2015 Annual Report - Gilda`s Club Louisville


2015 Annual Report - Gilda`s Club Louisville
So That No One Faces Cancer Alone.
2015 Annual Report
Looking Back & Ahead
Howard Vogt
Board Chair
Karen Morrison
“Each year brings
new challenges,
new opportunities
to expand our
reach and increase
our impact.”
Just as every stage of human development is of prime importance—there’s no such thing as a crying infant being
‘bad’ or twos being ‘terrible’ or teens being ‘awful’, or old age connoting negativity—every stage of nature has its
importance. The season of fallow field, of dormancy, has essence for what follows. Those with cancer observe
those soul-seasons within their journey through diagnosis, treatment, darkness and emerging light amid it all. Our
clubhouse has lived those similar cycles, each having its own piece in our evolution. During each season of our
evolution, vital work has been taking place, many changes, and the period of biggest growth we have seen since
just after opening.
In the first quarter of 2016, nearly 600 individuals have participated in programs at Gilda’s Club Louisville. We
have welcomed new members of our board of directors as well as new staff and volunteers. 2015 brought many
changes and this first quarter of 2016 has felt very much like a season of rebirth, with opportunities to tweak
and fine tune our program offerings—bringing back some old favorites and starting new traditions which will
allow us to include more member feedback and utilize the latest research and data on the impact of psychosocial
support to help shape our future.
Walls have come down—figurative and literal (the art room has been expanded and now serves as an art studio, a
meeting space and a back-up for small exercise classes). From a Final Four themed lock-in and revitalized support
groups to new game room equipment and more Noogieland playtime, we are evaluating and strengthening our
youth program and it shows with youth now accounting for 23% of our membership. We are polling members
about a new pre-school playgroup and a support group for parents of pediatric patients and many other ideas. We
have a focus group of teens who are advising us of ways to better meet their needs and ensure serious fun remains
a component of their cancer journey. We will launch a year long Youth Adventure Series in June.
We have enjoyed success as a non-profit—both in meeting our mission and in securing the financial support
to sustain our work and keep it available to those who need us—FREE of charge. And yet, we are not foolish
enough to rest on our laurels. Each year brings new challenges, new opportunities to expand our reach and
increase our impact. We are actively seeking new methods and collaborations that will allow us to do just that.
We face new challenges that include everything from better integrating our processes and technology to a looming
parking crisis (with the sale of Phoenix Hill and the loss of half of our parking when construction for the new
project begins) to navigating our hospital partnerships in a rapidly changing healthcare environment.
There’s a lot more in store in this next year to help ensure no one in our community faces cancer alone. With a
vibrant and growing Gilda’s Club, you can rest assured more cancer journeys will include support, knowledge,
style, joy, laughter, and purpose.
Thank you for making it possible!
Meet Dee Balmorez
owner of Southern Indiana’s successful Kobe Japanese Steakhouse,
her stress level was low. She had no
history of cancer in the family. In
fact, she didn’t even know anyone
who had cancer.
Dee agreed to treatment, but at
49-years-old, she feared her life
was over.
Anyone who meets Dee Balmorez
likely thinks, “What a beautiful,
accomplished woman!”
Her story only confirms that
impression. Dee shared her cancer
In February, 2015, Dee heard those
words: you have cancer. She was,
like most, devastated by the news.
And the bad news kept coming:
lung cancer. Stage 4 with a 1-2%
chance of survival.
Dee had never smoked. She worked
out five to six days a week and
had a healthy diet. As a long-time
She arranged guardianship with
a friend for her 12-year-old
daughter, talked with her older
daughter and son and was
preparing to say goodbye to
her two grandchildren, the
youngest just 3-months old.
With two sisters in California,
Dee leaned heavily on her companion, Gene. He drove her to and
from the hospital where she had
two surgeries, chemotherapy and
The treatment made her dizzy,
nauseous, tired and depressed. Her
weight decreased to 97 pounds.
Dee’s friend, Tim, was concerned
and searched online for a cancer
support group. He found Gilda’s
Club and convinced Dee to attend.
She says, “Coming to Gilda’s Club
was a turning point. Coming here
really made a difference. I found
others to connect and bond with.
I found people who understood
and cared—people who missed me
when I didn't feel well enough to
come to group.”
After treatment and another MRI,
Dee was recently told that cancer
had spread to her brain.
She is now receiving whole brain
radiation, which makes her even
more dizzy and nauseous and has
caused her beautiful long hair to
fall out. It also promises to make
her lose 30% of her memory.
Her sisters call her every day and,
when Dee worries about memory
loss, they tell her, “You don’t need
to remember. We’re here to remind
you. Look forward.”
And that is exactly what Dee is
She comes to Gilda’s Club and
feels blessed to have made friends
who understand her journey and
support her in so many ways.
“I found others to
connect and bond
with. I found people
who understood and
cared - people who
missed me when
I didn't feel well
enough to come
to group.”
A new drug was recently released
that gives her hope.
“God has been really good to
me. I’m happy. I’m going to keep
smiling—keep going!,” she says.
“And keep coming to Gilda’s Club
because the people here really care
and help me in so many ways.”
Volunteer Spotlight
Joan Noles and Scott Blake
“If I never had
cancer, I would
have never met you.
You are my angels.
You are
all my angels.”
Gilda’s Club Louisville
is fortunate to have
talented, creative
volunteers like Scott
Blake and Joan
Noles who lead the
ever-popular Art for
Grown-ups program
each Thursday morning in our
newly-expanded YAM room
(Yoga/Art/Meeting room).
Scott, an accomplished professional
artist and art teacher, joined Gilda’s
Club as a volunteer in 2011. She
directed the art program for adults
for several years by herself.
For 32 years, Joan had led a local
advertising agency and volunteered
in the kitchen at Gilda’s prior to
joining Scott in January 2015.
Scott’s and Joan’s passion for art
and their dedication to Gilda’s
members is evident in the inspired
projects they craft. Both spend a
good deal of time days before class
preparing samples and assuring that
all the elements of each project
are available.
Each week, they introduce a new
project to Gilda’s Club members,
most of whom are new to art.
While novices, the enthusiasm and
eagerness in the room is obvious.
After class, members take home
their creations as a reminder of
their accomplishments.
Whether a class is working on
mosaic flower pots, painting snow
falling on winter trees, sketching
sea shells or painting fall foliage
with acrylics, the results are simply
“Working with watercolors and
acrylics is such a joy,” says Joan.
Scott thrives on creating with
pastels and alcohol inks. And
they each bring experience and
enthusiasm to the table whether it’s
sketching, painting or crafting.
Scott and Joan think there is
no greater joy than that of
helping others through art. The
students in this class find there is
no better escape than getting lost
in their weekly projects. For nearly
two hours each week, time spent
creating is ‘therapy’.
That is the one word each of the
students uses to describe the class
experience. For both our teachers
and students, this class definitely
fuels the spirit and the soul, and
uncovers an immense amount of
talent and love along the way.
One member said about Joan and
Scott, “If I had never had cancer, I
would have never met you. You are
my angels. You are all my angels.”
Together, We are Stronger than Cancer
In the midst of 11,000 Kentucky
Derby Festival Mini-Marathon
runners and walkers, there were 37
caped superheroes known as Team
Gilda! Team Gilda stepped up to
the starting line in the cold and
rain and represented Gilda’s Club
Louisville with determination and
pride. Wearing ribbons in honor
and in memory of loved ones,
tutus, superhero capes and smiles,
Team Gilda ran and walked for
those who couldn’t.
Just because the Derby Festival
Mini-Marathon is over doesn’t
mean that Team Gilda is done.
We’re looking forward to the
Chocolate 5k on June 18 (where
participants get chocolate throughout
the route!) and the Urban Bourbon
half marathon on October 22.
We’re even looking as far ahead as
the Go Santa Go 5k in December.
For 14 weeks each spring, Team
Gilda meets Saturday mornings for
training, fundraising and fellowship. New this year were marathon
In addition, we plan to participate
in other 5k races around town
to spread Gilda’s spirit and raise
awareness about our mission.
relay teams for those who weren’t
up for a full or half marathon.
While building friendships, camaraderie and healthy bodies, Team
Gilda has a goal of raising $30,000
this year. They are nearly halfway
to their goal, having raised $14,000
already. We’re planning fundraising
events around other healthy and
fun physical activity like dancing,
bowling, swimming, biking, hiking
and more. We would love for you
to join us because “Together, We are
Stronger than Cancer.”
If you’d like to join in the fun,
contact Meridith: (502) 371-3038
or meridith@gildasclublouisville.org.
Volunteer Appreciation Reception
“Their impact is
measured by far more
than numbers on a
It is measured by
the kindness and
compassion they
show to the
Gilda’s Club
Every day at Gilda’s Club gives us
many reasons to be thankful for
our volunteers. From our front
desk greeters, to our workshop
facilitators, to our meal hosts and
board members – volunteers are
the heart of what we do.
Without the time, talent and tireless commitment of this amazing
community of people, Gilda’s Club
Louisville could not serve the
men, women and children in our
community living with cancer.
In the last calendar year alone,
our volunteers gave over 10,469
hours of service. That equals
$246,649.64, according to the
Independent Sector, who calculates
the national value of volunteer
time annually. We saw over 1,135
individual volunteers walk through
our red doors and give their time
last year. Our volunteers outnumber paid staff by 70 to 1…and we
couldn’t be more proud of that.
When someone newly diagnosed
with cancer calls and doesn’t know
where to turn – our volunteers
are there to listen and provide a
When a child benefits from play
therapy in Noogieland – playing
dress up and make believe after a
long day at school, our volunteers
are there to make them laugh and
When a member wants to forget
about life’s troubles for a while and
take a yoga class or learn a new art
technique, our volunteers are there
to lead those programs.
When one of our community
members loses a loved one to
cancer and has an opportunity to
visit with someone going through
a similar life experience, our
volunteers are there to provide a
warm meal and a friendly face.
Our volunteers truly do it all.
At this year’s Volunteer Appreciation Event, held on April 24th,
we recognized several of these
remarkable individuals with Emily
Awards, and one very special person
with our legacy award, The Spirit
of Gilda.
