Regalo de Cash for gold


Regalo de Cash for gold
january 1, 2014 • Edition 424 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .: Rumbo :.
Enero / January 1, 2014
The Bilingual Newspaper of the Merrimack Valley
Juramentación del nuevo
gobierno en Lawrence- |5
(MA) Lawrence, Methuen, Haverhill, Andover, North Andover, Lowell
(NH) Salem, Nashua, Manchester
Regalo de Cash for gold
Más de 10,000 personas
respondieron a la oferta de Cash for
Gold de regalar un auto del año y
llenaron tarjetas con sus nombres
que enviaron y llenaron la tómbola
que aparece en la foto. Ayudando a
sacar el nombre del ganador, desde
la izquierda, Lynne DeFlorio V. P.
de Cash For Gold; Antonio López,
de WNNW - Power 800; Nunzio
DiMarca, de WCCM-1110AM; Deb
Smola de Holloway Fiat Motors de
Manchester NH y Larry F. Giordano,
de Methuen Karate Association.
More than 10,000 people responding to
the Cash for Gold offer to give away a car
of the year sent cards with their names
that filled the tombola that appears in the
picture. Helping draw the winner, from
the left, Lynne DeFlorio, V. P. of Cash
For Gold; Antonio Lopez, of WNNW Power 800; Nunzio DiMarca, of WCCM1110AM; Deb Smola of Holloway
Fiat Motors of Manchester NH and
Larry F. Giordano, of Methuen Karate
Cash for Gold Give-Away
Navidades de Costa-Eagle Santa visitó MVFCU
La Segunda edición
anual de We Love Santa
Party de Merrimack Valley
Federal Credit Union hizo
la temporada Navideña un
poco más brillante para las
organizaciones sin fines de
lucro del área. El evento
especial de la familia
el pasado sábado, 7 de
diciembre entretenido a los
niños de todas las edades
y recaudó dinero para
locales, al mismo tiempo.
Costa-Eagle Broadcasting celebró una
cena de Navidad para sus empleados y
asociados en el Restaurante Chama Grill
en North Andover. En la foto, de izquierda
a derecha, con Pat Costa, gerente general
de Costa-Eagle es el muy querido Bruce
Arnold como invitado especial.
Santa at
Christmas with Costa-Eagle
Costa-Eagle Broadcasting held a Christmas
dinner for their employees and associates
at Chama Grill in North Andover. Pictured
from left, with Pat Costa, general manager of
Costa Eagle is a special guest Radio Legend
Bruce Arnold.
Merrimack Valley Federal Credit Union’s second annual We Love Santa Party
made the holiday season a bit brighter for area nonprofit organizations. The special
family event last Saturday, December 7 entertained kids of all ages and raised money
for local charities at the same time.
| 25
Daniel Rivera: Inauguración / Inauguration - Pg. 2
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Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 424 • enero 1, 2014
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Inauguración de tres días EDITORIAL | EDITORIAL
Cambio de localidad de la Ceremonia
Debido a la inminente caída de nieve
al final de la semana, el alcalde electo Dan
Rivera convocó una reunión de emergencia
con los jefes de departamentos de la ciudad.
Después de consultar con el jefe de policía
interino James Fitzpatrick, el jefe de bomberos
Jack Bergeron, el director interino del DPW
John Isensee, y el Director de Instalaciones
del Departamento Escolar Chris Merlino,
el alcalde electo Rivera decidió realizar la
ceremonia de inauguración bajo techo”. “La
seguridad de los residentes de Lawrence
es nuestra primera prioridad”, dijo Rivera.
“Queremos garantizar la aplicación de un
exitoso plan de retiro de nieve para despejar
las calles antes de exponer a los residentes a
participar en actividades al aire libre. “
El alcalde electo Rivera, junto con los
jefes de departamentos, actualmente están
trabajando en la logística para enfrentar la
próxima tormenta de nieve. Se están haciendo
planes para despejar las calles de toda la
ciudad, para facilitar a los residentes realizar
sus rutinas diarias. De igual modo, se sugiere
a los residentes palear el frente de sus casas
y observar la prohibición de estacionamiento
de la ciudad, que será puesta en ejecución en
su totalidad. Para obtener más información
sobre la prohibición de estacionamiento,
favor de visitar la página web de la ciudad.
La Ceremonia de Inauguración ahora
se llevará a cabo en el auditorio del North
Common Education Complex (antigua High
School de Lawrence, ubicado en Haverhill
St.) La Senadora de EE.UU. Elizabeth
Warren tomará el juramento al nuevo alcalde
Rivera. Esta ceremonia es abierta al público
y la prensa, y se les anima a todos a participar
en la celebración. El Comité de Inauguración
aún está solicitando a los asistentes llevar una
frazada, las cuales serán donadas a familias
de escasos recursos. Todas las demás
festividades de inauguración continúan
igual como habían sido programadas. A
continuación el Programa de Eventos:
Ceremonia de Inauguración
Viernes, 3 de enero 2014 al mediodía 12:00M
- en el auditorio de la antigua High School
de Lawrence ubicada en el 233 de la calle
Haverhill y que actualmente se conoce como
el North Common Education Complex. Como
parte de la actividad denominada “Traiga
una Frazada, Deje una Frazada”, el Comité
de Inauguración aún está solicitando a los
asistentes llevar una frazada, las cuales serán
donadas a familias de escasos recursos.
Gala Inaugural
Viernes, 3 de enero 2014 a las 7:00PM,
Elks Club de Lawrence. Aperitivos y
música en vivo. (Boletos de entrada
requeridos. Para obtener información
sobre la compra de boletos visite www.,
o póngase en contacto con Wendy Luzón al
978-807-9328 para compra con cheque.)
Diversión en familia
Sábado, 4 de enero 2014 a la 1:00PM,
con el alcalde en el Parque Campagnone
Common que incluye patinaje sobre hielo,
música, pintura de cara y más. Traiga
a sus niños y venga a pasar un buen rato
con sus vecinos. Este evento es gratis para
el público. En caso de mal tiempo, este
evento será reprogramado para una fecha
posterior en la temporada.
Noche de Oración y Concierto
Interreligioso por la Unidad
Domingo, 5 de enero 2014 a las 6:00 PM,
en el Auditorio de la Escuela Secundaria
de Lawrence. El programa de eventos
organizados por el Comité de Inauguración
del alcalde electo está diseñado para
fomentar la unidad en la ciudad, y ofrecer
a sus residentes una variedad de maneras
de celebrar las nuevas oportunidades que
ahora tiene la ciudad.
Inauguration lasting 3 days
Inauguration Ceremony Location Changed
Due to the impending snowfall at the
end of the week, Mayor-Elect Dan Rivera
called for an emergency meeting with city
department heads. After consulting with
Acting Police Chief James Fitzpatrick, Fire
Chief Jack Bergeron, Acting DPW Director
John Isensee, and Director of Facilities
for the School Department Chris Merlino,
Mayor-Elect Rivera decided to move the
Inauguration ceremony indoors. “The
safety of Lawrence residents is our first
priority,” said Rivera. “We want to ensure
the implementation of a successful snow
removal plan to clear our streets before
residents venture outdoors.” Mayor-Elect
Rivera, along with the department heads,
are currently working on the logistics
for the upcoming snow event. Plans are
being made to clear roads throughout the
city, making it easier for residents to go
about their daily routines. Residents are
encouraged to shovel the walk-ways in
front of their homes and observe the city
parking ban, which will be I full effect. For
more information on the parking ban, visit
the city’s website.
The Inauguration Ceremony will now
be held at The North Common Education
Complex (former Lawrence High School,
183 Haverhill St.) in the auditorium. U.S.
Senator Elizabeth Warren will be delivering
the ceremonial oath of office. This ceremony
is still open to the public and press, and all
are encouraged to join in the celebration.
The Inauguration Committee is still asking
those in attendance to bring a blanket to
be donated to families in need. All other
Inauguration festivities are continuing as
planned. A schedule reflecting the change
of the ceremony is below. Recap of events
Inauguration Ceremony: Friday, January 3, 2014 at Noon
Location: The North Common Education
Complex (former Lawrence High School,
183 Haverhill St.) As part of the theme,
“Bring a Blanket, Leave a Blanket,” guests
are asked to bring a blanket to the ceremony
to be donated to families in need.
Rumbo se expande
l año 2013 ha sido un año maravilloso para Rumbo y tenemos grandes
expectativas para el 2014, por lo que hemos decidido expandirnos.
Y todo esto se lo debemos, primero a nuestros fieles anunciantes y
segundo al público que nos sigue cada semana en busca de información
Comenzando con esta edición y con nuestros anunciantes y lectores
en mente, estamos introduciendo ciertos cambios que ampliarán nuestra
distribución en beneficio de todos.
Por más de 17 años hemos impreso y distribuido dos ediciones
diferentes. Una el 1ro y el 15 de cada mes con el nombre de Rumbo en rojo
que le llamamos Edición Regional, y otra con el nombre de Rumbo en azul
que se imprime el 8 y el 22 de cada mes, a la que llamamos Edición Local.
La diferencia entre ambas era la distribución. La Edición Roja se
distribuye en Lawrence, Methuen, Andover, North Andover, Haverhill y
Lowell en Massachusetts y Salem, Nashua y Manchester en New Hampshire.
La Edición Azul se distribuía en Lawrence, Methuen, Haverhill, Andover y
North Andover.
Comenzando el 1ro de enero, 2014, no habrá más Edición Azul.
Esta se convertirá en edición Regional, seguirá imprimiéndose los días 8
y 22 de cada mes pero con el nombre de Rumbo en Rojo y ampliará su
distribución a Lowell en Massachusetts y Salem, Nashua y Manchester en
New Hampshire.
Estamos convencidos de que esta ampliación llevará el mensaje de
nuestros anunciantes a sitios que antes no alcanzaban resultando beneficioso
para todos.
¡Un Feliz y Saludable Año Nuevo para todos!
Rumbo is expanding
he year 2013 has been a wonderful year for Rumbo and having high
expectations for 2014, we have decided to expand. All of this we
owe to our advertisers first and second to our faithful readers who
follow us every week looking for accurate information.
Starting with this issue and with our advertisers and readers in mind,
we are introducing some changes that will expand our distribution for the
benefit of all.
For over 17 years we have printed and distributed two different editions.
Every 1st and 15th of each month with the name of Rumbo in red, we
printed what is called the Regional Edition and another one with the name
of Rumbo in blue, printed on the 8th and the 22nd of each month, which is
call the Local Edition.
The difference between them was the distribution. The Red Edition has
been distributed in Lawrence, Methuen, Andover, North Andover, Haverhill
and Lowell in Massachusetts and Salem, Nashua and Manchester in New
Hampshire. The Blue edition was distributed in Lawrence, Methuen,
Haverhill, Andover and North Andover.
Beginning with the New Year, there will be no more Blue Edition. This will
become Regional Edition, and it will be printed on the 8th and 22nd of each
month with the name Rumbo in red and it will be also distributed in Lowell,
Massachusetts and Salem, Nashua and Manchester in New Hampshire.
We believe that with this expansion, carrying the message of our advertisers
to sites never reached before will prove to be beneficial for all.
Happy and Healthy New Year for All!
The BILINGUAL Newspaper of the Merrimack Valley
Publicación de SUDA, Inc.
60 Island Street Lawrence, MA 01840
Tel: (978) 794-5360 | Fax: (978) 975-7922 |
Dalia Díaz
Alberto M. Surís
Published on the 1st & 15th of Every Month
january 1, 2014 • Edition 424 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
Rumbo :.
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 424 • enero 1, 2014
Por Dalia Díaz
El Año Nuevo de
Como puede ver en nuestro editorial, el
2013 fue un buen año para nosotros y todo
señala que el 2014 será aún mejor. Sólo
tengo que negociar con mi jefe unos días de
vacaciones de vez en cuando porque si antes
fue agitado, creo que sólo va a empeorar.
Somos muy afortunados de estar
rodeados por anunciantes que creen en el
trabajo que hacemos y que han estado con
nosotros durante muchos años - después
de todo, esto es un negocio. Es una gran
satisfacción cuando podemos ser de servicio
a nuestras comunidades (y esta edición
ampliada es prueba de ello), donde las
organizaciones pueden tener un vehículo ¿verdad?
para promover sus servicios y éxitos.
Desde que ganó las elecciones he visto
el otro lado de él y me preocupa. No creo
que haya tenido experiencia tratando con
personas bajo su mando. Probablemente
piensa que al delegar en otros el trabajo
será hecho, pero los errores cometidos por
su organización y los diferentes comités me
He conocido a Danny por un largo
llevan a creer que él no puede ser un buen
tiempo y sólo puedo decir cosas buenas
sobre él. Como trabajador, miembro del
Delegar no es suficiente; hay que
Concejo Municipal y miembro de la Junta
preguntar por los resultados de lo que
Fiduciaria de Northern Essex Community
les fue asignado, o de otro modo, las
College, la imagen que tengo es la de alguien
cosas caerán en el olvido. Me refiero en
inteligente, trabajador y responsable. ¡Basta
concreto, a la forma en que los medios han
con echar un vistazo al trabajo que hizo con
sido manejados ofreciendo información
el presupuesto de la ciudad!
confusa como los patines de hielo siendo
Usted sabía que iba a haber un PERO,
ALQUILER GRATIS (free rental) sólo para
aclarar después que alguien está pagando
por el alquiler y que será gratuito para el
público. Entonces, rechazando u olvidando
asistir a entrevistas de radio programadas y
solamente van a aquellos en los que el nivel
de confort es más agradable. Las elecciones
han terminado y no habrá más preguntas
injustas o provocantes de ninguno de
Después, está el comité inaugural. Sólo
una semana antes de la ceremonia de toma
de posesión, se anunció que el Concejo
Municipal, el Comité Escolar y el Comité
Escolar de Greater Lawrence Technical
School van a tener eventos separados.
herramientas están disponibles para ayudar Se olvidaron de planificar para que estos
a cualquier preparador que haya olvidado su cuerpos fueran parte de la toma de posesión
nombre de usuario, contraseña o dirección del nuevo gobierno, concentrándose
de correo electrónico.
exclusivamente en las actividades del
Nuevos preparadores de declaraciones alcalde. Francamente, todo ha sido un
de impuestos que vayan a obtener un desperdicio de esfuerzos, comenzando
número PTIN por primera vez deben crear con la ceremonia frente al Ayuntamiento.
una cuenta PTIN en línea y luego seguir las Hubiera sido bonito con buen tiempo
indicaciones para obtener su número PTIN pero deberían haber sido realistas desde el
. El costo es de $64.25.
El requisito anual del número PTIN es Lo que he dicho acerca de la delegación
parte del esfuerzo continuo del IRS para fue porque la impresión que tengo de todo
perfeccionar la administración tributaria y eso es que ellos no tienen que rendirle
mejorar los servicios a los contribuyentes. cuentas a nadie - y, al parecer, Danny no
700,000 pregunta.
preparadores de impuestos con números
PTIN del año 2013. Más de 400.000 ya
han renovado su número PTIN, además de
más de 25.000 que han obtenido un número
PTIN por primera vez para el año 2014.
Tax preparers must renew their
PTINs for 2014
The Internal Revenue Service reminded
professional tax return preparers to renew
their Preparer Tax Identification Numbers
(PTINs) if they plan to prepare returns in
2014. Current PTINs expire Dec. 31, 2013.
Anyone who prepares or helps prepare
all or substantially all of a federal tax return,
claim for refund or other federal forms for
compensation must have a valid PTIN. All
enrolled agents also must have a PTIN.
Tax professionals can obtain or renew their
PTINs at<http://www.irs.
Those renewing their PTINs can
complete the process in about 15 minutes.
The renewal fee is $63. Tools are available
to assist any preparers who have forgotten
Cuando usted decide
comenzar un negocio,
hay muchas cosas
referentes a seguros
que debe tener en
Aquí están
algunos que usted
necesita comprar:
¡Bienvenido Alcalde
Los preparadores de impuestos
deben renovar su PTIN para el
El Servicio de Impuestos Internos, IRS
recordó hoy a los preparadores de impuestos
profesionales que deben renovar sus
Números de Identificación de Preparador
(PTIN) si planean preparar declaraciones
en el 2014. Los números actuales de PTIN
se vencen el 31 de diciembre del 2013.
