invite you to visit a recently updated AIDE web site. It contains some new photos and additional information about our association: www.aidemadrid.org To add your own news, please e-mail us to:damasdiplomaticas@gmail.com Program for Literary Social Circle Dear Friends, The books proposed for the next social circles to be commented are: October "Treinta doblones de oro" by Jesús Sánchez Adalid. On the 12th of November “La mujer del diplomático” by Isabel S. Sebastián and on the 10th of December “Travesuras de la niña mala “by Mario Vargas Llosa. Check time and place. Visit to the Prado Museum On Tuesday 21st October at 10:15 a.m we are invited to a guided visit to the Prado Museum masterpieces. The cost of this visit will be only 8 Euros. Vacancies are limited to 20 people. The visit will take place at the “Puerta de Goya” of the Museum. Please confirm your interest in attending it by writing to: damasdiplomaticas@gmail.com as soon as possible. PRADO Dear friends, we are pleased to inform you that the Association of International Diplomats in Spain offers two courses of History of Painting at the Museo del Prado. Lessons will be held on Thursdays at two different times at 11:30a.m. and 3:00 p.m. by the Professor Margarita Perez during an hour and a half. The lessons will develop in situ in order to contemplate the paintings and discuss them directly. For more information on programs, prices, dates and other details please contact: damasdiplomaticas@gmail.com May Laso Membership & Message from the Treasurer Annual membership fees are (€ 40) and can be paid in cash at any of our monthly meetings. For bank transfer, our AIDE account number is ES89 0182 7421 570201558368 (Banco BBVA). Make sure you include your full name and the name of your embassy / organization as a part of the electronic transfer so that we can identify you! Kindly print your transaction receipt and present it to the treasurer along with your completed membership form. Do you know that you can sign up to become a member of AIDE at any time? Simply request an application form via e-mail damasdiplomaticas @gmail.com or pick one up at the next monthly meeting. All currently accredited diplomats and their spouses (men and women) are eligible to join. We need your help to get the word out to newcomers who may not yet know about our association, so please pass this info to them. We need your complete mailing address and e-mail so that we can send you the latest AIDE invitations, news and updates. A membership list will be available at our next meeting, and so please take a few moments to review it and let us know about the changes. COMPLUTENSE Dear Friends, We are pleased to inform you that the course of Complutense will continue in 2015. The course, which consists of 20 seminars, is scheduled to beginon January 15, 2015 and end in June 2015. The presentations will take place at the Faculty of Geography and History at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), once a week. The price depends on the number of entries. As in previous years, a fixed fee is paid to the University. Based on previous editions, we estimate the course fee would cost around € 250 per person. If you are interested in participating in this course, please send an email to damasdiplomaticas@gmail.com. Looking forward to see you again in this IXª Seminar. Warm Regards, Nisrine Leyenda que describe una imagen o un gráfico. AIDE BOARD 2014-2015, number 2, OCTOBER 2014 SEPTEMBER MONTHLY MEETING The September Monthly Meeting of AIDE took place on September 24th at the Residence of Azerbaijan. Many Thanks to our hostess, Shafag Orudjova, who organized everything perfectly. During the meeting she invited us to watch the documentary 'AZERBAIJAN ON SKY' and after it offered us a delicious buffet brunch. AIDE MEET FUNDACION BOBATH On Friday 19th of September, Aide Board meet ‘’Fundacion Bobath’’, A Foundation with the collaboration of The Foundation of Queen Sophia. It is a chance for the Board to know more about the foundation to which we donate the money to buy the school bus (photos) being purchased with the fundraising of our latest Diplomatic Charity Bazaar last April 26th. ‘’Fundacion Bobath’’ is a welfare foundation, attached to the Protectorate of the Ministry of Social Affairs, which aims to the founding comprehensive care, education and treatment for people affected by paralysis and brain damage of any age. Currently, the Foundation consists of the following areas of focus: 1. An Early Childhood Center. 2. A Special Education College. 3. A Day Centre 4. A Training Center in the Bobath Concept, aimed at professionals. 5. A Research Center on the Bobath Concept. 6. The Bobath Centre, every day, 191 infants, children, youth and adults are served by 80 professionals.