While we know that we can never
adequately express our thanks
to our volunteers, we hope that
they feel our gratitude in every
interaction they have with us at
the Clubhouse and beyond. Their
impact is measured by far more
than numbers on a spreadsheet.
It is measured by the kindness
and compassion they show to the
Gilda’s Club community.
Mollie Smith
Donna Wright
Halen Gifford
Dawson Barr
Gilda’s Club Louisville
Associate Board
Fill your mind with truth; fill your heart with love; fill your life with service.
Thomas S. Monson
Youth Volunteer of the Year
Halen Gifford
Youth in Philanthropy
Dawson Barr
Volunteer Group of the Year
GCL Associate Board
Meal Host of the Year
Volunteer of the Year
Donna Wright
Spirit of Gilda - Legacy Award
Mollie Smith
2015 Annual Report
2015 Board of Directors
Dale J. Boden*
Jennifer Lang Cottingham*
Earl Dorsey*
Susan S. Moremen*
Sharon Ann Receveur†
Lindy B. Street*
program - 80
fundraising - 7
admin - 13
Madeline Abramson*
Wm. Tyler Beam*
Henry V. Heuser, Jr.
Lynne Meena Rapp
Judy Shapira
David L. Owen, Board Chair
Howard Vogt, Vice Chair
Teresa Riggs*,Treasurer
Lillian Levy, Secretary
Mary Barrazotto
N’Namdi O. Paskins
Leea Bridgeman
Kathleen Pellegrino*
Cindy H. Carcione
Thomas A. Perrone
Stephanie Fellon
Audra N. Rankin
John C. Hancock
Douglas Riddle
Martha Hargis
David M. Schroeder
Kevin M. Lundy
Rita Hudson Shourds*
Rebecca A. Martin
Mollie G. Smith*
Julia U. McDonnell
Wendy S. Swisher
Joy E. Neal
Jane Tierney
Mike Paradis
Gerina Whethers*
* Cancer Survivor
† Deceased
individuals - 69
corporations - 16
foundations - 15
Detailed financial statements available upon request
Our Mission
To ensure that all people impacted by cancer are empowered by knowledge,
strengthened by action and sustained by community.
Thank you for your generous support
$100,000 +
Laura Frazier and Don Ashley
Kosair Charities
Brown-Forman Corporation
Frazier-Joy Family Foundation
Lift A Life Foundation
Lindy and Bill Street
$25,000 - $49,999
The Humana Foundation
Dot and Jim Patterson
Susan and Bill Yarmuth
$10,000 - $24,999
Frances and William Alden
Terri and Steve Bass
Ina Bond
Lindsey and Mark Campisano
Cindy and Ray Carcione *
Crusade For Children
Delta Dental of Kentucky
Gayle and Earl Dorsey
Grace At The Race
Jody and P.A. Howard
KentuckyOne Health
LG&E and KU Energy
Patti and John Moore
Northwestern Mutual - Louisville, Inc.
Trina and Jay O’Brien
Kathleen Pellegrino
Praxair Foundation
Rodes for Him and for Her
Sailing For A Cure Foundation
Debbie Scoppechio and Rick Duffy*
Cheryl and Wayne Smith
Sally and Tim Snavely
Susan G. Komen for the Cure
The Daniel Pitino Foundation
The Gheens Foundation, Inc.
* Denotes this gift or a portion thereof is a multi-year gift.
Royal Isabella
Lee Ann and John C. Thompson
Tri-Arrows Aluminum
UPS Foundation, Inc.
Susan and Howard Vogt
Marianne and James Welch
Suzanne Wallace Whayne
and Robert Whayne
$5,000 - $9,999
Algood Food Company
Julie and Bill Ballard
Brooke and Matthew Barzun
Ceci and Dale Boden
Steffi and G. Garvin Brown
Tonya and John Cook *
Laura Dunbar
Elmcroft Senior Living
Stephanie and Drew Fellon
Fred B. and Opal S. Woosley Foundation
Sandal Gulick
Martha and Tom Hall
Paula and Frank Harshaw
Henry Heuser
Hilary Boone Foundation, Inc.
Rachael Holden
Irvin F. and Alice S. Etscorn Foundation
Annette Grisanti and Michael Kemper
Kentuckiana Honda Dealers
Kindred Healthcare
Lillian Levy
Patrick MacDonald
Maplewood Foundation
Marilyn & William Young
Charitable Foundation
Lois Mateus and Tim Peters
Miller Family Foundation
Audrey and Karen Morrison *
Frances and W. Patrick Mulloy, II
Orlanda Olsen
Owsley Brown Frazier Family Fdn, Inc.
Papa John’s
The Paradis Foundation
Chelsea and Jason Raff*
Bonnie and Samuel Rechter
Teresa and Brian Riggs
Tammala Rigney
Mollie Smith
Stock Yards Bank & Trust Co.
Lee and John Stough
Dace and King Stubbs
The Cralle Foundation, Inc.
Tom Drexler Plumbing
Patricia and Michael Vairin
Mary Van Lennep
Wendy’s BF South Corp
YUM! Brands Foundation
$1,000 - $4,999
502 Events, LLC
Anoosh Bistro
Judy and Ralph Aguera
Lauri and Jon Arnold
S. Pearson Auerbach
Sally and McFerran Barr
Mary Barrazotto
Gladys and Lewis Bass
Ned Bass
Colleen and Jim Beach
Taffy and John Beam
Rhoda and Kenneth Bell
Rochelle Benovitz
Bishop Flaget K of C
Jessica Bird and Neville Blakemore
Mary Blocker
Bluegrass Automotive Motorsports
Kara and Warren Boling
Judith and Ron Borinstein
Sarah and Christopher Brice
Cancer Support Community
Charles H. Dishman III Family Fdn
Clark-Baize Consulting LLC
Commonwealth Bank & Trust Company
Rhonda Jo and Jimmy Dan Conner
Janet and John Conti
Mary Michael and Sam Corbett
Linda and S. Gordon Dabney
Catherine and James Darmstadt
Dennis DeWitt
Viki and Paul Diaz
Felisha and Troy Dowdy
duPont Manual High School
E H S Soccer Boosters Club
Ed Lewis Sales Co., Inc
Nell Everman
Heather and Marshall Farrer
Dean Felker
Joseph Ferry
Karen and Jeff Filcik
Aileen and Christopher Fitzpatrick
Christie Foster and Eddie Muns
Foundation Beyond Belief
Sena and Steve Garrett
GE Consumer & Industrial
GE Foundation
Paula and Michael Grisanti
Janet and Scott Gruenberg
Marla and Lee Guillaume
Lee and John Hancock
Martha and Jeffrey Hargis
Sara and James Haynes
Greg Henzman
Ingrid Hernandez
Highland Commerce Guild
Augusta and Gill Holland
Eileen and Chuck Hutchison
J.J.B Hilliard, W.L. Lyons, LLC
Jay Johnson
Rhonda and Breck Jones
Betty and David A. Jones
Theresa and Calvin Kaufman
Theris and Richard Kute
Sandra and Gary Libs
Louisville Paving & Construction Co.
Meredith and Kevin Lundy
Julie and Dan McDonnell
Marsh & McLennan Companies
Cheryl Martin
Lori and Martin McClelland
Lynne Meena Rapp and George Rapp
Tish and Sean Muldoon
Janie and Austin Musselman
Thank you for your generous support
Northland Corp
NR Road Racing, LLC
Karla and Mark Overdyk
Pappy & Co.
Deborah Parker
Plumbers Supply
Dace Polk Brown
Stephen Pope
Radiotherapy Clinics of Kentuckiana, LLC
Michael Radner
Audra and Hunter Rankin
Herbert Redmon
Republic National Distributing Company
Rhawn Family Foundation
Douglas Riddle and Stephen Lewis
Mary and Dan Rivers
John Rivers
Elita and Tony Roberts
Murray Rose
Jennifer and Mitch Rue
Melanie and Dwight Salsbury
Sam Swope Family Foundation
Vicki and Marc Satterthwaite
Schellers Racing Team
Sarah and David Schroeder
Cathy and J. Lon Schuster
Judy Shapira
Kristi and Todd Smith
Debra and Philip Smothers
Spectrum Catering & Concessions
David Stemler
Debbie and Kerry Stemler
Stites & Harbison
Mary and Bill Stone
Amy and J.R. Streeter
Barbara and Richard Sweet
Sysco Louisville, Inc.
Marda and Ronald Tasman
Texas Roadhouse
The Community Foundation of Louisville
The Travel Authority
The Veeneman Fund
Faye and Richard Thurman
University of Louisville, Neurosurgical
Group PLLC
Missy and Paul Varga
Denise and John Walsh
Caroline Wells
Edith Wells
Fran Yarmuth
Roseannadanna Circle of Friends
Marie and Ronald Abrams
Madeline and Jerry Abramson
Claire Alagia and Creighton Mershon
Jennifer and Bonneau Ansley
Kathryn Bade
Katie and John Beam
Maxine Bird
Maxine and Jerry Bizer
Rebecca Bottom
Kaye Bowles-Durnell
Carla Sue and Bradley Broecker
Jamie and Jim Broome
Sara Butorac
Leslie and Howard Cantor
Carpenter Chiropractic Center
CE Hughes Milling, Inc.
Mary Nancy Chatel
Rusty Cheuvront, II
Janis and Jerry Clanton
Carolle Jones Clay and Ken Clay
Edith Collie
Don Combs
Comfy Cow
Community Health Charities of Kentucky
Sallie and John Cunningham
Sierra and Wayne Davis
Tammy and Ralph de Chabert
Harry Dennery
Derby City CrossFit
Molly Dewey
Ghislain d’Humieres
April Dillon
Jana and John Dowds
Byron Felker
Mary Lee and George Fischer
Anne and Christopher Fuller
Katherine and Bob Garrett
Anne and Wayne Garvey
Penny and Paul Gold
Andrew Green
Deborah and Bart Greenwald
Marlene and J. David Grissom
Guru Vandana Arts Academy, LLC.