Cualquier persona que elabore o ayude
a preparar o substancialmente toda la
declaración federal de impuestos, solicitud
de reembolso u otras formas federales
de impuestos y que reciba compensación
por hacerlo, debe tener un número PTIN
vigente. Todos los agentes registrados
también deben tener un número PTIN. Los
profesionales de impuestos pueden obtener
o renovar sus PTIN en
ptin<> (en inglés).
Los que renuevan sus números PTIN
pueden completar el proceso en unos 15
minutos. El costo de renovación es $63. Las
Anuncio Pagado
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their user name, password or email
New tax return preparers who are
obtaining a first-time PTIN must create an
online PTIN account as a first step and then
follow directions to obtain a PTIN. Their
fee is $64.25.
The annual PTIN requirement is part
of the IRS’s ongoing effort to enhance tax
administration and improve services to
There are approximately 700,000 tax
preparers with 2013 PTINs. More than
400,000 have already renewed their PTIN,
plus more than 25,000 have obtained a firsttime PTIN for 2014.
conocido como “liability” lo protege
si alguien se lastima en su propiedad
o en su negocio. Si usted alquila, el
propietario querrá que usted tenga seguro
de responsabilidad civil y el nombre
como asegurado adicional. Si usted
vende comida, un producto o servicio,
el seguro de responsabilidad civil es
muy importante. Si usted es propietario
y alquila, el seguro de “liability” es
necesario para protegerlo de demandas de
inquilinos y se requiere para la Sección
VIII de los inquilinos. Los contratistas
lo necesitan para proteger a sus clientes.
Muchas ciudades y pueblos requieren
Certificados de Seguros de los contratistas
cuando solicitan permisos.
prestado dinero para iniciar su negocio o
comprar un inmueble, el banco requerirá
que usted tenga seguro contra incendios
(igual que cuando usted pide prestado
para comprar una casa).
ROBO: La cobertura de robo por lo
general se puede adquirir junto con el
seguro contra incendios. A menudo es
necesario contar con una alarma antirrobo
para comprar cobertura de robo.
TRABAJADORES DE COMPENSACIÓN: Si usted decide contratar a alguien
o tiene familia que ayuda, es necesario
adquirir un seguro de indemnización
laboral. Esto protege al trabajador si se
lesionan en el trabajo. No sólo son los
gastos médicos pagados, sino los salarios
también se pagan al empleado lesionado
en caso de tener que faltar al trabajo. El
costo se basa en el tipo de negocio y la
nómina real. Las empresas deben adquirir
esta cobertura. Empresas LLC y los
propietarios no tienen que protegerse a sí
mismos, pero deben comprar una póliza
para los trabajadores que contratan.
ENTRADAS: Si su ingreso de alquiler
o producto de ventas paga las facturas
entonces usted necesita para asegurarse
de que su póliza incluye esta cobertura.
¡Esto no se incluye automáticamente!
Asegúrese de revisar su póliza comercial
para más detalles.
Nancy Greenwood Insurance
11 Haverhill Street
Methuen, MA 01844
(978) 683-7676
(800) 498-7675 / Fax (978) 794-5409
Hablamos Español
Nancy Greenwood
Ronald Briggs
Anuncio Pagado
january 1, 2014 • Edition 424 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
Rumbo :.
Graduación de Intérpretes Médicos
Por Alberto Surís
El Merrimack Valley Area Health
Education Center y el Greater Lawrence
Family Health Center celebraron una
ceremonia de graduación del Programa
60 Horas de Intérpretes Médicos de 11 de
diciembre 2013, donde 27 participantes
recibieron diplomas de graduación de la
directora del Programa Maria Gatej, JD.
Los graduados y sus invitados
disfrutaron de una deliciosa cena así como
postres mientras escuchaban a la oradora
invitada Sonia Falcos, gerente de servicios
de intérpretes del Hospital Holy Family,
hablando sobre sus experiencias como
intérprete médico.
By Alberto Surís
The Merrimack Valley Area Health
Education Center and The Greater
Lawrence Family Health Center held
a graduation ceremony of the 60 Hour
Medical Interpreter Program on December
11, 2013 where 27 participants received
certificates from the MIT Program director
Graduados / Graduates: Lucy Alqarmeli, Rafaela Cabieles, Evelyn Castoires, Sheylla
Córdova, Christine Darling, Ana Díaz, Adolfa Feliz, Solennys Fernández, Angeline
Maria Gatej, JD.
García, Virginia Gómez, Nicolás González Jr., Luz Guzmán, Glennys Madera, Gelipsa
Graduates and their guests were Matamoros, Limber Matías, Maridalia Méndez, Vivian Moreno, Raquel Ozoria, Nolis
treated to a delicious Latin style dinner and Pena, Wismelda Perez, Iliana Pérez, Mayte Regalado, Patricia Remigio, Lynnevette
deserts while listening to Guest Speaker Torruellas, Marta Tyler, Franceliz Velázquez y / and Linda Villalobos.
Sonia Falcos, interpreter services manager,
Holy Family Hospital, speaking about her
experiences as a Medical Interpreter.
Inauguration Gala:
Friday, January 3, 2014 7PM – 11PM
Location: Lawrence Elks Club, 652
Andover Street Lawrence, MA. This
is a ticketed event. For information on
purchasing tickets please visit www.
com; or contact Wendy Luzon at 978-8079328 to purchase by check.
Family Fun Event:
Saturday, January 4, 2014 – 1:00PM-4:00PM
Location: Campagnone Common
Residents and friends of the city are invited
to a Family Fun Day in the Campagnone
Common. There will be ice skating (with
free skate rentals), face painting, games,
and more. Bring the kids and come have
some fun with your neighbors.
**This event is free to the public. In the
case of severe weather, this event will be
rescheduled to a later date in the season.**
Interfaith Unity Prayer & Concert:
Sunday, January 5, 2014 at 6:00PM
Location: Lawrence High School Auditorium
The Inauguration Committee is closely
watching weather reports and is prepared
to make planning alterations should it
become necessary. The schedule of events
organized by Mayor-Elect's Inauguration
Committee is designed to encourage unity
in the city, and offers residents a variety
of ways to celebrate the new opportunities
before the city. For up to date information
on Inauguration festivities, please visit
Lawrence City Council
Thursday, January 2, 2014 - 7:00 p.m.
Lawrence High School - The Performing Arts Center
Reception Immediately following . Refreshments to be Served
Lawrence School Committee
Greater Lawrence Technical School Committee
Thursday, January 2, 2014 - 7:00 p.m.
City Council Chambers - Lawrence City Hall
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Community Medical Associates está afiliado a Lawrence General Hospital, el proveedor
líder de la atención médica más avanzada, centrada en el paciente, del Valle del Merrimack.
Lawrence General Hospital está afiliado clínicamente a Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Center y al Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Center for Pediatrics.
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 424 • enero 1, 2014
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First Annual Mary Immaculate Guild Dinner
The Mary Immaculate Guild recently held its first annual
dinner at the Merrimack Valley Golf Club. In much the same
way that the Holy Family Hospital Men’s Guild supported the
Holy Family Hospital, the Mary Immaculate Guild, Inc. was
formally established this summer to assist the MI Nursing/
Restorative Center carry out its mission and improve the lives
of its residents through service and fundraising. This new
organization is open to both men and women interested in this
type of community service.
In the tradition of the Holy Family Hospital Men’s Guild,
the festive annual dinner provided a wonderful opportunity for
community members to renew old acquaintances and meet new
Presenting a proclamation from our legislative delegation (l to r) Gerard Foley, CJ Gangi,
Representative Frank Moran, Representative Diana DiZoglio, and Representative James Lyons
Scott Martin, Donald Marinelli and Robert Perreault of the
Mary Immaculate Guild Board of Directors
Janice Mills with Diane Shikrallah
Maria Hanley, Richard Dewhirst, Lisa Ford, Representative
Diana DiZoglio
David Walton of Patriot Ambulance and Retired Fire Chief
Richard Schaffer
Pamela Streletsky, MI director of finance; Stewart Goff,
administrator of MI Nursing/Restorative Center; and
Carolyn Goff of Eastern Bank
Michael Morris, Sr. with Michael Morris, Jr.
Saber Law Offices
Saber Law Offices added a new location to better serve you.
Ahora con una nueva localidad para servirle mejor.
84 East Haverhill Street Also, you can reach us at:
Lawrence, MA 235 Merrimack Street
Methuen, MA
Cell phone 603-732-3055
For rapid response/Para acceso más rápido
Areas of Practice
- Bankruptcy
- Family Law
- Landlord/Tenant
- Social Security problems
- Employment Law
- Civil Litigation
- Stop Foreclosures
Areas de Práctica
- Bancarrota
- Leyes Familiares
- Propietario/Inquilino
- Problemas del Seguro Social
- Leyes Laborales
- Litigio Civil
- Detener Adjudicaciones Bancarias
Initial consultation always free / Primera consulta siempre gratis
Walk-ins are welcome / Si no tiene cita es bienvenido
Gerard Foley, president of Mary Immaculate Health/Care Services with C.J. Gangi, president of
the Mary Immaculate Guild
january 1, 2014 • Edition 424 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
Navidades en Habitat
El personal de Habitat del Valle de Merrimack celebró la Navidad con una picadera
entre los empleados el 19 de diciembre, 2013 en sus oficinas radicadas en el 60 de la calle
A la vez celebraron la apertura de su nueva tienda Re-Store, radicada en el 647 de
Andover Street, Lawrence, con más espacio de estacionamiento y venta.
Rumbo :.
Habitat Christmas
Management and employees of Habitat for Humanity held a Christmas party at their
offices located at 60 Island St. in Lawrence, on Thursday, December 19th, 2013.
At the same time they celebrated the opening of their new Re-Store, located at 647
Andover Street, with more parking and retail space.
Es un pájaro. Es un avión. ¡No! Es el nuevo Centro de Especialidades Pediátricas de Lawrence. Una buena
noticia si usted es padre o madre de un niño que necesita la mejor atención especializada pero no quiere viajar
hasta el centro de Boston. Lawrence General Hospital y el Floating Hospital for Children de Tufts Medical
Center están trayendo los mejores especialistas directamente a esta comunidad, en una ubicación conveniente.
Gastroenterólogos, neurólogos y cardiólogos pediátricos, y muchos especialistas más. Todos aterrizando
aquí, muy cerca de su casa. Para obtener más información, visite
Together we deliver advanced care
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 424 • enero 1, 2014
read rumbo online!
Navidades en WCCM / Christmas at WCCM
Costa-Eagle Broadcasting celebró una cena de Navidad para sus
empleados y asociados en el Restaurante Chama Grill en North
Andover, el pasado 12 de diciembre, 2013. He aquí fotos de
algunos de los asistentes.
Costa-Eagle Broadcasting held a Christmas dinner for employees
and associates at Chama Grill in North Andover on December
12, 2013. Here are pictures of some of the people attending.
Standing, Tina Fosman and Nunzio DiMarca. Sitting, Marie Alice Rose with
husband John
Francine Pickles and Nunzio DiMarca with Bruce Arnold.
Standing: Doug Micklon and Stephanie Micklon. Sitting down, Bruce Arnold
and his wife Lenore.
From Power 800, Darvin Garcia (Barón de show) and Dilenia Minaya.
From left, Caruso Scheneider and Brian Oliver. Sitting: Wendy García and Jennifer
january 1, 2014 • Edition 424 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
Regalo de Cash for Gold
Por Alberto Surís
Después de 34 años en el negocio,
Archie DeFiorio, presidente de Cash for
Gold, decidió mostrar su apreciación a sus
clientes regalando un auto del año. No era
necesario hacer ningún tipo de transacción
con él, solo llenar la planilla.
Más de 10,000 personas respondieron
a su oferta, algunos eran clientes, otros
no. Cuando Larry F. Giordano, la persona
designada para extraer el ticket del biombo
leyó en alta voz el nombre de la ganadora,
Archie no pudo estar más feliz; la ganadora
era nada menos que Ruth Martínez, de
Lowell alguien que ha hecho negocios con
DeFiorio en el pasado.
“Estaba muy emocionada”, dijo
DeFiorio luego de llamar a Martínez y darle
la noticia. “Acaba de rompérseme el carro”,
me dijo.
Cash for Gold está localizado en el 527
de South Broadway en Salem, NH. El auto
en cuestión fue un Fiat 500 del 2014 de
Holloway Fiat Motors en Manchester, NH.
Larry Giordano, de Methuen Karate
Association muestra el ticket con el
nombre de la ganadora del nuevo Fiat
500 del 2014 obsequio de Cash for
Larry Giordano, of Methuen Karate
Association, shows the winning ticket
of the brand new 2014 Fiat 500 given
away by Cash for gold.
Abajo, Archie DeFiorio, presidente de Cash
for Gold, lee el nombre de la ganadora del
Fiat 500 donado por su empresa.
Below, Archie DeFiorio, president of Cash
for Gold, reads the name of the winner of
the Fiat 500 giveaway by his company.
Cash for Gold Give Away
By Alberto Surís
After 34 years in the business, Archie
DeFiorio, president of Cash for Gold,
decided to show his appreciation to his
customers by giving away a brand new car.
There was no need to do any transaction
with him, just fill out the application.
More than 10,000 people responded
to his offer, some were customers, but not
all. When Larry F. Giordano, who was
designated to pull the winning ticket read
aloud the name of the winner, Archie could
not be happier, the winner was none other
than Ruth Martinez, of Lowell, someone
who has done business with him in the past
according to DeFiorio.
"I was very excited," said DeFiorio
after calling Martinez to break the news.
"She said her car just broke down," he
Cash for Gold is located at 527 South
Broadway in Salem, NH. The giveaway
car was a 2014 Fiat 500 from Holloway
Fiat Motors of Manchester, NH.
Rumbo :.
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 424 • enero 1, 2014
read rumbo online!
Reseña literaria
My Lost Cuba (Mi Cuba Perdida)
Publicado en inglés solamente
Por Susan St. Marie
A través de los años, mientras que mi
familia y yo nos sentábamos a hablar sobre
la vida en Cuba y la posibilidad de viajar al
país, mi padre a menudo decía que nunca
volvería a visitar hasta que Castro hubiese
muerto. Que no había manera de que fuera
sabiendo que su dinero va a ese gobierno.
Si bien he entendido sus sentimientos
hacia el régimen comunista de Castro,
nunca pude comprender plenamente por qué
se sentía así, después de todo yo había visto
a Cuba sólo de una forma durante toda mi
vida. A menudo me he preguntado por qué
no le gustaría volver y ver qué había sido de
su país de origen, ¿por qué no iba a querer
compartir esa parte de su vida conmigo.
En 2000 tuve la oportunidad de viajar
hasta allá con mi madre y ver de primera
instancia cómo es la vida en Cuba. Aunque
tuve la oportunidad de ver cómo la gente
vivía con la comida racionada, reciclando
piezas para autos y otros dispositivos,
también pensé que tal vez, sólo tal vez
podría haber algunos aspectos positivos en
el comunismo. Después de todo, el pueblo
tenía derecho a una educación, vivienda
y atención médica gratuita. Pero, ¿es
realmente gratis? ¿Y a qué precio?
Celso González-Falla nos lleva a esa
era en su novela, Mi Cuba Perdida, al 1958,
el último año de la dictadura de Fulgencio
Batista para mostrarnos una época donde
florecieron las fincas de propiedad
privada, los caballos fueron criados para
exhibiciones, y la gente viajaba libremente.
Mike Rodríguez, el hijo de Don Miguel
es llamado de vuelta a la finca de su familia
mientras estudiaba en los Estados Unidos.
Si bien Don Miguel se mantiene lejos de los
trabajadores de su finca, Mike nos muestra
la vida de los trabajadores así como la vida
en Cuba y en la granja.
Mi Cuba Perdida no sólo nos lleva
a la Ciudad de La Habana, sino a las
provincias del país, en una exploración de
Camagüey. Irónicamente, este es el lugar
donde mi padre se crió y tenía una granja
con su familia. González-Falla también
habla de las diferencias y los cambios entre
las generaciones y la política ha plagado
al país, con la historia terminando el 31
de diciembre, el día antes de que Castro
tomara el poder.
En 1960 Celso González-Falla luchaba
clandestinamente contra el régimen de
Castro. Para evitar ser detenido, pidió asilo
político en la Embajada de Chile en abril
de 1961 después de la invasión de Bahía de
Cochinos. Salió de Cuba en junio llegando
a Texas.
González-Falla escribió My Lost Cuba
porque tiene hijos que nacieron en Cuba
y en los Estados Unidos y él quería que
tuvieran una idea clara de Cuba antes que
Castro la cambió.
