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Temple Beth-EI BULLETIN Kennedy Boulevard at Harrison Avenue Affiliated with the Union of American Hebrew Congregations Vol. 54 No. 10 January 11, 1991-26 Teveth, 5751 Rabbi Kenneth Brickman-Cantor Sarah Pscheidt SABBATH SERVICES Friday. January 11. 1991 . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:15 p .•. Candle Blessing: Molly Gatov Kiddush Prayer: Yetta De Noble Oneg Shabbat in Honor of Nolly Gatov's 90th Birthday Sponsored by her Children l Sanford Gatov & Gilda Schwartz Saturday. January 12. 1991 . . . . . . . . . 10:00 a .•. Haftarah Reading Kiddush Friday. January 18. 1991 . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:15 p .•. Candle Blessing: Ethel Pesin Kiddush Prayer: Morris Pesin Annual Service Honoring Dr. Nartin Luther King l Jr. Guest Speaker The Han. Joseph Charles. Jr .• Assemblyman 31st District. Jersey City/Bayonne Saturday. January 19. 1991 . . . . . . . . . 10:00 a .•. Haftarah Rea'ding Kiddush Temple Beth-EI Florida Reunion If you plan on being in Florida on Tuesday, February 19, you will want to be at the Inverrary Country Club in Lauderhill at 12:30 p.m. for the Temple Beth-EI reunion. The cost is $16.00 per petson for lunch, including gratuities. Prepaid reservations are required and must be sent to Murray Haar ·in Florida by February 1. For more information, call the Temple Office. Brotherhood Reminder The Brotherhood still has a few copies of the "Entertainment '91" book available in the Temple Office. The book only became valid on January 1st, so there is still plenty of opportunity to enjoy savings far beyond the $35.00 purchase price. Remember, you only have to use the book a couple of times to make back your original $35.00 investment. "Entertainment '91" makes a perfect gift for all occasions, including birthdays, and more! In Our Nursery School Our nursery school students celebrated Hanukah both in their own clas~room and with the rest of our congregation at our Hanukah Family service. Both nursery school classes enjoyed making and eating their own potato latkes. The morning class made a beautiful Hanukah menorah which was displayed prominently in our sanctuary for our Hanukah service. With the help of our nursery school teacher, Beth Garber and her assistant, Estelle Connors, the children captured the true spirit of Hanukah. Our Nursery School Committee, under the direction of Chairperson, Deborah Shapiro, and Co-chairperson, Irwin Rosen, is already meeting to make plans for Fall 1991. If you know anyone who is interested in enrolling a child in the Fall, please call the Temple. Temple Beth-El 2419 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City, New Jersey Invites You to Its Annual Sabbath Service Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King 1 Jr. FridaY1 January 18th 8:15 p.m. Featured Speaker: The Hon. Joseph Charles, Jr., Assemblyman 31st Distriot, Jersey City/Bayonne Musioal Presentation by the Snyder High Sohool Conoert Choir under the direotion of Aldine Sales Refreshments ,Following the Servioe All are Weloome to Attend NJA GARFUNKEL HAPPY DAY fUND Contributions Have Been Received: In honor of a Speedy Recovery ; to Jack Grumet f r om: Ruth and Matty Zimmerman In honor of your Special Bi rchJay ; t o Samuel Shalr from: Josie Taube In honor of you r be "'ng named Woman of the Yea r at the Myrtle wreath Award Lun cheon; t o Rea Kap lan from: Tda Fllar Judy ~ nd Harol Mandel Tn honor of a Special L:> dy; to Mo lly C,tove from: Judy and Haro ld Ma!:del In honor of your 25th Hedding Anniversary; to Joan and Donald Karninlsky t rom : Judy and Harold Mandel In honor of your 25 year s of Serv ice to the UJA; to Madeline Mazer from: J