Karen and Roger Hale
Susan Hart
Marilyn Schorin and Richard Harvey
Reynolds Henderson
Rosemary Hildenbrand
Catherine Hoagland
Charlotte and Randy Hockensmith
Scott Horton
Elizabeth and John Huber
Karen Hunt
InGrid Design
Ivy Tech Community College
Patty and Mark Johnson
Carroll Jones
Barbara and William Juckett
Lynn and Michael Kaiser
Tom Kane
Ngan Kim
Cara and Jimmy King
Mary Jane and David Kirkpatrick
Mary Lou and Arthur Kixmiller
Kate and Alan Latts
Diane and Charles Laughlin
Christina Lind
Sheila Long
Karen Lovely*
Greg Martinez
Kelly and Justin Maxwell
Donna and Thomas Mayer
Susan McAfee
Michael McGonagle
Susan and Tim McGurk
Paul McKee
Peggy and Jeffrey Merman
Stuart Mitchell
Sandy and Steve Montgomery
Susan Moremen
Catherine Nichols
James Noll
Sarah and Charles O’Koon
Joanne and James O’Malley
Clark Orr
Deana and Michael Paradis
Elizabeth and Don Parkinson
Anita Pass
Mitzi Pendergrass
Mary Margaret Phelps
Pope-Hoch Family Trust
Mike Purdum
Todd Reger
Patty and Dennis Riggs
Karen and Donald Riggs
Isabel and Des Roberts
Cynthia and G. Hunt Rounsavall
George Rounsavall
Dan Schusterman
Beth and David Scinta
Ellen and Max Shapira
Jane and Steve Shapiro
Benson Small and Michael Judd
Kathleen and Russell Smith
Pat Snyder
Susan Sprigg
Mary-Sue and Jim Storey
Ann Swank
Wendy Swisher
Sallie Talbott
Patricia and James Thomas
Jane Tierney and Andrew Miller
Deborah Triplett
Hayes Veeneman
George Vieth
Helen and Leon Wahba
Porter and George Watkins
Sheila Weil
Ann and Darrell Wells
Lee and Alfred Welsh
Daniel Wiley
Terri Wills
Susan and David Wood
Charlene Zoeller
Emily Agress
Sharon and David Barrer
Bob Bayersdorfer
Tyler Beam
Beaman Family Fund
Regina and David Beckman
Ashley Bedingfield
Kyle and Giampaolo Bianconcini
David Billman
Whitney Bishop
Borders Family Foundation
Mollie and Silas Boyd
Joyce and Edward Bridge
Leea and Ryan Bridgeman
Colin Brooks
Mark Brown
Lacey Brunner
Julia Bryant
Sara and Christopher Burke
W. Craig Carman
Kelli and Dan Casagrande
Michelle Christopher
Carol Cohen
Edith Courtenay
Dawn and Erskine Courtenay
Creative Educational Concepts, Inc
Cindy and Thomas P. Crockett
John and Ann Davis
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
James Donohue
Rose Drennen
Mary and David Dunham
El Delirio Producciones Inc.
Odis Embry
McCall and Dave Eng
Becca Feller
Mary FitzSimons
Debra and Alan Friedman
Jeff Friedman
Robin Gamez
Alethaire and David Goatley
Elizabeth and David Gronotte
Sandra Gutermuth
Randy Hamilton
John Hart
Nancy Hart
Barbara Head
Heaven Hill Distillery
Mary Holz
Anne Hoskinson
Debbie Hughes
Nancy and Gary Hyde
Jane and Roy Hyman
Peggy and Steve Hyman
Lisa and Kenneth Jackson
Cheryl Jekiel
Nicolas and Angus Johnson
Jill and Paul Jones
Pamela and Greg Kurzendoerfer
R. Todd Lammert
Stephanie Lawson
Kim Lewis
Ingrid and Robert Lillie
Melissa and Mark Liston
Sue and Vanous Lloyd
Manchester Moe Studios DBA
Uptown Art
Cheree Mann
Cindy and Brian Martin
Edwin Moss
Network For Good
New Beginnings Family Services
Meridith and Vinh Nguyen
David Nichols
Martha and Robert Nichols
Pamela and David Owen
Monica Pack
Bruce Paul
William Potts
Ryan Preuett
Kathy and Paul Resch
Andrew Richard
Bradley Roberts
Beatrice and Alan Rosenberg
Mary and Robert W. Rounsavall
Anetna and James Russell
Mary and Ben Sanders
Amanda and Robert Shadle
Ozair Shariff
Lori and Michael Silaghi
Liza Sweitzer
Helen and Stephan Sweitzer
William Tabler
Bunny Taylor
Denise Taylor
The Gardner Foundation, Inc.
The Younger Woman’s Club of Louisville
Mark Thigpen
Elizabeth and Paul Torp
University Press of Kentucky
Julian Van Winkle
Tracy and John Varga
Sharon Wakefield
Mack Ward
Jan Weil
Kristin Weirich
Barbara Weldon
Carol Wilburn
Julie and Lee Wilburn
Ty and Denise Wilburn
Allison and Michael Wislocki
Suzie Yun Dunbeck
Gifts up to $249
Jim Abbott
Sandyman Abbott
Kathy Abell
Jessica Able
Amy Adams
Ann Adams
Karin Adkins
Linda Adkisson
Margaret Akin
Josephine and Homer Alexander
Meredith and Mark Alexander
Doug Allen
Julia and David Allen
Ruth and Charles Allgeier
Kim Allison
Robert and Anne Allison
Deirdre and Bruce Alphenaar
Jessica Altes
Barbara and Henry Altman
Susan Aman
Anne Amrein
Jovan Andjelich
Susan Andriot
Solomon Apostol
Anne Arensberg
Amy Armitage
Jane and Joe Arnett
Marty Arnett
Michael Arwood
Miller Asbury
Jim Ashby
Lucas Asher
Cindy and John Ashley
AT & T Employee Giving Campaign
Amanda Bable
Jacqueline Bach
John Bade
Laura Bailey
Melissa Bailey
Cheri Baize
Anthony Baker
Emma Baker
Margie and Allan Baker
Mira Baker
Elizabeth Ballard
Chad Balmer
Martha and George Banta
Gladys Barclay
Jody Barksdale
Blair Barnard
Beverly Barnard
Patricia Bass
Christopher Bauder
Pamela Baxter
David Bayersdorfer
Ellen and Stanley Bayersdorfer
Catherine and Nathan Bayne
Holly Beam
Lauren Beaman
Mark Beard
Jackie and David Bearden
Patty Becht
Pamela and Scott Beck
Harper and Aaron Becker
Thank you for your generous support
Katharine and Robert Beggs
Karl Begley
Rebecca Begley
Marilyn and Edward Belford
Judith and Matthew Bell
Julie Bell
Belmont Village
Mario Benavides
Bruce Bennett
Creighton Benoit
Amy and Lee Benovitz
Barbara Berman
Amy and James Berry
Hal Berry
Heidi Bertelli
Laura Berube
Heidy Best
Sherry and Craig Beyers
Carol and Rodney Beyersdoerfer
Geof and Susan Bialas
Terry and Lawrence Bibelhauser
Vicki and Robert Bickett
Mary Ann and David Bigelow
Scott Bilyou
Edith Bingham
Judith Bisig
Amy Biven
Michelle Black White
Amanda Black
Jeanne and Donald Blackburn
Barbara Blair
Suzanne and David Blake
Hailey Blanchard
Sheila Bleakley
Jessica Bledsoe
Nicole Blevins
Phyllis Block
Bruce Blue
Trina Blunt
Spencer Blythe
TyAnn and Jon Board
Nikki and Gary Bockhorst
Alanson and Charles Boden
Jana and David Bollinger
Bonnie and Robert Bollmer
Jamie and Thomas Bond
Pepper Bondie
Mary and Richard Bonsutto
Marie Boone
Regina and James Bottom
Brenda Bouillet
Bryan Bower
Paula and Gary Bower
Janet and Adam Bowman
Amira Bowman
Kenneth Bowman
Linda Bowman
Bear Boyd
Elizabeth Boyle
Meagan Boyle
Jaime Bradle
Tina and Jim Bradshaw
Stacy and David Brancato
Suzanne and John Brandt
Melinda Branstetter
Teresa and Robert Brashear
Ulises Brauer
Alex Brayton
Barb Bright
Shayne and Benjamin Brill
Portia and Rufus Brittain
Steven Britz
Broadway Across America
Sonya Broady
Katie Broughton
Ann Brown
Chris Brown
Eleanor and Brooks Brown
Ken Brown
Kristy Brown
Leah Brown
Mary-Margaret Brown
Susan and Peter Brown
Victoria and Stuart Brown
Brenda Browning
Patty Browning
Sherry Browning
Steven Bryan
Judy Bryant
Sarah and Kenny Buckler
Ann Buckman
Nancye and John Buckner
H. Budde
Ann Burke
John Burke
Julie and Thomas Burkhart
Phyllis Burkhead
Katie Burkholder
Claire and Jon Burrows
Chris Burt
Phyllis and Mary Burt
Gary and Carrie Burton
Patty and Charles Burwell
Byron Butler
Marla and Robert Byerley
Candice and John Byrd
C. McCarty Company, LLC.
Judith and John Calhoun
California Pizza Kitchen, Inc.