Si bien hay muchos libros sobre Cuba
antes de la toma de posesión de Castro,
ninguno cuenta la historia real en formato
de novela de la forma que Gonzalez-Falla
la presenta.
Mientras que su libro carece de
trama, que es una parte importante de
cualquier novela, es un importante libro
que debe ser leído de manera que todos
podamos comprender y tener una idea de
lo que las generaciones mayores están
describiéndonos. Se trata de un libro
que tan descriptivamente nos habla de la
vida antes de Castro, una vida que era tan
amada y apreciada que creo que nuestros
parientes mayores pueden tener dificultades
transmitiéndolo a las generaciones más
Es debido a este libro que por fin
puedo entender lo que mi padre ha estado
tratando de decirme todos estos años y es mi
esperanza que los cambios de Raúl Castro
ha venido implementando poco a poco me
darán la oportunidad de viajar hasta allá una
vez más para tener la oportunidad de verlo a
través de los ojos de mi padre.
Book Review
My Lost Cuba
By Susan St. Marie
abierto los dias
de la semana
24 Horas al Día
Throughout the years while my family
and I would sit around talking about life
in Cuba and traveling to the country, my
dad would often say that he would never
go back to visit until Castro was dead.
That there was no way he would go there
knowing that his money would be going to
that government.
While I understood his feelings towards
Castro’s Communist Regime, I could never
fully understand where he was coming from,
having only seen Cuba one way throughout
my whole life. I had often wondered why
he wouldn’t want to go back and see what
had become of his home country, why he
wouldn’t want to share that part of his life
with me.
In 2000 I had the opportunity to travel
there with my mother to see firsthand what
life is like in Cuba. While I was able to
see how people lived by rationing food,
recycling broken parts for cars and other
appliances, I also thought that maybe, just
maybe there might be some positive aspects
to communism. After all, everyone was
entitled to a free education, housing and
medical care. But is it really free? And at
what expense?
Celso Gonzalez-Falla takes us back
in his novel, My Lost Cuba, to 1958, the
last year of Fulgencio Batista’s dictatorship
to show us a time where farms flourished
under private ownership, horses were bred
for show, and people traveled freely.
Mike Rodriguez, Don Miguel’s son
is called back to his family farm while
studying abroad in the States. While Don
Miguel is distant from the workers of his
farm, Mike takes us into the lives of the
workers and life in Cuba and on the farm.
My Lost Cuba doesn’t just take us into
the City of La Habana, but into the provinces
of the country onto a farm in Camaguey.
Ironically this is where my dad was raised
and had a farm with his family. GonzalezFalla also talks about the differences and
changes between the generations and the
politics being plagued to the country, with
the story ending December 31, the day
before Castro takes power.
In 1960 Celso Gonzalez-Falla was
underground against the Castro regime.
To avoid arrest he sought political asylum
in April of 1961 after Bay of Pigs at the
Chilean Embassy. He left Cuba that June
and went on to Texas.
Gonzalez-Falla wrote My Lost Cuba
because he has children who were born
both in Cuba and in The United States and
he wanted them to have a clear picture of
Cuba before Castro changed it.
While there are many books out there
about Cuba prior to Castro’s takeover, none
bring out the factual history in novel format
the way Gonzalez-Falla lays it out.
While his book lacks plot which is
an important part of any novel, it’s an
important book that should be read so that
we can all realize and get a feel for what the
older generations are describing to us. This
is a book that so descriptively tells us about
life before Castro, a life that was so loved
and cherished that I feel our older relatives
may have a hard time conveying to younger
It’s because of this book that I can
finally understand what my dad has been
trying to convey to me all these years and
it is my hope that the changes Raul Castro
has been slowly implementing will give me
the opportunity to travel there once again to
have the chance to see it through my dad’s
january 1, 2014 • Edition 424 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
Merrimack Valley Housing Partnership
Rumbo :.
NEWS & Events IN lowell
Propietario del Mes
Wilson y Jamie Green alquilaban
un apartamento en Lowell durante 12
años y sentían que era el momento de ser
propietarios. Sus dos hijos necesitaban sus
propias habitaciones y Jamie quería vivir en
un barrio orientado a la familia.
Ellos completaron el programa de
capacitación para compradores de vivienda
de Merrimack Valley Housing Partnership
y trabajaron con Ed Alcantara, el consejero
de los compradores de viviendas. Ed les
ayudó a analizar su presupuesto familiar,
historial crediticio, opciones de préstamos y
las necesidades de ahorro. Ellos siguieron
las sugerencias de Ed y estaban decididos a
comprar una casa.
De acuerdo con Wilson, "De las cosas
que recuerdo de la clase, la más importante
fue la necesidad de construir un buen equipo
al seleccionar a los mejores profesionales y
eso es lo que hice. Todo lo que se presentó
era justo".
El matrimonio Green ha aparecido en
el nuevo video de Massachusetts Housing
Partnership anunciando el producto
Hipoteca UNO que está sustituyendo la
segunda hipoteca conocida como Soft
Donna Koulas de Citizens Bank les
ofreció el financiamiento hipotecario.
Cuando se le preguntó acerca de cómo fue
trabajar con Donna Koulas, Jamie comentó:
"¿Qué puedo decir? Ella fue excelente."
Donna concuerda que fue un placer
trabajar con los Green. “Ellos se prepararon
con toda su documentación financiera
y fueron candidatos perfectos para un
préstamo de Mass Housing Partnership.
Jamie dice: "Se siente muy bien
entrar en mi driveway. Todavía tengo que
pellizcarme. "Sus hijos tienen un montón
de amigos en su nuevo vecindario. Y para
completar su nuevo hogar ahora tienen la
adición de un nuevo perro, Saffy.
Felicidades Jamie y Wilson.
MVHP’s Home Buyer of the Month
Wilson & Jamie Green were renting
an apartment in Lowell for 12 years and
felt it was time to own. Their two children
needed their own rooms and Jamie wanted
to live in a family oriented neighborhood.
They completed our home buyer training
program and worked with Ed Alcantara,
our home buyer counselor. Ed helped
them to analyze their family budget, credit
history, loan options and savings needs.
They followed Ed’s suggestions and were
determined to buy a home.
According to Wilson “From the things
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I remember about the class, the most
important was the need to build the right
team by selecting the best professionals
and that is what I did. Everything that was
presented was right on.”
The Greens have just been featured
in Massachusetts Housing Partnership’s
new video announcing the ONE Mortgage
product which is replacing the Soft Second
Donna Koulas of Citizens Bank
provided mortgage financing. When asked
about working with Donna Koulas, Jamie
commented “What can I say? She was
excellent.” Donna concurs that it was a
pleasure working with the Greens. They
were prepared with all their financial
documentation and were perfect candidates
for a Mass Housing Partnership loan.
Jamie says “It feels great to pull into
my driveway. I still have to pinch myself.”
Their children have plenty of friends in their
new neighborhood. They have rounded out
their new home with the addition of a new
dog, Saffy.
Congratulations Jamie and Wilson.
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 424 • enero 1, 2014
read rumbo online!
Mt. Vernon Garden Club selects
winners of weeks 3 and 4
We have to change the Blue Ribbon
Holiday Award to the Gold Ribbon Holiday
Award because we can't seem to find blue
The Mt Vernon Garden Club has
selected the Day and Night display winners
for weeks three and four. The winners
for week three were Tricia Kennedy of 20
Lenox Circle for daytime and Dan & Lorene
a publicaciones, tales como, Sus pagos
Tirone of 10 Cyr Drive have a festive look
mientras está fuera de los Estados Unidos, la
cual explica cómo sus beneficios se pueden
afectar y otra información importante que
necesita saber si recibe los beneficios de
Seguro Social y viaja a otro país.
Otra cosa importante que debe tener
en cuenta es que si recibe los beneficios
de Seguro Social como dependiente o
sobreviviente, también existen requisitos
adicionales de residencia en los Estados
Unidos que pueden influir en el pago de sus
beneficios mientras viaja.
Por otro lado, es importante tomar nota
de las diferentes estipulaciones que afectan a
aquellas personas que reciben los beneficios
de Seguridad de Ingreso Suplementario
(SSI). Tan pronto la persona cumple más de
30 días consecutivos fuera de los Estados
Unidos, dicha persona no puede comenzar
Tricia Kennedy of 20 Lenox Circle
a recibir los beneficios de SSI otra vez hasta
que la persona haya regresado a los Estados
Unidos por más 30 días consecutivos.
Existen estipulaciones específicas para
hijos de soldados quienes tienes que residir
fuera de los Estados Unidos, al igual que
excepciones para estudiantes que viajan al
extranjero para estudiar.
Así que, si recibe los beneficios de
Seguro Social y planifica viajar o vivir fuera
de los Estados Unidos, lo primero que debe
hacer es visitar la página de Internet, www.
Avísele al Seguro Social antes de
viajar al extranjero
Por Kenneth Baron
Especialista en Asuntos Publicos
del Seguro Social
El famoso escritor Mark Twain, una
vez aconsejó, «Atrapa los vientos alisios en
tus velas. Explora. Sueña. Descubre.»
Las personas hoy en día toman este
consejo muy en serio y están visitando
lugares en todo el mundo–a menudo de
vacaciones y a veces para establecerse en
otro país. Si usted es una de estas personas
y recibe los beneficios de Seguro Social,
tenemos una página de Internet especial
dedicada a este tema: «Sus pagos mientras
esté fuera de los Estados Unidos». En
esa página de Internet puede encontrar
respuestas a preguntas tales como: «¿se
afectarán mis beneficios de Seguro Social?
¿Tengo que avisarle al Seguro Social que
estoy fuera del país? ¿Cuándo debo hacerlo?
¿Qué pasa si necesito comunicarme con el
Seguro Social mientras estoy de viajes?»
Las respuestas estas preguntas, y aún
más Puede encontrar respuestas a todas,
payments.html (solo disponible en inglés).
Este sitio de Internet ofrece una sección
acerca de «Payments Abroad Screening
Tool» (Herramienta para investigar si puede
recibir sus beneficios en el extranjero [solo
disponible en inglés]) y le plantea un par
de preguntas para determinar si usted podrá
continuar recibiendo sus beneficios.
Esta página también encontrará enlaces
Check in with Social Security before
traveling outside the United States
for nighttime. I don't have a picture of the
Tirone house, you will have to ride by and
see it.
Our winners for week four are Pam
Horne of 27 Wood Lane have a nice
daytime décor and Scott Bishop from 21
Wood Lane with a great flashing holiday
look, with music.
Check out these houses and enjoy the
holiday spirit.
Pam Horne of 27 Wood Lane
By Kenneth Baron
Social Security Public Affairs
Mark Twain once advised people
to “Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Americans today have taken that
advice to heart, and are visiting places
around the globe–often for vacations, and
sometimes to relocate in another country.
If you are one of these people and receive
Social Security benefits, we offer a special
website: “Social Security Payments
Outside the United States.” Here you can
find answers to such questions as “will my
Social Security payments be affected? Do
I have to let Social Security know I’m out
of the country? When should I do it? What
happens if I need to contact Social Security
while I am out of the country?”
You can find answers to all of these
questions and others at www.socialsecurity.
website features a “Payments Abroad
Screening Tool”, which asks you a few short
questions to determine if your payments
can continue.
The page also offers links to
publications, such as Your Payments While
You Are Outside The United States, which
explains how your benefits may be affected
and other important information you need
to know about receiving Social Security
benefits while outside the country.
And one more important point to note.
If you receive Social Security benefits as a
dependent or survivor there are additional
United States residency requirements that
may affect your benefit payments while you
are outside the United States.
It also is important to note that
there are different provisions for anyone
Scott Bishop from 21 Wood Lane
receiving Supplemental Security Income
(SSI) benefits. Once you have been outside
the United States for 30 or more days in a
row, your SSI cannot start again until you
have been back in the country for at least
30 consecutive days. There are special rules
for dependent children of military personnel
who leave the United States and exceptions
for students studying abroad.
“The Bilingual Newspaper of the Merrimack Valley”
So if you receive Social Security or SSI
benefits and are planning to travel or live
outside the United States, you’ll first want
to pay a visit to
january 1, 2014 • Edition 424 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
Rumbo :.
La Temporada Tributaria del
2014 Tax Season to Open
2014 Iniciará a Partir del 31 de
Enero; e-file y Free File Pueden Jan. 31; e-file and Free File
Can Speed Refunds
Acelerar los Reembolsos
El Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS,
por sus siglas en inglés) anunció planes para
iniciar la temporada de impuestos del 2014
el 31 de enero y exhortó a los contribuyentes
a presentar sus declaraciones de impuestos
usando e-file o Free File, ya que así recibirán
más rápidamente sus reembolsos.
La nueva fecha de apertura para que
las personas presenten sus declaraciones de
impuestos del 2013, le dará al IRS suficiente
tiempo para programar y probar los sistemas
de procesamiento de impuestos. El proceso
anual para la actualización de los sistemas
del IRS se retrasó tras el cierre del gobierno
federal de 16 días.
“Nuestra fuerza laboral ha estado
otoño para prepararse para la próxima
temporada de impuestos”, dijo Danny
Werfel, Comisionado Interino del IRS. “La
apertura tardía de enero nos da suficiente
tiempo para programar, probar y autenticar
nuestros sistemas. Es un proceso complejo,
y nuestra meta es proveer una temporada de
impuestos y reembolsos libre de problemas
para los contribuyentes de la nación”.
El cierre del gobierno ocasionó que el
IRS cambiara la fecha original de apertura
del 21 de enero al 31 de enero del 2014.
La fecha del 2014 es un día más tarde de
cuando inició la temporada de impuestos
del 2013, la cual empezó el 30 de enero,
después de los cambios tributarios de ley
efectuados por el Congreso el primero de
enero bajo el Acta Americana de Alivio a
los Contribuyentes (ATRA, por su siglas
en inglés). El extenso conjunto de cambios
tributarios de ATRA afectó muchas de las
declaraciones de impuestos del 2012, a
causa de la apertura tardía de enero.
El IRS señaló que hay varias opciones
disponibles para ayudar a los contribuyentes
a prepararse para la temporada de impuestos
del 2014 y así obtener sus reembolsos
de la manera más fácil posible. Nueva
información de planificación de impuestos
de fin de año fue añadida a esta
Además, se espera que muchas
compañías de software comiencen a aceptar
declaraciones de impuestos en enero y las
detengan hasta que los sistemas de IRS
abran el 31 de enero. Más detalles estarán
disponibles en enero.
El IRS advirtió que no procesará
declaraciones de impuestos antes del 31 de
enero, lo que significa que no hay ninguna
ventaja para presentar declaración en
papel antes de la fecha de apertura. Los
contribuyentes recibirán sus reembolsos
más rápido usando e-file o Free File con la
opción de depósito directo.
La fecha límite oficial para presentar
su declaración de impuestos está
establecida por ley y se mantendrá en
efecto. Sin embargo, el IRS recuerda a
los contribuyentes que cualquier persona
puede solicitar una extensión automática de
seis meses para presentar su declaración de
impuestos. La solicitud se hace fácilmente
mediante el formulario 4868, y puede ser
presentada electrónicamente o en papel.
Los sistemas de proceso del IRS;
aplicaciones y base de datos deben
actualizarse anualmente para reflejar los
cambios en la ley de impuestos, cambios
en gestión de proceso de negocio, y
actualizaciones de programación a
tiempo para el inicio de la temporada de
El cierre del gobierno llegó durante
el período culminante para preparar los
sistemas de programación del IRS para la
temporada de impuestos del 2014. Las
pruebas de programación, y despliegue de
más de 50 sistemas del IRS son necesarios
para manejar el proceso de cerca de 150
millones de declaraciones de impuestos.
La actualización de los sistemas centrales
es un proceso complejo de todo el año, con
la mayoría del trabajo comenzando en el
Alrededor del 90 por ciento de las
operaciones principales del IRS estuvieron
cesadas durante el cierre del gobierno,
cerrando el flujo de trabajo por completo
durante este período y atrasando al IRS a
casi tres semanas de su ocupada agenda
para estar listos a iniciar la temporada de
impuestos del 2014. Existen requisitos de
capacitación adicional, programación y
pruebas a los sistemas del IRS con el fin
de poder detector el fraude de reembolso y
robo de identidad.
Medical Cannabis Médica
¿Califica usted? Do you Qualify?
Presentamos / Introducing: N.A.M.S.