udy and Har old Mandel I n honor of you r 50th Hedding Anniversary; t o Shi r ley and Murray Haar from: Ruthe Bergner I~ SOPHIE GREENPALM TRIBUTE FUND Con tributions Have Been Rece ived: Tn memo ry of dear son, 'Harshall ; to Nj un Bookman f rom: Be tty Schuchman Ida Flior Ru the Bergner Tn memo ry of yo ur beloved fa ther ; to Ir. & Mr s . St anley Gar finkel from : Rena Abrams Mr . & Mrs. Robe rt Cant er In memory of your beloved bro the r ; t o Dr. & Mrs . Ca rroll Be.rm ..ln f rom : (n Josie Taube memor y of your loved one; t o Mrs. Joseph Berman and Family from: Josie Taube In memo r y of your dear sister , Eve lyn Singer to Dr. & Mrs . George Wertheim f r om: Mildred W~i s enfeld I n memory of your dear sis ter, Myrna Struga ts to Elinor and Al Mazur from: Bea Kaplan Judy and Ben Kaplan Shirley and Murray Haar Je ane tte Lewin honor of the arrival of your new granddaughter, Elizabe th Drew Heitner ; to Mo llie Heitner f r om: In memory of beloved husband , Bernard Re n a Abrams Mr . 0 Mrs . Robert Canter In honor of your 50th Wedding Annivers ar y ; to Helen and Abe Wellen from : Ceil and David Bauer In honor of the Bar Mi t zvah of your grands on, David; t o Herbert and Faye Ziff f r om: Mr. 0 Mrs. Charles Wolf Bea Kaplan Jeanette Lewin * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A SPECIAL THANK YQU I wo uld like to thank my many friends of Temple Beth El and Sisterhood for their thoughtful exp ressions of sympathy, on the loss of my son Marshall Bookman. ~Iinn Toby and Lowell Harwood Helen and Jerry Papich Bookman * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PLEASE NOTIFY THE OFFICE AT LEAST 3 WEEKS IN ADVANCE FOR FLOfIERS ON THE PULPIT FOR A LOVED ONE. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Lappin; to Mrs. Evelyn Lappin and Family from: Bea Kaplan Josie Taube * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * * BERTl-IA FRUEDENBERGER FLOt\£R FUND Flowers Have Be en Placed on the Pulpit: In memo r y of beloved bro the r, Louis Rubens Gertr ude Rubens He l1she r by : In memory of beloved brother, Ernest Rosen by : Ceil and David Bauer Jessie Pearlman In memory of Richard Dorison, beloved fat her, grandmo ther, and grea t- grandfather by : Judi t h Levine and Family In memory of beloved mother, Rose Rosen by: Ceil and David Bauer Jessie Pearlman I n memory of beloved mothe r, Tillie Ruskin by : Sadie Hornstein In memo r y of beloved mother, Yetta Kaminsky by : Donald and Joan Kaminsky I n memory of beloved mother, Jeannette Rabin by : Theresa and Winfred Levinstone ********************************************* GOlD LfAVES-l9<ll NURSERY SCHOOL FUND Gold Leaves Have Been Inscribed : Contributions Have Been Received: In honor of the 3rd birthday of our son, Jeffrey Oliphant Weissman 11-30-90 by: Richard Weissman and Roberta Oliphant In honor of a Happy Anniversary Cecelia and Samuel Cohen from: In honor of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Helen and Abe Wellen by: Molly Heitner and Esther Slurzsburg Debbie Schept and Perry Schultz Dorothy and Harry Zeller Rita Druz In honor of the marriage of my grandson Allan Pantuck to Jodi by: Mrs. Marshall Bergen In honor of the 40th Wedding Anniversary of Phyllis and Robert Canter 12-24-90 by: The Gazebo Salon Tesse Chasan * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BELLA PESIN tuPRIAL LIBRARY FUND Contributions Have Been Received : In honor of a Speedy Recovery ; to Molly Gatov from : Evelyn Malzberg In honor of your 50th Wedding Anniversary and also Allan's Special Birthday; to Edith and Allan Horowitz from: Lise, Debbie & David Fattel Anne Siegler Marge & John Lubowsky Judy & Harold Mandel Mollie Neuman In honor of your birthday; to Allan Horowitz from : Ceil and David Bauer Jessie Pearlman Judy and Harold Mandel to Irwin Rosen Toby & Har old Rosen * * * * * * * * * * TH.ANK you S * * * I A very gener ous contribution was made t o the Temple by Helen and Abe Wellen in celebr ation of their 50th Wedding Anniversar y . A generous donation has been made to the Temple by Dorothy Schimel and Dick Queen in memory of their brother, William Greenhouse. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONlXll£NCES The Rabbi and Members of the Congr egation wish to extend their sympathy to Elinor and Albert Mazur on the passing of their beloved sister, Myrna Strugats. May cherished memories be a source of comfort and consolation . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DR. ffNRY J. GEWIRWWl SCHOLARSHIP FUND Contributions Have Been Received : In memory of beloved husband, Dr. Henry J. Gewirtzman from : Mrs . Ethel K. Gewirtzman In memory of beloved father , Dr. Henry J . Gewirtzman from: Dr. & Mrs . Harold Smith * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A generous donation has been made to the Temple by Molly Gatov in honor of her Special Birthday. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * In honor of your 50th Wedding Anniversary; to Helen and Abe Wellen from: Jane and Lee Jasper In honor of your 50th Wedding Anniversary; to Dr. and Mrs. Harry Handler from: Mrs. Ethel K. Gewirtzman * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rN '~!O AesJer I'!! P!'!!d efi'!!lsod sS'!!IO puc: vOCLO rN 'N!:::> ~aSJar anuaAV ~9nuas ~L 13-4laS 91 dw9.l :01 ssf5uf!4:J SSBJpPf! pUBS :JSISf!WISOd ~ep!IOH 6updS lsel a4l Ol Jea" MaN 4S!Mar a4l aJoJaq S>t9aM OMl WOJJ ~1>taaM-!q pa4S!lqnd uosJad Jad $09 aOPd UO!ldposqnS OZZS~ o1QO 'aAV aDeTTo~ 11~~UU1~U1~ uO~J1T~ TOTE A.:r ~ .:r qrI U01un Me.:rqeH 08Z-ZS0 S d S n u!l<lnng I3-l{l<lg <lIdw<l.L WEEK ENDING: 1112/91 IN rfl1)RIAM JENNIE BERGER RAPHAEL COHEN RICHARD DORISON GUSSIE DVORIN RACHEL FE INGOLD LOUISA FISCHER HARRY FRANK . JACOB G. FURSHMAN BERTHA GARFUNKEL DR. HENRY J.. GEWI Rrzr.w.l t-'DRRIS · GROSstWI ALI CE HOROt'I lTZ PEARL S • KELLY CHARLES LEYlTOV LIPPMAN MILLER ERNEST ROSEN LOUIS RUBENS HANNAH S. SCHNEITZER ZINNIA SHEINBERG . ETHEL SIEGLER BESSIE SILBERBERG MlNA SIMON NATHAN SIPERSTEIN BEATRICE · STICH ANNA TDfIB I N * ~. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WEEK ENDING: 1119/91 I Nr'E"DR IJIl1 DR. MARSHALL BERGEN IDA BERGNER EMANUEL BIRNBAUM YETTA BLUM . DAVID L. COOK FANNIE FINEBERG· HENRIETTA HEILBRUNN YETTA KAMINSKY LENA MAYER ETHEL MI LLER· MICHAEL· OPPENHEIMER HARRY· BEN PEARL JEANNETTE ·S. ·RABIN AUGUSTA · RAPHAEL ABNER RAYt-'DND ROSE ROSEN DR. ROBERT RUBENSTEIN TILLIE RUSKIN BERTHA· HEILBRUNN SIMON DR. LOUIS SOLOMON ABRAI-W1 TDflBIN· HAYIM ZVI WERNER HARRY G. WILLIS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WI EN & WIEN, INC. Memorial Chapels 152 Second Ave. 129 Engle Street Ne.v 'mrk. NY 10003 Englewood. NJ 07631 (212) 285-9659 (201) 569-2404 75 Ybldbridge 1Ml. Frank Wien. Mgr.. Highland Park NJ 08904 Dade County. Fionda (201) 572-9595 (800) 322-0533 Arthur Wien, Mg[ 2030 Ke~nedy Blvd. Broward Count" Florida Jersey City. NJ 07305 ." (201) 333-8360 (800) 322-0533 Barry Wien Mar. * * * * * * * * * * GUTTERMAN MUSICAHT Jewish Funeral Directors Funerals Conducted from Chapels throughout Metropolitan New York and Florida (800) 522-0588 Direct Unes: (212) (800) (800) (800) 794-8900, 522-0588, 522-0588. 522-0588 BERGEN COUNTY Hackensack, NJ 07602 Passaic St at Park St Arthur R. Musicant, Mg[ (201) 489-3800 HUDSON COUNTY Jersey City, NJ !l7305 2030 Kennedy BM!. New York at Audubon /We. Dade Co. Arthur R. Musicant, Mgr. Broward Co. (201) 433-6500 Palm Beach
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