Guillermo Camoriano
Heath and Kristi Campbell
LaForrest Campbell
Sally and Tinsley Campbell
Hal Capps
Cardinal Wings Aviation
Jessica Carner
Tyler Carner
Kim Carpenter
Tom Carroll
Melissa Carson
Jordan Carter
Bill Casagrande
Geraldine Casagrande
Gerry Casagrande
Michael Casagrande
Deborah Cason
Mallory Cason
Rita and Michael Cason
Michelle Cason
Jennifer and Thomas Cason
Tavia Cathcart
Janet and Robert Catlin
Bev Caudill
Cammie Caudill
Stacy Cauley
Rebekah Cecil
Sara Ceresa
Vicky Chin
Constance Christopher
Amy Cimba
Sharon and Brian Clare
Cynthia Clark
Janice Clark
Lisa Clark
Lonna Clark
Lynda and Mark Clark
Blythe Clay
Rita Clements
Rita Clifford
Kathy Coatney
Chad Cobb
Jill Cohen
Raye Cole
Janice and James Coleman
Stacy Coleman
Kelly and Bartley Colomb
John Comer
Debora Conder
Amey Conway
Toby Conway
Amy Cook
Amy S. Cook
Anna and John Cook
Denise and Greg Coomes
Theresa and Adam Coop
Carol and John Cooper
Kelli Cooper
H. Corbin
Lyndi Corbin
Patrice Corradi
Angela Cosman
Beverly Cote
Dior Cotten
Marilyn Cottrill
Cougars for Christ
Nick Covault
Doris Cox
Terry Cox
Barry Crabb
William Crawford
Brenda and Darnell Crenshaw
Bonnie Cress
Brach Crider
Melissa and Brent Crittenden
Amy Crosser
Kim Cruce
Cassandra Culin
Patricia Cummins
Lara and Stephen Custer
Charmaine Cyrus
Linda Dahlhauser
Pete Dahlhauser
Melissa and Jerrold Dale
Lynn Dalton
Sharon and Craig Daniel
Lynne Dant
Cindy and Pat Daugherty
Tatum Daugherty
Lorie and Rob Davenport
Ian Davis
JP Davis
Reed Davis
Christopher Dayton
Big Dean
Patricia Dean
Linda DeClue
Emilie and Matt Delehanty
Vivian Deloso
DeMott Technical Solutions, Inc.
Amy Dennis
Paul Dent
Drew Deptola
Derby City Bears
Lisa Derham
Shaista and Yusuf Deshmukh
Jenn Desjardins
Details Commercial Group Inc.
Susan and Joseph Dever
Kim and John DeWeese
Alisa Dickerson
Hayley Dickinson
Linda and Damon Dillingham
Jane and Duffy Dillion
Teresa and Jim Dillon
Elizabeth and Joseph Ditmyer
Matt Dominick
Patricia Donaldson
Dawn Dones
Clare Donoghue
Alex Dotson
Georgianna Dotson
Susan and John Dougherty
Janet Douglas
Margaret Downs
Kealy Drago
Betsy Dragoo
Melissa Drake
DST Systems, Inc.
Joshua DuBois
Deborah and Mark Duffy
Mark Duffy
Katherine Duzane
Donna Dye
Annette Easton
Hope Eaton
Barbara and Jack Eckerle
Natalie and Mark Eckerle
Katherine Eckert
Becky Edgerton
Evie and Charles Edinger
Marie Edwards
Katherine Eiser
Ann Elder
Nancy Elder
Amy Elliott
Connor Elliott
Sarah Elliott
Amanda Elmore
Shannon Elmore
David Elster
Mary and John Emmerich
Maggie Entwistle
Lois and Lee Epstein
Aaron Erpelding
Diane Estep
Joanie Ett-Mims
Jean Evans
Ellen Everwine
Christy Ezedi
Michele Ezedi
Ricardo Faillace
Rebekah Farley
Donnita Farrell
Nancy Farrell
Marissa Fasano
James and Jill Faul
James Ferguson
Robin and Steven Finkelstein
Carol and Paul Fisher
Gary Fitch
Shayna and Nathan Fitzgerald
Susan and Marvin Fleischman
Jeana and Donald Fleitz
Wesley Fleming
Joyce Fletcher
Brittany Floyd
Donna and Amber Fogarty
Joyce and John Fogarty
Cyndie and Larry Fogarty
Linda and Mike Fogarty
Kelly Forbes
Kevin Ford
Lacy Ford
Lauren Ford
Tyler Ford
Forest Baptist Church
Kristi Forrest
Marcia Forston
Rita Forsythe
Amy Fortin
Virginia Foshee
Leslie and Gregg Fowler
Sandy Fox
Mary France
Michele and Adrian France
Vicky Frank
Alice Frantz
Zella and Ronald Fraze
Ann French
Stephanie French
Sean Frendt
William Frey
Sarah Friedman
Barry Friedson
Friends For Hope
Linda and David Fuchs
Jojo Fuentes
Karen Furrh
Gary Fust
Ashton and Chad Gahm
Brett Gahm
Angela Gaither
Dorothy Galatz
Ann and Larry Gangemi
Susan Gardner
Jackie and Robert Garlt
Lori and Joel Garmon
Muscoe Garnett
Jeana Garrison
Mary Gatton
Puja Gatton
Stephen Gault
Jan and John Gedmark
Elizabeth and David Geller
Carol and Gary George
Kristen George
Layla George
Timothy and Ann George
Susan and Gerard Gephart
Carrie Gerard
Leah Gersh
Erica and Lawrence Gettleman
Marcelle Gianelloni
Karen Gibson
Marti Gibson
Randall Gibson
Becky Gilbert
Debbie and Thomas Gillette
Patty Gillette
Gary Gilstrap
Jack Glasgow
Wilson and Chris Glasgow
Mary F. and Ed Glasscock
Janice and Alan Glaubinger
Kelly Glick
Verna Goatley
Elijah Godbolt
Kim Godin
Amanda Goetz
Anita Goetz
Alyson and Jeffrey Goldberg
Carole and Lawrence Goldberg
Stuart and Linda Goldberg
Toni and Martyn Goldman
Suzanne and Les Goldring
Ruth and Hector Gonzalez
Sue and Steve Goodman
Rene and Marty Goodwin
Thank you for your generous support
Dana Gordon
Ruby Gordon
Shelley Goren
Kathy and Daniel Goyette
Ann Morgan Graham
Mari Graham
Rebecca Graham
Carrie Grant
Leighton Grant
Julie and Laman Gray
Maureen Gray
Greater Louisville, Inc.
Gregory and Kimberly Greenwood
Jennifer Greer
Sharon Griffin
Pete Gronet
Brenda Groves
Kay Grube
Catherine and John Grubesic
Scott Gruen
Susan and Orn Gudmundsson
J Bryan Guyton
Carol Haberman
Ashley Hadley
Cecilia and Timothy Hagan
Lucy Hagan
Beth Hager-Harrison-Prado
Robin Haggerty
Camron Hahn
Frances Hall
James Hall
Jennifer Hall
Todd Hall
Amber Halloran
Carolyn Halvarson
Gayle Hamilton
Michele and William Hammann
Ronna Hammers
Kelly Hammons
Maria and John Hampton
Clay Hancock
Christy and Robert Hancock
Pat Hanger
John Hans
Kim Hanson
Marilyn and Bill Hardy
Allee and Susan Harmon
Carolyn Harper
Shannon Harris
Terry and Billy Harrison
James Hart
Susan Hart
Teresa Hartlage
Allison Hartley
Don Hartley
Jeff Harvey
Karen and Sam Harvey
Lenora Hay
John Hayes
Patricia and Raymond Hayes
Dana Haynes
Michael Haynes
Susan and Lawrence Hazan
Virginia Head
Anne Heard
Andrea Heavrin
Laura and Robert Hecht
Nina and William Heizer
Suzanne Held
Louise W. and Joseph Helm
Danielle Helmet
Jean and Bruce Henderson
Tammye Henderson
Jaime Hendricks
Cathleen Hendrix
Gray Henry
Scott Henry
Erin Herndon
Mary Herron-Kerr
Mary and Louis Hettinger
Walton Hickman
Highland Mothers Club
James Hiken
Katherine Hill
Janet and Michael Himmelheber
Deanna Hipwell
Stephanie and Kenneth Hix
Martha and Arthur Hoffman
E. Sharon Hogan
Sharon Hogan
Stuart Hoge
Diane and Richard Holdeman
Mary and Fred Holden
Stephen and Vera Holliday
Chris Holtman
Homeschool Preschool Group
James Hood
Susan Hooks
Allison Hord
Margaret Horlander
Brenda and J. Dawson Horn
Bryan Hoss
Emily Houston
Melinda Houston
Tresine Howard
Joia Howe
Howell & Howell Contractors
Guy Howell
Laurie and S. Oden Howell
Cindy and John Huber
Rita Hudson Shourds and Gary Shourds
Kimberly Hudson
Tracy Huffines
Steve Hughes
Allison and Chris Hull
Linda and Glyn Humphrey
Janet and Alfred Hundley
Huot Management
Rachel Hurst
Kathleen and Jeffery Hutchins
Lisa Hutchison
Jane Hyland
Mary Hyland
Catherine and Anne Hyle
Shary and Alan Hyman
Clifford Hypes
Scott Hypes
Vickey and David Hypes