Nature’s Alternative Medical Solutions
(Soluciones Médicas Alternativas de la Naturaleza)
Recomendaciones a
los que califican.
Recommendations to
those who qualify.
Llame hoy para su cita / Call today for your appointment
Se Habla Español
The Internal Revenue Service today
announced plans to open the 2014 filing
season on Jan. 31 and encouraged taxpayers
to use e-file or Free File as the fastest way to
receive refunds.
The new opening date for individuals
to file their 2013 tax returns will allow the
IRS adequate time to program and test its
tax processing systems. The annual process
for updating IRS systems saw significant
delays in October following the 16-day
federal government closure.
“Our teams have been working
hard throughout the fall to prepare for
the upcoming tax season,” IRS Acting
Commissioner Danny Werfel said. “The late
January opening gives us enough time to get
things right with our programming, testing
and systems validation. It’s a complex
process, and our bottom-line goal is to
provide a smooth filing and refund process
for the nation’s taxpayers.”
The government closure meant the IRS
had to change the original opening date
from Jan. 21 to Jan. 31, 2014. The 2014 date
is one day later than the 2013 filing season
opening, which started on Jan. 30, 2013
following January tax law changes made
by Congress on Jan. 1 under the American
Taxpayer Relief Act (ATRA). The extensive
set of ATRA tax changes affected many
2012 tax returns, which led to the late
January opening.
The IRS noted that several options
are available to help taxpayers prepare for
the 2014 tax season and get their refunds
as easily as possible. New year-end tax
planning information has been added to this week.
In addition, many software companies
are expected to begin accepting tax returns
in January and hold those returns until the
IRS systems open on Jan. 31. More details
will be available in January.
The IRS cautioned that it will not
process any tax returns before Jan. 31, so
there is no advantage to filing on paper
before the opening date. Taxpayers will
receive their tax refunds much faster by
using e-file or Free File with the direct
deposit option.
The April 15 tax deadline is set by
statute and will remain in place. However,
the IRS reminds taxpayers that anyone can
request an automatic six-month extension
to file their tax return. The request is easily
done with Form 4868, which can be filed
electronically or on paper.
IRS systems, applications and databases
must be updated annually to reflect tax law
updates, business process changes and
programming updates in time for the start
of the filing season.
The October closure came during the
peak period for preparing IRS systems
for the 2014 filing season. Programming,
testing and deployment of more than 50
IRS systems is needed to handle processing
of nearly 150 million tax returns. Updating
these core systems is a complex, yearround process with the majority of the work
beginning in the fall of each year.
About 90 percent of IRS operations
were closed during the shutdown, with some
major work streams closed entirely during
this period, putting the IRS nearly three
weeks behind its tight timetable for being
ready to start the 2014 filing season. There
are additional training, programming and
testing demands on IRS systems this year
in order to provide additional refund fraud
and identity theft detection and prevention.
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 424 • enero 1, 2014
CEO Jack Clancy anuncia nombramiento de
Rosalin Acosta como Vicepresidente Senior,
Enterprise Investment Advisors
Rosalin Acosta se unió recientemente
a la familia Enterprise Bank con más de 27
años de experiencia en banca en su nuevo
cargo como Vicepresidente Senior de
Enterprise Investment Advisors. Rosalin es
una profesional de la banca muy respetada
que ha ocupado puestos de responsabilidad
creciente en banca de gobierno, gestión de
efectivo y préstamos comerciales en toda la
región metropolitana de Boston.
La experiencia de Rosalin incluye
administrar una división multimillonaria de
setenta profesionales, incluyendo asesores,
gerentes de relaciones, y funcionarios
fiduciarios. Rosalin tiene una licenciatura
de Wesleyan University.
Rosalin participa en numerosos
esfuerzos cívicos y comunitarios, es una
oradora reconocida y embajadora cultural
en temas de diversidad y motivar a la
juventud. Ella ha sido seleccionada durante
tres años consecutivos por el Periódico El
Planeta como una de los 100 hispanos más
influyentes en Massachusetts. Rosalin
recibió el Boston Academy of Women
Achievers de la YWCA el pasado mes de
junio. Es miembro de varias juntas directivas
entre ellos, la Junta de Supervisores del
Hospital Infantil de Boston, donde también
co-fundó el Concejo Ejecutivo Latino para
el Hospital Infantil. Ella es Vice Presidente
de la Asociación de Profesionales Latinos
en Finanzas y Contabilidad y en marzo
fue galardonada con el Premio Héroe
Comunitario por la Cruz Roja Americana
del Noreste de Massachusetts.
Al anunciar este nombramiento, CEO
Clancy dijo: "Estamos orgullosos de contar
con una profesional
talentosa, hábil y
nuestro equipo. El
conocimiento y la
experiencia de Rosalin
será un gran activo
para el banco en los
próximos años".
El equipo de
Enterprise Investment
Advisors es el asesor
de inversiones para
más de $700 millones
en activos de inversión.
tiene 22 sucursales
de servicio completo
ubicadas en las ciudades y pueblos de
Massachusetts Lowell, Acton, Andover,
Billerica, Chelmsford, Dracut, Fitchburg,
Tewksbury, Tyngsborough, y Westford y en
las ciudades de New Hampshire de Derry,
Hudson, Pelham y Salem. La Compañía
está celebrando la gran apertura de su nueva
sucursal en Nashua, ubicado en el 88 de
Main St., el jueves, 9 de enero de 2014. A
partir del 09/30/13, los activos ascendieron
a $1.8 mil millones. El total de activos
bajo gestión y los préstamos administrados
ascendieron a $2.5 mil millones.
Enterprise Bancorp, Inc. cotiza en
el Mercado Global de NASDAQ bajo el
símbolo de cotización "EBTC". Para más
información sobre Enterprise Bank, ingrese
a nuestro sitio en
read rumbo online!
CEO Jack Clancy announces appointment
of Rosalin Acosta as Senior Vice President,
Enterprise Investment Advisors
Rosalin Acosta
recently joined the
family bringing over
27 years of banking
experience to her new
position as Senior Vice
President of Enterprise
Investment Advisors.
Rosalin is a wellrespected
professional who has
positions in Wealth
Government Banking,
and Commercial Lending throughout the
Greater Boston region.
leading a multi-billion dollar division of
seventy professionals including advisors,
relationship managers, and trust officers.
Rosalin holds a BA Degree from Wesleyan
Involved in numerous civic and
community endeavors, Rosalin is a
recognized public speaker and cultural
ambassador on matters of diversity and
motivating youth. She has been selected
for three consecutive years by El Planeta
Newspaper as one of the Top 100 Most
Influential Hispanics in Massachusetts.
Rosalin received the YWCA Boston
Academy of Women Achievers award this
June. She is a member of several boards
including the Board of Overseers of Boston
Children’s Hospital where she also cofounded the Latino Executive Council for
Children’s Hospital. She’s the Vice Chair
of the Association of Latino Professionals
in Finance & Accounting and in March was
awarded the Community Hero Award by
the Northeast Massachusetts American Red
In announcing this appointment, CEO
Clancy stated, “We are proud to have such a
talented, skilled and committed professional
join our team. Rosalin’s knowledge and
experience will be a tremendous asset to the
bank in the years ahead.”
Enterprise Investment Advisors team is
the investment advisor for more than $700
million in investment assets. Enterprise
Bank has 22 full-service branch offices
located in the Massachusetts cities and
towns of Lowell, Acton, Andover, Billerica,
Chelmsford, Dracut, Fitchburg, Lawrence,
Tyngsborough, and Westford and in the
New Hampshire towns of Derry, Hudson,
Pelham and Salem.
The Company is
celebrating the grand opening of its newest
branch in Nashua, located at 88 Main St., on
Thursday, January 9, 2014. As of 9/30/13,
assets were $1.8 billion. Total assets under
management and loans serviced totaled $2.5
Enterprise Bancorp, Inc. is listed on the
NASDAQ Global Market under the stock
symbol “EBTC.” For further information
on Enterprise Bank, log onto our website at
january 1, 2014 • Edition 424 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
Mr. B’s Sport Stories
Rumbo :.
by frank benjamin
The 4th testimonial banquet for lettermen & cheerleaders at LHS in 1956
The L Men's club is sponsoring this
banquet to honor the student athletes of
LHS. David Burke was the club’s president
and Mayor John Buckley, Supt of schools
James Hennessey, and football coach Ed
Buckley joined guest speaker Bob Cousy
of the Boston Celtics at the head table.
After a great turkey dinner the athletes
and cheerleaders were awarded sweaters
and blazers by the Mayor.
The captain of the cheerleaders was
Rosemary Smith, Barbara Stowell, Marie
Sharpe, Nancy Silverman, Marion Erban,
Jane Tatelman, Barbara Feinman, Peggy
Emmert now of Salisbury, mother of
Central Catholic Chris Sullivan. Peg was a
fine tennis player and won the City title in
that sport. Betty (Connor) Cavanaugh now
lives in Methuen after retiring from teaching
in the Lawrence system. Mary O'Connor,
Sybil Freedman and future cheerleading
captain Rita Maroun.
Baseball lettermen included Captain
Archie Halloran a pitcher with a nasty
curve. He and wife Gen still live in
Lawrence. Arch is retired from the LHA.
Al Abraham, Joe Comerford, Alex Sczapa a
great hitter, Bobby Chaisson, Horace Coco
a fine pitcher, Kenny Hendrick of Methuen
was a catcher; he catches problems now as
Johnny Reusch would be a great multi
sport star for the Lancers and moved to
North Andover before passing away in the
prime of life. Jimmy Jordan and Joe Conley
came from Southie; Joe was a good pitcher
(his dad was a State Rep. Larry Klimas)
and he would become a super high school
athlete and later a very successful coach.
Ed Menery was a catcher and later
starred as an entertainer as Eddie Baker,
both he and Klimas also left us too soon.
Dave Peters still lives in the area and would
in the future become the baseball captain
for LHS. Mo Ferris now of the Cape was
a hurler and his Dad was a cop for the
LPD. Jack Gage from Tower Hill was a 3rd
baseman and a good one.
Billy Perry became a fireballing pitcher
who lived near the Essex projects he was
another that passed on much too early.
George Maroun was to become one of the
high school’s greatest multi sport stars.
Tommy Carroll now a retired cop still lives
in Lawrence and was a multi sporter as was
Vinnie Mello.
The hoop letterman, Captain Jimmy
(snowshoes) Mc Carthy who later played at
Merrimack College he recently passed on
after retiring from the insurance business.
George Maroun, Ronnie Rochon, Ralph
Forgione would later become a qb on the
LHS State Champion team and became a
football official.
Jim McFarland (Pineapple) from the
Salem St. area, Billy Perry, Eddie Lonardo,
Barnsey O'Neil who was Pineapple’s good
friend also from Salem St. Bobby Laudani
Buon Giorno
Good Morning
Buenas Tardes
Every Sunday
beginning at
9 AM with
Sicilian music
was a fine 3 sporter; he was killed in a plane
crash in the Potomac in Washington, his
cousin Chick Lopiano and I often talk of
his cousin Bobby.
Also in attendance were Ronnie Hatem
who became a pro bowler, Larry Klimas and
Mo Ferris. Al DeLuca was the Manager,
Dick Green was his asst.
Track Lettermen, Captain George
Rokel, Sam Coco, Bill Dutton, Roy Scott,
Marty Delaney of the Salem St. area was a
future track captain and later retired from
the Lawrence school system. Barry Close,
Phil Hagan, Alex Sczapa, Charlie Walker,
Joe Welch, who later became a cop on the
LPD and Ralph Forgione.
The football lettermen will be
recognized in a future Rumbo.
The L Men’s Club with assistance from
the LHS athletic board honored the school’s
student athletes. Board members included a
Lawlor headmaster LHS, football coach Ed
Buckley, asst. coaches Ralph Wolfendale
and Benny Lee, Emie Perry Sr. track coach,
Athletic Director Mark Devlin, baseball
coach Bill Regan, asst. coach Henry
Ouellette and hoop Basil Bova and asst.
Tony Perocchi.
A great night in 1956.
Listen to Mr. B
and Joe Murphy on
every Sunday from
2:00 to 3:00, talking
sports. Like in the
past, they will be
receiving calls from
coaches updating
the latest results.
This is Rock
‘n Roll
Así es
Help for Elders
Nunzio DiMarca and John Savastano
Celebrating 16 years bringing you five
continuous hours of entertainment, news,
interviews, music and fun.
Elder Services is currently recruiting & training more volunteers to help the
elderly remain safely in their homes for as long as possible; the volunteers
will help with:
• With door to door Transportation to medical appointments.
• With an advocate, to accompany the elder into the medical appointment.
• With food shopping & picking up prescriptions.
• With companionship, someone they can just talk with.
Request - This is a wonderful program for our elders who have no one to help
them. However, Elder Services needs many more volunteers throughout the
Merrimack Valley to answer all the calls for help we are receiving. We hope
the folks who are reading this Ad can put a few hours aside each month and
help support this critical need. Contact: Gerry at, 978-946-1445
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 424 • enero 1, 2014
by dalia díaz
Rumbo’s New Year
As we showed in our editorial, 2013
was a good year for us and all indications
are that 2014 will be even better. I just have
to negotiate with my boss some vacation
time every now and then because if it was
hectic before, it will only get worse.
We are very fortunate to be surrounded
by advertisers who believe in the work we
do and have been with us for many years
– after all, this is a business. It’s a great
feeling when we can be of service to our
communities (and this expanded issue is
proof of that) where organizations can have
a vehicle to promote their services and
read rumbo online!
Welcome Mayor
I have known Danny for a long time
and can only say nice things about him.
As a worker, member of the City Council
and member of the Board of Trustees of
Northern Essex Community College, the
image I have is that of someone smart, hard
working and responsible. Just take a look
at the job he did with the city budget!
You knew there was going to be a
BUT, right?
Since winning the elections I have seen
another side of him that worries me. I don’t
think he has had any experience managing
He probably thinks that by
delegating to others the work will get done
but the mistakes by his organization and
the different committees lead me to believe
that he may not be a good manager.
Delegating is not enough; you have
to ask for the results of their undertaking
or otherwise, things will fall on the round
file. I am referring specifically, to the way
Volunteers Needed!
Did you know that 1 in every 50 children in the US will go to sleep
without a home this year? Horizons for Homeless Children is looking
for energetic and enthusiastic volunteers to play with children living in
family homeless shelters in Northeastern Massachusetts.
A commitment of just 2 hours a week will make a significant
difference in the lives of some wonderful children in your community.
Trainings for your region are coming up soon - sign up today! January
2012, Northeast Region, Saturday, January 21st. 9:30pm - 4:00pm,
Lowell, MA
Please contact us at (978) 557-2182 or at northeast@ for more information and an
application, or fill one out online at www.horizonsforhomelesschildren.
the media has been handled with confusing
information being offered such as the ice
skates being FREE RENTAL only to later
clarify that someone else is paying for the
rental and they will be free to the public.
Then, refusing or forgetting to attend
scheduled radio interviews only going
to those where the comfort level is more
pleasing. Elections are over and there will
not be unfair or provoking questions any
more from any of us.
Then, there was the inaugural
committee! Just one week before the
swearing-in ceremony it was announced
that the City Council, School Committee
and Greater Lawrence Technical School
Committee will be having separate events.
They forgot to plan for these bodies to
be part of the inauguration of the new
government, concentrating exclusively on
the mayor’s activities. Frankly, the whole
thing has been butchered, beginning with
the ceremony in front of City Hall. It would
have been beautiful in good weather but
they should have been realistic from the
What I said about delegating was
because the impression I get from all of that
is that they don’t have to answer to anyone
– and apparently, Danny doesn’t ask.
60 Island Street, Suite 211E
Lawrence MA 01840
Letters must be less than 300 words in length.
Please send a telephone number or email address
by which we may confirm the sender.
NEWS & Events IN haverhill
Mayor Fiorentini’s Year end Report to the taxpayers
We keep regular statistics on what functions
our city departments are doing. Here is
a report on those stats and how your tax
dollars are being used. [Unless otherwise
indicated all stats are from Nov to Nov,
since December is done]
706 housing code violation
297 building code violation
Filed 206 cases in court
Complete report
Mayor's office
Police department
This year we handled 850 constituent
requests. [This does not include every
call or "quick" request that we can handle
quickly-- just those that take some time and
are entered into our computer system.]
