Doga_Foy_DOCCS Material_171014


Doga_Foy_DOCCS Material_171014
A DoO,. Gınorıuon Grııws
Corporıte Offlce:
Barbaros Mh. Halk Cd. Kardelen Sk. No: 2
lncity C Blok Atasehir, lstanbul - Turkey
: +90 (216) 547 90 00
: +90 (216) 53717 98
: +90 (543) 325 99 00
CEO : Bünyamin Çelikten
General Dlrector : Ömer Gündoğdu
DOCCS Manaı;ıer : Doğan Hollaway
IB Code
Cambrldı;ıe Code
: 696341
: 1749
: 3709
: TR107
Foundlnq Prlnclples:
Doğa Schools has made a mark in education since it was founded in Beykoz, İstanbul, in 2002. Doğa's principles
for democracy and freedom are a part of all Doğa's campuses to ensure that each student grows with these
principals in a natural environment. Since it was founded, Doğa has been working to realize this vision while
simultaneously striving to increase the quality and rigor of its education.
Vision: We Raise World Citizens with lntemational Vision
With an aim to nurture cultured, forward-thinking world citizens, we closely follow international standards to
ensure that our students meet the highest international criteria so that they are able to live and succeed
anywhere in the world.
Our Mlsslon:
Doğa's mission is to raise world citizens who acquire knowledge rather than memorize it, who are successful not
Just on examinatlons, but also in cultural, soclal, sports, and sclentlflc flelds. Doğa helps thelr students dlscover
and develop their innate talents, to think freely and have the ability to express their ideas explicitly, who have an
international vision, but are committed to local values while open to universal ones, and who have acquired a
forelgn language at the level of conductlng sclentlflc studles, so that they wlll flll thelr roles as the brlght leaders
of the future.
Unlque Campus Archltecture
While our environmentally friendly campuses offer students a happy, social and safe atmosphere, our campuses'
unique architecture draws great attention from both students and the public. Each campus has a unique concept,
like democracy, space exploration, multi-media, broadcasting, science or technology, which it is built around. We
equip all of our classrooms with interactive smartboards and internet connectivity and instead of placing
constraints on social media; we let it play a role in our education.
Doğa Hlqh School :
Academlc Year: 2013-2014
Academlc Year: 2014-2015
HS Student Bodv: 9,561
HS Student Bodv: 72,827*
Senler Class: 1,313
Senler Class: 1,532*
Number of HS campuses in ıstanbul: 25
Number of HS campuses in ıstanbul: 26
Total Number of HS campuses in Turkey: 52
Total Number of HS campuses in Turkey: 67
College Matrlculatlon: 93% Matriculation
to 4-year universities
• Enrollment was contlnulng at time of publlcatlon
Doğa Schools offers the TUrkish National Curriculum, in accordance with TUrkish law. The curriculum is known for
its rigor, particularly in Math and the Sciences. Upper level courses (11th and 12th grades) contain content similar
to AP courses. English is the official second language that is offered at all of our campuses from kindergarten
through 12th grade. Do9a also offers the t·MBA Proqram, ııııhich is the first and only prlvate education
currlculum to be approved and accredlted by Turkey's Mlnlstry of Educatlon.