Leslie and Andrew Hyslop
Elizabeth and James Hyslop
Logan Ide
Ben Idle
Melissa Iglehart
Indiana University Alumni Association
Megan Irish
Sheila Irvin
Helane and Warner Isaacs
J.C. Penny
Carol and Gary Jackson
Michael Jackson
Paul Jackson
Ellen Jacobs
Debbie Jandt
Svend Jansen
David Jasper
Brian Jeffries
Beth and Anthony Jenkins
Kely and Simms Jenkins John
Kelly John
Michelle and Brian Johnson
Cheryl Johnson
Karen Johnson
Lisa Johnson
Marya Johnson
Laura Johnston
Ann Jones
Latwaun Jones
Linda and Lawrence Jones
Mary and Stephen Jones
Meredith Jones
Stephanie and Timothy Jones
Ross Jordan
Ryan Jordan
Jacqueline and Richard Judah
Mary and Glenn Kaberle
Albert Kaiser
Jennifer Kaiser
Jennifer and Chris Kaminski
Jina and Su Tong Kang
Dani and Douglas Kannapell
Marguerite Kapp
Sharon and Gerald Karem
Tara and Scott Kaskocsak
Karen Kayser
Maureen Keathley
Rudolph Keeling
Brian Keenan
Alice Keene
J. Paul Keith
Anthony Keller
Deborah Kelly
Susan Kenney
Kentucky Derby Museum
Jelani Kerr
Thank you for your generous support
Christopher Kersting
Kim Kettring
Clark King
Joseph King
Kristen King
Taylor King
Kathryn Klein
Kim Klein
John Klim
Beth Klostermann
Jenn Knight
Frances Knox
Frieda and Richard Knox
Tyler Koch Forsythe
John Koch
Matt Koester
Julie Koff
Elizabeth and Billy Kohlmann
Jane Kohlmann
Jimmy Kohlmann
Marjorie and Robert Kohn
Kim Kolb
Michael Kolena
Phil Kollin
Jeanne Kopper
Ana Kornegay
Kovert Hawkins Architects
Kelly Kowalczyk
Sylvia Kozlove
Patricia and Paul Kralik
Diane Krall
Kathleen and Norman Kruer
Kathy Krzepinski
Jacquelyn Kuerzi
Dorothy Kuhn
Lynn and Walt Kunau
David Labovitz
Susan and Raymond LaForge
Lori and Tim Laird
Emily Lamb
Sharon Lamb
Mary Ann and Michael Lambert
Amber Lamkin
Ricky Lamkin
Nancy Lampton
Nancy Lange
Stacey Lanter
Chris Launius
John Launius
Brandon Lawn
Linda Leasor
Miles Lee
Phyllis Lee
Bernice Leech
Brad Leedy
Patricia and William Leenerts
Marissa Leese
Patricia and Denny Leffler
Regina and James Leitner
Daniel Lenossi
Timi Lentz
Carol Lepping
Barry Levinson
Edna Lewis
Holli and Eric Lewis
Mary Lidtke
Karen Liedtke
Cinco Light
Marcia and Robert Linders
Jill Lindvall
Sandee and Stephen Linker
Carter Little
Laurie and John Little
Cory Lockhart
Baylee Long
Millie Long
Louisville Bats
Lous Legacy, LLC
Andrew Lowe
Kay and Michael Lowe
Sarah Lowe
Eleanor Lucas Gregory
Jennifer Lutes
Lori Lyle-Thomas
Timothy Lyman
Barbara and Jim MacDonald
Eleanor and Robert Maddox
Katherine Madison
Cynthia Magner
Philip Magruder
Michelle Mandro
Jill Mann
Jean Mansfield
Janet Margerum
Heidi Margulis
Nina Mariano
Blake Mark
Pat Markstrom
Kent Marshall
Janice and Reed Martin
Rebecca and Jim Martin
Marty Masden
Michael Masick
Lucy Mason
Amy and Christopher Massey
Larry Massey
Joanne Masters
Rebecca Mathis
Heather Matthies
Pam Mattingly
Linda May
Elizabeth and Mike Mays
Lisa and Larry Maze
Rey McAlpin
Jill McBride
Annette McCann
Meredith McCann
Jennifer McCarty
Melissa McCarty
Brian McClean
Teresa and Joe McCombs
Tara McDaniel
Mary McDonald
Mary Jo and Paul McDonald
Shannon Mcdonald
Stephen McDonald
Angela and Paul McGee
Amanda and Randall McGraw
Mary Ann and Charles McGraw
Amy McGucken
Christine McGuire
Cindy McHolland
Karen and Edward McHugh
James McIntosh
Shannon McIntyre Alward
Lore McIntyre
Janet McKelvey
Diane McMaster
Andrew McMurtrie
Sally McNally
Nancy McWhorter
Lila McWilliams
Sharon Meade
Christy Meadows
Richard Meadows
Janelle and Michael Meece
Caroline and Richard Meena
Meghan’s Mountain Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Shelley Mehl
Melendez Lawn Care
Ashlee and Salvador Melendez
Jan and Sean Meredith
Alix Messersmith
Carol and James Metcalfe
Whitney Metcalfe
Dawn and Carlos Michels
Lawrence Middleton
Rosemary and Charles Middleton
Robert Milburn
Sally and Roger Milburn
David Milledge
Anne Miller
Beverly Miller
Catherine Miller
Christian Miller
Jennifer and Chad Miller
Lawrence Miller
Leslie and Larry Miller
Sandee and Les Miller
Steve Miller
Elizabeth and Brock Milliken
Thira and Kaden Minauskas
Baili Minsterketter
Lara Miramontes
Amanda Mitchell
Stephanie and Brett Mitchell
Mohr Results Inc.
Giancarlo Moise
Brittany Moneymaker
Mary Montana
Chapman Montgomery
Shannon Moody
Betty Mooney
Nikki Moore
Robert Moore
Roger Moore
Morgan Stanley
Rebecca Morgan
Susan and Joel Morris
Isaac Morton
Margaret and Grant Morton
Walter Moss
Angela and Sean Moth
Sara Mouttet
Alice Muench
N. Jeanne and L. Bruce Muench
Susan Muench
Karen and Joe Muensterman
Leslie Mulderink
Will Mullinix
Terri Mullins
Melissa Munford
Teresa Munson
Janine Mura
Catie Murphy
William Murphy
Patrick Murta
Ruba Musa
Carrie Musson
Mary Myers
Pam Myers
William Myers
Zehava Naamani
Teddi Naegele
Mallie and Browning Nagle
Julie Namkin
Karen Nance
NARFE Chapter 381
Susan Nash
Aaron Navarro
Colleen Nawab
Joy and Vern Neal
David Neill
Ryan Nellums
Brady Nelson
Amanda Nethery
Ryane and Nicholas Nethery
Sheri Newman
Mercedes Nibur
Sara Nicholson
Sarah and James Nicholson
Greg Nickels
Michelle and Douglas Nielsen
Chris Nix
Holly Nolan
Joan Noles
Elayne Noltemeyer
Harriett and John Northcutt
Stacey and Kevin Northup
Charles Norwood
Nustar Enterprises, LLC
Erin and Brian Nutt
Kevin Obryan
Ann O’Daniel
Clay Odom
Office Environment Company
Kimberly Offutt
Old Rails Club
Oldham County Middle School
Brian Oldham
Meleesa Oldham
Jo Oligee
Kathy Olliges
Mary and John Oppelt
Orange Theory Fitness
Martha "Marty" Ormsby
Chris Osborne
Emily Osborne
Valerie Oseguera
Miriam and Armand Ostroff
Caitlin O’Sullivan
Kathryn and Martin O’Toole
Mary Ann Ott
Beth and Curtis Overbey
Crystal and Cedric Owens
P E O Sisterhood, Chapter U
Andrea Packett
David Page
Helen and Shirl Palmer-Ball
Gina Pantone-Urwin
Daniel Papapietro
Mary Lou Pape
Susan and James Parenti
Cheryl and Philip Parish
Elizabeth and D. Lowell Parker
June and Dave Parrish
Ruma and N’Namdi Paskins
Grace Patterson
Virginia Patterson
Larry Paul
Dee Anna Payne
PC Home Center Employees
Maggie Peak
Debra Peffer
Robin Penick
Tami and Dan Penner
Elizabeth Perdue
Period Architecture
Barbara Perkinson
Jill Perlstein
Melanie Pernia
Shelley and Thomas Perrone
Kristina and Caleb Peters
William Peters
Ronald Peyton
Tom Pfannerstill
David Phalen
Andrew Phelps
Gerri Phelps
Julie Phelps
J. Philley
Feledra Phillips
Stephanie Pieper Reilly
Anastasia Pierce
Marjorie Pierce
Tom Pilon
Julie Pinkas
Bridget Pitcock
Laura Pitvorec
Susan and Eugene Plander-Hibben
Greg Polley
Allison and Mack Poole
John Poole
Jason Postelwait
Pamela and Ronald Poston
Diane Potts
Amanda Powell
Huston Powell
Linda and Kennith Pratt
Phyllis and Andrew Present
Frances Price
Neva and Jesse Priest
Rob Prince
Adam Pritchett
Production Specialist, Inc.