Highway department
When you decide
to start a business
there are many
insurance issues to
consider. Here are a
few that you need to
Liability protects you if someone gets
hurt on your property or from your
business. If you rent, your landlord will
want you to have liability insurance
and name them as an ADDITIONAL
INSURED. If you sell food, a product
or service, liability insurance is very
important. If you own rental property,
liability is necessary to protect you from
tenant law suits and it’s required for
Section VIII tenants. Contractors need
liability to protect their clients. Many
cities and towns require Certificates of
Insurance from contractors when they
apply for permits.
FIRE/HAZARD: If you borrow money
to start your business or buy a building,
the bank will require that you have
FIRE insurance (just like when you
borrow to buy a home).
THEFT: Theft coverage can usually be
purchased along with fire insurance.
Often it is necessary to have a burglar
alarm to purchase theft coverage.
you decide to hire someone or have
family help you, it is necessary to
insurance. This protects the worker
if they are injured on the job. Not
only are the medical bills paid, but the
missing wages are also payable to the
injured employee. The cost is based
on the type of business and the actual
payroll. Corporations must purchase
this coverage. Proprietors and LLC
businesses do not have to protect
themselves but they must purchase a
policy for workers they hire.
your rental income or your sales money
pays the bills then you need to be sure
your policy includes this coverage. It
is not automatically included!
Handled 32,489
calls for
service-- about the same as
Made 1,516 arrests-- about the
same as 2012
Complete report
Clerk's Office
Water /Waste Water
Handled 4,356 permits-- including 2,200
Patched 896 potholes (up from 552 in dog licenses, 963 death certificates, 750
2012 a 62% increase)
birth certificates, and 331 marriage licenses.
Paved six (6) miles of roads
Complete report
Swept 1,467 streets ( 6% increase)
Complete report 2012-2013
Fire department
Handled and suppressed 34 1 alarm
Health and Inspectional Services building fires: (the first two alarm fire of the
Issued 10,076 permits
year came in after the reporting period in
Handled 11,949 inspections
Issued 649 trash violation letters
Handled 4,410 medical calls
Be sure to check your business policy
for details!
Handled 1,765 service calls
Assessor's Office
Updated values on 21,183 properties
Set residential tax rate of $16.09; commercial
rate of $26.91 per thousand.
Handled 75 abatement requests; 505
exemption requests, Inspected 2,340
Average single family residential rate third
lowest in region.
Nancy Greenwood
11 Haverhill Street
Methuen, MA 01844
(978) 683-7676
(800) 498-7675
Fax (978) 794-5409
Nancy Greenwood
Ronald Briggs
january 1, 2014 • Edition 424 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
Rumbo :.
Al día con YDO Lawrence
Un nuevo socio en el centro comercial
Youth Development Organization
(YDO) siempre ha tratado de involucrar
a los estudiantes fuera del salón de clases
Dependiendo de los recursos
disponibles, estar "fuera de la escuela" ha
significado tener programas en espacios
creativos en la Academia Phillips, en las
universidades, o en nuestro nuevo espacio
en Everett Mills. Ahora, por primera vez,
estamos colaborando con un pequeño
negocio en el centro de Lawrence.
Aprovechando el impulso del proyecto
de teatro de este verano (una producción
de teatro musical de Seussical, Jr.), YDO
ofreció a los estudiantes una oportunidad
después de la escuela para vincular
sus talentos para llevar a cabo con sus
capacidades para escribir, y viceversa. El
programa de cine en la escritura se reunió
a veces tres días por semana - viernes y
sábados en la oficina de YDO y los lunes en
El Taller.
El Taller, es una cafetería en el centro
comercial de Lawrence, donde la educación
y la creatividad se fomentan y celebran.
Cuando entre en El Taller, se dará cuenta
de que el café funciona como una librería
y también como una galería para artistas
Tome nota de los taburetes
formados de carretes de telas antiguas que
se utilizaban en las fábricas, al llegar a las
mesas notará que se encuentran cubiertas
de papel de construcción y con un tarro de
lápices junto a la sal y la pimienta. Haga
un bosquejo, componga, o tome notas - El
Taller provoca pasivamente la creatividad
de cada cliente.
Muchos de los más estudiantes mayores
de YDO (nuestro grupo de liderazgo) y
en general, los jóvenes de Lawrence han
respondido en una forma muy positiva al
ambiente que El Taller ha creado. Participan
en talleres de escritura, grupos de lectura y
sesiones de micrófono abierto.
asociación con El Taller. La relación es una
representación perfecta de la contratación
fuera de la escuela creemos que capacita
a los estudiantes para aprender y crecer,
mientras que, sobre todo, experimentan y
se conectan con el mundo real.
Updates from YDO Lawrence
A New Partner Downtown
Youth Development Organization
(YDO) has always sought to engage students
outside of the typical classroom setting.
Depending on the resources available, being
"out-of-school" has meant holding programs
in creative spaces at Phillips Academy, on
college campuses, or in our new space at
Everett Mills. Now, for the first time, we
are collaborating with a small business in
downtown Lawrence.
Building on momentum from this
summer's Performing Project (a musical
theatre production of Seussical, Jr.), YDO
offered students an after-school opportunity
to link their talents for performing with
their capacities for writing, and vice versa.
The Theater Writing program met two,
sometimes three, days per week - Fridays &
Saturdays at the YDO office and Mondays
at El Taller.
El Taller, which means "The Workshop",
is a cafe in downtown Lawrence where
literacy and creativity are fostered and
celebrated. When you walk into El Taller,
you will notice immediately that the cafe
doubles as a bookstore and triples as a
gallery for local artists. Take note of the
bar stools fashioned from old fabric spools
once used in the mills; but make your way
to any table, which you will find covered in
construction paper and with a Mason jar of
pencils next to the salt & pepper. Doodle,
sketch, compose, or take notes - El Taller
passively elicits creativity from every
Many of the older YDO kids (our
leadership group) and, in general, youth
in Lawrence have been responding very
positively to the environment El Taller
has created. They participate in writing
workshops, reading groups, and open-mic
YDO has absolutely treasured
partnering with El Taller. The relationship
is a perfect representation of the out-ofschool engagement we believe empowers
students to learn and grow while,
importantly, experiencing and connecting
with the real world.
Brigada anual de pavos sirve
a cientos de necesitados
Más de 500 familias en el Valle de
Merrimack y el sur de New Hampshire
recibieron un generoso inicio a la temporada
Navideña con uno de los eventos de servicio
comunitario más grandes de la región.
Merrimack Valley Federal Credit Union se
enorgullece de participar en la vigésimosegunda Brigada Anual de Pavos de Acción
de Gracias, organizada por Ocasio’s True
Martial Arts de Haverhill. En conjunto, las
organizaciones y decenas de voluntarios
entregaron cenas de pavo completas a las
familias necesitadas.
Merrimack Valley contribuyó $2,500
para la compra de ingredientes para las
cestas de la cena, junto con un equipo de
voluntarios para repartirlas el miércoles
antes del Día de Acción de Gracias. Las
cestas contenían un pavo, una sartén para
cocinarlo, patatas, verduras, salsa, relleno,
pan y más.
"La Brigada de Pavos es una tradición
maravillosa que ayuda a los menos
afortunados", dijo Jay Caldwell, quien
coordinó el equipo de voluntarios de la
Cooperativa de Crédito. "Merrimack Valley
se enorgullece de ser parte de hacer que las
Navidades sean especiales para aquellos
que más lo necesitan."
Spider-Man fue miembro de la Brigada
de Pavos este año, para el deleite de los
niños y las familias que abrieron sus puertas
al superhéroe que lleva la cena de Acción
de Gracias. Fotos y video están disponibles
en YouTube.
Ocasio recauda dinero todo el año y
recibe donaciones de alimentos para las
cestas de laBrigada de Pavos. Para obtener
más información, visite www.ocasiostma.
Annual Turkey Brigade
serves hundreds in need
More than 500 families in the
Merrimack Valley and Southern New
Hampshire received a bountiful start to
the holiday season with one of the biggest
community service events in the region.
Merrimack Valley Federal Credit Union
was proud to participate in the 20th annual
Thanksgiving Turkey Brigade, hosted by
Ocasio’s True Martial Arts of Haverhill.
Together, the organizations and dozens
of volunteers delivered complete turkey
dinners to families in need.
Merrimack Valley contributed $2,500
toward the purchase of ingredients for
the dinner baskets, along with a team
of volunteers to deliver them on the
Wednesday before Thanksgiving. The
baskets contained a turkey, a pan to cook
it in, potatoes, vegetables, gravy, stuffing,
rolls and more.
“The Turkey Brigade is a wonderful
tradition that helps those less fortunate,”
said Jay Caldwell, who coordinated
the Credit Union’s team of volunteers.
“Merrimack Valley is proud to be part of
making the holidays special for those who
need it most.”
Spider-Man was a member of this
year’s Turkey Brigade, much to the delight
of the children and families who opened
their doors to the superhero bearing
Thanksgiving dinner. Photos and video are
available in YouTube.
Ocasio’s raises money all year long and
collects donations of food for the Turkey
Brigade baskets. For more information,
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 424 • enero 1, 2014
read rumbo online!
Cartas al Editor / Letters to the Editor
Voluntarios de Feaster Five
voluntarios, el personal y los que tomaron
parte en la recaudación de fondos. Muy
buen trabajo durante la exposición durante
toda la semana por nuestros embajadores
voluntarios. Un gran agradecimiento a
nuestro personal del centro de acogida
para ayudar con información a los socios,
consultas de afiliación y ventas. ¡Gracias a
todo nuestro personal de ANA, el personal
de las instalaciones y aquellos de la
administración que han trabajado tan duro
para preparar y ejecutar un evento muy
exitoso el día de la carrera en la carpa de
El Feaster Five presenta una tremenda
oportunidad para mostrar buena voluntad
y para nuestra Y en una serie de diferentes
niveles. Primero como un socio de la
comunidad, en segundo lugar como un
centro de recursos para organizar un evento
de una manera eficiente, divertida y familiar,
y tercero como un lugar donde la gente
quiere pertenecer y participar en decisiones
de vida saludables. Fue muy emocionante
para nuestros miembros actuales presenciar
esto, así como para los que vienen por
primera vez. Una mención especial a Gabby
Taveras por su interpretación del Himno
Nacional - fue reconfortante y fenomenal.
Algunos elementos que merecen ser
• Un total de 10,616 participantes en la
carrera alrededor de 100 menos que el año
pasado... de esos tuvimos a más de 7800
que pasaron por nuestras puertas el lunes,
martes y miércoles.
• La primera vez que el registro se hizo en
línea durante la expo (sin papel) - Nuestra
YMCA prestó tabletas para ayudar a
facilitar el proceso.
recaudaciones de fondos tituladas POR
QUÉ CORRO (que nosotros sepamos)
• Por lo menos un total de 74 personas
visitaron la carpa de hospitalidad
• Los fondos de patrocinio fueron iguales al
año pasado antes de añadir la recaudación
de fondos de POR QUÉ CORRO, la
donación de Striders y las donaciones por
los participantes de la comunidad
• El objetivo de la promoción para obtener
15 nuevos miembros resultó en 24
• Muy buenas entrevistas en video de
nuestro Presidente de la Junta (Marko
Duffy), elVicepresidente (John Fouhy) y
Claudia Soo Hoo.
Feaster Five Volunteers
I would like to express a huge thank
you to all of our volunteers, staff and
fundraisers. Great work during the expo
all week by our volunteer Ambassadors/
Greeters. A big thank you to our welcome
center staff for helping with member
information, membership inquiries and
sales. Thank you to all of our ANA staff,
facilities staff and those of you from Admin
who worked so hard to prepare and execute
a very successful event and race day
hospitality tent.
The Feaster Five presented a
tremendous opportunity for local goodwill
and for us to showcase our Y on a number
of different levels. First as a community
partner, second as a facility with resources
to host an event in an efficient, fun and
family-friendly way and third, as a place
where people want to belong; to engage in
healthy lifestyle choices. It was exciting
for our current members to witness this as
well as for those coming thru our doors for
the first time. A special call out to Gabby
Taveras for her rendition of the National
Anthem-it was heart-warming not to
mention phenomenal.
James Kapelson
A few items of note:
Vice President Membership Development
and Marketing
101 Amesbury Street, 4th Floor
Lawrence, MA 01840
¡Ahora 1 subasta semanal!
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Manchester, NH 03104
Salida 1 de la Rt. 101 Este
(603) 622-9058
• 10,616 total race participants about 100
less than last year...of those we had over
7800 passed thru our doors on Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday.
• First time ever online registration
during the expo (no paper) - Our YMCA
loaned tablets to help facilitate the process.
• We had approximately 22 WHY I RUN
fundraisers (that we know of)
• At least a total of 74 people visited our
Hospitality tent
• Sponsorship $$ equaled last year before
we add in the WHY I RUN fundraising, the
Striders donation and the donations made
by community participants
• High Five membership promotion
goal of 15 memberships, we achieved 24
• Great interviews on video from our
Board Chair (Marko Duffy), Vice Chair
(John Fouhy) and Claudia Soo Hoo
James Kapelson
Vice President Membership Development
and Marketing
101 Amesbury Street, 4th Floor
Lawrence, MA 01840
Re. Lawrence Public Schools
En respuesta al editorial del Boston
Herald el 16 de diciembre "Corriendo
hacia el fondo", me gustaría dejar las cosas
claras de por qué la negociación colectiva
es esencial en cualquier sistema educativo,
pero sobre todo en Lawrence.
En los últimos años, la Ciudad
de Lawrence ha sido objeto de una
serie de desgracias que han impactado
negativamente a nuestro sistema escolar
público. El ex superintendente fue enviado
a prisión. Un alcalde indiferente ha sido
objeto de numerosas investigaciones. Hay
una profunda pobreza en esta orgullosa y
luchadora ciudad.
A medida que trabajamos para mejorar
nuestra ciudad y nuestro sistema escolar, la
voz de nuestros educadores en este proceso
es esencial. Sin derechos de negociación
colectiva, los maestros en Lawrence
son silenciados en cuestiones críticas de
educación, entre ellas la salud escolar y
la seguridad, el desarrollo profesional,
la retención, y un sinnúmero de otros
problemas críticos que se suman a lo que es
mejor para los niños a quienes enseñan.
Estamos comprometidos con la mejora
de las Escuelas Públicas de Lawrence para
nuestros estudiantes, nuestros maestros
y nuestra comunidad. Insistimos en que
nuestros maestros no sean privados de sus
derechos de negociación colectiva, ya que
como una ciudad y una comunidad, todos
estamos unidos en esto.
Frank McLaughlin
Lawrence Teachers’ Union
Local 1019, AFT MA, AFL-CIO
Everett Mill
Building 6, Suite 202
15 Union Street
Lawrence , MA 01840
In response to the Boston Herald’s
Dec. 16 editorial “Racing to the Bottom,”
I would like to set the record straight as to
why collective bargaining is essential in
any education system, but particularly in
Within the past few years, the City of
Lawrence has been subject to a number of
misfortunes that have negatively impacted
our public school system. The former
school superintendent was sent to prison.
An indifferent mayor has been the subject
of numerous investigations. There is deep
poverty in this proud, but struggling city.
As we work to improve our city and our
school system, the voice of our educators
in this process is essential. Without
collective bargaining rights, teachers in
Lawrence are silenced on critical education
issues including school health and safety,
professional development, retention, and
countless other critical issues that add up to
what is best for the children they teach.
We are committed to improving the
Lawrence Public Schools for our students,
our teachers, and our community. We insist
that our teachers not be deprived of their
collective bargaining rights, because as
a city and a community, we are all in this
Frank McLaughlin
Lawrence Teachers' Union
Local 1019, AFT MA, AFL-CIO
Everett Mill
Building 6, Suite 202
15 Union Street
Lawrence , MA 01840
january 1, 2014 • Edition 424 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
Rumbo :.
Scenes from Thanksgiving’s Feaster Five
lunes a viernes | 10Am - 11Am
¡Lo diferente del dial!
Noticias Locales,
Nacionales e
¡Y Mucho Más! en
su nuevo horario
de 10 a 11 AM
Carmen Chalas “La Embajadora”
Productora & Conductora
WLLH 1400 AM
Lea ediciones previas de RUMBO en nuestro website
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 424 • enero 1, 2014
read rumbo online!
Concierto Navideño de la Academia
Católica de Lawrence
Academia Católica de Lawrence se
complace en anunciar que presentó su
primer concierto anual de Navidad el
jueves, 19 de diciembre 2013 en la Iglesia
de San Patricio en Lawrence, MA.