Kim Pryor
Ellen and Harvey Ptashek
Kathy and Steven Quebbeman
Ann Quertermous
Julian Quick
Norma Racine
Chris Radford
Kimiberly Raho
Sharon Ramick
Luis Ramirez
Dylan Ramsey
Sarah and R. Alex Rankin
Pam Raque
Sarah and Michael Rasmovich
Cheryl Rasoli-Dawson
Maureen and Stephen Rauh
Gloria Rawlings
Leigh and Sam Reasor
Vicki and William Receveur
Alicia Redden
Emily and Andrew Reder
Ruth and Robyn Reed
Randy Reid
Sheila and Don Reiss
Michael Rembold
Greta and Kat Rensenbrink
Debbie and Gary Ress
Marchant and Barton Reutlinger
Nancy Reynolds
Karen and Patrick Richard
Violet Richards
Mary Richardson
Mac Ricketts
Donna and Glenn Rief
Thank you for your generous support
Brent and Diane Riggs
Eric Riggs
William Rihn
Janie and William Rippner
Stacy Robertson
Steph Robertson
Bailey Robinson
Barbara and Lee Robinson
Lydia Robinson
Regina and Dan Robinson
Sharon Robinson
Glenda and Robert Roby
Kimberly and Jerry Roby
Sam Ronald
The Rooster
Susan Rosen
Ellen and Philip Rosenbloom
Marsha Ross
Chase and James Roth
Rachel Roth
Maxine and David Rouben
Catherine and Denis Roux
Angela Rowton-Gonzalez
Linda Rozanski
Michelle Rucinski
Rosella Rudd
Nancy Ruffra
Libby and Noel Rush
Mari Rush
Lisa and Richard Russell
Sherrie Ryan
Brenda Ryder
William Saali
Louise Sachs
Julie and Tod Sackella
Deborah Santana
Sharon and Eric Satterly
Molly and Kris Scheller
Katie Schenck
Beth Scherer
Margaret and J. Schertzinger
Alicia and David Scheu
Bettie Scheuerman
Amy Schiedewitz
Stefanie Schlader
Angela Schmelz
Carly Schmidt
Kathleen Schmidt
Catherine and Paul Schneider
Jean Schnurr
Kathy Schubel
Jo Ann Schuble
Laura and Linus Schuhmann
Matthew Schuhmann
Elisabeth and Ludwig Schuldheis
Allen Schuler
Sandee and Lynn Schulwolf
Eleanor Schwartz
SCIO Health Analytics
Monica Scott
Tricia Scott
Dealer Car Search
Second Presbyterian Church
Leigh and Michael Segall
Kathleen Seger
Rachelle Seger
Angela Sellmer
Phylis Semple
Jeanette and Patrick Serey
Seven Counties Services
Cynthia Sevier
Sharon Sexter
Judy and John Shackleton
Phyllis and Michael Shaikun
Mariam Sharabianlou
Leigh Shartzer
Skyler Shasky
Chris Shelburne
Chi Sherman
J. Robert and Sherrill Shine
Peggi Shipman
Jeanne and Bill Shircliff
Halle Shoaf
Renee Shomer
Laurie and Clarence Short
Rose Short
Verna Short
Mike Showhan
John Shulhafer
Brooke Shwab
Kelly Sidebottom
Karen Siladi
Nanette Silverstein
Christine and James Simatacolos
Haston Simmons
Julie and Matt Simon
Janice Simpson
Charlotte and Alan Sims
Nancy and Terry Singer
Pamela and Anthony Sipes
Sisters Of Providence
Reva and Ralph Skinner
Susan Skolnick
Josh Slattery
Mark Slaven
Jeff Smack
Annie and Ed Small
Cindy Smith
Crystal Smith
Regina and Michael Smith
Nancy Smith
Tina and Thom Smith
Tyler Smith
Christopher Sneed
Ruth Sobel
Susan and Thomas Sobel
Roseann and Mark Solak
Jason Solomon
Taylor Somerville
Milamaria Songer
Bev Soult
Catherine Spalding
Stephanie Spalding
William Speer
Chase Speiden
Mary and Hugh Spencer
Ann and Ted Spiegel
Carole and Alec Spielberg
Wendy and Richard Splan
Jim Sprow
Nancy and George Stablein
Brad Stafford
Leslie Stangel
Katherine Stark
Gail Starks Fields
Kathleen and William Steilberg
Johann Steimle
Jerry Steinberg
Stephania and Matthew Steinberg
Cathy Steinfeld
Natalie and Panos Stephens
Ann Sternberg
Mary Clay Stites
Tracie Stoll
Donna Stone
Jena and Matthew Stone
Paul Stone
Cathy and Ed Stopher
Stephanie and Charles Stopher
Mary Stottman
Bette Strange
Frances and Larry Strange
Laura Strange
Martin Strickland
Hunter Strickler
LaDawn and Dennis Stucky
Studio C design + architecture
Catherine Sullivan
Hazel and Al Sullivan
Nancy Sutherland
Britt Sutton
Katherine Sutton
Kelly Swenson
Raleigh and Alan Swift
Robin Swift
Kristi Sykes
Christian Taber
Ward and Biggs Tabler
Iman Talaat
Patti Talbort
Justin and Kristofer Tallio
Robert Tart
Bill Tatum
Nancy and Larry Tatum
Betsy Taylor
Celia Taylor
Christine Taylor
Lyndsey Taylor
Melissa TenBarge
Matt Thoma
Thank you for your generous support
Diane and Chris Thomas
Cyndi and Sam Thomas
Cynthia Thomas
Jacqueline Thomas
Monica Thomas
Tommy Thomas
Trey Thomas
Anne Thompson
Gussie Thompson
Hayley Thompson
Jane Thompson
Kim Thompson
Laurie Thompson
Margaret Thompson
Michael Thompson
Sarah C. and Thomas Thornton
Christopher Thurman
Ruth and Jerry Tillman
Angie Timberlake
Julie Tinnell
Anne and Paul Tipton
Carol and Paul Tittel
Dawn Tomaszewski
Denise and Richard Tonini
Judy Tonini
Carly Townsend
Carol Trapnell
Carolyn Trego
Susan and Charles Treibly
Jonathan Turl
Bonnie Turner
Devin Turner
Ben Tyler
Carl Tyree
Colin and Natalie Underhill
Cynthia Underwood
Heather Urbano
Angela and Tom Vairo
Leah Valuska
Bragg Van Antwerp
Eileen Van Hoose
Daron Van Vactor
Whitney and Preston Van Winkle
Ashley Vance
Betty and Morgan Vance
Jerod Vance
Julian VanWinkle
Kathleen Varga
Donna Vaughan
Annabelle Veerapaneni
Nancy Vendenia
Robin Vessels
Brian Vihlidal
Village Anchor
Tammie Vitt
Lynn and Peter Vogt
Bethany and Lawrence Vornholt
Rachael Waddell
Billy Wages
Kelly and George Wagner
Darlene and Michael Wagner
William Wagner
Michael Wakefield
Jo and Gerald Walker
Tracy Walker
Betsy and Harry Wall
Henry Wall
Louise Wall
Trish Wallace
Leslie and Charles Waller
Karrie Walp
Deanna Walter
Karen Wantland
Adam Ward
Suzie Warner
Pauline and Bret Wasser
Ann and Neil Wasserman
Louis Waterman
Bridget Wathen
Gus Wathen
Theodore Wathen
Turner Wathen
Victoria and Robert Watkins
Jean Watson
Marietta and Don Watson
Julia and Peter Wayne
Emily Weatherholt
Cheryl and Lance Weaver
Cheshire Webb
Carye Weber
Dorothy and Robert Weber
Paul and Jody Wedge
Melissa and Brian Wehneman
Joe Weil
Laurie Jean Weil
Terry Weis
Marlene Weisberg
Sandra and Mark Weiss
Richard Weldon
Wesleyan Heights United Methodist
Elizabeth West
Sally Wheatley
Sylvia and Frank Wheeler
Michelle and Mark Wheeler
Debbie White
Renate White
Steve Whitmer
Megan Whittington
Arra Whitty
Linda Wickliffe
Terry Wigton
Nicole Wilcox
Kathy Wild
Carolyn Wilkins
Dean Wilkinson
Kathleen and Charles Willenbrink
Angela Williams
David Williams
Lis Williams
Ruth Williams
Sara and Tillman Williams
Renee Willman
Debbie Willner
Douglas Wills
Ethan Wills
Alexander Wilson
Mary Katherine and Chad Wilson
Kim Wilson
Mary and Orme Wilson
Richard Wilson
Katie and Tom Windham
Amy Winstead
Kevin Winstead
Mickie Winters
Winterwood, Inc.
Karen Wirth
Kevin Wisdom
Phillip Wise
Crystal Withrow
Amy Witzke
Cynthia and Geoffrey Wohl
Marie and Bob Wolf
Wes Wolfe
Carla and Thomas Wolff
Andrew Wood
Marlena Woodmansee
Peggy and Craig Woolley
Lisa and Harold Workman
Betty and Bill Wright
Jean and Charles Wright
Pamela Yankeelov
Ann Yates
Eleonora Yelin
Angela Young
Jo Young
Marcia Young
Allan Zachariah
James Zauzig
Susan Zepeda
Donna Zinser Clark
Sara Zirkle
In Honor of Mr. & Mrs.
Les Aberson’s Anniversary
Ellen and Stanley Bayersdorfer
In Honor of Nancy Allison
Kim Allison
In Honor of Amanda Bable
Debbie Jandt
In Honor of Craig Bade
Anne and Robert Allison
Chenault and Dale Boden
Cheryl and Philip Parish
Beth and David Scinta
Ben Tyler
In Honor of Maggie Bade
Karen Liedtke
Lucy Mason
George Vieth
Betsy and Thomas Wall
In Honor of Katy Bain
Sylvia Kozlove
In Honor of Joan Ball
Cynthia Thomas
In Honor of Dawson Barr
Donna and Glenn Rief
Gilda’s Club Louisville Staff
In Honor of Mr. & Mrs.
Steven Bass’ Anniversary
Gladys and Lewis Bass
In Honor of Ellen Bayersdorfer’s
80th Birthday
Barbara and Henry Altman
Bob Bayersdorfer
David Bayersdorfer
Carol Cohen
Toni and Martyn Goldman
Helane and Warner Isaacs
Elizabeth and Billy Kohlmann
Jane Kohlmann
Jimmy Kohlmann
Miriam and Armand Ostroff
Janie and William Rippner
Chase and James Roth
Ruth Sobel
Susan and Thomas Sobel
Ann Sternberg
Marie and Bob Wolf
In Honor of Ellie Beam’s 7th Birthday
Stephania and Matthew Steinberg
In Honor of Tyler Beam
Jim Abbott
Sandyman Abbott
Jennifer and Bonneau Ansley
Jim Ashby
Elizabeth Ballard
Katie and John Beam
Mollie and Silas Boyle
Mark Brown
Chris Burt
Sara Butorac
Sally and Tinsley Campbell
Jill Cohen
Edith Collie
John Comer
Rhonda Jo and Jimmy Conner
Cindy and Thomas P. Crockett
JP Davis
Tammy and Ralph de Chabert
Paul Dent
Amy Elliott
Maggie Entwistle
Heather and Marshall Farrer
Wesley Fleming
William Frey
Layla George
Chris and Wilson Glasgow
Leighton Grant
Julie and Laman Gray
Pete Gronet
Kay Grube
Gayle Hamilton
Ronna Hammers
Kelly and Ray Hammons
Terry and Billy Harrison
Reynolds Henderson
Leslie and Andrew Hyslop
Elizabeth and James Hyslop
Sheila Irvin
Kely and Simms Jenkins
Jay Johnson
Marya Johnson
Laura Johnston
Carroll Jones
Alice Keene
J. Paul Keith
John Klim
Tyler Koch Forsythe
Lori and Tim Laird
Miles Lee
Sandee and Stephen Linker
Christine McGuire
Rosemary and Charles Middleton
Anne Miller
Chapman Montgomery
Susan Moremen
Walter Moss
Janie and Austin Musselman
Ryan Nellums
Brady Nelson
Catherine Nichols
Chris Nix
Elayne Noltemeyer
Ann O’Daniel
Clark Orr
Mary Ann Ott
June and Dave Parrish
Maggie Peak
Huston Powell
Ryan Preuett
Sarah and R. Alex Rankin
Marchant and Barton Reutlinger
Bradley Roberts
Isabel and Des Roberts
Barbara and Lee Robinson
Tina and Thom Smith
Tyler Smith
Jerry Steinberg
Stephania and Matthew Steinberg
Cathy and Ed Stopher
Helen and Stephan Sweitzer
William Tabler
Melissa TenBarge
Michael Thompson
Ben Tyler
Bragg Van Antwerp
Mary Van Lennep
Whitney and Preston Van Winkle
Melissa and Paul Varga
Mack Ward
Jody and Paul Wedge
Steve Whitmer
Ethan Wills
Alexander Wilson
Mary Katherine and Chad Wilson
Kevin Wisdom
Susan and David Wood
Marlena Woodmansee
In Honor of Harris Berman’s
80th Birthday
Linda and David Fuchs
In Honor of Dale Boden
Alanson and Charles Boden
In Honor of Judy Borinstein
Sherry and Craig Beyers
Susan and Lawrence Hazan
Ellen and Harvey Ptashek
In Honor of Ron & Judy Borinstein
Amy and Lee Benovitz
In Honor of Ron Borinstein
Susan and Lawrence Hazan
In Honor of Gina Bottom
Jane and Joe Arnett
Marilyn Cottrill
In Honor of Joseph Brancato
Stacy and David Brancato
In Honor of Stacy Brancato
Carol Trapnell
In Honor of Shirley Brendel
Sherry Browning
In Honor of Ann Buckman
Herbert Redmon
In Honor of William Butler
Byron Butler
GE Foundation
In Honor of Eugene Carner
Patrick MacDonald
Thank you for your generous support
In Honor of Gerry Casagrande
Michael Casagrande
In Honor of Robert Garner
Ellen and Stanley Bayersdorfer
In Honor of Michelle Cason
Mallory Cason
Jennifer and Thomas Cason
Angie Timberlake
In Honor of Gene Givan’s
85th Birthday
Janice and Reed Martin
In Honor of Michelle Christopher
Pepper Bondie
Gina Pantone-Urwin
In Honor of Greg Coats’
80th Birthday
Peggy and Steve Hyman
In Honor of H. Corbin
Sarah and Kenny Buckler
Dawn Dones
In Honor of Catherine and
James Darmstadt
In Honor of Mac DeClue
Linda DeClue
Jill McBride
In Honor of Branan Elliott
Connor Elliott
In Honor of McCall Eng
Elizabeth and Paul Torp
In Honor of Mary Frederick
Anastasia Pierce
In Honor of Linda Fuchs’
70th Birthday
Julie Namkin
Nanette Silverstein
Ann and Ted Spiegel
In Honor of Dora Garber’s
99th Birthday
Leah Gersh
In Honor of Liz Givan’s
75th Birthday
Janice and Reed Martin
In Honor of Phyllis Googasian
Sherry Browning
In Honor of Helane Grossman’s
Bernice Leech
In Honor of Janet and
Gretchen Gruenberg
Barb Bright
Gail Starks Fields
Tyree G. Wilburn
David Williams
In Honor of Brielle Hoagland’s
16th Birthday
Roger Moore
In Honor of Billy Hooks
Susan Hooks
In Honor of Emily Houston
Mary-Margaret Brown
Barry Crabb
Ann Morgan Graham
Melinda Houston
Catie Murphy
Martin Strickland
Jan Weil
Laurie Jean Weil
In Honor of Rachel Hamilton
Stephanie Lawson
In Honor of Janie & Roy’s
50th Anniversary
Peggy and Steve Hyman
In Honor of Dr. Jeffrey Hargis
Lois and Lee Epstein
In Honor of Steve Hyman
Jane and Roy Hyman
In Honor of Karyn, Henry and
Jason Harkins
Ann and Neil Wasserman
In Honor of Andy Kehl
Meridith and Vinh Nguyen
In Honor of Bill Harrison
Clay Hancock
In Honor of Terry Harrison
Clay Hancock
In Honor of Bill Hart
Hal Capps
In Honor of Susan Hart
Melissa Drake
John Hart
Nancy Hart
Susan and William Hart
Ann Quertermous
In Honor of Phyllis Mann Kirwan’s
Nancye and John Buckner
In Honor of Avery Leachman
Kathy Abell
In Honor of Phyllis Lee
Andrew Green
In Honor of Mary Lidtke
Brenda Bouillet
In Honor of Scott Magruder
Philip Magruder
In Honor of Ginger Marx
Sylvia Kozlove
In Honor of Maurice McDaniel
Melissa Iglehart
In Honor of Amy McGucken
Karen Lovely
In Honor of Lauralee Middleton
Anastasia Pierce
In Honor of Michelle Miller
Stephanie Pieper Reilly
In Honor of Sandee & Les’
50th Wedding Anniversary
Lillian Levy
In Honor of Audrey Morrison
Daniel Papapietro
In Honor of Karen Morrison
Jody Barksdale
Bruce Bennett
In Honor of Team Morrison
Judith and Ralph Aguera
Ellen and Philip Rosenbloom
In Honor of Kinsey Morrison
Charmaine Cyrus
In Honor of Lu Ann Muench
Kathleen and Charles Willenbrink
In Honor of Doug Nance
Karen Nance
In Honor of Meridith Nguyen
Amanda Powell
Linda Wickliffe
In Honor of Daniel Nichols
Denise Taylor
Thank you for your generous support
In Honor of Tricia Noll
In Honor of Deb Oberman
Heidi Margulis
In Honor of Harold Page
David Page
In Honor of Dot Patterson
Herbert Redmon
In Honor of Sue Pietrus
Dawn Tomaszewski
In Honor of Paul and Kathy Resch
Julia and Peter Wayne
In Honor of John Shumate
Ashley Hadley
PNC Foundation
In Honor of Turner Wathen
Marcelle Gianelloni
Gus Wathen
In Honor of Meghan Steinberg
Jerry Steinberg
In Honor of Bobbi West
Mary Herron-Kerr
In Honor of Laura Strange’s
In Honor of Jean’s 60th Birthday
Linda and David Fuchs
In Honor of Lindy & Bill Street
Martha and Robert Nichols
Herbert Redmon
In Honor of Lindy Street
Madeline and Jerry Abramson
Mary and Robert W. Rounsavall
In Honor of Kim Williams’
5 Year Cancer Free Anniversary
Greta and Kat Rensenbrink
Nancy and Terry Singer
Sara and Tillman Williams
In Honor of Mary Grace Williams
Tammye Henderson
In Memory of Alegria Benavi
Mercedes Nibur
In Memory of Elias Benavi
Mercedes Nibur
In Memory of Joshua Benavi
Mercedes Nibur
In Memory of David Beuligmann
Karen Hunt
In Memory of Carolyn Biggs
Shary and Alan Hyman
In Memory of Virginia Bilyou
Scott Bilyou
In Honor of Bill Street
Herbert Redmon
In Honor of John Walsh’s Courageous
Attitude in his Cancer Journey
Kathy and Paul Resch
In Memory of Ralph Bixner
Mary and Ben Sanders
Jacqueline Thomas
Allison and Michael Wislocki
In Honor of Hunter Strickler
Susan and John Dougherty
In Honor of Hannah Walter
Daniel Lenossi
In Memory of Elizabeth Bradley
Nikki Moore
In Honor of Leni Sweet’s
70th Birthday
Linda and David Fuchs
In Honor of Carly Schmidt
Jean Evans
In Memory of Cecilia Buckler
Melissa Carson
In Honor of Jimmy Schnurr
Katherine Sutton
In Honor of Frederick Van Lennep
Mary Van Lennep
In Memory of Damian Alagia
Annette and Michael Grisanti
In Honor of Chris Seigle’s Birthday
Jo Ann Schuble
In Honor of Sheila Van Vactor
Daron Van Vactor
In Memory of Clyde Bable
Amanda Bable
In Honor of Shawna Sell
Jeanette and Patrick Serey
In Honor of Rebecca Vaughan
Mari Rush
In Memory of Cathy Bale
Gerry Casagrande
In Honor of Kevin Serey
Jeanette and Patrick Serey
In Honor of Sharon Wakefield
Michael Wakefield
William Saali
Studio C design + architecture
Deanna Walter
In Memory of Margot Barr
Sandee and Lynn Schulwolf
In Honor of Teresa Riggs
Kathleen and Charles Willenbrink
In Honor of Sharon Rubin
Sylvia Kozlove
In Honor of Michelle Rucinski
Frances Price
In Honor of Adrea Shaw
Rebecca Graham
In Memory of Phyllis Adams
Bruce Blue
In Memory of Scott Beaman
Molly and Kris Scheller
In Memory of Carletta Buckman
Ann Buckman
Herbert Redmon
In Memory of Jim Butler
Regina and James Leitner
Patricia and James Thomas
In Memory of Rose Carlton
Terry and Lawrence Bibelhauser
In Memory of Walter "Teddy" Carney
Forest Baptist Church
In Memory of Leo Ciacio
Lynn and Peter Vogt
In Memory of Jeanne Clark
Barbara and Jim MacDonald
In Memory of Jeffrey Dotson
Alex Dotson
In Memory of Britney Gooch
Sandee and Lynn Schulwolf
In Memory of Brandi Hittle
Mary and Ben Sanders
In Memory of Kathy Sue Clark
Dealer Car Search
In Memory of Diane Dunn
Maxine and David Rouben
In Memory of Joanne Goodrich