Los estudiantes desde la guardería hasta
el grado 8 cantaron canciones y proveyeron
un espectáculo musical que incluye clásicos
navideños como "Santa Claus viene a la
ciudad", "Noche de Paz", "Jingle Bells" y
"White Christmas".
Más de 500 familias y amigos se
reunieron para recordar el pasado, abrazar el
presente y crear recuerdos futuros mientras
que trae la magia de la Navidad durante esta
temporada de alegría.
"Los estudiantes de LCA estaban
tan emocionados y orgullosos de traer
nuestro primer concierto de Navidad a la
comunidad de la Academia Católica de
Lawrence, dijo John M. Licciardi, Director
de Avance. "Esperamos continuar nuestra
orgullosa tradición de la fe y la excelencia
en la educación, mientras que celebramos y
dando gracias a Dios Padre por el nacimiento
de su Hijo, Jesucristo”, dijo John.
Para obtener más información sobre
Lawrence Catholic Academy y sus
programas educativos, por favor póngase
en contacto con John M. Licciardi al
978.683.5822 ó visite su sitio web en www.
Lawrence Catholic Academy
presents a Christmas Concert
Lawrence Catholic Academy (LCA)
is pleased to announce it presented its first
annual Christmas concert celebration on
Thursday, December 19, 2013 at the Saint
Patrick’s Church in Lawrence, MA.
Students from nursery through grade
8 sang songs and provided a musical
performance which included holiday
classics such as, “Santa Claus is Coming to
Town”, “Silent Night”, “Jingle Bells” and
“White Christmas”.
More than 500 families and friends
gathered to remember the past, embrace the
present, and create future memories while
bringing holiday magic during this joyous
“The LCA students were so excited and
proud to bring our first Christmas concert to
Lawrence Catholic Academy community,”
said John M. Licciardi, Director of
“We look forward to
continuing our proud tradition of faith and
excellence in education while celebrating
and giving thanks to God the Father for the
birth of His Son, Jesus Christ,” said John.
For more information on Lawrence
Catholic Academy and its educational
programs, please contact John M. Licciardi
at 978.683.5822 or visit their website at
january 1, 2014 • Edition 424 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
Rumbo :.
2013 Feaster Five Thanksgiving Day Road Race
By Edward Reynoso, Ed.D.,
Oliver Middle School
Building a healthy school community
requires involvement and investment from
everyone. It means daily collaboration,
acknowledging each other’s opinions and
respecting our differences. Often it means
pushing ourselves outside our respective
comfort zones.
Ultimately, it means
teaching the whole child—academically,
emotionally, and physically. That is what
we are doing at the Oliver Middle School
(grades 7th & 8th). As a community
(teachers, parents, administrators), we
continue to focus on teaching and learning
while concentrating on the whole child.
Students arrive at the school every day
at 7:30 for a 7:55 start, and from the moment
they enter the school, they are greeted
by a staff that is immediately available
to support more than just their academic
needs. The students’ academic day ends
at 3:30, but the school does not empty out
until nearly 7:30pm! Our numerous afterschool programs are designed to develop
essential life skills and inspire healthy
lifestyle choices.
As principal, one of my goals is to
educate students about the importance of
physical fitness—to provide them with
opportunities to challenge themselves both
physically and mentally. As a result, our
Monday-Friday after-school Fitness Club
caught on quickly, and now approximately
40 students participate on a regular basis.
The Fitness Club became another
way to strengthen our school community
when this group of students, alongside
the Assistant Principal Mrs. Cunningham,
English Teacher Erin Walsh, Special
Education Teacher Lauretta Bailin, Science
Teacher Priscilla Camarda, and Geraldo
Acosta Jr., took on the challenge of
preparing for the 26th annual Feaster Five
5k Race in Andover.
Thursday, November 28th found all
of us in matching green shirts on a bus
and headed to Andover. Although the
temperature was 32 degrees, all twenty
students taking part in this event were
excited and eager to line up for the 8:30
start in a crowd of over 10,000 other
At the finish line students were hugging
each other with pride. One of the girls told
me, "This is the best day of my life!"
Another one said, "I am ready for our
next race." At the end of the day the goal
was met. We worked together to prepare
for this national event and all of us made
it past the finish line. The Oliver Middle
School continues to prove that when a
community of learners work together,
there will be far more than just academic
growth. We are preparing our students for
life. Healthy lifestyle choices, like eating
right and exercise, are an integral part of
that success. Our school strives for 100%
success academically, and in order to
accomplish such a lofty goal we must teach
the whole child.
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 424 • enero 1, 2014
read rumbo online!
News from NECC
Still Time to Enroll at NECC
Have you been thinking about
earning your degree or jumpstarting
your career? If yes, the spring semester
at Northern Essex Community College
begins Wednesday, Jan. 22, and it's not
too late to register for courses that will
lead toward a degree or a certificate.
Northern Essex offers over 70
associate degrees and certificates in
fields such as liberal arts, health care,
criminal justice, computer science,
paralegal, technology and engineering,
arts & design, paralegal studies, and
much more. Classes and programs are
offered days, evenings, weekend, and
online. Campuses are in Haverhill and
Walk-in hours for interested students
are available Monday through Thursday
from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Friday
from noon to 4:30 p.m. in Haverhill
(Behrakis One-Stop Student Services
Center, 100 Elliott St.) or Lawrence
(Dimitry Building, 45 Franklin St.)
For more information, contact
enrollment services at Northern Essex
at 978-556-3700 or admissions@necc. or visit
With campuses in Haverhill
and Lawrence and extension sites in
Methuen and Groveland, Northern Essex
Community College is a state-assisted
college, offering over 90 associate
degree and certificate programs as
well as hundreds of non credit courses
designed for personal enrichment
and career growth. More than 7,300
students are enrolled in credit associate
degree and certificate programs on the
Haverhill and Lawrence campuses; and
another 6,700 take non-credit workforce
development and community education
classes on campus and at businesses and
community sites across the Merrimack
Valley. Northern Essex is the only state
college located in the lower Merrimack
Valley Region of Massachusetts. For
more information, visit the website at
Flexible, Online,
Hybrid Courses
Offered at NECC
With gasoline prices high and personal
time at an all-time low, now might be the
time to explore taking an online, hybrid (a
blend of web-based learning with traditional
face to face interaction) or web-enhanced
class or classes through Northern Essex
Community College distance learning
Whether you are looking to start a new
career or polish the one you have, you can
find a course or academic program in the
time it takes to write a Tweet or post to
There are currently a total of 14 online
degree programs and 7certificates available
through NECC. For the spring semester,
which begins Wednesday, January 22,
students can select from 87 online courses,
173 web-enhanced courses, and 102 webhybrid courses. Distance learning courses
range in topics from accounting to computer
applications, public speaking, creative
writing, meteorology, and ethics to name a
For a complete list of online degrees
and certificates go to http://www.necc.mass.
For a complete list of the online, hybrid
courses, and web-enhanced courses offered
at NECC, go to
For additional information or to register
call 978-556-3700 or visit the college's
With campuses in Haverhill and
Lawrence and extension sites in Methuen
and Groveland, Northern Essex Community
College is a state-assisted college, offering
over 70 associate degree and certificate
programs as well as hundreds of noncredit
courses designed for personal enrichment
and career growth. More than 9,600
students are enrolled in credit associate
degree and certificate programs on the
Haverhill and Lawrence campuses; and
another 5,500 take non-credit workforce
development and community education
classes on campus, and at businesses and
community sites across the Merrimack
Valley. Northern Essex is the only state
college located in the lower Merrimack
Valley Region of Massachusetts. For more
information, visit the website at www.necc.<>.
60 Island Street, Suite 211E
Lawrence MA 01840
Letters must be less than 300 words
in length. Please send a telephone
number or email address by which we
may confirm the sender.
january 1, 2014 • Edition 424 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
Rumbo :.
Crimeline of Southern NH
BY Ron Penczak
Robo de auto en Workout Club
El Departamento de Policía de Salem
está investigando el robo de un vehículo de
motor que se produjo el 4 de noviembre de
2013. El vehículo, un Honda Pilot blanco
del 2009 con registro de New Hampshire
fue robado alrededor de las 7:00 AM en
Workout Club en Salem. Después de entrar
en el gimnasio, la víctima dejó las llaves
del coche en una cesta en la recepción.
Poco después, un hombre blanco entre
5'2 – 5’5” de altura, un tanto grueso, de
aproximadamente 230 libras, y de 30 - 35
años de edad, fue observado (a través de la
cámara de seguridad) retirando las llaves de
la víctima de la canasta. Un testigo observó
al sospechoso presionando el llavero en el
estacionamiento para localizar el vehículo.
El auto ya fue recuperado en Lowell,
Massachusetts por el Departamento de
Policía de Lowell.
Si puede identificar a este sospechoso,
por favor repórtelo a Crimeline del Sur
de NH y usted podría calificar para una
recompensa de hasta $1,000. Todas las
(603) 893-6600 or (800) 498-4040
or go online to
pesquisas permanecerán en el anonimato.
Los números telefónicos de Crimeline de
Southern NH son: (603) 893-6600 ó al
(800) 498-4040.
Su llamada será totalmente anónima, y
se le emitirá un número secreto de Crimeline,
conocido sólo por usted y Crimeline. Las
líneas telefónicas de Crimeline no tienen
identificador de llamadas.
Si su pista da lugar a una condena se
le otorgará una recompensa de $1,000 en
efectivo en un lugar de su elección. Usted
no tendrá que interactuar con la policía
o testificar. Sin embargo, si usted elige
declarar el premio aumenta a $2,000.
Lea ediciones previas de RUMBO en nuestro website
Car Theft at the Workout Club
The Salem Police Department is
investigating a motor vehicle theft that
occurred on November 4, 2013. The
vehicle, a white 2009 Honda Pilot with
New Hampshire registration was stolen
around 7:00 AM from the Workout Club in
Salem. After entering the gym, the victim
left the car keys in a basket at the front
desk. Shortly thereafter, a heavy set, white
male, approximately 230 Lbs, and between
5'-2” - 5'-5” tall and 30 -35 years old is
observed (via security camera) removing
the victim's keys from the basket. A witness
observed the suspect pressing the key fob in
the parking lot to locate the vehicle. The
vehicle has since been recovered in Lowell,
Massachusetts by the Lowell Police
Consejeros de los Pequeños Negocios de América
¿Comenzando un Negocio? ¿Comprando un Negocio?
¿Haciendo Crecer su Negocio?
Consejos gratis y confidenciales sobre negocios por una
organización sin ánimo de lucro
Sesiones de Consejerías jueves de 10:00 AM a 2:30 PM
Excepto el 3er jueves de cada mes
Por favor, llame al 978-686-0900 para una cita con Lawrence SCORE
Merrimack Valley Chamber of Commerce
264 Essex St.
Lawrence, MA 01840-1516
137 Lawrence Street
Lawrence, MA 01841
If you can identify this suspect, please
report it to Crimeline of Southern NH
and you could qualify for a reward of up
to $1,000. All tips remain anonymous.
Crimeline of Southern NH Telephone
numbers are: (603) 893-6600 or (800) 4984040.
Your call will be completely anonymous
and you will be issued a secret Crimeline
number, known only to you and Crimeline.
The Crimeline phone lines do not have
caller ID.
If your tip results in a conviction you
will be awarded a $1,000 cash reward at
a location of your choosing. You will not
have to interface with the police or testify.
However, if you choose to testify the reward
increases to $2,000.
precios módicos y servicio
de alta calidad.
La Primera Funeraria
hispana sirviendo con esmero
y satisfacción a la comunidad
Brindamos servicio de
asistencia social y enviamos
el cuerpo a cualquier lugar
incluyendo a Puerto Rico,
la República Dominicana,
También ofrecemos planes
pagados con anticipación y
estampas de recordatorios.
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 424 • enero 1, 2014
read rumbo online!
Martha Forero
Discovering a Passion for Public Oral-Health Education
By Tura Linderholm
Photos by Kevin Harkins
Formerly a dentist in her native Colombia,
Martha Forero uses a variety of oral-health
teaching tools for all ages – and especially
enjoys working with the Latino community.
Once a practicing dentist, Martha Forero
found her true passion as an oral-health
educator through Middlesex Community
College’s Dental Hygiene Program. “My
mission is to promote oral health, prevent
dental disease, and educate the public,” said
After practicing as a pediatric dentist
in her native country of Colombia,
Forero discovered dental hygiene gives
her a completely different perspective.
“Dentistry involves a lot
of restorative work for
damage that has already
been done,” she said.
“But dental hygiene is
mostly preventive, and
preventing the damage
in the first place should
be the goal of good
A 2007 graduate
Forero currently works
as a dental hygienist,
an outreach programs
coordinator, and an
oral-health educator in
Andover and Lawrence.
She recently spoke at
the annual meeting of
the Hispanic Dental
Association in Boston
about effective Latinooriented
Working with the Latino
population is something
she particularly enjoys.
“The approach
to dentistry in a Latino community is
very different from working in other
communities,” she said. “It’s cultural.
Many Latinos bring entire families – child,
mother, grandmother – to appointments.
I get to touch so many lives in just one
Forero’s professional journey has
been highly unconventional. After earning
her dental degree and practicing with a
children’s hospital in Colombia, she decided
to further her education. She set her sights
on Canada, but ultimately ended up at the
University of Michigan Ann Arbor, where
she received her master’s degree in pediatric
However, Forero never pursued a
license to practice in the U.S. Instead, she
moved to Turkey with her husband. While
there, she worked with a private pediatric
dental practice. Six years later, Forero, her
husband and their young daughter relocated
back to the U.S., settling in Massachusetts.
“I didn’t know how long we were going
to be here,” she said. “My daughter was
young and I wanted to experience being a
mother. I wasn’t looking for more titles,
I wanted to stay connected with dentistry,
even though I couldn’t practice,” she said.
“So, I enrolled in the Dental Hygiene
Program at Middlesex – and it completely
opened my world.”
In her role as an oral health educator,
Forero travels throughout the state
giving educational presentations
about oral health to a wide variety
of audiences. She visits public
schools to educate children
about best dental practices, and
advocates for the use of mouth
guards in every youth sport to
coaches and parents. She teaches
teen moms how to provide proper
oral health care for their children,
visits a variety of community and
senior centers to discuss healthy
diets and oral health, and helps
organize a number of community
health fairs.
Forero recently developed
and presented a program about
dental trauma to the Massachusetts
School Nurse Organization.
“The school nurse is often the
first person to handle a traumatic
dental situation,” she said. “If
they are educated about how to
properly treat oral injuries, there
is a better chance of preventing
more serious dental procedures
for the patient in the future.”
People often ask Forero why she hasn’t
pursued a license to practice dentistry in the
U.S., and she always responds, smiling, “I
love what I do. As a hygienist, I can focus
on a very important part of the oral system
that maintains the base of a beautiful smile
and a healthy body. I never stop teaching
and helping people.”
MCC is one of the largest, most
comprehensive community colleges in
Massachusetts. We offer more than 75
degree and certificate programs, plus
hundreds of noncredit courses, during
the day, evening and weekend, on our
Bedford and Lowell campuses, and online.
Middlesex – a great place to begin your
Lawrence dental hygienist Martha Forero
discovered her passion for preventive oralhealth care at Middlesex Community College.
A dental hygienist, outreach programs
coordinator, and oral-health educator, Martha
Forero leads educational programs and
workshops around the state.
Volunteers Needed!
Did you know that 1 in every 50
children in the US will go to sleep
without a home this year? Horizons
for Homeless Children is looking for
energetic and enthusiastic volunteers
to play with children living in family
homeless shelters in Northeastern
A commitment of just 2 hours a
week will make a significant difference
in the lives of some wonderful children
in your community.
Trainings for your region are
coming up soon - sign up today!
Sign up today! Contact us at
(978) 557-2182 or at northeast@ for
more information and an application,
or fill one out online at www.
january 1, 2014 • Edition 424 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
Santa hizo aparición temprana
en Merrimack Valley
La Segunda edición anual de We
Love Santa Party de Merrimack Valley
Federal Credit Union hizo la temporada
Navideña un poco más brillante para las
organizaciones sin fines de lucro del área.
El evento especial de la familia el pasado
sábado, 7 de diciembre entretenido a los
niños de todas las edades y recaudó dinero
para organizaciones benéficas locales, al
mismo tiempo.