Suzie Warner
In Memory of Teresa Hom
Karin Adkins
In Memory of Janet Collins
Beth Klostermann
In Memory of Susan Marie Kelly Dyche
Deborah Kelly
In Memory of Ronda Gordon
Linda and Glyn Humphrey
In Memory of Elizabeth M. Cook
Lillian Levy
Mollie Smith
Lindy and William Street
In Memory of Robert Farrar
Robin Gamez
In Memory of Joseph N. Greco
Judith and Ralph Aguera
In Memory of George D. Fink
Stacy Robertson
In Memory of George Green
Lindy and William Street
In Memory of Robert Foster
Andrew McMurtrie
In Memory of Rick Groneck
Stephanie Spalding
In Memory of Sandi Friedson
Joyce and Edward Bridge
Barry Friedson
Linda and David Fuchs
Gilda’s Club Louisville on behalf of our
Judy Shapira
In Memory of Mark Gronotte
Elizabeth and David Gronotte
In Memory of Jennifer Hood
Emily Agress
Carol and Rodney Beyersdoerfer
Judith Bisig
Ann Brown
Phyllis and Mary Burt
Melissa and Brent Crittenden
Lynne Dant
Ricardo Faillace
Katherine Hill
Angela and Paul McGee
Caroline and Richard Meena
Susan and Joel Morris
Kentucky Derby Museum
Joan Noles
Mary Richardson
Jean Schnurr
Catherine Spalding
Mary and Hugh Spencer
Allison and Michael Wislocki
Pamela Yankeelov
In Memory of John M. Cook
Anna and John Cook
In Memory of Mary Coomes
Laura Strange
In Memory of Kyann Cummings
Joshua DuBois
Jennifer Kaiser
Debra Peffer
Kathy and Steven Quebbeman
Regina and Dan Robinson
Allison and Michael Wislocki
In Memory of Curtis Ray Cunningham
Kim Cruce
In Memory of Flavio Dacosta
Suzanne Held
In Memory of Cecil Davidson
Peggy and Steve Hyman
In Memory of Hilda Pujol
de Hernandez
InGrid Design
In Memory of Jean Dickey
Betsy Dragoo
In Memory of Karen Gardner
Marilyn and Edward Belford
In Memory of Amanda Geiser
Dorothy Kuhn
Renate White
In Memory of Susan Goellner
Susan and Marvin Fleischman
In Memory of Howard Goldberg
Karen Furrh
In Memory of Dr. Martyn Goldman
Eleanor Schwartz
In Memory of Maria Goldring
Suzanne and Les Goldring
In Memory of Sharill Halstead
Ann and Neil Wasserman
In Memory of Cindy Hammond
Glenda and Robert Roby
In Memory of Pat Harrington
Christina Lind
In Memory of Joyce Harris
Doris Cox
In Memory of William Hart
Susan and William Hart
Lee and Julie Wilburn
In Memory of Carolyn Hatmaker
Emily Houston
In Memory of Polly Henzman
Greg Henzman
In Memory of David Higgins
Judith and Ralph Aguera
In Memory of Nancy Hughes
Milamaria Songer
Ruth and Jerry Tillman
In Memory of Peggy Hyland
Jane Hyland
In Memory of Mary Jarrisch
Anetna and James Russell
In Memory of Jerald Jeffries
Brian Jeffries
In Memory of Howard Katz
Beatrice and Alan Rosenberg
Thank you for your generous support
In Memory of David Klein
Kim Klein
In Memory of Mrs. McPhail
Mollie Smith
In Memory of Zeke Klein
Bernice Leech
In Memory of David Christian Mehl
Shelley Mehl
Sharon Robinson
In Memory of Elizabeth "Liz" Kohlman
Ellen and Stanley Bayersdorfer
In Memory of David Koplon
Linda and Glyn Humphrey
In Memory of Robin Kripp
Teresa and Jim Dillon
In Memory of Judy LeForce
Sheila and Don Reiss
In Memory of Harvey Jay Lerner
Ann and Larry Gangemi
In Memory of Carmen Miller
Michael Arwood
In Memory of Pia Posados Miller
Sandee and Les Miller
In Memory of Kathy Moore
Judy Shapira
In Memory of Geeta Morris
Mary Herron-Kerr
In Memory of Andy Muckler
Sharon Hogan
In Memory of Bert Levy
Shayna and Nathan Fitzgerald
Ann and Larry Gangemi
Jean and Bruce Henderson
In Memory of Sarah Najjar
Nick Covault
Leslie and Gregg Fowler
In Memory of Debi Magnes
Judy Shapira
In Memory of David S. Nightingale
Mollie Smith
In Memory of Carolyn
Masters Veeneman
Edna Lewis
In Memory of Mary Elizabeth Norris
Nancye and John Buckner
In Memory of Kendall Maurer
Nancye and John Buckner
In Memory of Elmer Mayer
In Memory of Lillie McCarty
Diane Potts
In Memory of Scott McGregor
Barbara and Jim MacDonald
In Memory of Don Oberdorfer
Ellen and Stanley Bayersdorfer
In Memory of Laura Oberdorfer
Ellen and Stanley Bayersdorfer
In Memory of Mimi M. Osborn
Lawrence Middleton
In Memory of James Patterson
Virginia Patterson
In Memory of Kathleen "Kathy" Paul
Suzanne and John Brandt
Vera and Stephen Holliday
Joe Weil
In Memory of Sharon Perkinson
Barbara and Maury Perkinson
In Memory of Rebecca Pitman
Sarah Elliott
In Memory of Holly Popeck
Susan and Geof Bialas
Linda Bowman
Portia and Rufus Brittain
Deborah Cason
Sean Frendt
Robin Haggerty
Diane and Richard Holdeman
Carol and Gary Jackson
Joanne Masters
Janet McKelvey
Sally McNally
Betty Mooney
Karen and Joe Muensterman
Brian Oldham
Ronald Peyton
Violet Richards
Margaret and J. Schertzinger
Janice Simpson
Charlotte and Alan Sims
William Speer
Robin Swift
Trey Thomas
Wesleyan Heights United
Methodist Church
Terry Wigton
Allison and Michael Wislocki
In Memory of Joel Potts
Patricia Cummins
William Potts
Mary and Ben Sanders
In Memory of Cyrus Radford
Lee and John Hancock
In Memory of Jana Rankin
Mary Lou and Arthur Kixmiller
In Memory of Tony Reardon
Marie Edwards
Betty and Morgan Vance
In Memory of Paul Reas
Jill and Paul Jones
In Memory of Sharon Receveur
Clark-Baize Consulting LLC
Elizabeth and Joseph Ditmyer
Dean Felker
Vicki and William Receveur
In Memory of Mary Lou Reifsteck
Mollie and Silas Boyle
In Memory of Gaye Reinhardt
Lori and Michael Silaghi
In Memory of John T. Reinhardt
Judy Shapira
In Memory of Anita Richards
Lee and John Hancock
In Memory of Gary Ridling
Mary and Ben Sanders
Laurie and Clarence Short
Kathleen and William Steilberg
In Memory of Robert Riley
Peggy and Steve Hyman
In Memory of Hulda Rinaldi
Marilyn and Edward Belford
In Memory of Kathy C. Roberts
Ellen Everwine
Thank you for your generous support
2016 Board of Directors
In Memory of Mary Donohue Robinson
Patrice Corradi
Old Rails Club
Meleesa Oldham
Marietta and Don Watson
In Memory of Sue Rush
Mari Rush
In Memory of Onidio Sanchez, Jr.
Judith and Ralph Aguera
In Memory of Captain Adam Satterfield
Lillian Levy
In Memory of Patricia Coleman
Josephine and Homer Alexander
In Memory of Anne Marie Holden
Trina Blunt
In Memory of Eric Schuldheis
Susan McAfee
Elisabeth and Ludwig Schuldheis
In Memory of Lillian Seligman
Judy Shapira
In Memory of Rith Simon
Judith and Ralph Aguera
In Memory of Lawrence Smith
Susan and Howard Vogt
In Memory of Mildred Smothers
Debra and Philip Smothers
In Memory of Carroll Stark
Katherine Stark
In Memory of Marcia Stemler
Chad Balmer
Kovert Hawkins Architects
Paula and Gary Bower
Marla and Robert Byerley
C. McCarty Company, LLC.
Jane and Duffy Dillion
Carol and Paul Fisher
Gary Fust
Stephen Gault
Gilda’s Club Louisville Staff
Greater Louisville, Inc.
Cathleen Hendrix
Mary Hyland
Beth and Anthony Jenkins
Kathleen and Norman Kruer
Carol Lepping
James McIntosh
Lila McWilliams
Margaret and Grant Morton
NARFE Chapter 381
PC Employees
Karen and Patrick Richard
Dorothy and Robert Weber
In Memory of Arthur Stephens
Stacy and David Brancato
In Memory of Eleanor Stephens
Deborah and Mark Duffy
Allee and Susan Harmon
In Memory of Sharon Stephens
Heather Matthies
In Memory of Don Strazisar
Mary Jo and Paul McDonald
In Memory of Josh Sweitzer
Tyler Beam
In Memory of Maxine Switow
Linda and Glyn Humphrey
In Memory of Carol Thomas
Clare Donoghue
In Memory of Hedwig "Heddy" Trevisan
Judith and Ralph Aguera
In Memory of George M. Vasiloff
Mollie Smith
In Memory of Herb Vine
Helen and Shirl Palmer-Ball
Ellen and Stanley Bayersdorfer
Carla Sue and Bradley Broecker
Kristi and Heath Campbell
Howell & Howell Contractors
Janet Douglas
Linda and Stuart Goldberg
Kimberly and Gregory Greenwood
Eileen Van Hoose
Laurie and S. Oden Howell
Linda and Glyn Humphrey
Julie Koff
Barry Levinson
Leslie and Larry Miller
Sarah and Charles O’Koon
John Poole
Maxine and David Rouben
Stefanie Schlader
Sharon Sexter
Lindy and William Street
Allan Zachariah
In Memory of Harper Wehneman
SCIO Health Analytics
Foundation Beyond Belief
Judith and John Calhoun
Melissa Iglehart
DST Systems, Inc.
Anthony Keller
Jo Oligee
Linda and Conrad Rozanski
Jeanne and Bill Shircliff
Trish Wallace
Melissa and Brian Wehneman
Nicole Wilcox
Allison and Michael Wislocki
Eleonora Yelin
In Memory of Peyton Wells
Caroline Wells
Dale J. Boden*
Jennifer Lang Cottingham*
Earl Dorsey*
Susan S. Moremen*
Sharon Ann Receveur†
Lindy B. Street*
Madeline Abramson*
Wm. Tyler Beam*
Henry V. Heuser, Jr.
Lynne Meena Rapp
Judy Shapira
Howard Vogt, Board Chair
Cindy Carcione, Vice Chair
Mike Paradis, Treasurer
Mary Barrazotto, Secretary
Leea Bridgeman
Dean Corbett*
Jose Neal Donis
Martha Hargis
Kevin M. Lundy
Rebecca A. Martin
Julia U. McDonnell
N’Namdi O. Paskins
Kathleen Pellegrino*
* Cancer Survivor
† Deceased
Audra N. Rankin
Douglas Riddle
Lynn Sanders
David M. Schroeder
Mollie G. Smith*
Wendy S. Swisher
Jane Tierney
Vicky Weber
Gerina Whethers*
633 Baxter Avenue
Louisville, KY 40204-1157
(502) 583-0075
So That No One Faces Cancer Alone.