La oficina corporativa de Merrimack
Valley Federal Credit Union en el 500
de Merrimack Street en Lawrence fue
transformada en la Villa de Santa Claus.
Entre las diversas actividades, los niños
decoraron adornos e hicieron tarjetas para
las Navidades, jugaron juegos de ciervos,
bailaron, cantaron y les pintaron sus caras.
La Sra. Claus sirvió galletas y jugo, y el
propio hombre del momento estaba allí para
Santa y Mrs. Claus no podían faltar, cautivando a los niños con su presencia.
escuchar los deseos de Navidad y posar
para fotos con sus jóvenes admiradores.
Santa and Mrs. Claus had to be there captivating children with his presence.
La Fiesta We Love Santa fue gratis
pero aceptaron donaciones en beneficio de
la organización Credit Union Kids at Heart
que a su vez beneficia el Hospital Infantil
de Boston, la Fundación Joe Andruzzi, y
el Centro Profesional para el Desarrollo
"Nuestra Credit Union se enorgullece
de apoyar a las organizaciones que hacen
una diferencia positiva en el Valle de
Merrimack", dijo el presidente y CEO Peter
Matthews. "La fiesta anual de Santa Claus
es una maravillosa manera de coronar el
año y dar las gracias a nuestros clientes y la
comunidad en general que asisten nuestros
esfuerzos para contribuir a la sociedad."
Merrimack Valley centra su apoyo a
la comunidad en la educación, la salud, la
falta de vivienda y las causas relacionadas
con la juventud. Los asistentes a la fiesta
We love Santa contribuyeron con $1,405.
Dulces para todos. / Sweets for everyone.
Rumbo :.
makes early
in Merrimack
Merrimack Valley Federal Credit
Union’s second annual We Love Santa Party
made the holiday season a bit brighter for
area nonprofit organizations. The special
family event last Saturday, December 7
entertained kids of all ages and raised
money for local charities at the same time.
Merrimack Valley’s corporate office
at 500 Merrimack Street in Lawrence was
transformed into Santa’s Village. Among
the various activities, children decorated
ornaments and made holiday cards, played
reindeer games, danced, sang, and got their
faces painted. Mrs. Claus served cookies
and juice, and the big man himself was
there to hear Christmas wishes and pose for
pictures with his young admirers.
The We Love Santa Party was free
to attend, but donations were accepted to
benefit Credit Unions Kids at Heart, which
benefits Boston Children’s Hospital, The Joe
Andruzzi Foundation, and The Professional
Center for Childhood Development.
“Our Credit Union is proud to support
organizations that make such a positive
difference in the Merrimack Valley,” said
CEO and President Peter Matthews. “The
annual Santa party is a wonderful way to
cap off the year and say thank you to our
customers and the community at large who
assist our efforts to give back.”
community support on education, health,
homelessness and youth-related causes.
We Love Santa Party-goers contributed
Un elf fue visto disfrazado de oficial de policía
de Lawrence.
An elf was spotted disguised as a Lawrence
Police Officer.
Había muchos juegos donde los niños podían mostrar sus
There were many games where kids could show their skills.
Caras pintadas siempre ha sido algo favorito de los niños.
Painted faces has always been a favorite of children.
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 424 • enero 1, 2014
read rumbo online!
GLTS recibe $31,000 para
Celebración Navideña de Family
Práctica e Innovación Profesional & Youth Initiative y el Centro de
Recursos para las Familias
El Departamento de Educación Primaria
y Secundaria, anunció que una dádiva para
Práctica e Innovación Profesional ha sido
concedida a la escuela superior Greater
Lawrence Technical School en la cantidad
de $31,936.
El propósito de este programa de
subvenciones conocido como Race to-theTop (Corriendo Hacia el Tope) es apoyar a
las escuelas y los distritos comprometidos
con el avance de la práctica profesional
mediante la integración de la aplicación de
dos de los proyectos de mayor prioridad
en el estado. Estos proyectos incluyen el
nuevo sistema de evaluación docente y el
Marco Curricular de Massachusetts.
"Con este nuevo enfoque a la integración
del nuevo sistema de evaluación en el Marco
Curricular revisado, la Escuela Técnica de
Lawrence podrá obtener mejores resultados
en ambas iniciativas", dijo el Representante
Frank A. Moran (D-Lawrence). "Además
nuestros educadores experimentarán una
mayor coherencia entre la instrucción y la
evaluación de alta calidad."
El Departamento reconoce a los
adjudicatarios de esta subvención como
innovadores en la promoción de la práctica
Representante Estatal Frank A. Morán
profesional. La Escuela Técnica Superior
de Lawrence es una de seis ganadores de
este premio de subvención de un grupo de
solicitantes de más de sesenta. La concesión
de subvenciones varían entre $29,040 y
GLTS Awarded grant for Professional
Practice and Innovation
The Department of Elementary and
Secondary Education announced that a
Professional Practice Innovation Grant has
been awarded to Greater Lawrence Technical
School in the amount of $31,936.
The purpose of this Race-to-the-Top
funded grant program is to support schools
and districts committed to advancing
professional practice by integrating
implementation of two of the state's highest
priority projects. These projects include
the new educator evaluation system and the
Massachusetts Curriculum Framework.
“With this new approach to integrating
the new evaluation system into the
revised Curriculum Framework, the
Greater Lawrence Technical School will
find more success in both initiatives,”
said Representative Frank A. Moran
(D-Lawrence). “In addition our educators
will experience greater coherence between
high quality instruction and evaluation.”
The Department regards awardees
of this grant as innovators in advancing
professional practice.
The Greater
Lawrence Technical School is one of just
six recipients of this grant award out of an
applicant pool of over sixty. Grant awards
range from $29,040 - $35,000.
Family & Youth Initiative y el Centro
de Recursos para las Familias celebraron
una exitosa fiesta de Navidad para las
familias en nuestra comunidad. Este año
recibieron donaciones de familias que
viven a más de 30 millas de la Ciudad de
Lawrence, incluyendo a las familias en las
comunidades de Concord, MA, Florida,
Vermont e Illinois (otras comunidades de
Massachusetts también participaron).
Dan y Sally Riley se asociaron con
Carmen Schumann, directora de Iniciativas
para Jóvenes y Familias en Lawrence, y el
personal. Llevaron a cabo una recaudación
de fondos en su casa para beneficiar a
las familias y niños de la Comunidad de
Lawrence que están recibiendo apoyo
desde el sitio. Estas familias han ayudado
a crear conciencia entre otras comunidades
de afuera ayudando en última instancia, a
las familias en la comunidad que sirven.
Su visión es "Para crear la
propiedad comunitaria, la esperanza, la
autodeterminación y el orgullo de los niños
y las familias estando seguros gracias a la
colaboración y la responsabilidad mutua.
Vamos a lograr esto a través de la promoción
del empoderamiento y la participación de
los miembros de la comunidad que buscan
apoyo y orientación entre uno y otro y las
agencias que forman parte de PATCH."
El programa forma parte de la Coalición
Comunitaria de Lawrence y Methuen
(LMCC) y tiene su enfoque en programas
de apoyo a la familia. El Community Group
Inc. actúa como agente fiscal para el LMCC
y sus programas.
El evento se celebró el viernes, 20 de
diciembre 2013, en colaboración con María
Vargas, directora del Centro de Recursos
Familiares (FRC). Esta fiesta fue abierta
a las familias que han tomado parte en al
menos uno de los talleres, grupos de apoyo
para padres y otros programas educativos
que nuestros sitios ofrecen. Con esto
dicho, debido a la cantidad de familias en
asistencia, un sorteo se llevó a cabo para
seleccionar asistir a las familias. Cada
familia recibió una bolsa de regalo que
incluía juguetes donados según la edad y
el género. Las familias también tuvieron
la oportunidad de tomar un refrigerio y
conocer a otras familias de la comunidad
durante esta gran celebración navideña.
Family & Youth Initiative and
Family Resource Center (FRC)
Christmas Celebration 2013
The Lawrence Families and Youth
Initiative and The Family Resource
Center held a successful Christmas party
for families in our community. This year
they received donations from families
that live more than 30 miles from the
City of Lawrence; including families
in the communities of Concord Mass,
Florida, Vermont and Illinois (other Mass
communities also participated).
Dan and Sally Riley partnered with
Carmen Schumann, Director of Family
Youth Initiative in Lawrence, and staff.
They held a fundraiser in their home to
benefit families/children of the Lawrence
Community who are receiving supports
from the site. These families have helped
raise awareness among other outside
communities ultimately helping the families
in the community they serve.
Their vision statement is “To create
community ownership, hope, selfdetermination and pride where children
and families are safe through collaboration
and mutual responsibility. We will achieve
this through promoting empowerment
and involvement of community members
who seek support and guidance from
each other and PATCH agencies”. The
program is part of the Lawrence/Methuen
Community Coalition (LMCC) and has its
focus on family support programming. The
Community Group Inc. acts as the fiscal
agent for the LMCC and its programs.
The event was held on Friday,
December 20th, 2013 in partnership with
Maria Vargas, Family Resource Center
(FRC) Director. This festivity was open
to families who have taken part of at least
one of the workshops, parent support
groups and other educational programs
our sites offer. With this said, due to the
amount of families served, a lottery took
place to select attending families. Each
family received a gift bag which included
donated toys according to age and gender.
Families also had the opportunity to have
refreshments and get to know other families
in the community during this big holiday
january 1, 2014 • Edition 424 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
Rumbo :.
Santa Distributes Donated Gifts to 650
Members of Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence
More than 650 members of the Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence cheered as Santa Claus
distributed donated toys and gift cards at the annual holiday party on December 20.
Groups of longtime volunteers served the holiday dinner, which was donated by the 99
Restaurants of Andover and North Andover.
North Andover Historical
Society recibe subvención
para tecnología
About the Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence
The Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence
provides a safe, after-school place for more
than 3,200 youth (ages 7 to 18) to come for
hot meals, homework assistance, fitness
and nutrition programs, college and career
planning, and lasting personal relationships.
The club offers critical programs that focus
on academic success, healthy lifestyles, and
community involvement at two locations:
the Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence at
136 Water St., and the Beacon Boys &
Girls Club at 71 Duckett Ave. For more
information, call Director of Development
Dennis McCarthy at (978) 683-2747, ext.
118 or visit
¡La Fundación
Big Brother Big
Sister necesita tu
Si tienes ropa usada y pequeños artículos del hogar que ya no usas,
dónalos para quienes si los necesitan. Llegaremos a tu puerta para
recibir lo que puedas entregar.
Para programar una cita, llama al 1.800.483.5503 o visítanos en
nuestra página web en internet:
Lo que nos entregues ayudará a los niños locales que participan
en nuestro programa de tutoría. Debes saber que tu donación es
deducible de impuestos.
¡Gracias por tu apoyo!
La Sociedad Histórica de North
Andover ha sido galardonada con una beca
de $1000 del Fondo de la Familia Webster,
parte de la Fundación Comunitaria del
Condado de Essex (ECCF). La Sociedad
Histórica de North Andover utilizará los
fondos de la subvención para ayudar a
financiar la tecnología necesaria para crear
programación de multimedia pública en
su espacio como Espacio Comunitario
recientemente designado.
Cuando se
haya completado, este espacio ofrecerá
una variedad de historias digitales para
sus visitantes, basadas en el rico archivo
histórico local de fotos y fuentes primarias
de la Sociedad.
El Fondo de la Familia Webster se
formó en el 2005 cuando D.K. Webster
Family Foundation transfirió sus activos
en un campo de fondo de interés en Essex
County Community Foundation.
Fundación Comunitaria apoya proyectos
de capital a organizaciones sin fines de
lucro que sirven a la comunidad de Greater
La Fundación Comunitaria del Condado
de Essex es un convocante, maestro,
otorgante y gestor de inversiones de los
donantes y las organizaciones no lucrativas
del Condado de Essex. En conjunto, la
Fundación y su comunidad de filántropos
plantean fondos de caridad sin fines de lucro
y los activos, dan subvenciones efectivas y
consejería estratégica, y enseña a los líderes
de agencias no lucrativas habilidades
para mejorar sus prácticas. Obtenga más
información en
North Andover Historical
Society receives grant for
The North Andover Historical Society
has been awarded a $1000 grant from
the Webster Family Fund, a fund of the
Essex County Community Foundation
(ECCF). The North Andover Historical
Society will use the grant funds to help
fund the technology necessary to create
multimedia public programming in their
newly designated Community Engagement
space. When completed, the Community
Engagement space will offer a variety of
digital histories to their visitors, based on
the Society's rich archive of local historic
photos and primary sources.
The Webster Family Fund was formed
in 2005 when the D.K. Webster Family
Foundation transferred its assets into a
field of interest fund at the Essex County
Community Foundation. The Fund supports
capital projects at nonprofit organizations
serving the Greater Lawrence community.
The Essex County Community
Foundation is a convener, teacher, grantor
and investment manager for Essex
County’s donors and nonprofits. Together,
the Foundation and its community of
philanthropists raise charitable funds and
nonprofit assets, give effective grants and
strategic counsel, and teach nonprofit
leaders management skills, best practices
and economies of scale. Learn more at
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 424 • enero 1, 2014
read rumbo online!
Cosas de Familias en la Biblioteca
Pública de Nashua
Las familias son bienvenidas en la
Biblioteca Pública de Nashua. Reúnanse
con nosotros para estas actividades
divertidas y educativas.
Cuentos Narrados y Show de Títeres
Primeros Compradores de Casa
Partnership se complace en anunciar
que estamos ofreciendo en Lowell el
Proyecto Génesis, Seminarios para
Primeros Compradores de casa.
Las clases se llevarán a cabo en el 67
de la Calle Middle (Edificio Pollard
Exchange) en Lowell. Las próximas
clases serán enero 7, 8, 14 y 15 de 6:30
p.m. a 9:00 p.m. Otra serie comenzará el
28 de enero, 2014.
Lunes, martes y miércoles a las 10:00 am,
jueves a las 7:00 pm, y domingos a las
2:00 pm (no domingos en el verano). Los
cuentos narrados y el show de los títeres se
presentan continuamente y no se requiere
Narración de Cuentos Para Bebés
A través de cuentos y música, aprende a
cómo desarrollar el lenguaje de tu bebé y a
cómo leerle en voz alta para desarrollar sus
habilidades de la pre-lectura. Los bebés y
sus cuidadoras son bienvenidos a compartir
con nosotros los jueves a las 9 am y 10 am
para edades de 13 a 24 meses y jueves a
las 11 am y 12 del mediodía para recién
nacidos hasta los 12 meses. No se requiere
registración ni tarjeta de la biblioteca.
Ayuda de Tareas En Línea
En vivo, en línea (conectado en Internet),
tutores hispano hablantes para ayudar a los
estudiantes con sus tareas o asignaciones
de matemáticas, ciencia y estudios sociales.
Una tarjeta de la biblioteca es necesaria.
Serie de Películas para La Familia
Las películas familiares son presentadas
los sábados a las 2 pm en el NPL Theater,
octubre—mayo. Niños de 6 y menores
deben ser acompañados por un adulto.
Patrocinados por Los Amigos. Llame a la
biblioteca a la línea de películas al (603)
589-4646 para los títulos de las películas.
No se permite ni comida ni bebidas en el
teatro. Gratis; no se requiere una tarjeta de
la biblioteca.
Cualquiera puede usar nuestros materiales
sin costo alguno (gratis) mientras visita
la biblioteca, pero necesita una tarjeta
de la biblioteca para sacar prestado estos
materiales, poder llevarlos a casa y además
usar ciertos espacios en la página web de la
biblioteca desde sus casas.
Una tarjeta de la biblioteca es una credencial
o identificación, la cual es completamente
gratis para todas aquellas personas que
viven, que trabajan, que son dueños de
locales o edificios, que asisten a la escuela
o que están jubilados o retirados de sus
trabajos en Nashua. Las esposas e hijos de
trabajadores (o trabajadores retirados) o
dueños de locales o edificios en Nashua son
también elegibles para obtener una tarjeta
de la biblioteca gratis. ¡Venga a la biblioteca
y obtenga su tarjeta de la biblioteca gratis
Horario de la Biblioteca
El costo es $100 por familia e incluye
todos los materiales.
Lunes–jueves: 9 am–9 pm; Viernes y
sábado: 9 am–5:30 pm; Domingo: 1 pm–5
pm (cuando esté abierta)
actualizar la información acerca de
domingos abiertos.
Se requiere asistir a las dos clases
para recibir el certificado del Proyecto
Temas Incluyen
El Proceso de Comprar una Casa
Guía de Hipoteca del Banco
Aspectos Legales
Inspección de La Casa
Programas de Asistencia
para el Depósito
Información de Crédito
Se necesitan voluntarios
para jugar con niños
que viven en refugios
Horizons for Homeless Children busca
personas serias, bilingües en inglés y
español para jugar con niños que viven
en refugios para familias sin hogar. Se
requiere un compromiso de 2 horas a la
semana (un turno semanal) por 6 meses.
Para más información o para inscribirse
en línea, favor de visitar el sitio www. o llame
al 978.557.2182. Es una experiencia
muy agradable que beneficia a los niños
y también a todas las personas que se
envuelven en el programa.
Llame a nuestra oficina al 978-459-8490
para registrarse.
First Time Home Buyers
The Merrimack Valley Housing
Partnership is pleased to announce that
we are offering the Project Genesis Home
Buyer Training Seminars in Lowell.
Necesitan choferes para
transportar ancianos
Classes will be held at 67 Middle Street
(Pollard Exchange Building), Lowell.
The next series will be held on January 7,
8, 14 and 15 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Another series will begin on January 28,
Interfaith Caregivers of Greater
Lawrence, una coalición de
comunidades de fe, agencies de
servicio social y organizaciones de
salud, está buscando voluntarios
para llevar a ancianos a citas al
médico y otras citas de calidad
de vida a través del Programa de
Friends in Deed de Elder Services
of the Merrimack Valley.
The fee is $100.00 per household which
includes all materials.
Participants must attend all sessions to
receive a certificate of completion.
Si usted puede, aunque sea
ocasionalmente, por favor, llame
a Jerry Proulx, reclutador de
voluntarios, al 1-800-892-0890
ext. 463 (y mencione Interfaith
Topics include
Overview of the Home Buying Process
Bank Mortgage Guidelines
Legal Aspects
Home Inspections
Down Payment Assistance Programs
Information on Credit
Please call the office at 978-459-8490 to
register Thank you.
Un Mundo de Información En Tu
Members: $10.00
Non-Members $20.00
Gracias de parte de Interfaith
Caregivers y los muchos ancianos
que necesitan de los servicios de
choferes voluntarios para poder
permanecer independientes en su
propio hogar.
january 1, 2014 • Edition 424 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
Rumbo :.
For directions and information on
parking go to:
Phone 603-589-4610
Fax: 603-594-3457
Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays
at 10a.m. Thursdays at 7 p.m., and
Sundays at 2 p.m. Open Storytimes &
Puppet Shows run continuously, and no
registration is required.
Through stories and music, learn how
to read aloud and develop your baby’s
language and pre-reading skills. Babies
and their caregivers are welcome to join
us. Thursdays: 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. ages:
13 to 24 months; 11 a. m. and 12 noon
ages: birth to 12 months. No registration
required. For more information call the
Children’s Room at (603) 589-4631.
Activities for Teens at Nashua
Public Library
In addition to books, movies, manga, graphic
novels, and computers, the Nashua Public
Library offers plenty of programs after
school for teens in grades 6 through 12. Go
to and start signing up!
tropical rain forest to arctic conditions, up 7 p.m. Beaudry, who traveled 9,623 miles
the tallest mountain in Africa.
around the world on a bicycle in 121 days,
will share stories and photos of cultures,
Christoph, who also photographs birds of geography, biking, and inspiration.
Central and Eastern Massachusetts, has
published his images in magazines and A personal trainer, Beaudry has also biked
won awards in the Central Massachusetts the Alaska Highway from Fairbanks to
Multiscreen Seattle, and through the Pyrenees Mountains
Competition, the New England Camera on a portion of the Tour de France route.
Club Council Nature Competition, the
Greater Lynn International, and the highly The event is part of the library’s “Exotic
Destinations” series, held every Thursday
regarded Glennie Nature Salon.
night in January. It is free and open to the
The event is part of the library’s “Exotic public. Registration is not required.
Destinations” series, held every Thursday
night in January. It is free and open to the
public. Registration is not required.
Machu Picchu Program at the
Nashua Public Library
"Next Great Read" Features • Outreach & Community Services On Thursday, January 16, at 7 p.m., take
Book Reviews by Nashua Library Coordinator Carol Eyman will recommend a virtual tour with Bryan and Linda Higgs
mainstream, historical, and literary fiction. to the ancient world of the Incas high in
This fall, the Nashua Public Library
is introducing “Next Great Read,” online
book (and occasionally movie) reviews by
library staff:
• Library Director Jen Hinderer will
write about mysteries, historical fiction,
and audiobooks.
• Supervisor of Teen Services Sophie
Smith will recommend nonfiction, as well
as fiction that’s written for teens but appeals
to adults, too (think: “Marcelo in the Real
World,” “The Book Thief”).
• Supervisor of Circulation Loren
Rosson will write about fantasy and horror
and occasionally about films.
Artists’ Association Exhibits at
Nashua Library
Blind Hiker Speaks on Reaching
Your Peak Potential
Randy Pierce was a recent college graduate
when a devastating neurological disease left
him blind and uncertain of his future. He
used adversity as a catalyst for growth and
went on to earn his second-degree black
belt, hike New Hampshire’s 48 rugged
4000-foot peaks, and get inducted into the
Pro Football Hall of Fame.
the Peruvian Andes. Tour Peru's beautiful
Sacred Valley with its fascinating history,
and view local craft-making such as pottery
and weaving. Visit Machu Picchu, the Come hear his inspiring story at the Nashua
mysterious "Lost City of the Incas," and Public Library on Thursday, January 2, at 7
p.m. when he presents “Reaching Our Peak
Cusco, their ancient capital.
Potential.” Pierce has appeared on multiple
Through still photos, video, local music, national television shows, most notably
history, and a little humor, the Higgs will “Rosie O’Donnell,” “Jimmy Kimmel Live,”
share their experiences traveling back in and “The Best Damn Sports Show Period.”
When you’re looking for a book
recommendation, you’ve probably learned
over time to go to people who share your
tastes. The library hopes you’ll come to
know, among these four reviewers, who
enjoys the same types of books you do.
The reviewers also hope you’ll give them
feedback, either by commenting on posts
or by seeking them out when you visit the
time to view the remains of structures
created by this society that disappeared
Take a look at “Next Great Read” at with no written record.,
where you can subscribe via your RSS The event, to be held at the Nashua Public
Library, is part of the “Exotic Destinations”
feeds or by email.
series, held every Thursday night in January.
those who have other computer questions— It is free and open to the public. Registration
whether it’s how to create a Facebook is not required.
The event is part of the library’s “Exotic
Destinations” series, held every Thursday
night in January. It is free and open to the
public. Registration is not required.
The library is located at 2 Court Street,
Nashua. For directions and parking
information go to
directions.htm. For other information contact
account, how to download an e-book, or other
Carol at or
topics—can drop in for one-on-one help on Biking Around the World
Meet cyclist Denis Beaudry at the Nashua (603) 589-4610.
Wednesdays from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Public Library on Thursday, January 9, at
Works by members of the Nashua Area
Artists’ Association will be on display
in the Nashua Public Library’s Image
Gallery in January and February. Included
in the exhibit are oils, acrylics, pastels, More details, including the current month’s
class schedule, are available at www.
watercolors, photographs, and digital art.
Among the artists exhibiting are Laura register, call (603) 589-4611. All classes
Barry, Jacqueline Barry, Sandra Peters, are free and open to the public. They are
Audrey Augun, William Turner, Albine held in the library’s computer training
Vermot-Gaud, Jill Mudge, Zee Salomon, lab, downstairs in the Music/Art/Media
Margaret Garneau, Audra Saunders, Department.
Douglas Huntley, Mary Crump, Andrea
Waxler, Trevor Ward, Eleanor Delle Chiaie, More Than a Woodlot: Getting the
Kyle Massie, Marilene Sawaf, Chris Bower, Most from Your Family Forest
Jayson Gleneck, and Oli Smith. The exhibit Meet Stephen Long, author of “More Than
can be viewed during regular library hours. a Woodlot: Getting the Most from Your
A reception for the artists will be held on Family Forest,” at the Nashua Public Library
Wednesday, January 8, from 6 p.m. to 8:30 on Wednesday, January 15, at 7 p.m.
p.m. It is free and open to the public.
Long, who is also the founder of Northern
Free Computer Workshops @ Woodlands Magazine, will explain how to
take a more ecological approach to managing
Your Library
The Nashua Public Library offers a number your land, whether you own a few acres or
of free computer classes for adults. These an entire forest. You’ll find out how to log
one-time workshops can be repeated for responsibly, improve habitat for songbirds
additional practice if desired. Among the and other wildlife, and increase biodiversity.
Copies of the author’s book will be
course offerings are
available for sale and signing. The library
is presenting the program in partnership
• Computer Basics
with the Nashaway Chapter of the Audubon
• Internet
Society. It is free and open to the public.
• Word 2010
• Advanced Word 2010
Kilimanjaro: Journey to the Roof
• PowerPoint 2010
of Africa
• Excel 2010
Wildlife and adventure photographer Peter
• Advanced Excel 2010
Christoph recently climbed to the 19,340• Access 2010
foot summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Join him
• Genealogy
at the Nashua Public Library on Thursday,
• Online Job Searching
January 23, at 7 p.m. for a photographic
The above classes require registration, but journey through five climate zones, from
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 424 • enero 1, 2014
read rumbo online!
Stripes is an 8 year old leopard gecko. He is a sweet little
guy. His owner went off to college and did not have time
for him. Leopard Geckos can live from into their teens to
mid twenties, so Stripes is a long term commitment. He
needs special care such as a heat lamp and his food of
choice is live crickets. Stripes is currently in foster with
one of our volunteers, so if you are interested in him,
please contact staff first before coming in.
Gentle, sweet Achromatic was found on the Nevins Farm
property and brought indoors before the winter weather set
in. His initial shyness doesn't last long. He is affectionate with
people he knows and he will lean into your hand for head
rubs. In fact, he really enjoys being petted all over, even on
his belly! Achromatic has been around dogs at the adoption
center and he was not bothered by them at all. He just ignored them, so he could
easily live with a friendly, mellow dog. He might be ok with other cats given a slow
introduction. He would do well in a home with teens, but he would likely hide from
younger, noisy children. It may take him a little time to feel safe and secure in his
new home, so patience is required while he gets to know you. Achromatic is about 4
years old. He has adapted very well to being an indoor cat. It is recommended that he
remain an indoor only cat, to dissuade him from getting into a similar situation where
he wanders away from the safety of his home.
We have our own Duck Dynasty here at Nevins Farm.
This group of big Pekin Brothers is fun-loving and
comical. Even though there are several other ducks here,
this group still likes to explore and quack up a storm! We
would love to send all 4 home together but we could be
adopt them out in pairs. Groups of male ducks can have
it's benefits. Drakes are quieter than the females and if
you are not interested in searching for eggs (don't want any surprise hatchings), an all
male flock would be a good idea. Ducks are great foragers and will gladly eat insects
and small pests. They also will provide plenty of viewing fun with their antics around
the pool.
High energy Loki is a handsome boy! He is only 3 years old and
wants to play and run all day. When he is ready to relax, the nearest
adult lap is where he will be. Loki was a stray and most of his past
is unknown. A kind family brought him home for a little while. As
it turns out, Loki would rather live with adults than children. He
can play rough and doesn't have enough boundaries to be with little
ones. He would need a cat savvy family so he can be himself and
show you his purrsonality. Head scratches are his favorite time of
day. A slow introduction would be needed with cats in your family.
Loki would prefer not to live with dogs. He was an indoor/outdoor
kitty and can be again in a safe neighborhood. Loki would love a family to call his
own. He enjoys being warm and having warm food available. Come see Loki and
maybe he will be the match for you.
4 year old Coco lost his home because they could no longer
afford to keep her and she also needed more room to run
and play than his previous owners could provide. Her ideal
home would be with an owner or family who isn't away
from the house for long hours and is able to spend quality
time training to help her work on any behavior issues.
Though Coco loves other dogs, she might be happier as
your only child because she hasn't quite learned how to
share! She has been great around kids and cats, weighs in
at about 54 lbs and though she's crate trained she has escaped from the crate on several
occasions in her previous home. If you're looking to add a lab to your family circle,
come meet Coco, she has kept the sweetest puppy face and eyes (even at 4 years old!).
Be sure to talk with the staff about her previous medical issues. See you soon!
New Year’s Resolutions for Pets
As 2014 begins, doctors from BluePearl
Veterinary Partners are encouraging
pet parents to keep some New Year’s
resolutions in mind for their pets, as well as
in shape. The life expectancy of a pet can be
significantly increased if they live a healthy
and active life.
• Make sure you maintain regular visits
with your family veterinarian. Pets age
“While providing remarkable care for pets much faster than people, so doctors from
is what we do best, preventing injuries or BluePearl recommend taking your pet to
disease is by far the most remarkable care, your veterinarian twice a year.
and that’s something any pet parent can
provide,” said Dr. Jennifer Welser, chief • Consider obtaining a pet insurance
medical officer of BluePearl. “Make your policy to assist with funding in the event
pet a part of your New Year’s resolutions of a veterinary emergency. Companies like
and have a safe and happy new year.”
Trupanion offer pet health insurance. That
can mean the difference between being able
• Consider quitting smoking for yourself to save your furry friend or having to make
and your pet. Second hand smoke isn’t only the difficult decision to put him or her to
harmful to people. It is also harmful to pets. sleep.
Knock the habit to help keep yourself and
your furry friend alive longer.
• Start an emergency fund. Setting aside
$20 to $40 per paycheck can be a perfect
• Exercise with your pet. Exercising for way to save for emergency care.
both people and pets is a great way to stay
One of three MSPCA Animal Care and Adoption Centers statewide, the MSPCA at Nevins
Farm in Methuen cared for more than 7,000 animals last year. The MSPCA does not receive
state or federal funding and continues its work based solely on the generosity of its
supporters. The Noble Family Animal Care & Adoption Center at Nevins Farm is located at
400 Broadway, Rte. 28 in Methuen and is open to the public from 12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Tuesdays & Thursdays; 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Wednesdays & Fridays; 12:00 p.m. – 4:00
p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. To contact the MSPCA at Nevins Farm regarding adoptions
and programs please call (978) 687-7453 x. 6101 or on the Web at:
SAVE LIVES: get your pet spayed or neutered Reduced SNAP fees are made possible through
generous donations of time and resources by participating veterinarians who believe in the
Members: $10.00
Non-Members $20.00
january 1, 2014 • Edition 424 • Lawrence, MA • AÑO 18 .:
True Photo Studio
By Dario Arias
Fotos Familiares
Fotos para Pasaportes
406 Essex Street
Lawrence, MA 01840
Rumbo :.
33 Franklin Street
Suite A
Lawrence, MA 01841
Harry Maldonado
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FAX: (978) 688-4027
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Let’s talk about
spreading the word!
For information, 978-804-7588
Please contact Heal Lawrence if you wish to make a contribution to the victims of the
recent fires in Lawrence. The website has a list of donated items and things that are
still needed.
Favor de ponerse en contacto con Heal Lawrence si desea hacer una contribución a las
víctimas de los incendios recientes en Lawrence. El sitio en la internet tiene una lista
de artículos que han sido donados y lo que todavía necesitan.
------Please contact Heal Lawrence if you want to help. A fire can happen at any time.
Si desea ofrecer sus servicios póngase en contacto con Heal Lawrence. Un incendio
puede ocurrir en cualquier momento.
Chess Club
The Lawrence Chess Club will meet
on Wednesday, January 15, 2014
from 6-8pm at the Lawrence Public
Library, corner of Haverhill & Lawrence Streets.
This is always a FREE event. Please
bring a friend and a chess set.
ALL ages and abilities welcome.
Play, learn and help teach. English is
not required.
“Life is a chess match. Don’t be stuck
playing checkers.”
~ Garry Kasparov, grand master
& world champion.
Rumbo is a FREE bilingual (English-Spanish)
newspaper published four (4) times a
month by SUDA, Inc.
(978) 794-5360
Fire victims / Víctimas de incendios
33 Franklin Street
Suite A
MA 01841
Publication Dates:
1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd of Every Month
The secret is out…
Rumbo Tells Everybody!
Rumbo :.
AÑO 18 • LAwrence, MA • Edición 424 • enero 1, 2014
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